If you dreamed of hail. The magic of numbers. Medieval dream book of Daniel

A young woman sees - this promises her a meeting with love after some setbacks.

The sound of hailstones on the roof- not a very favorable sign.

Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of hail falling- it means that in real life you behave too imprudently and thereby give rise to gossip. You absolutely do not see anything wrong in your far from highly moral behavior and thereby provoke others to spread gossip around you and your many partners (partners).

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

The girl who had such a dream- will experience many troubles and hardships, but in the end he will meet true and strong love.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

See hail in your dream- means that you anticipate a series of some stormy and swift, but fleeting events.

If the general atmosphere of sleep is favorable- it may indicate that upcoming events will shake you up, but they will not bring much harm.

Cold unpleasant hail against the background of general bad weather- a harbinger of a period of failures, which, however, does not promise to be too long.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

hail- luck, profit, great success.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed that you were caught in a hail- soon you will be able to meet the greatest love in your life. Do not miss your chance! But the peals of thunder heard in a dream promise serious trouble.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Seeing hail in a dream- to good luck.

If you see hail in a dream- it means that happy changes will happen in your life soon.

If you dream of hail on a sunny day- this indicates a mockery of fate and that many worries await you.

If in a dream you are trying to hide from the hail- this is a sign that you do not want to take responsibility for resolving a contentious issue.

If in a dream you hear the sound of hailstones on the roof- this is a warning that you do not need to be indifferent to the advice of your loved ones.

If you dream that you are collecting hailstones- this indicates that you have to get rich.

If you see hail in a dream from Monday to Tuesday- A surprise awaits you soon.

If you dream of hail from Tuesday to Wednesday- soon you will receive an inheritance.

If you dreamed of hail from Wednesday to Thursday- You will get a promotion and a salary increase.

And if you see hail in a dream from Thursday to Friday- You will be refunded as soon as possible.

When you see hail in a dream from Friday to Saturday- this is a sign that the profit from the recently concluded deal will be very significant.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

hail- A new love is waiting for you.

Get hit by hail- success and good luck.

See a large hail and hear it pounding on the roof- a lot of worries and troubles.

New family dream book

Caught in a hail in a dream- In reality, minor luck is possible.

City on a sunny day- portends worries and even a mockery of fate.

If a young woman sees such a dream- ahead of her meeting with love after some failures.

Modern combined dream book

If in a dream you fell under the hail- in reality, do not expect too much success in any endeavor.

See hail that falls in rainy sunny weather- means that, although problems and worries will bother you, fate will soon smile at you. A young woman like a dream- promises long-awaited love after a long neglect.

Hear in a dream how hail knocks on the roof- prediction of disasters.

Eastern female dream book

You fell under the hail Not all of your endeavors will be successful.

A dream in which you see that the sun breaks through the clouds from which hail comes- means: joy will soon replace adversity. A young woman has such a dream- promises a meeting with the main love of his life.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

hail- a seriously ill person promises good luck in recovery.

In other cases- news, minor annoyances.

Complete dream book of the New Era

hail- a reflection of anxiety about possible minor troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Seeing in a dream how hail went down during a thunderstorm in the summer- to wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

hail- you will find a scandal with tears, but with reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

hail to see- your plans will fail; falling- Variable hazard.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

See the falling hail- to unpleasant news, the onset of danger.

If you see in a dream the earth strewn with hail that has finished falling- this is to the impracticability of the plans conceived, but not developed in detail.

Get hit by hail- in reality experience a feeling of loneliness, abandonment and orphanhood.

Strong and large hail, painfully beating on the head and body- portends embarrassment and sadness, perhaps the discovery of an important secret.

To escape in a dream from hail, running away for shelter- promises you minor luck.

Hear a strong fractional knock of hailstones on the roof- portends trouble in relation to business partners.

For a young girl- this is a harbinger of a meeting with true love after several unsuccessful attempts to find it with other peers.

Hail in the hot summer- portends you a cruel joke of fate, which, however, will not prevent you from completing your plans.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

hail to see- your plans will fail; falling- Variable danger, profit, big harvest.

Women's dream book

Fall under the hail in a dream- to small successes in reality.

Watching hail on a sunny day- to worries and unpleasant surprises.

A young woman has such a dream- portends a meeting with his love after a series of failures.

General dream book

In a dream you fell under the hail- a great disappointment awaits you, which will ruin your mood for a long time.

You dreamed that you watched the hail coming- one of your friends or acquaintances is in for a big disappointment.

If you dreamed that your garden or vegetable garden was beaten by hail- a big, valuable acquisition awaits you.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing hail in a dream- bad news get under it- a warning that you should not interfere in other people's affairs.

If before your eyes the hail destroys the harvest- such a dream may portend a threat to your life or financial situation.

English dream book

Seeing hail in a dream- a bad omen. The dream promises you disappointment and the collapse of hopes. Peasants- sleep threatens an unfavorable, lean year. To the lovers- portends unsuccessful courtship, merchants- heavy losses. Even friends will disappoint you.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

See bad weather and hail- to terrible losses.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dream that hail is coming- this means that you behave unworthily in society and this gives rise to gossip to many lovers of washing bones. You should be more modest in your love affairs.

Lunar dream book

hail- well-being.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

City seen in a dream- means embarrassment and sadness, and sometimes the discovery of an important secret.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

hail- tests; a warning not to meddle in someone else's business.

Modern universal dream book

When hail comes, we often say that "drops fall from peas"- something in your life others exaggerate? After all, not all drops that fall from the sky are the size of peas!

The city may also- symbolize an unexpected danger, since most often this weather phenomenon overtakes us without warning. However, the possible danger relates more to property than to life and physical health. Are your values ​​likely to be eroded by the environment?

If water symbolizes emotions, then perhaps hail- a sign of vivid emotions that leave us as quickly as they overtake.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

hail- symbolizes misfortune.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

see hail- unfavorable.

Get under it- misfortune, illness / warning against interference in other people's affairs.

Hail destroys crops- Danger to life.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

hail- profit, luck / unexpected trouble, tears, sadness, grief, anxiety, boredom; from the clouds- annoyance, unpleasant news, great loss.

Esoteric dream book

hail- expect punishment for your mistakes and sins.

Ukrainian dream book

How to dream of hail- The bread will be good.

hail from clouds- annoyance; bad news; big loss.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

hail from clouds- annoyance.

Collection of dream books

hail from clouds- annoyance.

hail- to tears and rather bitter.

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dream Interpretation of G. Miller

Why the City is dreaming - a psychological interpretation:

Hail - To see that you have fallen under hail - this promises you minor luck.

If you see hail on a sunny day in a dream, then this portends worries and even a mockery of fate.

If a young woman dreamed of hail, then this promises her a meeting with love after some setbacks.

Hearing the sound of hailstones on the roof in a dream is not a very favorable sign.

See also: why dream of rain, why dream of water, why dream of ice.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

What is the dream of the City:

Hail - Hail dreamed - this means that news awaits you that will shock you and your loved ones.

Why dream of seeing a large hail - then you will be annoyed.

T. Lagutina's pocket dream book

City in the dream book:

Grad - To see that you have fallen under a hail - then failure awaits you. To see the sun during a hail - then numerous efforts will give a result, things will go smoothly.

If a woman dreamed of hail, this means that she will finally be lucky in love.

Hearing in a dream how hail hits the roof - a predicament awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of A. Vasiliev

Why is the city dreaming?

Hail - Dreamed of hail - this is a great success and profit.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

What is the dream of the City in a night dream?

Hail - I dreamed of falling hail - this is to unpleasant news, the onset of danger.

The earth was dreaming, strewn with hail, which had stopped falling - this is to the impracticability of the plans conceived, but not developed in detail.

Why dream of seeing that you fell under a hail - then you will experience a feeling of loneliness, abandonment and orphanhood. I dreamed of a strong and large hail, painfully hitting my head and body - this portends embarrassment and sadness, perhaps the discovery of an important secret.

Escaping in a dream from hail, running away for shelter - promises you little luck. Hearing in a dream a strong fractional knock of hailstones on the roof - portends you in trouble with business partners.

If a young girl dreamed of hail, then this is a harbinger of a meeting with true love after several unsuccessful attempts to find it with other peers.

Dreamed of hail in the middle of a hot summer - this portends you a cruel joke of fate, which, however, will not prevent you from completing your plan.

Dream interpretation for girls

What is the dream of the City according to the dream book:

Hail - Seeing hail is a sadness that will suddenly overwhelm you. This sometimes happens because of an overabundance of joy. Don't be afraid, it won't hurt to be a little sad. Just don't stay in this state for too long. You can get out of it by changing the situation or doing some interesting business. Hanging out with friends will also help you clear your sad thoughts.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see the city in a dream?

Grad - Brief interpretation: vivid emotions; greetings; nod.

Popular expression: both in the snow and in the rain; greet the winners.

When hail comes, we often say that "drops fall from peas." Is there something in your life that others exaggerate? After all, not all drops that fall from the sky are the size of peas!

Hail can also symbolize unexpected danger, as most often this weather phenomenon overtakes us without warning. However, the possible danger relates more to property than to life and physical health. Are your values ​​likely to be eroded by the environment?

If water symbolizes emotions, then perhaps hail is a sign of vivid emotions that leave us as quickly as they overtake.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why is the City dreaming, what does it mean:

Hail - Hearing the sound of hailstones on the roof in a dream is an unfavorable sign promising new worries and troubles.

To see that you have fallen under a hail, this promises you good luck, which, however, will have little effect on the state of your affairs.

Seeing that you are watching hail that is falling from the sky on a sunny day is a harbinger of future worries. Most likely, you will find yourself unprepared for drastic changes, which will entail troubles and worries. Sometimes such a dream warns you of an important meeting. Thunder rumbles heard in a dream promise serious trouble.

Grad - Only for women - If a young woman or girl saw a dream about a hail, then this portends her meeting with her beloved after a long separation caused by mutual misunderstanding.

Why dream of hail and other disasters. Hail is always a surprise, rounded ice cubes are served from the sky on a warm day, hail often accompanies a thunderstorm, a downpour. Hail can destroy crops and even buildings, and destroy crops. It would seem that the meaning of hail in a dream should be threatening. Nevertheless, hail is rather an auspicious sign of renewal, inner storm, confusion of feelings.

For people conducting commercial activities, seeing hail in a dream is a significant loss. But for creative professions, hail has the opposite meaning, although not in the field of finance. Cooling, ice shower promotes clarity of consciousness, avoiding false roads and finding a new path.

Hail means that you will be able to part with illusions and begin a new productive chapter in your life. Hail, thunder - strong signs of an unusual, direct intervention of fate. It is believed that only strong-willed people can see hail in a dream.

If a downpour and lightning are added to the hail in a dream, the riot of the elements means a serious call for caution. Short-term hail can be waited out in a safe and comfortable shelter. But if the hail continues for too long, you may have fallen into a trap.

The trap may have natural causes - fate does not allow you to budge and hurts you with hailstones with every movement. Maybe the trap is the work of ill-wishers. Detractors may convince you that you will be beaten by hail if you stick your nose out from under a reliable roof. We need to look for the right way out of a difficult situation. In the case of hail, the dangers of ingenious, complex, and thoughtful traps must be taken into account.

What does hail mean in a dream book

  • A practical English dream book says that hail promises grief to gardeners and gardeners. In loving couples, conflicts are possible that do not have direct and simple solutions. Any action can be viewed in a negative way, and you can’t stay still.
  • The Eastern dream book promises a quick retribution for liars. At the same time, hail is safe for good and honest people. It is also likely that you will experience frustration as a result of frustrated plans.
  • A female dream book promises great happiness, especially in love and family affairs. You can relax for a while by the fireplace and do knitting and other leisurely activities. Don't do rash things.
  • Miller's dream book promises well-being to people watching the hail from a safe shelter or from a window of a house. Perhaps you should expect the return of old debts, unexpected payments due to you, bonuses.
  • In an erotic dream book, hail means stormy reckless, but also the danger of gossip. Get carried away, but don't lose your head and don't do stupid things in public or where you might be seen. The main thing is not to combine your erotic fantasies with civil protests or the fight for animal rights. If you don’t run naked around the squares with slogans, then everything will work out, and you will remember sharp moments with pleasure.
  • For women, hail can mean the collapse of vain hopes and unreasonable plans. Clear and thoughtful strategies will not suffer.
  • Veles' dream book says that there will be troubles associated with hail in a dream. It is recommended not to interfere in other people's affairs, not to take on someone else's responsibility. You don't need it at all right now.
  • The Russian dream book believes that hail is a great success. Perhaps fate will take a happy turn. Indeed, if you are not afraid and go through the hail, everything will be fine. The city does not last long, does not occupy too large an area. If you find yourself in an area where there is always hail, it is best to leave it.
  • Freud's dream book warns that you have invaded someone else's territory and you should slow down. You are probably being too self-confident and give rise to gossip. Freud considers hail in a dream a sign of frivolous behavior and a large number of love affairs without the slightest regard for morality. Such views also have the right to exist, but it is better to hide them and not flaunt them if you want full recognition in society. Perhaps there are bad rumors about you already.

Actions of the hail in a dream

  • Hail knocks on the roof - many small failures.
  • Small hail - croup - to the cooling of relations.
  • If the hail beat the crop - be careful about finances. Loss of money due to negligence is possible.
  • The city that met you on the way does not carry negative meanings. It's just your fears that can't get in the way of solid decisions. Testing your strength.
  • A strong hail in a dream can mean a woman with a difficult character and an icy heart. Attractive and dangerous, perhaps materialistic.
  • Collecting large hailstones on the street - it is likely that your courage deserves a reward.
  • If you have enough powerful or inventive enemies, hail can mean a string of bad luck set up by enemies.


If you happen to see hail in a dream, do not panic and be careful. The city is amazing. Despite all the insidiousness of the elements, your life will be renewed, you will be able to get rid of old problems. If you are looking for news and updates in life, hail is what you need. Do not let yourself be intimidated and deceived.

The element is not seriously angry. Boldly go towards dangers, do not be afraid. Most likely, the situation is not as dire as you think. Change your point of view and look at problems from a different angle. Try to treat the test as if it were fun. This will help you overcome the violence of the elements. Fearlessness and prudence are qualities that will be useful to you in finding a way out.

Collection of dream books

What is the dream of the City in a dream according to 41 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Grad” symbol from 41 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

English dream book

Seeing hail in a dream- a bad omen. The dream promises you disappointment and the collapse of hopes. Peasants - sleep threatens an unfavorable, lean year. Lovers - portends unsuccessful courtship, merchants - heavy losses. Even friends will disappoint you.

Eastern dream book

What is the dream of the City in a dream from a dream book?

You fell under the hail Not all of your endeavors will be successful.

A dream in which you see that the sun breaks through the clouds from which hail comes- means: joy will soon replace adversity. A young woman has such a dream- promises a meeting with the main love of his life.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed that you were caught in a hail- soon you will be able to meet the greatest love in your life. Do not miss your chance! But the peals of thunder heard in a dream promise serious trouble.

Lunar dream book

City - well-being.

Small Velesov dream book

Hail - profit, luck / unexpected misfortune, tears, sadness, grief, anxiety, boredom; from the clouds - annoyance, unpleasant news, great loss.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the City dreaming?

Grad - a seriously ill person promises good luck in recovery.

In other cases- news, minor annoyances.

New dream book 1918

Hail from the clouds - annoyance.

Russian dream book

Hail - to tears and rather bitter.

Family dream book

Caught in a hail in a dream- In reality, minor luck is possible.

City on a sunny day- portends worries and even a mockery of fate.

Ahead she has a meeting with love after some setbacks.

dream interpreter

City seen in a dream- means embarrassment and sadness, and sometimes the discovery of an important secret.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of the City?

If in a dream you fell under the hail- in reality, do not expect too much success in any endeavor.

See hail that falls in rainy sunny weather- means that, although problems and worries will bother you, fate will soon smile at you. A young woman like a dream- promises long-awaited love after a long neglect.

Hear in a dream how hail knocks on the roof- prediction of disasters.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Hail is a reflection of anxiety about possible minor troubles.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the City dream about in a dream?

Seeing hail in a dream- bad news get under it- a warning that you should not interfere in other people's affairs.

If before your eyes the hail destroys the harvest- such a dream may portend a threat to your life or financial situation.

Dream Interpretation of the Future

City - you have to cry.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

The girl who had such a dream- will experience many troubles and hardships, but in the end he will meet true and strong love.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Grad - in the ranks of your friends there is a vile person who plots you.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Seeing hail is unfavorable.

Get under it- misfortune, illness / warning against interference in other people's affairs.

Hail destroys crops- Danger to life.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Seeing hail in a dream- to good luck.

If you see hail in a dream- it means that happy changes will happen in your life soon.

If you dream of hail on a sunny day- this indicates a mockery of fate and that many worries await you.

If in a dream you are trying to hide from the hail- this is a sign that you do not want to take responsibility for resolving a contentious issue.

If in a dream you hear the sound of hailstones on the roof- this is a warning that you do not need to be indifferent to the advice of your loved ones.

If you dream that you are collecting hailstones- this indicates that you have to get rich.

If you see hail in a dream from Monday to Tuesday- A surprise awaits you soon.

If you dream of hail from Tuesday to Wednesday- soon you will receive an inheritance.

If you dreamed of hail from Wednesday to Thursday- You will get a promotion and a salary increase.

And if you see hail in a dream from Thursday to Friday- You will be refunded as soon as possible.

When you see hail in a dream from Friday to Saturday- this is a sign that the profit from the recently concluded deal will be very significant.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

City - a new love awaits you ahead.

Get hit by hail- success and good luck.

See a large hail and hear it pounding on the roof- a lot of worries and troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

See hail in your dream- means that you anticipate a series of some stormy and swift, but fleeting events.

If the general atmosphere of sleep is favorable- it may indicate that upcoming events will shake you up, but they will not bring much harm.

Cold unpleasant hail against the background of general bad weather- a harbinger of a period of failures, which, however, does not promise to be too long.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Hail - a scandal awaits you with tears, but with reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Seeing in a dream how hail went down during a thunderstorm in the summer- to wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

To dream that a very large hail is coming- You will be very happy.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

If you dream that hail is coming- this means that you behave unworthily in society and this gives rise to gossip to many lovers of washing bones. You should be more modest in your love affairs.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of the City in a dream?

City to see - your plans will fail; falling - variable danger.

Miller's dream book

Fall under the hail in a dream

If you see hail on a sunny day- this portends worries and even a mockery of fate.

If a young woman sees such a dream- this promises her a meeting with love after some failures.

The sound of hailstones on the roof- not a very favorable sign.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see the City in a dream?

See the falling hail- to unpleasant news, the onset of danger.

If you see in a dream the earth strewn with hail that has finished falling- this is to the impracticability of the plans conceived, but not developed in detail.

Get hit by hail- in reality experience a feeling of loneliness, abandonment and orphanhood.

Strong and large hail, painfully beating on the head and body- portends embarrassment and sadness, perhaps the discovery of an important secret.

To escape in a dream from hail, running away for shelter- promises you minor luck.

Hear a strong fractional knock of hailstones on the roof- portends trouble in relation to business partners.

For a young girl- this is a harbinger of a meeting with true love after several unsuccessful attempts to find it with other peers.

Hail in the hot summer- portends you a cruel joke of fate, which, however, will not prevent you from completing your plans.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

City to see - your plans will fail; falling - variable danger, profit, big harvest.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Fall under the hail in a dream- to small successes in reality.

Watching hail on a sunny day- to worries and unpleasant surprises.

A young woman has such a dream- portends a meeting with his love after a series of failures.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

City - luck, profit, great success.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Hail according to the dream book?

Grad - tests; a warning not to meddle in someone else's business.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

In a dream you fell under the hail- a great disappointment awaits you, which will ruin your mood for a long time.

You dreamed that you watched the hail coming- one of your friends or acquaintances is in for a big disappointment.

If you dreamed that your garden or vegetable garden was beaten by hail- a big, valuable acquisition awaits you.

Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of hail falling- it means that in real life you behave too imprudently and thereby give rise to gossip. You absolutely do not see anything wrong in your far from highly moral behavior and thereby provoke others to spread gossip around you and your many partners (partners).

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Hail from the clouds - annoyance.

Hail - shocking news, annoyance.

Get hit by hail- little luck.

A hailstorm is an omen of bad events.

Medieval dream book

See bad weather and hail- to terrible losses.

Ukrainian dream book

How hail dreams - the bread will be good.

Hail from a cloud - annoyance; bad news; big loss.

Universal dream book

When hail comes, we often say that "drops fall from peas"- something in your life others exaggerate? After all, not all drops that fall from the sky are the size of peas!

The city may also- symbolize an unexpected danger, since most often this weather phenomenon overtakes us without warning. However, the possible danger relates more to property than to life and physical health. Are your values ​​likely to be eroded by the environment?

If water symbolizes emotions, then perhaps hail- a sign of vivid emotions that leave us as quickly as they overtake.

Gypsy dream book

City - symbolizes misfortune.

Esoteric dream book

Hail - expect punishment for your mistakes and sins.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Hail according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, hail- a harbinger of great grief.

More interpretations

Get under it- your new venture may turn into a big failure.

I dreamed that you managed to hide from him- it means that in reality you strive to get away from initiative or responsibility.

Hail during the heat- warns of obstacles on the way to the goal, but you can overcome them.

A dream in which he destroys everything in your field or garden- warns of a serious danger that hangs over you.

Video: Why is the City dreaming

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I dreamed of the City, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why the City is dreaming in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I stood on the porch under the roof, and there were thick black clouds in the sky, it was snowing like groats and I knew for sure that there should be hail. I swept with a broom from the porch both garbage and edible cereals. I wasn't scared because I was going to go into the house.

    I see myself at our dacha, standing on the porch. Summer, day, good weather, green grass on the lawn. The hail begins, and I see that it is very large, I go up to the hailstones, take it in my hand and understand that they are the size of a tennis ball. I am very surprised. On emotions, I start calling a friend to tell about it.

    It was a warm, sunny day, the sky was clear and suddenly a small hail began to fall, which became larger and larger. The last huge round ice fell right in front of me and crumbled into small clean pieces, the weather remained warm, sunny

    Hello! Today I dreamed of a very, very large hail, hit me on the head, I also dreamed of apartments, as if I had come to visit someone, and then we went out into the street and hail began, I returned to the apartment when I was hit on the head. There was a woman there, and I told her that there was hail, and he asked me what hail was.

    my husband dreamed at night that he was sitting in a car. at this time, a strong wind begins, then a storm, even a large wave-block hangs over it. suddenly he was in the apartment and already watched from the window as the hail went, large hailstones hit the window

    my husband and child and I went to some business center, my husband needed something there and something is holding me right on the road, I don’t want to go there and I’m holding my daughter, I say don’t see how my husband went already deep into the business center and then I see how the building is collapsing right in front of my eyes and outside the business center there was a glass surface and these glasses are drinking at my husband and on him and he falls in shock I tell my daughter to stand and run to pick him up my daughter is crying I ate I raise him I see a big wound on him leg and on the arm and through the pain grabs the daughter in the right hand and we run it was so scary and realistic and the building collapses and ran right through the glass and we see hail there, the most terrible and strongest wind, I can’t even fully describe it and we run to our car and I I see how painful it is for my husband, but he holds the child serenely, here we almost already urged to the car and I see some two women sitting on the bench opposite and looking, I was still in shock how they were sitting there in such terrible weather, while the husband was opening the car doors I was lifted up by you and I lich and I’m afraid for my child, no matter how they lift her up and they look at me, my daughter is crying and then somehow I sink to the ground biga to my daughter grab her and we get into the car and clog the doors. Then I woke up and I was not very calm in my soul, what is it for? That's just the point in reality, even though my husband lives together to give a damn about his daughter, he lizhba with friends to take a walk and drink beer. And we don’t have any love anymore, at least I already have it for sure because of his obscene attitude to everything. The only thing I’m going to open my own business and at the same time, whatever he knows, I want to hide from him, and at any opportunity I endure leaving him for now, because I don’t have my apartment yet.

Sometimes we observe unusual precipitation, similar to large ice floes, often this happens in the summer. This phenomenon is called hail.

Each of us met with this miracle of nature, and there is nothing strange if you saw him in a dream. Interpreters define the following basic meanings of sleep:

  • Luck.
  • Profit.
  • A pleasant surprise.
  • Unexpected love.

In order to thoroughly answer the question of why hail is dreaming, it is important not to miss the details of the dream. Even the smallest details will help in the interpretation.

See, get under it

If you happened to see hail in a dream, expect significant life changes. Everything will change for the better. Seeing these ice pebbles on a sunny day is a sign that pleasant chores await you in the near future.

If you are seeking refuge from hail in a dream, this indicates that in reality you have to make a decision on some vital issue, and you are trying in every possible way to evade this so as not to shoulder such responsibility.

If you had a dream in which the hail was knocking hard on the house, then this may indicate your indifference towards loved ones. Try to pay more attention to your family and listen to their advice. Gathering hail in dreams is a very auspicious vision that promises future wealth.

Why dream of hail on different days of the week?

  • From Monday to such a dream, it can talk about a surprise that the dreamer will receive in the near future.
  • If you see such a phenomenon from Tuesday on - wait for the inheritance.
  • If you happen to fall under hail in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, you will have to take off on the career ladder and a significant increase in salary.
  • From Thursday to Friday, this vision is an omen that all debts will be returned to you.
  • In the case of such dreams from Friday to be sure that all planned transactions will be successful and bring good profits.
  • Dreams from Saturday to and from Sunday to Monday, as a rule, do not have any meaning.

As the dream book interprets, hail symbolizes profit. If you see how it falls to the ground, then soon you will receive a large amount of money from the sale of some value. Collecting large hailstones with your hands is a sign that you will find yourself the owner of an unexpected inheritance.

If hailstones fall on you and hit you painfully, this warns of a possible loss of profit. To avoid this, dream predictors advise you to be more careful in solving financial issues. Hiding from such a natural phenomenon means that you doubt your abilities. Now is not the best time to deal with various monetary issues.

If in a dream the whole earth was covered with hailstones, then this indicates that all the planned plans will soon come true, but it is necessary to carefully approach their development. Did you dream of a huge hail? In the near future, you have to learn an important secret, which only you will be privy to.

Dreaming hailstones promise a young girl an early acquaintance, which will lead to great mutual love, despite the fact that previous attempts to find this feeling with one of her peers were unsuccessful. Get hit by a hailstone - well-being is just around the corner.

If in your dreams at the sight of the city you were visited by unspeakable joy - expect success in business. If you fall under it, then windfall income will fall on you, as if from heaven, in the truest sense of the word. Great luck awaits farmers who see this type of precipitation in the field. The year promises to be fruitful, especially if the ice was large.

What is the dream of the hail you are watching from the window? Interpreters portend that a real miracle will happen in life, fate will give you generous gifts. If you dreamed of hail, accompanied by other precipitation, for example or, then perhaps minor troubles await you that will not cause much trouble and will end very quickly.

But if the hail in a dream slowly turns into snowfall, then complete peace will come in your life, all things will return to normal, and you can enjoy peace and quiet. In general, interpreters interpret any natural precipitation positively, believing that they are a sign of change for the better. Author: Natalia Chernikova