What is written on the icon is unexpected joy. Icon of the prayer of the mother of God unexpected joy in what

"Unexpected joy" - this is the name of the miraculous face, the icon of the intercessor, helper. People who pray to this image are aware of its miraculous power.

She brings back lost hopes, gives joy to all who flow to her with sincere prayer. A believer receives an unexpected, unexpected gift.

Days of celebration of the image "Unexpected Joy"

The place and date of the appearance of the icon are unknown. But for about three centuries it adorns Orthodox churches.

The image “Unexpected joy, according to church canons, has the appointment of Hodegetria, which means: Guide to Christ. It is, in fact, a double icon.

What does this holy face look like?

A photo of this face can be found on Orthodox Internet sites. It depicts a sinner stretching out his hands to the image of the Mother of God, who holds Her Son, the Child of Christ. The body of the Divine Infant is covered with bleeding wounds

The face of the Virgin is directed at the sinner, from whose mouth a prayer flies. He wears a green tunic, like the Old Testament righteous, who did not know Divine grace.

A praying sinner awaits his forgiveness and a grace-filled change in life.

At the back, a red curtain is thrown back, which symbolizes the entrance to heaven, the royal gates. Red is the color of resurrection.

The meaning of this image is that every sincerely repentant sinner will deserve the joy of forgiveness and, cleansed of sins, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The amazing story of the appearance of the image

The plot of the “Unexpected Joy” face was inspired by icon painters at the turn of 1683 by the saint, church writer and educator Dmitry Rostovsky, who wrote a large number of books about the lives of the saints, about faith and repentance, about the Miracles of God and many gospel stories. This amazing book in patristic culture is called "Irrigated Fleece".

It was based on the impressions of divine miracles that miraculously took place thanks to the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in the 17th century in the monastery called St. Ilyinsky.

Twenty-four cases of unusual miraculous healing are described in the book. One story served as a plot for writing the icon "Unexpected Joy" in the 18th century..

The story of a lawless, sinful man who often came to the image of the Queen of Heaven to pray before committing his crimes, but one day, when he saw the wounded, bleeding body of the Holy Infant. He dropped to his knees in horror.

To his question, who did this, the Mother of God answered that it was done by sinners who pray for forgiveness and again continue to do terrible iniquities. The sinful man prayed, begging not to punish him, promised not to do evil deeds. Then he put his lips to the wounds of the Infant and they stopped bleeding. He believed, from which he received an unexpected gift - the joy of Divine forgiveness and became a righteous man.

This event became the basis for writing the image. The story told by St. Dmitry of Rostov found a response in the souls and hearts of believers. At the end of the 18th century, the miraculous face was in almost every church.

You can bow to the icon "Unexpected Joy" today in numerous churches in Russia. Moscow has Church of Elijah the Prophet, it is located in Obydensky Lane, there is a miraculous ancient icon from the Kremlin Cathedral, which was transported to Sokolniki in the second half of the 20th century, since 1944 it has taken a place of honor in the Ilyinsky Church.

Founded in 1592 in Moscow, it became a repository of shrines from churches destroyed by the Bolsheviks. The Lord saved the church of Elijah the Prophet from destruction.

In 2015, the church in honor of the image of the Queen of Heaven "Unexpected Joy" was opened in the city of St. Petersburg, at the memorial cemetery, where eight hundred and seventy-four defenders of the hero city of Leningrad found their peace.

Seven wonderful facets of the icon

In the 18th century, icon painters, inspired by the plot, painted the first icons. The parishioners of the temples began to note the miraculous features of the face. The icon "Unexpected Joy" helps in what, they knew well, because from turning to her came the healing of sick people and protection from adversity who turned in prayer to the image.

Miracles of spiritual renewal are carried by this holy face:

A weak person receives an unexpected gift - strength and confidence in overcoming obstacles.

Strong people are given humility and patience.

The spiritual significance of this icon is great.

The meaning and essence of the image is to trust in the will of the Lord. Repentance for bad deeds and unworthy thoughts and getting rid of them, gratitude for the joy of every day - the essence of the icon.

Patience and humility before the will of God is the secret meaning of the face. From the face of "Unexpected Joy" comes a spiritual and physical rebirth, faith in a prayer appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos, which will be rewarded with a bright joyful event. "Unexpected Joy" calls for prayerful deeds and spiritual work. She gives joy at a time when there is only hope for a miracle. And it is given to a praying person as an unexpected blessed gift.

How to pray to the image "Unexpected Joy"

The Mother of God, relentlessly in prayer for the human race, does not leave people without forgiveness from grave sins and grants an unexpected path of love and faith.

With their grief and misfortune, which the human soul cannot endure, people flock to the icon. Prayer to the icon "Unexpected Joy" helps in getting rid of ailments, people carry requests for forgiveness to the holy image of the Virgin. She is helps in family, earthly and spiritual affairs. But not only with grief, but with joy and gratitude, you need to turn to the face.

It is necessary to address prayer words to the Lord correctly:

  1. The appeal to the icon "Unexpected Joy" must be read with all your heart and requests must be given with all your heart. At this moment, the sounds of prayer should go up, loudly and clearly.
  2. You need to ask to get rid of spiritual sorrow, which prevents you from living and breathing. When faith is almost gone, "Unexpected Joy" will bring hope back.
  3. The shortest prayer is Glory to you, Lord! - uttered by a repentant heart, it will be heard faster than an insensitive rule rattled from a prayer book.
  4. It is necessary to ask the priest for blessings before turning to the image.
  5. It is allowed to say a prayer in your own words, which should come from the heart.
  6. It is important to tell the face about troubles and sorrows, without thinking about other kinds of deeds during the hour of prayer.

It must be remembered that not only joys are sent to people. Suffering is also necessary for spiritual development. Because hope for God's help is an inexhaustible source of spiritual work, an unexpected gift.

Even the clergy, making a request in prayers, impose a fast, read the psalter and the Akathist.

The laity should humbly accept the lessons of fate, limit themselves from excessive fun. Sincerity and pure thoughts bestow joy that saves the soul.

There are prayers and canons, the Akathist to the face "Unexpected Joy", useful for spiritual reading.

Description of the Unexpected Joy Icon

Rules for reading an akathist

Akathist is a hymn, laudatory and joyful words of gratitude.

It represents a special poetic creativity, the strongest prayer appeal.

  • It includes several prayers that need to be read while standing.
  • Akathists do not serve during fasting.
  • You can read it on Sundays in front of the icon.
  • Sometimes it is pronounced in a row for several days.
  • Before reading it, you need the obligatory blessing of the priest. He will give recommendations on the number of days and time of reading.
  • There is a special, unexpected moment, when the joy bestowed on us fills the soul with wonderful light, when the lips, from an excess of heartfelt feelings, want to speak. At this moment, you need to stand in front of the face and read the laudatory akathist.

The image of "Unexpected Joy" teaches each of us to thank life for its manifestations. Before the face of the Mother of God, everyone is restless, sinful and pitiful. Recognize this, inadvertently rejoice at this spiritual gift and say words of gratitude in prayer.

Our life is woven from small joys, most of which happen inadvertently, the ability to notice them and tirelessly thank for them is important.

If God were just, say the holy fathers, we would not be able to hope for forgiveness. On the pages of the Old Testament Scriptures, the Lord appears as a formidable Judge and Revealer, punishing the slightest crime against the Law, and today the earth does not open up even under inveterate sinners. Why this happens is explained by an instructive story shown in a pictorial image known as the Unexpected Joy icon.

The miracles that come from miraculous icons are carefully studied and recorded. They also acted in the Holy Trinity Eliinsky Monastery near Chernigov. In 1662, the first miracle from the icon was recorded Mother of God written by the monk Gennady. Tears flowed from the eyes of the Most Pure Virgin, holding the Divine Infant in her arms, for 10 days. All Chernihiv "looked with great horror" at the weeping Virgin.

The miracle of the Icon of the Mother of God of Ilyinsk-Chernigov became known and has come down to the present thanks to St. Dmitry of Rostov.

Interesting. St. Dmitry Rostovsky is a church writer and educator who has written many books, including the lives of the saints, sermons on faith and repentance, discourses on gospel stories and God's miracles.

Resurrection of the lad

Traveling through the monasteries of Little Russia, St. Dimitry wrote the book "Irrigated Fleece", based on stories about miracles from the Chernigov Mother of God. Instructions were included with the stories. One of the chapters, "The Dew of the Resurrection," tells of a youth who died suddenly. There was no illness or other reasons that spoke of the approach of death. The hieromonk of the Ilyinsky Monastery, who was then nearby, advised his parents to pray before the miraculous icon of Chernigov.

Saint Dmitry of Rostov

The parents went to the monastery and clung to the Intercessor. And a miracle happened: the child came to life. No one expected such happiness, although they believed in the mercy of the Virgin. To the story of the resurrection of the youth, which took place in April 1679, St. Dmitry attached a parable, on the basis of which the icon “Unexpected Joy” was painted.

About other icons:

Parable of St. Dimitri and writing a new image

A certain sinner used to pray to the Blessed Virgin with the words of the Angelic greeting "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice", setting off for his iniquity. Once, kneeling in front of the icon and about to say the usual prayer, he saw a terrible vision: blood flowed in streams from the legs and hands of the Divine Infant, and the Mother of God herself appeared to him as alive.

"Who did this, Mistress?" - the sinner shouted in horror. “You and those like you constantly hurt My Son, like the Jews on the Cross, with your iniquities,” answered the Mother of God. Instantly repentant, the man began to pray for forgiveness, but the Lord did not look in his direction. Then he called to the Mother of God: “May my sins not overcome your mercy, Mistress, ask the Lord for me!”

Icon "Unexpected Joy", Pokrovsk

The Mother of God turned to the Son with a prayer for forgiveness for the sinner. The Lord answered Her, like a Son, with reverence: “I cannot forgive, for I endured his iniquity for a long time.” With fear, the petitioner who watched this completely despaired of his salvation. Then the Most Pure One stood up and wanted to fall on her knees before Christ: “I will lie at Your feet until this man receives forgiveness!” The Lord did not allow this to happen, saying that although He is God, He honors His Mother and is ready to fulfill Her prayers. The forgiven sinner rushed to kiss the sores of the Lord, which immediately healed and the vision ended.

After reading "Irrigated Fleece", an unknown artist painted an icon based on a parable where a man prays to the Mother of God, calling it "Unexpected (unexpected) joy."

The connection between the miracle and the parable is obvious: just as the parents of the deceased lad did not expect to see him alive, so the sinner from the parable did not expect forgiveness from the Lord. But through the prayers of the Intercessor of the Mother of God, everyone received what they asked for, which became for them "unexpected joy."

Meaning of images

Interesting. The image of "Unexpected Joy" is unusual in that the Blessed Virgin and the Lord are depicted addressing the sinner and are inscribed in the interior of the temple. According to the type of iconography, the image of the Mother of God resembles Ilyinsky-Chernigovskaya, only there is no royal crown on the head of the Mother of God. This means Her humility in prayer to the Lord.

The Lord, depicted as a Servant, does not hold a scroll in his hand, but shows his hands with traces of ulcers to a kneeling sinner. The tunic is thrown off, the wounds on the rib and legs are visible. According to the Gospel, Christ received four wounds when He was crucified on the cross, and the fifth, in the ribs, when the guards wanted to verify the death of the condemned.

Icon "Unexpected joy" in the church dedicated to her in Maryina Roshcha

On the old lists of the icon, there is always a thrown back veil in the background - a symbol of the church's royal gates, the heavenly entrance, opened ajar for the sinner. The red color of the veil is a symbol of resurrection.

The sinner himself is dressed in a green tunic. Green is the color of the earthly, human world. In such clothes they depicted the Old Testament prophets, who were righteous, but did not know Divine grace, only foreseeing the coming of Christ. The praying sinner is not yet forgiven, but awaits forgiveness and renewal of life.

The inscriptions on the icon

In the field under the image of the Mother of God is placed the text of the parable, made in illegible Church Slavonic script. Usually the initial words are placed: “A certain lawless person has a daily rule to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos ...”, sometimes the name “Unexpected joy of the Most Holy Theotokos” is written.

Radonitsa in the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy" in Maryina Grove

It is believed that the word sanctifies the image, it must be entered into the composition. Due to the lack of space for the text, it is placed in a highly abbreviated form, symbolizing the entire inscription. On large images, the words of the sinner are sometimes written, “Oh, Lady, who did this?” and the answer of the Virgin "You and other sinners with your sins ...", in lines directed from the sinner to the Mother of God.

Location of the icons "Unexpected Joy" and miracles

  • Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv. Miraculous image of the XIX century. has been in the cathedral since the Great Patriotic War. The Mother of God and the Lord are depicted in royal crowns. Unfortunately, now the Vladimir Cathedral is in the hands of schismatics.
  • "Burning Bush" in Khamovniki (before the revolution). This is where the oldest of known lists. In 1838, on Easter week, he miraculously healed a woman who suffered from complete deafness. Anisya Stepanova could not even hear the ringing of bells. After the prayer service to the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”, Anisya heard the singing of the Paschal troparion and her deafness disappeared. In 1930, the temple was destroyed, and the miraculous image was lost.
  • The Tretyakov Gallery has a unique icon "Unexpected Joy" (1st half of the 19th century), where the main picture is overlaid with 120 small images of other miraculous icons of the Virgin. The central image carries the main meaning: the Lord forgives sins through the prayer of the Mother of God - the Prayer and Intercessor for the human race.

Icon "Unexpected Joy", private collection

  • Moscow, Church of Elijah the Ordinary. Here is an old icon in a beautiful metal frame, restored in 1959. Before the revolution, it was in one of the Kremlin churches, then the image was hidden from the renovationists. After the Great Patriotic War, "Unexpected Joy" was transferred to the temple of Ilya Obydenny. The robe of the icon is completely hung with rings and crosses brought by people who received healing from prayer in front of the icon.
  • Maryina Grove, Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy". This temple was built in 1904 and is dedicated to the Mother of God. The image itself (painted in the 19th century) appeared there later, numerous decorations on it spoke of former miracles unfortunately not recorded. A symbolic event took place in the temple in 2003. A 90-year-old naval officer turned to the priest with a request for baptism. In a dream, he was commanded to be baptized and wait for death. The old man endured great post preparing for baptism. His death followed immediately after the Sacrament, in the temple itself.
  • Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, Ryazan. In the Transfiguration Cathedral of the monastery is "Unexpected Joy", recently famous for miracles. The mutilated icon was found and bought in the market by a resident of Moscow Georgy. After some time, misfortune befell him: he received a severe injury, which led to partial paralysis. Sincere prayers before the found image bore fruit, George got to his feet. For a long time he did not want to part with his beloved icon, but, finally, he decided to donate it to the Transfiguration Monastery of the Savior. The board and the paint layer were restored, and a carved kiot was made. During the stay of "Unexpected Joy" in the monastery, several cases of healing from eye disease, cancer and drunkenness were recorded.
  • Holy Trinity Cathedral in Odessa. During the Great Patriotic War, the cathedral closed by the Bolsheviks was reopened by the occupying authorities. At this time, from nowhere, the icon “Unexpected Joy” appeared in him. Interestingly, one of the aisles of the cathedral was consecrated in her name back in 1840. The parishioners of the temple were mostly women and children. Before the new image of the Virgin, they prayed for the return of their husbands and fathers from the front. Although there were no high-profile miracles, the icon is highly revered by the inhabitants of Odessa, they pray in front of it for the military who are in "hot spots".
  • Holy spring in Zhaysk Nizhny Novgorod region. According to legend, this source in the XVIII century. the icon "Unexpected Joy" was found. Murom noble princes Peter and Fevronia hid here. At this place, the saints granted forgiveness to the inhabitants of Murom who had expelled them, just as Holy Mother of God forgive the repentant sinner. The source is located in a picturesque place, a chapel is built over it.

About other Orthodox churches in Russia:

This is far from full list temples under the protection of the Queen of Heaven. In the 2000s, many churches were built in honor of "Unexpected Joy", charitable institutions are named after her, springs are consecrated. This image of the Virgin can be found as a revered icon in other churches.

Important. Before the image of the Virgin "Unexpected Joy" they pray in heavy life situations when hope is gone. During the war years, mothers prayed for their sons, for whom "funerals" were received, later it turned out that the letters were sent erroneously and the soldiers returned alive.

Nothing is impossible for the mercy of the Mother of God, but first of all, before prayer, you need to remember and realize your sins, from which the wounds of the Lord bleed.

Religious reading: an icon of unexpected joy, meaning and prayer to help our readers.

If God were just, say the holy fathers, we would not be able to hope for forgiveness. On the pages of the Old Testament Scriptures, the Lord appears as a formidable Judge and Revealer, punishing the slightest crime against the Law, and today the earth does not open up even under inveterate sinners. Why this happens is explained by an instructive story shown in a pictorial image known as the Unexpected Joy icon.

The miracles that come from miraculous icons are carefully studied and recorded. They also acted in the Holy Trinity Eliinsky Monastery near Chernigov. In 1662, the first miracle was recorded from the icon of the Mother of God, painted by monk Gennady. Tears flowed from the eyes of the Most Pure Virgin, holding the Divine Infant in her arms, for 10 days. All Chernihiv "looked with great horror" at the weeping Virgin.

The miracle of the Icon of the Mother of God of Ilyinsk-Chernigov became known and has come down to the present thanks to St. Dmitry of Rostov.

Interesting. St. Dmitry Rostovsky is a church writer and educator who has written many books, including the lives of the saints, sermons on faith and repentance, discourses on gospel stories and God's miracles.

Resurrection of the lad

Traveling through the monasteries of Little Russia, St. Dimitry wrote the book "Irrigated Fleece", based on stories about miracles from the Chernigov Mother of God. Instructions were included with the stories. One of the chapters, "The Dew of the Resurrection," tells of a youth who died suddenly. There was no illness or other reasons that spoke of the approach of death. The hieromonk of the Ilyinsky Monastery, who was then nearby, advised his parents to pray before the miraculous icon of Chernigov.

The parents went to the monastery and clung to the Intercessor. And a miracle happened: the child came to life. No one expected such happiness, although they believed in the mercy of the Virgin. To the story of the resurrection of the youth, which took place in April 1679, St. Dmitry attached a parable, on the basis of which the icon “Unexpected Joy” was painted.

Parable of St. Dimitri and writing a new image

A certain sinner used to pray to the Blessed Virgin with the words of the angelic greeting “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”, setting off for his iniquity. Once, kneeling in front of the icon and about to say the usual prayer, he saw a terrible vision: blood flowed in streams from the legs and hands of the Divine Infant, and the Mother of God herself appeared to him as alive.

"Who did this, Mistress?" - the sinner shouted in horror. “You and those like you constantly hurt My Son, like the Jews on the Cross, with your iniquities,” answered the Mother of God. Instantly repentant, the man began to pray for forgiveness, but the Lord did not look in his direction. Then he called to the Mother of God: “May my sins not overcome your mercy, Mistress, ask the Lord for me!”

The Mother of God turned to the Son with a prayer for forgiveness for the sinner. The Lord answered Her, like a Son, with reverence: “I cannot forgive, for I endured his iniquity for a long time.” With fear, the petitioner who watched this completely despaired of his salvation. Then the Most Pure One stood up and wanted to fall on her knees before Christ: “I will lie at Your feet until this man receives forgiveness!” The Lord did not allow this to happen, saying that although He is God, He honors His Mother and is ready to fulfill Her prayers. The forgiven sinner rushed to kiss the sores of the Lord, which immediately healed and the vision ended.

After reading "Irrigated Fleece", an unknown artist painted an icon based on a parable where a man prays to the Mother of God, calling it "Unexpected (unexpected) joy."

The connection between the miracle and the parable is obvious: just as the parents of the deceased lad did not expect to see him alive, so the sinner from the parable did not expect forgiveness from the Lord. But through the prayers of the Intercessor of the Mother of God, everyone received what they asked for, which became for them "unexpected joy."

Meaning of images

The Lord, depicted as a Servant, does not hold a scroll in his hand, but shows his hands with traces of ulcers to a kneeling sinner. The tunic is thrown off, the wounds on the rib and legs are visible. According to the Gospel, Christ received four wounds when He was crucified on the cross, and the fifth, in the ribs, when the guards wanted to verify the death of the condemned.

On the old lists of the icon, there is always a thrown back veil in the background - a symbol of the church's royal gates, the heavenly entrance, opened ajar for the sinner. The red color of the veil is a symbol of resurrection.

The sinner himself is dressed in a green tunic. Green is the color of the earthly, human world. In such clothes they depicted the Old Testament prophets, who were righteous, but did not know Divine grace, only foreseeing the coming of Christ. The praying sinner is not yet forgiven, but awaits forgiveness and renewal of life.

The inscriptions on the icon

In the field under the image of the Mother of God is placed the text of the parable, made in illegible Church Slavonic script. Usually the initial words are placed: “A certain lawless person has a daily rule to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos ...”, sometimes the name “Unexpected joy of the Most Holy Theotokos” is written.

It is believed that the word sanctifies the image, it must be entered into the composition. Due to the lack of space for the text, it is placed in a highly abbreviated form, symbolizing the entire inscription. On large images, the words of the sinner are sometimes written, “Oh, Lady, who did this?” and the answer of the Virgin "You and other sinners with your sins ...", in lines directed from the sinner to the Mother of God.

Location of the icons "Unexpected Joy" and miracles

  • Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv. Miraculous image of the XIX century. has been in the cathedral since the Great Patriotic War. The Mother of God and the Lord are depicted in royal crowns. Unfortunately, now the Vladimir Cathedral is in the hands of schismatics.
  • "Burning Bush" in Khamovniki (before the revolution). The oldest known list was kept here. In 1838, on Easter week, he miraculously healed a woman who suffered from complete deafness. Anisya Stepanova could not even hear the ringing of bells. After the prayer service to the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”, Anisya heard the singing of the Paschal troparion and her deafness disappeared. In 1930, the temple was destroyed, and the miraculous image was lost.
  • The Tretyakov Gallery has a unique icon "Unexpected Joy" (1st half of the 19th century), where the main picture is overlaid with 120 small images of other miraculous icons of the Virgin. The central image carries the main meaning: the Lord forgives sins through the prayer of the Mother of God - the Prayer and Intercessor for the human race.
  • Moscow, Church of Elijah the Ordinary. Here is an old icon in a beautiful metal frame, restored in 1959. Before the revolution, it was in one of the Kremlin churches, then the image was hidden from the renovationists. After the Great Patriotic War, "Unexpected Joy" was transferred to the temple of Ilya Obydenny. The robe of the icon is completely hung with rings and crosses brought by people who received healing from prayer in front of the icon.
  • Maryina Grove, Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy". This temple was built in 1904 and is dedicated to the Mother of God. The image itself (painted in the 19th century) appeared there later, numerous decorations on it spoke of former miracles, unfortunately not recorded. A symbolic event took place in the temple in 2003. A 90-year-old naval officer turned to the priest with a request for baptism. In a dream, he was commanded to be baptized and wait for death. The old man endured Great Lent, preparing for Baptism. His death followed immediately after the Sacrament, in the temple itself.
  • Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, Ryazan. In the Transfiguration Cathedral of the monastery is "Unexpected Joy", recently famous for miracles. The mutilated icon was found and bought in the market by a resident of Moscow Georgy. After some time, misfortune befell him: he received a severe injury, which led to partial paralysis. Sincere prayers before the found image bore fruit, George got to his feet. For a long time he did not want to part with his beloved icon, but, finally, he decided to donate it to the Transfiguration Monastery of the Savior. The board and the paint layer were restored, and a carved kiot was made. During the stay of "Unexpected Joy" in the monastery, several cases of healing from eye disease, cancer and drunkenness were recorded.
  • Holy Trinity Cathedral in Odessa. During the Great Patriotic War, the cathedral closed by the Bolsheviks was reopened by the occupying authorities. At this time, from nowhere, the icon “Unexpected Joy” appeared in him. Interestingly, one of the aisles of the cathedral was consecrated in her name back in 1840. The parishioners of the temple were mostly women and children. Before the new image of the Virgin, they prayed for the return of their husbands and fathers from the front. Although there were no high-profile miracles, the icon is highly revered by the inhabitants of Odessa, they pray in front of it for the military who are in "hot spots".
  • Holy spring in Zhaysk, Nizhny Novgorod region. According to legend, this source in the XVIII century. the icon "Unexpected Joy" was found. Murom noble princes Peter and Fevronia were hiding here. At this place, the saints granted forgiveness to the inhabitants of Murom who expelled them, just as the Most Holy Theotokos forgave the repentant sinner. The source is located in a picturesque place, a chapel is built over it.

This is not a complete list of temples under the protection of the Queen of Heaven. In the 2000s, many churches were built in honor of "Unexpected Joy", charitable institutions are named after her, springs are consecrated. This image of the Virgin can be found as a revered icon in other churches.

Important. Before the image of the Virgin "Unexpected Joy" they pray in difficult life situations, when hope has dried up. During the war years, mothers prayed for their sons, for whom "funerals" were received, later it turned out that the letters were sent erroneously and the soldiers returned alive.

Nothing is impossible for the mercy of the Mother of God, but first of all, before prayer, you need to remember and realize your sins, from which the wounds of the Lord bleed.

What helps the icon "Unexpected Joy"?

On May 14, June 3 and December 22, the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy". The first part of the image is a man standing in front of the icon, whose eyes and hands are turned to the Mother of God. It is located in the lower left corner. The image of the Mother of God herself belongs to the Hodegetria type. Below is usually either the beginning of the story about the miracle of St. Demetrius of Rostov, or part of the prayer to the icon "Unexpected Joy". The Divine Infant is depicted on the icon with open wounds on his body.

The History of the Icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy"

The legend tells of the appearance of the Mother of God with the Divine Infant to a man. It was described by St. Rostov in his work Irrigated Fleece. The man suffered from a sin that he could not overcome in any way. After each violation of the promise, he asked for forgiveness from the icon of the Mother of God. One fine day, before committing a sin, the man again turned to the icon and, leaving, he noticed that the Mother of God turned her face towards him, and wounds appeared on the body of the Divine Infant, from which blood flowed. This event seriously affected the man, and he felt spiritual cleansing and forgot about his sin forever. This story became the basis for writing the famous icon.

The most famous image is located in the temple of Elijah the Prophet, which is located in Moscow. Several lists were made from this icon, which also showed their power and worked miracles. Every day people come to the image and turn to the Higher powers with their problems.

What helps the icon "Unexpected Joy"?

Throughout life, a person performs various actions and experiences feelings, for example, envy, anger, etc. All this negatively affects the internal state. By turning to the icon, the believer can find joy, peace, find his true path and destiny. For example, in different historical periods during wars, women prayed at the image for the return of their husbands, and as a result, the desired became a reality.

To receive help, it is necessary to read a prayer in front of the icon of the Virgin “Unexpected Joy”, and then state everything that lies on the soul with a stone. Many women who want to get pregnant make this request to the face and soon the desire comes true. The icon helps to heal from various diseases, for example, there is evidence that people got rid of deafness and blindness. The icon of the Virgin "Unexpected Joy" will help strengthen faith and give hope in better times. If you read a prayer for the family before this image, then you can improve relationships, get rid of enmity, conflicts and other problems. Before the icon, you can pray about various family problems, the main thing is to do it from the bottom of your heart. Lonely people can ask Higher powers help in finding a soul mate. Prayers about earthly affairs are read before the icon. For example, you can get protection from existing enemies, gossip and various troubles. The face will also help in solving material problems.

There are no specific rules on how to pray in front of the “Unexpected Joy” icon. The clergy say that the main thing is to do it from the heart. It is recommended that you first contact the priest in order to receive a blessing from him. If the text of the prayer is difficult to remember, then you can read it from the sheet, but it is important to write everything with your own hands. It is also allowed to address the face in your own words, most importantly, to speak from the heart without any thoughts.

Prayer to the icon "Unexpected Joy" sounds like this:

This is the most important prayer for turning to this icon, but there are also other texts that are used depending on the situation, that is, considering what exactly you need to ask the Higher powers. You can also read the Akathist to the icon "Unexpected Joy".

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Icon of Unexpected Joy helps in what

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The Icon of the Mother of God Unexpected Joy and its lists are a real miracle of physical and spiritual transformation. The image of the Saint has become a real symbol, which allows us to believe that anyone who turns to the Mother of God for help with pure thoughts and an open soul can receive bright and unexpected joy.

From this article you can find out what the image helps, the meaning of the face, about what they pray to the icon of Unexpected Joy when it is celebrated and not only.

Briefly from the history of the miraculous image

One of the first mentions of a divine image appeared somewhere in early XIX century, but the exact date when the image was written remains unknown to this day. But as for the verbal image of the Saint, he appeared almost a century earlier than his real incarnation in the wonderful work of Dmitry Rostov Russian saint.

whose book is based on amazing story about the repentant sinner. As a rule, on a shrine, an atheist is depicted standing before the face of the Mother of God, feeling incredible remorse and after that receiving God's forgiveness and a chance for a new prudent life.

What helps the icon of Unexpected Joy and its meaning

Since some of the first icons created in the 18th century appeared, their miraculous properties began to spread. With the help of the image of the Queen of Heaven, various healings of the weak and sick people took place, and it was possible to protect oneself from all kinds of misfortunes by turning to the Mother of God in prayer.

The meaning of the icon Unexpected Joy

All human life consists of small joys that are not always noticed by people and, in pursuit of a ghostly dream, they forget to pay attention to their loved ones and express gratitude to them. This is precisely why cherished dreams are not fulfilled, as they become an obsession, and this just does not give a person the opportunity to rejoice in a new day.

Unexpected joy, the meaning and essence of her face, carries hope in God's will, as well as the renunciation of immoral deeds and sinful thoughts. Gratitude should come from every day spent in peace and warmth. Repentance for bad thoughts and criminal deeds, bitterness, envy and anger, which quite often overwhelm people's hearts.

It is not so hard to just come up and pray to the Holy Face, it will be much more difficult spiritual work, and daily. When you need to learn to pacify your envy and pride, not to be rude, and also to know when it is better to remain silent, learn to calm and restrain yourself, but also not to forget about a benevolent attitude, both to relatives and to strangers.

People by nature are prone to weakness and sin, and if you get used to this with humility and call for the help of the Intercessor, then even the most fallen of people can get a chance to be forgiven.

The divine image embodies the whole essence of spiritual transformation. Hard work on oneself and prayers said will allow a person to choose the right path, the path of goodness and love.

What to pray for the icon of Unexpected Joy

A prayer service before a divine image helps:

  • Helps to gain inner spiritual strength and spiritual balance;
  • Thanks to prayer, you can get everything that you have dreamed of for so long, but no longer hoped to receive, someone forgiveness, repentance or the salvation of a sinful soul;
  • Prayer also helps in curing ailments, especially hearing loss;
  • The Mother of God will help people who have lost their loved ones to find and return to loving relatives;
  • Pregnant women will be helped to bear a child and give birth to him healthy;
  • For parents whose children got out of hand, and also went along an immoral path, the image will help to reason and guide them on the right path;
  • It resolves disputes, establishes conflicts, and, it would seem, failures can all turn out to a happy ending.

What a miracle did the shrine

Ultrasound examination of Xenia's unborn child revealed accumulation of fluid in the heart. The future mother, in prayer and forgiveness, tirelessly turned to the Most Holy Theotokos. At the next ultrasound session, the doctors found that the liquid had practically disappeared, and that nothing threatened the child's life;

About a year ago, Alla's nose began to hurt, no ointments and other medicines helped. Having gone to the temple of "John the Theologian", the woman was given little from the miraculous image of the Virgin. After that, Alla began to regularly smear her nose with church medicine and at the same time read a prayer service, and very soon the wound completely healed and stopped hurting.

When is the day of the celebration of the miraculous image of the Mother of God

The veneration of the divine image is carried out several times a year:

  • May 14 / May 1, old style;
  • December 22 / December 9, old style.

Which churches and temples have a divine face

The divine shrine can be seen in the church of Elijah the Prophet in Moscow. It was from this face that several images were painted, which, like the original, are miraculous.

Every day a large number of people come to the church who want to receive not only grace, but also forgiveness from the Lord. Orthodox people express all their doubts and worries in a prayer service.

Before the divine image, they receive hope, peace, humility, intercession and admonition.

The image of the Saint can be found in such temples:

  • Unexpected joy in Maryina Grove is located in the Moscow Church;
  • In the Grandmother's Church of the Martyrs Natalia and Adrian;
  • There is also an image in Obydensky lane in the church of Elijah the Prophet;
  • On the Gorokhove field in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord;
  • On the Sands in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior;
  • In the Danilovskaya Cathedral in the Cathedral of the Resurrection of the Word.

Prayers to the Holy Face

“O Blessed Virgin, the All-Blessed Son of the All-Blessed Mother, the Patroness of this city and holy temple, all those who are in sins, sorrows, troubles and illnesses, faithful to the Intercessor and Intercessor! Receive this prayer singing from us, unworthy Thy servants, lifted up to Thee, and like a sinner of old, praying many times before Your honest icon every day, Thou didst not despise, but Thou didst grant him the unexpected joy of repentance and bowed Thy Son to many and zealous to Him intercession for the forgiveness of this sinner and erring one, so now do not despise the prayers of us, Your unworthy servants, and implore Your Son and our God, and all of us, with faith and tenderness, bowing before Your wholesome image, will grant unexpected joy for everyone: a sinner, mired in the depths of evils and passions - all-effective admonition, repentance and salvation; those who are in sorrow and sorrow - consolation; those who find themselves in troubles and bitterness - these perfect renunciations; cowardly and unreliable - hope and patience; in joy and abundance living - incessant thanksgiving to the Benefactor God; distressed - mercy; those who are in sickness and long-sickness and abandoned by doctors - unforeseen healing and strengthening; dependent on the illness of the mind - the mind return and renewal; departing into eternal and endless life - the memory of death, tenderness and contrition for sins, the spirit is cheerful and firm hope for the mercy of the Judge.

O Holy Lady! Have mercy on all those who honor Your all-honorable Name and show to everyone Your omnipotent cover and intercession: in piety, purity and honest living, keep them in goodness until the end; do evil good; guide those who have gone astray to the right path; To every good work and to Your Son, please, advance; destroy every evil and ungodly deed; in bewilderment and difficult and dangerous circumstances, who receive invisible help and admonition from Heaven, save from temptations, temptations and death, protect and save from all evil people and from enemies visible and invisible; float floating, traveling travel; be the Nurse who exists in need and hunger; for those who do not have shelter and shelter, wake up cover and refuge; give a garment to the naked, to the offended and unjustly persecuted - intercession; slander, reproach and blasphemy of the sufferer invisibly justify; slanderers and detractors in front of all guise; give fiercely hostile unforeseen reconciliation and to all of us - love, peace, and piety, and health with long life for each other.

Keep marriages in love and like-mindedness; spouses, in enmity and division of existence, die, unite me to each other and put them an indestructible union of love; grant quick permission to mothers of childbearing children, raise babies, young chaste, open their minds to the perception of any useful teaching, instruct the fear of God, abstinence and industriousness; from domestic strife and enmity, consanguineous world and love fence; motherless orphans wake up the Mother, from all vice and filth, I turn away and teach everything good and pleasing to God, seduced and fallen into sin and impurity, having taken away the filth of sin, from the abyss of death lead; Wake up the widows Comforter and Helper, wake up the wand of old age; from sudden death without repentance, deliver us all and all of us the Christian death of our belly, painless, shameless, peaceful and kind answer at the Terrible Judgment of Christ, grant: repenting in faith and repentance from this life with the Angels and make all the saints live; who died a sudden death, be merciful to be Thy Son, and for all the departed, who do not have relatives, for the repose of their Son of Thy begging, Be yourself an unceasing and warm Prayer and Intercessor: yes, all in Heaven and on earth lead Thee, as a firm and shameless Representative of the clan Christian, and, leading, glorify Thee and Thee Thy Son, with His Father Without Beginning and His Consubstantial Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for children

“Oh, Blessed Virgin, the All-Blessed Son of the All-Blessed Mother, the Protector of this city, all who are in sins, sorrows, troubles and illnesses, faithful to the Intercessor and Intercessor!

Receive this prayer singing from us, Thy unworthy servants, lifted up to Thee: and like a sinner of old, praying many times before Your honest icon every day, Thou didst not despise, but Thou didst grant the unexpected joy of repentance, and with His zealous intercession to Your Son for the forgiveness of the sinner thou hast bowed thus, and now do not despise the prayers of us, unworthy thy servants, but implore thy Son and our God, and all of us, with faith and tenderness before the whole-bearing image of thy worshipers, according to whom, unexpected joy will grant: yes, all in heaven and on lands lead Thee, as a firm and shameless Representative of the Christian race, and this is leading, they glorify Thee and Thee, Thy Son with His Beginningless Father and His Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

God bless you!

It will be interesting for you to watch a video about the icon of the Virgin "Unexpected Joy".

The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Unexpected Joy" is one of the many miraculous images of the Virgin Mary, revered by the entirety of the Russian Orthodox Church. Unlike the miraculous icons of the Mother of God, which historically appeared in various places in Russia, the image of "Unexpected Joy" is completely man-made. Historians date the icon from the 18th century.

The basis for the iconography of the image was the story of St. Demetrius of Rostov about a repentant sinner who embarked on the righteous path thanks to the help of the Mother of God. In his work Irrigated Fleece, dated 1683, the saint tells the story of a sinner man who was engaged in robbery and other deeds that are not only sinful, but also prohibited by civil law. The sinner used to pray to the Mother of God before committing atrocities. Once the Virgin Mary appeared with the Divine Infant to a robber. The sinner saw that the baby Christ had bloody ulcers on his hands and feet, as well as in the place where the body of the Savior was pierced with a spear. The robber asked the Mother of God about the reason for the appearance of ulcers. The Virgin Mary answered that sinners, with their crimes, crucify Christ again and again.

Imbued with a sense of repentance, the sinner began to pray to the Mother of God before Christ for the forgiveness of sins. After praying to Christ the Most Pure Mother of God, the Savior commanded the sinner to kiss the bloody sores. At the same time, Christ said that it is fitting to honor the Mother, therefore, for the sake of her prayers, the sins of a person will be forgiven.

Thus the repentant sinner received the remission of sins from the Lord. It changed his life. From now on, the robber embarked on the path of a righteous life and repentance.

The iconographic plot of the image "Unexpected Joy" is based on the image of a praying sinner in front of the icon of the Virgin.

According to pious tradition, before this image of the Mother of God, parents pray for the admonition of their children. In addition, believing Christians turn to the Mother of God with a request for spiritual enlightenment, and the very remembrance of the story of St. Demetrius of Rostov encourages a person to remember the great mercy of God to people, because according to the teachings Orthodox Church there is no unforgiven sin but unrepented sin.

Celebrations of the Icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy" are celebrated on May 14, June 3 and December 22 according to the new style.

Some icons of the Mother of God are considered miraculous (they appeared in certain places), other images could be painted by holy people in connection with any events or miracles. The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of the Three Hands is one of the man-made images that have their own history.

The history of the image of the Mother of God "Three-Handed" dates back to the VIII century. This icon is associated with the great ascetic of the Christian Church and the outstanding theologian John of Damascus.

John of Damascus is known for many theological works, but treatises in defense of icon veneration are considered one of his main works. For his special zeal in defending the veneration of icons, Saint John suffered torment.

The holy ascetic was a Syrian citizen who served at the palace of the Caliph of Damascus. It was from there that John wrote three treatises in defense of icon veneration, which infuriated the emperor of Byzantium, Leo III the Isaurian. The enraged emperor could not punish the saint himself, since the latter was not a subject of Byzantium. However, Leo the Isaurian wrote a forged letter in the name of Saint John and handed it over to the Caliph of Damascus. In the letter, John allegedly wanted to help the emperor of Byzantium in capturing the Syrian capital. The prince of Damascus ordered to cut off John right hand, to which Saint John allegedly wrote a traitorous letter. The hand was cut off and hung up for all to see in a public place.

The saint was sent to prison after being punished, and in the evening they returned his severed hand. In captivity, the Monk John of Damascus prayed before the icon of the Mother of God for healing, putting his brush to his severed hand. The saint asked the Mother of God for healing so that he could again write his treatises in defense of icon veneration. After intense prayers, the ascetic fell asleep. In a dream, the monk saw the Virgin Mary, saying to him: “Here is your hand healed; grieve no more and fulfill what you promised me in prayer.”

When Saint John awoke, he saw that his hand had been miraculously healed. In memory of such a miraculous event, the monk made a silver brush, which he applied to the image of the Most Holy Theotokos. That is why the icon began to be called the Three-Handed.

Three hands began to be depicted also on the lists from this miraculous icon. The original image of the Mother of God of Three Hands is kept on Mount Athos in the Hilandar Monastery.

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Prayers are addressed to the Mother of God when despair and sorrow have overwhelmed the soul, when there is no hope for any other help. Healing, calming the soul is bestowed by the icon "Unexpected Joy". What to pray for her? What to ask the Most Holy Theotokos?

They pray for health and healing before the image. They ask for intercession in worldly affairs. Desperate spouses pray for the birth of a child, the onset of pregnancy. Forgiveness is asked by the proud, mired in lawless deeds. They ask about missing relatives, the Mother of God begs for family reunification. Protection is asked from evil people and slander. The poor receive help, and the perjurers receive a nationwide denunciation.

Sudden, joyful deliverance from troubles is given to people. So miraculous icon"Unexpected joy" is so revered by the people.

The history of writing an icon

In 1683 St. Dmitry of Rostov wrote the most amazing book in patristic literature. She was inspired by miraculous healings, which took place in the St. Ilyinsky Monastery in the city of Chernigov. And they were performed before the icon of the Mother of God in the 17th century. Before each new healing, tears appeared on the face of the icon.

The temple stood for a century. They did not destroy it even in Soviet times. Only in 1933 were all the bells dropped. This temple became a repository of icons and relics of those churches that were not spared by the Soviet regime. Those that were destroyed or converted into secular institutions. And so the miraculous icon “Unexpected Joy” appeared in the church of Elijah the Prophet. The image, the whole composition of the icon exactly correspond to the work of Dmitry Rostovsky.

Days of celebration of the miraculous icon

The icon is celebrated twice a year. This happens on May 14th and December 22nd. In all your sorrows, you can ask for help and protection before the image. The icon “Unexpected Joy” is famous for its holy intercession before God. What to pray for her?

You can ask for protection from troubles and misfortunes, intercession for travelers on the road. Pray for health or a cure for an illness. In deprivation, for salvation from slander, you can ask for an image.

With the advent of the first icons created in the 18th century, the fame of their miraculous power spread. A variety of healings of the sick and infirm took place. Prayers before the icon helped desperate spouses in the birth of a long-awaited child. Those who had strayed from the path of righteousness asked for a return to spiritual wisdom.

The most important healing is the healing of the human soul, which is bestowed by the icon "Unexpected Joy". How does she help? In finding peace, self-confidence. A deep spiritual change is received by those who suffer in prayers before the icon. They gain hope and the ability to sincerely thank for the help.

In which temples can you find the icon "Unexpected Joy"

One of the shrines of Moscow is the icon "Unexpected Joy". It is located in the temple of Elijah the Prophet. From this image, several lists were made, which are also considered miraculous. Every day, people come to the temple who want to receive forgiveness and God's grace. They try to express their anxieties and doubts in words and prayers.

The icon "Unexpected joy" gives peace and hope. How does she help? Before the image, through prayers, admonition and humility, intercession and help are given. Before the icon, you can ask for help in earthly, spiritual, family matters.

The miraculous icon "Unexpected Joy" can be found in several

  1. In the church of Elijah the Prophet in Obydensky Lane.
  2. In the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on the Sands.
  3. In the temple of the icon "Unexpected Joy" in Maryina Grove.
  4. Church of the Martyrs Adrian and Natalia in Babushkino.
  5. In the Church of the Ascension of the Lord on the Gorokhove field.

How to pray to the icon "Unexpected Joy"?

Does not exist exact rules how to pray to this or that image. You should ask for blessings from the priest before turning to the face. For each event, request, there are special prayers, canons. You can read the Akathist to the icon "Unexpected Joy".

The clergy say that if the text of the prayer is difficult to remember, then it is allowed to pronounce your own words. The main thing is that they come from a pure heart. It is important to tell the image about your troubles, your sorrows, not to be distracted during prayer by other things.

Humility and love must be converted. Then the icon “Unexpected Joy” will give consolation and hope. Its significance is great in the hearts of believers. The icon brings admonition to sinners, whose malice, hatred, greed outweigh all spiritual values. The weak are given strength, confidence in overcoming obstacles. Strong - humility, patience, protection from harmful undertakings.

What does the icon give

The loss of morality, spirituality manifests itself on the physical level. Anger, envy, hatred, having settled in the human heart, bring diseases and illnesses with them. People in their blindness do not understand that spiritual cleansing is directly related to physical healing.

The icon “Unexpected Joy” bestows inner joy and peace. How does it help believers? Find your true path, your purpose in life. Find an unexpected joy that you did not expect. AT different times women prayed for husbands who went missing in a journey or war. And they returned home.

It is necessary to tell the image what the soul is sad about. And then the miraculous icon “Unexpected Joy” will help. Prayer for pregnancy in front of the image more than once helped to get a long-awaited child. The Mother of God consoled parents whose children went down a sinful path.

An icon carries a happy occasion, even if there is no hope for joy. Even misfortune can turn into good luck - this is where the Unexpected Joy icon helps. will help to get pregnant or find a child who needs parental warmth and affection. It also happens like this: in despair, the spouses take the baby from the shelter, and after some time it turns out that the pregnancy has come. It is important here not to abandon the first child, but to love, educate and raise him as your own.

Akathist to the Icon "Unexpected Joy"

Each icon has its own Akathist. This Greek word means a hymn that is sung while standing. Akathist - laudatory, joyful words that convey the full power of gratitude. It consists of several prayers, they must be read while standing. You should know that the akathist does not serve in fasting.

It can be read every Sunday in front of the icon. In some cases, the Akathist is pronounced for several days in a row. Be sure to before reading you need to turn to the priest with a request to bless. The clergyman will tell you how many days, at what time the Akathist should be read.

The words of the prayer are pronounced directly in front of the icon. Akathist is one of the strongest prayer appeals. This is a request for help in deeds and sorrows, where the icon “Unexpected Joy” serves as the image of the Virgin. How does she help those in need? With troubles and grief, which are beyond the power of the human soul, they come to the icon. With requests for health, mercy, forgiveness, people turn to the image of the Virgin. The icon "Unexpected Joy" will save you from many misfortunes.

Prayer for health

Through prayers for health, healing is sometimes given from the most incurable diseases. There are facts according to which the icon "Unexpected Joy" gave deliverance from deafness. Prayer for the birth of a child will bring a long-awaited child. A successful resolution from the burden will be given by the icon of a young mother.

The image saves from mental ailments - it will support in despondency and longing, anxiety and despair. It will help in a painless death in case of a serious illness. He will send good spirits, protect from death without repentance.

Strengthening in faith, hope for mercy sub-icon "Unexpected Joy". Prayer for the gift of children will help bring an orphan into the house in need of love and care, or bring news of a long-awaited pregnancy.

Family Prayer

Through prayer for the family, family reunification is served, protection from hostility, violence, conflicts. Peace and harmony in the family is bestowed by the icon "Unexpected Joy". What to pray for? About what worries you the most. About what all thoughts are occupied with.

Assistance is given to needy families through prayer. Grieving mothers, widows - consolation. Concerned parents - instructing children on the path of righteousness. Prayer for the lost brings good news.

Return of relatives from the war zone or from dangerous journeys can give the icon "Unexpected Joy". will bring hope for love, happiness in marriage. The Most Holy Theotokos will protect from evil and unkind people, save the family. It will help prevent a divorce, enlighten relatives.

Prayer for children

Through the prayers of the Mother of God in front of her icon, a decision is given in difficult situations. The admonition is given to children and parents in difficult relationships. Reconciliation in quarrels, forgiveness of insults is carried by the icon "Unexpected Joy". Prayer to get pregnant will give hope or happy news of conception.

The Most Holy Theotokos will protect children from harmful thoughts, enemies, dangerous situations. Will give parents mutual understanding with children. It will help guide you on the path of blessed teaching, acquiring knowledge. Gives mutual respect to parents and children. Gives support and protection to children who are away from their parents (in education, military service, treatment, travel).

Assistance to poor parents for the development of the child can be given by the icon "Unexpected Joy". Prayer for pregnancy will bring news of its onset. Gives life to the fetus and healthy development. Only faith, humility will help to find out about the long-awaited pregnancy. If it does not come immediately after the prayer, this means that the time has not yet come, the parents are not ready for the birth of a child.

Hope daritikon "Unexpected joy". Prayer for children, reviews say that patience and faith in the will of the Lord will help you get through difficult times. They will set you up for a successful outcome of the case, help in the fight against despair, disbelief. There are known facts when a child was born to childless couples after prayers in front of the icon.

Prayer for earthly affairs

With prayers for earthly affairs, people come to the icon. They are given protection from secret and overt enemies, intercession for the offended, persecuted, suffering from untruth and gossip.

The poor, the needy, are given shelter and food through prayers. Oppressors and money-grubbers - a nationwide denunciation of their unrighteous deeds.

The icon brings unexpected joy in ordinary everyday situations. This is success in learning, praise from teachers and parents, the joy of health, daily well-being, when no one in the family is sick. This is carelessness when there are no serious difficulties and problems. This is the joy of first love and the peace of mind of spouses who have lived together for many years. This is the happiness of parents and children who rejoice at small victories and support each other. Jubilation from success at work, in creativity, when your favorite business is arguing.

Such simple daily pleasures fill the heart with happiness. True believers give thanks for every moment of peace of mind. When addressing prayers, it is necessary to remember that in caring for our souls, not only joys are sent to people, but also sufferings. Because the hope for God's help is an inexhaustible source for spiritual work.

Why do requests in front of the icon not come true?

It happens that a person prays for years in front of an icon, but his desire does not come true. What is the reason for this, why is this happening?

This may be due to the fact that a person is not ready to meet his dream in reality, will not be able to withstand its consequences. Or maybe it's just not the right time. “The ways of the Lord are inscrutable,” the clergy say in such cases.

You can't just ask and get what you want. There must be a work of the soul, a path to the fulfillment of a dream. Even the clergy, if they ask for something in prayers, then they necessarily impose a special fast on themselves, read the Akathist, the psalter. So the laity should limit themselves to excessive joy, excessive joy. Do not allow angry words and pride. With humility to accept the most difficult lessons of fate. Only sincerity, purity of thoughts will help to bestow what will be useful and saving for the soul.

It is not always possible for a person to understand why some wishes come true and others do not, why some people pray for years and do not get what they want, while others went to church a couple of times and received an answer to their request. The surprise of the suliticon "Unexpected Joy". The meaning and prayer of this image - gaining faith, hope for an unexpected event. Patience, humility of a person before the will of the Lord - that's secret meaning icons.

The meaning of the icon

Life consists of small joys that a person does not always notice, forgets to thank for them, in pursuit of an unrealizable dream, does not pay attention to relatives and friends. Therefore, such desires are not fulfilled, because they turn into an obsessive thought that does not allow you to enjoy every new day.

The icon "Unexpected Joy" brings deliverance from pride. The meaning (in which it helps), the essence of the image is the hope in the will of God, the rejection of sinful thoughts, unworthy deeds. Gratitude for every day lived in warmth and tranquility. Repentance for lawless deeds and evil thoughts, in anger, malice, envy, which so often live in the human heart.

Does not amount to great work go to the icon and pray. Much more difficult is the daily spiritual work. When you should remain silent, not be rude, pacify your own pride and envy. Accustom yourself to patience, calmness, a benevolent attitude towards strangers and relatives.

Weakness and sinfulness are human nature. If we acknowledge this fact with humility, ask for God's help, then the most fallen of people will receive the opportunity for forgiveness.

The icon "Unexpected Joy" is the essence of spiritual rebirth. With the help of prayers, relentless inner work a person goes above himself on the path of goodness and love. This is the belief that the appeal to the Mother of God will be heard and rewarded with a bright event.

All those who with faith, love and humility prayed before the icon received their unexpected joy, forgiveness and grace-filled consolation.