Complete list of traitors. The most famous traitors of Russia. Source conventions

Concise Dictionary of Identified Persons Belonging to Masonic Lodges and Other Organizations Formed to Achieve Masonic Purposes (1945 to 2000)

The first attempt at such a dictionary, due to the special secrecy of information, contains only a small part of persons belonging to Freemasonry and Masonic-type organizations. Sources of information are publications in the periodical press, as well as some internal documents of Masonic and related organizations. The list and numbers of sources are given at the end of the dictionary.

Abalkin Leonid Ivanovich, b. 1930, member of the CPSU (1956-1991), director of the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences, member of the International Fund for Economic and Social Reforms and member of the board of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16.

Abramovich Roman Arkadyevich, b. 1966, head of the Sibneft company, "head of finance for the family of President Yeltsin of the Russian Federation", associated with the mafia, consultant at the World Economic Forum - 16.

Avdeev Alexander Alekseevich, b. 1946, 1st deputy. Head of the First European Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (1991), member of the Rota-ri club - 16.

Aven Petr Olegovich, b. 1950, Minister of Foreign Economic Relations (1992), General Director of Fin Pa JSC, member of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16.

Averintsev Sergei Sergeevich, b. 1937, philologist, literary critic, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, head of the Bible Society - 16.

Aganbegyan Abel Gezevich, b. 1932, member of the CPSU (1952-1991), adviser to M. Gorbachev, economist, agent of world influence behind the scenes, convicted of corruption, fled abroad - 16.

Agapov Nikolai Petrovich, lodges "Friends of Lubomudria" (Paris, 1955), "Jupiter" (1961); eighteen" 17.

Adamishin Anatoly Leonidovich, b. 1934, member of the CPSU (1965 - 1991), deputy. Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1992), member of the Yavlinsky bloc (1993) - 16.

Adamovich Georgy Viktorovich (1894–1971), writer, Jupiter Lodge (Paris) 1.

Adamovich Nicholas (Nick Adams), Chairman of the Association of Orthodox Freemasons in the USA, Director of the Masonic Information Bureau (New Jersey, 1970s) - 19.

Aitov Vladimir Davidovich (1879-1963), doctor, since 1938 a member of the Supreme Council of the Peoples of Russia, after 1945 the Lotus Lodge (Paris; 33o) - 1.

Aksenenko Nikolai Emelyanovich, b. 1949, member of the CPSU (1969-1991), Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation (1997), 1st Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

Aksenov Vasily Pavlovich, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Aldanov(Landau) Mark Alexandrovich (1886-1957), writer, lodge "Northern Star" (branch in the USA) until 1954 - 1.

Aleksashenko Sergei Vladimirovich, b. 1959, Chairman of the Association of Currency Exchanges of Russia (since 1995), member of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, consultant of the Trilateral Commission and the World Economic Forum - 16.

Alekseev Boris Petrovich, b. 1931, 1st deputy. President of the Trade and Economic Council, member of the Rotary Club - 16.

Alekseev Gennady Alekseevich, b. 1945, member of the organization "Choice of Russia" (1993) - 16.

Alekseeva Lyudmila Mikhailovna, member of the executive committee of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16.

Aleshin(Kotlyar) Samuil Iosifovich, b. 1913, playwright, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Alperin Abram Samoilovich (1881-195?), lodges "Northern Star" and "Northern Lights" (Paris) - 1.

Ambartsumov Evgeny Arshakovich, b. 1929, member of the CPSU (1950-1991), adviser to Yeltsin, head of the Association for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation from Russia, member of the Masonic Commission "Greater Europe" and the "International Russian Club" - 12, 14, 16.

amethysts Ernest Mikhailovich, b. 1934, lawyer, member of the CPSU (1955-1991), judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (1993), functionary of the Soros Foundation - 16.

Ananiev Anatoly Andreevich, b. 1925, writer, member of the CPSU (1950-1990), 1st Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Peace and Accord, member of the Rotary club (1990) - 3, 8, 16.

Andreev Alexander Alexandrovich, b. 1952, film director, member of the Rotary club - 16.

Andreev Vadim Leonidovich (1903–1976), writer, secretary of the Northern Star lodge, in 1944–1949 he contributed to the Soviet Patriot newspaper, returned to the USSR - 1.

Andrievsky V., Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) 2.

Arbatov Alexey Georgievich, b. 1951, member of the CPSU (1972-1991), deputy of the State Duma, member of the Yabloko faction - 16.

Arbatov Georgy Arkadyevich, b. 1923, member of the CPSU (1943-1991), member of the Central Committee of the CPSU, party propagandist, director of the Institute for the USA and Canada, US agent of influence - 10, 16.

Arcana Arkady Mikhailovich, b. 1933, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Aronsberg A. O. (? - c. 1955), Lotus box - 1, 22.

Arkhangelsk Veniamin Mikhailovich (1906–1953), professor, before the war one of the leaders of freemasonry in Russia - 16.

Assecritians Stanislav Vasilievich, b. 1946, member of the CPSU (1968-1991), organizer and developer of the 1st privatization program, chairman of the State Property Fund of the USSR (1991), member of the International Fund for Economic and Social Reforms (1993) - 16.

Aslanidi Alexander Valentinovich, member of the Federation Council (1995), member of the executive committee of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16.

Auzan Alexander Alexandrovich, professor at Moscow State University, president of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies, member of the executive committee of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16.

Aushev Ruslan Sultanovich, b. 1954, member of the CPSU (1975-1991), served in the Soviet army, president of Ingushetia, is in close connection with the Chechen gangs of Moskhadov-Basaev, Young Turkey Lodge (Ankara, 1994) 16.

Afanasiev Yuri Nikolaevich, b. 1934, member of the CPSU (1954-1991), party worker, rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities, functionary of the Soros Foundation - 16.

Akhmadulina Bella Akhatovna, b. 1937, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Bakatin Vadim Viktorovich, b. 1937, member of the CPSU (1958-1991), secretary of the regional committee (1973-1988), Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, chairman of the KGB (1991-1992), handed over a number of secret documents to the CIA, member of the International Fund for Economic and Social Reforms - 16.

Baklanov(Friedman) Grigory Yakovlevich, b. 1923, writer, member of the CPSU (1942-1991), member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) and the executive committee of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16.

Bakunin Tatyana Alekseevna, wife of the writer-mason M. Osorgin, historian of Russian Freemasonry - 16.

Bantysh Alexander Fedorovich, lodges "Friends of Lubomudria" (Paris, 1955), "Jupiter" (1961); 14" - 17.

Baranov Alexander Alexandrovich, b. 1941, professor, deputy. Minister of Health, member of the Rotary Club 16.

Baranov Lev Petrovich, b. 1935, Head of the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR (1991), Vice-President of the Rotary Club (1990) - 16.

Basilashvili Oleg Valeryanovich, b. 1934, actor, member of the supervisory board of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16.

Bakhmetev Boris Alexandrovich (1880–1951), professor of mechanics, former ambassador of the Provisional Government to the USA - 1.

Begishev Raphael B., Master of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16.

Beck Tatyana Alexandrovna, b. 1940, poetess, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Becker Henk, professor of sociology at Utrecht University (Holland), Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) 2.

White Galina Andreevna, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Russian State Humanitarian University, member of the Supervisory Board of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16.

Belin le Balue E.P., Jupiter Lodge (Paris, 1961) - 17.

Belenkov Yuri Nikitich, b. 1948, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Cardiology, President of the Rotary Club (1990) - 11, 16.

Belov V. I., former member of the Radical Democrats faction, member of the organization "Russia's Choice" - 16.

Bendukidze Kakha Avtandilovich, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bioprocess JSC, member of the Board of the Interaction Club (1993) -16.

Berbers Leon Rubenovich (1903-1972), Freemason from the 1930s - 1.

Berberova Nina Nikolaevna (1901-1993), from a family of Masons, writer, wife of the poet Khodasevich, historian of modern Freemasonry - 16, 18. Berger Mikhail Lvovich, economic editor of the Izvestia newspaper, member of the Interaction club (1993) - 16.

Berezovsky Boris Abramovich, b. 1946, financial swindler, one of the members of the financial oligarchy, member of several Masonic structures, deputy chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (1997), citizen of Israel (1996), member of the Order of Malta - 16.

Beresenevich Vladimir Mechislavovich, Friends of Lubomudry Lodge (Paris, 1955); 18" - 17.

Bernshtam M., historian, lives in the USA, Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) 2.

Birstein Boris Iosifovich, b. 1947, international financial swindler, owner of the Siabeko company (Switzerland), through which he carried out many illegal transactions for the export of raw materials and capital from Russia, a member of the B'nai B'rith order - 16.

Bitov Andrei Georgievich, b. 1937, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16. Georgy Naumovich Bitt, b. 1957, Deputy head of foreign language courses "Avtologos" (1991), member of the Rotary club - 16.

Bobrinsky Petr Andreevich (? -1962), writer, member of the Masonic Supreme Council, 33 "- 1.

Bovin Alexander Evgenievich, b. 1930, journalist, member of the CPSU (1951-1991), member of the group of agents of influence under Brezhnev and Andropov, ambassador to Israel (1991) - 16.

Boguslavsky Mark Moiseevich, b. 1924, professor, board member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, board member of the Cultural Foundation, member of the Rotary club - 16.

Boguslavskaya Zoya Borisovna, b. 1929, writer, member of the CPSU (1952-1991), member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Boyko Oleg Viktorovich, Chairman of the Board of the National Credit Bank, member of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16.

Bonner Elena Gevorkovna, b. 1923, Jewish public figure, anti-Russian dissident, US agent of influence - 16.

Borovoy Konstantin Natanovich, b. 1948, financial speculator, member of the Greater Europe Masonic Commission and the Council of the Interaction Club - 12, 16.

Borodin Pavel Pavlovich, b. 1946, member of the CPSU (1966-1991), business manager of the President of the Russian Federation, member of the Order of Malta - 16.

Borodulin Rygor, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Bocharov Mikhail Alexandrovich, b. 1941, economic manager, member of the CPSU (1965-1990), president of the Butek and Russo-Baltvest concerns, president of the International Russian Club, member of the Rotary club (1990) - 3, 8, 14, 15, 16 .

Brodsky Joseph, poet (1940–1996), lived in the USA

Bukovsky Vladimir Konstantinovich, b. 1942, former dissident, agent of world influence behind the scenes, convicted of ties with the CIA, president of the Resistance International - 16.

Bunich Pavel Grigorievich, b. 1929, economist, member of the CPSU (1949-1991), agent of world influence behind the scenes, member of the Order of the Eagle - 16.

Burbulis Gennady Eduardovich, b. 1945, member of the CPSU (1965-1990), teacher of scientific communism, associate of Yeltsin, agent of influence trained by the Kribble Institute, member of the Greater Europe Masonic Commission, one of the founders of the Russia's Choice organization, member of the Order of Malta - 12, 16.

Bureiko Evgeny Vladimirovich, b. 1957, member of the board of the joint venture (with the USA) Mix and the Rotary Club - 16.

Burlatsky Fedor Mikhailovich, b. 1927, journalist, member of the CPSU (1946–1991), member of the group of agents of influence under Brezhnev and Andropov, ch. Editor of Literaturnaya Gazeta, President of the Euro-Asian Front for Humanitarian Cooperation - 16.

Burtin Yuri Girshovich, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Buryshkin Pavel Afanasyevich, (1887–1955), industrialist, Lotus Lodge (Paris) - 22.

Bykov Vasil, r. 1924, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Vavakin Leonid Vasilievich, b. 1932, Ch. architect of the city of Moscow, member of the Rotary club - 16.

Vavilov Andrei Petrovich, b. 1961, 1st deputy. Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, adviser to V. Chernomyrdin through Gazprom, consultant to the World Economic Forum - 16.

Vadilov Sergei Alexandrovich, b. 1947, Deputy Chairman of the State Bank of Russia (1992), member of the Rotary club - 16.

Weinberg Lev Iosifovich, b. 1944, chairman of the Association of joint ventures, international associations and organizations, member of the board of the Interaction club (1993) - 16.

Vaksberg Arkady Iosifovich, b. 1933, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Vaneeva L., writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Vartanyan Marat Enokovich, b. 1932, academician, member of the Rotary club (1990) - 11, 16.

Vasilenko S., writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Vasiliev Viktor Nikolaevich, b. 1937, member of the CPSU (1957-1991), rector of Petrozavodsk University (1997), member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16.

Vasiliev Dmitry Valeryevich, Deputy Chairman of the State Property Committee of the Russian Federation, member of the board of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16.

Vedeshin Leonid Alexandrovich, b. 1940, leading researcher at the Interkosmos Council of the Academy of Sciences, member of the Rotary club - 16.

Vishnyakov Nikolai Mikhailovich, General Director of the Soniko joint venture, member of the Interaction club (1993) 16.

Vlasov Alexey Feliksovich, manager of the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange, member of the "Interaction" club (1993) - 16.

Voznesensky Andrei Andreevich, b. 1933, poet, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Voinovich Vladimir Nikolaevich, b. 1932, Jewish writer, member of the supervisory board of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16. Alexander Alexandrovich Volkov, b. 1948, member of the CPSU (1968-1991), cosmonaut, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16.

Volkov Valery Dmitrievich, b. 1951, lawyer, member of the Rotary Club - 16.

Volkov Nikolai Konstantinovich (1875 -?), former State Duma deputy, member of the "Soviet Patriot" society 1.

Volkov Oleg Ivanovich, b. 1944, commercial director of the international agency "KDK-Hermes", member of the Rotary club - 16.

Volkovysk Alexander Maksimovich (? -1957), sculptor, lodge "Northern Star" - 1.

Volkogonov Dmitry Antonovich (1928–1995), Colonel General, historian, member of Russia's Choice organization (1993) 16.

Voloshin Alexander Stalievich, head of Esta Corp., head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, associate of B. A. Berezovsky, consultant to the Trilateral Commission and the World Economic Forum - 16.

Vorontsov M. I., lodge "Jupiter" (Paris, 1961) - 17.

Vorontsov Nikolai Mikhailovich, b. 1934, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the organization "Choice of Russia" (1993) - 16.

Vorontsov Nikolai Nikolaevich, State Duma deputy, member of the Supervisory Board of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16.

Voshchanov Pavel, former press secretary of Yeltsin, member of the International Russian Club - 14, 15, 16.

Vyrubov Vasily Vasilievich (1879 -?), Lodge "Jupiter" (Paris, 1961); 33" 17.


Vyazemsky Vladimir Leonidovich, Prince, Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950s) - 22.

Gavrilov Roman, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16.

Gaidar Egor Timurovich, b. 1956, member of the CPSU (1980-1990), employee of the Kommunist magazine and the Pravda newspaper, former acting chairman of the government of the Russian Federation, head of the Russia's Choice organization, chairman of the board of the Interaction club 16.

Garder M. V., former colonel of the French General Staff, head of Russian Freemasonry in France, belonging to the Grand Lodge of France (early 1990s) - 6.

Gvozdanovich Konstantin Vasilyevich, Gamayun Lodge (Paris, 1950s; O.) - 22.

Gelman Alexander Isaakovich, b. 1933, member of the editorial board of the Masonic newspaper Moscow News - 16.

Genieva Ekaterina Yurievna, director of the All-Russian Library for Foreign Literature, member of the executive committee of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16.

Gens Georgy Vladimirovich, President of Lanit JSC, member of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16.

Gepner B.P., Jupiter Lodge (Paris, 1961) - 17.

Gerasimov Gennady Ivanovich, b. 1930, member of the CPSU (1949-1991), member of the group of agents of influence under Brezhnev and Andropov, ambassador to Portugal (1990) - 16.

Gerashchenko Viktor Vladimirovich, b. 1937, member of the CPSU (1957-1991), chairman of the board of the State Bank of the USSR (1989-1991), chairman of the board of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (1992-1994, 1999), consultant of the Trilateral Commission and the World Economic Forum - 16.

Gerber Alla Efremovna, b. 1932, journalist, member of the political council of the Democratic Choice of Russia party - 16.

Gerbner George, University of Pennsylvania (USA), Masonic Club "Magisterium" - 2.

Gergiev Valery Abisalovich, b. 1953, conductor, member of the Order of the Eagle - 16.

Gefter A. A., writer, Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950s) - 22.

Ginzburg Vitaly Lazarevich, b. 1916, academician, Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992), president of the St. Petersburg club "Rotary" - 2.

Glasberg N.B., Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950s) 22.

Glushchenko Eugene, Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) - 2.

Govorukhin Stanislav, film director, State Duma deputy (1-2 convocations), member of the International Russian Club (1992) - 14.

Golembiovsky Igor Nestorovich, b. 1935, member of the CPSU (1955–1991), party press worker, ch. editor of the Izvestia newspaper (since 1991), member of the supervisory board of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16.

Golovachev Valery, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16.

Golovachev Vitaly Yuryevich, editor of the weekly "Economics and Life", member of the "Interaction" club (1993) - 16.

Golovlev Vladimir Ivanovich, b. 1957, member of the CPSU (1977-1991), deputy of the State Duma, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16.

Goldrin S.F., Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950s) - 22.

Goldfarb Alex, member of the leadership of the Soros Foundation - 16.

Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich, b. 1931, member of the CPSU (1950-1991), General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, President of the USSR (until 1991), member of the Trilateral Commission (1989), consultant of the Council on Foreign Relations, head of the Gorbachev Foundation and the mondialist organization "World Forum" - 4, 5, 16.

Gorbachevsky V.A., Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950s) - 22.

Gorin Grigory Izrailevich, b. 1940. playwright, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Gorodetsky A., Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) - 2.

Granberg Alexander Grigorievich, b. 1936, member of the CPSU (1962-1991), academician, adviser to Yeltsin, member of the board of the "Interaction" club (1993) - 16.

Granin Daniil Alexandrovich, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) and the executive committee of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16.

Grachev Andrei Serafimovich, b. 1941. member of the CPSU (1962-1991), employee of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPSU, press secretary of M. Gorbachev, since 1991 an employee of the Masonic press organs "Moscow News" and "New Time" - 16.

Grechko Georgy Mikhailovich, b. 1931, member of the CPSU (1960-1991), cosmonaut, writer, Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) - 2.

Gromov Alexander Yakovlevich (Vasudama Das), b. 1947, Chairman of the Masonic Society "Krishna Consciousness" (Moscow), member of the Council of the society "Krishna Consciousness" - 16.

Gruber Rudolf, historian, lives in Germany, Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) - 2.

Gruzdov Vadim, financier, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16.

Gora Michael, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16.

Gurevich Vladimir Semenovich, one of the leaders of the Moscow News weekly, a member of the Interaction club (1993) - 16.

Gusinsky Vladimir Alexandrovich, b. 1952, head of the Most-Media financial and industrial group based on Most-Bank, vice president of the Rotary club (1991), vice president of the World Jewish Congress, leader of the Jewish community in Russia, president of the Russian Jewish Congress, member Order of "B'nai B'rith" - 16;

Guzman Julius Solomonovich, b. 1943, director, member of the organization "Choice of Russia" and the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16.

Gutionov Pavel Semenovich, b. 1953, member of the CPSU (1973-1991), co-chairman of the Liberal Journalistic Club (1997) - 16.

Guerra Antonio, writer, lives in Italy, Masonic Club "Magisterium" (1992) - 2.

Davydov Alexander Vasilyevich (1881–1955), member of the Masonic Supreme Council (Paris; 33") - 1.

Davydov Yuri Nikolaevich, b. 1929, writer, member of the CPSU (1955-1991), member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) 16.

Danilov-Danilyants Viktor Ivanovich, b. 1938, Minister of Ecology of the Russian Federation, member of the organization "Choice of Russia" - 16.

Danin Daniel Semenovich, b. 1914, writer, member of the CPSU (1956-1991), member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) 16.

Dvigantsev Sergey Lvovich, b. 1952, general director of the Compass company, member of the Rotary club - 16.

Deutsch Mark, Jewish journalist, employee of Radio Liberty (US CIA service) - 16.

Delevsky Yakov Lazarevich (1868-1957), journalist (Paris) - 1.

Demin Yuri Georgievich, b. 1945, member of the CPSU (1965-1991), chief military prosecutor of the Russian Federation (1999) - 16.

Denisenko Bela Anatolyevna, b. 1941, head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, member of the organization "Choice of Russia" - 16.

Dergachev Georgy Borisovich, Grand Master of the Harmony Lodge of the Grand National Lodge of France (1992) - 13, 16.

Deryuzhinsky Sergei Alexandrovich, lodges "Friends of Lubomudria" (Paris, 1955), "Jupiter" (1961); 14" - 17.

Jakeli K.I., Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950s) - 22.

Dzhanishev M.A., Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950s) - 22.

Diligensky German Germanovich, Professor, Ch. editor of the journal "World Economy and International Relations", member of the executive committee of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16.

Dmitriev Mikhail Egonovich, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on Inter-Republican Relations, Regional Policy and Cooperation (1993), member of the "Interaction" club - 16.

Dobuzhinsky Mstislav Valeryanovich (1875-1957), artist (Paris) - 1.

Donskoy Vladimir Fedorovich, club "Rotary" (Irkutsk, 1995), representative of the governor of "Rotary" in Siberia (1991) - 21.

Dorenko Sergei, b. 1959, Jewish TV propagandist, member of the CPSU (1979-1991), host of the ORT TV channel, engaged by B. A. Berezovsky (see) to carry out anti-Russian information tasks - 16. Drutse Ion Panteleevich, b. 1928, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Dubinin Sergei Konstantinovich, b. 1950, member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1971-1991), consultant to B. Yeltsin, Minister of Finance (1993-1994), vice-president of Imperial Bank, chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (1996-1998), Russia's manager in the International Monetary Fund, consultant Trilateral Commission and the World Economic Forum - 16.

Dudintsev Vladimir Dmitrievich, b. 1918, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Duverget M., lives in France, Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) - 2.

Jews Nikolai Ivanovich (1887–1972), director and playwright, Friends of Philosophy lodge (Paris) - 1.

Yevtushenko Evgeny Alexandrovich, b. 1933, Russian-speaking writer, member of the Masonic club "Magisterium" and the "Russian Pen Center" - 2, 16.

Egorov Sergey Efimovich, President of the Association of Russian Banks, member of the board of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16.

Yeltsin Boris Nikolaevich, b. 1931, member of the CPSU (1961-1990), 1st Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU, 1st Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU, candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, President of the Russian Federation (since June 1991), Commander of the Order of Malta (1991), cooperates with the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Club - 7, 9, 16.

Yeltsov Yu. A., member of the organization "Choice of Russia" (1993) - 16.

Emelyanov Alexei Mikhailovich, b. 1935, member of the CPSU (1959-1990), adviser to Yeltsin, member of the International Russian Club (1992) - 15.

Emelyanov Stanislav Vasilievich, b. 1929, academician, Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) - 2.

Ermishin Alexander, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16.

Ermolov B.N., Jupiter Lodge (Paris, 1961) 17.

Ermolov D. N., lodge "Jupiter", (Paris, 1961) - 17.

Erofeev Viktor Vladimirovich, b. 1947, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center - 16.

Zhvanetsky Mikhail Mikhailovich, b. 1934, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center - 16.

Zhdanov Boris Vadimovich, Friends of Lubomudria lodge (Paris, 1955); 14" - 17.

Zhutovsky Boris, Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) - 2.

Zadonsky G. I., member of the organization "Russia's Choice" (1993) - 16.

Zadornov Mikhail Mikhailovich, b. 1963, member of the Yabloko association, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation (1998-1999), consultant to the Trilateral Commission and the World Economic Forum - 16.

Kolosov Vladimir, adviser to B. Yeltsin - 16.

Komech Alexei Ilyich, director of the State Institute of Art Studies, member of the executive committee of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16.

Kon I., psychiatrist, Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) - 2.

Kondzerovsky Kirill, Friends of Lubomudry lodge (Paris, 1955); 14" - 17.

Kondratiev Vyacheslav Leonidovich (1920–1993), writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Kopelevich Ilya Borisovich, employee of Radio Russia, member of the Interaction club (1993) - 16.

Cornell James, writer, lives in the USA, Magisterium Masonic Club (1992) 2.

Kornilov Vladimir Nikolaevich, b. 1928, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Kornfeld M. G. (Paris, 1950s) - 22.

Korovin Viktor Viktorovich, b. 1952, General Director of JSC "Uralmash", member of the club "Interaction" (1993) - 16.

Korostikova Tatyana Viktorovna, employee of the Arguments and Facts weekly, member of the Interaction club (1993) - 16.

Korotich Anatoly Anatolievich, b. 1965, chairman of the Democratic Russia party, member of the board of the Association of Liberal Clubs, manager of the Moscow Liberal Club - 16.

Korotich Vitaly Alekseevich, b. 1936, writer, member of the CPSU (1967–1991), ch. editor of the Ogonyok magazine, agent of world backstage influence, lives in the USA since 1991 - 16.

Coast Frederic, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16.

Kostikov Vyacheslav Vasilievich, b. 1940, member of the CPSU (1960-1991), press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, one of the leaders of Gusinsky's Most-Media group, member of the lodge of the Grand Orient of France and the Order of Malta - 16.

Kostin Georgy Vasilievich, b. 1934, member of the CPSU (1955-1991), member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, deputy of the State Duma and member of its council, group "People's Power", Order of the Eagle (1993) -16.

Koshko I. A., lodge "Jupiter" (Paris, 1961) - 17.

Kraevich Alexei Borisovich, Friends of Lubomudria lodge (Paris, 1955); 18"–17.

Krasavchenko Sergei Nikolaevich, b. 1940, Deputy Yeltsin's chief of staff, member of the Russia's Choice organization and the Interaction club (1993) - 16.

Krelin(Kreidlin) Julius Zus-manovich, b. 1929, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Krasnopolsky Vladimir Arkadievich, b. 1933, film director, laureate of the State Prize, Lenin Komsomol Prize, member of the Rotary club - 16.

Kremenets Israel, member of the Order of the Eagle - 16.

Krivenko Alexander Konstantinovich, b. 1931, chairman of the Prodintorg association, member of the Rotary club - 16.

Krivokhizha Vasily Iosifovich, b. 1947, Deputy director of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, member of the "Interaction" club (1993) - 16.

Krivoshein Igor Aleksandrovich (1899 -?), engineer, Lotus lodge (32"), before the war, a member of the Masonic shadow government, after 1948 he moved to the USSR, where he served a camp and exile, and then returned to France - 1.

Krikalev Sergei Konstantinovich, b. 1958, member of the CPSU (1978-1991), cosmonaut, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16. Krovopuskov Konstantin Romanovich (1881-1957), lawyer, lodge "Northern Star", 18 "- 1.

Crawl Lev Afanasyevich (1871–1957) - 1.

Kruglikov Georgy Ivanovich, lodge "Friends of Lubomudria" (Paris, 1955); 14"–17.

Krylova Galina, lawyer Yu. M. Luzhkova (1999), member of the Dianetics (Scientology) sect - 16.

Kudimova M., writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Kuznetsov Evgeny Semenovich, b. 1938, member of the organization "Choice of Russia" (1993) - 16.

Kurchatka Anatoly Nikolaevich, b. 1944, writer, member of the CPSU (1972-1991), member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Kuskov Ekaterina Dmitrievna (1869-1958) - 1.

Kulistikov Vladimir Mikhailovich, an employee of Radio Liberty (a branch of the CIA), a member of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16.

Kutovoy Evgeny Grigorievich, b. 1932, Chief Advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, member of the Rotary Club - 16.

Coachman Valery Nikolaevich, ch. editor of the Rossiyskiye Vesti newspaper, member of the Interaction club (1993) - 16.

Coachman Stanislav, b. 1972, Jewish TV propagandist, deputy director and presenter of the TV channel TV-6, engaged by B. A. Berezovsky to carry out anti-Russian information tasks - 16.

Labinsky Alexander Ivanovich, Friends of Lubomudria lodge (Paris, 1955); 14" - 17.

Ladinsky Antonin Petrovich (1896–1961), writer, emigrant, since the late 1940s in the USSR - 1.

Lakshin Vladimir Yakovlevich (1933-1993), writer, member of the CPSU (1966-1991), member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Lampen George E., Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950s) - 22.

Latsis Otto Rudolfovich, b. 1934, political columnist for the Izvestia newspaper, member of the board of the Interaction club (1993) - 16.

Lebedev Alexander Evgenievich, b. 1959, member of the CPSU (1979-1991), chairman of the board of the National Reserve Bank, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16.

Swan Alexander Ivanovich, b. 1950, general, consultant to the Council on Foreign Relations, member of the lodge Grand Orient de France - 16.

Levin Semyon Yakovlevich, Friends of Lubomudria lodge (Paris, 1955); 30" - 17.

Levinson Georgy Nikolaevich, Friends of Lubomudria lodge (Paris, 1955); 18" - 17.

Leontiev Mikhail Vladimirovich, Jewish TV propagandist, 1st deputy. ch. editor of the newspaper "Segodnya", member of the "Interaction" club (1993), engaged by B. A. Berezovsky (see) to perform anti-Russian information tasks on the ORT - 16 TV channel.

Lerche Karl Germanovich, Friends of Wisdom Lodge (Paris, 1955); 14" - 17.

Lesin Mikhail Yurievich, b. 1958, member of the CPSU (1978-1991), deputy chairman of the state television company, minister of press and information (1999), financial swindler, member of the Order of Malta - 16.

Lianozov Stepan Grigoryevich (1872-1951), Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950; M.) - 22.

Livshits Alexander Yakovlevich, b. 1946, member of the CPSU (1966-1991), Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Minister of Finance (1998), consultant to the Trilateral Commission and the World Economic Forum - 16.

Lisovsky Sergey Fedorovich, b. 1960, member of the CPSU (1986-1991), one of the leaders of the Public Russian Television (ORT), a member of the Order of Malta, associated with the Solntsevo criminal group - 16.

Litvinov Vladimir Davydovich, b. 1937, Secretary of the Board of the Union of Theater Workers, Director of the Theater Fund of Russia, member of the Cultural Foundation, member of the Rotary Club - 16.

Lipkin Semyon Izrailevich, b. 1911, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) 16.

Lisyansky Mark Samoilovich, b. 1913, poet, member of the CPSU (1938-1991), member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16.

Likhachev Dmitry Sergeevich (1906–1999), literary critic, textual critic, academician, member of the Khilfernak circle (USSR, 1920s) and the Space Academy (USSR, 1920s), member of the Russia's Choice organization (1993) and " Russian Pen Center "(1992) - 16.

Lischke K. A., lodge "Jupiter" (Paris, 1961) - 17.

Lobovsky Igor, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16.

Lopatnikov Leonid Isidorovich, economic columnist for the Delovoy Mir newspaper, member of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16.

Lorch-Sheiko Eduard Alexandrovich, Advisor to the President of JSC Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange, member of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16.

Loshak Viktor Grigorievich, Deputy ch. editor of the newspaper "Moscow News" - 16.

Lubenchenko Konstantin Dmitrievich, b. 1945, chairman of the Movement in Support of Parliamentarism, member of the International Russian Club (1992) - 15, 16.

Luzhkov Yuri Mikhailovich, b. 1936, member of the CPSU (1968-1991), head of the Moscow administration, member of the Rotary club (1990) - 11, 16.

Louis V.V., Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950s) - 22.

Lukin Vladimir Petrovich, b. 1937, member of the CPSU (1960-1991), associate of G. Arbatov and E. Shevardnadze, former Russian ambassador to the United States, State Duma deputy of the Yabloko association - 16.

Luchansky Gregory (Harry), b. 1946, international financial swindler, member of the CPSU (from 1965 to the mid-1970s), was in a Soviet prison for criminal offenses, head of the Nordex company, member of the B'nai B'rith order - 16.

Lysenko Vladimir Nikolaevich, b. 1956, former Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for National Policy, member of the Yabloko association (1993) - 16.

Magidovich B. P., lodge "Gamayun" and deputy chairman of the Council of Unification (1949) - 22.

To be continued…


  1. Berberova N. People and lodges. Biographical Dictionary
  2. List of the Masonic club "Magisterium", given in the magazine "Young Guard", 1993. No. 10. S. 82-83.
  3. Literary Russia. 1990. 13. 07.
  4. Literary Russia. 1992. No. 14.
  5. Russian Bulletin. 1992. No. 28.
  6. Russian Bulletin. 1993. No. 1.
  7. Soviet Russia. 1992. 05. 09.
  8. Soviet Russia. 1993. 09. 09.
  9. TVNZ . 1991. 09. 12.
  10. Our contemporary. 1994. No. 2. S. 116. News. 1992. 22.05.
  11. Independent newspaper. 1993. 22. 12.
  12. Catholic Studies. 1992. June.
  13. Kommersant-Daily. 1992. 07. 09.
  14. News. 1992. 02. 10.
  15. Materials of special analytical developments (but according to internal Masonic information)
  16. OR RSL, f. 754, k. 4, d. 8, 13
  17. Archive N.N. Berberova at the Hoover Institution (USA)
  18. New Russian Word (USA). 1974.03.12.
  19. Moscow truth. 1998.29.06.
  20. Donskoy V.F. Guide to Rotary. Irkutsk, 1995
  21. Buryshkin P. History of the Lotus lodge. Paris, 1950 (for internal Masonic use)


[ (1) ] Soviet Russia. 1992. 21. 11.

[ (2) ] First published: Truth. 1994. 11. 03. This edition provides an updated translation of this document, which I received from one of the oldest workers in Soviet intelligence, the transcript of this meeting was handed over to Stalin in April-May 1945, but was classified as “top secret” so as not to reveal people who passed this monstrous document to Russia. The Soviet intelligence officer I mentioned also said that, according to L. Beria’s assistant Ludwigov, this transcript deeply angered Stalin, because hostile plans against Russia were being developed at a meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations at about the same time that the Yalta Conference was taking place, at which the United States talked about their friendship with Russia

[ (3)] Cited. but: Soviet Russia. 1993. 13. 02.

[ (4) ] Young Guard. 1992. No. 10. S. 84.

[ (5)] Cited. but: Soviet Russia. 1993. 03.03.

[ (6) ] Soviet Russia 1993 18 12.

[ (7) ] Diene. Riga. 1992. 30. 07.

[ (8)] However, the forms in which this payment was made are well known. First of all, payment for trips abroad with the payment of huge daily allowances, large fees for books, articles, speeches, lectures, the provision of various “grants”, etc.

[ (9) ] Soviet Russia. 1992.26.11.

[ (10)] Ibid. 1993. 16.01.

[ (11)] Ibid. 1993. 25.05.

[ (12) ] Soviet Russia. 1992. 21.10; 1992. 24.12; 1993. 29.05.

[ (13)] Soviet Russia. 1993. 13. 02.

[ (14)] It is known, for example, that Gorbachev Boldin, the chief of staff, admitted that the General Secretary of the CPSU accepted bribes, in particular from South Korean leaders. There was information about a bribe of 3 million dollars received by Shevardnadze for his treacherous policy during the US aggression in Iran in 1990. For this, Primakov received a large cash prize in the USA (see Young Guard. 1991. No. 10. P. 220 - 222).

[ (15) ] George Soros was expelled from Hungary, Romania and Czechoslovakia for his connections with Mossad.

[ (16) ] Who is who. 1994. No. 6

[ (17) ] Soviet Russia. 1992. 05. 09.

[ (18) ] Abroad. 1993. No. 38. S. 10.

[ (19)] Quoted from: Soviet Russia. 1993. 09. 09.

[ (20) ] True. 1993. 21. 07.

[ (21)] Russian Bulletin. 1993. No. 1.

[ (22)] News. 1991. 13.09.

[ (23)] Moscow truth. 1993. 02.09. (According to another source, the "Northern Star" belongs to the Grand Orient of France. Russian Bulletin. 1993. No. 1.)

[ (25)] Soviet Russia. 1993. 29.05.

[ (26)] Ibid. 1992. 21. 11.

[ (30)] Young Guard. 1993. No. 10. P 81 86.

[ (31)] See “Writers demand decisive action from the government” // Izvestia 1993 05.10.

[ (32) ] true. 1996. 03. 10.

[ (33)] Truth of Russia. 1996 31. 10.

[ (34) ] Order of the Eagle. M., 1993 (booklet for members of this organization) S. 23

[ (35) ] It should be noted that on the day of the “best man” of the order, among its founders, Smolensky and Nakhmanovich fled abroad, hiding from criminal prosecution for crimes committed in Russia.

Traitors in the leadership of the USSR and Russia. Lyndon Laruw

Lists fifth columns RRussia

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained on Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

Davydov Alexander Vasilievich (1881-1955), member of the Masonic Supreme Council (Paris; 33 ") - 1. Davydov Yuri Nikolaevich, b. 1929, writer, member of the CPSU (1955-1991), member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) – 16. Danilov-Danilyants Viktor Ivanovich, born in 1938, Minister of Ecology of the Russian Federation, member of the Russia's Choice organization – 16. Danin Daniil Semenovich, born in 1914, writer, member of the CPSU (1956-1991), member of the Russian Pen Center "(1992) - 16. Dvigantsev Sergey Lvovich, b. 1952, general director of the Compass company, member of the Rotary club - 16. Deutsch Mark, Jewish journalist, employee of Radio Liberty (US CIA service) - 16. Delevsky Yakov Lazarevich (1868-1957), journalist (Paris) - 1. Demin Yury Georgievich, born in 1945, member of the CPSU (1965-1991), chief military prosecutor of the Russian Federation (1999) - 16. Denisenko Bela Anatolyevna, born in 1941, leader Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, member of the organization "Russia's Choice" - 16. Dergachev Georgy Borisovich, Grand Master of the Harmony Lodge of the Grand National Lodge of France (1992) - 13, 16. Deryuzhinsky Sergey Alek sandrovich, lodges "Friends of Lubomudria" (Paris, 1955), "Jupiter" (1961); 14” – 17. Dzhakeli K.I., Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950s) – 22. Dzhanishev M.A., Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950s) – 22. Diligensky German Germanovich, Professor , Ch. editor of the journal "World Economy and International Relations", member of the Executive Committee of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16. Dmitriev Mikhail Egonovich, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on Inter-Republican Relations, Regional Policy and Cooperation (1993), member club "Interaction" - 16. Dobuzhinsky Mstislav Valeryanovich (1875-1957), artist (Paris) - 1. Donskoy Vladimir Fedorovich, club "Rotary" (Irkutsk, 1995), representative of the governor of "Rotary" in Siberia (1991) - 21. Dorenko Sergey, b. 1959, Jewish TV propagandist, member of the CPSU (1979-1991), host of the ORT TV channel, engaged by B. A. Berezovsky (see) to carry out anti-Russian information tasks - 16. Drutse Ion Panteleevich, b. 1928, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16. Dubinin Sergey Konstantinovich, b. 1950, member of the CPSU (1971-1991), consultant to B. Yeltsin, Minister of Finance (1993-1994), vice-president of Imperial Bank, chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (1996-1998), Russian manager in the International Monetary Fund, consultant Trilateral Commission and the World Economic Forum - 16. Dudintsev Vladimir Dmitrievich, b. 1918, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16. Duverget M., lives in France, Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) - 2. Evreinov Nikolai Ivanovich (1887-1972), director and playwright, Friends of Philosophy lodge (Paris) - 1. Evgeny Alexandrovich Evtushenko, b. 1933, Russian-speaking writer, member of the Masonic club "Magisterium" and the "Russian Pen Center" - 2, 16. Egorov Sergey Efimovich, President of the Association of Russian Banks, member of the board of the "Interaction" club (1993) - 16. Yeltsin Boris Nikolaevich, b. 1931, member of the CPSU (1961-1990), 1st Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU, 1st Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU, candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, President of the Russian Federation (since June 1991), Commander of the Order of Malta (1991), cooperates with the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Club - 7, 9, 16. Yeltsov Yu. 1935, member of the CPSU (1959-1990), adviser to Yeltsin, member of the International Russian Club (1992) - 15. Emelyanov Stanislav Vasilyevich, b. 1929, academician, Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) - 2. Ermishin Alexander, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16. Ermolov B. N., lodge "Jupiter" (Paris, 1961) - 17. Ermolov D. N. , lodge "Jupiter", (Paris, 1961) - 17. Erofeev Viktor Vladimirovich, b. 1947, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center - 16. Zhvanetsky Mikhail Mikhailovich, b. 1934, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center - 16. Zhdanov Boris Vadimovich, Friends of Lubomudria lodge (Paris, 1955); 14 "- 17. Zhutovsky Boris, Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) - 2. Zadonsky G.I., member of the organization "Choice of Russia" (1993) - 16. Zadornov Mikhail Mikhailovich, b. 1963, member of the Yabloko association, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation (1998-1999), consultant to the Trilateral Commission and the World Economic Forum - 16. Zalkind, Paris, 1950s - 22. Zaporozhets Valery, Grand Master of the Grand Masonic Lodge of Ukraine (1990s ) - 19. Zaslavskaya Tatyana Ivanovna, b. 1927, professor, co-president of the Intercenter, member of the supervisory board of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16. Zakharov Mark Anatolyevich, b. 1933, theatrical figure, member of the CPSU (1970-1991), member of the organization "Choice of Russia" - 16. Zakharyin S. A., Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950s) - 22. Zenzinov Vladimir Mikhailovich (1881-1953) , writer, lodge "Northern Star" (New York) - 1. Zolotdinov Marat Alexandrovich, President of the Russian Stock Exchange, member of the club "Interaction" (1993) - 16. Zolotussky Igor Petrovich, b. 1930, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center - 16. Zolotukhin Boris Andreevich, b. 1930, member of the organization "Russia's Choice" (1933), member of the executive committee of the Soros Institute "Open Society" (Moscow, 1995) - 16. Zorin Leonid Genrikhovich, b. 1924, writer, member of the CPSU (1952-1991), member of the Russian Pen Center - 16. V. Zubov, Jupiter Lodge (Paris, 1961) - 17. Zurov Leonid Fedorovich (1902-1971), writer, employee of the newspaper "Soviet Patriot" (Paris) - 1. Ivanov Alexander Alexandrovich, writer, member of the "Russian Pen Center" (1992) - 16. Ivanov Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich, b. 1929, philologist, historian, Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) -2. Ivanov Sergey Nikolaevich, b. 1951, member of the organization "Choice of Russia" (1993) - 16. Ivanov Fedor Dmitrievich, b. 1963, special correspondent for the Izvestia newspaper, Rotary club - 16. Natalia Borisovna Ivanova, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16. Viktor Ivanenko, former KGB general, member of the International Russian Club - 14 , 16. Ivanchenko Alexander Semenovich, b. 1936, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16. Ignatiev Alexander Ivanovich, Friends of Lubomudria lodge (Paris, 1955); 14 "- 17. Ignatiev Sergey Mikhailovich, deputy. Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation (1993), member of the "Interaction" club (1993) - 16. Andrey Nikolaevich Illarionov, 1st deputy. head of the Working Center for Economic Reforms under the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation, member of the "Interaction" club (1993) - 16. Ilyinskaya Elena Sergeevna (1905-1955), artist, wife (1925-1933) of the head of the Rosicrucians B. M. Zubakin, Rosicrucian lodge (1920s) - 16. Ilyushin Viktor Vasilyevich, b. 1947, member of the CPSU (1967-1991), assistant to Yeltsin in the Central Committee of the CPSU and the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, member of the Order of Malta - 16. Ionov N.V., Jupiter Lodge (Paris, 1961) - 17. Ioffe Alexander Davidovich, chairman of the Moscow small business support fund, member of the "Interaction" club (1993) - 16. Iskander Fazil Abdulovich, b. 1929, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16. Ispravnikov Andrey Nikolaevich, member of the board of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16. Kagalovsky Konstantin Grigorievich, b. 1957, representative of Russia for interaction with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank (1990-1991), director of the International Monetary Fund from Russia - 16. Kagov Murat, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16. Kadannikov Vladimir Vasilyevich, b. 1941, General Director of AvtoVAZ JSC, member of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16. Kadish Mikhail Pavlovich (? - 1962), Lotus Lodge and Friends of Lubomudria (Paris, 1955), 14 "- 1, 17 , 22. Kazas Semyon Markovich, lodges "Friends of Lubomudria" (Paris, 1955), "Jupiter" (1961); 14 "- 17. Kaledin S., writer, member of the Russian Pen Center - 16. Kandaurov Otari, artist, head of the "spiritual culture" club "Citadel", host of the "Oasis" program on the 4th channel of TV "Russian Universities" "(1993-1994) - 16. Kangisser Y.I., Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1940-1950s) - 22. Kantor Oleg Yaroslavovich, Chairman of the Board of Yugorsky Bank, member of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16. Kaplan K.P., Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950s; M.) - 22. Kaplan Simon, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16. Sergey Aleksandrovich Karaganov, b. 1952, Yeltsin's adviser, member of the Greater Europe Masonic Commission - 12, 16. G. G. Karganov, France-Amenie and Lotus lodges (Paris, 1950s) - 22. Mikhail Mikhailovich Karpovich (1888-1959 ), historian, professor at Harvard University (USA) -1. Karyakin Yuri Fedorovich, b. 1930, writer, member of the CPSU (1950-1968), agent of influence of the world behind the scenes, one of the leaders of the Memorial society - 16. Garry Kimovich Kasparov, b. 1963, chess player, member of the organization "Choice of Russia" and member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16. Katkov Nikolai Mikhailovich, lodge "Friends of Lubomudria" (Paris, 1955); 30 "- 17. Kaffi Andrey Ivanovich (1893 - 1955) - 1. Kafyan Christopher Gavrilovich (1900-1971), musician - 1 Kashafutdinov I., writer, member of the Russian Pen Center" (1992) - 16. Kedrov M. A., admiral, naval minister of the Provisional Government, after 1945 "Soviet patriot" - 1. Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky (1881-1970) - 1. Mikhail Kivelevich, Hermes lodge (1948) - 1. Kireev Ruslan Timofeevich, p 1941, writer, member of the CPSU (1966-1991), member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16. Kirienko (Israeli) Sergei Vladilenovich, b. 1962, member of the CPSU (1980-1991), secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod regional committee of the Komsomol, Head of Garantiya Bank, Minister of Fuel and Energy (1997), Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (1998), member of the Scientology sect, consultant of the Trilateral Commission and the World Economic Forum - 16. Kirillova Tatyana Ivanovna, Vice President of TPAK "COM-INCOM", member club "Interaction" (1993) - 16. Kiryukhin Evgeny Sergeevich, born in 1937, business consultant, member of the club "Rotary" - 16. Kiryushin Vladimir, member of the International Fund for Economic and Social Reforms (1994) - 16. Kiselev Denis, financial swindler, deputy chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, consultant of the World Economic Forum, married to the daughter of E. Yasin (see) - 16. Kiselev Evgeny Alekseevich, b. 1956, Jewish TV propagandist, member of the CPSU (1976-1991), teacher at the Higher School of the KGB, secret agent of the KGB (colleagues suspected him of having links with the CIA), host of the Itogi program (since 1993), engaged by V. Gusinsky (see. ) to carry out anti-Russian information tasks - 16 Klimuk Petr Ilyich, b. 1942, member of the CPSU 1962-1991, cosmonaut, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16. Klishin Alexey Alexandrovich, b. 1957, lawyer, member of the Rotary club - 16. Knyazhev Vladimir Alexandrovich, b. 1941, head of a department of the State Committee for Science and Technology (1991), member of the Rotary club - 16. Konstantin Ivanovich Kobets, b. 1939, member of the CPSU (1960-1991), general, former Minister of Defense of the RSFSR, member of the "International Russian Club" (1992) - 15, 16. Kovalev P.I., musician, lodge "Astrea" (Paris, 1940-1950- f) - 22. Kovalev Sergey Adamovich, b. 1930, Chairman of the Political Council of the organization "Choice of Russia" - 16. Kovalenko Vladimir, lieutenant colonel of the reserve, member of the lodge of the Grand National Lodge of France (Moscow, 1995) - 16. Kovelman Arkady, historian, Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) - 2. Kogbetliants Yervant Georgievich (1886-1970s), professor of mathematics at Columbia University (USA) - 1. Kozhokin Evgeny Mikhailovich, b. 1954, former chairman of the Subcommittee on International Affairs of the Supreme Council of Russia, member of the Rotary Club - 16. Andrey Vladimirovich Kozyrev, b. 1951, member of the CPSU (1975-1991), Minister of Foreign Affairs of the administration of the Yeltsin regime, consultant of the Council on Foreign Relations - 16. Kolosov Vladimir, adviser to B. Yeltsin - 16. Komech Alexei Ilyich, director of the State Institute of Art History, member of the executive committee of the Soros Institute " Open Society (Moscow, 1995) - 16. Kon I., psychiatrist, Masonic Club "Magisterium" (1992) - 2. Kondzerovsky Kirill, Friends of Lubomudria lodge (Paris, 1955); 14 "- 17. Kondratiev Vyacheslav Leonidovich (1920-1993), writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16. Kopelevich Ilya Borisovich, employee of Radio Russia, member of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16. Cornell James, writer, lives in the USA, Masonic club "Magisterium" (1992) - 2. Kornilov Vladimir Nikolaevich, b. 1928, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16. Kornfeld M. G. (Paris, 1950s) - 22. Korovin Viktor Viktorovich, b. 1952, General Director of Uralmash JSC, member of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16. Tatyana Viktorovna Korostikova, employee of the Arguments and Facts weekly, member of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16. Korotich Anatoly Anatolyevich, b. 1965, chairman of the Democratic Russia party, member of the board of the Association of Liberal Clubs, manager of the Moscow Liberal Club - 16. Korotich Vitaly Alekseevich, b. 1936, writer, member of the CPSU (1967-1991), ch. editor of the Ogonyok magazine, agent of world backstage influence, lives in the USA since 1991 - 16. Cost Frederic, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16. Kostikov Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, b. 1940, member of the CPSU (1960-1991), press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, one of the leaders of Gusinsky's Most-Media group, member of the lodge of the Grand Orient of France and the Order of Malta - 16. Kostin Georgy Vasilyevich, b. 1934, member of the CPSU (1955-1991), member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, deputy of the State Duma and member of its council, group "People's Power", Order of the Eagle (1993) -16. Koshko I. A., Lodge "Jupiter" (Paris, 1961) - 17. Kraevich Alexei Borisovich, Lodge "Friends of Lubomudria" (Paris, 1955); 18 "- 17. Krasavchenko Sergey Nikolaevich, b. 1940, deputy head of Yeltsin's apparatus, member of the Russia's Choice organization and the Interaction club (1993) - 16. Krelin (Kreidlin) Julius Zus-manovich, b. 1929, writer , member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16. Krasnopolsky Vladimir Arkadyevich, born in 1933, film director, laureate of the State Prize, Lenin Komsomol Prize, member of the Rotary club - 16. Kremenetsky Israel, member of the Order of the Eagle - 16. Krivenko Alexander Konstantinovich, born in 1931, Chairman of the Prodintorg association, member of the Rotary Club - 16. Krivokhizha Vasily Iosifovich, born in 1947, Deputy Director of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, member of the Interaction Club (1993) - 16. Krivoshein Igor Aleksandrovich (1899 -?), engineer, Lotus lodge (32"), before the war, a member of the Masonic shadow government, after 1948 he moved to the USSR, where he served a camp and exile, and then returned to France - 1. Krikalev Sergey Konstantinovich , R. 1958, member of the CPSU (1978-1991), cosmonaut, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16. Krovopuskov Konstantin Romanovich (1881-1957), lawyer, lodge "Northern Star", 18 "- 1. Krol Lev Afanasyevich (1871-1957 ) - 1. Georgy Ivanovich Kruglikov, Friends of Lubomudria lodge (Paris, 1955); 14 "- 17. Krylova Galina, lawyer Yu. M. Luzhkova (1999), member of the Dianetics sect (Scientology) - 16. Kudimova M., writer, member of the Russian Pen Center" (1992) - 16. Kuznetsov Evgeny Semenovich, born 1938, member of the organization "Choice of Russia" (1993) - 16. Kurchatkii Anatoly Nikolaevich, born 1944, writer, member of the CPSU (1972-1991), member of the "Russian Pen Center" (1992) - 16. Kuskova Ekaterina Dmitrievna (1869-1958) - 1. Kulistikov Vladimir Mikhailovich, employee of Radio Liberty (CIA branch), member of the "Interaction" club (1993) - 16. Kutovoy Evgeny Grigorievich, born in 1932, chief adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, extraordinary and plenipotentiary envoy, member of the Rotary club - 16. Kucher Valery Nikolaevich, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Rossiyskiye vesti", member of the club "Interaction" (1993) - 16. Kucher Stanislav, b.1972, Jewish TV propagandist, deputy director and presenter of the TV channel -6, engaged by B. A. Berezovsky to carry out anti-Russian information tasks - 16. Labinsky Alexander Ivanovich, Friends of Lubomudria lodge (Paris, 1955); 14" - 17. Ladinsky Antonin Petrovich (1896-1961), writer, emigrant, since the late 1940s in the USSR - 1. Lakshin Vladimir Yakovlevich (1933-1993), writer, member of the CPSU (1966-1991), member of the "Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16. Georgy E. Lampen, Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950s) - 22. Latsis Otto Rudolfovich, b. 1934, political columnist for the Izvestia newspaper, member of the board of the Interaction club (1993) - 16. Alexander Evgenievich Lebedev, b. 1959, member of the CPSU (1979-1991), chairman of the board of the National Reserve Bank, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16. Lebed Alexander Ivanovich, b. 1950, general, consultant of the Council on Foreign Relations, member of the lodge Grand Orient of France - 16. Levin Semyon Yakovlevich, lodge "Friends of Lubomudria" (Paris, 1955); 30” – 17. Georgy Nikolaevich Levinson, “Friends of Lubomudry” lodge (Paris, 1955); 18" - 17. Leontiev Mikhail Vladimirovich, Jewish TV propagandist, 1st deputy. ch. editor of the newspaper "Segodnya", member of the "Interaction" club (1993), engaged by B. A. Berezovsky (see) to perform anti-Russian information tasks on the ORT - 16 TV channel. Lerche Karl Germanovich, lodge "Friends of Lubomudria" (Paris, 1955) ; 14 "- 17. Lesin Mikhail Yurievich, b. 1958, member of the CPSU (1978-1991), deputy chairman of the state television company, minister of press and information (1999), financial swindler, member of the Order of Malta - 16. Stepan Grigorievich Lianozov (1872-1951), Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950; M.) - 22. Livshits Alexander Yakovlevich, b. 1946, member of the CPSU (1966-1991), assistant to the president of the Russian Federation, deputy chairman of the government of the Russian Federation, minister of finance (1998), consultant to the Trilateral Commission and the World Economic Forum - 16. Lisovsky Sergey Fedorovich, b. 1960, member of the CPSU (1986-1991), one of the leaders of the Public Russian Television (ORT), a member of the Order of Malta, associated with the Solntsevo criminal gang - 16. Litvinov Vladimir Davydovich, b. 1937, secretary of the board of the Union of Theater Workers, director of the Theater Fund of Russia, member of the Cultural Foundation, member of the Rotary club - 16. Lipkin Semyon Izrailevich, b. 1911, writer, member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16. Lisyansky Mark Samoilovich, b. 1913, poet, member of the CPSU (1938-1991), member of the Russian Pen Center (1992) - 16. Likhachev Dmitry Sergeevich (1906-1999), literary critic, textual critic, academician, member of the Hilfernak circle (USSR, 1920- f) and the "Space Academy" (USSR, 1920s), member of the organization "Choice of Russia" (1993) and "Russian Pen Center" (1992) - 16. Lishke K. A., lodge "Jupiter" (Paris, 1961) - 17. Lobovsky Igor, member of the Order of the Eagle (1993) - 16. Lopatnikov Leonid Isidorovich, economic observer of the newspaper "Business World", member of the club "Interaction" (1993) – 16. Lorkh-Sheiko Eduard Alexandrovich, Advisor to the President of the JSC “Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange”, member of the “Interaction” club (1993) – 16. Loshak Viktor Grigorievich, Deputy. ch. editor of the newspaper "Moscow News" - 16. Lubenchenko Konstantin Dmitrievich, b. 1945, Chairman of the "Movement in Support of Parliamentarism", member of the "International Russian Club" (1992) - 15, 16. Luzhkov Yuri Mikhailovich, b. 1936, member of the CPSU (1968-1991), head of the Moscow administration, member of the Rotary club (1990) - 11, 16. Louis V.V., Lotus Lodge (Paris, 1950s) - 22. Lukin Vladimir Petrovich , R. 1937, member of the CPSU (1960-1991), associate of G. Arbatov and E. Shevardnadze, former Russian ambassador to the United States, deputy of the State Duma of the Yabloko association - 16. Luchansky Grigory (Harry), b. 1946, international financial swindler, member of the CPSU (from 1965 to the mid-1970s), was in a Soviet prison for criminal offenses, head of the Nordex company, member of the B'nai B'rith order - 16. Lysenko Vladimir Nikolaevich, b . 1956, former Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for National Policy, member of the Yabloko association (1993) - 16. Magidovich B.P., lodge "Gamayun" and deputy chairman of the Council of the Association (1949) - 22. To be continued ... Sources Berberova N. People and lodges. Biographical Dictionary List of the Masonic club "Magisterium", given in the magazine "Young Guard", 1993. No. 10. S. 82-83. Literary Russia. 1990. 13. 07. Literary Russia. 1992. No. 14. Russian Bulletin. 1992. No. 28. Russian Bulletin. 1993. No. 1. Soviet Russia. 1992. 05. 09. Soviet Russia. 1993. 09. 09. Komsomolskaya Pravda. 1991. 09. 12. Our contemporary. 1994. No. 2. S. 116. News. 1992. 22. 05. Independent newspaper. 1993. 22. 12. Catholic Studies. 1992. June. Kommersant-Daily. 1992. 07. 09. News. 1992. 02. 10. Materials of special analytical developments (but according to internal Masonic information) OR RSL, f. 754, k. 4, d. 8, 13 Archive N.N. Berberova at the Hoover Institution (USA) New Russian Word (USA). 1974.03.12. Moscow truth. 1998.29.06. Donskoy V.F. Guide to Rotary. Irkutsk, 1995 Buryshkin P. History of the lodge "Lotus". Paris, 1950 (for internal Masonic use) Notes [ (1) ] Soviet Russia. 1992. 21. 11. [ (2)] First published: Pravda. 1994. 11. 03. This edition provides an updated translation of this document, which I received from one of the oldest workers in Soviet intelligence, the transcript of this meeting was handed over to Stalin in April-May 1945, but was classified as “top secret” so as not to reveal people who passed this monstrous document to Russia. The Soviet intelligence worker I mentioned also said that, according to L. Beria’s assistant Ludwigov, this transcript deeply angered Stalin, because hostile plans against Russia were being developed at a meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations at about the same time that the Yalta Conference was taking place, at which the United States talked about their friendship with Russia [ (3)] Cit. but: Soviet Russia. 1993. 13. 02. [ (4)] Young Guard. 1992. No. 10. P. 84. [ (5)] Cited. but: Soviet Russia. 1993. 03.03. [ (6) ] Soviet Russia 1993 18 12. [ (7) ] Diena. Riga. 1992. 30. 07. [ (8)] However, the forms in which this payment was made are well known. First of all, payment for trips abroad with the payment of huge daily allowances, large fees for books, articles, speeches, lectures, the provision of various “grants”, etc. [ (9) ] Soviet Russia. 1992.26.11. [ (10)] Ibid. 1993. 16.01. [ (11)] Ibid. 1993. 25.05. [ (12) ] Soviet Russia. 1992. 21.10; 1992. 24.12; 1993. 29. 05. [(13)] Soviet Russia. 1993. 13. 02. [ (14)] It is known, for example, that Gorbachev Boldin, the chief of staff, admitted that the CPSU General Secretary accepted bribes, in particular from South Korean leaders. There was information about a bribe of 3 million dollars received by Shevardnadze for his treacherous policy during the US aggression in Iran in 1990. For this, Primakov received a large cash prize in the USA (see Young Guard. 1991. No. 10. P. 220 - 222). [ (15) ] George Soros was expelled from Hungary, Romania and Czechoslovakia for his connections with Mossad. [ (16) ] Who is who. 1994. No. 6 [(17)] Soviet Russia. 1992. 05. 09. [ (18)] Abroad. 1993. No. 38. P. 10. [(19)] Quoted from: Soviet Russia. 1993. 09. 09. [ (20)] True. 1993. 21. 07. [(21)] Russian Bulletin. 1993. No. 1. [ (22)] News. 1991. 13.09. [ (23)] Moscow truth. 1993. 02.09. (According to another source, the “Northern Star” belongs to the Grand Orient of France. Russian Bulletin. 1993. No. 1.) [ (24)] Catholic studies. 1992. June. [ (25)] Soviet Russia. 1993. 29.05. [ (26)] Ibid. 1992. 21. 11. [(27)] Komsomolskaya Pravda. 1991. 0912. [(28)] Catholic Studies. 1992. June [ (29) ] Catholic Studies. 1992. June [ (30)] Young Guard. 1993. No. 10. С 81 86. [ (31)] See “Writers demand decisive action from the government” // Izvestia 1993 05.10. [ (32) ] true. 1996. 03. 10. [ (33)] Truth of Russia. 1996 31. 10. [ (34)] Order of the Eagle. M., 1993 (a booklet for members of this organization) S. 23 [ (35)] It should be noted that on the day of the “best man” of the order, among its founders, Smolensky and Nakhmanovich fled abroad, hiding from criminal prosecution for crimes committed in Russia . [ (36) ] Since 1996; Gusinsky calls Yavlinsky “Most Group's business project” [ (37)] See the Report of the Central Election Commission on spending funds of parties and associations for the elections to the State Duma on December 12, 1993. [ (38) ] True. 1993. 21.07. [ (39)] Nezavisimaya Gazeta. 1993. 22.12. [ (40) ] Prouty F. The Secret Team. Englewood Cliffs. 1973. P. 66. [ (41)] I have already told about him in my book “The Mystery of Lawlessness” (ch. 56). In 1998 he moved to Europe. [(42)] Many other examples could be cited where Masonic lodges served as centers for recruitment. So, the headquarters of the Russian Freemasons of the Scottish ritual in Paris. In the 1930s, “it also became an active center of espionage by the Russian emigration either for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs or for the NKVD” (Dictionnaire de la Franc-Maconnerie. Paris, 1987. P.1063). [ (43)] Moscow truth. 1996. 29. 06. [ (44) ] Rotary Basic Library. Vol. 1. Evanston. 1993. [ (45)] Today. 1996. 20. 09. [(46)] In Magadan, in addition to the usual club "Rotary", a youth Rotary organization "Rotaract" also arose (Donskoy V. Guide to Rotary. Irkutsk, 1995, p. 26). [ (47)] St. Petersburg Vedomosti. 1993. 22.12. [ (48) ] Russian Bulletin. 1994. No. 10-12. [ (49) ] Ross R. Who's who of the Elite Spiccwood. 1995. P. 77. [ (50) ] Report of the FSB on the use by the US intelligence agencies of American political science centers, universities, non-governmental foundations and public organizations in intelligence and subversive activities on the territory of Russia (January, 1995) [ (51) ] On the activities of the J. Soros in Russia”. Report of the Security Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (1996). [ (52)] Polevanov V.P Technology of the great deception. M. 1995. S. 17. [ (53)] Parliamentary newspaper. 1998. 14. 01. [ (54) ] Profile. 1998, No. 42. P. 14. [(55)] Ibid. [ (56)] MK. 1997. 25. 08. [ (57)] Day. 1993. No. 13 [(58)] Novaya Gazeta. 1997. 21.07. [ (59)] MK. 1997. 08.10. [ (60)] New newspaper. 1997. No. 35. [(61)] See, for example, Corriere della Sera. 1999 26 08, also New York Times: for the first days of the week of September 1999; the authors of many articles published at that time believe that the devaluation of the ruble, carried out in the fall of 1998, was not just a financial scam, but a pre-planned action that Presidents B. Yeltsin and B. Clinton knew about. [ (62)] Orthodox word (Nizhniy Nongorod). 1999. No. 132. [ (63)] In the language of the CIA - “national patriots”. [ (64) ] Their names were never mentioned at meetings [ (65) ] Duel. No. 5. 1999. February. [ (66) ] For more on the utopian projects of mondialism, see my book, Mysteries of the Protocols of Zion. [ (67)] Independent newspaper. 1998. 31. 12. [(68)] Ibid. 1998. 16. 10. [ (69)] However, some figures of the "world government" have a different opinion. Thus, George Soros believes that theft and corruption in the highest echelons of Russian power are very beneficial for the West, as they make it easy to control and direct the stealing politicians. At one of his speeches in August 1999 at a closed Masonic club in San Francisco, he stated that the money of IMF loans embezzled by the first persons of the Russian government can be regarded as a gift (gift) for their loyalty to the West. [ (70) ] Financial Times. 1999.07.08. [ (71) ] All of them belong to the leadership of one or another Jewish and Masonic structures (see Dictionary). [ (72)] Talk show by E. Kiselev on НTB (21. 12. 99). Traitors in the leadership of the USSR and Russia. Lyndon LaRouche

There are only 6% of them in the country out of millions, let's take one Peter, this crowd, about which the news is buzzing, is simply 0 (zero) from any angle, 100.000, 500.000 thousand? - and this is zero, and in a city with a population of 5 million, like St. Petersburg, 10,000 mongrels squealing against the authorities - a doubly shameful zero. Another thing is who, being in power, manipulates these "walks"? After all, Putin can, for example, be told, they say, "let them come out, we'll drive them into a stall anyway," but in reality they can use and turn a herd screaming about anything, about corruption, about corpses on bridges, about "return Crimea to Ukraine," about "freedom gays" - into weapons! Another will not give a command to the police, the third will not pick up the phone and they will climb into the Kremlin! But I don’t advise you to laugh, everything was MUCH easier in Kyiv. Look! - almost everyone who was under Panda still sits and also yells in the stands. I'm talking about a possible set-up within the country, in the higher echelons, so to speak.

After all, we have been surprised and confused for a long time why this whole white ribbon gang-watering can is not sent to be melted down, somewhere in Siberia? What month does Putin change governors, ministers, even the head of the Moscow traffic police came under distribution. So, the President feels that these are unreliable people. And the bastard himself is hiding today, apparently, somewhere high at the top and is waiting in the wings! It was not in vain that this terrorist attack, oh not in vain, I was little impressed by the television version, but one thing is clear: someone gave the order to distract the police, soften supervision, this is definitely the work of the fifth column, all these nits who have been shaking Russia since the time of Bolotnaya. I know their patron is awake right now, I know what you're up to.

Putin needs to start a FULL check of the top of the Duma, with a call to the office one at a time, even those in whom he is 100% sure. For soon 2018, and this is only the beginning, the readiness for a coup will increase until the limit is reached. It is clear that someone, but not the authorities, needs the brains of young people to be stuffed in the country against them, which means that someone is deceiving the president, keeping back or simply lying, as it was with us with "they are children." Putin is now busy with foreign policy, and enemies can take advantage of this.

One thing is clear, Russians, once Kyiv slept, but now we are all smart, do not oversleep. I just see that few of you come out against liberal worms. Watch these creatures at least more closely, if you see that porridge is really brewing, without hesitation, take everything that comes to hand and to protect your country. It’s just ridiculous how sometimes it’s even boring for some to read my articles like “yes, we know, Vika”, “we won’t have a Maidan”, but you should pay attention to how 2017 begins! And the enemy will not crawl into holes, by the summer it will be shaking and mangled in fierce fury, this year this herd will rage not for life but for death, because elections are coming soon.

Victoria Kievskaya.

28 Panfilovites: Conspiracy against Putin in the inner circle and in the Kremlin?..

Genuine historical information, in our time, is becoming a brisk commodity and a factor in manipulating not only the opinion and awareness of the first persons of the state, but also of entire nations. This is the only way to assess the zeal of the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Mr. Medinsky, as if a historian, and so far a member of the Government of the Russian Federation, in falsifying Russian history.

This dispute began in the spring of 2016, when the State Archives of the Russian Federation were still subordinate to this minister (see “In order to preserve the state archive, Putin reassigned the State Archive to himself”).
At one of the working meetings on the issue of financing the construction of new areas of the State Archive, which is choking from a lack of storage facilities, the topic of the legend and the feat of 28 Panfilovites arose.
The then head of the State Archives, Sergei Mironenko, told Medinsky that it was not necessary to finance a film with the Kazakhs on this story, since it is devoid of historical truth, and is wartime agitation, which should not be drummed into descendants under the guise of truth.

Minister Medinsky flared up, as the funds for the joint Russian-Kazakh film project, and not small ones, had already been shipped to the Kazakhs, who claim in this legend for the leading roles of the defenders of the Russians and the capital of the USSR in the autumn and winter of 1941.
As you know, since 2013 V. Medinsky has been the chairman of the All-Russian public-state organization "Russian Military Historical Society". And on all orders and budgetary expenses, the shadow leader, according to rumors, is his own father, a retired colonel. It's like he's out of business. But everything related to the financial activities of this powerful organization passes through the hands of the head of this family clan of people from the Cherkasy region of now unfriendly Ukraine.

And at the time of the spring conflict, the deputy ministers of Medinsky had not yet been accused of large-scale embezzlement of billions of rubles for fake and low-quality restoration of Russian antiquity monuments in Pskov and Moscow. And the funds for the construction of new archival premises could well have been found if there weren’t clever schemes and proven contractors, which sawed the budget and stole in the Ministry of Culture at the leadership level.
The conflict, according to a fictitious feat, eventually led to the fact that the State Archive, as a structural unit of the Ministry of Culture, by the Decree of President Putin was transferred to the personal subordination of the President without any intermediaries and departmental linings.

Since the State Archive is, first of all, a huge repository of state secrets, from letters of "Ivan the Terrible" (which was not) and drawings of the first nuclear submarine, to all the keys to the biographies and facts of all modern and past historical persons and situations. Many of these facts and situations are not at all what we know from our lives, and not what we manage to glean from the press.
All information about all the minerals in Russia and its environs and other continents is also stored there. This includes oil, gas, and all metals, from gold to all rare earths. It is expensive. This is a sealed and preserved true history of the people and the Russian state and its riches.

After the scandal of the detractor and truth-seeker, the historian and head of the State Archive S. Mironenko was sent to retire due to age - in order to calm the conflict and try on the parties and clans of influence in the Kremlin.
On October 4, 2016, Russian President Putin arrived in the new capital of Astana (former Akmolinsk) to meet with Kazakh President Nazarbayev. I arrived at the economic forum, where many kind words were said to each other.
And for a snack, and it was shown on TV, Nazarbayev boastfully showed Putin an action movie based on a fictitious story, financed by the Russian side as well. At the same time, President Nazarbayev pointed out to Putin that half of General Panfilov's division allegedly consisted of Kazakhs, who were among the saviors of the Russian capital in the difficult days of 1941-1942.

The blogosphere reacted vividly to Nazarbayev's boasting, archivists also reminded themselves of themselves. And the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation and a member of the Commission under the President of Russia on countering the falsification of history in 2010-2012 called those who doubted the legend of the Panfilovites “complete scum”.
According to the minister, even if this story is completely fictional, touching the legend "simply is impossible."
Vladimir Medinsky, Minister of Culture, put it this way: “My deepest conviction is that even if this story were invented from beginning to end, even if there was no Panfilov, even if there was nothing, this is a holy legend, to which simply cannot be touched. And the people who do this are scum."

At the same time, Medinsky noted that the number 28 is to a certain extent conditional, and the feat of the Panfilovites is symbolic. Therefore, the minister compared the history of the Panfilovites with the legend of 300 Spartans.
Vladimir Medinsky, Minister of Culture, put it this way: “Were there 28, 30, 38, maybe even 48 of those 130? We do not know. And no one knows, and no one will ever know. And it doesn't make sense to know."
And Dmitry Peskov today announced that Vladimir Putin and Nursultan Nazarbayev decided to complete the joint program in Astana by watching the film "Panfilov's Twenty-Eight". The press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation stressed that the tape "from the point of view of historical truth is of particular importance," RIA Novosti ( reports.

The Minister of Culture of Russia advocates a direct falsification of history. And is this not symbolic in our time, when there is not and has not been for the last 100 years a textbook of Russian history, and people from the outskirts and budget managers write their own history for Russians deprived of legal personality in their own state?
The conflict and comments of such persons as Peskov and Medinsky show that the monopoly on archives and on the truth, which President Putin took from them, is very painfully perceived by these persons.

A circle of people not yet identified, perhaps, was engaged not only in concealing and falsifying historical truth, no matter how bitter it was, but also in direct disinformation of the Russian leadership already in other aspects of the life of our state and its interaction with neighbors.
Or maybe someone, now removed, was also involved in trading secrets. Examples of the Katyn case, the Kuril Islands and even the "sale" of Alaska are on everyone's lips...

This is already much more serious than conditional fables. The manipulators gave themselves away with their heads and we need to seriously deal with this, who and how prepared and moved the "legends and myths" not without benefit for themselves?
Here are the original pages: "Reference-report of the Chief Military Prosecutor N. Afanasyev "On 28 Panfilovites"".

In connection with numerous appeals from citizens, institutions and organizations, we are posting a certificate-report of the chief military prosecutor N. Afanasyev “On 28 Panfilov’s men” dated May 10, 1948, based on the results of an investigation by the Main Military Prosecutor’s Office, which is stored in the fund of the USSR Prosecutor’s Office (GA RF. F. R- 8131)
The story of the battle at the Dubosekovo junction and the destruction of 18 German tanks by soldiers of the 1075th Infantry Regiment was told in the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper in 1941 and played an exceptional mobilization role during the Great Patriotic War. However, in 1948 and 1988 the official version of the feat was studied by the Main Military Prosecutor's Office of the USSR and recognized as fiction. The fact that there was no battle between 28 Panfilov’s men and German tanks at the Dubosekovo junction on November 16, 1941 was also reported by Ilya Kaprov, who commanded the 1075th rifle regiment during the defense of Moscow.
Andrey Arkhipov.