Dream Interpretation interpretation of dreams why gold. A lot of gold interpretation of the dream book. Interpretation according to the idiomatic dream book

If you saw gold in a dream, you expect to receive something equally precious and pleasant in reality. But is it? Popular dream books will help to understand this issue.

Interpretation according to the idiomatic dream book

If a person saw gold in a dream, he is overwhelmed with curiosity: what does this mean? The idiomatic dream book gives the following interpretation:

  • Gold may mean that you are paying too much attention to the outer shell. It is quite possible that not the most pleasant content is hidden behind a beautiful wrapper.
  • Precious metal can symbolize the onset of a favorable period in life. Now is a golden time when unlimited opportunities for self-realization open up for you.
  • If you dreamed of gold at the bottom of a reservoir, then soon you will find a source of income that will bring you material well-being.
  • If in a dream you handed over gold to someone, it means that you will have to pay decently for some services. If gold is given to you, it means that someone will thank you well for the service rendered.
  • A dream in which you had a handful of gold does not mean profit at all. This means that you have golden hands and it's time for you to start making money on your talents.
  • If in a dream gold dust is pouring on you, it means that, quite unexpectedly for yourself, you will become a rich person.

Interpretation according to the female dream book

Women attach particular importance to their night visions. That is why, waking up in the morning, they first look into the dream book. The interpretation of dreams in which gold appears may be as follows:

  • If you have a lot of gold rings and bracelets on your hands, this portends success. Whatever you undertake will bring you joy and money income.
  • Finding gold in a dream means getting an answer to your questions. If you have any problem, you will soon find the key to solve it. This will bring you peace of mind and certain benefits.
  • Losing gold is a rather alarming sign. Because of your pride or inattention, you run the risk of missing out on some opportunity in life. This can apply to both work and love.
  • If you see someone giving you gold, this promises you marriage. Your chosen one will be quite wealthy and generous.

Interpretation according to Aesop's dream book

If you saw gold in a dream, you should look for a decoding in Aesop's interpreter. It contains the following values:

  • If you see a person with a lot of gold on it, it means that you have a poor understanding of people. Admiring the appearance and listening to beautiful speeches, you do not notice the real intentions of a person, from which you can suffer greatly.
  • If you had a lot of gold in a dream, this indicates how others treat you. You have an easy-going character and an open soul, for which people love you.
  • Losing a gold jewelry is an unfavorable sign. Perhaps some unpleasant event will happen in your life. Most likely, it will be separation from a loved one or the loss of some valuable thing.
  • If you dreamed of a scattering of gold coins, this means that you will be rewarded for some good deed. But don't expect financial rewards. This can be verbal gratitude, and improving the reputation, and career advancement.
  • Acting as a gold digger means the dreamer's greed and commercialism. You are looking for material gain in everything, because of which relationships with others can deteriorate.
  • Finding gold in a dream means that you have a lot of empty hopes. Don't wait for the right opportunity. Act without delay.

Interpretation according to the modern dream book

If you saw gold in a dream, you should look into a modern dream book. It contains the following interpretations:

  • A lot of gold is a favorable sign. It indicates that all your undertakings will be successful.
  • To receive gold as a gift means that soon you will find what you have been looking for for a long time. It can be healing from an illness, a good job or a happy marriage.
  • If you accidentally found a gold bar or precious jewelry, then in reality you will meet a reliable friend with whom you will experience many pleasant moments and overcome all difficulties.
  • If you saw a golden jewelry in a dream, pay attention to its shape. If this is a cross, then a calm and joyful life awaits you. If this is a chain, beware of being deceived, do not fall into illusions about others. If you dreamed of a golden belt or a crown, this is a great wealth.
  • A dream in which you dreamed of an ornament from which the gilding is erased means that soon the true face of those around you whom you unconditionally trusted will be revealed to you.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Probably, Miller also saw gold in a dream, since he explained this plot so accurately. The most noteworthy are the following statements:

  • Holding gold in your hands means being a successful person. All the things that you undertake will turn into success and significant profit for you.
  • If a woman received gold as a gift, this means an early marriage. The person will be rich enough, but there are some subtleties. If you were given jewelry in a dream, your spouse will be generous. And if there are several coins, this means that he will be thrifty and petty.
  • Losing a gold item means that in real life you are too careless. Due to your inattention and infantilism, you may miss your chance for happiness.
  • If in a dream you stumbled upon a gold mine, you should expect a difficult and responsible assignment. If you treat it conscientiously, you can earn wealth and respect.
  • Why else do you have such a dream? Hiding gold means that you are encroaching on someone's rights, merit, relationships or property. Be careful, because a bad reputation can go about you, which will ruin your relationship with others.

Interpretation according to the Persian dream book

A lot of interesting information contains a Persian dream book. Gold in it can have the following meaning:

  • This is a good sign for a woman. He promises her love, happiness and fertility. But a man needs to beware of such visions. Perhaps there are many greedy people around him who claim his wealth.
  • If in a dream you melted gold, know that dirty gossip is spreading about you. Be careful in communicating with others, do not talk about yourself too much.
  • Buying gold in a dream is sadness. You are too lonely, troubles haunt you, and therefore it would not hurt you to change the situation and meet new interesting people.
  • If you go home with pockets full of gold, this indicates an imminent enrichment. Your financial problems will be solved.
  • Eating gold like some kind of treat is a sign that you are an open and sympathetic person. You always support your friends, and they can abuse your kindness.
  • Giving gold to a jeweler in a dream is an unfavorable sign. Most likely, in real life, you may encounter scammers, because of which your financial situation may worsen. Be extremely attentive to business offers that will come to you in the near future.

Interpretation according to the English dream book

If you are interested in the interpretation of your night visions, take a look at the English dream book. Gold, according to him, means the following:

  • It is a symbol of valuable memories that unite you with many people. But these are, rather, disappointments and unfulfilled hopes from which a lesson must be learned.
  • If you see golden dishes, it means that the time of great hopes and opportunities is coming.
  • Gold can be a symbol of your rich inner world. Try not to be scattered on communication with people who cannot appreciate it.
  • If your soulmate in a dream has a lot of gold, this means that your union is in jeopardy. Most likely, money issues will become the cause of quarrels and quarrels.
  • If you dreamed of gold on the eve of a deal, this should alert you. Perhaps someone is trying to deceive you.
  • Golden rings portend the wedding of friends. And if stones were present on the ring, then you decide to tie the knot.

Interpretation according to the family dream book

Family people will certainly be interested in why they saw gold in a dream. What does it mean? The following options are possible:

  • If you are holding gold in your hands, it means that at the moment you are happy in family life and successful in business. Appreciate it and try not to squander your success.
  • To receive gold as a gift means to find family happiness with a fairly rich person. However, he will be quite greedy, and therefore you will not be able to fully enjoy his condition.
  • If you found gold, it means that soon the path to solving all your problems will open for you. This applies not only to material well-being, but also to relationships with family members.
  • To lose gold in a dream is to miss some opportunity in reality. Perhaps you devote too much time to work and social life, neglecting your family.

Interpretation of the dream book Denise Lynn

Are you wondering what gold might dream of in a dream? What does it mean, Denise Lynn's dream book will tell.

  • Gold is a symbol of vitality and strength of spirit. Thus, you are a strong enough person who can succeed on his own.
  • If you often dream of gold, this means that you have a very bright inner world, vulnerable to external circumstances. Try to dive into problems as little as possible.
  • If you drop a gold bar from your hands, it literally means that you risk missing out on a valuable opportunity. Be more mindful of your work and personal relationships.

Interpretation according to Loff's dream book

Interesting information about gold can be gleaned from Loff's dream book. It is about the following:

  • Gold is considered a universal auspicious symbol. It demonstrates the purity of thoughts and the richness of the spirit.
  • If you buy gold, it means that in real life you like to demonstrate your wealth. However, being carried away by boasting, you risk losing the source of wealth.
  • If you were presented with a golden headdress as a gift, it means that you enjoy undeniable authority among others. In addition to the benefits, this brings you a lot of problems related to responsibility.
  • If, while examining a gold product, you notice its low standard or poor quality, this promises you disappointment in people. Most likely, your friends are pursuing selfish goals by communicating with you.
  • Seeing a lot of gold (a whole mountain) in a dream is a symbol of strong temptation. Try to moderate your ardor. Reason must prevail over emotions.

Interpretation according to the Chinese dream book

The Chinese are a wise people, and therefore their dream book can be trusted. As for gold, we can say the following:

  • If you see a lot of gold precious items, it means that you will become a rich and noble person in the future.
  • Gold dishes portend the imminent birth of an heir.
  • If you had to give gold in a dream, it means that you are too open to others and overly generous.
  • Seeing a hairstyle decorated with gold hairpins and hairpins is a harbinger of a long trip.
  • Gold is a symbol of your past. Even if there were unpleasant moments in it, you should not erase them from memory, because they still have a lot to teach you.
  • If you have a lot of gold jewelry on your hands, this means that someone is claiming your wealth.
  • If you buy gold in a dream, it means that in real life you are too greedy person, prone to pathological accumulation.

Interpretation according to the universal dream book

In the universal dream book, you can find the following statements regarding gold:

  • If you have a lot of gold, this is the personification of the fact that your life has everything you need for happiness. You just have to realize it.
  • If someone takes gold from you, it means that someone is claiming your job or a loved one.
  • If you were given a gold bar and you gave it to someone else, it means that you do not appreciate enough those who care about you.

Interpretation according to the French dream book

What do the French say about gold? The following interpretations are possible:

  • Fancy gold jewelry symbolizes your playful mood, which can push you to an extravagant act.
  • If you are trying to make a gold bar, it means that in real life you are wasting too much time. Focus on your real responsibilities.
  • If you dreamed of fake gold jewelry, very soon the truth will be revealed to you regarding the people around you.

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you hold gold in your hands, you will be extraordinarily successful in all endeavors. If a woman in a dream received golden little things as a gift - coins or jewelry, she will marry a rich, but mercenary man. Finding gold means that your virtues will allow you to easily move on the path to honors and wealth. If in a dream you lost gold, then because of your negligence, you will miss the greatest opportunity in your life in reality. Finding a gold mine in a dream means that you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task. If in a dream you intend to work in a gold mine, then it means that you will try to illegally seize the rights of others. The dream warns you: rumors around your name will lead to your shame.

Seeing gold in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Gold is a universal symbol of purity and wealth. To acquire gold is to demonstrate one's power and wealth. It is important to determine the source of the gold and to know whether it was a gift, a conquest or a discovery. It is very important to understand how significant a gold item is. What use does gold find in a dream, whose wealth and power does it represent? If you are presented with a golden helmet, as in Don Quixote, this is an example of the archetypal form of the sacred power that you are endowed with to complete a mission or a heroic campaign. Have you found, lost, given or received a gold item as a gift from someone? Did this item bring you joy or sadness?

Why dream of gold

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

falsehood; swallow, bite off - success in creativity; touch, touch - lost luck.

What is the dream of the banknote

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Why is the ruble dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

trouble to tears.

Why dream of gilding

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Why dream of wealth

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

beware of frankness with a stranger; being rich is a disease.

Dreamed of wealth

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you have wealth, it means that you will climb the corporate ladder to more and more prosperity thanks to constant diligence and attention to your affairs. Fate will not give you a chance to reproach her, unless you yourself ruin your happiness by deceiving your wife. A dream of wealth portends successful, albeit risky, ventures in business life. Seeing others rich is a sign that in difficult times there will be many friends next to you. For young women, this dream is an encouragement to be more attentive to their parents.

Dreamed of jewels

according to Miller's dream book

To see jewels in a dream means pleasure and wealth. To see them on yourself is to receive a rank and satisfy ambition. To see that others are wearing them is to the fame that you or one of your friends will receive. Seeing jeweled clothes portends rare luck. An inheritance or a successful trade deal will elevate the dreamer to the higher realms. If you dreamed that you received jewelry as an inheritance, your well-being will increase unusually, but this will not satisfy you. To see that jewelry is being given to you is a sign that there is a threat to your current position. For a young woman to see that she is receiving jewelry portends a lot of pleasure and a desired marriage. If she sees that she has lost her jewelry, it means that she will meet people who, flattering her, will mislead. Finding jewelry means quick and brilliant success in matters in which you are very interested. Buying them is a promise that you will have great success in important matters, and especially those of the heart.

Dreamed of money

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you have found money means minor worries, but great happiness. Change will follow. Paying money is a failure. Getting gold means great prospects and unclouded joys. Losing money means that you will experience unhappy hours in your home and trouble awaits you at work. Counting your money and finding a shortage is a sign that you will have trouble with payments. To dream that you have stolen money means that you are in danger and should watch your actions more carefully. Saving money is a sign of wealth and life comfort. To dream that you are swallowing money portends a selfish interest in you. Counting a large amount of money means that your well-being and happiness are within your reach. To dream that you have found a pack of currency, but a young woman is laying claim to it, means that you are threatened with losses in business due to the intervention of a person close to you. The dreamer may find that he is spending his money and living beyond his means. This dream is a warning! Do not irritate your mind with fruitless fantasies, for a collapsed house of cards also bitterly depresses the heart. Seeing small coins in a dream means dissatisfaction in business. You should expect trouble at work, and loved ones and friends will complain about your lack of attention. If you lose small money in a dream, you will experience slight self-neglect and failure. Found money promises favorable prospects. If you count coins in a dream, it means that you will be practical and thrifty. To dream that you have borrowed money predicts a dual situation for you: you will seem better to others than you are, but this will not give you satisfaction. Spending other people's money promises that you will be caught in a petty deception and you will lose a friend. Counterfeiting money in a dream is a very bad omen. Asking for a loan means the emergence of new worries with an imaginary sense of well-being.

See money in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

In a dream, money can be lost, received or spent. Dreams about money really imply power, control over others, and competence. Therefore, an important element for the interpretation of sleep is a closer look at the persons involved in commodity-money relations, as well as the role that you play in them. The life of many people who see money in a dream is subordinated to the desire to get it - such people are upset by the lack of money and the inability to control themselves when handling money. The latter is most clearly seen in money dreams that come to people who are bogged down in debt. If you receive money in a dream, try to remember from whom you receive it and under what circumstances this happens. Perhaps this is a dream of blessing. Receiving money in this case indicates a revival of emotional strength or renewal through the settlement of relationships that no longer gnaw at your soul. You can see a dream in which you have great wealth and distribute it to others. Often such a dream is a symbol of the need to convey blessings to others. The real need behind this rarely has to do with money, rather it is the need to help others. Losing money for no apparent reason reflects your inability to control yourself. This trait may refer to the area of ​​money relations, or it may indicate an inability to restrain oneself from overspending emotional or other resources. How do you rate the impact of money on your life? In some families, money is taken for granted. For others, it is a symbol of influence, control, an indicator of status. Depending on whether you have money problems, money dreams can also indicate how you feel about power, whatever that means.

Why dream of money

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

copper - sadness; luck is not what you wanted; silver - tears; paper - news, deceit; gold - grief; to distribute - to unexpected wealth; repay a debt - to recovery; pick up - good luck; see Borrow.

Why dream about money

according to Vanga's dream book

Finding money in a dream is evidence that someone around you is preparing a great evil against you. Do not take other people's things, even if they lie unattended in a remote place, because it is through them that unclean people send damage to good people, believers. If you dreamed that you were receiving money, then the people around you see you as a generous, kind person who is always ready to help in difficult moments of life. Seeing torn money in a dream is a bad omen. Torn money symbolizes poverty, hunger and robbery. Perhaps in the future you will lose all your savings as a result of a robbery attack on your house. If in a dream you counted money, then in real life you are a very petty person. You need to reconsider your attitude to money, because it will never replace human relationships. Stretching money to someone in a dream - soon you will need a lot of money to successfully complete the business you have begun.


according to the Ayurvedic dream book

If in a dream you received money, then this indicates prosperity. If you dream that you are lending money, then the dream reflects your ability to lend money.

Despite the value of gold jewelry in real life, in dreams they are disturbing symbols. Therefore, it is imperative that you know what gold jewelry is dreaming of and how they can affect events that take place in reality.

A variety of gold jewelry can appear in dreams and various actions can be carried out with them. Both of these are very important for the correct interpretation of dreams. Therefore, in order to understand why gold jewelry is dreamed of in a dream, you need to remember all the details of the plot.

Golden ring - interpretation of sleep

More often than other types of jewelry, a golden ring appears in dreams. This is a very capacious symbol, and why he dreams in night dreams is of interest to many. To interpret such a dream, you need to listen to your own intuition. If in a dream you dreamed of a wedding ring on the finger of your chosen one or chosen one, then this portends a joint vacation away from home. And if you dreamed of such a ring on your hand, then in real life you have to sort things out with a partner.

Other dreams with a golden ring can be interpreted as follows:

  • Find jewelry - meet an interesting person; Accept a ring as a gift - receive good news about relatives; To see a broken decoration is to survive a betrayal in life; Find a ring in the trash - get a valuable gift; To find a ring in your pocket is the occurrence of a sudden love feeling.

Round gold jewelry

All round gold jewelry symbolizes connections between people in dreams. But if they look massive, then this indicates that certain relationships are a burden for the dreamer.

Why dream of a gold chain

The golden chain, which was seen in night dreams, as an ornament on one's own neck, portends a joyful event in reality. But if she dreamed of another person, then this is a harbinger of a meeting with old friends.

Other dreams in which a gold chain appeared can be interpreted as follows:
  • Find a chain - a magnificent feast is expected; Seeing a chain with a cross - to the favor of the authorities; To see a chain with a pendant - to receive an expensive present; Seeing a broken chain is trouble in the family or in relationships with a chosen one or chosen one.

a gold bracelet

It is important to know what the golden chain on the hand is dreaming of. Such an ornament as a gold bracelet, in a dream, most often, is a harbinger of fun entertainment in life. For a young girl, such a dream can be a harbinger of a fateful meeting.

In addition, dreams with a bracelet can be interpreted as follows:
  • Find decoration on the floor - get ready for a fun holiday with friends; A broken bracelet is a harbinger of a romantic date; A short bracelet is a harbinger of a good deal; A long bracelet is a harbinger of promotion.

Golden earrings - dream book

Gold earrings are considered the most auspicious symbol in a dream from the whole variety of gold jewelry. The main interpretation of this decoration is an interesting meeting in reality.

Gold jewelry with precious stones?

A positive symbol in a dream is any gold jewelry with precious stones. Why dream of such symbols? If they are very beautiful and admiring them gives you pleasure, then in real life it's time to bring your most daring ideas to life. But if you dream of a golden jewelry in which at least one stone is lost, then this portends a separation from a loved one.

Why dream of buying jewelry?

And if you see the plot of a dream in which you yourself acquire some kind of gold jewelry with precious stones, then this indicates that you will reach the heights and deserve recognition in society. But at the same time, if you buy gold jewelry in large quantities, then this indicates that you strive for power and often demonstrate your superiority over people from your inner circle. This is not a very good character trait, which creates difficulties in communicating with people, so you need to try to get rid of it.

Gold jewelry in a pregnant woman's dreams

A very good sign is if a pregnant woman dreams of gold jewelry. Sometimes such dreams even predict the sex of the unborn child. So if a pregnant woman saw herself in night dreams in gold earrings, then with a high degree of probability it can be argued that she will have a girl.

Also, gold jewelry that was dreamed about before childbirth portends the birth of a healthy child. And if such a dream is repeated many times, then this indicates that a very talented baby will be born.

If you dream that gold jewelry is being stolen from you, then this is a warning. In real life, you may miss the chance to turn your life around.

Search for gold jewelry

It is not very good to search for gold jewelry in a dream. Sometimes such a dream can be a harbinger of waking theft. In the coming period, it is recommended to exercise increased caution and monitor your own property and things.

Lose gold - interpretation for men

For a man, a dream with the loss of gold jewelry can be a harbinger of a lull in his personal life. For family men, such a dream may indicate that the former passion has subsided, and only affection remains. It's time to take action to freshen up your relationship with your loved one.

Lots of different decorations

When you dream of a lot of various decorations at once, then such a plot can become a harbinger of receiving a large inheritance. If you see that in a dream you are wearing a lot of gold jewelry, then this also portends wealth. Do not think that overnight you will wake up a millionaire. Such a dream only means that fortune will turn to you, but everything will depend on your capabilities and diligence. Many dream books offer other interpretations of dream plots with gold jewelry:

  • If in a dream a person is wearing a huge amount of gold jewelry and at the same time they are chosen absolutely tastelessly, then this indicates that he has an overestimated conceit, which causes hostility among others. If the dreamer sees himself sorting through a large number of jewelry, then this means that in reality he spends a lot of time on meaningless activities.

In dreams, people often see situations that reflect their secret desires or fears. Any girl wants to have a lot of jewelry, because they emphasize her status and successfully complement the outfit. At the same time, the presence of a large amount of gold can cause fear to attract envious people or thieves. From ancient times, the precious metal served as a means of paying for goods and was valued above paper money, as it was a universal currency throughout the world.

A person who owns gold is considered rich. This metal is liquid, and its price is only growing every year. Why does gold dream of a dreamer who does not think about capital accumulation? Will the dream become a guarantee of material well-being or, on the contrary, symbolize the imminent ruin?

In most cases, gold and jewelry from it appear in night visions before making big profits. If a businessman is worried about the results of the transaction and sees gold or jewelry from it in a dream, excellent prospects await him. Things will definitely go uphill. The same interpretation is true for a young girl who received jewelry in a dream as a gift. A wealthy gentleman will appear on her way or the boss will unexpectedly please her with a bonus.

Seeing gold taken from another in a dream characterizes the sleeping person unflatteringly. In reality, he thinks about appropriating someone else's glory or achievements. Friendship with such a person often ends in a serious quarrel.

It happens that noble metal and products made from it are dreamed up as a warning about the intrigues of enemies. The exact interpretation of each dream depends on its details and the situation in which the gold was obtained.

Not all soothsayers and interpreters of dreams considered gold in a dream a harbinger of a carefree and successful life. Some urged to be alert after such a dream and pay attention to the behavior of people from close circle. One of them could hold a grudge against the dreamer, and he intuitively felt it.

All the properties of gold are still unknown even to scientists, but its large amount demonstrates the hidden features of human nature.

According to Freud

Sigmund Freud considered gold and jewelry made from it to be clear signs of future prosperity. Relationships between partners develop and bring joy to both. If the dreamer buys gold items for himself, in real life he is going to win the love of his partner with expensive gifts.

When the sleeper gives gold, in reality he will try to ensure a comfortable existence for himself and his loved one. The gold given to the dreamer in a dream speaks of his self-doubt. He doubts that the partner is experiencing deep feelings, but fears are in vain.

If gold darkens in his hands, there are many envious people and gossips around. Do not give your friends unnecessary reasons for discussion.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book interprets the presence of gold in a dream as a guarantee of prosperity. A person who touches him or takes him in his hands will gain fame and fortune in reality.

A girl who received or found gold coins as a gift will successfully marry a wealthy man. If in a dream gold lay under the feet of a representative of the strong half of humanity and he raised it, career success is assured. Moreover, his outstanding abilities will be highly appreciated by colleagues and management.

On the contrary, lost gold means a missed opportunity. Well, next time you should be quicker and bolder in defending your position or resisting injustice towards yourself. The desire to go to the mines in reality can lead to problems due to greed.

According to Vanga

Having a precious metal in a dream in reality often manifests itself as a despot and tyrant. Vangelia believed that the acquisition of gold jewelry in a dream would lead to squabbles and dissatisfaction with relatives. Perhaps controlling every step of loved ones is not the best idea for maintaining mutual understanding and trust in the family.

If the dreamer loses golden objects, he himself will suffer from waste first of all. A suddenly discovered bag or purse with gold coins promises good luck soon. She will come by herself, without any effort on the part of the dreamer.

According to Nostradamus

In the Middle Ages, gold was available only to nobles, so Michel Nostradamus interpreted a dream with him for profit and prosperity. This applied to both gold jewelry and dishes. Eating from a golden plate promises exaltation in real life.

Jewels made of precious metal on the sleeper not only portend him recognition and honor, but also protect him from a possible illness.

Scooping up a handful of gold coins and carrying them home speaks of success in trade transactions and any undertaking related to work. If gold has to be melted in a dream, in reality the enemies will not be able to defeat the dreamer. Rather, they themselves will suffer from attempts to harm him.

A girl embroidering a pattern with gold threads will receive good news.

According to Hasse

The Polish soothsayer was distrustful of the acquisition of gold items in night dreams. In her opinion, the brilliance of the metal demonstrated the falsity and hypocrisy of loved ones. After such a dream, she recommended not to trust false compliments. Most clearly, the hostility of the environment will manifest itself if the dreamer saw the jewelry not entirely of gold, but only with gilding.

Grains of gold found in the sand mean the imminent fulfillment of the plan, for the implementation of which a lot of effort was expended. A happy ending is imminent.

According to Loff

Pastor Loff ranked gold among the auspicious symbols that speak of the purity and nobility of the dreamer's thoughts. Nevertheless, a person must restrain the desire to boast of his wealth, so as not to arouse envy on the part of less fortunate acquaintances.

The acquisition of gold items in a dream speaks of the desire for material wealth. If the products are made of low-grade metal, in reality friends will present an unpleasant surprise.

A headdress cast in gold shows the sleeper's confidence in his superiority. People around him appreciate him and trust him to solve complex cases. It is both an honor and a great responsibility.

Why gold is dreamed of in a dream can be understood based on the circumstances of its receipt or loss. Freud emphasized the hidden meaning of dreaming gold bracelets and chains. He interpreted closed chains as a connection with his beloved. The more such decorations on the dreamer, the stronger his confidence in the supremacy of the couple.

See a lot of gold and jewelry

According to Freud's dream book, giving jewelry to another in a dream means cherishing the opinion and sympathy of the person to whom the gifts are intended. In other dream interpreters, golden chains portend a meeting with deceivers.

If a person in reality longs for an increase in well-being and in a dream touches gold or grabs it with his hand, his desire will certainly come true. The dreamer will succeed in any business related to making a profit: trade transactions, real estate sales operations, or an increase in demand and prices for the services he provides. In the office, he may be assigned a difficult task, which he will brilliantly complete and deserve a bonus.

Much worse prospects await a person who has not been able to reach the treasures he saw in a dream. In reality, he will not be able to fulfill his plan. The result of his efforts will not be a complete collapse, but tangible losses.

Find wealth

If the dreamer has found gold coins or jewelry, he should immediately begin to act actively upon awakening. A favorable period has come in his life, which must be used to eliminate difficulties and obstacles. You should especially hurry if you managed to find a gold watch in a dream.

Any selected jewelry, except for a torn chain, promises fun and carefree pastime with friends. She promises the girl the betrayal of her lover. Other gold items are a good sign indicating a quick enrichment.

Lose precious metal jewelry

It’s a shame to wake up to lose a thing, but if it’s a jewel, then the mood threatens to deteriorate for a long time. In a dream, the loss of gold is also interpreted as an extremely negative signal from the subconscious of the sleeping person.

Freud interpreted such a dream as a feeling of imminent separation from a partner due to his cooling. More often, this is how a dream with the loss of gold and other dream books are explained for women. In the near future, the dreamer will face disappointment in a loved one or in one of her friends.

Men need to be wary of losing reputation and income. They will lose a good deal or a new contract. The dream also shows the dreamer that he has abandoned a simple solution to the issue in favor of a more laborious one. He lost his chance to reach the goal instantly.

Steal gold bars

Theft of gold and jewelry in a dream means that the sleeper wants to have all these things in reality. If you work hard and hard, they can be acquired honestly. When a dreamer robs a jewelry store and is caught, in reality he will face injustice at work. He will be passed over with a promotion or not given a well-deserved bonus.

A clever theft and a successful escape show that a person intends to commit a dishonest act and he will succeed. It is worth thinking about the consequences in advance, because the reputation will suffer over time anyway.

When a woman sees in a dream that she managed to quietly steal a gold jewelry from her friend, she envy her success with the opposite sex or her well-being. Only stealing ingots and swallowing them has a positive meaning. The dreamer will gain wisdom and authority in real life.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

  1. A dream from Monday to Tuesday promises the sleeper to overcome contradictions while striving for what was conceived. Dreaming of gold demonstrates the ability to increase the status, but you have to fight for it.
  2. From Tuesday to Wednesday, night dreams send the dreamer to family affairs. He needs to visit his relatives, present them with gifts, and then the mood of all family members will rise.
  3. When gold is dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday, the sleeper will have a major success at work. Old problems will resolve themselves, and a person can count on promotion.
  4. It is believed that dreams from Thursday to Friday are prophetic and usually come true. Receiving gold or jewelry guarantees an understanding with a lover and an increase in finances.
  5. A dream from Friday to Saturday shows exactly how the dreamer achieves material well-being. Found gold promises unexpected events when you don’t have to put in much effort.
  6. From Saturday to Sunday, dreams appear, calling on the sleeper to bring something new to life. Hobbies, meeting people will be interesting and will contribute to spiritual development.
  7. A dream from Sunday to Monday reflects the inner emotional world of a person. If the vision was bright, then for the sake of financial success, you will need to work hard. When a dream with gold turns out to be short and not replete with events, less effort will be required.


People have reverence for gold, so a dream with a noble metal is usually well remembered. If its brilliance captivates and brings joy in a dream, in reality a person will get what he wants. You need to believe in luck and try not to miss the favorable time for the implementation of plans.

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Interpreters disagree. Some argue that gold symbolizes evil and negativity, others see dizzying success and happiness in this symbol. Why dream of gold? The interpretation depends on the many nuances that are present in the dream picture. Let's analyze the issue in detail.

Folk interpretation of dreams about gold

Gold is a symbol of value, significance and wealth. However, not every gold in a dream can be endowed with this meaning, for example, fake gold has a negative aspect, as well as bent or damaged gold items. Also, the symbol of gold is deceit, seduction or cunning.

The plots of dreams about gold can be different:

  • beautiful gems;
  • broken or damaged gold jewelry;
  • suddenly find gold bars or jewelry;
  • steal or buy gold items;
  • other storylines.

Gold jewelry in the form of rings- earrings, bracelets, rings, chains of links - portend marriage. If the jewelry pressed on the fingers or hampered movement, it will not be sweet in the new family. If you feel comfortable in jewelry, life in a new family will be secure and calm.

The image of a golden jewelry that flaunts on another person portends joyful events in the dreamer's life. This interpretation is appropriate only if there is no envy of the wealth and happiness of other people. If the dreamer is offended and hurt by the well-being of others, the dream denotes depression about the good fortune of loved ones or acquaintances.

See lots of gold jewelry on other people- to great envy, disappointment and deceit. However, admiring gold jewelry on other people and worrying that you didn’t get it is a great success and unexpected profit.

See gold on the shelves of a jewelry store- to great opportunities. This plot may portend a desired marriage for a young girl, and for a married woman - a divorce and a new love with great opportunities in marriage.

Decorate yourself and bathe in gold- to illness, envy, evil eye or even damage. If you demonstrate your virtues, envious people can take cruel revenge.

If a gold lies in your house, this portends a serious illness. The disease will leave an imprint on the external image of the dreamer, for example, hepatitis. For sick people, such a dream can portend death or a cancerous tumor. It is especially dangerous to eat or drink from gold utensils.

If you have stole gold, expect deceit and separation from dear people. This promises a loss of trust, love, honor and dignity. However, in some cases, a dream promises getting rid of bad things in life if it haunted the dreamer.

steal gold- you are not able to achieve what you want legally. Sometimes this plot suggests that others do not appreciate a person, do not notice his talents and virtues. If the dreamer wants to gain honor and glory, insurmountable obstacles stand in his way.

gold finds

Why dream find gold? Finding gold in a dream promises envy from the environment, and for poor people - an even more distressing situation. Most likely, you will have to part with an expensive thing in order to ensure your existence. However, this interpretation does not apply to finding a shiny golden coin: in this case, the dreamer will have great luck.

Chains and bracelets in dreams they symbolize bonds and duties. If a gold chain was found, even in a torn form, the dream portends success and an unexpected source of income. However, along with joy comes sadness: the inconvenience of imposed obligations. This may be a loan with high interest or onerous terms of the contract.

If a gold chain is found in a dream guy, this promises a meeting with an ugly girl for the sake of a favorable place or favorable living conditions. An ugly, but very wealthy girl will greatly poison his life and restrict freedom.

For girl find a gold chain - get married by calculation without love. However, the attractive appearance of the gold jewelry indicates the presence of excellent personal qualities of her chosen one. That is, a person will be wealthy and good, but the girl’s heart will not respond to his love.

married woman the discovery of gold jewelry promises a meeting with another man, for the sake of which she will part with her husband. If the dreamer found the chain and broke it in a dream, then she would divorce her husband for the sake of a free lifestyle.

What does it mean to find broken jewelry or pieces of gold? This plot portends sadness, problems and tears. Finding one earring in a dream is an active search for her soul mate, or a woman dares to take her husband away from a strange family.

Interpretation of dream books

Miller's dream book. Seeing gold in a dream promises success. If your gold is stolen, be prepared to lose what is precious. For a young girl, theft promises a profitable marriage, but with a stingy and greedy person. Lose gold - do not take advantage of the opportunity.

Developing a mine is a difficult but honorable task. To wash sand in a dream - to the temptation of easy money, to steal - to infringe on the rights of others, to buy - to great trouble. To see a placer of gold - to envy and falsehood, nuggets - to talented descendants, gold in water - to the hater's anger.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov. A jewelry box warns of exaggerated hopes for something. Find gold in a dream - do not be gullible, dig out of the ground - to self-realization. If gold is intertwined with silver - to deceit in love. Decoration as a gift - beware of false compliments. If a woman gives jewelry to a man, a gigolo will soon appear in her life.

Lose / sell gold - to liberation from illness or old resentment. Gold dust dreams of wealth obtained by hard work. Collecting gold from the floor is a humiliation for the sake of profit. Hiding jewelry in a cache is a nuisance due to your own stupidity.