Lemon-colored wallpapers in the interior of different rooms. Fresh lemon color in the home interior Ornament on the walls and color combination

Yellow color in color therapy is known as a stimulant of efficiency, energy and health. Using rich and warm shades of yellow in a modern interior will help make your living space more joyful and bright, setting you up for an optimistic mood.

This cheerful color in most people is associated primarily with ... lemons! Bright, juicy, sun-ripened citrus is not only a great addition to desserts and sauces, but also a source of inspiration for designers around the world. In addition to a charge of vivacity and optimism, a warm lemon yellow hue symbolizes comfort and tranquility (often used as a harmonizing shade in a designer palette).

Yellow color also stimulates brain and physical activity. Green color in this respect acts as an opponent, producing the opposite effect (symbolizes peace, tranquility and harmony). The above colors make up a versatile combination used by modern interior designers, adding dynamics with red accents, as well as varying the background palette (from white to dark shades of brown). Mix it all up and you get a stylish, cozy and dynamic design.

Perfectly shade and complement the palette of yellow shades blue, pink and lilac tones, as well as almost all shades of brown.

The walls, decorated in yellow or mint green, look natural and charge the space with exceptionally positive energy. Waking up in such a room early in the morning, you will definitely smile and remember something pleasant.

Yellow color goes well with dark colors and shades of varying degrees of saturation. Shades of brown act as a neutral backdrop for bright furniture and accessories. The combination "yellow-green-brown" is ideal for fans of conservative color schemes in the interior.

Black lampshades and furniture create a dramatic contrast with yellow and white accents. In this case, the lemon color will be used as a highlighter, diluting and refreshing the monochrome black and white range.

In turn, the ensemble of yellow and brown gives a sense of stability and security. My home is my castle, right?

Shades of juicy lemon and ripe lime with mint can not only give a good mood, but also inspire creative experiments. They are perfect for decorating a children's room or living room - your family will be delighted with such fresh and bright design solutions!

And complemented by blue, pink, lilac or brown accents, these shades will sparkle in a new way, turning your bedroom into a work of design art.

And finally - the ideal option for using lemon and mint shades in the interior is rightfully considered ... the kitchen! Yes, yes, because if we count the time spent by our mothers, grandmothers and spouses in the kitchen, it turns out that we dedicate quite a few precious minutes to the “hearth and home”. Make these moments happy and unforgettable by creating your culinary masterpieces in a warm and sincere atmosphere. Bon appetit!

Even hardened optimists will agree that from time to time they also have to feed on positive energy from outside. Make a gift to your "inner child" and please him with the rays of the sun that will not disappear even on the most cloudy November day!

Wallpaper is one of the significant elements of interior decoration, filling the atmosphere with the right mood and comfort. Not every chosen shade is able to convey harmony as positively as possible, as yellow wallpaper can do. Properly selected canvases can add coziness and light to any space.

Color Features

The influence of color shades on mood and human health is a scientifically proven fact. A feature of the yellow color in the interior is the use of the desired temperature and degree of saturation. It is a color that symbolizes warmth, joy and harmony. It sets you up for a positive, active life position and kindness, and also affects creative thinking.

If the tone concentration is exceeded, it instantly changes its properties and acts on each household in its own way. It is harmonious for optimists and easy-going people, but it is completely unsuitable for individuals suffering from a depressive state. The tone of the shade must be chosen correctly, otherwise it can provoke nagging household members to each other and will excite the psyche.

Yellow wallpaper is not a universal design solution that can pull out any interior. It is necessary to choose furniture and style for them thoroughly and taking into account many nuances, among which the texture, shade temperature, its color and compatibility with contrasts, space decoration techniques and properly selected lighting of a particular room are of particular importance.

For harmonious wall decoration this shade needs a companion: in this way, an overabundance of tone can be eliminated and a harmonious environment can be created. The yellow color of the wallpaper welcomes different contrasts, depending on the original tone. The use of this wall finish of excessive intensity can suppress other contrasting tones of the interior composition.

Shades and design

The yellow color of the wallpaper is multifaceted and consists of different shades. Depending on the addition of two strong colors (red or blue) to it, it is warm or cold. Yellow can be mustard, sunny, bleached, delicate, yellow-red, golden, sandy yellow or cool gray-yellow, yellow-green, olive yellow, diluted yellow-black. It is undesirable to use this color in its pure form.

It is preferable if it is diluted with one of the strong colors and diluted with a white tone. Bright colors are appropriate in the interior of the children's room, while the design for common rooms or bedrooms welcomes muted mixed tones. For example, paints with the addition of red are suitable for the kitchen, and with hints of blue for the bedroom.

Yellow color is demanding in choosing a pattern. One of the best ways to decorate a space with wallpaper of this color is to focus on the texture, which can be matte, velor, plush, embossed, with a small pattern embossed on the front surface. The presence of gloss over the entire yellow background is unacceptable, as it breaks any design idea.

The embossed pattern looks great. It conveys the desired pattern better than the contrasting shades of the color palette.


Pattern selection is based on the shade of the pattern. Ideally, if this color is 2-3 tones darker than the main yellow. This pattern looks better than any contrast, even the most sophisticated. The best types of print are relief stripes separated from each other by shallow grooves of texture.

A monochromatic base is enough for a color, especially if it is combined with a finish of a different tone. Thus, it is easier to choose furniture, demonstrate the beauty of paintings, perform zoning of a section of a wall or a separate ledge, niche. Textured wallpapers allow color support through pastel linen with a pattern to match the wallpaper.

If a print is chosen, then the combination of wallpaper with interior items becomes different. Firstly, it should not be much, even if the pattern is weakly expressed. It can be one plane of the wall, or even better - a small vertical zone of two meter-wide strips and support on the adjacent plane in the form of a narrow strip.

If there is more yellow in the room, the situation risks being difficult. When you want an abundance of this color, it makes sense to beat it with a pattern chosen on a beige background. At the same time, it is important to dilute the wallpaper with large window and door openings, decorate the planes with moldings, ceiling plinth or other decor. The most harmonious decorations of yellow wallpapers are:

  • geometric figures;
  • flower theme;
  • a narrow vertical strip;
  • embossed monograms;
  • marble imitation;
  • simple drawings with birds;
  • golden floral motifs with branches and leaves.

Unsuccessful prints include matting, bright yellow designs on a pale yellow background, uncomplicated combinations of floral and check patterns in one pattern, and small polka dots.

Color combinations

In order to choose the right contrasts for the interior composition, you need to know the tones that are most successfully combined with yellow wallpaper. Among them, combinations can be identified:

  • yellow and white (a classic technique that draws out any design, emphasizing the uniqueness of the style with warm shades);
  • cool yellow and blue (one of the fashionable modern techniques, thanks to which you can equip a room with an accent of dynamism, comfort and creativity);
  • yellow-beige and brown (giving a style of solidity and presentability, a good technique for decorating the space of a living room, study or home library);
  • sandy yellow and burgundy (a favorite technique for creating a royal interior with the addition of gilding and a certain massiveness);
  • yellow and beige (reception of softening yellow with beige, through which you can fit the wallpaper into different rooms of the dwelling).

Depending on the selected contrast, yellow-tone coatings can visually change the area by stretching the height of the ceiling or changing the width of the walls. One of the interesting design tricks is the combination of yellow with a gray tone and the use of a white ornament. The infusion of light orange shades into the main background should be careful, so as not to overload the ensemble.

What curtains are suitable?

Yellow color does not like bright contrasts and can begin to compete with them, exerting "pressure" on the household. As soon as the yellow wallpaper complements the dark or bright tones of the curtains, the room takes on clear boundaries and seems heavy. Light shades of curtains and tulle, on the contrary, add space and visually relieve the space of borders.

Much in this case depends on the temperature of the cladding colors: lightness is created by combining cold yellow wallpaper diluted with white and blue, light turquoise curtains. Wherein it is important to connect the two tones gently: for example, it is better to add a beige shade of the floor and turquoise textiles of pastel linen or decorative pillows to the yellow color of the wallpaper and the blue tone of the curtains.

The combination with burgundy color looks heavier. In this case, drawings on the wallpaper are undesirable. One has only to show the uniqueness of the lining with a relief texture. In order not to overload the interior, it is better to choose translucent textiles.

The combination of yellow wallpaper with blue curtains is one of the most difficult.

If you want bright contrasts, you should use them in the pattern or decor of the curtains. It is better to choose yellow-brown curtains with white tulle and a discreet pattern (for example, circles, floral styling) or interesting patterns on a beige background for such wall decoration. This solution is great for interior compositions in country style.

If it is necessary to withstand the classic direction, it is simply not better to find a white, beige, light peach shade of curtains. It is these curtains that are able to support yellow wallpapers better than other tones. To better see them it is worth complementing the yellow canvases with a contrasting paired companion.

Matching with furniture

In a room decorated with yellow wallpaper, the furniture should be contrasting, preferably diluted with different tones. Remember that the color is complex, so it needs to be dosed. If plain wallpaper is chosen as the basis for the cladding, which you want to support with similar furniture, choose a set that is different from the shade of the canvases. Thus, it is possible to avoid the merging of two elements of the situation into a single light spot.

Better furniture choice with contrast frame trim. For example, wooden chocolate legs and sides.

If you want to add decorative gilding to the interior, it is better to do this by decorating lamps or minor accessories (legs of floor lamps, moldings or a mirror frame).

The ideal solution is to use white furniture in the interior. For example, it looks harmonious in the kitchen and bathroom. For the interior of a living room or study, it is better to choose wood shades. The darker they are, the more solid the atmosphere.

In the bedroom and living room, furniture in a diluted white yellow-orange tone with a cocoa shade pattern looks good. A good design move would be to use textiles with a golden coating on a brown background. The sofa and armchairs of a milky shade made of leather will suit the dark yellow tone of the wallpaper.


Choosing furniture and curtains, exclude their matches in tone, otherwise the interior runs the risk of becoming boring. Ideally, the space should have at least four shades of the color palette. You need to select them like this: two main contrasts (we start from the color of the wallpaper and furniture) and two shades that soften the transition of contrasts (one close in tone to the wallpaper, the other to the furniture).

If you want to combine the yellow color of the wallpaper with the purple tint of the furniture, you should support the color of the sofa through the drawing of paintings, placing them on the wall in the guest area, adding a side table or a light lilac carpet to the decor. In this case, it is recommended to dilute the duet of colors with decorative pillows with a pattern to match the arorica.

How to choose?

Since choosing a yellow wallpaper is not easy, you should take note a few helpful tips:

  • to make the yellow shade of the wallpaper look stylish, expensive and appropriate, exclude budget paper varieties of a thin and glossy plan from the selection list, choose between vinyl, non-woven, textile, liquid counterparts or glass wallpaper for painting (they will last longer and their texture is noticeably better);
  • if the shade is close to hot, do not choose a canvas with an abundance of gold in the pattern, as cold coatings with embossed ornaments look much better on the walls;
  • in order for the cladding surface to be flawless, buy wide meter-long wallpapers that reduce the number of joints and simplify wall decoration;

Many designers prefer to work with popular colors, creating from them successful interiors for every taste. Most often, pastel colors are used, other light colors, warm shades, classic black and white combinations. Popular colors are easier to work with because there are plenty of places to get ideas from.

In this article, we will consider the features of using lemon-colored wallpapers in the interior, we will try to choose worthy color companions for them and place them correctly in various rooms.

Creating a cozy and relaxed interior in the living room

First of all, it is worth noting that the coloring of the interior can affect a person in different ways. Some colors can destroy peace of mind, and some, on the contrary, soothe, others can influence our mood, others can cheer us up, give us energy. There are even colors that really whet the appetite.

The influence of different colors on a person is a whole science that psychologists have been studying for decades. They thoroughly understand why one color scheme has a relaxing effect, while the other, on the contrary, invigorates the body and encourages it to take action.

Based on generally accepted facts about colors, you can build an individual interior in your home that will properly affect you. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that your favorite colors will participate in the colors of the rooms, maybe they will not be in the interior of your house at all.

Depending on the lighting, the color may be saturated in different ways.

Of course, you yourself are unlikely to be able to develop such a design, but experts will be happy to help you with this, and perhaps you will be lucky enough to use the awesome lemon palette wallpaper, which will be discussed later.

Lemon-colored wallpapers appeared in wallpaper stores not so long ago. Modern computer technology is able to highlight interesting shades, even in the most familiar and hackneyed colors. Of course, many lovers of sunny, bright, positive interiors immediately liked wallpapers of this color. And indeed, they look very nice and naturally natural.

In addition, bright and saturated shades of yellow have a beneficial effect on a person, relieving his psychological stress. They help in establishing contacts between people and contribute to a lively conversation. According to the eastern interpretations of Feng Shui science, lemon-colored wallpapers will perfectly fit into rooms with the presence of a large number of people, in rooms for negotiations and lively dialogues.

Note that in many public institutions, the walls are painted in a similar color, somewhat lighter than lemon.

Light tones are often associated with order and cleanliness, and lemon is no exception. Many experts recommend using it in the appropriate rooms: bathroom, kitchen, dining room. Although in other rooms it will be quite appropriate.

Reception living room interior

By and large, there are no special subtleties in applying the color of lemon. It fits quite harmoniously into the interior of different rooms, the main thing is not to overdo it, use it in moderation. Let's consider some of them:

  • In the kitchen, you need to create a positive, bright design that will fill you with energy and awaken your appetite. In such an interior, lemon tone can take a leading role. It will allow you to maximize the space, even a small kitchen, fill the air with cleanliness and freshness. Please note that when paired with white, it promotes active salivation, so such a couple is the place in the kitchen.
  • In the bathroom, lemon will also be appropriate, it will enhance artificial lighting, fill the room with bright colors, and expand the visible boundaries of space. In such a bathroom it will be comfortable to take baths and showers, recharge with energy for future affairs, and refresh the mind.
  • Bright lemon colors in the interior of the bedroom will suit young and energetic people. Despite the fact that light shades of yellow do not put pressure on the psyche, there is still some pressure. It is he who will perfectly awaken a young and strong body with its soft but bright light. The use of such colors for the bedroom of older people is not recommended, it is better to paste pastel-colored wallpapers into it.

Using light wallpaper with stripes in the bedroom

  • In the interior of the living room, the lemon color scheme will easily take its place. As we have already said, in rooms with a similar coloring, dialogue is easy to conduct, a common palette of colors contributes to easy communication. In addition, the lemon color is in perfect harmony with the light shades of natural wooden furniture, which will create a solid interior in this room.
  • It is for a pleasant psychological impact that lemon color is often chosen for the main color of the walls of a home study. In which it is necessary not only to work, but also to meet with business partners.
  • You can paste wallpaper of lemon shades in the hallway. You will feel a sharp contrast when you enter your house from the street, which will greet you with bright summer colors. At the same time, it is important to choose high-quality wallpaper in the hallway, which you can easily wash repeatedly.

The widespread use of lemon color is justified primarily by its positive characteristics, as well as excellent companionship qualities.

When developing an interior with the participation of lemon, you should first of all choose the main areas for its use. It would be unwise to paint all the walls in such a bright palette, since such an unusual and rich color in large quantities will annoy you.

Lemon must be necessarily diluted with lighter tones so as not to overload the room with paints.

Note that shades of lemon color help to expand the space of a narrow room, and do it in any light. Therefore, many professionals like to use this color scheme in small spaces.

Modern interpretation of the living room interior

Successful combinations can be built with the following colors:

  • Green and its shades will allow you to set the natural theme of the room. In such an interior, the breath of summer and its aroma will be felt.
  • The pink color scheme will give tenderness, it can be perfectly used in the interior of the bedroom by choosing the appropriate feminine wallpaper.
  • With white and its shades, you can combine lemon wallpaper in the kitchen to create a positive interior that is conducive to eating.
  • A beige palette can be a great backdrop for a lemon accent in a living room or bedroom. She will add color, nobility, show this bright color from the best side. In such an interior, it will be possible to profitably present luxurious furniture, curtains and decorative accessories.
  • Brown wall infill can be just as appropriate when it comes to a business-style home office. In this combination, the color of the lemon will be more restrained.

The use of lemon color in the interior of different rooms will positively affect the mood of a person, give him the opportunity to recharge with good energy and wake up his appetite. You can use wallpaper in this color in any room, but it must be done wisely, without succumbing to emotions.

If you liked this article, you can skip to the next one: Raspberry wallpapers.

Yellow wallpaper in the interior of the living space creates an atmosphere of comfort and warmth in the room. This shade is associated with summer and the sun's rays, promotes inner peace and peace of mind. And thanks to the successful addition of such colors - light or muted, cold or warm - a room can be given unique stylish accents. So, the atmosphere of the living room in yellow will become more juicy and rich, and the bedroom will acquire a pastel-delicate shade and a romantic mood.

Benefits of yellow wallpaper

Due to the versatility of the yellow palette, you can use the color scheme to the maximum, for example, with orange curtains or brown furniture. Yellow wallpapers for walls of well-known American brands, presented on the current page of the catalog, are made on a paper basis. The paper base guarantees high aesthetics and ease of sticking in tandem with health safety: the breathable structure will not allow mold and harmful fungi to spread. A moisture-resistant coating makes it easy to apply detergents for cleaning.

The width of each strip is selected with maximum ease of installation, and the different density of the material allows you to choose different options for manufacturing technology and price category. Yellow wallpapers are presented in a variety of textures:

  • matte and glossy;
  • smooth and cramped;
  • corrugated and imitating natural materials.

You can buy a product in just a few clicks: just choose the appropriate option that satisfies the price, specify the required number of rolls and the delivery address.