Maple with red leaves. Community of green men. Red-leaved trees for large summer cottages

If you want to ennoble your garden and add bright colors to it, use red-leaved plants, for example, red maple, brought to Russia from Southeast Asia.

The tree grows in open ground, cultivated into small plants and used to decorate balconies, terraces and verandas.

Description of culture

There are about 150 species of crops in the maple family, and it is to them that the red maple belongs, the planting and care of which has its own characteristics. The tree is named so for the color of the leaves. There are several varieties, among which are the red Japanese maple, Shirasavi, fan (false-shaped).

Due to the large amount of anthocyanins and carotenoids in the biochemical composition leaves are painted in the following tones:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • carmine;
  • purple.

Such colors look especially unusual in combination with the bark of a gray tree.

An ornamental plant has earned respect for an interesting crown (rounded, mushroom-shaped and oval), unusual leaves resembling gloves in lace, juicy color from spring to autumn, gray bark and bewitchingly falling branches with foliage.

Red-leaved maple in planting and care is unpretentious and relatively hardy. But he does not like temperatures below -15, scorching sunlight and drafts. It is believed that a wind-sheltered area with dimmed lighting will be an ideal place for planting a crop.

Excessive watering is also not good for decorative maple with red leaves. Under poor planting and maintenance conditions, the root system deteriorates, and an attractive crown falls off ahead of time.

Growing red leaf maple

There are two ways to plant this crop on your site: cuttings and seeds. In the first case, seedlings are harvested in the autumn season, stored in a special insulated pit and transplanted in the spring in containers with earth.

When preparing the soil, it is advisable to add sand to it, so the culture will take root easier.

Planting seeds- a more time-consuming option, since it is faster to grow maple from cuttings. They take lionfish (helicopters) with seeds and attach them to a room with a temperature of about 0 degrees for the winter.

In the spring, they are soaked in water and, as soon as a sprout appears, they are planted to a depth of 5 cm.

In summer, provide germinated seeds with shade lighting and watering with enough water. When the tree grows to 50-80 cm in height, it is transplanted to a selected point that meets the conditions, to a permanent place of growth.

Gardens with coniferous perennials beautifully emphasize the red maple leaf. Planting and maintenance require a shady side, so tall trees will provide plenty of shade. When disembarking, the following factors are taken into account:

With the right choice of landing site, proper care and timely watering, red maple will delight the eye on any personal plot.

Pests and diseases of the tree

Red maple is not only beautiful and unusual plant, in the spring season, you can collect juice from it for making sugar. It should be remembered that the right drink runs only during the day and until the moment when the kidneys begin to swell. Few people use wood for these purposes, red maple is used for beauty. And with the right place to plant and care for the plant, you can admire for many years.

Many types of maples look very decorative in the garden, especially in autumn, when their foliage turns bright red, yellow-orange, carmine tones. Perhaps, Japanese maples look the most impressive, they immediately attract the eye with their color and carved foliage and intricately curved crown shape.

Japanese maples is the common collective name for several types of maples native to the forests of Japan and Korea. They belong to: actually japanese maple, fan maple(palletoid) and shirasawa maple .

Acer japonicum Aconitifolium in autumn Japanese maple Aconitifolium summer color

Japanese maple (Acer japonicum) has insufficient frost resistance, and therefore it can only be grown in the south or as a tub plant. It is very beautiful, has deeply dissected graceful leaves and a complex color from green to cherry and burgundy.

Very beautiful and unusual looks in our gardens Japanese maple aconitophyllous (‘Aconitifolium ‘). Its foliage, cut to the ground, is green in summer and changes color to blood red in autumn.

Vine-leaved Japanese maple (‘Vitifolium’) was so named due to the shape of its leaf, it resembles a grape leaf. They are slightly dissected and end in several points. In summer, this species is also green, and in autumn it tries on a crimson outfit.

Acer Japonicum Vitifolium autumn outfit

The rarest Shirasawa Maple (Acer shirasawanum)

undersized, height up to 1.5 meters. Foliage is shallowly dissected, characterized by a large width of the plate. Classic varieties have yellow and orange leaves, form ‘Aureum’ - with an original border along the edge of the leaf plate. The leaves of this variety keep all summer golden color, and in autumn they acquire a bright orange hue. Shirasawa Maple 'Aureum' is a winter-hardy shrub reaching a height of up to 4 m. It prefers a sunny place or partial shade, and loose, not too wet soils. It is so ornamental that it is most often used as a tapeworm in the garden, and the small size of most varieties makes it suitable for growing as tub plants on a balcony or terrace.

Fan maple (Acer palmatum). To date, a large number of varieties of this maple have been bred, they all differ small size bush, exquisite crown shape and magnificent autumn coloring of foliage.

Acer palmatum Orange Dream

Almost all Japanese maples that can be purchased from us are varietal, hybrids of fan maples by origin. Japanese maples proper and Shirasawa maples are much rarer and generally inferior to cultivated fan maples in the choice of different colors and forms of cultivation.

Maple Orange dream has greenish-yellow leaves with a red border around the edge, in autumn the foliage turns orange-red. This is a tall, fast-growing variety, within ten years it reaches a height of up to 10 meters.

Maple Shaina- this is new dwarf variety, reaching within 10 years only 1.5 m in height, with a dense, bushy crown and deeply dissected leaves. Maple trees look especially elegant in autumn, when its leaves acquire a carmine-red hue. ‘Shaina’ is great for planting in containers.

BUT new variety maple Shirazz, originating from New Zealand, got its name in honor of the most widespread grape variety in Australia "Shirazz". Its deeply dissected leaves show a unique play of colors: young green leaves are edged with a thin pale pink, sometimes blood-red stripe. And in autumn, the entire foliage turns bright red. The plant, reaching in adulthood up to 2 meters in height, forms a beautiful branched crown.

unusual maple Wilson's Pink Dwarf. In spring, its filigree pink flamingo foliage draws attention. Leaves turn in autumn bright colors: light orange to red. This is a slow growing tree with a dense crown, after ten years it reaches a height of only 1.40 m. Wilson's Pink Dwarf great for planting in containers.

Slow-growing maples with dissected leaves give a special charm to the garden. green(grade Dissectum) and dark red(grade Dissectum Garnet) coloring. Their thinly dissected leaves turn yellowish-red and deep purple in autumn. In old ornamental trees with hanging shoots, the width of the crown is sometimes twice as large as the height. Maples with dissected leaves should not be hidden in the garden, they should be allocated a prominent place, for example, in a seating area near a bench, near a stream, or on the banks of a pond.

Openwork dark red ‘ bloodgood ' is a tree-like shrub with a broad-globular crown and feathery leaves, with a delightful inky black shade of leaves and bright fruits, capable of showing an unusual dark coloration even in the shade. Crown height and width up to 4 m.

Variety ‘ Beni Kawa' with light leaves and a very bright red tint of the bark.

Japanese maple care

In order to successfully grow these beauties in the garden, you need to follow a few rules:

From own experience I can only say one thing: the "Japanese" are more unpretentious and winter-hardy than is commonly believed, and in the right place they successfully winter even at the latitude of St. Petersburg!

Japanese maples in the garden

Japanese maples are very wide application and can decorate not only gardens in Asian style. Strongly growing varieties with an umbrella-shaped crown at maturity reach a height of 4 to 5 meters, so they can be used in the garden as tapeworms. Older Japanese maples provide excellent shade for walking paths and recreational areas.

The decorativeness of maples lies in the amazing beauty of details with the general nobility and sophistication of silhouettes and shapes. After all, the contours of the maple, the shape of its lush crown and the graceful bends of the branches are no less filigree than the carved leaves. The lines of this plant are an impeccable example of picturesqueness, built on the harmony of naturalness and showiness. In Japanese maples, the crown is tiered or translucent, lush lace and almost weightless at the same time. And all the beauty of the foliage mass only emphasizes the decorativeness of each individual leaf, divided into elegant pointed lobes.

One of the typical landscapes of the Land of the Rising Sun is a quiet and secluded corner for relaxing under the shade of a maple tree, the beauty of which is “supported” by pillows of flowering chrysanthemums. The laconic, restrained, but surprisingly picturesque duet remains today perfect example selection of classic companions for the design of any garden. It also looks very good under Japanese maples ferns, Volzhanka, shadow sedge and rhododendrons (especially deciduous varieties, which also explode with bright fireworks of leaf transformation in autumn). Excellent companions of the Japanese maple are bamboo, funkia, azalea and other Asian garden plants. A very interesting combination will be Japanese maple with viburnum ‘Dawn’ (Viburnum x bodnantense ‘Dawn’), or with Chinese dogwood (Cornus kousa var. chinensis). Under maples with a translucent crown, you can plant all not too high and powerful decorative perennials and grasses suitable for planting in partial shade. But you can always limit yourself to a minimalistic design: decorative stone chips in the near-trunk zone and balancing the crown with one or two plants or large boulders around the perimeter.

In the garden, you can create fantastic and simply fabulous pictures by combining in small groups fast and slow growing maple varieties with different autumn foliage colors. Against the background of evergreens, for example, a hedge of laurel cherry or yew, the brightness and richness of colors intensify. Red-leaved maples tend to take on a carmine-red hue in autumn, while green-leafed maples change from golden yellow to orange-red.

The root system of Japanese maples, unlike domestic species, is slightly branched, with a small amount of thin hairy roots, so the plants planted under them receive enough water and nutrients.

Description and cultivation of decorative maple tree

Maple - deciduous or evergreen tree, rarely shrub. It grows in North America, Europe and Asia. Grown for decorative purposes. The species differ in height, shape and color of the leaves. Found in tropical regions, temperate zones and polar regions. Tree care is minimal, it is important to choose right place and soil type. Requires protection from pests and diseases.

Maple tree photo, description, varieties

Decorative maple grows up to 40 m, shrubs - up to 10 m. The trunk diameter reaches 1–1.5 m. young tree bark with a red tint, in an adult - gray, with cracks. The crown is rounded, dense. The leaves are clawed, the leaf plates diverge along the radius from the bottom up.

Source: Depositphotos

Ornamental maple tree is used for landscaping in private lots and parks

The flowers are yellow-green, depending on the species, male and female flowers located on two separate trees. The fruit is a double flat lionfish. It bears fruit annually, in Russia - in early autumn.

The description of the maple tree includes the characteristics of popular varieties:

    • shade-tolerant - reaches a height of 5–6 m, prefers soils with an average acidity content or neutral;
    • palm-shaped, or fan-shaped, - differs in an umbrella-like crown; leaves dissected, with a red tint; grows slowly, demanding on air temperature;
    • red - unpretentious variety, resistant to frost; reaches 20 m in height, the crown is spherical, the leaves are rich red, orange by autumn;

The choice of variety depends on climatic conditions, soil composition, and purpose. Maples are compatible with most trees and plants. Used to decorate private plots, gardens, squares and parks.

Decorative maple tree: growing features

For planting maple, choose a lighted area or a place in partial shade. When growing, a tree should not interfere with plantings or buildings.

General rules for growing and care:

    • decide on a seedling, before buying, make sure the integrity of the roots;
    • with a close location of groundwater, make drainage: dig a hole 0.5–0.8 m deep and place rubble with a layer of 10–20 cm, cover with earth;
    • deepen the seedling by 40–50 cm; hole dimensions 50 x 50 cm;
    • water the seedling abundantly; in dry times, follow the watering rule - 10-20 liters once a week.

Difficulties in growing ornamental maple varieties: infection with powdery mildew or black spot. For prevention, use a solution of copper sulfate. Cut off affected branches and leaves. When following the rules and regulations, decorative maple will become a worthy decoration of a garden or a plot near a house.

So the time has come to get acquainted with the largest representatives of the red-leaved - trees with purple, burgundy, purple foliage.

Red-leaved maple in royal clothes, photo

Without a doubt, they are spectacular tapeworms that look great on any background.

The contrast of red and greena photo

These are not only large maples, apple trees, plums, but also small trees, which can be used in small dachas: red-leaved birches, beeches grafted onto boles.

Through the red-leaved maplea photo

In the south, they love and often use the Pissarda cherry plum in decoration.

a photo

Red-leaved trees find their place in dachas of any style: maples, plums, apple trees are in demand in Japanese gardens.

a photo

They are luxurious in landscape-style cottages.

Birch hanging "Purple". Photo from the site Cherry plum "Pissard" in the landscape garden, photo

It is clear that cottages are different in area, and trees - in size. We conditionally divide the trees into groups:

  • large - more than 20 m;
  • medium - 10-20 m;
  • small - 5-10 m.

Red-leaved trees for large summer cottages

Varieties are suitable for central Russia Norway maple or plane tree (Acer platanoides):
  • "Goldsworth Purple"- leaves are red-violet, young ones are wrinkled;
  • "Crimson King"- the leaves are red-violet at first, then dark purple, the flowers are red-yellow.

Norway maple "Goldsworth Purple". Photo from Norway maple "Crimson King". Photo from

At a young age (up to 10 years) they grow rapidly. Shade-tolerant, but only outdoors sunny place the beauty of the leaves becomes more vivid. Both are demanding on soil fertility and moisture. In hot and dry summers, watering is required. Propagated by grafting. The second grade is more winter-hardy.

The variety is also interesting in its own way " Faassen's Black".

Maple Norway "Faassen" s Black ", appearance. Photo of the site Its leaves close-up. Photo site

Reaches a height of 25 m; the leaves are shiny, young - bronze-red, then - dark red, and the color is maintained throughout the growing season.

On a large lawn, a sculptural forest beech (Fagus sylvatica)"Dawyck Purple" with a narrow crown and purple leaves.

Forest beech "Dawyck Purple". Photo courtesy of Shoot close-up. Photo courtesy of

It can be planted in a recreation area, creating a place of relaxation under a single tree. In the south, it reaches a height of 20 m and a width of 5 m, in central Russia it will grow much lower, it will freeze over.

Red-leaved trees for medium dachas

Suitable for a medium sized cottage:
  • Norway maple (Acer platanoides) "Royal Red"- 6 m high and 5 m wide, bright red leaves;
  • Crimson Sentry- 12 m high and 5 m wide, with a narrow vertical crown and red-violet leaves.

Norway maple "Royal Red". Photo from Norway maple "Crimson Sentry". Photo from

They grow quickly, bloom, are not capricious. Propagated by grafting.

In the southern regions appeared red-leaved catalpa Catalpa x erubescens "Purpurea"- a sprawling tree 15 m high and wide, with wide oval conical leaves 25-40 cm long, dark purple when young, dark green later.

Additional decor - white flowers with yellow and purple spots, up to 5 cm in diameter, collected in brushes up to 30 cm long, and fruits - thin pods up to 40 cm long. Prefers semi-shady places with moist soil; young specimens may freeze slightly.

For medium and small cottages, especially in the southern arid regions, unpretentious Gleditsia triacanthos (Gleditsia triacanthos) "Rubylace"- straight-stemmed tree 10 m high.

Gledichia three-prickly "Rubylace", appearance. Photo from Close-up of her leaves. Photo courtesy of

Its young dark bronze-red leaves are luxurious, which become bronze-green by mid-summer.

You can choose tree seedlings with red foliage in our catalog, which combines the offers of large garden online stores. .

Norway maple Crimson King (V30-40l H160-180) 5 850 rub LOOK
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Oak red (V3-5l.H60-80) 578 rub LOOK
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Maple red Autumn Blaze (V40l.H250-300) 9 750 rubles LOOK
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Norway maple Royal Red (V40l H250-300) 7 725 RUB LOOK
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Red-leaved trees for small cottages

In a small southern dacha, especially in the East Asian style, a single copy will be harmonious red-leaved fan-shaped or palm-shaped maple (Acer palmatum).

fan maple f. atropurpureum, photo. Maple fan "Beni-Kagami". Photo from forums.botanicalgarden.ubc.

Its varieties with burgundy and red leaves fascinate, causing delight and admiration! This is:

  • f. atropurpureum- leaves deeply lobed, red-purple, in autumn - bright red, as if burning;
  • "Beni Kagami"- height and width 8 m, weeping, leaves 5-lobed, red-purple;
  • "Bloodgood"- height and width 5 m, leaves 5-lobed, red-purple, red fruits;
  • Burgundy Lace- 4 m high, 5 m wide, leaves 5-lobed, dark purple;

Maple fan "Bloodgood". Photo courtesy of Maple fan "Burgundy Lace". Photo from
  • "Chitoseyama"- 2 m high, 3 m wide, leaves 7-lobed, deeply cut, raspberry-green, purple-red in autumn);
  • Crimson Queen- 3 m high, 4 m wide, arched shoots, openwork leaves, finely cut;

Maple fan "Chitoseyama". Photo courtesy of Maple fan "Crimson Queen". Photo from
  • "Dissectum Atropurpureum"- red-purple leaves;
  • "Garnet"- red-purple leaves;

Maple fan "Dissectum Atropurpureum". Photo from Maple fan "Garnet". Photo courtesy of
  • var. heptalobum "Rubrum"- leaves are dark red-purple;
  • "Linearilobum Atropurpureum"- red-purple shoots.

Maple fan var. heptalobum "Rubrum". Photo courtesy of Maple fan "Linearilobum Atropurpureum". Photo courtesy of

Once you see a palm-shaped maple in autumn decoration, you understand why the Japanese have a national holiday “Time to admire the reddening maple leaves” every last Sunday of October.

Red-leaved maple in a Japanese garden,

They are demanding on soil and moisture, thermophilic (withstand up to -15°C). Propagated by grafting.

Capricious Japanese maples can be replaced with red-leaved forms and varieties forest beech (Fagus sylvatica), which do not cause problems in the southern regions, and in central Russia they freeze slightly and do not reach their optimal habitus (appearance). This is:

  • f. purpurea- copper leaves (in autumn) - for a large dacha;
  • "Purpurea Pendula"- 3 m high and wide, weeping crown, dark purple leaves - for a small dacha);

Forest beech f. purpurea. Photo courtesy of Forest beech "Purpurea Pendula". Photo from
  • "Riversii"- leaves are dark purple;
  • "Rohanii"- Leaves deeply cut, purple.

Forest beech "Riversii". Photo from Forest beech "Rohanii". Photo courtesy of

They tolerate the winters of central Russia well, growing into low trees, apple trees (despite the fact that the British give them a critical winter minimum of -15 ° C) and plums with burgundy leaves. But the main advantage of these trees is purple-crimson, pink flowers, blooming in the spring. They are also interesting in fruiting, when they are strewn with small red fruits. And, if flowering is limited to May, and fruiting in September-October, then the leaves retain red, purple, later - a bronze hue throughout the growing season.

In central Russia, one of the most common. Spreading tree 8 m high and wide, oval leaves, up to 10 cm long, dark red-violet, retain their color and turn red in autumn.

"Malus Royalty", appearance. Photo courtesy of Blooming escape. Photo from

At splayed plum (Prunus serasifera) "Pissardii"- trees 8 m high, dark crimson leaves do not change color throughout the growing season.

Cherry plum "Pissard"a photo

AT northern regions she can freeze; photophilous, prefers fertile moist soils, does not tolerate stagnant water. It tolerates pruning well; stronger pruning is used to increase yield.

Recently in demand in summer cottages drooping birch (Betula pendula) "Purpurea"- 10 m high, 3 m wide, leaves with a copper-burgundy tint.

Silver birch "Purpurea". Photo from Close-up of her shoots. Photo from

In the south, it is beautiful, and in central Russia it freezes heavily, which is why it does not grow to normal size. In addition, today red-leaved forms have:

  • horse chestnut (Aesculus x neglecta) "Erythroblastos";
  • crimson canadian (Cercis canadensis) "Forest Pansy";
  • oaks (Quercus);
  • peach (Prunus persica).

Peach red-leaved "Burgundy". Photo from the site Scarlet canadian "Forest Pansy". Photo from

This is where our small digression in interesting world plants with red leaves. Thanks to them, our dachas become more interesting, more spectacular, compositions - more contrast, flower beds - brighter. Do not be afraid to settle them in your possessions, the main thing is to know when to stop.

Connoisseurs of species with red foliage will certainly be interested in this selection of publications.

The maple that everyone knows.

The most common type of maple growing in our country is Norway maple (Acer platanoides) , - unlike many others, it is found not in mountainous, but in lowland forests. Its appearance and characteristic leaves are well known to all people, even those far from dendrology. This tree is up to 30 m tall with an ovoid, hip-shaped dense crown in the wild.

The varietal variety of Norway maple is so great that, using only it, you can create interesting woody compositions. There are color forms, varieties with a modified form of growth and leaf blade. Maples with an unusual leaf color look especially impressive, for example, purple, like the varieties "Royal Red", "Crimson King", "Deborah", "Schwedleri", or with a white stripe along the edge of the leaf blade, like "Drummondii". Decorative forms "Columnare" and "Globosum" attract attention with crowns - columnar and spherical, which makes them bright accent in compositions. They also do well in co-letter and row plantings.

Types of maples: tall and majestic

Among the maples there are very large representatives. One of them - majestic maple, or velvety maple (Acer velutinum) , growing in eastern Transcaucasia and the mountains of Northern Iran. With a height of 50 m, it looks like a real giant, besides, the diameter of its trunk reaches 1.2 m. This maple looks especially impressive during fruiting, when it is decorated with large hanging fruiting panicles carrying up to 60 lionfish. A truly majestic sight.

Slightly smaller in size false sycamore maple, or sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) , — typical representative mountain forests of the southwestern part of Ukraine and the Caucasus. A tree up to 40 m in height and up to 2 m in diameter with a dark gray bark that peels off in plates that expose light young bark. It is especially beautiful when free standing, forms a dense tent-shaped crown. In ornamental gardening, various forms of false maple are most often used. The 'Purpurea' variety has two-tone leaves, dark green above and purple below. Young leaves of 'Leopoldii' are covered with yellowish-pink spots, adults are variegated, with uneven, light green or cream spots.

No less monumental is the North American silver maple (Acer saccharinum) , reaching a height of 40 m with a trunk up to 1.5 m in diameter.

A characteristic feature of this species are deeply dissected five-lobed leaves on long petioles. They are light green above and silvery white below, hence the species name. In autumn, this maple stands out with light yellow foliage. It looks great along the banks of reservoirs, in alley and group plantings, but it should be remembered that its branches often break off from adhering snow and strong gusts of wind. Decorative variety "Wieri" is notable for its elegant carved foliage and picturesque crown with long, hanging shoots.

Far Eastern maples

It is believed that maples are the face Far East. There they live in the mountains and along river valleys. In their appearance, they differ from European and North American species, which in recent times appreciated by landscape designers who use them very actively. In addition, the cultivation of most Far Eastern maples in central Russia does not present any particular problems, with the exception of some species. In the Central Russian landscape, they look like real exotics, which, with their appearance, are able to decorate any composition.

Widely known in culture river maple ( Acer ginnala) differs in high frost resistance and unpretentiousness. Growing up to 6 m in height, it is quite suitable for creating hedges and single plantings. In autumn, its three-lobed leaves take on a crimson-red color, saturating the landscape with bright colors.

In mountain mixed and coniferous forests Far East grows green maple (Acer tegmentosum) , the trunk of which is decorated with smooth green bark with longitudinal white stripes. With such an unusual bark, maple always stands out from other plants.

Listing the Far Eastern species, one cannot fail to mention the often found in this region small-leaved maple (Acer mono) . This tree is up to 15 m high with a low crown. The leaves are similar to the foliage of Norway maple, but 2-3 times smaller. In autumn they turn bright yellow and red. Small-leaved maple plantings effectively reduce urban noise.

If we talk about the beauty of the leaves, then, of course, first of all it is worth mentioning palm-shaped maple, or fan maple (Acer palmatum) , without which no garden in Japan can do. Its openwork dissected leaves acquire bright picturesque colors in autumn. Unfortunately, this species is quite thermophilic and in central Russia it freezes to the level of snow cover. Therefore, to create a stylized Japanese garden in our climate the best replacement he will be no less spectacular Manchurian maple (Acer mandschuricum) and pseudosiebold maple (Acer pseudosieboldianum) .

North American maple species

A large number of maples grow in the North American continent. Many of them settled in Russia a long time ago, having acquired a second homeland, and ash-leaved maple (Acer negundo) so naturalized in our open spaces that sometimes it behaves like a weed. Now it is difficult to imagine that this plant was previously grown in greenhouses as a valuable exotic. At present, the ash-leaved maple is widely distributed in cultivation. First of all thanks rapid growth, frost resistance and undemanding to soils. However, its fragility and low decorative qualities force this species to be used as a temporary breed with others - slowly growing, but more decorative. There are a number of interesting color forms of this maple, which are widely used in landscaping: Aureovariegatum, Variegatum, Flamingo, Odessanum.

Growing in river valleys and swamps red maple (Acer rubrum) perfectly puts up with excessive moisture and stagnant water, besides, it is not picky about soils. Received its specific name for the red female flowers and orange-red leaves in autumn. Its ornamental forms 'Red Sunset' and 'Scanlon' are characterized by a pyramidal crown shape and dark red leaves in autumn.

Very beautiful smooth green bark with white longitudinal stripes attracts attention Pennsylvanian maple (Acer pensylvanicum) . Its large three-lobed leaves turn saturated in autumn. yellow. The flowering and fruiting of this maple looks impressive: flowers, and then fruits are collected in long, hanging brushes.

shrub maples

Among maples there are also shrub species that fit well into small gardens.

They also tolerate shearing well, so they make very dense and spectacular hedges. Such maples include - in addition to the aforementioned riverine maple and false Siebold maple - also bearded maple, curled maple, Tatar maple.

Bearded maple (Acer barbinerve) very beautiful during flowering, in autumn it boasts dark yellow or orange leaves, and in winter its young shoots with purple-red bark stand out against the background of white snow. It is beautifully shaped and cut.

Very decorative throughout the growing season North American

Where else are maples used?

Many types of maple have valuable wood, which is used in furniture industry, for the manufacture of sports equipment and musical, in particular bowed, instruments.

Maple sap is quite high in sugar, especially in North American species such as the sugar maple (Acer saccharum). In Canada, the sap of this maple is used to produce maple sugar, and its leaf is the national symbol of the country. A stylized image of a carved sugar maple leaf flaunts on the jackets of Canadian hockey players and on national flag Canada.

Types of maples: photo and description

1. Hornbeam maple (Acer carpinifolium) H = 10 m

A deciduous tree that grows in the mountain forests of Japan. The leaves are bright green, very similar to hornbeam leaves, turning yellowish brown in autumn. Greenish-yellow flowers appear at the same time as the leaves open. Relatively frost-resistant, in central Russia it grows with light shelter or in places well protected from the wind. This rare view will bring special joy to collectors.

2. Maple riverside (Acer ginnala) H = 8m

A large shrub with a tent-shaped crown, grows along the banks of rivers and streams, hence the specific name. The leaves are three-lobed with an elongated middle lobe, dark green, shiny, in autumn - purple-red. The flowers are yellowish, fragrant, collected in many-flowered panicles, appear after full blooming of the leaves. It grows quickly, winter-hardy, gives abundant shoots.

3. False siebold maple (Acer pseudosieboldianum) H = 8 m

A slender tree with a dense, tent-shaped crown. During flowering, large, yellowish-white flowers with purple sepals appear. Inflorescences racemose with pubescent axes. The leaves are bright green, rounded, palmately dissected up to half of the leaf plate, in autumn they turn into red-pink tones. Lionfish fruits are pinkish-red at the beginning of ripening, then yellowish-brown.

4. Manchu maple (Acer mandshurirum) H = 20 m

A deciduous tree with a highly raised, round, openwork crown. The leaves are graceful, trifoliate on long reddish petioles, in autumn they acquire purple-red tones. Inflorescences yellowish-greenish, racemose, consisting of large flowers. Flowering is short, 10-12 days. It is an excellent honey plant. It does not tolerate urban conditions and formative pruning.

5. False plane maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) H = 40 m

A tall tree with a well-formed trunk, especially beautiful when free standing, forms a dense tent-shaped crown. The trunk is covered with ash-gray bark, peeling off in large plates. Against the background of blossoming leaves, narrow, many-flowered inflorescences up to 16 cm long look spectacular. Leaves 3-5-lobed, dark green above, bluish or whitish below.

6. Pennsylvanian maple (Acer pensylvanirum) H = 12 m

A tree with a dense crown, the trunk is covered with dark green bark with longitudinal light stripes. The leaves are large, obovate with three shallow lobes, turning pure in autumn. yellow tones. The yellowish flowers are collected in graceful drooping brushes up to 15 cm long. Flowering lasts 7-10 days. Fruits are stored on plants for a long time. Outwardly, it is very similar to green maple.

Maple varieties: photo and description

Crimson King

Norway maple H = 15 m

A tree with a spreading crown and large lobed leaves red-purple in color, which turn orange in autumn. The flowers are yellow with a reddish tinge, appear simultaneously with the blooming of the leaves.


Norway maple H = 12 m

An elegant tree with a regular crown. Young leaves are pink at the edges, later a wide cream border appears on them. The light color of this variety goes well with plants that have dark-colored foliage.


False sycamore maple H = 20m

A tree with a broad conical crown. Young leaves are red-brown, later they change color and remain dark green on top until autumn, and deep red on the bottom with a purple-violet bloom.


Ash-leaved maple H = 4 m

It is a low tree or large shrub. The variety is very beautiful, variegated. Young leaves are pink, later becoming white-motley. Maple is suitable for small gardens as a tapeworm and for use in color compositions.


Maple silver H = 20 m

A picturesque tree with hanging, long, thin branches. The leaves are carved, strongly dissected, graceful, silver-green in color, turning light yellow in autumn. Preferably used as a tapeworm.


Norway maple H = 7 m

The tree without pruning forms an even, very dense spherical crown, which in adult plants takes on a flat shape. Recommended for landscaping city streets, but also suitable as decorative element for a small garden.

Royal Red

Norway maple H = 12 m

The crown is wide-conical, the leaves are large, shiny, bright red throughout the growing season. Yellow inflorescences look very impressive against the background of brightly colored leaves. The tree is growing fast. This variety is widely used.


Ash-leaved maple H = 5 m

A beautiful tree with decorative, white-green, variegated leaves and showy fruits. It is used as a tapeworm and in contrasting compositions with other hardwoods. It tolerates urban conditions well.