Download interactive games for preschool children. Interactive games for the development of children. A small historical excursion

Modern teacher is increasingly used in professional activity information Technology. Probably every school and every kindergarten has laptops, computers, projectors that are actively used teaching staff while working with children, parent meetings, teacher councils, etc. It is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine an educator or teacher who would not know how to make at least the simplest multimedia presentation.

The use of multimedia presentations in the classroom with children solves one of the problems that teachers faced earlier: where to find the necessary visual material? You can download any pictures you like, the most suitable for the topic of the lesson, and easily show them to the children on the projector.

Besides, in recent times Interactive presentations or presentation games that respond to user actions are becoming increasingly popular. This form of work in the classroom is of particular interest to children, which in turn helps to better assimilate educational material. Such a presentation game is implemented using various animation effects.

You can make an interactive presentation game yourself in PowerPoint or free download ready-made interactive presentation games for preschoolers on various topics.

Important! All presentations offered for download were made in PowerPoint 2007. If the presentation does not display correctly on your computer, edit it using your version of the program.

Interactive presentation games for preschoolers

Interactive presentation game for preschoolers "Spring has come!"

The presentation "Spring has come" contains animation elements, sound effects and responds to user actions. It will be useful for teachers of preschool educational organizations as an addition to classes on lexical topics "Spring", " Migratory birds"," Signs of Spring "," March ", etc. Children will undoubtedly be interested in interactive tasks, which also contributes to better assimilation of the material. For teachers, the presentation is offered detailed instructions to each slide of the game.

Download the presentation in one archive. It is recommended to carefully read the instructions before working with the presentation!

Free download

Presentation for preschoolers with animation effects "Zimushka-winter"

The presentation can be used as an addition to the lesson on lexical topic"Winter". The use of a presentation game involves the active participation of children in the lesson. On the third slide, when you click on the correct answers, smiling emoticons appear, on the wrong one - sad ones. On the fourth slide, when you click on the riddle, the correct answer appears.

You can edit the presentation according to the content of the lesson.

Free download

Interactive presentation game for preschoolers "Wild and Domestic Animals"

Each slide of the Wild and Domestic Animals presentation contains animation effects. When you click on an animal, it moves to the picture at the bottom of the slide. At the end of the game, the "Animals Twist" video plays. A presentation game can be used as part of a lesson on the lexical topic "Wild and Domestic Animals".

Download the presentation in one archive and store all materials in one folder for correct playback. The presentation slides can be modified to suit the content of the lesson.

Natalya Marushkina

Today I want to tell you how we use interactive equipment in Everyday life child.

Progress does not stand still. And it also depends on us how the child will own the interactive network. What information will he be looking for? Will she be a substitute for the outside world for him or an active assistant and adviser. Many people remember the time when there was only television in the houses. How much controversy and advice it caused. What is the distance to the screen, the size of the screen itself, the time spent watching TV, the age of the viewers, and who knows more. Tell me, does this remind you of anything? The world is changing, technology is improving, but the questions are the same. But no matter how much we want to protect children from harmful effects newfangled gadgets, they have firmly entered our lives.

"If you don't go into the water, you won't learn how to swim." So it is with our children. Who knows what they will learn from this new "Miracle Technique" if we adults do not become their guides. In my group, I try to show children that the Internet is not a field of entertainment, but a field of knowledge with passion. A field of great opportunities and low costs (this is already for teachers). Think for yourself. How much effort, time and money it takes us to create didactic games for individual work. And here: downloaded, processed, presented. Of course, a balance must be struck between ICT and conventional forms of work. Only then can we achieve better results without destroying the fragile childish world of human relationships.

So, our didactic games.

Most of the time I use material from previous lessons. After all, if we played in the lesson, then why not continue.

"Put the animals in their places according to the sound model."

Such slides accumulate from session to session, and it remains only to collect them in single folder with a common goal.

This is how literacy games were born.

“Make a sound scheme and insert familiar letters”.


"Darn the rug"

Many games are created using SMART Notebook software templates.

Vortex sorting:

"Wintering and Migratory Birds"

Image Combination:

"Put a title on the picture"


"Journey of the Group Plan"

"Find a Pair"


"Enter the answer"


As well as games using the "Lesson Builder" of the same program.

"Read the Letters".

"Edible - inedible"

"Russell the birds in the houses"

"Visiting Numbers".

Why they? Yes, just minimum costs for preparation.

There are games created in PowerPoint.

One of them "Learning to solve puzzles" I would like to bring to your attention in the presentation. AT this case I used not only pictures but also the material itself from the Internet. Seeing the publication of Lydia Filipenko, she could not pass by. Redesigned in PowerPoint, added animation and offered to the children. They enjoyed solving puzzles.

In addition, we use ready-made game programs available in kindergarten.

nor help children to know the world more widely. Through high-quality video, sound, animation, children can get closer to the diversity of the animal and flora, get acquainted with the basics of geography and astronomy, solve puzzles proposed by the developers and much more.

I can say that the active use of the interactive whiteboard in the group not only increased educational process, but also reduced the excitement of action on it. The fact that at first the children were eager to play, just to touch, move, draw, was replaced by a conscious choice of the game. Children do not sit next to each other, they are busy with other games with their peers. They do not give up other activities for the sake of playing on the board, but they compete with pleasure in applying the acquired knowledge, solve complex software problems with enthusiasm.

Thank you for your attention. I hope our material was interesting for you.

Related publications:

Game "Furniture" Purpose: agreement of the numerals two and five with nouns. Game material: object pictures of furniture, two playing fields.

Didactic games for the formation of figurative speech in older preschoolers Here are some of the games I use in class. I suggest you play. The game "Phraseological Menagerie" teaches you to choose the right ones.

In order to increase cognitive interest, the educator should try to diversify the subject-developing environment. For this, many are made.

Didactic games for the development of speech of older preschoolers Crucial in the upbringing and development of children preschool age belongs to learning in the classroom, the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. - Children's coloring pages, online coloring pages, coloring pages from numbers, pictures from numbers, children's mazes, skillful hands that develop children's Online Games, free online games for boys and girls and much more for your child. - "Kindergarten" - a site for children and adults. On this site you can find "Pictures", "Coloring Books", "Cartoons", "Children's Literature", "Audio Tales", etc. - "Razigrushki" - a site for children and their parents who care about the harmonious development and upbringing of their children. - "Baby news" - A huge amount of educational materials for children, the site will be of interest to both parents and children. - "Kindergarten" - a site for children and adults. On this site you can find "Pictures", "Coloring Books", "Cartoons", "Children's Literature", "Audio Tales", etc. - "Bukashka", a site for preschoolers. Drawing and music lessons, educational games, children's flash games and coloring books, nursery rhymes, lullabies, tests, tongue twisters and sayings. - "Educators and educators for children" of their development, education, training and creativity. Here you will find articles about children, educational and educational programs for toddlers and schoolchildren that can be downloaded for free, and the child will certainly want to watch children's educational videos, the best cartoons, fairy tales and books, all games for development, coloring books, pictures, karaoke songs and much more. other; view or add children's works (drawings, poems, etc.); everything you need for a child interesting toys, software, music, books, games. - "Umka - Children's developing site". On the site you can watch both entertaining and educational children's cartoons, download collections, as well as listen and download pluses and minuses of children's songs, color online coloring pages with your children, choose holiday scenarios you like, listen to children's fairy tales and much more! - "Origami - World with your own hands". The site is dedicated ancient art folding paper figures. Here you will find diagrams and videos of origami folding schemes.

The choice of this method in working with preschoolers is debatable. In our opinion, the possibility of its use in depends on the preparedness of the educator, primarily on the possession of the features of this technique. Of course, in a small article it is impossible to analyze all aspects of the problem. The task of the author is to expand the ideas of the educator about the specifics of the application interactive game method in working with preschoolers.

Let's start with a short digression into the history of the issue. The concept of "interactive" came to us from in English(interactive: inter - between, between; active from act - act, action). It means the ability to interact, to have a conversation, a dialogue with someone. Unlike active methods, interactive methods are focused on a wider interaction of preschoolers not only with the teacher, but also with each other and on the dominance of the activity of preschoolers in the learning process.

The role of the educator in interactive game practically comes down to the direction of children's activities to achieve their goals and to the development of a lesson plan.

The main thing in the organization interactive game with preschoolers– creating conditions for gaining meaningful experience for them social behavior. By interactive play, we mean not just the interaction of preschoolers with each other and the teacher, but a jointly organized cognitive activity social orientation. In such a game, children not only learn new things, but also learn to understand themselves and others, gain their own experience.

There are many options for interactive games, but the way they are played is quite universal and is based on the following algorithm:

  1. Selection by the teacher of tasks and exercises for a group of children. (It is possible to conduct a preparatory session.)
  2. Preschoolers are introduced to a problem to be solved, with a goal to be achieved. The problem and purpose of the task should be clearly and easily formulated by the teacher so that the children do not have a feeling of incomprehensibility and uselessness of what they are going to do. Children are informed about the rules of the game, they are given clear instructions.
  3. During the game, children interact with each other to achieve the goal. If any stages cause difficulty, the teacher corrects the actions of preschoolers.
  4. At the end of the game (after a short pause, designed to relieve tension), the results are analyzed and the results are summed up. The analysis consists of focusing on the emotional aspect - on the feelings that preschoolers experienced, and discussing the content aspect (what did you like, what caused difficulty, how the situation developed, what actions the participants took, what was the result).

It is important that children enjoy the game by trying themselves in a new situation. Should not be confused interactive game with role-playing and business game. Role-playing game essentially resembles a theater: in it, the solution to the problem is not the main one; most importantly, there are those who play roles and observers. In the process of a business game, professional skills are formed on the basis of acquired experience and personal qualities.

We bring to your attention several options interactive games for children middle and senior groups.

Option 1. Interactive game based on the Russian folk tale "Turnip"
Before the game is preparatory lesson, where children get acquainted with the text of a Russian folk tale, discuss what they read.

Issues for discussion

  1. What is a turnip? (The turnip is a vegetable grown in the garden.)
  2. Why couldn't grandfather pull the turnip out of the ground alone? (The turnip grew very large, and one person was unable to pull it out of the ground.)
  3. Who helped grandfather? (Grandma, granddaughter, dog Zhuchka, cat and mouse helped grandfather.)
  4. What does a fairy tale teach? (Only together can even a very difficult task be done.)

The teacher invites the children to color the illustrations for the fairy tale.

To conduct the game, it is necessary to form two or three teams of six to seven children, prepare in advance several identical sets of cards with the image of the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip", pencils, felt-tip pens, plasticine.

The teacher clearly formulates the task. In the next room, there is a painted (sculpted from plasticine or clay) or a real turnip on the table. Each child in turn goes into the next room and remembers the story; then they all work together to compile the mosaic, placing the characters as they acted in the fairy tale. (Teams are given a set of cards with the image of heroes. Each player chooses one hero and places it on the table, depending on how he acted in the fairy tale.)

The teacher warns children about the need to comply with the following conditions:

  • work no longer than 10 minutes;
  • You can communicate only with facial expressions and gestures (non-verbally).

After completing the task, the teacher suggests moving on to the next stage of the game: each player must “create” an object that is in next room(draw, mold a turnip).
At the end of the game, preschoolers, together with the teacher, analyze the results of the work (they talk about what happened, what didn’t, whether everyone coped with the task, who found it difficult, why).

Option 2. Interactive game based on the Russian folk tale "Teremok" (the game algorithm is the same)
Before the start of the game, we conduct a preparatory lesson in which children remember (or get acquainted) with the text of a Russian folk tale, discuss what they have read.
Issues for discussion

  1. Where was the teremok? (In field.)
  2. Who was the first to live in a tower? (Mouse-norushka.)
  3. Which of the animals lived in the tower? (Louse mouse, frog frog, runaway bunny, sister fox, spinning top - gray barrel.)
  4. Why did the bear climb onto the roof? (The bear could not fit into the teremok, as it is very large.)

Then the children are offered to color the illustrations for the fairy tale (the selection of illustrations for coloring is carried out by the teacher)

Then proceed to the next step interactive game"Teremok" (see option 1).
After completing the task, the teacher invites the children to build their own teremok (the material is prepared in advance by the teacher himself or the children bring it). At the end of the game, as in option 1, analyze the results.

Using interactive games in teaching preschoolers, the teacher is faced with the problems of motivating participants (the interest of a preschooler, "falling out" of the game, etc.), developing and using this method in the education and upbringing of preschoolers (game development, methodical literature, qualifications of the teacher, etc.).

Option 3. Interactive game "Pet"
As usual, before the game, a preparatory session is held, in which children are introduced to the selected animal (in our case, chicken) through an appeal to various types art, offer to guess riddles, name Russian folk tales, recall cartoons, poems, ditties, tongue twisters, the main character of which is a chicken.

Appeared in a yellow coat.
Farewell, two shells! (Chick.)
White round lay for a long time,
Suddenly it crackled ... (Egg and chicken.)
There was a white house
wonderful house,
And something thumped in him.
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out -
So warm, so fluffy
And golden. (Egg and chicken.)
I wake everyone up on time
I don't wind up the clock though. (Rooster.)
Gets up first of all
"Ku-ka-re-ku!" - sings. (Rooster.)

The teacher reads a poem by K. Chukovsky "Chicken", asks what chicken is described in the poem.

A beautiful chicken lived with me.
Ah, what a smart chicken she was!
She sewed me caftans, sewed boots,

Sweet, ruddy baked pies for me.
And when he manages, he will sit at the gate -
Tell a story, sing a song.

Russian is read to children folk tale“Ryaba Hen,” they ask what she is talking about. Then the children are introduced to the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Chicken". They offer to answer the questions: “How did the chicken behave? Why? Who consoled him?"
“There was a chicken in the world. He was small. Here's one.
But he thought he was very big, and lifted his head importantly. Like this.
And he had a mother. Mom loved him very much. Mom was like this.
Mom fed him worms. And there were these worms like this.
Once, a Black Cat ran into my mother and drove her away from the yard. And there was a Black Cat like this.
The chicken was left alone at the fence. Suddenly he sees: a beautiful big rooster flew up on the fence, stretched out his neck like this. And shouted at the top of his voice: "Crow!". And he looked around importantly: “Am I not a daredevil? Am I not good at it?" The chicken liked it very much. He craned his neck too. Like this. And with all his strength he squeaked: “Pee-pee-pee! I'm a nerd too! I'm great too!" But he stumbled and fell into a puddle. Like this.
A frog was sitting in a puddle. She saw him and laughed, “Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! You are far from the rooster! And there was a frog like this.
Then the mother ran up to the chicken. She took pity and caressed him. Like this".

The teacher then moves on to the next step. interactive game, the purpose of which is to diversify children's ideas about pet, teach them to see creature in different aspects. Children (half a group) are placed near the table, on which are colored and white paper, scissors, glue, plasticine, designer parts.

The task is to jointly create an image of a chicken. Children should not communicate with each other verbally. Depending on the preparedness of the children, the teacher can make changes to the game. If preschoolers find it difficult to complete the task, they are offered to determine who wants to create what part of the bird and from what material (make paws from plasticine, cut out wings from paper, assemble the head and body from the details of the designer). The task of the teacher is not to invent anything for the children, but only to direct their imagination in a creative direction.

After the end of the work, the children share their impressions, evaluate the results of their work. The second group of preschoolers must guess what was created by the children of the first group.
Option 4. Interactive game "Forest animal"

Before the start of the game, a preparatory lesson is held, in which preschoolers are introduced to the selected animal (in this case, a squirrel), they are invited to solve riddles, listen to a fragment of "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ..." A.S. Pushkin and L.N.

Tolstoy "Squirrel and Wolf".
Who from the tall dark pines
Threw a bump at the kids
And into the bushes through the stump
Flashed like a flame? (Squirrel.)
I wear a fluffy coat
I live in a dense forest
In a hollow on an old oak
I chew nuts. (Squirrel.)
We recognized the animal with you
According to two such signs:
He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,
And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel.) * * *
Know that this is not a trifle:

Spruce in the forest, under the spruce squirrel,

Squirrel sings songs

And the nuts gnaws everything,

And nuts are not simple,
All shells are golden
The nuclei are pure emerald...
A.S. Pushkin

Next, the children are read a fairy tale by L.N. Tolstoy "The Squirrel and the Wolf" and offer to answer the questions: "What did you learn about squirrels from this fairy tale? How did the squirrel behave when faced with the wolf?
“The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell right on the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:
- Let me in.

Wolf said:
- All right, I'll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful. I'm always bored, but you look at you, you're all playing and jumping up there.
Belka said:
“Let me go up the tree first, I’ll tell you from there, otherwise I’m afraid of you.”
The wolf let go, and the squirrel went to the tree and said from there:
"You're bored because you're angry." Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind and do no harm to anyone.

In conclusion, the teacher reads a poem about a squirrel written by an unknown author especially for children; asks what qualities squirrels stand out from other forest animals.

Who plays there in the burners?
These are red squirrels:
golden coats,
Tails are fluffy.
Jumping up and down the branches

And they hide nuts in the hollow.

Fidgets, rascals

Cones are dragged into their house,
Lots of berries and mushrooms
Until the winter cold.
These squirrels are not lazy,
Very kind hosts.

In this case interactive game acts as a tool that allows you to significantly diversify the form of cognition of the surrounding reality.

Summary of GCD using an interactive whiteboard on FEMP in the middle group "Entertaining mathematics with Carlson"

Fomicheva Natalia Albertovna, educator, MDOU Kindergarten No. 30 "Teremok", the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region.
Description: This publication will be useful to teachers of preschool and additional education. The publication contains a detailed summary of the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in children of middle preschool age. A feature of the lesson is the performance of tasks by children on an interactive whiteboard.
Screenshots of the author's flipchart are used as illustrative material for publication.

Target: the formation of mathematical representations in children through work on an interactive whiteboard
- To form the ability to work on an interactive whiteboard, performing the simplest manipulations: clicking on an object, moving objects.
- Exercise in the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric figures: circle, triangle, square, rectangle.
- Improve the ability to make a rhythmic pattern.
- Develop the ability to determine the spatial direction from oneself: above, below, in front, behind.
- Develop the ability to compose an image according to the scheme (Nikitin's cubes).
- To consolidate knowledge of numbers from 1 to 5, the ability to arrange them in order.
- Develop communication skills, ingenuity, resourcefulness.
- To develop the ability to negotiate, work in pairs and in a chain.
- Raise interest in mathematics.

Lesson progress:

Communication game:
We'll build an even circle
Friend on the right and friend on the left.
Let's hold hands together
And smile at each other!
Is everyone in a good mood?
Are all sorrows forgotten?
I ask you to tell me:
Are you ready to count now?
(children's answers)

The children sit down.
- Guys, today the postman brought us a letter. To find out what is written in it, you need to click on the envelope on our screen. (Child performs)
All girls and boys
Got to love me.
I am the hero of a funny book,
Behind my propeller.

Taking for reinforcements
jar of jam,
I'm going to fly
Helicopter Man!

The letter contains my assignments.
Everyone needs attention!
I want to check you.
Get it right - I'll fly!

Task: "Guess who hid?"(The magnifying glass on the interactive whiteboard tears off fragments of the picture)
(Children check if they guessed correctly from whom the letter is from)

- Guys, you are not mistaken. They correctly guessed that the letter was from Carlson.
- He really wants to fly to visit us! What do we need to do for this? (children's answers)
- That's right, complete all his tasks! Well, let's not waste time!

Carlson's riddle number 1. "A CIRCLE"
I have no corners
And I look like a saucer!
I'm like a wheel
And also the letter "O".
I am an old friend to people.
They call me ... (circle)

When you click on the question mark, a guess appears - a circle.

- Guys, what round objects do you know? (children's answers)
- Correctly. Also, beads are round.
Take a look at the screen. Did you find out who it is? (Freken Bock, housekeeper)
- See, she sits angry. This is because her beads have crumbled.
Let's help her collect them.

Task: "Collect the beads."(One child is on the interactive whiteboard. The rest are in their places from the handout).
- Look, guys, Freken Bock smiled! Let's play with her!

Do you remember that she constantly buzzed in her ears? Let's remember (Video clip from m/f).

- And now we will certainly guess!
- We have a bell. Let's give him a call!

Gymnastics for the eyes:
Mischievous bell, play, you're with me (blink eyes)
Ring and circle, show your eyes to us. (circular eye movements)
I'll raise my gaze, I'll find the bell (look up)
Now I’ll look below, again, where it rings, I’ll find (look down)

Task: "Tell me where it rings"
The teacher calls the child, he rings the bell. Children call where it rings. (Up, down, front, back).
- Well done! Good orientation in space!

Carlson's riddle number 2. "Triangle"
Look, look!
He only has three!
Three corners, three sides
Connect with each other -
You will not get a square,
And beautiful ... (triangle)

When you click on the question mark, a guess appears - a triangle.

- Carlson's house is always a mess! Let's help him clean up. Let's collect all the triangles in a hoop. (Children in pairs on an interactive whiteboard)

- Carlson was delighted and danced. (Video clip from m/f)

- And we'll have a little rest! Get up from your chairs!

Physical education "Let's dance!"
One - rise, stretch,
Two - return to the original view.
Three - in the hands of three claps. One two Three!
Three head nods. One two Three!
Four arms wider
Five - wave your hands,
and dance a little. (Perform dance movements to the music)
And then, of course, six
We need to sit down.

Carlson's riddle number 3. "Square"
I am a figure - no matter where,
Always very smooth
All angles in me are equal
And four sides.
Cube is my favorite brother
Because I…. (square)

When you click on the question mark, a guess appears - a square.

- Guys, the square has a brother - a cube! Let's add Carlson's favorite treat from cubes! It's on our diagram. What is it? (sweetie)
(One child is on the interactive whiteboard. The rest are in places from Nikitin's cubes)

Carlson's riddle number 4. "Rectangle"
We stretched the square
And presented at a glance
Who did he look like
Or something very similar?
Not a brick, not a triangle -
It became a square ... (rectangle).

When you click on the question mark, a guess appears - a rectangle.
- Guys, what are the sides of the rectangle? (two long, two short).
- What items rectangular shape you know? (children's answers)
- Well done! Now come to me!
We played with figures
and a little tired
Let's relax, let's relax
And then we start counting.

Guys, let's remember what geometric shapes Carlson made riddles for us? (children's answers) And what figures do you still know? (children's answers)
“Now we are going to turn into them!”
Physical education "Geometric shapes":
I play math
I turn you into figures!
One two Three,
One two Three!
Geometric figure, freeze on the spot!

- Guys, while we were playing, our figures quarreled.
The case is strange, the case is rare
The numbers are in shambles! Here are those on!
With your stand by your neighbor
Not one wants!
Reconcile everyone soon
And that will be just laughter

Task: "Put the numbers in order"
(Children in a chain on an interactive whiteboard. The rest are in the field with handouts).

-We distinguished figures
We collected patterns
They played and counted.
And we did it all!
And now we will ask you:
"Did you like the tasks?"
(children's answers)

Educator: Guys, what did we do today? What they were doing? What was the most difficult? What do you remember the most? (children's answers)

- It remains to find out if Carlson liked how we coped with his tasks?
(Video clip from m/f)

Carlson from the screen, and then from behind the door:
- Excuse me, can you land here?
- You hear? Is someone knocking on the door?