Fortune telling on coffee lips. Fortune telling on coffee grounds: Predict fate while enjoying aromatic coffee! Figures of animals and other living beings

The grasshopper is not a cockroach or a butterfly, he has nothing to do in the house. Even in rural areas, jumpers rarely get into residential premises, not to mention city apartments. Therefore, many are sure that they will accept about grasshoppers does not exist at all. But no! If you search, you can find a belief for any occasion.

Grasshopper flew into the room

An old Russian sign is frightening: a grasshopper chirps in the house - the owners survive away. The English proverb also echoes him, also suspecting the insect of malicious intentions towards the owners of the home.

Another version of the belief is not so categorical. Its supporters are sure that the grasshopper is to warn the household about some unpleasant events that can still be prevented. Most likely, they will be connected with housing, so it does not hurt to check once again whether the gas cock whether the wiring is worn out, whether the pipes are leaking. Then you won't have to blame the little singer for your troubles.

If everything is in order in the apartment, and you are used to looking for the positive in everything, the following interpretation will come to the rescue. The crackling of a grasshopper in the house portends good news. Be patient a little more and you will be able to hear them in a language more understandable to the human ear.

An avid traveler, a grasshopper predicts an easy path for you

The people believed that the little grasshopper patronizes travelers. If an unusual guest comes to you before the trip, rest assured that it will go smoothly.

On the window

Signs do not have a clearly defined border: here a green or gray baby promises news, here it portends problems, and there it hints at a sharp turn in life. A grasshopper basking in the sun on your windowsill can mean the same thing as a guest who has come into the room. But some tend to interpret such an event in their own way. If the insect does not try to enter the house, then it is calling the owner somewhere. In other words, you are being pushed to action: “come on, it’s time to decide!” Maybe it's really time?

jumped on a man

Caught a grasshopper on yourself? This is good news for you personally. And the promise of a pleasant acquaintance. If you do not slam the green messenger out of fright, you will soon get a new friend.

Keep in mind that the legs of a grasshopper are a very fragile part of the body. You should not try to catch an insect, so as not to accidentally repay him with black ingratitude for the good news.

Girlish signs

The young ladies have their own interpretation of the meeting with the insect. So, if a jumper climbed into an apartment with a lonely girl, a man should come after him. Strong, self-confident and hard-working - this is the only way a real "blacksmith" should be. Nothing if he lacks a little romance! The main thing is that behind this you can always feel like behind a stone wall.

For women who already have a life partner, the grasshopper brings news of the replenishment of the family. It must be no coincidence that in China this insect is considered a symbol of fertility and the father of many sons.

Grasshoppers are sensitive to weather changes.

However, do not rush to write down every green jumper as a messenger of fate. Grasshoppers tend to jump and fuss a lot, so from time to time they still fall into the open on occasion warm weather window. And if one insect or a whole family settles near your home, consider that you have acquired your own weather station. In the evening, grasshoppers will sing their songs loudly in anticipation of good weather and remain silent, waiting for a thunderstorm. And if it rains, but noisy neighbor still continues to chirp, soon the clouds will dissipate and the sun will come out.

On a hot summer evening through open windows ringing trills of crickets are heard, especially in quiet rural areas. It happens that a cricket climbs into the house and starts playing its song right above the ear - and they chirp loudly. Of course, his sonorous music can be annoying, but is it possible to destroy these insects? Of course not.

Why can't you kill crickets? At a minimum, this is senseless cruelty towards a defenseless creature that does not bite, does not spoil anything in the house, does not harm anything, just sits and sings to itself. Moreover, the cricket benefits a person. Scientists have proven that his music has a beneficial effect on our psyche and strengthens sleep.

The Japanese used crickets as "guard dogs" in the past. They brought musical insects in boxes to their yard and settled there. Over time, the crickets got used to the owners and fearlessly sang their songs throughout the night, lulling them to sleep. But as soon as a stranger approached the house, they immediately fell silent. The household members, awakened by the silence of the crickets, grabbed their weapons to meet uninvited guests. And given that the cricket finds its own food, it was much more convenient than keeping a dog in the yard.

Crickets feed on small indoor insects and their larvae. Moth pupae and fly eggs especially get from them - it’s already worth making friends with mustachioed musicians for this.

AT different countries There are many signs associated with crickets - most often their presence in the house is considered a sign of good luck, happiness and prosperity, and killing a cricket brings trouble. If the cricket left the house on its own, it means that a series of failures will come. Once upon a time, people specially settled crickets in the house to attract happiness, family comfort and prosperity. If his trills in the house completely interfere with sleep, it is better to carefully catch the insect and take it out into the street.

Why do crickets come to people?

Signs, of course, are interesting from the point of view folklore, but in reality, the life of crickets is very far from all the signs that people have come up with. Crickets are very heat-loving insects, therefore, when cold weather sets in, they simply look for a warm place, which, as a rule, is provided by people, which is why crickets come to the house - to spend the winter.

Another nuance about the loud chirping of crickets: they do not sing their song, such a sound comes from their wings, which rub against each other at great speed. And they also say that the more intense chirping of the cricket is heard precisely during the mating season. Therefore, the volume of the chirping of crickets has nothing to do with the amount of luck, but only serves as a call to females.

To believe or not to believe in signs about crickets is a personal matter for everyone, but, nevertheless, about logic, as well as about scientific research You should not forget, because modern people are enlightened enough to understand that it is not worth offending crickets, let them hibernate in good health. And since they have chosen your house, it means it is cozy, warm and hospitable.

General facts and signs

Many people know such an insect as a cricket. Sometimes, he annoyingly chirps under the windows of the house. At first glance, it is an ordinary insect. But strangely enough, a lot of mysterious signs are connected with it.

  1. In the East, for example, it is believed that the appearance of a cricket in the house is fortunate.
  2. In the European part, it was always believed that the cricket brings only trouble to the house.
  3. It is believed that if a cricket crawled into the house, then with its trill it will try to survive a person from here. This may portend trouble or even worse - death.
  4. But if the cricket behaves quietly and does not bother with its trill, then this may mean that it protects well-being, is, as it were, the keeper of the family hearth and family happiness.
  5. When the cricket runs away, the house loses its well-being, and this means that some kind of trouble will come. From here came the belief that says, if you want to invite trouble on yourself, then kill the cricket. Lancashire believed that if a person killed a cricket, then he would return anyway and then gnaw through all the woolen stockings in the house.
  6. Among the people, a good omen is also associated with a cricket in the house. For example, in many countries it is believed that if a cricket settled in a dwelling, then this good sign. The cricket is the personification of family happiness, material prosperity, home comfort and tranquility. That is why the cricket can be treated as the keeper of the house.
  7. In some Asian countries people can even catch crickets on purpose and keep them in boxes in the house to attract good luck. And if the cricket suddenly suddenly left the house, then this is considered a sign of impending trouble.
  8. As already mentioned, according to popular superstitions, you can’t kill a cricket, just like a spider. This can bring trouble to the house. If you are tired of the crackling of a cricket, then it would be best to just find it and take it away from home.
  9. Sometimes they say that a cricket in the house is Bad sign. For example, if a person suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night and hears a cricket singing, then this may be a sign of an imminent illness or misfortune. But still, most people are convinced from their own experience that most often, the appearance of this insect in the house is fortunate.
  10. The Indians use them for a tincture that gives strength, speed and endurance. And Thais eat it as a snack, with various sauces.

Cricket in the house - a sign that promises good luck and joy

In general, positive signs about crickets always revolve around family happiness, wealth, prosperity and a calm, measured life without significant upheavals. Therefore, if a cricket looked into your house, you can relax and prepare for one of the following scenarios:

  • If a cricket wound up in an apartment, the sign portends sleepless nights, as well as unexpected wealth.
  • On the other hand, if the cricket of all the rooms in this apartment chose the one in which the unmarried girl lives, then it's time to prepare the dowry. Wedding is not far off!
  • This sign prophesies the same thing to single men who “sheltered” a cricket in their house.
  • For pregnant women, the sign of a cricket in the house promises a healthy baby and an easy birth.
  • The widow, whose apartment was honored by the presence of a cricket, can count on the fact that the pain of loss will gradually decrease and soon “disappear” completely (such wounds never heal completely). Indeed, according to the sign, a cricket is the soul of a deceased husband, who returned to the world of the living in order to protect the sleep of her beloved women.
  • If a seriously ill person lives in the house, then the cricket, according to the sign, will bring him speedy recovery. Crickets are considered the guardians of the house, protecting its inhabitants from evil forces, as well as giving people good emotions and a decent life.
  • Specific manifestations of the neighborhood with a cricket will differ depending on specific situation, but one thing is true: the louder the cricket chirps, the more interesting and pleasant the “consequences” will be.

Cricket in the house - not good

As is usually the case, signs about crickets portend not only good changes in life, but also outright evil. Although much more often signs speak of bad things only when the cricket is mercilessly expelled, or even killed. In such cases, signs promise poverty, illness and even death. So if signs are not an empty phrase for you, then be extremely careful. Moreover, some believe that if a cricket appeared in the house, then this is good news and peace in the family. But if he suddenly stopped chirping without any effort on your part, then hard times will come in this apartment very soon.

  • If a cricket has started up in your apartment, and you, having decided to get rid of it, simply kill it, then the sign predicts misfortunes, troubles, and in some cases even death.
  • Is the cricket flying around the house? The sign is clear - beware of fire! There is also a sign according to which a cricket that has settled in the same room with a sick person interferes with recovery (which is no wonder, because it is very difficult to get enough sleep to the “music” of a cricket).
  • Some of your household woke up in the middle of the night from the obsessive chirping of crickets - unfortunately.
  • If a cricket lives in your house, which usually chirps only at night, but now it suddenly began to make noise at any time of the day, then according to popular belief, there is a risk that one of the relatives will leave home. Therefore, try not to conflict with your loved ones.

How to get rid of cricket?

As we said above, some people just take it and throw it out of the house. It is easier for someone to remove it with the help of "Dichlorvos" or some other means intended for the destruction of insects. It should be remembered that killing a cricket in the house is a bad omen.

The ideal way to get rid of the cricket in the apartment is the policy of "depriving him of a comfortable existence." This means that the habit of wiping dry all the nooks and crannies in the bathroom, including the sink and the bathtub itself, as well as turning on the taps at night (so that nothing leaks or drips) will help get the cricket out of the house. This approach will allow you to get rid of the cricket, and not bring trouble on yourself. If the creation of a “desert” at home is not your option, then you can catch a cricket and take it out into the street. Although it is quite suitable and simply throwing it out the window. It remains only to understand how to catch a cricket in an apartment.

Unfortunately, there are no special tricks to help get rid of crickets in an apartment. So the problem can be solved like this:

Listen very carefully to where the cricket is chirping, then find it by sound and throw it away. The main thing to understand is that crickets most often chirp in the dark, and even in complete silence. Therefore, you have a serious hunt. Lock the troublemaker in the room and poison with the help of banal chemistry ("Dichlorvos" and other insecticides to help you). And yes, you should not expect that he will eventually die on his own. For as long as the cricket lives in the house, you most likely cannot stand it. After all, they live on average for about 3 months. And this is provided that the cricket fails to call the female (namely, this is what he is trying to achieve with his chirring), which, under favorable conditions, is capable of laying over 700 eggs in her short life! Finding eggs is almost impossible. So if you have a cricket in the house, it’s better to immediately think about how to get rid of it.


Based on the facts, we can highlight the main points from the life of crickets:

  • Only males make sounds with their wings to attract females.
  • With the onset of cold weather, crickets are looking for comfortable spot for wintering.
  • Their lifespan is up to three months. Therefore, if ordinary person do not attach importance to superstition, and do not eat crickets, then you can simply kick him out.
  • Search and capture is not an easy task, but there are two simple ways, humane and not so: create poor living conditions for cricket.
  • Make sure no water remains in free access, turn off the taps, wipe up all the drops. Use the most common means for the destruction of insects.


Sources http://whyhuzhe.rf/why-cannot-kill-crickets/

The signs of many peoples of the world say that a cricket that settled in a house will warn of changes in the lives of its residents. But about good or bad, let's try to figure it out.

Good omens about crickets

  • Black cricket, and black cockroach, warns of unexpected wealth, prosperity, which will accompany people living in this room for a long time. Moreover, as long as he lives in your apartment or house, until then good luck will accompany you.
  • Beliefs about marriage say that the appearance of an insect for an imminent wedding. But only if he settled in a room unmarried girl or an unmarried guy.
  • According to, for a woman to see or hear a cricket is a very positive sign. Childbirth will be easy, and the baby will be born healthy.
  • Appeared in a house where there is a patient - soon the person will recover.
  • Sings at Christmas - wealth will come to the house.
  • Appeared at work - a bonus, salary increase or career advancement.
  • Previously, insects were launched into the house where the devilry was going on - they cleared the room of negativity.
  • Roman awaits those who find him in their bed.
  • Jumped on you - expect to meet interesting people.
  • Appeared in the kitchen - wealth.
  • In conclusion, the Slavs believed that such insects were living amulets against evil forces, with their chirring they drive away evil spirits.

By the way, there is a legend - the soul of a deceased spouse can move into an insect. If a creature appears in a widow's house, it is her ex-husband came to keep her safe.

Insect in the house - bad beliefs

Unfortunately, not all signs associated with crickets are positive:

  • he disappeared from the room himself, without your help - hard days will come;
  • flies around the house - a fire is possible, be careful (if the cat eats it, the negative is neutralized);
  • sings every night - you will soon get sick;
  • appeared in the house and disappeared after one or two nights - indicates trouble, trouble;
  • white cricket prophesies illness;
  • stopped singing at night, and began to do it in the morning, then this is a severe illness of a close relative or a grandiose quarrel in the family. Perhaps the child will leave home or the wife from her husband.

Why can't you kill crickets?

First, to kill the creature - to be left without an informant who will warn of upcoming incidents.

Secondly, to kill an insect is to push away good luck and happiness, because they could attract joy and wealth. Get rid of the cricket - disrespectful to higher powers who sent him.

The Scandinavians have different beliefs. An insect flying through the window is a harbinger of trouble, as an evil spirit lives in it. If you kill him, then you can release the evil essence, which will settle in the house. Therefore, in the northern countries they try to catch him and throw him away. Take advantage of this recommendation.

foreign superstitions

There are many myths about insects that are relevant among representatives different peoples. Chinese sure that they contribute to the prolongation of life. Therefore, they believe that they need to be started at home.

Acheta domesticus

Indians used crickets to prepare a special tincture that helped a person become more resilient, faster, physically stronger.

Japanese they believed that musical insects could be tamed and settled in their home. It was believed that sitting next to the house, crickets sing for the owners, thereby lulling them to sleep. But if someone unfamiliar approaches the house, then the insects immediately fall silent, warning that a stranger is coming to the house.

AT Brazil believe that the singing of an insect attracts death.

There are many superstitions associated with crickets - they are able to warn of both bad and good events, attract happiness and good luck to the house. Therefore, do not rush to drive away such a small messenger, even if he interferes with sleep with his night trills.

In fairy tales, crickets are always goodies, there are many good signs associated with them. Therefore, in life, a person’s attitude towards these insects is good-natured and condescending.

What does a cricket look like, photo

As soon as insects become people's neighbors in an apartment or house, everything changes. Not everyone likes night trills, and outwardly insects are more reminiscent of few pleasant cockroaches.

Home cricket - small size insect. The body is slender, slightly flattened. It is covered with a hard shell from grayish-yellow and straw-yellow color to quite dark shades brown with speckles, streaks and spots.

On the sides of the ovoid flattened head are small eyes. Long antennae often exceed the size of the owner. The insect has well developed wings. There are 3 pairs of legs. Due to the special structure of the hind legs, crickets can jump perfectly. Feature insects - the ability to make specific trills, sparkle.

Why and where do these insects appear in an apartment or house

In nature, crickets live close to humans, preferring old buildings with many cracks, old rugs and high humidity. With a cold snap, insects also move to new buildings, meeting even on the upper floors. The reason is the repair or complete restructuring of the house.

One of the reasons for the appearance of uninvited guests in high-rise building is the breeding of "night singers" by one of its inhabitants and the escape of crickets from the place of detention.

Insects can be brought both in the composition of the product and in things from the previous home.

In human dwellings, insects need warmth and food. Damp, warm rooms with abundant food have become favorite places for crickets. Therefore, the lack of cleanliness, a considerable amount of food waste in undisguised trash cans perceived by insects as invitation cards.

House crickets have chosen warm basements, warehouses, industrial premises, heating plants. "Night musician" settles in people's homes. Crickets move into the premises with a cold snap.

Insects are omnivores. AT natural conditions they prefer plant foods. But the diet is diversified by eating other insects and even young individuals of their own species.

In a human dwelling, crickets prefer food leftovers: pieces of fruit, vegetables, bread crumbs. Crickets eat cockroaches, moths. To the taste of the "singers" drops of drinks, excluding alcoholic ones.

During the day, uninvited guests hide under baseboards, lurk in dark secluded corners.

You can detect "neighbors" only after dark by sound.

How to get rid of crickets (with reviews)

Night singing is not to everyone's liking. Therefore, night singers, the cause of sleepless nights, are trying to be evicted from home, despite good omens associated with these insects.

We had one scintillator, first under the stairs, then relocated to the toilet. We sealed the gaps in the toilet through which he could pass, and from the side of the heat generator we sprayed him with a ride from cockroaches and crawling insects with a lavender smell. A few minutes later I found him dead on the way to the air - you see, he went out to catch his breath, but he still died from the aerosol. Another mother nailed in the toilet. And I vacuumed another one into a vacuum cleaner when he crawled into our house from the street. They become less mobile in the cold and are easy to catch. You can’t let him warm up - his blood will warm up and he will start jumping - you can catch it. And only males sparkle during the mating season - they attract females, who then lay 100–300 eggs. crickets hatch from them, and they also start yelling in a month (at puberty). So you need to get rid of them as soon as possible, because you will never understand whether the females have come or not, they are quiet, or maybe they have already come, fertilized and laid eggs. Briefly speaking. destroy immediately upon discovery.


If a cricket has started up in the house, it is important to get rid of the restless neighbor immediately, until several individuals have settled in the room: the cricket attracts females by chirping. After the reproduction of the “performers”, it will be necessary to carry out the treatment with insecticides, and call the employees of special services to carry out disinfestation.

To rid the home of uninvited guests, traps, "grandmother's" remedies and chemicals are used.

However, the most safe method remains drying and ventilation of the premises. With a lack of humidity, crickets die or leave the apartments. And this option does not harm the health of the inhabitants of the house.


Feeders are one of the simplest methods of dealing with crickets. A little molasses is mixed with water, the finished mass is placed in a deep vessel. Sweet-smelling insects will certainly go for a treat and get inside the container. They cannot choose on their own.

More difficult to manufacture "trapping pit". For her, they take a two-level container, set it on a bowl. Mix sweet corn flakes with milk, add sugar and place the bait in the lower container, pouring into the upper alcohol.

The aroma of food will attract the attention of crickets. They will begin to fly over the tank. Evaporation of alcohol will kill insects.

It is important to use alcohol: only it is harmful to insects.

A trap with a sticky surface will catch the cricket. The tape is hung where uninvited guests were seen. It is recommended to purchase several sticky traps.

Folk recipes

Scare away with a cricket effectively with a wormwood decoction.

  1. A liter of water pour 2 large spoons of chopped herbs.
  2. The composition is boiled for 5 minutes, covered with a lid, removed from heat and insisted for 2 hours.
  3. The agent is filtered, poured into a container with a spray bottle.
  4. The composition is sprayed on all surfaces, including skirting boards and window frames.

Pyrethrum powder, Persian chamomile helps in the fight against insects. Crickets do not tolerate the characteristic aroma. That's why natural remedy used to scare away the night "singers", their survival from the home. The powder is scattered in areas where restless neighbors appear.

Sealing wax helps a lot. It is lit, fumigating the apartment. The insects do not tolerate the smell of such smoke and leave the room.

It's more troublesome to hunt people. Since the crickets are awake at night, you have to try to destroy the enemy with the lights on. You have to focus on the sound made by insects. Having determined approximately the location of the singer, they light a flashlight and show dexterity. Fly swatters and slippers are also used.

Insects have excellent hearing and reaction: closer than 3 meters, they do not allow to approach themselves.

For private houses the old fashioned way. A sweet bait is prepared for crickets, leaving a sweet fruit in the place of concentration of uninvited guests. At night, the insects set off for a tempting treat. This is where they are caught.

The habitat of the cricket is poured with boiling water. This method works in a private house, but the method is unacceptable in an apartment.

If a cat or a dog lives in the house, then catching a cricket will not be a problem for the owners of the premises. The animal catches "night singers" and eats them. Insects are especially loved by more exotic pets, lizards, for example. This is specially bred for their feeding.

It is good to hang feeders near the house so that the birds catch crickets.


If the night performers managed to lay their eggs, then more serious measures will be required. Of the toxic drugs, products based on Dichlorvos are suitable. The drugs "Super", "Varan", "Neo" are effective.

The Brownie gel has a detrimental effect on adults. The drug is used to treat the habitats of uninvited guests. The procedures are carried out over several days. The universal preparation-aerosol "Prima-71", "Neofos-2" works well.

Aerosols are more effective.

Repeated insecticidal treatment will help get rid of young individuals hatched from eggs. It is carried out in compliance with safety regulations.

  1. Be sure to wear a protective suit, plastic goggles, a respirator. For protection of hands - gloves.
  2. The doors and windows of the premises are closed, people, animals leave their homes. They even take out an aquarium with fish.
  3. The canister with "Dichlorvos" is shaken several times and spraying begins. Treat all habitats in which crickets have been seen. The composition must be sprayed on all surfaces, not disregarding the corners of the room. It is optimal to do this from a distance of 25-30 centimeters.
  4. All areas are carefully treated, the composition is sprayed into the cracks behind the plinth lagging behind the walls. The container is kept away from the face outstretched hand to protect it from poisonous fumes.
  5. The room is left after the completion of pest control for 6 hours.
  6. After the specified time, the windows are opened, airing the dwelling for half an hour. Remove dead insects with a vacuum cleaner. Be sure to throw the filter away from home. They pass with a vacuum cleaner near the corners, at the baseboards, in the corners.
  7. After doing a wet cleaning.
  8. After 40–70 days, a second treatment is carried out to destroy the adult insects that emerged from the eggs, unnoticed during the first treatment.

Some traps will not cope with the prolific "singers". Aerosol free and mechanical destruction laying eggs is impossible.

Of the modern insecticides, the Tarax drug is recognized as the most effective.

  1. It is diluted with water in the ratio recommended by the instructions, it is diluted with water and the room is treated.
  2. The insecticide forms a film when it dries. After contact with it, insects die.

At the time of processing the premises, the inhabitants will have to leave it.

Negatively affect the effectiveness of the drug sunlight and fat.

Most often, ovipositions are found in the pile of the carpet. If a crackling family has already hatched in the room, then it is best to purchase a special filter to trap the smallest particles for the vacuum cleaner.

The masonry site is treated with a vacuum cleaner, the bag is hermetically sealed, packed in plastic bag and thrown away. This will help to permanently get rid of house crickets.

In the absence of special insecticides, hair sprays and deodorants are effective. It is important to choose a product with a strong aroma. The aerosol is sprayed into the crack where the nocturnal troublemaker lurks. The insect gets out. Here you will have to show miracles of dexterity.

Comparative characteristics of ways to deal with crickets

Sealing waxEffective, drives away insects.
You don't have to leave the apartment for a long time.
Just do the processing yourself.
Smoke irritates the eyes.
Care must be taken when fumigating.
Wormwood infusionNatural, does not contain chemicals.
Harmless to humans and animals.
No pungent odor.
Cooking takes time.
PyrethrumThe naturalness of the remedy.
Ease of use.
There is no need to prepare the drug.
We'll have to clean up traces of the powder after the eviction of uninvited guests.
The powder is spread around the apartment.
Duct tapeInsects do not need to be caught.Tapes stick to hair, skin, leaving unpleasant marks.
Hunting with improvised meansNo harm to health.It is ineffective if there is more than one cricket in the house.
Destroy all insects.
Processing will have to be repeated.
You must leave your home during the work.
Extra care is required when working.
Ventilation, moisture reductionSafe for animals and people.
You don't need to kill insects.
You can chill the room and overdry the air. It is harmful to the health of the inhabitants of the house.

If no action has helped and the crickets are annoying at night, you need to contact the experts.

Professionals will carry out disinfection. For their time, however, they will have to leave the premises, and then carry out cleaning, clean textiles, furniture, and ventilate the housing for a long time. But it's worth it: the night guests will stop disturbing.

However, in order not to have to re-experience all the "charms" of the struggle, it is advisable to carry out prevention.

How to prevent guests from returning

Seal all cracks, cracks through which crickets can enter the house will help prevent re-settlement. Insects can get into the room if not far from sewer pipes there are cracks and holes in the floor, baseboards.

  • Attached to windows mosquito net to prevent insects from entering your home.
  • They also treat the corners near the batteries with special sprays for the effective destruction of larvae.
  • Be sure to close the trash can tightly so as not to attract the smell of crickets.
  • It is important not to leave crumbs on the table, immediately removing the remnants of food.
  • Dampness in the premises is unacceptable. Be sure to warn employees management company or employees of sanitary services about the accumulation of water in the basements.
  • Residents of the lower floors or private houses require special attention. In the evenings, it is necessary to close the curtains, lower the blinds so as not to attract uninvited guests from the world of insects with bright light.
  • To illuminate the yard, it is recommended to use medium-power lamps, preferably yellow light.
  • Ventilation grilles are covered with a fine mesh.
  • Heaps of compost should be located at a distance from private houses, in the far corners of the plots.
  • The greenery next to the dwelling is trimmed regularly, climbing plants it is not recommended to plant close to housing.

If night trills do not cause insomnia, but appearance insects do not seem repulsive, then the neighborhood can be quite pleasant. However, there are ways to get rid of restless guests. And they should be used in order not to turn life into constant stress.

A popular sign says that if a cricket is wound up in a house, then this is fortunately and well-being. But the people whom such "happiness" visited in large quantities, do not share given point vision. They are looking for ways to get rid of this scourge.

house crickets in warm time prefer to live on fresh air, and in winter they can come to "bask" under your roof

Crickets, like grasshoppers, cockroaches, bears and locusts, belong to the Orthoptera order. About 2.3 thousand species of these insects are known in the world, of which only about 50 are found on the territory of Russia. Most of them live in subtropical and tropical countries. Our most famous species are field cricket and brownie cricket.

Brownie cricket (Acheta domesticus) in the southern part of the country lives both in apartments and in nature. In the central and northern regions, he lives only in houses next to a person, while giving preference to old warm rooms with high humidity. These insects live and breed well in warm basements flooded with water. They are quite large (body length 16-26 millimeters), grayish-yellow in color. Field crickets are dark, almost black.

In the warm season, domestic crickets usually live on the street, and with the onset of cold weather, they rush into warm rooms, climbing through all sorts of cracks, vents, ventilation holes. But many people do not know what a cricket looks like, since it usually hides during the day, crawling out at night in search of food. It is difficult to approach these insects at a distance closer than 2-3 steps, since they have good hearing and retreat in a timely manner. Their back pair of legs is longer and adapted for jumping (like grasshoppers). But crickets do not jump as far and have a stockier and shorter body.

These insects are omnivores: in homes they feed on leftover food, preferring liquid food. They also eat other invertebrates, and when food is scarce, they are able to feed on their weaker relatives. Sometimes crickets can spoil food and even things in the apartment, just like moths. Therefore, although folk omen and are not advised to offend these insects, the owners have to decide how to remove the crickets that have settled in the house.

Perhaps the cricket that settled in the house did not deserve destruction, but with its “songs” it is able to deprive all households of sleep

The fact that a new “guest” has wound up in the house, the owners will soon find out from his nightly “concerts” and begin to think about how to get rid of the cricket. Under favorable conditions, domestic cricket can breed all year round. In just one season, the female is able to produce up to 180 young individuals, therefore, if they are not removed in a timely manner, the insects very quickly form a significant colony.

Getting rid of crickets is not easy, as they hide during the day and are nocturnal. Currently, there are a large number of preparations for domestic insects, but there are no specialized insecticides against crickets yet. Nonetheless effective ways control of these insects in the house exist.

  • If one cricket wound up in the apartment, then the easiest way to get it out is to catch it. You can catch an insect at night, when it comes out of its hiding place in search of food and makes trills. Having determined the location of the “singer” by ear, you need to illuminate it and try to catch it with a jar or hand. So you can get rid of a few crickets that have just appeared in the apartment.
  • When enough in large numbers insects in the house, when they have already laid their eggs, you have to resort to using chemicals. To get rid of crickets, the same drugs are usually used as for combating other domestic insects, but dichlorvos-based pesticides are considered the most effective. When processing premises, it should be remembered that insecticides are toxic to people, therefore, it is advisable for residents and pets to leave the house for one or two days during disinfestation. The development time of a cricket from an egg to a young individual is from 40 to 70 days, in connection with this, it will be required reprocessing premises for getting rid of insects newly emerged from eggs. When working with pesticides, you should strictly follow the instructions and use personal protective equipment.
  • A safe way to get crickets out is to set sticky traps. They are placed in warm and humid places where insects usually settle.
  • Can get rid of the night "singer" very effective folk remedy. In the room, ordinary sealing wax should be lit. Crickets cannot stand the smell of such smoke and quickly leave the apartment.
  • Domestic crickets are moisture-loving insects, which means that they can live and breed only in places with high humidity. That is why they settle in bathrooms, warm and damp basements, under sinks. If the room is well dried, then the crickets will either leave for other, more suitable places for them, or die. Getting rid of insects in this way is quite simple, and, most importantly, it will not affect the health of people and pets in any way.
  • In order to block insects from entering the apartment from the street, from the basement or from neighbors, it is necessary to putty all the cracks, and tighten the ventilation holes and channels with mosquito nets.

House crickets don't hurt people significant harm, but they are forced to get rid of them, since these insects with their "songs" prevent the owners from sleeping at night.