What does a normal bug look like. What do bedbugs look like, safe methods for their destruction in an apartment. Folk remedies for bedbugs

There are about 40,000 insects in the suborder Hemiptera. Red, green, brown, black bugs, with bright inclusions and patterns on the shell, predators or herbivores, harmless and deadly - they are all related to each other. You can meet insects everywhere: in the forest, garden, park, garden, in your own apartment. The presented photos of bedbugs will help to consider the features of each of the species in great detail.

What do bed bugs look like

At one meal, house bugs drink an amount of blood that is twice their own weight.

For a variety of stink bugs, an attack on a person is not typical. For the most part, they feed on plant sap, in rare cases, the remains of dead insects.

About 70 species of stink bugs are found on the territory of Europe.

"Harmless" bug soldier

Their appearance distinguishes them from the entire bug family, thanks to the red and black ornament on the shell. The body size does not exceed 9-10 mm. The insect is thermophilic and lives throughout Eurasia with a temperate climate. Soldier bugs lead a colonial way of life, colonies can most often be found near fallen trees and stumps. With the onset of winter, they hibernate and spend this time in dry crevices of trees, street fences, or in outbuildings. In spring, at a temperature of + 10 °, they leave their shelters.

They feed on plant sap, fallen seeds, and dead insects. Insects pierce the stems or leaves of plants and drink juices from them. After the bug invasion, young plants die, cease to bear fruit, flower buds fall off. The consequences of the attacks are clearly visible in the photo. Damaged berries, fruits, vegetables become unusable.

The harm of soldier bugs to humans lies in the destruction of agricultural crops, grape plantations.

Mating takes place in an unconventional way. For insemination, adults are connected by the rear parts of the body. After fertilization, the female lays pearl-colored eggs in plant tissue, approximately 20-30 eggs. After 10-15 days, larvae appear from them. See the photo for the appearance of the bug larvae. They differ from adults in their miniature size and bright red color without black ornament.

Inhabitant of the forest - forest bug

Green shield bug has other names: garden, grass bug. The forest stink bug is sometimes mistaken for a tick. Their differences: a pentagonal shell, under which wings are hidden. Most often they live in forests, sometimes they are found in city parks. They hibernate under fallen leaves or in tree trunks. Forest bugs feed on the juice of plants, which they pierce with a long proboscis.

You can recognize the bug by its bright original coloration, the color of which varies from bright green to brown with a complex ornament. The forest bug, like all types of shield insects, produces a specific smell at the moment of danger. Also, odorous glands are used to attract individuals of the opposite sex.


Forest shield bugs breed directly in feeding areas. See the photo for an unusual view of bedbug eggs. Forest bugs are characterized by caring for their offspring:

  • the female brings food to small larvae;
  • in the absence of suitable places for oviposition, the female lays her eggs on the back of the male.

Insects have no tendency to bite people, their only harm is to damage plants. Fires, drought can force them to leave their natural environment and move to agricultural land.

Tree bug - a harmless guest of city apartments

The representative of shield insects prefers to settle on trees and in berry fields. It gets into city apartments by accident. Entry into the premises may be due to an increase in population or adverse weather conditions. In most cases, the insect makes independent attempts to get free. A tree shield in an apartment is not capable of causing harm; it does not attack people.


The color of bed bugs depends on the time of year. Insects change their color from bright green in April to brown shades in October. The tree shield bug does not belong to predators, the main diet is living vegetation.

Bedbug turtle - a pest of cereal crops

The body is small, only 1-1.3 cm. The main source of nutrition is cereals, which also corresponds to the color of the insect: yellowish, whitish, light brown, sometimes gray. Insects hibernate in the forests, in early spring they begin to search for food - winter crops. Pests fly well and are able to cover a distance of 200 km in search of a food base.


As soon as the "turtles" find a source of food, they begin to multiply. 1-2 weeks after the settlement, the female begins to lay eggs of a spherical shape and green color. A week later, the larvae appear, which, like all of the bug family, go through 5 stages before becoming an adult. A sharp increase in the number of insects can completely destroy the field. The view of the eaten field and the photo look depressing. How to deal with them depends on the type, variety of culture, the degree of its maturation.

water bug smooth

The water bug is distinguished by unique abilities - it feels comfortable both in the water element and in the air element, showing excellent qualities of a flyer. The smooth bug lives up to its name - an absolutely smooth light-colored body, similar to a boat. The size of the bugs does not exceed 15 mm.


Insects are predators, they feed on small arthropods, other types of insects, they are able to attack fish fry. They live in freshwater reservoirs, hunt with an inverted abdomen. Eggs are securely hidden on the underwater parts of plants or the bottom of the reservoir. The larva hatches from the egg, in the process of growing up, it molts 4 times. A discarded shell is often mistaken for a living individual. A predatory insect does not prey on a person, it is able to bite only when it is picked up. In the southern latitudes there are, whose sizes reach 10 cm, they prey on large fish, which is why they have earned a reputation as fish killers.

Bedbug predator

- a numerous genus, in total there are about 7,000 species. About 90 species inhabit the territory of the CIS countries, the rest are common in Europe, North America, and Africa. Small bugs are rare, mostly predators of large sizes. Color is the most varied. In temperate latitudes, brown, brown, black; in the tropics, bright red, green, and yellow colors predominate.


Domestic predators are found in forests, in fields, between stones, in rodent burrows, and occasionally get into residential buildings. The peak of activity occurs at night, when they go hunting. They feed on insects or the blood of small mammals. Tropical individuals are not averse to feasting on human blood.

The appearance of the bed bug is characterized primarily by a flattened body, which helps it to make its way between the fabric folds without the risk of being crushed by a person. The length of the bug is from 3 to 8.5 mm, depending on sex and blood saturation, females are larger than males. Body color - from dark brown to dirty beige and even rusty.

In addition to the proboscis for piercing the skin, the bug has a sharp bristle to secrete anesthetic saliva at the bite site.

Photo of a bed bug under a microscope. A proboscis is secreted from the front of the head to pump out blood.

Bed bugs are most active at night, especially when they are hungry. A well-fed bug increases in size, becomes less agile and more vulnerable, it is from the well-fed crushed bugs that blood marks remain on the pillowcase.

Traces of blood may remain on the pillowcase if you crush a well-fed bug in a dream.

Bed bug lifestyle

Bed bugs have a highly developed sense of smell, which helps them find prey and hiding places. For example, they can smell the clothes you wear the most, such as a dressing gown, and hide in them.

How long do bed bugs live?

Effective modern remedies for bedbugs

Modern drugs are very effective and are capable of destroying bloodsucker bugs in one or two applications. One of the well-known insecticides that can be used independently is. Its formula reliably destroys bedbugs without leaving a smell.

Reasons for the appearance

Where do bed bugs come from? The main source of infection is neighboring apartments. This aspect is relevant for old houses, Soviet high-rise buildings and private sector buildings. Bedbugs are excellent “travelers”: they cannot fly, they do not run fast, but they can go without food for a long time. With such qualities, harmful insects gradually move from an infected room to a clean one.

How and how to remove mold from the walls in the apartment? Effective ways to combat the fungus are described on the page.

The main ways of infection:

The danger of bed bugs

After a bite, negative symptoms are often noticeable:

  • allergic manifestations. According to statistics, about 80% of people are allergic to the secret of harmful insects. Unpleasant signs of such a reaction include swelling of the skin, redness, itching. In rare cases, with increased sensitization of the body, it comes to angioedema;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia. A dangerous pathology is often diagnosed in children, it is formed as a result of the simultaneous feeding of many bedbugs. Injection of the secret leads to changes in the composition of the blood, unpleasant consequences for the immune system;
  • when the skin is damaged, scratches, inflammation, abscesses occur. Pathogenic microorganisms easily enter the bite sites. Constant itching increases discomfort: a person combs the wound, opens the way for infectious agents.

The following pharmacy and home formulations help to eliminate the negative symptoms and bites of bed bugs:

  • balm Asterisk;
  • gel Fenistil;
  • cream Bepanten (suitable even for babies);
  • ointment Afloderm;
  • aloe juice;
  • soda solution;
  • alcohol tincture of plantain or calendula.

Biting symptoms

Fighting "uninvited guests"

Important! All manipulations are carried out by specially trained people. Self-destruction of bed bugs is not always effective, sometimes dangerous to health: non-specialists often violate safety rules during pest control.


Preparations and remedies for bed bugs:

  • Executioner- an effective and relatively safe remedy for pets. Dissolve the liquid from the bottle in half a liter of water, place in a container with a spray bottle, carefully treat the bedbugs' favorite habitats and other surfaces. After manipulation, immediately leave the room, let it ventilate for several hours. Remove children and pets from home first.
  • Karbofos- a great option for large rooms: the product is available in canisters. The principle of operation of the drug is nerve paralytic, when working, wear a protective suit, gauze bandage.
  • Combat- the composition is produced in bottles with a sprayer. Consider the consumption rate: one bottle per five square meters. The tool is not very economical, but highly effective.
  • Microphos- fights not only with bedbugs, but also with cockroaches, ants. The drug has a prolonged action: the effectiveness lasts up to one month.

Folk recipes

Natural "exterminators" of harmful insects are absolutely safe for children, animals, show excellent results:

All manipulations for the destruction of bedbugs must be agreed with specialists. A prerequisite is the protection of the skin, respiratory tract. It is important to avoid direct contact with chemicals, wear gloves.

See a selection of effective ways to fight and remedies for and its larvae.

How to deal with mold in the cellar, similar to cotton wool? Effective methods for the destruction of the fungus are described on the page.

At least in order to identify the bloodsucker at the first meeting, even if it is accidental, it will be useful to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow. Photos of these insects, as well as their larvae and eggs are given below ...

What does a bug look like?

Bed bugs are quite different from all other bugs. And in general, it is easy to recognize it among other domestic insects. Look at the photos:

The main difference between a bed bug or a water strider is the absence of wings. By the same sign, it is well distinguished from cockroaches. Due to the absence of wings, the boundaries of the segments of the abdomen are clearly visible in the bug - its entire body seems to be constricted several times with stripes.

Adult bed bugs are dark brown in color. If he is hungry, then the width of his abdomen is almost the same as the length. After feeding, the abdomen stretches, and the insect itself becomes longer. On average, the body length of a bed bug is 5-6 mm.

It is interesting…

After a full meal, the body length of a bed bug almost doubles. The bug itself during one feeding consumes twice as much blood as it weighs itself. In the photo below you can see how the shape and size of the insect's body changes during feeding.

In addition, after saturation with human blood, the domestic bug becomes somewhat darker, and hungry individuals can even be light red. The photo below clearly shows the differences between dark and well-fed bugs and their lighter, hungry relatives:

See also our bed bug experiments:

We catch bedbugs and test different means on them - see the results...

Like all members of the Hemiptera order, bed bugs have a small triangular head. On its lower side there is a long proboscis formed by fused jaws. It is hard and strong enough to pierce human skin. But the bug cannot cope with the already denser skin of cats or dogs.

There are two channels in the proboscis of the bug (see photo). Through one insect it sucks blood, through another it injects a special analgesic substance into the bite wound, thanks to which a person does not feel pain from a bite for several hours.

It is interesting…

Young larvae of bedbugs do not know how to introduce a special secret into the wound. Therefore, their bites begin to be felt earlier, in especially sensitive people - even in the process of eating an insect. However, due to the small size of the larvae and the thinness of their proboscis, even without an anesthetic, their bites are insensitive.

The piercing proboscis of bed bugs, outside the moment of feeding, is pressed against the lower part of the cephalothorax.

It is the appearance of small brown spots of an incomprehensible nature on the bed that is a clear sign of the presence of bedbugs in the apartment.

Bed bugs are quite mobile. An adult insect runs more than a meter in a minute. Thanks to their flat body, they comfortably settle in furniture crevices, behind skirting boards, under carpets and between books. In addition, they migrate very quickly and easily between rooms in apartment buildings.

Often the waste products of bed bugs catch the eye of a person more often than the insects themselves. Their feces are tiny black dots, a bit like poppy seeds.

The photo below clearly shows the almost black excrement of a bed bug:

Bed bug larvae are scientifically referred to as nymphs. Like other insects with incomplete metamorphosis, bedbug eggs hatch into miniature replicas of adults. They also have legs, antennae and a piercing proboscis.

The main differences between nymphs and adult bugs are their smaller size and their inability to reproduce. In addition, the larvae of bedbugs have a lighter color: when hungry, they are light yellow, almost transparent, and after saturation, a drop of blood becomes clearly visible inside their abdomen.

The photo clearly shows both the blood in the stomach of the larva and the light rim of the abdomen:

Unskilled in entomology, apartment owners may confuse young larvae with ants. Indeed, after hatching, the bed bug larva has a body length of about 1 mm and an elongated body. Only later, after the first feeding, it will darken and become like an adult insect.

The photo shows the chitinous covers of insects after molting:

Finally, the bedbug can be confused with the cockroach nymph. But all cockroaches and their larvae have a characteristic distinguishing feature - two small processes on the back of the abdomen, peculiar tails (see photo). Bed bugs don't have them.

Bed bug nest: is it?

Bed bugs do not create nests in the truest sense of the word. In general, there is no organization in their clusters. However, due to the fact that they prefer to hide in the same places, their places of concentration very quickly begin to look like they are quite well settled and equipped. They are called nests.

A typical example of a nest of bloodsuckers is shown in the photo:

As a rule, in such a nest there is a large number of bedbugs of different ages. Here, eggs are scattered in disorder, developing and already empty, insect excrement and the remains of the chitinous cover of their bodies that have fallen after molting. Such a cluster itself gives the impression of a very untidy, dirty place.

A characteristic of bed bugs is their accumulation in large quantities in order to maintain heat. A typical bedbug nest looks like a solid moving mass of their bodies. In cockroaches, this behavior is not observed.

The location of the nest is also important. Bedbugs most often concentrate in sofas, beds, behind carpets, in closets, where they can easily find narrow gaps and from where they can quickly get to a sleeping person. At the same time, ants and cockroaches prefer dirty ventilation ducts and kitchens.

The photo below shows the characteristic bites of bedbugs:

When destroying bedbugs, it is better to immediately use modern insecticidal preparations, without wasting time on outdated and ineffective folk methods of control like kerosene and vinegar (see). When choosing a product, it is useful to focus not only on its effectiveness, but also pay attention to the absence of smell, economy and safety for humans.

What is especially important to know about bed bugs

Video: 5 rules for choosing an insect extermination service

In the photo you can see bedbugs in their natural habitat - next to a person in his bed.

All stages of development of the bug from an egg to an adult who has drunk blood. The appearance of the bug changes depending on its satiety. A hungry young individual has a transparent yellow color, a well-fed one is scarlet. An adult hungry individual is light brown, flat, it is very difficult to crush it, it has an oval shape. A well-fed adult elongates and becomes round, acquires a dark brown color.

Adult bug on a human hand

Another photo that clearly shows all the stages of development of the bug in chronological order, as well as the differences between the male and the female

This is what bedbug eggs and very young individuals look like, real photos

This photo shows how the shape of a bed bug changes depending on the time during which he drank blood.

The photo shows the effects of bedbug bites. These are itchy redness on the skin. Bed bugs have a habit of biting several times 1-2 cm from the previous bite, so bitten places often look like paths.

Where are bedbugs found in the house and how to find them

  • the bottom of the bed;
  • mattress folds;
  • between sofa cushions;
  • on the back of the beds;
  • inside the frame.

But bed bugs aren't just found in beds. Yes, they prefer being close to your bed, but they spread throughout the bedroom. Especially on skirting boards, bedside furniture, tables, floor lamps, switches and sockets, cracks in the floor and walls, in places where the wallpaper leaves the wall.

The photo shows the typical habitat of bedbugs.

And this is a more realistic photo, from real life

True signs of infection of the premises with bedbugs are traces of their vital activity: eggs, feces, remains of shells

How not to confuse bedbugs with other insects

Those people who have never encountered synanthropic insects often confuse bedbugs with ants, harmless bugs and other insects. In this case, the consequences of bites are taken for some kind of allergic reaction, and the fight against it occurs with medication, which only harms your health. To avoid this, you need to be able to distinguish the bug from other insects.

The main characteristic difference between the bug and other insects is its smell after crushing. This specific smell resembles a spoiled berry or cognac, and you can’t confuse it with anything. Only bedbugs have it. But there are other differences as well.

Differences between bedbugs and cockroaches: the latter are much larger than bedbugs, if we take adults. Bedbugs are wingless creatures, and their bodies are more oval than cockroaches. Spreading mustache is another sign of cockroaches, which the bugs are completely devoid of.

Differences from ticks: First of all, ticks have 4 pairs of paws versus three for bedbugs. And the paws of ticks are much larger in relation to the body. Ticks prefer to stick to one place for a long time, unlike bedbugs, which leave the crime scene after several bites.

Differences from ants: these small worker insects have a more graceful body with a semblance of a waist, or just a narrow area in the center of the body. The bug is an oval, or a more elongated oval in the case of a well-fed bug. There are no bottlenecks. In addition, the ants will not be interested in your bed.

Differences from fleas: Bed bugs are much larger than fleas. And fleas are much more mobile, and unlike bedbugs, they can jump. A newborn bug is larger than an adult flea.

Ways of penetration of bedbugs into a human dwelling

  • Bed bugs love to travel. They can climb into clothes, a suitcase, and having fallen into suspended animation, spend a long time without food until they get to a favorable place.
  • Bed bugs can be brought on clothes by a person who lives in a room infested with bed bugs. Often these are hostels.
  • Used furniture can be infested with bed bugs, so it's a good idea to inspect it carefully before buying. It is also not recommended to pick up discarded furniture from stairwells and even more so from garbage containers, no matter how attractive it may be. If it was thrown away, then there are probably bedbugs.
  • The ventilation ducts in your home are ideal overpasses for bed bugs. Be careful if your neighbors have bed bugs. There is a high probability that they may appear in you if you do not take action.
  • Exterminators say that bed bugs can also move on the outer walls of houses in search of a new home.

How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment, a private house

Cypermethrin is one of the professional bed bug treatments that have proven to be effective.

If you decide to call an exterminator, then after 1-2 treatments you can be guaranteed to forget about these bloodsuckers. Bedbug eggs are completely immune to chemistry and temperature changes, so only hatched individuals can be destroyed. This dictates in some cases the need for re-processing. But the residual effect of modern bed bug treatments is often large enough to exceed the maximum incubation period and kill all hatchlings in a single treatment.

Dezmission has over 3 years of experience in bed bug extermination. We have rid hundreds of flats and houses of these pests and returned peaceful sleep to their residents. We'll get back to you too! Order against bedbugs now, do not waste time and nerves!

How to destroy bedbugs yourself

If you want to personally take revenge on the bedbugs for all the inconvenience caused, or just a gambler with a lot of free time, then you can remove the bedbugs yourself. This will require high-quality means for their destruction, plus the knowledge that we will give you.

There are many professional means for the destruction of bedbugs. They have different active ingredients, additives for their effectiveness and methods of influencing pests. Which one is best for you depends on the situation: how large the bedbug population is, whether you have tried to get rid of them yourself, whether there are animals or people in the house who cannot move. Consult with our consultant by phone or mail, indicated at the top of the page. We will advise a remedy that will be effective in your case.

Preparing the apartment and preparation for processing

  • Now you have a remedy for bedbugs. Before starting processing, you need to prepare the room for processing. The standard procedure includes:
  • Wet cleaning of the room so that there is no dust left. In the future, dust can weigh chemicals into the air, with which you will treat the room.
  • Moving furniture away from walls. The beds need to be rotated or turned over so that it is convenient for you to handle the habitats and movements of the bloodsuckers. Remember that bedbugs hide exactly where you are too lazy to get to.
  • Remove all linens and clothes. They cannot be processed, but can and should be washed in hot water. While you can just pack in large sealed bags.

After preparing the apartment, you can begin to prepare the drug for processing. As a general rule, all professional bed bug killers require mixing with water. The proportions are indicated separately in the instructions for each specific product. This must be done in personal protective equipment:

Dezmission - effective destruction of insects

Once again, make sure that you are wearing all the necessary personal protective equipment. Also make sure that all skirting boards and furniture are easily accessible so that you can finish the treatment quickly and without problems. Starting to spray the product indoors, your task will be to finish the treatment as soon as possible, and you need to do everything in advance. As much as possible.

Ask your neighbors if they have bed bugs. It is necessary to carry out processing at once in all infected rooms in order to exclude the possibility of bedbugs to come to you again.

As we have already found out, the only food of the bug is human blood. It feeds at night while you sleep. Therefore, everything that is next to the bed is processed especially carefully. But they are spreading all over the apartment, into every tiny crack. Therefore, we process everything carefully and carefully:

  • Hems of beds, frames, sides of mattresses, cracks at the joints of boards.
  • Bedside furniture: bedside tables, cabinets with shelves and drawers, lamps and floor lamps.
  • Skirting boards and gaps between walls and floors. Cracks in the floor
  • Loose wallpaper, switches, cracks in the walls.
  • Door and window openings and gaps in them.
  • Rugs, carpets, their backs and walls behind them.
  • Under the windowsill and next to the radiators.
  • Ventilation holes.

After processing, you need to follow the instructions of the product with which you processed your home. Some funds need to settle and windows need to be closed. Others require ventilation.

Unless the instructions say otherwise, we recommend repeating the treatment after 2 weeks. This will destroy the bugs hatched from the eggs.

It doesn't matter which method you choose to kill bed bugs. The main thing is not to postpone the fight against them, and act immediately. Then calm sleep, good mood and good rest will return to you very soon.