Orchids without soil in vases. What orchids can be grown in a glass vase? How to monitor the health of the roots. How to grow orchids Properly Growing orchids in glass pots

This is a fairly new method, so often growers make mistakes incompatible with the life of cultivated plants.

Let's find out which one is needed for orchids. This method, of course, has both advantages and disadvantages:

Important! However, the shortcomings can be somewhat leveled by replacing the glass vase with a plastic one. At the same time, the decorative effect and high soiling of the container will be preserved.


Such cultivation is in itself is one of the ways. There are variations regarding the placement of the plant itself in relation to the container (fully inside or half outside).

Proper placement without the use of a substrate

the right way is the only one:

  1. inside;
  2. And the top is outside.

That is, the plant is placed halfway in the vase. Thus:

  • The plant itself is outdoors;
  • The base of the rosette is flush with the edges of the vase;
  • And the roots are inside.

You can fix the plant in this position with wire or by any other available means and improvised materials.

Substrate filling

Not needed, since monopodial orchid species are usually grown in vases (,). In some cases allowed use, for example, if you need to leave the plant unattended for a while.

Types of containers

In the shops there are transparent vases:

  • Classic, stretched up;
  • Cylindrical glass-shaped with a flat bottom.

These containers are not suitable, as:

Best fit glass-shaped vessels for cognac is:

  • Large spherical vessels;
  • Flattened in height;
  • Able to fit inside the entire beard of the roots;
  • While remaining compact and decorative.

In such a vase, a plant will not suffer from constant stuffiness, while the roots will be in a humid microclimate. Consider how to care for an orchid in a glass vase.


Consider caring for an orchid in glass at home. Plant care is not much different from traditional orchid care in the substrate, but it has some nuances that need to be known and taken into account. First of all, it concerns:

  • The vase itself;
  • her material;
  • Forms;
  • And the place of residence of the plant.


plants in a glass vase no different than watering an orchid, which grows in the usual or . The procedure is elementary: you need to carefully pour water into a vase in such an amount that the roots are completely immersed and wetted. Water must be:

  • soft;
  • settled;
  • With a minimum content of mineral salts.

This is important, first of all, for the delicate roots of the orchid, as well as will help to preserve the decorative effect of the glass. After all, after the evaporation of water, mineral salts form a plaque that is perfectly visible and does not look very attractive.

Advice! It is ideal to use rain or melt water, of course, only if the process of collecting precipitation was carried out in an ecologically clean region.

After 30-45 minutes, the water must be carefully drained. Do it with the utmost care, as:

  • Wet glass is very slippery;
  • The vase may accidentally slip out of your hands;
  • Shatter and injure you or others with fragments.

Make sure that no water remains in the vessel after draining. Average watering frequency is:

  • 2-3 times a week in warm weather;
  • And once a week, if it's cloudy outside.

It is always necessary to monitor the plant and take into account its current needs. On hot summer days, watering can be daily. Time for the procedure better to choose in the morning so that the plant has time to dry by the evening.

Feeding and pest control

Under natural conditions happens naturally when rain washes away the humic substances formed on its surface from the trees directly to the roots of the epiphyte. Therefore, when grown indoors, these plants require competent and dosed top dressing.

Fertilizing orchids is best done after flowering.

The most important thing is that must be remembered: it is better to carry out frequent top dressing with a weak solutionthan rare, but strong. This is also explained by the same features of feeding orchids in nature. After all, rain in the tropics washes away a not very rich layer of substances, but it does this quite often.

In practice, this means that an orchid during the period of active vegetation and a set of green mass should be fed with liquid fertilizers once every 1-2 weeks in ¼ of the concentration indicated on the package.

Advice! Before the procedure, it is necessary to moisten the roots of the plant with water to minimize the risk of burns with a solution of fertilizers. Foliar fertilization, which alternates with root fertilization, has proven to be effective.

Treatments from carried out with diluted insecticides from the sprayer. Use fine, giving a misty jet. It is necessary to process all parts of the plant (from all sides), except for flowers.

How to monitor the health of the roots?

The best prevention is maintaining plant hygiene at the optimum level. In this case, it is necessary:

  • Select the size of the container, sufficient so that the roots of the plant fit freely inside;
  • And also there was the possibility of ventilation and free access of air inside.

Not allowed:

  • Hypothermia of the roots;
  • As well as debris and dirt inside the vase.

In time remove the dead and roots from the plant.


Quite periodically remove the plant from the container and leave it in free space for a while. You can do this:

  • while bathing;
  • Or when you want to wash the vase from the accumulated dirt.

Attention! Orchid roots can sometimes stick to the sides of the vase, so care must be taken when removing the plant from the container.

Risks of Infectious Diseases


The cause of this kind of disease is accumulation of pathogens: fungi and bacteria.

To prevent orchid diseases, it needs proper care.

It is enough to imagine a damp basement in a building or a corner of the house on the north side to understand how this happens. Fungi or bacteria gather and breed in damp, sheltered places. A glass vase, where there is no ventilation, is the ideal place in this case.


Necessary periodically air the plant and the container itself. For epiphytes, access to fresh air is extremely important. In turn, this minimizes the possibility of:

  • Stagnation of moist air inside;
  • And the appearance of mold, fungus and bacterial colonies.

It is also very important to keep the plant under suitable conditions, i.e:

  • Provide sufficient;
  • Optimal mode;
  • And watering.


Periodically, the vase must be washed, as accumulates on the inner walls:

  • layer of algae;
  • And mineral deposits.

Decontamination procedure or prophylaxis can be carried out using:

  • A weak solution of potassium permanganate (of course, while the plant should be removed);
  • Or fungicides.

Useful video

Watch the video of how an orchid grows in a glass vase:

Learn in the video how to care for an orchid in a glass vase:

Video instruction for the treatment of orchids from various diseases:

Watch the video on how to properly water an orchid:


Growing orchids in glass vases rather unusual way.. Thus, with its help, you can somewhat diversify your collection. In addition, no one has canceled the fact that a plant in a glass vase, especially a large blooming Vanda, looks very elegant and can become the center of the whole composition, attract the eyes of guests and their enthusiastic exclamations.

Wherein must be remembered that you can not chase aesthetics to the detriment of the health of the plant. Reasonably weigh all the priorities and enjoy the orchids.

Since most orchids are epiphytes, in natural conditions they, as a rule, do not grow in the ground, but climb trees or rocks, attaching themselves to roughness and ledges on them.

That is why, in room conditions, their roots must also be provided with a sufficient amount of air. This condition can be met by using various perforated containers or blocks (pieces of bark or wood), which will serve not so much as a source of nutrition, but as a support for the plant.

Terrestrial species of orchids (lithophytes), such as, for example, the lady's slipper, Cymbidium and others, are less whimsical to care for. Since they have rhizomes and nodules, unlike epiphytes, they are more adapted to life in room conditions, they just need a special, more nutritious soil.

It is not surprising that a reasonable question arises for beginner flower growers: what should be pots for orchids? Is it possible to plant an orchid in an opaque pot? Or is it better to use a transparent planter for orchids?

At home, both types of orchids are more convenient to grow using pots with a large number of drainage holes to prevent overflow and provide air access to the root system.

This is also done in order not to carry out several waterings per day for epiphytes at high air temperatures, as is required when they are planted on blocks.

We will talk more about what an orchid pot should be, later in the article. How to choose a pot for an orchid, you will learn from the video:

Orchid pot size value

The size of the orchid pot is also important. No need to buy an oversized orchid pot.

It is desirable that their diameter be equal to their height. Large orchid pots will cause the soil to dry out unevenly, which can cause root rot.

In turn, very small pots without proper support often turn over, which leads to injury to the plant. How to choose the right size orchid pot? So that the root system is a little cramped.

Types of pots for orchids

At the moment, there is a sufficient selection of pots for orchids. Orchid pot can be plastic, glass and ceramic. When choosing it, a number of certain rules should be observed:

Important! For those types of orchids that have photosynthesis in their roots, you need to use only transparent pots to provide access to light. And pots for orchids without holes require careful monitoring of the state of the root system.

Let's try to deal with the question in more detail: in which pot to plant an orchid?

Plastic pots without holes

Plastic pots without holes are not suitable for orchids, so they require additional preparation before planting. It consists in applying additional side holes. To do this, you can use a soldering iron, a drill, or just a very heated large nail.

Holes (about five millimeters) must be made on the bottom of the pot.

This will provide good air access to the roots, besides, if necessary, they will be easier to mask for a more decorative look. After that, they need to be kept in acidified water for several hours.

Orchids in pots without holes (jars), see the video:

Clear plastic pots

Transparent plastic orchid pots, with enough drainage and side holes, are well suited for beginner gardeners.

With such a landing through the walls, you can observe the condition of the roots. In plastic containers, the substrate dries out more slowly, and there is a small accumulation of salt on their inner surface. In addition, they do not allow the roots to become very cold in winter and overheat in summer.

Important! Plastic pots do not allow air to pass through, so you need to carefully monitor soil moisture to prevent rotting of the root system.

Glass pots and pots

Is it possible to plant an orchid in a glass pot without holes? Growing orchids in glass containers, as well as using glass orchid planters, is acceptable for experienced flower growers who feel the plant's need for moisture.

The fact is that in such pots there is no possibility for applying additional drainage holes and they have no drain of excess water.

Planting an orchid in glassware requires careful preparation of the substrate and a large layer of drainage. Otherwise, there will be poor air exchange in the vessels and their walls will be covered with algae, and the root system will rot due to uneven drying of the substrate.

Thus, glass pots for orchids are quite suitable, subject to certain growing conditions. Watch how an orchid grows in glassware on video footage:

Is it possible to plant an orchid in a ceramic pot?

What is the right orchid pot?

If ceramic pots are chosen for planting orchids, they must be covered with glaze and have a sufficient number of side holes. Now they are produced specifically for plants of this type. Planting an orchid in a ceramic pot has several advantages, they are:

  • moisture-permeable and well pass air, which contributes to the fact that moisture is evenly distributed throughout the volume;
  • heavy enough to prevent the plant from falling under the weight of its weight.

Important! Ceramic pots and flowerpots should be light in color to prevent overheating of the orchid's root system during high summer temperatures.

Disadvantages of pottery include:

  • rough inner surface, to which orchid roots grow strongly. This can lead to injury to the plant during transplantation, which can cause its death. Therefore, in order to damage the root system as little as possible, you need to carefully break the pot and transfer the plant to a new container without separating fragments of ceramic tiles from the roots;
  • the inner walls quickly collect salts on their surface, which harm the roots of the plant.

Important! The porous surface of ceramic containers leads to rapid evaporation of moisture. Therefore, you need to carefully observe the irrigation regime.

Before planting an orchid, new pottery should be kept in water for several hours so that it is well saturated with moisture. If already used containers are taken, then you must first clean them from salt deposits, and then immerse them in acidified water for a day, changing it several times. If there is a suspicion of the presence of any bacteria remaining in the pot after previous plantings, then it should be calcined in the oven for two hours at two hundred degrees.

An orchid pot without holes is not the best choice, especially for beginner growers. And you need to decide in which pot an orchid should grow based on your experience.

See the video for transplanting an orchid into a ceramic pot:

Is it possible to plant an orchid in a glass pot without holes?

The question of which orchid pot is better does not lose its relevance. You can use glass pots for orchids only if you have a lot of experience in growing them, since in this case the root system does not get enough air.

Due to stagnant moisture, the roots can rot, and the plant will die completely. Therefore, for those types of orchids that do not have a photosynthesis process in the root system, and it does not require additional light, it is better not to use this type of pot.

DIY orchid pot

You can make a pot (basket) for planting an orchid with your own hands. To do this, you can use oak or teak wood, bamboo, plastic, stainless steel metal mesh and even ordinary plastic bottles.

How to make a pot with your own hands, shown in the video:

Pots for orchids photo

Below you can see photos of orchids in different types of pots:

Wooden, bamboo, plastic and metal baskets

Wooden products are quite decorative and easy to manufacture, but at the same time, the root system of the orchid adheres strongly to the wood, which causes inconvenience during transplantation.

Therefore, often, in order not to damage the plant, they simply make the same larger container and place a basket with an orchid there, and the resulting space is covered with a prepared substrate. Bamboo baskets have a smooth structure and do not create such problems.

To make pots, you need to prepare planks of wood or bamboo sticks that correspond to the size of the future container. Next, small holes need to be drilled on both sides. The material is laid at an angle of ninety degrees, observing the coincidence of the holes.

The planks and sticks are connected using copper wire, which is twisted into a strong knot at the bottom of the product, and its upper ends are tied into rings so that the basket can be easily hung, for example, on a fishing line that can withstand a lot of weight and is almost invisible. If desired, it can be wrapped using a decorative rope or other material.

Baskets made of plastic or metal mesh are more durable, but often require additional decoration.

In order to prevent the substrate from spilling out when planting orchids in such baskets, it is necessary to close the gaps resulting from the manufacture with sphagnum moss, and place a large bark on top of it for the entire height of the product. After that, you need to fill the pot with the substrate, place the plant in it, and then cover the entire surface of the soil with moss to slow it down.

To finally find out which pots are suitable for orchids, let's also remember such a wonderful and useful thing as automatic watering of plants. In the video you will see what kind of baskets, pots for orchids are:

Plastic bottle pots

In disputes about which pots are best for orchids, they often use the possibility of installing automatic watering, remembering that an orchid flower in a pot requires a certain amount of soil and air moisture.

For self-production of a pot with automatic watering, you can use two plastic bottles with a volume of two and one liter. The pot itself and automatic watering will be made from them. This is done in the following way:

Such a pot with automatic watering allows you to constantly maintain the humidity required by the plant and avoid overflow, which is detrimental to the root system of the orchid.

As you can see, orchid pots at home can be very different, both in terms of the material of manufacture, and in size and shape, and even in function.

Although a potted orchid is considered a rather capricious plant when grown indoors, the right choice of a pot for planting and proper home care for a potted orchid will avoid many problems in its further maintenance. Therefore, it is worth deciding in which pots to grow orchids in advance, before you purchase the plant.

We hope that thanks to our material, you now know exactly which pots to plant orchids in and which orchid flower pots to prefer.

Orchids, heat-loving houseplants, stand out for their unique beauty and elegance. There are over 700 species of this luxurious flower and 30,000 hybrid varieties. This type of herbaceous plant is distinguished by the structure, it is the same for all orchids.

Phalaenopsis Needs

Orchid and phalaenopsis have the same needs: light, air, moisture, nutrients. These factors are the same for them, since the word orchid - contains the name of a family of flowers, phalaenopsis - the name of a plant genus in the orchid family. The Phalaenopsis orchid has won the popularity of flower growers with touching grace and beauty.

The first glance at the plant has a simple structure, however, a closer study of it is striking in its strict simplicity and logic. Each element of the plant performs its function. The main thing for these plants is light, moisture, air.

The exquisite, unique beauty of orchids attracts many flower growers. It is better to grow them in greenhouses. However, thanks to the work of breeders, it is now possible to purchase various types and varieties that grow successfully in a room. Lighting and room temperature are quite acceptable for them. However, an important question arises: in which vessel should the plant be planted?

Note. Phalaenopsia roots increase the process of photosynthesis if they receive additional lighting. Therefore, it should be placed in a transparent pot, this will make it possible to control the condition of the plant.

Phalaenopsis blooming in greenhouses and apartments are hybrids, descendants of the phalaenopsis genus, whose birthplace is the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. As a result of selection, orchids have changed the color scheme, size and shape of flowers, but retained the basic natural habits:

  • love for a constant warm temperature in the range of 20-28 ° C;
  • habitat on tree trunks growing above streams, swampy forest areas. The aerial roots of orchids rise to the top of the tree, entwining it with their strong, tenacious roots;
  • Plants get the water they need from the same roots that absorb it during the rainy season, the damp morning mist, and the ambient air saturated with moisture.
  • the nutrient composition, consisting of washings of the products of decay of foliage, bird droppings, insects, is also absorbed by the roots and used by the plant.

For orchids, tree trunks serve as a support on the way to light and the sun, they do not take anything away from the plant. Based on these needs of phalaenopsis, approximately the same conditions should be created on the windowsill.

The main requirements that lovers of growing orchids must comply with are:

  • clean, necessary humidity air,
  • no dust,
  • the right vessel,
  • substrate.

The value of the vessel for growing orchids

Creating conditions close to the genetic needs of phalaenopsis is the main task when growing them in a room. The absence of roots in phlenopsis determines the specific choice of vessel. In this case, one cannot make a mistake in choosing a container - a plant planted in an inappropriate container is not able to give the very luxurious flowering for which orchids are bought.

Based on the requirements of the orchid that it needs, we will consider all the options for containers, find out which dishes are more suitable for the hybrid.

After buying a phalaenopsis, caring for it consists in proper watering and maintaining the optimal temperature regime for this plant.

When buying an orchid, you probably noticed that the container in which the seedling is placed is transparent and filled with a substrate that does not look like ordinary earth. This technique provides light access to the roots of the plant and allows you to control the condition of the substrate and roots. The plant needs very careful, careful watering. It is desirable to do without water at all, but to provide the plant with high humidity.

Two years later from the date of purchase of the seedling, agricultural technology changes slightly. It's time for top dressing and more voluminous watering.

For top dressing use liquid fertilizers marked on the container - "For orchids". Doses should be small. Usually, instructions for dosage and watering are attached to the package.

Orchid transplant

A plant that has grown up, strengthened, and adapted to a new environment needs to be transplanted to a permanent habitat. To which one is better to choose peas for orchids? It must be perfect not only externally. The orchid must find a home that will allow it to grow, gain strength for flowering.

Note. When transplanting an orchid, wounds remain in place of the removed roots, so watering is allowed only after 2-3 days. During this time, the wounds will heal a little. Irrigation will also change. You should be more careful with the fresh substrate, as it dries faster than the old one.

Since the orchid does not need an annual transplant, it is necessary to choose the ideal pot for it. On sale are pots made of various materials. Let's consider them all.

Transparent plastic pot

Orchid owners do not think about which pot to grow this flower in, as a rule, they prefer transparent and translucent plastic vessels. And this is absolutely correct. Especially if such a vessel has holes.

Thanks to the use of such vessels, orchids receive:

  • good coverage of the root system;
  • ideal flow of water through the holes in the bottom of the vessel;
  • root ventilation;
  • the material has a stable temperature in its structure. Plastic is not subject to overheating and hypothermia, which protects the orchid from sudden changes in temperature.

Clay and ceramic pots

Clay and ceramic containers have a number of advantages of natural material. The porosity of the clay provides the vessels in which the orchid should grow with high air permeability, which is necessary for its roots. Due to another property of kaolin, water impermeability, moisture is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the pot, which protects the roots of the plant from drying out.

However, some advantages of the material turn into disadvantages due to the qualities of the orchid, which has retained its epiphytic ability to stick to the surface for lifting. In the conditions of the vessel, they are firmly held on its walls and, if necessary, transplanting a plant, there is a danger of damage to the roots of the plant.

Most likely, an orchid in a vessel made of clay or ceramics will get sick, because with irrigation water and top dressing, the inner surface of the pot will be covered with salts. Consequence: decrease in porosity, aeration of the vessel, the death of the plant is likely. Such a vessel suitable for orchids.

But! Producers don't sleep. They produce very beautiful ceramic pots with special holes. They can be glazed. Such containers are very suitable for growing phalaenopsis, in addition, they eliminate the need to hide unattractive plastic with decorative flowerpots.

Glass container for orchids

Of course, in a glass pot, the roots of the orchid are clearly visible. But growing it in such a vessel is difficult. In such a pot, you can not add additional holes to improve aeration and drain excess water.

The substrate for growing orchids in a glass container must be prepared with a special approach. Properly it can be prepared by flower growers with extensive experience in growing phalaenopsis. Only they will be able to choose the right layer of drainage. Such nuances will provide orchids with the necessary air exchange. Otherwise, algae will grow in the glass, due to the improper drying of the substrate, the roots will rot, which will cause orchid disease. With strict observance of all the rules, it is possible to allow the cultivation of orchids in a glass vessel.

Pot from improvised material

It is not difficult to make a suitable container with your own hands. Having chosen the material for the pot, having decided on the size, you can begin to create a future abode for the orchid. The most accessible material is any plastic containers, you can not limit yourself in shape and color. Although, of course, it is better to take transparent containers from mayonnaise, yogurt, sauces, etc.

Using a screwdriver, drill or any suitable tool, many holes are made in the bottom of the container container. Holes are also made in the side walls.

To prevent flower roots from being densely distributed along the bottom, a plastic champagne cork should be placed in the middle of the bottom of the vessel. This technique will improve air exchange in the vessel.

Special purchased plastic containers for orchids.

Another option for a homemade pot is natural materials that mimic the conditions native to the plant:

  1. Coconut.
  2. Tree bars.
  3. Pieces of bark.

Orchid pot and its dimensions

An important nuance in growing phalaenopsis is pot size. Observations show that the orchid feels most comfortable in a pot that is somewhat cramped for him; this is a natural feature of the plant. Therefore, the characteristics of the pot in which it is better to plant phalaenopsis should be as follows:

  • the height and diameter of the pot should be equal to the diameter of its neck;
  • the root system of the orchid must fill the volume of the vessel completely;

For transplanting an orchid, you should choose a vessel that is slightly larger than the previous one in volume. This is a necessary condition for preserving the unique plant's ability to maintain health and strength.

substrate for orchids

At home, Phalaenopsis orchids need a slightly unusual soil. Its basis is pine bark, which is processed in a certain way:

  • cut the bark collected in the forest into small pieces, boil and dry. This is necessary in order to avoid the development of pathogenic fungi and mold;
  • cooked pine bark is mixed with expanded clay and charcoal. The ratio of components is 2:1:1.

In such a mixture, coal and expanded clay will act as moisture accumulators, then saturate the bark with it. The charcoal will fulfill its purpose as an antiseptic.

An orchid must grow in the right substrate, whether it's homemade or store bought.

Note. Phalaenopsis is very sensitive to the amount of moisture. The lack of moisture of the plant will cause it to wilt, with an excess of water, the root shell is broken and the plant dies.

Phalaenopsis place in the room

Having determined the material of the pot, what size the vessel for the orchid should be, having prepared the substrate, you need to choose a place in the room for the flower.

Phalaenopsis feels good on a window facing east. A window in a south or west direction is recommended to be protected from bright light with a curtain. You can determine the lack or excess of light by the color of the foliage. It should be olive in color.

After flowering, the phalaenopsis is cut off and set to rest in any place away from bright sunlight.

Personal experience on video

Phalaenopsis orchids are not in vain called "daughters of the air", their root system is involved in photosynthesis and needs oxygen, like all living things. Growing phalaenopsis in a glass pot is an extreme method, but such a method still has a right to exist. Consider what kind of containers for planting orchids love, and how they behave in closed systems.

What is the best way to grow phalaenopsis

To understand which pots are suitable for Phalaenopsis orchids, you need to understand the characteristics of the root system of these plants. The roots of epiphytes are actively involved in the process of photosynthesis and do not tolerate excessive moisture. In addition, phalaenopsis need good aeration and the roots themselves inside the container. Therefore, these hybrids are grown, transported and sold in transparent plastic containers equipped with many holes at the bottom.

The most popular question from novice orchists is the topic of how to choose a container for planting or a plant. For home growing phalaenopsis, the pot must meet all certain requirements, namely:

  • be made of soft plastic;
  • have holes at the bottom for a good outflow of moisture;
  • the volume must correspond to the volume of the root system.

It can be difficult for most beginner flower growers to choose a pot for an orchid, because the range is quite wide, there are a lot of opinions and reviews, and given that phalaenopsis adapt to new conditions for a long time, I still want to guess with the purchase.

Corona system - good or bad?

In addition to the plastic pots mentioned, there are also glass structures on sale that are designed specifically for this species. They are called "crown" and are advertised as universal and the best pots for phalaenopsis orchids, but they cause a lot of controversy among experienced flower growers.

It is quite difficult to keep the substrate moist in them, especially in the winter season, when the air in most apartments is dry and warm. Accordingly, the root system dries up very much, and the next time the roots begin to rot.

Another unpleasant moment associated with this type of pots is injury to the roots. Through the wide openings, the growing roots crawl out, and when transplanted, it is quite difficult not to break them.

But this system can be perfectly used as a decorative planter for orchids, in which phalaenopsis can be placed in the most ordinary plastic pot. The light will perfectly pass through the openings of the "crown", while the pot itself will not be visible, and the design will fit well into the interior.

Opaque containers

Also in the range of containers for orchids there are colored containers. This makes me wonder if it is possible to plant a phalaenopsis orchid in an opaque pot? Such a "place of residence" is better suited for dendrobium or cymbidium varieties, their root system does not need lighting. But there is also a fairly wide range of colored translucent glass and plastic pots - they will provide lighting for the roots of the phalaenopsis and will look beautiful at the same time.

If you have recently been fond of breeding orchids and are not sure what kind of pot your flowering pet needs, opt for a regular plastic pot. At low temperatures and high humidity, you can always make holes in them, and the root system will be in your sight.

Quite often, an orchid pot is confused with a plastic or glass planter. Such containers are not intended for orchids!

This method of growing epiphytes is called a "closed system" or CS. It requires certain conditions, as well as a number of skills from the owner of the orchid.

Phalaenopsis in glass

As we have already said, a phalaenopsis planter is not suitable as a permanent residence. Despite the nondescript appearance of ordinary plastic pots, they are the best solution for both beginners and experienced flower growers. However, it is worth noting that phalaenopsis over many years of breeding have learned to adapt to various conditions, which makes it possible to grow them in a glass orchid planter or in a beautiful vase.

Things to consider when transplanting into a glass pot:

  1. Moisture will accumulate in such a pot, so you will need to get used to watering the plant properly.
  2. It is worth remembering that an orchid in a glass vase needs good drainage, so it is necessary to pour expanded clay of the middle fraction on the bottom of the vase, and pick up a larger bark.
  3. It is necessary to adapt the plant to such a pot gradually, watering should be done moderately along the edge of the container.
  4. This method is not suitable for beginners!
Advice! When transplanting phalaenopsis into a glass closed system, place a piece of foam at the base of the neck. This will protect the plant from waterlogging and decay of the growing point.

When deciding to grow epiphytes in closed systems, you should also consider your conditions in an apartment or house. So, for example, mini-phalaenopsis need more moisture than midi and standard plants, but they do not tolerate cold. If the room has high humidity, it is cool, and the mini lives in a glass pot, there is a very high probability of root rot.


No less popular today are ceramic containers for Phalaenopsis orchids. They come with holes for draining the liquid, and without them. Such pots are good because ceramics keep the temperature well, preventing hypothermia of the root system and its further decay.

But in fairness, it should be noted that over time, the roots stick to the walls of such pots, which greatly injures them during transplantation. Therefore, the best solution would be to place the flowers planted in plastic containers in ceramic pots.

Growing orchids in homemade pots

Orchid lovers are quite creative people and often use homemade containers instead of boring plastic pots. As a rule, these are plastic containers from yogurt, mayonnaise and other food products. Using sharp scissors or a drill, holes are drilled in them and the phalaenopsis pot is ready!

Another material used for planting epiphytes is pine baskets. Although they are more suitable for vandas and corianthes, phalaenopsis can also be planted in such pots. They look quite decorative, and pine block and sphagnum moss can be used instead of a substrate.

To make such a container yourself, you need to make a little effort:

  1. Identical blocks are cut out of pine, polished and fastened in any way possible.
  2. A pine block with a plant fixed on it is placed at the bottom of the basket.
It is important to remember that this method of growing phalaenopsis requires frequent wetting and adaptation of the plant. It is not recommended to use it for inexperienced flower growers.

As a result

In order for the orchid to be healthy and delight its owners with lush and long flowering, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for it:

  1. Phalaenopsis love the combination of heat and high humidity, but getting just one can get sick.
  2. The root system is involved in photosynthesis, so plants need transparent pots for good growth.
  3. There must be good air circulation inside the substrate.
  4. Growing in glass, ceramics and other non-traditional containers is only suitable for experienced flower growers.

Where do your orchids grow?

Among the thousands of varieties of orchids, only a small part settles on the ground, the rest prefer to climb tree trunks, rocky ledges with the help of powerful roots and settle down in places where there is practically no soil. Therefore, pots for orchids grown at home are very different from the usual flower containers.

What should guide the florist when choosing a container for tropical beauties? How to find the right pot?

What pot is needed for an orchid?

Epiphytes and lithophytes are plants that do not tolerate waterlogging of the roots. And when choosing a pot for an orchid, it is important to build on this basic, but not the only requirement.

Specialized containers for a plant of this family should provide:

  • good outflow of moisture;
  • active aeration of the root system and substrate inside the pot;
  • safe extraction of juicy, long rhizomes, which often diverge far beyond the container;
  • acceptable temperature for the orchid.

Among orchids, there are species in which the roots not only absorb nutrients and moisture, but also actively participate in the process of photosynthesis.

What kind of orchid pot is needed in this case? Oddly enough, it may sound for novice lovers of this culture, for such orchids it is necessary to purchase a completely transparent container.

How to choose an orchid pot made of clay, colored or transparent plastic? Epiphytic plants do not need a large amount of substrate, so a large pot is not needed. The main thing that:

  • there were holes for drainage on its bottom and lower part of the walls;
  • the height of the container was equal to the width of the neck;
  • volume corresponded to the size of the root system.

Most often you can see an indoor orchid in a pot, as in a photo made of plastic or ceramics. There are also breathable baskets for free root growth.

It is better to refuse a glass pot. It can injure not only a flower, but also a person, moreover, it does not allow the roots to breathe. It is better to use such a container as a spectacular planter for an orchid planted in transparent plastic.

plastic pots for orchids

This is the most common and preferred option for an orchid pot. Plastic containers do not allow the root system to dry out, they are easy to maintain and can serve more than one plant.

In addition, the design of such an orchid pot provides several holes for draining excess moisture, which means that there is no need to worry about moisture retention in the substrate. If the existing drainage holes are not enough, the grower can independently, without the risk of destroying the container, make new ones.

Plastic easily tolerates being on a brightly lit window sill and in the shade, reliably protecting the root system of the flower from hypothermia or overheating.

Sometimes, when transplanting, orchid lovers are faced with a situation where the overgrown roots come out through the drainage holes, and it will not work to remove the leaf socket without damaging the pot or plant. In this case, the plastic is easy to cut with household scissors without damaging the roots, which is impossible if a ceramic or glass orchid pot is used.

For species whose roots are occupied in the process of photosynthesis, transparent pots are offered. However, it is convenient to use such containers not only for planting phalaenopsis and similar plants. You can see clearly through the plastic.

  • How does the root system develop?
  • How is moisture used?
  • how the substrate dries.

Therefore, such containers can be recommended to flower growers without much experience in keeping orchids. It is easy and interesting to observe a room orchid in a pot, as in the photo. Even the slightest damage to the roots or signs of overflow will not hide from a careful look.

Clay pots for orchids

A significant advantage of orchid pots made of glazed or unglazed ceramics is their excellent permeability to moisture and air. Irrigation moisture does not accumulate in one place, but effectively spreads throughout the earthen coma, the roots do not dry out for a long time and do not overheat.

But with a lot of advantages, this type of container also has disadvantages:

  • rhizomes are firmly attached to the porous surface of ceramics, which is fraught with flower injuries during reproduction and transplantation:
  • the porosity of the pot decreases over time from salts penetrating the material, which negatively affect both the clay and the condition of the orchid roots.

If you are going to use a clay container, the grower must know how to properly plant an orchid in a pot.

Before planting the plant, clay orchid pots are disinfected, as it should, by heating in the oven, and then soaked in clean irrigation water for a couple of hours. If a previously used vessel is used, it is useful to immerse it in acidified water. This will help get rid of salt stains on ceramics.

Video about the selection of a pot for an orchid

Often, plants are grown in this form in Asian countries, where they are already sold in this form. It is important to understand that the narrow glass container in which it is sold cannot be used for a long time, since the plant will not last long in this form. In a glass container, there is usually not an adult plant, but seedlings..

ATTENTION: The most common for this method of keeping is the Vanda orchid. You can also grow phalaenopsis.

But we will talk specifically about the Wanda orchid.

Orchid Vanda has a strong root system. The length of the root can reach 2 meters. The roots are thickened grayish-green in color and covered with a thick layer of velamen. The stem of this flower at home stretches up to 1 meter in length, and in nature up to 3 meters.

The leaves of the flower are large and are not closely spaced and double-rowed. They are leathery and fleshy and bright green. The flowers of the plant may have a color:

  • snow-white;
  • cream;
  • lemon yellow;
  • orange;
  • cherry red;
  • light pink;
  • rich raspberry;
  • Violet;
  • violet blue.

Capacity Requirements

Before you grow a plant, you need to choose the right container in which you "settle" the flower. This is one of the most important procedures due to improperly selected capacity, the plant may die.

The form

The most suitable is the one that has a narrow top and vice versa wide bottom. Their shape resembles a glass.

Do not use tall cylindrical containers, despite their attractiveness. In such containers, the leaves often bend and break, which can kill the orchid. Do not forget that only the roots of the plant are in the container, while the leaves are located on top.

Glass containers provide the roots with plenty of light. However, their main advantage is their decorative properties. However, the use of such containers requires a lot of experience in caring for orchids. All due to the fact that there are simply no drainage holes in the glass container. Therefore, it is quite easy to get an excess of moisture for the roots, which they really do not like. This leads to their decay and death of the flower.

IMPORTANT: Also, in such a container, the plant will not receive enough air, and from this, algae will appear on its walls.

If you still decide to use a glass container, then you must take care of plenty of drainage and the right substrate. And it’s easier to put a plastic pot with a plant in a glass container you like.

But there are also disadvantages of growing an orchid in a glass vessel.:

  • Possible excess moisture.
  • Small amount of air for a flower.
  • Additional drainage holes cannot be made.
  • It is difficult to choose the right shape so as not to harm the flower.


  1. Beautiful vases.
  2. Flasks.
  3. (read about which pot is better to choose - transparent or not).
  4. Glasses (for small orchids).
  5. Glass mugs.

Special Requirements

If you want to grow your flower in a glass pot, then you must:

  1. Choose a healthy plant.
  2. Take care of good drainage in the pot.
  3. Pick a good substrate.
  4. Strictly control watering.

A glass flask is far from the best option for growing orchids. They have a narrow cylindrical shape because of this, the leaves of a growing flower are bent and broken. And the flower dies. Same way in a high flask, moisture will not leave well and enough air will not flow, and this is a direct path to fungal diseases and root rot. Therefore, you should not choose glass flasks for your pet.

ADVICE: As for vases, the best option is a glass-shaped vase, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. Be sure when planting in a vase, you need to remember that the roots are in the vase, and the plant itself is outside.

Watch a video about planting an orchid in a glass pot:

Features of care

A flower in such conditions needs thorough care.:

  1. Follow watering guidelines. Immerse the root system in warm water for 20-30 minutes. Protect leaves and root neck from prolonged contact with water. The substrate should dry in 2 days. The best option for watering is spraying. In winter, water once a day.
  2. Feed during the active growth stage. Add fertilizer to water for irrigation. It is better to use mineral fertilizers.
  3. Timely deal with diseases and pests.

Possible problems and difficulties

  1. Root rot due to improper watering.
  2. The appearance of insects in a container with a flower.
  3. Green coating on the walls of the container.

Where can you buy?

You can buy glass containers for orchids at any specialized store.. The seller will help you choose the best option. You can also order containers online. The cost on the Internet is from 190 rubles, and in stores - from 140 rubles.

If you want to have an unusual decoration in your home, then definitely choose an orchid in a glass container. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with all the requirements of the plant and then you will succeed.

Growing an orchid without soil is quite realistic only if the roots of the flower are accustomed to a constant humid environment.

After all, the bark of the tree and other additional components play a secondary role, as they are necessary to support the orchid. But if you resort to the help of a skewer or something else, then there is no need for a soil mixture.

In winter, an orchid grown without soil needs to be watered less often.(You can learn how to care for an orchid in the autumn-winter period). And in the spring, when the flower begins to grow actively, increase the frequency of moisture. In addition, it is important to monitor the lighting.

For orchids indoors, any window is suitable, except for the south one, since direct sunlight is destructive for phalaenopsis (for details on where it is better to put an orchid, and where you can’t keep a flower, read).

Advantages and disadvantages

Growing orchids without soil has the following advantages:

When growing an orchid, an open automatic type system is used, thereby reducing the time spent on caring for a flower.

Only it is important not to forget to add water to the irrigation system when necessary.

Thanks to this method, the orchid will no longer need to be watered for 2 weeks, and this will not harm it in any way.

As for the disadvantages of the method, it is the only one here - these are the difficulties in leaving. Because of this, the appearance of the flower begins to suffer, as its leaves turn yellow and fall off, the root system rots.

What is used instead of soil?

The orchid feels great not even in the soil saturated with humus, but on the trunks, branches, roots of some tree. The components necessary for the development of a flower are not obtained from the soil at all. The source of food is the atmosphere.

An orchid needs soil only so that it can somehow gain a foothold and stay in a certain area. So when choosing the components that will be used instead of the soil, you need to take into account their permeability to moisture and air.

In most cases, the main component for a homemade soil mixture is tree bark. It can be torn off with your own hands or purchased at a specialized store. Most often, flower growers choose pine bark, although oak and coniferous bark is excellent. To collect it, you will have to use sawn logs or dead wood.

To ensure the safety of the plant and protect it from pests and bacteria, pieces of bark must be cleaned of the softened area and dried thoroughly.

In addition to bark, flower growers actively use sphagnum moss as soil. Its main purpose is to loosen the soil, retain moisture without compacting the soil, absorb harmful salts and have a bactericidal effect.

In addition to tree bark and moss, expanded clay and activated charcoal, which still has disinfectant properties, are suitable for orchids.

We offer you to watch a video about the types of soil for growing orchids:

What container should the plant be kept in?

When growing an orchid without soil, choosing a suitable pot remains a wet moment. For this plant, it is worth choosing a container of this type and structure so that the flower has a place where to develop, not dry out and not be exposed to the harmful effects of dry air in the room where the plant is kept. Choosing a pot for growing without soil, preference should be given to glass vases or plastic and ceramic containers. In addition, they must meet the following criteria:

  1. Containers must have a drain for water.
  2. Pot size and plant size should match.
  3. The volume of the container should be such that the root system of the plant can freely settle down there and does not touch the walls.

We offer you to watch a video on choosing a container when growing an orchid in an open system:

Growing difference

Using this method of growing orchids, you need to take a more careful and responsible approach to the care process.

Unlike the traditional method, in this case there is no need to select the soil or prepare it yourself, which saves time and money. But more stringent requirements are imposed on growing conditions: suitable humidity, timeliness.

And the most important difference is that an orchid grown in the ground is much less likely to get sick than the one for which the soil mixture is not used.

We offer you to watch a video about the difference and open systems:

How to properly care?

Such an interesting way of growing orchids involves more careful care of the plant, which is as follows:

  1. Avoid high humidity in the room where the flower is located. It is much easier to endure a short drought.

    To control the level of humidity, it is necessary to grow an orchid in containers with transparent walls. Then it will be possible to visually determine whether an orchid without soil needs watering.

  2. Daily roots and aerial part of the plant with soft water using a spray bottle. This will achieve the desired level of humidity.
  3. No less important for the growth and development of a flower is lighting. Daylight hours should be 10 hours. The sun's rays can be seen by artificial lighting using fluorescent lamps.
  4. During the day it should be within 18-27 degrees, and at night - 13-24 degrees.


Any difficulties may arise if you do not follow the rules for caring for an orchid. The most common problem remains associated with the desire of the leaf plate, as a result of which the leaves simply fall off. But it’s one thing when this is a natural process and old leaves fall off, but this can happen to young ones for the following reasons:

  • waterlogging- together with the yellow leaves, the process of rotting of the root system occurs;

If the morning started with positive feelings, then the whole day is felt much with minimal losses. Cultivation of flowers is a pleasant activity for many, which brings positive feelings not only to relatives but also to many neighbors. Plants are a good decoration for an exquisite design. Passing next to a well-groomed garden, one cannot help but catch a glance at some bright fruit. And many people have an idea, or maybe you need to plant a flower garden?

An orchid in a vase is a modern version of the perfect gift.

The markets of the South-Eastern countries offer sealed small glass vessels with seedlings of phalaenopsis, oncidiums, cattleyas, vandas and other orchids, which do not require additional documents for export from the country.

This option for acquiring exotic orchids is quite interesting for both amateurs and professionals. It not only allows you to immediately acquire a sufficient number of your favorite flowers, but also try your hand at the role of a gardener who grows a full-fledged plant from a tiny seedling.

Wanda is a stylish beauty in a worthy vase frame.

Wanda in a glass vase is a great decoration for a stylish interior. With large, showy, highly unusually shaped flowers, the vanda orchid is so attractive that it is becoming more and more popular. It quickly adapts to the microclimate of our rooms. The most famous is the "blue vanda", which has stunning beautiful sky-blue flowers.

Vessels in which vandas are sold can be conditionally divided into low, wide and those in which the height prevails over the width. The latter - vases in the form of cylinders or a truncated flask require increased attention to the content of the plant in them for the following reasons:

In a cylindrical vessel, the lower leaves are in a folded state, their creases and kinks are possible, which is fraught with their loss. Excessive humidity inside the flask, lack of high-quality ventilation sometimes leads to the appearance of bacterial and fungal infections that affect the roots and leaves of the orchid. To prevent this, vandas, which are often kept in such glass containers without a substrate, are not watered directly in it, but taken out and immersed in a separate container with water. After drying, the orchid can be returned back to the vase.

If you are happy with the vase, you just need to lift the plant with flowers over the edge of the decorative vase so that the roots remain inside and the peduncle with leaves is outside. Then it will be more convenient to take care of the plant, and the flower will feel better. When Wanda is kept in the substrate, it should be sprayed more frequently with a systemic fungicide, as in the absence of holes in a glass vessel, ventilation to the entire depth of the vase is almost impossible.

Secrets of growing orchids in glass jars

Orchids bought in the substrate and, on the contrary, intended to be kept without it, also undergo some training for life with bare roots. Wandas are best suited for this purpose. As a rule, these orchids on sale are precisely unprotected roots.

It is not easy to achieve such indicators, especially in winter, it is important to remember the general rule here: the lower the temperature, the less Wanda needs watering and indoor air humidity. And, accordingly, vice versa. Therefore, if it is not possible to install a humidifier with a timer that will maintain the humidity at the proper level, you need to try to provide Wanda with a cool room. Watering an orchid without a substrate is done by immersing in warm water for a time sufficient for its roots to change color from light gray to green. Actually, the signal for watering is the disappearance of the light green color of the roots.

Often, Wanda's orchids are acquired with extremely shriveled, almost unviable roots. The roots that have simply dried up from irregular watering are restored by almost daily watering-immersion for 10 minutes in warm water. The roots, on the contrary, rotting from poor ventilation, fungal infections, are first treated with Fitosporin solution, then sprayed or immersed in water for a short time. The main thing is that after watering and spraying the temperature of the orchid should be at least 20-25 degrees Celsius, otherwise the fungal infection may resume.

Ventilation is also important. Vandas contained in high, narrow vases should be well ventilated, and glass, plastic bottles, vessels should be washed using disinfecting solutions. The roots of such orchids need frequent treatment with fungicidal (antifungal) drugs. The rotting parts of the roots are subject to timely removal, powdering the cut with crushed coal, or lubricating it with Fundazol gruel.

There are several Vanda growing secrets that are used if the plant suddenly becomes ill. Sometimes, suddenly, Wanda begins to lose turgor (her leaves become soft, sag, wrinkle). The reason for this condition lies in the insufficient strength of the roots, because. The Vanda orchid grows leaf mass only with a well-developed, healthy root system. It is important to carefully examine the plant, remove it from the substrate (if any), replace it with a new, carefully disinfected one. After that, the orchid is hung upside down in a darker place than before. Thus, the energy of growth, always striving upward, is redirected to the growth of roots.

Once every two weeks, you can spray the plant with special fertilizers for orchids, or by separately spraying with Novosil, Polisilk preparations. The polysaccharides contained in these preparations contribute to the regulation of photosynthesis processes, stimulating the production of beneficial nutrients. Sugars support Wanda's strength - while foliar treatment should be carried out throughout the plant, from roots to leaves.

An orchid hanging upside down does not retain excess moisture in the internodes, while the risk of fungal and bacterial diseases, despite frequent moisture, is reduced to almost a minimum. In this state, Wanda is ready to grow a normal new root system in 3 months, and when her young roots in an amount of at least 3-5 pieces reach 6-7 cm in length, the orchid can be turned over to its usual state.

The Vanda Orchid in a glass vase is not only a stylish accent of a modern interior, it is a long-lasting, living decoration that anyone who loves plants can afford to keep.


Features of caring for a Vanda orchid in a glass vase

Houseplants cannot be treated indifferently. In every apartment or house there is at least one green miracle that creates comfort. An orchid flower is amazing in its beauty and is popular, and a vanda in a glass vase is an original unique gift, a stylish decoration for any interior.

Vase selection

What kind of vases to give preference? The most convenient vases for growing orchids are narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. Such vases resemble a glass in their shape. Tall cylindrical vases are less popular among flower growers - in them the leaves of the plant often bend and break, which in most cases leads to the death of the flower. Please note that only the roots of the plant should be in the vase, and the leaves are located on top.

Features of care

Growing orchids in a vase, you need to pay special attention to watering. The procedure is different from that for flowers in pots. It is not recommended to leave water in vases, otherwise excess water will lead to the death of the root system of the flower. Usually, the plant is given 20-30 minutes to “quench its thirst”, after which the remaining water is poured out of the flowerpot. Water for irrigation should be soft, it is allowed to mix ordinary tap water with distilled water in a ratio of 1: 1. In summer, orchids are watered every other day, but avoiding waterlogging of the soil. In winter, one watering per week is enough.

In order for a vanda to grow well in a glass vase, bloom profusely and regularly, the flower must be fed. To do this, it is enough to add a little fertilizer to the water for irrigation.

Don't forget to spray. For these purposes, a conventional spray gun is suitable. In summer, this procedure should be carried out at least three times a day. It is better to spray the flower in the morning, so that by the evening the leaves of the plant have time to dry.

When caring for an orchid, remember that it loves light, but direct sunlight should be avoided. The ideal option for the location of the flower are windows facing south. If it is not possible to provide the flower with sufficient amounts of sunlight, additional artificial lighting is used. With a lack of light, the plant may die.

Orchids are prone to fungal diseases. To prevent this, it is necessary to remove dry and broken roots in time. Fortunately, they are clearly visible in vases and the danger can be noticed in a timely manner. If you see that the leaves turn yellow or fall off, cut off the affected area and treat the area with iodine or brilliant green.

If you follow the above conditions of care, add love, attention, care to them, then a vanda in a glass vase will give you the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of flowering up to 3-4 times a year.

vanda. The specifics of growing orchids in glass vases.

Recently, more and more often, orchids of this group are sold in stores already placed in decorative glass vases (glasses and other utensils). This method is not only beautiful from an aesthetic point of view, but also convenient in terms of growing the plant itself, although it has a number of specific features.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when buying orchids in vases is THE STATE OF THE ROOT SYSTEM OF THE PLANT. since many unscrupulous florists, in order to give the orchid more value, forcibly put them in too small and narrow vases, ruthlessly breaking long epiphytic roots. Depending on the degree of damage, a broken root can either die immediately or live for some more time (usually no longer than 1-2 months). In particularly successful cases, when the top layer of the root is only slightly broken, and not completely broken, it can function for a long time (even more than 2 years).

Orchids with very broken roots, as a rule, already within the first month after purchase, begin to massively dry their root system, causing panic among their owners and a negative reaction to growing orchids in vases. However, the vase itself has nothing to do with it! If the root system of the plant is very badly damaged or twisted into a large ball, the best option in this situation is to abandon (at least temporarily) the use of a glass vase and place the orchid in a suspended state with freely hanging roots. Observe the condition of the plant for at least two months, and if the root system remains normal, then it can be placed in a vase again, after choosing the most suitable one for this, so that all the existing roots of the plant fit there and there is still some room left for their further growth.

When choosing the vase itself, it is best to opt for the so-called "GLASSES". which are wide at the bottom and narrower at the top. This design is good because it does not require additional fixing of the orchid. If you choose the right sizes, then the black plastic box will stop tightly at the top, and the roots will hang freely down.

IN NO EVENT SHOULD YOU LEAVE PLANTS WHOLE IN VASES! In such conditions, sooner or later it will suffocate and begin to turn yellow. If you bought an orchid from a store in just such a huge (floor) vase, the best thing to do in this situation is to take the top of the plant out of the vase and place it above it. The method of fastening can be any, it directly depends on your imagination and the materials at hand (fishing line, wire, etc.). At the bottom of a large vase, you can put a small layer of expanded clay, which will evaporate moisture, providing increased air humidity inside the vase.

When growing orchids in vases, it is very convenient to water the plants - you just pour water inside, and then (after 20-30 minutes) pour it out. It is advisable to use soft, filtered water or a mixture of ordinary tap and distilled water in a 1:1 ratio. To ensure good growth and regular flowering of the orchid, it is advisable to add a drop of fertilizer for each watering. The root system of orchids should dry out well between waterings, therefore, in no case should water be left on the bottom of the vase if it comes into contact with the roots of the orchid, since prolonged contact with water will not lead to anything good, and the root may begin to rot, or on it, a mass settlement of algae will begin.

Caring for orchids in vases is quite simple, but largely depends on the initial state of the plant's root system, so it is strongly recommended not to use it if your orchid's roots are very badly broken.

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Caring for orchids in a vase

Caring for orchids in a vase, which is often presented as a gift for the holiday, is a simple, albeit slightly troublesome, task.

Exotic flowers in glass jars

Orchids are often exported from Southeast Asian countries in small sealed flasks. Glass containers with vandas, phalaenopsis and oncidiums are very effective and compact. By purchasing such an orchid, you can try your hand at being an amateur grower. From a small seedling, you can grow a full-fledged adult plant. And if you were given an already formed specimen, proper care for orchids will help prolong its life and preserve the beauty of the flower.

For example, the blue vanda looks very stylish and impressive. It has spectacular flowers of an unusual shape. Such an orchid in a vase, the care of which must be constant and competent, can live long enough, delighting others with a healthy look. First, choose a container for the flower. It is best if the vase is wider at the bottom and narrower at the top. This will prevent excessive moisture loss from the substrate. Vanda orchids are most often sold in cylindrical flasks. Leaving them in these containers is not very useful. After all, the lower leaves in such a vessel are in a crumpled position, they can break and bend. This may even lead to their death. Humidity inside such a cylindrical flask is often excessive, and ventilation is insufficient. This can lead to the growth of bacteria or the appearance of a fungal infection. Roots and leaves affected by this disease are extremely difficult to cure. To counter this, orchid care must include timely repotting. The first time this should be done a few months after purchase. Orchid care also involves a special ritual of watering a flower. It must be removed from the flask, immersed in a separate bowl with water for a while. Then, after drying, the orchid is returned back to the vase. To make it easier to care for the flower, position it so that the roots remain inside the container. And the peduncle should be outside.

This flower, resembling a flock of huge bright butterflies in shape, is somewhat similar to giant pansies. It belongs to the group of oncidiums. Its hybrid varieties are more unpretentious and hardy. Miltonia orchid - epiphyte. She is originally from Colombia and Brazil. Caring for her is quite easy. However, you need to know some rules that you will have to strictly adhere to. The first taboo is regarding watering. Water procedures should be done only in the daytime. Evening watering can seriously harm your orchid - after all, the plant cools down a bit at night. And due to the presence of excess moisture in the pan, the decrease in temperature may be excessive. The second rule is that water must be boiled and filtered. It should also be heated during the cold season. Distilled water is harmful if used for irrigation. But it is quite suitable for wiping the leaves - due to the absence of some chemical compounds in it, there will be no stains on them.

Often in flower shops there are vandas of huge sizes, with a lush beard of roots and bright, large flowers behind the glass of a tall vase.

plants in this form has its own subtleties, advantages and disadvantages, that need to be known and taken into account.

Otherwise, out of ignorance, an inexperienced grower can make a number of mistakes, the consequences of which will contribute to the gradual depletion of the plant and its death. Next, we will tell you how to grow in transparent vases.

Although it looks very elegant in this form, content like this suits him very conditionally. The reason is that only the roots of the plant should be in the flask behind the transparent glass, while the beard should be free to be in space.

Tall vases are not suitable for these purposes.- the plant should not be completely contained in the container, otherwise it suffers from stuffiness, there is also an increased risk of decay.

With such cultivation, the orchid suffers from a lack of air.


As already mentioned, tall ones elongated from glass are not suitable for a vanda, but fit wide, in the form of glasses. The size should be sufficient so that the roots are freely placed inside. The plant itself from the base of the outlet should be on the surface, flush with the edges of the vase, and not buried inward. You can fix it in this position with a wire.

Attention! You can grow a vanda in a plastic container. A large bottle with a cut off top will do. The use of plastic eliminates the disadvantages of glass - brittleness and low thermal conductivity.

Features of the development and growth of a plant without land

- it is monopodial, less often lithophyte, and she feels great with bare roots without soil. It usually has a powerful system of aerial, velamen-covered, grey-green roots. In nature, she clings to them, holding on to a support.

It should be understood that vandas are tropical plants and they live in a very humid climate, extracting moisture and nutrition from all parts of their body from precipitation and air.

In room conditions, the plant should recreate similar conditions. And if the flask takes care of the humid microclimate necessary for the air roots, then the grower Wanda will have to be somewhat more common than other orchids.

Basic principles of care

Behind an orchid will not bring trouble even to a novice florist. It is enough to follow unpretentious rules.


An orchid that grows in a vase is very simple. Gently, along the wall, like beer in a glass, pour water into the flask thus, so that all roots sink. 30-45 minutes later carefully drain the water.

Advice! Make sure no water remains in the vase.

So vandas are about 2 times a week in warm weather. If cloudy and cool - once a week. On especially hot, summer days, watering can be done every other day or daily. Water must be warm, such a temperature that it was pleasant to the hands - about 30-36 ° C.

Watering an orchid in a flowerpot (photo of the immersion method).

Use soft water, boiled or settled. Plants also respond well to bathing in the shower. need in the morning so that the plant can dry out by evening.

Be careful with glassware. A wet surface may slip off and the glass orchid pot will fall out of your hand and break.

top dressing

Wandas are one of those orchids that are most whimsical to. During the period of the plant gaining green mass and active vegetation feed the vanda once a week with liquid mineral fertilizers for orchids in half or a quarter of the concentration indicated on the package or instructions.

Before dipping the vanda roots in the nutrient solution, they must be moistened with plain water. This must be done so as not to burn the delicate roots. Root top dressing can be alternated with leaf top dressing from a spray bottle.

Important! When the plant is at rest, it is categorically not recommended to fertilize it.

Prevention of possible diseases

maintaining plant hygiene and keeping it in acceptable conditions. Vandas are very light-loving orchids and insufficient light in winter without a dormant period is very draining of the plant. As a result - fungal infections.

As a result of improper watering vandas often. In the event that the rot has spread to the trunk of the plant, it will no longer be possible to save it. Fungicides and antibiotics will help fight rot. Use insecticides against insects. Sometimes vanda roots stick to the walls of the vase, so be careful when removing the plant from the container.

Improper care can lead to rotting of the leaves and the entire plant.

The influence of temperature on the frequency of watering a plant

As already noted above, watering the vanda should be done carefully to prevent rotting:

  • at temperatures below 16-18 °С, vanda slows down life processes, so you need to water about 1 time per week;
  • if the temperature is higher up to 25-26 °С, watered twice a week;
  • if the thermometer shows more than 26-28 °С, in the heat you need to water every other day, or in small portions every day.

It will be useful for the vanda to be placed on the balcony in the summer, when the night temperature is guaranteed not to fall below 15 ° C.

What if the root system is very weak?

You can help the plant grow a lush root system using the instructions root or its analogues.

Ventilation, ventilation of the plant

Although the vanda is from the tropics, she prefers the air to be fresh. So it is necessary to periodically ventilate the plant.

It is necessary to place it in the flask so that air can circulate freely and get inside.

The size of the container containing the vanda must be large enough to the roots were freely placed inside.

Tank decontamination

Unfortunately, over time, a glass vase is covered from the inside with a layer of algae or salt deposits. So the flask will have to be constantly washed. You can disinfect with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The plant, of course, should be removed from the vase for the duration of this procedure.

Useful videos

Watch a video about caring for orchids in glass vases:

The following video demonstrates how to water orchids in glass:

The video below will tell you about planting an orchid in a glass pot:

Video tips for caring for a vanda in glass:


There are actually a lot of ways to cultivate orchids, and growing in glass is just one way, not the only applicable. The plant will do well with fully exposed roots. Here the choice is already up to the orchidist. Take good care of your orchids and enjoy them.

In contact with

This is a fairly new method, so often growers make mistakes incompatible with the life of cultivated plants.

Let's find out which one is needed for orchids. This method, of course, has both advantages and disadvantages:

Important! However, the shortcomings can be somewhat leveled by replacing the glass vase with a plastic one. At the same time, the decorative effect and high soiling of the container will be preserved.


Such cultivation is in itself is one of the ways. There are variations regarding the placement of the plant itself in relation to the container (fully inside or half outside).

Proper placement without the use of a substrate

the right way is the only one:

  1. inside;
  2. And the top is outside.

That is, the plant is placed halfway in the vase. Thus:

  • The plant itself is outdoors;
  • The base of the rosette is flush with the edges of the vase;
  • And the roots are inside.

You can fix the plant in this position with wire or by any other available means and improvised materials.

Substrate filling

Not needed, as monopodial orchid species are usually grown in vases (,). In some cases allowed use, for example, if you need to leave the plant unattended for a while.

Types of containers

In the shops there are transparent vases:

  • Classic, stretched up;
  • Cylindrical glass-shaped with a flat bottom.

These containers are not suitable, as:

Best fit glass-shaped vessels for cognac is:

  • Large spherical vessels;
  • Flattened in height;
  • Able to fit inside the entire beard of the roots;
  • While remaining compact and decorative.

In such a vase, a plant will not suffer from constant stuffiness, while the roots will be in a humid microclimate. Consider how to care for an orchid in a glass vase.


Consider caring for an orchid in glass at home. Plant care is not much different from traditional orchid care in the substrate, but it has some nuances that need to be known and taken into account. First of all, it concerns:

  • The vase itself;
  • her material;
  • Forms;
  • And the place of residence of the plant.


plants in a glass vase no different than watering an orchid, which grows in the usual or. The procedure is elementary: you need to carefully pour water into a vase in such an amount that the roots are completely immersed and wetted. Water must be:

  • soft;
  • settled;
  • With a minimum content of mineral salts.

This is important, first of all, for the delicate roots of the orchid, as well as will help to preserve the decorative effect of the glass. After all, after the evaporation of water, mineral salts form a plaque that is perfectly visible and does not look very attractive.

Advice! It is ideal to use rain or melt water, of course, only if the process of collecting precipitation was carried out in an ecologically clean region.

After 30-45 minutes, the water must be carefully drained. Do it with the utmost care, as:

  • Wet glass is very slippery;
  • The vase may accidentally slip out of your hands;
  • Shatter and injure you or others with fragments.

Make sure that no water remains in the vessel after draining. Average watering frequency is:

  • 2-3 times a week in warm weather;
  • And once a week, if it's cloudy outside.

It is always necessary to monitor the plant and take into account its current needs. On hot summer days, watering can be daily. Time for the procedure better to choose in the morning so that the plant has time to dry by the evening.

Feeding and pest control

Under natural conditions happens naturally when rain washes away the humic substances formed on its surface from the trees directly to the roots of the epiphyte. Therefore, when grown indoors, these plants require competent and dosed top dressing.

Fertilizing orchids is best done after flowering.

The most important thing is that must be remembered: it is better to carry out frequent top dressing with a weak solution than rare, but strong. This is also explained by the same features of feeding orchids in nature. After all, rain in the tropics washes away a not very rich layer of substances, but it does this quite often.

In practice, this means that an orchid during the period of active vegetation and a set of green mass should be fed with liquid fertilizers once every 1-2 weeks in ¼ of the concentration indicated on the package.

Advice! Before the procedure, it is necessary to moisten the roots of the plant with water to minimize the risk of burns with a solution of fertilizers. Foliar fertilization, which alternates with root fertilization, has proven to be effective.

Treatments from carried out with diluted insecticides from the sprayer. Use a fine mist spray. It is necessary to process all parts of the plant (from all sides), except for flowers.

How to monitor the health of the roots?

The best prevention is maintaining plant hygiene at the optimum level. In this case, it is necessary:

  • Select the size of the container, sufficient so that the roots of the plant fit freely inside;
  • And also there was the possibility of ventilation and free access of air inside.

Not allowed:

  • Hypothermia of the roots;
  • As well as debris and dirt inside the vase.

In time remove the dead and roots from the plant.


Quite periodically remove the plant from the container and leave it in free space for a while. You can do this:

  • while bathing;
  • Or when you want to wash the vase from the accumulated dirt.

Attention! Orchid roots can sometimes stick to the sides of the vase, so care must be taken when removing the plant from the container.

Risks of Infectious Diseases


The cause of this kind of disease is accumulation of pathogens: fungi and bacteria.

To prevent orchid diseases, it needs proper care.

It is enough to imagine a damp basement in a building or a corner of the house on the north side to understand how this happens. Fungi or bacteria gather and breed in damp, sheltered places. A glass vase, where there is no ventilation, is the ideal place in this case.


Necessary periodically air the plant and the container itself. For epiphytes, access to fresh air is extremely important. In turn, this minimizes the possibility of:

  • Stagnation of moist air inside;
  • And the appearance of mold, fungus and bacterial colonies.

It is also very important to keep the plant under suitable conditions, i.e:

  • Provide sufficient;
  • Optimal mode;
  • And watering.


Periodically, the vase must be washed, as accumulates on the inner walls:

  • layer of algae;
  • And mineral deposits.

Decontamination procedure or prophylaxis can be carried out using:

  • A weak solution of potassium permanganate (of course, while the plant should be removed);
  • Or fungicides.

Useful video

Watch the video of how an orchid grows in a glass vase:

Learn in the video how to care for an orchid in a glass vase:

Video instruction for the treatment of orchids from various diseases:

Watch the video on how to properly water an orchid:


Growing orchids in glass vases rather unusual way.. Thus, with its help, you can somewhat diversify your collection. In addition, no one has canceled the fact that a plant in a glass vase, especially a large blooming Vanda, looks very elegant and can become the center of the whole composition, attract the eyes of guests and their enthusiastic exclamations.

Wherein must be remembered that you can not chase aesthetics to the detriment of the health of the plant. Reasonably weigh all the priorities and enjoy the orchids.

An orchid in a glass vase, flask or pot is a great addition to the interior and its decoration, which will be appropriate both at home and in an office setting. In addition, this item is often chosen as a gift.

General form

The glass container looks quite aesthetically pleasing, transmits light, and the plant placed in such a container looks very nice and original.

Glass vases, pots and flasks for flowers come in a variety of shapes and shades: tall and elongated, expanding downwards, rounded, cup-shaped and cup-shaped, from completely transparent to a slight color shading: light blue, light green or light yellow. This variety allows you to choose the most suitable type of container for a particular plant.

As for the flower itself, it comes in all sorts of colors: from bright white, milky and cream to rich purple, red, pink and blue.

A photo

We present to your attention a photo of orchids in glass containers.

The Importance of Capacity Selection

Often, orchids are sold in beautiful tall transparent glass vases, but they are good only for a certain period of use - after purchase, the plant should be transplanted into a more suitable type of vessel: tall and narrow at the top and fairly wide at the bottom. Also make sure that the glass vase is not too narrow to avoid leaf breakage.

Can I plant and how to grow?

It is quite possible to plant an orchid in glass, while observing a few simple rules: you should choose a plant suitable for planting (it must be healthy), a glass container of the correct shape, as well as good soil. After that, it remains only to carefully control the watering.

Orchids are one of the most suitable plants for growing them in glass, especially if the humidity in the room is not too high.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the main positive aspects of using this type of container is, first of all, its decorative function, which serves as a real decoration for this beautiful plant. Besides, glass transmits light well, which is also important.


  • a wide range presented in stores allows you to choose a container for every taste and size of the plant;
  • due to its gravity, glass is quite stable compared to plastic pots;
  • lack of pallets allows you to easily and quickly rearrange the plant;
  • in addition to light, the flower will receive a lot of air.

The main disadvantage of glass vases, pots and other things is the inability to make additional holes at the bottom for drainage purposes. Accordingly, an excessive amount of moisture may appear. If the vessel is too narrow and high, the plant will receive enough light, but not enough air. which will negatively affect its growth.

Types of containers: vases, pots, flasks

Currently, a huge number of various options for such items are presented, however, the most frequently encountered and widely used ones can be distinguished:

  • vases of various shapes and heights, including square and spherical ones;
  • pots;
  • glass flasks;
  • models in the form of small glasses, bowls and glasses.

Such glass containers look very stylish and impressive. They will easily complement any interior and become the highlight of the room.

Features of the choice of containers

  • For tall plants, it is important to choose a vase for the growth of the orchid, making sure that its leaves feel more or less free, and the bottom of the vessel is fairly, but not overly wide. Be sure to arrange ventilation so that there is no stagnation of air.
  • Orchid pots should be medium sized.
  • As in the case of a vase, the flasks should be chosen according to the growth of the plant, and due to the rather narrow shape, plants with weak roots can be planted in it. Ventilation is also necessary.
  • For miniature, small orchids, various types of "glasses" and "glasses" are suitable.

The type of plant is also important. So, the most suitable for planting in glass are phalaenopsis and vanda. It is best to transplant after flowering.

The choice of vessel volume depends on the size of the roots, and the height depends on the growth of the plant. It is possible to plant several orchids in one container in case of sufficient volume and size of the vessel.

It is best to choose such a container option so that the roots of the plant are inside, not too loose, and the leaves and flowers are outside. So it will be more convenient for the flower itself, and it is easy for a person to care for him.

Step-by-step instruction


We present step-by-step instructions on how to plant an orchid in a glass vase, pot or other container. Before the planting procedure, it is necessary to process the container by dousing it with boiling water and thus disinfected.

  1. Put a thick layer of gravel on the bottom: expanded clay, small tile fragments, pebbles, crushed stone, and so on - to choose from. This will be the drain. You can add a layer of sphagnum moss on top.
  2. Then add a good substrate, filling all the space with it.
  3. To defend the water, slightly heat it to a warm state and pour it into the contents of a vase, pot or flask.
  4. After half an hour, pour out the water and land in the ground. Cover the surface of the bark with a thin layer of wet moss, making sure that the root neck is not filled with it.

We offer you to watch a video about planting an orchid in glass:


The main rule of care in this case will be proper watering, in which the roots should be immersed in pre-settled warm water for half an hour. Protect the flower and leaves from such water procedures.

Orchid can be sprayed. This is the best way to water it. The frequency of spraying depends on the humidity in the room. So, for example, in the winter season, when the air is dry, this procedure can be carried out once a day.

Not less than it is important to feed and feed the plant as it grows by adding mineral fertilizers to the water for irrigation.

If the roots are dry for some reason, and this problem is often found in purchased orchids in glass pots, they should be kept in settled warm water for 10-15 minutes once a day, repeating the procedure daily until dryness is eliminated.

The water level is clearly visible in glassware, therefore, it is not difficult to monitor the degree of humidity, however, it is important to remember that the soil dries out much faster on top than inside, especially when it comes to glass containers.

We offer you to watch a video on how to properly water orchids in glass:

Possible growing difficulties

The main difficulty in this matter is associated with watering: overflow will contribute to decay, and underfilling will dry the roots. But still, it is much easier to deal with dried roots, therefore Orchid is recommended in no case to fill.

The second common problem is inherent in many plants grown both at home and on the street - this is the appearance of any bugs, spiders and other living creatures. In glass flowerpots, this is not uncommon, but it is not difficult to remove pests.

Well, the third feature - often a small coating appears on the walls of beautiful glassware, therefore the container must be thoroughly rinsed from time to time.

Where to buy suitable cookware

A huge range of glass vases, pots, flasks and cups for planting and growing flowers can be found in the Ikea network in all cities where this company is represented. Price from 90 rubles for a small pot.

Slightly higher priced glass flower containers can also be found in Zara Home stores. Here, the minimum price is about 2000 rubles for a medium-sized vase.

Specialty stores also have a variety of beautiful flower glassware. and plants. Prices start from 150 rubles.

In addition, there is always the opportunity to purchase the item you like online in flower shops. The cost starts from 200-300 rubles for a small glass cup and from 700-800 rubles for a tall vase.

An exotic orchid flower, enclosed in an elegant glass vase or pot, will become a real decoration of the house, and although this plant requires constant care and some experience in growing flowers, it is not at all difficult to provide it with all the conditions for favorable growth and flowering.

A mysterious and beautiful orchid is a real decoration of a home flower garden. Delighting with its unearthly beauty, it requires special conditions of detention.

The process of adapting a plant begins with choosing the right pot.

The successful development of an orchid depends on the quality of the flowerpot. When choosing it, several important parameters are taken into account: shape, size, material and functional properties. Besides, the container must ensure safety and constant aeration of the roots.

Moisture outflow

For the passage of water through the soil and the correct removal of excess in the pot, it is necessary not only in the bottom, but also along the walls at a distance of about 1 cm from the bottom. With proper outflow of water, the risk of root rot in vines is reduced.

Root aeration

The roots of a tropical beauty are enveloped by a specific spongy dead formation filled with air. If there is no air circulation in the root zone, this tissue rots and dies. The roots are left without protection, and the vine dies.

Aeration of the roots is ensured by their correct location.: on the finger from the walls of the pot. So the air will circulate freely, and the drying of the soil will be timely.

Advice! A fan, just not a very large one, will artificially improve air circulation.

Root Security

A cramped house for an orchid is a negative factor. The risk that the roots are damaged during transplantation increases. Inexperienced lovers think that if the roots crawl out of the pot, this is a sign: it's time to transplant the vine. They forget that they have an epiphyte in front of them, and air root system for him is normal.

To excavate the roots without injuring them, the diameter of the pot should exceed the volume of the roots by only 3–4 cm.

What can containers for orchids be made of?

In what containers you will not see a tropical beauty!.. People put her in clay, plastic, glass, planters, but how to choose the best option? Consider, what pot is needed for a phalaenopsis orchid.

Made of plastic

Plastic containers are the most inexpensive and therefore the most common. They are easy to drill to make drainage holes, flowerpots are easy to use. Plastic is resistant to temperature extremes, UV radiation. If the orchid's roots start to come out of the drainage holes, the plastic walls can be easily cut open to free the flower for transplanting.

The only disadvantage of such a container is in its unstable position.: due to its low weight, it can roll over with a slight push.


Ceramic containers create a lot of problems when growing orchids in them.. The main trouble comes from the porous structure of the material. The roots of the plant cling to irregularities, adhere to the walls of the vessel, and, as a result, it is difficult to extract the orchid during transplantation. Wounds on the root system can provoke the death of a flower.

Experienced flower growers who have been working with orchids for a long time manage to successfully keep them in such containers, but this requires careful monitoring of the condition of the vine.

Advice! Before planting an orchid in a clay pot, it is recommended to ignite it in the oven.

Glass flowerpots

Of course, in a glass container, the flower looks elegant, the glass blends perfectly with the beauty of this exotic. However, there are also disadvantages. It is difficult to make drainage holes in glass, which are so important for the successful growth of a flower. So, you have to take care of a reliable drainage system. In addition, glass collects condensation, increasing humidity and causing green algae to grow on the roots. Another difficulty is the selection of the optimal shape and size of the glass container..

Baskets from branches and twigs

Baskets woven from branches and twigs attract with their decorative effect. In them, the tropical beauty looks especially impressive. The best pot in this style is woven, usually from natural material.(bamboo shoots, tree branches). There are baskets made of plastic and metal.

When using such a container, its inner surface should be checked. It should be smooth so as not to provoke root growth. The basket itself is filled with soil, having previously covered the holes in its walls with moss so that the soil does not fall out through them.

To prevent rapid evaporation of moisture, a layer of sphagnum is laid out on the surface of the soil. Very often baskets are used as hanging pots. Orchid varieties such as Stangopea, Coriantes and Dracula are suitable for growing in such containers.

Hanging planter

The use of hanging pots is determined by two reasons:

  • high decorative effect;
  • protection from accidental damage.

In a house where there are children or pets, a hanging structure will protect the orchid from being destroyed.

Having chosen a cache-pot suitable for the interior, a container with an orchid is inserted into it so that a finger can freely pass between it and the wall of the pot. The structure is located near the east or west window so that the plant has enough light.

Transparent containers

Transparent pots, no matter what material they are made of, improve the visual perception of the flower. Professionals consider them a classic addition to the unearthly beauty of orchids.

In addition to external attractiveness, light passes through the transparent walls unhindered, which improves the photosynthesis of the plant's root system.

Today, the crown pot, created specifically for all types of orchids, has reached the peak of popularity. Made in the form of a pallet, with glass or plastic rods inserted into the edges, it transmits light, looks original, is stable, and weighs a little.

DIY orchid pot

If you have skillful hands, you can try to make a flowerpot for your beauty yourself. You can use plastic bottles or containers for it. It is easy to make drainage and breathable holes in them. The main thing is that the diameter of the container is correctly selected.

Planters can be woven from wire or flexible branches, glued from wooden blocks or slats. A wide scope for imagination opens up when finishing a ready-made pot. Jute rope, pieces of colored glass, children's mosaics and more can be used as an original potty decoration.

How is pot size determined?

Determining the size of an orchid pot is very simple: the diameter of the container should be related to the height of the flower. If the size of the house significantly exceeds the height of the plant, the soil will dry out unevenly and the roots will begin to rot. A small pot will not support the weight of the flower itself and will surely turn over. The ideal option is light tightness, when the orchid does not experience discomfort and grows willingly.

Fundamental rules

Experts have developed rules for choosing the size of a landing tank specifically for orchids:

  1. The height and width of the pot are equal in size.
  2. The volume of the flowerpot and the root system should be equal.
  3. Transplantation is carried out in a container slightly larger than the previous "house".


For mini-orchids, some tightness of the flowerpot is preferable. It is desirable that it be transparent. For these orchid species, humidity parameters are extremely important, and in a transparent container it is easier to track its level and the condition of the roots.

For kids

When a flower is propagated by children, they are planted in very small containers such as plastic cups. Cotton swab containers are great. Experienced flower growers grow babies in pieces of foam.

Important! If you take a large pot for a baby, the roots of a small plant will rot in it.

Facilitate care with additional options

Over the long years of cultivating orchids at home, many devices have been invented that greatly facilitate the care and maintenance of a tropical beauty.


Flower shops sell pots equipped with automatic watering. Many flower growers make such a device on their own from plastic containers. The automatic watering option allows you to accurately calculate the amount of moisture. In addition, it is relevant during periods when the owner needs to leave home for a while.

Other fixtures

Another useful option that allows you to set the optimal lighting mode is a phytolamp. Blue light, which provides photosynthesis in the leaves of the flower, is turned on during the day. For the night use lamps with red light. The main thing is that the lamp does not radiate heat.

What absolutely does not fit?

Beginner orchid lovers connoisseurs do not advise buying glass and ceramic pots. At first, it is difficult to provide aeration of the roots. The latter have uneven inner surfaces, to which the roots of the flower can grow, and when transplanted, they can be injured.

Kira Stoletova

Flower lovers are increasingly growing plants in an unusual way. The orchid in a vase and flask has become especially popular. But not all varieties are suitable for this method of growing, and there are some difficulties in caring for a flower.

Growing orchids in a vase

Growing such a flower in a round vase is becoming increasingly popular. For this method, the Wanda variety is excellent. This species is distinguished by its large flower size and unusual shape.

In order for an uncut orchid to develop well in a flask, select a vessel of a suitable shape. It is better to purchase a vase that is wide at the bottom and narrowed at the top. When growing in such a container, care should be more thorough due to two factors:

  • folded leaves are easily damaged;
  • insufficient ventilation provokes the development of the fungus.

Benefits of growing orchids in water

This method of cultivation prevents the plant from rotting and the appearance of pests. Water circulates constantly. Also, the root system receives the necessary amount of air.

Grow a flower in this way without a transplant. The plant always receives the optimal amount of nutrients dissolved in water.

Caring for an orchid in a vase involves constant hydration. Vanda is an epiphyte, therefore, under natural conditions, it grows on trees and feeds on condensate or rain moisture.

But the amount of water depends on the air temperature. If the room is cool, water less often, but the humidity will be higher. Therefore, it is better to keep the flower in a cool room. Irrigate the plant only when necessary. If the roots become brownish, you need to water the flower.

Sometimes an orchid in a vase is sold with dried roots. It is not difficult to reanimate such a plant. To do this, the flower should be planted in warm water for 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated every day until the roots are fully restored.

If the roots have begun to rot, it is more difficult to bring them back to life. For this you need:

  • treat them with Fitosparin;
  • then the flower is irrigated or a bath with warm water is made;
  • keep the room temperature at 20°C.

If the leaves become lethargic and begin to sag, this indicates a weakening of the roots. The plant is taken out of the substrate (if any) and replaced with a new, disinfected one, and the plant is suspended in a dark place. This is done so that the energy of growth, which tends upward, is directed to the growth of the roots.

Growing orchids in a flask

Plants in a flask (flasks) - often brought by tourists from Thailand and Vietnam. In such dishes, several seedlings are acquired at once. But when grown in flasks, it will begin to bloom in 4-5 years, depending on the variety.

Not all varieties of orchids are suitable for growing in a flask, but only vandas, phalaenopsis, dendro-phalaenopsis, oncidiums and cymbidiums. These are resistant hybrids that can bloom every year.

Orchid extraction

In a small purchased vessel, which contains several seedlings at once, orchids do not grow for long. In order for the plants to develop, they are removed and placed in separate containers.

Flowers purchased in a flask should be cared for in stages. Immediately after purchase, orchids in a transparent glass flask are placed in a warm, humid, draft-free place. This is important to relieve stress in plants. Then, after 2-3 weeks, when the seedlings begin to grow, they are carefully removed.

Extraction methods:

  1. Add water to the inside of the flask to make it easier to extract the roots, and wash the seedlings through the small opening. Try not to damage the root system. This is the least traumatic way.
  2. The container is wrapped in cloth or newsprint and broken. When using this method, there is a risk of damaging the plants.

Flask orchid care

After removing the seedlings, rinse them under running water and place them on a paper towel. Next, you should spray the plants with a solution of Fitosporin or Fundazol. After half an hour, the seedlings need to be transplanted into flasks.

Seedlings are placed in a glass transparent flask on the prototype of the substrate, so their root hairs are thinner and more fragile. They cannot be preserved without an airtight vessel after extraction, so it is worth building up strong roots.

This is done by placing the seedling in a transparent vessel, covered with glass, disinfected and steamed moss in advance. This design will retain heat and moisture well.

The condensate on the glass is wiped off, and the container, which serves as a greenhouse, is ventilated. This is done to prevent root rot. Also avoid direct sunlight. Scattered light and humidification from a spray bottle are needed.

To care for orchids in glassware, gradually harden the flowers, opening the container daily for a longer time. In this case, the humidity of the air should be at least 50%.

Further cultivation of orchids

When the orchid seedlings are taken out of the glass flask, they are planted in one of the following ways:

  • substrate;
  • non-substrate.

Growing orchid seedlings from a flask is considered simple. The flower gradually gets used to growing without soil and substrate in a glass vase or pot. Use hanging rack baskets in which the roots will be freely located.

When caring for orchids in flasks, protect them from infections, as young plants have weakened roots. A substrate of large pieces of bark, moss and a small amount of earth is pre-fried in an oven or soaked in boiling water. After they are allowed to cool and sprayed with a solution of Fitosporin. Only after this procedure, seedlings can be planted.

Sometimes polystyrene and bark are added to the composition of the substrate, in a ratio of 3:4. But if the plant is in a room with dry air, perlite or swagnum is added to this mixture.

Growing an orchid in a glass vase without a substrate differs little from growing in a slatted pot. The large throat helps ventilate the orchid roots in the flasks. This option helps to grow flowers in a dry room.

Disease prevention

Once every 1-2 weeks, the flowers are sprayed with special fertilizers. It is also worth pouring a solution of Novosil or Polisilk preparations into a container with a flower. They contain polysaccharides that regulate photosynthesis and stimulate the production of beneficial trace elements.