We install a greenhouse on the roof or attic of the house. Do-it-yourself winter garden on the roof Do-it-yourself winter garden on the roof of the garage

Winter Garden on the roof - a complex organism, and for its existence it is necessary to arrange a considerable number of communications that ensure its viability.

In the Russian climate, if you do not live in Sochi, enjoy the green and flowering plants possible only in certain time of the year. Therefore, many of our fellow citizens, when building their own houses, try to allocate space for a winter garden. But this can be done only if the area allows, and its size is often limited by the financial capabilities of the owner.

We offer a way out of the situation - a winter garden on the roof. Moreover, you can use not only the roof of a residential building, but also a garage, a bathhouse, in a word - any!

The preliminary stage of creating a winter garden on the roof

What should be considered before work?

  1. The possibility of supplying the necessary communications to the location of the garden.
  2. The strength of the foundation of the building where it will be built.
  3. The weight of the future garden and its maintenance systems, as well as the weight of the people who will visit it.
  4. Roof features. She must have outer corner slope not less than 30°. This is necessary in order to ensure a quick flow of water.
  5. Doors, or rather their presence and location. As a rule, the entrance to the winter garden is done indoors, so it is very important to think over the design of the stairs.
  6. Window vents. They are essential for air circulation in our garden. Experts recommend allocating at least a quarter of the glazed surface for them. By the way, put on them mosquito net otherwise, in summer, besides you, flies and mosquitoes will be happy to visit your garden.

When all the nuances are thought out, and it is found out that the foundation of the building is able to withstand the estimated weight of the structure, you can safely proceed to the arrangement.

Stage one

Cleaning the place of the future garden from everything that interferes - debris, branches, roofing materials, etc.

Stage two. Frame assembly

It can be made from wooden beam or metal corner. But if at hand aluminum profile or a pipe - you can put them into action too. They have serious advantages over wood and iron - lightness and no need for maintenance. We recommend that you carry out work on assembling the frame on the ground, it will be more convenient.

First, cut the profile into several pieces of the desired length. Then we fasten them with fasteners or welding. The latter method is more reliable, but requires welding machine and certain skills. We treat each section with a primer and paint it in the color we want.

Stage three. Glazing

To do this, you can use not only ordinary glass but also polycarbonate. Glass is more transparent than polycarbonate, but it is not as strong and light. It is desirable that the selected material has a coating that protects against ultraviolet radiation. This will make your stay in the garden more comfortable. Glazing must be airtight, otherwise our garden will simply die in winter. By the way, we also carry out all glazing work on the ground, and then we raise the assembled finished structures upstairs.

Stage four

Installation of the finished structure on the roof.

Engineering communications of the winter garden

Our garden is a complex organism, and for its existence it is necessary to arrange a considerable number of communications that ensure its viability.

  1. Lighting. In summer, natural light will be enough for plants, but we are making a winter garden. And in winter daylight hours in most regions are very short. Therefore, we will take care of special phytolamps that will allow plants to exist in conditions close to natural.
  2. Cooling. Although the garden is winter, it will exist in summer. To prevent the plants from burning out from the heat, you can put an air conditioner in the garden. By the way, this will make staying in the owners' garden more comfortable, because without cooling, the garden will look more like a greenhouse.
  3. Shading. This also needs to be taken care of. Excess sunlight just as harmful to plants as its deficiency. Can be hung roller blinds or blinds, and also use a special film.
  4. Heating. The uniqueness of the winter garden on the roof is that it will receive some of the heating from the sun. It needs to be heated only from November to March, of course, if frost does not suddenly strike in March. When choosing a heating system - portable or central - we take into account the climate, the size and shape of the garden, the type of glazing material. It is best to arrange heating in the garden floor, connected to the central one, or to make underfloor heating so popular now. If heating is planned with the help of heaters, then we place them in the middle of the garden, since the walls have a remarkable ability to accumulate heat.
  5. Water drainage. To do this, we make a drainage system, combining it with a drainage system.
  6. Watering. If there are many plants, then we use drip irrigation, and if not, we manage with an ordinary watering can.

garden arrangement

It is possible to divide our garden into conditional zones - a recreation area, a passage area, a plant area and a communications area. In the recreation area you can put comfortable chairs to enjoy the beauty of the garden - for this, in fact, it is intended!

The opportunity to have your own garden in our time seems to be few. However, adopting the experience of European countries, you can make your dream come true by building a garden right on the roof.

For Europeans this useful decoration roofing has long been a matter of habit. The most interesting thing is that the state is worried about the creation of elegant roofs, which financially encourages those who plant trees and shrubs on the roofs of private houses, as well as public and even industrial buildings. The trend of "green" roofs is also observed in sports complexes, more and more often restaurants, theaters, office rooms and even banks.

With some effort and following our advice, over time, your life can be painted with bright colors and positive emotions. In addition, you will get a new interesting hobby and feel like a real designer. A winter garden on the roof is a pleasure to have such a place where you can relax yourself or invite friends. In such an atmosphere, you can gather your thoughts, reflect, without being distracted by household noise. Having correctly laid out a garden, you can spend time in your oasis not only in warm time, but also in the winter, when you can only dream of greenery.


  • Certainly changing appearance building, which makes it more pleasing in appearance.
  • Thanks to plants, cleaner air, because only they have the ability to release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.
  • The winter garden, located on the roof, allows you to reduce the cost of heating the upper floor of the building. Additional waterproofing, as well as a layer of soil, enhance the thermal insulation of the roof.
  • You can also save on electricity spent on air conditioning in the hot summer season. Thanks to the garden, the temperature of the rooms located below can decrease by 3-4 degrees. Thus, the roof receives additional protection against overheating, since the garden will create a completely different microclimate.
  • The roof garden creates additional sound insulation for the residents of the upper floors.
  • Reduced roof maintenance and repair costs.
  • The garden will become an additional protection of the roof and extend its life. Plants protect the roof from destructive sun rays and destructive ultraviolet radiation.

Technological solution of the issue

The winter garden on your roof is designed to delight for many years. In order for this to be so, the following technical recommendations must be observed even during the bookmarking process. When planning the construction of an additional room for such a purpose, you should take into account that you will be dealing with engineering structure. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate everything, plan, and only then proceed directly to the construction.

The material for the frame of the future roof garden can be PVC, aluminum or steel is also suitable. It is very rare to find structures made of wood. If you want to adapt the room also for a pool or arrange a greenhouse, then steel structures are the most suitable, since they are not afraid of high humidity.

Next, you need to choose the right type of glazing. Here the main requirement is excellent light transmission. Basically, reinforced, hardened, laminated and sun glasses and double-glazed windows, float glasses, roofing cellular polycarbonates and colored stained-glass windows. Since the glazing will take about 80% usable area rooms, glass must also have excellent heat-shielding properties and retain incoming heat. At the same time, they must also protect the garden from overheating.

A transparent roof should be discussed separately, because it must be strong enough to withstand strong gusts of wind and snow, mechanical shocks from branches and hail. Considering all these factors, a winter garden on the roof is suitable strained glass or triplex. An analogue can be roofing polycarbonate both cellular and monolithic. It scatters sunlight better, and is sometimes several times stronger than glass. Cellular polycarbonate, in addition, has special air chambers that provide excellent thermal insulation. Such material is well bent and glued, it is also convenient to cut and drill. Its weight is less than glass.


  1. It is important to provide reliable waterproofing roofs. As a rule, an additional layer of waterproofing is laid.
  2. It is necessary to consider the safety measures associated with the movement of people on the roof.
  3. It is important to distribute the load on any surface, given the fact that the bearing capacity is greater along the perimeter of the building. Therefore, when drawing up a plan for a future garden, it is necessary to think in advance where the plants will be located, where a place to rest, paths and everything else will be convenient. It is important to place heavy massive tubs with plants closer to the edge. There will be placed and the necessary equipment for the care of the garden.
  4. In order for the living space of the garden to be convenient and comfortable, it is better to use lightweight structures and materials. Decor items that echo the interior of the rooms will also become appropriate.
  5. It is important to take care of the irrigation and drainage system, carefully consider their arrangement. Since gardens require periodic watering, a system must be developed accordingly to remove excess water and retain the necessary moisture for successful plant growth and life.
  6. A root protection film is always laid at the bottom of floor containers, and a good drainage layer is placed on top of it.
  7. It is also necessary to think about creating conditions that will not allow the roots of large plants to grow excessively, since this is quite natural for them.
  8. Watering plants should be properly thought out. For example, ordinary nozzles can supply water to the lawn, but for containers it is better to lay drip irrigation in advance.
  9. Remember, at night, the garden must be properly lit, so electricity must be provided.
  10. When arranging a roof garden, it is important to understand that conditions are created for plants similar to mountain ones, where they will be exposed to high radiation, frequent sharp daily temperature changes, wind, low air and soil humidity, and are also in its rather thin layer. Therefore, plants need good drainage and drainage, protective screens and gratings are useful.


Plants generally do well in large containers. For roof gardening, it is desirable to select crops that will not create problems at all. It is better to plant plants in special containers or make floor containers yourself.

from plants the best way suitable vesicles, various types spirea and derain, which regular care pretty quickly turn into luxurious bushes.

Concerning conifers, then we can consider various junipers, tui, mountain pine and pillow-shaped spruce. For Christmas tree you can choose a slow-growing variety, or you can choose a regular one - then only for a haircut.

You can supplement the garden vertically with girlish grapes - a popular and unpretentious companion of the walls. Interesting compositions can be created by using and combining a variety of shapes, colors and textures of plants.

Do not forget to also take into account the strength of the wind, because at the top it is three times more than at the bottom. It is better not to grow very large plants on the roofs. It is advisable to replace them with undersized or plants with a curved trunk shape. You need to know which plants need the sun more, and which ones like shade or partial shade. All these factors directly affect the distribution of plants in the winter garden.

cardinal directions

When planning a winter garden, you need to pay attention to how it will be oriented in relation to the cardinal points. Its functional purpose will depend on the location. Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of the location of the garden on the roof relative to the cardinal points:

  • If the room is located on the north side, then solar energy will accumulate in an insufficient amount for many plants. Conclusion - it would be impractical to plant plants in such a garden. With a well-thought-out heating and thermal insulation system, it would still be better to adapt such a room for a creative workshop or any other place to work.
  • In the case when the winter garden will go south with glazed walls, this is also not always useful for plants. Excessive excess of the sun is equally harmful to greenery, as well as its lack. In this case, overheating can be avoided by providing increased ventilation and by artificially darkening the room so that the plants feel comfortable. In the cold season, this arrangement will allow the owners to save on heating.
  • The winter garden, facing west, will help to keep the accumulated heat. From direct sunlight, it is better to protect yourself with blinds or roller shutters.
  • Finally, the most comfortable for any plants is a garden located to the east. With this arrangement, the plants will not overheat, since the sun will hit them only before lunch, and by the evening it will become cool and fresh. In this case, it will be possible to do even without ventilation.

Design Ideas

Often gardening on the roof is supplemented by the installation of awnings, pergolas and awnings.
If the area allows, you can install a barbecue, beautifully decorate the site, pave the paths, equip small body of water or even place a fountain.
The rooftop conservatory can be used as a patio or patio. All in your hands!

The content of the article

Green roofs with real gardens abroad are no longer a curiosity. Moreover, the governments of some countries encourage the creation of green spaces on the roofs of all buildings, without exception, both industrial, public and private, and even financially stimulate this innovation. Large metropolitan areas have long been suffering from unfavorable environmental conditions, suffocating from a lack of oxygen, and roof gardens can solve these problems to some extent.

Types of gardens

landscaping flat roofs and roofs with a slight slope is divided into extensive and intensive. The rooftop garden will be perceived as intensive greening, as it involves the presence of people, large plants, equipment for recreation and watering.

Extensive garden- this, nevertheless, is not a garden in the general sense of the word. Such landscaping of the roof involves the arrangement of lawns or flower beds with a small layer of soil and a minimum of pedestrian zones. As a rule, plants are planted in such gardens that do not require special care and withstand heat and cold. Such a garden is not intended as a place for recreation or entertainment, although it is less expensive than an intensive one.

Benefits of gardens under the sky

The high cost of land in cities with a high building density does not encourage the construction of many parks and squares. Therefore, the issue of additional greening of cities in the face of deteriorating environmental conditions is acute. The rooftop garden can:

  • purifies the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen by plants;
  • to give buildings and structures a beautiful aesthetic appearance;
  • save electricity consumption for the operation of air conditioners in the summer;
  • reduces the cost of heating the upper floors in winter;
  • increases service life
  • reduces the cost of repair and maintenance of the roof;
  • provide additional sound insulation to the residents of the upper floors.

Energy savings for the operation of air conditioners is due to the fact that roof gardens create their own microclimate, protecting the roof of the building from overheating. As a result, the temperature in the rooms of the upper floors decreases by 3-4 degrees. And if there are enough gardens on the roofs, then this can even lower the air temperature in a given area of ​​the city.

garden arrangement option

In the same way in winter time the cost of heating the upper floors is reduced, since the soil layer, enhanced waterproofing - all this provides additional thermal insulation to the roof. The same factors serve for a longer operation of the roof, protecting it from the effects of ultraviolet rays, preventing the waterproofing carpet from freezing in winter.

Features of the arrangement of the winter garden

Making a winter garden on the roof is not an easy task, but possible. First of all, you need to know what loads can already withstand existing roof. And if the winter garden is supposed to be arranged when the house is just being built, then measures must be taken to strengthen the ceiling, foundation and walls. The roof garden, in addition to strengthening the bearing capacity of the house structures, involves the installation of enhanced waterproofing, drainage systems, since the plants need to be watered and excess water must be removed. In addition, it is necessary to use materials that will not allow the root system of plants to grow into the heat-waterproofing layer, thereby destroying them.

When arranging a roof garden, if it is under open sky, it is necessary to take care of the safety of people in the garden. To do this, arrange a concrete parapet with a height of at least 1.2 m.

The winter garden involves finding vegetative plants on the roof of the house all year round. Therefore, they need protection from the cold in winter period and maximum sunlight. For this, translucent structures are arranged, which, in addition to sunlight, should ensure the preservation of heat in the winter garden. Design transparent coating includes a frame, usually made of aluminum with the inclusion of wood, due to its low weight and resistance to corrosion, as well as a transparent and durable material.

winter garden - a fairy tale in the house

The choice of materials for glazing the winter garden depends on the functions performed by this room. If you need a certain microclimate for exotic plants, the materials will be the same if the winter garden is just a place of rest and does not require high temperature and humidity, you can limit yourself to simpler materials.

Most often at present for arrangement winter gardens use and monolithic. Its strength exceeds the strength of glass several times, and the presence in cellular polycarbonate air chambers, serves as good thermal insulation. Polycarbonate lends itself perfectly to bending, cutting, gluing, drilling. It has less weight than glass, and its light transmission ability is slightly inferior to glass.

The location of the components of the garden

Any has a greater bearing capacity around the perimeter of the building. Based on this, before arranging a roof garden, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow the plants will be located on the roof, walking paths, resting places people vegetation. Large plants or heavy tubs are placed closer to the edge of the roof. The same applies to various equipment for garden maintenance and people's recreation.

It should also be borne in mind that the wind force at a height is three times greater than below, so it is best not to grow large trees on roofs. They can be replaced with undersized or with a curved trunk shape. You also need to consider which plants grow well in the sun, and which ones prefer shade or partial shade, and in accordance with these requirements, place them on the roof. Plants moved to the roof fall into conditions close to mountainous:

  • high solar radiation;
  • strong wind;
  • sharp temperature changes even within a day;
  • a thin layer of soil;
  • low soil moisture and ambient air.

All these factors create a reason for the device of a good drainage system and drainage and construction protective screens and gratings.

Roof construction for a garden

The arrangement of the roof garden provides a slightly different approach to the system of thermal and waterproofing. roof structure. The overlap of the house is usually performed from reinforced concrete slabs, along which a cement-sand screed is carried out with a slope towards the catchment funnels. Next, a layer of waterproofing is laid and vapor barrier film designed to protect heat-insulating material from the penetration of condensate from the ceiling. At the points of contact with the walls, the parapet, the vapor barrier is raised to a height exceeding the insulation layer, the seams between the film sheets are sealed.

What is pleasant and soothing influences our nervous system if not plants. These green friends in the interior of a house, office or cottage have become so welcome companions of our everyday life that without them we can’t imagine who else could brighten up working days.

The most vivid and full of dreams about life among green friends are embodied if you imagine a winter garden in a house or apartment. Here you can spend your free hours taking care of your favorite flowers, enjoying the peace and tranquility that are embodied in original design and bold design solutions.

Known information about beneficial effect flowers and plants on our nerves. In addition, our silent, but such beautiful friends in the interior of the house are:

  • full, oxygenated air;
  • an obstacle to the penetration of dust into the home;
  • a great opportunity to show your friends your original hobby.

Built with your own hands according to your favorite project, such a green recreation area will make your abode a welcome escape from the daily routine.

Understanding the subject, a good plan and the right choice of materials

With a proper understanding of the subject, your dreams can easily take on real shape, and a winter garden in a private house, on the roof of an apartment building or in a single apartment, will delight your eyes. This is earlier plants in a dwelling all year round were considered a luxury.

Now summer greens and a piece of the tropics in attic floor residential building or country house- the project is quite feasible. Must choose suitable materials, draw up a project, choose an appropriate design that is in harmony with common interior at home - and you can begin to fulfill your dream. Moreover, the possibilities for decoration today are truly endless, and problems with heat usually simply do not exist.

To begin with, we should decide that we are going to build a complex engineering structure with our own hands. First of all, it should be equipped for the comfortable maintenance of your green friends. It is necessary to make a garden that reliably protects against Russian frosts and has a strong glass dome. Therefore, the project will require that:

  • maintaining optimal temperature conditions;
  • breathability;
  • lighting for the full development of plants;
  • required air humidity;
  • tightness.

If a winter garden is planned in a private house, then this will most likely be an extension to the main building. In this case, the room should be made transparent, and others possible option the interior can become a glazed terrace. This is necessary for the natural access of light, which will ensure healthy plant growth.

Planning a dream with pencil and paper

Planning a dream is most effective with a pencil and paper handy. Your project should contain a house plan with the side to which you are going to add a garden extension with your own hands. You will also need a plan for the second floor - directly the greenhouse or attic, in case you decide to equip your offspring on the second floor. In any case, your annex should initially be divided into three territories:

  • communicative - these are paths that perform a connecting function in the layout;
  • recreational - a place of rest, in the interior of which not only a sofa or an armchair can be provided, but also the possibility of eating or negotiating;
  • decorative - here are, in fact, plants, in addition, the design can be supplemented modern finish or fashion decor.

The original extension is the most popular form of arranging your brainchild. In addition to it, you can draw up a layout that will allow you to diversify the project, both as an addition to the main building, and as a separate building.

Do-it-yourself premises can be called as equivalent options:

  • corner ("encircling" the outer corner of a one-story house);
  • two-facade (in this option, the other two sides can be inner corner cottage);
  • three-facade (here the fourth side is the wall of the main building).

In addition, the project may take into account that the dream to be realized will look like:

  • buffer zone (has the format of a vestibule or balcony);
  • greenhouses (this do-it-yourself garden option assumes the format of a non-residential premises, which is partially heated, and the air is characterized by high humidity);
  • a standard garden (a room heated in winter);
  • verandas or terraces (this format does not involve heating, and the project itself is an extension to a heated room).

With so many options available, it is possible to make the final choice in the proposed planning and it is necessary to move on to other, no less relevant issues.

Sunlight is the strategic nuance of the whole idea

The placement of the greenhouse is even more important than the layout of the room itself. From its location it will become clear whether the plants will receive the rays of the sun or they will have to be compensated for by an expensive and not always effective alternative. Let's count the cardinal directions, which include:

  • southern - seems optimal only at first glance, any most modern design will not save green friends from overheating, and air from drying;
  • eastern - optimal for any room interior, the morning sun will not be a source of heat, and your plants will receive the required solar energy without overheating;
  • western - is in second place in terms of optimality, it must be taken into account that such a placement project will still provide excess heat, especially in summer, and additional watering is inevitable;
  • northern - in the design of this option, you can safely include both decorative and conventional means of heating, and the more, the better. This decision is made only if there is no other alternative.

Do not be upset if even your project turns out to be the most expensive, because the dream is good because it becomes a reality, despite the obstacles. For example, your plants will feel almost as comfortable if instead of sunlight, special fitolamps are provided in your interior. They have a service life of up to two years and perfectly perform the functions of photosynthesis assistants. If conditions allow, it is preferable to make several vents with your own hands, in which case you do not have to install mechanical ventilation.

Plexiglas, double-glazed windows or ordinary glass?

If you place your winter garden on the roof of the house, then in the process of its design it is necessary, first of all, to resolve the issue with the surface of the walls and ceiling. Here you should proceed from what the characteristics will be on:

The best option for the second position is ordinary glass, it allows 95 percent of natural light to pass through, and your green friends will receive optimal amount ultraviolet. If it's on the second floor two-story house, where the roof is transparent, then glass is unacceptable due to heavy weight and excessive fragility. The negative factors should also include fast heat transfer (very expensive in winter) and high price.

Plexiglass retains heat much better, it transmits 85 percent of the rays. The only drawback is the soiledness, which directly affects transparency. Therefore, this material can be used where natural light is not so relevant.

The most optimal for the overall design of the room are double-glazed windows. These are expensive products, and their installation will require an invitation from specialists. But in the end, such a costly option will pay off by reducing the cost of heating services. For example, aesthetically perfect beautiful windows made of PVC provide one hundred percent tightness, which is optimal if your green friends are tropical or demanding special attention plants. Modern aluminum in this case will be a good alternative to traditional ones. wooden frames. Your interior in this case may include options for double-glazed windows:

  • hardened in mass;
  • laminated;
  • energy saving;
  • sun protection;
  • reinforced.

The most secure triplex in this respect. It is good if the roof design is made of laminated glass, it is practically shatterproof and consists of several layers.

Your winter garden in the house can have retractable roof. For him, it is optimal to make an option from plexiglass, honeycomb and monolithic polycarbonate or transparent PVC slate. And if you equip the roof with a heating system with your own hands, then in winter you will not have to get rid of the ice or snow crust. In addition, the design of the room should include the possibility of convenient washing and other maintenance of the roof.

You should also think about how the various details of the situation are organically combined with each other in a single style, this will benefit the plants and your abode as a whole.

Floor covering and other details

Your plants should feel comfortable in the interior of the room. Therefore, you must take into account other materials that you place with your own hands inside your green abode. Fits well into overall design ceramic tile. If the garden is planned to be located on the ground floor, it makes sense to think about sand or gravel. Perfectly diversify the interior:

  • brickwork;
  • wooden structures (in the form of a miniature bridge);
  • hand-made platforms from typesetting mosaic will favorably distinguish your design from other design options.

The more fantasy you put in, the more comfortable and free your plants will feel. Your green friends willingly respond to care and attention to themselves. And if you make an attic for them, more like Garden of Eden, your flowers and other inhabitants of this secluded place will bloom in every sense of the word.

Regardless of which floor you are going to place your brainchild on, do not forget about the optimal neighborhood of your green friends. It is desirable that the plants come from the same climatic zone.

There is good idea combining a garden with a gym or a place for yoga or fitness. Gym can be completed with a swimming pool (if space permits). This is how your dreams come true, and you make real miracles with your own hands, turning your hitherto gray life into a heavenly pleasure!

Often owners summer cottages concerned about saving space. good decision this country problem will be the placement of a greenhouse on the roof outbuildings. And even better - arrange it right in the attic of the house.

Hothouse on the roof of the bath.
Greenhouse on a brick garage.
Greenhouse-winter garden on the roof.

Economic advantages of a rooftop greenhouse

Such a decision will help the owner of the cottage to solve many issues:

  1. This is additional protection from precipitation of the roof of the building.
  2. The organization of the greenhouse in the attic will increase the thermal insulation of the house.
  3. Heat losses, which are almost impossible to completely get rid of, will be used expediently.
  4. Saving land on the site will allow you to grow more crops. And if the seedlings were previously grown in a room on the windowsill, then moving the boxes to the greenhouse will make life more comfortable and the house cleaner.
  5. Carbon dioxide, rising from living quarters, is necessary for gas exchange and photosynthesis of plants.
  6. There is no need to spend money on lighting, because plants are provided with light throughout the day - trees and buildings do not interfere with the development of plants, since the structure rises above everything that gives shade on a sunny day.
  7. By placing a greenhouse on the roof, the owner saves on the foundation, conducting communications for plumbing, heating and ventilation.

An important factor is the fact that the greenhouse, located on the ground, is in direct contact with the soil. in early spring when she was still quite cold. On the roof, there is no such problem. Therefore, the roots of plants receive more heat, and the seeds germinate faster.

The carbon dioxide that humans emit is needed by plants for photosynthesis.

Ways to equip a greenhouse on the roof

There are several options for organizing this know-how.

Type "Second roof"

A greenhouse is equipped directly on the building itself, using the roof as its foundation, if it is not sloping. To do this, you will need to build the walls up. It is best to make them with a transparent material, such as glass. You should also take care of the second roof, which, like walls, allows light to pass through.

You can use the second option: make the second roof gable or single-pitched. Of course, working in such a greenhouse will not be as comfortable as where the walls have been built up, but in economic terms, this option wins.

Drawing equipment for a greenhouse on a flat roof.

Attic type of greenhouse

This option consists in the fact that the owner simply redoes the roof itself, replacing it with a transparent one. Boxes with earth and plants are installed in the attic.

It is important to remember that each building has its own purpose. And if the attic in the house was equipped with the expectation to play the role of only a mezzanine for storing rarely used items with low weight, then it is quite possible that it will not be able to withstand the load that is intended for the greenhouse.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen bearing beams, the cover itself. There is another option: lay a new floor in the attic, bringing it outside a little further than the walls. Its edges must be installed on new pillars-supports. Then the greenhouse will not create additional load on the walls and ceiling of the building.

Drawing for strengthening the greenhouse structure.

If the house was originally planned as a building with an attic, which it was decided to use as a greenhouse, then there should be practically no problems with refurbishment.

Greenhouse on the roof or attic, planned before the construction of the building

It is optimal to foresee the equipment of the greenhouse in advance even before the construction of a house or an outbuilding begins. Indeed, in this case, during the preparation of the project, it is possible to calculate the bearing capacity of the floor so that subsequently there is no sagging of the beams and the occurrence of other undesirable moments.

Rooftop greenhouse equipment

The owner who decides on this know-how should take care of factors such as:

  • greenhouse water supply;
  • floor waterproofing;
  • ventilation;
  • light flow control.

Water supply

The greenhouse needs water, because plants require constant. You can, of course, carry it in buckets upstairs, although this is difficult. But in any case, you need to make sure that the stairs to the greenhouse are comfortable and durable.

It is best, of course, to carry the water upstairs. This is not so difficult to do if the house itself already has running water.

If there is water only in the column, which cannot be manipulated while in the greenhouse, then you can put some container there, which you fill with a watering hose, and then water the plants from it.


And here the question arises: what can happen if the hose suddenly breaks or is pushed out of the tank, the water container itself overturns or simply begins to slowly leak imperceptibly? The answer is not optimistic. Therefore, it is important to take care of the waterproofing of the greenhouse floor.

You can soak it in hot bituminous mastic. There is another option: put a roll of waterproofing on it.


It is worth considering that warm air always rises. Therefore, the temperature in the greenhouse will be much higher than if it were on the ground. Therefore, the problem of its ventilation is far from the last.