Incredibly beautiful winter garden in the house and apartment: examples and advice from experts. Features of building winter gardens Technical aspects of the winter garden above the house

The opportunity to have your own garden in our time seems to be few. However, adopting the experience of European countries, you can make your dream come true by building a garden right on the roof.

For Europeans, such a useful decoration of the roof has long been a common thing. The most interesting thing is that the state is worrying about the creation of elegant roofs, which financially encourages those who plant trees and shrubs on the roofs of private houses, as well as public and even industrial buildings. The trend of "green" roofs is also observed in sports complexes, more and more often restaurants, theaters, office premises and even banks adorn roof gardens.

With some effort and following our advice, over time, your life can be painted with bright colors and positive emotions. In addition, you will get a new interesting hobby and feel like a real designer. A winter garden on the roof is a pleasure to have such a place where you can relax yourself or invite friends. In such an atmosphere, you can gather your thoughts, reflect, without being distracted by household noise. Having correctly laid out a garden, you can spend time in your oasis not only in warm weather, but also in winter, when you can only dream of greenery.


  • Of course, the appearance of the building is changing, which makes it more pleasant in appearance.
  • Thanks to plants, the air becomes cleaner, because only they have the ability to release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.
  • The winter garden, located on the roof, allows you to reduce the cost of heating the upper floor of the building. Additional waterproofing, as well as a layer of soil, enhance the thermal insulation of the roof.
  • You can also save on electricity spent on air conditioning in the hot summer season. Thanks to the garden, the temperature of the rooms located below can decrease by 3-4 degrees. Thus, the roof receives additional protection against overheating, since the garden will create a completely different microclimate.
  • The roof garden creates additional sound insulation for the residents of the upper floors.
  • Reduced roof maintenance and repair costs.
  • The garden will become an additional protection of the roof and extend its life. Plants protect the roof from the damaging rays of the sun and damaging ultraviolet light.

Technological solution of the issue

The winter garden on your roof is designed to delight for many years. In order for this to be so, the following technical recommendations must be observed even during the bookmarking process. When planning the construction of an additional room for such a purpose, it should be taken into account that you will be dealing with an engineering structure. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate everything, plan, and only then proceed directly to the construction.

The material for the frame of the future roof garden can be PVC, aluminum or steel is also suitable. It is very rare to find structures made of wood. If you want to adapt the room also for a pool or arrange a greenhouse, then steel structures are the most suitable, since they are not afraid of high humidity.

Next, you need to choose the right type of glazing. Here the main requirement is excellent light transmission. Basically, for such purposes, reinforced, tempered, laminated and sun-protection glasses and double-glazed windows, float glasses, roofing cellular polycarbonates and colored stained-glass windows are used. Since the glazing will occupy about 80% of the usable area of ​​the room, the glass must also have excellent heat-shielding properties and retain the incoming heat. At the same time, they must also protect the garden from overheating.

A transparent roof should be discussed separately, because it must be strong enough to withstand strong gusts of wind and snow, mechanical shocks from branches and hail. Given all these factors, tempered glass or triplex is suitable for a rooftop winter garden. An analogue can be roofing polycarbonate, both cellular and monolithic. It scatters sunlight better, and is sometimes several times stronger than glass. Cellular polycarbonate, in addition, has special air chambers that provide excellent thermal insulation. Such material is well bent and glued, it is also convenient to cut and drill. Its weight is less than glass.


  1. It is important to provide reliable waterproofing of the roof. As a rule, an additional layer of waterproofing is laid.
  2. It is necessary to consider the safety measures associated with the movement of people on the roof.
  3. It is important to distribute the load on any surface, given the fact that the bearing capacity is greater along the perimeter of the building. Therefore, when drawing up a plan for a future garden, it is necessary to think in advance where the plants will be located, where a place to rest, paths and everything else will be convenient. It is important to place heavy massive tubs with plants closer to the edge. There will be placed and the necessary equipment for the care of the garden.
  4. In order for the living space of the garden to be convenient and comfortable, it is better to use lightweight structures and materials. Decor items that echo the interior of the rooms will also become appropriate.
  5. It is important to take care of the irrigation and drainage system, carefully consider their arrangement. Since gardens require periodic watering, a system must be developed accordingly to remove excess water and retain the necessary moisture for successful plant growth and life.
  6. A root protection film is always laid at the bottom of floor containers, and a good drainage layer is placed on top of it.
  7. It is also necessary to think about creating conditions that will not allow the roots of large plants to grow excessively, since this is quite natural for them.
  8. Watering plants should be properly thought out. For example, ordinary nozzles can supply water to the lawn, but for containers it is better to lay drip irrigation in advance.
  9. Remember, at night, the garden must be properly lit, so electricity must be provided.
  10. When arranging a roof garden, it is important to understand that conditions similar to mountain conditions are created for plants, where they will be exposed to high radiation, frequent sharp daily temperature changes, wind, low humidity of air and soil, and are also in its rather thin layer. Therefore, plants need good drainage and drainage, protective screens and gratings are useful.


Plants generally do well in large containers. For roof gardening, it is desirable to select crops that will not create problems at all. It is better to plant plants in special containers or make floor containers yourself.

Of the plants, vesicles, various types of spirea and derens are best suited, which, with regular care, will quickly turn into luxurious bushes.

As for conifers, you can consider various junipers, thuja, mountain pine and cushion spruce. For a Christmas tree, you can choose a slow-growing variety, or you can use a regular one - then only for a haircut.

You can supplement the garden vertically with girlish grapes - a popular and unpretentious companion of the walls. Interesting compositions can be created by using and combining a variety of shapes, colors and textures of plants.

Do not forget to also take into account the strength of the wind, because at the top it is three times more than at the bottom. It is better not to grow very large plants on the roofs. It is advisable to replace them with undersized or plants with a curved trunk shape. You need to know which plants need the sun more, and which ones like shade or partial shade. All these factors directly affect the distribution of plants in the winter garden.

cardinal directions

When planning a winter garden, you need to pay attention to how it will be oriented in relation to the cardinal points. Its functional purpose will depend on the location. Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of the location of the garden on the roof relative to the cardinal points:

  • If the room is located on the north side, then solar energy will accumulate in an insufficient amount for many plants. Conclusion - it would be impractical to plant plants in such a garden. With a well-thought-out heating and thermal insulation system, it would still be better to adapt such a room for a creative workshop or any other place to work.
  • In the case when the winter garden will go south with glazed walls, this is also not always useful for plants. Excessive excess of the sun is equally harmful to greenery, as well as its lack. In this case, overheating can be avoided by providing increased ventilation and by artificially darkening the room so that the plants feel comfortable. In the cold season, this arrangement will allow the owners to save on heating.
  • The winter garden, facing west, will help to keep the accumulated heat. From direct sunlight, it is better to protect yourself with blinds or roller shutters.
  • Finally, the most comfortable for any plants is a garden located to the east. With this arrangement, the plants will not overheat, since the sun will hit them only before lunch, and by the evening it will become cool and fresh. In this case, it will be possible to do even without ventilation.

Design Ideas

Often gardening on the roof is supplemented by the installation of awnings, pergolas and awnings.
If the area allows, you can install a barbecue, beautifully decorate the site, pave the paths, equip a small reservoir or even place a fountain.
The rooftop conservatory can be used as a patio or patio. All in your hands!

You can organize a winter garden on the roof of both a private and an apartment building. This non-standard option has its advantages. In the summer, it will be possible to do without the use of a complex ventilation system - you just have to open the windows; natural lighting will spread throughout the ecozone, you will only need to adjust the curtains; and you can also look at the stars every night, enjoying the intoxicating natural aromas.

What is important to know before organizing a winter garden on the roof of the house:

  • is it possible to conduct communications there,
  • whether the foundation will withstand the additional load (its characteristics are prescribed in the project documentation).

Stages of work

1. The area where the winter garden will be located must first be prepared - cleaned of all unnecessary.

2. Check that the slope of the roof is at least 30°. Only under this condition, melt water, rain and snow will not linger on it, and the room will better “receive” the rays of the sun. Ideally, care should also be taken to counteract the icing of the roof - to prevent its deformation due to excessive weight load. For this, an anti-ice system is used: a cable is laid along the rafters and along the perimeter of the roof, through which heat will pass.

3. Before proceeding with the installation work indoors, equip the entrance group. The number of doors depends on the specifics of the project. If the entrance is from the inside, you will need to organize a staircase and railings. If outside, we recommend using a sliding door. As practice has shown, this option is the most practical.

4. As soon as the territory of the object, including the adjacent one, is ready, you can start assembling the frame. Ideally, this should be an aluminum profile or pipe. Both materials are lightweight and require no maintenance. In addition, it can be given any color, so that the presence of metal in the greenhouse will not be so noticeable.

  • The sequence of work on the creation of a metal structure is as follows: a profile or pipe is cut into several sections of a given length and fastened. To do this, you can use hardware or a weld. If you decide to stop at the second option, the seam must be cleaned without fail;
  • each blank for future construction must be carefully primed, and then painted.

5. Let's move on to glazing. According to the rules, at least ¼ of the glazed surface should be vents. In order not to spend money on their repair later, immediately choose reliable hinges. And, of course, don't forget to order mosquito nets.


It is more profitable to fix the glazing on the ground. Otherwise, you will have to build scaffolding, which will be an extra cost item.

What material to choose?

Glazing of the roof of the winter garden is made using glass or polycarbonate. Here is a summary table of the benefits of each material.

Glass Polycarbonate
The same, perfect transparency (it does not become cloudy over time) Ease
Scratch resistance Ease of self-replacement of a damaged sheet
More aesthetic look lower cost
With an energy-saving coating, the cost of heating the garden in cold weather can be significantly reduced The best heat and sound insulation characteristics (the difference is insignificant, but still there)


If you decide to use a glass sheet, make sure that it has a reflective protective film. Thanks to her, a long stay in winter garden on the roof of the house in the summer will become much more comfortable, and the plants will be spared from an excess of sunlight. However, you can fight it with the help of blinds, roller blinds, roller shutters, etc.

Whatever glazing of the roof of the winter garden you choose, remember that the main requirement for this design is tightness. Otherwise, the ecozone will not last long, as the flora will not withstand either drafts or low temperature conditions that are typical for our country during the cold season.

6. After the glazing is ready, engineering communications are laid: exhaust, irrigation, heating, air conditioning and lighting systems - natural sunlight is not enough for the life of some plant species. Fitolamps will be required, as they will create conditions as close as possible to the natural habitat of exotic flowers, trees and herbs.

But ventilation is not required - the desired effect is achieved by using vents and transoms. Due to the limited number of plants, the irrigation system will also be superfluous. If you have free funds, you can organize it, of course. This will save you the hassle. But you can get by with a watering can - the work will take no more than 5 minutes a day.

Ecozone heating features

The winter garden on the roof requires additional heat only during the cold season. As a rule, it lasts from November to March. And the question immediately arises: which is better, a central or portable air heating system?

The answer to it depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe winter garden, glazing materials, plant characteristics, etc. The most common option is the organization of the "Warm floor" system. It can be installed under any floor covering, even parquet. And if necessary, as an addition, you can turn on the heater.

How to humidify a rooftop conservatory?

If the area allocated for the ecozone is large, it is recommended to create a reservoir on it. It can be an ornamental lake or a full-fledged pool. Since the room will be warm all year round - evaporating, moisture will create the most comfortable environment for plantings.

With a small area of ​​​​the winter garden on the roof, additional moistening of the space will still be required. However, here you can get by with the installation of a fountain. There is also a cheaper option, but only with a glass roof. A metal cylinder is painted in a dark color, water is poured into it, placed in the most illuminated place and a flexible tube is attached to it. It, in turn, must be connected to a hydraulic mechanism for opening the hatch, mounted on a folding transom. When heated, the water in the cylinder will “open” the window sash, and when it cools down, it will “close”. Such is the trick.

Having prepared the room, you can set up a winter garden on the roof - zone it and plant plants. The florist will tell you how to do it correctly.

2. Varieties of winter gardens for rooftop equipment

3. Use of roof space for different purposes

4. Features of the geographical location of the roof garden

Owners of private houses and cottages often think about original options for arranging roof structures, for example, creating a roof garden. Every year, there are less and less free areas in cities for green spaces, which significantly affects the well-being of their residents. To solve these problems, many began to build such unusual structures, especially since the winter garden on the roof of the house is a very exciting activity. It will become not only a decorative design of the building, but also benefited its owner.

The purpose of the winter garden

Greening the roof will not only create a cozy corner for a good time and get positive emotions on any evening or weekend, but will also allow you to improve your health in an artificially created natural oasis.

Winter garden in the house: design, decoration and layout features of the greenhouse (70 photos)

Thanks to this device, the roof will be reliably protected from dust and exhaust gases, and its level of sound insulation will improve.

In megacities, roofs have long been exploited for such purposes, as evidenced by the large number of cafes, restaurants, children's complexes and sports clubs that can be seen above public, office or administrative buildings.

Before you start building a roof garden, you should take care of some of the nuances that will be reflected in the building project:

Varieties of winter gardens for equipment on the roof

Depending on the features of the arrangement, the winter garden on the roof can be intensive and extensive.

  1. The purpose of the intensive garden comes down to active recreation and entertainment for people. For convenience, paths, lawns, trees, flower beds and shrubs should be equipped in such an area, as shown in the photo.
  2. Extensive gardens are equipped only for growing greenery, so they will cost less than the first option, and their installation is not particularly difficult. However, for a pleasant pastime, such a corner is not suitable due to the lack of necessary conditions.

The device of the winter garden is an additional house extension with transparent walls and a roof. There are many options for arranging such a design on roofs, attics, balconies. You can build a garden not only in an apartment or a private house, but also over office buildings, restaurants, banks, sports complexes and theaters.

Use of roof space for different purposes

The opinion about the winter garden as a flower garden is a delusion, because as such there may not be vegetation in it, but instead of it, any room may appear, for example, a gym or a gym, a cafe, a swimming pool, a relaxation room.

It is important to remember that a house with a winter garden on the roof is, first of all, an engineering structure, the construction of which requires careful calculations and planning.

As a rule, PVC, aluminum or steel is selected for the frame of the structure, less often - wood. The choice of material depends both on the preferences of the owner and the purpose of the future premises. If it is a greenhouse or pool, then you will need a steel structure that is resistant to high humidity.

For the glazing of the frame, light-transmitting strong canvases of reinforced, sun-protective, tempered and laminated glass are used. More modern options are the use of double-glazed windows, float glass, roofing cellular polycarbonate and colored stained-glass windows. Since about 80% of the entire area is glazed, it is recommended to select energy-saving glass, then you get a kind of roof terrace. The material ensures not only the safety of heat inside the room, but also protects it from overheating (read more: "The glass roof of the house and its features").

The transparent roof also has a number of its features. The design must withstand a high level of snow and wind loads, be resistant to mechanical damage from precipitation, tree branches, so the best option would be to use tempered glass or triplex. Polycarbonate roofing equipment is allowed, but it has less strength, while the possibility of light scattering is much higher than that of the listed coatings.

Winter garden on the roof of the house, interesting video:

Features of the geographical location of the roof garden

When constructing a winter garden, special attention is paid to which direction it will be facing, since each of them is characterized by different specifics. Consider the features of each of the parts of the world that affect the development of a roof garden.

The choice of garden design option remains with the owner of the building, and its service life depends only on the quality of the selected materials and the installation performed.

Choosing a greenhouse for your site

What is a greenhouse for? That's right: in order to be able to grow vegetables, fruits and even ornamental garden plants in winter, late autumn and early spring. If your suburban possessions do not yet have such a useful structure, hurry to correct the mistake. Get acquainted with the ideas of building a greenhouse and - act!

Modern greenhouses, in contrast to the former country "home-made", are able to become stylish architectural elements of the landscape of your suburban area. They can be very diverse in form: the market offers designs with a gable or shed roof, free-standing or wall-mounted, with a door that leads directly into the house.

A detached greenhouse with a gable roof is a fairly traditional structure. In this case, the greenhouse is not tied to stationary buildings, it has its own vertical walls. The space is rationally used here, and the non-glazed blank lower part is effective in retaining heat.

In recent years, Dutch and arched greenhouses have come into fashion.

The Dutch greenhouse is distinguished by side walls expanding downwards, its base is noticeably wider than the ceiling. Thanks to this device, the greenhouse is lighter and warmer than the gable that is familiar to Russians, it is also more stable, which is also a significant plus. However, it will be difficult to fix supports for tall and climbing plants in it.

For example, a tent structure is very well suited for any, including tall plants. It resembles a small house - it has four walls and a roof. Depending on the type of greenhouse, it can be arched, single-sided, double-sided or flat.


The greenhouse can have six, seven or nine vertical faces. These greenhouses are used more for decorating the site than for growing food crops. Usually. they are located near the house and plants are placed there in pots. There are few places in polygonal greenhouses, their cost is high.

The disadvantage of such greenhouses is also poor air circulation, so they need to carefully consider the ventilation system.

The domed greenhouse also belongs to the decorative type greenhouses, perfect for flower growers. Its advantages are excellent plant lighting, good stability and attractive placement in pots. But tall plants will not be comfortable here either.

On two floors

The doubled air volume is more resistant to temperature changes, and the height of the ceiling will allow you to grow exotic climbing plants. You can paint the skeleton of the structure white, and fresh overgrown greenery will complete the outfit. A tall building will be harmoniously placed on the site and will turn from an auxiliary building into a garden decoration.

The choice of a two-story greenhouse in this case, of course, is not associated with a lack of land. Seedlings need warmth, and it is more on the upper tier. If the greenhouse has a large volume (heat capacity), then it keeps a minimum of heat until morning.

Today, most owners of country houses do not build | independently greenhouses and hotbeds, and acquire ready-made structures.

In this way, both labor and time can be saved. But the preliminary work will still have to be done, otherwise a strong gust of wind can blow the greenhouse off the site.

Therefore, it definitely needs a foundation. To decide which option is better to choose, you first need to decide on the scale of the building and its purpose.

wooden foundation

A greenhouse on this basis has the simplest design, which is good for small greenhouses, and is arranged if it needs to be moved. The option of a foundation made of timber can only be considered as a temporary structure in case it is necessary to make a foundation for a greenhouse for a year or two.

Block and brick foundations

Such structures are much more reliable and have great advantages than wooden ones. But if you are thinking about a solid structure based on its long-term service, it is better to make a combined strip concrete-brick foundation.

It is especially good to build such a base in areas with marshy soil in order to limit the access of moisture to the greenhouse from the outside.

Where will we put it?

First of all, the greenhouse must be located in a well-lit place - sunlight should fall on it for as long as possible. It is best if the structure is located with its side to the south, since the area of ​​​​the side surface is larger than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe end.

The greenhouse should not stand in an open draft. This is due to the fact that constant gusts of wind reduce internal heat, which can adversely affect future crops.

For the season

A seasonal greenhouse is made lightweight, and the most inexpensive materials are used in its construction. This design does not require a foundation. The bottom of the walls can be made of edged boards, and the top and roof can be made of wooden frames with polyethylene filling.

During the day, the temperature in such greenhouses becomes too high, so ventilation holes are provided in the side walls and roof.

Winter - summer

In the wake of the popularity of a healthy lifestyle and natural products, it is important to install a winter greenhouse. Experts call cellular polycarbonate the best raw material for building a winter greenhouse, but ordinary glass is still used.

For a winter energy-saving greenhouse, a wooden frame is suitable - if the plants do not need high humidity, like, for example, cucumbers.

Project of a house with a winter garden (51 photos): when it is cozy for both people and plants

Then for the core you will need to use aluminum tubes.

Naturally, you need to think not only about overhead lighting, but also about heating the soil - it is unlikely that you will get seedlings from frozen ground.

In fact, the main difference between off-season greenhouses is the presence of a foundation and a foundation for the structure.

The components of a standard greenhouse are a supporting structure and glass, plastic or polycarbonate sheets for ceilings.

There doesn't seem to be much beauty here. But you can look at the greenhouse or hotbed as an architectural element, including it in the living space. Today, extension greenhouses are still common.

An attached greenhouse is more economical than a stand-alone one. In it, the glass surface has a smaller area, but at the same time heat from the house is accumulated.

Without leaving home

The greenhouse attached to the house may be extremely simple in its structure, but it is always an additional room. Plants in it can be grown all year round, in fact, without leaving home. This is important if your greens require constant care and attention.

It is easier to connect all necessary communications (heating, lighting, water supply) to attached greenhouses than to stand-alone buildings on the site. Such a greenhouse will save space, especially if you have a modest plot of land.

Most often, such structures are erected simultaneously with the estate, although an additional extension to the finished building is also possible.

With pitched roof

The greenhouse is suitable for installation near the south or west wall of the house. The wall heated by the sun transfers part of its heat to the greenhouse, due to which its maintenance is cheaper.

With gable roof

Such a wall greenhouse has a lot of light and air, it is suitable for growing grapes and other high-growing plants. True, these facilities are quite expensive. You can opt for a wall-mounted greenhouse with a shed roof or a free-standing greenhouse with a gable roof.

A few points that also need to be considered when choosing a wall greenhouse.

  • Pay attention to the condition of the wall to which you are going to attach the greenhouse: it should not have cracks or other defects. Most of all, a wall made of ordinary ceramic bricks is suitable for attached greenhouses.
  • It is better not to use a wall lined with silicate bricks for the extension of the greenhouse - such material does not accumulate heat, which is so necessary for greenhouses.
  • It is not necessary to attach a greenhouse to the wall of a house made of foam concrete blocks. Foam concrete is a very “breathable” material, it conducts air from the room, and if a greenhouse is attached to such a wall, all steam and all moisture will enter the dwelling.
  • Take care of high-quality waterproofing of the wall to which you plan to attach the greenhouse. This will avoid the destruction of the wall due to exposure to moisture and steam.
  • Wall structures have low illumination (two times less than individual ones), so the plants will require additional illumination.

Greenhouse automation

Today, there is no need to pore over greenhouse crops: a “smart” greenhouse can contain the functions of auto-ventilation, auto-irrigation, irrigation and heating, and have light sensors.

For the lazy

On the roof of "smart" greenhouses there are special windows equipped with oil pistons. You only need to set the desired temperature in the shelter: if it rises, then the smart windows open and close by themselves when it becomes cool in the greenhouse.

The wonders of technology do not end there. The irrigation system is also fully automated, it will monitor the soil moisture itself: you can program it by day of the week, number of times a day and duration.

As one of the options for heating the greenhouse, you can use electric heating of the soil, which works on the principle of "warm floors".

It will not be a problem to install lighting that will turn on at a set time, but only in the absence of natural light.

floating greenhouse

Here is another idea, which is primarily addressed to the owners of suburban areas located near the reservoir. The Italian firm Pnat, made up of biologists and designers, has built a “smart2” floating greenhouse.

At first glance, it seems that this is something from the realm of fantasy, and the project will not find its supporters. But from a rational point of view, it has a lot of positive things: it is a solution to the problem of allocating plots in densely populated areas, ensuring a constant supply of water to plants, and creating a favorable microclimate in the greenhouse.

How difficult is it to make a winter garden in a private house

In general, sunlight with its natural spectrum is ideal for normal plant growth. In addition to light, a microclimate (temperature and humidity) and sufficient care (watering, fertilizing, disinfection, etc.) are required. Greenhouses, arranged on the roof, easily provide the first part of the requirements - lighting.

Actual placement of a greenhouse on the roof:

  • If there is no possibility of placing a greenhouse on the site. The site is small, there are not enough illuminated places on the site, etc.;
  • If you plan to use the greenhouse in the winter;
  • Easy access to the greenhouse (balcony door with access to the roof, greenhouse in the part of the residential attic or mansard floor, etc.);
  • With original design, architectural solutions.

In other cases, the placement of a greenhouse on the roof raises serious doubts.

We are talking about greenhouses, and not about a winter garden or a greenhouse on the roof. Usually in the sources describing such structures, there is confusion. The winter garden and the greenhouse are an integral part of the dwelling and, accordingly, belong to the capital buildings. The greenhouse is intended exclusively for growing plants and is a light structure. The difference is also revealed at the security level. The greenhouse does not provide protection against the entry of thieves into the house.

Dispelling myths about advantages and disadvantages

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of a greenhouse on the roof and along the way we will give an opinion on some of the most common stamps on the Internet.

  • Actually, the advantages of a greenhouse on the roof follow from the relevance of the placement:
  • A place for growing plants with a limited possibility of land plots (dense buildings);
  • Good lighting (including the absence of other places with sufficient lighting);
  • Simplified insulation and heat supply when used in the cold season;
  • There is no need to build a foundation;
  • Possibility of good ventilation. The greenhouse is open on all sides for ventilation.


  • Access to the greenhouse for plant care. Even if the greenhouse is located in part of the attic floor, it is inferior in terms of ease of maintenance to a conventional ground-based greenhouse. Everything you need will have to be brought in and taken out (soil replacement, seedlings, fertilizers, etc.). And if this is a greenhouse on a separate bath, in this case it is recommended to make a normal flight of stairs to it, and not an attached ladder;
  • Watering plants. You will need to solve the problem with the supply of water to the greenhouse. Either this is a separate tank on the roof, or pumping equipment. Carrying water by hand to the roof is not the best idea;
  • Increased humidity. Roof structures and all elements of ceilings from the side of the greenhouse will need to be protected from high humidity;
  • To prevent water from entering the roof structure, additional measures for moisture protection and drainage will be required. Despite all the measures, during the entire period of operation, it will be necessary to constantly monitor that water does not get on the ceiling;
  • The need for good ventilation. In summer, in the heat in such a greenhouse, the temperature will be noticeably higher compared to a similar ground one. Even additional ventilation windows may not give the desired effect and forced ventilation will be required.

Doubtful internet stamps:

  • Additional rain protection. The requirements for the roof of buildings are much stricter than the requirements for the roof of a greenhouse. So if we are guided by the requirements for greenhouse ceilings, we can, on the contrary, state a deterioration in protection against precipitation;
  • Improvement of thermal insulation, use of heat losses through the ceiling. This is not a way to improve poor thermal insulation. Although if the ceiling thermal insulation is insufficient, then, of course, this will play a certain role, both in improving thermal insulation and in using heat losses;
  • Additional carbon dioxide for the life support of plants from living quarters. Theoretically, in ecologically especially clean areas and for a certain class of plants and purposes. However, even in this case, any ordinary burner will completely block the supply of additional carbon dioxide - gas that breaks through from the living space through the attic floor into the greenhouse.

Roof top greenhouse goals

Before starting the construction of a greenhouse on the roof, it is recommended to very clearly indicate the purposes for which it is being built. Since the design and ultimately the cost depend on the tasks set. Part of the requirements for a rooftop greenhouse is much higher than for a ground greenhouse.

We list in ascending order of requirements and cost:

For growing seedlings. Minimal roof modernization, no insulation, minimal water supply requirements, no need for additional moisture insulation of the ceiling, no permanent heating, access can be limited by a conventional ladder;

For summer growing. Roof modernization is minimal, no insulation, no heating. Additional moisture insulation of the ceiling is required, organization of water supply for irrigation is required, good access to the greenhouse for plant care is desirable;

For winter growing. Quite a serious modernization of the roof (with double glazing, dense, hermetic insulation of the room from the outside world), significant requirements for the insulation of the room, requirements for moisture protection and moisture insulation. Winter water supply requirements. Good access for plant care is recommended - a ladder is an emergency option.

Types of greenhouses on the roof

1. The simplest view is to replace the roofing materials of the roof with transparent ones.

Roof garden: an original way of gardening a site

Typically, polycarbonate or transparent propylene sheets are used for this, depending on the purpose. A section of the roof is removed from the existing roof and a transparent material is mounted directly along the rafters;

2. Arched greenhouse. It is also usually constructed from sheets of polycarbonate, propylene. For its construction, the existing roof is dismantled, or it is installed on flat roofs. Arched structures can be used standard commercially available;

3. Greenhouses of other forms. For a specific place of use. They are built, like ordinary ground-based greenhouses, greenhouses attached to existing structures on the roof, etc.

I want to build a greenhouse in the attic (no windows).

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Guest09May 2015
at 11:00 I want to build a greenhouse in the attic (no windows). There is heat, light - housekeepers, water is also available. I will listen to all opinions!

09 May 2015
at 11:15 For greenhouses, light is one of the important factors, so housekeepers are not suitable, you need to put HPS + ventilation is needed.

09 May 2015
at 14:56 Your undertaking is not only irrational, but also not economically profitable. Why grow something in conditions that are unsuitable or require material and technical resources? What exactly are you going to grow in the attic?

May 10, 2015
at 7:47 I support you - the idea is absurd and not economically profitable. Every living organism needs sunlight and nothing can replace it. If you are already making a greenhouse in the attic, then instead of the roof, insert windows with glass and make sure they open.

May 11, 2015
at 10:35 Not to say that it's downright absurd. In winter, vegetables and fruits are grown in greenhouses, probably even in our country. And they grow without the sun, but the costs are enormous, it is hardly worth it, it’s easier to buy a finished product in the store.

May 13, 2015
at 17:14 I don’t know why everyone is against it ... I personally think that a greenhouse in the attic, under such conditions as you described, is unprofitable only in spring and summer.

Winter garden - a superstructure above the house, a greenhouse on the roof

And in the autumn-winter, with all the costs, it can both give benefits and bring profit !!!

May 14, 2015
at 11:06 So there is no light at all for the plants to grow, and in winter, they need both heat and light. Moreover, the light will have to be fired constantly during the day, because the plants are used to long daylight hours. Well, the temperature must be constantly maintained.

May 14, 2015
at 13:58 I think it's better to use agrolamps for illumination.
But if you highlight around the clock - the plants will not have enough carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis: CO2 + UV light = O2. Make day and night for plants.
Artificial lighting is great, but natural light is better. Do not be stingy and put at least skylights.

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Greenhouse house made of polycarbonate

Obviously, a greenhouse and a greenhouse of one form or another are indispensable elements in a garden or summer cottage, so sooner or later, almost every one of those people who grow vegetables comes to the question of building this structure.

In this case, it is possible to purchase a greenhouse in a specialized store with subsequent assembly carried out by specialists directly on the site, or to make it yourself from improvised materials. The choice of the method of manufacture and installation of this design, and, in addition, how wide the greenhouse will be, is determined by the budget capabilities of the owner of the site.

Types of greenhouses

Rectangular greenhouses can have a roof of various shapes - it can be arched, single-pitched and double-pitched. A large number of greenhouse models have a curved top design, so it is relatively easy to make it by bending the frame parts, while reducing the number of welded elements. However, such a scheme, compared with a single- and dual-slope frame, has several disadvantages:

  • Difficult ventilation;
  • Reducing the landing area;
  • Reducing the strength of the roof.

The arched structure is usually quite wide and has difficulties with ventilation, which consists in the impossibility of installing ventilation windows on curved roof surfaces. All this makes it difficult for air to circulate inside the greenhouse, so a gable roof that has rectangular shapes can be equipped with an opening window or a sliding roof.

Unlike structures with an arched top, the greenhouse frame with a polycarbonate house roof has rectangular sections that provide a larger planting area due to the fact that a smaller roof angle allows for more plants at the edges. At the same time, the height of both structures remains the same.

In terms of structural strength, the arched greenhouse, due to its curvature, is able to withstand less weight of snow that accumulates on the roof in winter than rectangular greenhouses with a flat roof, from which the snow can roll off itself if the angle is large enough. In addition, the right angle of inclination of the roof will reduce the negative impact of gusts of wind on the greenhouse with a polycarbonate house.

Greenhouse device

A greenhouse with a house can be either purchased in a specialized store or made by hand.

We install a greenhouse on the roof or attic of the house

It is worth noting that single-pitched structures with a straight top are used mainly as extensions to capital buildings, while a gable roof with rectangular sections is the most popular option.

In order to make a greenhouse with your own hands, you need to know its device. Most greenhouses have the following structural elements:

  • Foundation;
  • frame;
  • Coating;
  • Heating and irrigation systems.


It is worth noting that not all structures are characterized by the presence of a full-fledged foundation and heating systems - basically, this is a necessary condition for structures intended for growing vegetables in winter conditions, while a greenhouse often does not have it. Therefore, before starting the assembly, you need to decide which greenhouse is needed - winter or summer.

The frame for do-it-yourself structures can be made of wood, but more and more preference is given to metal structural elements, including galvanized profiles, because they have a longer service life and high strength. Of the minuses regarding wooden frames, a relatively more complex assembly technology can be distinguished.

The most popular and suitable material for covering greenhouses in terms of its characteristics is cellular polycarbonate - it is strong enough, it transmits little heat to the outside and a lot of light to the inside of the structure. With its help, it is easy to equip the greenhouse with opening ventilation and a sliding window on the roof. The most important thing in this matter is not to make a mistake with the choice of the manufacturer and the thickness of the material. Before purchasing cellular polycarbonate, it is recommended to study its description and read reviews about a particular manufacturer, and when choosing a thickness, focus on values ​​​​from 4 to 8 mm. Thin polycarbonate can break under the influence of wind and precipitation, while thicker polycarbonate will be too cloudy and will not provide enough light to plants.

Most often, the height of the structure is 2 meters, the frame has rectangular shapes, while a door that is not too wide is usually installed in one of the end walls. The roof is most often used gable with a straight top and an outward-opening window, the angle of which can be up to 60 degrees. A more detailed description is widely available in the materials on the subject, posted on the network.

Everyone has an inherent desire to develop, plants reach for the sun, a person improves his knowledge and skills, and even buildings and structures do not stand aside. One of such directions for the development of a private house can be called the construction of a winter garden in a room attached to the main building.

However, if you are a thrifty owner and are not inclined to allocate a usable area for a winter garden, but would like to equip it, you can offer a non-standard solution - in the form of a superstructure above the house and further turning it into a full-fledged garden for winter use. The idea can be implemented not only on the roof or attic of the house, but also on the roof of the garage or summer kitchen.

Tempting idea? Let's evaluate its advantages.

Benefits of a rooftop winter garden

  • the difference in weight between the house and the garden is leveled, in connection with which, there are different loads on the foundation;
  • provides an opportunity to admire the stars without the light of electric lamps;
  • eliminates the need to consider the cardinal direction. The desired lighting/shading is created by adjusting curtains, film, etc.;
  • the issue of ventilation is eliminated - the garden, open on all sides, is easily ventilated even in calm weather;
  • the house has a distinctive feature that distinguishes it from other buildings and gives its appearance individuality.

Convinced? Then we study the features of creating a winter garden on the roof of the house, in the attic or on the roof of the garage with our own hands.

Things to consider before building a winter garden:

  • the possibility of arranging the necessary communications;
  • foundation strength. As follows from GOSTs, the foundation must withstand a constant (weight of walls, ceilings, roofs) and a variable load (furniture, residents). The type and characteristics of the foundation can be viewed in the project documentation. If it is flooded with a margin and the house does not sag, this indicates that it is durable;
  • the weight of the future structure and units of service systems (constant load), the approximate weight of the soil, plants and people (variable load);

If your foundation can withstand such a calculated load, you can safely get to work.

Construction of a winter garden on the roof of a house or over a garage

Stage 1 - foundation device

In this case, this step is omitted. On the other hand, a new one appears, cleaning up the future construction site, i.e. roofs from roofing material and everything that interferes with the construction process.

Stage 2 - assembling the frame of the winter garden

The frame can be made from a metal corner or a wooden beam. But it is better to use an aluminum profile or pipe. The main advantage of an aluminum profile and pipe is its low weight, no need for maintenance, the ability to paint it in any color.

All frame assembly work is best done on the ground. The process of manufacturing a frame structure includes several stages:

Cutting a profile (pipe) from metal into pieces of the desired length.

Assembly of blanks. As fasteners, you can use hardware or make a welding seam. The latter, more reliable, but requires the use of a special apparatus. The seam must be cleaned and treated with a primer. Connecting sections of the frame of the winter garden to each other. At this stage, everything that is necessary for the further installation of the frame on the roof of the house should be included in the lower elements of the sections - holes for fasteners, welded corners for fastening, etc. Each section of the structure must be primed and painted.

Technical aspects of the winter garden above the house


The roof must necessarily have an angle of inclination to the outside of at least 30 °. Such a slope will provide a quick runoff of water, snow sliding, and also allows you to better "catch" the sun's rays. It is advisable to equip the roof with an anti-icing system so that the weight of the snow does not cause it to deform.


Doors, or rather their availability and quantity, depends on your project. Most often, the entrance to the winter garden on the roof of the house is from the inside of the room. Therefore, it is more important to think over the stairs, railings. If the entrance will be carried out from the street, it is preferable to use sliding door systems.

Air vents

Their number should be sufficient to ensure constant air circulation. In general, the area recommended for vents and / or doors should be at least a quarter of the entire glazed surface. Take care of reliable hinges for window leaves and mosquito nets.

Stage 3 - glazing of the winter garden

Another difference between a winter garden on the roof and one attached to a house or a stand-alone one is that the coating (glazing) material must also be fixed on the ground. You can use scaffolding - but this is an additional cost item.

For glazing, glass or polycarbonate is most often used.

Glass Benefits

  • constant degree of transparency (glass is not cloudier during its use), resistance to mechanical damage (in particular, to scratching).

Benefits of polycarbonate

  • lightness, the ability to replace a separate sheet with your own hands, relatively low cost, good heat and sound insulation properties.

It is important that the selected material is covered with a film that reflects ultraviolet rays. Of course, they will not affect the growth of plants in any way, but they will make a long stay in the garden uncomfortable.

At the same time, the use of double-glazed windows with tempered glass is sufficient for the roof and walls. The presence of an energy-saving coating will reduce the cost of heating the garden (greenhouse).

Important. The entire structure of the garden must be airtight in order to prevent heat loss and drafts. The first will negatively affect your budget, the second - on the growth of plants.

Stage 4 - installation of the structure of the winter garden on the roof

The material was prepared for the site

Engineering communications of the winter garden (greenhouse) on the roof

Like any other winter garden, a roof garden needs various systems to make it more comfortable for plants and users.

Winter garden lighting

For the growth of plants, the light that they receive through the transparent material of the roof and walls is sufficient. However, for some species it is necessary to create additional lighting. The ideal option would be to use fitolamps, which allow plants to develop in conditions close to natural.

Winter garden ventilation

In our case, the task of ventilation is simplified, since natural ventilation is sufficient, which is provided by the required number of opening structural elements (windows, transoms).

Winter garden cooling

Air conditioning, installed on the ceiling, will provide a comfortable temperature for the stay of residents. Here it is important to pay attention to the fact that cold air flows do not fall on the plants.

Winter garden shading

Excess sunlight is just as harmful to plantings as its lack. As protection, internal shading can be offered - film on windows, blinds, roller blinds, roller blinds, etc. Note external shading, so practical in extensions, loses its advantages here.

Winter garden heating

The uniqueness of heating a rooftop conservatory is that it receives a significant amount of heat from the sun. This means that it only needs to be heated between November and March. When choosing a heating system - central or portable, you need to take into account the climate, the size and shape of the winter garden frame, as well as the type of material used for glazing. It is also necessary to install heating devices taking into account the specifics of the roof garden. That is, there is no need to install heating radiators, it is better to equip water heating in the floor, connected to the central water supply or install a warm floor. The installation process is shown in the photo. These are general principles, detailed instructions are attached to each underfloor heating system.

  • Underfloor heating under tiles, laminate flooring or linoleum.

  • The floor is warm under natural floorboards.

If you plan to use portable heaters, it is advisable to place them in the middle of the room, since the walls are able to accumulate heat.

Another feature of roof heating is the anti-icing system. It is a cable laid along the rafters and along the perimeter of the roof.

Drainage from the roof of the winter garden

In the attached winter gardens, the outflow of water is carried out through the drainage system. Here it is also necessary to equip a drainage system that will receive rain or melt water and divert it from the structure.

Watering the winter garden

For watering plants in the winter garden on the roof of the building, drip irrigation is used, but most often there are not very many plants there, so an ordinary watering can is held in high esteem.

Humidification of the winter garden

If the garden area is large, you can make a small lake (reservoir, pool). Due to the fact that the room will heat up, the water will evaporate and create a humid environment. If the area is small, you can limit yourself to installing a fountain or use a mechanism that works like a solar collector. To make it, you need to take a metal cylinder, paint it black, fill it with water and install it in the most illuminated place. Using a flexible tube, a hydraulic mechanism must be attached to the cylinder to open the hatch. This mechanism, in turn, will be fixed to the flap (transom) in the glass roof. Heating up together with the room, the water in the cylinder will expand and the hydraulics will open the sash. Cooling down, the water will close the sash.

Arrangement of a winter garden on the roof

Of course, in this aspect it is difficult to follow any advice, since everyone has their own vision of an ideal and beautiful winter garden. However, keep the following tips in mind:

  • zoning. Conventionally, in each garden there are four zones - a recreation area, an area intended for plants, a passage area and a location for communications, etc.;
  • plant species. Different types of plants need different conditions for normal growth. This must be taken into account when choosing and combining them. In addition, there are heat-loving plantations, and there are frost-resistant ones. If you do not plan to maintain a constant temperature in the winter garden, give preference to the latter. It can be noted that one more requirement for plants, they must be quite hardy and unpretentious in care. So you can admire the garden with minimal maintenance;
  • planting. Start gardening with tall plants. They are planted first, and medium-sized plants are already behind them. In addition, those that "draw" moisture from the air should be placed closer to the source of moisture - an installation or a fountain, while heat-loving ones - closer to heating. Also, heat-loving plants should be placed on the south side of the garden. Those who need a lot of sun - from the east. Fans of coolness and shade are best landed in the northern and western parts, respectively;
  • flowering period. In order for flowering plants to always be present in the garden, you need to try to combine them in such a way that they bloom in turn;
  • arrangement of a recreation area. If the winter garden is planned to be used as a rest room or an office, then the location of the table, chairs or armchairs should be determined.


We hope that, using our advice, you will be able to create a winter garden on the roof of a residential building or above a garage with your own hands and realize your dream of an ideal garden.

In order not to part with the summer even in harsh winters and every day to be able to enjoy the greenery, you can equip a personal winter garden. Such construction is most often done by professionals. But if there is a desire and time, then you can pick up a simple project and arrange a winter garden in a private house with your own hands. In order to save on costs as much as possible and at the same time get a high-quality result, you should use the advice of specialists, as well as comply with all technical requirements.

We decide on the design and side

One of the most important stages in the construction of a winter garden in a house is the choice of the cardinal direction:

  1. East. The best option, since the amount of solar radiation will not overheat the transparent structure, which means that the necessary microclimate will be maintained inside.
  2. West. A feature of this side is the ability to keep the heat that has accumulated during the day for a long time, for example, at night.
  3. South. This option is also suitable for arranging a winter garden in a country house. It should be remembered: in order to prevent overheating of the room, it is necessary to take care of the organization of powerful ventilation and abundant watering. There is another side - in winter, the garden, which is located on the south side, will remain warm for a long time.
  4. North. A garden located from the north is a bad idea. It will accumulate heat poorly and lose it quickly. If there is no other option, then it is worth considering a high-quality heating system.

When choosing a location for a winter garden, consider not only these characteristics, but also the design of the house itself.

Also at this stage it is worth familiarizing yourself with the varieties of structures. They are divided into two large groups:

  • adjacent to the house;
  • separately standing.

Each of the options will make its own adjustments to the design and construction process. Do not forget that the shape of the winter garden can be completely different. Most popular options:

  • rectangular extension to the house (the most common form, complemented by a shed roof);
  • rectangular structure with a shed roof, complemented by a roofing part;
  • a winter garden attached to a corner on the outside of a cottage or dacha;
  • a winter garden attached to an inner corner (a quarter-polygon);
  • a building with a combined roof, for example, a four-beam;
  • outbuilding on the inside of the corner.

In fact, there are much more design options for buildings and everyone has the right to make their own changes and adjustments or combine two options into one combined one.

Types of materials for sheathing the frame

The modern construction market offers the consumer a wide range of materials.

One of the most common types of cladding materials. Glass has been used for many years not only for winter gardens, but also for greenhouses, greenhouses, conservatories and verandas. Such popularity is due to the high bearing capacity, maximum transmission of sunlight (almost 98%), and fast heat transfer. If we talk about the shortcomings, then there are only a few positions:

  • fragility;
  • high price;
  • difficulty in processing.

The problem with high cost can be solved by considering glass of a smaller thickness, and to increase strength, it is necessary to strengthen the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe frame structure.

This is one of the innovative developments, which, after appearing on the construction market, immediately gained great popularity and distribution in various fields. A winter garden made of polycarbonate will allow you to complete all the work in a shorter time and at the same time reduce the cost of purchasing material. Its advantages include:

  • availability;
  • a light weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • transparency;
  • elasticity;
  • resistance to corrosion and fungus formation.

The upper protective layer of the material does not allow moisture to pass into the structure, so it is not afraid of various atmospheric precipitation.

Another fashionable trend in the construction of winter gardens and greenhouses is the use of double-glazed windows. The profile can be:

  • aluminum;
  • metal-plastic;
  • wooden.

For the manufacture of double-glazed windows, different types of glass can be used: glass-reflecting, energy-saving, multifunctional and transparent float glasses.

Construction technology

In itself, the conceived design of the winter garden is a continuation of the square and the roof of the house. With proper selection of materials and thoughtful design, the winter garden will not sag under the weight of snow. First you need to draw up drawings and plans with dimensions. This will allow you to purchase the required amount of materials and perform high-quality construction.

Foundation and floor

The first step in creating a winter garden is pouring the foundation. Here it is worth considering a few nuances: a winter garden is a one-story structure, where weighty tubs with various plants especially affect the overall load. Therefore, if you want to avoid subsidence of the soil, you should start pouring the foundation.

When deciding how to make a foundation, follow the tape option technology. To do this, it will be enough to dig a trench according to the previously applied markings. The depth should be about 50 cm, and the width should not exceed 15 cm. Use reinforcement to strengthen the base. A pillow of a mixture of sand and gravel is laid at the bottom of the trench. It will play the role of thermal insulation. Do not forget about waterproofing: one or two layers of roofing material will be enough. Then the cement mortar is poured.

When choosing materials for the floor, it is best to focus on concrete. After complete solidification, it is necessary to lay the finishing material, namely:

  • wood;
  • stone (natural or artificial);
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • tiles.

Equipping the floor, do not forget about the layer of insulation and waterproofing. The first will not give off heat to the ground, and the second will not let groundwater to the structure.


For the construction of the frame, you can also choose one of the proposed options or a combination of them:

  • brick;
  • aluminum profile;
  • wood;
  • metal (steel).

In the role of fasteners, depending on the material chosen, nails, self-tapping screws, dowels can act. It is possible to fasten with a welding machine (for steel structure). The step between the guides is determined depending on the width of the material purchased for sheathing.

After construction, you can proceed to the direct sheathing (glass or polycarbonate) or the installation of double-glazed windows. The joints between the walls of the house and the winter garden must be covered with insulating foam.

This combination is considered ideal: metal supports and an aluminum profile.


When choosing material for arranging a roof, one very important point should be taken into account: glass cannot withstand snow cover, so you should not give preference to it. It is best to sheathe the roof with polycarbonate or install two- or three-chamber double-glazed windows. A slope should also be present, which will allow the snow to fall down on its own and not block the path of sunlight.

The thickness of glass in double-glazed windows should not exceed 5 mm, otherwise the roof structure will be too heavy.

Heating is the basis

To choose the right option, it is necessary not only to study the properties and capabilities of the systems, but also to know exactly the location and features of the winter garden itself. Financial possibilities should also be included in the selection criteria. Consider the main types of heating that can be used to heat the winter garden, as well as their positive and negative aspects.

Electric heaters


  • move around the room as needed;
  • regulation of heating power;
  • ease of operation.


  • the high price of the heaters themselves and the cost of electricity;
  • further reduction in air humidity.

Split systems and UFO


  • temperature control;
  • fast and uniform heating;
  • do not dry the air.


  • high price;
  • additional power consumption.


  • constant temperature maintenance;
  • affordable cost;
  • no temperature differences with adjoining rooms.


  • the need for professional tools (for example, welding), as well as the skills of installation and cutting into an existing heating system.



  • available raw materials for heating (wood);
  • colorful garden design.


  • uneven distribution of temperature;
  • the need for constant monitoring;
  • high fire hazard.


  • additional heating of the soil and plant roots;
  • uniform and fast distribution of heat;
  • the ability to avoid icing glass walls and roofs;
  • heating water in the irrigation system.


  • high price;
  • installation before the start of the garden;
  • difficulties in carrying out repairs.

To create an optimal and efficient heating system, it is best to use several of the above options at the same time.


The winter garden in the house can be attributed to complex engineering and technical structures, which are built in order to breed plants in comfortable conditions throughout the year. To implement this, you must adhere to the following prerequisites:

  • tightness;
  • humidity;
  • temperature;
  • lighting;
  • watering;
  • ventilation.

Some points deserve a closer look.


Due to the large number of plants in the room, the humidity of the air is constantly increasing, which leads to the formation of condensation. To avoid this is quite simple - you need to install or equip a ventilation system:

  • natural air ventilation will be achieved if there are a sufficient number of air vents and air holes;
  • artificial maintenance of a given climate is possible when a modern split system is installed in the winter garden.

When organizing ventilation, it is worth considering that a draft is an enemy of plants that can destroy them.

Thanks to the sheathing of the walls and roof with a transparent material, there will be a sufficient amount of natural light in the room throughout the day. But, at the same time, it is worth considering that in cloudy weather, as well as in winter, this will not be enough. Among the wide variety of sources of artificial lighting, that is, types of lamps, it is worth highlighting only fluorescent ones. Among their advantages are:

  • low heat transfer;
  • high luminous flux;
  • energy saving.

Recently, special fitolamps have become increasingly popular for creating lighting in a winter garden or greenhouse. They favor the photosynthesis of plants.


A permanent irrigation system must be provided at the stage of laying the ground and forming flower beds with plants. A modern drip irrigation system is best suited for these purposes. Through the laid hoses, water will drop by drop into the ground. To control watering, use sensors that monitor soil moisture.

An artificial reservoir, for example, a fountain or a humidifier, will add humidity to the air itself.

According to the designers, it is best to divide the winter garden into several separate zones. This approach will increase the functionality of the room. To properly plan the design , There are three main areas to consider:

  1. Decorative. Growing plants and creating general landscape floral arrangements. A pond, a fountain, an aquarium, decorative forms and compositions can be placed here.
  2. Recreational. Equipment for living space for recreation and spending free time. Furniture is being laid out.
  3. Communicative. Passages and paths are concentrated here, along which it will be possible to move from one zone to another without difficulty.

The stylistic direction of the design of the winter garden depends entirely on the wishes and preferences of the owners. Among the most common styles are classic, Japanese, hi-tech, country and modern.

It is impossible to equip a spacious winter garden in an apartment. But the owners of dachas, country cottages and private houses may well create a personal evergreen oasis in which it will be pleasant to spend time over a cup of tea on a frosty day. The shape and size of the winter garden will depend solely on their own capabilities and fantasies.

Winter garden on the roof, depending on the arrangement, can be:

  1. Extensive. The main purpose of such gardens is the cultivation of greenery. Their installation is simple, and such a garden is quite inexpensive. There is no recreation area here. Such a garden is not designed for such use.
  2. The intensive garden is designed not only for growing plants, but also for outdoor activities. It is quite appropriate that it be equipped with paths, flower beds, lawns and small trees. Accordingly, the price of this garden will be more expensive than its counterpart, used exclusively for growing plants.

The winter garden can be arranged not only in adjoining buildings, but also on the roofs/mansards of private/apartment buildings, office buildings, sports complexes, banks and restaurants.

Below are the main advantages of this solution:

  • The ability to enjoy the view of the night sky without the illumination of electric lamps.
  • The garden can be fully ventilated even in calm weather.
  • You do not need to consider the direction of the world. Lighting / dimming can be arranged by adjusting the film, curtains, etc.
  • Your home will stand out from other buildings.

Before starting the construction of a roof garden, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances that should be reflected in the project:

  1. The winter garden is an additional load on the walls of the house / foundation. Therefore, it is important to determine in advance the level of these loads exerted by fertile soil, plants, equipment and decorative elements.
  2. It is necessary to create conditions that will prevent the growth of roots outside the zone allocated for this.
  3. It is important to make a high-quality high layer of waterproofing. It will house your garden. You should also properly consider the system of irrigation and drainage. These measures must be carried out without fail, since the plants need watering, and in order to avoid the destruction of the roof and the decay of the root system, excess moisture should be removed.
  4. The roof structure must be made in such a way that people can move safely on it.
  5. In order for the plants to be comfortable in the garden, as well as for the normal care of the garden, it is necessary to provide for the installation of appropriate lighting fixtures.

At the first stage, the roof should be cleaned of roofing material and everything that will interfere with construction. As for the frame, it can be made from a wooden beam / metal corner. However, the most suitable material for this is aluminum profile/pipe. The main advantage of aluminum profiles / pipes is their low weight, the possibility of painting them in the desired color and the absence of the need to care for the frame from it in the future.

It is better to assemble the frame on the ground .

  • Pipe/profile cutting according to the project.
  • Assembly and connection of blanks. As a connecting fastener, a welding seam or hardware can be used. If you choose for reliability, then the welding seam wins. However, its implementation requires a welding machine and experience with it. If you still connect the structural elements by welding, then each seam will need to be cleaned and primed.
  • Connection of sections. The lower elements of the sections must include everything necessary to install the frame on the roof.
  • Each section is pre-primed.

The roof of the winter garden should have an inclination angle of 30º to the inside. So, the runoff of water, the sliding of snow will be ensured, and more importantly, this angle will contribute to the penetration of more sunlight into the garden. The roof must be equipped with an anti-icing system, which will prevent its deformation in the future.

The number of doors is determined at the design stage of the garden. The entrance to the winter garden is usually carried out from the inside of the room. Since we are talking about a roof garden, it is important to consider the presence of a staircase with a railing.

The presence of vents will help to carry out ventilation, which will contribute to the constant circulation of air. The area under the vents / doors should be ¼ of the entire glazed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden. Immediately install mosquito nets on the windows.

The arrangement of other engineering communications and the choice of materials for glazing does not differ from the technology described in this article.


See how the construction of the winter garden is assembled:

A photo


On the diagrams you can see the options for arranging a winter garden: