Who suits whom and how to create the best couples according to the zodiac sign. Bad union: which zodiac signs do not fit together

Most people have thoughts about love, romance and other sentimental moments in their heads. True, not everyone is suitable for each other, and astrologers recognize this fact. In order to avoid scandalous situations, quarrels, gossip and other unpleasant moments, the experts decided to warn people in advance about which zodiac signs do not suit each other, the site reports.


In love, the worst thing for Aries is with Capricorns and Virgos, Esoteric Blog writes. The element of Earth is difficult to combine with the element of Fire, but if with Taurus the chances are high enough, then with this couple they tend to zero. The only way to make life with Virgo or Capricorn pleasant is to give them independence. strong feelings in any case, you will be prompted for a way out.


You, most likely, will not succeed with Aquarius and Gemini. Firstly, both will be bored with you, and secondly, they are a completely opposite type of people. You are phlegmatic and calm, while Gemini and Aquarius are windy and fickle. Both you and they have a reason to end the relationship almost immediately. Such an alliance will be successful only if there is a common hobby or hobby.


It will be difficult for you to live with Libra and Virgo. An incredibly attractive Virgo may disappoint you in the future: 3-5 months are enough for this. If you do not have common interests, then marriage and relationships are doomed to failure. Libra will be furious because of your inconstancy. Entering into a relationship with them, you need to prioritize all at once so that there are no problems in the future.


Worst of all, Cancer will be with another Cancer. Yes, everything is beautiful at first glance - the same values, one view of the world, but it will be so boring that the chance of a lover or mistress is simply huge. Such relationships fade slowly but surely, and it is incredibly difficult to rekindle them.

a lion

Cancers, Aquarius and Aries are the scariest soulmates for Leo. Cancers are too simple to adore Lviv, Aquarius do not have enough time for this, and Aries make Leo himself jealous. To become a strong couple to Leo, these three Signs need to radically reconsider their behavior and worldview. There are few chances, because Leo does not tolerate resentment, falsehood and lack of attention to himself.


It is very difficult for Virgos to get along with another Virgo. You can become very loyal friends, but love between you simply does not happen. Dev is also annoyed by Pisces' laziness and lack of initiative. Next to Virgo there should be a very strong-willed Pisces. These people also do not get along with Libra, although there is sympathy - it is important to be diplomatic here.


The only zodiac sign that doesn't suit you is Gemini. His inconstancy will introduce an imbalance in the relationship, but even in this case, there are still chances for a successful life together and love. Libra is true unique Badge, because with 11 out of 12 Signs he has no problems at all or almost no problems.


Scorpios have a hard time with everyone. They have the least problems and the most admiration from Virgo, Gemini and Aquarius. On the other hand, these same Signs can leave you at any moment - especially Virgo. Astrologers cannot come to a consensus, so it is up to you to decide with whom to be better: with those who are independent and will not tolerate your character, or with those who will obediently fulfill all your requests.


Worst of all, Sagittarius affects Cancers and Pisces. The former are too conservative and calm, while the latter are infinitely vulnerable and unable to appreciate the dynamic lifestyle of Sagittarius. The problem in this case is those who are in love with you - you need to adapt to you, although nothing prevents you from cooling your ardor a little.


Capricorns are very suspicious and at the same time logical and rational. That is why they do not understand Gemini and Aquarius. Capricorn has the worst compatibility with Scorpio, which can make the first one hate the entire opposite sex as a whole, and not just one of its representatives. Capricorns are very accustomed to a person, so the antics of Scorpio and his further disappearance can make Capricorn someone who is generally alien to any feelings.


Lions for Aquarius are too proud. This makes the latter laugh, because they simply do not understand why people can love themselves so much. Libra, on the contrary, is too insecure, which also causes only laughter in Aquarius. If these Signs manage to explain their behavior with reasonable arguments, then there will be some chances for love or friendship.


Pisces find it hardest to live in love or friendship with other Pisces. The fact is that in such an alliance there is no initiative. Also, Pisces need love and attention, so Lions disappear immediately. Find with the rest mutual language can be done relatively easily. Lions or other Pisces need initiative and sincere feelings, just like you yourself. Only in this way in such a union it will be possible to live for a long time.

JoInfoMedia journalist Nastya Art notes that there are exceptions to the rule. We are talking about alliances that are successful no matter what. It also happens that marriages and relationships quickly break up, which, according to all horoscopes, have high level compatibility. There can be no unambiguous answer in love - you just need to believe in yourself and in your soulmate, casting doubts and prejudices away.

Astrology is a whole science that every day offers new amazing data about the relationship between stars and human destinies. Sometimes, even the most serious skeptics show interest in horoscopes.

Many simply want to read something that will instill optimism and bright hopes in their soul. Someone, trying to find out which zodiac signs are suitable for each other, on a subconscious level, is trying to rid himself of any doubts. Whatever the original goals, astrology is indeed sometimes able to surprise with its insight and relevant answers.

Aries: who can not get burned by the fiery nature of the stubborn

Aries are representatives of the fire element. They are energetic and passionate people. In order not to incinerate themselves, Aries are trying to create an alliance with people of a calm, balanced disposition. Often they are representatives of the elements of air or earth.

The spiritual brothers of Aries are Leo and Sagittarius. They can become true friends, reliable business partners, devoted spouses.

The Aries man will be able to find harmony with Libra or Taurus, the woman of this sign - with Aquarius or Pisces. Sagittarius will support the ardor in bed, become partners in extreme hobbies, share other "fiery interests". Lions are able to support a little quick-tempered uncertain "lambs".

Taurus: true connoisseurs of beauty

Stubborn, but interesting personalities, can find a common language with almost everyone. Virgo and Capricorn have similar personalities.

With Pisces or Cancers, it will be possible to create a particularly warm and cozy house. Partners share the same values ​​and life priorities. Taurus is especially captivated by soft and flexible Cancer, capable of giving tenderness and affection.

Aquarius and Scorpio can put too much pressure on Taurus. These are categorical and wayward people.

Gemini: duality and charisma

Geminis are very interesting personalities. They are eccentric and dreamy, often change their minds, easy-going. They are literally the embodiment of their native element - air.

Gemini will be able to get along with representatives of their sign at 100%. It will be a union full of sensual pleasures, mutual understanding and harmony. The main thing is sometimes to give freedom of choice.

  • Leo and Taurus - complete opposites"most air sign". This is exactly the case when opposites really attract and family life really gives joy
  • With Sagittarius it will be interesting, but not easy
  • But with Pisces and Virgos it is almost impossible to build a strong alliance. The thing is that these representatives of the zodiac constellation have a completely different worldview and outlook on life.
  • Pisces and Aquarius will be able to provide the necessary moral support. Usually, Gemini, inspired by feelings, reach serious career heights.

Crayfish: softness that inspires

Cancer is the most feminine sign. Representatives of the elements of water are distinguished by their special vulnerability, tenderness and thirst for sensual pleasures. They gravitate towards family life from a young age. Warm hearth, children and the second half: this is the ultimate dream for Cancers.

Pisces and Scorpios are ideal partners for feminine couch potatoes. The same is true in relations with Taurus. "Stubborn bull" also seeks to quickly start a family.

Relations with Leo or Aries will be favorable. Cancers will have to compromise all the time, turn a blind eye to some "errors" of the partner's behavior.

The hardest thing will be to get along with Virgo, Capricorn and Libra. No common hobbies and desires. Sagittarians will frighten away the homely Cancer with their temper and constant extraordinary antics.

Lions: ideal partners for true kings

Leos are temperamental and proud. They love themselves very much and strive to be the center of attention in every possible way. It is very difficult to get along with true kings and queens for everyone. But Aries, Gemini and Libra can do it. For example, rationally thinking Libra will pacify the fiery temper of the spouse, and soft and delicate Pisces will make the partner kinder and more humane.

The union of two Lions is a rarity. Still, two "royals" will not be able to share one throne in the family kingdom.

Taurus and Aquarius are also not the best "partners" for family life. Virgo and Capricorn do not always understand the regal mood of Leo.

Virgos: pedants and nerds

Virgos are very complex people. They do not know how to compromise and give in. In most situations, pedants and tidies strive to achieve perfection, do the job flawlessly, and demand a similar attitude from others.

  • Virgos will easily find a common language with a representative of their zodiac constellation
  • Great relationships develop with Scorpios
  • With Cancers - successfully combined only physically
  • But with Libra and Aquarius, communication is generally difficult to build
  • Sagittarius and Capricorn - attract with their thriftiness and intellectual talent
  • Pisces are very economic and responsible people. They captivate with their softness and livability, practicality in everyday life.

Libra is the most balanced member of the zodiac.

Libras are great partners in business, friendship, and personal life. They get along with representatives of the water and air elements. They respect the signs of the earth, but are a little afraid of the fiery "stars".

Especially favorable is the union with Scorpio, Capricorn or Taurus. They get along well with Aquarius and Gemini.

It will not be possible to establish contact with the "brothers in the constellation". Partners will annoy each other with their slowness and indecision.

Scorpio: passion and ambition

Scorpios are very controversial and complex personalities. They dream about eternal love and quiet family happiness, but quickly despair in the "safe family haven". In order to somehow diversify their life, they begin to actively "sting" and "provoke their soulmate to emotions", moreover, not always positive.

Only melancholic Cancers and delicate Pisces can endure such love. Representatives of the earth sign also agree to share the bed with sexual representatives. water element, but only if harmony reigns in the family.

Sagittarius - the ideological inspirers of chaotic events

This is a real "fire in the flesh." They are hot, quick-tempered, driven by adventurous ideas and bold experiments.

Family life will always be quite difficult:

  • Aquarians and Scorpios only share hobbies
  • Cancers and Pisces will constantly give in, but suffer from moral pressure
  • Aries and Leo can become good partners, but subject to constant compromises

Capricorns: the personification of stability

The most loyal and calm representatives of the galaxy of star Olympus are distinguished by a special approach to life. They are very creative and intellectually gifted individuals, interested in everything and always.

With such people it is always interesting and informative. An arrogant Leo will respect such an intellectual. Pisces, Cancers and Libra - worship their unconditional master. Scorpios - passionately reach out to their soulmate, exploring new facets of his personality.

Aries and Taurus do not like the character of Capricorns. And Sagittarius will not always appreciate such radicalism and thoughtfulness.

Aquarius: wayward and bold

Aquarians are subtle natures, appreciating the spiritual world of people. Harmonious Union expected by Gemini, Taurus and Aries. Complete disharmony is observed in communication with all fiery signs.

The main rule: the partner must have a similar temperament. Unity is also promoted by the same view of sex.

Pisces: the most tender and vulnerable

Due to their tender, vulnerable nature, inability to defend their own interests, Rybka cannot find a worthy partner right away. Kindred souls - Scorpio and Cancer, experiencing a sincere feeling of love, will protect the "sissies". The family will be really strong.

It is worth fearing aggressive Aries, arrogant Capricorns and narcissistic Lions. Virgos will drive you crazy with their pedantry, and Aquarius - with constant claims.

With whom can you build harmonious relationships? Urgently check in our exclusive rating!

Finding a mate is easy. The hardest part starts later, whenrelationships go through trials and it becomes clearcan you really be called a family with this person, or are you -completely different?

If you are now in doubt or just want to stock upuseful knowledge for the future - read the advice of our expert -astrologer. Today Marianna Abravitovatold our readers about which zodiac signs form the mostideal unions.

Libra and Aquarius

Representatives of these zodiac signs have a lot in common, and thanks tosome differences, they just complement each other. They have a widerange of interests and the same craving for beauty, so they alwaysthere is something to talk about and something to do. It's never boring. ATat the same time, Aquarius helps Libra in making decisions, and LibraAquarius warn against impulsive and thoughtless actions.

Taurus and Cancer

Representatives of these zodiac signs have the same goals and values. Taurus andCancers are looking for harmony, peace and stability, they dream of a familyand home comfort. Therefore, in romantic relationships, these unions, likeusually form very strong pairs. Conflicts arise between them.rarely, and when it does, one of them is always ready to give way.

Virgo and Capricorn

Between these signs of the Zodiac there are strong and almost ideal relationship, becausethey value honesty and straightforwardness in each other. They are capableenjoy every moment being together and do not allow third parties andexternal circumstances affect their relationship. At the same time, such unions are more oftenpursue common goals and give each other so much freespace as needed.

Aries and Pisces

These are signs that complement each other. Aries inspires Pisces to be decisiveactions, while Pisces teaches Aries how to wait and yieldwhere needed. Often there is a relationship between them"child-parent", but both feel great, understanding that each of them plays his own role. With each other, these couples feel harmony and security, as well asgrow and develop. You could say they even bring a friend good luck friend.

Scorpio and Leo

Scorpio and Leo are ideally compatible, although disagreements are not uncommon between them. They arestrong, powerful and passionate natures, and together form a verya strong alliance that can move mountains. In these respects, bothpartner look in one direction and everyone tries to do everything onwhat he is capable of for the sake of another.

Gemini and Sagittarius

These signs of the zodiac value freedom of action and passionately desire to know the whole world.They prefer a constant change to a dreary life and routine.scenery, risk and adventure. This is what unites them. For such couplesnever get bored together, they complement each other, and onlywith each other they feel the necessary degree of freedom.

Compatibility today is of great interest to everyone. This is especially true for women. And although on present stage There are a lot of compatibility horoscopes, most of them have the same opinion. In this review, we will try to consider which zodiac signs are suitable for each other.

Interests come first

Taurus and Cancer. The union of this couple will be based, first of all, on the same interests and attachment to the family, children. However, crashes will still happen. You can't do without friction. And regardless of the presence of mutual love and respect, betrayal can occur on the part of any of the spouses. However, in such a betrayal there will be positive sides. With it, you can make the union stronger. In the relationship of this couple, the expression "everything is known in comparison" is completely true. Each of the partners, after going to the left, can find in their relationship many virtues that previously went unnoticed. Therefore, speaking about which zodiac signs are suitable for each other, we can say that Taurus and Cancer are able to create a happy union.

Family Virgo and the cunning of Capricorn

Taurus and Virgo. Marriage between these signs today is quite common. And for the most part, he is happy. Both representatives are characterized by practicality, sanity, mastery qualities. Speaking about which signs of the Zodiac are suitable for each other, it should be noted that this particular couple is capable of the most in the best way furnish your home. However, it is impossible not to notice that stubbornness is characteristic of Taurus. However, Virgo also has complaisance. The representative of this sign is able to forget about his interests for the sake of preserving the family and peace in the house.

Taurus and Capricorn. The union is considered auspicious. And this is largely due to the fact that Capricorn is characterized by diplomatic abilities. He is a leader by nature, so quite often he takes on the role of educator. Taurus can sometimes show outbursts of protest, but the cunning of Capricorn copes with them pretty quickly. This creates a complete illusion that the partner is absolutely free. Speaking about which signs of the Zodiac are suitable for each other, one cannot fail to note this couple, which is able to become happy.

Relationships in which everything will be calm

Gemini and Leo. At first, such an alliance will be based on passions and violent feelings. After some time, all emotions will be weakened. However, instead of them, friendly, respectful relations will appear that will help strengthen the union. The main role will go to Leo. These suitable signs Zodiacs will be in everything and always try to please each other. Moreover, if a woman is a Gemini, then the partner will start pampering her. If a woman is Leo, then the partner will become obedience and complaisance itself.

Gemini and Libra- suitable zodiac signs. Their relationship will be smooth and orderly. No outbursts of excitement or emotion. main feature marriage is harmony. Sign representatives have large quantity common interests. From the outside it may seem that the dominant role went to the Twins. However, Libra will become the true master. But they will play the role of a secret ruler. It will be good for a relationship if Libra is a woman. Nature endowed her with excellent maternal qualities, thriftiness, which is highly valued by her partner.

The strongest relationship

Leo and Libra- Zodiac signs, suitable friend friend. Royalness, which is characteristic of Leo. Balance of Libra. They just complement each other perfectly. This marriage is the most successful, as it contains both harmony and constancy. Absolutely in all matters they can find a common language and compromise.

What zodiac sign suits a Gemini man? The union with Aquarius will be the most successful from all sides. And this will not be affected by constant showdowns. This couple is able to bring together common interests. They can perfectly complement and enrich each other. They will never be bored. In many ways, Aquarius, who has a high eccentricity, contributes to this. In this regard, he simply cannot get bored with Gemini, who are always looking for adventure. However, in such a pair, each of the partners must firmly learn that none of them will ever forgive betrayal.

What can be said about the representatives of the Cancer sign?

Are the signs of the zodiac compatible? Cancer and Virgo? The union will be strong mainly thanks to the Virgos, who are able to accept any whims of Cancers. Virgos are characterized by constancy and reasonableness. Quite often, they are able to forget about their interests, close their eyes to various antics on the part of their partner, hoping that he will soon come to his senses, repent and come back. Usually this is how it happens. And this situation suits everyone. Partners will not feel any discomfort.

Often you can hear the question: "Which zodiac sign suits me?". If you are a Cancer, then the union will be strong with a representative of exactly the same sign. Life guidelines, the same attitude and perception - all this contributes to the durability of the union. Representatives of this sign can understand each other almost perfectly. In addition, they treat with trepidation and with all seriousness family values, in every possible way trying to save them from various cataclysms.

The pursuit of comfort and common interests

An alliance of such signs as Leo and Sagittarius. In this regard, it can be considered quite durable. Can unite such a pair teamwork, common interests and the same worldview. Both representatives are characterized by excitement and a love of adventure.

One of the most common and no less successful unions is marriage between Virgo and Libra. They have the same desire for everything related to comfort, coziness and well-being. They are characterized by similarities in everyday life. Representatives of these signs have a similar opinion in many matters. All this is an excellent guarantee of the stability of relations.

They try to keep their feelings

Scorpio and Capricorn can make quite an attractive alliance. Both representatives have strong character. They are able to carefully carry their feelings through many years, while saving love. Their feelings are quite strong and constant. They will not change each other.

Which zodiac sign suits a woman? If she is a Virgo, then you should pay attention to a representative of the same sign. Marriage can be strong and happy enough. Both representatives will understand each other almost perfectly. They are characterized by intelligence, patience, efficiency. In this regard, there will always be prosperity and order in the family.

Practicality and wanderlust will be appreciated

Perfect for each other Virgo and Capricorn. In these relations, the qualities of economy and practicality that Virgo possesses will be taken into account. Children in such a union will be desired and loved. Accordingly, they will make the marriage even stronger.

Representatives of signs can become an excellent couple Libra and Aquarius. This relationship will be the envy of many. The relationship of this couple will be strong due to common interests and plans. In addition, both of them are characterized by a passion for travel. Partners will be characterized by sociability, the ability to have fun, ease. Both will constantly come up with something, strengthening their reliable alliance.

Friendship Above All

Aries and Aquarius. These people are considered ideal partners. Aquarius is characterized by readiness for various changes. Both will cherish their relationships with many friends. Therefore, there is nothing strange in their willingness to go to almost any action for the sake of friendship. It won't affect the relationship in any way. Aquarius treats their partner with great respect. The same is true for Aries.

Union Libra with Sagittarius will be based not only on feelings, but also on vigorous activity. It is thanks to this that they are able to achieve a high position in society. This union is capable of becoming magnificent.

ideological inspirers

They will be a great couple Scorpio with Sagittarius. Marriage will be especially successful in sexual terms. In this case, they fit together just fine. In addition, they will make excellent parents. Representatives of these signs are also able to become ideological like-minded people, which can play a rather big role in such relationships.


This review has attempted to consider the strongest alliances that can be formed different signs Zodiac. We hope you were able to find your relationship here. And if not, then there is no need to be upset, since we ourselves decide our own destiny.