Runa Isa and its influence on human destiny. The meaning of the rune Isa in love and relationships

The rune Isa owes its origin to the kingdom of frosts and fogs to Niflheim.

The meaning of the rune Isa

The main meaning of this rune is fettering or, in some interpreters, stalling; there is also a meaning in different layouts - a short pause before changes in better side. Isa symbolizes a stop in motion, or the advancement of certain processes, such as career growth. In other cases, the meaning of the Isa rune can be interpreted as death, but non-literal, of any action.

Depending on the divination, the rune is read in different ways. It can act as an omen that it is worth waiting for the promotion of a conceived business or undertaking. This time will not pass in vain, everything negative and useless will go away. Runa Isa gives you the opportunity to think about important issues that are of an evil nature, and warns against spontaneous decisions. The exact interpretation of the meaning of the Isa rune is the element of cold and ice, the rune of stagnation, it, in most layouts, means an insurmountable barrier.

Features of the rune Isa

The features of the rune are that, for all its coldness, it provides resistance to the higher forces of nature. Isa does not help in promotion, but does not interfere. It's worth it, take it as it is, and leave for a while, all the pulling things. People who believe in rune divination are well aware that it has a dual meaning, it can eliminate a person’s internal conflicts. If the situation is at an impasse, the Isa rune shows that over time, everything will move in the right direction.

Isa Rune Reversed

Isa is one of the three runes of Procrastination. The main position of the rune, completely coincides with the inverted one. Since Isa refers to irreversible runes.

Runa Isa in love

Often, questions asked to runes relate to the love sphere. Runa Isa - the meaning, which in this situation shows inaction and a stopper. Calm, in a relationship with a loved one, does not mean a complete break in relations. If you wait a little, the situation will begin to clear up and a way out will appear. Then it is worth deciding for yourself the further outcome, but for now the rune of Isa calls for waiting. In some rune series, she advises ending a burdensome love affair.

Runa Isa in a relationship

The rune carries the meaning of cold. When fortune-telling on family relationships, it should be interpreted in a dual sense. It may happen that the connection between people is material in nature, and when the Isa rune falls out, it is worth immediately breaking off such a partnership. They can lead to loss of capital.

If there is a blockage in family relationships, the rune can signal a moment of waiting, like a seed that develops in the ground before sprouting. But this must be treated with understanding, since forced inaction in the family will lead to apathy. For higher powers, marriage between two people is considered holy, do not neglect this. Runa Isa shows that everything will work out, just wait a while.

Runa Isa in divination

Interpreters often associate the rune with stopping and stalling, depending on question asked, the secret of the rune has some differences. For a person who is prone to self-criticism and has an explosive temper, is not a good sign pull out the rune of Isa. And for patient people, it will serve as an omen from above, because there is no point in fussing. Time will put everything in its place.

The positive side of the Isa rune is that during the time of rest, a person acquires the necessary wisdom to continue further action. Runa Isa is used in many layouts. But dedicated people include it in fortune-telling if it is necessary to stop a negative-minded person, to freeze non-developing or unprofitable projects in their current form. Also, the rune gives a positive dynamic in strengthening the spirit and willpower.

The rune Isa (Isa) is the third symbol, the third rune of the second etta. Isa is in the power of the element of Water. Most often means the moment that comes when the previous stage has not yet been completed, and the next one has not yet arrived. This is a kind of state of “freezing”, stopping, a turning point in life. Consider the meaning of the symbol in more detail.

Photo runes Isa:

Runa Isa literally translates as "ice". Most often, its meaning is perceived negatively, as it indicates that a period of stagnation has begun in life. But this must also be taken in a favorable context: it is time to reconsider your life, relax, rest and think about the future.

Meaning in divination

The Isa rune looks the same both upright and upside down, so its meanings are always the same.

When divining, it can mean:

  • Divorce is coming. Your family's happiness is at stake - if you don't try to save your marriage, the relationship will collapse.
  • Your colleagues and subordinates treat you badly, are extremely unfriendly. Need to understand what causes
  • In the near future, you will have to take a break in vigorous activity - there will come a time of stagnation and stagnation
  • Love relationships will become colder, there will probably be a breakup, because one of the partners has cooled down
  • Any of the things that you will do in the near future will fail
  • Your plans and dreams will not be realized, and your goals will not be realized. Perhaps you should think and understand whether you are moving in the right direction.

Isa almost always has an unfavorable meaning. This is stagnation, stagnation, regression, inhibition of life, stopping some activity important for the fortuneteller. It is especially unpleasant when Isa falls out in divination for relationships - in this case, she almost always promises a cooling of feelings and even parting.

If in fortune-telling you asked the question: “What should I do?” and Isa fell out, the answer will be - "nothing." You need to pause, pay attention to what is happening in life in this moment rather than thinking about the future and not making plans.

The value of the Isa rune can also be positive if it falls in combination with other, favorable runes. Then we can talk about some stability. But for the time being, one can only dream of development and advancement in business.

Advice for Isa Runes in divination: relax and take your time. The flow of negativity that has come into your life will sooner or later recede and be replaced by positive events. Now it is useless to do anything to improve the situation - you are unable to resist the elements.

Stop all activity, stop things, stop planning, do nothing. Wait for a favorable moment and a white streak in your life.

Interpretation of the Isa rune in one-rune divination

In one-ore divination, Isa has the following meanings:

  • A person needs to set clear goals for later life, reconsider your attitude to others and the world, strengthen and develop faith in yourself and God
  • You have a well-developed intuition and are well versed in human psychology, therefore you are able to predict the behavior of other people and influence them
  • You are obsessed with the impression you make on others. Do not try to please everyone, otherwise close to nervous exhaustion
  • You talented person and realize their talents better in the field of show business, fashion, design. You can also succeed by working as a psychologist, teacher, "salesperson"
  • Your physical data is not too outstanding. But this is more than offset by the huge amount of positive energy that you are the source of. You are able not only to fill yourself with this energy, but also to share it with others, so people are attracted to you. But do not allow energy vampires to approach you, otherwise you can seriously undermine your health.
  • You have a well-developed, rational mind. If you learn to feel emotional condition surrounding people and adapt to it, you can achieve great success
  • You are an excellent speaker, able to convince and eloquently defend your point of view. It helps to always find a like-minded person who will be on your side in any situation.

Watch a video about the meaning of the Isa rune:

Application in magic

In the occult, the Isa rune is used to achieve the following goals:

  • Recovery of a person after a serious illness or relief of his condition
  • As a talisman that protects a person from all negativity coming from outside
  • To learn to control emotions and manage the emotions of others
  • To alleviate the current difficult situation that worries a person in this moment most
  • To relax, relieve stress, slow down the hectic pace of life

Most often in complex life situations we turn to mysticism, esotericism, occultism. Perhaps we are at a crossroads and do not know where to go next. Or the pace of life is so intense and saturated that we do not have time to follow it and do not know where it all will lead us.

Or maybe the future is so vague and vague that just living, moving with the flow, becomes scary. In such situations, you can resort to divination on the runes. They help to understand existing situation or can give good advice for the future.

So, for example, the rune Isa will offer to stop and think. And that is what we are going to talk about in this article.

Features of working with runes

There are experts you can turn to for help. But it’s not so difficult to establish your own connection with ancient symbols. Moreover, after that, you will open new world, the existence of which you only vaguely guessed.

And ancient signs - runes - can become your guide in this hidden mystical side of life. In addition to historical and occult significance, they have much more potential. Through its connection with higher powers, runes will be able to help you in solving difficult life issues. They will help you open your eyes so that you can see what you did not pay attention to before.

To work with runes, it is necessary, first of all, to arm yourself with knowledge. To do this, you can familiarize yourself with the works of great researchers who have devoted their lives to discovering secret meaning ancient symbols of Scandinavian culture.

In addition, you will need to clear your mind and thinking from the stereotypes accepted in society. Patterned thinking, imposed from the outside, will interfere with your desire to touch the origins of spirituality. Freed from this burden, you can more easily master the path indicated by ancient symbols with mystical power.

Runa Isa - divination

If you decide to ask for advice by divination on the runes, then everything should be done according to the rules.

To get started, create your own ritual kit, which should include:

  • the runes themselves, made of natural material;
  • velvet pouch with drawstrings;
  • pure natural fabric.

Be sure to make sure in advance that there is already a connection between you and the set of created runes.

Before divination, choose a special place on which to spread a clean canvas. Then pick up the bag of runes and focus on the question you are about to ask. Pour out all the runes on the canvas. Now seek help from the three goddesses of human destiny (norns), saying:

"Urd, Verdandi, Skuld!"

Turn the spilled runes upside down and start mixing them with your right hand clockwise until you feel the need to stop. Then raise your hands and, turning them palms down, hold them for a while over the runes. At this moment, turn to Odin and Freya with the wish not to hide the truth from you.

If you feel a tingling in your palms or a concentration of energy, run them over the runes. As soon as you feel the attraction or distinctive energy of one of the runes, take it out and put it in the right place in the layout. Please note that you cannot turn the rune over during the transfer, since its position (straight, inverted) affects the value. You need to turn the runes face up after the required number of them is chosen for the layout.

The meaning and interpretation of the rune Isa

Now let's talk about the situation when the rune Isa appeared in your divination. Remember that it can be interpreted both individually and in connection with the meanings surrounding it.

Before interpreting, it is necessary to take a quick look at the entire layout, unless it is a fortune-telling for one rune in order to understand it. general meaning and existing connections.

So, the rune Isa is one of the most powerful. There is no point in resisting it, since this can lead to very bad consequences. You need to interpret the rune based on the question you asked, although most often the interpretation of divination occurs on an intuitive level.

The main meaning that the rune of Isa conveys is “freezing”, “stagnation”. That is, she focuses on the fact that it is necessary to stop any activity in the area that is being discussed in divination. In the situation represented by this symbol, it is important for a person to turn inward to his Ego.

Reflections on ideas about oneself help to realize the limitations of one's capabilities to the level that a person has determined for himself. And then the outward movement begins, designed to destroy the ice of the surrounding frames. But to do this is not so simple, and in this situation it is not necessary. You can simply turn inward to your Ego, and expand this framework from within. The principle is clearly expressed here: “Do you want to change the world? Begin with yourself!"

It is important during the period of this rune to make every effort to freeze, stop the situation. The person himself must press the brakes, allowing a separate phenomenon to adjust to the movement of the overall system. Moreover, such a stop is akin to the action of a stop crane, which is designed to abruptly stop movement in case of an emergency. And what could be more important than the uncertainty that you are moving in right direction?

Ordering activities

The appearance in the layout of such a symbol as the Isa rune will allow you to correctly distribute the forces and directions for their use. After all, in addition to the existing plans and aspirations of a single person, there is also general system, universal plan. And often people do not take it into account in their activities, trying to achieve what they want by any means and ways. Such activity can introduce an element of disharmony into the entire system, tearing a person (his physical, mental and spiritual essence) out of the overall picture.

If, being in a certain situation and performing certain actions, you feel that some dissatisfaction or heaviness has settled inside, then this sure sign to have a break. Stop, look around, listen to yourself and through unnecessary tinsel realize the truth of your existence and the correct vector of movement.

Moreover, the plan of the higher forces will still be fulfilled in one way or another. Therefore, do not resist it and do not break the cyclical movement. Everything goes as it goes, it just needs time to mature, and you need to see the result. Sometimes we forget what waiting is, striving to quickly get closer to the goal, which often leads to disappointment with the result.

Another virtue that the Isa rune reminds of is humility. It must manifest itself not only in the process of waiting for the planted seeds to ripen, but also in accepting the losses that are inevitable.

After all, some processes occurring in our lives lead the wrong way. Wrongly chosen direction, prompted by untrue aspirations, makes us spend a lot of strength, physical and spiritual, on what we really do not need. It is very easy to succumb to such temptation in conditions modern life which dictates its own rules to us.

That is why it is so important to discard the existing prejudices, patterns, instructions and go the true way. Yes, you have to come to terms with the loss of what took a lot of effort. However, it is better to stop now and redirect your activities in the right direction. Rather than reach the goal and end up disappointed.

Because of this, the rune is often disliked in the scenario. But it is the resignation to the expectation and the necessary loss that ultimately leads to the emergence of more important phenomena and events that are in line with your path. Harmony with the processes taking place in the universe will be a real reward for you in life.

Vertical of human life

The symbolism of Isa corresponds to the pure vertical of human life. It represents a connection with the Spirit or communication with egregors (mental essences of things) and higher powers through prayer, intuition and other appeals. It is important that this channel be clean and not clogged with alien phenomena (life problems, selfish aspirations).

The sign of Isa helps to comprehend one's essence more deeply, to understand oneself. This affects the ability to correctly determine their goals and objectives in life. Thanks to this symbolism, a person can cut off the horizontal component of life, dictated by social phenomena, and return back to the "house of his soul."

For this, of course, we often have to sacrifice the bustle of life and phenomena that burden our consciousness. But such deliverance grants true enlightenment and the possibility of direct communication with the Spirit and the Creator. This rune calls for spiritual development, self-knowledge through the means that are closest to a person. It can be prayer, meditation and other practices that can help in understanding the deep inside of each person. And this is a direct path to a higher spiritual level.

Very often we feel confusion and meaninglessness in life matters. We don't know where to go next. However, the ability to stop and look inside yourself allows you to clarify the situation.

Numerous external actions that we are forced to perform under the pressure of modern life often make us forget about the most important thing - about who we really are and what we strive for.

A spiritually developed person will not be able to feel lonely and abandoned to the mercy of fate. Runa Isa allows you to get rid of excess "garbage". It gives strength to cope with problems in the "ringing silence" of loneliness.

Thus, a person finds his inner core, the foundation, thanks to which he can accept right decisions further. Therefore, you should not be afraid of this rune, but prepare for the battle for your true essence.

magical application

Isa protects against severe stress, slows down the course of events, helps to rationally allocate one's time and energy. It helps to create concentration on internal values, as well as the realization of a cherished dream. With its help, you can develop willpower, train your ability to solve problems, resist unexpected obstacles that arise in life. It will cool existing passions and reduce aggressive behavior.

Using the power of Jesus can help you:

  • calm down and immerse yourself in a state of meditation;
  • concentrate attention;
  • neutralize an attack directed at you or hostile intentions;
  • strengthen willpower;
  • overcome anxiety;
  • achieve a sense of balance and stability.

Meditation on this rune will allow you to get an answer to such questions:

  • Am I too cold?
  • Am I in control of my passions?
  • What am I dreaming about?
  • What can I do to make my dreams come true?
  • Am I decisive?
  • Can I get away from problems?
  • Can I plan intelligently?

Amulet from the rune of Isa

The purpose of using an amulet with the image of this rune comes from its meaning, which is almost the same for everyone. existing systems. Most often, Isa is used as a rune, giving protection and creating obstacles.

To work with it, you need to have considerable experience, since the rune has great power. However, the effort you put in will pay off in the end. After all, such an amulet dressed on a person creates a kind of magical protection around its owner - an “ice shell”. It envelops the whole body, like a glacier surrounding a stone.

For greater effect, in addition to using the amulet, it is necessary to periodically conduct a small magical ritual. You need to relax, focus and draw a rune in front of you with your palm or finger. Then call for protection to the World Ice, which is a powerful and ancient force.

Runa Isa - video

Ralph Bloom. rune book


Winter is coming in your spiritual life. You may find yourself entangled in a situation whose true meaning you cannot see. You may feel powerless to do anything but submit, give in, even sacrifice some long-cherished desire. Be patient as this is a period of latent development prior to a new birth.

Successful cultivation is now unlikely. Basha's useful activity is frozen, the implementation of all plans is suspended. You may experience an unusual breakdown and wonder why this is happening; and it was the cold wind from the ice-covered fields of your old obsolete habits that overtook you.

The result of an attempt to hold on to the past can be emotional emptiness, a feeling of loss of connection between being and reality. Try to discover what you are holding on to, what helps to maintain this state.

Drop it, let it go, cleanse the old; such an action will bring a thaw.

Usually, Isa requires a person to sacrifice the personal, to give up the “I-personality”. At such a time, you cannot hope and rely on help or friendly support. And yet there is no reason for concern. Show humility and fortitude, because what happens to you is not necessarily the result of your actions or habits; rather, it is a consequence of conditions with which you can do nothing. What was full must become empty; what has been increasing must decrease. This is the path of Heaven and Earth. To submit means to show courage and wisdom.

However, there is another side to the Stop. Since it is winter that is the time to go inside, the extraction of Isa can mark a period of restoration and renewal at the deepest level. In your loneliness, be careful not to stubbornly and persistently exercise your will. Remember that the seed of the new resides in the shell of the old, that it is the germ of unrealized potential, the germ of goodness. Trust your own movement and look forward to the signs of spring.

Geza von Nemenyi. sacred runes. Magic symbols North

Rune Isas

Here are all the rune songs of the most different eras and nations also agree. The Isas rune means ice, especially ice in ponds.

The songs also talk about bridges or roads built by frost. In the Icelandic runesong, this is the danger that threatens "cowards"; however, this does not mean fearful, but doomed people, whose death hour is already close. For the one whose death hour is about to strike should not walk on ice, so as not to fail.

Odin uses this rune to calm the stormy sea: he simply freezes it so that it becomes even and calm. Along with Hagla, Thorn and Naudis, this rune is considered one of the most terrible, as it indicates an impending danger (which, however, may pass by).

Its use in runic magic is evidenced by an inscription on a copper plate on Sigtuna, Uppland, Sweden, dating back to the 11th century: "af þiR þriaR þrar ulaf þiR niu noþir ulfr i i i isiR þisi isiR auki is uniR ulfr niut lufia" (= 71) - " Three times trouble for you, wolf, nine times need for you, wolf. - i i i - Ice, this ice (rune of ice) let it shut your mouth, wolf! Choke on my witchcraft!" This is a spell against the demon of fever, personified as a wolf, with whom they fight, calling for help need (Naudis rune) and ice (Isis rune), and the "i" rune is affixed separately and repeated three times; the words "need" and "ice" are spelled out in full. Ice or cold compresses relieve fever today.

The Indo-Germanic root here is "*isu", "ice". The prototype depicts an icicle. It can be assumed that this rune is dedicated to the god of winter Ull. She, this rune, also personifies winter as such, that is, cold, the cold season. In an esoteric sense, it can mean glaciation, immobility, or uncontrolled influence from outside.

The interpretation of this rune as a symbol of an upright man, his "I" (German Ich) is completely false.

Freya Asvinn. Mysteries and magic of the North


Germanic name: Isa (Isa)
Anglo-Saxon name: Is (Is)
Old Norse name: Is (Is)
Phonetic match: I (I)

Traditional meaning: ice.
Isa is the third rune of the second etta. Like the first two runes of this etta, Isa is associated with one of the elements - with the element of ice. Isa is frozen water, water in its densest state. Water is mobile, while ice is solid and static. Thus, Isa embodies the principle of conservation and resistance to change. As a counterbalance to development, slowing down change, it is equivalent to an occult "protective circle". Isa is a necessary counteracting force, without the restraining influence of which evolution would go beyond its intended framework and result in an uncontrolled, chaotic growth, like a cancerous tumor.

Ice is hostile to all living things, and it is no coincidence that the ancient Scandinavians perceived it as a challenge requiring full exertion of strength. As a result, they not only succeeded in the struggle for survival in adverse conditions, but also overtook many other peoples in development, turning into a persistent and enduring tribe of warriors. However, a side effect of this was the neglect of spiritual values, which slowed down the development of local spiritual culture. As a result, the peoples of the North adopted Christianity, a religion of the Mediterranean that was alien to them. In fact, they did so because they had no choice - and as a result, we are now forced to be content with only the pitiful remnants of what was once a promising national tradition.

Isa symbolizes the forces aimed at gaining material assets. It "thickens" and "compacts" the spirit, turning it into matter. This is the rune of self-preservation and self-sufficiency, in its positive incarnation manifesting itself as healthy individualism and the ability to survive in any conditions, and in the negative - as egocentrism and the "every man for himself" attitude. The northern peoples have lost their sense of community and, on the whole, indulged in the pursuit of quick profit and pleasure - in contrast to the so-called "primitive" peoples living in hot countries, who have never had to face such severe trials, but who, nevertheless, retained a sense of unity and did not succumb to mutual alienation. Materialism and selfishness will certainly destroy us - unless we stop selling, buying and exploiting each other and learn to cooperate with each other and with all of Nature for the benefit of our people and all mankind.

Isa is connected with Verdandi - the norna that controls the present. As already mentioned, Isa is static: she just "is". Its purpose is to keep things as they are, that is, to keep the present unchanged. By itself, it is inert: it only preserves, "preserves". To find mutual language it is not easy with this rune, as it is cold, hard and unyielding. She represents dark side Goddesses - a barren goddess, incapable of childbearing; in Scandinavian mythology, this role is played by Rind, who three times refused to give birth to Odin's son, who would avenge Balder, the solar god, personifying complete opposite Isa runes. Rind in this myth symbolizes the ice-bound Earth, unwilling to succumb to the embrace of the Sun, which in this case embodies Odin. In addition, Isa rules over Etunheim - the world of frost giants, personifying the destructive forces of winter.

On a psychological level, Isa symbolizes our "I" in the most prosaic sense, as well as the ability for individual survival through the concentration of forces. Isa perfectly helps to focus the will on one chosen goal. In the runic layout, she points to those areas of the unconscious in which a certain pattern of reactions is firmly imprinted. Whatever this pattern is, changing it is usually very difficult, if not impossible (as is often the case with deep-seated habits and old prejudices). In most cases, it is recommended to leave these areas alone: ​​if you are not fully aware of what you are doing, trying to activate them will only exacerbate the problem. But if you still want to explore such an area, resort to the help of Sovulo or even Turisaz. These fiery runes represent forces opposite to the Isa rune. They will give you access to a frozen schema rooted in the unconscious and symbolically melt the ice that bound it, after which it can be changed at your discretion. It is even better to use the Kenaz rune, as it represents not elemental, but tamed fire and, in addition, promotes research and the acquisition of knowledge.

In divination, Isa usually symbolizes some kind of annoying influence or opposition to your plans. Regardless of the question asked, it most often means that there will be no opportunity for change in the near future. The desired change will not occur before three months (the equivalent of one season); however, it can be brought closer by resorting to the magical help of one of the fiery runes.

In some cases, the rune Isa is useful application. With its help, you can nullify the effect of any destructive or aggressive force directed at you either by magical means or simply in a fierce dispute. Mentally imagining the rune of Isa, you will quickly cool all passions. The concentrated power of this rune is the only worthy counterweight to the action of Thurisaz. Isa is excellent for self-defense and repelling any magical attack. You can also use it as a proactive tool - to prevent any possible action. Magic Wars - a rarity, and in order for some runemaster or adept of another magical tradition to attack a person, a truly emergency situation must develop; but in the unlikely event that you are still attacked, Isa will serve as a reliable Protection for you.



Determine the rationality of ongoing events, objectively assess the current segment life path Scandinavian rune Isa will help. In this article, you will learn about what the eleventh rune of the Elder Futhark is, its impact on a person’s life, as well as tips and tricks needed to work with this symbol.

Rune Isa: basic meaning, interpretation of the symbol

The value of the Isa rune does not depend on the position that has fallen out in the scenario. The main interpretation of this symbol is to stop the current activity. To determine the duration of a forced rest from everyday worries, it is recommended to carry out a layout with several runes at once - this will help to objectively assess the current situation by finding alternative ways her decisions.

The general meaning of the rune lies in the strong recommendation to postpone far-sighted plans until the time most suitable for this. If the fortuneteller is stubborn, force events, insisting on his own, you can achieve the opposite effect - the results achieved will be nullified, so you have to do everything all over again.

Rune combinations paired with the eleventh character of the Elder Futhark

  • - Isa: It means that it is advisable for a fortuneteller to enlist the support of an intelligent, experienced person who will help find a way out of difficult, confusing situations
  • - Isa: The outcome of current events is very favorable, if you wait a bit, refraining from rash, stupid actions
  • Reversed - Isa: A person is inclined to sacrifice himself to circumstances, therefore he does not take any action for further self-realization in work or other areas of the life path
  • - Isa: The peculiarities of the situation force the fortuneteller to show willpower, endurance, this will help speed up the course of the desired events in your favor

A photo of the Isa rune indicates that this symbol does not have an inverted meaning. Show patience, wisdom, regardless of the difficulty of the situation, otherwise you risk earning yourself nervous or moral exhaustion.

What does Runa Isa mean in divination for work and business

If you are interested in the progress of planned work at work, the symbol will indicate a possible decline in activity in the implementation of current projects. One of the meanings of this Scandinavian symbol is the suspension of the activities of an enterprise (organization, institution) for an indefinite period. The main thing is to draw the right conclusion, wait for some time until the situation improves, or change the type of activity.

The most interesting combinations with the Isa rune when divining for business

  • - Isa: Wait for the right moment, everything will be fine. There is a high probability of resuming interrupted activities or even a promotion. Another interpretation is a temporary lack of understanding with colleagues, work partners.
  • - Isa: Review the environment - it is quite possible that there is a person who interferes in the workflow. He is more influential than the fortuneteller
  • - Isa: You have envious people who make fun of your success, ready to do everything to destroy your career or business activity
  • - Isa: This combination directly indicates the excessively heavy character of a person, directly or indirectly interfering with promotion own business, performance of official duties. I advise you to reconsider the line of your behavior by establishing contact with people around you.

What does Runa Isa mean in divination for love and relationships

The meaning of the Isa rune in divination for love and relationships means a temporary cooling / fading of feelings between partners. This can be expressed in different ways - squabbles, minor domestic troubles, a temporary break in relations.

Attention! The meaning of a rune is especially toughened when it is dropped in combination with inverted runes. This symbolizes constant scandals, a storm of evil emotions, parting "with a bang", after which a mutual agreement is made to never see or hear each other.

The main combinations of runes associated with the love sphere

  • - Isa: It is likely that your partner decided to cheat on you with another person
  • Inverted - Isa: Symbolizes the gradual fading of feelings for the second half. The person that the fortuneteller asks about will soon lose interest in you or you in him
  • - Isa: If you are interested in the attitude of a woman, this couple symbolizes the appearance of a lover, which led to the loss of feelings regarding the questioner.
  • Inverted - Isa: This combination, when divining the situation, is more favorable for the fortuneteller. In order for the relationship to improve, you should wait a little, take a temporary break, looking at how your partner will treat you

What does Isa mean when divining health

If you are interested in the meaning of the Isa rune in the diagnosis of general health, please note that the interpretation of this symbol indicates a disease of the senses. This may include a decrease in the sensitivity of the hands, feet, deterioration in the perception of smells, etc.

Important! When a symbol appears in a layout, take Special attention vision (presence of bright circles, poor color reproduction of shades). May portend diseases of the hematopoietic system. You should listen to the general well-being, skin color. Recommended comprehensive examination in a specialized clinic.

How Isa is used in magic

Due to the peculiarities of interpretation, the rune has found successful application in the magical sphere. The meanings of the Isa rune in magic can be successfully used to treat chronic diseases, it allows you to mitigate even the most difficult situation, provides protection, and also stabilizes the emotional background of a person.

The main task of this Scandinavian symbol is blocking / slowing down unwanted phenomena, processes in all areas of the life path.

It is interesting! If you want to cool the feelings of an obsessive person, a combination of the Isa rune with Gebo or Laguz is used. Such a runic becoming can be applied directly to the photo of the couple. To completely eliminate the opponent / rival, it is recommended to additionally use Hagalaz - the relationship will slowly come to naught.

The main element of this rune is ice, which makes it possible to use it as an anesthetic, a remedy that relieves itching, inflammation. Cases have been recorded when this symbol slowed down the growth of unwanted hair on the human body.

Eyvaz - Algiz - Isa - Protection from magical influence

To protect yourself, your loved ones from possible magical effects, a combination of Eyvaz-Algiz-Isa runes is used. Let's consider in more detail the meaning of each of them.

Exhibited at the beginning of this runic stav, it will help the circumstances that you have been waiting for a long time to finally come. You will be enveloped in a stream of fertile energy, which will help fate turn to face you. There is a high probability of a person who will help good advice and a sound assessment of the situation. Expect major changes for the better, stop worrying about trifles.

If the above symbol fell out in an inverted position, you will have to wait a bit for the “positive jet” to appear, making a lot of effort for this. There may be some losses, excessive concern about the current state of affairs.

The full interpretation of the rune can be found here. Briefly recall its meaning. It is important for a fortuneteller to show perseverance in achieving certain goals, the chosen line of behavior. Be vigilant, listen to the voice of reason, intuition, which will help to avoid a lot of trouble.

The inverted position of this sign means clarity, thoughtfulness of actions. It is recommended to rely only on your own strength, not relying on other people. Keep a clear mind, not forgetting why you are doing all this. Remember that openness, sincerity is the key to success.

Isa, who occupies the third position of this combination, speaks of stability or peace. It can symbolize the waste of energy, time, emotions. Advice - take it easy on the situation, carefully listening to what the runes say.

Such a talisman is ideal for charismatic, active people, as it is able to stop any negative influences on a way. Great for resolving any ambiguous or conflict situations- will help to restrain emotions when communicating with the interlocutor, will give endurance, wisdom.

An amulet with Isa will become an excellent protector, keeper of a person, protecting the owner from all sorts of addictions (psychological, physical, moral, etc.).

Remember! The talisman with Isa is excellent for personal protection, but not for cleaning the premises - this can cause a stagnation of events, provoke others negative manifestations- scandals, etc. I recommend embroidering a symbol on clothes, carrying it with you all the time.

Is it possible to get a tattoo with Isa

To make or not to make a tattoo with Isa is your own business. You can try to put a symbol on the legs, for example, calves. If you like the result, feel free to stuff it, but I would still recommend using temporary paints (henna, etc.).

The main rule - do not force the course of events. Think carefully, analyze everything and ... temporarily step aside - now is an unfavorable moment for what you have planned. Let some time pass - you yourself will understand when it comes.

Hope this information was helpful to you. I am sure that helped the reader to avoid many mistakes. Follow the site for updates. I wish you good luck and creative self-realization on the path of life.

Video: the meaning of the Isa rune