Almonds: useful properties and uses. The benefits and harms of almonds

Almonds are called the "king of nuts" due to their high content of vitamins and valuable nutrients, and also because of its subtle and original taste. Strictly speaking, almonds are not a nut - it is a grain of the fruit of the almond tree, the same as, for example, an apricot or a cherry. These fruits have a pit inside that protects the seed called an almond. The nucleolus itself white color, covered with a thin brown film and located in a strong hard shell.

In nature, there are two types of almonds, one of which has a sweet taste, and the other is bitter. The sweet nut grains are used for confectionery purposes, while the bitter ones are used to make essential almond oil, which is an excellent flavoring agent and is used as an additive in food products, liqueurs and drinks.

Bitter almonds contain very harmful toxic substance(hydrocyanic acid), so it is not recommended to eat it. During the production of oil during the refining process, these compounds are removed. What kind useful material contains almond seed? How many vitamins and minerals are included in its composition?

Almonds contain a large amount of fatty oils, protein substances, carbohydrates and vitamins, among which vitamin E and vitamin B2 predominate. The composition of these unique gifts of nature also includes carotenoids and carotene, the coloring matter lycopene and a small percentage essential oil. Fatty almond oil contains linoleic and oleic acid glycerides, proteins, vitamins and emulsion enzymes. This product can be considered a complete component of a balanced diet that provides protection against various diseases.


Vitamin A 0,25 mg
Vitamin B1 0,06 mg
Vitamin B2 0,65 mg
Vitamin B3 6,2 mg
Vitamin B5 0,04 mg
Vitamin B6 0,3 mg
Vitamin B9 0,04 mg
Vitamin C 1,5 mg
Vitamin E 24 mg

The benefits of almonds

Beneficial features The product is determined by the useful substances included in its composition. So the elements of group B located in the almonds have positive action on the nervous system, appearance and provide the body life energy. The balanced content of trace elements and polyunsaturated fatty acids allows the use of these fruits in the presence of urolithiasis, since the substances in the grains remove sand from the kidneys. Vitamin C contained in these seeds helps to improve immunity.

Another useful properties of this nut is used as a choleretic agent. It was found that the use of almonds cleanses the vessels of the spleen and liver, and it can also be used as an enveloping, analgesic and anticonvulsant. Almonds have a calming effect, help with insomnia and stimulate brain activity, which is necessary for knowledge workers. Walnut oil is effective in bronchial asthma, pneumonia and stomatitis.

Video about almonds

Almond oil is widely used for cosmetic purposes, as the best remedy to strengthen and grow hair. Also, many different creams for the face, body and hands are made on the basis of this oil, as it has a softening, cleansing and smoothing effect, and also activates cell regeneration and nourishes the skin. Due to the presence of essential oils, almonds have found their use in aromatherapy, and they are also used as a strong aphrodisiac.

Vitamin E in almond kernels

Almonds contain a large amount of vitamin E, one hundred grams of nuts contain more than the daily norm of this element, so it is enough to eat only 30 g of this product per day. This vitamin is useful for visual impairment, insomnia, anemia and convulsions, as well as for diseases of the stomach. Vitamin E is the strongest fat-soluble antioxidant that protects the mucous membranes and skin from the effects of free radicals. If children have growth retardation, doctors recommend that they be sure to give them chopped nuts.

Vitamin E, which contains a nut seed, is very important for all tissues of the body, it protects blood cells, enriches the skin with oxygen, and protects the body from the appearance of cancerous tumors. This vitamin, acting on blood clotting, prevents the appearance of blood clots in the vessels. Vitamin E, which is part of these fruits, normalizes the reproductive and sexual activity of the body, therefore, during pregnancy, it is recommended to include almonds in a woman's diet.

How to choose a good nut

  • Nuts in the shell last longer, but when buying, you should pay attention to the appearance, the shell should not be moldy, chipped or have rusty points;
  • It is better to buy peeled kernels in sealed packaging, as they are stored less under the influence of air, heat and humidity;
  • Be sure to pay attention to the smell. If the nuts have a bitter or pungent smell, then they will taste rancid.

History of the almond tree

The history of this unique nut starts from ancient times. The first references can be found in the Bible, where Aaron's rod is described, bringing almonds. China and Asia can be called the birthplace of the growth of these trees, from where, along the ancient Silk Road, almond seeds were transported with caravans of merchants to the Mediterranean, Greece, Italy, Spain and the Middle East. And only in the 18th century, the Spanish Franciscans brought almond trees around the world. The fruits of this tree were discovered during excavations of the tomb of the Egyptian king Tutankhamen.

In today's cultural life, people use these nuts not only for eating, but also as various symbols. In America, for example, you can see them as symbols of health, happiness, children and love at weddings. There is a belief in Sweden that if someone finds an almond nut in a piece of his pie on Christmas Day, then his well-being is guaranteed. In Italy in the 18th century, the almond nut inspired the ancient master to create musical instrument, similar in shape to an almond, which today is called a mandolin.

How almonds are harvested

The harm of almonds

Excessive use of this nut can cause the body great harm. The kernel of bitter almonds contains cyanides, which can lead to disruption of the central nervous system and damage to the function of cell respiration, so it should not be eaten raw.

There are no substances dangerous for the body in sweet almonds, but they should also not be carried away. It contains a lot of calories, so it is not recommended to abuse this nut for people who are prone to fullness. If eat a large number of almonds, a condition similar to alcohol intoxication. These fruits also cause allergic reactions, in the presence of individual intolerance to this product.

Almonds are one of the most popular species nuts, the benefits of which for the body are multifaceted. True, the nut also has harm. Especially if you use it incorrectly.


100 grams contains:

  • 12.5 g of vegetable fiber;
  • 21.4 g protein;
  • 50 g of fat, of which 32 g are monounsaturated fatty acids;
  • 8.9 g carbohydrates;
  • 132% of the daily dose of vitamin E;
  • 114% manganese;
  • 71.4% magnesium;
  • as well as fairly large amounts of antioxidants, copper, vitamin B2 and phosphorus.

The calorie content of almonds is 574.8 kcal per 100 grams. At the same time, 10-15% of calories are not absorbed, as they are contained in fats, which are broken down by the human body with great difficulty.

Main useful properties

Almonds have three main medicinal features:

  • contributes to the improvement of the cardiovascular system;
  • prevents diabetes;
  • helps to lose weight.

Let's take a look at each of them in more detail.

Preservation of the health of the heart and blood vessels

Almonds are high in unsaturated fatty acids, similar to those found in olive oil, flavonoid antioxidants and vitamin E. Such a cocktail has an unusually beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, reduces the severity of inflammatory reactions in them and helps to normalize the lipid profile.

The influence of the components of nuts heals the cardiovascular system and helps to avoid heart attack and stroke.

A daily intake of 40 grams of nuts has been shown to lower low-density lipoprotein ("bad" cholesterol - LDL) levels to 5.3 mg / dl and at the same time slightly increase the level of lipoproteins high density.

However, this is not even the point. After all . They become truly dangerous when they oxidize. So, the polyphenolic antioxidants in almonds, together with the vitamin E present in it, help prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins and thus prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Another important quality of these nuts that helps them maintain cardiovascular health is their high magnesium content. And the lack of this particular element leads to a stable increase in blood pressure.

Prevention of diabetes

  • Magnesium in almonds is useful not only for maintaining proper blood pressure levels, but also for normalizing blood sugar. Deficiency of this trace element is one of the triggers for the development of type 2 diabetes. Almost 40% of people suffering from these diseases are deficient in magnesium. And when the microelement level returns to normal, the symptoms of diabetes noticeably weaken.
  • Nuts are high in monounsaturated fatty acids and fiber. Together, these substances slow down the absorption of carbohydrates from food. And this makes it possible to avoid sudden changes blood glucose levels that contribute to diabetes.

Help in weight loss

All nuts are . However, almonds stand out in particular. Why?

  1. The fiber plus the healthy fats and proteins in these nuts are great for satiation. Therefore, they help to avoid other snacks. It has been established that people who consume 40-50 grams of almonds daily significantly reduce the total number of calories entering their body per day. And they achieve this without experiencing the pangs of hunger.
  2. The product contains fats that are extremely difficult for humans to digest. These compounds account for 10-15% of total calories. Trying to assimilate these substances, the body spends a lot of energy. That is why it is believed that almonds help speed up the metabolism.
  3. The decrease in the rate of absorption of carbohydrates in food, provided by nuts of this type, makes it possible to avoid sudden changes in blood sugar. And, consequently, a massive release of insulin. This increases the sensitivity of body cells to insulin. What is extremely important for weight loss. Since all overweight people are resistant to this hormone.
  4. High content Antioxidants help reduce chronic inflammation levels. It is also significant for the normalization of body weight. For most people who need to lose weight dismantle the presence of markers of chronic inflammation in the blood. Even if it seems to them that they are quite healthy, and they have nothing "bursting".

What else is useful almonds?

  • There are a lot of different biologically active compounds in the product. Therefore, the benefits that it brings to the body are extensive. In addition to the main therapeutic effect described above, the nut can:
  • fight oxidative stress, and, therefore, prevent the occurrence of cancer and premature aging;
  • perform the prevention of cognitive disorders, for example, Alzheimer's disease (due to the presence of riboflavin);
  • improve appearance skin(this is the special benefit of almonds for women);
  • enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins;
  • maintain proper digestion;
  • maintain dental health.

How to use correctly?

  1. Raw. Almonds that have been roasted, coated with sugar, or subjected to any other industrial processing methods no longer benefit the body. Rather, it can read harm. Since the fats present in this nut are oxidized when high temperatures.
  2. Since it is present in the product, it is good to soak the nuts before use. To do this, they must be filled with cool water for 12-24 hours.
  3. Many people are interested in the answer to the question of how to peel almonds. Here detailed video instruction, how to do it.

It's just that you don't need to use it. Since it is in the peel of the nut that a good half of all its antioxidants are contained. In addition, in order to remove the skin, the almonds must be heated, and this is not shown to him.

Are almond flour and nut butter healthy?

Yes. But only if their only ingredient is nuts. Finding such products on the market is not easy.

What is the potential harm?

Perhaps the development of allergies.

Nuts can also be contaminated with pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Therefore, before eating, they must be thoroughly washed.

Other side effects apply only to cases overuse almonds.

So if you eat a lot of unsoaked nuts every day, you can reduce the intake of many important trace elements into the body.

An overdose of vitamin E is possible. But in order to achieve it, you need to eat an incredible amount.

And, of course, it is necessary to note the high calorie content of almonds. Yes, it helps to lose weight. But only when it is consumed in adequate amounts (40-50, maximum 100 grams per day). With a significant excess of the permitted dose, it is possible to set excess weight.

Almonds: useful properties and contraindications. conclusions

Possible harm associated with the likelihood of allergic reactions, as well as with an "overdose" of nuts.

What is an almond? How is it used? You will find answers to these and other questions regarding the mentioned product in this article.

Basic information

What is called a small tree or shrub, which belongs to the subgenus Almond and the genus Plum.

Many people believe that almonds are just nuts. But in fact, it is just a stone fruit, which in its shape is very similar to an apricot drupe.

Botanical description

What is an almond and what does it look like? It is a shrub or a small, highly branched tree 4-6 meters high. The shoots of such a plant are of 2 types: generative shortened and vegetative elongated.

Almond leaves are lanceolate, petiolate and with a long pointed tip. As for the flowers, they are solitary, with light pink or white petals, one pistil and numerous stamens. In diameter, they reach 2.5 cm, and also consist of a red or pink corolla and a joint-leaved goblet calyx. The flowers of this plant bloom much earlier than the leaves.

Do almonds bear fruit? The nut that we are used to seeing on store shelves is called almond. It is obtained from the fruits of the plant in question, which are a dry velvety-pubescent and oval single-stone with a leathery green inedible and fleshy pericarp.

When ripe, the dry pericarp is quite easily separated from the stone. At the same time, almond nuts have the same shape as the fruits themselves. They are covered with small dimples, and also have a groove, a mass of 1-5 g and a length of 2.5-3.5 cm.


Now you know what an almond is. The primary focus of the formation of this plant is located in Western Asia, as well as in nearby regions, including Central Asia and the Mediterranean. Almonds have been growing in these areas for many centuries BC. Today, the largest plantations of this shrub are in China, the Mediterranean region, Central Asia, the USA (in particular in the state of California), in the Crimea, Kopetdag, the Caucasus and the Western Tien Shan.

Also, this tree is grown in the warm regions of Slovakia (in vineyards), the Czech Republic and South Moravia.

Almond grows on gravel and rocky slopes at an altitude of 800-1600 meters above sea level. It prefers soils rich in calcium. It can be found in small groups of 3 or 4 individuals, at a distance of 6-7 meters from each other.

The plant in question is very photophilous and drought-resistant, as it has a well-developed root system.

(a photo of the shrub is presented in this article) in March or April, and sometimes even in February. Its fruits ripen in summer, in June-July. It begins to bear fruit from 4-5 years and for 5 centuries. Almond lives up to 130 years.

Reproduction of this tree occurs by stump shoots, seeds or root offspring. It endures very coldy, but with the beginning of the growing season, it suffers quite seriously from even minor spring frosts.

Chemical composition

The taste of almonds, or rather its nuts, is known to many. The kernels of the fruits of this cultivated plant contain a large amount of fatty oils (about 40-60%), protein substances (about 30%), mucus, vitamins, coloring components (including carotene, lycopene, carotenoids and others), as well as essential oil (about 0, 6%). By the way, it is almond oil that determines the smell of nuts. It contains linoleic glycerides and oil, which was obtained from unpeeled fruits, contains a small amount of myristic and linolenic acids.

The seeds of bitter are poisonous. This is due to the presence of amygdalin glycoside in them. After the splitting of this element, benzaldehyde and glucose are released.

Whole almond kernels do not smell. Only after cutting them, thanks to benzaldehyde, they acquire a specific flavor.


Almond is a plant that is valued as an early spring honey plant. The flowers of this shrub provide a lot of pollen and nectar. Also, the tree in question is used as a kind of drought-resistant stock for apricots and peaches. In addition, it is often planted in gardens as a soil-protective ornamental plant.

The bones are inedible, but very often fatty oil is obtained from them. After purification from amygdalin, this product is used for making soap.

The cake of such fruits is poisonous. Once, medicinal water was prepared from it, which was used as a sedative, tonic and analgesic. It was also used to make an essential oil used to create perfumes.

Application in cooking

How are sweet almonds used? Recipes using these nuts are numerous. The seeds of the plant in question are consumed fresh, roasted and salted, and also as a spice during cooking. various pastries, chocolate, sweets, liqueurs and more.

The shell left from the almonds is used to improve color and flavor. alcoholic beverages. It also produces activated carbon.

Almond milk is a traditional cow product substitute. It is especially popular among strict vegetarians.

What is being prepared?

For several centuries in Spain, the herbal drink horchata has been prepared from almonds. Also on the basis of almond milk they made a blancmange delicacy.

Of the many existing almond-based sweets, marzipan and praline have gained immense popularity in European countries. It should also be noted that whole nuts are actively added to chocolate-coated sweets in coconut flakes.

In many states, macaroons are also very popular. As for almond cream, it is indispensable in the preparation of many types of cakes, and is actively used as a filling for sweet buns.

In Western countries, almond paste is in increasing demand. It serves as an alternative to high-fat peanut butter.

This nut takes pride of place in Indonesian and Chinese cuisines, in which it is added to a huge number of dishes, including fried poultry, rice, various types meat and more.

Application in medicine

What is the use of almonds in modern medicine? Reviews claim that this is an excellent raw material that is used to produce fatty oils and seeds. The latter are actively used to create a special emulsion. As for the cake, which is unofficially called "almond bran", it is used as a medical and cosmetic product, as well as to obtain bitter almond water.

It should also be noted that oil is prepared from the seeds of the mentioned plant by cold or hot pressing. It is used not only in food, but also in the pharmaceutical and perfume industries. Such a product serves as a kind of camphor solvent for injections, as well as the basis for cosmetic and medicinal ointments. Thanks to this additive, creams and other products soften the skin well and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Also, almond oil can be administered orally, including children. It is often used as a laxative. As for the emulsion, it exhibits enveloping and emollient properties.

It is impossible not to say that the kernels of sweet almonds have been used in folk medicine with such painful conditions as anemia, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, insomnia and migraine. They are also highly effective as an antitussive for convulsions. In addition, almond oil is often used internally as a sedative for heart diseases, as a remedy that increases appetite well, as an anti-inflammatory drug for sore throats, pneumonia and flatulence, and also externally for bedsores.

almond tree - universal plant for arranging a hedge. It pleases the owner in the spring with colorful and abundant flowers. Hobby gardeners prefer to grow curiosities, but almonds have obvious benefits.

The almond tree is very decorative.

What it looks like during flowering: covered with tender pink flowers. In terry forms, these flowers resemble miniature roses.

A plant from the subgenus Almond (Amygdalus), belongs to the genus Plum. Some mistakenly classify the plant as a nut. Almonds have stone fruits identical to peach fruits, although they resemble hazelnuts in shape.

As it grows in nature: it prefers rocky and gravelly slopes up to one and a half thousand meters high, rich in calcium. Plants are grouped by several individuals, located at a distance of several meters (5–7 m) from each other. It is very photophilous, resistant to drought, because it has a developed root system.

It blooms in early spring, in some places even at the end of winter. The fruits ripen in mid-summer, the plant begins to bear fruit in the fifth year of life and lives for more than a hundred years. breeds different ways, frost-resistant, but during the growing season is afraid of spring frosts. Bouquet of almonds in early spring pleases the eye with its tenderness and lightness. Flowering shoots are cut at a time when the flowers in the lower part of it have fully blossomed, and in the upper part the buds have turned pink. Cut off at the base of the branch.

Almond fruit looks like a peach

Types of almonds

Almond is a beautiful low tree or shrub that grows in the south of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia and Central Asia. Scientists identify the following types:

  1. Almond ordinary. It is grown specifically for Food Industry. The value of the fruit is that the almond contains oil.
  2. Steppe almond (bean) - a low tree up to 1.5 m with flowers pink shade. During flowering, the plant is light and airy, like a cloud. It is not afraid of drought, hardy, blooms in May. The fruits of this type of almond are not eaten, it is grown only for decorative purposes.
  3. Three-lobed almond. Grows up to a height of two meters. Highly beautiful shrub, whose homeland is China, from where it came to Europe. Gardeners prefer to grow a terry-shaped shrub with pink flowers resembling small roses. Three-lobed almonds bloom for two to three weeks, after which leaves begin to grow on it. The shrub is extremely beautiful, looks spectacular in standard form. Gardeners graft it onto other plants (plums, thorns). The seedling is best protected from the north side, then the flowers will bloom first on branches protected from the north winds and cold. The plant is winter hardy and hardy.

These species differ significantly in appearance and taste.

Types of almonds according to the content of amygdalin

Some scientists classify almonds by their amygdalin content. It depends on which area the almonds will be applied. This component adds a specific almond flavor to the fruits. There are 3 types of plants:

  • bitter, it has a high concentration of amygdalin but it quickly breaks down into sugar, benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide, which are poisonous and dangerous to health; fruits are undesirable to eat without pre-training especially for children; eating ten fruits can cause death in children, fifty in an adult; heat treatment and piercing of fruits lead to the evaporation of hydrogen cyanide, the fruits become safe;
  • sweet almonds have spicy fruits, low levels of amygdalin; used for frying fish, especially suitable for cooking trout;
  • brittle almonds - seeds with a thin, fragile shell, sweet in taste.

The most popular among confectioners and cooks is the sweet almond, so it is grown for the food industry.

The brittle and sweet variety of almonds can be eaten

Features of growing almonds

Growing an almond bush is not difficult, but you have to be patient. Most plant species require moderately fertile, light soil with drainage. Land plot must be sufficiently illuminated by the sun. It is recommended to transplant the plant after it loses its leaves - in early autumn, but no later than mid-October. Manure is brought into the prepared pits (2-3 buckets), mineral fertilizer(no more than a glass). The plant is not deepened and firmly tied to stakes so that it does not break.

It is necessary to carry out weeding, to loosen the soil in a timely manner, to fight pests and diseases.

In the spring, dry branches are removed from the plant, shoots with faded flowers are cut off. This will become a pledge abundant flowering next spring. Gardeners not only remove dry and damaged branches, but also thin out and form a crown.

Fertilizer should be applied no more than once a year. The best time to do this is in July. Superphosphate is taken for top dressing, 30 g of fertilizer per plant is enough. As a result, the wood matures faster, forms large quantity buds with flowers.

Almond pruning: shortening of annual shoots, forming crown pruning along a given contour and sanitary pruning

Rules for breeding almonds

Plants propagate in the following ways:

  • dividing the bush;
  • root growth;
  • bending branches (layering);
  • cuttings;
  • budding.

Each of these methods has its own advantage and is used by gardeners to propagate ornamental shrubs.

Reproduction by root shoots

After pruning, the plant actively develops root shoots. It is best to propagate the bush by shoots a year after its appearance, when the roots become strong. Weak roots may not take root, so they are best planted after a year.

Reproduction by layering

For this purpose, flexible branches are used: they are bent to the ground and fixed. The emergence of roots on these branches is a long process, it can last more than twelve months. The seedling that appears is very weak at first, so it is not recommended to dig it out immediately after the appearance.

It is necessary to leave it in the ground and let it get stronger, this will take a year. Only after this time, the grown plant is dug up, which will allow you to get a healthy young bush.

Reproduction by cuttings

Reproduction by green cuttings occurs in July. First they are harvested, then one is left on the surface. The soil should consist of peat and sand (3:2). After rooting, young plants are transplanted into shkolka so that they grow and get stronger there. Some gardeners cover them with several layers of lutrasil. You can use straw and dry leaves (layer thickness should not exceed 20 cm).

Almond cuttings are harvested in summer


Every gardener knows what budding is. Reproduction by budding is carried out in the second half of summer (July - early August). the highest decorative effect reach when grafted into a trunk from 140 to 170 cm, into a half trunk - from 60 to 70 cm. Distillation is budded at a height of half a meter from the base of the stock. A young plum (3-4 years old) is universally suitable for a stock, gardeners prefer to take it for this purpose. yellow view. The oculant is cut off in the first year of life, which contributes to rapid growth branches. In the second year, the strongest shoots are left, the length of which reaches up to half a meter.

Composition of almonds

The share of the almond fruit without the shell is about fifty percent.

The shell reliably protects nuts, which are a pantry of the following substances:

  • carotene;
  • lycopene;
  • carotenoids;
  • calcium.

These vitamins and nutrients provide almond seeds with high nutritional value.

Almonds are very nutritious

The use of fruits

Sweet almonds are used in cooking. Dishes that use almonds for cooking:

  • macaroons;
  • cream;
  • marzipan;
  • praline;
  • nougat;
  • macarons;
  • chocolate, sweets;
  • mineral water, liquor;
  • almond paste.

Almonds give these foods a subtle flavor. Amaretto liqueur, made in Italy, is the most famous and widespread drink with a typical taste of almonds. The shell of the almond fruit is used to flavor and improve the color qualities of alcoholic beverages.

Milk made from the fruit of the plant is one of the best substitutes for cow's milk. Vegetarians and believers during the fasting period widely use it as food, like any other fruit. Almond nuts are most popular in Indonesian and Chinese cuisine. It is added to many dishes.

Marzipan is prepared on the basis of almonds

The benefits of almonds

The high concentration of calcium and vitamins in the fruits of the plant makes them an invaluable remedy for vision problems, low hemoglobin, myalgia, gastritis with hyperacidity, gastric ulcer. It is necessary to take almond fruits 10-15 pieces three times a day for a month.

Many more useful properties of the fruits of this ornamental shrub are known:

  • doctors recommend giving seeds to children with delayed physical development;
  • regular use of seeds improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevents the development of myocardial infarction;
  • nuts prevent the occurrence of dementia in old age;
  • vitamin E protects blood vessels and prevents the development of cholesterol plaques;
  • the fruits of the plant contribute to weight loss, because they are able to remove some fats from the human body, preventing them from breaking down;
  • almond seeds prevent the development of cancer cells, because they contain antioxidants;
  • regular consumption of seeds helps to improve sleep;
  • fruits have a sedative effect;
  • contribute to the removal of sand and stones in kidney diseases;
  • improve mental activity of a person;
  • increase sperm production in males.

10-15 almonds a day will help solve many health problems

Properties of almond oil

Shrub oil is taken for the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • prolonged cough;
  • otitis.

A few drops of almond oil help to remove tachycardia attacks, relieve inflammation in stomatitis and regulate bowel function.

The tool promotes the regeneration and growth of hair, therefore it is widely used in cosmetology. The cream, which includes almond oil, makes the skin supple and healthy.

The oil of the plant is used in massage rooms It nourishes the skin and enriches it with vitamins and microelements. Ideal for dry, aging skin, promoting cell regeneration.

Almonds have been a symbol of beauty, purity and marital happiness since ancient times. Since the tree is one of the first to bloom, it is associated with spring, renewal and the beginning of something new.

The plant originates in Asia. To date, it has expanded its borders, and its fruits are brought to us, both from the United States and from Italy, Spain, Syria and Iran. The almond tree belongs to the Rosaceae family. He likes sunny space and a temperate climate, soil rich in moisture, with enough calcium. The peculiarity is that the tree bears fruit only a third of its life - 50 years. There are over 40 varieties of almonds, growing on both bushes and trees. The leaves are long and narrow, oblong in shape. Highly beautiful process flowering: the flowers are soft pink in color and resemble Japanese sakura, which gives the impression of a spring festival.

The composition of vitamins and useful properties

Almonds contain the following vitamins and minerals:

    • vitamins A (0.25 mg), B1 (0.06 mg), B2 (0.65 mg), B3 (6.2 mg), B5 (0.04 mg), B6 ​​(0.3 mg), B9 (0.04 mg), C (1.5 mg), E (24 mg);
  • potassium (748 mg);
  • phosphorus (473 mg);
  • calcium (273 mg);
  • magnesium (234 mg);
  • sulfur (178 mg);
  • chlorine (39 mg);
  • sodium (10 mg);
  • iron (2.1 mg);
  • zinc (2.1 mg);
  • manganese (1.9 mg);
  • copper (0.14 mg).

Almond grains are usually divided into sweet and bitter. Sweet almonds are usually eaten. It contains a little more than 50% fatty oils, 10% of which are saturated fats that are harmful to the body.

The rest of the mass is monounsaturated fats that are good for the body.

The chemical composition of almonds is rich in minerals. This amount of calcium is not found in any other type of nuts. Almonds are also rich in potassium, magnesium and zinc.

The use of almonds for the prevention and treatment of diseases:

  1. Vitamin E in combination with calcium (for better absorption) is useful for anemia, seizures, and also various diseases eye. Helps eliminate insomnia.
  2. Eliminates the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis.
  3. Almonds have a positive effect on the body with gastrointestinal diseases, as well as ulcers. Regulates and normalizes the level of acidity.
  4. For kids will be useful if the child is lagging behind in physical development(usually almonds are ground into a powder and added to soft foods). The optimal daily intake of almonds is 30 grams.
  5. The use of almonds helps to strengthen the heart muscles, thereby reducing the risk of getting in the near future, for example, a heart attack. This nut is also a great stimulant for more quality work both hemispheres of the brain.
  6. Because almonds normalize sugar and cholesterol levels in the body, it would be advisable to prescribe it to diabetics (type 2), and also to use it as a prophylaxis of this disease.
  7. Consumption promotes the elimination of toxins from the body, cleanses the blood and vessels. It is also used as a choleretic agent.
  8. For men nuts are useful for enhancing sexual power in bed.

In order for almonds to be better absorbed, it should be consumed with the addition of sugar. This contributes to a faster process of its processing in the body.

In medicine, almond fruit used for respiratory diseases and migraines. Sweet fruits are used to treat diseases of internal organs. Emulsions from the fruits of this tree are used to treat intestinal diseases and their various complications, have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the body, gently enveloping it, relieving pain and protecting it from irritation. Used for constipation.

Bitter almonds are a component of various medicinal oils and ointments (for external use).

Nut calories

Calories per 100 grams almonds is 570 calories. In the daily norm (30 g), approximately 163 kcal, depending on the size of the nut kernel.

Almond essential oil - properties and uses

To obtain almond essential oil, a cold pressing method is used. Sweet kernels are used. The oil is rich in trace elements such as phosphorus, sodium, zinc, iron, proteins and sugar, has a pleasant fresh aroma and is easily absorbed into the skin. Contains oleic and linoleic acids.

Almond oil reduces the technical indicator of cholesterol, bringing the body back to normal. Even olive oil cannot be compared with the effect of almond oil!

Oil is used in the following cases:

  • helps with inflammation;
  • used for the prevention of bedsores (compresses and wraps);
  • treats sunburn;
  • used for flatulence;
  • beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Almonds during pregnancy

Almonds and the oil produced from them are also very useful for women. Since almonds are enriched with magnesium, this beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant girl. The gynecologist prescribes the intake of trace elements in the form of tablets. Its use promotes muscle relaxation, prevention of cramps. For back pain and swelling, oil is used for external use.

Harm and contraindications

You need to remember about the daily rate of almonds. Unlimited quantity eating nuts can harm not only health, but also adversely affect the figure. Overdose can cause heart palpitations, dizziness and even drug intoxication.

Nuts are often an allergen, so before using this product in your diet, you should make sure that you do not have any contraindications.

Do not eat almonds, which still retain their natural bitterness, as it contains 4% amygdalin. When ingested, this substance decomposes into hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyde. Lethal dose for children is 10 nucleoli, for adults - 50. In case of poisoning, you should immediately call a doctor.

Bitter almonds can only be eaten if they are calcined, then as a result heat treatment substances such as glycoside and amygdalin become safe for the body. But this procedure will not relieve bitterness.

Application in cosmetology

Since the composition of almonds is rich in vitamin B, this contributes to the maintenance of skin, hair and nails in good condition. In cosmetology, essential almond oil is widely used, it is very versatile and suitable for all skin types.


  • smoothing wrinkles and regenerating mature skin;
  • helps with excessive dryness and peeling;
  • improves the growth and density of hair and eyelashes;
  • used during anti-cellulite massage;
  • used in mixtures that help smooth postpartum stretch marks.