Making a massage room with your own hands. How to open a massage parlor: tips, recommendations, calculations. The magical effect of Thai massage

The health benefits of massage have been proven for generations and across nations. For many, massage is prescribed by doctors for treatment, but it is useful for almost any person for the prevention and strengthening of the body, especially with a general tendency to increase the amount of sedentary work. Not to mention the magical property of massage to relieve stress, which accumulates at a frantic pace from life in the city.

In order not to waste time on the road and increase the efficiency of procedures, it is best to equip a special place and invite a specialist to your home. A nice bonus for girls: a home massage room can also be used for cosmetic procedures.

Choose a place

If you have a guest room or a planned but not yet occupied nursery, this would be ideal. There should be enough space to install a massage table and to move freely around it from at least three sides. The attractive idea of ​​​​placing a couch on the loggia is losing ground at this moment.

If you do not have additional space, part of the bedroom or living room can also become a massage room: for this, it is enough to purchase a folding couch, which easily and simply takes on the scale of a suitcase after use. By creating a conditional partition from a light curtain, you will achieve comfort and privacy.

Buying a couch

If necessary, the massage table can be replaced with a high and hard bed or a stable and long table, but it will still negatively affect the quality of the massage and exhaust the massage therapist. The simplest couch costs about 3-4 thousand rubles, but it is better to choose a massage table with adjustable legs. The presence of a folding mechanism in any case will be a plus during transportation, even if you have taken a separate room for these purposes. Such a couch will cost 8-9 thousand rubles.

An additional advantage is the presence of a slot for the face. But headrests, armrests and hanging pockets for storage can be convenient, but not so necessary as to overpay for them. The massage roller included is a nice bonus, but it can be replaced with a pillow or a rolled towel.

Choose a couch according to the complexion of its users. Width 65-70 and length 185-190 centimeters will be guaranteed comfortable.

We make out an office

The couch will become the center of the composition. Nearby, but so as not to interfere with movement, you need to put a bedside table or a small rack for massage oil and other products. It is also convenient to store clean sheets and towels. A regular chair would be a good addition so that the masseur can put his things down after changing clothes.

It is best if the space is decorated in soft muted colors, and blackout curtains hang on the windows. If you are setting up a massage room in a separate room, make this place a zone of calm at other times as well. So that you can come here just to relax, put aside a cozy chair or sofa. Avoid TV and other noisy things. It is better to add details that are pleasing to the eye.

It is very important to provide the right lighting. For medical procedures, sufficient light is important, but not cutting the eyes. For cosmetology, it is better to additionally put a directional floor lamp, preferably with a flexible supply to the light bulb, so that you can fix it in a comfortable position. Choose a natural tone of light, closer to cold.

For procedures aimed at relaxation and stress relief, lighting should be as soft, warm and diffused as possible - in this case, a table lamp, a night light or a dim floor lamp pointing upwards should be in the massage room. The projector of the starry sky or the sea and candles in this room is very welcome.

Provide pleasant, unobtrusive music in the background that will promote relaxation, and fill the air with a light aroma of incense, for this it is enough to light them for just a minute. Even if you can’t fall asleep during the massage, which is considered useful, doctors recommend not getting up for at least half an hour, and preferably an hour after the massage.

Enjoy your holiday and good health!


Massage is an ancient practice of rubbing the human body for medicinal purposes. The term has three variations of origin at once. From Greek, "massage" is translated as "knead with hands", and from French - "rub". In Arabic, the word "mass" means stroking, rubbing movements. The first Chinese healers began to practice massage as early as 3 thousand BC. e. Images of people with a “map” of special points have even survived to this day, pressure on which affects certain organs in the body. Massage is in many ways similar to another exclusively Chinese treatment method - acupuncture. The masseurs did not just rub the sore spot until it turned red, they used various passes, movements with fingers, palms and kneaded certain points.

The procedure itself was carried out using special formulations - mixtures of oils and crushed medicinal herbs. Massage was done not only to cure diseases and injuries, but also for cosmetic purposes, to soften the skin and give it a healthy look, to relax the whole body. Modern massage parlors offer about a dozen types of procedures and bonuses in the form of aromatherapy, phyto barrels, body wraps. The wider the range of services, the larger the room for work, and hence the larger the business. It is worth distinguishing between massage rooms and salons. The former, as a rule, serve only one or two people at a time, while the latter are designed for a large flow of customers. The interior design of a massage parlor is an important aspect of a successful business, along with a competent advertising campaign, good location and highly qualified staff. Consider the basic requirements for the premises and the features of their design.

Basic requirements for a massage parlor

First of all, in the massage parlor, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for employees and visitors. All requirements are made by the competent authorities (sanitary and epidemiological station, fire brigade). Compliance will also be carefully checked. Moreover, it does not matter where exactly the office or salon is located: in a separate building, in a shopping center or in an apartment in a residential building.

When choosing a room and interior design, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Square.
  • Ventilation and temperature control.
  • Availability of additional premises and their arrangement.
  • Lighting.
  • Finishing.
  • Furniture and its location.

Particular attention should be paid to fire safety. In massage rooms, as a rule, they use candles and set fire to special incense sticks that spread a specific aroma. These items are potential sources of fire, so they should be handled with skill and placed only on special fireproof supports.

Room area

The area of ​​the room is calculated based on the number of massage tables. Each workplace should be zoned and separated from neighboring ones. If several masseurs will receive visitors in the office, then 8-10 square meters are enough for one specialist. meters. According to official requirements, the employee's workplace must have an area of ​​at least 8 sq.m. If he occupies a separate room, then the figure rises to 12 sq.m. In addition, it is necessary to allocate a place for the reception or reception desk, where registration and settlement will be carried out, and for additional zones or rooms (rest room, locker room, bathroom).

Availability of additional premises

According to the requirements, a bathroom must be attached to the massage room. This room is equipped not only with a toilet, but also with a shower. Massage is done only on a clean body, so visitors should be given the opportunity to wash themselves, because perhaps they arrived after work or from the other side of the city in the heat. A full-fledged dressing room is usually equipped in large salons. For small organizations, a mobile screen is enough. A lounge (waiting room) for a massage parlor is more of a luxury than a necessity. Large salons that claim to be "elite" usually provide visitors with a separate room with cozy sofas, TV, magazines, a cooler and a children's room. Small offices are limited to a soft corner.

Temperature and ventilation

In the massage room, a comfortable temperature is necessarily maintained (not lower than 22 degrees). Therefore, it must include both heating and cooling systems. If the room is located in a shopping center or a residential building, then central heating will solve the problem of winter frosts. In other cases, special boilers (gas or electric) are installed and a system of pipes and radiators is connected to them. In the summertime, a modern air conditioner model, a split-air supply type system, will help to cope with the heat. By the way, it works not only for cooling, but also for heating, which will be a good help in harsh winters. However, its main advantage is the combination of the air conditioner itself with supply ventilation through an air duct. With the help of the same unit, fresh air will enter the room. High-quality ventilation also refers to the mandatory requirements for massage rooms.


The massage parlor must have natural lighting. It is impossible to curtain the windows to obtain an intimate atmosphere that is designed to contribute to relaxation. Windows will have to be covered with thin tulle or blinds. As for working artificial lighting, there are several lamps on the ceiling, the light from which falls directly on the massage table. These devices should provide the massage therapist with comfort during work. Decorative ambient lighting is only used to create a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere for visitors.

Surface finishing

Surfaces must be finished with moisture-resistant materials that are not afraid of regular contact with aggressive household chemicals. Vinyl wallpaper with a protective film or ceramic tiles are ideal for walls. For the floor, it is better to choose linoleum, tile or polymer bulk coating. Laminate or parquet will very quickly “decorate” with scuffs and become unusable.


Massage room furniture can be classified into two types:

  • Highly specialized. Couches, chairs, tables.
  • Normal. A table, chairs, a hanger, a portable screen, a rack for oils and medical formulations, a cabinet for towels, bathrobes.

When choosing furniture for a workspace, they rely only on its functionality. For a lounge or waiting area, you can use soft, comfortable sofas or armchairs. It is better to refuse modern plastic (with the exception of high-tech interiors) in favor of wood. This material is close to nature and "warmth" is perceived by man.

If the massage parlor is located in a sauna or bath, where high humidity is regularly maintained, then the best solution would be to buy furniture with metal frames and plastic coating.

Colors in the interior of the massage room play one of the main roles. They help create the right atmosphere. Visitors will not be able to relax physically if they feel emotional tension. For this reason, cold shades (blue, cyan, purple) are not recommended for use in large quantities. They can become accents in a warm range, slightly dilute its monotony. For the basis of the palette, one shade is usually chosen, which is complemented by two similar ones in the spectrum, according to the principle of a similar combination. Brown, carmine, titian, cinnabar, ocher, terracotta, gold, copper are ideal for a massage room. They also use “delicious” tones: carrot, pomegranate, wine, mustard, tangerine, raspberry, nut, chocolate, creme brulee, coffee with milk. The color scheme is easy to dilute with neutral white or gray. It is recommended to refrain from using black.

Accessories and decor

A massage room for employees is a place of work, and for visitors it is an oasis of peace with a special atmosphere. In order for a person to relax and literally feel “at home”, the room must be decorated. Walls can be decorated with paintings, panels, paintings, groups of author's photographs can be hung. In the center of the plot, as a rule, landscapes or flower arrangements. They are neutral and easily perceived by any person. Horizontal surfaces are decorated with vases with flowers, small sculptures, groups of bowls, candles or aroma lamps. Bunches and miniature whisks of fragrant herbs will add a special touch to the room. But they should be chosen wisely. Some odors do not go well with each other, while others can be perceived as an irritant. A stylish addition would be a pot of ficus or palm on the floor. Curtains are also an important accessory. A two-tone floor-length canvas on grommets with linen inserts will look beautiful and modern. With their help, you can correct the perception of the shape of the room. Vertical stripes on the curtains will visually raise the ceiling, while horizontal stripes will make the window and wall wider.

Cabinet styling

Creating a design project for even the smallest massage parlor includes choosing a style. Now concise and practical directions are very popular. They not only look fashionable, but also allow you to significantly save on decorating the room, which is very important for beginner masseurs who open their own small business. Another advantage of modern trends can be considered the simplicity and ease of their concepts.

East style

Oriental style refers to the "native" for massage treatments, which also appeared in these places. In the center of the “Arabic” cabinet, a dark wood couch with a colorful mattress is placed. The floor and walls are tiled with ceramic tiles of two types: white and with ornate ligature. The pattern on the tile develops into a complex composition. If the dimensions of the room allow, then the accent wall is decorated with a plasterboard structure that imitates lancet arches typical of Arabic and Indian styles. Furniture is chosen from wood. The windows are covered with curtains of two or three colors. The room is decorated with vases and bowls of rounded shapes, lamps in a metal frame. Thai style is characterized by the use of fabric to drape the ceiling. The canvas is "collected" in the center and decorated with a massive chandelier. This option is not suitable for offices with low ceilings.

loft style

The loft-style massage room looks very modern. The walls are finished with imitation of brickwork, which is painted on top in light colors. For the floor, linoleum "under the wood" is also suitable. Furniture is made of wood, mostly expensive, but practical. The ceiling is decorated with built-in spotlights. Decorative lighting, randomly scattered over the surface, most of all resembles a starry sky. Stylish decorations are represented by an original lamp in the form of "burning" twigs collected in a vase, a wall mirror in a simple frame, a fluffy white rug in the dressing area.

When developing a design project for a small area beauty salon, the question inevitably arises: how to properly organize a small space in such a way as to achieve high functionality and at the same time create a stylish interior? Both are doubly important when it comes to the interior of a fashionable beauty industry establishment in the center of the capital.

1. Popular beauty salon design styles

The interior of a beauty salon is in many ways the visiting card of the institution, so the issue of the artistic style of the interior is especially acute. A harmonious combination of elements, the search for originality and a special zest are always relevant when creating an author's interior. You will find examples of a brilliant solution to this difficult task in the review of the interiors of beauty salons of a small area from.


In the photo: A modern temple of beauty in a classical style

Palace luxury, a refreshing palette of shades of the sea wave and an atmosphere of solemn elation can instantly cheer up visitors to this temple of beauty. The idea of ​​a “selling design” for a beauty industry establishment was ideally embodied in this project by designers Ruslan and Maria Green. A visit to a salon with such an interior turns into a holiday, which means that it will definitely win the recognition of regular customers.

In the photo: Luxurious chairs for clients in the waiting area of ​​a beauty salon

Modern style

In the photo: Modern salon interior with polymer flooring

The interior of a small beauty salon on Pilyugina Street can be described as a mixture of modern style with elements of futurism and art deco. But this is not its originality: the highlight of the interior is nothing but a polymer-coated floor, similar to a bright red-blue-blue palette with colors smeared in bizarre swirls. Against the background of a colorful canvas, all other details recede into the background.

Design of a hairdressing salon in a modern style

The predominance of white in the rest of the interior avoids the feeling of congestion and contributes to the visual expansion of space.


In the photo: Interior design of the main hall in a beauty salon

Tones of light wood and monochromatic matte nudes that prevail in this interior immediately evoke associations with the porcelain color of perfect skin. Pleasant to look and feel textures in the decoration of the room help customers to relax and harmonize their senses. Plants basking in the sun in phytoboxes, greenery in tubs and luxurious inflorescences blooming on designer wallpapers enhance the notes of eco-style.

Fashion eclecticism

In the photo: The original design of the barbershop area in a beauty salon

The complex stylistic ensemble of this beauty salon is built on contrasting combinations of neoclassical and modern trends interspersed with art deco and modern. Colorful accents are placed everywhere in the barbershop area: flirty chairs with bright rococo upholstery are playfully located opposite black plastic chairs of futuristic shape. They matched the masks on the walls, reminiscent of either the Venetian carnival or totem images.

radical futurism

Futuristic interior of Cool People beauty salon

In the minimalist and ultra-modern interiors of the Cool people salon, there is a feeling that we are in a parallel universe, consisting entirely of broken lines and illuminated by white neon light. Blotches of pink, lilac, blue and red alternate with black "dips" and bright white fragments in the design of the walls and floor. Futuristic furniture matched to match the finish could look just as organic in the interiors of an interstellar liner.

Scandinavian style elements

In the photo: Salon interior with elements of Scandinavian style

From the interiors of this modern beauty salon sustained in white and blue tones, it breathes with the coolness and freshness of the Scandinavian forests. Characteristic inclusions of wooden panels and phytoboxes allow you to feel close to nature and give a pleasant peace.

In the photo: Reception area and manicure room in a modern beauty salon

There are almost no "external" elements in the decor: the feeling of "fullness" of the interior arises due to the contrasting combinations of surfaces and the play of textures. Fragments of smooth walls alternate with the ribbed surface of white columns and wooden inserts with a pronounced horizontal pattern.

2. Planning solutions for a beauty salon of a small area

small area beauty salon layout

The portfolio of designers Ruslan and Maria Green presents various planning solutions for designing small salons. In conditions of limited space, it is hardly worth allocating a separate room for a reception area or a recreation area. They can be arranged by zoning the main hall, where a nail salon is usually located. Manicure and pedicure areas are often connected in one space. Sometimes a long and fairly wide corridor is suitable for this purpose, along which you can place a counter and chairs for clients. Small isolated rooms are well suited for the equipment of a cosmetology room or a massage room.

3. Reception area

Reception and nail bar in the main hall

In the photo: Reception and waiting area in the main hall of the beauty salon

The reception area of ​​the Hummingbird beauty salon is combined with a waiting area and a manicure room. The open floor plan fills the room with air and light, and design techniques, including the use of seamless doors and a built-in wardrobe with mirrored facades, make the reception room look like an aristocratic salon.

Blooming garden and waiting area with play corner

In the photo: Design of the reception of a beauty salon in a modern style

Magnificent picturesque inflorescences are the first to meet clients of the OK beauty salon in Israel. Against the background of the accent wall, there is a stand finished with natural light wood veneer and an original panel imitating a slab of semi-precious stone. All these details set the style and palette of the beauty establishment, forming its image in the eyes of visitors.

In the photo: Design of the waiting area of ​​a beauty salon in a modern style

Waiting will not be tedious if you equip the appropriate area with large easy chairs and a play area, the presence of which will be especially appreciated by visitors with children.

Compact reception in the hallway

Eclecticism in the design of a beauty salon and a hairdressing salon

A cozy space for meeting visitors is separated into a separate area and decorated with a stained-glass window in the Art Nouveau style and matching glass sconces. The carriage tie on the velvet upholstery of the counter gives the interior an elegant touch of antiquity.

Beauty salon interior in modern style

The coloristic accents in the interior of the reception echo the bright upholstery of the chairs in the hairdressing salon and the decorative masks on the wall.

4. Nail salon design ideas

Traditional interior solution

In the photo: Scandinavian-style manicure room

One of the benefits of this traditional long stand nail salon with seating for visitors is the space savings. Such a manicure studio is easy to equip even in a small room or in a corridor. All necessary nail care products can be found in a glass cabinet behind the counter.

Reception area and nailbar

Small plasma TVs hang almost from the very ceiling so that visitors to the salon do not get bored during the procedure.

Symmetrical arrangement of tables along the walls of the corridor

In the photo: Planning solution for a manicure room in a beauty salon

In the presence of a long spacious corridor and the absence of partitioned premises, space zoning becomes a suitable option. A manicure room with a small podium for a pedicure smoothly turns into a hairdresser. Visually, they are separated from each other by stylized metal columns, developing a classic theme, and dark curtains, which, if necessary, can be closed to separate the rooms.

Manicure room of a beauty salon. Interior photo

The walls of the manicure room are decorated with decorative panels, classic pilasters and cornices, effectively contrasting with the loft-type ceiling. The eclecticism of the interior also manifests itself in the furnishings – modern office chairs on wheels harmoniously coexist with classic armchairs, and the design of the tables involves elements of minimalism and art deco.

Manicure room with self-leveling floor

In the photo: The interior of the manicure room from designers Ruslan and Maria Green

In the interior of this salon with a rectangular crystal chandelier and a multi-colored polymer floor, the space of the manicure area is very limited. However, the designers found an excellent solution by slightly shifting the chairs for visitors in relation to the main counter and using mirrored surfaces in the wall decoration.

Decor in watercolors

No matter how limited the studio space is, there is enough space for specialists to work and for comfortable waiting for clients.

5. Pedicure room

Riot of colors

In the photo: Interior design of a pedicure area in a beauty salon

To drown in a fuchsia shade designer pedicure chair, soft as a cloud, entrusting your legs to the gentle hands of professionals, and take a selfie against the backdrop of a picturesque pattern of designer photo wallpapers - what could be more pleasant on the evening of a hard day!

Refreshing turquoise tones

In the photo: A good zonal solution for placing under a pedicure

Graceful turquoise curtains to match the furniture delimit the pedicure area and, if necessary, allow you to separate a small room from the rest of the salon space. A small decoration in the form of a flock of flying white butterflies on the wall harmoniously complements the minimalist interior.

Illuminated pedicure chairs

In the photo: Eclectic design of the pedicure area

In the eclectic interior of a fashionable beauty salon in Moscow, on the contrary, the pedicure area is combined with a manicure room. An unusual luminous podium allows you to visually highlight the space allotted for this purpose, and at the same time provides bright lighting for the studio specialists.

6. Design of a hairdressing salon

Eclectic barbershop

In the photo: Eclectic design of the hairdressing room in a trendy beauty salon

The hairdresser's room is separated from the manicure-pedicure area by two columns and a heavy black curtain, which seems to be an organic continuation of the black-tiled ceiling. Looking at their reflection framed by playful rococo forms and classical pilasters, the clients of the salon will be able to fully enjoy the atmosphere of the boudoir of a high society fashionista.

Through the looking glass in a modern salon

In the photo: Hairdressing salon in a beauty salon on Pilyugina street

The interior of the hairdressing salon in this small and cozy beauty salon looks unusual not only thanks to the multi-colored polymer coating on the floor, but also due to the decoration of the walls with mirror panels located exactly opposite each other. As a result, a suite of reflections is formed, leaving into the distance, beckoning to embark on an exciting journey in the footsteps of the famous heroine of Lewis Carroll.

Illusory enfilade in Scandinavian style

In the photo: Hairdresser in an elite beauty salon in Scandinavian style

Designers use a similar arrangement of mirrors in the hairdressing salon in the design of this beauty salon in a modern style. Rectangular mirrors are reminiscent of doorways, turning the space behind the mirror into an endless string of arches, flickering with mysterious white light thanks to built-in lighting. A real way to Valhalla, given the Scandinavian context of the interior.

7. The interior of the massage room

Twilight Zone

A darkened room, equipped with hidden LED lighting, turns into a secluded cave at any time of the day.

In the photo: Interior design of a massage room in a beauty salon in a modern style

In the massage room with an ergonomic built-in shower, TV and a modern motorized couch, there is nothing to distract attention from a pleasant and effective relaxing and wellness treatment.

In the photo: Interior design of a massage room in a beauty salon in a modern style

Massage on board an intergalactic liner

In the photo: Massage room in a futuristic beauty salon by designers Ruslan and Maria Green

The massage room in a fashionable futuristic beauty salon is more like a treatment room, which is equipped on some secret space station or on board an intergalactic liner. Broken lines, white-blue-black colors, the absence of flat plain surfaces in the interior design deprive the space of static and charge it with powerful energy.

The calming effect of nature

In the photo: Interior of a beauty salon in Scandinavian style. massage room

The interior of the massage parlor in an elegant beauty salon, designed by designers Ruslan and Maria Green, immerses the visitor in a “natural” context due to the abundance of warm colors and the use of wood motifs in the design of the room. The subdued flickering of the lighting hidden behind the wooden panels fills the space with a special magic that gives the whole massage the character of a sacrament.

8. Solarium

Futuristic interior

In the photo: Solarium design in a futuristic beauty salon

Against the backdrop of a giant photo print, as if dissolving into a black wall opening, a person seems like a grain of sand in endless outer space. And the luminous blue opening does not seem to be the entrance to the solarium, but a portal, if not to a parallel reality, then at least to the other end of the galaxy.

9. Tattoo parlor

Butterfly effect in the interior of a fashionable beauty salon

In the photo: Fantasy print in the tattoo room of a fashionable beauty salon

This is not the first time the image of a butterfly has been used in the design of this fashionable salon. Giant bas-reliefs on the walls and small flocks of scattered snow-white creatures are repeatedly found in the interiors of the room. But in the tattoo area, for the first time, we see on the wall not a white, but a butterfly shimmering with bright colors as a symbolic reminder of the purpose of this office and, at the same time, a tribute to the skill of a specialist in magical transformations.

10. Beauty parlor design ideas

Interior in Scandinavian style

In the photo: Design of a cabinet for cosmetic procedures from designers Ruslan and Maria Green

The interior of the cabinet for cosmetology procedures is distinguished by functionality and discreet elegance of design. The design symbol of the salon, the butterfly, appears in the form of a bas-relief on a dark beige wall and turns white on a fantasy carved panel exactly opposite. The office is equipped with a modern shower cabin with massage nozzles and a comfortable armchair that reproduces the curves of the human body.

Harmonious ensemble of style and functionality

In the photo: A beauty salon treatment room with white walls and bright flooring

A beauty salon of a small area cannot always boast of a separate office for the provision of cosmetic services. However, with a functional approach, professional designers can turn even a very small room into a cozy and well-equipped treatment room. White furniture and shower cabin, white walls and illuminated ceiling visually enlarge the room. Against this background, the visual, and partly semantic emphasis is placed on a pale lilac massage chair. A spectacular multi-colored floor brings zest to the interior of the office and provides artistic unity with the rest of the salon.

Nothing extra

To visually expand the boundaries of a small beauty parlor, a solid light background that blends with the color of the furniture and built-in lighting will help. The special aesthetics of such a design solution is a combination of the principles of minimalism and eco-style.

In the photo: Interior design of a cosmetology room in a beauty salon

Relaxation and peace of mind of the doctor and patient in such an interior will contribute to the effectiveness of the procedures, turning them into pleasant beauty rituals.

11. Play area

Playroom in a modern beauty salon

In the photo: Bright and modern playroom in a trendy beauty salon

Few beauty centers offering spa or beauty treatments, let alone small beauty salons, can boast such a spacious and varied play area. While moms visit the beauty salon, kids can have a little adventure on the sea or play colonial pioneers in the play area, which features a wooden fort with a slide, a ship with ladder sails, a climbing wall and colorful boat poufs and giant exotic flowers.

Children's hairdresser "for the little ones"

In the photo: Children's hairdresser for young visitors to the salon

Next to the play area, this beauty salon is equipped with a children's hairdresser, which even has a special machine chair for the youngest visitors. The bright and fantasy design of the playroom will allow children to have an interesting time, even if the mother is late for the procedures.

12. Original finds in the design of beauty salons

Staircase hall in Scandinavian style

In the photo: An example of the design of a staircase hall in a beauty salon in Moscow

In a cool white and blue with woody brown notes, the interior gamut lacks fresh green hues to completely merge with the natural beginning. Large phytoboxes in the design of the staircase hall and the reception area, as well as small patches of greenery in the Scandinavian-style beauty salon, bring the final touch to the interior ensemble, carefully thought out by designers Ruslan and Maria Green.

Unusual photo prints in the ladies room

In the photo: Interior of the ladies' room in the style of futurism

The interior of the powder room in a futuristic beauty salon clearly demonstrates how you can maintain the stylistic unity of space through a successful design solution. Wall-to-wall photo prints of female legs refer to the decor of the other spaces of this salon and provide a unity of futuristic minimalism. As well as the refraction of uneven black and white surfaces, combined with bright neon lighting.

Pink elephant in the back room

In the photo: Finds in the design of a beauty salon in a modern style

The design project of a small fashionable beauty salon on Pilyugina Street involves careful work with the interiors of all, including utility rooms. A small room for staff is decorated in the same style and in the same color scheme as the entire salon. For decoration on the floor, the same as everywhere else, a polymer coating with bright spills was used. And the picture is complemented by multi-colored plastic chairs of the same color and - an unexpected surprise - a pink head of an elephant in the spirit of cubism on the wall.

12. What is included in the interior design project?

The design studio of Ruslan and Maria Green offers various packages of services for interior design and turnkey renovation of premises. The price varies depending on the type of premises, its area and the list of services: unlike the “full”, the “basic” project includes only the main premises and does not imply a specification of furniture, fixtures and plumbing. Customers can also order, an additional service that provides constant control by the developers at all stages of repair and decoration of the premises.


In the photo: Layout drawing of a beauty salon with the names of the premises and the location of the furniture

The layout drawing indicates the location of individual rooms, options for placing or transferring walls and arranging furniture. The standard package of services for a design project includes three layout options, from which the customer can choose the one he likes best.

3D room sketches

In the photo: Computer visualization of a beauty salon in a modern style

Thanks to 3D sketches of the premises, the customer will be able to imagine exactly what the object will look like after the repair. Volumetric images obtained using the latest computer programs will allow you to create several options for the interior of the same room in different styles or colors.

Working drawings

Working drawings of a beauty salon with a small area. Electrical diagram

Working drawings include dimensional plans, plumbing and electrical plans, drawings with air conditioning references, with the designation of door and window openings, floor and ceiling plans - that is, all the documentation necessary for builders. It is the working drawings that will ultimately make it possible to turn a bare room into a work of design art in strict accordance with the developed project.

Since any beauty salon is a kind of guide to the world of beauty, the interior of the room should be aesthetic and pleasing to the eye. Designers have developed a lot of interesting projects that you can see in the photo of the interiors of the beauty salon. The arrangement of the premises depends on many factors that must be taken into account.

Basic principles of beauty salon design

When creating an interior, you should follow the rules of spatial planning. So, the reception area should be located at the entrance to the room. A recreation area is located nearby, where a client can wait in line, drink coffee, leaf through fashion magazines, etc. It is advisable to equip the recreation area with a soft sofa and a coffee table. Behind the “customer's corner” are the main offices of the salon. By the way, if the beauty studio is miniature, then all the rooms can be combined into one open area. If the space is still divided into offices, do not forget to improve the corridors leading to them.

Working conditions as the main criterion for choosing finishing materials

When choosing materials for wall and floor decoration, keep in mind that there are a lot of visitors in beauty parlors every day, so the premises need frequent wet cleaning. It follows from this that finishing materials should be not only moisture resistant, but also easy to clean. Washable wallpapers are ideal for the walls of a beauty studio. Now let's move on to the materials for the floor. You should choose a floor covering that does not have seams and joints, because during the day you often have to sweep, especially in a hairdresser's office. Hair and debris clogged into the floor will cause a lot of inconvenience, so we recommend that you refrain from using materials such as tile or glass tiles. It is better to give preference to a laminate or a polymer coating. For small spaces, it is desirable that the floor covering has a reflective ability. You can find out how this or that coating looks in life with the help of photos of beauty salons. Of course, the pictures must be of high quality and professional processing.


Ensuring proper lighting is one of the most important rules that must be observed when arranging a beauty salon. Remember: the light should in no case distort the colors. Indeed, in the beauty studio they work with nail polish and various cosmetics, the shades of which are selected individually for each client. A mistake can cost the salon's reputation. So, in a beauty studio, you should strive to provide daylight, at least in the working area.


Not only the mood and atmosphere, but also the recognition of the beauty salon depends on the color design. The design is based on color, as it leads to physical and psychological peace. As a rule, the colors in the interior are distributed approximately as follows: the main tone - 75%, decor and furniture - 20%, decorative elements - 5%. The advantage is given to relaxing, neutral and warm shades. If desired, you can make bright accents, they will only add chic and originality to the interior. To select the optimal design, we recommend that you look at the photos of the premises of the beauty salon on the Internet.

If you have ever been to a massage or a spa, remember what associations you have:
- a pleasant atmosphere, burning candles, calm music, the aroma of lavender oil that fills the office, the rustle of fresh sheets ....
- white bare walls, cold, silence, a creaking massage table, dirty sheets lying in the corner ...?
For most people, the first option will cause pleasant emotions and a desire to go for a massage, and the second will remind you of an appointment at a local clinic. Now let's think about the conditions under which you receive your clients?
You say: “The situation is not important, the main thing is the golden hands of the massage therapist, experience and professionalism!”. Yes, of course, this is not the most important thing, but still, it is one of the main factors that make customers come back to you next time.

Therefore, in this article, we will discuss creating the perfect massage parlor.

Where to begin?

First and foremost, always remember that your account is one of your most valuable marketing tools. Therefore, this space should be as unique as you are. The design, layout, and overall impression of your office are critical to attracting and retaining your customers. Also, you will be spending many hours in this space, so take your time and do everything wisely.

Develop a plan

When setting up your new massage parlor, don't run straight to the store with a credit card, wait! When setting a goal or creating a new project, usually the first thing to do is to develop an action plan. Therefore, first you need to understand what you are dealing with. For a massage parlor, not only beautiful decor is important, but also lighting, temperature (it can be different at different times of the day), humidity, noise level, etc. Take measurements of doors, walls, windows.
Pay attention to the placement of electrical outlets. Write down any obvious flaws so that you can make up for them with your design choices. For example, will customers have a place to hang clothes or store personal items? If not, you will need to buy a wall, hooks or shelves. Or take flooring. After all, not all types are suitable for a massage parlor.
Linoleum or tile floors are much easier to keep clean than carpet, but they can be cold in winter. This is where a small mat comes in handy.

Prepare the ground

Think about what kind of impression you want to make? The moment a client enters your office, they should feel the energy of the objects around you and feel the relaxing atmosphere. When choosing design elements, ask yourself what exactly do you want your customers to feel: calm, relaxed, or vice versa energized?
Look for photos of beautiful massage parlors and spas, ask your friends what kind of environment sets them up for relaxation, positive energy, etc., take notes. On the other hand, think about your favorite design elements and how do they make you feel?
We need to use the 5 human senses: sight, smell, sound, taste and touch. For example, dimmed lights, flickering LED candles, a beautiful painting on the wall, natural decor elements such as wood, plants, or stone can soothe the eyes and mind. With every visit, these simple touches will become part of your clients' memories of exceptional service and amazing massages.


Go beyond the essentials and focus on what your customers need. Allocate your budget to things that matter to them. For example, why spend a whole lot of money on expensive wallpaper/wall paint when customers lie with their eyes closed most of the time anyway.
Customers are more likely to remember and appreciate items that are chosen for their comfort and care. For example:
Mirror: Clients usually want to straighten their hair and clothes right after the massage. They will certainly appreciate a makeup mirror or a full-length mirror. In addition, a well-placed mirror can visually enlarge a room, and even allow you to check your body mechanics as you work.

Remember that a beautiful, practical, and most importantly attractive for your clients, massage parlor is not only about attracting and retaining a client, but also about your face, as well as about professionalism.

To be continued...