How to make a ceiling in a wooden house: installation recommendations, which ceiling to make with your own hands. Do-it-yourself wooden ceiling: an exclusive version

Every real estate owner dreams of a wooden ceiling, but the cost of installing it is quite high. The construction market is filled with materials, among which you can choose cheap and high-quality ones. Also, almost all types of wood and types of cladding (boards, panels, bars, etc.) are presented there.

You can make a wooden ceiling in the house yourself, while the quality of the result will depend on your skills and desires.

Types of ceilings

Now more and more popular are hemmed ceilings made of wood, which received such a name because of the method of laying. The fact is that wooden panels are installed in the ceiling from below, that is, they are, as it were, “hemmed”.

There are several technologies by which hemmed ceilings are made, and now we will consider them. So, wooden structures can be made:

  • From lining or eurolining. This ceiling covering is the most common, the reason for which was the ease of installation. To make such a design, you can use a lining board from almost all types of wood: linden, oak, pine and others.
  • From panels. By design, such a hemmed ceiling resembles a sheathed clapboard, with the difference that not boards are fixed to the ceiling, but large panels. Ceiling coverings laid according to the panel principle are made up of special wooden panels, on the outer part of which veneer is glued. For veneer, expensive or rare wood species are taken.

  • Relief construction from chipped timber. The construction uses wooden blanks, split lengthwise. They must be attached to the frame with a smooth side. It is the chips of a certain breed that will help create a unique and inimitable pattern.
  • Caisson ceiling. This type of ceiling belongs to a separate type, as it is not like any other. Its design is assembled from caissons - box-shaped modules. These ceiling coverings are the most difficult to manufacture, but also the most spectacular.

Regardless of the technology used in laying, wooden ceilings have a number of advantages.

  1. Durability. With proper care, the ceiling will retain its original appearance for quite a long time, while it is non-marking and resistant to various influences.
  2. Environmental friendliness. Wood is an environmentally friendly material, and most of the substances used for impregnation also do not contain harmful impurities.
  3. High heat and sound insulation characteristics.
  4. The beauty.


  1. If the wooden ceiling is not treated properly, it can easily be damaged by woodworms and other insects. It is also susceptible to fungi.
  2. A good and mature tree ignites beautifully. To prevent dangerous situations, the material must undergo appropriate processing.

These shortcomings are easy to eliminate if you know how and with what. The disadvantages of wood include its high cost, as well as the price of the services of professionals who mount it.

Before starting the installation of a wooden ceiling, it is necessary to prepare the ceiling.

  • We carefully clean the ceiling from the remnants of the finish.
  • Due to the high sensitivity of wood to moisture, a waterproofing layer is required, which is mounted on top of the ceiling.
  • If the base of our ceiling is wooden, then it must be treated with fire retardants.
  • We have prepared our base and now we can proceed directly to the installation itself.
  • On the cleaned floor, it is necessary to make markings that will help to mount the frame smoothly. The marking step must be selected depending on the material with which we will sheathe the ceiling.
  • For the frame, it is recommended to use bars 30 by 30 mm, impregnated with drying oil or other substance that protects the wood from swelling and moisture.
  • To fix the bars, you need to use special dowels or turboprops.
  • After completing work with the frame, it is recommended to check its plane again.
  • Now that the work with the frame is over, you can start lining it with wood.

  • We cut the selected material to the required size.
  • Wooden panels are fixed with special nails designed for hidden fasteners. For greater reliability, the nail must be driven in at a slight angle.

In those places where the greatest load is planned, we additionally strengthen the structure with self-tapping screws. There should be a gap between adjacent boards, allowing the tree to deform during temperature changes.

At the last stage, the wooden ceiling is impregnated once again with a protective compound, after which it is varnished. If the floor was prepared for painting, then there is no need for expensive materials, since the paint will hide all the flaws and texture of the material.


We invite you to see how beautiful wooden ceilings can be.

Finishing the ceiling in a wooden house can be done in different ways. A large number of options that are not available for an apartment will look very appropriate and harmonious in a private house. And this is due to the fact that here the ceilings are often higher than in apartments, and also because of the configuration of the roofs, they can have original shapes, which allows you to develop an unusual design of your own.

Independent work on the ceiling sheathing in a wooden house requires certain knowledge and skills. The specifics of the work will depend on the type of ceiling. So, a hemmed beam ceiling consists of boards hemmed between the beams, between which insulation is laid, and covered with boards or plywood on top. The ceiling is made of solid logs. This design requires the preliminary manufacture of the crate.

wood finish

The best option for a wooden house, as this material is environmentally friendly, which allows you to maintain a favorable microclimate in the room. Wooden cladding between the beams can be made of several types - from budget lining to a noble expensive array. Alternatively, you can use a combination of materials, then the ceiling will be original and unique.

The ceilings in a wooden house are also finished with plywood. But no less popular is the finishing of lumber - beech, oak, cherry, beech, ash, maple, birch, alder. Of the conifers, these are spruce, cedar, pine, larch, cedar, fir. They differ in texture, shade, pattern. When choosing lumber, it is important to take into account the level of humidity, no more than 16% is allowed.


Lining is a board processed in a special way with a tongue and groove to simplify installation. The eurolining, unlike the usual one, has a higher quality and design of the lock. The peculiarity of lining is durability, strength, good sound insulation. Due to its naturalness, the surface of the ceiling always “breathes”, and the attractive price of such material makes it affordable for everyone.

Design options are as follows:

  • clapboard lining in one direction is best used for small rooms, in a large room it will look boring and monotonous;
  • if the lining is laid between the beams, its shade and direction of the lining can be changed, thus dividing the space into zones;

  • the continuous surface of the ceiling from the lining can be decorated with carvings or paintings. This solution looks very elegant and resembles colorful old houses.


Although plywood is not often used for ceiling decoration, it can be used to create an interesting design, decorating a house effectively at no extra cost. Plywood is distinguished by the number of glued layers and by such indicators as:

  • grade - construction plywood of one of 5 grades is used for cladding;
  • moisture resistance - the parameter is especially important during the period when the house is not heated. Coating plywood with laminate increases moisture resistance;
  • type of wood - maple, birch, alder are most often used for the top layer of plywood, and the middle layers are most often made from coniferous species;
  • processing method - raw plywood is quite suitable for a country house, for a cottage it is better to use plywood sanded on one side. Double sided sanding is not required;
  • appearance - the decorative component of plywood can be made of asbestos paper, plastic, decorated with a pattern or imitation of wood.

To cover the ceiling with plywood, you must immediately construct a crate from wooden beams or an aluminum profile. You can fix the plywood to the beams using self-tapping screws or nails, and then seal the joints with a decorative rail or putty.

Plywood is a practical and inexpensive material that is perfect for lining the ceiling in a private house. With the help of plywood, you can create an individual design for any room or attic.

Veneered panels

Veneered panels - the same wood planks, only covered with veneer to create a decorative effect. After all, veneer quite successfully copes with imitation of any type of wood, and here it's all a matter of your taste. The price of the panels is slightly higher than the cost of lining, but the plating options are much more diverse.

A significant plus of the material is ease of installation. Each owner can install veneered panels, even without the appropriate skills and experience. Uncomplicated installation is carried out due to the locking connection of the panels. Thus, to make a ceiling, you will need a minimum of tools and time.

wood mass

Perhaps the most prestigious type of finish with wood is natural wood in the form of practical panels. The main properties of the material:

  • strength and durability;
  • high quality - depends directly on the type of wood itself;
  • luxurious appearance;
  • easy and quick installation, which you can do yourself, thanks to special built-in locks.

Such panels are made from hardwoods that meet certain characteristics.


Finishing the ceiling of a wooden house with plaster was previously very relevant. Although today it is often found in modern cottages, it is still slowly becoming a thing of the past, because the range of materials has become much wider.

The plaster is applied to a mesh of shingles, previously stuffed between the crossbars. The durability and strength of the coating is ensured by the reliable adhesion of the mortar to shingles and relief mesh. It is impossible to plaster the ceiling on your own without certain skills and knowledge. This is a rather time-consuming and complex process that requires the hand of a professional.

Advantages of plaster:

  • attractiveness, rich colors and the ability to create a variety of relief on the surface;
  • practicality and durability;
  • affordable price of both the material itself and plastering services. Do-it-yourself work also does not require large cash costs.

The only inconvenience of such a finish in a wooden house is the need for thermal insulation of the walls, which is carried out from the inside of the room. Thermal insulation boards are a good basis for further installation of reinforcing mesh. However, this technology hides a valuable area, which is very undesirable if it is already not very large.


Drywall panels are a versatile material for finishing any surface. With the help of drywall, you can create an individual project with a stunning design. A variant of a two-level ceiling and other intricate designs is possible.

Drywall is mounted on a wooden or metal frame, later they can be painted, pasted over with ceiling tiles or wallpaper. You can also install false beams on the slabs and mount spotlights. Gypsum stucco looks spectacular, which goes well with a plasterboard surface.

Stretch ceiling

It is quite suitable for installation in wooden houses. The only thing to take into account here is one nuance - the stretch fabric is not mounted immediately after the construction of the house, but at least after a couple of years, since each house shrinks. Stretch the canvas under the beams, due to which the height of the room may decrease. Stretch ceilings go well with drywall in multi-level designs, and a true professional can create a really great design, and your interior will become unique.

Plastic panels

Facing the ceiling with plastic panels in a wooden house is quite simple. The smooth surface of the draft ceiling allows you to mount plastic panels without additional crates. Otherwise, a crate will be required, for example, from a wooden beam or a metal profile.

Important! The disadvantage of all artificial materials is that they do not allow air to pass through, which can cause mold to appear under the panels. Therefore, it is best to use natural materials for a wooden house.

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A wooden batten ceiling is a fairly simple and versatile solution for finishing a ceiling. If you use this technology in the repair process, you can sheathe a wooden or concrete rough coating. The technique has a significant advantage, which is expressed in minimal labor costs. The base can be easily leveled, whereas a traditional repair would take much longer and be more expensive.

Technology Description

The ceiling made of wooden slats is a suspended profile structure fixed to the ceiling. A decorative material is installed on the profile. The price of finished rack structures is quite high. Instead of a factory kit, you can assemble the ceiling yourself. Wooden bars can act as a frame, as they are affordable and easy to process.

The frame can be sheathed not only with a rail, but also with a clapboard. Such a ceiling, when compared with a plastic or metal counterpart, has several advantages. First of all, condensate almost does not settle on the wooden finish, which is important for rooms with high humidity, namely:

  • corridors;
  • bathrooms;
  • baths;
  • kitchens.

Secondly, in the interval between the ceiling and the rough floor, engineering communications can be hidden. Thirdly, such a system provides for a successful combination of design with lighting fixtures.

If you choose the right thickness of the timber for the crate, you can increase or decrease the gap between the fine finish and the base, which will ensure the rational use of space in the room. Another advantage of the wooden slat ceiling is its environmental friendliness. Wood does not contain allergens and toxins. It is light in weight compared to metal counterparts.

There is no load on the cover. If the lumber is treated in a timely manner with appropriate impregnations, then the finish will be ready to last longer than plastic or metal counterparts.

Instrument preparation

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the entire set of tools and materials. Among the first should be highlighted:

  • end saw;
  • a hammer;
  • water level;
  • drill;
  • pencil;
  • roulette.

The end saw can be replaced with a hacksaw for wood with a narrow blade. You will also need a miter box. When choosing a hammer, it is necessary to prefer a tool with a working part weight of no more than 200 g. But in the case of a drill, it is important that the equipment has the function of a screwdriver.

Ceiling mounting technology: frame installation

The ceiling of wooden slats is stuffed onto the frame. With the help of a flat plank on the ceiling, it is necessary to determine the most protruding sections. Those areas where the greatest relief will become the place from which to start filling the crate. The bars should be perpendicular to the direction of the rails. In order to achieve a better aesthetic result, it is better to position the slats towards the window opening.

The bars are leveled relative to the starting element. The height difference can be compensated by placing pieces of plywood under the frame elements. In order to prevent the beam from becoming covered with cracks when screwing in screws, holes should be drilled in advance, the diameter of which will be 1/2 the diameter of the screw.

You can also use lining as a facing material. The first bar in this case is laid with a spike against the wall. It is nailed to the beam with nails. If the installation of the ceiling is carried out in a multi-storey building, then you can save yourself from the noise from the neighbors. To do this, mineral wool slabs should be laid in the gap between the wooden sheathing and the ceiling. You can use other soundproofing material.

Installation of rails on the crate: preparation of materials

Fastening wooden slats to the ceiling is cheaper than To carry out the work, you should prepare:

  • rail;
  • plywood scraps;
  • dowels;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • putty;
  • paints and varnishes.

As for the rail, its cross section should be 20x50 mm and 15x40 mm. The first type of products will go to the crate. A rail with a smaller cross section will be needed for ceiling cladding. Scraping plywood is perfect for leveling the crate. When installing the frame elements, 100 mm dowels should be used. To fix the rails, self-tapping screws with a length of 50 mm are suitable.

When choosing a putty, you must be guided by the color of the rails. When you choose slats, you need to pay attention to their evenness. If the purchased lumber seems crooked, then the products must be placed under the load so that they bend in the opposite direction.

Installation instructions

After examining the photo rails, you can understand how to proceed. The installation technology provides for fixing decorative elements by level. Their direction should be perpendicular to the skin. Installation of products is carried out using self-tapping screws.

In the rails, it is necessary to drill through holes, the diameter of which will be 1/2 the diameter of the self-tapping screw. It is necessary to prepare and melt under the fastener head. Fixation is carried out in 1 cm increments. In order for the gap to be even, you can cut a template from plywood. After installing all the rails, the holes where the self-tapping screws were recessed must be filled with wood putty. After it dries, the ceiling is varnished or painted.

Frame made of rails for construction based on plasterboard

Wooden slats for plasterboard ceilings can be an excellent base. In this case, they will not play a decorative role. Before installing the frame, it is necessary to markup. For this, the places of fastening of structural elements are indicated. It is important to determine the center line that will run in the center. You can navigate through it. The rest of the lines will be perpendicular.

The width of the drywall sheet should not exceed the pitch between the axes of the profile. The parts located around the perimeter are installed first. They will act as a guide for setting the future plane. It is important to ensure that these elements are arranged horizontally.

To facilitate the fixation of the components, it is necessary to pull the thread from one corner to another. The rope will show where the ceiling plane is located. Frame parts are mounted on dowels. You can use nails or other fasteners if the walls are not made of concrete or brick.

The distance between the elements can vary from 40 to 60 cm. After fixing the rails around the perimeter, it is necessary to fix the remaining parts. They are located on the floor so that the sheets lie across the crate. If the distance from the ceiling is not greater than the thickness of the wooden part, then fastening can be carried out to the base base. When the indentation exceeds the thickness, the suspensions are first fixed with anchors or dowels, and wooden parts are already attached to them with self-tapping screws.

Backlight setting

The ceiling of wooden slats with lighting looks quite impressive. Before starting the installation of spotlights or installing other lighting options, you need to take care of the wires. After cladding, it will be impossible to stretch hidden wiring. To do this, you will have to disassemble the structure. You will also not be able to localize the ends of the wires, for this they will need to be brought to the places where the lighting device will be located.

It is not necessary to make strobes for wires in the ceiling. It will be necessary to purchase a cable channel or guides for the engineering network. It is possible to mount directly to the ceiling, but only if the material is not fireproof.

Design and need for additional equipment

When making a ceiling of wooden slats with your own hands, you must plan where the lamps will be located. Design begins long before finishing. At the same time, the frame configuration is being developed. With the use of a metal hose, the situation is simplified, because later, if you need to repair the wiring or replace one of its sections, you will not have to disassemble the exterior trim. The cross section of the wire must be selected taking into account the loads. This parameter is selected after calculations, but the cross section should not be less than 1.5 mm 2. When determining the load, add up the power of electrical appliances that will be connected to a specific section of the circuit.

When finishing the ceiling with wooden slats and supplementing it with lighting fixtures, it is important to remember that some devices during operation are not able to function correctly without installing a step-down transformer. This applies to LED strips. It is necessary to find out this fact when buying a lamp or at the stage of preliminary lighting design. This is necessary for the revision and cooling of the device.

Which lamp to choose

For slatted ceilings, experts recommend using spotlights and raster lighting technology. But incandescent lamps are used less frequently. Their dimensions are larger compared to alternative options, so it is necessary to determine the level of the future ceiling. The installation of such devices in a rack structure is simple, because the devices are mostly suspended. Such lamps have a low cost, but impressive power consumption, a short service life and the impossibility of organizing subdued lighting due to the intensity of the light flux.


You can install the ceiling of wooden slats with gaps yourself. This will require It can be made of wood or metal. It is important to remember that such a design will reduce the height of the room, so the space between the ceiling and the decorative material must be selected very carefully.

The space should accommodate communications leading to lighting fixtures. If there are spotlights in the system, the depth of the frame should be 1 cm more than the length of the device.

Modern building materials and technologies allow you to make a ceiling of various types. Design approaches and individual preferences help you choose a coating of drywall, wallpaper, tension or suspended structures. Recently, a wooden ceiling has become very popular. Such material allows you to make the room more comfortable.

Advantages and disadvantages

The return to the old way of finishing ceilings can be explained by the following advantages:

  • the structure of the tree is able to retain heat for a long time;
  • naturalness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • under the wooden ceiling, it is not necessary to prepare the surface for finishing;
  • under it you can lay cables and hide the wiring;
  • such a ceiling is not afraid of shrinkage of a wooden house;
  • wet cleaning is more accessible;
  • improves sound insulation;
  • wood brings coziness and comfort to any interior;
  • the ability to solve any interesting ideas.

And the main disadvantage that a wooden ceiling has is the danger of damage by insects and fungi. But such a disadvantage can be avoided if you choose the right wood and compositions for its processing. Another negative point is the fire hazard.

Wood is a very combustible material, so you cannot do without appropriate processing.

High-quality material for finishing the ceiling will be expensive. Installation services will also be expensive, because it is better to hire real professionals so that the design lasts a long time and reliably.


The ceiling made of wood is divided into hemmed and suspended. It is the latter option that is most often used, since it is easier to install (due to the fact that it is not necessary to pre-level the surface). For hemming, it should be perfectly even.

You can make a wooden ceiling from any type of material; there are also panels that imitate the pattern of natural wood. They are made from MDF.

Hemmed wooden ceilings

There is a certain way of laying panels, which involves their installation from below a wooden structure, that is, they are “hemmed” to it. Designs may vary depending on the material.

It could be:

  1. Chipped beam. Covering with such a decorative element will create a relief on the ceiling. Its unique pattern is determined by chips on the bars. They are blanks, split in half lengthwise, which are attached with a smooth side to the frame.
  2. Panels. In terms of design, such a wooden ceiling resembles clapboard sheathing, with the difference that small pieces of expensive and rare species are attached to a large shield, which is fixed to the surface.
  3. Caisson option. This type of decorative ceiling decoration stands apart from everyone else, because it is assembled from special box-shaped modules. Such a decorative wooden ceiling looks impressive, but it is very difficult to perform and requires a lot of labor and material costs. Not everyone can afford this solution, so it is worth considering options for imitation wood, which are presented in a wide range.
  4. Euro or just lining. This is the most popular ceilings. All thanks to the ease of installation. You can make such a design from a vanogka of any type of wood: pine, oak, linden, etc.

Design solutions

The interior looks very impressive, in which the ceiling is made of antique wood.

Its combination with walls and floors evokes a feeling of the Middle Ages. Such premises are often used for restaurants and hotels. All because of the wood, which gives limitless possibilities for execution, as it is a very supple and flexible material. A unique effect can be given by an artificial one. There are several ways to make it possible - using a parquet or edged board.

A decorative wooden ceiling is not only beautiful, but also very expensive. Not everyone can afford such a luxury. But this does not mean that a simple living room in an apartment cannot be finished with such material. It is not necessary to use unique wood in the interior. You can get by with a simple clapboard, which, with proper installation, will look very impressive.

Ceiling and walls

Wood can be harmoniously combined with walls, using natural materials for finishing the latter (ideally also wood).

The color of the walls will add contrast to the interior. You can use the combined version, when one part is made to match the ceiling, and the other is contrasting. Sometimes using drywall on walls or plastering works well.

Natural wood goes well with stone. It can be made an accent in a small part of the wall. Natural stone can be successfully replaced with artificial.

Houses made of wood, the ceiling of which is made in the same material, are becoming classics. In this case, it will not be superfluous to combine walls with it. It is worth thinking about the purpose of the room in which the wooden ceiling structure will be installed. If this is a bathroom, then you can pick up decorative tiles on the walls. Its color scheme should match the ceiling.

If a high-tech style is used in the interior, then wood can be combined with metal.

If natural material cannot be used for any reason, then you should pay attention to the ceiling under the tree. It is finished with other materials, but has an original pattern.

Installation of a wooden frame

Before installing wood flooring, you need to prepare the surface:

  • the remnants of the finish must be carefully removed;
  • on top of the ceiling, an additional layer of waterproofing is needed, because wood is a material that is highly susceptible to moisture.
  • with a base made of wood, treatment with anti-ignition compounds is needed;
  • the overlap is marked for even installation of the structure. The marking step will depend on the upholstery material;
  • the frame is best made from 30X30mm bars. They should be treated with special compounds that will give the material resistance to moisture and swelling;
  • you need to fasten the bars with special fasteners in the form of turboprops or dowels;
  • after installing the frame, check its plane.

Next comes the wood paneling, the material of which is cut according to size. The panels are fixed on the bars with flush-mounting nails, while for reliability, the nail should be driven in at a slight angle.

The panels should not fit very tightly together, as they need space to deform during operation and exposure to temperature changes. Where additional load is possible, it is better to fix the structure with additional self-tapping screws.

The last step will be impregnation with a protective composition and varnishing. With subsequent painting, there is no need to carry out additional procedures, since the coloring composition will hide all the shortcomings.

Stretch ceiling

You can create a fashionable interior and at the same time spend less money on materials and work by arranging a stretch ceiling under a tree. This solution is relevant for many styles, from Provence to Art Nouveau. It will successfully fit into any design project and will look great in wooden houses.

Thanks to modern technology, you can apply any pattern. The basis for it can be glossy, satin or fabric. This is the easiest way to arrange a tree on the ceiling. Many designers recommend duplicating the floor and moving the same pattern upstairs. Looks very impressive.

A wooden ceiling is considered a classic; any room will benefit from this decision.

The advantage of this material is that, with all its naturalness and originality, the tree looks noble.

rack ceiling

Many people confuse two concepts: a wooden ceiling and a wooden slatted ceiling. The second option is just an imitation, it is obtained by applying a pattern resembling a section of a bar or board to a different base.

The first consists of natural material and is more acceptable in an aesthetic sense. A person perceives a wooden drawing positively, knowing in advance about its authenticity.

But you do not need to immediately dismiss the option of imitation. After all, modern technologies make it possible to achieve such an effect that one glance will not be enough to realize a fake. This can save you a significant amount of money.

Installing a slatted ceiling

To install such a ceiling, you need to prepare the necessary tool:

  • perforator (designed for stone walls);
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw, hand saw or electric jigsaw;
  • mounting level;
  • and measurements.

The installation of rails is not much different from the installation of other wooden coatings.

Reiki also needs to be attached to the bars with nails or screws. In damp rooms, the surface should be additionally waterproofed to prevent mold and high humidity inside the house.

A very important point in the choice of rails will be the percentage of their moisture content. It should not exceed 12%. Otherwise, the rails may warp during operation.

So we found out what a wooden ceiling is like. Then the choice is yours!

The demand for wooden ceilings has experienced ups and downs more than once, and if in Soviet times they were installed only in hallways, today they become an ideal addition to any room. The choice of a stylistic solution, within which wooden ceilings will be relevant, also does not cause difficulties - they will fit not only into classical, but also into modern interiors. A rich selection of finishing materials, their wide price range, as well as the use of innovative repair technologies, make it possible to install natural wood ceilings not only in country cottages with wooden floors, but also in apartments with high ceilings. The high popularity of wooden ceilings is easily explained, because it is not in vain that wood is considered one of the most suitable finishing materials for residential premises. Boards and panels made of natural wood are an environmentally friendly finishing material that does not contain synthetic components such as phenols, flame retardants and formaldehydes. This is due to the conditions of use of the finishing material, which implies the absence of atmospheric moisture in the living room, and therefore, the tree does not need protective coatings and synthetic impregnations. Despite the common stereotype that wood is used only for flooring or walls, in this article we will demonstrate how successful decorating ceilings with natural wood can be.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden ceilings

Advantages of wooden ceilings:

Wood is an environmentally friendly material, and the impregnations used for its processing do not contain harmful substances. Due to this advantage, it can be used for finishing ceilings in a nursery;

Long service life, during which the decorative wooden ceiling will retain its original appearance. Subject to appropriate care, once you have installed the ceiling structure, you will not have to regularly put it in order. An important role in this is played by the use of various mastics, antiseptics, impregnations and products of paint and varnish production;

In view of the low thermal conductivity, wood acts as an effective heat insulator. In addition, using wood as a material for finishing ceilings, you get the opportunity to install an additional layer of insulation;

Due to the high soundproofing qualities of wood, you can create the necessary acoustics in the room;

By finishing the walls and ceilings with wood, you will create a favorable indoor microclimate and an optimal level of air humidity, which will create comfortable conditions for a person to stay;

Thanks to the ceiling, finished with wood, the room acquires a special aesthetics and respectability inherent in natural materials. Wooden ceilings do not need to be painted - it is enough to cover them with varnish.

Disadvantages of wooden ceilings:

Wooden ceilings need additional treatment with antiseptic impregnations that will protect the wood from mold and prevent the formation of rot.

In addition, wood-boring bugs, which destroy it, have a negative effect on wood;

Ceilings made of dry, matured wood are considered a fire risk factor, and therefore, they need additional treatment with fire retardant mixtures;

The high cost of natural materials is another drawback of wooden ceilings, but repair costs can be significantly reduced by doing the installation yourself.

Varieties of wood finishing materials: a brief description

The design of the ceiling surface largely depends on the type of finishing materials used. Today it is no longer possible to meet ceilings sheathed with a simple board - the construction market offers an abundance of wood finishing materials.

Consider the main varieties and their brief description:

Wood panels is a collective concept that includes a number of finishing materials, each of which has a certain set of characteristics. Let's consider them in more detail.

Lining, which is also called a "croaker" or edged board, is a time-tested, versatile finishing material. It is a wooden board, equipped with special grooves on both sides, which ensure a snug fit of adjacent elements to each other. Ceilings sheathed with clapboard are characterized by smoothness, resistance to sudden changes in temperature and high sound and heat insulation characteristics. Usually they are made from certain types of wood: oak, beech, pine or linden. In the process of choosing a type of wood, keep in mind that conifers emit resin during the heating process, and therefore, it is not recommended to use them for finishing wooden ceilings;

Important! The lining made from the core of the tree is difficult to process and often cracks, but it has exceptional water-repellent characteristics;

Lining made from the edge parts of the trunk is much easier to process and is practically not subject to cracking.

The range of use of lining is quite wide - it is successfully used for covering multi-level ceilings, which are designed to decorate space and highlight functional areas.

A type of lining made in accordance with European standards is eurolining. Unlike domestic, eurolining differs in the principle of surface treatment. From the outside, the euromaterial is carefully sanded and impregnated with special compounds, a ventilation groove is provided on the back surface, through which moisture is also removed. In addition, a distinctive feature of eurolining is the exact dimensions, strict geometry of shapes and a perfectly flat surface. In this regard, we can safely say that eurolining does not need additional processing and can immediately be used to mount a wooden ceiling.

The ceiling block house is a wooden panel that imitates a convex log surface. It is impregnated with antiseptics and flame retardants, which reduce the combustibility of the material. Using a block house for installation, you can make wood ceilings, the photo design of which will resemble an old log hut, built from solid tree trunks. The block house is considered to be a fairly solid and high-quality material for decorating the ceiling surface;

Decorative panels - a three-layer material for finishing the ceiling surface. Its layers are glued together in factories using the latest technologies, the main principles of which are the use of high temperature and pressure. Decorative panels consist of three layers: an expensive face layer made of precious woods, and two other layers, for which spruce or pine was used. In most cases, they are made to order, taking into account the size of a particular room;

MDF panels, of course, are not related to wood, however, they are great for imitating a wooden coating. In addition, in view of their affordable cost, they are a popular budget repair option;

Wooden beams are a finishing material with which you can emphasize the color of the room, focusing on its advantages. If you do not want to install solid wood beams, but want to use them as a decorative element, false beams will be the best replacement for this material. By color, they can be in tone with the overall interior or a contrasting shade.

Cladding boards - natural wood material, impervious to dirt, practically does not exfoliate and does not crack. There are samples impregnated with wax - they are immune to moisture, and therefore, they are used for sheathing ceilings in the kitchen or bathroom.

Wooden wallpaper is an environmentally friendly material that creates a cozy natural atmosphere in the house. The use of natural wood for their manufacture is a new, promising step in their manufacture, the essence of which is to combine wood panels and traditional wallpaper. The unique combinatorics of these materials made it possible to almost limitlessly expand the possibilities of their use.

Consider the main features of wooden wallpaper:

Veneer wallpaper is one of the varieties of wooden wallpaper, the thickness of which reaches 1.56 mm. For their manufacture, valuable wood is used by gluing veneer onto paper wallpaper;

Cork wallpapers, supplied in rolls or sheets, are made from pressed cork. They are an effective sound insulator, do not absorb odors and are easy to clean from dirt.

Important! The use of wooden wallpapers is limited by their fire hazard and susceptibility to moisture, and therefore, they are not recommended for use in the kitchen and especially in the bathroom.

Ceiling fillet is a decorative plinth made of wood, using which you can emphasize the design of a wooden ceiling and hide possible flaws in your work.

Unlike fillets made from other materials, wooden fillets have a certain set of advantages, such as unique strength, long service life and natural color.

There are two types of wooden fillets:



Fastening of fillets is carried out using self-tapping screws equipped with decorative plugs, clips or "liquid" nails.

The type of wood used to make fillets is another classification feature. In accordance with it, allocate:

Pine fillet is a soft material, malleable to machining. This allows you to expand the possibilities of self-decoration of the ceiling surface;

Linden fillet is a versatile material widely used for decorating rooms for various purposes - from bedrooms to saunas;

Alder fillet is a durable, light-colored wooden material that can be painted in any color.
