Horizontal narrow windows. Making a narrow window with curtains - which option is right for you? What are the features of decorating a narrow window

Window decoration is the final stage in the interior design of a room. Beautifully decorated windows give the room a cosiness.

With the help of curtains, you can expand the space, focus on individual elements of the design of the room, and even refresh the interior during an old renovation.

How to decorate windows with curtains in a modern style

Correctly making window decor with curtains is not an easy task. It is necessary to take into account the size of the window, the style and functional affiliation of the room. Curtains should harmoniously fit into the overall interior.

Basic moments:

  • With an unusually decorated room or colorful wallpaper, you do not need to pick up fancy curtains. It is better if they are simple, without additional elements, and the emphasis is on the texture and color scheme of the fabric.
  • Silk and synthetic material of curtains is suitable for matte wallpaper, and for embossed wallpaper - matte fabric.
  • A vertical pattern on the curtains will make the room look taller.
  • Horizontal - will add volume.
  • Everything is suitable for a large room with large windows: any fabric, pattern, tassels.
  • The best option for small rooms with a small window is plain tulle. To darken, take not heavy curtains, but Greek ones.

Curtain options

You can decorate window openings in different styles: classic, electrician, art deco, minimalism. There are many varieties of curtains that suit all styles and meet the latest fashion trends.


W light fabric curtains (tulle, veils, organza). Curtains allow you to realize any ideas. They not only cover the window, but also create comfort. They may have a pattern or pattern, the main feature is their lightness, so the shades of colors should be delicate, bed-like.

In addition to beauty, curtains also have useful functions:

  • protection from the view from the street;
  • scattering of sunlight.

When choosing, you should consider: what kind of care is required, how the fabric looks after washing, whether it allows air and light to pass through, whether it fades or not.

Curtains are lowered to the floor or not reaching it, they can be hung in waves or stretched, it all depends on the desire. They will fit into any room.


For curtains, a dense, opaque material or lined fabric is used.

Draperies should look voluminous, density is important in them. They are both heavy (made of velvet, tapestry, jacquard) and light (made of cotton, linen, silk).

Designers often combine them with upholstery of upholstered furniture in the interior. They look spectacular with folds or ties.

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for care, the degree of transmission of light and air.

Their main task is to protect from the sun and light coming from the street.. In addition, they are used as decor, window communications are hidden behind them.

With lambrequins

Lambrequin - decoration of the horizontal top of the window. It happens hard and soft, geometric shapes and gentle waves.

Lambrequin is used to hide the flaws of the window opening and as a decoration. It looks great with curtains decorated with braid or embroidery. Suitable for rooms with high ceilings.

Curtains with a bright pattern look very impressive with a lambrequin, in combination with walls of plain, light shades. Fits well into the interior with classics. It is used for rooms with different functional purposes.

On eyelets

Eyelets are very popular due to their ease of care and variety of options. They are suitable for different styles and all sorts of design solutions. After washing, they are easy to hang up, as the curtains have rings that are put on the eaves.

Rings are made from materials such as: wood, plastic, metal. If the curtains are light, then it is better to use plastic eyelets, they are inexpensive and do not corrode, unlike metal ones.

Wooden - eco-friendly, suitable for lovers of everything natural. Goes well with country style.

If the curtains are heavy, then metal rings are needed.

Modern technologies have made it possible to create not only round rings, but also various geometric shapes.

An important point when using such curtains is the choice of cornice, which should also be combined with the overall design of the room.

To make the curtains on the grommets look luxurious, you should take into account such moments - rings in the color of the main material of the curtains or contrast with them.

Curtains should be 1.5 times longer than the cornice, then they will fit nicely in folds.


Sliding model - fits well into any room and is combined with different styles. They are practical and versatile. There are a large number of options: plain, with a pattern, and any in quality. Design options are limitless:

  • two stripes going down and gathered;
  • assembled with interceptions and clamps;
  • decorated with fringe and tassels.

Curtains move in different ways:

  • using the curtains themselves - this is not convenient and the fabric can be damaged;
  • mechanically - movement occurs with the help of a cord;
  • electric - an electric drive is used.

Sheer tulle

Rooms where window openings are decorated only with tulle look original and modern. The tulle will not darken the room, but it will protect from the sun and from the views from the street.

Often, designers use a technique in which tulle smoothly transitions from windows to walls; this looks good in a nursery or bedroom. Especially if its color is snow-white or pastel colors.

The combination of tulle with heavy curtains is perfect for the living room, airy tulle will give the interior lightness and weightlessness. It is important that the tulle is combined with the main curtains. If the curtains are bright in color, with a pattern, then the tulle should be plain.

Today, you can choose tulle for any interior, as there are many types: organza, mesh, veil. There is a dense and thin, different colors, with patterns and embroidery.


The combined model of curtains is used for rooms with several windows. Window openings decorated in various options look harmonious, but it is better to use one fabric to support the overall interior and create the integrity of the room.

Designers often combine sliding blinds for large windows and Roman blinds for narrow ones. Sliding curtains on one side and a lambrequin on the other will be effective in the living room, especially if they are in harmony with upholstered furniture.

Another trick of designers is curtains from different types of fabrics and different colors, combined together. When choosing them, you need to consider: the style of the room, the texture of the fabric, the color. Combined options are especially suitable for large windows.

What is better to choose: plain material or with a pattern?

The most advantageous are plain curtains, they are easy to fit into any design and they are suitable for rooms with all kinds of prints and textures. Color range from light to dark. An unmistakable choice of color for curtains will be a shade in harmony with upholstery and carpets.

For small rooms, the ideal color is identical to the color of the walls, this will visually increase the space.

When choosing curtains with a pattern, you should especially look at the geometric patterns that are now in trend. It is necessary to combine the ornament with upholstery on furniture and carpets.

It is important, when using such curtains, not to overload the interior with color shades and textures.

Bright curtains or with a pattern will fit well into a room with plain, light wallpaper, they will become the center of the composition of the room. it clearly visible in the photo.

Decorating non-standard windows

Curtains are not only a window decoration, but they can also be used to correct the shortcomings of window openings. Properly selected curtains will hide any non-standard features. It is important to skillfully apply the secrets of window decoration.

Window not in the center of the wall

The best option for decorating such windows is a full-wall cornice, on which combined curtains are located. A variant of tulle and one curtain wide curtain, tied to the side where it covers the wall, is possible. The use of different fittings and colors allows you to fit such curtains into a room with different functions.

Big windows

If the window is large and looks bad in the general interior of the room, the ideal option is two curtains on the sides with lambrequins. Vertical stripes of fabric will cover part of the opening from the sides, and the lambrequin will become a distracting element, all this will lead to the effect of reducing the window. In addition, curtains with a large pattern also lead to a visual reduction of the window.

Low variant

The visual effect for enlarging the window is achieved if the curtains protrude significantly beyond the boundaries of the window opening and the cornice is installed 20 or 40 cm above the window, and the curtains are long, to the floor. This is clearly visible in the photo.

narrow windows

Narrow windows are often found in kitchens. The ideal way to widen a window opening is to hang a cornice longer than the window, possibly the entire wall. Dense curtains look good together with tulle, when opened, they will be located on the walls, thereby making the window wider.

Designers in the design of narrow windows often resort to the use of Roman blinds. Also, use the option with one curtain, grabbed at the level of the window in one direction. The resulting diagonal changes the geometry of the opening.

Design options for curtains to the floor and short

Floor-length curtains are a classic, they look attractive, suitable for all rooms (bedroom, living room, kitchen) and different styles. They can be made of matter of different quality and in different design solutions.

Short curtains are popular because of their practicality and variety of styles. They are suitable for Provence style, rustic and classic. Perfectly fit into the kitchen, bedroom, nursery. Plus these curtains:

  • open access to the window;
  • cost savings;
  • less susceptible to pollution.

Design options for one curtain

The one-sided curtain is especially suitable for classic style, country and Provence. Such curtains must be supplemented with asymmetry in the interior of the room itself. The positive side of this model:

  • minimum material;
  • easy to use, it is attached with a clip and, if necessary, dissolves;
  • does not delay the sun's rays and air;
  • allows you to significantly change the interior of the room.

Single-sided curtains are suitable for both a large hall and a small kitchen.

Interior design without curtains

In a modern interior, curtains are often not used when decorating windows, especially if it overlooks a loggia. There are several ways to decorate a window without curtains:

  • special sun protection film - it is applied to glass (panoramic windows);
  • mirror glasses - have good light characteristics;
  • frosted or light-scattering opaque glasses - make the room brighter;
  • window tinting - relevant for the bathroom;
  • blinds;
  • electromechanical windows - this is an innovation, by pressing the button the window becomes opaque, but it is expensive.

Also, you can decorate the window using the created composition,which changes according to mood.

Fashion trends in design

Over time, fashion changes, including window decoration. Designers have developed new models corresponding to the time. Should be considered:

  • the presence of volume in the model and originality in drapery;
  • juicy colors;
  • the key point is the use of natural fabrics.

Roller curtains and Roman models remain in fashion. Curtains with a large pattern are also in trend now. Adding accessories to the composition is another plus (tiebacks, bows, fringe, hairpins).

Design fantasies - options

The window provides endless possibilities for imagination and the embodiment of ideas, there is nothing impossible or forbidden in its design, and this is clearly visible in the photo.

At all times, people have tried to decorate the windows and today they are also the focus of attention, because they are the eyes of the house. It is the design of the window that is the final touches in the interior of the room and giving it comfort.

How to choose the right curtains for a small bedroom? Considering that there are many small real estate objects on the secondary housing market, the issue of selecting curtains for a small bedroom is relevant for many housewives. Curtains are the accessory with which you can achieve a significant expansion of space, adjust the amount of sunlight penetrating into the room.

The specifics of the choice

When choosing curtains for a small bedroom, you can use the advice of professional stylists. Here are some professional tips for you:

  • for a small room it is better to choose plain curtains that do not have a colorful pattern or other image;
  • as a pattern that is allowed on curtains for a small bedroom, professionals advise using horizontal stripes;
  • for curtains in a small bedroom, you can choose textiles with a dense weave of threads that do not let in light, can create a comfortable and comfortable bedroom in a small bedroom

Attention! A large number of folds on the curtains visually reduces the room, so it is not suitable for a small bedroom.

In order to make the window opening longer, you can hang a long cornice on a narrow window.

Advice! If there are two windows in the room, then when decorating the window opening, it is better to choose a cornice in the entire wall, place the curtains along the entire length of the wall.

Recently, professional stylists often use roll or Roman designs, as well as blinds with translucent curtains, in their work.

As an ideal option, you can consider the use of tulle, amenable to drapery.

  • Criteria for textiles
  • In order for textiles not to spoil the image that is chosen for the room, it is necessary to choose it according to certain criteria:
  • the uniformity of the fabric;
  • simplicity of forms;
  • use of a ceiling cornice;
  • white curtains

In a small bedroom with low ceilings, you can use curtains made of bright textiles.

There are some restrictions that can be considered taboo for curtains in a small bedroom:

  • a large drawing will draw all the attention to itself, the appearance of the room will be hopelessly spoiled;
  • a large number of folds on the curtains of a small room will make it even smaller

Advice! If you cannot decide on the color, shape, length of the curtains yourself, you can entrust this process to a professional designer.

To create a visual effect of curtains falling from the ceiling, you can equip a stretch ceiling in a small bedroom.

Color options

Of particular importance in the formation of free space in the room is color. When decorating a narrow window in the bedroom, it is important to choose the color of the curtains so that they do not stand out from the overall color scheme.

Considering that furniture is changed much less frequently than wallpaper, its color must be taken into account when choosing the shade of curtains. In this case, you can count on getting a complete and harmonious image in a room designed for sleeping and relaxing.

In a white bedroom, original bright curtains of various colors will be appropriate: yellow, green, orange.

Advice! For a room in which the walls are decorated in rich colors, it is better to purchase light-colored curtains.

For example, for a pink interior, stylists advise buying white curtains.

Any shades of beige harmoniously fit into the bedroom, fill the room with home comfort.

Brown is a good solution for a small living space, it can be used to visually expand the room. Brown color is well combined with golden, green, and also with a blue background.

It is quite easy to choose curtains for a bedroom with beige wallpaper on the walls. You can buy curtains in warm pastel shades, which are presented on the modern market in a huge assortment. Psychologists are convinced that in order to relieve nervous tension, it is necessary to choose green curtains.

Attention! In a room designed for relaxation, bright curtains, as well as black porters, will not work.

Psychologists remind about the negative impact of black color on the human psyche. Black curtains will create gloom in the room, visually reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. If you “dilute” the black color with various shades, take care of high-quality lighting, it is quite possible to give the bedroom space an elegant look.

The austerity of the interior is given by a combination of a blue tint with white or golden color.

Among the variety of curtains that are presented on the modern market, Roman blinds, as well as blinds, are suitable for a small bedroom.

Such options for decorating windows allow you to protect the room from direct sunlight without taking up free space.

To accentuate the window opening, you can pick up plain bright fabrics, arm yourself with a two-color stripe.

If desired, you can choose a monochrome image for the bedroom. For example, stylists advise to complement the pink shades of the bedroom with burgundy curtains.

Stylistic decisions

When choosing a curtain model for a small room, it is important to pay attention to the style that is chosen for decorating it.

For example, in modern, high-tech, the use of English and French curtains is not allowed. Art Nouveau is characterized by pastel colors and smooth lines. Hi-tech is distinguished by clear lines, glossy surfaces, shiny metal accessories.

The classic interior involves the use of multi-layered and voluminous curtains. For example, French curtains are at the peak of popularity. They decorate the window with semi-oval folds, so they are quite appropriate even in a small room designed for sleeping and relaxing.

Minimalism can be considered an excellent option for a small room. In such a room there should not be multi-layered textures, bright colors, as well as contrasting prints. In such an interior, short Japanese models or curtains with slats are appropriate.

For fans of rustic Provence, stylists recommend purchasing curtains, the length of which is just below the windowsill. Such curtains can have pastel colors. A similar model of curtains is an excellent solution for a small living space. Among the main advantages of such curtains, we highlight the ease of care for them, the minimum consumption of fabric for their manufacture, and access to the window. Short curtains do not block the radiators, thanks to which sunlight enters the room without hindrance, and thermal energy spreads.

Selection of materials

Of particular importance is the correct choice of materials for curtains in a small bedroom. Doctors recommend using the minimum amount of synthetic and polymer fabrics for the room that is intended for sleep and relaxation. Instead of synthetic materials, it is better to choose natural fabrics, for example, buy cotton or linen for curtains. Of particular importance is the ecological component of textiles intended for decorating bedroom windows.

Linen curtains are considered practical, as they retain their original color for a long period, and do not shrink after washing. The only drawback that such curtains have is that they wrinkle a lot.

Advice! In order for the curtains not to fade in the sun, fabric manufacturers add a small amount of polyester to it.

Among the most common materials used in the tailoring of various models of window curtains in the bedroom, we highlight viscose.

With its help, you can create beautiful folds on the curtain, giving the interior airiness.

Advice! Interior stylists advise fans of blinds to choose designs made from natural material. Bamboo blinds are the latest fashion trend.

Original ideas for choosing material for bedroom windows, samples of decorating window openings, depending on the style, are presented here.

Combinations and drawings

In the event that there is some kind of pattern on the curtain, it itself should be of the same tone. This rule is especially true for a small space. Interior stylists advise choosing curtains with prints with extreme caution, as there is a high risk of making a tiny room even smaller in area.

It is undesirable to purchase such options in which a small ornament is used. For example, a small stripe will look intrusive, it will hopelessly ruin the harmony of the room.

Dark plain curtains are suitable for a small rest room only if all other elements are decorated in white.

Professional interior designers use some techniques that allow them to achieve perfect harmony in the interior:

  • they of the elements should be 1-2 tones darker or lighter than the second;
  • opposite textures are used for the same color, matte fabrics are needed for glossy surfaces;
  • furniture upholstery and curtain color should be combined


For a harmonious and cozy design, it is important to think through all the details. Only with a combination of many details, you can count on getting the desired result. The bedroom is the place in the house or apartment where the atmosphere is especially important. The interior of this room should be thought out so that the inhabitants of the bedroom feel cozy and comfortable. The curtains chosen for the bedroom must meet certain criteria.

They should not stand out from the general image chosen for its decoration.

Lambrequin curtains are a common option for windows in the room where it should be cozy and comfortable. Lambrequin is a horizontal strip of dense matter that adorns the upper part of the curtain composition.

You can complement this image with the help of various accessories and jewelry: tassels, cutouts, flounces, beads.

Depending on the personal preferences of the hostess, for the bedroom windows, you can choose soft or hard options for lambrequins. Subject to all the recommendations of professional stylists, with the help of curtains you can fill the room with home warmth and comfort.

The interior design of the bedroom will be incomplete if you do not pay due attention to such an important issue as window decoration. The problem of choosing curtains for many continues to be relevant. After all, it is this accessory that can visually expand the space or make it smaller, add sunlight or darkness and gloom.

Features of choice

Choosing curtains for a small bedroom is not too difficult, but there are certain rules that limit the choice.

Rules for choosing curtains:

  • For a small room, choose a plain curtain without colorful ornament or other image.
  • It is better not to make folds on the curtains, which will visually reduce the room,
  • The only suitable drawing is horizontal stripes.
  • When choosing curtains for a small bedroom, designers advise using textiles with a dense weave of threads, not transmitting light and creating comfort in a small bedroom;

  • hang a long cornice on a narrow window, then the opening will appear larger;
  • in the case of two windows on the same wall the cornice should be chosen the length of the entire wall;
  • a set of curtains should be of a simple form with a minimum of wrinkles;
  • the bedroom will be brighter if used blinds with transparent curtains. Roman or roll designs are also suitable.
  • Perfect option - lightly draped tulle.

When making a window in a small bedroom, you need to be very careful about choosing textiles for curtains. It must match certain criteria:

  • plain fabrics, without print, pattern or ornament. Any image will attract attention by focusing on the window, and this should not be allowed;
  • simple forms. Complex draperies are voluminous and tend to absorb space;
  • visually expand a narrow and long room horizontal stripe fabric as a drawing.
  • In a small room with low ceilings, the right choice would be ceiling cornice.
  • With a monophonic design of the walls of a small bedroom choose curtains from bright textiles;
  • Plain curtains suitable if the wallpaper on the walls with a pattern;
  • White curtains always look solemn, they will help create a feeling of spaciousness in a small bedroom.

Several taboo for small bedroom curtains:

  • textiles with large ornaments or other patterns- he will attract all the attention to himself, taking all the free space;
  • drapes and pleats on curtains small windows will make it even smaller; similarly, you can’t use lambrequins, as well as other complex curtains that visually reduce the room.

You can apply ready-made design solutions and properly decorate a window opening in a small bedroom. A narrow window will make a long baguette wider from one wall to another.

If you decide to equip a small bedroom with stretch ceilings, the cornice will very conveniently hide in a niche behind the ceiling frame, then the fabrics will effectively fall directly from the ceiling.

Color solutions

Color has a great influence on the formation of space. Window decoration in a small bedroom should not stand out from the overall color scheme. Furniture changes a little less often than wallpaper, so consider its shades when choosing the color of curtains. This will help you save money.

Bright original curtains of different colors are suitable for a white bedroom: green, yellow, orange.

  • If your bedroom walls are in rich colors, the choice should be stopped on light-colored curtains, ideally white for a pink interior.
  • Huge popularity with all shades of beige and brown, they are extremely appropriate in the bedroom, soothe and give the impression of comfort.

  • Brown will be a great solution for a miniature room, it visually expands it, in addition, it combines well with a large number of colors: blue, green, golden.
  • The simplest task is to choose curtains in the bedroom, decorated in all tones of beige. You can always buy curtains in pastel warm shades, presented on the market in a rich assortment. Green and its shades will also suit any interior. This is the color of harmony, which is well perceived by the eye.
  • It is not recommended to use too bright colors in the recreation area, what is the bedroom.

  • Not a very good solution black curtains that visually narrow the space and create the illusion of darkness. But if you complement black with a combination of different shades, with good lighting, the bedroom can give an elegant look.
  • Blue with golden or white makes the interior strict. Joyful orange and yellow shades of curtains will decorate the children's bedroom, while black is contraindicated for her.
  • Of all the types of curtains, the most correct solution for a small bedroom is Roman blinds, as well as blinds on the windows. Both of these options do not take up space, but at the same time protect from sunlight.
  • To accentuate the window opening, you can use bright plain fabrics or a two-color stripe, and a print in a small bedroom is contraindicated. Original contrasting combinations, such as black and gray, turquoise and gold, will make the accent brighter.

  • Black and white bedroom interior can be softened with any other shade.
  • Curtains should not be the same color as the wallpaper, let them be a little darker or lighter.
  • The interior of a small bedroom can be monochrome: burgundy curtains will suit pink shades of the bedroom interior, and purple shades of curtains will harmonize with wallpaper in lilac tones.
  • If the room has colorful interior, the best option would be light curtains in brown tones.


The choice of curtain model directly depends on the design style of a small bedroom.

  • The style of Hi-tech, Modern French and English curtains are contraindicated. Art Nouveau is characterized by pastel shades and smooth lines. Hi-tech is characterized by clear lines and glossy surfaces in accessories.
  • Classic uses the volume and layering of curtains. French curtains - on the wave of popularity. They frame the window with a semi-oval of folds and, unlike multi-layer ones, they can be used in a small bedroom.

Minimalism- A great choice for a small bedroom. The complete absence of layering, contrasting prints, bright colors. These are laconic short curtains with slats or Japanese ones.

  • For rustic styles like Country and provence, curtains are very close to the level of the window sill in beautiful pastel colors. This option is good for a small room. It has many advantages:
  1. gives access to the window;
  2. easy to care for;
  3. economical consumption of fabric when sewing;
  4. curtains do not block the radiators under the window, so do not interfere with the free flow of warm air into the room. This model is good for a miniature window, and also if it is in a niche or if any piece of furniture is installed under the window.

Material selection

Great importance is given to the choice of material for curtains in a small bedroom.

  • In sleeping rooms, the use of polymers is limited. The best option would be natural fabrics: silk, linen, cotton. The environmentally friendly component is of great importance in the choice of textiles for the bedroom, healthy sleep depends on it.
  • Linen curtains practical, retain color for a long time, do not shrink after washing. Of the shortcomings - easily crumpled. Cotton fades quickly in the sun. To prevent this from happening, a small percentage of polyester is added to its composition.
  • To prevent rapid fading of silk curtains from it can be supplemented with synthetic lining. But it's worth it: they look rich in any interior.

  • Most common curtain materialviscose. It gives different folds, making the interior airy. Synthetic curtains are practical and inexpensive.
  • If you opted for blinds, it is desirable that they are also natural, for example, from bamboo. Many models are designed for use in a sunny bedroom with south-facing windows.

Roller blind designs made of translucent material can let in a certain amount of light, which will not make a small bedroom dark.

Narrow and high window frames - as a rule, they are installed in private houses with high ceilings. Such windows can turn any room into a majestic auditorium, or a design creative.

A narrow and long window opening brings some inconvenience to its owners:

Design options

So, what can be done with curtains for a narrow window, depending on the needs of the owners:

Ways to Change Proportions

It is known that large things in a room, located in a vertical plane, not only take away the feeling of free space, but at the same time give it a sense of scale. This is because everything larger is perceived as more significant. To give significance and expressiveness to a living room with a narrow window, you can only hang volumetric curtains, as for a regular window.

In our case, both curtains should hang on the sides of the strip of light that the window lets through. This will require a wider cornice (three window widths).

If you need to increase the width as much as possible, use 2 more tricks:

1) Cashing the door frame - a contrasting color in relation to the walls of the room

2) Curtains of the same color as the walls of the room. In the same way that beige shoes seem to continue the legs, so the curtains that match the walls of the room do not once again cut the space into pieces.

Proportion number 3.


Antique style is always associated with luxury. You can give the room a sense of pomp and exclusivity to the guests entering it, if you turn to this style. Use Italian curtains for this, picked up with a brush or a tourniquet in the upper part (above the middle).

Among all models, the best curtains for narrow windows are those that have a vertical profile: bishop's sleeve, Italian blinds, Roman, Austrian, roller blinds. Ordinary curtains are the least suitable. If they are placed inside the window opening, they will take a lot of light, and if you try to make them narrower in width, then the edge of the canvas will not hang evenly. Moreover, it will definitely look cheap.

Narrow curtains in the interior of the living room, on the wall of a flight of stairs in a private house, in a room of classic design and creative direction will certainly attract attention. For such windows, extraordinary proportions and originality of performance are suitable, since ordinary curtains in this case are suitable only if the canvases are located on the sides of the window, and on a wide cornice.

When planning the premises of an apartment, the question often arises of how to properly organize the design of a narrow room. The main problem that is encountered along the way is the constrained, narrow space. These limitations require a skillful approach to arranging furniture, while maintaining the required functionality of the room. The methods described in the article will allow you to competently equip the sleeping area, while maintaining a maximum of free square meters.

A narrow bedroom is a special case, often requiring extraordinary solutions.

The bed is the main piece of furniture in the bedroom. No couches and sofas can replace a full double bed

If you stick to certain methods of interior layout, you will be able to smooth out the inconvenience that a long, narrow room implies.

  1. Wall decoration. In order to visually expand the bedroom, long walls are finished with light materials. But short ones, on the contrary, stand out with bright shades.
  2. Use of functional furniture. For example, take a folding sofa. After a night's sleep, simply remove the folding part.
  3. Niche application. Ideal for a narrow room with short walls. This method allows you to hide a sleeping place, as well as organize cabinets and shelves in convenient niches. Make the most of your free space.
  4. Horizontal and vertical stripes. With the correct arrangement of these interior elements, you can create the effect of a regular square, or simply visually expand the space.
  5. patterns. Affect the visual perception of the size of the bedroom. Keep this in mind when purchasing wallpaper. Smooth lines on light paper can add quadrature.
  6. Proper lighting will also increase the size of the bedroom. Install as many light sources as possible.
  7. Window textiles are selected depending on the intensity of natural light from the street. If the windows of the room face south, then the sun will shine brightly here for a long time, and vice versa if the room is located north. Choose the density of curtain fabric based on this condition.

Cold light in the bedroom is not needed, give preference to lamps with soft diffused light

A narrow bed will leave room for passage and bedside tables on the sides

If the room is intended for a couple, you will have to install a large double bed. It is best to place it at the end of the bedroom, right by the window. In this case, if the width allows, the bed can be turned sideways to the window. If this is not possible, then you will have to install it with a headboard to the window opening.

Bed close to the window in a very narrow room

If the room is so narrow that it is impossible to pick up a standard bed, you can purchase a mattress and make a wooden podium under it

When choosing a bed, give preference to products with free space under the bed. Drawers for bed linen or clothes are mounted here. Also consider buying with ready-made shelves.

Use the minimum amount of furniture - only the essentials

You can zone a room using a podium. And if you make it as high as in the photo, it will accommodate a full-fledged storage system

If there is no sofa in the bedroom, then the TV can be hung from the ceiling using a special mount. The only drawback of this solution is the presence of ugly hanging wires. Therefore, provide for wiring long before the start of finishing the walls and ceiling. In this case, it can be hidden under plaster or curtain panels.

It is better not to separate a room with one window with cabinets and high partitions

In an elongated bedroom, furniture is placed alternately. It would be rational to put a desk or dressing table by the window, you can place a bed in the center, and a closet against the opposite wall

You should not pile up the interior of a narrow room with multi-level plasterboard wall structures. You can equip the ceiling with such options. But the walls are better left smooth, even. This solution will further expand the space.

Bright room in the style of Scandinavian minimalism

Bright children's room with striped bedspreads

Bright rustic bedroom

It is better to remove heating pipes from your eyes by mounting them in a wall or floor. The fewer unnecessary elements that catch your eye, the larger the narrow room will seem.

Expanding space

The design of a long narrow room must be given a square shape. It is much more comfortable to be in a bedroom of the right size. To do this, you need to equip the bedroom, namely short walls, with horizontal elements of interior decoration. In their quality, wall wallpapers with drawings, patterns and patterns are used. Also suitable for opening a shelf.

A striped walkway is an easy way to visually expand a narrow room.

Vertical striped wallpaper will “raise” the ceiling

Long walls are decorated with wallpaper with natural landscapes, photographs of megacities. The main idea here is to use as much of the available wall space as possible. A drawing of a decent size will visually reduce the length of the wall.

The widespread use of light shades of color perfectly affects the depth of perception of the room. Eliminate the desire to equip a bright accent. It will draw a lot of attention to itself, but you will lose in size.

The combination of contrasting shades will visually enlarge the small bedroom

Important. Glossy surfaces should be present in the finishing of flooring, walls, ceilings, as well as interior furniture. The reflective effect will expand the room many times over. Together with clean, light colors, the interior of a long, narrow room will have a winning position.

The combination of a white brick wall with smooth surfaces in a dark shade


White, beige and other light colors are selected for the floor. The finishing material will ideally serve as a laminate, ceramic tile, linoleum. Parquet is also suitable, but it is very difficult to find a white board. The bed has a light brown carpet. The texture of the carpet is voluminous, similar to the skin of a wild animal.

Light flooring will make the bedroom interior softer

The room will appear wider if the floorboards are placed along the smaller side.

Skirting boards are required to delineate the boundaries of the floor. Therefore, purchase products made of natural wood, varnished. Choose a color so that it is combined with one of the elements of interior decoration. Perfect for furniture.


The decoration of short walls must be done in bright tones of color. Plain wallpaper or glass wallpaper will fit well, which can later be repainted. So the interior design will not become boring over time. The window opening needs to be covered. To do this, choose Roman or roller blinds (read more about choosing curtains in our article), since the head of the bed does not allow the use of long fabrics (for example, Italian, Austrian).

Large mirrors contribute to the visual increase in space.

Mirror surfaces should be placed on long walls

Long walls are equipped with wallpaper in light, faded colors. In addition, the widespread use of mirrors will successfully transform the room. Consider organizing one wall entirely of glass panels. Choose panels of a certain format, thanks to which it will be possible to organize a relief pattern.

Wall mural with perspective will make the room wider

It looks interesting combination of wallpaper of the same color, but with a different print

When placing a bed near a long wall, organize the wall space with soft upholstery. Additionally, attach sofa buttons to create a tie.


The ceiling space of a small room can be arranged in two levels. It is not necessary to make a standard rectangle around the perimeter. This arrangement will create certain frames, completely unnecessary here. Instead, organize the ceiling into two different halves. Use smooth lines. An interesting option would be the layout of the three components. At the same time, the middle part of the bedroom on the ceiling will be indicated by a kind of “hollow”, which can be decorated with a different color from the rest.

White ceiling vault in an oriental style bedroom with the most necessary interior items

The ceiling looks original with a 3D effect

Lighting the ceiling space will give the interior lightness, airiness. A soft glow LED strip is installed in the level transition. Along the edge of the transition, as well as throughout the space of the ceiling, point light sources are installed.

Video on how to visually enlarge a room with curtains