Ideas for using garden arches in the country. Arches for a garden of flowers: a worthy decoration of the site How to make a fence with an arch

Garden arches are often used to frame a path, as in this case, or they can be used to decorate the entrance to a garden. Installed alternately, the arches emphasize the calmness and comfort of the alley. Of course, if dimensions allow. Sometimes these structures serve as a symbolic boundary of the plots. If the arch is not a passage, a bench installed under the arch will look very comfortable. Here you can have a pleasant rest, especially under the shade of flowering greenery.

Arches are made from different materials, from solid ones made of stone and brick, to simple air structures made of rebar. Let's look at the last option.

rebar arch

In general, take the mesh, cut the canvas to size and fix the edges with wire. The most modern and convenient way is to secure the edges with a wire spiral with locking pins.
We need a combined gabion which will be in three parts. Two standard boxes and a smaller one between them (a support will be attached there). But you can make one large gabion with a notch.

For the arch itself, we need 4 two-meter beams, two 80cm cross beams, groove rails and two sheets of galvanized mesh, two meters long and half a meter wide.

Now in order:

  • Using a milling cutter, we make slots for the trellis mesh in the transverse beams
  • Screws to the transverse beams fasten vertical racks
  • For the strength of the crossbar and rack, we fix it with triangular brackets
  • Along the supports we fix two slats with a distance of 4 - 5 mm, this gap will be a groove for attaching the grid
  • We install the grid in the grooves
  • We fill the boxes with stones so that the support posts are securely fixed.
  • We fix the mesh sheets on the dome with wire.

Arches are created for climbing plants, whatever you make it from, so you don’t have to worry too much if the design is not perfect. Then you just have to pick up plants for the arch.

The most simple and almost maintenance-free ivy and grapes. Ivy is an evergreen plant, unpretentious and frost-resistant, so it will decorate your arch all year round. True, ivy grows rather slowly, so only after a few years it will be possible to admire the result. If you do not want to wait, plant grapes, there are many ornamental varieties, for example, girlish, its leaves are very beautiful in autumn or Coignet, with beautiful carved leaves.

Today it is very fashionable to decorate fences, gates and garden paths with arches. After all, people want to have beautiful compositions on their plots. It is for this reason that now there are many companies and firms offering different options for solving such problems.

Arches are now used not only as a frame for paths in summer cottages, or as a support for plants. They are also used to decorate fences. The arch also decorates the internal garden fences.

Types of fence decoration

A variety of details are used as decor. Arches and original elements help a lot to decorate the fence. For example, the design of an arched void with forging elements or other material.

Moreover, arched openings can be arranged in each span, although this design sometimes looks overloaded.

Monumental arches give the fence solidity. Even if there is only one arch, only above the gate. It allows you to make the entrance elegant and original.

Different types of arches are arranged both in external fences enclosing the site from the street, and in fences inside the site. Such structures that are built from the same material with a fence look organically.

Plants that wrap around a stone or brick arched vault look beautiful and picturesque. You can also decorate wooden fences with an arch. And they will look very original in the design of the fence.

Features of a brick structure

Among the structures of this type, there are several main types:

  • wedge type, when brickwork is carried out in the form of a wedge and fixed with a “lock”;
  • bow, while the bricks are laid out along the so-called truncated arc;
  • the so-called full (in this case, the height of the arch is equal to half the length of the arched opening).

The stages of work on the arrangement of arches of various types are the same, they have their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before starting work on the design of arched openings, it is necessary to decide which type of arch is more suitable for the fence and site, and prepare all the necessary tools and building materials.

Main steps

Schematic representation of masonry fixtures

Work on the installation of brick or masonry is divided into the following stages:

  • first, a drawing is made with all dimensions;
  • the second step of the process is to make an opening template;
  • the template is fixed in place of the future arch;
  • work is underway on laying the arch;
  • fixing the arched opening;
  • after the solution dries, the template is removed;
  • covering is being completed.

The arched opening template is made from chipboard sheets and prepared paper patterns. The beauty of the vault will depend on the accuracy of the template. It is made a little smaller than the arched opening. Then it will be easier to remove it after the end of all the work.

It is not so difficult to make such structures on your own. The main thing is to make the formwork correctly.

In the span of the fence, where the arch will be built, four racks are made. And put them on prepared wedges. After the construction of the arched ceiling is completed, the wedges are removed and the racks are easily pulled out.

For several days, the structure will stand in the formwork until the mortar dries. After drying, the parts of the formwork are gradually dismantled, making sure that the structure is not damaged. First, the wedges are pulled out. The formwork is lowered, and everything is easily disassembled. The circles are taken out last.

The laying of the vault usually starts from its edges, on both sides at the same time, gradually moving towards the center of the vault. Bricks must be laid as tightly as possible.

An odd number of bricks or stones should always be placed in the vault. And the uppermost brick should be placed strictly in the middle of the arch.

To make the decoration of a brick fence or gate with an arch look beautiful and elegant, and also be durable, trapezoid bricks are used. They provide a more secure fixation of the entire arched structure. Trapezoidal bricks are sold in special stores and are called wedge.

Erection errors

It is imperative to take into account such dangerous situations when, due to errors that have arisen, arched structures can fall apart:

  1. If the arch is insufficient in height of the vault, and the opening is too wide for the selected option, the load on the masonry will not be distributed correctly. Because of this, cracks may form, and the structure will collapse.
  2. If metal corners and bases are used for the template, the structure may also be destroyed. But wooden templates will not lead to such a result.
  3. Saturated with moisture and swollen, the tree will put pressure on the masonry, violating its integrity. Therefore, before starting laying, the wooden template must be covered with polyethylene so that it is not saturated with moisture.
  4. Before starting to lay the opening with an arch, you need to check the strength of the foundation of the arch.

These buildings can be of different styles. But an arched vault, made independently, will decorate any fence in an original way.

When you have an apartment, you certainly want to make it cozier, more comfortable and bigger. Currently, one of the ways to visually enlarge your home is to create arches instead of doors.

Various photos of arches show how diverse they are and how much they change the appearance of housing. It is about how to make an arch with your own hands that will be briefly described below.

arch types

The arch is an opening in the wall that does not have an overlap in the form of a door. Their views differ only in the upper part, or rather in how the corners are built (straight, rounded or curly).

In the modern world, there are 7 types of arches:

  • classic;
  • "modern";
  • "romance";
  • ellipse;
  • trapezoid;
  • "portal";
  • semi-arc.

The first four types have rounded corners and differ only in the form of rounding.

So the classic arch is a semicircle with a radius of half the width of the opening; "modern" has a small corner radius; "romance" and ellipse are similar to each other and represent the usual rounded corners.

Another thing is the trapezoid and the portal. These two types use sharp corners. In the trapezoid, the top, respectively, represents this figure, and the “portal” is an ordinary opening without a door.

However, even an unremarkable "portal" can be made to sparkle with new colors, giving the pillars the appearance of columns in the ancient style (Greek or Roman).

The trapezoid, although it is a rather unusual solution, is not suitable for any style, therefore it is used much less often than other arch options.

The last type is a semi-arch, as the name implies, it consists of 1 rounded and 1 right angle. This type of arch began to be used recently, but it has already gained popularity.

It is up to you to decide which arch to install in the apartment, but we will dwell in more detail on drywall arches, as the most convenient material for building.

Step by step instructions for creating an arch

We choose the future shape of the arch. It is important that it fits the general style of the premises that will connect.

We clean the opening from the plaster and level it. It's simple here - the cleaner the surface of the work, the more reliable the mount.

We fix the arch frame. We build the frame itself from a profile (it can be made from wood bars).

We attach a cut-out drywall arch to the frame (one side). To get the arch of the desired type, in the middle of the drywall base we make a hole for the nail. We tie a rope to it and get a homemade compass. Now, by changing the length of the rope, you can change the radius of rounding corners and their appearance.

We apply drywall on the other side and mark on it, as if on a stencil, an arch, after which we cut it out and attach it to the frame.

In no case should this be done on the floor, since the opening is usually asymmetrical, which has the most detrimental effect on the accuracy of one-to-one markings.


We measure the resulting arc and make a tape for fastening from the profile. After that, we attach the resulting tape to the arch of the arch with self-tapping screws.

Install jumpers. Their size is calculated simply: the depth of the arch is minus 1.5 centimeters, the material of manufacture is a metal profile, less often wood. We attach a sheet of drywall to the end of the opening with self-tapping screws.

We carry out finishing work (leveling with putty, overwriting possible holes, painting, or gluing wallpaper).

Other ways to make an arch

You can also make an arch in the opening in two other ways. The difference between these methods of creating an arch in fixing drywall.

In the second variant, it is attached to the jumpers not with a whole sheet, but with specially cut pieces (set) using a special solution (water, putty plus PVA glue) and this must be done without delay, since the solution hardens very quickly.


The third option provides for wooden lintels planted on glue. Drywall in the opening to the lintels is also glued.

How to bend drywall?

In addition, the question may arise: how to bend drywall? Thin cardboard (6 mm) is best suited for this.

And there are at least 2 ways to bend it:
Method 1 - roll a roller on cardboard to break the gypsum in it, soak it in water and gradually screw it to the tape with screws.

Method 2 - make cuts on drywall every 4-5 centimeters. When you attach to the end of the opening, the material at the place of the cuts will burst and better adhere to the wall surface.

We wish you good luck with your work!

Do-it-yourself arch photo


Good afternoon, site site subscribers. In today's article, we will analyze the instructions on how to make garden arches with your own hands, but in order, let's first understand what it is. Garden arches for flowers are an element of designing a summer cottage in which your summer cottage life is filled with new colors and impressions of your guests from amazing plants that your summer cottage will be filled with after the construction of garden arches on the site.

In this article, we will consider not only the decorative component, but also get acquainted with the technical points that allow us to make a structure for our arch, so let's start.

wooden garden arch frame

Plants for covering the arch, of course, it is best to choose from beautiful and climbing plants, then this will allow you to not fully realize your plan and enjoy the beautiful appearance of the garden arch.

For the manufacture of the frame we need:

  • 4 beams 10 * 10 cm, in order to make supports and build walls for the arch:
  • 2 boards to create the roof of our arch;
  • 4 slats 3 meters each - this is necessary in order to fill the void between the wall supports.

The tree must always be well dried so that there are no deformations after the installation process.

We make a bend of the garden arch

This photo shows a step-by-step manufacturing technology for the forming profile of the arch. It is worth noting that this is a rather uncomplicated technology. First you need to create a template for the upper element of the arch, it can be made of cardboard.

How to fit a garden arch into the design of a summer cottage

Indeed, the arch is ready, there are only two moments left - this is the installation of the arch and the installation of plants on the arch. Let's start in order, it is best to install a garden arch at the entrance to your garden, it will look like this.

Another option for an interesting design solution is a wicker arch. A wicker arch is a rather interesting decor option, but you can read about it with your own hands.

Wicker arch - fence

In addition, a wooden horizontal arch, which can be used as an entrance to the garden, will fit into the design of the summer cottage very conveniently.

It is worth noting that there are not only arches of a certain shape and size, no, everything does not end with them, for example, there are long horizontal arches that can be entered along, so let's look.

If you have not yet decided how to fit a garden arch into the design of a summer cottage, we offer you an interesting way to make a Garden arch in the form of a gazebo, yes, yes, exactly in the form. This is a rather interesting type of design of a summerhouse, it is distinguished by a rather simple technology, as well as an impressive appearance.

And finally, let's see how to make a frame for a garden arch from a bar.

What plants to braid a garden arch?

As a choice of plants for a garden arch, climbing perennials are perfect for it, which form interesting and beautiful curls in their structure, for example:

  1. Hop;
  2. Grape;
  3. Peas (fragrant);
  4. Chinese Lemongrass:
  5. Honeysuckle;
  6. climbing rose;
  7. Clematis.

Video - do-it-yourself garden arch for metal flowers

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How to make an arch or arched ceiling with your own hands - types, calculations and diagrams of device options.

Figure 1: Schematic drawing. arch masonry

1. arch thickness

2. top of the arch

3. The minimum seam thickness is 0.5cm

4. capstone-brick at the top of the arch - inserted last

5. front - front part of the arch (archivolt)

6. maximum thickness of the seam - 2 cm

7. span (opening width)

8. base stone - an element laid directly in the arch support

9. boom arch (lifting height)

10. heel-support of the arch. From the heels at the same time on both sides begin laying arches

Drawing-scheme No. 2. Bricklaying in a lintel

The thickness of the arch (one row of masonry or two with brick bonding) depends on the thickness of the wall. The width of the opening also affects the placement of bricks in the masonry and the thickness of the arch, that is, it determines its appearance.

How to check the layout of bricks

It is not difficult to control the correctness of the line of curvature of a segmental arch with a radius greater than half the width of the opening, and to determine the placement of bricks in it. To do this, below the top of the arch at a distance equal to the radius of its arc, a board with a rotating rail or cord is attached.

  1. rotating rail or cord
  2. board located at the level of the center of the circle of the arch

Reinforced concrete arches - lintels

In the usual construction of a house with their own hands, they often use not brick arches, but monolithic reinforced concrete ones. They can be made from prefabricated shaped elements, which will significantly both reduce the time spent on them and simplify the process of their construction.

Arch in a conventional, removable formwork.

So, for example, if you want to block a very wide opening with an arched lintel, then this type of arches is the best fit, because steel reinforcement in concrete has the ability to withstand greater loads than structures made of masonry materials.

Other advantages of flooded, monolithic arches include the low cost of work, taking into account the price of building materials, the ability to make arched lintels of “cunning forms” (for example, with “pouring” under the visor of the house), and the fact that they can be made adjacent to the load-bearing wall of a house built from any materials, even from adobe.

Their implementation is difficult because, in the first place, it is very difficult to make them alone, the reinforcement process is complex, and besides, you will have to call a welder if you yourself do not know how to do welding work.

How they do it.

An arched ceiling made using formwork requires the preliminary manufacture of a form that will be supported by supports specially made for it.

The reinforcement is bent according to the shape of the future structure and knitted together for strength with wire or welded by welding (less often, but more reliable).

The resulting reinforcement structure is carefully placed in a sealed formwork and poured with concrete.

If possible, it is better to combine the monolithic arched lintel itself with the concrete belt of the wall of the house, for which it is possible to connect the formwork and reinforcing structures of the arch and wall and pour them with concrete at the same time. With this installation of the arch, the entire structure will withstand higher loads.

The reinforced structure of the arch, which is poured with concrete, consists of lower and upper horizontal-longitudinal rods connected vertically with wire or clamps.

When you make a reinforcing structure, think in advance that the moment that the mortar filling it ensures its complete filling, including that it surrounds the reinforcement by at least 2 centimeters from the outside of the arch, for this, consider the possibility of creating such a gap in advance, usually for this purpose on the reinforcement put on metal circles or washers of a suitable size.

Also, do not underestimate the size of the part of the arch that will rest directly on the wall. As a rule, it cannot be less than 8 - 10 centimeters, and preferably more, 16-20 centimeters.

In the formwork with a form, concrete should be laid as accurately as possible, to prevent delamination of the solution, to bayonet it for a tighter coverage of the reinforcement solution. Also, be sure to take into account that concrete during the construction of arches must be poured continuously, this is very important.

The formwork itself after pouring can be removed after two weeks. But keep in mind the fact that the concrete solution rarely reaches its full strength before four weeks.

An arch made by the method of fixed formwork from cellular concrete shaped elements.

This is one of the easiest ways to build arched ceilings and lintels.

It differs from the previous one in that instead of the usual removable, plywood-board formwork, ready-made U-shaped elements are used, which are pre-made from cellular concrete.

Concrete is poured into this cavity, which is formed between the vertical axes of the letter U, having previously made the installation of reinforcement there.

There is only one downside - it's expensive. In order to get a more or less smooth arch line, you will have to buy a large number of these U-pieces (see Figure-drawing 4). It makes sense to buy them only if the opening to be blocked is very large, from two meters and above. Otherwise, the arched ceiling will not have a semicircular shape, or there will be a lot of scraps that will be difficult to adapt somewhere.

Read also:

How is the installation of arches in this way

U-shaped elements must be assembled with glue, having previously been cut to the desired angle for a tight connection and obtaining a correct and smooth arc of the arch.

Otherwise, the procedure is the same as with wooden formwork: reinforcement is laid with pre-fitted protective spacers to create an outer layer of concrete (at least 2 centimeters, as in the case of wooden formwork), then the concrete is poured and compacted by bayoneting with metal rod.

Shaped U-shaped elements are nothing more than fixed formwork.

Do not remove the supports supporting the structure of the freshly poured arched lintel for 2 weeks so that the concrete sets better.

If you need to continue further laying of the wall at the junction of the arch, then simply cut the masonry material along the line forming the arched bend along the course of the masonry, and simply fill the resulting voids and irregularities with masonry mortar - in principle, everything that we considered when we talked about installing a brick arch .

Arch in fixed formwork made of thermoblocks.

This method is suitable even for beginners in DIY construction.

Such an arched ceiling can be made in a house built from almost any building materials, including polystyrene blocks or ceramic blocks, in this case, the so-called “core” is first made directly above the arch, that is, a straight reinforced jumper. With this method, the waste of building materials is at a minimum, and, therefore, there is also a small saving.

How to make an arch in this way (i.e. using polystyrene foam) - Drawing diagram 5

First, in the opening in the place where the arc of the arch begins (in the region of half a meter from the floor level), the thermal blocks themselves are laid. Thermoblocks are temporarily propped up with props.

Above the future arch, polystyrene foam elements are being installed, which will later serve as a fixed formwork. In them, the installation of the reinforcing structure is done.

Further, in the side surfaces of the polystyrene foam blocks, along a pre-delineated line of the proposed arched lintel, a slot is made into which a gasket is inserted from a steel sheet of the required width, which in turn will prevent mortar from entering the internal voids of the thermoblocks that are located directly below the arch itself (thereby forming vault).

Concrete under its own weight will slide along the voids of the thermoblocks, and the steel sheet - the jumper will stop it.

After the concrete has hardened for 2 weeks, the temporary posts on which the arch structure rests can be removed and dismantled BELOW the lintel forming the arch.

Prefabricated arch from cellular concrete blocks

It is also quite an easy way to do it yourself.

Here the arch is rather imitated, but outwardly the same thing comes out. The entire load falls in this embodiment on a conventional rectangular lintel, to which blocks of cellular concrete are attached (Figure 6).

How is this type of arch made?

The width and length of the opening are calculated, after which ordinary concrete lintels are torn under them, which are used in the construction of any houses, including brick ones.

The blocks cut to the desired shape are glued to the bottom of the jumper. For an arch with a span of 120 centimeters, you will need only two trimmed blocks, otherwise, the wider the opening, the more blocks you will have to cut and shape to fit the circle. This is done, as with any work with cellular concrete, with an ordinary hacksaw and a grinder (it is better for it to level the surface).

Glue is applied both on the top surface and on the side, for better attachment to the slopes.

The entire block structure is supported by support posts while the glue dries (this time is indicated on the package with building adhesives), but in any case, wait at least 3-6 hours, after which the supports can be removed.

Necessary materials for the construction of lintel arches - Table 1.

Arch design

Necessary materials

Masonry 25 cm thick

solid, clinker or silicate brick, cement-lime mortar, formwork (circle)

Reinforced concrete -in traditional formwork

reinforcement, concrete mix, formwork, inventory racks

In fixed formwork:

FromU-shaped shaped elements

From shaped elements made of expanded polystyrene

U-shaped shaped elements - 5 pieces, reinforcement, concrete mixture, inventory racks

shaped elements, hollow wall blocks, reinforcement, concrete mixture, steel sheet, inventory racks

If you are going to make an arch with your own hands, then remember:

    Laying the wall above the arched lintel requires more work than ordinary ordinary masonry. Each element of the horizontal row adjacent to the arch must be cut in accordance with its curvature.

    Even if the load-bearing walls are constructed from blocks of porous ceramics, it is better to use traditional-sized bricks for arched lintels with a small radius.

Drawing-scheme No. 3. Reinforced concrete arches. (In normal, traditional formwork)

The numbers in the figure indicate:

1. Reinforced concrete belt wall

2. clamps - transverse reinforcement with a diameter of at least 4.5 mm or 0.2 of the diameter of the longitudinal reinforcement, located in increments of 8-10 cm

3. reinforcing cage of the wall chord with rods of working reinforcement with a minimum diameter of 12 mm. The frame of the belt is the reinforcement of the upper part of the jumper. The working reinforcement is joined with an overlay, the overlay length is about 20 cm

4. lintel support on the wall - about 15 cm

5. lower reinforcement of the arch from rods with a minimum diameter of 12 cm

Drawing-scheme No. 4. Reinforced concrete arched lintels. (In a fixed formwork made of shaped elements made of cellular concrete)

1. reinforcing frame of the jumper

2. plastic pads that create a gap for the concrete layer protecting the working reinforcement

3. U-shaped shaped elements made of cellular concrete. They are cut to form the desired shape of the arch. The elements are joined with an adhesive solution.

Drawing-scheme No. 5. Arch in fixed formwork made of thermoblocks made of expanded polystyrene

1. The reinforcing cage of the jumper is placed in polystyrene foam thermal blocks. The entire structure is filled with concrete.

2. shaped element of the jumper - thermal block made of expanded polystyrene

3. line of the projected arch, along which a groove is cut in the thermoblocks

4. gasket made of steel sheet (you can use a strip from a piece of fibreboard)

5. wall of thermoblocks filled with concrete

6. temporary props

7. dry-laid polystyrene foam blocks

Drawing-scheme No. 6. Combined arched lintel

It is carried out using a prefabricated lintel with blocks of cellular concrete glued from below.

On the image:

1. The size of the lintel support on the wall is 20-25cm

2. precast concrete lintel

3. block of cellular concrete, trimmed so as to lay the lintel at the desired height

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