Spicy culture from the genus wormwood 8 letters. Spicy herbs for your garden. Other meanings of this word

For those who adhere to the "informal" style in landscape design, the herb garden is a real find. A garden dominated by herbs is not an invention of today, but an old tradition that is coming back into fashion. If there is a small free space on the site that you would like to decorate with ornamental plants and use it to the maximum, then the "aromatic" garden is what you need. From spicy herbs you can build a flower bed, a border and, in the end, an ordinary garden bed. What kind of herbs are best grown in the "aromatic" garden, read the article.

Rules for organizing an "aromatic" garden

The formation of a flower bed or herb garden is not too different from the formation of an ordinary flower garden.

Choose a place in the garden for the flower bed so that it is convenient to approach it in any weather. Its shape can be any: round, square, triangular. Plant the tallest plants, such as cumin, fennel, tarragon, in the center so that they do not obscure other plants. From the beautifully flowering spice plants in the center, you can also plant borage herb with bright blue edible flowers and red quinoa with bright beautiful leaves. Along the border, you can plant plants with graceful leaves - chervil, curly parsley, thyme, savory.

A special place should be reserved for annual spices. In the place allocated for them, be sure to sow basil, chervil, dill, mustard leaf and other plants of your choice, desire and taste.

An indispensable element of a garden in a village is a vegetable garden, and therefore even the most uncomplicated beds will naturally look on the site.

To prevent tall plants from obscuring other inhabitants of the spicy garden, build them a light support from twigs or wire. The rest, smaller herbs, should be grouped around tall plants. In order for the spices to grow well and have the same pronounced smell and taste, it is better to place the bed in a sunny place and water it more often.

It is not necessary to plant all herbs directly into the ground. Some of them can be planted in pots without a bottom and plastic containers, for example, mint - because its roots can spread over a large area.

Harvesting herbs

To use the aerial parts of plants as spice additives, they must be collected during the period of full development (when leaf growth is completed or the plant is in the full flowering phase). Such harvesting of plants, as a rule, is carried out in the summer.

It is necessary to collect raw materials in good dry weather, in the afternoon or in the evening, when there will be no dew on the leaves. It is advisable not to water garden plants on the eve of collection. Good watering is best done after collecting raw materials - for better growth of new leaves or stimulating the formation of inflorescences.

Well-dried raw materials are brittle, easily crumble when touched. It has a beautiful green or other natural color, without defects and damage. It is better to store dry raw materials in glass jars or Kraft paper bags.

For a small family, it is not worth harvesting a lot of dry raw materials for the winter, since dried essential oil plants are stored for no more than a year. Having started making preparations and using essential oil plants for cooking, you will soon evaluate and decide which raw herbs and what volumes your family needs to prepare for future use for up to a year.

Choosing plants for a spicy garden

Agastahis wrinkled

Agastakhis wrinkled, or Polycolon wrinkled, or Lofant Tibetan, or Korean mint ( Agastache rugosa) - Anise flavor for gourmet salads and teas. It is called "northern ginseng" for its ability to strengthen the immune system. It is used in cosmetology to preserve the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

Perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family. The aerial part is used fresh for salads and tea. Lofant is also an excellent honey plant and has unique medicinal properties. The advantages of this spicy herb include its unpretentiousness and ease of cultivation. Lofant is propagated by direct sowing of seeds in open ground or through seedlings. The minimum planting pattern is 25x25 cm. Plants must be covered for the winter.

Wrinkled Agastakhis, or Tibetan Lofant (Agastache rugosa). © Dalgial

Anise ordinary

Common anise, Aniseed fenugreek ( Pimpinella anisum) is an annual, thinly and shortly spaced-pubescent plant. The root is thin, spindle-shaped, tap-root. Stem up to 30-50 cm high, erect, rounded, furrowed, branched in the upper part.

Medicinal annual herbaceous plant from the Umbelliferae family with an upright branched stem, up to 60 cm high, covered with a short down. The leaves are alternate, the lower ones are entire, long-petiolate, rounded kidney-shaped or heart-shaped. The flowers are small, white, in complex umbrellas. Blooms from June to September. Prefers sunny areas, sandy or loamy soils.

Mature anise fruits are used, which contain essential oil. Preparations from anise fruits delay putrefaction and fermentation processes in the intestines, relieve spasms of the abdominal organs, inhibit the development of microbes in the renal pelvis and bladder, and have expectorant and diuretic properties. Anise fruits are brewed like tea.

Ocimum) - belongs to the mint herb family, is used as a seasoning for many dishes. Fresh basil has a bright aroma that can be described as a cross between licorice and cloves. Most varieties of basil have green leaves, but there is an opal basil that has a beautiful purple color. Other types of basil, such as lemon basil and cinnamon basil, are named for their respective aromas.

A strongly branched plant with tetrahedral stems from 30 to 60 cm high. Its leaves are oblong-ovate, rarely toothed, green or purple, up to 5.5 cm long. At the ends of the stems, basil throws out inflorescences in the form of tassels, consisting of several flowers. Their color can be different: pink, white, white-violet.

Basil as a spice is widely used fresh and dry. As a spice, it is more valued fresh.

Basil. © Forest & Kim Starr

mustard salad

Mustard salad, or Mustard leaf - a variety of Mustard ( Brassica juncea) is an annual cold-resistant early plant. Within a month, it develops a large rosette of large leaves, original in color. The flowers are small, yellow, collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence, the fruit is a pod.

Young mustard leaves are used fresh for salads and as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, boiled, and also salted and preserved. Leaf mustard is a relative of arugula, but is more similar to watercress in its precocity. Leaf mustard stimulates appetite, enhances the secretion of gastric juice and bile, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

Mustard greens, in which ascorbic acid and rutin (vitamins C and P) predominate in the natural complex of vitamins, are an excellent antiscorbutic agent that prevents untimely aging of the walls of blood vessels, their loss of elasticity and the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the inner wall of blood vessels. Since mustard leaf stimulates appetite, it should not be included in a weight loss diet.

Mustard leaf. © মৌচুমী


origanum) - a genus of herbaceous plants of the Lamiaceae family ( Lamiaceae), includes 45-50 species. Perennial herbaceous plants or shrubs, 30-75 cm high. Rhizome glabrous, often creeping. The stem is tetrahedral, erect, slightly pubescent, glabrous in the upper part. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, oblong-ovate, entire, pointed at the tip, dark green above, gray-green below, 1-4 cm long.

This spicy herb has a strong aroma. Traditionally used in Greek and Balkan cuisines. It goes well with cheese, fried fish, and is also suitable for flavoring vegetable oils.

Leaves are plucked as needed. In the open field from June to November, at home - all year round.

Oregano, or Oregano. © Yelod

Hyssop, blue hypericum ( Hyssopus) is a genus of plants in the Lamiaceae family. Perennial strongly odorous spicy herbs or shrubs with linear or oblong leaves.

Drought-resistant and winter-hardy subshrub. Forms a bush 50-60 cm tall and up to 60-70 cm in diameter, with upright branched shoots. The shoots below are lignified: the first year they are green, later they acquire a grayish-brown hue. Sessile leaf without petiole, small, green. The flowers are blue. The taste of stems, leaves and flowers is bitter-spicy.

In cooking, mainly dried leaves of the upper third of the plant are used. Young stems, leaves and flowers, fresh and dried, are used to flavor dishes and snacks. In folk medicine, hyssop is used for angina pectoris, gastrointestinal diseases. It promotes digestion and stimulates the appetite.

Hyssop infusion as a general health drink is recommended for older people. Has bactericidal properties.

When grown for seasoning, it is harvested throughout the summer: the plant intended for medicinal purposes is cut off the stems before flowering. At the same time, the upper part of the stems is cut off and the collection is dried in the shade. Store in a cool, ventilated area.

Hyssop. © DJ Capricorn

Common chervil

Openwork chervil, or Buteneleaf chervil, or common chervil ( Anthriscus cerefolium) - an annual plant 15-50 cm high with a spindle-shaped root. Stems erect, shortly pubescent, branched almost from the base, swollen at the nodes. The leaves are triangular, thrice pinnately dissected.

It has a sweetish anise smell, spicy sweetish, reminiscent of parsley, taste, due to which it is used as a spice. It goes well with other green vegetables - tarragon, parsley, basil. In North America, ground chervil is used in grilled poultry, fish, and egg dishes. It is used with hard-boiled eggs, salted omelettes, fish sauces, green butter, potato soup, potato salad, spinach, poultry, fish, lamb and lamb.

Chervil dishes are a good vitamin and general tonic. In folk medicine, the leaves and fruits of the plant were used for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, as an expectorant and astringent for gastrointestinal disorders. Good honey plant.

Chervil. © Rasbak

Coriander seed, or Cilantro

Coriander seed, or Cilantro ( Coriandrum sativum) is an annual herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family ( Apiaceae), one of the most popular herbs. The coriander stem is erect, bare, up to 40-70 cm high, branched in the upper part. Basal leaves broadly lobed, coarsely dissected, with wide lobules and long petioles; upper leaves on short petioles with narrow linear lobes. The flowers are small, white or pink, arranged in complex umbrellas at the ends of the peduncles, forming 3-5 rays. Marginal flowers 3-4 mm long.

Coriander fruits are widely used as a spice for flavoring and fortifying sausages, cheese, canned meat and fish, marinades, pickles and liquors, they are added when baking Borodino bread, confectionery and culinary products, as well as in the manufacture of some types of beer.

Leaves of young vegetable coriander plants are eaten in the phases of rosette and the beginning of shooting. The leaves have a pungent odor, they are eaten in salads, and also used as a seasoning for soups and meat dishes. Excellent honey plant. Delicate leaves are an excellent seasoning for salads, first and second courses, and the seeds are used in the preparation of marinades and confectionery. Coriander is also useful for colds and stomach problems.

Coriander seed, Cilantro. © Forest & Kim Starr

Levisticum officinale) is a perennial herbaceous plant; monotypic genus of the Umbelliferae family. Stem high 100-200 cm, glabrous, with a bluish surface, branched at the top. The leaves are shiny, pinnate, with large obovate or rhombic, somewhat incised lobes.

Frost-resistant and cold-resistant. The smell of lovage is sharp, spicy, the taste is sweetish at first, then spicy, spicy and moderately bitter. An essential oil is obtained from the plant, which is used in perfumery and cooking. Fresh stems, leaves and roots are used to flavor confectionery, drinks, marinades. Even small additions of lovage greens change the taste and give canned food a peculiar mushroom flavor.

The green parts and roots of young plants are eaten as a spice in the preparation of green butter, salads; it is added to sauces, fried meats, gravies, soups, vegetables, rice dishes, cereals, poultry and fish. With the addition of a pinch of lovage, a strong meat broth acquires an exceptionally good taste, in which the taste of meat is emphasized and enhanced. Lovage is of particular importance in dietary nutrition, along with dill and basil. Lovage roots are shown in the diet for diseases of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, obesity, rheumatism, flatulence.

Lovage. © 4028mdk09

Origanum majorana) - a species of perennial herbaceous plants from the genus Oregano ( origanum) of the Lamiaceae family. In the Middle East, it is better known as "zaatar". Stems erect, branched, 20-45 (50) cm high, woody at the base, silver-gray. Leaves are oblong-ovate or spatulate, petiolate, obtuse, entire, gray-tomentose on both sides. Inflorescences are oblong, felt-hairy, from three to five rounded, sessile, ovate, short spicate bunches at the ends of branches. The flowers are small, the corolla is reddish, pink or white.

Currently, marjoram is used mainly as a spice, it is added to salads, soups, fish and vegetable dishes, fresh or dried, and for canning. The plant is also used for making liqueurs, liqueurs, puddings, sausages, flavoring vinegar and tea. Essential oil is extracted from the aerial part of a flowering plant. Dry leaf powder is used in pepper mixtures. Marjoram improves digestion, is indicated for flatulence, has a diuretic and sedative effect.

In medicine in some countries, the plant is used for diseases of the respiratory tract and digestive organs. The use of marjoram is indicated for dietary nutrition of gastric patients. In folk medicine, it is known as a gastric, tonic, anticatarrhal and wound healing agent. Together with other drugs, marjoram was used for paralysis, neurasthenia, bronchial asthma and the common cold. The plant was used internally in the form of an infusion and externally for baths and lotions as a wound healing agent. Valuable honey plant.

Marjoram. © Forest & Kim Starr

Melissa, lemon mint, honeydew, mother liquor, swarm, bee ( Melissa officinalis) is a perennial essential oil herbaceous plant from the genus Melissa ( Melissa) of the Lamiaceae family. The rhizome is strongly branched. The stem is branched, tetrahedral, pubescent with short hairs with an admixture of glands or almost naked. Leaves opposite, petiolate, ovate to rounded-rhombic, crenate-serrate, pubescent.

It is grown for its oval leaves, which, when rubbed, emit a strong lemon scent. Melissa, as a spice, goes well with game, veal, pork, lamb, fish, mushroom dishes. Fresh lemon balm leaves are added in the preparation of sauces, vegetables, soups of all kinds (fruit, pea, potato, mushroom). Many people like to add lemon balm to milk so that it smells better, to grated cottage cheese.

Melissa treats indigestion, it improves appetite, it is used for neuralgic and rheumatic pains, as a diuretic, it is used for depression, insomnia, migraine, menstrual pain, nervous weakness, migraine, insomnia, general prostration, some forms of asthma, colds, skin rashes, pain in the heart and palpitations, colic in the stomach and liver, anemia and to improve metabolism. Outwardly - with inflammation of the gums and furunculosis.

An alcoholic tincture of this spicy herb is used for rheumatic pains and neuromyositis, poultices prepared from the herb are used as an analgesic for bruises, arthritis and ulcers. The plant enhances the activity of the digestive organs, has a mild laxative, stops nausea and vomiting, frees the stomach and intestines from gases. In folk medicine, it is used for heart pain, bone pain, vomiting, and to strengthen memory. Juice is used to treat chronic wounds.

Melissa. © Forest & Kim Starr

Mentha) is a genus of plants of the Lamiaceae family. The genus includes about 25 species and about 10 natural hybrids. All types are strongly aromatic, most of them contain a lot of menthol.

Mint is widely used in medicine, pharmacology and cooking. Most of all, we use it as a spicy herb when brewing tea.

Mint. © Doronenko


borage, borage, borage, borage ( Borago) is a monotypic genus of the Borage family ( Boraginaceae). The only species is borage medicinal ( Borago officinalis) is an annual herbaceous plant. Annual plant, hard-haired, 60-100 cm high. Stem straight or ascending, thick, ribbed, hollow, branched at the top. Basal and lower stem leaves are elliptical or oval, obtuse at the apex, narrowed towards the base into a short petiole; stem leaves oblong-ovate, sessile, amplexicaul, like stems, covered with stiff whitish hairs.

They are good substitutes for cucumbers, they are added to vinaigrettes, salads, sauces (mustard, tomato, sour cream), side dishes, okroshka, cold vegetable soups and borscht. Roots collected in autumn are used to make green oil, added to cheeses, curds, sour cream, flavored tinctures, wines, punch, vinegar, syrups, beer, essences and cold drinks.

Cucumber grass gives a piquant taste to minced meat, minced meat and fish fried in vegetable oil. Fresh and dried borage flowers are used in the liqueur and confectionery industries.

Borago, borage. © Mariluna

Perilla) is a monotypic genus of annual herbaceous plants of the Lamiaceae family. The only kind Perilla frutescens. Herbaceous plants with straight ascending stems. The lower leaves are large, long-petiolate, ovate, the upper ones are oblong-ovate, sessile or short-petiolate.

New spicy-tasting culture. Due to its high decorativeness, it can be grown as a border plant. The variety is early maturing, cold-resistant, with a long growing season - 135-150 days. The plant is tall - 120-140 cm, the stem is erect, branching, tetrahedral. Grown in open ground and in greenhouses, through seedlings or direct sowing. The mass of one plant is 200-500 g. The yield of leaves, depending on the growing conditions, is 0.5-5.0 kg/m2.

It is recommended to use green young leaves fresh (salads, meat and fish dishes), in the phase of technical ripeness, the leaves are salted and pickled, and also used in the form of powder from dry leaves as an aromatic additive to meat and vegetable dishes. Perilla greens are juicy, delicate with a refreshing taste and an unusual soft aroma, where there are tones of caramel, anise flowers and very light peppery tones.

Perilla. © SB_Johnny

Petroselinum) is a small genus of biennial plants of the Umbelliferae family ( Apiaceae). Leaves are double- or thrice-pinnate. The teeth of the calyx are inconspicuous, the petals are yellow-green or whitish, often with a reddish tint at the base, heart-shaped, notched at the apex and in the notch with a long, inwardly curved lobule.

Parsley is used as a spicy herb in fresh, dried and less often salted form, leaves - as an integral part of salads, and leaves and root crops - as an additive to side dishes and soups, especially to fish dishes. Freshly frozen greens completely retain their nutritional and healing properties for several months (with proper storage - up to a year).

The roots of leaf parsley are edible, but thin and coarse, so they are rarely used. In medicine (less often in cooking), parsley seeds are also used. Parsley is known for diuretic, choleretic and stimulating effects.

Parsley. © Forest & Kim Starr


Purslane, Dandur ( portulaca) is a genus of plants in the Purslane family ( Portulacaceae) - a genus of one- or perennial succulent fleshy plants of the purslane family. About 100 (according to other sources, up to 200) species in tropical and subtropical regions of both hemispheres. Stems prostrate or ascending, leaves alternate or almost opposite. The flowers are often small, inconspicuous, less often - large solitary.

Young shoots and leaves of Portulaca oleracea (preferably harvested before flowering plants) are used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes - boiled with garlic, vinegar, vegetable oil or stewed with onions in vegetable oil.

The use of large-flowered purslane in garden design is extremely diverse. It is planted in flower beds (often in carpet flower beds), on discounts, flower beds, dry slopes, retaining stone walls, at the joints of concrete slabs in rockeries. On dry soils, purslane can replace the lawn.

Garden purslane (Portulaca oleracea). © Alpha

Rheum) is a genus of plants in the Buckwheat family. These are perennial very large herbs with thick, woody, branched rhizomes. Above-ground stems are annual, straight, thick, hollow and sometimes slightly furrowed. Basal leaves are very large, long-petiolate, entire, palmate-lobed or serrated, sometimes wavy along the edge; petioles are cylindrical or polyhedral, equipped with large bells at the base. Stem leaves are smaller. The stem ends with a large paniculate inflorescence.

Fresh petioles, after removing the dense skin, are cut into pieces and eaten:

  1. Boiled in sugar syrup, they give a sour, very tasty jam;
  2. Lightly boiled in thick sugar syrup, dried and re-immersed in syrup the next day, they give candied rhubarb;
  3. Boiled with boiling water, rubbed through a sieve and boiled with sugar, they are used as a filling in sweet pies, reminiscent of applesauce in taste;
  4. Wine is made from the juice of the petioles, like Chablis, and the juice, mixed with water and sugar, is first fermented, when the latter is over and the liquid is clear, filtered, settled and bottled, in which they are kept for at least a year in the cellar.

Rhubarb. © Kasschei

Rosmarinus) - a genus of perennial evergreen shrubs of the Lamiaceae family ( Lamiaceae). Calyx ovate-bell-shaped, two-lipped, bifid; upper lip with three short teeth; lower two-toothed, three-lobed, with a large middle lobe. Two stamens, anthers unilocular. The leaves are opposite, narrowed, linear.

Rosemary has a strong, aromatic, sweetish and camphoric smell reminiscent of pine, and a very spicy, slightly spicy taste. Leaves, flowers and young shoots, fresh or dry, are used as a spice for processing fish, in small quantities they are added to vegetable soups and dishes, salads, minced meat, fried meat, fried poultry, mushrooms, red and white cabbage and marinades. They give a pleasant taste to soft cheeses, potatoes, game meat, fish and pastries.

Rosemary essential oil is used in the perfumery and cosmetics industry; leaves, flowers and young shoots - in the alcoholic beverage and baking industries.

Leaves and annual shoots of rosemary were used in folk medicine inside for amenorrhea, as an astringent, tonic for impotence; sedative - for nervous disorders in menopause; analgesic - for pain in the heart and gastric colic and externally - for neuritis, thrombophlebitis, rheumatism, parotitis, leucorrhoea, as a wound healing agent. It is used in modern combined herbal preparations

Rosemary. © THOR


Arugula, Caterpillar sowing, Indau sowing ( Eruca sativa) is a biennial herbaceous plant of the genus Eruka ( Eruca) of the Cabbage family ( Brassicaceae). Stem erect, branched, slightly pubescent. The leaves are lyre-pinnate or dissected, with serrated lobes.

It has been grown as a herb in the Mediterranean area since Roman times, where it was considered an aphrodisiac. Until the 1900s, arugula was mainly collected in the wild, cultivation on a mass scale was not used, and practically was not studied by science. It has a rich, spicy taste.

It is mainly used in salads, and also as a vegetable addition to meat dishes and pastas. In coastal Slovenia (especially in Koper) it is added to cheese cheburek. In Italy, it is often used in the preparation of pizza; usually arugula is added to it shortly before the end of cooking or immediately after. Also used as an ingredient in pesto in addition to (or as a substitute for) basil.

In the Caucasus, young shoots and leaves are eaten. The leaves are used as a seasoning for dishes in the form of a salad, young shoots are eaten fresh, the seeds are used to prepare mustard. In Indian medicine, the seeds are used as an irritant and anti-skin blister; in folk medicine - for skin diseases, juice - for ulcers, freckles, hematomas, calluses, nasal polyps.


Ruta ( Ruta) - a genus of evergreen perennial fragrant herbs, shrubs, shrubs of the Rut family ( Rutaceae). The leaves are trifoliate or pinnate, dotted with translucent glands, with odorous essential oil.

Rue is bred as a spicy herb for the sake of young leaves, which are used as a seasoning for dishes, for sprinkling sandwiches and in vinegar (a taste reminiscent of garlic or onions), and also as a medicine, for which the plant is cut off just before flowering and then dried. .

Rue. © H. Zell


Celery ( Apium) is a genus of plants of the Umbelliferae family ( Apiaceae), a vegetable crop. Only about 20 species distributed on all continents. A biennial vegetable spicy plant with a thick spindle-shaped yellow-white and brownish root crop with porous pulp. The leaves are shiny, dark green, the petioles of the basal leaves are long and fleshy.

All parts of this spicy herb are added to the first and second courses, salads, drinks, sauces, seasonings. The rhizome is also used in dried form. Stems are recommended to be used instead of salt for diseases of the gallbladder, osteoporosis, kidney disease. In medicine, it is used as a diuretic. Is an aphrodisiac.

Celery root has a diuretic and general tonic effect, and it is widely used in diseases of the kidneys and bladder. In homeopathy, extracts from seeds, roots and leaves are used as a diuretic and heart remedy, as well as in diseases of the genital organs.

Celery cultivated. © Rasbak


Thyme, Thyme, Thyme, Bogorodskaya grass, mainland ( thymus) - a genus of shrubs of the Lamiaceae family ( Lamiaceae). Perennial subshrub up to 35 cm tall with a woody decumbent or ascending stem and erect or ascending herbaceous branches. Root taproot, woody. The stems are woody at the base, flattened over the soil, branched, covered with bent down or erect hairs.

The leaves are diverse in size, venation and shape (from round or ovate to linear-oblong), hard, almost leathery, short-petiolate, less often sessile, entire or sometimes serrated (a constant feature in some Far Eastern species).

Young thyme shoots have a strong, pleasant lemony aroma and a slightly bitter, pungent taste. It is recommended to add thyme to fatty lamb and pork dishes. This spicy herb contains an essential oil with a strong odor. Thyme is good to use when combined with pepper, it enhances its flavor. It is used in the manufacture of many medicines, as well as an ornamental plant for landscaping the site.

Thyme, or Thyme. © Fritz Geller Grimm

carum) - a genus of perennial or biennial plants of the Umbelliferae family ( Apiaceae), of which the most famous species is Cumin ordinary ( carum carvi). Leaves are double or thrice pinnate. Flowers bisexual or partially staminate. Petals are white, pink or red, rounded obovate. The fruitlets are oblong, somewhat laterally compressed, the ribs are obtuse.

The roots are used in cooking as a spice. Leaves and young shoots are used in salads. Seeds - for flavoring homemade pastries, for sauerkraut, pickling cucumbers.

Caraway. © Anneli Salo


savory ( natureja) - annual plants, shrubs or shrubs, a genus of plants of the Lamiaceae family ( Lamiaceae). Leaves entire or almost entire, short-petiolate. Flowers 4-9 mm or 10-15 mm long, bluish-white, light purple or pinkish, collected in whorls of 3-7-flowered in leaf axils. Calyx campanulate, two-lipped or almost regular, five-toothed. Corolla two-lipped; stamens four; anthers bilocular, separated by not very wide connective tissue; stigma with divergent lobes. The fruits are nutlets, round to ovate, obtuse.

The medicinal effect of savory is antispasmodic, bactericidal, astringent. As a seasoning, young leaves can be plucked, however, dried savory is an excellent strong spice. Savory greens are very fragrant and resemble thyme, but with pungent undertones.

Savory. © Shalonmooney

Ramson, Bear Onion, Wild Garlic, Flask ( Allium ursinum) is a perennial herbaceous plant; species of the genus Onion ( Allium) of the Onion family ( Alliaceae). The bulb is elongated, about 1 cm thick. The stem is trihedral, there are two leaves, shorter than the stem, with a lanceolate or oblong sharp blade 3-5 cm wide and a narrow petiole twice as long as the blade or equal to it.

It is used as a green crop, is part of salads and other dishes. Ramson has antihelminthic and antimicrobial activity. It is recommended to use it for scurvy and atherosclerosis, in folk medicine it has been used for thousands of years, including fever, as an antihelminthic and antimicrobial agent, as an external agent for rheumatism, and for various intestinal infectious diseases. In ancient Rome and in the Middle Ages wild garlic was considered a good remedy for cleansing the stomach and blood.

Cheremsha. © Archenzo


Sage, Salvia ( Salvia) - a large genus of perennial herbaceous plants and shrubs of the Lamiaceae family ( Lamiaceae). The leaves are simple or pinnate. Calyx campanulate, tubular-campanulate, conical or tubular, unchanged or slightly increasing during fruiting; upper lip tridentate. The corolla is always two-lipped; the upper lip is helmet-shaped, sickle-shaped or straight; the middle lobe of the lower lip is much larger than the lateral ones, very rarely equal to the lateral ones. Stamens - 2; column filiform; stigma is bilobed.

In fresh and dried form, the spice is used to give a piquant taste and aroma to meat, game, fish, salads, pies, and tea. It has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant action, it is used as a medicine for rinsing, compresses. All species of this genus are essential oil; many of them entered the culture as medicinal, for example Salvia officinalis ( Salvia officinalis). The different properties of essential oils in different types of sage and the possibilities for their use have not yet been studied. The most famous is Clary Sage.

Salvia officinalis. © H. Zell

Tarragon, tarragon

Wormwood tarragon, Tarragon, Tarragon ( Artemisia dracunculus) is a perennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Wormwood of the Asteraceae family. Stems few, 40-150 cm high, erect, glabrous, yellowish-brown. Stem leaves entire, oblong or linear-lanceolate, pointed; the lower leaves are notched at the top. Flowers are pale yellowish. Inflorescence paniculate, narrow, dense; involucre leaflets are short-elliptic or almost spherical; involucre glabrous, greenish-yellowish, shiny, membranous along the edge.

Wormwood tarragon has a slightly spicy aroma and a sharp, spicy and piquant taste. Known varieties of salad direction, common in Transcaucasia and Central Asia, and spicy-aromatic forms (Ukraine, Moldova).

The green mass of the plant is widely used in fresh cooking as a spicy-aromatic seasoning for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, making marinades, sauerkraut, soaking apples, pears.

It is used as a spice in the preparation of dishes from rice, boiled fish, mayonnaise, fried game, lamb. Finely chopped fresh leaves are added as a spice to poultry, eggs, light sauces, meat dishes, as well as to all types of salads. They can be used to make green butter.

A refreshing drink "Tarhun" is prepared from the plant, used to flavor wines and liquors. Especially popular in France is the production of a special aromatic-spicy vinegar from the aerial part of tarragon tarragon, which is used to season salted fish. A bunch of tarragon branches - green or dried, placed in a bottle of vodka for several weeks, gives the vodka a special taste and aroma. Depending on whether green or dry branches were taken, the taste is different.

Tarragon, or Tarragon. © KENPEI

And what herbs do you grow in your garden or garden? Share your experience in the comments or on our Forum.

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The nose is steel and the tail is linen. Show answer>>

A steel spout, a linen tail, It passes through the canvas, It finds its end. Show answer>>

The grandmother wears a snow cap. Stone sides Wrapped in clouds. Show answer>>

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Random joke:

Yalta conference. At the table of the heads of the three allied powers - Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin. They talk about the situation at the front, then pour Armenian cognac, drink a glass. Roosevelt finishes a silver cigarette case, on the lid is written in gold thread - "To T. Roosevelt from friends in the party on the day of the 40th anniversary." He treated his colleagues, smoked, talked .... then again in a pile. Churchill takes out a gilded silver cigarette case adorned with amber. On it is the inscription - "to Sir W. Churchill from His Majesty King George for services to the crown." We smoked, again we moved on the glass. Stalin takes out a cigarette case - massive, gold, encrusted with emeralds. On it is an inscription in large diamond script - "To A. S. Pushkin from Prince Vyazemsky" ...

Green vegetable, herbaceous plant of the wormwood genus of the Asteraceae family

First letter "e"

Second letter "s"

Third letter "t"

The last beech is the letter "n"

Answer for the clue "Green vegetable, herbaceous plant of the wormwood genus of the Asteraceae family", 8 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word tarragon

A vegetable of the Compositae family

Tarragon rhyme to the Pentagon

Same as tarragon


The second name of the spice is tarragon

green vegetable

Word definitions for tarragon in dictionaries

Great Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus), a perennial plant of the wormwood genus of the Compositae family. The stem is herbaceous, 60≈125 cm high. The leaves are lanceolate-linear. The flowers are white, collected in rounded baskets. Comes from Mongolia and Southern Siberia. Distributed in...

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Wormwood tarragon, or tarragon, or tarragon is a perennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Wormwood of the Asteraceae family. A common spice used in pickles, canning, seasoning for meat dishes.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
m. A type of wormwood, characterized by a high content of essential oils and used as a spice; tarragon.

Examples of the use of the word tarragon in the literature.

But also simple: with a market purse, anticipating a bronzino in white wine with tarragon, turn the corner - and again find yourself in the paintings of Carpaccio.

If you are a Leo of the first decade, then an exclusively original and very narrow set of herbs is intended for you: only tamarind and tarragon.

For Sagittarius of the first decade, this is dill and fennel, for the second decade, basil and garlic, for the third decade, rosemary and tarragon.

I hear her busy in the kitchen, throwing spices into the pot: hot chili, marjoram, tarragon, cloves, garlic, mustard powder, sesame oil, curry and God knows what.

Now you can judge,” Epistemon remarked, “whether the pope who first established the fast was right, since this worn-out shoe, called chant, himself admits that it is during fasting that he is stained from head to toe with the filth of fornication, what is the circumstance all good and knowledgeable physicians explain by the fact that at no other time of the year is eaten so much food that awakens sensual attraction as fasting, such as: beans, peas, beans, chickpeas, onions, nuts, oysters, herring, pickles, pickles , salads made up of various stimulating plants, that is, wild mustard, nasturtium, tarragon, cress, marshmallow, rapunzel, poppy, hops, figs, rice, grapes.