Snegozaderzhatel tubular on a metal tile fastening. Installation of snow retainers on a roof made of metal: do-it-yourself installation according to the instructions. Functional purposes of snow retention systems

The climate of most of Russia is famous for its frosty, snowy winters, so our people have developed a special attitude towards the cold. Therefore, snow is an indispensable participant in children's games and winter fun. However, the snow may not be so harmless, especially when it flies from the roof onto your head. Unorganized, avalanche-like snow masses from roof slopes often cause injuries, injuries, damage to cars parked nearby and blockages on driveways. A comprehensive solution to these problems is the installation of snow retainers.

Roofs made of metal tiles especially require the installation of snow retention elements, since the smooth surface of the slopes makes it easier for the snow cap to slide off. The ice crust, which is formed when the lower surface of the profiled sheet is heated with warm air, leaves deep scratches on it when it comes off. In damaged places, where the protective galvanic layer is broken, corrosion centers appear. To prevent premature failure and roof leaks, snow retainers are used that work according to the following principles:

Important! The selection of devices for snow retention is carried out taking into account three criteria: the amount of precipitation in winter, the angle of inclination of the slope and the roofing. When choosing snow retainers for metal tiles, pay attention to models that work on the principle of a snow cutter. Due to the fact that snow is independently removed from the roof in a safe way, you can not be afraid to leave it without cleaning even in heavy snowfalls.

Types of snow retainers

Snow guards for metal tiles are available in the form of snow-blocking and snow-permeable structures. They are made from durable, high-quality metal, since each element is subjected to significant loads. The following types of snow retention elements are most popular:

Important! The cost of one or a lattice structure 3 m long is 1000-1500 rubles, which can negatively affect the homeowner's family budget. In order to save the elements for protection against falling snow, they are installed only above the places where the descent causes the greatest inconvenience: above the porch, paths, parking.


The installation of snow retention elements is planned during the design of the roof, as they increase the snow load on the truss frame and foundation. In advance, you need to decide on the design and principle of operation of the devices, since some of them require special conditions. The installation itself is quite simple and is done by hand in the following order:

Note! Usually one row of tubular devices is sufficient to contain snow masses on the roof. But if the amount of precipitation in the winter in the area where construction is being carried out is above average, and the length of the slope exceeds 5 m, then professional roofers recommend installing an additional row that reduces the rate of snow melting.

Video instruction

A metal roof should be practical, durable, beautifully crafted and, of course, safe. To fulfill the latter requirement, suitable snow retainers must be installed on the roof, which are special structures that are responsible for the safe melting of snow. They are also necessary so that the roof does not deform under a mass of icy snow.

The weight of snow masses can be much greater than the weight of the roof itself, so precipitation loads are a serious problem that should be addressed even when making foundation calculations.

The safety of the roof directly depends on the snow mass that falls on it. It is difficult to predict how it will be distributed over the roof. It all depends on the slope of the roof, wind direction, etc. When, first of all, the load of snow masses should be taken into account.

Roof snow load calculation

To make this calculation, you need a special formula:

Q = G * s, where

Q - snow load
G is the weight of snow on a flat roof, which is determined from the table
S - correction factor depending on the angle of the roof:

> 25° - 1
If 25-60° - 0.7
More than 60 ° - the snow load is not taken into account, since snow with such an inclination will not be able to linger on the roof.

How to determine G? This information is found in tables and maps of snow cover zones on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The maximum length of the slope when installing 1 row of snow guards

Functions of snow retention systems

  • Prevention of unexpected descent of ice and snow deposits from the roof
  • Easier roof snow removal
  • Roof protection from strong winds when sheets of tiles can come off
  • Protection of drains from clogging with snow, which, when turned into ice, can break the pipe
  • Prevention of facade deformation by rolling snow and falling icicles

The main types of snow retention systems

Tubular systems

Usually at the heart of such snow holders lies a pipe installed along the roof. On the metal tile, the tubes are fixed where the connection of the roof and the bearing wall passes.

It is impossible to attach to such structures, as the entire system may collapse.

If the roof slope is sufficiently long, then the installation of tubular snow retainers on the metal tile should be carried out in several rows. On the roof, the tubes are mounted either in a checkerboard pattern or end-to-end.

If there is an attic in the house, the tubular system must also be installed above its window openings. A sufficient distance from the edge of the roof is 40-50 cm, i.e. approximately where 3-4 tiles go.

Lattice snow guards

Such designs are considered the most effective, which explains their popularity. They can be of two types - ordinary and "royal". There are no special differences between them. The division is made according to the supports, as well as according to the complexity of manufacturing the lattice.

To make a choice, you can choose universal models that fit both delays.

Due to the fact that the gratings are quite high, they demonstrate their safety both in winter and in summer, when it is necessary to carry out roofing work. From a possible fall, both materials and tools, as well as workers, will be saved.

Corner snow guards

They act as a thin sheet of steel, which is coated with a polymer material that prevents corrosion. Due to their simple design, they are the most inexpensive option for protecting against snow rolling off the roof.

Corner systems can be found in absolutely any color, which makes it easy to match them to the tiles.

Fastening corner snow retainers to metal tiles is carried out using self-tapping screws and ordinary corners. Protective systems are attached to the upper wave of the sheet.

Snow retaining yoke

The yokes are not a separate snow-retaining structure, as these are additional elements.

You can use yokes with any of the above snow retainers.

In the process of installing snow retainers on metal tiles, the yokes must be evenly attached to all roof slopes, given that their efficiency is low and they can only hold the lower layer of snow.

It makes no sense to use yokes as the only system for retaining snow deposits.

Snow-retaining logs

This is the oldest system for retaining ice and snow. The first logs on the roof began to be used on Bavarian and Alpine houses, but even today this design does not lose its relevance.

The advantage of log snow retainers is their reliability, since a large pipe not only holds snow well over its entire area, but also withstands significant loads.

Modern log snow retainers are made not of wood, but of metal pipes with a diameter of 140 mm. The supporting structure for such systems is usually made of steel sheets.

When to Install Snow Guards

The most optimal time for installing snow retention systems is the arrangement or repair of the roof.

It is best to choose suitable retaining structures together with the type of roof. In this case, the choice should be based on factors such as climatic features of the area and features of the roof.

If the roof is soft, then point snow retainers or snow stoppers are most often installed. This system is a narrow steel strip, bent at the end into a triangle. To make a snow stopper, you need galvanized steel or powder-coated metal.

Installation should be done when the roof material is being laid, attaching the snow stoppers to the base and covering the fixing point with another roofing sheet.

If such snow retainers are already mounted on a finished roof, then rubber seals should be used to avoid leaks in the future.

  • If the winters are long and snowy, then the snow retention system should be as efficient as possible. When snow is a rarity or it always has time to melt before the next precipitation, then you can pick up cheap, but at the same time effective corner structures or, as they are also called, barriers
  • With heavy snowfalls, mesh and tubular snow retainers will be the best option, which will solve the problem not only with snow and icicles, but will also be convenient when dumping snow and ice deposits from the roof
  • It is important to remember that it is necessary to clean not only the roof from adhering ice and snow, but snow retention devices, because a lot of ice accumulates on them, preventing normal snowmelt
Before installing snow retainers on the roof of the metal tile, install other elements. Required to be completed. Because it is a significant element of the roof, which provides its ventilation.

Installation of roof windows in metal tiles must be carried out before installing the ridge. Improper installation or poor waterproofing of such windows will negate all efforts to build a roof. Undertaking the installation of skylights is better for those who already have experience in construction work, and only if they follow the instructions and rules.

In the West, no house will be taken into operation if snow-retaining devices are not installed on its roof. In our country, they also began to monitor safety, and many reasonable owners, in the process of building their house, install similar systems so that in the future, when it becomes clear that they are simply necessary, they do not have to redo the roof.

We can say that snow retention systems for roofing are a very practical and necessary element. They protect people and cars from falling icicles and snowballs, while maintaining all the intended aesthetics of the roof.

Video about installing snow retainers on metal tiles

Video instruction on snow guards for metal tiles, how to make the right choice and how to install them on the roof.
Comparison of tubular snow guards from different manufacturers

Installation of tubular-type snow retainers on metal tiles

The snow that evenly covers the roof gradually thaws as a result of exposure to heat from the roof, after which it freezes from cold air and turns into an ice mass. Falling snow and ice are dangerous for people below. To avoid the convergence of the snow mass from the roof, as well as the fall of any objects, special structures are used, which are called snow retainers.

Why do we need snow guards on a metal roof and what functions do they perform

The purpose of snow-retaining systems is not only to ensure the safety of passers-by under the roof of a particular building: snow catchers reduce the likelihood of mechanical damage to the roofing material, avoid the appearance of small cracks and scratches on it, and exclude sagging and deformation of the roof under the influence of heavy snow mass.

Of particular importance is the equipment of metal roofs with snow guards, which are made of metal tiles, corrugated board, etc. In addition, snow guards must be installed on multi-level roofs, as well as under skylights. For the climate of central Russia, about 900 kg of snow mass can accumulate on one linear meter of a protective structure.

Snow retainers help hold snow on the roof and prevent its avalanche-like convergence

Snow retention systems may have different names, due to the performance of these devices for different functions:

  1. Snow barriers. They are designed to completely hold the snow layer on the roof. In this case, even a partial exit is unacceptable. As for melting, it happens naturally.
  2. Snow cutters, the purpose of which is to cut the layer of snow into smaller pieces. As a result, the energy of the snow layer at the moment of falling will be much less than when the mass converges as a whole. Thus, the safety of being under the roof is ensured.

Snow load calculation

To exclude damage to the roof structure during heavy rainfall, the necessary calculations are performed even at the stage of creating a roof project. The average weight of snow can be taken equal to 100 kg/m³, and for wet precipitation - 300 kg/m³. With these values, you can easily calculate the snow load. However, this indicator can be more accurately determined using a special regional map. It is taken as a basis for calculating design standards.

Using a regional map, you can determine the thickness of the snow cover for a particular region

The snow load is calculated by the formula S=S g *μ, where S is the snow pressure per 1 m² of the roof, S g is the normative snow load for a particular region, μ is a coefficient that depends on the angle of the roof:

  • μ=1 with a roof slope of less than 25˚;
  • μ=0.7 if the roof has a slope of 25–60˚;
  • with a slope of more than 60˚, the snow load is not taken into account (μ=0).

It is necessary to pay attention to the windward side of the house, although the level of snow there will be less than on the leeward side.

The windward side is the one from which the wind blows, the lee side is the one on which it blows.

The main types of snow retention systems

Roof railings that hold back snow can be quite different. The difference lies both in shape, size and materials, as well as in reliability. First of all, the choice of one or another design depends on the amount of snow that it should prevent.


The system is made in the form of tubular elements that go into the holes of the holders with subsequent installation on the roof surface. The amount of snow that such a structure can withstand directly depends on the distance of the elements from each other. In addition, an important role is played by the dimensions of the snow catcher, namely the parameters of the pipe - length and diameter. The advantage of this design is the ability to increase the length and snow load by installing additional fasteners and pipes.

The design of tubular snow guards allows you to increase their total length and, as a result, the snow load by installing additional elements

Today, when installing tubular snow retention systems, a galvanized structure, painted in the color of the roof, is often used, which is characterized by increased corrosion resistance.


Latticed roof railings are similar in design to a ladder laid on edge and fixed across the roof. By analogy with tubular elements, they are also easy to strengthen or lengthen. Structures in the form of gratings and pipes are among the most reliable and versatile. They can be installed on roofs made of sheet roofing materials or natural tiles. Snow slats are distinguished by their efficiency due to the presence of holes for snow melting and high load-bearing capacity.

The snow guards are highly efficient due to their mesh design.


Corner protective structures equip those roofs that are characterized by the accumulation of snow in small volumes, that is, covered with corrugated board or metal tiles. These elements are made of the same material as the roof. The installation of the system is carried out directly to the roof covering. The installation is carried out along the ridge, while the elements are arranged in rows in a checkerboard pattern. The spacing between rows should be 0.5–1 m. It is best to use them in regions with little snow.

Corner snow guards are best used in regions with little snow.

Rope devices are mostly designed for additional snow retention. They are used in combination with lattice and tubular systems, as well as on low-angle roofs covered with soft materials. As a rule, snow is already delayed on the latter due to the rough surface. If the roof has a small angle of inclination, then the snowfall is unlikely. At the same time, in order to be safe, they mount point yokes in a checkerboard pattern with a gap of 50 cm from each other.

Bowels are installed on roofs with a small angle of inclination or covered with soft roofing materials.

It should also be taken into account that the yokes are installed only during the installation of the roof. These elements are made in the form of a triangle and a long plate, which is located under the roofing material and is attached to the crate. A soft material is laid on top, which hides the installation site. As a result, the roof has complete protection against possible leaks.

Logs for snow retention are used quite rarely. They can be found, for example, on wooden roofs. In this case, the logs are mounted on special hooks that are attached to the crate or to the roof structure. The thicker the tree trunk, the more snow it can hold. Above the roof, the log is placed at a height of 2–3 cm. This ensures unhindered snowfall during melting. The rest of the snow mass lingers on the roof until it completely melts.

Logs are mounted by means of special elements in the form of hooks, which are attached to the crate or truss structure.

Installation of snow protection on metal roofing

Installing a snow retention system is not so much complicated as it requires attention and care, as well as compliance with certain rules.

Rules for installing snow catchers for metal tiles

For the correct selection and installation of the structure, it is necessary to figure out how it is fixed on the roof of metal tiles. There are the following recommendations:

  1. The device of tubular systems is carried out at the junction of the roof with the supporting element of the structure.
  2. It is unacceptable to mount pipes to the cornice overhang, otherwise there is a risk of deformation and destruction of the roofing system.
  3. Pipe fastening must be done in a checkerboard pattern or end-to-end.
  4. The first row of the snow retention system must be mounted 50 cm from the edge of the roof.
  5. Longitudinal (tubular, lattice and corner) snow retainers are installed in the area of ​​​​the eaves, and point ones - along the roof slope.

If the length of the roof slope exceeds 5.5 m, experts recommend installing snow catchment systems in several rows, leaving a gap between each of them of 2–3 m.

Video: rules for installing snow retention systems

Snow retainer device

Snow retention systems trap accumulated snow and separate it into pieces. In addition, there is no need to mount elements around the perimeter of the entire roof. Installation is carried out in those places where a large snow mass accumulates in winter. It is also worth considering that modern snow retention systems are perfectly combined with the aesthetics of the roof and do not spoil it in any way, since they are usually matched exactly to the color of the finish coat. Thus, you can find the most suitable elements for almost any building. When installing roofing fences at the stage of building a house and a roof, less financial and labor costs will be required.

Mounting the snow retainer to the metal tile

After choosing the required type of snow retainer, they begin to prepare tools and materials. Their list, regardless of the type of construction, will be almost the same:

For cutting material, the use of a grinder is undesirable. This is explained by the fact that snow retention systems are made of metal and coated with polymers. During cutting with a power tool, the coating is melted and destroyed, which subsequently leads to the formation of corrosion and a decrease in the strength of the structure.

Fastening tubular systems

Tubular type snow catchers for metal roofing are supplied as a kit consisting of the following items:

The snow retention structure is fastened as follows:

  1. Install brackets. To do this, stepping back 30 cm from the side cut of the roof, holes are drilled for mounting the first bracket, while its upper end should rest against the cut of the previous row of tiled shapes.
  2. Install waterproofing pads: 7 mm on the top hole, 14 mm on the bottom hole. This difference compensates for the difference in height, which occurs due to the profile characteristic of the metal tile.

    Waterproofing pads allow you to compensate for the difference in height due to the profile of the metal tile

  3. Mount the bracket.

    A bracket is mounted in the holes made

  4. Stepping back from the first element 1100 mm, the second bracket is fixed in the same way.
  5. A pipe is threaded into the holes of the installed brackets. FROM The free end of the pipe should extend beyond the outermost fastener by no more than 30 cm.

    Pipes are inserted into the holes of the brackets

  6. If it is necessary to lengthen the pipes, the elements are connected and fixed with metal screws.

    To lengthen the pipe, the elements are spliced ​​together

  7. Pipe sections are sealed by flattening the ends or installing special plugs.

    The ends of the pipes are sealed with plugs or by flattening

In the described way, the installation of lattice snow catchers is also carried out.

Video: installing tubular snow retainers

Mounting the corner snow guard

Corner snow retainers during fastening are placed above the load-bearing wall, where the highest mechanical strength of the roof is ensured.

In practice, the place of greatest strength corresponds, as a rule, to the second or third wave of metal tiles.

The width of the mounted corner is equal to the length of one row of roofing material. The top edge of the snow retention element is the one from which a right angle to the roof surface is formed. After installing the corner in a row of metal tiles, it is fixed with self-tapping screws. Most of the load will be applied to the top of the element, so fasteners 50–70 mm long should be used for mounting. This size allows you to securely fix the structure to the roof sheathing. Shorter self-tapping screws are suitable for fastening the lower edge of the corner. This is explained by the fact that there are no high loads.

When installing a corner snow retainer, longer self-tapping screws are used in the upper part, and shorter ones in the lower part.

Installation of tow systems of snow retention

Rope (point) snow retainers are evenly distributed over the roof. Their location depends on the specific roof structure. Fastening of elements is carried out by means of self-tapping screws. The sheets of roofing material are not strong enough to hold the yokes. Therefore, in those places where point elements will be installed, wooden bars are additionally placed.

The installation of bars compensates for the height difference in the tile profile.

The mounting part of the tow bar snow guards is located under the roofing material

The total cost of work

An important point in the arrangement of snow retainers is the final cost of the work. It depends, as a rule, on the dimensions of the elements of the chosen design, as well as on the type of roof and the manufacturer. Since tubular snowcatchers are the most popular, consider the cost of this particular design.

A set of elements 3 m long with all the necessary fasteners will cost an average of 1100–5500 rubles. In fact, the installation of snow retainers is not a very complicated process, so you can do it yourself. However, it should be borne in mind that improper installation of elements can lead to both damage to the roof and other negative consequences.

The cost of installing a snow retention system depends on the type of roof, the size and cost of the structure itself.

If the work is carried out by specialists, then the installation of one snow retainer will cost 2000–5000 rubles. This amount includes:

  • arrival at the site, drawing up a drawing, taking the necessary measurements;
  • purchase of components;
  • system installation.

The need for snow guards is determined by the climatic features of our country, which in winter contribute to the active formation of massive icicles and huge “snow caps” on the roof sections, which at any time can collapse and cause serious harm not only to the transport standing under the wall of the house, but also to a person.

Therefore, during roof repairs, as well as in the process of new construction, all roofs are equipped with snow retention systems. In developed countries, it will not even be possible to put a house into operation if its roof is not equipped with such devices. In the domestic construction market, the supply of snow retention elements is extremely large, so a competent owner should definitely understand it in order to make the right choice and secure his home.

First of all, absolutely all systems snow retention on a roof made of metal tiles perform the following functions.

  1. They prevent the independent and unexpected descent of the snow cap from the roof.
  2. Facilitate the removal of snow from the roof.
  3. Protect against falling roofing material during storm winds or during roofing work.
  4. Protect drains from clogging.
  5. Prevent damage to the facade of the building by falling icicles and snow.

Wherein snow retention systems can be of the following types, how:

  • tubular;
  • lattice;
  • in the form of a log;
  • in the form of a snow-retaining corner;
  • yoke.

In addition, there is classification of snow retainers and according to the principle of their action: checkpoints and barriers. The former are extremely effective in holding a snow cap of considerable height. Therefore, it is the access options of the detainees that can most often be found on our homes. Passage snow retainers include tubes, gratings, etc. An example of a barrier type of delays is a snow-retaining corner.

Understanding the design features and operation of each of them will help not to get confused in these types.

Tubular snow retainers for metal tiles. A photo

Most often, tubular snow retainers are based on a pipe stretched along the roof. The standard diameters of such tubes are 1", 10 or 15 mm. Initially, tubular snow retention systems were created for use in conjunction with seam roofs, however, subject to certain installation rules, they do their job quite well on a metal roof. The essence of these rules(how to attach snow retainers to metal tiles) is as follows.

  1. On a metal tile, tubular retainers are attached at the junction of the load-bearing wall and the roof.
  2. It is not recommended to attach tubes to the cornice overhang, as this can destroy the entire structure.
  3. With a sufficiently large length of the roof slope (more than 5.5 m), it is advisable to install snow retainers in several rows. The distance between the rows is 2.5-3.5 m.
  4. There are two ways to fix the pipes on the roof: either end-to-end to each other, or by placing them in a checkerboard pattern.
  5. If there is an attic, pipes for retaining snow will also be needed above its windows.
  6. The optimal distance from the edge of the roof is 400-500 mm, i.e. somewhere at the level of 3-4 tiles.

Do-it-yourself installation of snow retainers on a metal tile is not so complicated. Video instruction on how to install snow guards on metal tiles.

Snow guards

Such snow retainers for metal tiles are today recognized as the most effective, which is the main reason for their mass distribution. There are two types of snow-retaining gratings: regular and so-called "royal". There are practically no structural differences between them, the division is carried out according to the features of the supports and the complexity of the execution of the lattice itself. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of supports, it is best to focus on universal models suitable for both types of arresters.

Due to the fact that all types of gratings have a relatively large height, they are successfully guarding security in the summer. When carrying out repair work on the roof, they are guaranteed to prevent not only tools and materials from falling from the roof, but also save the person himself from such a danger.

Snow guards-logs

This is the oldest type of device for preventing snow from falling off the roof. The first logs on the roofs appeared many years ago on Alpine and Bavarian houses, but the technology has survived to this day and has not ceased to be in demand.

In the modern version, log snow retainers are rarely created on the basis of wooden logs. Most often, metal pipes of large diameter, about 140 mm, act as a safety element. The design of supports for such delays is the simplest, in most cases made of sheet steel.

To benefits log snow retainers should be attributed, first of all, their reliability. A large-diameter pipe not only effectively retains snow due to its large area of ​​​​contact with the crust, but is also capable of withstanding very significant loads.

Corner snow guards

They are a corner made of sheet steel coated with a layer of polymer material to prevent corrosion. Due to the simplicity of their design, snow guards for corner-type metal tiles are the cheapest option for providing protection against snow avalanches. At the same time, due to the variety of colors of the protective polymer coating, it is very easy to match such delays to metal tiles of literally any color.

Fastening on the roof of the corner snow retainers is carried out using simple corners 50 × 50 and self-tapping screws. The place of installation of snow retention for metal tiles is the upper wave of the sheet.

Snow-retaining yoke

Actually, yokes are not an independent snow retention system. In essence, these are just additional snow-retaining elements. Yokes can be used with absolutely any type of snow retainers, including corner, tubular, log and gratings. There is another name for the yokes - snow stoppers.

During installation yokes must be placed at a distance of 80 cm from the edge of the roof, while distributing evenly over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slope. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the effectiveness of the tow bars is relatively low, they are able to hold only the lower layer of snow in place. Therefore, using them as the only snow retention system makes almost no sense.

The optimal moment when it is easiest to install snow retainers for metal tiles is work on the arrangement of the roof or its repair. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the type of delays and buy their elements along with the purchase of the roof itself. The choice should be based on two factors: climatic conditions and the characteristics of the roof itself.

The longer and snowier the winters are, the more effective the snow retention system should be. If there is relatively little snow and it most often has time to melt before the next snowfall, then in this case, inexpensive, but effective in such conditions, corner snow retainers (barriers) may be the best choice.

When snowy winters are not uncommon, it is best to pay attention to more serious systems: tubular or mesh snow retainers. Their installation will not only solve the problem with icicles and snow falls from the roof, but also ensure the convenience of work and safety when manually dumping snow crust.

Generally, snow retainers for metal tiles are an extremely practical element in the roof structure. They completely get rid of icicles and “snow caps” falling on the head and cars, raise the safety of work on the roof to a new level and, at the same time, do not spoil the aesthetics at all. Another advantage of snow retainers is their low price, regardless of type, as well as ease of installation on the roof.

To properly install snow retainers on a metal roof, you must carefully read the instructions in this article. The importance of this lies in the fact that snow retainers provide containment not only of winter snow masses, but also of spring-autumn ice that forms on the roof when snow melts.

If installed incorrectly, the restraining elements may fail and slide down from the roof and fall to the ground. The quality of installation directly affects the safety of people and the integrity of objects below. In addition, properly selected and installed snow retainers provide not only safety, but also the original appearance of the roof of any structure.

In this article

Snow guards

These are specially designed additional elements of the roof, which ensure the safe removal of snow and ice when they accumulate on the roof of metal tiles during the period of precipitation.

Metal siding roofing is one of the best options for protecting a building from rain. Durable and painted metal sheets provide excellent protection against rain, snow and wind.

Installed snow guards on the roof provide:

  1. additional rigidity of the roof;
  2. easier cleaning of the roof after heavy rainfall;
  3. the delay of accumulated precipitation from an unexpected fall down with a large mass;
  4. protection of drainage systems from the accumulation of ice and snow during the period of thawing and freezing of water;
  5. decorative function.

Types of snow retainers for metal tiles and installation features
To properly install all the elements, you need to decide what type of snow retainer you need.

According to the design features of the device and installation, 4 main types are distinguished.


Tubular. It consists of a metal pipe with a diameter of up to 1.5 centimeters. Which can be mounted in accordance with the following requirements:

  • to ensure the strength of all elements, fasteners are made in the place where the roof and wall are connected;
  • it is forbidden to install elements on the eaves, since with the accumulation of precipitation, it is possible even the collapse of the structure;
    in the presence of skylights, the tubular elements are installed above them to protect the double-glazed window;
  • mounting of tubular elements can be performed both in one line and in a checkerboard pattern to provide a multi-stage delay;
  • with a roof length of more than 4 meters, it will be necessary to install snow retainers in several rows with a distance between them of 2 to 3 meters;
  • fastening of the first lower row is carried out at a distance of 0.5 meters from the edge of the roof;
  • the hardware is passed through the lowest point of the wave of the metal tile and be sure to use sealing rubber gaskets.


Lattice. It is a fence of sufficient height to keep an adult on the roof. Installation is carried out taking into account the following conditions:

  • you will need reinforced fasteners to the rafters so that the snow retainer can withstand a weight of more than 100 kg;
  • it is desirable to install along the contour of your roof.


Consists of metal corners of thin sheet steel. It is the simplest and cheapest option for keeping rainfall from falling down. For installation, consider the following:

  • hardware up to 5 centimeters long for fasteners is passed through the highest point of the metal tile wave, provided that the integrity of the waterproofing is maintained;
  • gaskets must be used to maintain tightness at the attachment point;
  • pay attention to the presence of additional stiffeners so that the corner does not bend under load.


In appearance, it resembles a tubular version, but with a diameter of more than 10 centimeters. Such an element is able to withstand a significant load. But it requires some features during installation:

  • fasteners for each segment of the snow retainer are made at a distance of 0.5 to 0.75 meters.

But also when installing any type, an additional snow retention element is installed:

rope tow. They are placed in order to provide a multi-stage delay of accumulated precipitation throughout the entire roof area.

The main thing to consider is the following:

  • regardless of shape and size, keep a distance of 0.75 to 1 meter;
  • sealing washers or gaskets are used in hardware.

Procedure for installing snow retainers

  1. make drawings indicating all dimensions;
  2. depending on the angle of inclination of the roof and the area, it is necessary to decide which type is needed;
  3. choose a suitable color so that the element does not stand out against the background of the entire roof;
  4. select hardware along the length and sealing gaskets with washers to match the color of all elements;
  5. when installing the first row of the snow holder, at least 0.5 meters must remain to the edge of the roof;
  6. each next row is fastened at a distance of 2 to 3 meters;
  7. in each hardware, use a sealing element through a washer.
  8. in addition, a ladder is installed in a convenient place to service the entire roof.

Operating conditions

When, according to the above instructions, snow retainers were installed on a roof made of metal, it is necessary to conduct an annual preventive inspection annually using a special ladder and observing safety precautions.

On the outer part of the roof, the integrity of all structural elements is examined. In the presence of deformation and cracks, it is necessary to repair or replace the damaged area.

From the inside of the roof, the tightness of the joints is checked.

Key Findings

Do not try to save on the necessary materials. If you try to buy items at a lower cost, it is possible that the quality of the designs will be low. And in this case, the snow retainers may not withstand the load. And this can already be dangerous.

In case of self-doubt, do not try to do the installation yourself. If necessary, seek the services of professionals.