Well central water supply. Well or central water supply. The nuances of connecting a private house to centralized water supply networks

Before you get access to one or another source, you should shovel a lot of information, which will undoubtedly be useful. The opinions of the participants of the thematic forum can also become decisive in choosing an autonomous or centralized supply of both a cottage and a residential village. Communication with the neighbors around you, who have already drunk the cup of ordeals in this matter, will also become more useful.

Preferring deep, you will have to deal with compounds of iron, sulfur, magnesium salts, calcium. Dissolved iron is always present and their use in food is contraindicated. As a consequence, this is the inevitable use of mechanical, bacteriological purification with filtration for and.

In the case of a 20-meter well, you will have to deal with nitrates, nitrites, heavy metals, oil products, including other surface active substances. It will take a thorough, serious water treatment system to eliminate bacteria, various microorganisms, fertilizer residues, manure heaps and other surface sewage. After settling such a liquid, you will have to use the same filtering devices and carry out its comprehensive analysis.

For central supply systems with most likely will be the presence of hardness salts and chlorine compounds. These compounds will also require iron removal and softening.

So what to stop at the central water supply or well, if the site is registered and bought, fenced, the house is already under construction.
The natural desire to have their own artesian structure prevails over the option of centralized supply. However, in addition to the suitability of the site for a sanitary protection zone, the owner will need strong nerves, patience - about five years and very large financial reserves.

However, all organizational issues are often taken over by specialized organizations engaged in drilling operations. But a complex of technical, technological, supply, transport issues, including, cost money. Waiting for it, for a period construction works, you can get by with either sufficient for technical, construction needs and, even, irrigation.

Centralized water supply is more and more often acceptable for objects of mass development. AT this case, someone (investor), purchasing the array, divides it into separate sections, builds appropriate communications on them and sells them to private owners. At the same time, a part of the land on which it is being built is allocated, taking into account the project, the sanitary zone and other permits. Drilling work is completed by supplying water to each site.

Counts simple solution, but with a great risk of getting polluted water of a man-made nature. There are also, shallowing, drying out. There are problems with modern filters.

The advantage of such a well is the absence of the need for permits. So, the choice in favor of their own well or the use of a central supply line remains with the owner of a suburban building.

Well benefits

An artesian or limestone well is considered to be a reliable source. This is, first of all:
. Decades of operation (sometimes 50).
. Unlimited stock coupled with high quality.
. Exclusion of ingress of sewage and other surface liquid.
. No need for special equipment and apparatus for lifting.

Well Disadvantages

High construction cost.
. The need for iron removal and softening filters due to the high hardness of the source.
. Mandatory availability of a document authorizing the use of subsoil.

Advantages of the trunk line

Connection to the central network will require the permission of the organization operating the water supply system and the availability specifications to connect to the highway. Perhaps this is the most convenient option with advantages:
. No need to build a well or carry out drilling work on the site.
. Unlimited use of moisture.
. Responsibility for technical condition and service is carried out by the water supply service.
. Moisture supply in the event of a power outage.
. No need for storage tanks.

Trunk Line Disadvantages

Centralized supply has a number of disadvantages:
. The presence of rust and chlorine salts in the water.
. Termination of supply due to emergency situations on the highway or Maintenance.
. Monthly payment for the use of water supply and many other expenses.
However, the possibility of connecting to the central network is not always possible due to the distance and the small section of the main line.

In areas where the infrastructure is well developed, it is possible for owners of private houses to connect to the central water supply. But even under such circumstances, the question of water quality arises, since in most cases the water supply systems were laid many years ago, and the pipes already have a high degree of wear, due to which the quality of the water supplied to the house suffers.

An alternative to central water supply is autonomous water supply, which, despite the initial stage, requires considerable financial investments remains the most preferred.

Features of the central water supply

The presence of a central water supply gives the owners of suburban property a lot of convenience and savings. Money when connected, it is enough to issue the necessary permits and call a specialist who will tie into the central water supply.

But for all its advantages, central water supply has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • Monthly payment for the use of water with a constant increase in prices.
  • Interruptions in water supply associated with regular preventive and repair work.
  • Outdated water supply systems that lead to poor water quality and the need to use expensive filters.

Most owners of suburban real estate prefer autonomous water supply, even if there is a central water supply, since using your own well has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Independence from municipal water supply.
  • No monthly water bills.
  • High quality water with healthy minerals.
  • Uninterrupted work.
  • Simplicity and economy in service.

There are several options for organizing autonomous water supply:

  1. Well installation. This is the most economical option organization of water supply, due to lower cost. But this will require additional water filtration due to the shallow water. This option is convenient for low water consumption.
  2. Well drilling providing uninterrupted supply water in any volume without loss of pressure. The quality of the water depends on the depth of the well, so filtration may be required.
  3. Drilling artesian well. This is the best option where you get high quality useful water for humans. Such a well has a minimum service life of 50 years.

Regardless of the chosen method of organizing autonomous water supply on your site, all work must be carried out by specialists who will not only issue the necessary permits, but also perform the work efficiently and reliably using specialized equipment and modern equipment, guaranteeing smooth operation all systems for many years.

For plumbing in a private house, you can use a well or a well

There are several ways to conduct water to a private or country house. Use a central water supply, a well or a well. To determine which option is better, a comparison of the pros and cons of each method will help. In addition, it is possible to arrange a source for several houses.

in private or country house often there are problems with water supply. Usually the owners equip an autonomous source. As a rule, choose a well or borehole option.

To compare the pros and cons, a number of criteria are used. First, the difficulty of finding the water layer is taken into account. From this point of view, the arrangement of a well is very difficult, because it requires thorough drilling. And for the well, due to the shallow depth, the procedure will not cause problems.

When choosing a source for water, it is necessary to take into account the level of its pollution.

For residents, water quality comes first. In a well source, the liquid is protected by a large layer of soil. In the well, pollution can easily get into the source due to the shallow depth.

The arrangement of both sources does not require any permits and documents. But if the depth of the artesian is large, then documentation may be required.

When installing a well, it is used professional equipment which simplifies the process. But for the well, the bulk of the work is done manually. But when connecting communications, there are more difficulties - when arranging the downhole option.

The amount of fluid in the well is greater than in the well. And this does not depend on the season, which is often observed at the wells. The quality of the downhole fluid itself is quite high, but there may be impurities in the fluid. The problem is fixed with a filter. The quality of the water in the well every year is getting worse and worse.

The durability of a borehole source can be measured in decades. At the same time, maintenance of the installation is rarely required. The well is also durable, but requires periodic cleaning. A higher cost is observed during the arrangement of the well.

Pros and cons of well construction

All positive and negative points are connected with the fact that the source is artesian. The liquid is particularly pure, often it is sold in stores. The level of occurrence is quite deep, under the lime layers, which provides good filtration.

Additionally, you can make a list of the pros and cons of the well and the well


  1. High quality water. This is the main advantage. The fluid is not contaminated by sewage or melt water. The main thing is to drill at a considerable distance from sources of pollution. At the same time, a narrow shaft is easy to protect.
  2. The presence of a constant good pressure. The time of year has no effect on this. So, there is enough liquid for several houses at once. The average performance is 50 cubic meters per hour.
  3. Possibility of drilling at any time of the year. But it is important to do this when raising groundwater.
  4. You can choose any place for drilling. You can even equip it in the garage and basement of the house. This way you can reduce the cost of construction and save a lot of space.
  5. Simple service. No need for frequent cleaning. The mine does not silt up, as the water is quite clean.
  6. Durability. Can last up to 50 years.

The disadvantages include the complexity of drilling. Difficult places, boulders can come across. Working from home causes a lot of problems. Space is limited, so it's hard to work.

Installation is expensive. In addition to expensive equipment, you need to purchase mandatory installation elements and special filters.

If dirty, cleaning cannot be performed. It remains to drill a new design.

Some documentation is required. This includes permission, state registration and license. The device does not work without power supply. The installation is afraid of cold weather, therefore it requires insulation.

What to choose - a well or a central water supply

The hosts most often choose the first. But together with an autonomous water supply, the device requires sufficient patience and financial costs. The drilling itself is carried out by professionals. Separate costs require and registration of a license.

Central water supply is most often used for apartment buildings. This option is also possible for mass development. Then the artesian source digs into several sections. Water is supplied to every house. The central highway has a number of advantages.

If it is not possible to equip a well, you can connect to the central water supply

Advantages of central water supply:

  1. No need to equip a well on the site or perform drilling work;
  2. Unlimited water supply;
  3. Maintenance of communications is carried out by special services;
  4. In the event of a power outage, the fluid supply does not stop;
  5. There is no need to equip storage tanks.

The disadvantages of the central highway include the presence of rye and bleach in the water. In the event of an emergency on the central line, the fluid supply is stopped. At the same time, you need to pay for services every month. The connection itself for the private sector is not always possible due to the distance.

The disadvantages of wells are manifested in high cost, the need for additional filtration and having permission.

The very quality of the water in the well source is considered the best. It will last a long time, and the liquid will not lose its characteristics. In addition, pollution, drains cannot get into it.

Use on a number of houses

To save money, you can equip a well for 3-4 houses. But this option is rarely used. The point is that there are several technological features. You cannot use an adapter, you will only have to equip the caisson. The main advantage is the reduction in the cost of arrangement.

Quite often, one well can be used to supply water to several houses.


  1. First, there are problems with the choice of installation location. Which neighbor will donate his own territory? In this case, the plot can be sold.
  2. Only one will have to connect the well to electricity.
  3. Water is used unevenly. The well is a common option for summer cottages, and some people spend only the summer season there. In the future, the consumption of consumption between neighbors can lead to conflicts.
  4. Financial problems associated with equipment failure.
  5. Well debit. It is impossible to determine the indications in advance. Water may be enough or not enough. In addition, pressure drops are not excluded. It is recommended to equip a pump.
  6. To increase the chances of getting enough water, you can drill a well deeper. But this does not provide any guarantees.

You can find a compromise and negotiate with your neighbors, but not everyone is ready to bear such responsibility. Many summer residents sooner or later refuse such an undertaking.

The arrangement of plumbing in a private house requires effort. First you need to determine the option of water supply. Central water supply has no difficulties with maintenance, but the supply of liquid and its quality leaves much to be desired. Better own well or well. But when comparing two options, the first wins.

For water supply of a private house, you can connect to central networks or arrange an autonomous source.

Each of these options has limitations in application, positive and negative sides.

Wells are becoming more and more popular, and more and more owners country houses stop at this option of water supply.

Connecting to central networks is convenient for several reasons:

  • it's easier and cheaper to implement, although the permission of the organization supplying water and serving the network is required;
  • water is supplied in unlimited volume, it is usually enough for all wiring points;
  • independence from the supply of electricity to the house.

But central water supply is not always available in the private sector. Exit - oh arrangement of a local source, which also has some advantages.

  1. Deteriorating urban networks affect water quality
  2. The central water supply contains residual chlorine.
  3. Central water treatment plants in some areas can not cope with water purification.
  4. In case of accidents or planned repairs, water supply is temporarily interrupted.
  5. You will have to pay monthly for the supply of water.

If autonomous water supply is more attractive, it remains only to decide what it will be - a well or a well.

Types of wells and their features

There are three types of wells:

  1. Abyssinian well, or well-needle, – inch pipe, which narrows, turning into a filter pipe with a sharp tip. The depth of the source is no more than 12 m, and the surface of the water table should not be deeper than 8 m due to the capabilities of the surface water supply equipment (electric or manual pump). Average productivity - 1 m 3.
  2. filter well(well in the sand) are drilled at a depth of 15 to 50 sand layer. Its productivity is up to 1.5 m 3 /hour. This type of underground source consists of a water supply shaft, which is also casing pipe, head, bottom filter at the lower end of the column, deep pump.
  3. Artesian well can produce over 2 m 3 /hour of water. The aquifer passes at a depth of more than 100 m and is located between 2 layers rocks, usually limestone. The design consists of a casing, water supply pipes, a deep pump and a head.

Advantages and disadvantages

A well in a private house has pros and cons, which largely depend on the type of this source.

But there is also several general benefits:

  • water security from external influence;
  • performance is usually sufficient for a full water supply at least a small house.

Among the minuses of wells, noise is called, but the head is more often located outside the house in a special caisson. Even if the source is in the basement, the noise is minimal.

Another disadvantage is the need to purchase additional equipment.

Pros and cons of the Abyssinian well

"Abyssinian" is very simply arranged. There are other positives as well:

  • easy installation and dismantling
  • possibility of blocking in the basement even a ready-made house;
  • service life - an average of 15 years, after its completion, the structure can be dismantled and moved to another location;
  • low cost arrangement;
  • performance- about 1 m 3 per hour, this is enough to service a small country house;
  • if used hand pump, then water supply does not depend on electricity.

The negative features are:

  • the impossibility of arrangement in the rock and when the depth of the water layer is more than 12 m;
  • the possibility of seepage of contaminants from the surface.

"Gerbil": pros and cons

The productivity of a sand well is usually enough to service a small cottage.

Drilling and installation is done quickly. Water usually good quality, but there is probability of external influence, and in some regions the iron content is recorded in the source.

This source has more several negative characteristics:

  • short service life- up to 15 years;
  • susceptibility to silting, especially when idle;
  • the need for annual flushing bottom filter.

Pros and cons of an artesian well

This resource has other advantages as well.

  1. Does not contain pathogens and surface contaminants.
  2. Long service life.
  3. Constancy of water supply regardless of the season, drought and other things.

But the disadvantages are also quite significant.

  1. Drilling is carried out only by specialists.
  2. To carry out work, you need to obtain permission, it is also necessary to license the source and enter it in the register.
  3. The high cost of arrangement.
  4. Often characterized by high mineralization of water, so the purchase of a water treatment station is required.

Artesianka is the most productive source. It may be enough to provide a group of cottages and the whole village.

The need to maintain and equip wells is a common disadvantage

A well in the sand and an "artesian" are technological sources of water. When arranging them, in addition to drilling and installing pipes and a pump, you need to take care of several elements.

  1. To protect the wellhead and equipment from atmospheric influences need a caisson. This is a sealed container with a bottom hole, which includes a tip. Usually the caisson is buried in the ground.
  2. To reduce the number of pump on and off cycles, it is important to install a hydraulic accumulator. This is a container for the accumulation of liquid. It is mounted either in the basement of the house or in the caisson.
  3. Control and protection of the pump operation is carried out by automation. Its installation and launch is best left to professionals.

The well itself and the equipment needs maintenance.

  1. With a decrease in debit, the appearance of sediment in the water, the source is cleaned. You can clean the filter well yourself with help vibration pump. Artesian well being cleaned various methods, but it is better to leave the procedure to specialists.
  2. Flush the accumulator once a year.
  3. Annually serve submersible pump and automation, which is better to entrust to specialists installing equipment.
  4. Check the tightness of the joints in the caisson, especially at the point of entry into the tank head.

Advantages and disadvantages of wells

For a small country house, which is used only in the summer season, they often equip a well.

The positive properties of such a source are:

  • simplicity and low cost installation;
  • Possibility of manual lifting of water, which is relevant in case of power outages;
  • ease of maintenance.

But the source also has disadvantages:

  • poor performance;
  • exposure to external pollution;
  • the complexity of digging and the need to remove the soil.

Features of autonomous water supply systems

Installation and operation autonomous system supplying a house with water requires knowledge of several nuances.

  1. When choosing a pump, it is important to take into account not only the debit of the well, but also its depth., the distance from the source to the house and the height of the building.
  2. The volume of the accumulator depends on the number of water consumers. It is usually calculated that one person has 50 liters of water.
  3. Before commissioning the source it is important to carry out microbiological and chemical analysis water. If necessary, select water treatment equipment.

The cost of implementing two types of systems

The fee for connection to the central network depends on the region. The minimum price is 12-15 thousand rubles. Water tariffs also differ.

Turnkey filter well costs about 200 thousand rubles. Artesian well - at least 2 times more expensive.

Well with all materials will cost about 15-25 thousand. About 25 thousand and cost Abyssinian well Full construction.

A well is a more expensive source of water supply and requires special costs. It is better to stop at it if there is no possibility of connecting to central networks or the water from them is of very poor quality.

At the same time, you should not save money by choosing cheap equipment and hiring dubious offices for its arrangement. For drilling, you need to choose a company that operates in your region and has great experience and good feedback. Also, do not neglect the initial and annual water analysis.

In almost all modern cottage villages, the central water supply system is included in the communications package, but there are villages in which central water supply is not provided. The cost of plots here is lower, but where and how to get water, the owner will have to decide on their own.

How, in this case, to estimate the forthcoming amount of costs even before buying a plot? What difficulties can the owner of the site face in this? What is your monthly water bill?

For central water supply cottage village almost always use artesian wells. One or more of these wells with a water treatment system provide residents with a continuous supply of drinking water in large volumes.

One of the most accessible and, accordingly, the most common types individual water supply is the so-called well "on the sand." This is a well with a depth of 6 - 30 meters to a layer of sand or pebbles capable of delivering water. The resource of such a well is highly dependent on the design and quality of the filter, which is installed in the aquifer.

Compare the differences between a well and a central water supply:

Type of water supply Individual well Central water supply
Well type Artesian well
Well depth 6 to 30 meters From 100 meters
Water quality For technical needs (watering, etc.), it is suitable for drinking only after multi-level water purification. Suitable for drinking; for use in washing dishwashers, does not harm mixers.
drilling cost From 1500 rubles per meter of sand drilling, the cost of the pump, the arrangement of the well, the cost of filters Included in the cost of communications when buying a plot in a cottage village
Fire safety Water pressure from one shallow well is not enough to extinguish a fire The village has a fire hydrant system.
Filtration equipment Periodic replacement of filters and pumps is necessary, if necessary. Based on the analysis of the water, a water treatment station is selected, the maintenance of the water treatment station and filters is included in the water tariff or is included in the cost of services of the management company of the village.
Life time From 1 year to 5 years About 50 years
Well maintainability Irregular use leads to silting of the well, so it is necessary to periodically clean the installation. The occurrence of water in limestone rocks, which are essentially a natural filter, avoids silting and repair work.
Sanitary protection zone small size site does not allow to provide the necessary sanitary zone around the well, contamination from ground water and neighboring sewers. Around an artesian well, a zone of sanitary protection from pollution is necessarily provided

Anatoly Zakharov, Development Director of VodaSet, clarifies:

« The best option water supply of a country house in the village without central water supply there will be drilling in the area individual well"to the sand". Then you need to install filters deep cleaning water, as the upper aquifers are subject to pollution by sewage and surface water.

In the settlements with central water supply purified water is brought into the house from central system, and for irrigation and other technical needs, a shallow well is drilled on the site.

The cost of arranging your own well includes:

  • average cost drilling from 1500 rubles / meter (for sand) and 2500 rubles / meter for stone;
  • Pump from 2 thousand rubles; good pump- from 6 thousand rubles;
  • Arrangement of a well and the introduction of water into the house - from 10 thousand to 100 thousand rubles
  • Water purification system from 10 to 80 thousand rubles.

Cheap equipment (pump + well equipment) breaks down very quickly, it is more suitable for summer cottages and weekends, and if you plan to use a well all year round then the equipment must be professional.”