What is better to put a bath or shower. Bathtub or shower which is better. Shower or bath which is better reviews

When planning a bathroom renovation, you will certainly face this question. Showers - both a corner and a cabin - are an excellent replacement or addition to a traditional bath. Both seemingly almost similar options actually have a considerable number of differences and nuances that can easily be confusing. Therefore, here we will talk about what shower cabins and shower enclosures are, whether they need a tray, what functions you can count on and what to choose after all.

What you need to know when buying a shower cabin

This device is a completely closed space for water procedures. They have a pallet, walls on all four (sometimes five) sides, and most often a roof. The filling of the design can consist of both a minimum set - an overhead and side shower, and contain additional functions. The most popular of them are hydromassage, Turkish bath, lighting and radio.

  1. A good cabin with high-quality plumbing will cost a lot in itself. A large set of features will increase the price. If you want to save money and buy a device with bells and whistles, be prepared for the fact that a cheap shower cabin is unlikely to last long. And it will probably break often.
  2. Hydromassage today is included in the minimum package for almost all firms. But here the rule is the same: in cheap models, nozzles quickly fail.
  3. Additional functions such as a steam generator require very soft water. When buying such a model, in most cases you will need to install good water filters.
  4. Built-in ventilation will be very useful. One will greatly facilitate the care of the device. Although this does not mean that the cabin can not be ventilated at all.

Shower cubicle with bathtub?

Now let's talk about the pallet. Most often, it is already included in the kit, and the price, respectively, is indicated with it. They differ in height.

  1. Low - 15 cm. Such a pallet will be convenient for the elderly, who find it difficult to raise their legs high.
  2. Medium - from 15 to 35 cm. If there is a small child in the house who needs to be bathed, such a pallet will be very convenient. It is not too high, but at the same time it allows you to collect a little water so that the children are more comfortable.
  3. High - everything above 35 cm. In such shower cabins, you can safely take a bath if necessary, and the tray itself is often equipped with a seat.

The choice of pallet height is purely a matter of taste and needs. If the cabin is planned to be installed instead of a bath, it makes sense to take a high pallet. In an apartment for the elderly, on the contrary, it is better to set a low one.

Other nuances

The assembly and installation of the shower cabin is quite simple. In addition, the cabin does not require a special waterproof wall finish. But it will be difficult to fit the space shower design into a classic interior. Therefore, in the latter case, it is better to give preference to a regular bath or shower enclosure.

Advantages of a shower cabin

  • Complete set of plumbing. There is no need to match the individual parts to each other.
  • There are no requirements for interior decoration. Since the cabin is completely sealed, moisture will not get on the walls and floor.
  • It can be placed, in general, in any place to which water is supplied.


  • The same ready-made plumbing kit may not be to everyone's taste. Sometimes one or two functions are not in demand, but you still have to pay for them. At the same time, adding a new element to a finished cabin is problematic. Therefore, you have to choose among ready-made sets.
  • Large dimensions. The size is calculated by the outer perimeter, so there will be less space inside. As a result, the cabin itself takes up more space than will be available for water procedures, and looks bulky.
  • The service life is 10-20 years, after which the cab will most likely have to be changed. Repair and replacement of components is a complex and troublesome job, often costing as much as purchasing a new model.

Popular models of the manufacturer

Shower corner - room for imagination

  • Unlike the cabin, the corner is just two partitions with doors. They are installed both on the pallet and on the floor. Everything depends on your desire. If you're leaning towards this bathroom design, there are a few things to keep in mind.
  • Almost all manufacturers of shower enclosures list the price excluding the pallet. Also, plumbing is not included. Therefore, when planning a purchase, consider the cost of acquiring them.
  • On the other hand, it gives vent to fantasy and allows you to more accurately adjust to your desires. From plumbing, you can purchase only what you really need, without overpaying for unnecessary functions.
  • This option allows only a low pallet (15 cm). Therefore, a bathtub with a shower corner cannot be combined in any way.
  • Installation will require very skilled hands. It will be necessary to maintain the level and prevent curvature, otherwise the design will not be able to provide tightness. This, in turn, requires very good surface leveling in your bathroom.
  • Since the walls and floor are not protected by anything, it is necessary to properly fill them up and think over the issue of protection against moisture, so that you do not have to deal with mold later.
  • We recommend that you think about the issue of draining water in advance. The easiest way to solve this problem is with a pallet. Alternatively, you can build a low podium and organize a drain in it. Or “drown” it in the floor, piercing it to the required depth.

A shower enclosure with or without a tray can be integrated into any design. It looks very light, does not catch the eye and does not load the space. It also allows you to arrange a shower space exactly the way you want, without limiting your choice.

Materials for shower cabins and corners

Despite the difference in design, both corners and cabins are made from the same materials. What are they and how to choose good ones?

doors made from tempered glass. This allows you to make them more durable to household shocks. But don't count on them to withstand a hammer or sledgehammer test. True, in this case they will crumble not with sharp fragments, so that you do not inadvertently get hurt.

Modern manufacturers offer you glass options in 4 mm, 6 mm and 7-8 mm. 4 mm is considered standard, 6 mm has increased strength, and 7-8 mm is rather just a way to increase the price. In practice, 6mm glass is already quite durable and will last you all 30+ years.

European manufacturers often cover it with a protective layer that fills in all the bumps and roughness on the glass surface. This makes cleaning easier and increases the service life. True, only if you do not use hard sponges and abrasive detergents.

opening mechanism may be different. The most simple and budget - sliding. They do not take up extra space, they are easy to manufacture. Another option is swing doors. But when choosing this design, you need to understand that in small baths they are more likely to create inconvenience, knocking on the walls, washing machine and furniture.

In some models, you can find doors that fold like an accordion. In general, it is also quite a convenient option. But you will find it only in premium models, since the design itself is very expensive.

The most common pallets- acrylic. It is lightweight and hygienic material, it is very easy to clean. The disadvantages include low strength: with average use, such a pallet can serve you for ten years. With intensive - for example, if you like to take a shower in the morning and in the evening, and there are three people in your apartment - expect somewhere around 2-3 years of operation.

Recently, artificial marble products have appeared on the market. They are more expensive, heavier, but much stronger. Marble pallets are most often found in European manufacturers.

Size and shape

First of all, these two parameters are dictated, of course, by the conditions of your bathroom. But for comfortable use, we still advise you to adhere to the basic rules of choice.

  • The standard size is a shower enclosure or a 90x90 cm cabin. A more compact version of 80x80 cm will force you to make some room. Especially if you want to equip everything with shelves. If 80 cm is required only on one side, you can get out of the situation by lengthening the other and taking a model of 80x100 cm or 80x120 cm.
  • Semicircular models in small baths will look much better and will “eat up” less space. Even if you take an oblong size, for a compact bathroom it is better to opt for a rounded shape. Pentagonal models can look very tempting, but in reality they can be very difficult to fit into a quadrangular room. Think carefully about the design of your bathroom if you are leaning towards buying such a shower enclosure.
  • Remember that the size of the cabin is indicated on the outer perimeter, and in fact there will be a little less space in it. In general, for small rooms it is recommended to take a shower corner.

Otherwise, feel free to focus on your preferences and needs. Most importantly, remember that one of the tasks of both the corner and the cabin is to provide you with comfort during water procedures.

Instead of output

In fact, both options for arranging a place to take a shower are so different that it is very difficult to say unambiguously which one is better. Rather, it is a matter of preferences and priorities. You can argue for a long time, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of both. But it all depends on what point of view you look at. If you do not want to bother with the installation, the selection of everything you need - take a shower. If you want to equip everything for yourself in the first place - choose a corner.

We tried to give both the pros and cons of both options. You just have to choose the most suitable for you.

Price shower cabin shower corner

up to 10,000 rubles

it is difficult to find a cabin at such a cost, but among the shower enclosures you can choose a very good option

from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles

for this price you can find a simple cabin with a minimum set of functions. But the corner for these can be purchased more spacious, with thick glass and even various patterns on it.

from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles

In this price range, showers become a little more spacious, hydromassage is added to the functions. Corners for such a cost can be found complete with a pallet or you can buy a simple model of very famous European brands

from 20 000 rub

having an amount of 20-30 thousand rubles, you can buy a well-equipped cabin of a conventional brand or a well-known basic equipment. If you are ready to spend more than 30,000, you can count on the European quality all-inclusive model. Corners with such a budget, you can choose all stripes and colors.

Happy owners of cottages and luxury apartments have the opportunity to install any equipment they want in their spacious bathrooms.

The owner of an ordinary apartment, as a rule, has to solve the dilemma of what to choose: a bath or a shower?

Let's compare both options, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and listen to the arguments of the supporters of each of the devices.

The complexity of this problem lies in the fact that both the bath and each are good in their own way. Moreover, what suits one may not suit another, and often family members have to break a lot of copies before they converge on one of the options. Consider the pros and cons of each solution.



  1. In the bath, you can relax and truly relax, which the owner of a shower cabin can only dream of. In our hectic time, when many people suffer from stress and chronic fatigue syndrome, this opportunity is extremely important not only for the body, but also for the psyche. Soaring in a hot bath, as if in zero gravity, the user is easier to abandon the many problems surrounding him than in any other situation.
  2. If you dissolve herbal infusion or sea salt in water, then bathing in the bath turns into a healing procedure. First of all, it has a positive effect on the skin, which is especially important for women. In their lives, for obvious reasons, all sorts of cosmetic subtleties play a significant role. But for men suffering, for example, from one or another skin disease, a herbal bath is very useful.
  3. Bathing in the bath is much better at removing dirt, sweat and dead cells from the skin, because due to the relatively long stay in hot water, all this has time to become sour and soften.
  4. A person frozen in the cold will warm up in a hot bath much faster than in a shower. As you know, the Japanese survive in their cardboard and unheated houses only thanks to super-hot fuko baths, which provide a charge of heat for long hours. If they only had showers at their disposal, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun would have had a hard time.
  5. You can take a bath together, creating a romantic entourage with the help of candles and a couple of glasses of champagne, which, of course, is not available in the shower.
  6. Equipped accordingly, you can get a lot of what a shower cabin provides. This is not only a regular shower, but also side hydromassage jets, as well as a rack with a rain shower. Yes, and the bath itself can be equipped with air massage nozzles. The second option for the shower cabin is not available.
  7. A bathtub is easier to keep clean than a shower stall, which has many protruding elements and hard-to-reach places.
  8. A bath is indispensable if there are children in the family. For a very small crumb, it will act as a small pool in which you can swim before going to bed. After such procedures, children sleep well, and in addition, they contribute to hardening.
  9. Older children love to play with different toys in the bath. Today, even a special kind of bath foam is produced, from which you can sculpt a variety of shapes.
  10. In the bath, you can soak and wash things that cannot be washed in a washing machine. Also, only in the bathroom you can wash a large item, such as a rug.
  11. To bathe a large dog, and there are such in many families today, is possible only in the bath.
  12. It will be possible to take a bath even at very low pressure in the water supply, while the shower, and even more so the hydromassage jets, will be useless in such a situation.

The main drawback of the bath is its large size, which is of particular importance in a small bathroom. For example, in the "Khrushchev" in the presence of a bath, it becomes impossible to install a washing machine.

The way out of the situation can be the installation of a bath of a special configuration, which on the one hand (it is assumed that the user's legs will be located here) is somewhat narrowed.

shower cabin


  1. The most important plus - takes, especially. Next to the shower cabin, even in the smallest bathroom, the washing machine will fit freely. Moreover, the cabin can be quite small - today models with dimensions in terms of 80x80 cm are produced. It is only important to get into it and move a little before buying to understand if it will not be crowded here.
  2. Of course, you can’t relax in a shower cabin, but a shower requires much less water than a bath. The difference in the cost of one bath may seem small, but for a month, and even more so for a year, quite a tangible amount will be saved.
  3. If the cabin is - the so-called shower box - then the steam formed during bathing will not enter the room. Such models are connected by an air duct directly to the exhaust ventilation duct and are equipped with a fan that pumps out moist air. For a bathroom, the walls and ceiling of which are not lined with moisture-resistant material, and even more so for a wooden house, this option is the most acceptable.
  4. The side of the shower cabin can be very low; in the so-called ultra-low pallets, it is practically absent altogether. Such a cabin can be easily entered by a user with limited mobility - elderly or sick or overweight. And in order to take a shower in the bath or lie down in it, in any case, you will have to climb over the high side.
  5. Some of the features available in modern shower boxes will not be available to the owner of the bath. If he can still install a “tropical shower” stand with a shower, then creating a sauna environment with the help of a steam generator will definitely not work. In addition, in the "advanced" shower cabins there are radio and telephone. Of course, they can also be led to the bath, but you will have to tinker a lot with the selection of equipment, its fastening, insulation from moisture, laying wires, etc.

To this, you can also add spectacular lighting, which is available in all closed boxes. It can change color, thus affecting the mood of the user (this is called chromotherapy).

What is better to choose?

As you can see, there are situations when the choice becomes unambiguous. For example, if there are small children in the family or a large dog lives in the house, you willy-nilly have to install a bath.

Just like in a wooden house, the most appropriate is a closed installation, the design of which prevents steam from entering the room.

In all other cases, the lifestyle of the household should be taken into account. Many people today, especially young people, are forced to save every second due to increased employment. A bath for such a person will be useless, since he simply does not have time to lie down in it.

If the owner has free time, then the choice in favor of the bath will be more preferable, since, as shown above, it provides more opportunities.

To date, there are no problems with the purchase of sanitary ware - the range of products is very wide, it remains only to choose a model based on the shape and material. Of course, the manufacturer will also play a role. It is better to give preference to well-known brands that have already gained a good reputation in the plumbing market. For example, if you need a high-quality, reliable acrylic bath, look at the range of models on this site. KOLO is one of the best manufacturers of sanitary ware and bathroom furniture in Europe. Stylish ideas, modern design, the best materials - this is what is typical for the plumbing of this company. Moreover, such well-known companies have different product lines - both inexpensive and elite.

Bathtub or shower stall?

Each of us is faced with the question: how best to arrange plumbing in the bathroom? It will be much easier for owners of spacious bathrooms, who can easily install any type of plumbing, can spend less time on the layout of all interior items. And if it comes to small rooms, then you still have to think about how to arrange everything. Shower cabins are one of the options for saving space in such an interior. Although we do not recommend installing narrow showers that will not be comfortable when bathing. You may feel discomfort, and this is definitely not what you need to relax.

Let's see what are the pros and cons of these two plumbing options.

1. Baths:

  • take up a lot of space;
  • during bathing, about 200 liters of water are consumed;
  • versatility: the ability to use for bathing, and for taking a shower, and for washing;
  • can be equipped with a small number of additional functions;
  • suitable for bathing small children;
  • more opportunities to relax and unwind while swimming;
  • product care - simple;

2. Shower cabins:

  • well suited for installation in small bathrooms;
  • less water consumption;
  • not multifunctional;
  • can be equipped with a large number of additional functions;
  • not suitable for bathing small children;
  • fewer opportunities to rest and relax while swimming;
  • product care is more complex.

Thus, you can conclude which of the plumbing items is best suited specifically for your interior. Often in spacious bathrooms you can see both an acrylic bathtub and a shower cabin. This is very convenient, because sometimes you just want to rinse after a hard day's work, and sometimes you want to swim longer, lie down and relax.

What material to choose a bath?

  • Acrylic

At the peak of popularity now acrylic baths. Why? With many benefits. Indeed, if you now come to a hardware store, then your eyes simply run up from the number of various models. In addition, acrylic is durable, reliable, lightweight, and products made from it are quickly assembled and easily transported.

How to choose a reliable model? Keep in mind: the price is not always an indicator of high quality, so you need to pay attention to a number of nuances. When choosing an acrylic model, first of all, look at how many layers the product is made of. You can count the number of layers by looking at the edge of the rim. The best option is if the bath consists of pure PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) and a reinforced base, that is, of 2 layers. Such a product can last about 12 years.

There are also three-layer products, which include ABS - one of the types of elastic plastic. What's more, ABS is the core of the whole product. But it should be taken into account that ABS has a porous hygroscopic structure, therefore, in operation, three-layer baths using ABS are not the best option, they will not last long, about 5 years due to the rapid wear of materials.

  • Kvaril

There is even more advanced material - it is kvaril. Bathtubs from it are more expensive - somewhere 3-3.5 times more expensive than acrylic products. But kvaril is more dense, and bathing will be more comfortable, it will last longer, it is easy to clean.

  • Steel

We must not forget about steel models, which are almost in no way inferior to acrylic ones. Among the advantages of steel products are their low price (comparable to acrylic), the presence of a wear-resistant coating, as well as low weight and ease of cleaning. Such products also have disadvantages - when pouring water, noise is heard, and they also do not keep heat so well.

When choosing the shape of the bath, do not forget that it must be combined with the shape of the recessed sink. For example, a rounded sink will work well with an oval, asymmetric, corner bath, and a rectangular or square sink with a rectangular bathtub.

Any owner wants to equip his bathroom with maximum comfort and functionality. Therefore, the question of what is better to choose: a bathroom or a shower cabin appears quite often. To solve it, you need to carefully consider the pros and cons of each of these plumbing fixtures.

Shower cubicle: what is it good for

This type of plumbing is becoming more and more in demand. The main advantages of a shower cabin:

  • Perhaps the most important plus, thanks to which a booth is purchased, is space saving, because this modern plumbing invention can be compactly placed in a small bathroom or an adjacent bathroom;
  • Water is consumed less, respectively, and bills for its payment are reduced;
  • Cabin doors are hermetically sealed, eliminating even the slightest splash of water on the floor and walls. In this case, you do not need to additionally purchase a rug and a curtain;
  • A variety of sizes, allowing you to choose a cabin not only by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but also by the dimensions of the body;
  • Thanks to the non-slip tray (you can choose its shape and depth), taking water procedures will become more comfortable for the elderly and people with disabilities;
  • Inside some models there is a built-in mirror that does not fog up from steam and hot water, as well as special convenient dispensers for bath products (gel, liquid soap, shampoo). It is very comfortable.

And for those who like to take a shower, there are many additional functions:

  • "Tropical rain" - a nozzle built into the ceiling, sprays the water stream into small sprays, creating the effect of a summer downpour. This procedure will help relieve stress, calm down and relax;
  • "Turkish bath" - a steam generator creates a temperature of up to 60 degrees, allowing you to warm up the body, cleanse it of toxins and improve the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • "Aromatherapy" - some models are equipped with a connector that is filled with aromatic incense. Steam, passing through them, creates a pleasant smell and helps to relax;
  • Hydromassage - water is supplied to the surface of the arms, legs, neck and back with enhanced power thanks to special nozzles that can be independently adjusted and directed in the right direction;
  • You can connect a radio to the cabin and take a shower with music. You can also connect it to your phone, which will allow you not to miss an important call during water procedures.

Despite the huge list of advantages, this device also has disadvantages:

  • The main disadvantage is the direct dependence on the pressure in the water supply system. This problem is especially acute in high-rise buildings. Therefore, before purchasing equipment, it is better to consult a qualified plumber;
  • It is very difficult to hand wash clothes in a shallow pan;
  • Bathing young children or washing pets is quite problematic;
  • It will not work to lie horizontally in a large amount of water or foam;
  • Relatively high cost of plumbing fixtures. If there are many additional functions, then the price increases even more;
  • The service life of the product, even with the necessary proper care, is no more than 10 years. Pollution occurs especially quickly in regions where various impurities are present in large quantities in the water.

Bath: is the usual better?

Many still prefer the already familiar high-quality plumbing and do not want to change it to a modern one. The following advantages of the bathroom can be distinguished:

  • An ideal place to relax - in the bathroom you can relax more comfortably, relieve muscle tension and calm down, taking a horizontal position. Water procedures can be supplemented with herbs, aromatics or sea salt;
  • It is better to wash, lying in a plentiful amount of foam. This will help wash dirt and sweat from the body after a workout or hard physical work;
  • It is more convenient to perform water procedures with children and accustom them to water and hardening;
  • Easier to wash pets;
  • Ease of maintenance and longer service life;
  • Buying and installing a bath will cost much less.

The two main disadvantages are the increased water consumption and the need to allocate a large area for installation.

Disputes about what is still better - a shower and a bath, will always be. But, before making a choice, carefully weigh all the above "Pros" and "Cons" and select the necessary option.

Video: Which is better: shower or bath?

During repairs in the bathroom, especially if the room is not spacious, almost every apartment owner thinks about whether to leave the bath or replace it with a comfortable booth in order to quickly take a shower and be able to squeeze another washing machine, water heater or some other object into the room, on which now there is not enough space. We decided to compare these two popular plumbing fixtures to help you choose.

Comparison in the table

Each type of plumbing has its advantages, as well as certain disadvantages. Let's compare them according to the most important parameters:



shower cabin


Even a small bath takes up quite a lot of space.

Allows you to save room space, as it is smaller in size

Water consumption

Large enough - at least 200 liters per bath

Very economical - an average of 40-50 liters per shower

Electricity consumption

Soaking in the bath, you spend more electricity

Since the shower is a fairly quick procedure, the light consumption will be 5-8% less

Consumption of household chemicals

Bathtub needs more chemicals

Due to the smaller area of ​​​​the tray (2-5 times), less cleaning products will be consumed

Time spent

To take a bath, you have to wait for some time for the water to fill the device

You can take a shower almost immediately, as soon as the water is turned on.

Impact on the body

Soothes and relaxes

Invigorates and tones

Comfort in use

You can relax your muscles in warm water, arrange aromatherapy, take a bath with salt, herbal decoctions, do air massage

Depending on the cabin model, hydromassage, rain shower and other additional options are available.


The risk of slipping when getting out of the bath will be greater

The minimum risk of injury, therefore, is more often acquired by families with the elderly (it is easy to cross the side, you can put a seat inside)

Contraindications for use

Contrasting procedures cannot be performed for colds and cardiovascular pathologies, and there are no contraindications for washing with warm water

Duration of water procedures

A hot bath should not last longer than 15 minutes, a warm bath should not last longer than half an hour.

No duration restrictions

Efficiency in removing contaminants from the body

Due to prolonged exposure to warm water, it is much easier to remove dirt and sweat from the body.

Effort is needed to remove strong impurities from the body.


Cleaning is fairly easy as the footprint of the device is smaller

Cleaning is more complicated and time consuming, you have to wash the booth after each use

Difficulty of installation

Pretty easy to install

Specialists will install a booth in 3-5 hours, depending on the dimensions of your bathroom, and self-assembly will take 1-2 days

As for the cost, you should compare devices with similar characteristics. In terms of quality and price, a good shower cabin and a quality bath will be approximately on the same level. Manufacturers seek to reduce prices (since competition is high), as well as offer various additional features.

Hydrobox - combine bath and shower

If it is very difficult to make a choice, you can resort to an alternative that allows you to take the best from each plumbing fixture. This is especially convenient if some family members like to soak in the bath, while others do not want to spend time on water procedures, so they prefer a shower. Also, the combined device is suitable for families with a small child, as it allows you to bathe the baby. In addition, modern hydroboxes have many additional options that allow you to get the most out of any water treatment.