Scheme of assembling a hydraulic accumulator with a deep pump. Hydraulic accumulator: principle of operation, device, scheme, calculation, installation, connection. Related video

A hydraulic accumulator is a device that eliminates the need to turn on the water pump when the tap is opened in the house. A hydraulic accumulator is also called a receiver, which is a container for filling with water. The container is filled with water, which will be consumed initially when the tap in the house is opened. Installing a hydraulic accumulator in a water supply system does not present any difficulties, however, for this there are a number of different schemes that allow you to make the correct connection.

Hydraulic accumulator and its features

Hydraulic accumulators are a container with a metal case, and inside there is a rubber pear. This pear plays the role of a membrane, which allows you to fill the receiver to a certain pressure. The pump pumps water into the receiver up to a certain pressure. As soon as the pressure value reaches a certain level, a signal is given to the pump to turn off the electric motor. In the future, the water flow is carried out from the receiver, and as soon as the pressure drops to a minimum value, the electric motor is signaled to turn on and pump water.

In the container, the rubber membrane is fixed with a flange. The flange is equipped with an inlet pipe, and in addition to the rubber bulb, there is also air in the internal structure of the accumulator. This air is located between the inner wall of the steel cylinder and the outer surface of the pear. When water is pumped into the tank, the rubber shell expands, and the air is compressed. This air serves as protection for the rubber bulb, as well as for the steel tank:

  1. It counteracts further expansion of the rubber shell, protecting it from tearing.
  2. Eliminates contact of water with the inner walls of the tank, thereby eliminating the occurrence of corrosion. This allows several times to extend the service life of the steel tank.

Due to the compressed air in the design of the hydraulic accumulator, the necessary pressure is provided.

What is a hydraulic accumulator

The design of the accumulator is simple, but at the same time it is a complex mechanism that eliminates the need to turn on the pump every time the tap in the house is opened in order to draw a mug of water.

Hydraulic accumulators have different volumes, therefore, depending on the capacity of the receiver, they allow you to exclude the pump from turning on when you open a tap to fill a mug or bucket with water.

Structurally, the accumulator can be divided into the following components:

  1. This is a steel base that resembles an expansion tank. This tank is designed for operating pressure ranging from 1.5 to 6 atmospheres. However, the pressure value can be increased to 10 atmospheres, but only under the condition of short-term exposure. Otherwise, the tank may not withstand, and it will explode.
  2. This is an elastic membrane that is fixed to the inlet of the tank, and is located directly in the inside of the receiver. Water enters the pear through the inlet flange with a valve. This flange is attached to the neck of the accumulator tank.
  3. It is located on the opposite side of the intake valve. The main purpose of the nipple is that it serves to pump air into the design of the receiver housing.

For ease of use of the tank, legs are welded to its metal base. In addition, for the convenience of using the accumulator, an electric motor with a pump is located next to it. To reduce the flow at the connection of the pump to the tank, the electric motor is located mainly on the top of the accumulator. To do this, a support bracket is welded to the tank in the upper part.

It is interesting! Depending on the capacity of the receiver, the bracket for fixing the pump can be located at the top, which is typical for large capacity devices, or at the bottom for small volume products.

Hydraulic accumulators also come in vertical and horizontal. If the horizontal one is intended directly for installation together with the pump, then the vertical one is used to install it separately.

Where are hydraulic accumulators used?

Depending on the place of operation, accumulators can also be divided into the following types:

  1. Products operated mainly in the cold water supply system.
  2. Devices intended for operation in a hot water supply system.
  3. Expansion tanks in heating systems.

The receiver in the cold water supply system is used exclusively to accumulate liquid and supply it to the house. This application allows you to avoid water hammer in the network, as well as to exclude unnecessary switching on of the unit. The use of a receiver not only extends the life of the electric motor that is connected to the pump, but also saves electricity. After all, each time the motor is started, a large current is consumed. If the engine is turned on every time the tap is opened in the house, then a decent amount of money for electricity will come up in a month.

Hydraulic accumulators, which are intended to supply hot water, have an identical design with conventional devices, with the exception of one difference. This difference lies in the fact that the rubber membrane is designed to withstand high temperatures.

It is interesting! If an electric boiler is installed in the house, then there is no need to install a separate pump with a hydraulic accumulator for hot water supply. Hydraulic accumulators for hot water supply are installed in apartments where hot water is supplied centrally.

The expansion tank in the heating system is used to compensate for its volume in case of expansion of water. An open-type steel tank is often used as an expansion tank, which is filled with water by a quarter.

How a hydraulic accumulator works

Before you connect the accumulator to the water supply, you need to understand the principle of its operation. The principle of operation is to perform the following tasks:

  1. By means of a water pipe, the receiver is filled with water, or rather, a rubber membrane. Water supply can be carried out not only from the water supply, but also from a well or a well.
  2. The control relay, which is responsible for the lower and upper pressure thresholds, turns off the power supply to the electric motor with the pump as soon as the set parameter reaches a certain value. The pressure in the receiver can be set independently, but it is undesirable for this parameter to exceed 6 atmospheres.
  3. As soon as the rubber tank is filled to a certain pressure, the pump is turned off. When you open a faucet in the house, water flows from the receiver. The more water capacity is used up, the faster the pressure will drop to the lower limit.
  4. As soon as the pressure in the tank drops to the lower value, the relay will work, which will signal the electric motor to turn on the pump. Water is pumped up to the upper pressure threshold, after which the engine is turned off again.

If there is a need to use a large volume of water, for example, if a person fills a bath or takes a shower, then the pump will work continuously until the tap is closed. The smaller the tank, the more often the electric motor will operate to fill the receiver. When choosing a receiver, it is worth considering that each part has its own resources. The larger the volume of the receiver, the less wear on the pump, valve flange and motor. If the volume of the receiver is insignificant, and water has to be used very often, then the service life of the working elements will depend directly on how often the need for water will arise.

It is interesting! Additional fixing to the floor of the accumulator is not needed, since the device is not affected by external loads. To ensure the stability of the receiver, it is enough to install it on its own legs. Depending on the design of the product, the legs of the product can be 3 or 4.

Features of the choice of receiver capacity

The tank capacity should be chosen arbitrarily, taking into account some features. A large tank capacity has many advantages, but you should not forget about the cost. After all, the larger the capacity of the tank, the more expensive its cost. But even if financial resources allow a person to purchase a tank with a capacity of 500 liters, then this should not always be done.

When buying, you need to consider such a parameter as the size of the product. Typically, accumulators are installed in wells or pits. If the size of the pit is insignificant, then installing a large tank will not work. It can be installed in the house, but it is up to the buyer to decide whether it is worth sacrificing free space.

It is interesting! Hydraulic accumulators with a capacity of more than 50 liters are purchased mainly for installation in the basements of multi-storey buildings. For the private sector, a device with a capacity of up to 25 liters is usually enough.

When choosing a receiver, it is enough to provide the equipment seller with information such as the type of housing (apartment or house), the number of residents and the presence of a backyard area. After all, often in addition to water consumption for domestic needs, it is also consumed for irrigation. The larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe personal plot, the larger the volume of the receiver is better to purchase. Usually, if you need to water a personal plot, then you should install a hydraulic accumulator with a capacity of at least 50 liters.

It is interesting! Even if you made a mistake with the choice of a hydraulic accumulator, then it should not be changed to another (higher capacity), especially since it will no longer be accepted during its operation. You can always install an additional tank, which will be filled with water in parallel.

How to connect a hydraulic accumulator for a water supply system

There are different schemes for connecting the accumulator to the pump and the water supply system, so first you need to decide where the pump will be located: in the well or it will be a submersible product in the well.

Wiring diagram using a surface pump

Before connecting the accumulator, it is necessary to check the air pressure in the tank. The pressure value must be less than the pump reading when it is turned on, which is set on the relay, by a parameter up to 1 bar. To connect the hydraulic tank to the pump, you will need to purchase the following parts:

  • Fitting with 5 outlets.
  • Pressure switch.
  • Pressure gauge.
  • Sealant.
  • Tow.

It is interesting! To ensure a reliable connection, it is recommended to use tow with a sealant. The use of an FUM tape reduces the reliability of the connection, so it is recommended to give preference to the first two options together.

When connecting a water supply with a hydraulic accumulator, special attention should be paid to a fitting with 5 outlets. Through this part, products such as a pump, relay and pressure gauge are connected. The remaining outlet is intended for connecting the water supply.

At the initial stage of collecting the circuit, you need to connect the fitting to the tank using a rigid hose. After that, an adjustable water pressure switch is mounted, as well as a pressure gauge to determine the pressure value. Attention should be paid to the relay, which is responsible for the upper and lower pressure thresholds. This is a mechanical relay, which is closed on the outside with a plastic cover. Under the cover there are 4 contacts, which are called "network" and "pump". Thanks to these inscriptions, it is simply impossible to confuse the connection of the network and the pump. However, if you are not sure of the correctness of your actions, you need to contact an electrician.

At the final stage, the pump is connected, after which a test is carried out for leaks from under the connections. Be sure to avoid the presence of moisture when making connections. So that the sealant does not lose its properties, it should be applied exclusively to dry joints, otherwise, it is better to give preference to the FUM tape. Schematically, the connection diagram of the accumulator is as follows:

Connection diagram with submersible pump

From the name it is clear that the circuit with a submersible pump will differ significantly from the features of connecting a hydraulic accumulator when installing the product in a well. The submersible pump is installed in the aquatic environment. This may be a well or a well, from which water is supplied directly to the accumulator. In such a system, the use of a check valve is indispensable.

It is interesting! The check valve will prevent the return of water from the rubber membrane back to the well. A non-return valve is a part that allows water to flow in only one direction.

The check valve is mounted at the outlet of the pump. A pipe is mounted to the outlet of the check valve, which is connected to the accumulator. A fitting with five pins is also mounted here, to which additional elements are connected. From the receiver, a pipe is laid into the house, through which water will flow. When installing a pump installed in a well, it should be borne in mind that the unit should not reach the bottom of the well by about 30 cm. In addition, when choosing a well pump, you should choose a good quality product so that it does not need to be repaired or replaced annually.

It is interesting! If the size of the well allows, then when connecting the accumulator to the water supply system through a submersible pump, it is recommended to use receivers with a capacity of at least 33 liters. The advantage of submersible pumps is the ability to use water without taking into account its cost.

Schematically, the piping scheme for the well is as follows:

Connection diagram for several hydraulic tanks

Often there are cases when owners come to the conclusion that one accumulator is not enough. In this case, there is no need to replace the existing hydraulic tank, since you can resort to installing two hydraulic accumulators. Installation of the subsequent or subsequent hydraulic tanks is carried out in parallel with the installed one.

There is no need to reconfigure an existing system, and the relay will control the pressure in the tank on which it is installed. Such a system has its advantages, one of which is a greater degree of viability. If one of the hydraulic tanks is damaged, the system will continue to function thanks to the remaining devices.

In addition, if you bought one tank of 50 liters, which was not enough, then it is much easier to purchase another tank of the same capacity than to change it to a 100-liter tank. The cost of a 100 liter tank will be higher than buying two 50 liter tanks. Arranging two 50-liter tanks is much easier than installing one that has a diameter twice as large.

How to properly set up a water supply system using two or more receivers? The principle is similar to the options that were presented above, only a tee will need to be screwed to the input of the first one. The input from the pump is connected to the free outlet from the tee, and the second container is connected to the remaining one. After connecting the connection, you can test the circuit.

Connection diagram at the pumping station

It is also important to consider the question of how to connect a hydraulic tank at a pumping station? At pumping stations, a certain number of pumps are installed, which operate depending on the flow of water. The more consumers open taps, the more pumps are included in the work. To prevent the pumps from constantly turning on when water is flowing, hydraulic accumulators are used at pumping stations. With their help, you can extend the life of the units, as well as compensate for pressure surges that occur in the system.

Another important advantage of using hydraulic tanks at a booster pumping station is that the consumer has an uninterrupted supply of water even during a power outage. As soon as the electricity is turned off, the pumps will not function, so water will not be supplied to consumers. The supply of water in the receiver allows you to supply consumers with the necessary amount of water until the appearance of electricity.

It is interesting! The supply of water during a power outage directly depends on such parameters as the capacity of the receiver at the pumping station, as well as the number of consumers.

The scheme for installing a hydraulic accumulator at a pumping station has the following schematic view:

Pressure measurement, and what it should be in the receiver

The pressure in the accumulator is an interesting question, since many different factors depend on it. Not only the water pressure in the tap depends on the correctly set pressure in the hydraulic tank, but also such factors:

  • Service life of the rubber membrane. The greater the pressure, the shorter its service life will be.
  • The service life of the pipelines that supply water to the house. At high pressure, the pipelines may not withstand, which will lead to their damage.
  • Reducing the life of faucets and taps, as water will flow at high pressure.

The pressure must be optimal, otherwise you will need to constantly repair the plumbing in the house. For the normal functioning of household appliances, it is necessary to maintain pressure in the mode from 1.4 to 2.8 atmospheres. To extend the life of the membrane, eliminating its rupture, you should set the pressure below the value of the tank by 0.1-0.2 atmospheres. This means that if the pressure in the tank is 1.5 atmospheres, then in the system it must be at least 1.6 atmospheres. These parameters are set directly on the relay. For this, the relay device has a corresponding regulator. The pressure value can only be measured using a manometer installed in the system. This pressure is optimal for the water supply of a private one-story house.

It is interesting! The magnitude of the value of such a parameter as pressure depends on whether the water pressure in the house on the first and second floors will be the same.

If the house is two-story, then a pressure of 1.5 atmospheres will not be enough. When you open a tap on the first floor, the pump will supply water to the second floor at a lower speed. To compensate for the rate of water flow, you need to increase the pressure. There is a special formula for calculating water pressure for a two-story house. This formula has the following form:

where, Hmax is the height of the highest point of water intake. It is necessary to measure the height from the level of the pipeline to the crane located on the second floor.

Substituting the measured value into the formula, you should calculate the pressure that will be needed for the normal water supply of a two-story house. If a jacuzzi is installed in the house, then the required pressure value should be selected exclusively by experience. If the selection of pressure empirically shows the need to establish a value of more than 6 atmospheres, then it is forbidden to set it. This will lead to an early failure of the receiver or its explosion.

How to choose the right accumulator

It is now known what parameters it is important to pay attention to when regulating the pressure in the system; it remains to find out how to choose the receiver itself. The main working body of any receiver is not a steel tank, but a rubber membrane. The service life of the accumulator depends on the quality of this product. Various types of rubber are used to produce the membrane, but the most effective material is isobutane. The longer the rubber base lasts, the longer the service life of the steel body. After all, if the "pear" will let water through, then the process of metal corrosion will begin. Soon the steel tank will rust, and it will no longer be serviceable.

It is interesting! If you want to save money when choosing a receiver, then it is better not to buy it at all. Models of good quality have a service life of more than 5 years, but products of an unknown manufacturer serve no more than 1 year.

The second important part of the receiver is the flange. Often, galvanized metal is used to manufacture this part. On high-quality products, the thickness of the metal is more than 1 mm. If the receiver is equipped with a flange whose wall thickness is 1 mm or less, the service life of the product will not exceed one year. At the same time, the seller can give a guarantee for the product for 1 year, during which the flange fails. It is not possible to repair the flange, so there are only two ways left: buy a new flange and replace it yourself, or purchase a new accumulator.

It is interesting! When choosing a product, be sure to pay attention to the thickness of the flange. The thicker the flange, the longer the service life of the accumulator.

The color of the product does not matter, as over time the paint begins to peel off. Manufacturers of high-quality hydraulic accumulators claim that their service life is at least 10-15 years, however, as practice shows, this period usually does not exceed 10 years. In order for the product to serve for many years, you need not only to buy a quality product, but also to carry out annual prevention.

Hydraulic accumulators are sold both separately and together with an electric motor with a pump. If you do not have a pump for water supply, then the best option is to buy a pumping station assembly. However, the assembled design will cost a little more than buying all the products separately. When buying a hydraulic accumulator, do not forget about additional components, without which it is impossible to install the device.

Water supply systems can have designs with varying degrees of complexity, but they all need to be managed. To facilitate manual control, special devices are used to automate the start-up, shutdown. They are called pressure switches for the accumulator. With their help, pumping equipment can be turned on and off if the water pressure level changes.

The device sets the lowest and highest pressure indicators at which its operation is activated.

The operation of the relay is based on the principle: if the pressure indicator (P) drops to the lower limit, then its contacts open and access to the flow of electric current to the pumping unit is opened; if the pressure reaches the upper limit, then the contacts open, the pump is de-energized.

The relay indicator, made in the form of a sensitive membrane that bends under the influence of water, reacts to changes in P. It causes the contact mechanism to react by closing or opening.

A spring is used to counteract the water acting on the membrane. It can be adjusted according to the needs of the system, the operating conditions of the pump. The pressure switch for the accumulator is adjusted using a nut: if more pressure is required, then the nut is tightened more strongly; if a higher sensitivity of the membrane is needed, then the nut is loosened.

Another spring is used in the mechanism - pressure differential. It allows you to adjust the difference between the upper and lower thresholds. The detuning is carried out by analogy with the first case, in order to increase the difference between the maximum and minimum thresholds, strong compression is required, a decrease will require weakening.

The relay is connected to the power supply, the pumping device using 2 pairs of contacts. To connect to the pipeline, a special threaded connection is used, most often it is a thread with a diameter of 1/4 inch.

Today, the Russian market offers a wide selection of pressure switch models for a hydraulic accumulator. The buyer can choose a product based on system requirements and financial capabilities. All devices can be divided into three main types, depending on belonging to a particular price group.

  1. The most expensive. This class should include Grundfos FF 4-4, Grundfos FF 4-8, characterized by a maximum pressure of 4.8 atmospheres (the last digits in the marking indicate the value of the highest allowable indicator). Models are simple in design and do not require special knowledge for operation. Regulated quite simply, but connected only to a weak current. The usual 220 V power supply is not suitable for them. Difficulties that may arise in catering, a rather high price, make these models less popular. For the Grundfos FF 4-4 model, you will need to pay about 3 thousand rubles, for Grundfos FF 4-8 about 8000 rubles. The buyer will pay part of the cost for the promoted brand.
  2. The pressure switch of the middle price category. Models MDR 5-5 and MDR 5-8 have an upper limit of 5 and 8 atmospheres. Designed for installation on top of a membrane tank. Thus, they are particularly convenient to adjust and use. They are more adaptable as they can be connected to mains voltages of 220V (1-phase pump type) and 380V (3-phase type). Products are reliable, have high current characteristics. A good solution if you want to create a compact, high-quality system that is easy to maintain. However, for those who choose a budget option, these products may seem expensive. For MDR 5-5 you will need to pay about 2100 rubles, for MDR 5-8 about 2900 rubles.
  3. Budget Relays. As an example, consider MDR 5-5 devices, PM-5 relays, made by a manufacturer from Italy. These pressure switches for a hydraulic accumulator perfectly perform their assigned functions, but the price is several orders of magnitude lower than that of products in the first price group. The PM-5 can be purchased for about 330 rubles, which makes it popular among home station users. Reliable in work, food from a network of 220 Watts is possible. The disadvantages include the fact that their connection is carried out according to a more complex scheme than MDR. They also have lower permissible current loads, there is no possibility of connection to a voltage of 380 V.

A relay of any price category, with proper operation, can perfectly cope with its functions. It is important to foresee the loads of the system in advance and select the product according to these parameters. The choice can be made independently or with the help of specialists.

Relay connection diagram for hydraulic accumulator

If you purchased the pump assembled, then most likely the relay has already been installed and adjusted on it, so you don’t have to connect and configure it. If you are assembling the system on site, then you will have to install and configure the relays yourself.

The purchased device must be connected to the pipeline, power supply, pumping device.

The simplest way to connect includes integration into a circuit with a pump, hydro accumulator.

Connection is carried out in strict order: water supply, pump, power supply. Preliminary calculation of water supply is carried out: the average level of pressure of the water flow provided by the action of the accumulator is determined. To make measurements more accurate, the installation of a measuring device (pressure gauge), control devices (relays) is carried out as close as possible to the hydraulic accumulator. Most often they are attached to the branch pipe of the storage device using specially designed five outlet fittings. Connection to the fitting holes is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Water pipes are connected to two of the outputs: to the first - a pipe directed to the consumer; to the second - a pipe directed to the pumping equipment.
  2. 1 of the outputs is docked with a hydraulic pump.
  3. Devices are connected to a pair of small holes: a relay, a pressure gauge.

The pressure switch for the accumulator has a special hole 1/4 inch in diameter. It is threaded and designed to be connected to the pipeline, so it should be screwed onto the fitting. Consider in advance the need for waterproofing. To accommodate the waterproofing component, there must be a gap of sufficient size between the fitting and the threaded part. The tightness of the connection is ensured in various ways, for example, using the FUM tape.

You should also carefully connect the electrical cables by feeding them into the special cable openings provided in the relay. The first wire is designed to supply electricity to the outlet, the second - to the pump. After the cables are threaded through the openings, it will be necessary to remove the device cases and connect the contacts to the terminals, taking into account the polarity, grounding. The wires are connected according to the following scheme:

  1. The wire going to the power source is pulled through a special hole in the case.
  2. Further, it is divided into phase, neutral, on some wires there may be a ground wire.
  3. The ends of the cores are stripped of insulating material, connected to the terminals.

In a similar way, the wire leading to the pump is connected.

After the connection is successfully made, you can begin to configure the device.

Setting the pressure switch for the accumulator

The connected device is not yet ready for use: you will first need to configure it, which means that the switch-on and switch-off pressure indicators are regulated for the relay.

When manufactured at the factory, each instrument is set to factory default settings. The description of these parameters is recorded in the passport that comes with the device.

These indicators are set in the following formulation: start when it drops to 1.4–1.8 B, shutdown when it rises more than 2.5–3 B.

To apply the required indicators, it is necessary to accurately determine the required values ​​​​in the serviced system. The determination of these indicators should be carried out at the stage of calculating the entire set of the water supply system, before the equipment is selected: pumps, hydraulic accumulators and other components.

The relay is configured with the case open, so first remove it. Produced by adjusting the tension of the springs. For greater convenience, both springs are marked with letters that are displayed on the body.

  1. P- spring for adjusting the level of indicators P start, has a larger size.
  2. ?P- the designation of the spring, designed to regulate the difference between the lower and upper levels P.

Adjustment is made by gently turning the nut that regulates the compression force, so prepare the key in advance. Turning in the direction of the clock hand will compress the spring, which increases the force of its action. For example, if you adjust the spring P, then when it is compressed, the relay will be adjusted in this way: the pressure indicator at which the relay will operate will increase. If you want to reduce the actuation pressure force, then carefully turn the nut counterclockwise. This will weaken the spring and reduce its force: the setting pressure will be set to a lower value.

Similarly, the indicator of the difference in pressure between starting and stopping work is adjusted. To increase the range between the upper and lower P, rotate the nut in the direction of the clock, compressing the spring. To decrease this range, weaken the spring by turning it in the opposite direction.

The procedure for setting the relay mechanism is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Turn on the tap, the system should start working, consumption will begin. You will see how the P value for the pipeline decreases. This will continue until the pressure level reaches the lower set value. After that, the relay will work, the contacts will close, the pump will turn off. At this point, pay attention to the pressure gauge, fix the pressure indicator at the moment the pump is turned on.
  2. Close the faucet. The water supply will stop, but the pump will continue to work. This will cause the pressure in the system to increase. As soon as the pressure reaches the maximum value set for the system, the relay will operate. In this case, the contacts will connect, the power will stop flowing to the pump, and it will turn off. Pay attention to the pressure gauge, fixing its readings at this moment.
  3. Now you must compare the pressure values ​​that were determined empirically at the start / shutdown points and the factory preset values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are indicated in the documentation for the device.
  4. If you see: the P switching indicators do not match, then use a wrench: by turning the nut, tighten or loosen the large spring. If you want to increase the indicator set on the relay to turn on, then tighten the spring. If you need to reduce it, then loosen it. You should act carefully, do not rotate more than one turn.
  5. Points 1, 2, 3, 4 should be repeated until the required pressure is established.
  6. If you find that the set cut-off pressure does not match the desired one, then rotate the small spring. You must tighten the nut to increase the value, loosen to decrease.
  7. Repeat steps 1, 2, 3, 5 to achieve the desired value.

When calculating the water supply system, one should take into account not only the water pressure, but also the air pressure. Which is always available in hydraulic tanks and pipes. The air pressure must be measured before water is added to the system. This can be done using a car pump with a pressure gauge.

When operating the system, it should be remembered that there will always be air in it, therefore its parameters should be monitored from time to time. This will ensure a more stable operation of the system: it will work within the parameters you set.

The air pressure must be maintained at a constant level, this will have a beneficial effect on the performance and durability of the equipment. To maintain stability, it is necessary to measure once every 3 months, maintain the necessary parameters at the calculated level.

However, a simpler scheme of action can be used.

Having set up the pressure switch for the accumulator, setting the indicators for the largest, smallest limits, start the water supply. During operation, it will be necessary to periodically take readings of the pressure gauge at the time of start-up and shutdown of the equipment. If the indicators change, then the air pressure in the tank has changed, pumping using a pump will be required.

The control of air pressure in tanks is no less important than the control of the level of water pressure. It makes no sense to adjust the upper pressure indicator on the relay after filling the system with water, since in this case the total value of air and water pressure will be recorded. Subsequently, when adjusting the relay, you will experience difficulties, the readings will be incorrect, the system will not work clearly.

Filling the system with water should be carried out only after the completion of air pressure measurements, only after that the relay is adjusted according to the values ​​of the lower, upper pressure.

These parameters must be determined precisely, taking into account the fact that all elements of the system (hoses, accumulators, plumbing equipment, taps) have a certain margin of safety. Exceeding these values ​​can lead to system failure.

You should also take into account some of the nuances when setting up a pressure switch for a hydraulic accumulator. If an unreasonably high upper indicator is set, then the pump power may not be enough.

The lower the low value is set, the more water can be pumped before shutting down the system, but too low a value will result in low water pressure in the system. That is why the minimum recommended value for turning off the pump is not 0.8-0.9 atmospheres.

The correct setting of the pressure switch for the accumulator ensures comfortable use of the water supply for a long period of operation.

Any water supply system, even assembled perfectly and from the highest quality equipment, may experience malfunctions.

The most common problem is a decrease in pressure in the system, due to which water cannot reach the draw-off point.

To solve this problem, a device is used that accumulates water and contains compressed air.

It is due to the latter that it works: water is drawn into the battery by a pump, after which it is pushed into the system due to air pressure. This allows the water pressure in the water supply system to always be at the same level.

In order for everything to work without problems, you need to correctly connect the unit to a water source - a well, a well or a water pipe. You can do it yourself in several ways.

Installation with submersible pump

Scheme of connecting a hydraulic accumulator to a borehole pump. (Press to enlarge) If the water in the water supply system is taken from a well, the pump that pumps water into the accumulator is located underground.

The main feature of such a connection scheme is the presence of a check valve in the system.

Thanks to this device, the pumped water will not be able to flow back into the well.

The installation of the check valve is carried out before connecting the remaining elements of the system. It is installed directly on the pump at one end, while the pipeline leading to the accumulator is connected to the other.

happens in the following order:

  1. The depth to which the pump is to be lowered is measured so that it does not reach the bottom of the well or well by about 30 cm. A rope with a load is used for measurement.
  2. The pump with the connected valve is lowered into the well and fixed with a safety cable.
  3. The pipe from the pump, going to the surface, is connected to through a fitting.
  4. A hydraulic accumulator, a consumption water supply and a control system are connected to the same fitting. Thus, a five-socket fitting is needed.

Take into account: it is very important to make all connections airtight, for which you can use FUM tape or ordinary tow impregnated with sealant.

Surface pump installation

If the water is pumped into the system from the water supply and the pump does not need to be submerged, it can be installed next to the battery itself.

At its core, the connection scheme does not change, but there are some nuances that are important to know.

Before connecting, it is necessary to calculate the working and minimum pressure. Different systems may require a different water pressure indicator, but the standard for small water supply systems with a small number of water intake points is a pressure of 1.5 atm.

If the system has equipment that requires high pressure, this figure can be increased to 6 atm, but not more, since higher pressure will be dangerous for pipes and their connecting elements.

Definition of critical pressure

Based on the operating value, it is determined what the minimum pressure should be, that is, such an indicator at which the pump will start to work.

This value is set using a relay, after which the pressure in the empty accumulator must be measured.

The result should be lower than the critical value by 0.5 - 1 atm. After that, the system is assembled.

Its center, as in the previous case, will be a five-socket fitting, to which they are connected one after another:

  • the accumulator itself;
  • a pipe from a pump connected to a water source;
  • household plumbing;
  • relay;
  • manometer.

Pressure switch connection

In order for the relay to work correctly, it must not only be correctly connected to the fitting, but also configured.

It needs electricity to function.

The top cover is removed from the device, under which there are contacts for connecting the relay to the network and to the pump.

Usually the contacts are signed, but may not have designations. If you are not sure where something is connected, it is best to contact a professional electrician.

Pumping station

A pumping station is a complex of equipment that includes powerful pumping equipment, a hydraulic accumulator and control devices.

As a result, the connection diagram in this case does not differ from connecting to a conventional pump.

If the station is designed for large volumes of water - for example, in the case of feeding several houses from one well - the connection becomes somewhat more complicated.

In this case, several pumps and two fittings are used - the pumping system is connected to one, and the first fitting and the rest of the equipment are connected to the second.

The accumulator can be connected not only to a well or water supply for a water supply system, but also to a heating system. The functions of the unit in this case will be somewhat different, although the principle of operation does not change.

Watch the video in which the specialist explains in detail how to connect the accumulator to the water supply system with your own hands:

The most important element of the pumping station is the hydraulic accumulator.

The scheme of connecting it to the well depends on the degree of autonomy of the water supply and the absence or presence of a water heater in the water supply network.

Consider possible installation options, as well as the device and types of accumulators.

In the simplest version, a hydraulic accumulator (HA) is a container installed at a certain height (above any of the consumers) and equipped with level sensors.

An example of such a device is a water tower that feeds the water supply network in some rural settlement.

In autonomous water supply systems of private houses, such a GA is usually installed in the attic.

The pressure in the taps is provided by the weight of the liquid column, level sensors or a float switch control the operation of the pump.

In modern pumping stations, more advanced HAs are used, which can be installed at any level - even below the points of water intake. The volume of such a device is divided into two parts: one is pumped with water from the water supply, the other contains air with some excess pressure (pumped by a pump through a conventional spool).

Both parts are separated by an elastic element, therefore, when one of them is filled with water, the volume of the second decreases, respectively, the pressure of the air in it increases. It is the air pressure that performs the same function in such a HA as gravity in a water tower - it provides pressure in the system.

Structurally, GAs are divided into two types:

  1. Membrane: the volumes for water and air in such tanks are separated by a rubber membrane. There are membrane tanks designed for use in closed heating systems. They are designed for less pressure than HA for water supply, moreover, they use technical, not food rubber. To avoid confusion, it is customary to paint HA for heating in red, and for water supply - in blue.
  2. Balloon: a rubber bag with a flange is inserted inside such a drive, which is connected to the water supply. Thus, in balloon HAs, water does not come into contact with the metal walls of the case at all. In addition, the replacement of the cylinder is not difficult and can be easily carried out by the user, while in some models it is necessary to contact the service center to replace the membrane.
Water in the bottled GA at the first start should be supplied very carefully. The walls of the rubber bag may stick together a little, then a strong pressure will break it.

In terms of volume, HA can vary greatly - from 24 to 1000 liters or more. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the total volume of the tank, including the air chamber, is given in the passport.

As for the volume of water that the tank can contain, it will depend on the settings of the pressure switch for the amount of air injected.

So, with relay settings of 1 atm / 2 atm (on / off pressure) and air pressure of 0.8 atm (checked with an empty cylinder), 30 liters of water will fit in a 100-liter HA.

If the shutdown pressure is raised to 2.5 atm, the storage capacity will increase to 38.5 liters.

In HA with a volume of more than 100 l, a valve is installed in the upper part of the water chamber to release air, which is released from the liquid during operation and gradually accumulates. Tanks with a smaller volume do not have such a valve, and in order to get rid of the accumulated air, they have to be emptied periodically.

GA can have horizontal and vertical execution. The device and principle of operation for both varieties are completely identical, the choice of a particular model depends solely on the ease of installation.

The accumulator has an extremely simple device; you can also connect it yourself. - recommendations for selection and installation, read carefully.

Place in the water supply system

If the work of the domestic water supply was provided by only one pump, it would have to be turned on every time any of the users opened the tap.

Such a regime would lead to the rapid development of the resource of the electric motor, since the starting moment is the most difficult for it.

The pump passport even indicates such a parameter as the maximum permissible switching frequency.

Even for the most enduring electric motors, it is no more than 15 starts per hour, for all the rest - 10 or less.

This is the reason for the use of GA. It accumulates not only water, but also the pressure necessary for comfortable use of plumbing. At the same time, the mode of operation of the pump looks completely different: it works longer, but - most importantly - it turns on less often.

Along the way, a membrane or balloon storage device performs another important function: it acts as a damper that smooths out water hammer.

However, HA is not always needed in water supply systems. Here are the cases in which you can do without it:

  1. If water is consumed in long cycles: a typical example is watering a vegetable garden. Here GA is not just not needed - it is contraindicated. The water supply available in it will be used up very quickly and the pump will have to be turned on often to replenish it. In the absence of GA, the unit will work quietly in a stable mode.
  2. If the pump is equipped with the latest automation, which provides for the function of smooth engine start and regulation of its power depending on the pressure in the system.
The service life of such a pump is not affected by the frequency of switching on. It is believed that the station on the basis of such a GA unit can not be equipped.

Hydraulic accumulator connection diagram for water supply systems

The method of connecting the GA will depend on the features and purpose of the pumping station. Let's consider three options.

Option 1

The pump supplies water from a well, well or storage tank, while only cold water supply is organized.

In this case, the GA is installed inside the house in any convenient place.

Usually it, a pressure switch and a pressure gauge are connected using a five-pin fitting - a piece of pipe with three outlets that cuts into the water supply.

To protect the GA from vibrations, it is attached to the fitting with a flexible adapter. To check the pressure in the air chamber, as well as to remove air accumulated in the water chamber, the HA must be emptied periodically. Water can be drained through any water tap, but for convenience, a drain valve can be inserted through a tee into the supply pipeline somewhere near the tank.

Option 2

The house is connected to a centralized water supply, and a pumping station is used to increase pressure. With this method of application, the GA stations are connected in front of the pump.

In this case, it is designed to compensate for the decrease in pressure in the external line at the time of starting the electric motor. With such a connection scheme, the volume of the HA is determined by the pump power and the magnitude of pressure surges in the external network.

Installation of a hydraulic accumulator - diagram

Option 3

A storage water heater is connected to the water supply. GA should be connected to the boiler. In this embodiment, it can be used to compensate for the increase in water volume in the heater due to thermal expansion.

Scheme of connecting a hydraulic accumulator to a submersible pump

In the event that the pressure characteristic of the submersible pump allows you to maintain an acceptable pressure at the draw-off points in combination with sufficient performance, the GA is connected in the usual way using a five-outlet or three-outlet fitting.

However, the wells are very deep, and their size often does not allow the installation of a pump of sufficient power (for example, 3-inch wells).

DIY accumulator connection

In such cases, the following scheme is used:

  1. A submersible unit is installed in the well, the power of which is only enough to raise water to the surface.
  2. Near the well, on the surface or in the ground, a HA is installed in the form of a simple container equipped with level sensors. These sensors control the operation of the submersible pump.
  3. A self-priming pump (if it is buried in the ground) or normal suction (if the GA is installed on the surface) is installed near the storage tank, which supplies water directly to the domestic water supply. At the same time, a membrane or balloon HA is installed in the house, and the pump is controlled by means of a pressure switch.
The volume of HA installed immediately after the submersible pump should not be made too large, otherwise the water will stagnate in it.

Electrical diagram for connecting the pressure switch to the accumulator

Usually, there are two groups of contacts in the pressure switch of domestic pumping stations, but sometimes there are models with one.

Each group consists of two pairs, with both pairs closing or opening at the same time. The contacts in each pair are labeled, for example, "Line/Load" or "Line/Motor".

In principle, it is not necessary to follow these notations. It is even possible, for example, to connect the cores of the wire from the network to the “Line” contact of one pair and the “Load” contact of the other.

The main thing is that both wires are not connected to the contacts of the same pair - this will lead to a short circuit. To the remaining two contacts, connect the cores of the wire leading to the pump motor. It is desirable that the colors of the braids of the wires connected to one pair match. Before connecting the power cord, make sure that it is not plugged into a power outlet.

To connect the ground wire (usually it has a yellow-green braid), there is a screw on the relay housing marked with the corresponding sign.

When connecting the wire from the relay to the pump motor, the core in the blue braid should be connected to the “zero” contact, and in the red or black one to the “phase” contact.

Often, for reliability, the ground contacts of the pump and relay are interconnected, but this is not necessary.

Pressure switch in the water supply system with a deep pump

The cross-sectional area of ​​the conductors of the wire must correspond to the power of the electric motor. For copper wire, the cross section is selected at the rate of 1 sq. mm for every 8 A of current. To determine the current strength in a single-phase network, it is necessary to divide the electric motor power by 220. So, for example, in a 1.5 kW electric motor circuit, a current of 1500/220 = 6.8 A will flow.

It is important not to confuse the diameter of the wire core and its cross-sectional area, since these values ​​can be comparable. So, for example, the cross-sectional area of ​​​​a core with a diameter of 1.5 mm is 1.76 square meters. mm.

It should be noted that the connection of the electrical part must be carried out only after connecting the pressure switch to the water supply.

Nowadays, the lack of centralized water supply is no longer such a big problem. A wide variety of pumping equipment allows you to arrange an autonomous water supply system without much difficulty. , installation and repair, read on.

You will find a water supply scheme for a private house with a storage tank in the topic.

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