Do-it-yourself cesspool for the private. How easy is it to make a cesspool in a private house on your own and at no extra cost? Installation of finished models

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Majority suburban areas, especially summer cottages, do not have access to a centralized sewer system, and land owners decide on sanitary and environmental problem sewage by yourself. Therefore, it will depend only on the awareness of the owners how a do-it-yourself drain pit in a private house will cope with the removal of waste and sewage. Let us consider in more detail all the options for solving the problem in small settlements where the issue of wastewater is acute.

What is a drain hole

Cesspools in a private house with their own hands are primitive, but at the same time one of the most effective ways disposal of sewage and sewage in residential or industrial suburban buildings. The structure is a system of structures and fixtures:

  • foundation pit;
  • a reservoir, a container for storing or receiving wastewater;
  • excretory system from sewer pipes;
  • filtration system (if necessary);
  • special fasteners;
  • seals and sealants.

A do-it-yourself drain pit in a private house is saving money and wide opportunities choosing the type of structure, but before proceeding to complex work, it is necessary to study all the advantages and disadvantages of each design and choose the optimal scheme in your particular case. It is important to remember that an improperly designed sewage disposal system can lead not only to toxic leaks, damage to property and aesthetic discomfort, but also endanger the health and life of residents.

How to make a drain hole

A do-it-yourself sewer pit in a private house is convenient because most of its types do not imply the involvement of sewage trucks. Such designs of drainage structures are considered the most the best option, they do not require constant and regular maintenance. It will be necessary to attract sophisticated equipment only once every few years, which will save maintenance costs. cesspool. For residents of areas remote from the city, such options for drainage structures from different types material:

  • from automotive rubber tires;
  • wood: board, plywood, fiberboard, chipboard;
  • plastics, metal-plastic, plastic, MDF;
  • concrete rings and slabs;
  • bricks.

Varieties of sewage pits in a private house according to the period of operation:

  • non-hermetic type of summer use;
  • non-hermetic type for all-weather use.

Almost all the proposed types of materials are interchangeable and for the most part have a low cost (especially since it is not necessary to use new materials, used ones are also perfect). Therefore, each homeowner will be able to choose the option that suits him and make drain hole in a private house with their own hands. The main thing is to correctly take into account the location of the structure and the number of drains per person per day. Daily rate without further filtration approximately 30-50 liters per person.


In accordance with the State Sanitary Standards, a sewer pit in a private house should be located at a remote distance from the walls of residential buildings and structures, children's playgrounds. The location of the cesspool personal plot and the distance from it to a residential building, a cottage of neighbors is determined by the decision of the owner of the site in compliance with the rules of good neighborliness.

controversial issues regarding the arrangement of an autonomous sewer system on a personal plot are considered in the procedure for resolving land disputes in accordance with the law. The main condition on the site in terms of autonomous (non-centralized) water supply is the distance from individual wells and water supply sources. The distance on the territory of the site from one object to another should be at least 20 m, and ideally - 50 m.

Otherwise, impurities will pollute drinking water on the site and become a source of disease. In this case, it is important to take into account the direction of the slope of the site: the location of the drain tank should be below the level of the drain point. It is desirable that the slope increase by three centimeters each running meter drain pipe, then sewage will drain by gravity.


Naturally, in addition to solving the security problem, most owners will responsibly approach the issue of ensuring that all the structures necessary for the construction of the facility are in harmony with all the buildings on your site. There are many factors to consider when choosing a drain site:

  • terrain;
  • the nature of the soil;
  • depth ground water;
  • availability of drinking water.

If the drain pit for a private house will be used by residents only in the summer, then its depth can be made from 1 to 1.5 meters in size (depending on the number of drains). When the structure is also used in the winter or year-round, it must be borne in mind that the depth must be calculated taking into account freezing, soaking of the soil. The drain must be located at a depth of not less than 0.5 m. In such a system, there must be ventilation ( vertical pipe from a pit with a protrusion outward by 20-30 cm) and drainage.

If autonomous local sewerage settles down on suburban area, then it is very convenient to choose a pit for a cesspool with a filtering bottom - a cleaning well. But in this case, it must be borne in mind that the total amount of wastewater and sewage should not exceed 1 cubic meter per day. Such a device is well suited when the soil is sandy or sandy loam type and the groundwater level is at a depth lower than 2.5 meters.

Construction consists of the following stages:

  • When digging upper layers soil the earth is scattered over the site. One and a half cubic meters of soil is left for the installation of a heat-insulating layer, which will later be located above the ceiling.
  • At the same time, walls are being built in the pit and outlet pipes are being laid. The walls of the structure are made of bricks or concrete rings, and the pipes are angled to prevent stagnation of harmful fluid.
  • At a certain depth (depending on the volume of the tank), the end of the outlet pipe is inserted into the structure.
  • After the installation of pipes, rings, ceilings, covers, it is necessary to install hatches.
  • During construction brickwork at the level of the walls, a dig is made 30 cm wide, then the concrete slab will lie on top of the walls of the well exactly on the ground. The slab must be filled up to the surface level, and the hatch remains open.

When installing a sealed cesspool, the following factors must be borne in mind:

  • Among the structures there are both hermetic concrete wells and plastic containers factory production.
  • The tightness of wells is worse than that of plastic tanks. A good option- This is a Euro-cube, it is light and inexpensive. Holds 1000 liters and has a plastic or wooden pallet.
  • The ventilation pipe must be at least 10 centimeters in diameter, located 70 centimeters above the surface.
  • For laying pipes, it is very important to choose a place so that bushes, trees, roots do not come across and do not impede access with the necessary repairs.

The principle of using this type of construction is that sewage does not enter the ground. They are collected in a special container through specially laid pipes, and pumped out of it when special equipment is involved. How often you have to call a sewage truck and pump out sewage will depend on the number of residents, the time of year of operation.


The dimensions of the drain pit in a private house should be calculated so that it can accommodate two tank volumes in which water is heated for a bath, shower, and other household needs. This ratio of the size of the barrel and the pit will allow the owners to use it for a long period for reliable daily operation in the summer. People who decide to build a cesspool on their own need to correctly calculate the capacity of this structure in advance. The calculation is made according to the formula V=Ndn*Xperson*Vday/person, in which:

  • V-calculated cesspool volume, m3;
  • Ndn - the number of days of work for accumulation (until the need to pump out);
  • Xperson - the number of permanent residents;
  • Vday/person - daily water consumption by one person in liters.

An approximate calculation for a house, a summer house, where a family of five lives. Let's say the cesspool is cleaned once a month, and the water consumption is 150 l / person. With such indicators, the volume of the future drain pit is calculated: V \u003d 30 * 5 * 150 \u003d 22.5 m2. The value of daily water consumption depends largely on the needs and habits of the household. Observations show that city dwellers use more water than the inhabitants of rural areas.

Drain pit with your own hands

For the construction of leaky devices for summer use, boards, metal or plastic barrels, old car tires, plywood. Drainage pits, designed for year-round operation, are constructed from more durable and durable materials: concrete rings, bricks, metal sheets. A do-it-yourself drain pit in a private house is a completely affordable and feasible process, the main thing in which to adhere to the basic requirement is reliable sealing and waterproofing (hydraulic lock) of the sewage drain tank.


Drainage pits made of concrete rings are considered one of the most reliable and durable structures that are designed for year-round use. They hold up very well low temperatures in winter and the viscosity of the soil in the rainy season. In comparison with other options, concrete structures are somewhat more expensive, but after construction, subject to its competent implementation, such structures autonomous sewerage do not require regular maintenance, repair or modifications.

The order and stages of construction of the structure:

  • Dig a pit right size, level the bottom to install the bottom ring.
  • The rings are installed sequentially, hermetically fastening them together with cement mortar.
  • The number of rings depends on the required volume of the pit.
  • Top part rings should protrude above the ground by 20-30 cm.



  • attraction of special equipment and trained employees for its management;
  • it is desirable to have a photo of a similar building or create drawings.

from brick

One of the most expensive, but reliable and effective options do-it-yourself drain pit - made of brick. If you want to save money, you can use substandard or used bricks. The procedure for erecting a structure, as in the case of a pit of concrete rings - the brick is laid on cement mortar in a circle along the walls of the pit. Pros of using bricks:

  • durable and durable material;
  • minimal builder skills required;
  • without involving special construction equipment.
  • A rectangular or square pit will not withstand heavy loads; it can collapse in high humidity.
  • In order to build a round pit, you need the help of a specialist.
  • When building a sealed-type pit with your own hands, you will need a lot of cement and sand.

Made of plastic

The use of plastic is the most popular and inexpensive option production of a drain structure. Her main feature- this is tightness, preventing runoff from entering groundwater. The installation procedure is simple. You need to choose a place and dig a hole with a volume of 40% more than a plastic container. Make a sand cushion 20-30 cm high. Pour a 20 cm wide base out of concrete and attach a barrel (accumulator) to it so that it does not float when high level ground water.

The container can be secured with chains, ropes or covered with sand, gravel, crushed stone on the sides. Cut a corresponding hole in the upper part of the container and connect the pipes, seal the joint well, for example with silicone. Insulate with a layer of thermal insulation to prevent freezing of drains when sub-zero temperature. From above, the pit can be covered with plywood, boards, metal sheets, but be sure to install a hatch with a diameter of at least 70 cm for further maintenance. Design advantages:

  • light weight;
  • many varieties;
  • ease of arrangement;
  • long operating time.
  • plastic can be deformed from loads;
  • the impact of temperature fluctuations.

To avoid such troubles when building a cesspool with your own hands, it is important to provide thermal insulation. The container is better to choose with metal frame, and overlay the barrel with bricks. Subject to all the rules of construction, such a pit with your own hands will last more than 30-40 years, but subject to regular preventive work: additional insulation for the winter, regular pumping of sewage.

from wood

Do-it-yourself drain pit made of wood - a temporary solution to the issue of sewage. After choosing a place and digging a recess of the desired size, four shields are knocked together from boards according to the dimensions of the walls of the pit. The shields are installed in a prepared pit, at the joints they are attached to each other with a bar.

Spacers are installed between the shields to strengthen the structure, the fastening of the two sides is ensured by resting on adjacent boards. From above, the structure is closed with plywood, metal, a shield of boards and covered with a water-repellent material (polyethylene), covered with soil as thick as a spade bayonet.

Positive aspects of the bottom of the sink made of wood:

  • availability and convenience of material processing;
  • to assemble the structure, no special efforts and skills are required;
  • The box is easy to assemble and dismantle.


  • short service life;
  • small tank volume.

From tires

This is the easiest way to build a hole with your own hands. In the selected place, a recess is dug a little bit in size. larger diameter and tires. Prepared tires are installed one on top of the other, but before that, the inner sidewalls are cut off on both sides of the tire. This is done so that impurities do not accumulate on the sides of the tire. It's easy to do: make a hole on the side suitable diameter for the possible passage of a hacksaw and saw off unnecessary parts. It will take 40-50 minutes to prepare one tire.

During the construction of a cottage or country cottage, the arrangement of the sewer system is a priority. A cesspool in a private house is designed in accordance with the standard standards described in SNiP and SanPin.

Cesspools are classified according to the material from which they are made, design and principle of operation.

According to the material, the following types can be distinguished:

By design, cesspools are classified as:

  1. Closed. Fully sealed constructions. They consist of a closed bottom and strong walls. These containers are safe for environment and are suitable for installation in small areas;
  2. Open or leaky. According to the rules of Sanitary Control, such a device is allowed only if the total volume of waste per day does not exceed 1 cubic meter. These pits do not have a bottom and some of the waste goes into the soil and groundwater. This allows you to carry out sewage cleaning less often than with closed tanks, but threatens the environment.

According to the principle of operation, all cesspools are divided into single-chamber, multi-chamber and septic tanks. Single-chamber - standard structures consisting of one compartment. It is both a draft drain and a sump. This is the easiest way to equip a drain, but it requires regular cleaning. In it, stocks are simply stored certain time before the sewer cleaning.

Multi-chamber - cesspools, consisting of several compartments. Standard scheme represents connection by branch pipes of single-chamber tanks. Waste from the house or other consumer points is dumped into one, and pre-treated waste flows into the second. The effluents are in the sump for several days, after which they are additionally cleaned and drained outside the site.

Septic tanks are professional multi-chamber devices. They consist of tanks separated by nozzles and filters, pumps that pump wastewater at a certain speed and treatment facilities(biological filters). The main advantage of using a septic tank for a cesspool is its efficiency. It is not just a liquid accumulator, but also a purifier. Many owners use settled water in the future for technical needs.

Calculation of the required volume of the pit and its geometric dimensions

volume and geometric dimensions cesspools in a private house depend on the number of consumers living and connected to the sewer. It is standardly considered that 1 adult consumes 0.5 cubic meters of water per day. The child, respectively, is half as much - 0.25.

The formula is used to calculate:

V * n \u003d Vya, where V is the daily volume consumed by one person, n is the number of residents, and Vya is the required volume of the cesspool. For example, if there are three adults and 1 child in the house, the formula would look like this:

0.5 * 3 + 0.25 * 1 \u003d 1.75 m 3. The resulting values ​​are always rounded up. In our case, this is 2 cubic meters. From the obtained values ​​​​determine the desired dimensions.

Rules for choosing the depth and diameter of the pit:

  1. The minimum drain depth must be at least 2 meters. 1 meter is allotted for the release of gases and freezing of the soil;
    2. The maximum depth is no more than 3.5 meters. Most sewer trucks are equipped with hoses that are 3 meters long. Exceeding this indicator will significantly complicate the processes of wastewater treatment from silt and solid accumulations;
  2. The width depends on the selected depth and standard sizes materials chosen for the construction of the drain.

Location on the site

Cesspool closed type more often used in a residential private house, because, it can be placed much closer to the living space than an open one. All requirements for choosing a place are described in detail in “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements”, Decree 360-92 (Ukraine) and SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 (Russia).

Primary requirements:

  1. The distance from the residential building is at least 20 meters. A distance of 15 meters from the non-residential premises is allowed. Separately, it is indicated that if the basement exceeds the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, then the countdown starts from the wall of the underground building;
  2. From a reservoir or well should retreat from 30 meters ( closed pit) up to 50 (open tank);
  3. A distance of 2–4 meters is maintained from the road and the fence;
  4. According to the rules of good neighborliness, a cesspool should be separated from the neighboring area by at least 10 meters.

In some cases, it is also indicated that the waste tank must be at least 5 meters away from the garden or garden. It must be remembered that failure to comply with these requirements entails administrative liability.

Installation of a cesspool

The arrangement of the cesspool is carried out in several stages:

  1. Pit preparation;
  2. Tank installation;
  3. Connecting sewer pipes;
  4. Drain backfill.

In the selected location of the site, a place is planned for the future cesspool. The pit is excavated with special construction equipment or manually. Its diameter should slightly exceed the dimensions of the tank for arranging a cesspool. This will allow you to more thoroughly seal the container and insulate it.

Regardless of the type of pit design chosen, the bottom of the pit must be reinforced with rubble and sand cushion. The first layer of sifted river sand, after it - small gravel and further - stones of a rough fraction. The walls of the pit are covered with waterproofing material. In cold regions, textiles or agrofibre are also installed on top of the waterproofing to protect against freezing of the soil.

If you are engaged in arranging your own site and home, it is important to consider how a cesspool is created with your own hands. It is a reservoir for waste. There are several varieties used different materials. AT budget options long used car tires are used. Modern septic tanks are also used.

The choice depends on the budget, the characteristics of the soil, the frequency of living in the house. Much easier if you live in country house only in warm time of the year. If this is year-round permanent housing, it is necessary to correctly calculate for large loads.

Types of cesspools and their choice

Cesspools are the following types:

Which option to choose? For infrequent use, choose a hole from the bottom if the soil permits. Sealed tanks avoid bad smell and dirt, but they are expensive to maintain and will require monthly (and in the case of a dishwasher and a hot tub, weekly) cleaning. The septic tank is environmentally friendly, and has no special contraindications. Having decided, we turn to the study of the technology of creating cesspools.

We take into account the norms and rules of arrangement

To achieve a certain level of security, you need to think through all the nuances. Otherwise, there is a risk of creating a threat to the landscape, the arrangement of a private house, and the health of residents. The following important points are taken into account:

  • A well with water should be at least 30 m from the pit. The level of the pit should be lower. This avoids problems with drinking water contamination.
  • At in large numbers waste is not allowed to make a pit without a bottom. Regulated the limit is 1 cubic meter of waste per day.
  • The pit should be in a place where a sewage truck can easily drive up. The distance should be closer than 4 m. Depth - no more than 3 m, otherwise the hose will not be enough to pick up all the waste.
  • It is necessary to achieve the optimal density of closing the lid. Especially important for winter period. It is recommended to use heaters.

Compliance with government sanitary standards will avoid serious problems. A self-made sewer cesspool should not harm the soil, have leaks in unacceptable places, and have an unpleasant odor.

Eternal cesspool: creation technology

There is a technology of eternal cesspool. Durability of use is achieved by special arrangement of the pit. In accordance with technology, it is made without a bottom. It is sprinkled with medium-sized gravel. The creation of such a hole must be taken care of in advance. The overflow is connected to the sewerage system. The "eternity" of such cesspools is determined by the selected materials. The purified liquid goes into the ground through a filter made of sand from crushed stone. Residues are processed by microorganisms. This is an environmentally friendly and efficient way.

Making blocks from tires - the simplest option

Used car tires are used in the sewer system and the creation of cesspools, they save various kinds of costs. A do-it-yourself cesspool in a private house is done according to the following scheme:

  • digging a pit;
  • tires are interconnected with waterproof glue;
  • joints are completely sealed;
  • the bottom is not made, instead the aforementioned filter is created.

Creating a pit with concrete rings

Let's figure out how to make a cesspool in a private house. To create a sewer, efforts will be required, but the option with a simple absorbing pit (with concrete rings) is the easiest and is often used in summer cottages. You can build a cesspool according to this scheme:

  • concrete rings are purchased in the amount of 3 pieces;
  • a pit breaks out with a depth not exceeding 3 m, a diameter of 80 cm more than that of reinforced concrete rings;
  • the central axis should remain free, around the perimeter is done concrete screed(base for rings);
  • holes are drilled in the lower ring: each 5 cm in diameter, made 10 cm apart;
  • the bottom is covered with a filter composition of crushed stone, sand, gravel, broken bricks - about 1 meter;
  • outside the pit is filled with the same composition;
  • a plate with two holes is installed - for a pipe and a hatch, pumping will be carried out through it.

There is another scheme: the creation of tank walls from bricks or gas silicate blocks. But this will take a lot of effort. A sewer pit made of concrete requires a crane to install concrete rings. You choose. Another option: a cesspool in the country is done using metal barrels. Service life reaches 60 years.

How to create a hermetic structure?

To create airtight conditions, the same actions are performed, but no holes need to be made at the bottom. On the contrary, it needs to be concreted and strengthened. A concrete mesh is laid on the bottom in advance. The walls inside are sealed with bitumen, and outside they are coated with clay. The same is done in the case when the walls are made of bricks. They can be plastered.

Please note: before you build a pit, do not forget about the hole that serves to bring the sewer pipe. It is done below the freezing level, which is determined by the weather service. To do this, you need to make references. The incoming pipeline must be sloped so that the waste moves towards the built pit in a natural way.

Finished tanks

The device of a cesspool in a private house seems to be for you challenging task? It can be simplified by using conventional wastewater tanks. Then it remains only to arrange the pipeline at an angle, to dig a foundation pit. Order a ready-made tank, it is buried in the ground. If necessary, it is strengthened, a concrete base is used at the cesspools.

A few words about the features of the process

Cesspools dig for about a week if you do it yourself. Earthworks can take longer. The walls must be even, the pit itself is made square or rectangular. Space around the tank helps ensure it additional protection from ground water. Before you properly make a cesspool, it is important to take care of the pipeline. You can't let the trees get in the way.

Summing up

We considered several options for a sewerage device for a private house. There are many options for arranging a cesspool; there are expensive multi-chamber septic tanks with a powerful cleaning system. There is only one basic scheme: you need to prepare for difficult earthworks and dig a pit - then half the battle is done. You need to be patient, and then you will understand that you can make a hole on your own!

Unfortunately, not everywhere centralized sewerage and people are forced to equip outdoor toilets on their plots.

In the warm season it is not difficult to go outside, but in the cold season you don’t want to go out into the cold once again.

And so many people are thinking about equipment in the area of ​​​​the drain pit. Consider the topic of a drain pit in a private house in this article.

To ensure the arrangement of the drain pit, it is better to hire professional workers, but you can equip it yourself.

Volume calculation

Drainage pit equipment is considered cheap and in a simple way in order to secure private homes.

To make a calculation required volume drain pit, it is necessary to multiply the number of people who will live in the house by 1.2 m3. Let's give an example: if there are five people in your family, then the volume of the drain pit will be at least two and a half meters cubed.

Types and purpose

Drainage pits are of different types:

  1. Fecal. The pit, the name of which speaks for itself, that is, this pit is designed to drain water from the toilet or toilet, which is located on the site.
  2. Waste. It is intended for, that is, drains from baths, showers, washbasins.
  3. Combined. The pit is designed to drain both fecal matter and household water.

In rural areas, it is better to equip two pits: fecal and waste.

How to equip a drain pit in a private house

We determine the dimensions


First, find out the level of groundwater in your area. You can check the level yourself, and you can check it with the help of a well, if it is located nearby.

If groundwater is at a depth of 6-8 meters, then a pit for draining waste must be made at a level of 2-2.5 meters.

Length Width

In the event that groundwater is close to the surface, a plastic container should not be placed underground. In this case, a sealed concrete well is made and a plastic container is placed in it, but this method will cost more.

In order for the plastic pit to work well for a long time, the pit under it must be dug so that there is a distance of 30 cm from the walls to the container.

The container is installed strictly horizontally. It is important that the tank has ventilation tube, otherwise there will be a danger of an explosion of the tank, since during decomposition organic waste emit methane gas.

The drain pit has its positive and negative qualities, but its presence leads to country life and living in a private home to another level. For this reason, people are increasingly making cesspools of various designs on their plots.

We wish you good luck in your endeavors!

Today, suburban developers use various structures and structures to collect sewage. And the easiest option is a cesspool. In fact, this is a well, which is connected by a pipeline to the house and other buildings (bathhouse, garage, and so on), where waste water and sewage are collected. The scheme of a cesspool in a private house is quite simple, because it does not contain complex building elements. But if it is built correctly, then the cesspool of the sewer system will last for a very long time.

Where to dig it

The location of the pit is very important criterion right approach to the construction of sewerage in a private house. There are two main factors to consider here:

  • distance from the house and other buildings on the suburban area;
  • free access to a sewage truck, if sewage is pumped out with its help.

As for the first indicator, in this case the cesspool is determined by SNiP, which clearly indicates how and where it should be located.

  • From the foundation of a private house (and from neighboring ones as well), the distance should not be less than 5 m.
  • From the fence at least 1 m.
  • From wells and wells for water within 20-50 m. The spread of the distance is quite large, because SNiP stipulates different types soils that may be on a suburban area. For example, for clay soil it is 20 m, for sandy loam 50 m.

Attention! The depth of the well is also specified by the standards. This dimensional indicator can be anything, the main thing is that the bottom of the pit should be 1 m above the groundwater level.

The layout of the cesspool

Cesspool volume

It is clear that the larger the cesspool, the less often it will need to be cleaned. But a huge well requires significant labor and material costs, so you should accurately calculate its required volume. First of all, it is necessary to understand that although the cesspool is a prefabricated one, that is, sewage is collected in it, it must be borne in mind that part of the water will penetrate through the soil into the subsoil water layers. And since on suburban areas the soil can be different, then its filtration properties will be very different from each other. For example, on clay soils, this figure will be less than on sandy ones.

But there is a standard volume of cesspools per person, which is 0.5 m³. If four people live in a private house, then you will have to dig a hole with a volume of 2-2.5 m³. However, one must take into account the fact that over time sewer facility will be clogged with oil and grease deposits, which will reduce the filtration capacity. Therefore, it is optimal if the calculated volume is increased. For a house in which the same four people live, it is better to build a cesspool with a volume of 6-7 m³. Moreover, calling a sewage truck costs the same, regardless of whether it will pump itself full tank or half.

Do-it-yourself pit construction

So, the location is determined, the volume is calculated, you can proceed to construction work. But before that, you need to decide on the device of the cesspool. It will be just a well in the ground, or it will be a structure laid out by some kind of load-bearing building material. For example, brick or concrete.

If a a private house small, and 2-3 people live in it, then you can get by with the first option. Although no one does this anymore, because safety requirements, as well as sanitation standards, require a special approach to the construction of cesspools. Therefore, it is worth considering options sewer wells made by hand from different building materials.

Pit made of reinforced concrete rings

This is the easiest way to build a cesspool with your own hands. As mentioned above, its volume is determined, the depth of the groundwater level is determined, and after that a hole is dug under reinforced concrete rings.

The height of concrete rings varies between: 10-100 cm. But most often used concrete products 90 cm high. Their diameter is also different. This will help to choose the right concrete elements for the required volume of the well, given its depth. For example, if the depth of groundwater is 5 m, then rings with a height of 90 cm can be installed at a depth of 4 m. By choosing their diameter of 2 m, four rings can be installed. The volume of such a cesspool will be almost 8 m³, which is normal for a private house in which 5-6 people live.

Cesspool of concrete rings

By reducing or increasing the size of concrete rings, you can select the required volume of the well, while taking into account the complexity of the work performed. The larger the diameter of the ring, the less you will have to go deep into the ground, but you will have to dig a hole wider.

A cesspool made of concrete rings is not an easy construction in terms of the possibility of installing building elements with your own hands. Here you can not do without a crane, and it is his services that increase the cost of building a sewer well.

How is the installation.

Attention! It is not necessary to mount the rings hermetically on top of each other. How more slots, loose fittings, those better water will be discharged into the ground.

Pit made of bricks

A brick cesspool is the most complex structure, so suburban private developers are increasingly abandoning it. Pole to everything, the brick under the influence of sewage quickly becomes unusable, requiring replacement.

And yet they still use brick cesspools. How to build it right.

As for the cesspool cover of this design, you can use different options. For example, pour it with your own hands concrete mortar. Why exactly in size formwork is done right on the ground. Be sure to fit down a metal sheet, which is lubricated with used technical oil. Inside the formwork, you need to lay a metal reinforcing frame made of reinforcement or wire. Can be laid metal mesh. It is important that the armored carcass is located in the middle of the cover in terms of thickness. Everything is ready, the concrete solution is poured. Be sure to form a hatch and a hole for ventilation in the formwork.

Do-it-yourself concrete pit cover

You can pour the cover from concrete directly at the place of its installation. For this, again, formwork is assembled at the top of the cesspool. AT this case the lower metal sheet will no longer be removable, that is, it will remain there forever. A reinforcing frame is also laid, and the entire structure is poured with concrete.

The lid can be made with your own hands from boards, metal. You can purchase a reinforced concrete cover, however, you will have to install it with a crane.

Sealed pit design

There are a huge number of sealed sewer wells that simply collect sewage from a private house inside themselves. For example, the same cesspool made of concrete rings (assembled with your own hands). To make it airtight, it is necessary to install a blank bottom down or fill the bottom with concrete mortar. Rings with a lock are used, which are necessarily fastened with mortar and bituminous mastic. No cracks, gaps or other loose fittings.

The same applies to a brick cesspool, the walls of which are plastered on both sides and covered with bituminous mastic. Experts recommend doing outside clay castle, this is when all the surface brick wall coated with clay mortar with a thickness of at least 5 cm.

Cesspool from eurocubes

But there are much easier ways. One of them is to install a ready-made sealed container. It can be made from metal or plastic. The second option is better in terms of price and ease of installation, because large plastic tanks weigh a little, and two or three people can install them with their own hands.

Some small containers, for example, eurocubes, can be installed by one person. Their volume is 1 m³ or 1.25 m³. It is better not to put them on top of each other, because under the mass of drains, the lower one may not withstand the load and burst. Therefore, they are installed in series with a slight offset in depth, which makes it possible to organize a drain from one tank to another. Plastic perfectly copes with all natural loads, it does not rot, does not rust, so plastic containers are used almost forever.

You can also purchase ready-made plastic containers on the market specifically for cesspools. They can be horizontal or vertical with different thickness walls. Their price is acceptable, so buying it and installing it yourself is not a problem.

Concerning metal structures, then often cesspools are collected from several metal barrels with a volume of 200 liters (0.2 m³). Their number is adjusted to the required volume, after which they are welded together, having previously cut off the bottoms and lids (in two barrels: the first and last are left at one end). The welded structure can be laid vertically or horizontally.

Cesspool from metal barrels

The only drawback of metal barrels is their thin wall and the metal itself, which quickly becomes unusable under the influence of sewage. Therefore, both the internal and external surfaces of the assembled tank must be waterproofed using bituminous mastic applied in several layers.

Pipe connection

Before you start building a cesspool with your own hands, you need to sewer pipeline, which will connect the house and the well. Most often used for pipeline construction plastic pipes diameter 110 or 200 mm. There are two very important moments that affect the correct installation of the sewer network.

  1. The pipeline must be laid below the freezing level of the soil or it will need to be insulated.
  2. It is necessary to maintain an accurate slope from the house to the cesspool, which will allow draining sewerage by gravity.

In some regions, the level of soil freezing is very high (for example, up to 1.5-2 m), so it remains to insulate the pipes. There are a huge number of options for thermal insulation. The easiest and cheapest is to use mineral wool, which is wrapped around the pipeline, and laid on top waterproofing material: film or membrane (preferably in two or three layers). You can use heaters in the form of cylinders. Also a simple option, but more reliable than the first one.

Sewer pipe insulation

As for the angle of inclination of the pipe sewer system, that is standard values, which are defined by SNiPs. This is 2-3 cm per linear meter of the length of the sewer section. It is impossible to do less than 2 cm, because the water will drain at such an angle, and sewage will linger in the pipe. Above 3 cm is also not recommended, because the speed of the movement of water will increase, which will slip quickly, and the sewage simply will not keep up with it. These slope values ​​are used for pipes with a diameter of up to 110 mm. The larger the diameter, the less you can set their slope. For example, for pipes with a diameter of 160 mm, the slope is 8 mm, for 200 mm, the slope angle is 7 mm.