Centralized sewerage in a private house. How to connect the house to the central sewer. How can I connect the central sewer to the house

In the process of building a private house, its owner has to deal with the design and subsequent installation of communications. The absence of centralized communication networks in the construction area leaves the developer no choice - he will have to install an autonomous sewer. For those who build housing near centralized networks, there is a choice - to equip an autonomous system or connect to the city sewer. As practice shows, most often choose the second option. Let's understand the advantages and nuances self connection private development to a centralized system.

Why is this option beneficial?

When deciding to crash into a centralized sewer, the developer receives certain advantages:

  • The opportunity to significantly save on the purchase, installation and maintenance of an autonomous sewage system.
  • The completed connection allows you to use the sewer line for a long time. The only condition is that the necessary payments are made on time.
  • No need to control quantity and quality Wastewater.

All this makes a tie-in into the centralized sewer system extremely attractive to most developers.

Connecting a private house to a centralized sewer system is convenient and practical solution drainage problems

What is the right place to start?

First of all, you need to decide on the type of sewerage passing near the house. Depending on this, two possible types of connection are distinguished:

  • Separate. It is used in case of connection of storm and household sewerage of a private house. It is carried out separately in two systems.
  • Mixed. It can be used in the presence of a mixed type pipeline. In this case, one common pipe, which crashes into the system.

It must be understood that the sewer input, which will connect the intra-house system with the centralized one, is financed by the developer. This can add up to a hefty sum. Those who want to save money can try to implement the planned event during the planned modernization of the centralized branch. To do this, before starting work, contact the water utility, where you can offer your financial participation in carrying out such modernization. With a positive decision, the organization will take over part of the work, including design and connection, which will provide significant savings. Another way to pay less is a collective tie-in with neighbors. In this case, the costs can also be reduced.

Self-tie-in to the central sewer is a troublesome undertaking. Those who do not like to run around the authorities can be recommended to contact a company that provides such services. In this case, the developer will be relieved of the need to collect a package of permits and resolve a number of organizational issues. In addition, the procedure for commissioning a new branch is greatly simplified. However, such services are not cheap and those who want to save on them are likely to refuse.

Those who decide to deal with the issue on their own will need to collect the following documents:

  • The plan of the site and the house, on which the laying scheme should be applied sewer pipeline. Performed by a company specializing in geodetic expertise.
  • Specifications for the new connection. Developed by an organization that is engaged in the maintenance of sewer communications.
  • The project of connecting a branch to a centralized sewerage system. The document is prepared by a specialist designer. The basis for it is the previously obtained situational plan and specifications.
  • Coordination of the prepared project in the water utility and the Architectural Department. In parallel, a company is being approved, which will subsequently connect a new branch.

Another important nuance. It is worth obtaining the consent of the residents of neighboring houses for the implementation construction works in close proximity to their sites. A document should be prepared and signatures of neighbors should be collected. If the pipeline will pass through sections where the networks of other organizations are located, for example, electrical or thermal, and it is also supposed to be carried out under the roadway, additional permits will be required. If all these procedures seem too troublesome and there is a desire to carry out an unauthorized tie-in without collecting documents, you need to know that such actions provide for an impressive fine and forced dismantling of the pipeline at the expense of the developer.

To equip the external branch of the sewer, which will be extended to the central highway, you should use a special pipe

How to equip the site before the tie-in?

The current SNiPs clarify that permission to lay a pipeline to the central highway can only be obtained if there is an overflow sewer well nearby. A branch from the house should pass through it. In this case, it must be borne in mind that the pipe leaving the private household must enter the well at a certain angle above the drain level. In addition, the pipe is laid to a certain depth. Its value depends on the level of soil freezing.

To determine the laying depth, you can use the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in SNiP P-G.3-62, which vary depending on the building area:

  • For the northern part of Russia, they are about 3-3.5 m.
  • For middle lane our country - 2.5-3m.
  • For the southern regions -1.25-1.5.

These values ​​are quite approximate. Everything is very individual and depends on the type of soil, terrain and nature of groundwater. In general, the average laying depth is 1-1.2 m, while minimum value– 0.5 m when measured from the top edge of the pipe. When digging a trench, keep in mind that its depth should be 5 cm more than the intended laying depth. Another important point- slope of the pipe. With a slight slope, the wastewater will leave extremely slowly, which is fraught with clogging of the pipe. If, on the contrary, the slope is too great, the water will leave too quickly, not having time to wash off grease and other contaminants. It also causes blockages.

When installing a sewer branch before inserting into the central system, desired slope. A revision well is installed above the sharp turns of the pipe

In order not to encounter such troubles, sewer pipes of 1-2 cm per running meter. Another important point is the presence of turns on the track. Ideally, they shouldn't be. If this is not possible, you should definitely avoid sharp turns, “smoothing” them as much as possible. If it is necessary to turn the line by 90 ° or more, it will be necessary to equip an inspection well at the turning point. Also, experts recommend installing an additional one in case of a large length of the sewer branch. It will allow you to control the system.

The next step is trench digging. It is important to choose a width sufficient for stacking the parts. In doing so, it must be taken into account that outer pipe should be characterized large diameter than internal. Most often it varies from 150 mm to 250 mm. In the case of a collective tie-in, a pipe with a diameter of 250 mm is taken; a 150 mm part is used to equip the branches to the yards. It should be borne in mind that in this case, an additional revision well should be equipped at the input site of each yard. When choosing the width of the trench, you need to focus on the following indicators: for a part with a diameter of 110 mm, the width of the pit should be at least 60 cm.

The bottom of the trench is rammed and sand or gravel pad on which a sewer pipe is laid

The bottom of the excavated trench is leveled and well rammed. Then you can start preparing the pillow. It consists of gravel or sand, the layer of which is about 10-15 cm. It is not necessary to compact the pillow throughout, but it is necessary to do this from the side of the incoming pipe and two meters before the well. Under the bells sewer pipes pits need to be made. Now you can lay the pipeline. Operations are performed in the following sequence:

  • Pipes are laid in a trench from a slope with a socket down.
  • The smooth edge of one part and the bell of the second are cleaned of dirt.
  • The ring in the socket and the smooth edge are lubricated with a special lubricant. It can be a silicone compound or regular liquid soap.
  • The length to which the part should be inserted into the socket is measured, and a risk is applied.
  • The pipe is inserted into the socket until it stops.

Thus, the entire pipeline is laid. After its installation, the slope angle must be checked, only after that they start backfilling. They start with a layer of sand, which should cover the details to a height of about 5-10 cm. Then everything is very abundantly spilled with water. This is necessary so that the sand sags well. The settled material will reliably protect the pipeline from subsiding soil and stones, preventing them from damaging the pipes. This will significantly extend the life of the sewer branch. Now you can fill the soil.

According to the requirements of SNiPs, the pipe coming out of private building must enter the differential well at a certain angle above the level of the drain

Actually preparatory work finished on this. Then it remains only to connect a new branch to central sewerage. This procedure can be performed only by employees of a specialized company, which was agreed in advance when approving the project. After the connection is made, it is necessary to notify the water utility about the readiness to launch a new line. The service company accepts the completed project for operation, and in addition concludes an agreement with the owner of the house on the reception of wastewater.

Solving the problem of storm sewers

- a mandatory stage of site planning. Output connection storm sewer to the household collector will not be able to solve the problem of storm drains. Such a "solution" significantly increases the load on the network, which can provoke even more big problems. There are two arrangement options:

  • Mounting drainage system private household with storm drains in a specially designed tank. A container for collecting melt and rain water is equipped on the site. It can later be used for watering the garden and other household needs. It is optimal to mount a natural filter in front of the tank. They can serve as a small sump.
  • Direction of wastewater to the storm sewer. It can only be carried out with permits. A pipe with storm drains is laid to the collector centralized system.

Connecting a private household to a centralized sewer can be done if desired different ways. But in any case, the participation of specialists is required. The only difference is at what stage they connect.

When arranging a sewer branch, revision wells are necessarily mounted, making it possible to control the system

Those who want to get by minimal cost, are engaged in the preparation of their own. The rest seek help from specialists who take care of all issues related to the organization and implementation of work.

After completing the installation of all utilities inside the house, it is necessary to decide how to connect to the sewer. The owner will have to make a choice: to equip an independent sewer station or connect to the central highway. Both options for organizing wastewater disposal have advantages and disadvantages, as well as restrictions on arrangement. Before starting work, it is worth consulting with a specialist who will help to avoid mistakes and unnecessary costs.

When considering options for local arrangement of an autonomous station, or a tie-in with a connection to a city sewer pipe, it is worth considering factors that will help determine the cost of work when choosing one of the options, the feasibility and laboriousness of connecting:

It is worth tie-in if the overall system is made of new pipes

  • The relief of the site, the presence of a slope.
  • The presence of a central storm sewer for the removal of rainwater.
  • The need to coordinate the connection with organizations, neighbors, obtain permits when planning work in violation of the integrity of the roadway.

Central sewer line

Benefits of connecting to a central network and limitations

Connecting to the central sewer requires serious preparation, time for paperwork, financial investments. But inserting into a common system will cost less than buying and equipping a powerful autonomous cleaning station. Other advantages of organizing the outlet of wastewater to the central pipe:

  • One-time costs: after connection, you do not have to deal with cleaning tanks, pumping out and maintaining the system.
  • Savings on consumables.
  • The possibility of a one-time solution to the issue of connecting household and storm sewers.

The procedure for organizing a tie-in to the central system is the same for large developers and private households

Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the long preparatory period - it takes time to process and coordinate documents. The second drawback is the constant dependence on the state of the city highway. If the system was built several decades ago, then it is worth calculating the cost of installing an autonomous septic tank - inserting into an emergency system can be too costly. Significantly increase the cost of the organization of water disposal can complex relief areas where the pipe is above the site. In this case, organize the connection of the pressure private sewer to the general.

An alternative to city sewerage: an autonomous septic tank

An alternative to urban sewage is the device of an autonomous cleaning system. Septic tanks for country houses release in ready-made, you can also build your own wells and equip them with filter systems. It is more profitable to make a private sewerage system on the site if it is too far to the central line or the pipe is in poor condition.

Advantages of connecting a house to a private sewer - a septic tank:

  • Complete autonomy, independence from the state of the highway.
  • Lack of regular payments for waste disposal.
  • Purified water can be reused for technical purposes.

The installation of a private cleaning system may be limited by the type of soil - in rocks that are oversaturated groundwater, you can not equip a septic tank. The arrangement of the cleaning system is carried out according to strict rules, with a mandatory indent from a residential building, road, water source.

Connecting to the central sewer: problems and solutions

How to connect to the sewer without unnecessary red tape and with minimum investment? First of all, you need to find out about the type of central highway. Next, make a preliminary plan and calculate the costs. Only then can work begin.

Types of organization of wastewater disposal into the city sewer

Before connecting to the sewer pipe, you need to find out the type of centralized system at the local water utility. There are 2 main types of urban networks:

  1. Separate sewer. In such a system, a common pipeline is laid separately to receive liquid effluents from residential buildings and other facilities, and a city storm drain is installed to drain precipitation. sewer network.

  1. Mixed type. In a system of this type, a tie-in of both a private sewer pipe from a residential building and a drain from home drainage systems is allowed at the same time.

Mixed type of connection to one pipeline

Better to join mixed system- only one project is being developed and white paper for the implementation of the disposal of all wastewater from one house with a plot. With a separate type of central network, all permits and technical conditions will have to be issued separately: for a domestic and storm system.

If it is possible to organize the installation drainage well, it is better to connect household drain to a common pipeline, and storm drains take it to your own tank. After cleaning rain water can be used for watering, filling the pond or pool, washing.

Registration of necessary documents

Before connecting to the central sewer, you must have a package on hand technical documentation and resolution. You can deal with the paperwork yourself or entrust all the paperwork to companies that specialize in the installation and maintenance of drainage systems. The service fee is worth the time spent collecting and processing paperwork.

Anyone who decides to independently organize the connection will have to:

  • Contact an expert surveyor, order the issuance of a detailed plan of the site with the house and schematic representation planned sewer network.

In the body responsible for the operation of communications, order the development and issuance of technical conditions for connection

  • Based on the data from the technical conditions and information from the developed plan, the designers create a project for connecting the house to the water supply and sewerage.

The finished project must be coordinated by the architect and the responsible specialist of the local water utility. Approve the organization that will carry out the work. The place and time of work are also coordinated in the water utility - it is impossible to carry out a tie-in without a representative of the organization.

Preparing for the tie-in: organization of work

To connect the house to the central sewer, it is necessary to lay a pipeline from the outlet of the drain from the house to the tie-in point. According to the developed project, they dig a trench. Be sure to observe the level of inclination of the pipe so that the entrance to the inspection tank is above the drain point from the well.

Trench dug at a slope

The slope of the pipe cannot be less than 1 - 2 cm per meter of straight pipe. It is better to double-check the compliance of the slope repeatedly. If the slope is too small, water will stagnate in the pipeline. If the slope is too steep, water will drain quickly, and grease and thick impurities will remain on the walls - this will lead to permanent blockages.

In a dug trench, it is advisable to equip an insulating layer - lay out the bottom concrete blocks, or lay a pipe with insulation. Non-rotten materials are used as thermal insulation. synthetic materials: polyurethane foam, PVC sleeves, non-woven winding. In loose soil, the walls can be strengthened by pouring gutters along the formwork for laying pipes. This approach will protect the pipe from destruction, and the walls from shedding. If repairs are needed, access to insulated pipe easier to provide.

foam insulating layer

To assemble a local pipeline to the point of entry into the collector, plastic moldings with sockets at one end are used.

Pipes with connection preparation

The connection is carried out with a socket in the direction of the flow. Additional insulation of the joints is not required: the pipes at the joints are equipped with factory frost-resistant seals.

It is advisable to lay the pipeline in a straight line

Choose a laying path with a minimum number of sharp turns and height differences. High angle bends are areas of potential blockage. If it is impossible to avoid turning the pipeline at an angle of up to 90 °, a viewing tank is equipped in this place. The tank is a concrete or plastic well with a hatch.

In places of branching and large angles of rotation, viewing tanks are installed

The reservoir is used for preventive inspection of the condition of local pipes and for repairs and cleaning of the system.

Connection and maintenance

After finishing work on connecting elements private system, you can connect to street sewerage. Be sure to invite an employee of the organization responsible for the operation of the highway section.

2 ways to connect to the central network:

  • Use a piece of plastic pipe with a special nozzle. The junction is sealed with moisture and frost-resistant sealants.
  • Insert adapter. The cost of a special adapter is quite high, but its design is more durable. The adapter is a solid monolithic plate with bolts and a nozzle according to the diameter of the incoming pipe. A hole is formed in the pipeline, a branch pipe is put on the local pipe and the structure is connected by tightening the bolts.

Adapter for connecting the local pipeline to the central

After completing the work and checking the tightness of the tie-in, the representative of the water utility signs a drainage agreement with the owner of the house.

Storm system: methods of arranging drainage

Complex issue- how to connect the storm drain of a private residential building to the city sewer. After all, the insertion of storm drains into a separate sewer is prohibited. It is necessary to develop separate conditions and conduct a pipeline to a common storm system. Most profitable option- tie-in to a mixed sewer. Works can be combined and immediately bring household and drainage pipe to the network.

Connection to the city storm main

There are 3 ways to ensure the drainage of rainwater from the site:

  • A tie-in to the city highway.
  • Diversion of the drainage system into the ground. Such a decision can lead to constant erosion of the soil, flooding of one's own and neighboring basements.
  • Creating your own drainage system with a cleaning tank. Water is discharged into a container with filters, purified water is discharged for reuse.

Insertion into the central sewer network

For connection to the city storm system on preparatory stage draw up documentation, in the same way as for domestic wastewater disposal. The pipe is laid at an angle from the house to the entrance to the network. Use plastic pipes of smaller diameter.

The disadvantage of connection is the duration and organizational complexity of the procedure, dependence on the condition and cleanliness of the city pipe.

Autonomous system for a private house

Optimal solution for a private house - arrangement of a drainage system. Water from the ground surface is fed into the drains, through pipes it is fed into the receiving tank. The well equipped with filters is connected in series with the next container for collecting purified water.

Autonomous storm water: water is reused

Such a storm sewer has the following advantages:

  • Rainwater collection is organized over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site - in the yard, soil will not erode and water will not stagnate in the recesses.
  • The effectiveness of the system depends only on the correct installation and correct calculation volume of receiving containers.
  • Autonomy: no need to pay for rainwater disposal, collect documents.

Pressure sewer connection: system features

How to connect to the central sewer of a private house located on a plot in a recess? To organize water disposal in difficult areas, equip pressure systems.

Technical features of the arrangement and the advantages of pressure sewerage

When it is not possible to directly lay pipes to the central collector or pipe due to the rise of the terrain, it is necessary to equip a system with forced pumping of liquid between the tanks. This type of sewerage is called pressure.

Scheme of arrangement of local pressure sewerage

The withdrawal system consists of the following elements:

  • The receiver is divided into a sump and a compartment for pumping. The first tank receives water from a domestic drain pipe. The output chamber is equipped with a powerful pumping equipment. From the reservoir, the liquid is pumped through the pipeline to the next well.
  • Lookout well. Water from the sump enters the revision well under pressure. Through the drain, the effluents flow into the common city pipe along the gravity line.

The arrangement of such a cleaning system is justified if it is possible to organize the simultaneous connection of several houses in order to reduce costs. Before deciding to connect, it is worth considering the possibility of installing an autonomous cleaning network.

Video: tie-in to the city system

Detailed report of piping and connection works home system to a common highway.

The choice of the type of connection to the city sewer, or the decision to equip a private cleaning system, is best taken only after consultation with professionals. Specialists know what condition the central pipeline is in, how much it will cost to implement the project, what they can save on. You cannot work on your own. And for unauthorized tapping, you will have to pay a fine. To insure yourself against troubles, it is better to entrust the entire process to a construction organization - this will speed up the stage of paperwork and guarantee smooth operation sewerage.

When building a personal estate, it is important to create a high-quality sewer system. If a private sector located in the city, it is worth connecting to the central sewer if possible.

Advantages of joining a centralized sewer

To connect to the central sewer, it is necessary to build a revision well

Connection to the central sewer line allows:

  • Save on material costs. You do not have to purchase equipment for arranging a septic tank and its maintenance. The costs will be minimal.
  • Get rid of worries about the cleanliness of drains. This function is taken over by service organizations.
  • Use the sewer for a long time, connecting once.

All that is required for the normal functioning of the system is making a monthly payment.

Collection of necessary documents and permits

Having planned the connection, contact the geodetic organization to develop a plan. It is created on the technical plan of the building and land plot. You can reduce the cost of geodesy if you connect houses to a centralized sewer network together with neighbors.

Additional documents you will need:

  • Technical conditions for connection of highways. Created by an organization engaged in the maintenance of sewer systems.
  • The project of connection of branch to the city sewerage. It is compiled by a design engineer on the basis of a plan-scheme and specifications.
  • Resolution of design documents in the water utility and architecture department.

Necessary additional approval a project with supervisory organizations, the mains of which may be located on the planned sewerage route. These include traffic police (when laying across the road), companies that oversee the operation of heat and electricity networks. In addition, the consent of the residents of neighboring houses to carry out construction and installation work in the vicinity of their backyard territories may be required.

Preparatory work

Depth and slope of the pipeline are adjustable sanitary standards and rules

Preparation is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. A well is installed for revision. Conducting sewer networks in a private house with a connection to a citywide highway is possible only if it is available for access during emergency or planned cleaning.
  2. A trench is dug and a place is being prepared where the drain pipe will be connected to the well.
  3. Already existing intra-house sewer systems are connected to the common outlet.

The depth of the trench should be 5 cm below the planned deepening of the highways. The slope of the pipeline should be an average of 2 cm per meter. With a slight inclination, household waste flows slowly, which leads to blockage. If the slope is made excessively steep, the liquid will leave very quickly, not having time to carry away the dirt. It is also one of common causes the occurrence of blockages.

The outer pipe must be larger than the inner riser. Its diameter is from 150 mm to 250 mm. In the case of a public tie-in to the central sewerage system, pipes with a diameter of 250 mm are used; elements with a smaller cross section are used to install outlets to courtyard areas. An additional inspection well is installed at the connection site of each house.

When determining the width of the ditch, they are guided by next criterion: for a highway with a cross section of 110 mm, the pit should not be narrower than 60 cm. For a different section, the trench width is calculated proportionally.

After completing all the preparatory work, you can contact the city service, which is engaged in connecting a private house to the city sewer.

Connection Methods

Depending on the type centralized network connect to it in a separate or mixed way. The first is used if there is a need for separate connection of household and storm sewers. In the second option, it is not required to tie two separate highways.

Permission to lay sewer pipes to the city system is issued only if an inspection or overflow well is installed nearby. It is necessary to connect the pipeline from the building to it. It is taken into account that the pipe section extending from a private house must enter the well at an angle above the drain level.

The laying of the highway is carried out to the required depth. The depth is determined depending on the freezing point of the soil: from 1.25 in the south to 3.5 m in the north. The average value is 2 m.

Lay the pipeline as follows:

  1. The bottom of the dug ditch is leveled and carefully rammed.
  2. A sand-gravel cushion is poured with a layer of about 15 cm. Compaction along the entire length of the trench is not required. Only near the entrance of the highway and at a distance of two meters from the well, it is necessary to compact the layer.
  3. Pipes are laid in a trench from the house under a slope with a bell down. The joints of the pipe elements are cleaned of dirt.
  4. The smooth edge of the pipe section and the socket ring are lubricated with silicone.
  5. Measure the length for which you want to insert the pipe section into the socket, apply a mark.
  6. The pipe is inserted into the socket until it stops.

A similar method is used to lay the entire pipeline. After assembly in without fail check the angle of inclination, only after that you can fill up the trench. First, a layer of sand and gravel is poured. The pillow should be 5–10 cm higher than the pipeline. Then the gravel-sand layer is abundantly watered with water for good shrinkage. The settled material will protect the pipes from the pressure of soil and stones and will not allow them to damage the pipeline. This will increase the life of the sewer line. After the sand layer, the rest of the ditch is covered with soil.

Final stage

The last stage is that the local backbone is connected to the central network only with the personal presence of a service specialist water management. He will further confirm that all work has been carried out in accordance with sanitary and building codes.

The contract for the sewer disposal service is signed by a representative of the service organization and the owner of the house. This document reports the volume of household waste and payment for the provision of the service.

The cost of connecting to the central sewer

The cost of connection depends on the region and the remoteness of the building from the central pipe

How much it will cost to install such a highway depends on many factors:

  • region of residence;
  • distance from the building to the connection point;
  • type of soil, the depth of its freezing and landscape features;
  • groundwater level;
  • connection method;
  • pipe type.

The average price for connecting a private house, which is located less than 50 meters from the central sewer, is 50,000 rubles. The calculation is carried out together with the preparation of documents and materials. The price of the tie-in, if the estate is more than 50 m away, starts from 70,000 rubles.

Arrangement of sewer systems is perhaps one of the most costly (in the field of finances, time and nerves) areas of work. But it is impossible to do without sewerage. Especially if you plan to live in the house permanently. Sometimes it is more profitable to connect a cottage to a central sewer system. In situations where the house is located in the city. How does a sewer connection work? Who should I contact and what documents do I need to complete?

Tapping into the central sewer: an economical and legal approach

Intrusion into any utility systems (heating, gas and water supply, wastewater disposal) must be carried out with the permission of their owner. Illegal tapping into the sewer is only extra waste financial and time sources. You will have to pay a fine and dismantle the unauthorized section of the system at your own expense. Therefore, it is better to do everything legally.

1. Find out which organization is engaged in the disposal and treatment of wastewater in the area adjacent to the house.

2. Collect the necessary documents and carry out preparatory work.

3. It is legal to connect to the city sewer.

Now let's take a closer look at each stage and outline the options for saving money.

Walking through the authorities, collecting pieces of paper, signing them, agreeing can be entrusted to a specialized company. But for this you will have to pay a tidy sum of money. If you do everything yourself, then save.

Can also be found the right words and an iron justification for contacting the water utility with a proposal to improve the sewer line adjacent to your house. The task is to convince city services of the benefits of this event.

You, as the owner of the house, do not have to call a surveyor, agree on a connection plan, register it with the right authorities. All you need is your financial help.

Vodokanal will be able to modernize one of the branches of the central sewerage system and improve its reporting. This event is beneficial for both parties.

Another way to save is a collective tie-in to the central sewer. Talk to neighbors. Perhaps someone also wants to connect to the city sewer. It will be more profitable to do it at the same time.

Preparatory work

How to prepare for a tap into the sewer system of the city?

1. Install an inspection well on the site.

It is needed for routine inspection, cleaning and maintenance of the sewer branch. Without an inspection well, connect to central system won't allow. Since problems in your branch can lead to the failure of the entire sewer.

2. Connect the internal sewage system to the inspection well.

Sewer pipes that go from the house must lie at a depth of at least one hundred and twenty centimeters. The slope of the sewer per linear meter of the pipeline is five millimeters (approximately). If you tilt the pipe less, the risk of blockages increases. If you make a slope of more than seven millimeters, the wear of the pipes increases.

Insertion into the city sewer

When all the preparatory work has been completed, it is necessary to inform the company serving the sewer network about your desire to connect to the sewer.

The connection procedure consists of several stages:

1. Call a surveyor.

The specialist examines the area. He will develop a situational plan, which will indicate the plan of the house and the plan of the future sewer branch.

2. Applying.

An application is submitted to the sewer service company with a request to develop individual technical conditions for wastewater disposal.

3. Registration and approval of the project for entering the central sewer.

You give the finished situational plan and technical specifications to the designers. Based on them, a project is being drawn up for entering the central sewer network. This document must be approved by the water utility and the architect. The latter must also give permission for connection work by one or another organization.

In some cases, permission from neighbors may be required to conduct repair work next to their sites. If a new sewer branch crosses pavement, you will need permission from the road maintenance service and the automobile inspection.

When all work is completed, the water utility must be notified of the launch of the line. The company servicing the sewerage network accepts the completed project and concludes a contract for the collection of wastewater.

If the central sewer pipeline is located above the site where the house stands, a pressure sewer must be equipped.

On the site determine the location of the receiving well (2). Equip it according to the principle of the simplest septic tank. Waste water from the house (1) enters the sump of the receiving well (2 a). The effluents cleared of large suspensions flow through the grate (9) into the pumping tank (2 b). A pump (10) is installed here, which will transport wastewater to the general sewerage system (8). The pump power depends on the following conditions:

  • pressure line length (6); this is a pipeline that removes effluents from the site;
  • the magnitude of the rise of effluents (how low is the site relative to the central highway);
  • number of stocks.

The pressure pipeline leads to a manhole (3). From here, wastewater will flow into the city network by gravity (7).

The arrangement of a pressure sewer is possible for several neighboring houses at once. The receiving well is made common. Accordingly, its dimensions and pump power will be larger. If such work is planned, it is better to connect your house immediately. Subsequent unauthorized insertion into the sewer can lead to overcrowding of the receiving well, to a breakdown of the pump, to problems with neighbors and heavy fines.

Methods for inserting into a sewer pipe

How can I connect a branch to an existing sewer pipe?

1. Through a tee.

Saw and cut a piece of existing pipe. A tee will be installed at this location. Therefore, the dimensions of the sawn piece must correspond to the dimensions of the tee.

The tee is put on pipe segments using a coupling. The joints are welded.

If you want to connect to the system from plastic pipes, then one pipe is replaced by two segments. And between them they insert a pipe to connect an additional branch. The preparation of a pipe section with a branch pipe is shown in the diagram:

2. Through an adapter.

Modern transitional device. To connect to the sewer through the adapter, perform the following steps:

  • blocking the water in the system;
  • put a crown on the drill suitable diameter and make a hole in the pipe with it;
  • if the adapter is with bolts, then it is pulled onto the pipe and the bolts are tightened;
  • if the device is without bolts, then the surface is degreased, a tie-in is applied and the nut is tightened.

The tie-in into the sewer pipe must be carried out by specialists. Since the serviceability of the system, the absence of leaks during operation depends on its quality.

Every owner of a future private house dreams of comfortable conditions residence. Comfort is impossible without quality system sewerage. If you decide to build it yourself, then before you dig a foundation pit, you need to clarify whether there is a central sewage system near the house. Subject to the location of the city sewer near a private house, there is a need to connect to the system.

If you look unprofessional look on the process of installing a sewer in a private house or apartment, then you can not see a fundamental difference. Looking at the details, there are significant differences. The advantages of laying sewerage in a private house are obvious. In the bathroom of the apartment you will not be able to place plumbing equipment the way you want and your sewage system is constantly dependent on the decency of your neighbors.

Connection to the central sewerage of a private house

Connecting the sewerage of a private house to the city sewerage can be done independently, but for this you need to obtain the appropriate certificates and approvals. This is problematic, but will save a significant amount of your budget, which can be spent on other needs of a private home. You should not connect the sewerage illegally, because after that you will have to pay a large fine and spend a considerable amount on dismantling.

Stages of preparation:

  • Construction of an inspection well on the territory of the site, with which you can control the system, as well as carry out maintenance and repair work.
  • Digging a trench for the pipe and joining the central well.
  • Compound internal system and pipeline devices.

Advantages of connecting to the central sewerage of a private house

  • Significant savings on the purchase, installation and maintenance of an autonomous sewer system.
  • Long term use of sewerage subject to regular payment.
  • There is no need to control the quality and quantity of water.

preparation of trenches and laying pipes for connection to the central sewer

The first steps

First you need to decide on the type of connection. Separate is used when connecting two types of sewerage - storm and domestic. With a mixed connection, one large pipe is carried out, which is connected to common system. Insert in city ​​sewer impossible without visiting the city water utility, where you need to get permission to connect to the city sewer. If they allow technical capabilities, you will easily be given required document. Next, you need to call a specialist to draw up a plan and apply a laying diagram to it, you also need to conclude an agreement on drafting a project, which is approved by a representative of the water utility, as well as an architect. Neighbors must sign for permission to work near their homes and plots. Finally, the water utility signs a contract for the collection of sewage.

If the pipeline passes above the site, then there is a need to install a pressure sewer:

  • According to the principle of a septic tank, a receiving well with a sump for wastewater is equipped.
  • Lead to the viewing well pressurized water supply, from which wastewater will flow by gravity into the city network.

There are several ways to connect a branch to a sewer pipe:

  1. Install the tee on the cut piece of pipe. They put it on with the help of a coupling, the joints are welded.
  2. Connection via adapter adapter. But in this case, it is necessary to shut off the water in the system, make a hole with a drill, tighten the adapter, tighten the bolts. If there are no bolts, then nuts are tightened on a degreased surface.

Entrust this process to specialists, because the quality of the tie-in depends on the absence of leaks and the correct operation of the system.

When digging a trench, you need to choose the right width so that there is room for laying parts. Do not forget to tamp the bottom well and start preparing a pillow from a mixture of sand and gravel. It must be compacted at the beginning and two meters from the well. For an external pipeline in a private house, cast-iron or polymer pipes are used.

preparation of sewer pipes

Plumbing sequence:

  1. Pipes have a socket down.
  2. Joints are thoroughly cleaned.
  3. Joint parts must be well lubricated with soap.
  4. Measure the length and insert the pipe all the way into the socket.

According to this scheme, the entire pipeline is laid. Before backfilling, check the slope of the pipes. First, the pipe is covered with sand by 5-10 cm, then it is necessary to pour water on it so that the sand subsides, and then the soil is covered.

After you have resolved the issue with the central sewer, think about how to remove rainwater from the site. This is simple procedure, but note that during heavy rain the receiving well will overflow, and sewage will pour out. In order to avoid trouble, it is necessary to make a tie-in separately, because the central pipeline is capable of more than a private sewer system. In the event of unpleasant surprises from the water utility, or other nuances in which it is impossible to connect to the city network, install a separate container on the site to collect rainwater. The reservoir is cooled by the soil. Due to the low temperature, algae and bacteria multiply in it. If you lay a drain to it and put a filter, then garbage will not get into the tank. Water from the tank can be used for watering the garden or other household (non-drinking) purposes.

connecting pipes to the central sewer

Pipeline testing stages:

  1. There is a need to determine the correct laying of the system and the accuracy of the docking, so external lines must be laid without rubber rings.
  2. The stage is carried out after the installation of the system, when the pipes and septic tanks are not yet covered. The system is subjected to maximum load in all areas. At this stage, you can visually identify existing problems, see defects and damage.

At self-assembly sewer pipes should be avoided such errors:

  • Check pipe slope during design and assembly.
  • Do not apply excessive force when spigot installation, this may damage the seal. Use Vaseline to lubricate to prevent breakage.
  • If you do not have experience in adhesive bond, then use a bell-shaped one, because it is easier to assemble.
  • Incorrect fastening of pipes leads to their sagging and destruction of rubber seals.

Connection problems

There is a possibility that from the sewer branch to the house there may be various engineering Communication, heating, electricity, gas. Connection not possible:

  • if several communications pass between the house and the city sewer;
  • when the system is dilapidated;
  • when passing underground a private system with high prices for connection.

rules for connecting to the sewer

In such situations, it is possible to establish autonomous system for wastewater treatment. It is necessary to pump out water from septic tanks twice a year, waste sludge can be used as fertilizer. The unprecedented demand for modern autonomous sewage is due to several reasons-advantages:

  • Due to the durable housing, the plastic is not deformed and does not undergo corrosive changes.
  • The unit is compact and easy to assemble, has a light weight, takes up little space on the site.
  • Special maintenance is not required, there is no need for the services of vacuum trucks, used sludge does not have an unpleasant odor.
  • Long service life - 50 years.

The only drawback of autonomous sewer stations- dependence on electricity, i.e. the installation is not recommended for use in an area where there are power outages. Before installing a septic tank, you need to decide how many family members will live in the house, and calculate how many liters of water to purchase a sewer system.

Regardless of what choice you have made - you have preferred city sewerage or decided on an autonomous one, remember that it is better to entrust installation and connection to professionals. Thus, you will relieve yourself of unnecessary responsibility and avoid large financial costs for costly repairs. Specialists themselves will determine the place of installation of a septic tank or laying a trench to the city sewer. In addition, they can help you design necessary documents. You will receive a quality service, and you will also be able to enjoy the benefits of civilization for a long time.