Rules for connecting a private house to a central sewer. Connection to the central sewer. What the experts say

The central sewerage system, connected to a private house, once and for all solves the issue of water disposal: removal of sewage and accumulating storm water. To connect, you will need to comply with some legal formalities related to paperwork. Therefore, before starting work, it is worth determining whether a connection to the central sewer riser is really necessary.

Tapping into the central sewer is justified for several reasons:

  1. Savings on installation. There will be no need to install and maintain a septic tank, which requires significant material costs.
  2. Ease of maintenance. To continue to use the services of public water disposal, it is enough to pay for the services provided in a timely manner. The sewer well must be regularly serviced: pump out accumulated effluents, monitor serviceability. You will need to regularly pay for the services of a sewer.
  3. There is no need to control the amount of wastewater discharged into sewer well.

If the benefits are significant enough then a tie-in to the central sewer is necessary. After deciding on the feasibility of connecting, determine what steps will need to be taken to connect to the riser on legal grounds.

Step by step paperwork

Connecting a private house to central sewerage legally allowed, but requires strict adherence to the rules of paperwork. Follow the following order:

  1. Contacting a geodetic company. At this stage, a scheme is developed possible connection taking into account the characteristics of the soil, the depth of groundwater, the location of the sites. The service is paid.
  2. Obtaining technical conditions. TU is issued by the service organization existing plumbing and waste disposal systems. The organization will consider the possibility of connection and issue permission for the tie-in. If the technical conditions do not allow connection, the organization provides detailed description reasons for refusal, which can be challenged in court.

  3. Project. Connection to the sewerage is carried out according to the project made by the specialist. Documentation is prepared on the basis of previously issued technical specifications and a plan issued by a surveying company.
  4. Coordination. All documents are checked again. If there are no errors in the project and specifications, permission is issued for the tie-in. connect new network will be the company specified in the agreement.

The difficulty of connecting in a private house often lies in the disagreement of neighbors to conduct construction works, in close proximity to their sites. Even at the stage of paperwork, it is worth collecting the signatures of the residents that they do not mind the installation.

Installation work

Only representatives of a specialized installation organization can make a tie-in into the existing sewer network. At the stage of contacting the company, an estimate will be drawn up and the cost of services rendered for connection will be calculated.

To reduce costs, you can only agree on a tie-in to the central sewer riser, and connect the private house and the wiring of the house line yourself. The laying of the pipeline must be completed before the arrival of the installation organization.

When laying pipes from the house to the central riser, observe following conditions:

  1. At the bottom of the trench is laid sand cushion. The bottom is well compacted with water flow.
  2. The slope of the pipe is strictly observed, which is at least 1 cm for each running meter.
  3. The socket is mounted from the slope downwards.
  4. Ideally, there should be no turns in the pipeline, but if corners are necessary, an inspection well is installed above it.

It happens that neighbors or well-meaning friends recommend that the person who decides how to connect to the sewer do the cutting himself. But this is gross violation current building codes. The person who decides to connect in this way should be prepared for the consequences:

  1. Penalties.
  2. Disconnect from sewer network for a long time.

Inspections of the water supply lines are carried out regularly, so there is a pipeline for a long time, independently embedded in the central network treatment facilities, will not. Formal registration of the tie-in requires material investments, but it will cost less than the fine that you have to pay.

When building a house, the owner will have to resolve the issue related to connecting a private house to the central sewerage system. In many villages and summer cottages, a central sewerage system is being laid, to which, if necessary, you can connect.

In some cases, the connection is shared when engineering communications connects several neighboring plots. This method significantly complicates the operation and subsequently complicates the maintenance of communications. A more preferable option is to connect to the central sewerage system separately for each house. Such a measure is not only desirable, but even necessary.

Many summer residents and owners of private houses prefer to make an individual sewerage and water supply system. This allows you to independently control their condition, the level of flow. But the difficulties with pumping out the sewer, repairing it, and eliminating gusts will have to be solved on their own, without counting on the help of water supply services. Connecting the sewer to the general network allows you to use it for a very long time, provided that the bill is paid on time. Installing such a sewer allows you to save money by saving on the purchase of parts and installation of equipment. The decision on whether it is worth connecting the sewerage system to the general network is preferably taken at the stage of building a house. This will save not only the time of connecting all the necessary devices, pipes and equipment, but also significantly reduce costs without damaging appearance houses and plots.

Carrying out the preparatory stage

First of all, you need to choose the type of sewer connection. There are only 2 of them:

  1. Mixed. In this case, the storm sewer will be connected together with the household one. That is, precipitation and runoff will pass through one pipe. This method is suitable when the nearby sewer is of a mixed type.
  2. Separate. When connected separately, the drains will go through one pipe, and precipitation- on the other. Used when domestic and storm sewer must be connected separately.

The connection must be coordinated with the plumbing service. This organization establishes the dimensions of the pipes and the method of installation. The organization must pay for the installation of pipes to the boundary of the site. The construction of the input connecting the house sewer with the central one is paid by the developer. Connection work is expensive. There is a way to save money: the event should be started as part of a modernization project. To do this, before starting work, you need to contact the water utility with a corresponding request on the condition of financial participation in the event. If a positive decision is made, then the organization will pay for some of the work. Another way to save on a sewer tie-in is a collective installation with neighbors.

Collecting a package of documents

Those who do not like to go through the authorities can contact a special service that deals with tie-in sewers. However, their work costs a lot of money, so if you decide to save money, you will have to collect documents yourself. The package of documents includes:

  1. Site plan showing the pipeline scheme. The plan can be made by a service engaged in conducting geodetic examinations.
  2. Conditions for a new connection. To obtain a document, you will have to contact a communications service organization.
  3. The project of inserting a new sewer branch to the central collector. The project will be done by a specialist on the basis of the previous two documents.
  4. Coordination of the plan with the architect and in the water utility.

Implementation of a tie-in to the central sewer

Additionally, you will have to obtain permission from the neighbors, especially if, in accordance with the project, the sewer line will pass through the territory summer cottages or close to them. It is necessary to prepare a separate document in which the neighbors will sign, confirming their consent. Collecting documents is troublesome, but necessary, since unauthorized insertion of a sewer branch to the central system can result in a fine.

After collecting all the necessary documents, you can proceed to the preparatory work in a private house. Next to the house you need to put a revision well, which will be used to service domestic sewage. A branch will go through it to public sewerage. The arrangement of the revision well is extremely important, since in its absence, permission will not be given to insert the sewer. To connect the house to the sewerage system, a trench should be prepared for laying pipes. When digging trenches, a slope must be observed so that wastewater flows by gravity into the sewer. Optimal slope it is easy to calculate: for each meter of the pipe there should be a slight subsidence of about 3 cm.

The trench must be wide enough to allow enough pipe to be laid. large diameter(up to 250 mm). The bottom of the trench is carefully compacted, then covered with a layer of rubble or sand at least 10 cm thick. Make pits under the sockets.

Sewer system installation

When installing a pipe from the house to the revision well, all technical requirements. For example, observe: it should not be more than 7 mm per 1 m. This simple measure will extend the service life and simplify the passage of wastewater through pipes. A smaller angle of inclination will inevitably lead to clogging, as the movement of waste through the pipe will become more difficult. If you make too much slope, the pipe will quickly fail. In addition, water will run too fast through such a pipe, not having time to wash off dirt, grease, etc., which will lead to clogging.

In addition to the optimal slope level, one more requirement must be observed: the depth of the trench. This indicator will vary depending on the depth of soil freezing. To find out the optimal level of trench depth, you need to familiarize yourself with sanitary standards and rules (SNiP). When digging trenches, it is necessary to take into account the type of soil, the depth of groundwater and other terrain characteristics. Typically, the depth of the trench does not exceed 1.2 m from the top edge of the pipe, but should not be less than 50 cm. Important point is the number of pipe turns. Ideally, it is better not to do them at all. But if you can't avoid corners, it's best to smooth them out. If the angle is too large, another revision well should be made at this place.

After laying the pipe parts, they begin to backfill: first a 10 cm layer of sand, then soil. After the backfill is completed, the place where the pipe passes is filled with water: thanks to this, the soil will sag well. The tie-in itself into the sewer riser is carried out only with the personal participation of an employee of the water utility.

He is invited to confirm that the work was carried out with high quality, correctly and in accordance with all established norms. In the future, employees of a special service are engaged in summarizing the new branch to the general sewerage.

Storm sewer connection

It is necessary to solve the problem of "rainfall" at the planning stage of work. Combining storm and domestic sewers will increase the load on the pipes, which will cause problems. There are two ways to solve the problem:

  1. Mounting drainage system. The storm drain will go to a special reservoir. A container is installed on the site where the pump is mounted.
  2. Mounting storm sewer carried out after obtaining a special permit. The rainwater pipe is separately connected to the central collector.

Connecting a branch to a public sewer will make it as easy as possible to maintain the system, not worry about the level of wastewater in the septic tank, and eliminate many problems associated with repair and maintenance.

When building a house near centralized networks the owner often faces a choice: to install an autonomous drainage system or connect to central communications.

Connecting to the central sewerage of a private house is the most popular solution, but you need to know a lot of subtleties: the main disadvantages and advantages of this approach, what documents and permits should be obtained, how to prepare private plot and how to connect correctly.

The answers to these questions are in this article.

Disadvantages and advantages of connecting to a central sewer

Before making a final decision on choosing the type of sewer system, you should know all the advantages and disadvantages of connecting to central network.

Advantages of this solution:

  • connection price is lower than installation cost autonomous septic tank;
  • possibly save on materials;
  • the problem of drainage of storm and utility water can be simultaneously solved;
  • owners of a private house do not need to monitor the quality and volume of runoff water;
  • there is no need to regularly clean and pump liquid from special catchment tanks used in autonomous sewerage, so the maintenance of such a system is simpler and cheaper.

The main disadvantages include:

  • the need to collect many documents and permits from various authorities;
  • a long wait for a permit;
  • you will need to pay monthly for the use of sewerage.

Where to start, what permits you need to obtain, what documents you need

First of all, you need to find out what type of central sewage system is located next to a private house: separate or mixed. Then you should calculate the upfront costs and, if possible, reduce them as much as possible. For example, effective way savings is the collective connection to a common network.

Before starting work on laying the central sewer line to a private house, the owner of the site needs to know where to apply for permits and what package of documents will be required.

The list of required documents and where to apply for them:

  • land plan, where the pipeline connection diagram is plotted. Performed by organizations specializing in expert geodetic assessments;
  • technical conditions for connecting to the highway. Compiled by companies that work in the field of sewerage network services;
  • the developed project of connection to the general pipeline. It is carried out by the master designer, taking into account the technical conditions and the plan of the private site, prepared at the previous stages;
  • an approved project in the KP "Vodokanal" and the Architectural Department, at the same stage, the organization is selected to connect an individual branch to the city sewer communications, the result is the conclusion of an agreement with the water utility.

Another important document is a list of residents of nearby houses and their signatures, indicating that they have nothing against laying sewer pipeline.

If third-party networks (for example, thermal or electrical) pass through the area where the pipeline will be located, or if there is a road, then you will also need to obtain permits from the enterprises operating these networks.

It is important to know that in the absence of all the above documents and permits, in the event of an illegal tie-in, the owner of a private plot will be obliged pay a significant fine, as well as to dismantle the sewer branch at their own expense.

Site preparation for tie-in and connection types

Before starting the installation itself, it is necessary to carry out work to prepare a private area for tie-in. Preparatory activities carried out in this order:

  1. Install a manhole. This design provides constant access to the individual part of the central sewer for its maintenance, removal of blockages and repairs.
  2. They dig trenches for laying pipes and prepare the connection point for the pipeline drain to the well.
  3. Connect the existing drainage systems inside the building to the main outlet.

On this preparatory work are completed, and the owner of a private plot needs to contact the municipal service of the city, which will connect to the main sewer line. There are several types of connection to the central sewer in a private house: separate and mixed.

At separate version Separate drainage systems for storm and utility water are connected to the city sewerage system. To shortcomings This type includes the need to insert 2 pipes, which involves double payment and ensuring the functioning of these systems on the site of a private house. The advantage is that there is no need for additional testing of storm water.

The mixed approach is used only for a mixed type pipeline and involves a common drainage tie-in for all types of wastewater. The advantage of this solution is the lower cost and duration of work, as well as the absence of the need to maintain the second system of the private site.

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We connect the sewer to a private house - stages of work

When laying the pipeline, it is important to provide the necessary slope so that the wastewater flows independently at a suitable speed. It is recommended to stick to a subsidence of 3-5 cm per meter. The depth of the bookmark should be more than 1 meter.

After the implementation of all preparatory stages(installation of a revision well; digging a trench and connecting it to a well; connecting a drainage system inside the building to a manhole and a trench created), you can start connecting an individual branch to a common central sewer.

The main stages of the procedure:

Connection quality control

To the mounted system, according to building codes and rules, the following requirements are put forward:

Connection cost

The owners of a private house, before deciding to connect to the central highway, should know how much this procedure costs. The main expense item will be the appeal to specialists to calculate the depth of the pipes, design and draw up a work plan, as well as obtain permission for the tie-in.

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Even if the trencher and pipe laying is carried out by the owner of the site on his own, the pipeline tie-in can only be carried out by a water utility employee or a foreman from a company licensed from utility company. If pipes are laid by specialists, then you will need to pay an average of 1000 rubles. per linear meter, as well as separately pay for the installation of the pipe in the well.

Self connection is not only costly, but also quite troublesome. You will need to collect the entire package of documents, obtain the necessary permits from the relevant authorities and solve many other organizational problems. It is possible to make life easier by using the services of specialized companies. The cost of connecting a private house to the sewerage system will, of course, increase, however, the company will undertake the preparation of a package of documents, obtain permission from neighbors for tie-in pipes, design work and certify them with the water utility and the architect.

There is also an opportunity to save on connection to a centralized highway. However, it is only available if it is planned to carry out sewer renovation work. If the owner of a private house turns to the Vodokanal representative office and financially supports the modernization with a certain amount, then the organization can take over the design and connection, which will reduce costs. Also, the cost of connection will decrease if you carry out a collective tie-in of pipes together with neighbors.


Compared to an autonomous sewer system, the operation of a central sewer requires fewer resources. However, even in this case, certain rules must be observed in order to avoid problems in the future.

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Main operating rules:

  • do not throw large, durable objects into the drain that can clog pipes (for example, hair, paper, feminine hygiene products);
  • it is advisable to regularly clean the siphons under the sinks in the kitchen, as well as clean the plumbing using a plunger and a wire brush;
  • use a wire brush to remove small clogs in the toilet bowl. Such a device can be made independently by using a piece of cable with a fan-shaped end fluffed out.

It is also recommended not to use strong chemical cleaners to clean blockages. volatiles. This can cause poisoning of family members and adversely affect the ecological condition. environment. Instead, it is better to use hydrodynamic cleaning. plumbing equipment.

Storm sewer: how to connect to the central

After the decision has been made to connect to the central sewer for domestic drainage, the question of how to remove rainwater from the site should be considered.

Least cost this procedure will be required if drainage is carried out to the territory near a private house through a drainage system. However, this is often not possible, so it is best to storm drains also output to the central pipeline.

With a mixed type of connection, the following situation may occur: the level of precipitation will rise significantly, as a result of which the sewer well will not cope with large quantity liquids. Then the runoff water, along with sewage, will rise to the top, which will bring many problems to the owner of the site.

To avoid such a nuisance, you can make a separate connection to the central sewer in a private house, i.e. pipes for storm and domestic water. The disadvantage of this approach is an increase in the cost of installing a second pipe and maintaining additional system.

The procedure for collecting documents is similar to the process of preparing for connecting a household sewer. Also, permission from neighbors and relevant organizations will be required if the pipes pass in the area of ​​​​the road surface, electricity networks or heating networks. It is necessary to prepare a plan of a private plot with a plotted connection diagram, developed technical conditions, a created project, which must be certified by the specialists of the water utility and the architect.

Preliminary work are the installation of a special well, laying trenches, connecting them to the well, as well as connecting internal sewerage private house to a general conclusion.

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Before connecting, be sure to notify the water utility in writing about the start of work. The procedure itself is carried out with the personal presence of a water utility employee who controls compliance with all norms and rules.

It is important to note that in case of unauthorized installation of a storm sewer and inserting it into the main, the owner can receive a fine for an impressive amount. He will also be obliged to pay for the dismantling of an individual part of the pipeline.

Therefore, it is better to immediately collect all the permits and documents, then with timely payment, the owner of the site can use the sewer system for a long time without problems.


Arrangement of sewer systems is perhaps one of the most expensive (in the field of finances, time and nerves) work areas. But it is impossible to do without sewerage. Especially if you plan to live in the house permanently. Sometimes it is more profitable to connect a cottage to a central sewer system. In situations where the house is located in the city. How does a sewer connection work? Who should I contact and what documents do I need to complete?

Tapping into the central sewer: an economical and legal approach

Intrusion into any utility systems (heating, gas and water supply, wastewater disposal) must be carried out with the permission of their owner. Illegal tapping into the sewer is only extra waste financial and time sources. You will have to pay a fine and dismantle the unauthorized section of the system at your own expense. Therefore, it is better to do everything legally.

1. Find out which organization is engaged in the disposal and treatment of wastewater in the area adjacent to the house.

2. Collect Required documents and do the preparatory work.

3. It is legal to connect to the city sewer.

Now let's take a closer look at each stage and outline the options for savings. Money.

Walking through the authorities, collecting papers, signing them, agreeing can be entrusted to a specialized company. But for this you will have to pay a tidy sum of money. If you do everything yourself, then save.

Can also be found the right words and an iron justification for contacting the water utility with a proposal to improve the sewer line adjacent to your house. The task is to convince city services of the benefits of this event.

You, as the owner of the house, do not have to call a surveyor, agree on a connection plan, register it with the right authorities. All you need is your financial help.

Vodokanal will be able to modernize one of the branches of the central sewerage system and improve its reporting. This event is beneficial for both parties.

Another way to save is a collective tie-in to the central sewer. Talk to neighbors. Perhaps someone also wants to connect to the city sewer. It will be more profitable to do it at the same time.

Preparatory work

How to prepare for a tap into the sewer system of the city?

1. Install an inspection well on the site.

It is needed for routine inspection, cleaning and maintenance of the sewer branch. Without a revision well, they will not be allowed to connect to the central system. Since problems in your branch can lead to the failure of the entire sewer.

2. Connect internal system sewage disposal with a revision well.

Sewer pipes that go from the house must lie at a depth of at least one hundred and twenty centimeters. The slope of the sewer per linear meter of the pipeline is five millimeters (approximately). If you tilt the pipe less, the risk of blockages increases. If you make a slope of more than seven millimeters, the wear of the pipes increases.

Insertion into the city sewer

When all the preparatory work has been completed, it is necessary to inform the company serving the sewer network about your desire to connect to the sewer.

The connection procedure consists of several stages:

1. Call a surveyor.

The specialist examines the area. He will develop a situational plan, which will indicate the plan of the house and the plan of the future sewer branch.

2. Applying.

An application is submitted to the sewer service company with a request to develop individual technical conditions for wastewater disposal.

3. Registration and approval of the project for entering the central sewer.

You give the finished situational plan and technical specifications to the designers. Based on them, a project is being drawn up for entering the central sewer network. This document must be approved by the water utility and the architect. The latter must also give permission for connection work by one or another organization.

In some cases, permission from neighbors may be required to conduct repair work next to their sites. If a new sewer branch crosses pavement, you will need permission from the road maintenance service and the automobile inspection.

When all work is completed, the water utility must be notified of the launch of the line. The company servicing the sewerage network accepts the completed project and concludes a contract for the collection of wastewater.

If the central sewer pipeline is located above the site where the house stands, a pressure sewer must be equipped.

On the site determine the location of the receiving well (2). Equip it according to the principle of the simplest septic tank. Waste water from the house (1) enters the sump of the receiving well (2 a). The effluents cleared of large suspensions flow through the grate (9) into the pumping tank (2 b). A pump (10) is installed here, which will transport wastewater to common system sewers (8). The pump power depends on the following conditions:

  • pressure line length (6); this is a pipeline that removes effluents from the site;
  • the magnitude of the rise of effluents (how low is the site relative to the central highway);
  • number of stocks.

The pressure pipeline leads to a manhole (3). From here, wastewater will flow into the city network by gravity (7).

The arrangement of a pressure sewer is possible for several neighboring houses at once. The receiving well is made common. Accordingly, its dimensions and pump power will be larger. If such work is planned, it is better to connect your house immediately. Subsequent unauthorized insertion into the sewer can lead to overcrowding of the receiving well, to a breakdown of the pump, to problems with neighbors and heavy fines.

Methods for inserting into a sewer pipe

How can I connect a branch to an existing sewer pipe?

1. Through a tee.

Saw and cut a piece of existing pipe. A tee will be installed at this location. Therefore, the dimensions of the sawn piece must correspond to the dimensions of the tee.

The tee is put on pipe segments using a coupling. The joints are welded.

If you want to connect to the system from plastic pipes, then one pipe is replaced by two segments. And between them they insert a pipe to connect an additional branch. The preparation of a pipe section with a branch pipe is shown in the diagram:

2. Through an adapter.

Modern transitional device. To connect to the sewer through the adapter, perform the following steps:

  • blocking the water in the system;
  • put a crown on the drill suitable diameter and make a hole in the pipe with it;
  • if the adapter is with bolts, then it is pulled onto the pipe and the bolts are tightened;
  • if the device is without bolts, then the surface is degreased, a tie-in is applied and the nut is tightened.

The tie-in into the sewer pipe must be carried out by specialists. Since the serviceability of the system, the absence of leaks during operation depends on its quality.

It is hard to imagine country cottage without a civil toilet and a cozy bathroom. But not every village is equipped with a waste collection system. Therefore, sewerage in a private house is performed separately. Don't know which system to choose? This article will tell you about all the features of sewerage in a private house.

We have described possible ways organization of waste collection, outlined their features of arrangement and use. They also brought step by step instruction for the preparation of a project, the installation of a sewer pipeline, the installation of a septic tank and drainage well.

There are several types of waste collection systems: central, accumulative, draining, filtration.

Central. sewer pipe at home is connected to the public sewer network, through which organic waste is collected in the city sewer.

Depending on the distance of the central pipeline to the house, a decision is made on the advisability of using an autonomous or central system sewers

Accumulation system- modern prototype. The main difference is the complete tightness of the waste collection point. It can be: concrete, brick, metal, plastic. To do this, a ditch for a container is dug on a piece of land remote from a residential building.

Principle of operation funded system is reduced to the discharge of organic compounds into a sealed container. When it fills up, the contents are pumped out. cesspool machine.

This device diagram individual sewerage in a private house has gained wide popularity due to its low cost.

Pipe ventilation arrangement

The exhaust sewage system is designed to balance the negative pressure inside the pipeline. Through communication sewer pipes the system balances with the atmosphere.

As ventilation system used:

  • air valve.

fan hood is a continuation of the central riser. It is brought out above the roof ridge at a distance of 30-50 cm. To protect against precipitation, a deflector is attached to the outlet, which further enhances traction.

Installing a fan hood for a private cottage is extremely impractical. Such a system will require insulation of the pipeline, as well as the allocation of a separate ventilation duct in partitions.

Air valveperfect option. It is easy to mount it in the pipeline. The device is installed directly in the room. The valve is equipped with a soft rubber membrane that only lets air in.

For two-story house one device is enough. The valve is mounted on the second floor.

Scheme of connecting waste water discharge points to the central pipe. The difference in the connection height of the outflow of the dishwasher and the toilet bowl determines the total angle of inclination of the pipeline

Stage number 3 - installation of a septic tank

If a decision is made to make a sewerage system in a private house with your own hands, then it is better to install a septic tank from concrete rings or a ready-made plastic tank.

The volume of the collection and sedimentation tank organic waste determined by calculation. Be sure to add extra cube. The pipe insertion point is located at a distance of 2/3 from the upper edge of the septic tank, so it is not filled to the top.

Septic tank device

The first step is to dig three holes for the installation of containers. To save time and financial costs, it is advisable to combine two settling tanks into one.

The bottom of the dug hole should be reinforced with a concrete base. Concrete cannot be laid on the ground, so pour a layer of crushed stone, 20 cm thick.

For the device of the base, a formwork from construction board. It must be fixed with reinforcement along the outer and inner perimeter.

The composition of the mixture is the same as for pouring the foundation. At the same time, be sure to lay a knitted mesh as a reinforcing element. It is better to take cement grade M500, since the weight of the filled container will be large.

After the base hardens, and this will happen no earlier than after 3 weeks, proceed to the installation of drives.

With the help of a crane, they are installed in a dug hole. When the first link is laid, the joint with the base must be smeared cement mortar or tile adhesive. This is how you achieve tightness.

Do the same with subsequent rings. Before installing the second and third, pre-apply a layer of mortar to the joints. After mounting all the links, once again process the joints inside the container. When the tank is installed, a brick partition is made inside.

For cleaning are mounted. Perform a horizontal partition concrete slab with holes for plastic covers.

The last step is all the inner surfaces of the two containers.

It should be borne in mind that the outlet from the first container should be 10 cm lower than the first - the entrance from the house.

The angle of inclination is determined by the same parameters as for home wiring: with a pipe diameter of 110 mm, the height difference per 1 m is 20 mm.

Scheme of installation of a draining septic tank with two sealed tanks. The presence of a second tank allows you to filter water from silt and other contaminants

To ensure that the slope of the pipe complies with the standards, the inlet of the second sump is lowered by 10 cm relative to the first.

On the upper part tanks, as well as inner part cleaning hatches, a heater is attached. Cleaning or inspection hatches are installed directly above the bypass pipes so that they can be cleaned.

For device concrete base not required. Here, the soil under the rings must pass water and retain sewage.

Therefore, a sand-gravel cushion is poured at the bottom of the pit. The thicker the layer of rubble, the longer the well will perform its functions. Will have to be replaced after 5 years upper layer rubble on a new one, because the old one will silt up.

Keep track of the level. When installing the first ring on crushed stone, one edge may warp. If this happens, simply lift the link with a crane and level the level with rubble.

The joints of the rings must be treated with a solution in order to achieve tightness. The device for waterproofing and an inspection hatch occurs by analogy with a sump.

Organization of septic tank ventilation

Installation ventilation pipes for septic tanks is justified only if aerobic bacteria are used. They strongly absorb the air that is supplied through the hood.

Another type of biological bacteria are anaerobes. The process of their vital activity proceeds without oxygen.

It is important not to confuse these two concepts, as some anaerobes die if there is air in the environment.

are added to the sedimentation tanks. Bacteria completely convert organic matter into water. In practice, this effect can only be achieved by installing complex filtration systems, but still they must be used. Therefore, install a ventilation pipe in both sumps.

A PVC sewer pipe for outdoor use is led out of each tank through the lid. A deflector is installed at the end.

Stage number 4 - laying the central pipe

The sewer pipe, which removes sewage from the house, is diverted from the basement to a distance of 5 m. The pipeline for outdoor use is painted orange. Such a product differs from "home" pipes in thicker walls. Permissible laying depth - 3 m.

At the bottom of the dug pit, as well as on top of the laid pipe, a layer of sand of 8-10 cm is poured. To ensure the best removal of organic sewage from the house to the septic tanks, the pipe should go in one line. Turns of the central drain are strictly prohibited.

Alternatives to a drainage septic tank

A modern device that allows you to clean waste water 90% or more is a station deep cleaning.

Biological filtration devices are equipped with three levels of purification $

  • biological purification by bacteria;
  • mechanical filtration with meshes;
  • final cleaning with chemicals.

It will not work to independently install such a sewer. The stations are produced in a single container, divided inside into several compartments. The device is volatile.

Compressor plant pumps air into the aerobic compartment for increased bacterial activity. The percentage of water purification, depending on the model of the septic tank

When the power is turned off, the bacteria will continue to live for up to two days. After this period, the installation loses its effectiveness. It will take several days to grow a new crop

Deep purification of organic matter allows the use of waste water for watering plants. For this, a storage tank with a pump is installed.

Deep cleaning stations are advisable to use when ground water located too close to the ground. Also, if on the site clay soil, natural drainage will be difficult.

Except biological septic tank a sealed tank can serve as a way out of the situation. It will have to be pumped out often, but you will not have other problems.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The intricacies of arranging sewerage are outlined by the author of the video, who is busy laying sewer pipes:

The device of a septic tank made of concrete rings will be discussed in the following video:

Sewerage device in a private house - milestone construction. Even at the design stage, the owner should think about future design septic tanks, their location, as well as the filtration system.

From proper arrangement The comfort of all those living in the house will depend on the sewer system, therefore, if there is doubt in one’s abilities, it is better to entrust its arrangement to specialists.