Accumulative sewerage system. Capacities for the sewerage plastic (reviews). How to calculate the volume of a septic tank

In places where there is no centralized sewerage system, special sealed containers are used to solve the problem of collecting and storing domestic wastewater. They are also used in production as accumulators for industrial and chemical waste.

This article will tell you about the features of the structure, installation and operation of sealed sewer tanks.

Most often, containers for sewerage, in order to save space in the local area, as well as for aesthetic reasons, are installed underground. Their size is in direct proportion to the expected volume of wastewater and the planned frequency of emptying the tanks.

Usually, in all modern country or country houses there is a centralized water supply, so the issue of discharging used water and other sewage waste is very relevant. It is best to start sewerage construction at the stage of building a house.

If the laying of the sewer was not started in a timely manner, this will subsequently create some difficulties.

In its structure, the sewer system in a country house is not much different from the one that works in city apartments. The only and main difference is that wastewater is not disposed of centrally, but on its own in private.

Options for arranging the sewerage system

In a private house, the most common sewerage solutions are:

  • storage tank;
  • Cesspool;
  • Septic tank;
  • Local treatment facilities (LOC).

Each of these methods of arranging sewage has its own characteristics. And, choosing the most suitable of them, one should take into account such nuances as the geological features of the area, the parameters of the land plot, the number of drains, as well as the number of residents of the house. septic tank

Useful information! Of the above methods, the most affordable and for a long time very popular among the population is a cesspool. However, from the point of view of ecology, this is not the best option, since the runoff masses from the cesspool can partially seep into the environment.

The installation of an autonomous sewage system (another name is a septic tank), due to its high price, today not everyone can afford. Moreover, often one such capacity for a full-fledged sewage system is not enough. In addition, the water purified in the septic tank then needs to be further purified in the drainage field.

LOK are miniature analogues of urban wastewater treatment plants. The water purified with their help is suitable for technical and irrigation work on the site. But this cleaning method has its drawbacks - the high cost and dependence of the LOC on electricity.

If the house is located within the boundaries of urban development or the level of groundwater in the area is high, then in this case it is impossible to install sewage treatment plants. The way out in this situation will be the use of sealed containers for sewage. When installing such a container, it is important to choose a place for its location, to which it will be convenient for a sewage truck to drive up for waste disposal.

Arrangement of an individual sewer system in a private house

Installing a sealed storage tank is an excellent solution for arranging an autonomous sewer system in a private house. It allows you to reliably isolate waste and wastewater, thereby preventing their entry into the environment.

The inconvenience of such a sewage system lies in the need to empty it through drain holes. The frequency with which it is necessary to repeat this procedure depends both on the volume of the tank itself and on the effluents entering it.

Advice! If 4-6 residents live in the house, then the optimal volume of sewer capacity for the needs of such a family will be 10-12 m².

In addition to this advice, it is also worth taking into account the individual needs of those living in the house (how much water is spent per day for bathing and other needs).

Cottages and other large houses, as a rule, need storage tanks from 5 to 15 thousand liters.

For ease of use, there are models of sewer tanks equipped with a sensor that controls the filling. When the container is filled to a state close to full load, the sensor signals this.

Often the sewer system is one with the storage tank. A properly installed tank can serve as a sewer for your family for many years. There are two pipes in the tank, one for filling with sewage, the other for draining it.

Moving through the receiving pipe, wastewater enters the storage tank, where it is subsequently stored. The top of the container usually has a maintenance opening through which waste is pumped out as needed.

Sometimes there may be a maintenance well instead of a hole. Sewer water is pumped out of the tank using sewage trucks, special pumps or other auxiliary equipment.

Video footage. Storage tank installation.

Maintenance of storage sewer tanks

As a rule, the only type of maintenance that storage containers need is their timely emptying.

The kit for arranging an individual sewerage system includes:

  1. Storage tank (made of plastic or metal);
  2. Service openings;
  3. Covers for maintenance openings;
  4. Pipes for supply and outflow of sewage;
  5. Technological supports required for tank installation;
  6. Fill level sensor (installed at the request of the customer).

Choosing a place for a storage tank, the main recommendations:

  1. The slope of the terrain should be taken into account and the tank should be installed below the level of the house.
  2. Make sure that there is a convenient access road (4-5 meters wide) to the sewer tank for supplying sewage equipment.
  3. It is preferable to place the tank near the house (distance up to 5 m). If this is not possible, then it is necessary to provide the sewerage system with additional wells that allow technical work to be carried out, for example, removing blockages.
  4. If you have installed a filling control sensor on the container, you need to place a signaling device from it in the house so that you can track its readings and not miss the right moment to pump out sewage water.

This article discusses in detail the tanks for sewage: plastic wells, storage tanks and structures for other purposes, their features and main varieties, technical parameters, including dimensions. The text contains all the necessary information, allowing you to get acquainted with a brief overview of the assortment existing on the market, prices for products and rules for their selection, as well as further maintenance after installation.

Building a house in a country village or in a summer cottage is accompanied by additional costs for arranging a water supply system and, since there are no centralized systems in such an area. The easiest way in this case is to buy a sewer barrel or another type of storage type construction, where all wastewater will be discharged.

Such containers are environmentally friendly and completely sealed, but they require regular maintenance, which consists in cleaning the tank from sediment. Installing an internal sewerage system in a private house is no different from installing a similar system in an apartment in a multi-storey building. The only thing that the owner of a suburban area will have to think about is the process of waste disposal.

Most often, the storage tank is a cylindrical tank. It is equipped with a nozzle designed to collect liquid and which is used for wastewater treatment. The inlet pipe leading out of the house at an angle is connected to the branch pipe. When the tank is filled, it is cleaned through the neck.

Useful advice! To save money and do without earthworks, you can install the storage structure on the surface. But in this case, the appearance of the site will be spoiled, therefore, for aesthetic reasons, it is better to hide the septic tank underground.

Advantages and disadvantages of storage septic tanks, their application

The main functions of storage structures:

  1. Collection of waste and drains from the side of a residential building.
  2. Storage of wastewater for a certain period.
  3. Ensuring comfort for residents of the house.
  4. Keeping the surrounding area clean.

The use of storage tanks for collecting wastewater has both advantages and disadvantages.

Why is it profitable to buy a sewage tank with an accumulation function:

  • a simple installation system that allows the summer resident to do the installation work with his own hands;
  • environmental safety and no risk of environmental pollution with waste, due to the tightness of the structure;
  • the price of a plastic storage tank for sewage is much lower than the cost of building a septic tank based on other materials or an autonomous station designed for biological wastewater treatment.

The disadvantages of such structures include only the need for regular cleaning with the help of specialized equipment. The frequency of such maintenance depends on the capacity of the tank, as well as the number of drains.

Which is better to buy a storage tank for sewage: types of structures, their features

The offered range of containers designed for collecting sewage includes products of various modifications and sizes. The general classification of such structures is based on the material of manufacture. It is he who determines the cost of the product, its technical and operational characteristics, properties and installation features.

Concrete structures are rarely used. This is primarily due to the limited service life of a product made from this material and installed in the ground. Concrete is vulnerable to moisture, which provokes its rapid destruction. In addition, the installation of such a container is accompanied by many difficulties and requires the use of heavy construction equipment.

Metal structures are also not very reliable, although they are used much more often than concrete products. This material is exposed to corrosive destruction under the influence of aggressive environments and water.

Useful advice! If you have to buy a metal sewer container, it is better to give preference to products that have a protective coating, both internal and external. In addition, all seams and joints must be filled with a sealant that prevents contaminated wastewater from entering the soil.

The most optimal for a summer cottage will be the purchase of a plastic tank for sewage. These designs have many advantages compared to previous options:

  • the material is absolutely not afraid of corrosion and does not react to the negative effects of aggressive environments;
  • the product is light in weight, which simplifies transportation and installation system, and also eliminates the use of special equipment;
  • the container is monolithic, due to the absence of seams, and sealed.

With the help of a sealant, it will be necessary to process only those areas where the plastic sewer septic tank is connected to the pipe.

Sewerage tanks: plastic wells, their species diversity

The sewer well is a sealed structure that facilitates the flow of effluent through the system with minimal resistance.

The structure of such elements of the system is the same:

  • the bottom, equipped with a tray or not having it;
  • shaft or extension section;
  • cover or .

The recommended installation locations for wells apply to places of relief drops in the site, at the inlet or outlet of the main, as well as branching of the pipeline. It is allowed to install these elements in other places, if it is consistent with the system diagram and does not contradict the calculations.

According to the purpose, wells of the following types are distinguished:

  • distribution;
  • viewing;
  • drainage or storage.

In addition, the use of plastic wells for cable ducts is widespread. In this case, a network of communication cables runs underground, which are protected by a system of tunnels from the influence of groundwater and other destructive factors.

Outwardly, sewerage wells produced by different manufacturers have practically no differences. The variability lies only in the dimensions, the system of elevations where the exits and entrances are located, in the absence or presence of a flow velocity damper, and in some technical features. The construction shaft is made in the form of a corrugated pipe.

The shape of the tray may be different:

  • angular;
  • cross;
  • straight passage;
  • threesome.

Useful advice! To ensure the tightness of the well, it is recommended to use rubber seals.

Features of inspection and distribution plastic wells for sewerage, price

Viewing elements are mounted in the most vulnerable areas of the system and are used to monitor its condition.

These places include:

  • joints of the side lines;
  • depth differences;
  • areas where the diameter of the pipeline, its slope or direction changes.

The tray part, located at the very bottom, most often has a diameter of 80 cm. Here is the output and input of pipes, the diameter of which is in the range of 110-160 mm. The shaft is formed on the basis of extension sections 50 cm long. O-rings pre-treated with silicone are used as a fixing element to connect the sections.

The main function of the distribution well is to regulate the movement of fluid flows within the drainage system, stormwater or domestic sewage. This procedure is carried out naturally due to the design features of the product.

The distribution well consists of the following elements:

  • a tray with a high margin of safety, equipped with ring-type stiffeners;
  • necks;
  • screw cap to ensure tight closure of the well.

In general, the design is reliable and tight, thanks to strong fasteners and o-rings.

Price and dimensions of plastic rings for sewerage, trays and lids Rodlex:

price, rub.
Lid (150/800) 3050
Base (tray) (500/800) 4300
Ring (500/800) 4300
Extension neck (600/800) 4512
Ring (1000/800) 8750

Properties of storage plastic wells for sewerage

A storage or drainage well is considered the most difficult element to install, despite the standard structure in the form of a tray, cover and main sections. Its installation is carried out at the lowest point of the site where water will drain.

The storage well is filled from various sources:

  • treatment facilities;
  • drainage system;
  • storm drains;
  • septic tanks.

But in terms of operation, such designs are simple. They do not require frequent cleaning.

Useful advice! For the arrangement of storage wells, it is better to use solid bases with an adjustable volume due to extension sections. Water that accumulates over time in the structure can be used for household purposes, for example, to fill a reservoir or water plants. In this case, you can not do without a pump.

Price, dimensions of plastic rings for sewerage, covers and bases Rodlex:

Features of polymer sand wells for sewage

The prefabricated polymer sand well for sewerage is made on the basis of polymer raw materials with a small addition of sand. The design is formed by the tongue/groove method of polymer rings. Thanks to this, the elements of the well adjoin each other as tightly as possible, so there is no need for additional sealing. Silicone seams are allowed.

The bottom is used as the basis. The structure itself is made up of rings, and the upper one should have the shape of a cone, where a closing hatch is installed. The cost of such wells is quite high, but it becomes possible to save on installation work and further operation.

Advantages of polymer sand products:

  • reliability and high margin of safety;
  • light weight (the maximum weight of any part does not exceed 60 kg);
  • high resistance to loads of static and mechanical properties;
  • long service life (up to 100 years);
  • convenient service system;
  • simple system of transportation and installation;
  • high resistance to the negative effects of moisture and low temperatures.

The price of polymer rings for sewerage, bottoms and cones Polex Plast:

Part name (height/diameter, mm) price, rub.
Ring (200/750) 1120
Bottom (36/750) 1120
Cone (140/1000) 1280
Ring (200/1000) 1280
Bottom (36/1000) 1280
Ring smooth (200/1000) 1280
Cone with hatch (120/1000) 1600

Polymer-sand structures of wells are universal and can be used for various purposes. They are able to withstand pressure up to 0.4 tons.

Buying the best plastic container for a septic tank for sewage: the price of products

On the building materials market, you can buy plastic containers for sewage of various volumes and modifications. To create them, special production technologies are used to obtain products with improved characteristics. Such material is able to withstand severe tensile or squeezing loads, which makes it possible to use polymer septic tanks without fear that the soil during heaving and movement can damage or deform the container.

Why is it profitable to buy a plastic container for sewage under a septic tank:

  • light weight design allows transportation using a conventional car;
  • a simple installation system does not require the participation of specialists, the installation of a septic tank can be handled by two people;
  • low cost of the product;
  • inertness to the negative impact of aggressive environments, due to which the terms of effective operational service are measured in tens of years.

Useful advice! In order to reliably and efficiently carry out the installation of a plastic waste container, it must be anchored to a concrete slab. In addition, you will need to create a clay or concrete backfill around the tank. Thanks to this, the septic tank will remain in its place, and will not float like a float in the soil.

Among the disadvantages of plastic containers for drains, one can note their fragility under the influence of low temperatures. For this reason, experts recommend backfilling when installing the structure using an insulating material.

Features and price of plastic containers for sewage: polypropylene products

Polypropylene is made from polymers. Despite the similar basis, this material is much stronger than plastic, due to the inclusion of emollients that increase plasticity.

The unique composition provided polypropylene products with many advantages:

  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • resistance to cracking due to temperature changes;
  • long service life (about 100 years);
  • tightness and water tightness, due to which the possibility of contamination of water sources with sewage is excluded;
  • high resistance to the influence of steam during the sterilization of the system and the effects of aggressive environments.

Products made of polypropylene are endowed with thick walls in the range of 5-20 mm. In addition, the design provides for the presence of stiffeners. These elements prevent the tank from floating and provide additional strength.

The average price of polypropylene septic tanks Maple:

Model Capacity, m³ Dimensions, (height/width/length), mm price, rub.
Maple-3 1 880/910/1200 22000
Maple-5 1,5 1100/1100/1500 30000
Klen-5N 1,5 1100/11001950 32000
Maple-7 2,5 1500/1300/1500 40000
Klen-7N 2,5 1500/1300/1950 44000

Features and price of plastic septic tanks for sewerage: polyethylene products

Polyethylene products are made from polymers with the addition of fiberglass threads. Thanks to this, the walls perfectly withstand such negative phenomena as the movement of the soil and its swelling. Tanks respond well to stretching and smooth compression, but they are afraid of sharp blows. Force impact can damage the tank and provoke the appearance of a crack.

Advantages of polyethylene septic structures:

  • small weight of the product;
  • a wide range of configurations, including spherical and square shapes;
  • long service life (within 30-50 years);
  • resistance to the negative impact of aggressive environments.

Like other plastic products, polyethylene containers are easily damaged under the influence of sharp mechanical loads.

Useful advice! The volume of the storage tank should be chosen taking into account the fact that one person needs approximately 1 m³. Thus, for a family of 4 or more people, you will need to buy a plastic sewage tank of 5000 liters or 5 m³.

Average price for Polex plastic products:

Dimensions, (length/height excluding neck), mm Capacity, m³ Wall thickness, cm price, rub.
1800/1200 2 1,8 25000
2700/1200 3 1,8 30000
3600/1200 4 1,8 39000
2900/1500 5 2,5 57000
3400/1500 6 2,5 80000
4000/1500 7 2,5 87000
4600/1500 8 2,5 95000

Selection of additional equipment for sewage treatment plants

Septic tanks, autonomous sewers and other types of structures are used to treat domestic wastewater in a private house.

There are two types of drains:

  1. Black - drains from the toilet.
  2. Gray - waste liquid from the kitchen, bathroom, sink and household appliances, such as a dishwasher or washing machine.

Sewer waste accounts for about 30% of the total volume of effluents. Most often, the waste liquid comes from the bathroom and sink. On average, one person consumes about 160-200 liters of water per day. In most cases, mechanical and biological cleaning methods are used to clean the system, since these technologies are considered the most practical, safe and affordable.

The cost and features of a sewer fan riser in a private house

Sewerage consists not only of a pipeline and a storage tank. For the effective functioning of the system, additional communication equipment in the form of a fan riser will be required. Such a pipe serves as a connecting element between the common line and the atmosphere. The main task of the fan riser is to provide ventilation inside the system.

Related article:

Varieties of products, their features and sizes, prices. Recommendations for choosing pipes and organizing a drain based on them with your own hands.

Installation of a fan pipe is necessary in the following cases:

  • an autonomous sewer system is located near a residential building;
  • the house has two or more floors, where sewerage and water supply are connected;
  • the diameter of the sewer risers is in the range of 50-110 mm;
  • the operation of a country house is accompanied by the simultaneous release of a large number of drains, for example, if the site has a swimming pool or other type of water equipment.

Fan pipes are rigid, sliding, angular or straight. Some of them are equipped with a clamp, extension cords or adapters.

Average prices for fan pipes:

Item Type Diameter, mm price, rub.
flexible pipe 110 120
straight pipe 110-180 350
straight pipe 110-250 350
Pipe at an angle of 22.5º 110 400
Pipe at an angle of 45º 110 400
Pipe at an angle of 90º 110 450
Pipe eccentric 110 450
straight pipe 110-400 450
Pipe at an angle of 90º, equipped with a check valve 110 3950
Straight pipe complete with check valve 110-400 4650

Important! The fan pipe should rise above the roof by at least 50 cm. The diameter of the elements is 110 mm, although parts of other sizes can be used. Pipe installation should be done from the leeward side. In this case, it is desirable to focus on the wind rose.

Why you need to buy a sewer pump: prices and equipment features

The sewer system, organized in a summer cottage, cannot function normally without regular cleaning of storage tanks or running drains towards the central collector. To effectively perform these tasks, experts advise buying fecal pumps for pumping sewage. These devices represent an extensive category of units, each of which is focused on certain operating conditions.

By type of installation, the following types of pumps are distinguished:

  • superficial;
  • submersible type;
  • semi-submersible devices;
  • semi-submersible fecal aggregates;
  • domestic pumping stations.

Having settled on a certain type of installation, first of all, you should pay attention to the operating voltage of the pump. Most often, suburban areas are powered by a 220 V network, but there are also systems with three phases. For such cases, it is recommended to buy equipment designed for 380 V. The power level when choosing a pump is also important. In most cases, such equipment is operated under high load conditions, so it is rare to find a unit whose power is less than 400 watts.

The average price of fecal pumps for pumping sewage Gileks:

Modification Water lifting height, m Depth, m Power, W price, rub.
Tugunok 140/6 5400 6 8 250 3300
Fekalnik 200/10 F 5301 10 8 880 4400
Fekalnik 230/8 5401 8 8 590 4400
Fekalnik 150/7Н 5302 7 8 550 5900
Fekalnik 255/11 H 5303 11 8 1100 6900

What is the name of the machine for pumping sewage and features of its use

A special technique designed to empty the sewer system in a summer cottage and remove waste for disposal is called a sewer machine. This type of equipment is used to clean cesspools, septic structures, as well as overgrown water bodies, such as ponds. The equipment installed on the vehicle is completely sealed. Due to this, waste disposal is carried out in a safe mode.

The complete set of the sewer machine consists of the following elements:

  • powerful pump;
  • storage tank;
  • hose;
  • signaling device;
  • pipes.

There are several varieties of such machines, which differ in the principle of suction of wastewater. In one embodiment, the sewer is emptied using a suction manifold on the motor, in another, a vacuum-type pump is used. Relatively recently, silty sewage machines have appeared, which, in addition to pumping out liquid, are able to eliminate silt deposits.

Note! The capacity of the sewer machine is filled within 4-12 minutes. It depends on the capacity of the storage tank.

How machines work for pumping sewage at their summer cottage

The principle of operation of sewer machines is quite simple. Pumping equipment forms a vacuum in the tank, as a result of which the waste liquid is sucked through the hose. This process is fully controlled by special sensors. When the storage tank on the car is filled to the limit line, the equipment sends a corresponding signal.

In order to pump out sewage in a private house without any problems, you need to call a car with the appropriate technical characteristics. This type of equipment may have different volume parameters, operating capabilities, overall dimensions. There are no generally accepted standards, so it is better to call a technique designed to empty a septic tank of a certain volume. The capacity of sewage trucks varies between 3-15 m³.

The operating possibilities display the pump power level, pumping length and sewage suction rate. In most cases, you can limit yourself to calling a small car, for example, GAZ. If the sewer system in the summer cottage is large enough, as is the capacity of the septic tanks, in such cases it is recommended to call a KAMAZ car.

The design of the machine may contain additional elements, due to which the possibilities are expanded. Some modifications of sewage trucks are equipped with two barrels or have a water tank available.

How to pump out sewage in a private house: the price of services

If you clean the sewer system in a timely manner, you can save on its repair in the future. The smaller the capacity of the car, the cheaper the pumping services will cost. GAZ is equipped with the smallest tank, its capacity is 2 m³. This type of sewer machine is able to cope with the pumping of one. In most cases, summer residents use the services of GAZ with a tank capacity of 4 m³.

Important! A vehicle with a capacity of 4 m³ or more must be able to drive as close as possible to the pumping point. The maximum allowable distance is 16 m from the hatch.

The cost of sewerage pumping services depends on the following factors:

  • volume of wastewater to be pumped out;
  • remoteness of the suburban area;
  • depth of the storage tank;
  • features of the entrance to the hatch for pumping out, its remoteness;
  • working hours;
  • additional procedures that the customer wants to carry out.

The average cost of pumping out 1 m³ of wastewater with subsequent removal for disposal is about 300 rubles. The minimum amount of work for one call is 4 m³. The price of 1 hour of operation of sewage equipment is about 1800 rubles.

In what cases is it necessary to call special equipment:

  • the tank is full and an unpleasant odor has appeared on the site;
  • the pressure in the taps has dropped;
  • liquid in the plumbing system is rusty;
  • there is clouding of the water in the well;
  • the storm drain system is clogged or does not perform its function well.

Many factors influence the comfort and service life of the sewer. For this reason, it is very important to correctly calculate the parameters of the system and select the appropriate elements. Moreover, not only the quality of the installation is important, but also the timely care of the sewer, cleaning and service. Only in this case the system is able to serve the entire period declared by the manufacturer.

Today, many suburban villages do not have a common sewage system, so you have to think about creating an individual cleaning system. Not everyone can create their own system, it is not cheap, and therefore, using the old method, they dig cesspools, lining them with bricks or making walls of reinforced concrete rings. But after all, instead of these structures, you can purchase a plastic container to use it for sewage.

At first, enterprising owners used iron barrels or tanks instead of brick structures, however, life time they were short. Now this problem has been resolved with the advent of market relations, and manufacturers have appeared that produce plastic containers for sewers with high strength parameters, they are not very expensive and easy to install.

What is a sewer tank

If there is no full-fledged sewerage, you can use an autonomous one, it can be presented in the form:

  1. Cesspool.
  2. Storage capacity.
  3. Mechanical septic tank
  4. Septic tank with biological filters.

Cesspool, the walls of which are lined with brick or concrete rings, and the bottom remains open. In this case, the liquid passes into the ground and you need to clean the pit no more than once every few years. Advantages: will be inexpensive used as a temporary option. Cons: permanent bad smell, inadequate disposal of fecal water.

Sewage storage tank - hermetic tank, waste accumulating life, which, as it fills up, is released with the help of public utilities. The material can be metal, plastic, fiberglass. The shape and volume can be any from 3 to 100 cu. m and more; tanks can be interconnected to increase the total volume for sewage.

The advantage, of course, can be called:

  • the cheapness and simplicity of this method of the sewer system, the container itself is buried in the ground, connecting it to a pipe through which all sewage from the house is drained;
  • this method of sewerage provides biochemical protection of the site at a high level.

The disadvantage is regular cleaning containers using special equipment.

A mechanical septic tank, which is a closed system that provides a level of purification at which water can soak into the ground without the risk of site contamination. It can be made of concrete, metal, plastic.

The advantages of septic tanks are:

  • high level of purification;
  • small price;
  • possibility of underground installation.

However, the disadvantage can be called:

  • limited volume of processed waste liquids;
  • requirement for annual maintenance;

A septic tank with biological filters that purifies the outlet water to 98%. These septic tanks are expensive, but most efficient, they can be located near buildings, do not require maintenance and function for a long period.

Types of containers for sewerage

Sewerage tanks vary:

  • sizes;
  • volume;
  • material of manufacture (metal, glass, plastic).

Requirements for containers:

  • weather resistance;
  • waterproofing;
  • chemical inertness;
  • capacity;
  • resistance to mechanical stress.

It should be noted that containers made of plastic most fully meet these requirements, they are strong, durable, airtight, easy to operate. Germes-Plast-OC containers are made of plastic with a volume of 3 to 100 cubic meters. m and the cost for a 2-meter dive from the surface of the earth - 60 300 - 1 553 500 rubles. respectively.

Storage tanks made of glass have a number of advantages:

  • no corrosion;
  • duration of operation - 50 years;
  • low specific gravity;
  • performance at low temperatures;
  • chemical resistance;
  • a float can be built into them to alert the filling level of the tank;
  • the possibility of manufacturing according to the size of the customer;
  • products have a quality certificate.

Storage tanks can be combined to increase total volume waste liquids.

The cost of fiberglass storage tanks of the company Ecostroy for sewerage lies in the range from 66,400 to 181,000 rubles. for products with a volume of 5-15 cubic meters. m., respectively. However, on an individual order, the company produces tanks up to 100 cubic meters. m.

Company ZhilKomSnab produces ribbed septic tanks, due to which the walls prevent compression by the soil.

Their cost depends on the volume and lies in the range of 18900−44000 r. for 1100−5000 liters, respectively.

How to choose a sewer tank

The choice of storage tanks is huge, in order not to be mistaken, you need to remember that the cost per 1 resident is 200 liters of water. Based on the number of people and the frequency of emptying the container, choose the volume of the product you need.

You can purchase a container equipped with a float to indicate the filling of the barrel.

The choice of material is also of no small importance for further use, it affects life time.

Of great importance is soil type on the site and the level of groundwater relative to the surface, if it is equal to or higher than one meter , then you will need to purchase an additional well.

Advantages of storage tanks:

  • easy to install, you can do the work yourself;
  • environmentally friendly, they are airtight and there is no risk of soil pollution;
  • cheap, storage tanks cost less than septic tanks.

The disadvantage is the need regular brushing using special equipment.

How to install a sewer tank

Sewerage tanks are used immediately after mounting, for which special devices and tools are not needed, except for a pair of male, working hands, and shovels to dig a hole under the tank.

When choosing one or another container for sewage, solve an important question for yourself: what is more important for you- save money or ensure full decontamination of the site. After all, the best option is also possible, for a small area it is possible to more fully clean the waste, and for a large area it becomes less important. It is important to decide which is better - to buy a system inexpensively or serve in the future. If you use the cottage only in the summer, the best option for you would be to purchase a storage container made of plastic of the appropriate volume.


Today it is difficult to imagine a private house without such benefits of civilization as water supply and sewerage system. If it is not possible to connect the domestic external sewage system to the central highway, then special tanks or tanks installed on the site with their own hands are used to collect and process wastewater.

The storage tank for sewage and waste water can be a large sewage drain tank with two holes - one for connecting a sewer pipe, and the second for draining liquid from the chamber. Such a treatment plant is most often placed below the ground level, so that the appearance of the site does not suffer, and the vacated space can be used for other economic purposes.

Selection of containers for sewer systems

In order to equip a structure for the accumulation of effluents and sewage in a suburban area, it is necessary to purchase containers for sewage in the country. The installation of such products does not require a home craftsman to have special skills. It will be necessary to periodically call the sewage equipment to clean the structure from accumulated waste.

Sewer containers, depending on the material of manufacture, are:

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • concrete.

Plastic products

The most in demand in the arrangement of treatment systems are plastic containers for sewerage.

They have a number of advantages:
  • relatively light weight, which greatly simplifies their installation;
  • complete tightness due to the absence of welds;
  • durability - plastic is resistant to corrosion and the adverse effects of aggressive substances contained in waste water;
  • sewer capacity made of plastic is inexpensive.

Metal tanks

In the next place in popularity after plastic products are metal containers for sewage. Such products have a significant weight. For installation, lifting equipment will be required, since it is impossible to do it yourself.

Before starting installation, all connecting seams should be carefully treated with a sealant, then during operation, wastewater will not penetrate into the soil. Metal products are subject to corrosion, so they are coated on the outside and inside with a special protective compound, so that the containers last longer. To do this, you need to use resistant paints, such as XB-785 enamel.


Now a concrete tank for sewage is rarely used due to the properties that this material has. Concrete under the influence of constant high humidity begins to quickly collapse. Therefore, sewer containers made of this material are able to fully serve for a short period of time, but the amount of costs for their installation will turn out to be significant. A concrete container weighs a lot and cannot be mounted without the use of special equipment.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that when arranging a small cleaning structure, it is most advisable to use plastic containers for sewage.

Installation of a sewer tank

Installation of tanks for treatment facilities in a suburban area is carried out in a certain sequence.

Step one- determination of the volume of the sewer tank and the material from which it should be made.

The dimensions of the container depend on the following factors:

  • on the number of permanent residents and those who regularly visit;
  • on the volume of sewage and sewage (it is generally accepted that during the day one tenant consumes about 200 liters);
  • from the planned period of work.

There is a universal formula that experts use when calculating the volume of sewer tanks:

V=n*x*Vday, where

N is the time period between cleaning activities, in days;
x - the number of people permanently living in the house;
Vday - the estimated daily volume of fluid consumed per person, in liters.

If 3 people permanently live in a country house, and it is planned to clean it every 30 days, then V = 30x3x200 = 18,000 liters. Thus, the container must have a volume of at least 18 cubic meters.

As can be seen from the above calculation, it is not difficult to perform the calculation, but without it, you can make a serious mistake that can lead to significant trouble. For example, a lack of volume can end up with nowhere to drain sewage.

step two– selection of the optimal location of the tank. At this stage, the place where it is planned to install the elements of the treatment system is determined.

When choosing the location of tanks for sewage, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • so that drains flow by gravity into the tank, it is located at the lowest point of the suburban area;
  • for convenient access of specialized equipment, it is necessary to provide access;
  • the pipeline supplying the waste liquid to the accumulator should be as straight as possible. Otherwise, the arrangement of rotary wells and the purchase of additional equipment will be required;
  • it is not recommended to place containers for sewage in the immediate vicinity of a residential building due to the possible occurrence of unpleasant odors. At the same time, the location of the tank at a great distance from the house will require the laying of a long sewer network. The best solution is to install a sump 6 meters from the house.
Step Three- installation and trial run of the system.

To independently mount underground containers for sewage, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Dig a ditch under the tank, the size of which should be approximately 50 centimeters larger than the dimensions of the product on all sides.
  2. Place a layer of sand at the bottom of the pit, thereby creating the basis for the container. If clay soils lie on the site and water layers are located close to the surface, it is advisable to equip a concrete foundation under the tank, as a result of which the tank will stand stably on a solid foundation.
  3. Install strictly horizontally fiberglass containers for sewage. If necessary, use lifting equipment.
  4. Connect the sewer line.
  5. Make sure all joints are sealed. For this purpose, a large amount of water is injected into the system under pressure.
  6. Fill the installed container with sand from all sides.
  7. Cover the tank with a lid.
  8. Fill the tank with earth, leaving only a hole for cleaning the drive with a sewage machine.

In order for your stay in the house to be comfortable and comfortable, it is mandatory to have sewer drain equipment. The most ergonomic way is to connect to the central sewerage system of the city, then you will avoid various troubles and worries. But this is not always likely to be realized. Based on this, the owners of private houses or summer cottages are forced to equip special cesspools on their plots. This may solve the problem, but there are some nuances here. If it is done technologically correctly, such a hole will cost you dearly, and the labor costs will be enormous. Moreover, it is virtually impossible to ensure perfect tightness in cement-brick structures. In Russia, in the middle lane, groundwater is high enough, so all the contents will remain on the surface of the site, polluting it and spreading unpleasant odors. That's why simple cesspools have been replaced by special containers that are designed to collect and store waste. These containers are huge tanks and cisterns in which the waste is hermetically stored until the tank is cleaned. From this article, you can find out how to install a sewer tank on your site yourself.

Varieties of containers for waste storage

If we talk about the types of such tanks, then there are two of them:

A septic tank is not just a tank in which sewage flows are planned and stored, they are partially filtered in it. At the time when the wastewater enters the septic tank, through the pipe they enter the first treatment chamber, where they break up into different separate fractions. Huge hard particles settle to the bottom, and small elements with water move to another chamber, where they are "attacked" by bacteria. Fermentation processes take place in these chambers, due to which methane is released. In the third compartment, this water is partially filtered and enters the ground. Just on the basis of this, in some areas it is forbidden to install septic tanks.

Storage tanks are simply completely sealed and resemble a huge cistern or barrel for storing something, and leakage of waste from the sewer into the ground under such conditions is excluded. It turns out that it is possible to use such containers in any area. The distinguishing characteristics of such reservoirs include their shape and size. They are made both vertical and horizontal, and have a rectangular or cylindrical design. If we talk about their capacity, then the finished products will be able to contain a large amount - from 1 to 150 m 3 of liquid. These designs are equipped with two holes:

  • the first hole is the entrance to which the sewer pipeline is connected;
  • the second hole is revision, for cleaning the tank while it is full.

Much more often, such a product is installed below ground level, having previously dug a special pit, where the unit is placed. That is why you have the opportunity to save a non-specialized view of the site and a precious place that can be used for other purposes.

It must be emphasized that before purchasing a tank, you need to decide which material to take the product from. Because a lot depends on it. To help you with this, let's look at exactly what these materials are and what the advantage of each of them is.

What are sewer tanks made of?

Depending on the material that is used, all sewer containers can be divided into the following types:

  1. Plastic tanks.
  2. Iron tanks.
  3. cement tanks.

Any material has its advantages and disadvantages, which we will now discuss.

Plastic products

The most common containers can be called plastic waste storage tanks. They have many advantages, which we will talk about later, and thanks to them they are so popular. Apart from the volume, they have no restrictions on the collection of effluents. All that is required of you is to complete the installation, after which the unit is ready to perform tasks. The good news is that the installation is very easy, this does not require special heavy artillery, it is enough to use strong male hands. What are the advantages of such models:

  1. Light weight, which facilitates the installation itself, allowing you to do everything yourself without trouble.
  2. The highest tightness, which is achieved even during manufacture, since the product does not have any welds. Based on this, you do not need to worry that not very pleasant content will leak out.
  3. Durability. As everyone knows, plastic does not corrode and is resistant to various negative effects of aggressive substances, which are found in sewage. The service life for the product is 30 and 50 years, which is quite good.
  4. Good strength. Despite the fact that it is plastic, it is not inferior to metal products and can withstand various mechanical actions and loads.
  5. Relatively small price. If we talk about the other two types, then they will cost you more, and transportation will also be expensive.

Metal products

Such containers occupy an honorable second place in terms of application for the collection and storage of sewage waste. Despite the fact that earlier such structures were used more often, since many enterprises fell apart, it was very easy to get such barrels. The peculiarity of their installation is due to the fact that the tanks are super-heavy, so for their installation it will be necessary to hire a crane. If you want to do everything with your own hands, you will not have it. Take this into account when calculating, as you will have to pay for the rental of heavy equipment. Moreover, some costs are also allocated for sealing means, since all welds must be treated with them before installation. That is why it is possible to achieve good sealing and sewage must not enter the ground.

The main advantage of iron tanks is that they are durable and of high quality. They are not easily damaged: they tolerate mechanical action and loads well. But the cons are still much more:

  1. The metal is subject to corrosion. This is why the tank lacks an additional anti-corrosion coating both inside and outside before installation. This can significantly extend the life of the product, but does not completely solve the problem. Over time, it will simply rot.
  2. Most of the tanks are made from narrow sheets of metal, which, under the influence of aggressive substances, will not last long.
  3. Great product price.
  4. The enormous weight, which complicates the installation process itself, makes it more expensive. In addition to the fact that the product itself is more expensive, you will also need to pay extra for transportation services, hiring a crane, purchasing sealant and other installation services.
  5. Limited quantity. As a standard, barrels of 200-250 liters are used for storage and collection of wastewater. This leads to the fact that you will often need to extract the contents, especially if you have a huge family. Everything would be fine, it is possible to do the work on your own (despite the fact that it is uncomfortable and you need to use special equipment), but where to put the waste later? Based on this, it is necessary to resort to the services of sewers, which is not entirely advisable for 200-250 liters.

Concrete products

Very rarely, cement containers are used to collect and store waste. If earlier it would have been expedient, then today, at a time when we have other materials that have good properties and are better suited for this purpose, concrete is significantly inferior. And this is mainly associated with the properties of the material itself. Concrete is simply defenseless against moisture and water, which simply destroys it. That's why you won't have such a reservoir for a long time. At the same time, you will spend a large amount of money and effort on its equipment. As in the case of iron products, special equipment will be required to install cement structures. It is not necessary to say separately about some pros and cons, since everything is clear with this. Now cement constructions are actually not used.

What material for waste storage to choose is a purely personal matter. You have the opportunity to compare the pros and cons of one or another type and select the best one. But to be frank, plastic structures are the most profitable. All you need is to calculate the required quantity, purchase the unit and install it, that's all! Easy, simple and reliable! Such tanks will serve you faithfully for many years, and they do not need constant care. Let's look at how to choose the right plastic tank so that it is ergonomic and lasts a long time.

Rules for choosing plastic barrels

So, having decided to use a plastic tank for storing waste, first of all you need to go to a specialized store and buy such a unit. But how to choose the best option? What are the specific selection criteria? Let's define.

Considering all the advice, you have the opportunity to purchase a container that fully meets your needs and which would serve for a long time and reliably. Now, at a time when everything is ready, it is possible to proceed with the installation work, which you can do yourself.

Preparatory work for installing a sewer tank

The whole essence of the work is contained in the fact that you need to dig a huge hole under the tank and bury it. It all comes down to land work, for which you need to stock up on such tools:

  • shovel, depending on the number of assistants;
  • shovel;
  • buckets;
  • scrap, for working with soil in which there are a large number of stones;
  • a plumb line to regulate the verticality of the pit;
  • level;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • pegs and rope to mark.

Having all the necessary tools, it is possible to proceed to the preparatory stages. They are usually divided into 3 categories:

  1. Preparing tools.
  2. Calculation of the required tank volume.
  3. Choosing the best location.

We have already dealt with the tools. As for the volume of the tank, as mentioned above, there is a special formula, thanks to which you have the opportunity to determine how much you need. This formula looks like this:

V=n?x?V days,

  • V is the desired amount;
  • n - day period after which you want to carry out cleaning work;
  • x - the number of tenants who live in the house;
  • V days - the amount of wastewater that is expected per 1 person per day.

For example, in order to understand, let's imagine a family that consists of 3 members. Approximately 150 liters of wastewater is consumed per person per day. You want your tank to be cleaned every two months, in other words, every 60 days. Now it turns out:

Using the calculator, it is immediately possible to find out that your desired amount is 27,000 liters. It turns out that a tank of no less than 27 m 3 is suitable for your needs, which you will need to clean every two months. You just have to substitute your numbers and draw certain conclusions.

Advice! Calculating the amount of the tank is quite simple. Despite the fact that if this point is neglected, this can lead to negative consequences.

Now you need to choose a suitable place on your site. Simply pointing your finger at any area you like is the wrong tactic. There are specific tank placement requirements that need to be addressed:

  1. In order for sewage to flow freely and by gravity into the tank, it must be installed at the lowest point of your site. Then the pipes will be placed at an angle, and blockages will not form in them.
  2. In order for the container to be comfortably cleaned, it is fundamentally important to provide an entrance to the place so that the sewer machine can easily get in that direction. And you need to do this without paying attention to the fact that you plan to clean the tank with your own hands.
  3. It is recommended that the sewer pipes through which the effluents enter the tank are straight. That is why you will not need to install additional equipment, such as, for example, rotary wells.
  4. In order not to "enjoy" unpleasant odors from the container, you should not place it too close to the house. But even if the tank is located at a large distance, this will lead to additional waste, since the length of the pipeline will be greater. The most optimal distance from the tank to the house is 6 m.

All you have to do before work is to choose a place and proceed with the installation. This is what we are going to do for now!

Installing a plastic tank

One of the major advantages of plastic products is ease of installation. In addition, if you do not have the proper experience in construction and plumbing, you can do everything yourself. All you need is the right tools, following the instructions, some help from a friend or relative, and, in fact, a desire! Let's divide all the work into a couple of stages, so that it is more ergonomic and understandable for you:

On this, all work is completed, and your tank is ready for operation. If everything is right to choose and install the container as directed, then it will help you for many years, making your stay in your home comfortable and enjoyable.

And so that you have the opportunity to know, at a time when it is time to clean the container, it is possible to use a signal float. The set of some products includes such an element, but if you do not have it, it does not matter. It is possible to do it yourself. In order to bring the idea to life, take a steel bar, a catchy Styrofoam ball, an aquarium suction cup and liquid nails glue. So, first put a marking scale on the bar. Better - if it is luminescent paint. Place a suction cup on the end of the steel bar, which must be glued to the bottom. So the rod is securely fixed and does not damage the bottom. Well, in the end, you need to put a catchy ball on the rod, which will freely move along your scale. Place the float so that when you open the lid, you can immediately notice where your ball is. It will show the amount of content.

As you can see, equipping a container for collecting sewage waste is not so easy. All work can be easily done on your own without the help of specialists, who, by the way, would charge you decent money for this service. The use of a plastic tank is advisable, the material has many advantages, and this design will serve you for a long time. This, perhaps, is an intermediate solution between a septic tank and a cesspool, and it is justified from an environmental point of view.


The following video demonstrates the installation of a plastic sewer tank:

Read other than this:

  • How to make a cesspool out of tires.
  • Cesspool cleaning.