Construction of roofs of private houses. The roofs of one-story houses are the soul and face of the house. Prices for different types of building boards

The roofs of private houses are divided into several different categories, depending on the shape, structural elements, complexity of the device, and other things. Choosing the type of roof during the construction of a building should take into account many factors: the amount of precipitation in a particular area, structural strength, wind load, arrangement of living rooms in the attic, etc.

The roof of the house performs several important functions at once:

  • provides hydro and noise insulation;
  • creates a barrier from the wind;
  • acts as a thermal barrier.

The durability of the structure depends on the quality of the structure itself and the roofing material. Also, these indicators affect the cost of heating rooms inside the building.

Flat and pitched roofs

Roofs of houses can be flat and pitched (sloped).

Depending on the architecture of the building, an appropriate roof structure is selected even at the design stage. Drawings are created, and calculations are carried out, taking into account all the features of this architectural structure. The layout of the roof - the attic or living quarters - is also thought out in advance.

Country cottage with a flat roof

Flat structures are found mainly in countries that receive a small amount of annual precipitation. Since with abundant rainfall, water will accumulate on such a roof, and it may begin to leak. In the vastness of our country, pitched roofs are used in the construction of buildings. The plane of such structures is located at a certain angle, usually it is more than 10 degrees and depends on the abundance of precipitation that falls during the season in a given region.

You can learn more about all the other advantages and disadvantages of flat roofs from this special video.

Much more often they use roof projects of private houses with an inclined structure, which can have several slopes at once.

Attic and attic roofs

According to their design, roofs can be divided into non-attic and attic. In non-attic, the bearing elements of its design are at the same time the ceiling of the upper floor of the house. They can be ventilated or non-ventilated. Attic roofs have an attic floor that separates their structure from living quarters.

Roof purpose

When choosing the roof of a house, you should decide in advance how its space will be used: as a simple attic or living space. These points significantly affect what shape and type of roof is suitable for your home.

The main types of roofs of houses in shape

Roof structures of private houses in their form can also be divided into several types:

  • lean-to,
  • gable,
  • hip,
  • multi-forceps,
  • attic,
  • tented,
  • domed,
  • conical,
  • flat.

The main types of roofs for private houses

For shed roofs, the angle of inclination usually does not exceed 20-30 ⁰. The planes of mansard roofs are set at an angle of 45-60⁰ in the lower part and 25-35⁰ in the upper part. For conventional gable structures, this figure is in the range of 25-45⁰.

Hipped roofs suggest the presence of 4-8 planes for better removal of rain and snow.

Beautiful roof structures of private houses are obtained by combining several gable elements or types, however, maintaining such structures in good condition and installing them is not an easy task.

shed roof

It has a fairly simple form. At the same time, this type of roof is extremely rare in the arrangement of private residential buildings, since with such a design, the load on the rainwater drainage system increases significantly, and they simply do not look too beautiful.

Private house with pitched roof

In most cases, such roofs are used in the construction of outbuildings of small width. If you nevertheless decide to equip just this type of roof, then you will need an enhanced drainage system with a greater throughput.

Gable roof

Also having a very simple design, they are the most common type of roofs for private low-rise buildings. When arranging it, you can use almost any roofing materials.

Scheme of the device of a simple standard gable roof of a private house

Hip (four-pitched) roof

The hip (four-pitched) roof is more common in the southern regions. With this option for arranging the roof, the attic has no gables, and the dormer windows, in most cases, are located at the intersection of the ridge with the hip ribs. By design, a hip roof is much more complicated than a gable roof, so it is more often used in cases where a building needs to be given aesthetic appeal.

The design of the hip four-slope roof of the house

Multi-gable roof

The multi-gable roof type is distinguished by an impressive number of different options, depending on the size and number of gables (pediments). Its construction is recommended to be trusted only by experienced professionals, since its arrangement is accompanied by the formation of sunken corners, which require very precise and accurate roofing work.

The device of the multi-gable roof of the house

mansard roof

As a rule, they equip in cases where it is planned to use the attic for living quarters. This type of roof has a broken profile and, accordingly, is somewhat difficult to manufacture. It is often a kind of multi-gable and gable roof.

Scheme of a broken mansard roof

Other types of roofs of private houses

In addition, conical, domed and combined types of roofs are quite common. Conical and domed roofs are often used as decorative or separate elements of more complex building structures. The combined type is one of the most common types of roofs, as it combines several elements of individual types at once.

Private country cottage with a conical roof

The choice of the type and shape of roofs for private houses

When choosing the shape and type of roof, it is necessary to take into account the factors on which its performance depends. First of all, you should pay attention to the slope of the roof. In snowy areas, it is advisable to select structures with simple and steep shapes, since snow will practically not accumulate on such areas.

In areas with strong winds, the strength of the wind load must be taken into account when choosing.
The higher it is, the greater the angle of inclination, area and height of the roof. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fire requirements for roofs.

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Projects of houses and cottages with a pool

Glass roofs for private houses

Many owners of country cottages dream of enjoying the view of the starry sky. Roof projects for private houses may involve both partial glazing and the arrangement of a transparent dome. Glass roofing is installed on the terrace, balconies, veranda.

The shape of the roof for private houses and various kinds of structures is made in the form of an inclined plane, a dome, a sphere. Panoramic glass roofs are mounted on several slopes, which significantly increases the viewing area. During the installation of this design, it is necessary to use reinforced aluminum and steel profiles.

Glass roofs for private houses have their own distinctive features. When designing the structure, it should be taken into account that it will be necessary to periodically wash and repair the glass. The roof, like windows, will fade over time from dust and precipitation on its surface. It is also advisable to install a heating system on the windows so that in cold weather ice and snow do not accumulate on them, and you can enjoy the views.

Materials for transparent roofs

To create transparent and, at the same time, warm and safe roofs, they use:

  • triplex glass,
  • plexiglass,
  • polycarbonate,
  • transparent slate.

Ordinary glass is not used to create transparent roofs because of its high fragility; if broken, fragments can harm human health.

  1. Triplex is the safest material for creating a safe coating.
  2. Laminated glass also does not shatter when broken, however, the light transmission is not very high and it is very thick.
  3. Wired glass is sometimes used for roof glazing. If the glass breaks, the fragments will remain in the metal mesh frame.
  4. Plastic translucent materials - polycarbonate, plexiglass and slate have excellent properties (lightness and high strength), which make it possible to use them to create complex sliding structures.

The device of a simple roof of a wooden country house

House roof projects usually involve the maximum use of attic space, for which the room above is expanded and insulated. The resulting usable attic area can be used for housing.

The roof structure of a wooden house consists of a frame and a roof. The roof frame consists of load-bearing and fastening elements. The main part includes: rafters, Mauerlat and crate. Important additional frame elements are crossbars, struts, racks, etc. They give rigidity to the structure.

The design of the elements of the roof of a wooden house

The height and volume of the resulting room depend on two factors: the angle of inclination and the number of slopes. Typically, projects for the roofs of country houses involve a gable broken shape. This design is the most convenient for human life. Sometimes on the second floor the plan includes a balcony. Be sure to take into account that at the maximum point the height of the attic floor should not be less than 2.2 m.

The inside of a conventional gable roof can also be used as a living area. There are bedrooms or an office here. In this case, the height of the middle part of the room should not be less than 1.8 m.

The roof consists of materials that provide heat, hydro and vapor barrier.

When constructing a roof, special attention is paid to the choice of insulation. It is also worth stopping at the roofing material, which is more suitable in terms of characteristics for your building.

Detailed scheme of the roof of a wooden house
  1. Waterproofing provides protection from precipitation, so the coating should not have damage on its surface, and even very small holes.
  2. The vapor barrier ensures that there is no condensation, which can cause dampness in attics and attic rooms. Also, the inclusion of window openings in the projects of the roofs of country houses, which will allow ventilation, will allow to exclude the dampening of the wooden structure. The location and number of vents affects the ventilation of the attic and its illumination.
  3. produced depending on its design features. Rigid material is laid on monolithic floors. From above they make a screed and mount the floor covering. On wooden structures they are laid: vapor barrier material, insulation, a subfloor is made and only then the floor covering is installed.

Roof construction is an important stage in the construction of a private house. It protects residents from the sun, cold, precipitation and other surprises of nature. When drawing up a project, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the climatic zone. Its second function is aesthetic.

Who doesn't want to live in a beautiful house? A spectacular roof can become the highlight of the whole building and even a local landmark.

Roof types

The choice of roof type is significantly influenced by the climate.

A flat solution is appropriate in areas with a minimum of annual rainfall. The absence or minimal (no more than 3º) slope in areas with a large number of them will lead to the accumulation of water on the roof. Subsequently, it may begin to leak.

A pitched structure is more suitable for our latitudes. The angle of inclination depends on the amount of precipitation, usually at least 10º. In a private house, the roof device often involves several slopes.

The architecture of the house may include an attic. In this case, the roof is separated from the residential part by an attic floor. The roofless roof is at the same time the ceiling of the upper floor.

When drawing up a roof project, you need to decide how to use the space under it. The appropriate shape and design depends on whether it is planned to place a living room or a pantry on it.

Shed roof tilted to one side at an angle of 20-30º. The slope should be located towards the winds. An excellent choice for a house with walls of different heights. This simple design makes efficient use of the area, simplifies the installation of the chimney and the subsequent completion of the floors.

Of the shortcomings, one can single out not the most interesting view. An unusual approach (a combination of slopes at different levels, the use of metal tiles) will achieve an attractive result.

A fairly common option in our latitudes is a gable roof. The angle of inclination varies between 25-45º, the exact value depends on the amount of precipitation in the region.

The slope should contribute to its natural purification from snow and water. This design is suitable for attic equipment, it is quickly and inexpensively mounted, and it opens up wide possibilities for design.

The four-pitched hip roof looks original, protects the facade from precipitation and is not afraid of strong winds. Under it, you can equip an attic or attic, but their area will be less than in the gable version. The disadvantage of the design is the complexity and laboriousness of construction.

The original semi-hip roof combines the last two types. It has a trapezoidal pediment, due to which it is resistant to the vagaries of the weather. May have two or four slopes. Behind the spectacular appearance lies the complexity of installation and roofing.

The tent is a kind of tent or pyramid in the form of four triangular slopes. Accordingly, the house should have the shape of a rectangle or square. Metal tile or slate would be a good option for covering.

The multi-gable roof has an attractive appearance and is suitable for houses of non-standard architecture with extensions. The complexity of the design, including many slopes and angles with different slopes, makes its installation accessible only to an experienced craftsman.

A beautiful and unusual domed or conical roof will suit a round or multifaceted structure. The robust and earthquake-resistant design is not afraid of surprises presented by the weather.

The main disadvantages are the impossibility of organizing an attic and the extreme complexity of installation. Rarely used in private homes.

Roof types can be combined. The architect has ample opportunities to create a functional and aesthetic option. The reverse side of the coin - the construction, design and maintenance are fraught with considerable difficulties.

The architecture of the house also plays a role in choosing the shape of the roof: for example, a gable or multi-gable building is more suitable for a building in a classical style. Photos of the roofs of private houses will help you make a choice.

Mansard roofs

In private houses, an attic or attic is often equipped. This decision is justified by a number of obtained advantages. Perhaps the most important of them is the additional area without the construction of a full-fledged floor.

A well-organized attic ventilation and thermal insulation system will improve the microclimate of the house. With the right approach, even the space between the roof and the walls of the attic can be effectively used. Windows built into the roof provide maximum natural light to the room.

Before starting work, make sure that the load-bearing walls and foundation can withstand the new loads.

The angle of inclination of the attic roof is usually 45-60º (the upper part can be at an angle of 25-35º).

Material selection

The traditional roofing material is slate (asbestos-cement corrugated sheets). With reliability and cheapness, it remains quite heavy. A suitable roof slope for its use is 13-60º.

Not suitable for flat roofs, as precipitation will reduce the service life if it gets into the cracks. Bituminous slate is used starting from a 5º slope. The pitch of the crate depends on the angle: if it is less than 10º, a continuous flooring is required.

Ondulin, similar to slate, does not have the most presentable appearance. Suitable for outbuildings, can also be used in the repair of the roof of a private house. The harm to its merits is strength and durability.

Practical, inexpensive, lightweight metal profile will be a good alternative to slate. You can choose the cover of your favorite color.

Roofing material is more often used to provide thermal insulation, rather than a full-fledged coating. It is a soft black material.

The tile possesses high decorative qualities, reliable and easy. Produced in a variety of colors. The high cost of the roof can push away from the choice in her favor. A suitable slope for ceramic tiles is 30-60º. If it is less than 25º, care must be taken to increase ventilation and waterproofing.

Perhaps the most popular roof of a private house can be called a metal tile. It can be used starting with a 15º slope.

Bituminous tiles will repeat the surface of any curvature, so it will be a good choice for an unusual roof (for example, a dome). The minimum tilt angle is 12º.

Photos of roofs of private houses

Many people want to have their own country house, where they can go for the weekend and take a break from the bustle of the city. You need to start building with a draft. However, special attention must be paid to the creation of the roof plan of the building.

Roof design

Roof projects today are created using special computer programs. If there is no experience in such a matter, it is recommended to use the services of qualified architects, most of whom are able to offer ready-made roof options for private buildings. The appropriate option should be chosen based on personal preferences.

In the case of self-development of a roof construction plan, it is important to know its structure, as well as what materials should be used in a particular case. It is important to understand why each detail of the roof is needed. If there is no knowledge of the roof device, a high-quality project cannot be drawn up. The main elements of the roof include the following:

  1. Lathing. Insulation material and roofing are attached to this part. The crate is attached to the rafter supports.

    The crate serves as the basis for fixing the insulation and roofing material

  2. Internal supports. They are installed so that the load from the roof can be distributed equally over the entire structure of the building.
  3. Skate ride. Rafters will be attached to this part. It is a long, often composite, large-section beam.

    The ridge run sets the upper boundary of the roof and forms the junction of two slopes

  4. Rafter. They form the frame of the roof and are the basis for the crate. Can be layered or hanging type. If you plan to make a project with hanging rafters, then two extreme supports should be used as the basis for them. Elements can work in bending and compression. Hanging rafters are used mainly for attic buildings. Rafter legs of a layered type should rest on both extreme points of the supporting parts and on several internal ones. Elements can work exclusively in bending.

    Slanted rafters are mounted if the house has a major partition

  5. Diagonal links. With their help, rafters and Mauerlat are fastened. Also called braces.
  6. Mauerlat. These are special slats that are laid along the lower perimeter of the structure. The rafter system will rely on them. Mounted flush with the wall. Elements should be carefully waterproofed from the side of the wall.

    Mauerlat is laid along the upper end of the walls and serves as a link between the building frame and the roofing system

  7. Roofing material. The outer part of the roof, which performs a decorative function and protects the building from atmospheric influences.

    The roofing material is the finishing coating for which the entire roof frame is assembled.

Details are fastened together with small pins, which are called ruffs. In addition, support niches are cut out under the rafter legs in some cases, which are fastened with steel wire about 4–6 mm thick.

To build a rafter system, high-quality wood should be used. Sometimes you can find metal structures, but wood is a more affordable material. For rafter supports, a beam from 40x150 mm to 100x250 mm is used. The choice of material sizes will depend on the distance between the supports, the design load and the design features of the roof. The cross section of the rafters is determined based on their length.

Table: roof material parameters

Roof shapes

In individual construction, there are several forms of roof:

  1. Flat roof. Such a design becomes profitable if an attic space is planned under it, and not a full-fledged attic. It can be warm: since the slope is minimal, it is possible to lay a large amount of insulation material. The roof can be used for buildings of any configuration, even one in which the pitched roof seems broken and bulky. A flat roof is often made exploitable. Additional space for relaxation can be organized on it. However, the design of such a roof should provide for the installation of a snowmelt system that will prevent the accumulation of snow and ice in large quantities. The design is not popular in Russia, so few companies are able to competently draft such a roof.

    Flat roofs are often made exploitable: gardens, greenhouses, recreation areas and even parking lots are arranged on them.

  2. Roof with one slope. This design is the easiest to make. It is suitable for buildings with a span of 6-7 m.. The direction of the slope to the north will allow you to create windows of large width from the southern part of the facade. To the south, it is recommended to arrange solar collectors around the base of the roof. This type of construction allows the use of large-sized sheet roofing materials. A roof with one slope is suitable for both a large building and small buildings - garages or verandas. The project can provide for the presence of several structures with a single slope, which are combined into a single structure and have slopes in different directions. The slope should be small so that there is no need to build walls too high.

    When constructing a shed roof, there is always a compromise: the angle of inclination cannot be made too large so as not to build a very high front wall, but it must ensure the free discharge of precipitation

  3. Roof with two slopes. This design is the most popular and affordable. The roof ideally covers any structure, forming a superstructure of a triangular shape. It is recommended to choose a gable roof if you want to arrange an attic room. Windows that are placed in the gables will be able to provide the proper level of ventilation and illumination. For an attic room, a modified variation of a gable roof is quite often used - a broken structure, which has a steeper slope of the lower part (70–80 ° compared to the upper 28–30 °). This makes it possible to significantly increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe attic. The roof with two slopes also includes a vaulted building, which is carried out in a circle. This type of roof is able to decorate the protruding parts of the building.

    The gable roof allows you to equip the attic space

  4. Half hipped roof. This option is reliable and cost-effective financially. The attic can be ventilated and illuminated with the help of windows in the gables. Half-hip roofs are classified as a type of building with two slopes.

    In the semi-hipped roof structure there are gables, with the help of which the attic can be illuminated and ventilated

  5. Hip roof. It has good resistance to wind loads. Quite often, this roof design is used to cover buildings of a significant area and improve their appearance. This is a complex product, in which there must be dormer and dormer windows. They provide the necessary level of lighting and ventilation.

    In the hip roof must be present dormers and skylights

  6. Shed roof. This is a subspecies of the hip type roof. It is suitable only for square-shaped buildings - towers and arbors.

    The hipped roof is only suitable for square-shaped buildings

  7. Broken hip roof. It combines the useful properties of two systems - a broken line and a hip. It is advisable to build it if you plan to build a large presentable house. The design is quite difficult to implement. Its main advantages include the ability to profitably dispose of the usable attic area and excellent appearance.

    Sloping hip roof suitable for large private houses

In the process of drawing up a project, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the roof is made. At the moment, on sale you can find many varieties of roofing:

  • iron;
  • cement-sand tiles;
  • slate;
  • reeds, straw or reeds;
  • wooden shingle;
  • metal tile;
  • ruberoid;
  • metal profile.

How to determine the slope of the roof

The type of roofing material affects the slope of the structure. To simplify the calculation, you can apply a special scheme that makes it possible to select the roof material based on its slope.

The slope of the roof depends on many factors, including the coating material.

If the slope is from 0 to 25%, then materials in rolls can be used to cover the roof. If the angle of inclination is in the range of 12–25%, then installation of one layer is allowed, for example, material with additional filling. On roofs with a slope of less than 28%, it is possible to lay corrugated sheets of asbestos cement. Slate is the best. If the angle of inclination is more than 33%, then tiles are often used.

When the angle of inclination of the roof and the material for overlapping the structure are determined, it is required to calculate the height of the ridge. To do this, a mathematical method is used: you need to take the span of the building and divide it by 2. The result is multiplied by the relative indicator, which is taken from the table.

Table: dependence of the relative indicator on the slope of the roof

For example, with a span of 8 m and a slope of 25 °, the height of the ridge will be 8/2 x 0.47 = 1.88 m.

In the process of drawing up a roof project, it is important to consider the following rules:

  1. The calculated wind load is 35 kg/m 2 . If the slope of the rafters is more than 30 °, then an auxiliary structure should be equipped in order to increase the resistance.
  2. The calculated snow load will depend on the slope of the slope. If it is less than 60 °, then it will be at least 180 kg / m 3. If the slope is greater, then the load is most often not taken into account.
  3. To strengthen the structure, the use of iron elements is allowed. To protect them from moisture, rust or condensation, they should be treated with special means.

Large house roof design

If you plan to build a private house of a large area, then it is not recommended to use a pitched roof. If there is still a desire to make it, several shed roofs should be provided. They will need to be combined and placed at an angle in different directions. If there is no desire to build high walls, then the roof should not have a large slope.

From an aesthetic point of view, the best solution is to use a hipped sloping roof. It must provide for the presence of dormer and dormers so that the roof can be ventilated.

If it is planned to make a hip sloping roof, then you should take care of the installation of dormer windows

In a similar design, you can make an attic floor, which will add usable space to the building. When placing a dormer window, care must be taken to:

  • the angle of inclination of the roof was more than 35°;
  • the dimensions of the wings were in the range from 80x60 to 120x80 cm;
  • the superstructure above the roof opening was removed from the outer walls at a short distance.

To equip roof dormers, you can use the following facing materials:

  • tiles;
  • copper sheets;
  • steel sheets.

In the process of drafting the roof, you will need to make a separate drawing of the dormer windows. During the creation of the project, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • the width of the opening for such a window should be more than half the width of the attic room;
  • the supports must be the same thickness as the roof rafters;
  • frame elements should be fixed with steel fasteners.

Video: roof dormer project

Roof project for a chalet house

Chalet-style buildings were the first to be made by residents of settlements in the Alps, but at the moment they can be seen in Western Europe, the USA, Canada and some regions of Russia.

A gable roof is suitable for a chalet-style house, but it should hang over the walls

A feature of the appearance of a chalet-style building is the roof, which hangs heavily over the walls. Under such a shelter, the base, blind area, basement and walls of the building will be reliably protected from precipitation and sunlight. Roof extension can be done up to 300 cm to ensure water runoff after rain from the building line. Removing the roof can also save you from dampness in the basement and on the first floor. This will help to increase the possible period of use of the building.

The roof structure of the chalet has large extensions in the form of canopies that can protect the terraces located along the facade of the building from wind and precipitation, or form a usable area, which will also be reliably protected from atmospheric influences.

In winter, such a roof will hold snow and be able to provide additional thermal insulation. It is worth noting that although such a roof visually seems large, it does not make the building heavier. However, for reliability, consoles should be built along the walls, which will serve as additional supporting parts for the roof overhangs.

This is done in the following way:

For a sloping roof, the project should provide for a reinforced rafter mechanism, since the rafters will need to withstand a large load from snow. With a slope of more than 45 °, the snow load can be ignored.

Most chalet-style building projects include a large veranda, which is an advantage for a large family. It is important to remember that the construction of such a house is a costly process, but in the end, the building will not only bring joy to the family, but also highlight the status of the owner.

Chalet-style designs have the following features:

  1. A sloping roof with two slopes, far protruding canopies and significant overhangs.
  2. A large terrace that extends beyond the perimeter of a building and is often supported by columns.
  3. High plinth made of stone.
  4. The second floor, made of wooden parts.
  5. Balconies, which are located under the overhangs of the roof.

There are no special requirements for the interior of such a house, which cannot be said about the appearance. However, projects most often comply with certain standards. The basic rule is the use of wood and stone. These natural materials will be able to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the rooms. The ceiling and floor base are most often constructed from wooden parts. The walls of the lower floor can be plastered, whitewashed and decorated with decorative details.

Carrying out competent and complete load calculations will make it possible to obtain a solid and reliable roof that will meet all the requirements. There are projects of small country houses where a "hut" type design is used. The roof in these buildings practically reaches the ground, combining the functions of walls and roofing. Such buildings have an extraordinary and beautiful appearance.

Roof design software

Roof calculation and project development are complex procedures. If there is no experience in performing such work, then it is recommended to contact qualified specialists or use appropriate software tools. Today you can find a large number of specialized software, but you should figure out which one is the most convenient.

Many specialists traditionally make calculations manually, but it should be understood that the result of calculating the program on a computer will be more accurate and visual.

  1. One of the best roofing software is FloorPlan3D. It is suitable even for a person who does not have any experience in the field of architecture. With its help, you can create three-dimensional roof plans and calculate the required amount of material. The main advantage of this software is the convenience and simplicity of the interface. The undoubted advantage of the program is one of the lowest prices on the market.

    In the FloorPlan3D program, you can make a roof project without special skills

  2. If you need more complex and versatile software tools, you should pay attention to the ArCon application. This program allows you not only to draw up a project of the roof and the whole building, but also to understand the design of the landscape. If ArCon is considered as a tool exclusively for roof design, then the program is one of the best solutions in this regard.

    ArCon is one of the best programs for designing the entire building and the surrounding area, but it can also be used to calculate the roof separately.

  3. Another popular software is Autodesk Autocad. The program is in great demand and has advanced functionality, but its main disadvantage is its high cost.

    Autocad is not cheap, so it is most often used by specialists

If the roof project will be drawn up for yourself, it is recommended to use FloorPlan3D. Professionals who engage in this activity on a regular basis are more suitable for ArCon and AutoCad.

Video: designing a roof truss system in ArchiCad

Self-development of the project of the roof of the house

The work on drawing up the project is conditionally divided into 3 stages:

  1. Sketch preparation. The work consists in determining the roof structure to be manufactured, visualizing the appearance and choosing the material for the coating. It is important to agree on the basic style of the building and the roof, and then determine the color of the structure. This stage is preparatory. All thoughts and ideas must be transferred to paper.
  2. Development of the main design schemes. You will need to perform calculations taking into account the expected loads on the roof, and then select the material for the rafter legs and their dimensions. After that, you need to make a drawing of the roof, think over the main details. Next, an estimate is drawn up: the required amount of materials is calculated, a list of tools and materials is prepared, and the cost of equipment and work is determined.
  3. Construction works. The project should be put into practice. During this period, it is only necessary to carry out auxiliary calculations. They will, because it is quite difficult to take into account everything. Some adjustments will be made as the work progresses.

A private house on the plan must be divided into rectangles. Lines are drawn inside them, which indicate the junction of the planes of the slopes from the inside and outside. Next, you need to designate the placement of valleys and skates. Part of the details will be located outside the boundaries of the outer walls, since the roof must have an overhang. The projections of the front and side parts must be done taking into account the slope of the slopes. They are set when the entire house project is drawn up, since it is important to take into account the purpose and type of structure, as well as the type of roofing material used.

On the roof drawing, you need to indicate the exact location of the main parts, as well as indicate their size and shape.

The graphic part of the project is prepared using computer programs. The plan must have coordinate axes. With their help, it will be easier to navigate in space. For this you will need:

  1. Draw a line around the plan of a private house.
  2. Transfer the boundaries of the main walls and other lines of the building project to the roof drawing.
  3. Above each rectangle of the building, draw an image of the roof, starting with the largest.
  4. Mark with lines the projections of the skates.
  5. Draw valleys.

The project must necessarily indicate the location of the channels for the removal of smoke and ventilation. If you plan to install skylights, they must also be marked on the plan. The lines should determine the slopes of the slopes, as well as the direction of the drains. For all axes and contours of the project, the actual dimensions must be indicated.

Separate points in the project must include drawings of the connection points of various roof elements:

  • attaching struts, racks, puffs and other elements;
  • fixing the rafter legs to the Mauerlat;
  • fastening of the ridge run, places of fixing the rafter legs to each other and to other details.

In the graphic section of the plan, there should be a sketch of the roof that can give a general idea of ​​the roof. This is required primarily in order to evaluate the aesthetics and appearance.

A sketch of the roof is needed in order to be able to evaluate its appearance

If you plan to cut in any elements, they must be displayed on a separate drawing. Be sure to indicate the shape of the cut and its actual dimensions.

In the process of independent drafting of the project, it is important to take into account the following rules:

  1. The intersection of the planes of the slopes should form a ridge or valley. The corner of the rectangle should be divided into 2 equal parts using the projection of the slopes.
  2. Through two lines that converge or intersect in one place, a third line almost always passes.
  3. The lines of the ridge and eaves overhangs should be parallel. The projection of the ridge line should pass in the middle of the building.
  4. The flat design project consists of several lines. A roof with several slopes has many projections of valleys and ridges. Such roofs have a complex shape, require the preparation of a reinforced rafter system and a large slope.

Video: self-drawing up a roof plan

Roof area calculation

At the stage of project preparation, it is necessary to know the data on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure. This is required in order to be able to correctly calculate the amount of roofing material, insulation, fasteners and waterproofing.

Mistakes that are made when drafting a project

When the plan is developed, there is a desire to start its implementation. However, it is recommended that you consult with experts first. If miscalculations are made during the preparation of the project, then rework may require a lot of time and finances.

Quite often, designers make mistakes that can be divided into 2 types:

  • constructive miscalculations;
  • architectural miscalculations.

The latter, in most cases, are associated with shortcomings in the ventilation of roof elements. If the structure is insulated, it is important to pay attention not only to protecting the insulation material from moisture, but also to such details as the ventilation system of the eaves or ridge.

The normal functioning of such mechanisms is affected by auxiliary parts, which include attics, parapets, etc. If they are not installed correctly, they can have a negative effect on the air intake. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the height of the vents or refuse to mount some elements.

Another common mistake is an incorrectly designed drainage system.

The drainage system can be open or closed, but in any case, it is necessary to correctly calculate the cross section of its passage elements

Quite often, decorative gutters are used, which are of insufficient size. In this case, water may overflow. This may lead to damage to the facade of the building. Another mistake is a small roof pitch. This quite often leads to a critical increase in the load on the rafter mechanism during frost.

When choosing a material for overlapping a structure, it is necessary to take into account the following recommendations:

  • for metal tiles, the permissible angle of inclination is from 30 °;
  • for corrugated board, the minimum slope is 8 °;
  • for slate, the optimal range of tilt angles is 25–30 °;
  • for a flexible coating, the allowable slope is 5 ° or more.

The drafting of the roof should be given special attention, since if at least minor miscalculations are made, the roof will be fragile. Accordingly, shortly after manufacture, unplanned repairs may be necessary.

Many people want to have their own country house, where they can go for the weekend and take a break from the bustle of the city. You need to start building with a draft. However, special attention must be paid to the creation of the roof plan of the building.

Roof design

Roof projects today are created using special computer programs. If there is no experience in such a matter, it is recommended to use the services of qualified architects, most of whom are able to offer ready-made roof options for private buildings. The appropriate option should be chosen based on personal preferences.

In the case of self-development of a roof construction plan, it is important to know its structure, as well as what materials should be used in a particular case. It is important to understand why each detail of the roof is needed. If there is no knowledge of the roof device, a high-quality project cannot be drawn up. The main elements of the roof include the following:

  1. Lathing. Insulation material and roofing are attached to this part. The crate is attached to the rafter supports.

    The crate serves as the basis for fixing the insulation and roofing material

  2. Internal supports. They are installed so that the load from the roof can be distributed equally over the entire structure of the building.
  3. Skate ride. Rafters will be attached to this part. It is a long, often composite, large-section beam.

    The ridge run sets the upper boundary of the roof and forms the junction of two slopes

  4. Rafter. They form the frame of the roof and are the basis for the crate. Can be layered or hanging type. If you plan to make a project with hanging rafters, then two extreme supports should be used as the basis for them. Elements can work in bending and compression. Hanging rafters are used mainly for attic buildings. Rafter legs of a layered type should rest on both extreme points of the supporting parts and on several internal ones. Elements can work exclusively in bending.

    Slanted rafters are mounted if the house has a major partition

  5. Diagonal links. With their help, rafters and Mauerlat are fastened. Also called braces.
  6. Mauerlat. These are special slats that are laid along the lower perimeter of the structure. The rafter system will rely on them. Mounted flush with the wall. Elements should be carefully waterproofed from the side of the wall.

    Mauerlat is laid along the upper end of the walls and serves as a link between the building frame and the roofing system

  7. Roofing material. The outer part of the roof, which performs a decorative function and protects the building from atmospheric influences.

    The roofing material is the finishing coating for which the entire roof frame is assembled.

Details are fastened together with small pins, which are called ruffs. In addition, support niches are cut out under the rafter legs in some cases, which are fastened with steel wire about 4–6 mm thick.

To build a rafter system, high-quality wood should be used. Sometimes you can find metal structures, but wood is a more affordable material. For rafter supports, a beam from 40x150 mm to 100x250 mm is used. The choice of material sizes will depend on the distance between the supports, the design load and the design features of the roof. The cross section of the rafters is determined based on their length.

Table: roof material parameters

Roof shapes

In individual construction, there are several forms of roof:

  1. Flat roof. Such a design becomes profitable if an attic space is planned under it, and not a full-fledged attic. It can be warm: since the slope is minimal, it is possible to lay a large amount of insulation material. The roof can be used for buildings of any configuration, even one in which the pitched roof seems broken and bulky. A flat roof is often made exploitable. Additional space for relaxation can be organized on it. However, the design of such a roof should provide for the installation of a snowmelt system that will prevent the accumulation of snow and ice in large quantities. The design is not popular in Russia, so few companies are able to competently draft such a roof.

    Flat roofs are often made exploitable: gardens, greenhouses, recreation areas and even parking lots are arranged on them.

  2. Roof with one slope. This design is the easiest to make. It is suitable for buildings with a span of 6-7 m.. The direction of the slope to the north will allow you to create windows of large width from the southern part of the facade. To the south, it is recommended to arrange solar collectors around the base of the roof. This type of construction allows the use of large-sized sheet roofing materials. A roof with one slope is suitable for both a large building and small buildings - garages or verandas. The project can provide for the presence of several structures with a single slope, which are combined into a single structure and have slopes in different directions. The slope should be small so that there is no need to build walls too high.

    When constructing a shed roof, there is always a compromise: the angle of inclination cannot be made too large so as not to build a very high front wall, but it must ensure the free discharge of precipitation

  3. Roof with two slopes. This design is the most popular and affordable. The roof ideally covers any structure, forming a superstructure of a triangular shape. It is recommended to choose a gable roof if you want to arrange an attic room. Windows that are placed in the gables will be able to provide the proper level of ventilation and illumination. For an attic room, a modified variation of a gable roof is quite often used - a broken structure, which has a steeper slope of the lower part (70–80 ° compared to the upper 28–30 °). This makes it possible to significantly increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe attic. The roof with two slopes also includes a vaulted building, which is carried out in a circle. This type of roof is able to decorate the protruding parts of the building.

    The gable roof allows you to equip the attic space

  4. Half hipped roof. This option is reliable and cost-effective financially. The attic can be ventilated and illuminated with the help of windows in the gables. Half-hip roofs are classified as a type of building with two slopes.

    In the semi-hipped roof structure there are gables, with the help of which the attic can be illuminated and ventilated

  5. Hip roof. It has good resistance to wind loads. Quite often, this roof design is used to cover buildings of a significant area and improve their appearance. This is a complex product, in which there must be dormer and dormer windows. They provide the necessary level of lighting and ventilation.

    In the hip roof must be present dormers and skylights

  6. Shed roof. This is a subspecies of the hip type roof. It is suitable only for square-shaped buildings - towers and arbors.

    The hipped roof is only suitable for square-shaped buildings

  7. Broken hip roof. It combines the useful properties of two systems - a broken line and a hip. It is advisable to build it if you plan to build a large presentable house. The design is quite difficult to implement. Its main advantages include the ability to profitably dispose of the usable attic area and excellent appearance.

    Sloping hip roof suitable for large private houses

In the process of drawing up a project, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the roof is made. At the moment, on sale you can find many varieties of roofing:

  • iron;
  • cement-sand tiles;
  • slate;
  • reeds, straw or reeds;
  • wooden shingle;
  • metal tile;
  • ruberoid;
  • metal profile.

How to determine the slope of the roof

The type of roofing material affects the slope of the structure. To simplify the calculation, you can apply a special scheme that makes it possible to select the roof material based on its slope.

The slope of the roof depends on many factors, including the coating material.

If the slope is from 0 to 25%, then materials in rolls can be used to cover the roof. If the angle of inclination is in the range of 12–25%, then installation of one layer is allowed, for example, material with additional filling. On roofs with a slope of less than 28%, it is possible to lay corrugated sheets of asbestos cement. Slate is the best. If the angle of inclination is more than 33%, then tiles are often used.

When the angle of inclination of the roof and the material for overlapping the structure are determined, it is required to calculate the height of the ridge. To do this, a mathematical method is used: you need to take the span of the building and divide it by 2. The result is multiplied by the relative indicator, which is taken from the table.

Table: dependence of the relative indicator on the slope of the roof

For example, with a span of 8 m and a slope of 25 °, the height of the ridge will be 8/2 x 0.47 = 1.88 m.

In the process of drawing up a roof project, it is important to consider the following rules:

  1. The calculated wind load is 35 kg/m 2 . If the slope of the rafters is more than 30 °, then an auxiliary structure should be equipped in order to increase the resistance.
  2. The calculated snow load will depend on the slope of the slope. If it is less than 60 °, then it will be at least 180 kg / m 3. If the slope is greater, then the load is most often not taken into account.
  3. To strengthen the structure, the use of iron elements is allowed. To protect them from moisture, rust or condensation, they should be treated with special means.

Large house roof design

If you plan to build a private house of a large area, then it is not recommended to use a pitched roof. If there is still a desire to make it, several shed roofs should be provided. They will need to be combined and placed at an angle in different directions. If there is no desire to build high walls, then the roof should not have a large slope.

From an aesthetic point of view, the best solution is to use a hipped sloping roof. It must provide for the presence of dormer and dormers so that the roof can be ventilated.

If it is planned to make a hip sloping roof, then you should take care of the installation of dormer windows

In a similar design, you can make an attic floor, which will add usable space to the building. When placing a dormer window, care must be taken to:

  • the angle of inclination of the roof was more than 35°;
  • the dimensions of the wings were in the range from 80x60 to 120x80 cm;
  • the superstructure above the roof opening was removed from the outer walls at a short distance.

To equip roof dormers, you can use the following facing materials:

  • tiles;
  • copper sheets;
  • steel sheets.

In the process of drafting the roof, you will need to make a separate drawing of the dormer windows. During the creation of the project, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • the width of the opening for such a window should be more than half the width of the attic room;
  • the supports must be the same thickness as the roof rafters;
  • frame elements should be fixed with steel fasteners.

Video: roof dormer project

Roof project for a chalet house

Chalet-style buildings were the first to be made by residents of settlements in the Alps, but at the moment they can be seen in Western Europe, the USA, Canada and some regions of Russia.

A gable roof is suitable for a chalet-style house, but it should hang over the walls

A feature of the appearance of a chalet-style building is the roof, which hangs heavily over the walls. Under such a shelter, the base, blind area, basement and walls of the building will be reliably protected from precipitation and sunlight. Roof extension can be done up to 300 cm to ensure water runoff after rain from the building line. Removing the roof can also save you from dampness in the basement and on the first floor. This will help to increase the possible period of use of the building.

The roof structure of the chalet has large extensions in the form of canopies that can protect the terraces located along the facade of the building from wind and precipitation, or form a usable area, which will also be reliably protected from atmospheric influences.

In winter, such a roof will hold snow and be able to provide additional thermal insulation. It is worth noting that although such a roof visually seems large, it does not make the building heavier. However, for reliability, consoles should be built along the walls, which will serve as additional supporting parts for the roof overhangs.

This is done in the following way:

For a sloping roof, the project should provide for a reinforced rafter mechanism, since the rafters will need to withstand a large load from snow. With a slope of more than 45 °, the snow load can be ignored.

Most chalet-style building projects include a large veranda, which is an advantage for a large family. It is important to remember that the construction of such a house is a costly process, but in the end, the building will not only bring joy to the family, but also highlight the status of the owner.

Chalet-style designs have the following features:

  1. A sloping roof with two slopes, far protruding canopies and significant overhangs.
  2. A large terrace that extends beyond the perimeter of a building and is often supported by columns.
  3. High plinth made of stone.
  4. The second floor, made of wooden parts.
  5. Balconies, which are located under the overhangs of the roof.

There are no special requirements for the interior of such a house, which cannot be said about the appearance. However, projects most often comply with certain standards. The basic rule is the use of wood and stone. These natural materials will be able to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the rooms. The ceiling and floor base are most often constructed from wooden parts. The walls of the lower floor can be plastered, whitewashed and decorated with decorative details.

Carrying out competent and complete load calculations will make it possible to obtain a solid and reliable roof that will meet all the requirements. There are projects of small country houses where a "hut" type design is used. The roof in these buildings practically reaches the ground, combining the functions of walls and roofing. Such buildings have an extraordinary and beautiful appearance.

Roof design software

Roof calculation and project development are complex procedures. If there is no experience in performing such work, then it is recommended to contact qualified specialists or use appropriate software tools. Today you can find a large number of specialized software, but you should figure out which one is the most convenient.

Many specialists traditionally make calculations manually, but it should be understood that the result of calculating the program on a computer will be more accurate and visual.

If the roof project will be drawn up for yourself, it is recommended to use FloorPlan3D. Professionals who engage in this activity on a regular basis are more suitable for ArCon and AutoCad.

Video: designing a roof truss system in ArchiCad

Self-development of the project of the roof of the house

The work on drawing up the project is conditionally divided into 3 stages:

  1. Sketch preparation. The work consists in determining the roof structure to be manufactured, visualizing the appearance and choosing the material for the coating. It is important to agree on the basic style of the building and the roof, and then determine the color of the structure. This stage is preparatory. All thoughts and ideas must be transferred to paper.
  2. Development of the main design schemes. You will need to perform calculations taking into account the expected loads on the roof, and then select the material for the rafter legs and their dimensions. After that, you need to make a drawing of the roof, think over the main details. Next, an estimate is drawn up: the required amount of materials is calculated, a list of tools and materials is prepared, and the cost of equipment and work is determined.
  3. Construction works. The project should be put into practice. During this period, it is only necessary to carry out auxiliary calculations. They will, because it is quite difficult to take into account everything. Some adjustments will be made as the work progresses.

A private house on the plan must be divided into rectangles. Lines are drawn inside them, which indicate the junction of the planes of the slopes from the inside and outside. Next, you need to designate the placement of valleys and skates. Part of the details will be located outside the boundaries of the outer walls, since the roof must have an overhang. The projections of the front and side parts must be done taking into account the slope of the slopes. They are set when the entire house project is drawn up, since it is important to take into account the purpose and type of structure, as well as the type of roofing material used.

On the roof drawing, you need to indicate the exact location of the main parts, as well as indicate their size and shape.

The graphic part of the project is prepared using computer programs. The plan must have coordinate axes. With their help, it will be easier to navigate in space. For this you will need:

  1. Draw a line around the plan of a private house.
  2. Transfer the boundaries of the main walls and other lines of the building project to the roof drawing.
  3. Above each rectangle of the building, draw an image of the roof, starting with the largest.
  4. Mark with lines the projections of the skates.
  5. Draw valleys.

The project must necessarily indicate the location of the channels for the removal of smoke and ventilation. If you plan to install skylights, they must also be marked on the plan. The lines should determine the slopes of the slopes, as well as the direction of the drains. For all axes and contours of the project, the actual dimensions must be indicated.

Separate points in the project must include drawings of the connection points of various roof elements:

  • attaching struts, racks, puffs and other elements;
  • fixing the rafter legs to the Mauerlat;
  • fastening of the ridge run, places of fixing the rafter legs to each other and to other details.

In the graphic section of the plan, there should be a sketch of the roof that can give a general idea of ​​the roof. This is required primarily in order to evaluate the aesthetics and appearance.

A sketch of the roof is needed in order to be able to evaluate its appearance

If you plan to cut in any elements, they must be displayed on a separate drawing. Be sure to indicate the shape of the cut and its actual dimensions.

In the process of independent drafting of the project, it is important to take into account the following rules:

  1. The intersection of the planes of the slopes should form a ridge or valley. The corner of the rectangle should be divided into 2 equal parts using the projection of the slopes.
  2. Through two lines that converge or intersect in one place, a third line almost always passes.
  3. The lines of the ridge and eaves overhangs should be parallel. The projection of the ridge line should pass in the middle of the building.
  4. The flat design project consists of several lines. A roof with several slopes has many projections of valleys and ridges. Such roofs have a complex shape, require the preparation of a reinforced rafter system and a large slope.

Video: self-drawing up a roof plan

Roof area calculation

At the stage of project preparation, it is necessary to know the data on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure. This is required in order to be able to correctly calculate the amount of roofing material, insulation, fasteners and waterproofing.

Mistakes that are made when drafting a project

When the plan is developed, there is a desire to start its implementation. However, it is recommended that you consult with experts first. If miscalculations are made during the preparation of the project, then rework may require a lot of time and finances.

Quite often, designers make mistakes that can be divided into 2 types:

  • constructive miscalculations;
  • architectural miscalculations.

The latter, in most cases, are associated with shortcomings in the ventilation of roof elements. If the structure is insulated, it is important to pay attention not only to protecting the insulation material from moisture, but also to such details as the ventilation system of the eaves or ridge.

The normal functioning of such mechanisms is affected by auxiliary parts, which include attics, parapets, etc. If they are not installed correctly, they can have a negative effect on the air intake. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the height of the vents or refuse to mount some elements.

Another common mistake is an incorrectly designed drainage system.

The drainage system can be open or closed, but in any case, it is necessary to correctly calculate the cross section of its passage elements

Quite often, decorative gutters are used, which are of insufficient size. In this case, water may overflow. This may lead to damage to the facade of the building. Another mistake is a small roof pitch. This quite often leads to a critical increase in the load on the rafter mechanism during frost.

When choosing a material for overlapping a structure, it is necessary to take into account the following recommendations:

  • for metal tiles, the permissible angle of inclination is from 30 °;
  • for corrugated board, the minimum slope is 8 °;
  • for slate, the optimal range of tilt angles is 25–30 °;
  • for a flexible coating, the allowable slope is 5 ° or more.

The drafting of the roof should be given special attention, since if at least minor miscalculations are made, the roof will be fragile. Accordingly, shortly after manufacture, unplanned repairs may be necessary.

According to statistics, every second homeowner built his home on his own. According to their reviews, self-erecting a roof is one of the most difficult stages for non-professional builders. Therefore, it is very important to approach this stage, having in mind a complete understanding of all the nuances of the process. To figure out how to make a roof with your own hands, you need to study the device, installation technology, the procedure for work and the features of fastening all components of the structure.

Roof types

First you need to decide on the form. To date, the most popular types are:

Form Features

Covering the roof with one single slope will save nerves and materials, since structurally this is the simplest option. If you make such a frame yourself, then the labor intensity of the work will be the least, and the installation speed will be high. But this form has a drawback - there is no possibility of arranging a full-fledged attic or attic, since the under-roof space is too low.

A gable roof is mounted much more often. It is a little more difficult to manufacture, but allows you to get more space. Compared to the four-slope, it has less complexity and mass, but it will be necessary to make triangular gables along the ends of the building.

Gable - the most popular form

Before proceeding with the independent construction of a roof with four slopes, you will need to seriously prepare. Such a system has more elements than the previous two. In addition, in the attic there is no way to make full-fledged windows, since the roof structure is devoid of gables and installation is difficult or unavoidable.

The four-slope is difficult to construct, but savings are achieved due to the absence of gables

For an attic, a combined design with. In this case, the lower part of the roof has a greater slope than the upper part. This assembly allows you to raise the ceiling in the room and make the house built more comfortable.

A broken line is not the most “architectural”, but very efficient in terms of space used


Before starting work, you need to make a design calculation. It makes no sense to calculate sections of all elements. In most cases, they can be accepted constructively:

  • mauerlat - 150x150 mm;
  • racks - 100x150 or 100x100 mm, depending on the section of the rafters;
  • struts - 100x150 or 50x150 mm, taking into account the convenience of connecting with rafters;
  • puffs - 50x150 mm on both sides;
  • runs - 100x150 or 150x50 mm;
  • pads with a thickness of 32 to 50 mm.

The calculation is usually performed only for rafter and sloping legs. It is required to choose the height and width of the section. The parameters depend on:

  • roofing material;
  • snow region;
  • the pitch of the rafters (selected so that it is convenient to lay the insulation, for mineral wool between the elements, 58 cm should remain in the light);
  • span.

You can choose the cross section of the rafters using general recommendations. But in this case, it is recommended to make a small margin.

The calculation is usually performed for rafter legs

If you do not want to delve into the intricacies of calculations, you can use special ones.

If you intend to make a warm roof, then the height of the section of the legs is selected taking into account the thickness of the insulation. It must be mounted so that it does not protrude above the supporting beams. You also need to take into account that for mineral wool a ventilation gap of 2-4 cm is made between it and the coating. If the height of the rafters is not enough for this, the installation of a counter-lattice (counter-rail) is provided.

Step-by-step instructions for performing work

The sequence of stages of the construction of the roof is as follows:

  1. taking measurements of the building box (the dimensions may slightly differ from the design ones);
  2. preparation of materials and tools, wood treatment with an antiseptic;
  3. fastening the Mauerlat to the wall;
  4. installation of a ridge crossbar, if needed (for layered rafters);
  5. frame installation;
  6. strengthening the roof with the help of racks, struts and puffs;
  7. waterproofing;
  8. crate;
  9. provision of ventilation;
  10. installation of drips;
  11. cover installation.

Fixing the Mauerlat

In order for the roof to be securely fixed, care must be taken to securely connect it to the wall of the building. If a wooden house is being built, then the Mauerlat is not required - the upper crown of a bar or log acts as this element. In this case, fastening to the wall is carried out using special “floating” fasteners. They are sold ready-made, most often they are called sleds. This version of the roof device allows the entire structure to slightly shift when the walls shrink without damage and deformation.

"Sliding" mount in a wooden house

A similar situation arises with a frame house. In this case, the upper wall trim will be the Mauerlat. It is attached to the racks of the frame with a gash using corners, staples or nails.

Methods for attaching rafters to the strapping in a frame house

The construction of a roof made of brick, concrete blocks or concrete implies fastening through a Mauerlat. In this case, there are several ways.

There are four ways to put the Mauerlat on the wall:

  • on staples;
  • on studs;
  • for anchor bolts.

Mauerlat can be fixed on brackets. In this case, wooden blocks are laid in the masonry from the inside. They should be located at a distance of 4 rows from the edge. One side of the bracket is attached to the Mauerlat, and the other to the same bar in the masonry. The method can also be classified as simple. It is not recommended for large buildings with high loads.

Mauerlat fastening on brackets. In the laying of the wall, antiseptic wooden bars are provided with a step of 1-1.5 m

Do-it-yourself fastening during roof installation can be carried out through studs or anchor bolts with a diameter of 10-12 mm. Fasteners are laid in the masonry. A Mauerlat is temporarily placed on the edge, you need to lightly hit it with a hammer. After that, recesses remain on the beam in the places of fasteners. On them you need to make holes for the studs. After that, the timber is put on the fasteners and the nuts are tightened. The method is ideal for walls made of lightweight concrete in the presence of a monolithic armo-belt.

Fastening rafters to Mauerlat

In houses made of brick or stone, it is more reasonable to carry out with the help of a rigid attachment of the rafters to the Mauerlat. In this case, you can use both layered and hanging systems. The design assumes two ways:

  • with a notch;
  • without notch.

In the first case, the rafters are hemmed with a slope so that they are tightly adjacent to the Mauerlat. For the removal of the cornice, fillies are provided. They are attached to the leg with an overlap of at least 1 m. Rigid fixation of the knot should be done using self-tapping screws, nails or staples. But the assembled frame will have greater reliability if metal corners with holes for self-tapping screws are used for fixing.

The method without cutting often does not involve the use of fillies. In this case, the frame overhang is provided by the beams themselves. This option is simpler than the previous one, since it does not require high accuracy. It is suitable for beginners. For a snug fit to the Mauerlat, in this case, use persistent bars or boards. Rigid fixation, as in the previous case, is performed with metal corners on both sides.

Fastening rafters to the wall

The frame made must be fixed to the box of the building - this will not allow a strong gust of wind to tear off the roof. To do this, it is necessary to take as a rule the use of a twist of two wires with a diameter of 4 mm. They are wrapped around the leg at the place of support on the Mauerlat, and after that the wire is attached to the wall on an anchor or ruff about 4-5 rows before the cut. The element must be laid in advance in masonry.

Windbreak protection

For a wooden house, you can simplify the task. You can assemble the frame using staples. This option will speed up the process. But it is important to remember that this method is only suitable if the walls are made of wood.

System Gain

How to strengthen the frame with spans of more than 6 meters? It is necessary to reduce the free span of the rafters. For this, struts and racks are used. It is necessary to make reinforcement taking into account the layout, it is important that these elements do not interfere with the stay of people and harmoniously fit into the interior.

The struts are usually placed at an angle of 45 or 60 degrees to the horizontal plane. Racks cannot be supported on the floor span. They are allowed to be installed on the underlying walls or beams and trusses thrown between the walls.

Tightening is necessary to reduce thrust. Because of him, the rafters can simply disperse. This is especially true for systems with hanging beams. To assemble the frame, use two puffs, which are attached on both sides of the rafters. Fixation is carried out on self-tapping screws, nails or studs.

At the top, the rafters rest on an intermediate or ridge run. Depending on the chosen system, location and width of the span, it is made of timber with a cross section of 50x100 to 100x200 mm. Fastening is carried out on connecting metal plates, bolts or nails.


Before starting work at this stage, it is required to lay a waterproofing material. Builders recommend using a vapor-diffusion moisture and wind-protective membrane. It is more expensive than plastic film, but provides better protection. Your home is not a reason to save money.

The roof requires fixing the crate. The type depends on the chosen roofing material. For metal, a sparse crate made of boards 32-40 mm thick will suffice. Under bituminous tiles, a solid crate of 25-32 mm boards or moisture-resistant plywood is needed.

Ventilation of the under-roof space

Before proceeding to the stage of laying the roof, it is worth considering the ventilation of the under-roof space. This will protect the structure from mold, fungus and destruction.

Proper arrangement of ventilation under the roof will protect the structure from the appearance of fungus

For ventilation it is necessary to provide:

  • air flow through the cornice (the filing of the cornice is made with a rarefied board or special perforated spotlights);
  • air movement under the coating (there should be a gap of 2-3 cm between the insulation and the roof);
  • air outlet in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ridge (for this, a ridge and / or point aerator is installed on the roof).


The type of roofing is selected from aesthetic and economic considerations. It is also worth studying the offers of manufacturers and finding out the permissible slope. For example, bitumen shingles are not recommended for laying at a slope of more than 45 °.

Seam roofing is a lightweight, fireproof and durable coating.

The wall material must provide reliable waterproofing. Its installation is carried out in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. There are five most common types of coverage: roof insulation.