Connect the central sewer to a private house. Connecting to the central sewer: what you need to know and how to implement. Connecting a storm drain to a central sewer

In the process of building a house, it came to sewerage ... In the technical conditions issued when obtaining a building permit, it is written simply and without fanfare - "waterproofed sump." But I don’t really want to call vacuum trucks every month, or even earlier. Neighbors, who, by the way, have the same thing written in TU, made it even easier - 3 1.5-meter rings WITHOUT BOTTOM ... Like, there are no wells nearby, water is from the water supply system, the neighbors above generally pour almost into the ditch. .. Again, no one will dive there if suddenly the SES is checked. And it's unlikely, to be honest. But this way somehow disgusts me ...
In short, he began to think, count, consult with everyone. One of the colleagues suddenly asked - "Do you live in a deaf village?" It seems not a village (a settlement of regional significance in the Yaroslavl region). "Do you have a sewer there?" "Well, of course, we have a whole bunch of five-story buildings." "Here, connect to the central one, don't be wiser!"
This conversation, as they say, sunk into my soul. "Why not?" I think. I went to our glorious housing and communal services department, or whatever it is called. They were very happy and surprised. We say that we are always happy to support the initiative of the residents, we will help in any way we can, in addition, we will only connect to this pipe later with your permission (and there, in principle, many people can be connected). Here I must say about the location of my house. On the hastily made a little plan.
My house is highlighted in black. The existing sewerage system is in bold. Accordingly, I had two connection options - 1. To the well, which is 200m away, 2. To the well, which is 150m away. Naturally, the shorter the better, especially since the pleasure is not cheap - 1000 r / m + every 50 m well, its price is about 10,000 rubles. But the slope, as can be seen from the diagram, is towards my house. And it is more logical to connect according to the first option. So I was told in the housing and communal services. There is a natural slope in that direction, there is a field - dig - I don’t want to. I agreed with two neighbors, so the amount divided by three did not seem so big anymore. Moreover, there are a couple of houses under construction on the way of the proposed sewerage, so there is hope that they will be connected in the future ... In general, in the housing and communal services we agreed that closer to the beginning of November (it was in October), we conclude an agreement with them and they lay everything before winter.
In the first days of November I come to the housing and communal services. And then they tell me - our master went to your site, measured everything, in principle, you can connect to another well (up to which 150 m), there is a slight slope in your direction. And here are solid pluses - 150 m instead of 200 m, there are a whole bunch of neighbors with whom you can share the costs, beauty. Well, let’s dig there, I say, I don’t mind, as long as it doesn’t freeze, otherwise it doesn’t turn out deep. No, what are you saying, we have been doing this for a long time. Over there in G ... they generally made 250 m of sewage on the surface - it doesn’t freeze! (Wizards, damn it!). In general, I gave an advance payment of 70,000, concluded a "contract" (such a pisyulina, I laughed to tears, but that's another story). Well, in general, they started work after 3 days.
They dug something there for half a day, then I decided to go and see what was going on there. Just then their chief engineer is going there. On the way, he tells me that the master did something wrong, it turns out that the pipe will pass a little higher. But that's okay, throw snow on it in winter, and that's it. We arrive - the picture is this: from the existing well, into which they made a tie-in, about 40 m have already passed (there, according to calculations, there should be the first new well) to my house, respectively, about 100 m. And the pipe is already 40 centimeters from surfaces. The engineer tells me - well, the master did something with a big slope of the pipe, he made a little mistake (although I also came during the laying - they scalded almost without a slope). But allegedly closer to my house there will be a rise in relief, but here it’s just a pit, they will bring soil, throw it in.
Well, let's dig further. Another day tinkered. The delivery of soil was expressed in what way - I had heaps on my site after the foundation was built - you can, I say, take them, level them all the same. Here is one pile and leveled - about the volume of a car. Thank you anyway.
Then the director of the housing and communal services of this calls me - come, she says, we can’t do anything here. I arrive - she begins to rub me - you need to raise the site, it is low, your foundation is low, you will still raise the house - and. etc. In general, at first they told me that the pipe would come out of the ground 50 cm below the level of my foundation. In principle, it’s tolerable, it’s better to insulate it, if the connection from the house is not very long, you can ... Then they say - they say, 10 cm lower than the top of the foundation (level with the ground - they said so, but in reality, I think, there would have turned out to be an aqueduct).
In short, doubts loaded me. We agreed with them - the work was stopped, I will think, I will advise how I should proceed. I was already thinking about making a pressure line from the house, or pouring it out there immeasurably. In the end, I brought to the site two more or less knowledgeable people 9, including the one who advised a colleague))). They, only looking at the first well made by the mountain masters, before reaching my house, offered to send them to a known address. Regarding whether it will freeze or not, my colleague suggested to pee directly into this new well and see. Now, he says, the temperature is about minus 1, and then it will freeze (the depth of the well there is no more than 30-40 cm).
In short, they decided to return the money. True, the contract was like this - we will take 5-7 thousand from you, but we bore the costs .. Choke, I think, you still have to hire a tractor, connect electricity, etc. in short, quarrel with you ... As a result, they returned money minus 6000)))). So I was left without central sewerage.
By the way, there was another connection option there, everything is fine with a slope, where the length is longer. As the problems started, I suggested to them - let's connect there? After all, they themselves wanted to be there first. In no way - there is a quicksand, sprinkle too much rubble, it will turn out expensive, in general, we will not do it there, make a sump. The question, why was it offered there at first, remained unanswered ...
Now I'm thinking about how to make a septic tank ...

When building a personal estate, it is important to create a high-quality sewer system. If a private sector located in the city, it is worth connecting to the central sewer if possible.

Advantages of joining a centralized sewer

To connect to the central sewer, it is necessary to build a revision well

Connection to the central sewer line allows:

  • Save on material costs. You do not have to purchase equipment for arranging a septic tank and its maintenance. The costs will be minimal.
  • Get rid of worries about the cleanliness of drains. This function is taken over by service organizations.
  • Use the sewer for a long time, connecting once.

All that is required for normal functioning systems - making a monthly payment.

Collection of necessary documents and permits

Having planned the connection, contact the geodetic organization to develop a plan. It is created on the technical plan of the building and land plot. You can reduce the cost of geodesy if you connect houses to a centralized sewer network together with neighbors.

Additional documents you will need:

  • Technical conditions for connection of highways. Created by an organization engaged in the maintenance of sewer systems.
  • The project of connection of branch to the city sewerage. It is compiled by a design engineer on the basis of a plan-scheme and specifications.
  • Resolution of design documents in the water utility and architecture department.

Necessary additional approval a project with supervisory organizations, the mains of which may be located on the planned sewerage route. These include traffic police (when laying across the road), companies that oversee the operation of heat and electricity networks. In addition, the consent of the residents of neighboring houses to carry out construction and installation work close to their homesteads.

Preparatory work

Depth and slope of the pipeline are adjustable sanitary standards and rules

Preparation is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. A well is installed for revision. Conducting sewer networks in a private house with a connection to a citywide highway is possible only if it is available for access during emergency or planned cleaning.
  2. A trench is dug and a place is being prepared where the drain pipe will be connected to the well.
  3. Already existing intra-house sewer systems are connected to the common outlet.

The depth of the trench should be 5 cm below the planned deepening of the highways. The slope of the pipeline should be an average of 2 cm per meter. With a slight inclination, household waste flows slowly, which leads to blockage. If the slope is made excessively steep, the liquid will leave very quickly, not having time to carry away the dirt. It is also one of common causes the occurrence of blockages.

The outer pipe must be larger than the inner riser. Its diameter is from 150 mm to 250 mm. In the case of a public tie-in to the central sewerage system, pipes with a diameter of 250 mm are used; elements with a smaller cross section are used to install outlets to courtyard areas. An additional inspection well is installed at the connection site of each house.

When determining the width of the ditch, they are guided by next criterion: for a highway with a cross section of 110 mm, the pit should not be narrower than 60 cm. For a different section, the trench width is calculated proportionally.

After completing all preparatory work you can contact the city service, which deals with connecting a private house to the city sewer.

Connection Methods

Depending on the type centralized network connect to it in a separate or mixed way. The first is used if there is a need for separate connection of household and storm sewers. In the second option, it is not required to tie two separate highways.

Permission to lay sewer pipes to the city system is issued only if an inspection or overflow well is installed nearby. It is necessary to connect the pipeline from the building to it. It is taken into account that the pipe section extending from a private house must enter the well at an angle above the drain level.

The laying of the highway is carried out to the required depth. The depth is determined depending on the freezing point of the soil: from 1.25 in the south to 3.5 m in the north. average value- 2 m.

Lay the pipeline as follows:

  1. The bottom of the dug ditch is leveled and carefully rammed.
  2. A sand-gravel cushion is poured with a layer of about 15 cm. Compaction along the entire length of the trench is not required. Only near the entrance of the highway and at a distance of two meters from the well, it is necessary to compact the layer.
  3. Pipes are laid in a trench from the house under a slope with a bell down. The joints of the pipe elements are cleaned of dirt.
  4. The smooth edge of the pipe section and the socket ring are lubricated with silicone.
  5. Measure the length for which you want to insert the pipe section into the socket, apply a mark.
  6. The pipe is inserted into the socket until it stops.

A similar method is used to lay the entire pipeline. After assembly in without fail check the angle of inclination, only after that you can fill up the trench. First, a layer of sand and gravel is poured. The pillow should be 5–10 cm higher than the pipeline. Then the gravel-sand layer is abundantly watered with water for good shrinkage. The settled material will protect the pipes from the pressure of soil and stones and will not allow them to damage the pipeline. This will increase the life of the sewer line. After the sand layer, the rest of the ditch is covered with soil.

Final stage

The last step is that the local trunk is connected to central network only with the personal presence of a service specialist water management. He will further confirm that all work has been carried out in accordance with sanitary and building codes.

The contract for the sewer disposal service is signed by a representative of the service organization and the owner of the house. This document reports the volume of household waste and payment for the provision of the service.

The cost of connecting to the central sewer

The cost of connection depends on the region and the remoteness of the building from the central pipe

How much it will cost to install such a highway depends on many factors:

  • region of residence;
  • distance from the building to the connection point;
  • type of soil, the depth of its freezing and landscape features;
  • groundwater level;
  • connection method;
  • pipe type.

The average price for connecting a private house, which is located less than 50 meters from the central sewer, is 50,000 rubles. The calculation is carried out together with the preparation of documents and materials. The price of the tie-in, if the estate is more than 50 m away, starts from 70,000 rubles.

Of course, in a modern home without a well-equipped sewer system nowhere today. And in any case, it will not be superfluous to find out at least in in general terms: sewerage connection diagrams - what they can be. After all, it is one thing to trust the will of the plumbers and quite another to be able to fix everything on your own if something happens.

What general principles should be followed

Despite the fact that there are a lot of schemes for arranging the sewer system, there are some general principles that can be followed.

Sewerage - component water supply and drainage systems designed to remove solid and liquid waste products

As a rule, in a private house, the sewerage system consists of:

  • Central riser;
  • smaller diameter: all wastewater enters the riser through them;
  • Horizontally located pipes of a larger diameter: through them, water flows directly into the sewer, treatment facilities, etc .;
  • Elements plumbing equipment: sink, toilet, bidet, etc.

Traditionally, the kitchen and bathrooms are located in close proximity to each other. This is done in order to minimize the number of joints, pipes to the maximum possible minimum, in order to facilitate the withdrawal of waste water into the system. After all, it is the bathroom and kitchen that account for up to 90 percent of all Wastewater.

If we are talking about a multi-storey building, then it makes sense to arrange bathrooms, toilet rooms and kitchens under each other. In this case, it will be possible to place all plumbing fixtures simply on top of each other, thereby simplifying the sewer construction scheme as much as possible.

Important! If the house has a complex system plumbing fixtures, and a large number of all kinds of branches, then you should think about installing a special sewer pump. This pump may also be required if, for example, it is not possible to provide the sewer pipes with the necessary natural slope.

What you need to consider when drawing up a sewerage connection diagram

In fact, there can be quite a few factors that can affect the drawing up of a sewer connection scheme.

Sewerage - complex engineering structures and sanitary measures that ensure the collection and removal of populated areas polluted waters, as well as their purification and neutralization before disposal.

But in any case, you will have to take into account the following:

  • Landscaping features of the site on which the sewer is being equipped. At the same time, it is important that the natural slope of the pipes is ensured. Cesspool should be at the lowest point of the system. Then the wastewater will be able to flow down by gravity - under the influence of gravity;
  • Soil type: sandy, clay, etc. This will depend on how deep you have to place sewer pipes how laborious the process of digging a trench will be, and also whether it will be necessary to additionally strengthen the soil;
  • Depth of soil freezing. This parameter will affect the nature of the organization of the insulation of the sewer system, the choice of pipe materials, etc.

Of course, other individual characteristics this particular area.

Which pipe material to choose

If in former times the craftsmen were not spoiled by the abundance of all kinds of materials from which sewer pipes could be purchased, now the picture is just the opposite. However, it is the huge wealth of choice that determines its complexity. However, we can safely recommend or polyvinyl chloride. Pipes made from these materials are distinguished by both low weight and resistance to corrosion. In addition, such pipes are easy to install: they do not require the use of welding machine. In principle, even the most novice master can quite easily cope with their installation.

PVC pipes are polyvinyl chloride products designed for the installation of pipelines for various purposes.

Do not be afraid that during the operation of PVC pipes they will begin to emit aggressive chemical substances A: They are completely non-toxic.

However, in addition to pipes, you may also need additional devices in the form of fittings, sewer hatches, connecting rings, adapters, etc. The joints of all these devices will need to be treated with a special sealant.

When choosing the diameter of pipes for sewerage, several factors must be guided. For example, this is the number of plumbing points connected to the sewer. The more of them - so, accordingly, it will be necessary to choose pipes of a larger diameter. Otherwise, the whole system will simply “choke”, unable to cope with the volume of water.

But one way or another, the diameter of the pipe passing from the plumbing fixture must be either larger or equal to the diameter his drain pipe. The diameter of the pipe for the riser must be at least 10 centimeters. If you do not plan to connect a toilet bowl to it, then you can limit yourself to a diameter of 5 centimeters.

The more plumbing points in the building, the thicker the drain pipes should be.

At the same time, the following rule must be observed: the length of the pipe leading from the plumbing equipment to the riser should not be more than 3 meters. As for the toilet, this distance is reduced to one meter. If it is absolutely necessary to increase this distance, then you will have to take pipes with a larger diameter.

The Importance of Preplanning

Before proceeding directly to the installation of the sewer, you need to draw up on paper a preliminary detailed diagram of it. In this case, it is necessary to indicate which pipes of what material, what length and what diameter will be needed in a particular section of the system. All necessary additional devices in the form of splitters, adapters, etc. are also indicated. In the future, this will avoid many unforeseen difficulties during the installation work.

As practice shows, in the vast majority of cases, all plumbing fixtures are brought to one central riser. But, if there are many such devices, or they are spaced apart different rooms, which are far apart from each other, then more such risers will be required.

A properly drawn up sewerage plan will allow you to qualitatively recreate the system, taking into account all the necessary factors.

If the sewerage is equipped in a private house, then the external sewerage scheme should also be included in the plan. Indeed, in addition to the elements internal sewerage, it will also be necessary to provide for the arrangement drain pit, trenches, manholes, etc.

Sewerage connection according to the scheme

As soon as the project is ready, you can proceed directly to the installation work at the facility. Typical scheme for a private house, this will include:

  1. sewer riser;
  2. Toilet, washbasin or sink, as well as a bathroom;
  3. Siphons for all these plumbing fixtures;
  4. Flush tank for the toilet;
  5. Attaching couplings to the wall;
  6. Connecting pipes running at some slope to the riser.

Of course, if necessary, this scheme you can change it at your discretion, but the typical picture looks like this.

A siphon is an element of plumbing. It is a pipe bent in several places, through which water is drained into the sewer system.

The sewer riser is connected to the pipes using horizontal pipes of the same or even larger diameter than the riser. Pipes can be placed in the basement, in the basement or under the floor. It is also necessary to provide for the presence of revision wells, which are required at the places where the pipes turn.

All pipes of the system must be connected into one single pipe. large diameter, which, in turn, is removed from the house and docks with the external sewer system. Sewer pipes are attached to the walls with special clamps.

Options for tapping the sewer system of the house into the central system

If there is already a centralized sewer system outside the house, then there are several options for how you can join it:

  • Insertion with a tee;
  • Insertion with adapter.

In the first case, you will need to cut a piece of the main pipe and build a tee into it. The tee itself is fixed on the pipe with the help of a coupling, then all joints are welded.
More modern version can be considered a special adapter. It also crashes into the main pipe.

A pipe tee is a piece with three gaps that connects the components of the pipeline and is installed at the points of its branching.

In any case, it will be necessary to block the central sewerage and, of course, obtain permission to carry out mortise work. Otherwise, you can not avoid a rather large fine. The law even provides for imprisonment in case of unauthorized connection to the central sewer.

What the experts say

Vladimir, service company employee: Many people forget to get written permission from their neighbors before starting work. In the future, this can turn into many difficulties and conflicts. So in any case, it is better to take care of their consent to sewerage in advance. As for the magnitude of the slope of the pipe, the rule works here: for each meter of the pipe, the change in height should be from 2 to 15 centimeters.

Anton: All elements of sanitary equipment must be equipped with S-shaped or U-siphons, which would provide a natural water seal for unpleasant odors that could get inside the house from the sewer.


In principle, laying sewerage on your own is not so difficult task. It is facilitated by the fact that in the overwhelming majority of cases one can be guided by standard schemes to connect. But, faced with unforeseen difficulties, do not be shy to ask for help from qualified craftsmen.

Eco-friendly homestead: Land owners leading the construction residential buildings are always faced with the problem of waste disposal and disposal. Let's figure out how to make the right connection to a centralized network.

Owners of land plots building residential buildings are always faced with the problem of diversion and disposal of wastewater. There can be two solutions: installation of an autonomous system or connection to a centralized network. The latter is possible only if the highway passes close to the site. Practice shows that most developers prefer the latter option and connect to centralized sewerage. Let's figure out how to do it right.

It is generally accepted that autonomous sewerage more practical and beneficial for the owner. This is enough controversial issue, given that the arrangement of such a system can be carried out different ways, on which its cost and effectiveness will depend. The owner of a sewerage system embedded in a centralized network is guaranteed to receive significant benefits. He does not need to control the quality and quantity of wastewater, he does not need to spend a lot of money on the purchase, installation and maintenance of equipment. In addition, a centralized network can be used for as long as you like, of course, subject to regular payments.

You should start designing a tie-in by choosing one of two options connections. Two types of sewers are usually laid on the site: storm and domestic. Provided that there is only one pipe in the centralized line, a mixed connection is made. If there are pipelines for each type of sewerage, a separate tie-in is carried out.

Next, you need to decide who will deal with all issues related to the connection. It must be understood that the event is quite troublesome. It will take a lot of energy and free time. Anyone who does not want to go through the authorities can contact the sewer connection companies. They will independently resolve all issues and carry out the necessary work. It is clear that their services will not be free. Considering that the sewer line from the house to the tie-in site is financed by the developer, all this will result in a decent amount. Therefore, it is quite possible that there will be those who will do everything on their own.

First you need to collect a package of documents, which includes:
- Technical conditions for the planned connection. They must be ordered from an organization that maintains engineering communications.

Plan of the building and the site on which it is located. - The project of inserting a sewer pipeline into the main. It should be developed by a specialist designer on the basis of the technical conditions provided to him and the situational plan.

Coordination of a new project in the Architectural Department and the water utility. - A document confirming the consent of the owners of houses located on the plots adjacent to the land ownership to maintain construction works near their buildings. For pipelines passing in areas where thermal and Electricity of the net, as well as the roadway, additional permits from the relevant organizations will be required.

By the end of the collection of documentation, it is necessary to decide on the organization that will carry out the tie-in, and conclude with it standard contract. It is worth immediately warning those who believe that all the above activities are too troublesome. Unauthorized connection is punishable by an impressive fine and mandatory forced dismantling of the laid branch. All work is carried out at the expense of an unauthorized developer. Together with the fine, the losses are impressive.

The builder lays the pipeline to the tie-in site. According to SNiPs, sewerage from households, before connecting to the main, must be stretched so as to enter the overflow well. The branch should approach the device above the level of the drain and enter it at a given angle. This must be taken into account when designing the pipeline and determining the depth at which it will be laid. It must pass below the freezing level of the soil. The average pipe laying depth is about one and a half meters. It is influenced by the type of terrain, character ground water and type of soil.

When designing a branch, you should try to avoid turns in the main line. It's best not to have them at all. If this does not work out, you should try to make turns as gentle as possible. If it is necessary to turn the pipeline more than 90 °, a revision well is necessarily equipped at the turn point. The same design is mounted on a long line, this allows you to control the state of the system.

Another important point: slope of the sewer pipe. It should be about 1.5-2 cm per linear meter. A smaller and larger slope of the line will contribute to the formation of blockages. Pipes are laid in a trench on a sandy or gravel pad about 15 cm high. Small recesses are made under the sockets of the parts. If a collective tie-in is carried out, a revision well is necessarily equipped at the input sites of each of the households.

Separately, it must be said about stormwater. Do not connect it to a sewer collector. This will unnecessarily increase the load on the highway and can lead to big trouble. Storm sewer can be set up in two ways. The first is to direct wastewater to the storm collector of the centralized network. The second is to mount a drainage system with an outlet to a special reservoir, from which, as necessary, it will be possible to take water for irrigation of the site and for other needs.

Sewer connection methods private building there can be several to a centralized network. None of them can be carried out completely independently. In any case, specialists should be involved at a certain stage.

Therefore, perhaps the best option there will be a conclusion of an agreement with a company that from the very beginning will take care of all issues related to the coordination, organization and implementation of all necessary activities. So the owner of the house will be able to save time and save himself from endless trips to various authorities. published

Calculation of the cost of water supply in a private house. How much does it cost to bring water to the house?

Without water, neither here nor there. First think about the water, then about the rest. How much does it cost to run water to a private house? Today, this issue is extremely relevant, due to the growing number of people changing city apartments for living in more environmentally friendly and quiet suburban areas, or even completely outside the city limits. It is quite natural that a permanent dwelling must meet certain conditions of life, not be inferior in comfort to an apartment, otherwise all the advantages of a cottage or a private house are reduced to zero. The water supply system is one of the key parameters of comfort, and which is taken care of first of all, because in the 21st century it is stupid and irrational to use “outdoor amenities” and take water from the well with a bucket. So, how much does it cost to hold water and what parts does it consist of the final price? How much does water cost

Here are some recent first-hand examples of plumbing costs:

I am now making myself a water supply in the house from a well: dig a well - 2-3 tons per meter (it takes 7-15 meters, depending on the area). + well rings - 2 tons per piece (they are 90 cm high). I bury the pipes to the freezing depth (1.6 m). I dig trenches for pipes myself, the pipes themselves seem to be not expensive. The station will be at home autonomous water supply(pump with a tank to maintain pressure in the system) - for small house quite a simple station, it costs about 5 thousand. An electric water heater is also 5 thousand. Well, plus the work of a plumber on piping in the house.

Depending on which region. For 15,000 rubles (+ material - brick, PP pipe) they dug a well for me (and overlaid it with bricks) to connect with common system water supply of the village, they dug a trench (25 meters) from the well to the house (depth 2 meters) and brought it into the house.

I found out - 150 tons of rubles such a pleasure will cost. if you connect to a speaker (column 20 meters from the house). I understand that this amount includes not only the laying of pipes to the house, but also the replacement of old pipes. I can’t explain any more - where such astronomical numbers come from 🙁 as an option - register a labor or war veteran. then the city water utility is obliged to conduct water to this house, and free of charge

On average, taking into account the cost of the project, materials and work, it costs about 2000 dollars to conduct water. USA. (in Ukraine, maybe there are some other troubles in Russia) If from a water utility, then you first need a decision from local authorities (should be free). then the project (for money). then all the work. Find out if the organization of water supply in your street is in the plans of the City Council? Then they will pay part of the work from the budget (do not rely on the entire amount) If the water supply line on your street does not belong to the water utility, but to the public (the neighbors were clubbing). then the neighbors will have to pay for the tie-in (this one is already as you agree with them). If the line is municipal, then it seems that the tie-in is not paid. Another option - if there is close water tower, then, perhaps, its owner is not a water utility (for example, railway workers or some kind of enterprise). Accordingly, water can be drawn from there and then paid there too. Then everything is at your expense. Regarding the well, you must first consult with specialists - how far The groundwater And what quality are they? It happens that the house is located in such a place that water cannot be reached, or it is unusable. Especially if you have nearby sewers, chemical plants, gas stations, etc.

The advantage of a well is that once you pay for water, you will not have to pay for water later.

The first expense that you will have will be the arrangement of a source of water for the house. In the vast majority of cases, they try to make the source autonomous. This is due to the heterogeneous availability of the main water supply in different areas, paperwork and enough poor quality services when connecting a private house (usually the pressure leaves much to be desired). If you still stopped at the main water supply, you will need to pay for the project at Vodokanal, pay for installation and materials, as well as for expert examinations of the quality of work and water analysis. Depending on the region, the price for everything fluctuates around the mark of 45-50 thousand rubles. Well device, even with installation pumping station and battery capacity it will cost much cheaper - depending on the depth of the aquifer and the finishing materials of your source, the price will fluctuate around the mark of 25-30 thousand rubles, taking into account consumables and installation.

How much does water cost

by the most expensive view independent source is considered artesian well- but it has just a huge set of advantages: from High Quality supplied water and unlimited supplies, until there is no need to install a pump. The fluid in the well is under constant pressure and flows to the surface on its own. However, drilling to a considerable depth, registering a well, installing a pumping station to create a supply of water in an accumulator tank, and similar expenses will ease your wallet in the amount of no less than 100 thousand. Sewerage equipment and its installation will add 100-150 thousand rubles to the cost, depending on the region. Further costs for plumbing inside the house will depend on the final project drawn up for you by specialists.

We hope that the material of the site (If you are a man.) helped you understand the question: How much does it cost to install water?

Here are articles from the relevant sections:

Materials on the topic: About the device of the lawn.

According to the materials of the site:

After building a house, if there is a centralized system nearby, a connection to the central sewer is practiced. The event has a significant initial cost, but eliminates earthworks(partially), selection, installation of a septic tank. ZhKO district, engaged in wastewater treatment, will provide information on the nearest highways, required documents for cutting. Self-connection is fraught with fines. From the existing city pipeline, a separate branch is made with a revision well on the owner's site.

Independent connection to the central sewer

At self-connection to the central sewerage works are carried out in stages:

  • a geodetic situational plan is being drawn up (a house with a future sewerage branch)
  • submitting an application to the HOA
  • a document is being designed and approved (an architect and a water utility participate)
  • the organization performing the work is approved by the architect
  • permission from neighbors (work near their home) is rarely required, however, you should be prepared to receive it

When passing a trench across the road, the coating will need to be opened or inclined drilling should be used. Permission is taken from the road maintenance service, traffic police. The finished object is accepted by a water utility or other organization that has sewerage on its balance sheet. The pipe deepens by 1.2 m or more, the slope is regulated by 7 - 3 cm per meter of length. The connection to the central sewerage is considered completed only after the signing of the acceptance of the structure by the responsible person.

Read also: What are the sewerage standards

Connecting a storm drain to a central sewer

For owners of private houses, it is no less important to connect drainage and storm water to the central sewerage system.

Discharging this water into your outdoor well is prohibited, since collectors central system may not be able to handle large volumes.

A separate connection of each of these systems is practiced, moreover, bypassing the pipeline, into the city storm sewer collector. Bandwidth there are more of these systems, salvo discharges to the collector will not be terrible.

If the connection to the central sewer of these systems is impossible, economically unprofitable, the problem is solved by two tanks: one for each sewer.

Types of sewerage and installation cost

Water can be pumped out of them, or it can be raised by pumps for reuse:

  • watering the garden, flower beds
  • filling the tank in the bath, summer shower
  • car wash, parking
  • washing garden paths

Typical connection problems

In the process of manufacturing branches from the house to the central highway come across engineering Communication citywide lines. The owners are different organizations, each of which will require agreement: heating network, power grids, gorgaz. They mark the passage of cables, pipes (sometimes, for a fee) before starting to make a trench.

There are problems in which this connection is not possible:

  • the route between the house and the central sewerage system with several communications under it (puncture, drilling is impossible)
  • dilapidated system (connection frozen until overhaul)
  • private system with high prices for connection and the subsequent cost of services

In this case, only autonomous system on the site: septic tank, station deep cleaning, VOC, aerotank. In this case, the treatment plant should be located closer to the fence, as far as the norms of SNiP allow for the entrance of a sewage truck. Drains are removed from septic tanks every 2 years, less often from aerotanks, moreover, the site is fertilized with activated sludge.

How to connect to the sewer - tariffs, houses, cost

In order to connect a private house to a central sewer, two conditions will be required. First of all, these are naturally physical possibilities. The point is understandable - you should be comfortable using the sewer and all the units that are connected to it. Secondly, you will need to complete all the necessary formalities. First you need to coordinate your idea with the municipal authorities and get permission. When submitting an application, please include all specifications, the planned connection: which well will be used for this purpose, how do you imagine it from a technical point of view, etc. Among other things, when designing, it is necessary to take into account how all cable networks are located within the radius where the work is supposed to be carried out. In any case, communications and the sewerage system should not meet at least half a meter underground. it mandatory requirement normative documents.

Sewer connection

Costs (calculated based on the estimate) for the arrangement of the sewer input connecting the intra-house system with public sewerage are entirely the responsibility of the builder. Almost always, sewer input is built in two stages:

Before starting construction country house it is recommended to lay a revision section from the central sewerage system to the well;

During construction work, laying the connection internal system sewers with a revision well.

Unsuccessful connection to the central sewer

During this period, it is worth informing the water utility about the proposed tie-in. Group connection will cost a little less. In this regard, it makes sense to unite with the owners of nearby summer cottages.

Designing a sewer system begins with the calculation of the required amount of effluent, which will directly depend on the amount of water used.

Independent sewerage connection

When connecting to the sewer on your own, do the following:

    . Invite a surveyor to develop a situational plan of the site and put on it a plan of the house and a path for laying sewer communications;
    . Submit an application to the water utility for the issuance of technical conditions for the arrangement of wastewater disposal. Attach the site plan and a copy of the document certifying the ownership right to the application;
    . Transfer the received specifications to the designers who will create the input project. This project must be coordinated with the water utility and other enterprises whose communications are located in the connection area.

    Assure this document from the architect;
    . It must be obtained from the architect and the company providing the connection. The permit is issued on the basis of the consent of the neighbors in writing(if the input will affect their sites) and the agreed project;
    . Input should be entrusted to a qualified contractor who has all the necessary licenses;
    . Immediately before entering, it is necessary to notify the water utility;
    . Upon completion of the commissioning work, it will be necessary to ask the water utility for connection to the central sewerage network;
    . On the last step acceptance of the input follows, as well as the conclusion of an agreement with the water utility on the removal of wastewater.

Starting to lay a pipe from a private house to the well of the sewerage system, it is worth remembering the recommended specifications- the slope of the pipe per meter of its length should not exceed 7 mm. This condition is able to ensure the ideal passage of wastewater and somewhat extend the life of the pipe. In the event that the slope is made less, the descent of the drains will be a little difficult and, as a result, a blockage will eventually form. If more, the pipe may wear out ahead of time.

Penalty for illegal tapping into the sewer

Water disposal, from the point of view of the "Rules for the Use of Communal Systems", approved on February 12, 1999 by the Government of the Russian Federation, is the process of receiving wastewater from the subscriber and transporting it to treatment facilities. Water disposal systems have their own owners represented by local water utilities. Currently, illegal connections to water and sewer networks are widespread. But, given the fine for illegal tapping into the sewer and other sanctions, you should think a lot before trying to save money in this way.

How to punish illegal connection to the sewer

Issues of unauthorized tapping into sewer networks are regulated by Art. 7.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which is called “Unauthorized connection to centralized systems water supply and sanitation". According to this article, the punishment for unauthorized connection to a sewer drain is expressed in the imposition of a fine on guilty citizens:

    from 1 thousand rubles up to 1.5 thousand rubles. - from individuals

    from 2 thousand rubles up to 3 thousand rubles - from legal entities.

But the fine is not the main item of expenditure for "caught in the heat" violators. The main thing they need to do is:

    pay for sewerage services 6 months before the discovery of an unauthorized tie-in (as stated in clause 34 of the “Rules for the provision of public services ...”, adopted on May 23, 2006, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307);

    at their own expense to dismantle the illegally conducted site and bring everything back to its original form.

The device of the sewer system is already one of the most difficult and costly areas of work when building a house. Therefore, it would be wise not to increase your expenses and not add headaches to yourself, but immediately legally connect to sewer networks.

You bought a house with an illegal tie-in

Fines and sanctions do not threaten you if you have purchased a home, discovered an illegal connection and immediately report it. Another thing is if you yourself completed the insert or used the sewer for free for a long time. Such connections are detected during checks. It is very difficult to prove innocence in this case.

How much does it cost to conduct a sewer with a connection to a common system?

According to the above scheme, you will be charged a fine, which can be challenged in court. With the help of an experienced lawyer, you can reduce the amount of the fine. However, the court in such a situation usually takes the side of the water utility. Practice shows that it will always be cheaper to negotiate with the "communal services" than to resolve the issue through the courts.

How to legalize a connection

It is possible to dismantle the entrance to sewer network independently, do it “as it was”, and then submit documents for connection. But this is associated with the risk of accidents, conflicts with neighbors, etc. In addition, if the connection is made in accordance with SNiP, dismantling may not be necessary at all, it will be possible to save on this.

Providing utilities organizations are sometimes loyal to those who want to legalize the tie-in: there are many violators, and it is not easy to identify them. Perhaps "surrendering" will be the best and cheapest way to get out of the situation. One thing is clear: in case of illegal tie-in, you may need to consult a lawyer and protect the rights of the subscriber. You can always count on the help of our company's lawyers when legalizing connections and defending your rights in disputes and in courts.

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The cost of laying external sewerage networks (water disposal) on a turnkey basis

United Engineering Center> Prices > Price for installation of external sewerage

The price for the installation of external sewerage

According to the handbook base prices in the construction of "GOSETALON 2012" the cost of installing outdoor sewerage networks is provided with recalculation by the coefficient May 2017 with VAT 18%. The peculiarity of the directory is that it contains the most minimal prices for work, so it is often used when calculating the cost of a government order or large construction projects. Using this guide allows you to determine the cost of installing an external sewerage system as accurately as possible. Usually, in this way, the minimum price for laying external sewerage is determined.

Tariffs for laying sewer pipes, which will be lower, are calculated on the basis that installation services sewer pipelines turn out legal entity and the volume of laying according to the tariff is not less than 100 running meters. If the volume is less, a multiplying factor of 1.368 is applied. With a volume of up to 20 linear meters 2.014.

The table shows the cost of laying one linear meter of external sewerage.

Name of works Price from 100m Cost up to 100 m
Laying sewer non-pressure socket pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) diameter: 110 mm wall thickness 3.0 mm from 217 rubles from 270 rub.
Laying of non-pressure sewer socket pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with a diameter of 160 mm and a wall thickness of 4.0 mm from 328 rub. from 385 rub.
Laying sewer free-flow socket pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with a diameter of 200 mm and a wall thickness of 4.9 mm from 374 rubles from 448 rubles
Laying sewer non-pressure socket pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with a diameter of 250 mm from 423 rub. from 515 rubles
Laying sewer non-pressure socket pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with a diameter of 315 mm from 513 rub. from 538 rub.
Laying sewer free-flow socket pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with a diameter of 400 mm from 644 rubles from 717 rubles
Laying of non-pressure sewer socket pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with a diameter of 500 mm from 768 rubles from 787 rub.
Soil compaction with pneumatic rammers, layer thickness 0.2 m with a light rammer 90 kg from 15 rub. from 17 rub.
Soil compaction with pneumatic rammers, layer thickness 0.5 m with a heavy rammer 270 kg from 28 rub. from 35 rub.


(earthworks + concrete goods + materials + delivery + installation + tray device + hatch)

Depth 2 rings! excluding tie-ins, pipe laying, installation of stairs and restoration of landscaping

Name of works Cost of work
Arrangement of round prefabricated reinforced concrete sewer wells with a diameter of 0.7 m 37 600 rub/well
Arrangement of round prefabricated reinforced concrete sewer wells with a diameter of 1 m 48 300 rub/well
Arrangement of round prefabricated reinforced concrete sewer wells with a diameter of 1.5 m 57 200 rub/well
Arrangement of round prefabricated reinforced concrete sewer wells with a diameter of 2 m 76 700 rub/well
Connecting sewer pipelines to an existing network from 8000 rub / tie-in
Bituminous waterproofing sewer well diameter 0.7 m from 1000 rub/ring
Waterproofing on a bitumen basis of a sewer well with a diameter of 1 m from 1500 rub/ring
Waterproofing on a bitumen basis of a sewer well with a diameter of 1.5 m from 1800 rub/ring
Waterproofing on a bitumen basis of a sewer well with a diameter of 2 m from 2300 rub/ring
Hatch installation 11 400 rub/hatch
Installation of an additional ring on wells with a diameter of up to 1.5 m 1330 rub/ring

Please note that the indicated cost for the installation of sewerage, taking into account the cost of materials and the rental of special equipment for earthworks.

The cost of works includes the whole complex of works necessary to obtain the finished result.

The list of works for the installation of external sewerage

In order to qualitatively perform work on the laying of sewerage networks, it is necessary:

Prepare a network project with the calculation of the diameter and length of pipe sections, the number of wells in accordance with SNiP.

For urban networks, it is also necessary to coordinate it. It often happens that the coordination of the project of external networks can cost more than the installation work itself.

Perform topographic survey areas with entering marks on the plan and linking the designed sewerage sections to existing networks.

— For works on installation of external engineering networks on city networks — necessarily!get a GATI order for the production of works. Otherwise, a fine of 300 thousand rubles is provided for both the customer and the contractor.

Dig a trench to the required depth, dispose of excess soil (soil removal). The coefficient of soil loosening during trench dripping is usually taken as 1.38. That is, with a design volume of 10 cubic meters of trench volume, about 14 cubic meters will be exported. meters. This is important to consider when calculating the cost of soil removal.

Pour a pillow of sand at least 0.2 m thick under the base of the pipes. Sand for backfilling must be taken alluvial and low clay content. The task of sand on a pillow under sewer pipelines is to evenly distribute the load and prevent freezing. If you use cheap quarry sand, then it does not allow moisture to pass through its layer properly, therefore, over time, areas of loosening appear, which leads to loads on separate sections pipes and leads to violation of the angles of inclination sewer PVC pipes.

Carry out tamping bases for pipes. Sand and soil should be compacted with pneumatic rammers, but the most quality way ramming trench is strait sand using running water. There should be enough water to maximize the saturation of the sand or soil. The correct strait will allow you to perform high-quality compaction of all cavities in the soil or sand. Therefore, the use of quarry sand for the foundation is not allowed!

Check elevations actual with the plan, observe the design slope of the pipe, add sand in places of shortage and compact it again and vice versa. The slope according to the project must be at least 0.3 degrees.

An overview of the nuances of connecting a private house to a central sewer

On average, they try to make a slope of 0.7-1.5 degrees. For ease of calculation, this means that the difference in height of the end of a pipe 1 meter long will be from 7-15 mm. That is, if the section of the external sewage system is 20 meters long, then the difference between the points should be 140-300 mm.

Lay the pipe in the trench, pre-lubricate the joints and connect. On the large diameters the use of lubricants is mandatory. Otherwise, it will not be possible to qualitatively connect the pipes butt-to-butt. Use mechanical devices is not allowed, as the PVC pipe may be damaged.

Flush the system to identify leaks and check the system performance. Before burying the pipe, it is necessary to shed the pipes with running water and determine the places where the liquid stagnates. If they appear, they must be eliminated without fail, otherwise faults will accumulate in the places of the deflection and will spread around.

Manual sanding to the base of the pipe, check the marks. Correction of the slope is carried out by adding sand under the sewer pipes. Once again, flush the system and seal. After that, the external sewage can be filled up.

Run backfill sand to a height of at least 0.5 m from the top of the pipe. Spill the sand again to compact it as much as possible. This is necessary so that during the restoration of landscaping from above along the ground, after a few months, failures in the ground do not appear.

Compact the layer with a heavy vibrating plate or pour abundantly with water until the required sand compaction coefficient is obtained. Upper layer pass with a vibrating plate and prepare the base for backfilling with the remaining soil.

Perform backfill previously excavated soil, to save money, tamp the site.

Ready! The installation of the external sewage system is completed, now you can start restoring the landscaping.

For all questions and consultations, you can contact us free of charge by leaving a request for a call back.