What are the types of sewer pipes and fittings for external and internal sewage (plastic, PVC, polypropylene), pipe sizes and diameters. PVC pipes for internal sewerage PVC sewer pipes for internal sewerage

The Truba-Plast company offers PVC (UPVC) pipes for internal sewerage. Ring stiffness class - "SN 4". Standard sizes DN (OD) - according to the outer diameter: 50 mm and 160 mm, while OD 50 pipes are produced with a wall thickness of 1.8 and 3.2 mm, and OD 110 pipes with walls of 2.2 mm and 3.2 mm. The length of the segments varies from 0.5 to 3 meters. All pipes have an extension at one end (socket) for pipe-to-pipe connection.

Pipes are available in the following diameters:

  • for horizontal lines and siphons - 25, 40, 50, 110 mm;
  • for bends and risers - 110 and 150 mm.

For production internal systems sewers for various purposes polyvinyl chloride PVC (PVC) or modified unplasticized polyvinyl chloride PVC, gray pipes are used. Also, with the use of certain technologies, the final product can be given additional properties.

PVC pipes (UPVC) for internal sewerage are divided into several types according to the connection method: with a socket, without it, threaded PVC. Scope: use in conventional systems or laying in the ground - depends on the SN hardness grade.

Advantages of PVC

PVC pipes (UPVC) for internal sewerage have a number of qualities due to which its use is relevant:

  • low weight of products, which helps to reduce transportation costs and reduce installation time;
  • resistance to corrosive processes and external chemical irritants;
  • long term operation (average 50 years);
  • have good hydraulic characteristics that remain unchanged throughout the entire period of use;
  • this material is easily cut, which makes it possible to fit products under right size in a certain area;
  • externally well combined with other systems.

Our products are made from high quality materials, and comply with GOST quality standards, technical requirements and norms. For any questions, you can contact our managers.

Pipes and fittings - without them, the existence of a sewer system is impossible. The right choice of these products is due uninterrupted work and long service life. Today there is huge selection types of fittings and pipes. What material they are made of, about the sizes and types, we will talk in this article.

What are sewer pipes

According to the method of water drainage allocate the following types:

Plastic pipes for sewerage

  • internal pipes - divert water from the source of consumption (, sinks). As a rule, they are painted in gray colors.
  • external - produce a tap from houses and cottages, into the general sewer.

Attention! Pipes for external sewerage, unlike internal ones, are made orange color, for easy detection in the ground.

By material from which pipes and fittings are made are divided into:

  • cast iron. Most sewers are made from this material. It is strong, durable (70-85 years), withstands heavy loads. The disadvantages include high cost and installation problems associated with heavy weight. In addition, the inner walls cast iron pipes rough, which makes it difficult for the movement of water, and over time, growths form.

Cast iron pipes

  • plastic. Pipes are made from this material for both internal and external sewage. Its main advantages are light weight, which facilitates the process of transportation and installation, relatively low cost, as well as smooth inner walls, which reduces the percentage of congestion. There are three types plastic pipes and fittings: PVC(mainly used for wastewater. Withstand temperatures up to 70C, but are not very resistant to aggressive environments and UV rays); polyethylene(used for pressure internal and external pipelines. Expand under the influence of hot water, withstand temperatures from -40 to +40. Not applicable for hot water) polypropylene(withstand high temperatures, resistant to acids and alkalis. Most often used to drain water from washing machines and dishwashers).

Fittings for PVC pipes (external sewerage)

  • stainless steel pipes are not very popular due to their low resistance to corrosion.
  • copper pipes are the most expensive, do not corrode and are neutral to the action of acidic and alkaline environments. But their main drawback is the ability to change the color and smell of water.

Fittings for external and internal sewerage

A fitting is a part of a pipeline designed to turn, connect, branch, change to another size, parts of pipes. For an external pipeline, the following types of fittings are distinguished:

Fittings for internal sewerage differ from external ones in color, wall thickness and diameter.

Types of fittings

Main indicators of pipes

  • 25 mm to drain water from washing machine and dishwashers;
  • 32 mm from any kind of siphon;
  • 50 mm for piping around the room;
  • more than 110 mm for external sewerage.

So, if you decide to lay a sewer, you need to take into account all the basic indicators, the place of passage, the number of transitions and turns, in order to purchase the number of pipes and fittings you need. Properly selected material and dimensions will allow the sewerage system to serve for a long time and without failures.

Sewer pipes: video

Sewer pipes: photo

Each developer in the process of building a cottage or country house forced to solve the problem associated with the choice of materials for equipping the sewer system. A high-quality and reliable pipeline is necessary even in urban apartments, and even more so in separate objects. As the practice and experience of many specialists in the construction and repair industry shows, PVC sewer pipes for internal sewage are the best option today.

The installation of pressure and non-pressure PVC pipes is not particularly difficult, since the connection involves the use of socket technology. If we compare the parameters of polybutylene, polyethylene and even metal pipelines, then PVC products are ahead of their competitors in all respects.

PVC pipes

Today, several types of pipes are presented on the pipeline technology market, differing in characteristics and methods of application. Depending on the place of use, they are outdoor or designed for installation in the internal sewerage system.

Outdoor differ big size and diameter. For their production, plastic with high strength characteristics is used. Pipes for outdoor installation are available in orange.

Internal pipes are used to drain wastewater in a private house or apartment. Externally, they can be distinguished by gray plastic.

Ambient conditions and fluid parameters also influence the choice plumbing pipes PVC for sewerage. Depending on these parameters, they are divided into the following types:

  1. Non-pressure - used to drain wastewater without forcing pressure (by gravity).
  2. Pressure - used in conditions where it is impossible to do without creating additional pressure.
  3. Corrugated - characterized by increased flexibility, which allows laying in problem areas.
  4. PVC-U pipe - the symbol "H" at the beginning of the marking indicates unplasticized polyvinyl chloride. This material is resistant to aggressive environment due to increased strength, rigidity and density. PVC-U is produced by continuous extrusion. Note that the material is harmless to environment and a person. Products from it have a wide range of applications, ranging from feeding clean water and ending with harmful acids.

GOST sets the dimensions of sewer pipes in the range from 50 to 110 mm. In addition, according to GOST, pipe products PVC must meet a number of requirements, including the following:

  • the presence of the necessary markings;
  • tests for various operating parameters, including strength;
  • correct packaging and transportation;
  • connections of sewer mains must be made using socket technology;
  • if branching or turning of the system is required, appropriate fittings must be used.


PVC pipes can be marked with the letters PVC. The length of commercially available products can reach 6 m. At the same time, they are easily cut to fit any required size, able to withstand pressure up to 16 atm.

In the pipeline of a standard apartment, the average pressure is 4 atm. In the event of a water hammer, this figure can increase to 12 atm. For wiring around the apartment, it is enough to use a pipeline marked PN 6. However, when connecting to a riser, you will have to use a pressure reducer.

The marking indicates the outer diameter, as well as the wall thickness. For example, waste sewer PVC 110 mm have a wall thickness of 3 or 3.2 mm. It must be remembered that pipes with the same diameter may have different thickness. So their nominal pressure will be different.

Installation of internal sewerage using PVC can be carried out at a temperature range of -5 ... + 90 ° С. In this case, the maximum operating ambient temperature should not exceed +50°C. It is desirable that the temperature of hot water does not exceed +60°C. It is possible to exceed this condition for a short time, otherwise PVC loses its strength. In addition, PVC is a material that is resistant to mechanical stress.

Advantages and disadvantages

The properties of the PVC material determined its high demand for the arrangement of sewer systems. The main advantages of a PVC pipe in comparison with analogues:

  • low cost of the product;
  • ease of installation, subsequent repair and disassembly;
  • a wide variety of species;
  • not susceptible to aggressive environment, high corrosion resistance;
  • ability to withstand high pressure;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • light weight;
  • long service life;
  • structural rigidity;
  • high resistance to linear expansion.

The disadvantages of the PVC pipeline include the above-described limited temperature regime and the brittleness of the material. In addition, reactions with organic solvents must not be allowed.

Application of PVC pipes

Scope of plastic internal pipes depends on their diameter. For example, sewer pipes with a diameter of 75 mm are used to equip the bathroom. They can be connected to a shower, washbasin, bidet and other plumbing items.

Their peculiarity lies in the smooth inner walls that prevent the appearance of silt deposits.

It is important to understand that the correct ratio of thickness and diameter of the pipe guarantees maximum throughput.

For wiring sewer network, carrying out the transportation of domestic wastewater, use sockets with a diameter of 50 mm. They are installed when connected to the drains of plumbing fixtures. They are flexible, lightweight and resistant to chemicals.

To connect the toilet to sewer system use a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. It has the same properties as the previous sockets. In some cases, a product with a diameter of 110 mm is required for connection.

Gray sewer pipe 110x3000 is more used for connecting to an external sewer system and a septic tank for a private house. It is resistant to aggressive soil, not afraid of corrosion and temperature extremes. It has high resistance and can withstand increased pressure. Subject to temperature conditions up to 40 ° C, the service life of the product can reach 50 years.

With the help of fittings, several pipes can be joined at the same time, thereby creating the necessary branching of the internal sewer system.

PVC inner pipe refers to a widespread type building materials, which is extremely popular among the rest. Unique properties and affordable cost allow you to purchase them cheaper, simple and easy to install, and the end result will delight the buyer for many years. Polyvinyl chloride has captivated customers with its extraordinary lightness and thin wall, which allows it to replace many standard metal alloys.

PVC inner pipe should have the following advantages:

  • High wear resistance and long service life, which fluctuate up to tens of years.
  • High resistance to the aggressive action of strong acids and bases, as well as to mechanical damage.
  • Reliability with high lightness source material, which will allow them to be used in various construction, industrial and domestic works.
  • Ease of installation and tightness when fastening elements.
  • Possibility of simple and efficient maintenance. This allows timely repair work with the replacement of individual pipe lengths or the application of a special fastening sleeve.

The PVC inner pipe must have a high capacity, which is ensured by a smooth wall and a small amount of posture.

Internal PVC sewer pipes

Sewer networks are located both indoors and outside. The first type is called internal network and for its assembly, internal PVC sewer pipes are required, plumbing equipment and fasteners. This network must wastewater to the exit point from the building. Therefore, pipes must be wear-resistant and reliable, which will reduce the number of repair work and extend their lifespan.

PVC internal sewer pipes are produced in various diameters and lengths, which ensures maximum quality installation networks. Their resistant inner surface allows the passage of small particles in the form of sand and other elements, which will not affect their integrity. The temperature limit is 60 degrees, which must be taken into account. Simple installation does not require special skills and specialized tools from the buyer, which makes it possible to independently carry out their installation.

PVC pipes are suitable for gravity and pressure networks. Pressure types withstand high pressure well without the formation of deformations and cracking. They do not require grounding, as the manufacturer performs their dielectric material.

PVC pipes for internal sewerage price

These pipes allow you to create various pipelines various configurations and purposes. Their ease of installation and considerable lightness allow the customer to save on transportation and on-site installation. PVC pipes for internal sewerage, the price of which is in good relation with high quality, will help both the beginner and the experienced master.

The material is carefully checked before production and undergoes additional certification, which allows you to buy PVC pipes for internal sewage without hesitation. The price of products strictly depends on the volume of the order, type, main characteristics and purpose. On the warehouses the manufacturer always has enough goods for large purchases. Ease of installation, fast and inexpensive transportation, as well as an acceptable price of pipes will provide each customer with the opportunity to significantly reduce financial expenses for the improvement of the sewerage system.

Why are PVC pipes for internal sewage in demand among buyers?

On this page you will find everything necessary items for installation of the system, including fittings for PVC pipes of internal sewage. Huge volumes of goods are always available in our warehouses - you can order any quantity of products!

Our plastic products are very popular with customers because they stand out with such important functional features and advantages:

  • good throughput and the possibility of self-cleaning - a smooth inner surface does not clog, dirt is not deposited on it;
  • safety for the environment and human health;
  • reliability in use - they are not affected by stray electric currents, they are characterized by a low coefficient of linear expansion;
  • long service life - indoor products can last up to 150 years;
  • excellent resistance to aggressive environments and ultraviolet radiation;
  • low weight - due to the lightness, the loading / unloading of products, their transportation and installation are greatly facilitated (during installation, special equipment is not used);
  • aesthetics - after installation they do not need to be additionally painted.

Our company offers to buy pipes for internal pvc sewerage prices that will surprise you! In Moscow, we sell only certified plastic products. Check out our catalog and price list - they show the main characteristics and price of goods.

Why is it better to buy PVC pipes for internal sewerage from us?

First of all, we suggest ordering plastic products directly from the manufacturer. The manufacturer produces goods using safe polyvinyl chloride on technological equipment, because finished products also characterized by dimensional accuracy.

The Tera-Plast company carries out prompt and inexpensive delivery of goods in the capital and the Moscow region. Ordered products are also shipped nationwide. We sell only high quality pipes and fittings!

Light weight, easy installation, heat melting - the main criteria that PVC sewer pipes for internal sewage correspond to.

Pros and cons

Among positive characteristics allocate:

  • low price;
  • easy installation by socket method without the use of special tools, which reduces the cost installation work and simplify repair and dismantling procedures;
  • a wide range of docking products that simplify the design of complex systems;
  • absence of corrosive deposits determined by resistance to aggressive impact internal environments and smoothness of the inner walls. These parameters correspond to PVC and PVC-U products intended for the movement of chemical media;
  • high level resistance to mechanical stress;
  • light weight (medium weight running meter pipe is close to 2 kg, based on the parameters);
  • internal voltage 6 - 16 amp., determined by the thickness of the material used, which is the main criterion in the selection.

The main disadvantage is the temperature limitation, which varies in the range of + 60 ° С ... -15 ° С.

Features of choice

Main parameter choice of pvc pipe wall thickness protrudes, this is due to the traditional use of non-pressure systems, which eliminates the need to select internal pressure. To achieve strong technical characteristics of the walls of products, the determination of the volume of liquid media and the level mechanical impact from the outside. Based on these considerations, pipes are selected according to 2 parameters:

  • internal section provided by the specified number of drains;
  • wall thickness to achieve a given limit of mechanical strength.

Technical specifications

The choice of PVC pipes made in gray tint, defines a number of characteristic features:

  • smooth surface;
  • socket joint;
  • popular parameters: cross section - 3.2, 4, 5 and 11 cm, length 31.5 - 300 cm;
  • the wall thickness is selected in accordance with the conditions of rigidity, for non-pressure systems it reaches a limit of 1.8 mm, for pressure systems - 3.2 mm.

To determine the wall thickness and diameter of pipes, marking is used on outside products. For pipes marked with N ring stiffness is 4 kN per m2. The letter S is used to mark pipes with ring stiffness up to 8 kN per m2.

The choice of designs according to the parameters of working environments:

  • Non-pressure products are designed to work with working media where the liquid is transported by gravity, its speed reaches up to 8 m/s.
  • Pressure products serve in a system with a pressure of 10 atm. and more.
  • Corrugated pipes are used to create low-current or power supply of liquid media. The main criteria are elevated level flexibility, contributing to the creation of a pipeline in hard-to-reach areas without the use of additional devices.

For handling acids, oils, petroleum products or other chemical compounds suitable products from the UPVC series.

Pressure systems

The use of pressure sewerage is relevant in difficult cases, its increased cost is due to the use of additional devices:

  • internal installation of fecal pumps;
  • near the house create prefabricated collectors with submersible pumping systems forced type.

To save resources, it is possible to replace 11 cm pipes with similar structures 5 cm in size. The pipes are buried to a small height, which is explained by the absence of the need to observe a gravity slope. The presence of sockets with rubberized seals suitable for pressure, vacuum systems provides savings on the use of fittings in 70% of cases.

Non-pressure systems

They are produced in the form of measured segments with a length of 1-6 m. PVC structures are 50 and 110 mm. Release industrial systems, developed using coextrusion technology (multilayer extrusion) is produced in segments of 12 and 6 m. And their cross section varies in the range of 9 - 200 cm. PVC structures intended for installation in apartments and private houses are designed for temperature conditions in the range of 0 ... 45 gr.

Based on the type of structure, internal pvc pipes are divided into bell-shaped and connected products through a coupling. Socket structures are represented by measured segments with standard parameters, and a thickening (bell) at one end. On the other hand, they have a perfectly smooth surface. The products connected in the coupling have the same cross-section along the entire length.

Corrugated pipes

At in large numbers household appliances and furniture unhindered installation of pipes in separate sections impossible.

By creating a system exclusively from inelastic structures, there is a risk of wasting free space. Corrugated pipes in the room are usually installed under the washbasin.

Product Features:

  • Small cross section. To provide normal functioning indoor systems large items are not required.
  • Designs are available in white or gray. The absence of dyes in raw materials contributes to their cost reduction.
  • In some sections of the internal sewerage, the installation of heat-resistant corrugated pipes is required. They are used for direct connection of a washing machine or dishwasher equipment, ensuring the passage of hot sewage, which means that resistance to temperature extremes is the main selection criterion.
  • All corrugated pipes are equipped with a socket, which eliminates the need for special skills and tools during installation. Usually cost sanitary glue or sealant.

uPVC pipes

For the internal laying of networks, PVC-U structures are used that correspond to the following parameters:

  • 2.5, 4, 5 and 11 cm - for wiring devices;
  • 11 ... 15 cm - for arranging risers.

Pipes are supplied in lengths from 30 to 200 cm.

Criterias of choice:

  • low weight, reducing costs by eliminating the need for heavy equipment and the complexity of installation;
  • PVC-U construction resist corrosion, have high resistance to chemical environments;
  • the service life reaches up to 50 years.

The main disadvantages include a number of characteristics:

  • small range operating temperature(from -5 to +40-60 °С);
  • release of toxic elements during melting;
  • exposure to rodents.

Manufacturing technology of PVC products

PVC pipes are developed using extrusion technology - extrusion of a heated polymer, which turns into a solid crust after solidification. Modern manufacturers 2 types of polymer extrusion are used:

  1. single-layer, used to create monolithic pipeline systems;
  2. multilayer, used for structures with complex profile(corrugated systems and reinforced).

The latter is designed for punching through several layers of polymer, sticking together immediately after cooling. This process improves quality characteristics pipeline systems.

The development of PVC pipes is made from a thermoplastic that has passed heat treatment to keep its shape. The main components of PVC are ethylene and chlorine, additional additives improve the characteristics of PVC products.

There are 2 types of raw materials for the development of PVC pipes:

  • composition of PVC (PVC);
  • PVC-U (PVC-U) unplasticized.

PVC-U pipes meet high technical specifications, which determines their application in pressure systems.

Laying of pipeline systems

For intra-house wiring, gray pipes are usually used, characterized by a homogeneous structure of the composition, increased heat capacity and a sufficient level of longitudinal rigidity. They are fixed to the walls to eliminate mechanical stress, and ensure a stable gravity slope. PVC structures are aesthetic, they do not require additional masking. The inner coating has a smooth surface, the use of high-pressure cleaning technology allows you to eliminate blockages and restore the original state, which determines the high resource of the system.

The sewer system made of PVC pipes is joined using socket technology with internal rubberized seals in the form of rings. Pipes are expanded from hot drains and connected to expansion holes. For this, special marks are provided on the smooth ends of pipes and fittings, which act as a guideline when connecting pipes. Expansion joints on risers are placed between floors and contribute to the implementation of similar tasks on vertical lines.

Step by step instructions:

  1. The elements of the system are adjusted to each other, checking the compliance of the slope angle.
  2. Markup is carried out, eliminating further confusion in the placement of components.
  3. Connect the elements of the system.

  1. To impart hermetic properties, all docking areas are connected special glue(for a stronger fixation, all contacting elements are provided with a rough coating).
  2. After coating adhesive layer put on the fitting.
  3. To create branches on pipelines, tees or other distributors are used. Connecting fittings to pipes is similar to connecting pipes to each other.

  1. After completion of work, it is required to check the level of tightness of the system within 60 minutes. In the absence of leaks, the installation of pipes was carried out at a high level.

Fittings for PVC pipes

Properly selected fittings are used for hermetic joining of pipes, which excludes the formation of unforeseen emergencies. The main list of connecting elements includes:

  • knee;
  • "Y" and "U" shaped fittings;
  • couplings;
  • bushings;
  • viewing hatches.

Fittings are used only for horizontal laying of the highway. Turning sections form an accumulation of debris, which requires the installation of a revision. When docking products, there are a number of restrictions. The pipeline is connected at an angle of 45, 67, 87 or 90 degrees.

For corner connection piping systems used additional type fittings - corners. They provide a flow change at an angle of 90 or 45 gr. But if necessary, it is possible to purchase corners for 30 and 60 gr.

To connect pipes with different cross sections, transitions are used that provide connection to pipes of 110 mm of products with a cross section of 50 mm.

Estimated prices
