Do-it-yourself heating boiler: necessary drawings and product features. Do-it-yourself drawings of solid fuel boilers Do-it-yourself heating boiler

The heart of the heating equipment in the house is the boiler. Today, there are quite a lot of domestic and foreign manufacturers of such equipment on the market, which offer products of different price and quality. But, in addition to buying a heating system, you can also make a boiler with your own hands. This will significantly save the budget.

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    Types of heating systems

    You can independently build a boiler of almost any complexity. The main thing is to choose the right model for a particular room. To do this, it is worth understanding all the advantages and disadvantages of different types of equipment.

    Boilers for heating private houses are of the following types:

    Autonomous heating with your own hands. Economical boiler from a PIPE for underfloor heating

    Solid fuel boilers can also be divided into several types: long-burning, wood-burning, pyrolysis and pellet boilers.

    The most popular are long-burning boilers. Due to the difficulties in installation, assembly, and the presence of individual expensive components, pyrolysis and pellet plants are installed much less frequently.

    Some nuances

    When making a boiler for a home with your own hands, you need to understand some of the nuances on which the design will depend.

    Three factors influence how the boiler will look:

    • the cost of equipment and components;
    • what fuel will be used;
    • coolant circulation method.

    The best material for making boilers is heat-resistant stainless steel, as it is the most durable. But there are some downsides to using this metal. For processing stainless steel, you need to have special equipment. This is not easy for a beginner to do.

    In addition, the price is very high and not every owner of a private house will have the opportunity to purchase it. Cast iron costs a little less than stainless steel, but it is even more difficult to process. Therefore, for the production of a heating boiler with your own hands, this option is also not very suitable.

    Real gas savings! boiler + Zhiguli = innovation

    An alternative option is to use sheet steel with a thickness of 4 mm or more. Such material is often used for self-production, since it is easy to work with it. In addition, it also has sufficient reliability and durability.

    To ensure the natural circulation of the coolant, it is necessary to install the storage tank at a height, as well as use heating circuits and connecting fittings with a large diameter. If this is not possible, then it is required to install a pump for forced circulation of the coolant. But it is worth considering the moment that he needs a constant connection to the network.

    The pipes in the boiler must have a diameter of at least 30 mm. They are made of steel pipes with thick walls. The contour is made of galvanized steel. It is important not to forget about the mandatory sealing of threaded connections.

    Varieties of designs

    Today on the market there are many types of equipment for autonomous heating of a private house, as well as for industrial purposes. Some manufacturers are engaged in the manufacture of high-tech boilers, which are almost impossible to make on their own. But heating boilers can be made with your own hands, using simpler schemes and designs.

    Solid fuel boilers

    The cheapest and most convenient option for the production of heating boilers with your own hands is wood-fired structures. The scheme of such a unit is simple and consists of two containers placed one inside the other. The inner tank is used for the process of burning wood and releasing heat energy, the outer one is a water circuit with a heat carrier. Due to the simplicity of construction, it is not difficult to build such a boiler on your own. In addition, it will be possible to use not only firewood as fuel, but also other heat sources.

    The design includes the following elements:

    The big disadvantage of such equipment is the low efficiency. Too much firewood will be used up and there will not be enough heat in the house.

    A simple do-it-yourself heating boiler for a house of 100 sq. m. (simple stove)

    Pyrolysis units

    By doing this type of unit, you can significantly save the budget. In addition to saving on the purchase of materials, pyrolysis boilers will use up little energy. The energy source for this type of equipment is a mixture of pyrolysis gas and air. Because of this, the boiler is considered economical, since such a mixture gives much more heat. Compared to wood-burning structures, the cost of materials for manufacturing is still higher for a pyrolysis unit, but due to fuel savings over several heating seasons, they pay off.

    The design consists of the following parts:

    • fan;
    • channels for smoke removal;
    • hole;
    • power supply regulators;
    • pipes;
    • combustion chambers.

    The unit must be assembled according to pre-prepared schemes and drawings, since the design itself is quite complex. Due to the fact that the efficiency is quite high, a power of 25-30 kW is enough. Other boilers require a minimum of 40 kW.

    Such units began to be manufactured back in Soviet times, when the need arose for heating garages and other technical premises. A fairly economical option was to use recycled oil, as there was always enough of it, especially if we talk about industrial scale.

    Design features and the principle of operation are not complicated. Recycled oil in the right amount is fed into the combustion chamber. Subsequently, this produces gas, which is the direct heat carrier.

    Such a unit is quite versatile and can be used for any purpose. But for heating a private house, it is better not to install it, since in this case you can choose a more convenient option. The ideal place for its installation is still garage rooms.

    Do-it-yourself boiler from car rims.

    Electrical devices

    Electric heating systems have recently gained more and more popularity. This is due to the ease of installation, and most importantly, to the economy.

    The boiler itself is mounted in a pipe standing at the top. The heating element is connected inside this pipe. Water or other coolant is supplied to the other pipe. It would seem that this can be limited and the design is ready. But everything is not so simple here.

    It is very important to choose the right fuel, as electric heating equipment is considered one of the most expensive today.

    The main element of this design is the heating element (TEN). Thanks to him, electricity is converted into heat. It heats the coolant (water or antifreeze). Any material can be used to make the case, mostly stainless steel, but alternatives can be purchased. All sensors for controlling the unit can be purchased from a specialized store.

    Make a heating boiler with your own hands

    The design consists of the following elements:

    • expansion tank;
    • a pump for circulating heat through the system;
    • filters;
    • safety valve.

    The system can also work in two ways: natural and forced. In the first option, it is necessary to provide for a height difference between the batteries and the tank with the heating liquid. For forced circulation, you need to install a pump.

    The simplest option is to install a thermal heating element directly into the boiler. But if such a design is not suitable, then it is possible to provide for the possibility of removing the heating element for repair or replacement and pre-mount such a pipe.

    The ideal solution for heating a small country house would be to install a boiler in a separate room with dimensions of 220 mm in diameter and 0.5 m in length. To make heating boilers with your own hands, you need to use the drawings. They play a very important role not only for novice craftsmen, but also for professional builders.

    Pellet type equipment

    This type of equipment is economical, unpretentious in maintenance, and the work itself is automated. The boiler works by burning wood in pellets. It is made from shavings or sawdust. Automation of the process consists in feeding pellets into the combustion chamber, since the material is free-flowing and can be stored in a bunker or a special container.

    But difficulties in the manufacture of such equipment may arise. This consists in the need to purchase an electric motor to rotate the auger, as well as a hopper shutter.

    Depending on the dimensions of the bunker, the duration of autonomous operation will be determined. The larger it is, the less often it will be necessary to renew the stocks of pellets in it. Such equipment can work on the principle of a boiler room. This means that the amount of heat generated can be controlled by adding more or fewer pallets to the bin.

    To choose the right type of boiler, you need to understand what type of fuel will be used. It is also important to follow all the rules and adhere to the manufacturing technology.

    Many problems can arise during the manufacture and installation of a gas boiler with your own hands. At the same time, drawings are of great importance, since it is necessary to adhere to technology. At the slightest deviation, the gas service will not issue an installation permit. It is not so difficult to weld it, but it is still preferable to mount a boiler of a different type.


    In addition to the classic options for boilers for self-production, there are other models. Induction boilers can also be made by hand. It is a kind of transformer with primary and secondary winding. The outer winding converts electricity and creates a magnetic field, while the inner winding directly heats the coolant.

    Another type of boilers are condensing. They work on the conservation of thermal energy of condensate, while their efficiency is higher than that of gas boilers or even solid fuel ones.

    If there is sufficient knowledge of the principle of operation of various boilers, then combined options can be made. Although the components have a rather high price on the market, on average they will be beaten off in 5 years.

    Thus, it is not difficult to make an economical boiler on your own, the main thing is to choose the right type of equipment and all the necessary components.

The heating system of a private house is a complex piping scheme, the heart of which is a heating boiler. The coolant is heated in it, which, under the influence of the laws of physics or with the help of a circulation pump, moves through the pipes, enters the radiators, where it gives off its heat, and cools down again into the boiler. And this process is repeated ad infinitum.

The modern market of boiler and heating equipment today offers a huge range of heating devices. Unfortunately, the price of many models is not affordable for everyone. Therefore, the question arises before some consumers, is it possible to make a heating boiler with your own hands, will this home-made device work as efficiently as factory counterparts? You can make a boiler if you are a good welder and it will work no worse.

Types of heating boilers

First of all, you need to decide which boiler is needed for your home. This will depend on the fuel that will be used for kindling. Hence the classification:

  • gas;
  • electrical;
  • solid fuel;
  • liquid fuel.


Any of these boilers can be made by hand. The simplest of them is electric. In fact, this is a tank in which the heating element is mounted. From the tank there are still two branch pipes connected to the supply and return circuits. There is no chimney, no combustion chamber, everything is simple.

Electric boilers are good for everyone, but they have two drawbacks. First, electricity is the most expensive fuel. Second: when the voltage drops in the network (and this happens with enviable constancy), the boiler stops working correctly. Its power decreases, the coolant temperature drops.


The rest of the designs are more complex. And they are almost identical to each other with some differences. As for the gas boiler, you will need permission from the gas service to install it.

Representatives of this organization may not accept such a heating unit for installation. First of all, they will require it to be pressure tested in their laboratory.

The presence of an act is a guarantee that permission will still be given to you.

The operation of this option is associated with great difficulties. First, you will have to build a separate warehouse near the house where the fuel will be stored. Everything in it must comply with fire safety requirements.

Secondly, a pipeline will have to be pulled from the warehouse to the boiler room. It must be insulated. Thirdly, a special burner is installed in this type of boiler, which must be adjusted. This is not so easy to do in terms of setup.

Solid fuel

It is this type of boilers that today is most often made by home craftsmen with their own hands. For small cottages and cottages, this is the best option. Moreover, firewood is by far the cheapest type of fuel.

We will talk about how to make a solid fuel boiler for heating a house below.

What will be needed?

As mentioned above, in order to weld a heating unit, you must be a good welder. Work at the level of an amateur is not suitable here.


What is required for this work. Of the tools you will need:

  • electric welding machine;
  • gas cutter;
  • Bulgarian;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • marker or chalk.


From materials:

  • seamless pipe with a diameter of 425 mm;
  • pipe with a diameter of 100 mm;
  • pipe with a diameter of 25 mm;
  • metal sheet 4 mm thick;
  • two drives with a diameter of 25 mm;
  • small loops;
  • corner 25 mm;
  • fittings with a diameter of 8 mm.


Many beginners look for boiler drawings on the Internet or in specialized technical literature and are already working on them. Basically, this is the right way.

Most importantly, find drawings that indicate the dimensions of the heater.

Case manufacturing

So, first of all, the details of the future unit are prepared. The body of the heater will be made from a 425 mm pipe. For a small heating boiler, a height of 1.0-1.2 m, taking into account the small diameter, is the best option.

We cut the pipe to these dimensions using a gas cutter. We process the edges with a grinder.

Now it is necessary to cut two holes in the body: for the firebox and for the blower. They must be rectangular. For a firebox, a size of 20x10 cm is suitable, for a blower 20x3 cm. They are located one above the other, the furnace hole is higher.

The distance from the edge of the pipe to the blower is within 5-7 cm. The distance between the holes is 5 cm. The edges of the hole are processed with a grinder. The cut out piece of the pipe wall for the firebox will be used as a door. Its edges are also cleaned.

Using a cutter, two more holes are cut for the supply and return pipes with a diameter of 25 mm. The holes are opposite each other. At the same time, the return hole is cut out on the side of the boiler above the furnace: from the furnace hole at a distance of 15 cm.

At a distance of 5 cm, only from the upper edge of the housing, a hole is cut for supplying the coolant. Immediately, two drives can be welded to these holes.

Three pancakes are cut out of a metal sheet: two with a diameter of 425 mm, one with a diameter of 412 mm. The latter will be installed inside the body, and since the wall thickness of the pipe is 6 mm, 12 mm falls on the diameter, plus 1 mm for free entry.

In one of the pancakes with a diameter of 425 mm and in a circle of 412 mm, a hole with a diameter of slightly more than 100 mm is cut in the center. A chimney is being prepared from a 100 mm pipe. For this, a segment of 120-130 mm is cut. Pieces 50 mm long are cut from a 25 mm pipe for the legs of the boiler. A grate for an ash pan is made from the reinforcement, the size of the inner diameter of the body is taken as a basis.

Assembling the heating unit

First of all, a chimney is welded to a 412 mm pancake. Then, inside the body at a height of 30-35 cm from the furnace hole, temporary stops must be welded. It can be wire or fittings. A pancake with a chimney falls on top of them.

Main joints

And now the most important point - you need to weld the pancake and the boiler body together. It is necessary to boil the seam on both sides and it must be done with high quality. This joint is the junction of the firebox and the water tank.

The next step concerns the combustion chamber. On the reverse side of the chimney, a finished reinforcement grate is inserted into the body.

Then, from a corner of 25 mm, several pieces are cut out by a grinder, which are welded inside the boiler between the furnace hole and the blower. These will be the stops on which the grate will lie.

Lower body

And the last. It is necessary to weld a 425 mm pancake to the lower edge of the body, weld four legs from a 25 mm pipe 5 cm high to it. Next, hinges are welded on which the firebox door is hung.

Blower valve design

The design can be different: in the form of a conventional door, in the form of a gate (this is a damper that moves in the plane of the hole), in the form of a rotary damper with holes in the body. Finished products are sold that are simply welded in place.

You can weld a one-piece structure with your own hands and attach it to the boiler. Of all the proposed options, the simplest is either a door or a gate.

Testing and connection to the system

Solid fuel boiler for home heating is ready. Now you need to check it. To do this, a plug is screwed onto one of the drives, and water is poured into the second. If water does not pass through the welds, then the welding was carried out at a high level.

You should not be afraid that the heating unit will leak during operation. The finished unit is connected to the heating system of a country house. That is, the drives are connected to the supply and return pipes of the coolant.

The chimney is being installed. Please note that this element of the device must exit vertically upwards. If it is not possible to arrange it in this way, then there should be a minimum number of taps.

In an unheated attic, it will have to be insulated.

First kindling

It is very important to correctly conduct the first furnace. In this case, you can not use a large amount of fuel. A small bookmark should heat the unit itself, especially the chimney. With a sharp increase in temperature, condensation may form on its walls, which will turn into tar, narrowing the diameter. And this is a decrease in thrust, which is responsible for the correct operation of the heater.

Gap adjustment

During the combustion process, the gap in the blower is adjusted. It is necessary to find the optimal size that will provide the combustion chamber with the necessary amount of fresh air (oxygen).

Be sure to pay attention to the height of the bookmark. Its upper edge should be located at a distance of 20 cm from the inner pancake. This distance will ensure optimal combustion of wood or coal. In this case, smoke and carbon monoxide will be freely removed through the chimney.

Principle of operation

In fact, a traditional solid fuel boiler works like a conventional stove. There is also a firebox in which firewood (coal, pellets and other types of solid fuels) burns. The released energy heats the coolant located in the tank above the combustion chamber.

The heat carrier in this design is heated both from the internal pancake and from the chimney, which pierces through the container with water. At the same time, the boiler body also heats up, which creates an accumulative effect that prevents rapid cooling when the unit is turned off.

The heated coolant rises and exits through the upper pipe into the supply circuit of the heating system. The cooled coolant enters the boiler through the lower pipe connected to the return circuit.

Other options

A solid fuel boiler for heating a house can be made in the form of a cube from a metal sheet 4 mm thick. This is a more complex design, in which you will have to assemble a separate combustion chamber. It turns out that a combustion chamber is installed in the boiler body. And between the walls of the two structures, the coolant will circulate. This is a more efficient option, but difficult to manufacture. It has a lot of welds, which reduces the reliability and safety of operation.

Today on the market you can purchase numerous options for heating boilers.

Most of them are designed to work with gas and electricity, there are also solid fuel options and using fuel oil.

However, not everyone will be satisfied. Many would like to make a heating boiler with their own hands (see the drawings below), because they believe that the market is not able to satisfy their needs, or the purchase price is too high.

Well, in many ways they will be right, and we will try to satisfy their requests.

We will tell you how you can make the boiler yourself and how to avoid mistakes.

Naturally, on the market you are unlikely to buy a brick boiler for heating, in which brick is the material of manufacture.

You can build such a heating boiler with your own hands.

The drawings and the principle of operation of various systems will be considered below.

In fact, such a boiler is a furnace with a heat exchanger, which is connected to a heating system or a reservoir for.

The heat exchanger is located in the fuel combustion zone in the furnace or in the smoke circulation system.

The design of the furnace itself, most likely, you will have to peep somewhere or develop it yourself.

The main element that turns the furnace into a boiler is the heat exchanger. It is located in the furnace or in the smoke circulation zone.

In the latter case, it would be more rational to use a non-return furnace scheme, as in a Russian stove, so that the size of the heat exchanger that can be placed in it is as large as possible.

However, the temperature of the water in the heating system will be much lower, and such a system is more suitable for heating water for household purposes. When placed in smoke circuits, the heat exchanger can be made of ordinary steel.

Placement of the heat exchanger in the furnace, respectively, will require an increase in the size of the furnace. At the same time, the material from which the heat exchanger is made must be made of heat-resistant steel of great thickness, which is not cheap.

The price of such steel is about 400-500 rubles per kilogram, pipes are even more expensive, and a thick metal heat exchanger can weigh more than 50 kilograms. Nevertheless, this one, ceteris paribus, will cost less than a purchased boiler of similar capacity.

The heat exchanger can be made both in the form of a coil and in the form of a water jacket. In the first case, water passes through a system of pipes, which create a significant area for heat extraction from the furnace during operation.

The coil is welded from heat-resistant steel pipes with a wall thickness of at least 5 millimeters. Pipe diameter - at least 50 millimeters.

Usually pipe sections and corners are welded until 3-4 rectangular contours are obtained, which are then connected to each other in height with branch pipes in four places.

This method will require a highly qualified welder, there will be a number of welds that will have to be welded “with a mirror”. In terms of complexity, this is a work of the fifth category and even higher.

In the second case, combustion takes place in a firebox, which is located inside a container of water that surrounds the firebox on at least three sides.

In the case of a water jacket, the heat exchanger can be lined, thereby reducing the requirements for the quality of the steel used, but its volume will be significantly larger, and this negates the use of a boiler as a building material.

Most of the boiler will be made of metal, and the volume of welding work will increase significantly, although their qualification will decrease.

Regardless of the type of heat exchanger, if it has direct contact with fire, it can heat up to temperatures above 90 degrees. Therefore, at the outlet, the heat exchanger must be equipped with a protective valve-water seal, which will work if the water starts to boil and save the pipes from rupture.

As a fuel for homemade brick boilers, both solid fuel and gas and liquid fuel can be used. In the latter case, a nozzle with a fuel and air supply system or a gas burner are placed in the furnace, respectively.

Long burning boilers

Therefore, the risk of fire will also be twice as high. In addition, you can only make a heat exchanger for a solid fuel boiler made of steel.

And in industrial production, both cast-iron and copper heat exchangers are made, which will have a longer service life.

Electrical equipment of small capacity and dimensions. For example, it makes no sense to make a flow heating boiler itself, which will take up little space and heat cold water from a water supply system - the market is replete with cheap offers of low-power equipment. This makes it pointless to manufacture such heating boilers on their own.

All self-made heating boilers are based on a general principle: the fuel, burning in it, heats the heat exchanger. He is the coolant, as which the vast majority of home craftsmen choose water.

The scheme of operation of such a boiler and its appearance directly depend on two main factors: what materials are available and what kind of fuel is the cheapest in your area.

The efficiency of a homemade boiler depends on:

  • The design of your heat exchanger - the larger the available area of ​​direct thermal contact of the tank with the coolant and the furnace, the more heat the coolant receives per unit time.
  • The completeness of combustion of the fuel used - if, together with the resulting combustion products, pyrolysis gas flies into the pipe, after burning it, you can significantly increase the efficiency, and the oxygen supply to the combustion site is insufficient - the design needs to be finalized.

This directly implies that it is necessary to achieve a minimum temperature of the combustion products. The lower it is, the higher the efficiency of the boiler.

The second advantage of the low temperature of the combustion products entering the chimney is the key to safe and durable operation of your boiler.

For reference: the best models of solid fuel boilers can have a specified indicator in the range from 120 to 150 degrees.

Almost all the variety of existing types of boilers, both factory-made and self-made, uses a single principle in their work, which was mentioned in the previous section.

It is implemented in two ways:

  1. A do-it-yourself water heating boiler can be made according to the "samovar" method. The fuel burns inside a container filled with coolant. Most often, this scheme is implemented in the manufacture of a boiler for a Russian bath.
  2. A home-made water heating boiler, made according to the second method, involves the passage of the coolant through the pipes of the heat exchanger (coil) through the furnace in which the fuel burns. As a variant of the same method, quite often the heat exchanger is placed immediately after the furnace at the place where the combustion products exit from it.

As a rule, preference is given to one or another option, taking into account the capabilities of the master in terms of acquiring the necessary materials.

But, in any case, we must not forget that the boiler for water heating is a device of increased danger and requires constant monitoring during operation.

Therefore, without fail, boilers for water heating at home must have in their design a valve to relieve excess pressure, a pressure gauge and a thermometer to determine the temperature of the coolant.

How to make a water heating boiler with your own hands?

The topic of “do-it-yourself water heating” is almost impossible to expand within the framework of a short review. Therefore, here are just a few recommendations. More detailed information can be found on our website and in other sources.

The most commonly used materials for the manufacture of boilers are sheet steel with a thickness of 4 - 5 mm. Heat-resistant stainless steel is, of course, better. But, having learned the price per sheet, the majority chooses the usual one.

When making a home-made water heating boiler, the master, as a rule, takes into account the existing or future method of circulation in the CO of the coolant.

If it moves by gravity (gravitational circulation), then it will be necessary to raise the water tank high enough, and use pipes of large diameters for wiring. And both on the supply and on the return.

This is due to the fact that the resistance to the movement of the coolant is inversely proportional to the diameter of the pipes. If the diameter is not large enough, then you will not be able to do without installing a circulation pump.

Home-made water heating boilers equipped with pumps have their advantages: pipes of smaller diameters are cheaper, the coolant tank can not be raised so high, and cons: if the power goes out during the operation of the system, the boiler can simply break with superheated steam. You choose.

A few recommendations that are suitable for any type of boiler you choose: heating circuits and pipes installed on a heating boiler should preferably be made from pipes with a diameter of 32 mm or more (in inches it is 1 and ¼”).

In the event of an emergency stop of the circulation pump, a rapid and sharp increase in water temperature is observed with a simultaneous decrease in the speed of its movement.

In order to avoid failure of the heating circuit, if possible, it is better to make it from galvanized pipes, and seal the connecting threads using linen tow and red lead.

Variants and schemes of designs of heating boilers

A home-made boiler for water heating is usually divided according to the types of fuel used into the following main types:

wood boilers

Boilers of these types are most in demand for self-manufacturing due to the simplicity of their design, the availability of materials and tools necessary for the manufacture of such a boiler, and the possibility of freely acquiring the required amount of firewood.

  • Advantages: simplicity and versatility.
  • Disadvantages - rather low efficiency. The following scheme, in this regard, is much more preferable.

The simplest version of such a boiler: a thick-walled pipe of large diameter, into which a pipe of smaller diameter is inserted, which is a firebox. The space between the pipes is filled with coolant.

Wood-burning boilers are universal. They can be heated not only with firewood, but also with almost any solid fuel. (peat briquettes, coal).

Pyrolysis boilers

In the temperature range from 200 to 800 degrees, the wood, the combustion process of which takes place with a lack of oxygen, decomposes into wood coke and pyrolysis gas.

It is worth adding to the latter a sufficient amount of atmospheric air, as it ignites with the release of heat in large quantities. This increases the efficiency of boilers of this design up to 92%.

One bookmark of fuel (firewood) for a pyrolysis boiler can last for 12 hours, while for traditional boilers this figure does not exceed 4 hours.

There are practically no solid residues. Combustion of gases easily gives in to adjustment in the automatic mode.

The disadvantage that boilers for water heating of a house of this design have is stringent requirements for fuel moisture content, not more than 30%. Otherwise, in a mixture with water vapor, the pyrolysis gas will burn poorly.

Materials for the manufacture of a boiler of this design will cost significantly more. than the first option. But the entire cost overrun will fully pay off in 2-3 heating seasons.

Waste oil boilers

The boiler is ignited, put into operation and oil begins to drip onto a special hot pan, which evaporates almost instantly.

The resulting gases, burning, heat the coolant.
Instead of oil, you can use diesel fuel.

Electric boiler

The simplest design is a heating element inside a pipe standing vertically, to which a return is supplied from below, and a supply from above. And natural water circulation.

Cons: it is forbidden to connect boilers with a rated power of more than 7 kW to 220 V networks. And 380 volts is not available everywhere.

The second option for an electric boiler is an induction boiler. This is the simplest version of a home-made boiler of a similar design: a plastic thick-walled pipe, on which at least a hundred turns of enameled wire are wound, connected to a portable welding machine with an output current of 15A.

Elements heated by eddy currents (steel wire cuttings, chopped rod, etc.) are poured into the pipe. We connect the return line from below, the supply from above, we supply water and you can turn on the power.

Materials and tools for boiler installation

The main advantage of the decision to make a water heating boiler with your own hands is that this does not require special equipment, tools and parts.

It is quite easy to find improvised raw materials and materials, and any owner of his own house has almost all the tools (drill, wrenches, screwdrivers ...).

For work you will need:

  • sheet metal, or a large-diameter pipe (an option is a metal barrel, an old furnace, etc.);
  • steel pipes;
  • radiators (if the coolant is water), shaped pipes;
  • hardware (nuts, bolts, etc.);
  • dampers (you can buy, find a used one or make it yourself);
  • door.

It is advisable to install the necessary minimum of automation on the boiler (sensors for monitoring and measuring temperature, for example, or a pressure gauge).

The materials used must be of proper quality (no holes, no rust, etc.).

It's a good idea to put a pump for forced movement of the coolant.

The algorithm for installing a furnace with a water heating boiler is as follows:

Determine the location of the boiler. Then we make the markup and fill the foundation.

We prepare masonry mortar for bricks. For it, you will need sand and clay in a ratio of 2: 1 (approximately, it may vary depending on the fat content of the clay). We soak the clay overnight, in the morning using a mixer (nozzle on a drill) we mix the sand-clay solution.

We lay a sheet of roofing material or other waterproofing on the finished foundation. In size, it must be at least 10 cm larger than the dimensions of the boiler.
We fill it on top with a cement screed, which we level in level.

Using ordinary ordinary red brick (not silicate), we lay out the outer contour of the future furnace. You can also put a fight inside.

We bring the walls to the level of the blower door, put a metal sheet with a slope outward, so that it is more convenient to remove the ash.

We fix the door, lay out the contour of the blower.
We install the boiler (by level), the furnace door.
Lay out the chimney.

Every home should be cozy and comfortable, but what is comfort without heat? To do this, the houses are equipped with a heating system, which looks like a complex piping and a boiler.

It is in the boiler that the coolant is located, which is heated and with the help of pumping equipment passes through the pipes through the radiators, giving off part of the heat, and cooled back to the boiler. And the action is repeated again.

Nowadays, companies that produce equipment for heating systems offer a wide selection of options for heating devices. From expensive models to affordable for a simple man in the street.

But low price, as a rule, does not imply quality and long service life. In this regard, some consumers became interested in the question: how to make a heating boiler with your own hands?

We will try to help you with practical advice and recommendations with the provision of photos of different forms of boilers.


First, you should decide on the model of the boiler that will suit your home. It depends on the type of fuel you are going to use.

Models are divided into:


These are the most complex models in terms of design and are very similar to each other. To install a gas boiler, you must obtain permission from the gas service, which can easily oppose its installation, referring to the fact that you need to pass the pressure test of the boiler in their laboratory.

But having an act of checking the laboratory, you will be given permission.


The easiest to make with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to take a tank and equip it with a heating element, two nozzles that are connected to the supply and return circuits. There is no need for a chimney and combustion chamber.

But there are still two negative points: electricity is expensive and when voltage drops, the boiler power and coolant temperature drop.

Solid fuel

The most popular and optimal type of self-made boilers for country houses. And firewood is the cheapest fuel.

Liquid fuel

This option is very labor intensive. It will be necessary to build a separate warehouse near the house to store fuel resources in accordance with fire safety standards.

From it to the boiler room it is necessary to lay a pipeline with mandatory insulation. Install a specific burner in the boiler, which requires a difficult setup.

Building a solid fuel boiler on your own

To make your own boiler in a private house, you need to have the skills and knowledge of a welder.

To begin with, you will need to arm yourself with the following tools: a welding machine, an autogenous machine, a grinder, a measuring device in the form of a tape measure, a small or marking tool, a hammer.

And purchase the necessary materials: pipes dia. 425, 100 and 25 mm, metal 4 mm, spur for connecting dia. 25 mm - 2 pieces, medium canopies, steel corners 25 mm, fittings dia. 8 mm.


You can't do without design sketches either. The necessary boiler drawings can be found on certain World Wide Web sites or in technical publications, but most importantly with suitable dimensions.

Preparation for the construction of the hull

The first step is to prepare the necessary details. A box with a height of 100-120 cm is made from a pipe of a larger diameter. We cut it according to the indicated dimensions and clean the edges with a grinder.

Then you need to cut square windows for the firebox (20x10 cm) and a blower 20x3 cm in size, placing one above the other, but the firebox is on top.

From the blower to the bottom of the body should be 5 or 7 cm, up to the firebox - 5 cm. The edges should also be processed. Use the cut off part of the pipe as a firebox door, cleaning the edges.

Now you need to cut holes for installing nozzles dia. 25 mm: one for supply, the other for return, located opposite each other. The return line is made on the side 0.15 m above the firebox. A hole for heat supply is cut at a level of 0.05 m from the top of the box, and spurs are welded.


The next step is to cut out three circles of metal: two dia. 425 mm and one diam. 412 mm. A circle of smaller diameter will be located inside the case. A hole with a diameter of slightly more than 10 cm is made in the center of all circles.

The flue part is made of a pipe to dia. 10 cm long 120-130 mm. And as legs the pipe to dia is used. 25 mm in the amount of 4 segments of 5 cm each. A sieve for an ash collector with a diameter of 10 cm is made from reinforcement. 412 mm.

Assembly of the boiler structure

To the circle diam. 412 mm, the chimney is attached by welding. After that, in the inner part of the body, up 30-35 cm from the opening of the furnace, stops from the reinforcement are temporarily welded. A circle with a chimney is installed on top of them.

The next moment is very important - this is the welding of the circle with the body. The seam must be made double-sided and of high quality, as it connects the firebox and the water tank.

A reinforcing grate is installed on the back of the chimney. Stops are made from the corners that need to be welded between the firebox and the blower, and a grate is placed on them.


At the end of welding, we attach a circle to dia. 425 mm to the bottom of the boiler, weld legs and hinges to install the firebox door.

Boiler performance check

When your creation is completely ready, you need to pass testing. Close one squeegee, and pour water into the other. If the welds do not allow water to pass through, then the welding work is done with high quality.

Do not be afraid that a leak will appear during operation. Connect the boiler to the heating structure of the country house by connecting the spurs to the coolant nozzles. The chimney must be placed vertically upwards. Within the attic, it must be insulated.

Now it's time for the first firebox. To do this, use not too much firewood to heat the boiler itself and the chimney. With a jump in temperature, condensate may appear, which can become tar and narrow the diameter, which will lead to a decrease in thrust.

During the firebox, you need to adjust the gap in the blower, providing the desired size for air passage.

The top of the bookmark is usually located 20 cm from the inner circle for optimal burning of firewood and coal. And the smoke and burning will go out through the chimney.

Operating principle

We think you yourself have already understood that the boiler is the same wood-burning stove. The energy from the combustion of firewood heats the coolant above the combustion chamber itself.

The coolant is heated from the inner circle and the chimney passing through the water tank. The body heats up and accumulates cooling when the boiler is turned off.

The hot coolant moves up and through the upper compartment moves into the heating system circuit. And it returns, cooled, through the pipe from below to the boiler.

The installation of a wood-fired boiler can be made in a cubic shape from 4 mm metal, but this is a more time-consuming process, especially a separate assembly of the firebox.

A combustion chamber is placed in the housing, and the coolant can circulate between the walls. This option is effective, but difficult to construct due to the large number of welds.

Now, if necessary, you can build a boiler for a country house yourself!

DIY boiler photo