How to choose the correct plastic windows. How to choose the right plastic windows or what to look for when choosing PVC windows? Which window profile manufacturer is better

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The microclimate of your apartment will ultimately depend on how you navigate the “world of windows”.

Choosing a good plastic window is not so easy. Many factors need to be taken into account:

  • profile quality,
  • glass quality,
  • hardware that works well and suits your type of opening.

Climatic conditions, design, anti-vandal properties - all this the consumer must calculate before he decides to buy a window. So, which plastic windows are better?

How to choose plastic windows for the house

The choice of window depends on the climate, your aesthetic wishes and a number of other requirements.

So climate. The estimated winter temperature in Moscow is minus 25 degrees. If we take more southern climatic zones - for example, Orel, Belgorod, Lipetsk - there the estimated temperature for winter is already minus 22.

For Moscow, we would recommend using profiles of 70 mm thickness with a double-glazed window, - advises Anton Karyavkin, head of the technical center for translucent structures at Rehau. - These will be the best plastic windows for the capital region. For the southern regions, we can recommend 60 mm profiles and one- or two-chamber double-glazed windows. In more northern areas, more serious 80-86 mm profiles and a more powerful two-chamber double-glazed window are required.

Of course, the consumer may have different design preferences: say, a curved overlay, a special glazing bead, and so on. All this can be found at manufacturers of modern windows. The same Rehau company has, for example, the Rehau Delight system (REHAU DELIGHT -Design), which includes a wide variety of forms.

All profiles have a similar set of properties:

  • protection against heat loss,
  • soundproofing,
  • mechanical reliability,
  • tightness,
  • sound and waterproof,

Double-glazed window - simple or energy-saving?

Various classes of double-glazed windows can be integrated into window systems. What plastic windows are better?

The coating is applied industrially: in the process of glass production, molten quartz sand with certain additives flows over tin, the mixture gradually cools, and a coating is deposited on it by a magnetron method. Typically, such coatings consist of oxides of various metals: iron, copper, titanium, silver, and others. By the way, the number of layers in such an energy-efficient coating can reach up to 18, each with a thickness of several microns, which are invisible to the naked eye on the glass.

Regardless of the number of layers, the glass coating has:

  • high resistance,
  • does not crumble
  • does not burn out.

It is absolutely transparent. The presence of a coating on the glass can be established by a special test. A lighter is brought to the double-glazed window, and three lights should be reflected in it (since there are three glasses in a two-chamber double-glazed window). If the coating is applied, one of the lights will be a different color - for example, not yellow, but red, green or blue.

It should be noted that today there is a wide variety of glasses. Recently, in addition to energy-saving, manufacturers have also begun to produce multifunctional glasses. This glass has a double effect: energy efficient in winter and reflective in summer.

Ideally, the following window system could be recommended: inner glass with an energy-saving coating, and outer glass multifunctional (with reflective and energy-saving properties). This will be the best plastic window. The difference in price is somewhere around 10-15%.

When choosing a profile, what technical and other characteristics must be considered

If you put ten profiles in front of you, you, first of all, will appreciate the appearance of these profiles.

How to choose a profile for a plastic window? Is it possible to determine its quality visually?

They say that women choose with their eyes, and in this case this is the right approach. The fact is that the quality of profiles is determined by color.

There are profiles that eventually fade into a gray or yellow tint. And there are profiles that remain white and do not change color over time. For example, the excellent consumer properties of Rehau profiles have long been well known. In addition to pure white color, the profiles of this company have a huge margin of durability - up to 60 years. Their physico-mechanical, color indicators remain unchanged for a long time. By the way, it is very easy to check the authenticity of a Rehau profile; all profiles of this company have markings.

The next parameter by which the quality of the profile is determined is a high level of gloss and the absence of defects: waves, scratches, roughness. The profiles of reputable companies that are popular on the market just have a smooth glossy surface without any defects. By these qualities, they can immediately be distinguished from a number of profiles of other, less well-known brands.

An additional indicator of the quality of a white PVC profile is its resistance to pollution; for this, it is enough to carry out the so-called “pencil test” by running a soft lead over the surface of the profiles. High-quality profiles are characterized by the fact that these marks are easily erased with a finger.

The best plastic windows - with anti-vandal effect

If your window needs to be given special properties - for example, it is on the ground floor - then your window system must be burglar-proof. You must be sure that when you are away, nothing will happen to your apartment.

In this case, a profile with reinforced reinforcement is placed in the window system. Mounted special anti-burglary fittings. And as part of the double-glazed window, there must be triplex - glued glass. Such glass, breaking, does not fall out.

Another option: the glass can be pressed with glazing beads, or it can be glued. This will increase the reliability and anti-burglary qualities of the design.

Sometimes such windows are equipped with special alarm systems, video cameras that provide communication with security. If any impact is made on the windows, a danger signal is sent to the owner's smartphone.

Budget option: cheaper does not mean worse

Recently - and the crisis has played its role here - many companies have begun to produce cheaper, budget-friendly product lines. What should a consumer who purchases such products need to be prepared for?

Directions to reduce the cost of products can be different, - explains our expert Anton Karyavkin (Rehau company). - You can try to reduce the cost of the material itself. And some manufacturers do just that. If we talk about our company, then we do not go for it. This is our outpost, which we are not going to surrender. It should be remembered that the profile life resource is determined precisely by the quality of the material from which it is made. Therefore, we carefully monitor compliance with recipes, we develop new ones ourselves. The company even has its own Polymer Institute.

Another way to reduce the cost of production is a change in the geometric configuration: a decrease in the height of the profile, the amount of the material itself. Removed some elements, options that were laid in reserve.

In new budget profiles, such as, for example, BLITZ New, GRAZIO (manufacturer - Rehau), the height of the profile is just reduced. In general, the product is made from exactly the same PVC and with the same guarantees. It has all the necessary test data and certificates (Research Institute of Stroyphysics, MGSU, APROK, Zamok, IFT Rosenheim and others).

Choosing fittings: functionality or brand?

There are a huge number of various manufacturers of accessories on the market today: German, Chinese, Turkish, Russian ... How to choose?

Usually the choice is made for you by the company that produces the entire plastic window. And you just have to evaluate her decision.

Large manufacturing companies have their own test centers, where they certify the recommended fittings. The same Rehau company, before offering something to the market, conducts system tests of the product.

Let's say some new equipment has been developed, including a profile, steel reinforcement, double-glazed windows and fittings, - continues Anton Karyavkin. - We give this ready complete set for research. During the tests, the optimal range of components is selected - 4-5 suppliers of fittings, whose products have been approved. The test results are reflected in the system passports of mass-produced profiles. The consumer just needs to look there and try to find the name of interest to him there. If it is there, then the fittings meet all modern requirements, and there will be no problems with it.

Unfortunately, samples of fittings appear on the market today, which, quite possibly, no one has tested. Such samples should be treated with caution.

As for the design of fittings and its functionality, the giant window companies try not to impose their choice on the client (a small company that produces the entire window from components). Everyone's preferences are different here. Some people like silver hardware, others like gold. For some, micro-ventilation is carried out by extending the sash, for someone - by micro-tilting. Someone uses hidden fittings. Each manufacturer has the right to promote and sell their technical solution. And the consumer - to choose what is convenient for him.

Environmental friendliness: which windows are the best

Each consumer understands the environment differently.

But the main criterion for environmental friendliness, and everyone will probably agree with this, is the quality of the air we breathe.

In this regard, claims are often made to PVC windows: they say that polymer systems release something into the air.

Meanwhile, it is well known that plastic window systems are recommended not only for residential premises, but also for children's preschool, medical, surgical - and in fact there the environmental requirements are even higher than in housing. This once again proves that PVC window products are safe and do not emit anything.

Some people think that only wooden windows can be called environmentally friendly. But after all, one can hardly argue with the fact that the tree today is also not what it used to be. For the manufacture of wooden windows, glued wood is used. And where there is glue, there are resins, there are harmful emissions, formaldehydes, and so on.

It is no coincidence that 90% of windows now are made of PVC profiles. Wood is often used when nothing else can be used. For example, in historical buildings.

Prepared by Elena VLADIMIROVA

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 17 minutes

Plastic windows are on the crest of popularity. They are comfortable, high-tech, attractive. But the abundance of models with different characteristics confuses an ignorant buyer. To choose plastic windows, you need to pay attention to every detail of the structure - the profile, double-glazed windows, seals and fittings - and listen to the opinion of experts.

How to choose the right profile

Speaking about the profile, they often draw an analogy with the skeleton of a window. This complex structure made of plastic and metal has several cavities - chambers - separated by airtight partitions. Their number affects the strength of the window, the ability to retain heat. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is used for the manufacture of window profiles.

Reasons for using this type of plastic:

  • ability to withstand adverse conditions;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • cheapness;
  • environmental Safety;
  • preservation of consumer properties for a period of at least 50 years;
  • reliable sound insulation.

The usual color of PVC is white, but there are multi-colored profiles, as well as laminated ones for different types of wood.

After examining the plastic, you can determine how well the window frame will serve. Qualitative PVC - absolutely smooth, monolithic, homogeneous material. The presence of spots, graininess eloquently indicates a fake.

Profile classes

The quality of windows is determined by the thickness of the outer part of the contour and internal partitions. According to this indicator, profiles are divided into 3 classes:

  • Profile A is ideal for residential buildings: the thickness of its external walls starts from 2.8 mm, internal - from 2.5 mm.
  • Profile B - suitable for heated and unheated rooms. It has a thickness of outer walls from 2.5 mm, internal - from 2 mm, windows from it are less adapted to loads.
  • Profile C - called object, used in rooms without heating. These windows often do not have opening sashes. The wall thickness is not standardized, but usually it is less than that of other types of profiles.

Metal inserts play an important role - they increase the strength of the structure. Therefore, such windows are sometimes called metal-plastic.

air chambers

  • The three-chamber profile is the most commonly used. Suitable for regions with a temperate climate, where the temperature in winter does not fall below 30 ° C. Standard width - 5.8 cm.
  • Four- and five-chamber profiles are more expensive and weigh more. Their installation is justified only in cold regions, where they will keep the heat indoors even in the most severe frosts. They are also chosen for windows that face a busy road, due to their higher sound insulation.
  • Single and double chamber products are popular due to their low price. But it makes sense to install windows from such a profile only in the south of Russia, where there are no cold winters.

It is interesting! The thermal conductivity of a profile with 7–8 chambers is lower than for products with a smaller number of chambers: numerous baffles negate the insulating properties of the air in the chambers. And a wide profile with a small number of chambers will retain heat better than a narrow multi-chamber one.

External chambers, thanks to special holes, also serve as condensate drains. They do not affect the quality of thermal insulation, they do not spoil the aesthetic appearance of the structure. On the contrary, the absence of technological holes indicates a low quality: such a window will last less than the standard period.

Recently, window structures have become widespread, in the chambers of which the air is replaced by foamed heat insulators. They retain heat even better, but the price becomes significantly higher.

Frost resistance

Another profile parameter is frost resistance. It should not change its properties at low temperatures. A frost-resistant profile that is suitable for the domestic climate should be marked "M". The degree of resistance to adverse conditions can also be seen in the passport.

Profile width

For standard windows, the profile width (installation depth) ranges from 50–80 mm. When it does not exceed 60 mm, the number of cameras in the frame is usually 3, and at 70 mm - 4-5. Large thickness allows the use of more durable fittings, additional soundproofing and insulation contours, thick double-glazed windows.

Read about which windows are better, plastic or wooden.

Informative video about the secrets of choosing a PVC profile:

Expert tip: for the middle lane, a 3-chamber profile is more than enough. It makes no sense to overpay for multi-chamber products that are positioned as warmer: you will not notice the difference. It is better to choose a class A profile, class C in residential premises is unacceptable. And you should always remember that the quality of the assembly and installation of the window is more important than the profile parameters.

We deal with double-glazed windows: the type and number of glasses, marking, distance frame

A double-glazed window compared to traditional window glass is a complex design. This is a block of glass, hermetically bonded to each other. The space between two sheets of glass is called the chamber. It should not be confused with those included in the profile.

What determines the heat and sound insulation of a double-glazed window

The ability to retain heat and keep out noise depends on:

  • From the thickness of the double-glazed window. For a house, an apartment, a double-glazed window with a thickness of 32–44 mm is suitable.
  • From the number of cameras. Usually a double-glazed window consists of 3 glasses and 2 chambers between them. For harsh climates or houses located in places with high noise levels, three- and four-chamber packages are produced. Single-chamber are suitable for arranging balconies, loggias, arbors.
  • From the width of each double-glazed chamber. The larger it is, the better the insulation characteristics. However, after 24 mm, an increase in thickness no longer improves the positive properties of the product.
  • From filling the chambers. An inert gas pumped between the panes reduces heat loss, protects against noise and ultraviolet radiation. Argon retains 50% more heat compared to air, krypton - 2 times more than argon.
  • from glass thickness. If you put 5 or 6 mm outer glass in a window facing a busy street instead of the standard 4 mm, the sound insulation will increase, but not significantly. Glasses of different thickness will not resonate with each other.
  • From the type of glass. It makes sense to choose a material more expensive, but with additional useful properties. Reflecting infrared rays, low-emission glass keeps the house warm in winter and cool in summer.

Advice from Mr. Build. Sometimes it makes no sense to spend money on extra glass: you can put single-chamber double-glazed windows on the external block of the balcony, and the internal block will protect you from noise and cold. For comparison: full glazing of a 3-room apartment with three-chamber double-glazed windows will cost 75,000 rubles, and if you put single-chamber packages on the balcony, the total cost will drop to 71,250 rubles.

Glass types

To obtain low-emissivity glass, a thin metal film is deposited onto it.

  • K-coating - a film of tin, reduces heat loss by 25% in a single-chamber double-glazed window.
  • I-coating (i) - a layer of rare earth metals, retains more than 30% of heat. It is installed only from the side of the room, the coating is turned inside the chamber, since it is unstable to mechanical damage. Often labeled E-low.

Due to such glasses, a single-chamber double-glazed window approaches the thermal insulation properties of a two-chamber one and can even exceed them.

If you listen to the recommendations of experts in the field of energy saving, then the best choice in terms of heat preservation will be a double-glazed window filled with an inert gas and having one glass with a special coating. Thermal packages will help save on heating in winter and on electricity due to less frequent use of air conditioning in summer.

Consider an example. Ordinary double-glazed windows for a private house cost the owner 150,000 rubles. In winter, you have to pay 8,000 rubles for heating. per month, and in the summer, due to the operation of the air conditioner, you need to pay 600 rubles more for electricity. per month. If the owner of the house had installed thermal packages, he would have paid 180,000 rubles for them. But at the same time, heating costs would decrease to 4,800 rubles. per month, and for air conditioning - up to 420 rubles. It turns out that thermal packages pay off in two years, and then they bring benefits.

It is practically impossible to break glass laminated with triplex. Glasses reinforced with special metal or polymer meshes have the same quality.


  • Energy-saving i-glass was invented quite by accident. Japanese scientists have been doing research into the development of protective equipment against radiation and found that some metals applied to glass reflect heat. At first, this technology was used in space development, and now it is also used in the manufacture of double-glazed windows.
  • Scientists still have not been able to explain one amazing phenomenon. After 39 years of operation of a plastic window, the outer wall of the profile becomes thinner by 0.75 mm. Not a single version explaining this fact has yet been recognized as sufficiently reliable.
  • Laminated triplex glass was also created by chance. The famous French scientist Edward Benidictus dropped a glass flask on the floor. It cracked, but did not shatter into pieces. And the reason for this was a mixture of cellulose nitrate, which solidified on the walls of a burst flask and created a layer that prevented the glass from disintegrating.

Insulating glass labeling, tables

The structure of a double-glazed window can be understood by the marking, which indicates the thickness of the glass, the width of the chambers, and the type of coating. For example, the designation 4-12Ar-4-12 Ar-4I stands for:

  • double glazing;
  • glass thickness - 4 mm;
  • the distance between them is 12 mm;
  • inner glass I-type;
  • the chambers are filled with argon.

The following tables will help you choose the ratio of the parameters of double-glazed windows.

The frame between the glasses sets the distance between them, which ranges from 6 to 24 mm. They make frames from aluminum, steel, plastic. Stainless steel or plastic spacers conduct heat to a lesser extent and prevent cold bridges from forming, therefore they are considered the best option.

The second function of the frame is moisture absorption. It has an absorbent inside that absorbs liquid, preventing windows from fogging up in winter, and there is a perforation on the surface.

Rules for choosing double-glazed windows

To choose reliable double-glazed windows, you need:

  1. Make sure that there is a marking with the manufacturer's logo, date of issue and information about the components. Her absence is a cause for serious suspicion.
  2. Inspect glass for chips and cracks.
  3. Check the quality of the seal. There should be no traces of liquid sealant along the bar that regulates the distance between the panes. The outer layer of the product should look even and neat. Sagging, cracks indicate the unreliable quality of the package.
  4. Using a tape measure, determine the accuracy of the geometry. The difference in measurements along the diagonals (more than 3 mm) proves that the parameters of the double-glazed window do not meet the standards. The thickness of the package, which is measured with a caliper, cannot differ from the declared one by more than 1 mm.
  5. Measure the offset of the glass planes with a square. A deviation greater than 1 mm indicates non-compliance with the standards.
  6. Determine the transparency of the glasses, the presence of water and steam in the chamber.

Decorative and functional elements

To give the window a more sophisticated look, so-called shims are used (see photo).

They can vary in color, thickness, be located between the glasses or on top of them.

A convenient addition to the window design can be built-in blinds. It is located directly in the double-glazed window chamber, and is controlled from the outside. But such a system has a serious drawback - the impossibility of maintenance and repair.

Read about choosing blinds for plastic windows.

It is much more profitable to order all additional fittings and accessories at once: this way you will not have to pay for their delivery and installation, which will cost from 1,300 rubles.

Which double-glazed window is warmer?

This table shows how the level of thermal insulation of a double-glazed window increases with an increase in the number of glasses and the thickness of the chambers:

Double glazing formula Reduced heat transfer resistance coefficient, m 2 × ° С / W

Please note: in terms of heat saving, a single double-glazed window with I-glass is superior to a conventional two-chamber one.

Double-glazed windows for residential premises: minimum and optimal parameters, price comparison

The formula for a double-glazed window suitable for an apartment or house located in central Russia:

  • Minimum parameters: double-glazed window 4-10-4-10-4. This is a generally accepted standard with good sound and heat insulation characteristics.

Tip: if you live in a quiet area, it will be more profitable to order a single-chamber double-glazed window with I-glass. It is not as good in terms of sound insulation, but retains heat significantly better than the standard two-chamber version (see table below).

  • Optimal parameters: double-glazed window 4-16Ar-4-14Ar-I4. It has all the necessary additions: wide chambers of different thicknesses for better noise protection, argon filling, energy-saving glass.

Expert tip: Seal life can be extended by regularly (twice a year in the off-season) cleaning and lubricating with silicone oil or glycerine.

What accessories to choose?

Fittings for heavy, constantly opening and closing windows must be durable and reliable. Otherwise, the handles will break, and the doors will sag and seize. The brands Winkhaus, Siegenia Aubi, Roto, G-U, Maco have earned the trust. For the manufacture of fittings, high-grade steel with an anti-corrosion coating is used. Polymers are allowed only for plugs, decorative covers.

The best fittings are those that can withstand 50-60 thousand cycles and have a 10-year warranty. The cycle is 4 actions: opening for ventilation, closing, swing opening with subsequent closing.

When buying, you should choose adjustable fittings that will allow you to open the sash as far as you need, and special stoppers will prevent involuntary slamming. Owners of private houses, apartments on the ground floor, cottages prefer windows with anti-burglary devices that will prevent intruders from entering. Optionally, accessories are supplemented with details that provide:

  • slot ventilation;
  • turn restriction;
  • functioning of the microlift:
  • sash tilt in several positions;
  • child access restriction and other functions.

Expert Tip: Only choose hardware with the features you need. Make sure that the extras you pay a lot of money for (high-quality European fittings are expensive) are really what you need. For example, anti-burglary devices are unlikely to be useful on upper floors.

Choose the way to open

Window designs differ on this basis:

  • Deaf - are placed in rooms that do not need ventilation, or are combined with opening doors.
  • Rotary - allow the doors to open in one direction.
  • Tilt and turn - have two ways of opening: they turn inside the room, and can also recline, which is important when there is a small child in the apartment or the window sill is filled with flowers. This is a rational option for a kitchen that requires regular air exchange. With a combination of folding and swivel mechanisms, it is convenient to ventilate the room at any time of the year.
  • Expert tip: In a wide window, there is no need to make all the sashes open. The price of such a window will be unreasonably high. Usually one moving element is sufficient.

    Consider an example of balcony glazing. A tilt-and-turn door costs 12,500 rubles, a tilt-and-turn door costs 11,200 rubles, a pivot window costs 10,750 rubles, and a blind window costs 5,900 rubles. If the inner window and two outer ones are swivel, and two more outer ones are tilt-and-turn, you will have to pay 67,150 rubles for everything. And if you make the inner window and three outer ones deaf, and only one outer one - tilt-and-turn, full balcony glazing will cost much less - only 44,900 rubles.

    Which manufacturer of plastic windows is better?

    Competition and strict control in the window market forced out frank marriage. But experts unanimously lean towards large manufacturers. They have equipment that is not available to smaller companies, so the products are of higher quality. Specialists have learned to cope with unwanted linear expansion of PVC, low coefficient of elasticity, improve resistance to temperature changes. Additives and stabilizers for these purposes are strictly controlled and do not harm health.

    Which firm to choose?

    List of the best window profile manufacturers based on ratings and reviews.


    Leads in the number of sales, in all ratings in the top three. The technical base allowed the company to finally stop the production of low-grade products, only class A profiles are produced. Window models are diverse, durable, known for their reliable noise and heat insulation, tightness, and equipped with a rubber seal that is not afraid of frost. Disadvantage - expensive.


    The company uses environmentally friendly plastic, the windows are durable, with good noise and heat insulation, cope with temperature changes in the range from -50 to +50 ° C, do not fog up. Disadvantages: high price, over time, the plastic develops a yellowish tint.


    Products are distinguished by environmental friendliness, a wide range, durability, sound and heat insulation that meets the requirements of the time, and frost resistance. Disadvantages: reduced leaf height, higher cost than other brands.

    We recommend that you pay attention to Rehau windows from the BLITZ New profile with an installation depth of 60 mm. This is an energy-saving, affordable and high-quality solution. Three-chamber profile, with the possibility of installing double-glazed windows up to 32 mm. Retains 30 times more heat than wooden Soviet frames. Noise reduction up to 40 Rw dB and great looks.

    High-strength sealed profiles for all climatic conditions from perfectly white plastic. All bearing walls are made according to RAL class A, the declared service life is up to 45 years. The company's factories are located in Germany, Poland and Belarus.


    Windows of different types, attractive, inexpensive. Durable, adapted to the Russian weather. Disadvantages: no quality management certificate, rather weak fittings, a chemical smell emanates from the sealant.

    LG Chem

    The combination of decent heat and noise insulation characteristics and professional design. Glossy plastic, reasonable quality-price ratio. A relative disadvantage is the recent entry into the market of the central part of the country, which affects its popularity.


    The windows have a deformation-resistant design, designer finds and a large selection of reliable and hermetic models attract buyers. Disadvantages: heavy profile, built-in blinds break after several years of operation.

    Russian windows

    Russian plastic windows are cheaper than foreign ones. But this does not mean low quality. Usually domestic manufacturers use German technology. The cost is more affordable due to cheap energy resources and labor. This should also be remembered when choosing.

    For example, the Russian company Kaleva works according to a full cycle scheme: from the moment of designing a window to installation in place. This is an infrequent case. For more than 20 years, the Panorama company from St. Petersburg has been operating on the plastic window market. Its PVC profiles are distinguished by quality, the right balance of rigidity, reliable insulation, and aesthetic appearance.

    What profile for plastic windows did you choose?

Plastic windows have long and firmly entered our lives. The "plastic" market is oversaturated, and newspapers and magazines are full of ads from window and door manufacturers. Firms offer a variety of discounts and bonuses to win over customers, and most consumers make their choice in favor of a particular firm based mainly on the profitability of a particular offer. The result of such a strategy is not immediately visible, as a rule, a bunch of problems begin to bloom along with the arrival of cold weather. The windows begin to sweat, frost may appear at the junction of the frame and the sash, and after a few months the drafts return again, despite all the assurances that the window is “tight”.

Today we will give some tips on how to choose the right plastic window and what you need to pay attention to first of all, so that later it will not be “excruciatingly painful”.

Profile manufacturer

Despite the fact that many factories for the production of "domestic" plastic profiles for windows have already been launched in Russia, its quality often leaves much to be desired. This is not even connected with technology - it is copied from the world leaders in this field, but in the peculiarities of the Russian mentality and methods of work. Reliance on "maybe" and the desire to save on everything you can (after all, the competition in the market is very high), ultimately affects the end consumers. Therefore, if financially possible, choose proven manufacturers, the same German original REHAU. The quality of this profile speaks for itself - the very first windows made of it, installed in Russia over 10 years ago, still have not lost their quality or appearance.

Profile stiffness - reinforcing elements

Inside each plastic window there is a reinforcing belt made of a metal profile. It is designed to keep the window "in frame" with seasonal temperature fluctuations. Many manufacturers also save on this, not taking into account Russian realities, because in many areas the temperature can range from -30°C in winter to +40°C in summer in the shade. In such extreme conditions, a steel insert in a plastic profile must be in all window elements and its thickness must be at least 1.5 mm. Only then the window will not be significantly deformed, which will ensure both a long service life and the absence of drafts.

plastic type

Low-quality profiles are sometimes made of plastic with a matte finish. Be aware that such plastic literally absorbs dirt and it can be very difficult to wipe it off even with the use of special plastic window care products. And they are also very expensive.

At the same time, glossy plastic, even not the most expensive one, is much less susceptible to dirt and is easy to clean. Yes, and it looks much better.

Double glazing - single or double glazing?

If you live in a noisy area, or just your window overlooks the highway - we advise you not to be stingy and order a double-glazed window. It will come out a little more expensive, but it's worth it - the noise will be damped much more efficiently and the heat loss will be less. Many people understand a double-glazed window as a double-glazed window with two glasses, but this is not so. Such a package has three glasses, between which there are two air chambers. And a package with two glasses creates only one chamber and is called single-chamber.

Please note - for the best noise suppression, the distance between the glasses in a double-glazed window must be different, that is, the metal spacers inside the package must be of different thicknesses. Ideally, the inner glass should be slightly thinner than the outer ones - this will further reduce noise.

One caveat - due to the greater weight of a double-glazed window, not all fittings are able to withstand the weight of the opening sash for a long time without displacement. Therefore, approach the choice of accessories especially carefully.

Heat reflective glass

A double-glazed window is usually assembled from standard float glass - this is a glass of increased transparency. However, if you care about the energy efficiency of your home, you can choose special energy-saving glass. Sometimes it is also called K-glass or IR-glass. It differs from the usual special coating, which reflects the infrared range of waves, that is, heat. Thus, in winter, the heat from your room will not go outside, and in summer, on the contrary, the heat from the sun's rays will be significantly weakened by the IR coating of the glass.

Of course, such glass is more expensive than usual, but the comfort in a house with such windows is much higher.

Ventilation with plastic windows

Ventilation is one of the main problems faced by the owner of plastic windows. According to the old GOSTs, the influx of fresh air in houses was provided through leaks in window frames and front doors. Therefore, you will not find forced ventilation in an ordinary apartment, there is only an extractor hood - usually in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

The plastic window meets completely different standards. Properly installed and fitted, it provides airtight insulation from the street. And the disadvantages of this are familiar, perhaps, to everyone who has changed their old wooden windows to new plastic - the windows sweat, the air in the house becomes "stale" and stuffy.

There may be several exits. The simplest and most common is the possibility of tilting the sash with gap adjustment - this way you can regulate the flow of fresh air. In addition, there are micro-slit ventilation systems and even special supply valves that cut directly into the window frame. However, all these options are technologically different depending on the manufacturer of the profile and fittings, so this issue needs to be clarified on the spot.

Advice from personal experience - you should not install an Aereco type mortise valve. It is convenient only in the off-season, in the summer its capabilities are not enough - you have to open the sash for better ventilation, and it is not at all suitable for the Russian winter. Even with intermediate insulating spacers, the valve quickly freezes when the external temperature drops below -5 ° C, becomes covered with ice and subsequently becomes abundantly overgrown with mold. If you need constant ventilation - choose a similar system that provides heat recovery, that is, heating the incoming cold air from the street due to the warm air coming out. And remember that if you decide to install a mortise valve - the frame will be hopelessly damaged and you won’t be able to simply remove the valve in the future - the hole will need to be covered with something, insulated and sealed.


Fittings can rightfully be called the most important part of the window, since it is precisely they that constantly hold the sash in the right position, provide a tight fit, no gaps, and even window security functions.

Cheap low-quality fittings on a sash with a double-glazed window are guaranteed problems within six months after installation. Poor fittings cannot withstand the weight of a heavy sash with three glasses, the sash gradually falls to one side, and even the ability to adjust, built into the fittings themselves, does not save the situation.

In addition, poor-quality fittings are unable to evenly and tightly press the sash against the window frame. As a result, cracks and good old drafts appear. The only plus in this is the occurrence of natural ventilation, but such a “plus” is unlikely to make you very happy ...

Don't skimp on the little things

If the need for a window sill is clear to everyone, then many are trying to save money on other “little things”, like ebbs, mosquito nets and high-quality slopes. As practice shows, the savings now turn into additional, much larger costs in the future.

Without drainage, rain will fall into the gap between the window and the wall, destroying the mounting foam (and it absorbs water like a sponge) and wall material (especially in winter). does not seem such a necessity, but exactly until the moment when mosquitoes and midges wake up and you will repeatedly regret that you did not install this grid right away.

quality plastic slopes- severe necessity. Considering that, as a rule, a plastic window is installed with a maximum extension to the outside, as a result of the dew point shift, constant fogging begins not only of the window itself, but also of the slopes. And where there is moisture, there is mold. Slopes made handicraft, especially with the use of hygroscopic materials such as drywall, planted on mounting foam, "bloom" in the very first winter. And in order to maintain a normal appearance in the future, you will have to impregnate them with an antiseptic a couple of times a year, scrape off the mold that has managed to germinate, putty the affected areas and repaint ...

sealant- Another little thing that should not be overlooked. The standard black seal is rubber-based and tends to "tan" at low temperatures, forming leaks and crevices. Many companies offer a white or transparent elastomer-based seal as an alternative - although it is more expensive, it is much less demanding on temperature conditions and has a longer service life. And in any case, do not forget to lubricate the entire seal for the winter either with a special compound recommended by the manufacturer or with silicone oil.

Installation of plastic windows

Many people think that there are no difficulties in installing a plastic window either. Indeed, what is it worth to drill a few holes in the wall, fasten with screws and then fill everything with mounting foam? But the devil is in the details and professional installers know this very well, but they are unlikely to give you all the secrets of their business.

An important point when installing a window is the observance of all the little things. There is a special GOST 30971-2002 “Mounting seams of adjoining window blocks to wall openings”, which describes in detail how to properly install a window frame in a window opening. The assembly seam should consist of three layers:

  1. external water-proof, but vapor-permeable;
  2. central thermal insulation;
  3. internal vapor barrier.

Most installers do not follow this GOST, trying to save money at this stage, because the installation is included in the price of the window. However, we strongly advise you to find a company in your city that performs installation in strict accordance with this GOST, this will slightly increase your costs, but will provide really high-quality work. And then your window will stand for many years, delighting you with its appearance and performance!

In this article we will try to deal with a frequently asked question - Which windows are better? How do windows from different manufacturers differ? (KBE, Rehau, Montblanc and many others). To answer this question, you need to know what a modern window generally consists of.

Conventionally, the window can be divided into three main components:

  • PVC profile;
  • double-glazed window;
  • accessories.

About each in order.

Important! The purpose of this article is to provide information for the average user and in no case is it an analysis of the technical characteristics and other properties described below!

So, PVC profile.

On the Russian market, including in the Moscow region, you can find a large variety of PVC systems. This refers to both the manufacturer and its intended use. It should be noted that the manufacturer of the PVC profile is not the manufacturer of the final product, that is, the window as such, this is the task of processing companies, which, by machining on the appropriate equipment, bringing together all the components of the window, will produce the structure according to the given dimensions. That is why you should not stop your choice only on a sticker with a brand. You just need to figure out which series from the line of this system would be appropriate to apply in your particular case. What are we talking about here?! For the consumer, everything is extremely simple.

Most manufacturers of PVC profiles are divided into series with the following differences:

1. Profile width(most of them are 58, 60 and 70 mm., and there are also 74, 76, 82, 86 ... but much less often).

2. Number of cameras. Inside the profile itself there are plastic partitions that divide it vertically into several parts called chambers, thereby creating a natural barrier to through freezing of the plastic frame. And the more chambers, the less heat loss, respectively, warmer! Usually the number of chambers in a profile is 3 or 5, but there are also 4 or 6 chambers. Not to be confused with the number of cameras in a double-glazed window! More on that below.

3. Design. In this part, each manufacturer is free to implement their own ideas in order to interest the client. Most often, this affects such a profile element as a glazing bead, designed to fix a double-glazed window in a frame. The glazing bead may have a rounded, straight, figured or beveled shape. Also, the differences affect the parts of the frame itself and the sash, which is most often purely decorative and serves only to please the individuality of any profile system.

4. Seal. One of the most important parts of the window related to the profile itself. It is very important to pay attention to the quality of the seal, because it will depend on it how long your window will remain sealed. A good seal is made of high-quality material that retains its elasticity for a long time. Perhaps, elasticity is the most important property for a sealant, which the customer himself should contribute to. Let's explain. By annual lubrication with a special composition, the owner is able to extend the life of the seal, thereby protecting himself from premature costs of replacing it in case of damage (drying).

5. Reinforcement. It certainly does not apply to the manufacturer of the PVC profile, but since this is the most hidden part of the window, you should know what to look for when choosing a contractor. Not everyone knows, but a steel profile is installed inside the PVC profile in the finished product, hence the common name "Metal-plastic windows". Its purpose is to give the window sufficient strength to withstand its own and wind loads, as well as to maintain the window geometry during temperature fluctuations. In this part, it will be enough for the consumer to pay attention to the thickness of the metal used in the manufacture of the translucent product, which should be 1.5 mm. This thickness of the reinforcing profile is quite enough for the window to perform its functions.

Types and purpose of double-glazed windows

A double-glazed window is a composition of two or more glasses located parallel to each other, interconnected through a spacer frame, and glued around the perimeter with a special sealant. A double-glazed window occupies most of the window area, respectively, the main heat loss occurs through it. That is why double-glazed windows should be given special attention.

There are the following types of double-glazed windows:

  • soundproof;
  • energy saving;
  • armored;
  • decorated.

In fact, all these types of double-glazed windows are very similar in their basis, but with small additions in each of them. So, for example, to achieve better sound insulation, a double-glazed window must be used without fail, which implies the presence of 3 glasses. Usually, each of them is 4 mm, and if necessary, one of the glasses is set with a thickness of 6 mm. It is also customary to divide glass in a double-glazed window with spacers of different widths. Such measures will help to significantly reduce the noise flow from the street.

For the best savings of heat in winter and coolness in summer indoors, the following measures are taken:

  • The distance between the glasses is filled with gas (Argon or Krypton), and a transparent layer of metal oxides is applied to the glass surface. Since metal is a poorer conductor of heat than glass, some of the heat is trapped and reflected back into the house.
  • Glass tinting, or colored glass in bulk, is also successfully used.
  • It is possible to reduce heat loss by using a spacer frame made of composite materials.

Reservation double-glazed window is achieved through the use of various films that are glued to the inside of the double-glazed window. Triplex glass can be used. Here, one of the glasses is usually tempered and is in a state glued through a film with another glass. This method allows you to achieve good results in terms of the safety of the double-glazed window, since it becomes much more difficult to break it.

Decor or the decoration of the double-glazed window is performed in a variety of ways. Here we can cite the following as an example: painting, pasting or applying a stained glass pattern. A separate type of double-glazed window decor can be called the installation of screeds (layouts) in the inter-glass space. All these methods are designed to visually highlight the window opening and emphasize the architecture of the building.

Now let's figure out what window fittings are and what you should pay special attention to here!

The main task of window fittings is to ensure reliable, uninterrupted and comfortable operation of all opening window elements. That is why the accessories must be made of high quality material. For its production, only steel is used.

There is only one control element in the window - this is the handle. By turning it, we activate the entire mechanism, opening or closing the window sash, and without really thinking about what is happening at that moment. Due to what is the tight clamping of the sash to the frame? How does slot and position ventilation work? In order not to climb into the technological jungle, we will go the other way. Obviously, the consumer most likely will not be able to figure out how good this or that fitting is, which is why it would be appropriate to recommend choosing the most famous manufacturers. These include companies such as:

  • ROTO;
  • MACO;
  • Siegenia;

By choosing these manufacturers, you will be sure that the window will remain operational even in extreme conditions, with the most unexpected temperature changes. It should be noted here that regardless of the manufacturer, in order to increase the period of trouble-free operation of fittings, the owner must from time to time carry out maintenance of moving elements. Usually, window installation specialists talk about this during the commissioning of the facility. After all, this is the most opportune moment to demonstrate the principle of operation of fittings and give recommendations on window care in general.

What you need to remember about quality fittings:

  • made of steel;
  • the handle is not plastic, but all-metal, painted;
  • must be regulated;
  • the presence of a logo or name on the product.

For the choice of fittings for windows, it is better, of course, to seek advice from trusted and conscientious performers, where, after listening to your needs, they will offer you the best option. For example: if your apartment is located on the first or second floor, or maybe you choose glazing for a country house (dacha), then you need to think about increasing the level of burglary resistance of windows. If you have small children, then it will not be superfluous to control the possibility of opening windows in your absence. You should be told about these and many other functions of the fittings during the consultation.

Remember! The correct and comfortable operation of the window directly depends on the fittings. Therefore, the four manufacturers listed above will save you from unexpected problems, and will be a reliable component of your window.

On this we can sum up and say that the window is different to the window. And when you hear from people: "But my window cost 15 thousand rubles!", the other will say that he "- Everything cost 30 thousand rubles!" you must understand, most likely, the difference is not in the appetites of manufacturing companies, but in those three main components of the window that were chosen by the customer for their object. We agree that cheap is not always bad and expensive does not always mean good, but armed with all of the above, you can always find the best solution for your home, in which we wish you success and will be happy to help you make the right choice!

High-quality plastic windows with proper operation can last more than 40 years. To do this, when choosing, you need to pay attention to a few tips from experts. There are some subtleties of this process. Not every product can boast of high quality and durability.

There are many types of plastic windows. They differ in a number of characteristics. Therefore, you need to know how to choose plastic windows correctly. This will be discussed further.

window requirements

Considering which plastic windows are best for an apartment or house, you need to identify the main criteria by which this process takes place. The main quality of the presented design is thermal protection. Windows should reliably protect the room from the cold. Otherwise, drafts will appear. Expensive heat will simply go outside. In this case, energy bills will be high.

A good plastic window should provide adequate lighting. It should be comfortable. The choice of glass type should also be given high attention. Some designs let a lot of light into the room. Others, on the contrary, have a special coating. It reduces the amount of rays that enter the room.

Also, the window should become a barrier to the noise of the external environment. This is especially important for people who live near a traffic area, railway or on the first floor. The window should be easy to use and durable. It should be easy for anyone to set up. However, for the owners of the house who have a small child, on the contrary, protection against easy opening of windows should be provided.

Aesthetics is also far from the last selection criterion. Plastic windows in a house or apartment must be chosen wisely. This design should be in harmony with the overall decoration of the facade. The usual is the white window. However, there are also colored types of structures with different texture designs.

These are the most general requirements. However, when choosing windows, one should be guided by the individual preferences of the owners, as well as take into account the existing operating conditions. This will help to choose comfortable, beautiful and functional windows in accordance with the existing needs of customers.

Design choice

First of all, the owners of a house or apartment need to decide on the right choice of design. There are designs with a different number of wings. To choose the best option, you need to consider the size of the windows. Modern production technology allows you to create both single-leaf and multi-leaf structures. Many owners of a house or apartment are interested in how to choose the size of plastic windows. It should be said that this will require accurate measurements of the opening. An error may make it impossible to install the selected product.

Determining the number of sashes is easy. To do this, you need to measure the window. If its dimensions do not exceed 1x1.5 m, you can purchase a single-leaf window. If the size of the opening is larger, it is better to give preference to multi-leaf structures. In some cases, the owners of the house install a blind window without an opening mechanism. This greatly complicates the maintenance of glass.

A reasonable option when installing windows would be to have several shutters and a mechanism for opening them. For example, if the window is large enough, a three-leaf system may be preferred. The central part may not open, while the two sidewalls will be equipped with a special mechanism. This will allow you to open the windows to ventilate the room, as well as wash the glass if necessary.

Knowing how to choose the size of plastic windows, you should still determine the correct principle for opening them. A three-leaf window may be deaf, but at least one sash should be provided on the side for opening them. The inability to ventilate the room significantly worsens the microclimate in the room.

control mechanism

In the manufacture of windows, the manufacturer equips the selected number of sashes with various types of mechanisms. The right choice of design will increase comfort during operation. The owners will be able to choose the appropriate mode of plastic windows.

A blind window is devoid of various opening mechanisms. It is made immovable during manufacture. One sash can be made deaf in the design. This increases the energy-saving qualities of the window. However, at least one side of such a structure must open.

The opening mechanism can be swivel. In this case, the sash can be opened. She turns exclusively towards the apartment. This allows you to wash windows, ventilate the room. Most often, this type of mechanism is used for a tricuspid window. Its central part can be deaf, and two side sections are equipped with a swivel mechanism.

Folding designs are also in demand. This allows you to replace the window. If necessary, the mechanism tilts the sash at a certain angle into the room. This is how ventilation works. The window does not open fully.

However, most often the modes of plastic windows can be combined. Shutters can have a rotary and folding mechanism. If necessary, the user, using the window handle, sets how exactly he wants to open the sash at the moment. There are also designs that have the ability to ventilate the room without opening the window. It turns out to ventilate the room without significant heat loss. This is true for the winter period.


An overview of plastic windows will help you understand what to look for when choosing. One of the important criteria is the profile. It is this element of the product that is responsible for the heat saving and durability of windows. The profile is made of PVC. It differs in the complexity of the design. Inside such a profile there can be an aluminum square pipe or a metal U-shaped profile.

The profile is assembled by gluing at high temperatures. Special additives, which are included in the plastic mass for the formation of the window profile, add strength and resistance to adverse effects. When a pigment is added to the mass, a colored material is obtained.

Inside this structure are various cavities. Experts say that before determining which plastic window company to choose, you should pay attention to the manufacturer of the profile. Today, the best type of structures are produced by companies such as Rehau, KBE, Veka, Gealan, etc. They use high-quality material in the manufacture of their products.

Chambers inside can be sealed and open. The first types of cavities serve to retain heat indoors. Ventilation is needed for the profile to avoid condensation. Today on the market there is a profile with the number of cameras from 3 to 7 pcs. The choice depends on the features of the operation of the structures. For cold regions, you need to choose frames with the maximum number of cavities inside. Technical buildings, warehouses can be equipped with windows with a three-chamber profile.

double glazing

When studying how to choose plastic windows, you need to pay attention to the type of double-glazed window. It can have from one to three chambers. In this case, from two to four sheets of glass are used.

The thickness of the double-glazed window can be different. For a single-chamber design, this figure is most often 13-31 mm. In this case, one camera can be seen between the panes. It is fenced around the perimeter with a metal strip. At the bottom of the chamber there is a compartment with a special substance. It absorbs moisture. This prevents condensation from forming inside the windows.

Single-chamber double-glazed windows are rarely used today. In houses or apartments, such structures are most often used for mounting balcony blocks. Most often, buyers purchase two-chamber windows. In this case, the window has 3 glasses and 2 cavities between them. The thickness of such a double-glazed window is 30-58 mm.

It should be said that when choosing plastic windows prices, promotions should be considered very carefully. The fact is that it is for the category of double-glazed windows (the most purchased category) that sellers offer to purchase windows filled with argon, xenon or other inert gas. The cost of such a design will be quite high. However, the owners of the house will not see significant savings in heat.

In order for a double-glazed window with an inert gas inside to bring savings in paying for energy resources, it is necessary to use glass with a special coating. In this case, heat loss will be significantly less, the high cost of the window will quickly pay off.

Three-chamber windows are rarely purchased today. They do not have significant advantages over two-chamber structures. Therefore, it is a less popular category.

Special abilities

To increase the comfort of use and functionality of plastic windows, you need to consider some additional options for plastic windows. They should be selected depending on the operating conditions of the system. According to customer and specialist reviews, climate-controlled plastic windows are the most functional model that can provide ventilation in the winter without opening the sashes. At the same time, a special additional valve will control the outflow of moist air from the room without the participation of the owners.

Also a useful additional function is the energy saving of a double-glazed window. For this, a special metallized coating is used. It does not reduce the amount of light entering the room. However, heat loss becomes less. There are other films, spraying which on the glass gives the window new qualities.

To reduce the sound insulation performance, the chambers are made of different thicknesses. Considering how to choose plastic windows, you should pay attention to this indicator. For residents of houses located near the motorway, this is an important factor that increases the comfort of using the window.

Glasses can also be tinted in different colors or have a mirror coating. The second type of films does not allow you to see from the street what is happening inside the apartment. At the same time, inside the room you can see everything that happens outside the window.

There are many companies that sell and install plastic windows. However, experts say that it is worth giving preference to large manufacturers and trusted distributors. To understand where to buy plastic windows, you need to consider a number of nuances that you should pay attention to when choosing.

The production of plastic windows is a rather complicated process. In this case, it will not work without high-quality equipment. Therefore, a company that manufactures windows must be large enough. Otherwise, you can purchase a low-quality handicraft product.

Experts recommend not saving on windows, as cheap designs will not be able to provide a high level of comfort. They also won't last long. Therefore, windows should be purchased at an average price. If the cost of the window is significantly below this value, it is a poor quality product. The production technology does not allow to reduce the cost of windows.

It is also very important to find out where to buy plastic windows. Before placing an order in a particular company, you need to consider customer reviews. Each region has its own outlets for such products. Do not trust little-known, small companies. They will not be able to fulfill all warranty obligations. An installation organization that does not have enough qualified personnel to install windows will not be able to reliably install even a quality product.

Premium window rating

There is a certain rating of plastic windows. It must be considered before making the final choice. These are the highest quality products that are in demand and have a good reputation. By purchasing such windows, you can not doubt their quality.

The best manufacturers in this industry are KBE, Rehau, Veka windows. These are premium products. Also in demand are the designs of manufacturers Montblanc, LG Chem, Trocal, Proplex. Their cost will be somewhat lower, but the quality remains worthy. Each design has its positive and negative sides.

The rating of plastic windows is started by KBE products. Their cost is about 13 thousand rubles. behind a double glazed window. The products of the manufacturer Rehau are not inferior to the presented windows. These products can be purchased at a price of 13.5 thousand rubles. The disadvantage of the presented products is only the high cost. These are premium products.

Veka products are in demand. It costs a little less. For a window with characteristics similar to those presented above, you will need to pay 12.5 thousand rubles.

Products of the mid-price category

German windows Rehau, KBE and other brands are in demand. However, their cost remains quite high. If you want to purchase windows at an affordable price and of sufficiently good quality, you should pay attention to the offers of the mid-price segment. They can be purchased at a price of 10 to 12 thousand rubles. for a window with double glazing and dimensions 140x160 cm.

Strong, reliable designs are Proplex. However, the appearance of the presented windows is somewhat outdated. Also, the presented designs did not receive an international quality certificate. Their cost is about 11 thousand rubles.

Montblanc windows are distinguished by the best design. However, they have weak fittings, as well as an unpleasant chemical smell. Over time, it disappears. However, the first time after installation, the room must be ventilated. These are relatively inexpensive windows, which can be purchased at a price of 10 thousand rubles.

According to reviews, LG Chem plastic windows are noted for their high quality. These designs are of high quality and thermal insulation properties. Their cost is about 12 thousand rubles.

Trocal windows are also in demand. They are very strong, have a rigid profile. However, the weight of such a structure is quite large. The cost of the presented windows is about 12 thousand rubles.

The choice depends on the taste preferences and possibilities of the family budget of buyers. However, expensive windows are of better quality. Their structures can last much longer. Windows of the mid-price segment also have acceptable quality. However, in some respects they are inferior to expensive products.