PVC pipes for internal sewerage. PVC pipes (npvc) for internal sewerage PVC pipes for internal sewerage systems

The Truba-Plast company offers PVC pipes (NPVC) for internal sewerage. Ring stiffness class - "SN 4". Standard sizes DN (OD) - according to the outer diameter: 50 mm and 160 mm, while OD 50 pipes are produced with a wall thickness of 1.8 and 3.2 mm, and OD 110 pipes with walls of 2.2 mm and 3.2 mm. The length of the segments varies from 0.5 to 3 meters. All pipes have an extension at one end (socket) for pipe-to-pipe connection.

Pipes are available in the following diameters:

  • for horizontal lines and siphons - 25, 40, 50, 110 mm;
  • for bends and risers - 110 and 150 mm.

For the production of internal sewerage systems for various purposes, PVC polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or modified non-plasticized PVC PVC, gray pipes are used. Also, with the use of certain technologies, the final product can be given additional properties.

PVC pipes (UPVC) for internal sewerage are divided into several types according to the connection method: with a socket, without it, threaded PVC. Scope: use in conventional systems or laying in the ground - depends on the SN stiffness grade.

Advantages of PVC

PVC pipes (UPVC) for internal sewerage have a number of qualities due to which its use is relevant:

  • low weight of products, which helps to reduce transportation costs and reduce installation time;
  • resistance to corrosive processes and external chemical irritants;
  • long service life (average 50 years);
  • have good hydraulic characteristics that remain unchanged throughout the entire period of use;
  • this material is easily cut, which makes it possible to fit products to the desired size in a certain area;
  • externally well combined with other systems.

Our products are made from high quality materials and comply with GOST quality standards, technical requirements and norms. For any questions, you can contact our managers.

PVC pipes intended for internal sewerage are gray in color, have a smooth texture and are equipped with a socket for a connecting ring. Such pipes are widely used for the removal of domestic and storm drains. According to GOST, the operating temperature is not more than 45 degrees, but short-term exposure to a higher temperature (up to 70 degrees) is also acceptable.

The main advantages of PVC pipes over other types of sewage:

  • Low susceptibility to chemical attack;
  • Resistance to abrasive action of solid particles;
  • High rates of rigidity;
  • High service life;
  • Relative cheapness of the material.
  • The light weight greatly facilitates transportation and installation.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the following:

  • Gray PVC pipe is highly brittle, especially at low temperatures. In such conditions, their transportation and installation is complicated;
  • Low resistance to organic solvents. Due to their impact, the destruction of the pipeline or the appearance of plaque is possible.

Another distinguishing characteristic of gray PVC pipe is thinner walls than a red PVC pipe of the same diameter. Therefore, with their use it is laid precisely internal sewerage where there is no high load on the pipes.

Features of the installation of PVC pipes for internal sewage

The laying of PVC pipes in the organization of internal sewage is carried out taking into account some features:

  • The distance between individual fasteners (e.g. clamps) must not exceed ten pipe diameters. Otherwise, deflections will appear, in which, with small volumes of drains, garbage will constantly accumulate;
  • In the horizontal plane, it is better to connect pipes with two corners of 45 degrees, and not one at 90. This way you will reduce the number of blockages;
  • On horizontal sections, a slope of at least 2 cm per linear meter must be observed;
  • Rubber seals inside the sockets ensure the tightness of the connections, but they can be further strengthened by applying a thin layer of sealant during installation. This will prevent leaks if the rubber dries out;
  • There should be no bends and stresses in the pipe - this can lead to cracks over time;
  • PVC should not be laid where prolonged exposure to hot water is possible. These sections are best made of polypropylene pipes.

For laying internal sewage, PVC pipes are quite versatile. If all the features of the material are taken into account during installation, the PVC sewer system will last a very long time without any repair and maintenance - some manufacturers give a guarantee of up to 50 years on their PVC pipes.

The internal and external sewage systems differ from each other, both in the requirements for them and in the features of operation. Therefore, the pipes used in their installation have differences.

You can read about the features of plastic pipes for an external system in, here we will talk about polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes for internal sewage. But first, let's figure out why this material has become so popular, because until recently, internal sewer pipes were mostly cast iron.

Advantages of PVC pipes

PVC pipes are considered the most practical and optimal option when installing any sewer system. They are made of plastic that is resistant to aggressive chemicals (acids, alkalis, etc.). The optimum temperature range for PVC pipes is from 65º C to -15º C.

The fact that plastic does not tolerate low temperatures can be easily compensated with. In addition, they still have a number of additional advantages.

First, corrosion resistance. Unlike the same cast iron, plastic does not rust, which is a big plus.

Secondly, microorganisms do not accumulate on the inner surface of PVC pipes. After all, bacteria in the course of their life activity secrete acid, which negatively affects any surface.

Due to all of the above, such pipes will last much longer than their counterparts. Repair or replacement of the pipeline will be required in 30-50 years. In addition, due to the light weight and simple socket fastening, even an unprepared person can produce it.

In addition to all the above advantages, pipes for has a number of features.

Features of pvc internal sewer pipes

Internal sewage is used to collect wastewater from plumbing fixtures in the house and transport them to the outdoor system. Hot water from washing machines, dishwashers, bathtubs, etc. often passes through the internal piping.

So all its elements must be resistant to high temperatures. PVC has a high melting point, therefore, even in its production, additional additives are rarely used.

Since internal pipelines are most often made hidden, their appearance does not matter. Thus, the cost can be reduced even at the manufacturing stage. The standard color of internal sewer pipes is light grey.

The drains in the system are collected from several sources, so the diameter of the pipe is required less than for, which receives water from the whole house.

Types of inner pvc pipes

All sewer pipes are divided into types, internal ones are also no exception. They have three varieties:

  1. non-pressure;
  2. pressure;
  3. corrugated.


They are used for the installation of a forced sewage disposal system. Areas where the movement of fluid is carried out under pressure, due to the operation of special pumps, are equipped with just such pipes. They are used in apartment buildings and in buildings with a large area.


Not designed to work in systems with forced pumping of wastewater. They are used for gravity sewerage. The wall thickness of non-pressure ones is thinner than the previous ones.


They have a smooth inner surface and a ribbed outer surface. Flexible, therefore used in hard-to-reach places.

Prices and sizes of PVC pipes for internal sewerage

Their cost is mainly affected by their size - length and diameter. The table below shows the average prices for pvc domestic sewer pipes.

Diameter (mm)Length (mm.)Price, rub.)

Wall thickness 1.8 mm.

500 30
1000 55
1500 80
2000 100
3000 150

Wall thickness 3.2 mm.

500 50
1000 80
1500 150
2000 170
3000 250

Wall thickness 2.2 mm.

500 70
1000 135
1500 195
2000 250
3000 370

Wall thickness 3.2 mm.

500 90
1000 165
1500 240
2000 320
3000 490

Video: Sewer pipes ... Domestic sewage

It consists of adapters that connect the pipes (elbow, coupling, plugs, fasteners, cross) and the pipe itself. Such an internal sewage system is suitable for organizing drains with cold and hot water. Polypropylene tubes are quite resistant and well suited for aggressive environments. No plaque is formed inside, they do not lend themselves to silting, they practically do not make noise.

Advantages of PP pipes for domestic sewage

Key benefits of our inner tubes:

  • Easy installation. Special tools and knowledge are not required. Everything is intuitively simple, the assembly is carried out on an equipped rubber ring. It also ensures the tightness of the entire system.
  • Excellent permeability. The inner wall is smooth - there are no conditions for the formation of blockages.
  • Organization of sewer systems of any complexity. A variety of sizes, diameters, low weight give all the possibilities for construction.
  • Flexibility. Ability to integrate with other sewer systems.

For the greatest functionality of the sewer, all pipes should be laid with a slope of 15-20 degrees. If it is impossible to provide such a slope, then it is worth considering installing a pumping system.

Our specialists are real experts in plastic sewerage. They will answer all your questions and help you place an order.

Professional preparation of the project of the internal sewer system provides for careful consideration of each of the stages.

One of the most important is the choice of pipe material. Along with traditional cast iron and asbestos structures, the market offers PVC pipes to the consumer.

Polyvinyl chloride has been known for a long time, but due to the laboriousness of the process and imperfect equipment, its widespread use has become possible only in our time.

The production process of pipes consists in the use of several components, which, when mixed and heated, give a homogeneous plastic mass.

It includes the following materials:

  • plasticizers - the main ingredient that gives the pipes their unique properties;
  • stabilizers - necessary for the "strong" connection of polymer molecules to each other;
  • a small part of PVC waste. The best analogue to them is the recycling of scrap metal for the production of new products.

The heated mass under pressure passes through a special form - an extruder. So for the first time it is possible to observe the formation of a sewer pipe blank.

There are 2 types of PVC:

  • plasticized (PVC). Differs in the increased indicators of elasticity. But due to low strength characteristics, it is not used in the production of pipes;
  • unplasticized PVC (PVC-U). Differs in rigid structure and resistance to many aggressive environments.

It is from the latter that pipes for internal sewage are made.

These pipes can be used for both pressure and gravity systems.

According to the connection method, they can be:

  • without socket - socket connection;
  • socket adhesive;
  • socket mechanical.

The latter are the most popular for internal sewage.

The mechanism of connection with each other is implemented simply, but effectively. At one end of each product there is a special socket, the inner diameter of which coincides with the normalized outer one.

As an additional seal, a rubber ring is inserted into a special groove. To connect 2 pipes, it is enough to insert them into each other.

Photo: Irub socket connection

Processing is also not difficult - you can reduce the size with a hacksaw.


One of the important parameters for all pipes are overall and internal dimensions.

These include:

  • outside diameter;
  • internal (working) diameter;
  • wall thickness;
  • pipe length.

According to the current regulatory documents, only the inner diameter and the strength parameter at the maximum allowable pressure are regulated.

Based on this, manufacturers currently produce PVC pipes of the following sizes:

Outer d, mm Internal d, mm Wall thickness, mm Pipe lengths, m
32 30,2 1,8 0,35; 0,5; 1; 2
40 38,2 1,8
50 48,2 1,8 0,35; 0,5; 1; 1,5; 2;3
110 107,8 2,2

An important role is played by the length of the connecting socket. For different diameters, its parameters must correspond to the outer diameter.

That is, for a pipe d 32 mm, the length of the socket is 32 mm. Moreover, the distance is measured from the end to the conical bevel.

It also directly affects its use in the internal sewerage system. The smaller it is, the worse the throughput of this section.

Therefore, when planning pipe laying, it is necessary that pipes run from the riser from a larger section to a smaller one.

Photo: table of required slopes and pipe diameters for draining


The characteristics of the pipes largely depend on the manufacturer's compliance with the standards of production technology. But the problem is that at present there are guests only for pipes for pressure sewer systems.

In them you can find the nominal indicators of pressure, wall thickness, resistance to certain aggressive environments, etc. There are no such documents for non-pressure (gravity-flowing) systems.

Therefore, all manufacturers adhere (or try to adhere) to GOST for PVC-U pressure pipes.

Based on this, you can make a list of the following technical characteristics:

  • operating temperature conditions: minimum -15°С maximum +65°С. Some models withstand short-term exposure without deformation, damage to the structure up to +90 ° C;
  • nominal pressure - 0.16 MPa. Although for gravity sewers, this indicator is not significant. Much more important is its derivative - the wall thickness;
  • specific gravity is about 2kg/m.p. As the diameter increases, it increases;
  • the inner surface of the pipe has a good slip index, which allows drains to pass unhindered along the highway;
  • resistance to many aggressive environments;
  • subject to the rules of operation, the service life can reach 50 years;
  • but other parameters are more important for the end user - advantages and disadvantages.


  • affordable cost. Compared to other manufacturing materials, PVC sewer pipe has a very attractive price. This also applies to additional accessories - fittings;
  • ease of installation. This does not require special tools. A hacksaw, a knife for end processing and lubrication are enough for a better entry of the pipe into the socket;
  • good mechanical strength. Unplasticized PVC initially has this quality necessary for installation and operation;
  • resistance to UV radiation;
  • PVC dielectric. This means that the pipes do not conduct electricity and the whole system does not need to be grounded;
  • absence of corrosion processes;
  • smooth inner surface.


  • limited temperature mode of operation;
  • poor soundproofing. Additional measures must be taken for outdoor installation;
  • increased brittleness. With a decrease in temperature, this indicator increases proportionally;


To implement a complex internal sewerage system, additional connecting elements are needed - fittings.

They serve for turns, branching and transition of the line from one diameter to another.


Photo: knee

Serves for turns of the sewer system. It can differ in the angle of inclination - from 20 ° to 87 °.


Photo: tee

It is necessary for branching the sewerage, and joining additional highways to the general system. It is also different, depending on the angle of rotation of the connecting pipe - from 20° to 87°.


Photo: reduction

Serves as a connecting element for 2 pipes of different diameters.


Photo: cross

It is used for simultaneous connection of 4 pipes at once into one common system.

In addition to the fittings described above, there are a number of additional elements that are necessary to create a complete internal sewage system:

  • inspection hatch - with its help, a visual check of the condition of the inner surface of the pipe is carried out;

Photo: inspection hatch
Photo: coupling for connecting socketless pipes
  • connecting element for the transition from PVC pipes to cast iron pipes.

Photo: couplings for the transition from PVC pipes to cast iron


Currently, there is only GOST for pipes made of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride for pressure sewage - GOST R 51613-2000.

It specifies standards for the following criteria:

  • dimensions and dimensions of pressure pipes;
  • safety during installation and operation;
  • transportation and storage rules;
  • test methodology.

As mentioned above, pipes for gravity sewerage are manufactured in accordance with this GOST.


Despite its low cost, it is still worth knowing the estimated price of pipes. It will directly depend on it, and in particular, its hollow estimate.

As you can see, the cost of pipes is really more than affordable. But this factor should not affect the quality of the internal sewerage project.

Video: installing a pipe on a sewer with Griffon glue