Environmental management. Internal management environment

Social Management Environment- a set of social standards, norms and restrictions, public, group and individual interests.

Naturally, the behavior of the external environment has an inevitable impact on any management system. This influence can be positive or negative. The number of positive and negative influences can be mutually compensated, and then it is permissible to speak of the "neutrality" of the external environment.

Depending on the environment in which the management process has to be carried out, the value of the goals set by the head of the organization and the methods for achieving them vary.

Internal environment - this is part social organization that shares a common goal, claims to be a part overall result; employees whose individual goals are mutual and interdependent, investing their own resources and taking the risk of disrupting joint projects.

The head has real opportunity to expand the objective boundaries of the internal environment of his organization, if he manages to transfer these conditions to the management apparatus, team, society by coordinating goals, analyzing, forecasting and identifying common interests, bringing to risk and responsibility for the successes and failures of the organization.

But referring a part of space to the external environment does not necessarily make it hostile. The external environment cannot be uniformly dispassionate to the activities of the organization. It simultaneously combines different attitudes - from support to sharp rejection. The enlarged typology distinguishes between inert, optimal and aggressive environments.

An assessment of the degree of favorable environment can be given based on the extent to which the result of managerial activity, the work of the organization is superior or inferior to the efforts spent by the manager and the organization to achieve it.

The basis for the position of the external environment in relation to the organization is their goals:

A neutral management environment implies the absence of intersecting and interrelated goals of the subjects of interaction;

Optimal - consistency, unidirectionality or complementarity of goals;

Aggressive - the presence of mutually exclusive goals.

The areas in which the goals of the organization and the external environment may come into contact are identical to the areas in which human activity is carried out. Just as common are the factors that determine the reaction of the external environment:

Economic - competition, cyclical development, competitiveness;

Political - class and party struggle;

Technological - scientific and technological progress and the possibility of transformation;

Natural and climatic - natural disasters, unfavorable natural conditions;

Organizational - legal, regulatory contradictions;

Demographic - gender and age objective and subjective differences, standards, opportunities;

Ideological - conformity of worldviews and others.

From the point of view of solving a specific problem and obtaining maximum result a supportive management environment is optimal. A harmonious combination of the own goals of the organization, team, leader with the interests of society, consumers, partners allows you to avoid many indirect costs associated with overcoming legal barriers, ethical restrictions, negative psychological attitudes. As the degree of external favor decreases, the potential results of the organization's work decrease accordingly. AT aggressive environment indirect, not related to the main activities of the costs, it becomes more. Socio-psychological tension arises, public pressure may increase, expressed by public criticism, picketing, and other forms of manifestation of public discontent. We must not forget that no organization can achieve absolute socio-psychological isolation from the external environment. All its employees are simultaneously residents of a certain locality, members of any parties and public associations, users of public goods, units of various social communities and groups. All these interweaving of social relations lead to the fact that any conflicts with the external environment over time inevitably spill over into internal tension and intra-organizational conflicts. Thus external environment penetrates inside the organization, the controllability zone is sharply reduced, the manager loses his former rights and powers, etc.

On the one hand, it should expand the zone of its own sustainable influence, capturing more and more new segments that previously belonged to the "external environment". Naturally, a certain amount of prudence should be observed in this case, so that in the pursuit of scale, one should not forget about the content; so that the expansion of the organization does not have a formal character, but reflects the growing quality of interaction between the manager and subordinates, subordinates with customers, etc.

On the other hand, the manager and the organization must constantly analyze the compliance of their own goals with the goals of the external environment. Own goals should be formed and formulated in such a way that they also manifest the social significance of any organizational activity. There are cases when such coordination of interests is objectively impossible, for example - the imperfection of technologies does not allow ensuring the absolute environmental safety of production; or when conflicts of interest do not extend to the whole of society, but to separate layers, for example, the organization of elite forms of leisure against the backdrop of a low standard of living for the majority of the population. In such situations, additional tasks are imposed on the manager and the organization to overcome obvious conflicts of interest, to explain their own interests to opponents, and to include additional activities that satisfy their interests. The cost of advertising, support in the media, the acquisition of political support and patronage in this situation will inevitably increase. Measures aimed at ensuring the simple physical security of employees and property of the organization may also be in demand.

The organization itself is even more often the culprit of the aggressiveness of the external environment if it chooses goals that are in clear conflict with the system of social values ​​or infringe on someone's rights.

Depending on the goals and resources of the organization and segments of the external environment, the manager must resort to various forms strategies, quickly changing them or supplementing one another: attack, defense or neutrality.

An open aggressive policy is difficult to pursue for a long time on a large scale. Aggression costs a lot. In politics, as in war, the attacker must, as a rule, have a multiple superiority over the enemy. The ability to choose one's opponent, to localize it predetermines the results of the collision. Information resources, combined with good internal organization, allow the use of hidden forms of aggression, the fundamental content of which is expressed by the motto "Divide and rule!".

In fact, this proposal is not so easy to implement. Requires flexibility, sometimes super-flexibility. Opponents are well aware of the reasons why they are pushed against each other, and they themselves are not averse to resorting to this strategy.

When there is uncertainty in the alignment and balance of forces, the use of an aggressive strategy is undesirable. It is best to avoid sudden movements altogether. The strategy of indifference to an aggressive environment under these conditions will be fully justified. Apparent indifference should not be confused with actual indifference in a neutral environment.

If there are not enough forces to refract negative processes, then there is nothing left but to adapt to them. Therefore, the main rule of management in an aggressive environment is to avoid it as much as possible. If aggression cannot be avoided, it must be foreseen and expected. Naturally, every individual and every organization strives to optimal conditions existence, guided by subjective criteria of optimality.

The aggressiveness of the external environment accelerates the development of social organization. The aggressiveness of the external environment mobilizes the internal forces of the body. Life in adverse conditions teaches to fight for it. The body adapts to a hostile environment. The same thing happens with an organization.

An aggressive environment complicates the process of achieving individual goals. The difficulty in achieving individual goals requires a more active use of collective efforts, joint activities develop social organization.

Much depends on what the internal environment is like, what its potential is. Of course, even if inside the organization its members are torn apart by conflicts, do not have mutual understanding, then aggression from the outside “will blow away their house of cards”, like a storm. But if inner world harmonious and shared by all, then external expansion will only strengthen group cohesion, temper the organization, and, in the event of a successful confrontation, inspire confidence in own forces. There are many cases in history when such a development of organizations led to the fact that even the most extreme views eventually found understanding of the outside world, and the organization literally won favorable conditions for itself by perseverance.


ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT systematic protection and transformation of the environment in the interests of man, but without destroying the mechanisms of self-development of nature itself.

Ecological encyclopedic Dictionary. - Chisinau: Main edition of the Moldavian Soviet Encyclopedia. I.I. Grandpa. 1989

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    environmental management- 1) the same as environmental management; 2) (for the purposes of the National Standard Russian Federation Guidelines for auditing quality management systems and/or environmental management systems. GOST R ISO 19011 2003) the same as ecological ... ... Russian Environmental Law: Dictionary of Legal Terms

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    GOST R ISO 14031-2001: Environmental management. Estimation of ecological efficiency. General requirements- Terminology GOST R ISO 14031 2001: Environmental management. Estimation of ecological efficiency. General requirements original document: 3.4 environmental impact: According to GOST R ISO 14001. Definitions of the term from ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

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    GOST R ISO 14043-2001: Environmental management. Life cycle assessment. Life cycle interpretation- Terminology GOST R ISO 14043 2001: Environmental management. Life cycle assessment. Life cycle interpretation original document: 3.1.3 evaluation<интерпретация жизненного цикла>: the second step of the interpretation phase ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    GOST R ISO 14042-2001: Environmental management. Life cycle assessment. Life cycle impact assessment- Terminology GOST R ISO 14042 2001: Environmental management. Life cycle assessment. Life cycle impact assessment original document: Indicator value CO2 equivalent, kg Definitions of the term from different documents: ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

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On the international level in last years widely used standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). In the field of environmental protection, ISO has proposed a strategic approach to address environmental issues, developing a family of ISO 14000 standards for environmental management systems.

hallmark ISO 14000 serves what they are not technical standards, but by process standards. They are not focused on quantitative parameters (emissions, concentrations of substances, etc.) and not on technologies (the requirement to use or not to use certain technologies, the requirement to use the "best available technology"). The main subject of ISO 14000 is the environmental management system (EMS).

The guidelines included in the standards are applicable to any organization, regardless of size, type or level of expertise, that is interested in establishing, implementing or improving an environmental management system. The organization has the freedom and flexibility to define its limits and can implement these standards throughout the organization, either as a single functional unit, or certain types activities. The level of detail and complexity of the EMS, the amount of documentation and the resources allocated will depend on the size of the organization and the nature of its activities.

The central document of the ISO 14000 series of standards is ISO 14001 “Environmental Management Systems. Requirements and guidelines for use. This standard does not contain any "absolute" requirements for the impact of the organization on the environment, except that the organization in a special document must declare its desire to comply with national standards in the field of environmental protection.

Currently, a number of ISO 14000 series standards have been adopted in Belarus as national ones.

As defined in the ISO STB standard

14001, environmental management system - part of the general system

we are management, which includes the organizational structure,

planning, responsibility, methods, procedures, processes and resources to ensure compliance with environmental requirements.

Figure 12.2 shows a generalized model of the environmental management system.

Figure 12.2 - Generalized model of the environmental management system

The model of the environmental management system reflects schematically the position of the organization, which recognizes the following principles.

Principle 1. Commitments and Policies . The organization should define its environmental policy and make a commitment to the EMS.

Environmental policy- the main directions and goals of the organization in the field of environmental protection, officially formulated by its top management.

The environmental policy should include the following main commitments:

ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations;

continuous improvement of all works affecting the environment;

pollution prevention, etc.

principle2. Planning . Based on knowledge of the specific state of the organization's environment, the above commitments should be detailed in programs and aimed at improving the management of certain aspects of the environment - elements of the organization's activities, its products or services that can interact with the environment. Thus, the organization must develop a plan for the implementation of its environmental policy.

At the planning stage, it is necessary, firstly, to select the environmental aspects that will be taken into account in the work of the EMS. It is necessary that the enterprise constantly update information on the following aspects:

air emissions; discharges to water;

removal and cleaning Wastewater; radioactive contamination of the area;

use of raw materials and natural resources; other local environmental and social problems.

Secondly, the organization must create and maintain

what is the state of the system of "tracking" the constantly changing requirements of legislative acts relating to the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services.

Thirdly, the organization must define target and planned environmental indicators. When setting and analyzing target indicators, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the current legislative acts. Target and planned environmental performance should be consistent with the environmental policy of the organization. In accordance with the requirements of the STB ISO 14001 standard, targets should be specific, and planned indicators should be quantitatively measurable if possible.

Fourth, at the planning stage, an environmental management program should be developed. This program should include:

distribution of responsibility for achieving target and plan-new environmental indicators;

the means and the timeframe in which they must be achieved.

Principle 3. Implementation and operation . In order to effectively

implementation, the organization must create the capabilities and develop the support mechanisms necessary for the implementation of its environmental

logical policy and achievement of target and planned environmental indicators.

The first stage of the implementation stage is the distribution of duties, responsibilities and authorities among specific people.

Next, the organization must determine its needs for staff training. This is due to the fact that personnel performing work that may have a significant impact on the environment must be competent, and therefore it is necessary that they receive appropriate training.

The next stage of implementation is to establish internal communications between different levels and departments of the organization. A system for managing documents related to the environmental activities of the enterprise should be developed and implemented. This system should provide a quick search required document, facilitate periodic review and review for adequacy.

The organization must build and ensure the functioning of a system to prevent the occurrence of disasters and emergencies.

Principle 4. Measurement and evaluation . The organization shall measure, monitor and evaluate its environmental performance.

When moving to this stage, it is necessary to establish and maintain a system for regular monitoring of operations and activities that can significantly affect the environment. Based on monitoring data, checks and adjustments are made in technological processes aimed at reducing or eliminating the identified significant impact on the environment. Any corrective or preventive action taken to eliminate the causes of an identified nonconformity should be proportionate to the severity of the problem and commensurate with the identified environmental impact.

All information relating to the operation of the EMS and the state of the environment must be documented in the form of logged data.

The enterprise should draw up a program and present procedures for periodic audits of the environmental management system.

Principle5. Management review . The final

The goal of the audits and adjustments phase is the management review of the EMS. The top management of the organization should review the environmental management system at regular intervals. The purpose of this review is to ensure the continued adequacy and effectiveness of the system. As a result of the analysis, it is possible to make changes to the environmental policy, in order to

high environmental performance and other elements of the environmental management system.

If the built environmental management system functions normally, then this inevitably leads to an increase in the level of environmental efficiency of the enterprise. And, conversely, the level of environmental efficiency of the enterprise can be used to assess the adequacy of the functioning of the environmental management system.

The organization should review and continuously improve the EMS in order to improve its overall environmental performance.

Management depends on an infinite number of factors, including indicators of the social environment of management.

Social Management Environment is a set of variables (social standards, norms and restrictions, public, group and individual interests).

Management environment- this is a set of internal and external subjects, forces that actively influence the position and prospects of the organization, the effectiveness of managers.

Media types:

Microenvironment - the internal environment of the organization, its own staff and human interaction with living conditions in a personal environment;

Meso-environment - the environment of the immediate environment, partners, suppliers, consumers or socio-cultural environment and the world of work;

Macroenvironment - the environment of the indirect environment, the public environment as a whole.

Distinguish between inert, optimal and aggressive media.

An assessment of the degree of favorable environment can be given based on the extent to which the result of management activities, the work of the organization is superior or inferior to the efforts spent by the manager and the organization to achieve it:

Control subject - Control object = Control result

(Power "A") (Power "B") (Power "C")

Optimal management environment: C > A + B.

Inert control environment: C = A + B.

Aggressive control environment: In< А + Б.

1) Aggressive control environment

It is characterized by the presence of mutually exclusive goals of the organization and the goals of the external environment.

Aggressive environment - this is an environment in which the control action causes opposite reactions, people are not only not inclined to follow orders, orders, but also show activity in the direction of counteracting the authorities.

In an aggressive environment, socio-psychological tension arises, public pressure may increase, expressed by public criticism, picketing, and other forms of manifestation of public discontent. The extreme manifestation is the desire to attempt to overthrow the government.

Aggressive environment for the organization also has positive aspects. The aggressiveness of the external environment accelerates the development of social organization, mobilizes the internal forces of the organization, complicates the process of achieving individual goals, the difficulty in achieving them requires a more active use of collective efforts, joint activities develop social organization.

There are three main causes of aggressive environment:

1. Competition between organizations. In the market conditions, the organizational space is already divided, and it is rather difficult to find a niche for an organization.

2. Discrepancy between the nature of the activity and the managerial mentality government agencies the specifics of market structures.

3. The goals of the organization that are in clear conflict with the system of social values ​​or infringe on someone's rights. Segments of the external environment determine the form of the organization's strategy in relation to the environment of attack, defense or neutrality.

An organization in relation to an aggressive environment can carry out the following strategies:

Attack is a strategy of open aggression based on large scale and expense. The attacker must, as a rule, have superiority over the opponent, be able to choose and localize his opponent, as well as predetermine the results of the collision in advance.

Defense is a covert aggression strategy based on information resources combined with good internal organization. The organization requires flexibility, and sometimes hyper-flexibility. Opponents are well aware of the reasons why they are pushed against each other, and they themselves are not averse to resorting to this strategy.

Neutrality is a strategy of indifference to an aggressive environment based on ambiguity in the alignment and balance of forces. Apparent indifference should not be confused with actual indifference in a neutral environment.

The management strategy can be aimed at overcoming aggressive, confrontational behavior, reaching a compromise, leaving, avoiding conflict, which is justified by the search for a reasonable and civilized way out, cooperation, which allows to achieve the maximum effect.

2) Inert control environment- this is a management environment, which is characterized by the absence of intersecting and interrelated goals of the organization and the external environment.

3) Optimal control environment- management environment, which is characterized by consistency, unidirectionality or complementarity of the goals of the organization and the external environment.

Methods of management in an aggressive social environment.

The manager and the organization must constantly analyze the compliance of their own goals with the goals of the external environment. There are cases when such compliance is objectively impossible, for example, the imperfection of technologies does not allow ensuring the absolute environmental safety of production. Guilt in the contradictions of the organization with the external environment may lie on any of the parties of this interaction. The most striking conflicts and contradictions with the external environment arise in organizations engaged in illegal, illegal activities. Depending on the goals and resources of the organization and segments of the external environment, the leader must resort to various forms of strategy: attack, defense or neutrality.

Methods of management in an aggressive social environment Method of directed self-affirmation. Corporate (comparative) methods. Communicative methods. Method of indirect and connected stimulation. Method of motivational displacement, switching and promotion. Methods of motivational compensation and "translation". Method of stimulating "team spirit".

Management in an aggressive environment

Since the organization always, one way or another, adapts to the environment, it must find adequate ways to manage in an aggressive social environment.

Management methods in an aggressive social environment can be:

Social forecasting;

social planning;

Social regulation.

Each of them includes a set of different methods, their implementation depends on: the resources of the external environment (its potential) and the potential of the organization itself.

If there are not enough forces to refract negative processes, then there is nothing left but to adapt to them. The main rule of management in an aggressive environment is to avoid it as much as possible.

There are three options for responding to aggression:

1. ignoring - the lack of a well-thought-out strategy of behavior in power, which increases the spontaneity of the conflict, its aggravation and escalation;

2. forceful solution (or pressure) - focused on the development of alternative strategies for resolving conflicts;

3. productive compromise - focused on the development of alternative conflict resolution strategies.

When managing in an aggressive environment, you can apply a conflict management strategy.

The conflict prevention strategy aims to create such working conditions and psychological atmosphere in the team, in which the possibility of conflicts is minimized.

The implementation of this strategy provides for a variety of organizational and explanatory measures aimed at improving working conditions, creating a rational information system and organization management structure, developing reasonable remuneration systems for productive work, ensuring strict observance of the rules of internal life, traditions, etc.

The conflict resolution strategy aims to end the confrontation of the parties and find an acceptable solution to the problems. The implementation of this strategy involves the head of the analysis of real conflicts and the definition of methods for their resolution.

Stages and methods of conflict management

When resolving conflicts, you can use any of the methods shown in Figure 2. The actions of managers and other members of the work team should depend on the specific situation, the cause, the subject of the conflict, and the personal characteristics of the participants. The approach to conflict resolution in each case will be individual. Knowledge from the field of conflict management should help managers move from confrontational thinking to cooperation.

Most economic organizations are complex socio-technical systems with many technical, technological, informational interactions, and social relationships that require a certain order and constant regulation. All these interactions are provided by the employees of the organization. Therefore, an important task of management is to establish their effective joint activities.

An organization is a group of people who consciously work together to achieve common goals. Thus, the foundations of the existence of the organization are the joint setting of goals and the joint activities of employees (cooperation). To establish cooperation, it is necessary to pay attention to both the factors of organization and regulation of labor, and the creation of the necessary socio-psychological climate, the formation of an organizational culture, the conscious and purposeful formation of an organizational culture, the conscious and purposeful formation of a team.

Thus, purposeful formation of behavioral rules, regulation of the behavior of workers and work groups, standardization of group behavior should be carried out. This is necessary so that it is clear to employees what behavior the organization expects of them, what actions will be approved, and what will be rejected as undesirable.

A special role in creating an atmosphere of cooperation belongs to workforce- a set of employees united by common goals and the labor process in one organization. This formation has a number of features, the presence of which allows us to speak about the existence of not just a highly developed small group, but a labor collective.

All team members have a common goal;

Identification by team members of themselves with this group of workers, which allows them to establish real, rather than formal, interaction. As a result of such interaction, the potential of the team significantly exceeds the sum of the potentials of each of its members.

The constancy of the interaction of employees, as a result of which there is a mutual influence of the members of the group on each other, leading to the formation of common goals, interests, understanding, the need for cooperation.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the direction of the goals and interests of the team is not always positive: a cohesive team in some cases can hinder the achievement of the goals of the unit and the organization as a whole. Therefore, the manager must pay considerable attention to the formation of the team (selection of employees), the necessary target orientation of the actions of its members, and the creation of the necessary working and psychological atmosphere. Only in this case, the team will contribute to the establishment of a real positive directed interaction.

In management practice, various methods are used to establish cooperation:

Involving employees in the joint setting of goals, joint decision-making;

Explanation to employees of the prospects for the development of the organization (or unit);

Implementation of actions aimed at rallying the team, its orientation towards productive work (organization of group work, joint recreation, holding festive events), etc.

When establishing cooperation, one should not forget about the need to take into account not only the goals of the organization and its departments, but also the personal goals of employees, their needs and motives.

Cooperation between employees is a prerequisite for the success of an organization. There may be such a phenomenon as competition in the team. With highly professional leadership, competition can play a positive role in the development of the organization, however, with unprofessional management, competition can develop into confrontation and result in conflicts, which is extremely undesirable.


The theme of this course work is the analysis of the management environment. The organization studies the environment in order to ensure its successful progress towards its goals, develops a strategy for interacting with elements of the external environment that provides it with the most comfortable existence.

The relevance of the chosen research topic is due to the fact that the modern management environment is characterized by complexity, dynamism, uncertainty, and to determine further action, development strategies and an analysis of the factors influencing it is needed.

In order to determine the strategy of the organization's behavior and to implement this strategy, management must have an in-depth understanding of both the factors affecting the organization from the inside, their potential and development trends, and the factors influencing from the outside.

An effective and rational organization of the chain of management processes at an enterprise is possible only with constant study and control over changes in numerous factors of the external and internal business environment.

The most common method of analyzing the management environment is SWOT analysis, because it allows you to identify and structure the strengths and weak sides organization, as well as potential opportunities and threats. It is he who is the basis of this study.

The object of study of this course work is grocery store– OOO Roznitsa-1, shop No. 458 (Maria-Ra). The subject of the study is the management environment of this store.

The purpose of this research work is to analyze the components of the management environment and develop ways and objectives for the further development of the store.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified:

1. Study the structure of the management environment.

2. Find out what the analysis of the management environment is and the chosen method of analysis - SWOT analysis.

3. Give a description of the object of study.

4. Analyze the internal and external environment of the object of study.

5. Based on the SWOT analysis methodology, identify weak, strengths object of study, as well as opportunities and threats.

6. Determine further goals for the development of the object of study and ways to achieve them.

This course work consists of two chapters. The first chapter is theoretical, it outlines the theoretical aspects of the chosen topic, the basic concepts. The second chapter is the practical part of the study. It includes a description of the object of study (store No. 458), an analysis of its management environment and ways to improve performance.

When writing a term paper, the works of the following authors Astakhova N.I., Gaponenko A.L., Pankrukhina A.P., Zuba A.T., Medvedev V.P., Ermalovich L.P., various Internet resources, and also documents such as the Customer Service Standard and the License to Exercise retail alcoholic products in stores trading network Maria-Ra.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects management environment analysis

Structure of the management environment, basic concepts

To begin with, it is necessary to define the concept that constitutes the topic of the study and reveal its structure.

The management environment is a set of subjects and factors that are actively operating and influencing the position and prospects of the organization, the effectiveness of management.

Distinguish between micro and macro management environment. The macroenvironment includes broad social factors: political, legal, demographic, economic, geographical, national and others. And the microenvironment is represented by individual subjects that are directly related to this subject of management and its capabilities.

The microenvironment is subdivided into:

Ø factors beyond the control of the organization (consumers, competitors, intermediaries, suppliers)

Ø factors controlled by the management of the organization (choice of the field of activity, technologies, personnel)

Ø factors controlled by organizational units

Also, the control environment is divided into external and internal.

Internal management environment

The internal management environment is a set of characteristics of the organization and its internal subjects (strengths, weaknesses of its elements and connections between them) that affect the prospects and position of the organization.

The internal environment combines the elements that the subject and object of management have, i.e. contains the potential necessary for its functioning. The main components of the internal environment are goals, structure, tasks, technology and people. Let's take a closer look at these elements:

Goals are specific end states or desired outcomes that a group seeks to achieve by working together. The main goal of most organizations is to make a profit, because profit is a key indicator of the organization. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1995, fixed that making profit is the main goal of all commercial organizations.

Non-profit organizations (churches, charitable foundations, etc.) are likely to pay more attention to social responsibility, because. making a profit in such organizations is not the main goal.

The goals are developed by the company's management and brought to the attention of managers at all levels, who, in the process of coordinating joint activities, use a variety of means and methods to achieve them. Goal-driven orientation pervades all subsequent management decisions. Goals are also developed in the departments of the organization, they should not contradict the goals of management and the goals of other departments.

The structure of the organization is a logical relationship between management levels and functional areas, aimed at establishing clear relationships between individual divisions of the company, distributing rights and responsibilities between them, built in such a form that allows you to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization. The structure of the enterprise reflects within the organization the allocation of separate structural units that are interconnected into a single whole.

Tasks are prescribed work, a series of work, or a piece of work that must be completed in a predetermined manner within a predetermined timeframe.

From a certain point of view, tasks are assigned not to the employee himself, but to his position. Based on the decision of management on the structure, each position includes a number of tasks that are considered as a necessary contribution to the achievement of the goals of the organization. If the task is completed in a certain way at a certain time, as prescribed, the organization will operate successfully.

Technology as a factor in the internal environment has much greater value than many think. Sociologist Charles Perrow, who has written extensively about the impact of technology on organizations and societies, described technology as a means of transforming raw materials, whether they be people, information, or physical materials– in the desired products and services.

Technology implies standardization and mechanization. The use of standard parts can greatly facilitate the process, for example, production and repair.

People determine the ultimate suitability of a given technology when they make their own. consumer choice. Within an organization, people are an important deciding factor in determining the relative suitability of a particular task and content of operations for the chosen technologies. No technology can be useful and no task can be accomplished without the cooperation of people, who are the fifth intrinsic variable.

The most important task of activities in the field of human resources is to ensure that the organization has the required number of personnel required level, and that staff meet the needs of the strategy.

The relationship of internal variables in the organization is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - The relationship of the components of the internal environment

There are also five groups functional processes, which cover the activities of any organization and which are the object of management by management. These functional groups are:

Ø production

Ø marketing

Ø Finance

Ø work with personnel

Ø Accounting

Production management is the management of product development and design, selection technological process, placement of personnel and equipment in the production process, management of the purchase of raw materials, materials, quality control, etc.

Marketing management is designed to link customer satisfaction into a single consistent process. To do this, management of such processes and activities as market research, advertising, pricing, creation of sales systems, distribution of created products and sales is carried out.

Financial management consists in managing the process of movement financial resources In the organisation. This is done by budgeting and financial plan, the formation of monetary resources and their distribution, etc.

Personnel management is associated with the provision of production and other areas with human resources (hiring, training, retraining), as well as payment, welfare, employment conditions.

Accounting management involves managing the process of processing and analyzing financial information about the work of the organization. This allows the organization to uncover problems and choose the best way to proceed.

External management environment

The external management environment is a set of external subjects and factors that actively influence the position and prospects for the development of the organization.

In turn, the external environment is divided into the environment of direct and indirect impact. The direct impact environment (immediate environment) is suppliers, consumers, competitors, as well as legislation and public authorities.

Suppliers are one of the main direct impact factors. After all, they provide full satisfaction of the needs of the enterprise in various resources. We list the main types of resources: labor, information, material, financial.

The provision of material resources includes such types as the supply of raw materials and semi-finished products, components, equipment, and much more. Security financial resources includes justification of the amount of required resources, commercial structures and financial institutions, budget, individuals and building relationships with investors. Providing quality information is one of the important elements modern organization. Such information may also include information about sales markets, competitors' plans or new product developments. And a special place for providing enterprises is occupied by labor resources, which correspond to it in structure, quantity, level of professional training, age. The priority is to attract highly qualified personnel, especially top and middle managers.

Consumers purchase the goods and services that the organization produces. Depending on the demand, consumers are divided into two categories: small and large. Depending on the attitude towards consumers, one can say about different strategies of the organization: to sell only those products that are already being produced; produce the products that the consumer needs; form your buyer, assuring him of the need to purchase exactly the products that will be produced.

Competitors traditionally fight for one or another part of the market, that is, for the product sales market. Competitors influence the performance of the organization. The management of every enterprise must clearly understand that if the needs of consumers are not met as effectively as competitors do, the enterprise will not stay afloat for a long time.

The objects of competition can be labor, material and financial resources.

Laws, state and municipal bodies also have a significant impact on the organization. No matter how the management treats the laws, it has to adhere to them or reap the fruits of refusal to obey the law in the form of fines or even a complete cessation of activity. Organizations are required to comply with the requirements of state bodies, tax inspectorates, sanitary inspectorates, statistical authorities and others.

Figure 2 - Direct exposure environment

The environment of indirect impact (general external environment) includes factors such as technology, the state of the economy, as well as socio-cultural, political factors, relations with the local population, and international factors.

Technology, as you can see, is both an internal variable and an external factor. As an external factor, it reflects the level of scientific and technological development that affects the organization, for example, in the areas of automation, informatization, etc.

The state of the economy in the world has a strong influence on the goals of the firm, as well as how to achieve them. These factors include inflation rates, employment levels, the international balance of payments, business lending rates, and much more. Each of these factors can pose either a specific threat or new opportunity for the organization. Economic factors must be properly assessed.

Sociocultural factors influence the formation of the demand of the population, labor Relations, level wages and working conditions, as well as the products and services offered by the company. When organizing the activities of an enterprise, it is impossible not to take into account the cultural environment in which it takes place. Here we are talking about the prevailing traditions and life values in society. Based on this factor, the standard of behavior is based.

As a factor of the socio-cultural environment, the media are also singled out, which can form the image of the company and its products and services.

political factors. Political stability in the country and in the world is of great importance for any business. The level of investment inflow, as well as other kinds of resources to the region, depends on this factor.

Relations with the local population is of paramount importance, because the local population has its own "laws" and attitudes towards business, enterprises, determining where it is possible to deploy the activities of an organization, and where not.

Previously, only those companies that worked for export paid attention to international factors. Now changes in the world community affect almost all organizations. For quite a long time, there has been a trend of globalization in the world market. This means that almost all boundaries are "erased" between businesses in different countries. This contributes to the lower costs of doing business abroad, the desire to escape restrictions on domestic trade, and the production and investment opportunities of other countries.

Figure 3 – Environment of indirect impact

Thus, it is easy to see that the external environment consists of the entire macro-environment, which is the same for the subjects of management, and elements of the micro-environment.

Analysis of the management environment

Analysis is a method scientific research phenomena and processes, which is based on the study of the constituent parts, elements of the system under study.

Accordingly, the analysis of the management environment is a method of studying subjects and factors, determining the critical elements of the external and internal environments that affect the organization and its management. That is, the analysis of the external and internal environment.

One of the key roles of any management is to maintain a balance in the interaction of the organization with the environment. Each organization is involved in three processes:

Ø obtaining resources from the external environment (input);

Ø transformation of resources into a product (transformation);

Ø transfer of the product to the external environment (exit).

Management is designed to provide a balance of input and output. As soon as this balance is disturbed in an organization, it embarks on the path of dying. Modern market sharply increased the importance of the exit process in maintaining this balance. This is precisely reflected in the fact that the first block in the structure of strategic management is the block of environmental analysis.

Environmental analysis is usually considered the initial process of strategic management, as it provides both the basis for defining the mission and goals of the firm, and for developing a strategy of behavior that allows the firm to achieve its goals.

The analysis of the internal management environment is carried out according to the variables of this environment, as well as functional groups processes. The analysis of the external management environment is also carried out, according to its variables.

The study of the control environment is carried out using a series modern methods analysis. These include, in particular, the methods of PEST-, SWOT-, SNW-analysis. Based on the results of the study, it is possible to get answers to the following strategic questions: what is the current position of the organization? Where might the organization be in the future? What obstacles may arise, and what favors the organization on the way to its goals? What opportunities need to be implemented in order to achieve the goals? How to manage the implementation of the strategy?

Based on the results of the PEST and SWOT analysis, options for the strategic development of the managed system are formed.

But in this term paper, such a more common and known method like a SWOT analysis.

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