Modern forms of labor organization. Forms of labor organization

Forms of labor organization - these are its varieties that solve issues related to certain areas of streamlining work activities in various fields. They are determined by the corresponding systematizing features and criteria.

Basic moments

Based on the method of setting planned tasks and accounting for the work done, the forms of labor organization are divided into:

  • Individual. They suggest a personalized approach to the distribution of production tasks, accounting for work performed or payroll (for example, tutoring, hairdressing).
  • Collective. They are characterized by a group approach in organizing the work process (for example, in factories, factories).

Form classification

According to various criteria, several types of group forms are divided. This classification depends on how the workflow is divided. Collective forms of labor organization are:

  • With a complete division of labor activity. Employment is assumed that corresponds to the educational and qualification level of employees at their workplace (for example, different departments in a polyclinic corresponding to the specialization of doctors).
  • With selective interchangeability. Works performed are combined (for example, in educational institution in which some teachers replace others).
  • Completely interchangeable. It is possible to exchange jobs according to the developed scheme or use labor activity at all jobs in a division (for example, a clothing store in which department sellers easily replace each other).

Depending on the degree of independence, the following collective forms of labor organization are distinguished:

  • With complete self-government. The definition of production tasks for the division, the solution of other issues is carried out by the team of the division.
  • With partial self-government. Some functions are centralized, others are delegated to departmental teams.
  • Without self-government. All department management functions are centralized.

The method of formation of funds for the implementation of production activities creates a separate classification. Forms of labor organization at the enterprise, depending on the size of the team:

  • individual labor activity (domestic services for the population, handicraft);
  • contract and rental team (agriculture);
  • cooperative (retail trade, healthcare system);
  • small enterprises (light industry).

Depending on the payment method, there are also several types. Forms of organization of labor of workers, based on the method of issuing wages, are divided into several types. These include:

  • individual payment;
  • collective payment on a tariff basis;
  • collective payment on a tariff basis using coefficients that distribute earnings (labor participation, labor contribution, and others);
  • tariff-free wages;
  • commission pay.

Based on the way of interaction with management, there are forms of labor organization based on:

  • direct subordination to management (industrial enterprises);
  • contract agreement (construction companies);
  • contract basis (scientific and production organizations);
  • lease agreement (international organizations).

The main forms of labor organization are the main component when working with manpower. Process joint work involves several types of activities or operations that complement each other. Thus, one or more workers perform a certain amount of the total amount of the plan. Human labor is valued at every successful and prosperous enterprise, encouraged financially. The forms of work organization in the enterprise are the detailing of operations for better productivity.

Division of labor

The division of labor refers to the processes of dismemberment of different types of activities, specialization of employees. Individuals are responsible for performing specific work or activities that complement each other.

Scientific researchers single out the social and technical division of labor. Both of these types are an integral part of market relations.

Separation is seen as a specialization of labor activity. This leads to the fact that a certain number of species are formed.

Public division

This type is a differentiation of social functions that a certain group of people performs. At public division labor activity, various spheres of society are distinguished, which are divided into small sectors. This type is the basis for the formation and development of market relations.

Technical division

The differentiation of types of labor activity that occurs between sub-sectors and employees of the organization is called the technical division of labor. There is also a splitting of the work process into several partial operations or functions according to the specialization of employees in the process of economic activity.

There are main types of division of labor in the enterprise itself:

  • technological, which implies separation production process on types, phases and cycles;
  • operational - assigns individual operations to employees in order to reduce production cycles;
  • functional - occurs between different categories of employees who are part of the staff;
  • professional - affects groups of people who perform the same type of work, own the same tool or production technology;
  • qualification - characterized by varying degrees of the level of work and consists in the division between hard work and simple, given the complexity of manufacturing products, as well as the functions to implement labor process; This includes product quality control.

Main and auxiliary workers

The main employees take part in changes in the forms and state of the subject of labor activity, they are responsible for the implementation technological operations for the production of basic goods.

Auxiliary workers are called upon to create conditions for the uninterrupted and efficient work of the main workers.

The division of labor is a process that is inextricably linked with cooperation. This means that the achievement of rational proportions provides for the introduction of social as well as labor relations between the participants in the work process.

labor cooperation

Labor cooperation is the organizational production interaction between individuals, teams, teams, sites, workshops, services, which occurs in the process of activity and is aimed at achieving production goals. Ensuring correct use work force ensures the effectiveness of cooperation.

The forms of labor cooperation are:

  • Entities within the same society. In this case, there is an exchange of products of labor in some branches of economic activity.
  • Located within the type of activity that provides for the exchange of products or the collective participation of a number of organizations in the manufacture of a certain type of goods.
  • located within the organization. In this case, an exchange is carried out between workshops, departments or individual performers, based on specific conditions(for example, type of production or features of technologies).

Brigade form of labor organization

Among the collective forms of cooperation of labor activity, the main place goes to production teams. The most common is the brigade, group or collective form of labor organization. Such an example is often found in factories and factories.

A brigade is an organizational and technological association of employees of an enterprise who have the same or different professions, based on the appropriate production, equipment, tools, raw materials, materials to perform the tasks of producing quality products. Due to the collective material (financial) interest and high responsibility, a small amount of material and labor resources is spent.

The work of teams contributes to the fullest use of time, and also reduces the number of workers. Consequently, the labor intensity of products is reduced, the equipment is more efficiently loaded and cared for.

The brigade form of labor organization is divided into two main types:

  • Specialized - teams are created from workers mainly of one profession.
  • Complex - involves the involvement of workers of different professions.

Labour Organization

This is the name of the system of arrangement of means of production and labor. It is the basis and foundation of the organization of the production of material goods. Any aspect of activity planning, which is associated with the involvement of manpower, is related to the organization of labor.

In any enterprise, it must be competent and rational, in maximum degree take into account innovative technologies, scientific achievements, best practices, effectively and fully use the workforce. The main goal of NOT is to use all resources to achieve the best economic result in all sectors and at all levels of production.

Principles of labor organization

In order to build a successful corporation, it is necessary to correctly use the forms of labor organization. Practice shows that the following components are necessary:

  • stable staffing;
  • monetary incentives based on the final results of labor activity;
  • liability for non-fulfillment of the plan, damage to equipment and property;
  • performance full complex works that are associated with the production of goods by the labor collective.

The main aspects of the rational organization of labor are:

  • regulation of working hours;
  • highly paid human labor;
  • competent organization of the working space;
  • improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces, as well as improving sanitary and hygienic working conditions;
  • division by industry and cooperation.

The existing form of labor organization, the types of which were described in this article, is an integral part of large enterprises and corporations.

The organization of labor is based on the division and cooperation of labor. Cooperation of labor in an organization (at an enterprise) depends on the nature and depth of the division of labor. Cooperation between individual workers is implemented in two ways: as cooperation of individual independent workers whose production activity is limited by their workplace (individual form of labor organization), and as cooperation of a group of workers with a collective workplace and performing a common production task, connected by the commonality of the object of labor being processed, and often by common tools of labor, using the coordinated efforts of the entire team and bearing common responsibility for the results of labor (a collective form of labor organization).

Thus, the organization of the labor process can act as one of its forms: individual or collective. These varieties of forms of labor organization are characterized by the composition of the equipment, the composition of the work (or the number of functions performed), the composition of the performers, the indicators according to which wages are paid, and other indicators.

In economic practice, new organizational forms of labor processes constantly arise and obsolete ones that do not meet the requirements of production die off. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly analyze and identify the main directions in the development of organizational forms of labor processes in order to apply those that provide best use working time and labor force and create conditions for efficient operation enterprises.

The need to unite workers into groups has long been predetermined by the technical, technological and organizational features of the performance of certain types of labor, individual works. The main ones are the following:

  • maintenance and operation of units, equipment requiring coordinated joint actions of various performers;
  • the presence of large physical or psychological stress, requiring the joint efforts of performers (assembly, processing and installation of large parts, components of machines and apparatus, etc.);
  • the need to perform large production tasks, the division of which into separate elements between individual performers is impossible or difficult ( repair work);
  • performance of work in which the individual form of labor organization causes downtime of equipment and performers (work with a large proportion of machine-automatic work, work of various labor intensity included in the production task);
  • the need to reduce the time of work by the simultaneous participation of several performers in them;
  • the lack of a permanent workplace for workers and the ability to accurately determine the responsibilities of individual workers ( loading and unloading, transport work);
  • fulfillment of homogeneous technological works when the task cannot be performed by a single performer and requires the joint actions of a group of workers (in the extractive industry).

In the conditions of scientific and technological progress, forms of labor organization focused on individual labor processes often come into conflict with modern highly mechanized and automated technology, which requires joint, coordinated by the ultimate goal of the work of workers of one or different professions, and therefore, involves the organization of collective labor processes.

In addition to technical and organizational, the need to use collective labor processes is also dictated by economic and social reasons. Thus, under certain conditions, the use of a collective form of labor organization leads to an increase in labor productivity, a reduction in the cost of production, an improvement in the quality of work performed, an economical use of material resources, more complete and efficient use of equipment, working time, etc. The social advantages of the collective form of labor organization are: the possibility of creating more favorable working conditions, reducing the monotony of labor, increasing its content, diversity, ensuring a change in labor, expanding the professional profile of workers and improving their skills, strengthening the interest and responsibility of each member of the team for the final results of labor , development of self-management and self-organization, etc.

Consequently, the most important conditions for the effective use of the collective form of labor organization are: a comprehensive consideration of the technical, technological and organizational prerequisites for its application, a comprehensive economic and social justification for its implementation.

The collective form of labor organization has the following varieties: pair service, link, group, brigade, section, workshop, etc., depending on which team of the named departments is assigned the total amount of work, records its implementation and accrues the total (collective) earnings. The most common form of teamwork in production area- production teams.

The production team is the primary labor collective, uniting workers of the same or different professions, jointly performing common production tasks and bearing collective responsibility for the results of labor. Brigades are the links in the production management system, they plan the main quantitative and qualitative indicators of work, set the norms of labor costs for the production of products (performance of work), they are assigned the corresponding production areas, equipment, tools, raw materials, materials, they ensure the material interest of workers in the high final results of collective work.

The organization of such a team should be based on the following principles.

The principle of concerted joint efforts: teams should ensure a close and constant relationship between employees, synchronization in time and space of their labor activities, the implementation of various labor functions. This principle makes it possible to create more favorable working conditions for the members of the brigade and increase its efficiency. The coherence of the labor process in space determines the nature of the location of individual workplaces, their certain connection with each other within the framework of a collective workplace.

The same workers may constantly work at individual workplaces, or they may replace each other. This involves the use in the brigade the principle of interchangeability.

According to the constancy of the connection of the workplace with a certain content of the work performed on it, it can be specialized or non-specialized (universal). If a worker working under the conditions of an individual labor organization cannot influence the specialization of his workplace, because this is within the competence of the site management, then the team is able to do this by applying principle of specialization.

Along with this, the organization of the labor process in space also determines the possibility of performing the same work at several workplaces. The presence of several such jobs and the possibility of distributing the amount of work among them allows the team to apply the principle of simultaneous parallel execution of certain work at several workplaces.

Brigades can also improve the organization of labor over time. Consistent execution of individual stages in the brigade technological process and the possibility of organizing the movement of objects of labor from one workplace to another until the entire scope of work at the previous workplace is completed (for example, before processing the entire batch of parts) are associated with the use of flow principle.

The discrepancy between the mode of operation of the production unit and the shift mode of work of the performers is ensured thanks to another principle of organizing labor in teams - principle continuous work over several shifts.

In the production sector, different types of brigades have developed and are functioning, distinguished by three groups of classification features: organizational, technological and economic.

I. Organizational features

1. According to the forms of professional, qualification and functional division and cooperation of labor, brigades can be specialized and complex.

specialized called teams that unite workers of the same profession (specialty), one or different skill levels. Such teams are most effective in the presence of large volumes of technologically homogeneous work, ensuring the full load of each member of the team.

Complex brigades unite workers of different professions (specialties) of the same or different skill levels and possibly even different functional groups.

  • 2. According to the degree of division and cooperation of labor, complex teams can be of three varieties:
    • with a complete division of labor when each employee performs duties strictly in accordance with his profession (specialty) and skill level;
    • with a partial division of labor and, accordingly, partial interchangeability, when workers master two or large quantity professions and perform, in addition to the main work, related work in other professions;
    • without division of labor with full interchangeability when the brigade unites workers of a wide production profile, who own different professions and are able to perform any work assigned to the brigade.

The greatest opportunities to solve economic and social problems have complex brigades with full interchangeability. In such brigades, it is possible to organize work with a change of labor, that is, with the alternation of jobs that require different professional knowledge and skills, or with the performance of work sequentially at different workplaces, each of which has its own set of production operations. This is important for industries with a very narrow division of labor, characterized by its great monotony.

  • 3. By the nature of the work, brigades are distinguished:
    • technological, when work can only be done by the collective efforts of a group of workers;
    • organizational, when work can be performed both in the conditions of an individual and in a brigade organization of labor, but due to a number of organizational or economic considerations, a brigade form is preferred.
  • 4. By the nature of the service working area teams can be stationary and mobile with a mobile nature of work.
  • 5. By coverage of work shifts:
    • interchangeable brigades - are formed when the duration of the production cycle for the manufacture of the product (performing the completed work) is equal to or a multiple of the duration of the work shift. In such teams, during the shift, you can completely complete the production of one or more products (perform a certain number of assigned jobs);
    • through (daily) brigades - are formed when, with a multi-shift operation of the enterprise, the duration of the production cycle is greater than the duration of the work shift. Work started in one shift is continued by workers in the second and subsequent shifts. In this case, it is advisable to combine workers from different shifts performing a common task into one team, called a through team.

End-to-end construction of teams during multi-shift operation of the enterprise is also effective if the duration of the production cycle allows organizing shift teams. But then it is necessary that the planning of the work of the brigade would be carried out on the basis of a single outfit. In through brigades, conditions are created to save preparatory and final time. If workers of all shifts are members of the same team working on a single outfit, then all procedures for finishing and starting work between shifts turn out to be redundant. The effect of saving time and increased responsibility for overall result work in cross-cutting teams makes them preferable compared to shift teams in multi-shift work.

  • 6. According to the strength of the brigade, there are: large; medium; small. However, these concepts are rather arbitrary: for one production team of 10 people. may be small, for another - medium, etc. Small teams of 3-5 people. do not have the necessary stability. Numerous teams of 50-70 people. difficult to manage. For each specific production, there is an optimal number of production teams. In mechanical engineering, for example, the optimal number of teams is in the range of 15-25 people.
  • 7. According to the internal structure, enlarged brigades can be: two-link; three-link etc.
  • 8. According to the period of operation, brigades are distinguished: temporary; permanent.

II. Technical and technological features

  • 1. According to the degree of discreteness of technological processes, teams can be: continuous processes; serving discontinuous processes.
  • 2. By the nature of technological processes, teams are distinguished that perform: machine processes; hardware processes; assembly- me processes; main processes, etc.
  • 3. According to the degree of technological division and cooperation of labor, brigades are: partial, that is, performing a single operation or a series of sequential operations; full- performing a cycle of operations (works) for the manufacture of products (parts, units, kits).

III. Economic signs

  • 1. According to the degree of application of the elements of cost accounting, brigades are distinguished:
    • self-supporting teams that keep records of the costs of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, energy, labor in the implementation of planned targets.

To establish self-supporting relations in brigades, it is necessary:

  • a) set the cost of raw materials, materials, energy, tools, labor and other elements of production per unit of output (work);
  • b) adjust ^^ actual costs for all the specified elements of production;
  • c) organize stimulation workers for compliance with the norms for the consumption of raw materials, materials, etc., especially incentives for their savings.
  • with partial self-financing brigades in which accounting for the consumption of resources is carried out according to those cost items that make up the largest specific gravity in the cost of production (work) of the brigade. If the production of products is material-intensive, then the consumption of materials is kept, and the rest of the cost items in the team are not taken into account; if the production is energy-intensive, then only energy consumption is taken into account, etc.
  • 2. According to the principle of remuneration, brigades are:
    • using individual outfits;
    • working for one outfit;
    • with payment for the performance of individual operations of the technological process or for a part of the product (work) made;
    • With paymentby end result^product, work).
  • 3. According to the principle of distribution of collective earnings, brigades are divided into teams that carry out this distribution:
    • taking into account the actual hours worked;
    • by wage category and hours worked;
    • by conditional category and hours worked;
    • taking into account the scoring;
    • according to LTU (labor participation rate) or KTV(the coefficient of labor contribution) and hours worked.
  • 4. Depending on the status of the brigades are divided into: contract; rental; without contracts or leases.

Contractor called a team that has concluded a contract with a higher manager. Such an agreement tightens relations between the brigade and the administration, makes them more binding. In the contract, sections are distinguished: duties, rights and responsibilities, which equally apply to each of the parties to the contract.

The economic essence of a brigade contract is that the contractor brigade assumes obligations to produce products (perform work or services) in a certain amount and within a specified time frame, and the customer administration, which has concluded an agreement with the brigade, undertakes to provide it with the necessary resources, accept work and pay it at agreed rates or other conditions. Work can be carried out at the expense of the contractor - from his materials, his forces and means.

The most important principles for organizing contractor teams:

  • a clear establishment of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the final result of the work of the contract team;
  • assigning means of production to the contractor team;
  • independence of the contract team in the choice of forms and methods of labor organization, production and management, use production assets;
  • the responsibility of the contracting team for the timely and high-quality fulfillment of tasks, and the administration - for providing production with the necessary resources, creating normal organizational, technical and social and living conditions of work;
  • material interest in rational use resources and high end results of labor.

rental a brigade is called a team that has concluded a lease agreement with the lessor enterprise, according to which the lessor undertakes to provide it with property for temporary possession and use or for temporary use for a certain fee. The products and income received by the rental team as a result of the use of the leased property in accordance with the contract are its property.

In the rental form of labor organization, the brigade independently determines the type of its activity, paying for rented equipment and premises in rent, the amount of which and the terms of payment are established in the lease agreement.

Contracting and rental teams, with their appropriate organization, ensure the achievement of high end results of labor with minimum flow allocated resources, due to their economic independence and high material interest of workers.



1.1 Characteristics of the concept of labor 4

1.2 Types of work 8


2.1 The concept of labor organization 11

2.2 Tasks of the organization of labor in the enterprise 12






Reducing the risk of the appearance of inconsistent elements in the process of production of goods and services is associated with fixing the elements of labor organization. Considering the organization of the labor process, they talk about the theory and practice of building various elements of the workflow, their mutual linkage and adaptation to the conditions of a given enterprise. Fixing a clear structure of the organization of labor allows you to find out when and where the violation of the planned sequence occurred in accordance with the division of labor in this organization, this explains the relevance of the topic. term paper and its practical significance.

The object of the study is the organization of labor in the enterprise.

The subject of the study is the socio-economic relations that arise in the process of labor organization.

The purpose of writing a term paper is to study modern forms of labor organization in the enterprise. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    Consider the concept of labor;

    Consider the concept of labor organization;

    To study the tasks of labor organization at the enterprise;

    To study the forms of labor organization in modern enterprises.

The work used methods of data analysis and synthesis, comparison, comparison, highlighting distinctive features. The method of scientific literature data analysis, which includes comparison and comparison of trends in the development of various phenomena, has found wide application.

The information base of the study was made up of textbooks: Gavrilova S.V. "Organization of personnel work", Pashuto V.P. "Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at the enterprise", Ostapenko Yu.M. Labor Economics and others.


1.1 Characteristics of the concept of labor

Labor relations, viewed from the point of view of the division and cooperation of labor, give only a general description of the social form of labor. The specific features of labor inherent in this or that stage of human development can be understood only on the basis of the form of ownership of the means of production.

The nature of the union of the worker with the means of production determines the social character and social nature of labor. If the content of labor characterizes the level of development of the productive forces, technical way combination of personal and material elements of production, the social character and social nature of labor reflect the socio-economic position of the worker in social production, those features of production relations in which labor is performed.

Consider the definitions of the concept of "labor" in the works of well-known economists (Table 1).

Table 1. Definition of the concept of "labor" in the works of famous economists.

Definition of the concept of labor


Labor is, first of all, a process taking place between man and nature, a process in which man mediates, regulates and controls the metabolism between himself and nature by his own activity.

K. Marx. Capital. T. 1 // Marx K., Engels F. Works. Ed. 2nd. T. 23. S. 188.

Labor is the purposeful activity of people aimed at creating material and cultural values.

Adamchuk V.V., Romashov O.V., Sorokina M.E. Economics and sociology of labor. M.: UNITI, 2009.

Labor is a conscious, expediently directed activity, the application of mental and physical efforts by people to create useful products, the production of things, the provision of services, the accumulation and transfer of information, going to satisfy their material and spiritual needs; the main form of life of both an individual and society as a whole, the initial condition for social life, the development of all aspects of social life.

Vorozheikin I.E. History of labor and entrepreneurship. M.: Finstatinform, 2006.

Labor is the process of transforming natural resources into material, intellectual and spiritual goods, carried out and (or) controlled by a person either under compulsion (administrative, economic), or by internal motivation, or both.

Labor is a process carried out on the basis of the division and cooperation of labor, consciously, expediently transforming material and intellectual resources into a product necessary to meet the needs of the individual and society in privately owned goods.

Genkin B.M. Economics and sociology of labor. M.: NORMA - Infra, 2008.

Kibanov A.Ya., Batkaeva N.A., Gagarinskaya G.P. Motivation of labor activity: Proc. allowance. Samara: SGTU, 2001, p. 27

Labor as a concept denotes the expedient activity of a person in the production of products or the provision of services and is always associated with the physical and psychological costs of energy. Labor, being a source of produced products and services, is itself a commodity that is sold on the labor market.

Labor is a process of conscious expedient activity of people aimed at modifying natural objects to satisfy their needs. The labor process includes three main points: 1) the expedient activity of the person himself; 2) the subject of labor; 3) means of labor, with the help of which a person influences the object of labor.

Kulintsov I.M. Economics and sociology of labor. Moscow: Center for Economics and Marketing, 2000.

Kurakov L.P., Kurakov V.L. Economic and legal dictionary of Cheboksary: ​​Publishing house of ChSU, 2000. S. 631

Labor is a conscious, purposeful and legitimate activity of a person (people) for the production (creation) of material or spiritual goods (things, goods, services, works of science, culture, art, etc.) that can satisfy certain human needs and are in demand by people.

In the very general view labor can be defined as a sphere of activity objectively inherent in a person for the transformation of the natural, material and intellectual resources at his disposal into a product necessary for personal or social consumption.

Rofe A. M., Zhukov A.L. Theoretical basis economics and sociology of labor. M.: MIK, 2007.

Slesinger G.E. Labor in a market economy. M.: INFRA-M, 1996.

Labor is the expedient activity of people to create material and spiritual wealth necessary to meet the needs of each individual and society as a whole.

Political Economy: Economic Encyclopedia. T. 4. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1980. S. 179

1.2 Types of work

Labor is a purposeful labor activity of a person in the process of social production, aimed at modifying and adapting natural objects to meet their needs. In modern production, labor is based on clear cooperation and specialization of people in the performance of complex operations and makes it possible to obtain final products and services. With the development of mass mechanized production, the share of living labor in the cost of production decreases and is replaced by materialized (“machine”) labor. one

There are such varieties of labor: intellectual, physical, surplus, past, productive, unproductive.

Intellectual (mental) labor is labor carried out with the help of human mental abilities for the production of predominantly intangible objects (information, inventions, technologies, projects, books, works of art, educational services). It is customary to distinguish the following main areas of intellectual labor: science, education, management, culture, health care. In the political economy of the XVIII-XIX centuries. intellectual labor was considered unproductive labor. 2

Productive labor is labor that directly participates in the process of social production and creates the final product in material form. Productive labor creates economic benefits, i.e. consumer value of goods. In the modern economy, productive labor is considered both the labor of any employee (worker, specialist, engineer and manager), and entrepreneurial labor (businessman, entrepreneur, banker), without which the sphere of production and exchange is impossible 3 .

Surplus labor is the labor expended on the production of a surplus product (profit). It is a category of Marxist economic theory. four

Past labor characterizes the value of the means of production (objects and means of labor) used in the production process, fully or partially transferred to the cost of a new product. It is labor embodied in the commodity, transferred into the value of the new commodity.

Unproductive labor - labor activity outside the sphere of production, which includes the work of military personnel, police, prosecutors and judicial authorities, as well as state control and others. In civil society, this work is considered socially useful and necessary 5 .

Remuneration of labor is the main motive for labor activity and a monetary measure of the cost of labor. It provides a link between the result of labor and its process and reflects the quantity and complexity of the work of workers of various qualifications.

With the help of the components of remuneration listed above, the head of the enterprise can regulate the material interest of employees with economically possible production costs under the item "wages", apply various systems of remuneration - piecework or time, influence the formation of the material and spiritual needs of workers and ensure the growth of their life expectancy. level.


2.1 The concept of labor organization

The French word "organization", late Latin - "organizo" - I report a slender appearance, arrange, Russian - "organization" - is interpreted in the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary as follows:

1. Internal order, consistency, interaction of more or less differentiated and autonomous parts of the whole, due to its structure;

2. A set of processes or actions leading to the formation and improvement of relationships between parts of the whole;

3. An association of people who jointly implement a program or goal and act on the basis of certain rules and procedures.

Thus, from a functional point of view, an organization is an internal order and a process of improvement, and from an institutional point of view, it is a set of structures, institutions dealing with organizational issues. Therefore, in relation to labor, the term "organization" means the creation of a certain system from a variety of elements of labor activity, which include: 6

  1. Organization labor on the enterprise (6)

    Abstract >> Economics

    ... Organization labor on the enterprise designed to create normal human conditions labor and at the same time systems labor that increase income enterprises... . Modern forms organizations and encouragement labor; scientific organization and intensity labor; growth...

  2. Main areas for improvement organizations labor on the enterprise

    Abstract >> Economics

    Content forms and functions organizations labor on the contemporary enterprise, in an institution... Organization labor on the enterprises and its components 1.1 Concept, tasks and functions organizations labor Organization labor or organizational relationship is the form ...

  3. Organization labor on the enterprise (5)

    Coursework >> Economics

    ... labor. 1. Organization labor on the enterprise 1.1 Organization workplace services. systems, forms and principles of service One of the elements organizations


Department of Management

"Forms of labor organization at an industrial enterprise"

MINSK, 2008

Modern production is characterized by the isolation of individual processes and works, which makes it possible to specialize tools and workers, shorten the production cycle, and increase labor productivity. On the other hand, the labor of all those working in enterprises is collective labor. Its results depend on the extent to which the necessary quantitative and qualitative proportions are observed in the distribution of labor among individual links of production and jobs, the cooperation of the labor of individual performers and primary production teams.

Separation of individual processes and works implies, first of all, the division of labor. Under the division of labor in the enterprise, we understand the differentiation of the activities of those working in the process of joint labor, their specialization in the performance of a certain part of the joint work.

With the development of technology and technology, production processes become more complex, which causes the development and deepening of the division of labor in enterprises. This is due to the fact that the forms of division of labor significantly affect the specialization, planning and equipment of workplaces, their maintenance, methods and techniques of labor, its rationing. By rationalizing the forms of division and cooperation of labor, full and uniform loading of performers, coordination and synchronization of their work is ensured.

The significance of the division of labor, both economically and socially, is extremely great. Thanks to him, all the more complicated labor processes break down into less complex elements performed by certain professional and qualification groups of workers. This, on the one hand, improves the skill and labor skills of performers and reduces the time for their vocational training On the other hand, due to the isolation and relative simplification of individual operations, it creates the basis for the mechanization and automation of operations, which greatly increases labor productivity.

The intra-production division of labor consists in the allocation various kinds works, which are partial production processes, and assigning them to certain workers in order to increase labor productivity on the basis of accelerating the assimilation of labor skills by workers, specialization of tools and jobs, and parallel execution of operations. The number of partial processes (types of work) is determined by the organizational and technical features of the enterprise. The division of labor in the enterprise is simultaneously carried out in the following main forms:





The technological division of labor is carried out on the basis of the division of the production process into stages (preparation, processing, assembly), redistributions, phases, partial technological processes and operations. Within the framework of the technological division of labor in relation to certain types of work, depending on the degree of differentiation of labor processes, the operational, substantive and detailed division of labor is distinguished.

Operational division of labor provides for the distribution and consolidation of technological process operations for individual workers, the placement of workers, ensuring their rational employment and optimal loading of equipment.

This is achieved by deepening the specialization of workers, which contributes to high level labor productivity, the formation of a stable dynamic stereotype of the performance of labor methods, the use of specialized equipment and tools, the mechanization of labor processes.

Substantive division of labor provides for the assignment to a specific contractor of a set of works that allow the complete manufacture of the product. For example, assembling an electrical switch, electrical outlets.

Detailed separation involves assigning to the contractor the manufacture of the finished part of the product or part.

Functional division labor provides for the separation of various types of labor activity and the implementation specific works appropriate groups of workers specializing in the implementation of various content and economic importance production or other functions. According to the functional division of labor, there is a division of all workers into major engaged in the direct production of products or the performance of basic work; auxiliary who themselves do not directly produce marketable products, but provide with their labor the work of the main workers; serving who by their labor create the conditions for the productive work of both the main and auxiliary workers.

In separate functional groups allocate managers, specialists and employees.

Thus, the functional division of labor involves the division of workers into groups depending on their specialization in the functions performed. The establishment of rational proportions between these groups underlies the rationalization of the division of labor.

Within the framework of the functional division of labor, professional and qualifying division of labor. The first is carried out depending on the professional specialization of the workers and involves the performance of work in the workplace within the framework of a particular profession. Based on the volume of each type of these works, it is possible to determine the need for workers by profession both for the enterprise as a whole and for its structural divisions.

The qualification division of labor is caused by the varying complexity of work, which requires a certain level of knowledge and experience of workers. For each profession of workers, the composition of operations or work of varying degrees of complexity is established, which are grouped according to the assigned tariff categories or qualification category. On this basis, the number of employees in each profession is determined, qualification categories and categories.

The choice of the most rational forms of division depends on the type of production, the volume of output, its complexity, etc. Therefore, their search requires an obligatory analysis of these factors and the rationale for the optimal division of labor. Each division of labor has its reasonable limits. From a social point of view, an excessive division of labor impoverishes its content and turns workers into narrow specialists. From a physiological point of view, an excessive division of labor leads to its monotony, causes increased fatigue and, as a result, a high turnover of workers employed in such jobs. In this regard, there are great difficulties in the organization of production processes. More detailed calculations and careful preparation are required to effectively connect highly specialized workers in a single process.

Certain limitations follow from these peculiarities of the division of labor. There are technological, economic, psycho-physiological and social boundaries of the division of labor.

The technological boundary of the division of labor is determined by the existing technology, which divides the production process into operations. The lower limit of the formation of the content of the operation is a labor reception, consisting of at least three labor actions, continuously following friend after another and having a specific purpose. The upper limit of the division of labor will be the manufacture of the entire product at one workplace.

The economic boundary of the division of labor is determined by the level of workload of workers and the duration of the production cycle. The division of labor leads to a reduction in the production cycle due to the parallel execution of the operation, to an increase in labor productivity due to the specialization of tools and jobs, and the acceleration of the development of labor techniques and labor methods by workers.

However, the excessive division of labor based on the fragmentation of individual technological operations leads to a violation of the proportions in the structure of time costs. At the same time, on the one hand, the processing time is reduced, and on the other hand, such cost elements as the time for installing and removing parts, inter-operational transportation of the object of labor, inter-operational control and preparatory-final time increase. Thus, the optimal option may be when the total influence of factors that reduce the duration of the production cycle is greater than the total influence of opposing factors.

Another economic criterion is the full employment of the worker. Assigning highly specialized functions to workers does not always ensure their full employment. Therefore, it is necessary to find such options for the formation of production operations in which workers will not stand idle waiting for work or during the automatic cycle of equipment operation. Special meaning this remark is acquiring at the present time, when, under the influence of scientific and technological progress, there is a process of redistribution of functions between the working and executive bodies of the equipment. As part of the working time, the share of time for monitoring the operation of equipment is growing. Under these conditions, the system of operational division of labor does not allow for full employment of workers during the shift. It is necessary to expand service areas and production functions of workers.

The psychophysiological boundary of the division of labor is determined by the allowable physical and psychological stress. The duration of operations should be within acceptable limits, and contain a variety of labor practices, the implementation of which ensures the alternation of loads on various organs and parts of the body of the worker. The monotony of the labor process, associated with the duration and repetition of monotonous methods, actions of performers during the operational period, depends on the number of elements in the operation, the duration of repeating elements, the repeatability of monotonous methods and actions.

1. Division of labor- this is the isolation of the activities of workers in the production process.

2. Cooperation of labor- this is a joint work in one or different, but interconnected processes.

The division of the whole work into its constituent components is horizontal division of labor(technological). Technological separation finds expression in the specialization of workers in the performance of certain processes and operations.

Vertical division of labor separates the work of coordinating actions from the actions themselves. This is the essence of management.

Functional division of labor at the enterprises takes place in accordance with the role, the nature of the functions performed by individual groups of workers and involves the differentiation of the personnel of the enterprise depending on from the functions performed(workers, managers, specialists, employees, MOS, students) and areas of activity(industrial production and non-industrial personnel).

Professional division of labor involves the division of workers according to professions and specialties. It has two main directions:

Professions that are common to all or several industries are distinguished: locksmiths, electricians, etc. Such professions are called through .

industry-specific (for example, GROZ, sinker)

Further differentiation of professions occurs according to the level of qualification or complexity of labor and is qualification division of labor(employees of the same profession, depending on the level of complexity of the work, are divided into qualification groups).

The forms of labor cooperation are:

1. Intersectional (intershop).

2. Intradistrict.

3. Intra-brigade.

At mining enterprises, there are two main forms of labor organization:

1. Individual.

2. Brigadier.

At individual form organization of labor, each worker performs the task received independently and is personally responsible for the results and quality of work. This form is used in some auxiliary works (fracturing in mine transport, machinists lifting installations, explosives, etc.), i.e. where, due to the small number of workers, it is impractical to organize a brigade.

The main form of labor organization at the mine (in stopes and preparatory faces) is the brigade form of organization, i.e. brigade uniform labor organization covers workers of all major occupations at the mine.

The need for a brigade uniform in production and preparation faces due to:

1) the use of equipment in the faces that requires group maintenance;

2) impossibility in many cases individual accounting the volume of work performed;

3) the advantage of collective labor over individual labor, since division and cooperation of labor in a reasonable amount is possible in a brigade.

production team- this is a team of workers of one or more professions, united by a common production process (performing a single production task), a place of work, a common material interest and responsibility for the results of work.

The team is led by foreman(a skilled worker who is a grass-roots organizational person). The organization of brigades is carried out by the head of the site together with the foreman and is approved by the order for the mine. Brigadier has the right to:

§ issue a production task to the team members and monitor its implementation;

§ require the administration to create good conditions labor in the workplace;

§ draw up, in agreement with the administration, a schedule for the exits of workers.

By organizational and technological principle ( i.e. depending on the professional composition of workers, methods of accounting for work performed, the procedure for distributing wages) distinguish:

1. Specialized teams.

2. Integrated teams.

Specialized teams are designed to perform strictly defined processes, unite workers of the same profession engaged in the performance of technologically homogeneous work (a link for injecting water into the reservoir; a team engaged in shock blasting).

Currently specialized teams and individual piece-work remained in the working faces only with the use of cutting machines and in the brigades of cutters at a steep fall (i.e., in the faces with a low level of labor organization).

Measurement, acceptance of work and payroll in such brigades is carried out, as a rule, for each worker separately. The advantage of individual measurement is the direct connection between salary and hard work; clearer responsibility for assigned jobs, for the quality of work performed, for the consumption of materials. At the same time, such a measurement requires increased labor costs for rationing and determining output, bringing them to each worker.

Integrated brigades perform several processes, i.e. include workers of different professions performing a complex of technologically heterogeneous, but interconnected works, covering the full cycle of production of a product or a finished part of it.

There is no strict division of labor in the complex team. Along with the main work, each member of the team can perform other processes.

Benefits of Integrated Teams:

1. More complete use of working time (downtime caused by narrow specialization is eliminated, the working day is compacted, which leads to an increase in labor productivity).

2. Elimination of the "call" system of attendance at work.

3. Strengthening the material interest in the final results of labor.

4. Mutual assistance in work.

5. Simplify leadership.

In complex brigades, complex production norms and complex prices are established.

By the method of rationing and remuneration of labor is allocated two types of integrated teams:

1. Interchangeable integrated teams.

2. End-to-end (daily) complex brigades.

The classification of teams is based on the degree of division of labor by processes, which can be characterized by the coefficient of specialization:

where n is the number of workers constantly employed in the performance of the same processes,

N - payroll of the brigade.

For the conditions of the Donbass, it is considered that with Kspec = 0.1-0.4 it is advisable to create daily integrated teams, with Kspec = 0.5 - 0.9 - replaceable integrated teams, with Kspec = 0.9 - 1 - specialized brigades.

Replaceable complex brigade has its own foreman, measurement and acceptance of work, as well as remuneration in it is made according to the results of work for the shift.

disadvantages this form of labor organization are:

1. Weak interest in the quality of workplace preparation for the next shift.

2. The division of work into profitable and unprofitable (leads to a violation of technology and industrial safety).

3. Increased loss of time due to accidents, especially at the end of the shift.

4. Tensions between teams due to unscrupulous accounting of work performed and the amount of earnings.

Basically, shift crews are used in longwalls with outdated equipment.

Daily brigade unites workers of all shifts and has one foreman and his assistants (link). These teams are created in cases where it is necessary to ensure the continuity of work from shift to shift, or if, due to the incompleteness of the work cycle, it is impossible to make a shift measurement ( the only form for preparatory work). In cross-cutting brigades, piecework earnings are calculated according to daily, weekly and monthly results. Rationing and remuneration of labor is carried out according to one complex norm and one rate based on the results of work per day, regardless of the results of the work of individual shifts.

There are formal requirements for the number of brigades:

§ in underground conditions - at least 5 people;

§ on the surface - at least 7 people.

Advantages daily brigades before shifts:

1. Workers of the daily teams are interested in performing not only shift work, but also the weekly (monthly) amount of work.

2. The use of working time improves (downtime due to the unpreparedness of the workplace, intra-shift malfunctions in work is sharply reduced).

3. More rhythmic work of the faces and uniform loading of transport are provided.

4. It simplifies the accounting of the volume of work performed, the accrual and distribution of piecework earnings at one rate.

5. Favorable conditions are being created for instilling a conscious attitude towards work among workers.

The issues of applying certain forms of labor organization must be addressed taking into account the organization of the production process as a whole.

In a regime with the allocation of a permanent repair and preparatory shift, shift complex brigades are usually created. In longwall faces equipped with complexes, daily integrated teams are the most effective.