Non-manufacturing area. Branches of the manufacturing sector. Classification of industries

Industry- a set of enterprises characterized either by the unity of the purpose of the products produced, or by the commonality of technological processes, or by the homogeneity of the processed raw materials.

The emergence and withering away of industries and economic complexes is due to the development of the social division of labor. Allocate three forms social division of labor.

General division of labor expressed in the division of social production in the branches of the national economy: industry, agriculture, construction, transport and communications, trade, logistics, science and scientific services, health care, culture, education, finance, etc.

Private division of labor expressed in education independent industries inside industry, agriculture and other branches of the national economy (for example, agricultural engineering).

Single division of labor manifested in the division of labor directly at the enterprise (in the organization).

Due to the concentration of production and technological progress, a single division of labor has an impact on the emergence of new industries (for example, the production of microcircuits, mobile phones).

Main signs that distinguish one industry from another are: the economic purpose of the products; the nature of the raw materials and materials consumed; technical base of production and technological processes; professional staff. For example, mechanical engineering is intended to manufacture means of labor; food industry - food products; the metallurgical industry has a common technological process; woodworking industry - a community of processed raw materials. The formation of the industry is also determined by a sufficiently large sales market for this type of product or the availability of appropriate natural resources(oil, gas, coal, timber, etc.).

In some sectors (industry, agriculture, construction, forestry) goods are produced, in others - services(transport and communications; trade and public catering; logistics and sales; housing and communal services and household service; health care, physical education, social Security; education; Culture and art; science and scientific service; finance, credit, insurance; control).

Enterprises can be part of industries and economic complexes.

Economic complex- a group of interrelated industries, sub-sectors, enterprises that produce products of a single nature. For example, a machine-building complex; agro-industrial complex (AIC), military-industrial complex (MIC), fuel and energy complex (FEC), construction, chemical-forestry, social-consumer complexes, etc.

4. Production and non-production spheres of the national economy

The national economy is usually divided into production and non-manufacturing areas.

To production area include industries that produce goods and services that meet the basic, primarily material, needs of the population and business entities. These are industry, agriculture, construction, freight transport, communications, trade, catering, logistics and other industries.

To non-productive sphere include industries that create conditions for the efficient production of tangible and intangible benefits. These are science, education, healthcare, culture and art, finance, insurance, public administration, etc.

The non-productive sphere should be understood as a set of industries and activities that are not involved in the creation of material wealth, the activities of which are aimed directly at a person or at transforming the social conditions in which he exists, and is mediated by economic relations regarding the provision of various services to meet national and personal needs, as well as to service the movement of a material product.
The subject of the economy of the non-productive sphere is the totality economic relations arising in society in connection with the functions of non-productive industries.
The finances of non-manufacturing sectors have the following components:
1) finances of housing and communal services;
2) finances of consumer services for the population;
3) finances of passenger transport;
4) finances of a number of industries;
5) health care and physical culture finance;
6) education finance;
7) finances of culture and art;
8) finances of science and scientific services;
9) finances of public organizations;
10) finances of banking and credit and insurance organizations;
11) finances of commercial and intermediary organizations (including commodity and stock exchanges, brokerage houses, funds, etc.);
12) finances of governing bodies;
13) defense finance;
14) finances of law enforcement agencies.
The non-productive sphere includes: health care, education, art, culture and science, sports, tourism, consumer services, housing and communal services.
According to the form of influence of non-productive industries on material production and according to the nature of their impact on the subject of productive labor, a classification of industries is proposed, divided into five main groups.
First group. Material and technical supply and sales; procurement, finance, credit, trade.
Second group. Public catering, consumer services, preschool children's institutions.
Third group. Health care and education.
Fourth group. Science, art, literature, cultural service.
Fifth group. Public administration, defense, paid features in public organizations.
Branches of the first group. They are so close to the sphere of production of material goods that statistics directly take into account most of them as branches of material production. These industries serve the circuit production assets, are directly related to the commodity and monetary forms of these funds, their metamorphoses in the conditions of commodity production.
In terms of the nature of its connection with material production and the way in which it is influenced, the first group of branches of the non-productive sphere has a number of differences from its other groups. A feature of the first group of non-production industries is the combination of direct and indirect impact on material production (through the subjects of productive labor) spent in them socially useful labor. This labor is aimed at serving the processes of exchange of activity between productive workers and the distribution between them of products of individual consumption.
Branches of the second group. The main purpose of the branches of the non-productive sphere, classified in the classification to the second group, is the socialization of labor that serves the consumption of workers. This reduces the time spent on unproductive work in the individual household, and expands free time workers.
Branches of the third group. Education and health directly provide the process of expanded reproduction work force and also create conditions for the full and comprehensive development of all members of society.
Economic effect health care is manifested through an increase in the working capacity of workers as a result of improved sanitary and hygienic living conditions and a decrease in morbidity. However, the effect of the development of the healthcare system is not limited to these indicators: it is also necessary to take into account the increase in labor productivity of workers as a result of maintaining or restoring their health. In addition, the development of health care creates conditions for the education of a new person, in which spiritual wealth and moral purity should be harmoniously combined with physical perfection.
Branches of the fourth group. If institutions Catering and household services with good reason can be called the factories of the working people's free time, then the non-productive branches assigned to the fourth group serve this free time.
Thus, non-productive industries, the source of existence and development of which is productive labor, in turn, have a strong impact on the growth of production. This reverse influence of the non-productive sphere on material production is carried out in various forms: maintenance of the circulation of production assets (material and technical supply and marketing, finance and credit, trade); strengthening the material interest of workers in the results of their work (financial and credit system, trade), etc.
Features of the non-production sphere.
The functions of the purpose of the non-productive sphere differ from material production.
There is no exchange between man and nature, and labor is aimed at the formation and development of human needs.
Labor in the non-productive sphere is individualized, which requires special character traits from the worker in the non-productive sphere.
Labor in the non-productive sphere is practically not subject to automation and mechanization.
The natural factor is not of decisive importance when locating non-production enterprises.
Fixed non-productive assets (except for buildings and structures), as well as current material consumption resources, enter the non-productive sphere as follows:
1. by purchasing from trading network;
2. in the order of transfer (patronage);
3. through the logistics system (MTS).
Features of pricing in the non-manufacturing sector:
1. in the pricing process, it is recommended to adhere to the principle of equal payment for services of the same beneficial effect;
2. when setting prices, it is necessary to take into account quality characteristics services and conditions of its consumption;
3. when setting the price, it is necessary to take into account the social significance of the service;
4. The variety of prices and methods of their establishment necessitates careful control over their level.
Methods of financing non-productive sphere.
1. self-supporting;
2. budgetary - which consists of normative financing, in which natural and cost norms of resource consumption are applied and which provides more rational use funds and equal conditions for all enterprises in the industry.
3. estimate method - the estimate reflects all items of expenditure, the intended purpose of funds and their quarterly distribution.
A significant part of the national income created by society is directed by the state to the development of the non-productive sphere.
The effective, rational use of these funds, their targeted spending largely depends on the organization of finance in the non-productive sphere.
In non-productive sectors, labor is not directly productive and, most often, is in the nature of services. This is the main difference between the product of labor in the non-productive sphere.
The result of labor, acting as a service, is consumed in the process of production itself, or the processes of production and consumption coincide in time.
The amount of funds allocated to the non-productive sectors is determined by the needs of society in the results of their activities, as well as by the national income generated. Also, at present, it largely depends on the state budget and ongoing financial policy. But, despite a significant reduction in funding for non-productive industries at this stage of development of the national economy, they have an active influence on material production, ensuring the reproduction of the labor force.
The services of non-manufacturing industries can be either free or paid (in whole or in part). Public services paid by the state are mostly free. The source of ensuring the production of free services is the state budget.
However, in the context of a shortage of public funds due to the budget deficit, more and more development is being paid services defining specific methods of managing the economy and forms of financial relations.
Taking into account the nature of activities, methods of organizing management and financing of enterprises, institutions and organizations in the non-productive sphere, they are classified into three groups:
1. Unproductive industries that are very close to material production. They carry out their activities on the principles of self-financing and self-financing, their services are provided for a fee. The source of covering the costs of their production is the proceeds from the sale of services, that is cash consumers. Finances are organized in them, as in enterprises of material production.
2. Industries that are on incomplete cost accounting, that is, they have some income and receive funds from the budget in the form of direct financing or subsidies (mixed financing). Their services are partially paid.
3. Branches maintained at the expense of the budget. The services they provide are free of charge, the source of their funding is the state budget.
Thus, the production of services in institutions of the non-productive sphere is accompanied by the formation, distribution and use of monetary funds and specific financial relations.

More on the topic 1. The content and significance of the non-productive sphere for the national economy.:

  1. G.A. MENSHIKOV. ECONOMY AND SOCIOLOGY OF THE NON-PRODUCTION SPHERE (Educational and methodological manual for correspondence students), 2001
    . ECONOMY AND SOCIOLOGY OF THE NON-PRODUCTION SPHERE (Educational and methodological manual for correspondence students), 2001
  3. 1. The ratio of the production and non-production sphere
  5. Unknowna7a7a. Finance of the non-productive sphere. Lecture. 2013, 2013
  6. Economic crises: causes, symptoms and their consequences for the national economy.
  7. 2. National legal prerequisites for prejudicial requests to the Court of Justice of the European Union and their significance for an appropriate degree of implementation
  8. Approach to the implementation of the admissibility of evidence in the criminal process of national legal systems and its significance for law enforcement
  9. §5. The Importance of the APEC Model Contract on Investment Projects for the Consolidation of Uniform Approaches to Investment Regulation by National Legislation
  10. Topic 2.1. National economy. State regulation of the economy
  11. 1.2 Content and meaning of Article 3 common to all Geneva Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War 1949

- Copyright - Advocacy - Administrative law - Administrative process - Antimonopoly and competition law - Arbitration (economic) process - Audit - Banking system - Banking law - Business - Accounting - Property law - State law and management - Civil law and process - Monetary circulation, finance and credit - Money - Diplomatic and consular law - Contract law - Housing law - Land law -

In economics, it is believed that all types of labor are productive in their functional content, therefore, the production sphere covers virtually all branches of material and non-material production. For modern economic theory The West is characterized by ignoring (of course, not universal) the problem of distinguishing between productive and unproductive labor in terms of general economic content labor functions. However, even from the characteristics of the main milestones in the history of economic thought, one can see that this problem occupied the minds of representatives of the most different schools political economy since its inception.

Without going into various interpretations of this problem, we only note that the position of A. Smith prevailed in Soviet economic science, according to which labor is productive only in material production, and labor in the non-material sphere is unproductive. In other words, the production sphere was identified with material production, and non-production - with non-material. True, not everyone shared this opinion in Soviet economic science.

It seems to us that all sectors, firstly, material production and, secondly, the service sector, should be included in the production sphere, since the labor employed in them creates use values ​​in the form of material goods or services. After all, both material goods and services are not just external useful effects of the labor that created them, but precisely independent, i.e., special, peculiar effects, different from all other specific external useful effects.

Due to the uniqueness of each material good and each service, the features of the types of labor that produce them are also formed. These features are, firstly, qualitative, i.e., expressed in the specificity of the material and personal factors of production used in each of them and the technologies for their use, and secondly, quantitative, or represented different sizes the cost of resources needed to create various products.

In contrast, unproductive types of labor do not create products (material goods and services), but the necessary conditions normal functioning each and every production process, the economy and society as a whole. From this position, unproductive labor is a regulatory activity. Unproductive types of labor are valuable not in themselves, but because they regulate productive types of labor and the whole public life, creating normal conditions for their occurrence.

Thus, the types of regulatory activities form a non-productive sphere. K. Marx called them pure costs, because they themselves do not create products, i.e., independent external beneficial effects. Regulatory activities can be divided into three types:

  • 1) net management costs (transaction costs of the superstructure);
  • 2) net distribution costs - transactional distribution costs;
  • 3) net circulation costs - transaction costs of circulation.

Non-manufacturing sphere

a set of sectors of the national economy that satisfy a variety of needs, in addition to the production of material goods, the needs of people and society as a whole. These needs are reduced to the organization and implementation of the exchange, distribution and consumption of material goods, to the production of spiritual goods and the comprehensive development of the individual, including the protection and strengthening of people's health. In addition, N. s. satisfies the social needs of man and society as a whole as a single social organism. The Central Statistical Administration and the State Planning Committee of the USSR refer to N. with: housing and communal and consumer services for the population; passenger transport; communications (for servicing organizations and non-productive activities of the population); healthcare, physical culture and social security; education; culture; art; science and scientific service; control; public organizations.

Large specific gravity according to the number of people employed in N. s. occupy such industries as education, culture, health care, producing specific consumer goods, which K. Marx called services (See Services). These consumer goods, which do not have a material form, are used in the process of their production. Since they do not take a real form, they cannot be accumulated and thereby participate in the formation of the national income (See National income) , but are included in the fund of personal consumption of society.

The work of workers providing services affects directly the person. He participates in the reproduction of the labor force, in which the costs of satisfying spiritual needs are constantly increasing. However, the labor of workers in education, culture, health care, participating in the reproduction of the labor force, is not included in the costs of its reproduction. The latter include the expenditure of labor by workers in material production to meet their needs in education, culture, and medical care. In exchange for this part of the necessary product, the workers in material production receive the useful effect of the labor of workers in the national economy. In contrast to the product of material production, the useful effect of the labor of workers in the national economy, especially in education, culture, and so on, has a social connotation. If it is impossible to know by the taste of wheat who produced it - a slave or a free wage worker - then enlightenment and culture suggest how necessary element certain ideological orientation. The labor of workers in a national economy, if it is organized in the dominant form of production relations and realizes the goal of the mode of production, acts as productive labor.

N.'s development with. depends on the level of labor productivity of workers in material production. The higher it is, the more opportunities society has in allocating labor and material resources in N. s. Thus, in countries with different levels of development of the productive forces, but with the same level of employment in the national economy. the structure of industries is very different. Countries with high level of development have also more progressive structure of N. of page.

In socialist countries, the development of N. with. aimed at improving the well-being of workers and the comprehensive development of the individual. With the progress of society in the course of the exchange of activity with material production, N. s. exerts a growing influence on the development of productive forces, on raising the productivity of social labor.

Lit.: Marx K. and Engels F., Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 26, part 1, ch. 4; Materials of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU, M., 1971; Kuznetsov A.D., Development of industrial and non-industrial spheres in the USSR, M., 1966; Agababyan E. M., Economic analysis services, M., 1968; Medvedev V. A., Social reproduction and services, M., 1968; Rutgaiser V. M., Economic problems development of the non-productive sphere in the USSR, M., 1971; Solodkov M. V., Polyakova T. D., Ovsyannikov L. N., Theoretical problems services of the non-productive sphere under socialism, M., 1972; Pravdin D.I., Non-productive sphere: efficiency and stimulation, M., 1973.

M.V. Solodkov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what the "Non-production sphere" is in other dictionaries:

    Economic dictionary

    NON-MANUFACTURING SPHERE- branches of the economy that are not material production. In Soviet economic statistics, N.S. belonged to the sphere household services, science, culture, education, healthcare, management. Currently, instead of the term "non-production ... Legal Encyclopedia

    See Non-manufacturing Glossary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    NON-MANUFACTURING SPHERE, symbol sets of sectors of the economy that provide services; social infrastructure of society. The non-production sphere includes: housing and communal and consumer services for the population; passenger ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    The conditional name of industries, the results of which take the form of services; social infrastructure of society. Usually, the non-productive sphere includes: housing and communal and consumer services for the population; ... ... Large encyclopedic Dictionary

    Branches of the economy that are not material production. In Soviet economic statistics, N.S. attributed the sphere of domestic services, science, culture, education, health care, management. Currently, instead of the term non-production ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    non-production sphere- some code name industries and activities that do not constitute material production. In Soviet economic statistics, the non-productive sphere included the sphere of domestic services, science, culture, education, health care, ... ... Dictionary of economic terms

    The conditional name of the branches of the economy, the results of which take the predominant form of services; social infrastructure of society. Usually in statistics Russian Federation The non-production sector includes: housing ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Non-manufacturing sphere- - a set of industries and activities for servicing the population and the national economy, managing it ... Commercial power industry. Dictionary-reference

    The totality of sectors of the national economy, the products of which appear in the form of certain expedient activities (services). S. o., according to the division adopted in the planning and statistics of the USSR, includes trade (See Trade) ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

All activities that do not produce material goods are grouped into non-manufacturing industries, which is also called the tertiary sector of the economy, the first two are mining and processing. Until the mid-1990s in the world, and in Russia even before the transition to capitalism in the mid-1990s, the sector was considered auxiliary, since it did not produce a significant social product. Now it is a full-fledged and increasingly significant sector of the economy. It is believed that the development of the non-manufacturing industry is the main catalyst for economic growth.

Main difference

The main difference between the goods of the industry of the production sphere and the industry of the non-manufacturing sphere is that the goods of the first can be produced in one place and consumed in another, while the goods of the second are produced and consumed in one place. If the same consumer goods from China are bought all over the world, then you can only participate in a tea ceremony directly in a Chinese or Japanese tea house. And it's hard to imagine where, except on a fire, the work of firefighters may be needed, in some countries fire department provided paid services for which it was necessary to pay directly, and not through taxes.

True, with the development of non-manufacturing industries, especially those related to information services, not everything is so simple, and some services are already being provided regardless of distances.

Far from nature

For simplicity, the first researchers in the non-manufacturing sector of the economy included everything that is not related to the extraction and processing of natural resources. These are all types of human activity that produce intangible goods and services aimed at the direct satisfaction of material, spiritual, social and other needs. That is, the non-productive sphere has no direct connection with nature and serves to organize human consumption and maintain its habitat, and basically redistributes what is mined and processed in the first two sectors of the economy.

What other features

Simplification does not always help, so the definition that all industries that produce something intangible belong to the non-productive sphere had to be supplemented. A number of features characteristic of the non-manufacturing sector of the economy have been identified. The most obvious is that there should be a direct connection between the producer and the consumer of the product, which also often implies an individual approach. It is hard to imagine that the same hairdressers or translation services can be rendered differently. But with development information technologies everything is no longer so clear, the same translation can take place without direct contact between the consumer and the service provider, and by 2024, according to the UN forecast, artificial intelligence will be able to do this.

Another feature of the non-production sphere is that the final product is often not materialized. When you listen to music, take public transport, your consumption will end there, although the consequences may be felt for a long time. Now we can safely call a significant share of intellectual and creative work a feature of the industry, which is associated with the digital revolution, the emergence of a large number new types of services using high technology and artificial intelligence. Even in the largest non-manufacturing industry, retail, which uses a lot of low-skilled labor, online platforms and offline stores are playing an increasing role. In China, Japan, Korea, entire chains of stores began to operate in which people do not work.

Which industries are included

Since the beginning of time, when the rudiments appeared in people public consciousness, appeared and certain types activities that were later classified as non-manufacturing industries. The first leaders, warriors, shamans, if we draw an analogy with the current terminology, are government, security, social services and, in part, healthcare, which are also in demand in modern conditions.

Non-manufacturing sectors include: all types of trade, management and security, health and education, science and consulting, transport and public services, household and hotel services, financial and information services, art and culture.

Non-manufacturing products

To begin with, when economists realized that non-manufacturing industries are a serious and independent area of ​​the economy, all the products of the sector were divided into tangible and intangible services. Material services include all industries that provide the consumption of material goods: hotel services or, more broadly, hospitality service, trade, now they have added e-commerce, household and transport services. Intangible services included all types related to the satisfaction of cultural, religious, spiritual needs and activities related to the creation external environment for human life, from safety, protection environment to religious worship, health care, education and the arts.

Products of non-manufacturing industries in recent times also began to divide into services and intellectual products. The products of creative and intellectual activity have been valued at all times, but in a post-industrial society, where almost all activity is based on knowledge, the value of intellectual products is growing like an avalanche, as is its share in the non-productive industry. Because of this, it is now proposed to allocate all activities for the production of knowledge into a quaternary sector - intellectual.

There will be more to come

In developed countries, non-manufacturing sectors already occupy up to 80 percent of the economy, and more than two-thirds of the employed population work there. In developing countries, including Russia, about 50 percent. Not only is the share of the sector in the economy increasing, but new types of services are also emerging, especially in industries related to digital technologies. Products also acquire new qualitative characteristics, such as the ability to be stored, accumulated and transmitted over distances. Very soon it will be necessary to give new definitions to the non-productive sphere, its features and characteristics.