Types of pvc pipes for internal sewerage. Sizes and types of PVC sewer pipes and adapters for their connection PVC pipes for internal sewerage

Today, it is common practice in the reconstruction and construction of houses to equip them with all life support systems, including internal sewage. The presence of the necessary engineering systems in the house makes it possible to use modern household and plumbing appliances, which greatly facilitate the life of homeowners and make living conditions as comfortable as possible.

Such equipment, however, as a rule, becomes a source of domestic fecal water. To drain them, an internal sewage system is created and.

Internal sewerage is a network of pipelines and all kinds of branches. On the modern market there are pipes for internal sewerage made of asbestos and concrete, made of polymers, metal, and ceramics.

The rapid development of technology has made it possible to create comfortable and perfect materials used in production. They are low priced and have great features.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material is widely used. Unique qualities with a minimum of shortcomings make it possible to use it even in the food industry, since it is completely safe for human health.

Pipes for internal sewage PVC are designed for drains, the temperature of which reaches 60 degrees Celsius. For a short time even temperatures up to 100 degrees are allowed. The service life of these pipes is at least 40-50 years.

Internal sewage PVC has a number of advantages. One of the main ones is its durability and corrosion resistance. It is not susceptible not only to alkalis and mineral acids, but also to aqueous solutions of fats, salts, oils, alcohols and other chemical compounds.

Inside the PVC pipe is smooth, so it does not overgrow with bacterial and mineral deposits. If there are solid inclusions in the drains, for example, sand, they do not leave a mark on the surface of the pipe.

This section of the Business Pipe catalog contains information about equipment for removing water and other liquids from the premises. The proposed pipes for internal sewerage allow you to move substances with a temperature of 0 to +45 ° C. Use the chemical resistance table to determine the limits of system use by type of excreted substances.

Price list for PVC internal sewerage systems

Dn, mm E, mm Pipe length, mm Price per piece, rub., including VAT*
50 1,8 500 38,00
50 1,8 1000 68,00
50 1,8 1500 100,00
50 1,8 2000 122,00
50 1,8 3000 180,00
50 3,2 500 62,00
50 3,2 1000 111,00
50 3,2 1500 160,00
50 3,2 2000 201,00
50 3,2 3000 308,00
110 2,2 500 86,00
110 2,2 1000 165,00
110 2,2 1500 244,00
110 2,2 2000 306,00
110 2,2 3000 452,00
110 3,2 500 110,00
110 3,2 1000 209,00
110 3,2 1500 300,00
110 3,2 2000 391,00
110 3,2 3000 583,00
Name Price per piece, rub., including VAT
50*50*45 65,00
50*50*87 64,00
110*50*45 121,00
110*50*87 115,00
110*110*45 197,00
110*110*87 174,00
Name Price per piece, rub., including VAT
50*15 61,00
50*30 60,00
50*45 30,00
50*87 35,00
110*15 120,00
110*30 118,00
110*45 92,00
110*87 115,00
Name Price per piece, rub., including VAT
50 125,00
110 263,00
bell cap
Name Price per piece, rub., including VAT
50 25,00
110 58,00
Single-plane cross PP
Name Price per piece, rub., including VAT
110*50*50*45 -
110*50*50*87 191,00
110*110*110*45 210,00
110*110*110*87 210,00
1000 110 2,2 1500 110 2,2 2000 110 2,2 3000 110 3,2 500 110 3,2 1000 110 3,2 1500 110 3,2 2000 110 3,2 3000


  • Name: PVC sewer pipe.
  • Description: designed to collect and discharge polluted wastewater from the building, as well as rainwater into the external sewer network.
  • Interstate standard: TU 6-19-307-86 as amended. 1-7.
  • Color: gray (shades are not regulated).
  • Producer: CJSC Chemkor.
  • Diameter: 50, 110 mm.
  • Length: 345, 500,1000, 1500, 2000,3000 mm.

We offer to buy pipes for internal sewerage in bulk, their use is possible both in residential and industrial and administrative buildings. The company's specialists provide qualified advice on all issues that have arisen. Delivery of the order is provided.

Light weight, ease of installation, high melting point are the main criteria that PVC sewer pipes for domestic sewage meet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the positive characteristics are:

  • low price;
  • easy installation by the socket method without the use of special devices, which reduces the cost of installation work and simplifies repair and dismantling procedures;
  • a wide range of docking products that simplify the design of complex systems;
  • the absence of corrosive deposits, determined by the resistance to aggressive effects of internal environments and the smoothness of the internal walls. These parameters correspond to PVC and PVC-U products intended for the movement of chemical media;
  • high level of resistance to mechanical stress;
  • low weight (the average weight of a running meter of a pipe is close to 2 kg, based on the parameters);
  • internal voltage 6 - 16 amp., determined by the thickness of the material used, which is the main criterion in the selection.

The main disadvantage is the temperature limitation, which varies in the range of + 60 ° С ... -15 ° С.

Features of choice

The main parameter for choosing PVC pipes is the wall thickness, this is due to the traditional use of non-pressure systems, which eliminates the need to select internal pressure. To achieve strong technical characteristics of the walls of products, the determination of the volume of liquid media and the level of mechanical impact from the outside are advocated. Based on these considerations, pipes are selected according to 2 parameters:

  • internal section provided by the specified number of drains;
  • wall thickness to achieve a given limit of mechanical strength.

Technical specifications

The choice of PVC pipes, made in a gray tint, determines a number of characteristic features:

  • smooth surface;
  • socket joint;
  • popular parameters: cross section - 3.2, 4, 5 and 11 cm, length 31.5 - 300 cm;
  • the wall thickness is selected in accordance with the conditions of rigidity, for non-pressure systems it reaches a limit of 1.8 mm, for pressure systems - 3.2 mm.

To determine the wall thickness and diameter of the pipes, markings are used on the outside of the products. For pipes marked with the symbol N, the ring stiffness is 4 kN per m2. The letter S is used to mark pipes with ring stiffness up to 8 kN per m2.

The choice of designs according to the parameters of working environments:

  • Non-pressure products are designed to work with working media where the liquid is transported by gravity, its speed reaches up to 8 m/s.
  • Pressure products serve in a system with a pressure of 10 atm. and more.
  • Corrugated pipes are used to create low-current or power supply of liquid media. The main criteria include an increased level of flexibility, which contributes to the creation of a pipeline in hard-to-reach areas without the use of additional devices.

For work with acids, oils, petroleum products or other chemical compounds, products from the PVC-U series are suitable.

Pressure systems

The use of pressure sewage is relevant in difficult cases, its increased cost is due to the use of additional devices:

  • internal installation of fecal pumps;
  • near the house, prefabricated collectors with forced-type submersible pumping systems are created.

To save resources, it is possible to replace 11 cm pipes with similar structures 5 cm in size. The pipes are buried to a small height, which is explained by the absence of the need to observe a gravity slope. The presence of sockets with rubberized seals suitable for pressure, vacuum systems provides savings on the use of fittings in 70% of cases.

Non-pressure systems

They are produced in the form of measured segments with a length of 1-6 m. Household PVC structures are 50 and 110 mm. The production of industrial systems developed using coextrusion technology (multilayer extrusion) is carried out in segments of 12 and 6 m. And their cross section varies in the range of 9 - 200 cm. PVC structures intended for installation in apartments and private houses are designed for temperature conditions within 0…45 gr.

Based on the type of structures, internal PVC pipes are divided into bell-shaped and products connected through a coupling. Socket structures are represented by measured segments with standard parameters, and a thickening (bell) at one end. On the other hand, they have a perfectly smooth surface. The products connected in the coupling have the same cross-section along the entire length.

Corrugated pipes

With a large number of household appliances and furniture, the unhindered installation of pipes in certain areas is impossible.

By creating a system exclusively from inelastic structures, there is a risk of wasting free space. Corrugated pipes in the room are usually installed under the washbasin.

Product Features:

  • Small cross section. To ensure the normal functioning of the system indoors, large products are not required.
  • Designs are available in white or gray. The absence of dyes in raw materials contributes to their cost reduction.
  • In some sections of the internal sewerage, the installation of heat-resistant corrugated pipes is required. They are used for direct connection of washing or dishwasher equipment, providing the passage of hot sewage, which means that resistance to temperature extremes is the main selection criterion.
  • All corrugated pipes are equipped with a socket, which eliminates the need for special skills and tools during installation. Usually cost sanitary glue or sealant.

uPVC pipes

For the internal laying of networks, PVC-U structures are used that correspond to the following parameters:

  • 2.5, 4, 5 and 11 cm - for wiring devices;
  • 11 ... 15 cm - for arranging risers.

Pipes are supplied in lengths from 30 to 200 cm.

Criterias of choice:

  • low weight, reducing costs by eliminating the need for heavy equipment and the complexity of installation;
  • PVC-U construction resist corrosion, have high resistance to chemical environments;
  • the service life reaches up to 50 years.

The main disadvantages include a number of characteristics:

  • small operating temperature range (from -5 to +40-60 °С);
  • release of toxic elements during melting;
  • exposure to rodents.

Manufacturing technology of PVC products

PVC pipes are developed using extrusion technology - extrusion of a heated polymer, which turns into a solid crust after solidification. Modern manufacturers use 2 types of polymer extrusion:

  1. single-layer, used to create monolithic pipeline systems;
  2. multilayer, used for structures with a complex profile (corrugated systems and reinforced).

The latter is designed for punching through several layers of polymer, sticking together immediately after cooling. This process contributes to the improvement of the quality characteristics of pipeline systems.

The development of PVC pipes is made from a thermoplastic that has undergone heat treatment to maintain its shape. The main components of PVC are ethylene and chlorine, additional additives improve the characteristics of PVC products.

There are 2 types of raw materials for the development of PVC pipes:

  • composition of PVC (PVC);
  • PVC-U (PVC-U) unplasticized.

PVC-U pipes meet high technical specifications, which determines their use in pressure systems.

Laying of pipeline systems

For intra-house wiring, gray pipes are usually used, characterized by a homogeneous structure of the composition, increased heat capacity and a sufficient level of longitudinal rigidity. They are fixed to the walls to eliminate mechanical stress, and ensure a stable gravity slope. PVC structures are aesthetic, they do not require additional masking. The inner coating has a smooth surface, the use of high-pressure cleaning technology allows you to eliminate blockages and restore the original state, which determines the high resource of the system.

The sewer system made of PVC pipes is joined using socket technology with internal rubberized seals in the form of rings. Pipes are expanded from hot drains and connected to expansion holes. For this, special marks are provided on the smooth ends of pipes and fittings, which act as a guideline when connecting pipes. Expansion joints on risers are placed between floors and contribute to the implementation of similar tasks on vertical lines.

Step by step instructions:

  1. The elements of the system are adjusted to each other, checking the compliance of the slope angle.
  2. Markup is carried out, eliminating further confusion in the placement of components.
  3. Connect the elements of the system.

  1. To impart hermetic properties, all docking areas are connected with special glue (for a stronger fixation, all contacting elements are provided with a rough coating).
  2. After coating with an adhesive layer, put on the fitting.
  3. To create branches on pipelines, tees or other distributors are used. Connecting fittings to pipes is similar to connecting pipes to each other.

  1. After completion of work, it is required to check the level of tightness of the system within 60 minutes. In the absence of leaks, the installation of pipes was carried out at a high level.

Fittings for PVC pipes

Properly selected fittings are used for hermetic joining of pipes, which excludes the formation of unforeseen emergencies. The main list of connecting elements includes:

  • knee;
  • "Y" and "U" shaped fittings;
  • couplings;
  • bushings;
  • viewing hatches.

Fittings are used only for horizontal laying of the highway. Turning sections form an accumulation of debris, which requires the installation of a revision. When docking products, there are a number of restrictions. The pipeline is connected at an angle of 45, 67, 87 or 90 degrees.

For the corner connection of pipeline systems, an additional type of fitting is used - corners. They provide a flow change at an angle of 90 or 45 gr. But if necessary, it is possible to purchase corners for 30 and 60 gr.

To connect pipes with different cross sections, transitions are used that provide connection to pipes of 110 mm of products with a cross section of 50 mm.

Estimated prices


Pipes and fittings - without them, the existence of a sewer system is impossible. The correct choice of these products is due to trouble-free operation and a long service life. Today there is a huge selection of types of fittings and pipes. What material they are made of, about the sizes and types, we will talk in this article.

What are sewer pipes

According to the method of water drainage distinguish the following types:

Plastic pipes for sewerage

  • internal pipes - divert water from the source of consumption (, sinks). As a rule, they are painted in gray colors.
  • external - produce a tap from houses and cottages, into the general sewer.

Attention! Pipes for external sewage, unlike internal ones, are made in orange, for easy detection in the ground.

By material from which pipes and fittings are made are divided into:

  • cast iron. Most sewers are made from this material. It is strong, durable (70-85 years), withstands heavy loads. The disadvantages include high cost and installation problems associated with heavy weight. In addition, the inner walls of cast-iron pipes are rough, which makes it difficult for water to move, and build-ups form over time.

Cast iron pipes

  • plastic. Pipes are made from this material for both internal and external sewage. Its main advantages are light weight, which facilitates the process of transportation and installation, relatively low cost, as well as smooth inner walls, which reduces the percentage of congestion. There are three types of plastic pipes and fittings: PVC(mainly used for wastewater. Withstand temperatures up to 70C, but are not very resistant to aggressive environments and UV rays); polyethylene(used for pressure internal and external pipelines. Expand under the influence of hot water, withstand temperatures from -40 to +40. Not applicable for hot water); polypropylene(withstand high temperatures, resistant to acids and alkalis. Most often used to drain water from washing machines and dishwashers).

Fittings for PVC pipes (external sewerage)

  • stainless steel pipes are not very popular due to their low resistance to corrosion.
  • copper pipes are the most expensive, do not corrode and are neutral to the action of acidic and alkaline environments. But their main drawback is the ability to change the color and smell of water.

Fittings for external and internal sewerage

A fitting is a part of a pipeline designed to turn, connect, branch, change to another size, parts of pipes. For an external pipeline, the following types of fittings are distinguished:

Fittings for internal sewerage differ from external ones in color, wall thickness and diameter.

Types of fittings

Main indicators of pipes

  • 25 mm for draining water from a washing machine and dishwasher;
  • 32 mm from any kind of siphon;
  • 50 mm for piping around the room;
  • more than 110 mm for external sewerage.

So, if you decide to lay a sewer, you need to take into account all the basic indicators, the place of passage, the number of transitions and turns, in order to purchase the number of pipes and fittings you need. Properly selected material and dimensions will allow the sewerage system to serve for a long time and without failures.

Sewer pipes: video

Sewer pipes: photo

Polyvinyl chloride pipes (PVC) are made from a thermoplastic of the same name, which retains its shape after heat treatment. The main components of polyvinyl chloride are ethylene and stabilized chlorine, and with the help of additional additives, the properties of PVC pipes are improved.

Most often, PVC pipes are used for sewer networks, due to the ease of installation and low cost. Material for the production of PVC pipes: PVC polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and its twin PVC-U polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) unplasticized. PVC-U pipes have better technical characteristics, and this allows them to be used in pressure systems, so they are used more often.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC pipes

PVC pipes, thanks to a range of benefits, have become a leader among similar products for laying sewers:

The main disadvantage of PVC pipes is temperature limits, which are not more than +65°С and not less than -10°С.

Use of PVC pipes

On PVC pipes, it is possible to implement sewage systems of the following types:

  • internal sewerage;
  • external sewerage;
  • pressure systems of external sewerage;
  • gravity discharge of sewage.

The species names sewer systems accurately reflect the essence of the application. But it should be noted that of the types of pipes used, PVC-U is more often used, since they have better strength characteristics.

Selection and application of PVC pipes

A feature of sewer pipes when choosing is not quite the usual criterion - wall thickness. This follows from the fact that non-pressure pipes, and most of the sewer systems are non-pressure, there is no need to choose according to internal pressure. The only reasonable approach is to ensure sufficient strength pipe walls for the volume of liquid that will fill it, and possible mechanical effects from the external environment. For such reasons, when choosing sewer pipes, two parameters are taken into account:

  • inner diameter, which should provide the predicted volume of effluents;
  • wall thickness to ensure sufficient mechanical strength against the vicissitudes of fate.

Internal sewerage

For internal sewerage, as a rule, PVC pipes are used, which have grey Colour. Their characteristic features:

  • smooth-walled;
  • connection - socket;
  • a range of popular sizes: diameters - 32, 40, 50 and 110 mm, lengths from 315 to 3000 mm;
  • the thickness is chosen from the conditions of rigidity, but as a requirement for gravity systems, it cannot be less than 1.8 mm.

Outdoor sewerage

Pipes orange or yellow colors are intended for outdoor installation and are operated in more severe conditions, therefore, for each diameter there is a list of wall thicknesses for them. So, for example, data for a diameter of 200 mm:

  • for lungs stiffness conditions (SN 2) with a depth of up to 4 m, wall thickness 3.9 mm;
  • for medium rigidity conditions (SN 4) with a depth of up to 6 m, wall thickness 4.9 mm;
  • for heavy rigidity conditions (SN 8) with a depth of up to 8 m, wall thickness 5.9 mm.

The same tabular data is available for other diameters. When designing sewer systems, they are taken into account.

Sewerage using pressure and non-pressure PVC pipes

In systems with forced removal of drains, i.e. with using pumps, PVC pressure pipes are used. They are characterized by increased pressure on the walls, and therefore the requirements are appropriate. Three types of pressure pipes are available 6, 10 and 12.5 kg / cm2 Additionally, you should choose the connection method:

Gravity sewer system uses the movement of wastewater under the action gravity. To select such pipes, the external load is taken into account, and during installation, the slope of the pipeline is provided. Usually, pipes with a socket are used for non-pressure sewage.

The difference between PVC pipes and other polymer pipes

The most common plastic is polyvinyl chloride - far from the only polymer that is used in the manufacture of sewer pipes. Along with it, the following plastics are used:

  • PE polyethylene- the most common plastic for the manufacture of pipes for transporting water. Due to temperature limitations, it is only applicable to cold water.
  • cross-linked polyethylene- resistant against UV radiation, withstands high mechanical loads, has an upper temperature threshold of + 95 ° C, soldered connection, used for cold and hot water;
  • polypropylene PPE- Polypropylene pipes are widely used in various industries due to good mechanical properties and chemical resistance. Especially successful is the use of polypropylene pipes in cold and hot water conduits.
  • polybutylene PB- cross-linked polyethylene, not widely used due to insufficient durability. Structural defects, cracks and delamination appear after a few years. Produced in small quantities.
  • polyvinylidene fluoride PVDF is a semi-crystalline thermoplastic with excellent mechanical, physical and chemical properties and is used in the pharmaceutical industry for drug transfer.

Many of the plastic pipes can compete with PVC, but in terms of the “price-quality” advantages, they have no competitors.

PVC sewer pipe prices

The prices of any product are the most interesting part after discussing the technical merits. Here you can never rely on the figures of today - they largely depend on the manufacturer. And then there's the shipping cost. But all the same, landmarks need to be identified, so let's take one of the cost options for pipes with a diameter of 110 mm. This amounts to 165 rubles per 1 linear meter.

Additionally, it should be noted that the prices for PPE pipes, the closest competitor of PVC, almost 3 times higher, albeit with a larger set of positive qualities. In such cases, they say that there is an excess of advantages, but whether it is worth paying for them is up to the consumer.

The final cost of sewerage construction, taking into account the installation of the system, can add completely unexpected somersaults to the estimate. For a rough estimate, let's take the option of calculating the construction of sewerage in the country with our own hands.

It is assumed that the cottage is in standard conditions: the terrain is insignificant, the groundwater level is low, there are no quicksands, there is a place for discharging purified water, etc.