Why dream of a water tower. Falling tower. Dream interpretation Tower

Why is the tower dreaming

Miller's dream book

If you dream of a tower, it means that you want to achieve a lot in life.

If during a dream you climb a tower, you will succeed.

But if the tower collapses as soon as you go down from it, you will be disappointed.

Why is the tower dreaming

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

In a dream, a tower symbolizes the sublimity of feelings, overcoming obstacles or an unattainable dream.

If in a dream you climb the stairs to the top of the tower with great difficulty, this is a sign that in reality you will have to overcome many obstacles before you reach your goal.

A dream in which you see a tall beautiful tower in front of you symbolizes the sublimity of feelings and desires that overwhelm your heart.

If in a dream the tower fell and collapsed, and you are standing among the rubble, this means that you will destroy your happiness with your rash decisions and actions.

On the river bank, you are building a tower of sand, which is washed away by a wave - this symbolizes deep disappointment that all your efforts will be in vain and will only come true in your fantasies.

If in a dream you are inside a tower that is about to collapse, and wander up the stairs in search of a way out, in reality you will become a witness or participant in social upheaval.

In a dream, you are building a high tower and stacking huge and heavy stones yourself - this means that in reality you will be able to overcome all life's hardships in order to achieve what you want.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Climbing the tower is a disease; falling tower - you will be deprived of freedom; beautiful high tower - to overcome difficulties; watchdog - good views of the future; generally seeing the tower is an expected road.

Why is the tower dreaming

Family dream book

A dream in which a tower is present means that you want to achieve a lot in life.

Climb the tower - you will succeed. But if you barely make it down and the tower collapses, expect disappointment.

Why is the tower dreaming

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

A big and serious problem associated with competitors (rivals, fans) - if you climb B., if you watch - to unrealizable hopes.

Profitable proposition.

Why is the tower dreaming

Spring dream book

Tower - access to society awaits you.

Why is the tower dreaming

Summer dream book

Climbing a high tower in a dream means that you will have a high position in society.

Why is the tower dreaming

Autumn dream book

Tower - you are trying to achieve a lot in life: wealth, high position and the like, but this is not yet in your power.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A tower or tower seen in a dream - speaks of your ambition, which does not allow your energy to fade, forcing you to look for ways to rise in life, make a career, surprise everyone with unexpected success.

If you dream that you are climbing up the numerous steps of a structure that goes far into the sky - your efforts will bring the expected result and your aspirations will come true, you will be promoted at work, improve your financial situation, generous gifts from fans.

However, if you go down, exit the tower and suddenly see how it begins to collapse, you will be disappointed.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Tower - Good news - to see - the expected road - to climb the tower - illness - a falling tower - you will be deprived of freedom - beautiful, high - overcoming difficulties, obstacles, - many towers - an unusual obstacle - watchdog - good views of the future

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

The tower seen in a dream predicts success at work.

If you dreamed that you were living in a tower, a calm, measured life awaits you in the near future.

You dreamed that you were climbing to the top of the tower - you have to work hard to succeed in business.

You watched the tower being built - know that your affairs will be settled without any of your interference.

In a dream, you yourself built a tower - expect big, vain troubles.

You dreamed that you were watching a tower being destroyed - some important event may soon happen that will greatly change your financial situation.

Why is the tower dreaming

Esoteric dream book

Seeing the tower is a rich opportunity.

Being on top is a danger from vanity, don't ask.

Climbing up is a difficult segment of the life path with disabilities.

Jumping, falling from a tower - fear of responsibility associated with social position.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

A difficult climb to the tower in a dream is a sign that in reality you will have to overcome many obstacles to achieve your goal.

A beautiful, slender tower - symbolizes the sublimity of feelings and desires that overwhelm your heart.

The dream in which you are standing in the middle of the wreckage of a fallen tower warns you that you can destroy your happiness with your rash decisions and actions.

A sand tower washed away by a coastal wave is a symbol of deep disappointment, vain efforts and empty fantasies.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

The tower is an obstacle; the many towers in the city are an unusual enterprise.

Why is the tower dreaming

Modern dream book

Anyone who dreams of a tower wants to achieve a lot in life.

Admire the tower - receive good news, promotion, award, gift; young girl - a devoted loving person.

Climbing the tower - to succeed.

If on the road you suddenly stumble upon a tower, an obstacle awaits you.

A city with many towers is a very large and unrealizable obstacle in business for you.

The destruction of the tower from which you descended is a disappointment to come.

If in a dream you heard the beat of a tower clock, you should seriously prepare - you have to make some important decision.

Why is the tower dreaming

Eastern dream book

Climbing to the very roof of the tower - to the implementation of all plans. However, if you dream that while you are climbing the tower, the steps under your feet are crumbling and the tower is eventually destroyed, then your hopes for the best will not come true.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

good news.

Why is the tower dreaming

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

To see a tower, a lighthouse, a factory chimney (without smoke) is a plan that can be successfully implemented / a call for chastity / dissatisfaction in love to feel.

Watch from the tower, the falling tower is a failure from an unforeseen event.

Seeing a tower far on the horizon is longing for a loved one.

Watchtower is a dubious adventure.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Tower - Achieving success will require considerable effort, but the result is worth it. Imagine that the tower is not at all as high as it seemed. Ideally, it turns out that the tower is a toy.

Why is the tower dreaming

Combined dream book

A person who dreams of a tower is very ambitious and used to achieving everything himself.

Look at the tower - get good news, career growth; For a young woman, this dream promises a faithful loving person.

Climbing the tower - to succeed, after a series of obstacles.

If on the way you suddenly meet a tower, an obstacle lies in wait for you.

A city with a large number of towers is an almost insurmountable obstacle in business.

The destruction of the tower from which you descended is a significant disappointment in the near future.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Tower - the fulfillment of ambitious aspirations, elevation.

Why is the tower dreaming

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Tower - Usually seen in a dream, the tower symbolizes the head of state, an important official or representative of the administration, as well as a high clergyman. All of them are united by the fact that they, as a rule, speak and address a large number of people. To be in a dream at the top of the tower is a harbinger of an imminent career take-off; it is likely that you will enter the highest realms. Building a tower - heralds that in reality you will do a surprisingly noble deed. Destroying the tower is a sign that confusion may soon begin among your associates, and as a result, troubles and problems. A collapsed tower in a dream is a symbol of strife, unrest and unrest. If the tower you dreamed about is richly decorated or is it a tower of jewels in general, this means that you will enlist the trust of a high-ranking person and thanks to this you will achieve a lot. A stone and lime tower is an indication that your leader has such qualities as cruelty and treachery. Most likely, he is just a despot, so be careful in dealing with him. Wooden tower - an indication of a stealing leader or official. His soul is miserable and miserable, and he himself is a complete nonentity! If the tower is located near the entrance to the temple, it is a symbol of a worthy and pious leader. Such a person is quite capable of inspiring people to do good and lofty deeds.

Why is the tower dreaming

Worldly dream book

You dreamed of the Chimes on the Tower - in a dream you hear the chiming of the chimes on the Tower - it predicts a quarrel with one of your colleagues; keep your desk drawers locked.

Why is the tower dreaming

Modern dream book

Tower (high tall building) - Good news.

The Tower (lighthouse) is dreaming - The tower, lighthouse, industrial pipe symbolize a high spirit; also a male phallic symbol. Seeing the tower - to the implementation of your plans. Leaning tower - failure, dissatisfaction in love. Lighthouse - fast travel.

Why is the tower dreaming

Creative dream book

You dreamed about the Tower, what is it for (Obelisk, Belfry, Lighthouse, etc.). Any image of the tower represents the personality as well as the soul within. Although there are obvious connotations that are associated with the Masculine, it would be more correct to perceive them as Essence within a larger context. If you think about the tower in this way, then you should pay attention to its attributes: windows, doors, steps, their location. This will lead to a greater understanding of the Spiritual Essence.

Why is the tower dreaming

British dream book

Tower - Towers are used either to observe from them (observers can see the most comprehensive picture of the surrounding space), or to prevent attack from hostile forces, or for other purposes (for example, astronomical). Do you consider yourself superior to others intellectually or morally? Perhaps you are some kind of protector in charge of the safety and well-being of others?

A tower, like any other upward-looking structure, such as a spire or chimney, can also symbolize an erection. Why dream: If the tower is high and in good condition, it means that your faith in your ability to cope with the work is strong. If the tower is falling apart, the steps are crumbling, the stones are loose, it is worth checking whether you really keep everything under control for your safety and the safety of others.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of a Tower - You dream of a tower - this is a good sign; what you have worked so hard for will finally come true. You seem to be climbing a tower, clinging to bumps in the wall, looking for where to put your foot; time drags on - perhaps in real life you swung at something beyond your strength, it’s beyond your reach; they say among the people - they rolled out their lip, coveted it, but you can’t take it.

But if in a dream you easily and quickly climb the tower, in reality your determination will bring you success; you will reach the height you aspire to. You see that the tower is falling, the walls are collapsing - disappointment may await you, or a complete disaster may happen; from the hole you fall into, it will be difficult to get out.

Why is the tower dreaming

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does the Tower mean in a dream - see also Buildings.

1. A tower in a dream usually represents a structure that we have created in our lives. Looking down or up the tower can be an internal relationship or an external life. To dream of a tower without a door means to be in touch with your inner world. A tower without loopholes means that we are not able to see and correctly evaluate our external and internal qualities. The ivory tower suggests an innocent approach. The square tower is a practical approach to life, while the round tower speaks of a spiritual focus. The round turret at the top of the square building is a combination of the practical and the spiritual.

2. From a psychological point of view, if we want to live life to the fullest, then we need to understand our own tower. In dreams, it may first appear in the distance, then gradually approach. The way we enter the tower is also important. Small steps may mean that we are just ordinary individuals. If the door is tightly closed, then we are not yet ready to explore our subconscious essence. If the door is simply closed, then we must make an effort to get inside. If the inside of the tower is dark, we are still afraid of our unconscious. The dreamer, given these assumptions, is able to interpret other symbols. So, a secret room in a tower has the same meaning as a secret room in a house.

3. From a spiritual point of view, the tower is ambivalent, since it represents the feminine as a refuge, and the masculine in form, and also indicates both a spiritual take-off and a descent to the earthly, practical.

Why is the tower dreaming

Russian dream book

What does the Tower mean in a dream - you want to achieve a lot in life; if you climb the tower - to success; if the tower collapses - to disappointment.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

What does the Tower mean in a dream - elevation, career. To rise to the top of the tower - to gain authority, honor, respect. To stand on top of the tower is the stability of the achieved position. Climbing the stairs to the top of the tower is a good start to a career or any other business. A dilapidated tower - old merits that no one needs. Watchtower - restriction of freedom. Leaning tower - imprisonment. Seeing towers in the distance or on a hill is an upcoming journey.

Why is the tower dreaming

Jewish dream book

You dreamed of the Tower - Climb the tower - get money. Inspect the surroundings from a high tower - seek protection from enemies. Walk around the tower - look for a way to make money.

Why is the tower dreaming

Women's dream book

Tower - A difficult climb to the tower in a dream is a sign that in reality you will have to overcome many obstacles to achieve your goal. A beautiful, slender tower symbolizes the sublimity of feelings and desires that overwhelm your heart. The dream in which you are standing in the middle of the wreckage of a fallen tower warns you that you can destroy your happiness with your rash decisions and actions. A sand tower washed away by a coastal wave is a symbol of deep disappointment, vain efforts and empty fantasies, this is how the Tower interprets the dream book.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Tower - achievements; strengthening of internal positions. Climb to the top - overcoming obstacles to achieve the goal; falling tower - fear that the goal will not be achieved; build a tower - confidence that you will overcome all life's hardships; building a tower of sand is a futile effort.

Why is the tower dreaming

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Tower - A symbol of the ascent and formation of I. The human body. Emblem of the Virgin Mary. In the 16th lasso of the Tarot, a tower struck by lightning - the destruction of projects, the catastrophe of plans, the overthrow of idols, the destruction of the Self, as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

Why is the tower dreaming

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good value A tower decorated with flags and banners - your life will be filled with laughter and joy. Everything will turn out, and you will be in time everywhere. You will feel a surge of strength. Remove heavy curtains from windows for 5 days, leave only tulle. Hang as many ribbons as possible near the bed.

Bad valueWatchtower - prepare for trouble both at work and in your personal life. You have to keep the defense everywhere. It is possible that people close to you get sick. For 10 days, wear as many jewelry as possible, give preference to jewelry with large stones. Before going to bed, burn a candle completely (it doesn’t matter what kind - it can be church or souvenir, it’s not the candle that plays the role, but the live fire, which should be lit and let it burn out naturally).

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream interpretation of catchphrases

TOWER - “turn the tower” - threat, aggression, collapse. The tower indicates the difficulty of achieving something. "Imprison in the tower" - a severe punishment with the impossibility of escaping.

Why is the tower dreaming

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It reflects the morality of the prevailing "Super-I" (social rules and norms learned by the individual from the outside) and symbolizes a tradition or ideology that impedes development.

Why is the tower dreaming

Old Russian dream book

let; the many towers in the city are an unusual enterprise.

Why is the tower dreaming

Idiomatic dream book

Tower - indicates the difficulty of achieving something; "to imprison in the tower" - a severe punishment with the impossibility of escaping.

"Turn the tower" - threat, aggression, collapse.

Why is the tower dreaming

Online dream book

As they say in many dream books, only very narcissistic people can dream of a tower. It is these dreams that people who are strong in spirit, self-sufficient and successful see.

In life, some unusual meeting awaits you if you dreamed of many towers.

An impressive citadel with a good fortification - dreams, foreshadowing a great influential success.

The messenger of a rapid rise up the career ladder is a dream in which you are standing on the roof of a tower. It may happen that you will rise to unprecedented Heights in society.

Jumping from the top of the citadel and not crashing in a dream - promises in reality some circumstances in which you happen to decide on something, which will entail a huge responsibility. Only you can influence the outcome of this event.

Turning a tower into ruins in a dream - promises, according to the dream book, a big mess that is about to happen. After that, you may have some kind of parka in cases with a deplorable outcome.

If in a dream your tower suddenly collapses, expect a quarrel, huge troubles and chaos in life.

Eiffel Tower - news from distant relatives, friends.

In a dream, to be on the Eiffel Tower - you will gain new knowledge from a long journey. Gain wisdom and practical experience.

Fall, fall off the Eiffel Tower - you do not value your own life, try to be prudent.

She dreams of climbing the Eiffel Tower - perhaps you will be promoted up the career ladder or a very large inheritance. One way or another, your life is on the verge of great changes.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

The tower is good news.

Why is the tower dreaming

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

In the official headdress you climb the tower. - Will be relocated.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream interpreter 1829

To see a tower in a dream is a sign of exaltation, and for those in public service - an award, an increase in rank or the goodwill of the authorities.

Why is the tower dreaming

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

The tower is a symbol of the ascension and formation of the Self. The human body. Emblem of the Virgin Mary.

In the 16th lasso of the Tarot, a tower struck by lightning - the destruction of projects, the catastrophe of plans, the overthrow of idols, the destruction of I.

Why is the tower dreaming

Old Persian dream book Taflisi

The tower usually seen in a dream symbolizes the head of state, an important official or representative of the administration, as well as a high clergyman. All of them are united by the fact that they, as a rule, speak and address a large number of people.

To be in a dream at the top of the tower is a harbinger of an imminent career take-off; it is likely that you will enter the highest realms.

Building a tower - heralds that in reality you will do a surprisingly noble deed.

Destroying the tower is a sign that confusion may soon begin among your associates, and as a result, troubles and problems.

A collapsed tower in a dream is a symbol of strife, unrest and unrest.

If the tower you dreamed about is richly decorated or is it a tower of jewels in general, this means that you will enlist the trust of a high-ranking person and thanks to this you will achieve a lot.

A stone and lime tower is an indication that your leader has such qualities as cruelty and treachery. Most likely, he is just a despot, so be careful in dealing with him.

Wooden tower - an indication of a stealing leader or official. His soul is miserable and miserable, and he himself is a complete nonentity!

If the tower is located near the entrance to the temple, it is a symbol of a worthy and pious leader. Such a person is quite capable of inspiring people to do good and lofty deeds.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

A dream in which you see a tall beautiful tower in front of you means that feelings and desires overwhelm your heart. If in a dream you climb a spiral staircase to the very top of a tower or lighthouse, this is a sign that in reality you will have to overcome many obstacles before you reach your goal.

In a dream, you build a high tower and carry large stones yourself - in reality you will be able to overcome all life's hardships in order to achieve what you want.

The dream in which you jumped from a high tower and did not crash is a sign that you will have to make a very important and responsible decision, the result of which depends only on you.

If in a dream the tower falls and collapses, and you are standing among its ruins, this means that you yourself will destroy your happiness.

If you build a sand tower on the coast of the sea or river, which is then washed away by a wave, most likely all your efforts will be in vain and will only come true in your fantasies. You will experience deep disappointment.

If in a dream you are inside a tower that is about to collapse, and wander along the stairs in search of a way out, in reality you will become a witness or participant in some significant event.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Tower - powerful enemies.

Why is the tower dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The tower is a symbol of power, power.

The dream in which the tower appears means that you set high life goals for yourself.

Disappointment promises a dream during which you have just descended from the tower, and it collapsed before your eyes. However, if in a dream you climb a tower, such a dream should be interpreted as a harbinger of success in business.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The tower seen in a dream is a symbol of power and strength. The imprudent and inappropriate use of the available power portends a dream with a tower disproportionately stretched upwards. This dream may indicate that the sleeper (s) underestimates opponents and overestimates his own influence and capabilities. In addition, this dream can predict a loss of influence and support from the masses.

If in a dream you saw a tower surrounded by obstacles and it is difficult to approach it, in reality you will meet an outstanding person of high rank, this may be a well-known politician or business tycoon who has achieved significant success.

Have you seen a tower fortified on all sides? Such a dream should be interpreted as a manifestation of influence and strength.

Changes in politics and other areas of life promise a dream in which you saw a collapsing tower.

An armed attack on a tower in a dream means that in reality you will watch the battle of two camps or two serious rivals. Most likely, these will be equal opponents with a high level of influence. Such a collision will not pass without a trace, it will initiate consequences that will change a lot.

A tower with loopholes means that the power established in a particular society is based on fear and submission, such a dream speaks of a strong passion and aggression characteristic of this society.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The obstacle symbolizes a dream, with a tower. If in the city you see not one, but many towers, wait for an offer to participate in an unusual business for you.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

In general, the tower seen in a dream means a future road.

Did you see a falling tower in a dream? You are incarcerated.

Climbing the tower in a dream - to illness.

Overcoming difficulties is promised by a beautiful, strong and high tower seen in a dream.

A watchtower in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality you have good prospects for a future life.

Dream Interpretation Semenova

Climbing the tower in a dream, and the climb was difficult? In reality, you have to overcome many obstacles before you reach your goal.

To dream of a beautiful tower, the silhouette of which is slender and thin, is a sign of your strong and noble desires that excite your heart and soul.

A fallen tower, among the rubble of which you saw yourself in a dream, is a sign that you should carefully consider your actions. The actions that you do out of stupidity or indiscretion will cause the destruction of your happy future.

Vain efforts and fantasies are unlikely to come true, as evidenced by the dream, in which the sand tower, recently built by you, is washed away by the coastal wave.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

A dream with a tower suggests that social morality or certain foundations are preventing you from developing, what can be conditionally called the “Super-I”, most likely, upbringing and social ideology that dominates your self-consciousness has left an imprint on your life.

Chinese dream book

In real life, you will encounter an obstacle if you saw a tower in a dream. However, in the case when a city or other settlement has not one, but several towers, such a dream promises you an unusual enterprise.

Small dream book

The tower that appeared in a dream predicts the fulfillment of ambitious desires. In addition, this dream speaks of your elevation in reality.

Correct dream book

Perfectionism and the pursuit of perfection are symbolized by a dream during which you saw a tower with large dimensions. Seeing yourself on top of a tower in a dream is a sign that in reality you can achieve success in all your endeavors. However, if in a dream you climbed to the top of the tower and it collapsed right under your feet, keep in mind that in reality your dreams are not destined to come true.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Overcoming obstacles, the fulfillment of dreams and the sublimity of feelings symbolize the dream in which the tower appears.

In particular, if in a dream you climb the tower with difficulty, there are many steps in front of you and behind you - such a dream should be considered as evidence of difficulties in achieving the goal.

A beautiful tower with delicate features is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are overwhelmed with feelings and high aspirations.

The dream in which you saw yourself among the wreckage of the tower calls for prudence and thinking through decisions and actions. He says that a rash action will lead to the fact that you will destroy your own happiness with your own hands.

Are you building a sand tower in a dream, and is it washed away with water? Know that your dreams and aspirations are unrealizable. All your actions will be in vain, it remains only to accept.

In the case when in a dream you jumped from a high tower and passed a terrible fate, in reality you have to make an important decision, the outcome of which will depend solely on your skills.

The social upheaval that you will be involved in promises a dream in which you wander for a long time in a dilapidated tower in search of a way out.

Did you build a tower on your own in a dream? Stacked heavy stones? Evidence that in reality you are not afraid of obstacles, and you will overcome them all. Most likely, you are quite lucky and purposeful.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Did you see the tower in a dream? In reality, you are destined for the exaltation and fulfillment of desires, even the most ambitious ones.

Ukrainian dream book

Speculation and an act that you do without thinking about it promises a dream in which you saw a tower in the distance. Misfortune and loss are predicted by a dream in which you watch the fall of a once strong tower. Such a dream suggests that you risk losing freedom, both literally and figuratively. If in a dream you are trying to climb the tower, you will benefit and have great prospects, perhaps you will "go all out" and promote debauchery. Another meaning of this dream is illness.

Freud's modern family dream book:

Anyone who dreams of a tower wants to achieve a lot in life.

Admire the tower - receive good news, promotion, award, gift; young girl - a devoted loving person.

Climbing the tower - to succeed. If on the road you suddenly stumble upon a tower, an obstacle awaits you.

A city with many towers is a very large and unrealizable obstacle in business for you.

The destruction of the tower from which you descended is the coming disappointment.

If in a dream you are building a sand tower on a river bank, and it is washed away by a wave all the time, then this means deep disappointment due to wasted efforts. Dreams can only come true in your fantasies.

The dream in which you jumped from a high tower and did not crash is a sign that you will soon have to make a very important and responsible decision. The consequences of this decision will depend only on you.

If in a dream you are inside a tower that is about to collapse and are looking for a way out, then in reality you will become a witness or participant in dramatic events.

If in a dream you are building a high tower and laying huge heavy stones on the foundation yourself, this means that in reality you will be able to overcome all life's problems in order to achieve the desired result.

What do dreams mean? - Juno's new dream book:

The tower you dreamed about means that you are striving to achieve a lot in life.

Seeing a tower far on the horizon is longing for a loved one.

Climbing the tower during a dream - success awaits you, falling - a warning about the danger of your plans.

If the tower collapses as soon as you go down from it, you will be disappointed.

Watchtower is a dubious adventure.

The tower in a dream is a symbol of success. This is what most dream books think. But if in a dream you happened to fall from it, then most likely you really are not doing as well as you would like. But here it is possible to accurately answer the question of what the tower is dreaming of only taking into account all the details of the dream. So, the height of the structure, and the appearance, and your actions in a dream are of no small importance. It is on these factors that the exact interpretation of sleep depends.


Did you happen to see a tower of unprecedented beauty in a dream? So, according to Miller's dream book, everything will work out in your life in the best possible way.

Had a dream about how you keep track of time, what is shown, while every hour is marked by the ringing of bells? Most likely, in reality, you will be pleased with the news. You will hear the good news that you have been waiting for so long,

Did you happen to see in a dream how a tall building staggers and sways? Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova believes that in reality you can maintain your position in any situation.

Did you see in a dream how you admire the beautiful frescoes inside the ancient fortress? This means that a very interesting adventure awaits you in life, and even a gamble.

Buildings with history

Did you happen to see yourself on the Eiffel Tower in a dream? In reality, a new meeting awaits you, some kind of romantic adventure, as a result of which a serious relationship may arise.

Have you seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Adventures and strong emotions await you ahead. The lunar dream book advises to wait a little with passions and cool your ardor somewhat. Otherwise, serious problems await you.

Had a dream to watch the earthquake and the destruction of the Eiffel Tower? Most likely, in reality, various problems and troubles await you, which will be very difficult to get rid of.

But if standing on the Eiffel Tower, you admire Paris and enjoy the peace, then the reality for you will be calm and serene. But if life is in full swing around, crowded, then your reality will be filled with meetings and events. This interpretation of sleep is given by Miss Hasse's dream book.

Rise or fall

Why dream of climbing a castle wall in a dream? The lunar dream book believes that events await you in reality, which will eventually change your whole life. Did you have to climb the bell tower and ring the bells? Very soon you will know about the sensational event and share it with your surroundings.

Did you climb a dilapidated lighthouse in a dream? According to the Eastern Dream Book, in the future you can achieve what you want if you put in a lot of effort.

You are unlikely to be able to actually realize your dreams.

see the ruins

We saw in a dream how you are sitting at the top of an ancient fortress that has suffered from destruction. Such a plot indicates that all other people's interests are above your own for you. Learn to deny others in reality.

If in a dream a castle collapses before your eyes, then it's time to stop living in dreams. The dream in which you see how, indicates that trouble awaits you in life. The female dream book advises to avoid quarrels and conflicts.

If among the ruins you have found a watch that has not lost its attractiveness, then you can safely implement your craziest projects. Luck is on your side.

Tower erection

If in a dream you happened to build a water tower, then perhaps in reality you will be offered a new job with a decent salary and a higher position.

If in a dream you climbed to a height to hang a clock, then in life you will build your own destiny.

The sand tower that you saw in a dream symbolizes empty dreams in reality. And the fall of a high-rise building is financial difficulties and expenses. This is the opinion of the Autumn Dream Book.

To correctly interpret the dream about the tower, look into the dream book. The tower in a dream is often an auspicious sign, portending pleasant events. But sometimes it quite clearly reflects the inner world and experiences of the dreamer.

It is not difficult to determine what exactly she is dreaming of in your case. It is enough to recall all the details of the dream, see how the dream book explains them, and compare this meaning with your life.


A tall beautiful tower usually dreams of new achievements. Perhaps you will succeed in a business that was previously alien to you. You will have a chance to improve your knowledge and apply it in practice.

If the tower was small in a dream, then in reality you should pay attention to your self-esteem. It is possible that lately you have not been confident enough in yourself. The dream interpretation recommends "digging" in yourself and finding your strengths.

A leaning structure usually appears in a dream to difficulties. If you pull yourself together and do not mope, then problems will be solved quickly enough. The main thing is not to be lazy and take the necessary measures in time.

can be seen when you decide to radically change your plans. If you have thought about everything well, then success awaits you. And a decision made at the level of an emotional outburst can harm you.

A rapid rise up the career ladder is what the tower is dreaming of, the top of which goes to the sky. There comes a time in your life when you can prove to others that you are capable of much.

  • Brick - show willpower.
  • - Troubles are temporary.
  • Rubber - be more loyal.
  • Plastic - treat the situation with humor.
  • From cream - for a romantic date.

If you had a dream in which the Eiffel Tower was, this is a sign that glory and universal recognition await you in the future. And if it glowed at night, then influential people will soon find out about your talents.

To see a tower near one's own - according to the dream book, means to come close to the goal. You have the opportunity to finish the work you have begun ahead of schedule and receive a generous reward for it.

If the building swayed in the wind, then you have a difficult choice. To ensure that your decision does not have negative consequences, consult with a more experienced person. He will give you sound, wise advice.

The people at the top of the tower indicate that you have something to strive for. With effort, you will definitely reach a new, higher standard of living. And if they wave at you, then someone you know will help you succeed.

The interpreter of dreams interprets the falling tower as a chance to start all over again. Don't despair if something doesn't work out for you. A moment has come in your life when many undertakings can lead to good results.

What did you do in the dream

To see a tower in a dream, while making a tour, according to the dream book, means to observe important events from the outside. Experts recommend not to interfere in other people's affairs, but only to learn from what is happening.

Walking around the structure means carefully considering your actions. Perhaps now not only your fate, but also the future of loved ones depends on you. By taking the right steps, you will ensure success for yourself and your family.

If the dream tower falls on you, then fate gives you an important warning. Don't take on something you can't handle. Do only what you really have a soul for.

Climbing a building - according to the interpreter of dreams, means to quickly achieve success. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties, to be confident in your abilities. With such a mood, you will get everything that you have long dreamed of.

You may also dream that the tower in a dream was your place of residence. Such a dream speaks of the richness of your inner world. Others often admire you, set an example, listen to your opinion.

  • Destroy a large tower - worry about the outcome of the case.
  • Building is planning for the future.
  • Paint - get a creative task.
  • Taking pictures - to pleasant memories.
  • Step on a tower of sand - remove the "rose-colored glasses".

Falling from the top of a building - according to the dream book, means abandoning your plan. Most likely, due to the circumstances, your plans will change. Don't worry, you'll see that it's even better.

If you had a dream in which the tower was built by your ancestors, then soon you will receive good news from your relatives. Most likely, it will relate to the financial issue.

Shaking with fear, climbing a structure, means getting into an awkward situation. And jumping and dancing at the top is to have information that will definitely come in handy for you in the future.

If you are alone admiring the beauties of Paris from the Eiffel Tower, then soon you will be able to find peace of mind. All troubles will be left behind, and you will only have to enjoy the positive changes in life.

To be imprisoned in a tower is not to have freedom of action. Most likely, you are oppressed by control from higher authorities. If this affects your psychological state, then the dream book recommends changing jobs.

After you dreamed of a tower, do not forget to write down your dream on a piece of paper. So you don't miss a single nuance. This will allow you to qualitatively and quickly interpret your nightly dreams. Author: Vera Fractional