The interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make candy out of the corridor (39 photos). Entrance hall in a private house - original design ideas and modern design options (115 photos) Modern entrance hall design in a private house

The entrance hall is the face of every house, not only private, but also an apartment. This is exactly the place that your friends and neighbors see first when they come to visit. Decorating the hallway in a private house is a responsible occupation and requires balanced decisions so that you do not have to change the interior several times.

Of course, it is easier without hesitation to invite a professional designer for such cases. However, for people who like to do everything with their own hands and creativity, it will not be difficult to make an unusual type of room on their own.

What to think about first

The first thing to think about before starting a renovation is how functional your entryway should be. Is there a need to purchase a wardrobe or the presence of seats.

Some hosts find it convenient to have a small table or rack for storing keys and bags. Such things should be clarified in advance. Once the furniture is selected for the hallway, you can proceed to its decoration.

wall decoration

Before you begin to work, you need to buy materials for wall cladding. The decoration of the hallway in a private house will look beautiful from natural materials. Wood has always been considered the best building material for creating beautiful designs.

It should be borne in mind that the walls in the hallway suffer greatly due to the influence of dust, water, dirt on them, as well as mechanical stress. When removing shoes, if there is no special seat, then leaning on the wall can damage it or spoil the appearance. Dirt and rainwater that gets on the wood also have a bad effect on its quality.

Materials are especially susceptible to damage if small children and animals are present in the house. Therefore, when choosing, one must rely on the fact that then return the tree to its original appearance. Excellent materials for the hallway can be:

Clapboard calm- a panel made of natural wood. Pine, oak, Canadian cedar, larch can act as wood. It is often purchased for several reasons:

  • environmentally friendly material;
  • gives off a wonderful aroma that is good for health;
  • can mount horizontally and vertically;
  • light;
  • inexpensive, designed for the middle strata of the population.

The lining-calm is attached to the rack frame, creating a perfectly flat surface.

For an interesting design idea, half the lining of the hallway with clapboard is allowed, and the other half is pasted over with washable wallpaper.

timber imitation- a board that has been processed and looks like a bar. Each such board has a groove on one side and a spike on the other. Such devices allow for easy installation. An imitation of a bar is made from various tree species - Canadian cedar, larch, pine, oak. The front side of the board is completely smooth without flaws, but the inside has grooves that prevent water from accumulating and also allow oxygen to pass through.

Block house - wood material which specializes in the processing of exterior and interior panels. Visually it looks like solid rounded logs, so it has no equal in decorative terms. It has excellent thermal insulation, so it often does not need a heater.

All these wood panels are made from different types of wood. It can be coniferous and deciduous species.

One of the environmentally friendly, as well as inexpensive materials, is pine, Canadian cedar. Due to the large amount of resin that gives off a wonderful aroma, it is good to put such a sheathing on people suffering from bronchial asthma. On the technical side, it needs to be given enough attention, otherwise the resin can lead to delamination of the boards from the inside. Therefore, do not use them in the bath, bath and kitchen. Those who have more money can choose a material made from larch.

Hardwoods are stronger and more durable than conifers. The most common varieties are oak, beech. Despite their high price, they fully justify their quality. Sheathing with such varieties ensures heat retention, unpretentiousness in use and long service life.

From non-natural materials for decoration can be distinguished:

  • Vinyl wallpapers– washable wallpapers, which have increased strength, are simply glued without assistance. It is profitable to buy them, because they have a rich color range, while they have an affordable price.
  • The liquid wallpaper- a universal tool for creating a stylish design. One of the main advantages is that you can easily create niches, arches, smooth lines. They are allowed to be varnished, after which they can simply be wiped.
  • Dye- one of the most popular and affordable means for wall decoration. However, to create it, you need a perfectly flat surface. This method requires more money and time.
  • Decorative plaster- An excellent option for creating a strong and long-lasting wall treatment. The advantages of this material are a wide range of colors, ease of application and, as a result, there is no need to care for it.
  • PVC and MDF panels are a simple and, most importantly, a quick way to finish walls or a certain section of them in the hallway. To date, there are several types of panels - slatted, sheet, tiled square.

In the hallway, you can make combined options that you can come up with on your own. It all depends on your imagination.


The floor here gets the most unenviable fate, because here they get the heaviest load. Dirty shoes, sharp heels, wet umbrellas - this is not the whole list of what the floor can face, apart from frequent pollution. Therefore, the choice of material should be approached very responsibly:

  • Linoleum- one of the inexpensive and common types of flooring material. He stands out from everyone because he is easy to care for. It is best to purchase semi-commercial or commercial linoleum, because. it is less susceptible to defects from mechanical stress.
  • Laminate- beautiful, durable material. For the floor in the hallway, it is better to purchase waterproof, durable, wear-resistant methods. The joints of the laminate suffer more than others, in order to avoid this, it is necessary to carry out the treatment with a moisture-resistant grout.
  • Tile- a very strong building material that does not require special care. Installing it is not easy, so you need to contact a professional tiler. The tile is not afraid of moisture, dirt, or mechanical damage - it will withstand everything.

Important! For large hallways, you can combine tiles with linoleum, laminate, parquet.


The choice of ceiling finishes is similar to the choice of material for the rest of the rooms in the house. What can be done on the ceiling in the hallway:

  • tension;
  • suspension;
  • ceiling finish.

A stretch ceiling is an excellent solution for creating a beautiful, even ceiling if there were defects in the base. It is difficult to install it yourself, so it is better to seek help from specialists.

As for the false ceiling, it is made of plasterboard or plastic panels. This type of ceiling provides an additional opportunity to install more light, at different levels, while all electrical wires and other communications will be disguised under the panels.

The entrance hall is the first room that we see when entering the house. And the first impression of the entire household depends on how this utilitarian room is designed. But impressions are more important for guests, the owners of a private house are primarily interested in the functionality, practicality of the room, the correspondence of the interior to their understanding of beauty and comfort.

If you are planning a renovation in the hallway, it means that all other rooms have already passed this stage and you have a general opinion about the interior of the whole house, its furnishings, color palette and furniture features. Perhaps you will proceed from the general design trends of the entire household, or you may decide to design the interior of the hallway in a style that is radically unusual for the entire building or choose unusual color schemes. It all depends on your personal preferences, sense of proportion, room size and financial capabilities.

We bring to your attention a small collection of recommendations for the implementation of repairs in the hallway - the choice of finishes, furniture, decor and accessories. We hope that real design projects of hallways located in private households will inspire you to your own achievements in the difficult task of home improvement.

So, you have started creating a hallway design project and the first thing you need to decide is to decide how functionally loaded your utility room should be. Do you plan to store only the clothes and shoes that you wear daily in this room, or do you need a large storage system (this also depends on the number of households in your home). Whether you need a place to sit and how spacious (some homeowners even equip dressing tables for applying makeup in the hallway, it all depends on your lifestyle and the capacity, functional fullness of the rest of the rooms).

After the nuances of the functional fullness of your hallway are determined, you can proceed to planning the finishing work.

hallway decoration


Any decoration begins with the definition of materials for decorating the walls. And the hallways, especially in a private house, are subject to increased exposure to moisture, dust, dirt and mechanical friction. Taking off our shoes, we can lean against the wall, raindrops (not always clean) fall from clothes and umbrellas onto walls and floors, metal objects on bags and shoes can scratch surfaces. For homes with children and pets, the challenges of cleaning the hallway after slushy weather will be even more acute. Therefore, when choosing a material for wall decoration, remember the possibility of cleaning and resuscitation of such surfaces after serious contamination.

We advise you not to opt for expensive textile wallpaper or plain paper. It is necessary to choose durable and wear-resistant, preferably washable, options. At the same time, it is important that cleaning the surface does not require special tools or devices, because cleaning will have to be done often.

Ways to decorate the walls of the hallway of a private house

  1. vinyl wallpaper - the first and most important difference between this type of coating and simple paper wallpaper is that they can be washed. They are stronger and thicker, easy to apply on your own, the choice of color palette is endless, and the price is reasonable;
  2. liquid wallpaper - the main advantage of this type of finish is that it can be used to decorate surfaces of any complexity - with bends, niches, arches, etc. If liquid wallpaper is covered with a special varnish, then subsequently, caring for their condition will consist of a simple wash;
  3. paint is a simple and inexpensive way to finish the walls in the hallway, but it requires a completely flat surface. You may have to spend more time, effort and money on plastering and wallpapering the walls for painting;
  4. decorative plaster is a fairly durable way to process walls, the color range is extensive, the application process is simple and the result does not require special care;
  5. MDF and PVC panels are a very effective way to decorate walls or part of them in a hallway in a short time. There are three types of such panels - tiled square, type-setting rack and sheet panels. This is an inexpensive and fairly durable material that will be easy to mount yourself. But it is important to pay attention to the degree of moisture resistance of the selected type of panels.

Often in the hallway, the principle of combining wall decoration is used. With the help of MDF or PVC, a kind of apron is laid out from the floor to about the middle of the wall (it all depends on your preferences and the size of the hallway), and then the walls are painted or pasted over with moisture-resistant wallpaper.

For example, for the country style (especially the Russified version), it is typical not to paint the walls that are made of wood, but to treat them with antiseptics, various sprays against the effects of insect pests and moisture. Also varnished.


Perhaps such a load as in the hallway is not experienced by floors in any other room of the dwelling. Heels, heavy bags, metal objects, in some houses - wheels of bicycles, scooters, roller skates. And that's not to mention dirt, dust and moisture. For the design of the flooring, it is important to choose a durable, reliable material that will be easy to care for.

Flooring options:

Linoleum is one of the most popular types of flooring in our country. This is an inexpensive and reliable way to cover floors, which is incredibly easy to care for. Linoleum is divided into household, semi-commercial and commercial, depending on the level of wear resistance. Household linoleum is not suitable for hallway floors due to frequent exposure to sharp objects such as studs and heels.

Laminate - if you choose this method of flooring, then you need to give preference to moisture-resistant, durable and most wear-resistant options. Joints of laminate elements are especially exposed to moisture, use a special moisture-resistant grout.

Tile is a durable and reliable flooring option that does not require much effort to maintain. If you choose ceramic tiles, then give preference to porcelain stoneware - it is stronger and more durable than ordinary tiles, it is protected from slipping. Stone tiles are an expensive (especially when it comes to natural stone) way of finishing floors, but the most durable and reliable.

If your hallway is spacious enough, then you can use a combination of floor coverings - use tiles in the most loaded part, then lay a laminate, linoleum or floor board.


In principle, finishing the ceiling in the hallway is not much different from the choice of material for other rooms in the home. You can be guided by your own preferences and taste preferences, as well as financial capabilities.

Types of ceilings for the hallway:

The stretch ceiling is easy to maintain, durable and is an absolutely flat, smooth surface. But for its installation, it is necessary to turn to specialists, it will not work to carry out installation on your own without special training and appropriate equipment. For a hallway, in the design of which, as a rule, the ceiling is not the most key element of the interior, this finishing option can be very acceptable.

Suspended ceiling is made of plasterboard or plastic panels. This type of ceiling design suggests the possibility of installing an integrated lighting system, possibly at several levels, all engineering communications will be hidden behind the panels. The ceiling made of plastic panels does not need additional processing. And drywall will still need to be plastered, painted or wallpapered. It is important to remember that installing this type of ceiling will take at least 10 cm from the height of your hallway.

Finishing the ceiling has several possible ways:

Obviously, the surface of the ceiling, which will be painted or whitewashed, must be perfectly even and smooth.

Color palette

The choice of colors for the living room depends on your personal preferences and the style and color scheme of the rooms adjacent to the hallway. The entire space of your home will look more harmonious and balanced if the shades in the decoration and furniture will echo in all rooms. But there are no canons - someone wants to get into an atmosphere of peace and tranquility when entering the house (and he chooses a calm light palette), for someone it is important to cheer up in the morning before going to work (in this case, bright spots and colorful finishes can help ).

There is an unspoken rule when choosing a color palette for finishing any room, which helps to visually expand the room - the walls should be lighter than the floors, but darker than the ceiling.

Contrasting hallway interior

Here are some examples of how you can design a hallway in contrasting colors. Such an interior is full of dynamics, it is practical, but at the same time attractive.

Black and white combinations in the interior of the hallway look incredibly advantageous. Despite the abundance of white in decoration and furnishings, the selected materials contribute to easy cleaning without special tools or devices.

Add brightness to your home

Why not use bright colors in the design of the hallway? After all, this is a room that sets the tone for the entire home from the first steps. This is especially true for private houses in which there are children. Little households like everything bright and dynamic.

Hallway furniture

Storage systems

The first thing that comes to mind when we decide how to furnish the hallway is a set of storage systems that would successfully accommodate outerwear, shoes and accessories for daily wear and more.

Spacious storage systems made of unpainted wood are a popular option for the hallways of private and especially country houses. Such furniture sets can accommodate not only clothes and shoes for daily wear, but also all the seasonal outerwear of a small family.

Corner storage systems will allow you to use all the available hallway space to create a roomy furniture ensemble. At the bottom of the headset, you can place seating, under which you can integrate drawers for shoes or open shelves. On the top tier of furniture there will be room for hats or accessories. If there are children in the house, it will be an interesting move to place black writing boards above each compartment of the storage system. On such boards, you can write messages or simply sign your own place for each family member.

Snow-white storage systems do not weigh down the interior, despite their impressive size, they visually expand the space, which often needs it within the hallway.

Really spacious hallways in private homes are able to "withstand" even dark storage systems of impressive size, located almost along the entire perimeter of the room. The harmonious appearance of the entrance hall was achieved through the use of dark-colored furnishings in the colors of the floor covering and the snow-white color of the walls and ceiling.

Of course, in the hallway we have to put on and take off our shoes and it will be more convenient if there is a comfortable seat for these manipulations. It can be a small bench, an ottoman or an island, which, among other things, performs the function of a storage system; a seat can be built into a furniture set.

Chest of drawers, nightstand and more

For some homeowners, the option is also acceptable when a chest of drawers or a cabinet for accessories and all sorts of small things is located in the hallway as a storage system. The upper plane of such a piece of furniture can serve to accommodate decorative elements.


In small hallways, where an ensemble of built-in or cabinet furniture for storage often does not fit, it is enough to place a hanger, which can be either a bar with hooks or an autonomous floor structure. A hanger is also needed for a spacious hallway - to hang clothes soaked from the rain.

Practical decor items


Not a single hallway is complete without a mirror, because before going out into the street, all residents need to make sure that their appearance meets their own expectations. But in addition to the main functional load, the mirror can act as a decor item, decorating the hallway, making it more interesting, more expressive.

Basket or umbrella stand

A wicker basket or an original stand can serve as an excellent decoration for the interior of your hallway, personalize it, and diversify it. Not to mention fulfilling its main function - storing umbrellas, in which you will not have to waste time searching, you will always know where to take your umbrella on a rainy day.

Textiles and carpets

Not every hallway has a window, and not every window homeowners choose to drape. But if you still decide to decorate the hallway window with curtains or curtains, then choose materials that are easy to care for. The same applies to carpets. Yet the hallway is a room with a high level of pollution.

Thick fabric roller blinds, roman blinds, and bamboo blinds are the best choice for window decoration in the hallway.

Lighting system

The way the hallway is illuminated depends on what type of finish the ceiling is made of (can lamps or LED strips be built in), the style of the room, the size of the room, and your taste preferences. The hallway should be sufficiently brightly lit, it is better to use several levels of lighting - for example, a central chandelier and a wall lamp or a pendant lamp and LED recessed strips.

Obviously, a luxurious chandelier with many brilliant decorative elements can turn the hallway into a truly luxurious room.

living plants

The hallways in private homes are often full of space, and there is even enough space to install pots or tubs with live plants. It is difficult to call a living organism that purifies the air an object of decor, but it is indisputable that plants decorate and refresh any interior with their appearance and mere presence.

Entrance hall +1

In the hallway of a private house there can be such a large area that, in addition to all the paraphernalia necessary for this room, furniture for another life segment is also placed. Some homeowners install a sink to be able to wash their hands after gardening right in the hallway, someone needs to wash their pet's paws after a walk. And someone decides to move the office to the hallway area.

Examples of eccentric hallway interiors

Just as there are no absolutely identical houses, there are no identical interiors of hallways. We all have different tastes and preferences, different concepts of beauty, comfort and convenience. What seems eccentric to one homeowner is the norm to another. We bring to your attention several design projects with an unusual design of the hallway space. Perhaps you will be inspired by their non-triviality and adopt some design techniques and solutions.

The layout of the hallway in a private house is a very important stage. Everyone with a living space on the territory understands perfectly well how important it is to properly organize each room. The hallway is the welcoming part of the house. It is in this room that the residents of the space, as well as the guests of the house, first of all get.

Decor and layout of the hallway in the cottage

To plan the face of the house, in which the first impression of the owners is created, it is worth considering many details in order to make living in space as comfortable as possible, the following factors should be taken into account:

Tiled floor in hallway

  1. The entrance hall in a private house should be divided into zones. This will help to plan the space and make every corner as functional as possible.
  2. It is also worth determining which colors will prevail in the room. A lot depends on the shade, it is with its help that you can create the mood in the room that you want.

    Simple layout and arrangement of the hallway in a frame house

  3. If it is located next to the hallway, then you should consider which devices for the hood to install in the room. This will help to avoid such an unpleasant fact as the absorption of odors resulting from cooking into clothes.
  4. It is worth considering what will be the devices for lighting the hallway. This will help create the right atmosphere that the owners want to see in the space.

    An example of lighting design in a kitchen combined with a corridor

  5. The style of the room also plays a significant role in the process of planning the interior of the hallway. Depending on what idea is taken as a basis, it will be determined what mood the space will be wrapped in.

Mounted huge chandelier illuminating two floors of the house

If you carefully consider each of the above questions, then the process of transforming and planning the project of the future hallway will be easy and fast.

Kitchen in the hallway

In private homes, you can often observe that the kitchen is next to the hallway. On the one hand, this is very convenient, but on the other hand, it requires some additional thought.

Stylish kitchen located in the corridor

If the hallway and kitchen are located next to each other, the owners of the house should consider the following factors:
  • and the hallway should be made in the same style. This will help organize a comfortable and perfect space;

    Corridor smoothly flowing into the kitchen and dining area

  • It is also worth considering that if there is no door between the hallway and the kitchen, then it is necessary to establish a symbolic line that will separate these two functional areas;
  • Hallway and kitchen should have different lighting. In the kitchen, it is ideal to use point appliances that give light. And in the hallway, central lighting (chandelier) and wall lamps should be installed in order to create the right atmosphere;

    An example of a lighting device in the hallway and in the kitchen

  • Be sure to pay due attention to the hood. Indeed, in the case when the kitchen is located next to the hallway, then there is a risk of penetration of odors that form from cooking, as well as their absorption into the surface of the hallway;

    Placement of a metal hood designed to match the style of the entire kitchen

  • You should consider filling the space of the hallway and kitchen. A bright and extraordinary cooking room can only be preferred if neutral tones are maintained in the hallway.

Zoning the kitchen and hallway using a table that can be used simultaneously from two zones

In general, it is not difficult to qualitatively embody an excellent interior if the kitchen is next to the hallway. The main thing is to think over all the nuances in more depth, as well as to preliminarily draw a plan in the space in which reincarnation is planned.

What should be in the hallway in a private house

Each owner of private property is powerful in itself, to determine which items of the headset are needed in the hallway.

Interior of a classic hallway in a two-story building

However, there are some general requirements and rules regarding the equipment of this space. As a rule, in the hallway of a private house they install:

  • for clothes. An alternative to such an item, a headset can be a bar on which there are hooks for things. Of course, in the first case, it will be more harmonious to organize the space and ensure order in the room. In the second case, the hangers will look chaotic. However, you can remedy the situation by attaching the curtain some distance from the hooks;
  • Place to store shoes. In a private house, you can approach the issue of equipping cells for shoes much more creatively. In this case, you can use old boxes, beautifully painted in a variety of colors. Also, an old bedside table with shelves can serve as shelves for shoes.

The first room upon entering the house is the entrance hall. The convenience of placement, order and style of decoration of this non-residential room create an impression of the whole house and its owners. Therefore, when planning the interior, it is especially important that the design of the hallway in the house not only meets the functional requirements, but also blends harmoniously with the overall environment. An extensive range of the modern market of building and finishing materials makes it possible to implement any solution to this difficult task.

Hallway design option in the house Source

Options for wall decoration in the hallway of the house

The walls in the hallway of the house are the most vulnerable to contamination: outerwear, bags, bags, umbrellas can come into contact with the wall surface. For this reason, the main requirements for finishing materials are: strength, durability and cleanability. Types of materials:

  • Waterproof acrylic paint. Painting is often used both in minimalist style and in brighter styles in combination with decorative elements and photo wallpapers. The walls are pre-leveled and puttied. The color of the paint, as a rule, is calm, discreet shades;
  • Decorative plaster is a durable option for finishing the walls of rooms with high throughput. The ruler of this material allows you to create both simple without frills, and complex highly artistic textures. The inclusion of decorative stone or decorative brick in the design of the walls looks original;
  • Wall panels of different price categories: decorative from natural wood, from a natural wood substitute - MDF (medium density fibreboard), as well as a more economical plastic option - PVC (thermoplastic polymer). This coating is found in different styles of hallway design in the house, mainly the lower part of the walls is trimmed with panels;

Finishing the hallway in the house with MDF panels Source

  • A board or lining is an excellent choice for decorating a hallway in a wooden house. Such walls can be painted or varnished, in addition, the direction of the board allows you to visually expand the space with a horizontal arrangement, and with a vertical one - increase the height of the ceilings;
  • Wallpaper: vinyl washable, liquid lacquered. The inexpensive segment of this material is not recommended due to low wear resistance. Modern moisture-resistant wallpaper harmoniously fits both panels and decorative tiles.

Floor covering for the hallway of a private house

The floor coverings of the hallway and the corridor of a private house must be resistant to the negative effects of dirt and moisture, to abrasion. Materials with such performance characteristics include tiles and moisture-resistant laminate.

When choosing a floor tile, one should take into account such an important aspect of the safety of people moving on it as slipperiness. Tiles, especially porcelain stoneware, are distinguished by resistance to increased mechanical stress and ease of cleaning. A wide range of tiles, a variety of textures, sizes, colors allows you to choose the best option for floor design.

Ceramic tiles for flooring in the hallway of the house Source

The resistance of the laminate to mechanical stress is determined by the class of the material. High class corresponds to the most durable and durable coating. In terms of aesthetic and functional indicators, the laminate is on the same position with such an expensive coating as parquet.

Commercial linoleum can be installed in areas less exposed to moisture and dirt in combination with tiles.

A relatively new type of flooring is a polymer self-leveling floor. The advantages include moisture resistance, gloss, lack of seams, tightness and durability. When choosing this material, you need to take into account the nuances of pouring, controlling the moisture content of the base and the complexity of dismantling.

Hallway ceiling finishes

Depending on the budget and the general design concept of the hallway, you can consider the following ceiling finishing methods:

  • Ceiling decoration with: tiles, decorative plaster, traditional whitewashing or painting a pre-leveled ceiling;
  • Timber trim. This natural material will create a cozy atmosphere of a country or country house;

Hinged glossy ceiling for the hallway in the house Source

  • Suspended ceilings. The main advantage of this type for the hallway of the house is resistance to temperature changes and the possibility of spot lighting. As a disadvantage, a decrease in the height of the finished ceiling can be noted;
  • Stretch ceiling. Attractive sides - a flat, smooth surface, a variety of textures, colors and patterns. Installation requires special equipment and skills. It should be noted that vinyl stretch ceilings do not withstand temperatures below zero.

Color scheme for the hallway in the house

The color scheme of the hallway depends on the overall style of the house and, of course, on the size and shape of this auxiliary room. In practice, when choosing a color scheme, they adhere to the principle of 3 colors: 1 main and 2 additional tones.

Light shades in combination with cool colors will visually enlarge the space of a small hallway, and fashionable dark tones are also suitable for a more spacious room with windows.

Each style has its own color scheme. So, natural brown, sand and white tones are used in a classic style. Baroque is distinguished by rich pink color combined with white and gold. Minimalism is characterized by white, gray, black and cream tones. The high-tech style is dominated by metallic gray.

Entrance hall in original orange color Source

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house design services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Furniture selection

There should not be a lot of furniture in the hallway. Minimum set: clothes hangers, shoe racks, cabinets. If there is enough space, a rational solution would be deep wardrobes for storing outerwear, seasonal shoes and hats, and a small sofa or bench will create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness. The main requirement for furniture is practicality and spaciousness.

Furniture for organizing comfort in the hallway Source

Decor for the hallway in the house

You should not get carried away with decorative elements in the design of the corridor in a private house; small accents in the form of a wall composition, vases of flowers, mirrors or clocks are appropriate here. The main purpose of these things is to emphasize the overall style of the room.

One of the current fashion trends is the old style. Retro items, artificially aged furniture, chests will create a unique design of the corridor in a wooden house.

Practical furniture in one color scheme, strict expensive flooring, the absence of other finishes characterizes the Scandinavian style.

Wall decoration with bricks or boards, cast-iron hooks instead of hangers, a massive closet, a country-style woven carpet are ideal for designing an entrance hall in a country house.

Art Nouveau style is distinguished by glass and metal products with elegant carvings, flowing silhouettes, floral wallpaper and upholstery motifs.

The use of decor in the design of the hallway at home Source

Photo of original hallway ideas in the house

The entrance hall of a private house is often much more spacious than a similar room in an apartment, it can have a non-standard layout and panoramic windows. The abundance of finishing materials, furniture, decor and accessories gives room for imagination for the design of the hallway in a country house. Arched openings, a two-level floor and ceiling, division into zones are spectacular ways to transform a space. Interesting and unusual interior design solutions from modern designers will help you understand the principles of decor and find inspirational ideas for creating a stylish hallway.

Minimalism of the hallway in gray tones Source

Entrance hall for a private house made of wood Source

The original idea of ​​​​minimalism in black and yellow colors Source

An interesting "rainbow" solution for decorating the hallway Source

Bright and warm entrance hall in the house Source

Spacious entrance hall in bright colors with glass shelving Source

Modern hallway design without frills Source

Entrance hall in an antique-style house Source

The original hallway with an imitation of the atmosphere of the castle Source

An interesting solution for a hanger in the hallway Source


Optimal use of space, thoughtful interior and a competent approach to the choice of materials will make your hallway comfortable for you and your guests.

Video description

In this video, a photo of a selection of the modern interior of the hallway in the apartment and house, ideas for repair, decoration and decor of the corridor:

Now new houses with a convenient layout of apartments are being actively built. But most of the old ones do not go anywhere, and the Soviet-style apartment is distinguished by the presence of a narrow corridor that needs to be arranged in such a way that there is as much space as possible for free movement and that all the furniture is located as functionally as possible. And of course, do not forget about modern design. It is quite possible to make a small corridor practical and stylish.


As a rule, the hallway of a standard Khrushchev is a narrow, sometimes excessively long corridor. And in the design of its design you need to provide for every little thing. It is best to make a drawing before repair, which will show the arrangement of furniture, the placement of lamps, the necessary sockets, the possible division into zones, decoration elements. Each detail located in a small corridor should work for its visual increase, as well as perform a specific function. Useless things in a small room should not be.

When placing furniture, it should be borne in mind that the minimum width of the passage should be about 80 cm. You cannot leave less. Also, the repair of this room should be approached taking into account the presence of pets in the house. If the pets of the owners are a cat or a cat, it is recommended to abandon the wallpaper on the walls, otherwise they will soon be mercilessly peeled off. It is worth choosing a material that is more resistant to external damage.

Let's also not forget about the harm that small, but already able to draw, children can do to the walls. Anticipate that you may need to clean these surfaces frequently.

How to visually expand the space?

The problem of small space in the corridor can be solved in several ways. The main thing is to take into account the layout, rationally arrange the furniture, choose good lighting, successfully combine the colors of the floor, walls and ceiling, correctly place the elements that will decorate the room. The main disadvantage of a narrow hallway needs to be beaten so that every guest entering it can envy and take him for dignity.

At first glance, it seems that a room 80-90 cm wide and about three meters long is difficult to visually enlarge and arrange in such a way that there is enough room for movement. Do not despair, there is practically nothing impossible in our time. Create a project for your hallway, based on the following recommendations:

  • Zoning. The corridor can be divided into two functional areas: the entrance and the entrance hall itself, the vestibule. They are distinguished by different materials, colors, suitable furniture. For example, in the entrance area you can leave hangers for outerwear, a shoe rack and a pouffe, and in the lobby you can place a chest of drawers, a cabinet, a mirror, shelves for decor elements, wall decorations. At the entrance, lay floor tiles in dark colors, and cover the rest with, for example, laminate, parquet or tiles of a different color. You can also use a mat to separate.

  • Bright hues. You should not get carried away with white, but the use of such shades as pale pink, beige, light blue, turquoise will make the hallway visually wider.
  • Contrast. If the walls and ceiling are made in delicate pastel colors, then the floor, doors, furniture can stand out in contrast with them. Conversely, if you decide to stick dark wallpaper, you should choose light furniture, as well as doors.
  • Reflection. It always plays on the visual expansion of space. Place several mirrors in the hallway, make the wardrobe doors mirrored, place mirror inserts in the doors, use glossy surfaces of furniture, floor, ceiling. You can choose one of the above or combine several options.

  • A diagonal floor pattern will bring the room closer to the shape of a square.
  • Good lighting. It's not worth saving. The distribution of light must be well thought out before starting repairs. It is recommended to use small spotlights. They can be mounted in the ceiling, wall or floor.


Ceiling finish depends on its height. Not all materials are suitable for low ceilings, so you need to be careful here:

  • If the ceiling is low, it is best to use a stretch option. A glossy finish on the top surface will help increase the space. Although you can consider matte material.
  • If the height allows, the choice may fall on suspended structures, behind which it is good to hide electrical wiring, irregularities in the ceiling base. It is possible to embed lamps in such a ceiling. It is also worth noting its heat and noise insulation functions.
  • Multi-level drywall constructions are suitable for a hallway with a high ceiling. The number of levels depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. The most luxurious options are three-level configurations, columns and arches. The most common and popular variety is a two-level ceiling. At will, the levels can be highlighted in different colors, built in a lot of lamps, neon lights.

If the corridor is quite long, the ceiling can be divided into fragments, just like the floor, highlighting them in different shades or placing a beam at the top to match the doors and baseboards, separating the zones.

It is better to choose a color lighter than the color scheme of the walls, a common option is white. A good choice - spotlights built into the ceiling located along the entire length of the hallway. For convenience, you can make two switches for two functional areas or install a motion sensor at the entrance.


Placing pieces of furniture in a narrow hallway is an extremely responsible matter, and you need to approach it with all seriousness. It depends on how comfortable it will be for you to dress, put on shoes, put yourself in order, move around, etc.

In a private house, for example, it is not uncommon to have a small vestibule where you can take off your shoes, undress and only then go into the hallway, furnished with furniture. In the apartment, these zones are combined into one, and to achieve convenience in it is a lot of work.

It is best to stick to the concept of minimalism. You need to place only the most necessary, taking into account the practicality and functionality of each detail.

If the area allows, it is appropriate to put a closet. A common option is a combined cabinet design that combines a wardrobe for outerwear, mezzanines, shelves for shoes, shelves for accessories, all kinds of drawers, often a bench. Do not forget about the possibility of placing mirrors on the cabinet doors. A good solution would be to install in the design room interior lighting. This is both a good design move and an additional light source.

If there is very little space, give up the closet and get a hanger. A few hooks on the wall will suffice. A shoe rack is also among the essentials in the corridor. It can be placed under a hanger. To save space, it is appropriate to combine a cabinet for shoes with a bench.

Placing hanging shelves on the walls is a good solution for the interior. They may be needed for some small things, jewelry, souvenirs, cosmetics, keys and other things. For the same purpose, you can put a small table. Among other things, a landline telephone will perfectly fit on it.

To expand the space, use glossy furniture or objects with mirrored inserts.

Reflection of surfaces from each other will play into your hands. It is acceptable that the furniture contrasts with the rest of the room. Try to keep nothing at the front door, especially if it opens into the apartment. Remember also that the depth of the cabinet, chest of drawers or cabinets should not exceed 40 cm.


If in a private house sunlight can enter the hallway, then in an apartment this is impossible. Due to the absence of windows, the corridor is deprived of natural light. Therefore, it is necessary to provide it well with artificial lighting.

Not only lamps can help with this. If you remove some of the interior doors, for example, leading to the living room or kitchen, then light will flow into the hallway in some way. As for the fixtures, their location, number and style depends on the overall interior design.

Depending on the style, small pendant chandeliers, recessed spotlights or LED strip can be placed on the ceiling. In any case, it is advisable to refuse one large chandelier and opt for several small light sources.

Luminaires can be placed around the perimeter or in the middle of the ceiling.

The use of hanging chandeliers is possible only if the ceilings in the room are high. It is permissible to hang stylish sconces on the walls. They will look especially advantageous next to reflective surfaces or opposite them. But consider the width of the corridor - wall lamps should not interfere with movement. It is recommended to place them at a height two meters from the floor. It is best to use diffused light sources. For this, matte ceiling lamps directed upwards are suitable.

Individual decorative elements can also be illuminated. For example, small spotlights can be placed in paintings or photographs. Illumination can be equipped with ledges and niches in the corridor. Along the entire length of the junction of the wall and floor, the LED strip will be stretched in an original way. It is worth paying attention to the color of the highlights. The best is yellow. It does not irritate with excessive brightness and does not put pressure on the psyche.


Beautiful interior design of a narrow corridor will help create the right colors. The classic version is from light tones to dark ones from top to bottom. The ceiling, for example, is white, the walls are made in beige, cream tones, and the color of the floor is close to natural, as an option - natural wood.

  • The walls should be slightly darker than the ceiling. The most suitable shades are light gray, pale yellow, pale pink, blue, mint, peach, light green.
  • The floor should be darker than the walls. Options for drawings or patterns on the floor are possible. A common option is a floor that resembles a chessboard. Possible colors: brown, dark brown, dark gray, black, black and white combination, dark blue.
  • An interesting color scheme is the division of the wall into two parts horizontally using a molding. The top is usually lighter than the bottom. This choice will help get rid of the tunnel effect of a long corridor. Molding is usually white or chosen to match the color

  • Drawings and patterns should match the overall style of the interior of the hallway. It is better not to use vertical stripes on the wallpaper, this will narrow the room. It would be best to opt for wallpaper with a small pattern and with vinyl chips, which will help hide the uneven walls.
  • Don't be afraid to mix colors. Wide walls can be decorated with warm shades, and narrow ones with cold ones.
  • Furniture and doors should not merge with surfaces. It is better if they contrast with the walls.


In the Khrushchev of a panel house, it is often not easy to adjust repairs to the desires and preferences of the owners. There are a number of features that should be considered when decorating any room in such an apartment:

  • When repairing, it is necessary to eliminate the lack of heat and sound insulation, which is inherent in panel houses. In the corridor, this can be done with the help of a false ceiling and a high-quality expensive front door.
  • When finishing the walls, you will have to eliminate their irregularities. About which wallpapers are best suited for this, mentioned above.

  • Redevelopment is often impossible, since most structures are load-bearing.
  • Due to the presence of reinforced concrete panels of a metal frame in the walls, problems with wall decor may arise if you decide to decorate them with hanging structures, paintings or photographs. Therefore, during the repair, you need to start, first of all, from the capabilities and properties of the house.

Despite the rather small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, there are many design options for a narrow corridor. It all depends on your imagination.

If the corridor is long, then it may have interior doors or openings without them. For example, in a three-room apartment, most likely all rooms will leave the hallway, which means that in the corridor we will see at least three doors, plus an entrance to the kitchen. As already mentioned, the absence of doors to the living room or kitchen can visually expand the space. In this case, an opening without a door will require a separate design.

Finishing the passages should be done with the same scrupulousness and accuracy as the decoration of any other details. In place of the door, you can create an arch that fits in its shape and size to the entire interior. For cladding, you can use drywall, artificial stone, plastic, fiberboard panels, depending on the style of the room. Platbands should be combined in color with skirting boards.

An interesting solution today is the self-leveling floor. It will hide irregularities and perform the function of a decorative element.

Furnishing the hallway with furniture is not only practical, but also stylish. For a cramped corridor, modular designs are well suited, which will also modernize it. A tribute to modernity can also be paid using lighting in the closet, on cabinets, shelves, niches, mirror frame.

The small width of the corridor can be played with paintings or family photographs, turning the room into a cozy gallery. Where, if not in a narrow room, decorate the walls with similar elements. They, in turn, can also be provided with additional lighting. Decorate the walls with stone. This gives originality and sets the tone for the entire home. It is also possible to use frescoes.

If there are enough shelves, place on them various accessories, awards, books, art objects, decorative candles, indoor flowers to your taste.