Drilling wells for water in the country. Water in the country from the well: the composition of the system, the choice of source and pumping equipment How to make a well with your own hands in the country

Do you use a central system or a regular well to supply water to your home? We will help you solve this problem. Our company "Aqualux" provides services for drilling and installation of water wells in your summer cottage.

A well or a well, which is better for a summer residence?

The question "well or well?" does not stand in front of Aqualux customers. We will offer the optimal well design for your case. A question that isn't really a question.

Is it correct to compare ancient Russian chain mail with T-34 armor. What's better? Silly question, isn't it? Similarly, it makes no sense to compare a well and a water well. Even if drilling is carried out on sand, the resulting design is much more convenient, more productive and more functional than any well.

And there is nothing to say about drilling for limestone - it can solve all the problems associated with water consumption.

Proponents of wells, in response to this, may object that a well can be dug faster and cheaper. controversial argument. The average cost of work is 30,000 rubles.

So, we understood that in the question “well or well?” there can be no ambiguous and controversial answer.

Sand or limestone?

But this question is less clear. The design of the well is determined by the requirements imposed by the water consumption regime:

  • Sand drilling is carried out in cases where not very much water is required, and there are low requirements for its qualities. Ideal for giving, where the owners do not live permanently.
  • Drilling into limestone to obtain artesian water is a more complex undertaking. Requires modern equipment and a sufficient amount of time to carry out the work (at least a week). But this is the only way to arrange a full-fledged water supply system, such as in a centralized system.

Nothing is better or worse. It all depends on what is required in a particular case. Size of your personal water source. Of great importance is such an indicator as the diameter of the casing pipe, which is used in it. The performance of the source depends on it:

  • 11.4 cm - suitable for summer cottages, houses, small cottages, while there can be no more than three points of consumption;
  • 13.3 cm - able to serve an ordinary private house and a medium-sized cottage, designed for no more than six points of consumption;
  • 15.9 cm - ten consumption points, a fairly large cottage and 1 - 2 small auxiliary facilities can be served;
  • 16.8 cm - several cottages can be provided with water supply.

Contact the Aqualux company, and we will always tell you the right solution. For example, you can save on a larger diameter if you order a service for several cottages. You set a task - we find a solution.

A "sandy" well, at low cost, is capable of producing up to 1.5 m³, which is enough for a shower, for watering lawns, and for household needs at the same time. However, the sandy aquifer is not well protected from surface runoff and may contain impurities harmful to health.

The same 10-meter depth can provide water in a volume of up to 200 liters per hour. However, these sources should not be located close to cesspools or sewers, fertilizer or pesticide stores.

Wells should not be built in places that are swampy and flooded by rain streams.

The apogee of a dream, of course. This underground structure satisfies many needs, delivering more than 50 m³ per hour to the mountain for 50 years. Such a trunk will require considerable financial resources, a lot of patience and health. After all, the moisture located under the first aquifer refers to minerals. And here the presence of appropriate approvals, permits and licenses is required.

The drilled shaft should not be closer than 30 meters to trees and shrubs. It must be located within a radius of 200 m from such foci of biological contamination as cesspools, toilets, slaughterhouses and others. There should not be, closer than 300 meters, sources of chemical contamination, such as a gas station or a car wash.

Even on a plot of 10 acres, an artesian well leaves no hope for its construction.

The best option for a summer residence remains, reaching a depth of 40 meters. With an average of up to 1.5 m³ / h and compliance with the operating mode, water intake can be carried out for a long time.

Do-it-yourself country well for water

Before drilling a well, it is necessary to determine the horizon of occurrence. If water is found at an interval of 5 m from the surface of the earth, drilling can be done with a garden drill. At greater depths, you will need fixtures with a tripod, winch and a set of rods. The process of working with the drill is accompanied by screwing the drill into the ground, with repeated lifting of it to remove the soil from the blades. Encountered hard rock is broken with a crowbar. At great depths, stones are broken with the same crowbar tied on a rope. As the wet and even wet soil is extracted, it is necessary to start lowering the pipes into the well. Good conditions for water inflow are achieved if the column is located at a half-meter mark from the bottom of the trunk. The casing can be made from separate pipes of the same diameter. An effective way to raise liquid to the surface is to lower it into the column to a certain depth. The reservoir, over time, is washed out and the well begins to produce clean water.

Arrangement of the wellhead at their summer cottage

Includes installation of equipment and linear equipment:
-, pumping equipment, hydraulic tank;
- wiring, equipment, automation, pressure sensors;
- piping of lines, installation of valve valves and other fittings.

Phased piping involves using a cable, cable, pressure pipe.

The system is equipped with a thermal relay and a pressure switch.

The supply line to the house and the internal piping of plumbing fixtures can be performed by the owner of the site. Of course, with skill.

The cost of drilling a well in the country

Prices for drilling work depend on the design, that is, the depth, diameter of the well, the geological section of the site. In general, starting from about 2000 rubles/meter, the cost of services is determined by the client's request. Taking into account the requirements of the customer for the provision of additional services, for example, and other equipment, the customer can be provided with a sensitive discount and a more pleasant price.

Even those who are far from household farming know about the need for water in their summer cottage. And summer residents themselves know how sometimes it is inconvenient to depend on the supply of water through a common garden water supply, carried out according to a schedule. In addition, many people like to spend holidays or the whole summer in their own area. Then they start thinking about their own well. But you should know that you need to collect a lot of preliminary and permissive ones.

What are the types of wells

Before you begin the process of arranging wells, you need to understand what type of well you need. Depending on the depth, 3 types of wells are distinguished:

  • "" has an average depth of 8-15 m;
  • a sandy well gives water from a layer located at a depth of up to 40-50 m;
  • the deepest is an artesian well, which receives water from aquifers passing at a depth of 100-220 m.

To provide water to a country house, one of the first two types of wells is quite enough. For one large or several country houses, it is preferable to equip an artesian well. But doing it on your own is not possible. Therefore, we offer you a description of the "Abyssinian well" and a well in the sand. What does it look like you can read in our article.

The "Abyssinian well", despite its name, is actually a well, which is often called a "needle". The last name is associated with the shape of the "Abyssinian" itself: it looks like a spear. The depth of the well is 8-12 m. The approximate daily productivity of this water source is about 25 m 3 . "Abyssinka" is very simply arranged and includes the following elements:

  • filter with a conical tip;
  • inch pipe;
  • surface water supply equipment, can be manual and / or in the form of a pumping station.

In addition to the simple design, the well also has the following positive qualities:

  • simple and quick installation, which takes a maximum of 10 hours and does not require special equipment;
  • no need to obtain permission to drill and use the well;
  • the lowest installation cost compared to other wells;
  • it is possible to arrange a well both in the building and outside;
  • a well with proper arrangement eliminates the direct ingress of pollution from the surface of the earth;
  • well water is usually less hard than artesian water, less often contains soluble inorganic iron;
  • if necessary, the well can be easily dismantled and moved to another location.

The negative qualities include:

  • the possibility of infiltration of pollutants through the earth layer, since the well is shallow;
  • not in all soils it is possible to equip it;
  • when drilling, you can miss the aquifer.

In connection with these features of the “Abyssinian well”, a number of nuances must be taken into account when arranging it.

  1. There should be no garbage heaps, septic tanks, etc. near this type of wells.
  2. It can be equipped only if the upper aquifer is located at a depth of no more than 8 meters, which is associated with the capabilities of the surface pump.
  3. This method can be applied when the aquifer is medium-grained sand or a sand-gravel mixture, since the working tool for arranging the well will not cope with hard rocks. Water in the sand of medium and large fractions will pass better, and the likelihood of silting will decrease.
  4. The use of a hand pump will make water production independent of energy. It can also be installed in addition to an electric external pump.

Self-installation of the Abyssinian well

The installation of the "Abyssinian well" is called driving. First you need to prepare the elements of the well itself. In order to save time, you can purchase a finished design or make it yourself.

Now you can proceed directly to the installation of the well. We offer you the simplest option for installing an Abyssinian well, which can be done without special equipment.

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First you need to dig a hole 1x1 m in the right place, about half a meter deep.

In the center of this hole, pre-drilling begins, for which you can take an ordinary garden drill. In the process of deepening, the drill is built up with pipes with a diameter of half an inch. They are connected to each other by couplings made of pipes of a slightly larger diameter, and bolts. Holes for bolts are prepared in advance.

As soon as wet sand began to appear, the drilling process becomes meaningless and they proceed to clogging the well.

The pipe section is connected to the filter with a thread. Additionally, the joints are sealed with FUM, tow, silicone, etc.

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This structure is installed in the drilled hole and the driving process begins. To do this, you can use a headstock - a piece of thick-walled pipe, to which a base 10 mm thick and handles are welded. Flax is wound around the pipe, a coupling and a shock end are wound on, taking the blow and representing a piece of pipe. A grandmother is put on top, and blows are applied to her. When the well pipe has deepened, it is built up with the help of a coupling and the next segment.

Note! The weight of the headstock must be at least 30 kg, and during its manufacture and the process of deepening the well, follow safety rules to prevent the headstock from falling on your feet.

In the process of clogging, water is poured into the pipe and tapped so as not to miss the aquifer. Listening is as follows: every 50 cm, the well pipe must be rotated strictly clockwise and listen to the sound:

  • in clay soil, the tip does not make a sound;
  • in fine sand - rustling;
  • in the sand of a large fraction - gnashing.

At the moment when there is noise, water is poured into the well. If the water leaves slowly, then you still need to deepen it by 50 cm. As soon as the water begins to leave quickly, it is clogged by about 30 cm.

Note! During clogging, soil is poured and rammed into the gap between the outer wall of the borehole pipe and the “well” cavity.

Now you can install the pump. The hand pump is quite simple and can be made independently. It is a simplified version of a hollow cylinder with a piston inside. After installing the pump, the well is pumped until clean water appears. The base of the well is poured with concrete.

If desired, the Abyssinian well can be connected using a pumping station to the water supply system of the house.

Note! Before the first use of the well as a drinking source, it is recommended to give water for analysis to determine its microbiological and chemical parameters. For selection for bacteriological analysis, sterile glassware is required, which you can get at the analytical laboratory of your choice. They will also explain to you how to make a water intake correctly. .

Maintenance of the "Abyssinian well"

This type of well does not require special maintenance. After 10 years, a decrease in water supply from it is possible, but this is most often corrected either by flushing the well under pressure with water, or by cleaning and replacing the filter.

Filter prices for the Abyssinian well

Abyssinian well filter

sand well

The well got its name due to the fact that water comes into it from a sandy aquifer. If the waters lie at a depth of more than 10 m, then it is recommended to equip a sand well on the site. Its maximum depth can be 50 m. The daily flow rate of such a well is on average 20 m 3 .

The device of the well is quite simple. It includes the following main elements:

  • a casing pipe, which simultaneously performs the function of a water supply well pipe;
  • pump, often submersible;
  • the filter in the deepest part of the well protects against sand and clay entering the water;
  • well head.

Advantages and disadvantages of a sand well

A sand well is perfect for a summer cottage or a small house. She has a number of positive qualities.

  1. The sand well is very simple.
  2. It can be done independently without the use of complex equipment.
  3. No permit or passport required.
  4. To equip a well for sand does not require large material costs, it is cheaper than an artesian well.

This source of water supply has a number of disadvantages.

  1. The sand well must be operated regularly. Otherwise, it may silt. But not every summer resident spends the whole year on his suburban area.
  2. Most often, water from a sand well is less mineralized than artesian, but it may contain a number of chemical and biological components that will make it unsuitable for drinking, so additional purification will be required.
  3. The daily flow rate of the well is small, especially in comparison with artesian sources. In addition, if a well was drilled at the same depth in a neighboring area, then the debit of your source will decrease.

Sand well features

  1. On average, 1-2 times a year it is necessary to wash the filter, as it is prone to silting.
  2. If the filter could not be washed, then it will not be possible to restore the well - you will have to make a new one.
  3. If your dacha neighbor has been successfully operating a well for several years, this is not a guarantee of getting a good sandy well in your area.
  4. The presence of rocks in the way of drilling makes the whole process of self-arrangement of the well impossible.
  5. Any filter does not guarantee the impossibility of getting grains of sand into the well water, and hence into the pump.

How to make a sand well with your own hands

The simplicity of the well makes it possible to independently drill and install it on your site. First you need to carry out preparatory activities. How to choose f , you can read in our article.

Preparation for drilling

Drilling a well in the sand

How ? For drilling a well in sand, auger-type drills are most often used. It is also called a serpentine. It is also necessary to prepare threaded metal rods in order to lengthen the auger handle during the deepening process.

  1. Place the drill strictly vertically in the center of the prepared pit.
  2. Install drill handles for two people.
  3. Two people, moving clockwise, twist the drill into the ground by about 50-70 cm.
  4. Pull out the drill with a winch, shake off the soil.

The procedure is repeated until it reaches the water-resistant layer, which follows the aquifer. Dirty water is pumped out with a hand or submersible pump until it becomes clean. If this does not happen, then you need to go deeper a couple of meters. Now we are starting to build the well.

Installation of a well and pumping equipment

    • the pump must be completely covered with water;
    • there should be a distance of a meter from the pump to the bottom of the well;
    • dirty water must be pumped out before the pump is started;
    • the pump is lowered and attached to the head of the well with a strong cable.

Closes the well head.

An important element of water-lifting equipment is a hydraulic accumulator, which is a water storage device and reduces the load on the pump. This water storage is connected to a pipe coming from the pump and installed in a caisson or in a house. Water first enters the accumulator, and then to the consumer.

If necessary, after taking a water sample, it is possible to install treatment equipment, the composition of which will depend on the results of the analysis.

Note! Water in a sand well can change its chemistry and microbiology, so it is recommended to take a water sample once a year, especially after floods.

Sand well maintenance

In addition to periodic cleaning of the filter and water withdrawal, once a year it is necessary to audit the pumping equipment.

Note! After any manipulations that require the opening of a drinking well of any type, it is desirable to analyze the water, and possibly disinfect the equipment and the water itself with a chlorine solution.

Artesian well

An artesian well is much deeper than the previously described wells, since water is extracted from the aquifer of deep rocks. The flow rate of such a source is very high and can provide water consumption for several houses. Since for the arrangement of an artesian well it is necessary to contact specialists, we will not dwell on drilling and installation of equipment.

When choosing a company engaged in the arrangement of artesian wells, you should not trust companies that offer plastic pipes for casing a well, because such casing will not withstand the pressure of deep rocks. The company must have several serious drilling rigs available, and a hydrologist on staff.

Therefore, drilling an artesian well cannot be cheap. Another disadvantage is the high probability of increased water hardness, as well as the presence of ferrous iron and manganese compounds in the composition. But at the same time, artesian water, with proper installation, does not change its chemical and bacteriological indicators, regardless of external conditions.

Another difficulty in arranging such a water source is obtaining permission to drill and operate an artesian well. This is quite difficult to do also because it is necessary to observe the three belts of the sanitary protection zone of the well. So, for example, within a radius of 200 m there should be no garbage heaps, toilets with an open cesspool, etc.

There is only one way out: collective for several houses.

Video - Sand well, drilling

Choosing a method of drilling a well in the country, a prudent owner will always opt for an artesian well. Why? An artesian well is the most reliable way to get clean water from limestone aquifers with a flow rate of 3 m³ per hour or more.

In the conditions of our middle lane, artesian wells are ideal for year-round water supply to a summer cottage, private houses, cottages located in areas without a centralized water supply. With proper operation and regular repair and cleaning of the well, it is capable of producing water for at least 40 years. Often a good artesian well in a country house becomes a weighty argument in order to build a building on it for year-round use.

AvantiGeo Company provides mechanized drilling rigs based on trucks. After drilling a well in a summer cottage to the desired aquifer, the well is strengthened with steel or plastic pipes, which ensures that the aquifer is isolated from contamination by crumbling earth and the penetration of poor-quality water from the upper aquifers into it.

Why AvantiGeo

  • Your well will be drilled and equipped by professionals: each member of the team is highly qualified and directly participated in the drilling of dozens of wells for water.
  • We have up-to-date geological maps of the occurrence of artesian aquifers for all districts of the Moscow Region. Before concluding a contract with us for drilling and well construction, you will know for sure that a fountain of living water will come out of the well in your area.
  • Avanti Geo is licensed to drill to artesian depths. Our price of a well in the country reflects the real labor costs and the optimal consumption of material resources. It does not contain hidden cheats.
  • We will not be stopped by the lack of access roads to the drilling site. Our equipment allows drilling on virgin soil, and in winter conditions. We have a successful experience of drilling in cramped conditions in a limited area.
  • We respect the order on your site and do not leave work waste behind us. You will only have to scatter the crushed rock raised from the well over the area.
  • We provide maintenance of wells at their summer cottage, thereby providing our customers with long-term and trouble-free water supply.

The result of our work

  • Equipped well, which will last at least 40 years, with pure natural water from a depth of 30 to 220 meters, which has passed centuries of filtration in limestone layers.
  • The opportunity to use the water that nature gave, and not neighboring septic tanks and cowsheds. Independence from collective irrigation systems for your garden.
  • Well passport, indicating its depth, water level height, flow rate, diameter and other characteristics.

Not just a well, but an individual year-round water supply system

We do not just carry out in the country - you will receive a cased well with the arrangement of its ground part (caisson). If necessary, we will develop a project for your home's water supply system and install a water supply and water treatment system from the bottom of the well to the faucets in the house. We are also ready to install and connect containers to the well for watering your garden plot.

It is far from always possible to dig a well in a summer cottage, and in order to solve the problem with water supply, a well is built, dug in the country with their own hands or with the involvement of specialists.

If water supply pipes from the nearest water station are not connected to your land allotment, and there is no spring with drinking water nearby, the lack of life-giving moisture will begin to be felt very soon. First of all, water is needed for one's own needs, watering can also be organized from the nearest reservoir by installing a pump there or a simple chigir wheel on the river. But you are unlikely to drink from a pond or lake, even without forgetting about boiling. Therefore, the idea immediately arises to dig a well at their summer cottage. But this is a very laborious task.

Much more advantageous in terms of labor costs is the device in the country house of the Abyssinian well, which, despite the name, is a punched well. Yes, it is punched, and not drilled, because in order to obtain this source of drinking water, the casing pipe is immediately supplied with a sharp tip and a filter in the lower part, after which the arrow is driven into the ground. Casing sections are built up as each previous one almost completely deepens into the ground. The maximum depth of such a well is up to 25–30 meters, and on average about 12–15.

The device in the country of the Abyssinian well

If the groundwater is deep, you can still get to it yourself if you find the equipment to make a sand well in the country. To do this, you need a hand drill, which may be enough if you first dig a well and properly equip the well already at the bottom of the pit. However, the sandy aquifer, which usually lies above the water-resistant layer of clay, can be located at a depth of more than 30 meters, sometimes up to 50. Here you can not do without a mobile drilling machine that can be rented, or without a more primitive tripod design with a winch and a winch to rotate the drill. We will talk about it in more detail later.

The third option is an artesian well, which is drilled to the lower aquifers, which lie at a depth of up to 200 meters, on top of a limestone base. It can no longer be done with your own hands, since the sections of the drill that go hundreds of meters into the ground simply cannot be rotated with the help of a winch or even an engine available to you. Here, professional equipment and specialists serving it are already needed. Consider also identifying the location of the accumulation of groundwater, the so-called lens. If the pipes of the Abyssinian well are inexpensive, and if they miss, they can be left in the ground, then the casing of a sand well will cost a lot. What can we say about an artesian well. Therefore, preliminary exploration is necessary.

First of all, you should find out from the nearest neighbors in the country, who already have a well, to what depth they drilled the earth. Next, you compare the height difference between their site and yours, after which an idea of ​​​​the depth of groundwater will already appear. Next, find out what kind of soil you have in the area below the fertile layer. If it is heavy clay, and even with stones, then it is likely that it will be very difficult to break through such a formation, with the risk of damaging the casing boom. If sandy, then most likely you can get to the aquifer quickly.

To make a filter tip, you will need a strong metal cone with the sharpest possible apex angle. The base of the cone should slightly exceed the diameter of the pipe to be welded, which is rarely more than 2.68 centimeters with an internal channel of 20 millimeters. This is necessary so that the rod relatively easily passes into the punched well. Further, in the walls of the pipe on a segment of 30 centimeters with a small indent from the cone, we drill holes in a checkerboard pattern, the distance between them in each row should be about 3 centimeters, the diameter is up to 8 millimeters, preferably within 6. Such rows will be approximately 5-6.

Tip with filter for hole punching

The perforated area must be wrapped with a fine-mesh galvanized mesh. For better filtration, it is possible to make coils of thin wire at small intervals from above in one layer, which is soldered with tin without admixture of lead, so as not to poison the water. We fix the mesh from above and below by welding strips of metal 2–3 centimeters wide around the pipe, which we connect with narrow (1 centimeter) vertical segments every 20 millimeters. It turns out a lattice that protects the mesh when the rod passes through the ground. The length of the pipe should be within 2 meters, so that it is more convenient to score with a wooden “headstock” (a heavy deck suspended on a block that is mounted on a high tripod or on the ceiling if the well beats in the basement).

Sections of pipes of the same diameter, with threads cut at the ends, are connected using cast-iron or steel couplings that are screwed on using seals so that they do not let water through as they go deep into the ground. When the bar begins to move especially easily, it means that you have reached a loose layer saturated with water. Check, pour water into the pipe, and if it leaves quickly, try on the contrary to connect a hand pump (it is possible through a filter) and pump. Liquid mud has gone - good, it means there really is a lot of water, continue to pump out, at the bottom at this time a cavity is formed, or, in other words, a cavity in which moisture accumulates. If the water does not go, you need to gradually go deeper, pouring water into the pipe every 15–20 centimeters and trying to connect the pump. At the end, a column is installed to pump out water with your own hands.

If you know that the depth of the aquifer is about 30 meters and below, you need to leave thoughts about the Abyssinian well. Here, the equipment of a sand well will be much more efficient, which can also be done in the country with your own hands. It is called so because it ends in a sandy aquifer, from where water is pumped out through a special filter.

To get to groundwater, you need a column of long rods, at the end of which a drill head is installed. The tips are different: "spoon", "serpentine", "chisel". The first option consists of two grooves, separated by a certain distance and closing at the bottom. The serpentine resembles a screw or two woven spirals. rather like a mason's chisel. The device at the dacha of a sandy well is more complicated than the Abyssinian well, since in the process of drilling it is necessary to constantly lower the casing pipe down, which, however, in the dacha can be done with your own hands.

For work, the above-mentioned tripod with a winch is used, to which a column with a collar, suspended on a freely rotating ring or hook, clings. The head should be at least 5 millimeters smaller than the casing channel in diameter, usually it is selected based on the size of the downhole pump. The height of the tripod is determined by the length of one section of the column, which can be from 1.5 to 4 meters. A mobile drilling machine can be used if it is not possible to assemble a tripod, the device consists of a frame-stand and a guide along which a block of a motor rotating a column and a load slowly lowers.

Tripod with winch

The drill head must be removed every 60 centimeters for cleaning from the soil, for this you can put the appropriate marks directly on the rods.

Approximately when passing the same section in crumbling rock, it is recommended to start deepening the casing pipe, the lowest section of which is equipped with a shoe, through which the filter will subsequently be lowered into the well, and then -. The pipe is always wider than the drill head that moves inside, so it must be lowered correctly, by rotation or by hammering with a steel or wooden headstock weighing about 30 kilograms (the method depends on the smooth or jagged edge of the shoe).

As for the tips of the drill head, they need to be changed sometimes, depending on what kind of soil you are passing at the moment. For loose, loose rocks, a "spoon" is best suited. If hard ground with stones has gone, change the nozzle to the “serpentine”. And, finally, in the hardest rocks, it is best to use the impact method of passage, using a “chisel” as the tip of the drill head, the tip of which can be either sharp or cross-shaped. When the work is completed, a manhole is installed in the country house, a pump is lowered down, water pipes are connected to it. Now you can think about how to ennoble or hide a well in the country with your own hands, for example, with a hollow imitation of a stone or stump.

How to make a tripod for drilling?

To properly make the simplest device for hanging a drill column with your own hands, it is enough to take 3 beams or logs that are connected at the top, forming a pyramid with a triangular base. Also, metal pipes can be used as supports. A winch is suspended in the center of the connection. Through an adapter in the form of a freely rotating spindle with a ring or clamp, a drill column is connected, in the upper part of which a collar is fixed.

Thus, at least 2 people are needed to service this device, but 3 are better, then two will rotate the drill, and the third will control the winch. To make it easier to work, we first dig a well or a pit up to 2 meters deep. A flooring is laid on its bottom, the walls are sheathed with boards that prevent shedding. Leave the center of the hole free for drilling. The second flooring is laid on top, the tripod is installed with a support outside the pit or well.

As the drill sinks, the column is built up with new rods, the uppermost of which is attached to the collar. To make the passage of hard rocks easier, you can add water to the well, but then it will be more difficult to understand when wet soil will go, signaling that an aquifer has begun. At the end of the work, you can think about how to close the well with a lid with your own hands. It is better to use a viewing hatch.