Technology of laying a drainage pipe. How to make the drainage of the site with your own hands: we do the drainage correctly, having studied the projects and types of systems Laying drainage pipes in the country with our own hands

Often, groundwater and storm water have a destructive effect on the foundation of a building. There were cases when moisture accumulated in large quantities in the upper parts of the soil, which led to flooding of the basement or basement floor, dampness and deformation of the walls, and the appearance of fungus on them. An effective way to protect the foundation from such unpleasant consequences is to lay a drainage pipe.

Reasons for installing a drainage system

If the pipes are located along the perimeter of the land allotment, then a reliable drainage system can be built. It is known that ground and flood waters, as well as atmospheric precipitation in excess of the monthly norm, pose a serious danger to the foundation of private housing.

Most often, the laying of drainage pipes is carried out before the construction of the house begins. But it happens that after the completion of construction work, there are serious grounds for waterproofing the foundation. Then, under special conditions, you can start preparing the drainage.

Consider the situation when pipes are installed at the beginning of construction, but for specific reasons:

  • high level of groundwater placement - less than one and a half meters to the surface of the earth;
  • the gentle slope of the terrain, contributing to the regular accumulation of moisture;
  • the presence of clay and loamy soil with low culvert characteristics;
  • the building is located in an area in which, according to statistics, the level of monthly precipitation is exceeded.

The depth of construction of other structures in the local area also plays an important role. If there is a buried foundation next to the main building, then groundwater will not be able to leave freely and constantly accumulate under the house, increasing the risk of flooding. As a barrier to the natural circulation of wastewater, asphalt and concrete pavements on the site act. In such a case, it would be correct to connect the storm waste to the central system.

Installing a drainage pipe eliminates the damage caused to the foundation from the accumulation of moisture in the ground around the dwelling and the change in the level of sewage.

Varieties of drainage schemes

There are such options for their preparation:

  • open (surface);
  • closed (deep).

The first type - open is necessary when removing excess fluid that has accumulated in the soil from precipitation. Such a drainage system is represented by trenches and ditches.

The second one is designed to remove groundwater and protect the foundation of the building from destruction. For this purpose, a drainage pipe is laid in a ditch of a specific depth. Moreover, the tubular product must be perforated.

Arrangement of a closed system

Before proceeding with this time-consuming procedure, it is necessary to prepare and purchase bulk building materials:

  • Crushed stone of medium / large fraction, which is needed to obtain a stable layer that prevents dirt and bulk soil fragments from entering the system. And also this material protects the corrugated pipe from the increased pressure of the earth layer.
  • River sand creating a filtration cushion.

In addition to bulk substances, useful:

  • Drainage pipes that form the drainage system itself. Depending on the intricacy of the project, the diameter and number of pipe products are selected. Recently, PVC products have become popular.
  • Drainage pumps providing mechanical drainage. They are used when the site is seriously damaged due to flooding by underground runoff. See also: "".
  • Durable geotextile that protects the pipe from the ground and has filtering properties. When laying drainage pipes with geotextiles, its varieties are used: dornite and interlining.
  • Couplings fixing pipes.

In order to regularly clean the drainage system, inspection wells are installed around the perimeter, and collector wells are used to collect liquid.

How to choose drainage pipes

Before you install a drainage pipe, you need to decide on the products for work.

It is important to take into account such nuances:

  1. In preparing the drainage system, use perforated pipes.
  2. Properly determine the required number of holes and their diameter for the exit of liquid and air exchange. Priority in the overall arrangement of the drainage system is the material of the pipes. See also: "".

Today, the market for building materials is replete with pipe products from:

  • ceramics;
  • asbestos cement;
  • polymers.

In the arrangement of the drainage system, drainage pipes made of polymers have reached the peak of popularity.

Their advantageous use in comparison with other types lies in the presence of excellent technical characteristics:

  • excellent strength;
  • duration of application - up to 70 years;
  • resistance to silting;
  • ease and, accordingly, simplification of the installation and transportation process;
  • resistance to aggression of the chemical environment and corrosion processes;
  • self-cleaning capabilities due to the smoothness of the pipe surface;
  • in an advantageous combination: quality-price;
  • ease of maintenance, because thanks to the geotextile filter included in the pipe kit, the drainage system does not need to be flushed.

According to the dimensions, drainage pipes are classified into small and large:

  • up to 150 mm - for a system with a small bandwidth;
  • up to 300 mm - with increased load.

If the drainage scheme has a branched view, then it is better to use tubular products of small (for branches) and large diameter (for the central branch of the system).

Plastic drainage pipes

All polymer products that are used for the installation of drainage systems are made of polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene.

In addition, they are:

  • One-/two-layer, the number of layers is entered in proportion to the density of the soil.
  • Flexible/rigid. The former have found application in complex branched schemes around the site, the latter in simple drainage projects.
  • With filter shell / without it. Most often, drainage pipes have a series of holes along their entire length. If they are not there, then, using a drill and a thin drill, you can make holes yourself.
  • Corrugated/smooth. On the building materials market, you can buy pipes with a filter coating on the surface - geofabric. If it is absent, then textile wrapping around the perimeter of the pipe can be done independently, using improvised material to secure it - thin wire or rope. See also: "".

Pipe laying project

Work on the installation of the drainage system starts with a preliminary drawing up of a plan-scheme for its placement in a specific area. In this case, the type of soil and the height of groundwater must be taken into account. Most often, a branched scheme is used with the installation of manholes at the joints.

Depending on the type of soil, the distance between the branches is selected. So, for clay soil, it will be 10 m, loamy -20 m, sandy -45 m.


Laying drainage pipes with your own hands begins with specifying the installation site.

Accommodation can be done in two ways:

  1. "Wall" drainage system, which is installed around the perimeter of the foundation of a private building and protects it from moisture ingress.
  2. Drainage along the perimeter of the entire adjacent territory, which allows you to protect the basement of the building, and all utility structures, and green spaces.

The sequence of installation work:

  1. Mark the area where the drainage ditches will be located. With the help of a laser rangefinder, starting actions can be greatly facilitated. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the accumulated excess water after rain, which clearly demonstrate the difficulties of water exchange due to the increased density of the soil or existing barriers. See also: "".
  2. Prepare a drainage trench, taking into account differences in size. Deepening will be needed for a quick and unhindered outflow of water. In the process of work, you can use a watering hose. Having drawn some water into the trench, you can see how easily the liquid leaves the recess along the entire length of the trench.
  3. Before installing the drainage pipe with your own hands, you need to carefully tamp the bottom of the trench. Then lay the filter material, the ends of which must necessarily go beyond the boundaries of the ditch. From above, river sand and crushed stone of various fractions are poured, but in a certain sequence: large, and then medium. The thickness of the rubble should not exceed 20 cm.
  4. Using a pipe cutter or electric jigsaw, cut the drainage according to the parameters of the scheme. Carry out the laying of pipe products and connect the joints with fittings. To secure the connection, preheat the connecting sections.
  5. Then wrap the pipes with geotextile, tightly fasten the joints with a thin wire or rope. It is necessary to understand in advance how to lay a drainage pipe in geotextiles, as this is one of the crucial moments of installation work. The excellent throughput of this material allows you to adsorb the liquid coming out of the perforation. And also geofabric protects the perforations of the pipe from contamination.
  6. Drainage must be laid at an angle, connecting the ends of the pipe and manholes. The latter can be used in two types: sealed, when in the future the water will be used for technical needs, and absorbing - the collected liquid will return back to the ground. The slope of drainage products is directly related to their diameter, and the larger the size, the less slope is needed.
  7. It is necessary to complete the installation work by dumping crushed stone and sand. Next, wrap the structure with the filter material lying on top and cover it with a layer of earth. Here are the main stages of the procedure - how to lay the drainage pipe with your own hands.

Operation of the drainage system

When arranging a drainage system, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail, install it qualitatively, and follow the basic rules of operation. Thus, the life of the drainage system will be significantly extended.

As a preventive measure, a mandatory inspection of the technical condition of drainage and wells will be required - approximately once every 4 years. Measurement of the liquid level in the manholes should be performed every 2 years.

Even a slight deviation of this parameter from the norm indicates:

  • violation of the integrity of the tubular product;
  • dense clogging;
  • deposits of silt on the surface of products;
  • partial deformation of the pipeline due to the movement of the soil.

Such problems can be prevented by inspecting the drainage system in a timely manner and cleaning it of various debris.

Possible errors when installing drainage

The quality of installation and the efficiency of the drainage system are interrelated. Any flaws during operation can disable the system, which will lead to the repair of the site or a complete reinstallation of the drainage system. Therefore, we will supplement the current topic: installation of a drainage pipe: how to lay it correctly.

The most common installation errors:

  • the pipeline system was chosen without taking into account the condition of the soil;
  • the angle of inclination is changed or missing;
  • at the initial stages, it was not planned to drain water from wells;
  • there is no geotextile or filter material;
  • pipes are soldered in bad faith;
  • the technical process for arranging the system was not observed - the installation was carried out without dumping sand / crushed stone;
  • no perforation.

Knowing how to properly lay the drainage pipe, taking into account the peculiarities of the location of the site, the condition of the soil; having prepared a laying plan and following the installation instructions step by step, you can achieve a high-quality drainage system. And this means that the basement and basement of your building will be reliably protected from the negative effects of wastewater.

A drainage system is needed to remove water and precipitation from the site. Drainage works thanks to a branched pipeline, through which the liquid is directed to the ground or the place of discharge. It is important to know how to properly install the system, and which pipe to choose for installation.

Drainage pipes have their own characteristics. Choose special products with many holes. Thanks to them, water enters the drains and soaks into the ground.

Drainage pipe materials:

  • Asbestos-cement;
  • Ceramic;
  • Plastic.

Most often, plastic pipes are used. There are a number of reasons for this choice. So the polymer is lightweight, as it is lighter than asbestos cement and ceramics. This makes installation easier. In addition, this material is quite durable and inexpensive.

Asbestos cement and ceramics are now used less and less. These are heavy and difficult to install products. Metal for drainage is not used due to active corrosive processes in the ground.

The popularity of plastic is due to other advantages. So the polymer refers to durable materials. It is resistant to corrosion and other aggressive processes. It will also please the passing ability of the pipes, they are absolutely smooth and practically do not clog.

Sludge also cannot clog plastic pipes. If the drains are wrapped with geotextile, then small debris does not clog the holes. Ground water easily penetrates into the drainage system. At the same time, a large selection of pipes of different sizes is presented on the market. This allows you to fully equip the drainage system.

Plastic is easy to care for. Operation involves periodic inspection of pipes. It may be necessary to clean the system once a year.

Requirements for the installation of a drainage pipe

Drainage is widely used in areas with high groundwater levels. Drains are mounted below the level of groundwater. The material of the product itself must be durable, stable and smooth. The liquid must pass easily through the pipes under high pressure.

The strength of the pipes must be such as to withstand the weight of the soil and its possible displacement.

To reduce the possibility of the influence of precipitation, the system is equipped with storm water inlets. In this case, the drains have a surface installation. Further, the system is connected to a common channel for the removal of liquid.

Requirements for drainage pipes:

  • Resistance to low temperatures;
  • Maximum smoothness of the inner walls.

The storm water inlet should not be deformed when exposed to low temperatures. If necessary, use the insulation of the system. Good patency of pipes is necessary so that possible debris can easily pass through the drains. In this case, the system must be equipped with filter elements.

Required slope of the drain pipe

The slope of the pipes is affected by their size. The diameter should not be too large, otherwise there will be a large outflow of water. And this, in turn, will lead to mud drifts. So the pipeline will quickly become clogged, and emergency cleaning will be required.

The diameter is related to the slope of the pipes. The smaller the size, the greater the slope.

But if you choose a slight slope, then the water in the channel will begin to stagnate. Water will not flow well and will overflow the pipes. The slope is indicated by fractional numbers. The number 0.008 means 8 mm drop per 1 m.

Required slopes for pipes:

  • 0.003 is used for water drainage ditches and asphalt road;
  • 0.004 - with crushed stone coating or laying paving stones;
  • 0.005 - when the road is covered with cobblestones.

When the pipe diameter is 90 and 110 mm, then the optimal slope is 0.02. With a diameter of 160 mm, an indicator of 0.008 is used. If the cross section is 200 mm, then the slope is 0.007.

Elements for connecting drainage pipes to each other

Drainage pipes are connected using special fittings. The drainage device can be represented by two systems: open and closed. In the first option, it provides for a complex of ditches and trenches for water drainage. The second system has underground pipe laying, where the elements are interconnected by fittings.

Types of fittings for drainage pipes:

  • Universal;
  • Plugs;
  • Universal tee;
  • Swivel tee;
  • Transition coupling;
  • cross;
  • Transition tee.

The connection of pipes is possible due to the protruding part at the ends of the pipes. Sewerage is laid with plastic fittings. These elements are well sealed and perfectly pass liquid.

The crosspiece can connect 4 pipes at once. The coupling combines 2 pipes, both the same size and different.

Fittings have many advantages of use. They note lightness, flexibility, tightness. Couplings weigh little, so they do not weigh down the system. At the same time, a variety of connecting elements allows you to make various wiring. Working with fittings is simple, all processes are easily done by hand. At the same time, pipes can be laid on an uneven surface.

A tee is used to fasten several drainage branches. You can also connect the pipe to the well in this way. You can create an integral system on a large area. The adapter tee is used for pipes of different sizes. The rotary option will allow you to mount a drainage system called "herringbone".

Surface laying of drainage pipes

The work includes the creation of a plan with piping. Take into account the placement of drains and other elements of water drainage. In this case, the slope of the pipes is taken into account. Surface pipe laying involves the installation of drains on finished surfaces.

Stages of laying surface drainage:

  1. Determined with the place of liquid discharge. This information is taken into account during planning. The laying depth is determined below the freezing level of the ground. As a rule, this indicator is 60-80 cm.
  2. Sand traps should be connected to the pipes. This is a kind of liquid filtration.
  3. When arranging a wall drain, storm water inlets are equipped. Rainwater is immediately directed to the ground.
  4. Next, they dig a ditch. The bottom should be tamped and rubble laid.
  5. Then install the details of the drainage system. Provide holes for piping. End elements must be equipped with end caps. Pipes are fixed with a concrete-sand mortar. Installation starts from the point of discharge. Joints should be well sealed.
  6. Next, a concrete heel is made and the lining is restored.
  7. Then check the performance of the drainage system. When everything looks and functions well, the system is closed with bars.

Operation includes periodic cleaning of sand traps and a storm water inlet. At the same time, the gratings are removed and the holes are washed with water pressure. Rainfall can be used for economic purposes. It is forbidden to use ground water for personal needs, there is a different composition.

Laying perforated drainage pipes with geotextile

Before laying, they perform settlement work and buy the necessary material. Design includes data collection. The local department of land resources will be able to provide them.

Required data for design:

  • Groundwater level for each season;
  • Soil properties and its structure;
  • The amount of precipitation.

These calculations will determine the depth of the pipes. The material for the gasket is a perforated plastic pipe. To prevent clogging of drains, they are wrapped with geotextiles.

Installation of drainage with perforated pipes and geotextiles:

  1. First, mark the territory, focusing on the wiring diagram. Then they dig a trench. The depth is determined during design, and the width is equal to the pipe plus 40 cm. The slope of the pipes is also taken into account.
  2. A pillow of crushed stone and sand is laid at the bottom. Enough 10 cm of sand, which will have to be compacted. Then add 20 cm of crushed stone.
  3. Next, pipes wrapped with a cloth are mounted. The elements are connected by special couplings.
  4. You should additionally make sure that the slope of the pipes is correct using a stretched cord.
  5. Manholes are installed at corners. They allow you to control and clean the system.
  6. Then you need to dig trenches. First, crushed stone is poured, then sand, and then the earth excavated earlier.

Water is drained into an open reservoir or sewer. But the end of the pipeline must be equipped with a check valve. An alternative to it is a prefabricated well. When it is full, the liquid should be removed.

During laying, some difficulties may arise. They are associated with common mistakes: insufficient depth, incorrectly selected pipes, broken slope.

It is quite possible to do the installation on your own. It is better to entrust the design to professionals. In other works, the instructions and the correctness of the calculations should be followed.

Installation of drainage pipes (video)

The principle of operation of drainage is to install pipes at a slope, due to which water is drained from the site. In this case, it is important to correctly determine the size of the pipes. The laying process itself has many nuances and features, but in general it has no difficulties.


Water can be not only a source of life for plants, but also the cause of their death, provided there is an excess of moisture. Also, a large number of drains on a personal plot can destroy the foundation of buildings located on it. Therefore, it is so important to equip a drainage system that will remove excess fluid from the site. This will require laying drainage pipes with your own hands, if you decide to do this work yourself. Installing a drainage system is easy.

Why is drainage needed?

Before enjoying outdoor recreation, the owner of the land must make a lot of efforts to improve it. A large number of land plots outside the city limits are characterized by waterlogging of the soil.
If the construction of the house does not provide for the arrangement of the drainage structure, then in the future there is a high probability that it will be necessary to solve the problem of destroying the foundation and landscaping the local area.
To get rid of excess moisture in the area, a drainage structure is created, which is an artificially laid water drain in the soil, consisting of a system of channels or pipelines. Once in them, the water moves towards specially equipped storage wells and reservoirs, or is discharged outside the local area.

In practice, the owner of the site should be alerted by a number of signs of the presence of excess moisture, which indicate the need to equip drainage:
  • on the site a large number of moisture-loving plants;
  • periodic appearance or constant presence in the basements and cellars of groundwater buildings;
  • the formation of poorly drying puddles after rain.
But as practice shows, the absence of the above signs does not indicate that there are no problems with waterlogging and that they will not appear in the future. The best solution may be to consult a specialist who will determine the degree of soil moisture in the area and the need for drainage work.

Drainage system options

When deciding how to lay drainage pipes, you should be aware of the existence of several ways to create drainage structures:
  1. Trench with gravel and sand. A closed-type drainage system is ditches and trenches dug in the ground, which are filled with a layer of rubble, and sand is poured on top. Often on personal plots they use an effective design called "herringbone" - secondary pipelines are brought to the central highway.

    At the same time, the laying of the main drainage pipe is laid with a slope directed towards the catchment area. The distance between drains depends on the condition and composition of the soil. On clay soils - this is a maximum of 10 meters, on loamy soils - 20 meters, and on sandy - 50 meters.

  2. Open drainage ditches. This method is simple and cheap. To create drainage, grooves are dug, having a width of 50 and a depth of about 70 centimeters, placing them around the perimeter of the infield. The sides in the drainage should be made beveled, observing a 30-degree angle. Discharge of liquid from the drainage system is carried out in a storage drain trench.

    A more convenient option is to use perforated plastic products or install ready-made systems that are commercially available.

  3. Systems with drainage trays. They are used in the arrangement of surface drainage, which allows drains to be diverted from the site after precipitation or melting of precipitation. For the construction of the system, special trays are used, which are made of plastic (modern version) or modified concrete.

    The grooves are laid from the catchment area to the discharge point with a slope of about 2-3 degrees. Drainage trays are placed in them, the sides of which should be located at ground level. When the site is located on an open hill, drainage grooves should be dug across the slope, due to which it is possible to intercept water flows flowing down.

Installation of perforated pipes

Before the installation of drainage pipes, calculations are made and building materials are selected.

The calculations require data on:

  • seasonal groundwater level;
  • soil characteristics and soil structure;
  • the volume of moisture in the form of flood waters and precipitation.
All this information can be requested from the regional office of land resources. Based on the data obtained, specialists will make calculations and find out the required trench depth and pipe sizes.

When laying drainage pipes with your own hands, preference should be given to plastic products. The device of plastic pipes is simple - they have two layers of polyethylene or PVC, so that the products will last at least 50 years even if they are installed at great depths. In each case, the depth of the drainage pipe is determined by the situation.

The two-layer design ensures self-cleaning of the inner surface and prevents clogging of pipes. To prevent clogging of perforations, drainage pipes are laid with geotextile or coconut fiber cloth wrapped around them.

The procedure for laying drainage pipes with your own hands

The creation of a drainage structure begins with the marking of the territory, according to a pre-compiled scheme. Then they dig trenches with a depth that was established during the calculations. To determine their width, 40 centimeters are added to the outer diameter of the pipes. Also, do not forget about about 3 °.
At the bottom of the ditch lay out a pillow of sand and gravel. The thickness of the sand layer should be 10 centimeters, it is well compacted. Then a 20-centimeter layer of rubble is poured.
Pipes wrapped with geofabric are laid on a pillow. The connection of drainage pipes is carried out using special couplings.

When the pipes are installed, check their slope by pulling a regular cord along the pipeline for this.

In places where the highway turns and in areas with a change in the angle of inclination, manholes with covers are equipped. They are necessary to control and clean the drainage system.

At the final stage, backfilling is performed - performing all the steps in reverse order. On top of the pipes, crushed stone, sand and soil, previously taken out of the ditch, are poured in layers. Sod is laid on top, if desired.

Effluent is discharged into a rain sewer or open water body. In both cases, a check valve is installed at the end of the outlet pipes. If it is impossible to provide such a conclusion, a collection well is arranged, from which, as it is filled, the collected liquid must be pumped out.

During the installation process, it is necessary to avoid the most common mistakes that lead to disruption of the drainage structure, including:

  • discrepancy between the depth of the dug trench and the needs of the system, which may result in a violation of the water balance in the garden;
  • the use of drainage pipes of the wrong type, which should have been chosen. As a result, the constructed structure will quickly fail;
  • incorrectly made angle of inclination of the drainage. This leads to incorrect operation of the system, and on the ground there are serious problems with the observance of the water regime.
If the laying of drainage pipes can be done independently, then entrust the calculations and drawing up the scheme to specialists. Performing a fairly simple job, you must follow the instructions, paying special attention to the angle of inclination of the system, the reliability of the connection of the elements, the correct arrangement of the manholes.

Need drainage works? Would you like to exclude flooding of basements and the foundation of a private house during heavy rains or melting snow? Need to protect the entire territory of the land from ground, rain, melt water? You have come to the right address - the company "Modern Drainage Systems" provides a full range of services related to the organization storm sewer, site drainage, foundation waterproofing, etc.

Our specialists carry out the selection of the necessary materials for the installation of drainage systems, laying sewer pipes, as well as drainage and storm pipelines. We provide professional assistance in cases where water ceases to be a vital necessity, but becomes a serious problem!

What is a drainage system?

In order not to repeat the mistakes of homeowners who from year to year face the problem of protecting the site from excess water or removing moisture from the foundation of the house, drainage and storm system– a complex of interconnected devices (pipeline, drainage pump, well, etc.), ensuring the removal of surface or groundwater from the earth.

drainage system it is used not only in private land ownership or gardens, but also in agriculture, in parks, in the construction of roads, the construction of warehouse complexes, the arrangement of sidewalks, football fields, etc. Therefore, it is better to provide for the installation of a drainage and storm water disposal system at the design stage of any object.

Annular drainage of the building foundation:

(applies if there is no basement or basement)

Name of service Unit. price, rub.
Foundation Ring Drainage Design for free
Ring drainage of the building foundation - DEPTH up to 1 m m.p. from 1400
Device for circular drainage of the building foundation - DEPTH up to 2 m m.p. from 2600
Circular drainage of the building foundation - DEPTH up to 2.5 m m.p. from 3800
m.p. from 1800
m.p. from 2950

Wall drainage of the building foundation:

(applicable in the presence of a basement or basement)

Name of service Unit. price, rub.
Foundation wall drainage design for free
Device for wall drainage of the building foundation - DEPTH up to 1 m m.p. from 1400
Wall drainage of the building foundation - DEPTH up to 2 m m.p. from 2600
Device for wall drainage of the building foundation - DEPTH from 2 to 3 m m.p. from 3800
The device of rotary inspection wells (depending on the diameter) m.p. from 1800
The device of the final catchment well (depending on the diameter) m.p. from 2950

Storm sewer:


Is drainage important?

It is necessary to solve the problem of draining groundwater, melted water, rainwater from the underground elements of the structure, especially when building a house with a basement, so that the walls do not get wet, as this can lead to flooding or destruction of the entire building structure.

Sometimes even high quality waterproofing works unable to cope with dampness, the appearance of mold, fungus in the basement floors of the building or in the basement. Professional builders and organizations with many years of experience in installation work related to waterproofing concrete structures buried in the ground clearly state that no type of waterproofing will effectively protect concrete from water without the use of a drainage pipe.

To prevent a catastrophe during the freezing of frozen soil, which increases in volume and can provoke wall shifts, foundation ruptures, cracks, drainage pipes they are laid around the house - this is the so-called wall drainage, or throughout the entire territory - the protective surface drainage of the site. In addition to extending the life of the foundation, sidewalks, garden paths, an important function of proper drainage is to save the root system of trees and plants from decay.

The cost of installing drainage usually includes a visit to the site by a specialist, preparation of a project, calculation of the consumption of materials, delivery of equipment, services of qualified installers. final price drainage works depends on the complexity of the construction activities, foundation depth, as well as the need for additional services such as mounting foundation waterproofing, basement drainage, lawn device and paving slabs.

The main stages of laying drainage

Almost every site has a risk of flooding, especially during long snowmelt or in areas where there is a high location of groundwater. There is no need to risk real estate and the peace of the family, but it is necessary to place around the house below the level of the foundation drainage pipes, drainage trays, pump, storm water inlets, as well as drainage well made of durable and reliable polymer materials. The installation process takes place in the following sequence:

  • – A trench is dug and compacted, which is then covered with geotextiles;
  • – Drainage pipes made of plastic with perforation and a Typar geotextile filter are being laid;
  • – The drainage pipe is backfilled with crushed stone and the crushed stone contour is closed with geotextile, then coarse sand is backfilled over the geotextile;
  • – Inspection and rotary wells are installed to control the operation of the entire system;
  • - Next, a final drainage well is mounted, which, as a rule, has a larger diameter than rotary inspection wells, a pump is installed in it for pumping drainage and storm water;
  • - Trays with gratings, storm water inlets are mounted, which are connected to separately laid pipes for a storm drainage system;
  • - At the final stage, the pipeline is backfilled first with sand, then with soil.

To drainage works provided not only water drainage, but also your peace of mind, they must be carried out by qualified craftsmen using high-quality and proven materials. Comfortable landscaping of the territory, excluding troubles during the spring flood or heavy rain, is provided by the company with 10 years of experience "Modern Drainage Systems".

Why choose us?

If you want to get reliable water protection for your home, an excellent storm water drainage system, a high-quality sewer network while optimizing the water balance in your area, then take advantage of the advantageous offer of Modern Drainage Systems.

Our range of services includes:

  • — Selection and sale of drainage and drainage equipment;
  • – Drafting of a drainage system, storm system and sewage;
  • – Providing drawings and a full package of technical documentation;
  • — Any foundation work, including drainage, insulation and waterproofing;
  • – Installation of site drainage and turnkey foundation;
  • — Maintenance of drainage systems;
  • Storm sewer(design, device, service);
  • — Free consultation;
  • - Warranty for all types of work and materials.

The indisputable advantages of cooperation include a professional approach to any problem, which is quickly and efficiently solved on an individual basis. The main rule of our work is the constant quality of components for drainage at the best prices. Regardless of what kind of work you need to drain and improve drainage systems: wall drainage, foundation circular drainage or site drainage, we provide the full range of necessary materials, as well as consulting, accompanying and service activities.

In cooperation with the company "Modern Drainage Systems" you are not only guaranteed competent protection of the foundation and your site from excess water, but also ensured a quiet life in a landscaped area. Now the arrival of spring will be a joy, and no snow or rain can tarnish the reputation of your foundation!

The increased humidity of the site is always a source of big problems for the owners. Wet soil destroys plants - due to insufficient oxygen supply, roots rot and almost the entire crop is destroyed. Not the best way to feel and buildings. The foundations become damp, water appears in the basements in the spring, the walls are covered with a network of cracks and colonies of fungus.

Excess moisture can be easily removed using special engineering structures known as. The owners should pay attention to the arrangement of the drainage system in the first place immediately after the acquisition of the site. And preferably before carrying out large-scale construction work, if any are planned.

How and why drainage works

An artificially constructed watercourse is a system of underground pipelines and surface channels for collecting water. Moisture enters special containers, and then is removed outside the site.

Drainage can be made both in natural reservoirs, and city collectors.

It is possible to determine whether a site needs drainage by indirect signs. The high moisture content of the soil is evidenced by:

  • the presence of moisture-loving plants (for example, nettles);
  • flooding of cellars and cellars;
  • long drying of the site after rain (large puddles remain, from which water does not drain well).

But even in the absence of such warning signs, structures are not immune to water damage. For example, during heavy rains or during active snowmelt. For this reason, experts recommend in any case to install and equip storm drains.

The main advantage of this type of drainage systems is the exclusion of expensive treatment facilities and other technical units. The complete system consists of:

  • from drainage pipes;
  • storm drains (gutters and storm water inlets);
  • sand traps - special mechanical filters at the inlet to the system collector;
  • common drainage wells;
  • a collector with a check valve (from here the water is discharged into the ground or a reservoir).

How to choose pipes

The main element of the system is the pipeline. For this reason, special attention is paid to the choice of pipes or drains, as they are more commonly called. Experts recommend paying attention to the following technical specifications.


Manufacturers offer products made of asbestos cement, polyethylene (with perforation) and polyvinyl chloride (perforation can be done by hand). Asbestos cement is the cheapest material. However, there are serious doubts about its environmental safety. Therefore, an increasing number of buyers opt for products made of durable plastic.

Ready-made perforated drains are sold in a geotextile wrapper. Cheaper PVC pipes require additional processing - cuts are made in a checkerboard pattern up to 5 mm wide. Processing is carried out on both sides. The distance between the cuts is 50 centimeters. Additionally, you will need to purchase a geofabric to wrap the pipe before laying it in the ground. The fabric serves as a filter and prevents liquid dirt from clogging the perforated pipes.


The diameter is selected depending on the amount of groundwater and precipitation.

Usually the diameter is from 5 to 8 centimeters.

Soil type

Soil type is one of the most important parameters when choosing pipes:

  • In soils with a high content of crushed stone, perforated products are laid, but without a geotextile filter.
  • Sandstones use geotextile-wrapped pipes with perforations. Additionally, it is recommended to make a sprinkling of crushed stone to prevent deformation of the pipeline.
  • In mounted perforated products with a filter made of coconut fiber. A cheaper option is to use geotextile. Be sure to make a backfill of crushed stone, covering the pipeline by 15-20 centimeters.
  • For loam, perforated pipes wrapped with geotextile are used.

In any soil, you can also use ordinary PVC pipes with homemade perforations and geotextile winding. This will greatly reduce the cost of the drainage system.

Tools and materials

For work you will need:

  • shovel and bayonet shovel;
  • garden wheelbarrow for soil;
  • manual roller for compacting sand and gravel;
  • mounting knife for cutting pipes;
  • drill or grinder, if you want to make notches (perforation);
  • scissors for geotextile.

You should also prepare building materials:

  • pipes;
  • adapters for manholes and collector;
  • fittings for pipe installation;
  • plastic pipes with a diameter of 30 to 50 cm for arranging inspection and drainage wells (you can also
  • purchase ready-made wells with a hatch or plastic tanks);
  • geofabric in rolls;
  • crushed stone or gravel, sand.

Work order

Drains are laid in the following order:

  1. trenches are dug along the marking line, their depth should be below the freezing point of the soil;
  2. a plan is drawn up and marking is carried out on the ground;
  3. a layer of sand up to 10 centimeters thick is poured onto the bottom and carefully compacted with a skating rink;
  4. crushed stone or gravel is laid on top (layer thickness 20 cm);
  5. pipes are laid on the prepared pillow;
  6. the system is mounted using couplings, and then the angle of inclination of the pipes towards the water collectors is checked;
  7. at the joints and turns of the pipes, manholes are equipped (a piece of plastic pipe is cut off, a protective cover is mounted);
  8. backfilling is performed - a layer of crushed stone, sand, soil is laid out sequentially;
  9. on top, you can lay turf or sow herbaceous plants;
  10. at the end of the outlet pipe after the collector, a check valve is mounted or a well is arranged to collect water (a sealed plastic tank is used).

Highlights when laying

The drainage system must meet the technical requirements. Self-activity in this matter is not welcome. For this reason, owners should pay attention to some important points:

  • To carry out the work, it will be necessary to create a vertical plan of the site, taking into account the occurrence of groundwater in a particular area. Specialists will help to compile it for a fee.
  • The exact depth of the pipeline, its diameter and type are calculated. At this stage, you will also need the help of specialists.
  • When digging a trench, make sure that its size is approximately 40 centimeters larger than the diameter of the pipes used. The slope of the trench is from three degrees (from 0.5 to 1 meter slope).
  • Manholes are located no closer than fifty meters from each other.
  • Installing a check valve or arranging a water collector is a prerequisite for the proper functioning of the entire system.

Common Mistakes

The most common mistakes in the arrangement of the drainage system are as follows:

  • shallow depth of trenches (decrease in system efficiency and increased risk of drains freezing in winter);
  • the use of pipes of the wrong type and diameter (leads to a quick failure of the system);
  • lack of an angle of inclination or a small angle (the operation of the system is paralyzed at maximum load).
Installation of a drainage system is a job that the owners of the house can do. However, it is better to entrust the preparation of a plan and carrying out all the necessary calculations to specialists.

Also, special attention is paid to compliance with all technical standards. The selection of pipes, the depth and angle of their laying are important points in the installation work.


Even a properly installed and well-functioning drainage system requires regular maintenance. Inspections of drainage and manholes are carried out once or twice a year. The owners should be alerted by the low water level, which may indicate: