We choose the main air conditioning system for a private house. Ventilation system of a private house Air conditioning system in a cottage

Air conditioning and over the past few years have become an integral part of comfort.

Creating comfortable conditions for a cottage or a private country house is not an easy task, because the system must perform the following tasks: humidify or dehumidify the air, maintain a certain temperature, clean and exchange air, increasing the movement of microorganisms in your home. The selection of an air conditioning system for a private country house must be carried out at the stage of creating a design project or during construction. At this stage, it is possible to organize the interaction of the air conditioning system with the ventilation and heating system, which will achieve maximum comfortable living conditions. Contacting a specialist or company engineer "MAIN CLIMATE" , you will receive the necessary technical solution, taking into account your conditions and wishes. The specialist will offer you an air conditioning system for a private country house that meets all the requirements for comfort and does not disturb the appearance of the house.

When choosing a climate system for a cottage or a country house, it is necessary to take into account the architectural features of the building, the condition of the electrical wiring and its ability to withstand significant loads, as well as correctly calculate the power of the future air conditioner. To select equipment that will meet the technical requirements and correspond to a specific type of room, you need to contact a specialist who will help you make the right decision and plan the installation of an air conditioner already at the design stage of a cottage or a private country house.

Choose the type of air conditioner

There are several options for air conditioning systems for cottages and private country houses. The best one is to install . The system consists of one or more outdoor units, each of which is connected, depending on the manufacturer and model, from 2 to 30 indoor units. Outdoor units are placed mainly on the roof or in the backyard and do not affect the overall appearance of the building. A unique feature of multi-zone air conditioners is the ability to simultaneously operate in both heating and cooling modes: this is more than relevant when the windows of some rooms face the sunny side, while others face the shady side. At the same time, each indoor unit takes as much cold (or heat) as it needs at the moment to maintain the set temperature, which significantly saves energy.

The advantage of such equipment is the possibility of placing indoor units on different floors and at a great distance (up to 160 m) from the outdoor one, with a height difference between them of up to 50 meters - this allows you to distribute heated or cooled air to rooms located on different floors. Indoor units can be of various types: wall-mounted, ducted, cassette, which allows you to maximize the air conditioning and use for each room its own type of indoor unit of the air conditioner.

The advantage of multizone systems is the large length of the line between the outdoor and indoor units, which allows you to install the indoor unit anywhere in the room and achieve the necessary climatic conditions.

If you need to organize comfortable conditions in one or two rooms of a private country house or cottage, then you can use split systems. consists of outdoor and indoor units and is the most popular air conditioning system.

The cottage usually has a place to install , which is installed under a false ceiling or in the attic.
The design of ducted air conditioners allows you to fully preserve the design of the room: the unit is installed behind a suspended or false ceiling, and the distribution of cooled air is carried out through a system of air ducts, which are located there; of all the air conditioning equipment used, only air grilles are visible on the ceiling. The duct air conditioner has the ability to supply fresh air from the street in the volumes necessary for proper ventilation. There is also the possibility of adding fresh air, ventilation and humidification, which is especially important and necessary in cottages and country houses. In addition, duct-type air conditioners are able to distribute air over a large area of ​​one or more rooms. Proper placement of indoor units of a duct-type split system will allow you to replace a whole network of air conditioners.

The only and important condition necessary for the room to be equipped with an air conditioning system based on a ducted air conditioner is the presence of sufficiently high ceilings in it that would allow the construction of a so-called false ceiling. Behind this false ceiling, it becomes possible to hide all the structural parts of the duct air conditioner (valves, valves, air ducts and other elements).

Often for small rooms and rooms in country houses choose . One of the advantages is the relatively low cost and ease of installation. Recently, manufacturers of wall-mounted split systems have been actively fighting to improve their consumer properties, and first of all, of course, the design of indoor units. New air conditioners with a non-standard design appear on the climate market: square-shaped, various colors, with mirror and interchangeable color panels, etc.
A significant advantage of a wall-mounted air conditioner is the reduced noise level inside the room, since all noise-producing units (compressor, electric motor and fan) are enclosed in a unit that is located outside the room. This outdoor unit can be mounted either on the wall of a building or mounted on a balcony.

All modern split systems are equipped with a remote control with which you can set the desired temperature with an accuracy of 1 degree, set a timer to automatically turn the air conditioner on and off at a given time, adjust the direction of the air flow and much more.

A significant disadvantage of the split system is the large number of outdoor units, each of which corresponds to one indoor unit. But several external units with fans will not decorate any facade of a country house. What if there is a need to use air conditioners in each room in different modes?
There is only one way out of this situation - this is the installation of a multi-split system.
differs from the classic split system in that one external compressor and condenser unit in this case can simultaneously serve several (from two to six) indoor units. At the same time, the device and the principle of operation of the system remain unchanged - the external and internal blocks are connected by the so-called freon routes, consisting of copper pipes for supplying refrigerant, a drainage pipeline, as well as power and control cables.
Each indoor unit has its own remote control for selecting individual air conditioning settings for each room.
The indoor units of a multi-split system can be of the same type (wall-mounted, floor-mounted, etc.) or combined depending on the technical characteristics of the room, interior design considerations. The blocks may also differ in technical characteristics, depending on the requirements for the required temperature regime for a given room.
The multi split system not only simplifies the management of the entire air conditioning system, but also allows you to reduce energy consumption by almost half, thanks to the compressors of the outdoor unit with inverter control.

Air conditioner power

In order for the air conditioner to work properly and maintain the temperature regime, it must be properly selected. To accurately calculate the power of the air conditioner, you need to know what the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is; ceiling height (room volume); do you have equipment that generates heat in summer, such as a TV or computers; which side of the world do the windows in your room face, what is the size of the windows, do you have blinds or curtains; how many people are usually in the room?

You can choose an air conditioner in the simplest way: 1 kW of cold per 10 m2 - such a calculation, perhaps, for example, if your windows face the non-sunny side of the world, you do not have the last floor, there are few household appliances, average lighting and a small stay of people in the room. Competent specialist of the company "MAIN CLIMATE" always play it safe and make a thermal calculation for the room.

The fashion to equip cottages with air conditioners came to us quite recently. Prior to this, it was believed that climate technology was intended mainly for industrial facilities, shopping and cultural and exhibition centers, as well as for hotels hosting foreign tourists. Even at the state dachas of the leaders of the USSR, climate systems were used only in exceptional cases.

Meanwhile, in America, and then in the industrialized countries of Europe and Asia, air conditioning of cottages became quite commonplace already in the seventies of the last century. In the mansions of the New World, window air conditioners were installed, as well as central air conditioning systems of the "chiller - fan coil" type and installations with a variable volume and temperature of the air supplied to the premises. In Japan and Korea, and then in other countries, split and multi-split systems are widely used. Well, since the beginning of the eighties, powerful energy-saving central comfort air conditioning units of the VRV type began to arrive on the world market from the land of the rising sun.

Today, the requirements for comfort imposed by the owners of country cottages meet Western standards. However, most Russians do not have a holistic view of modern air conditioning systems.

Selection rule

To maintain ideal comfortable conditions in living quarters, purified from mineral and organic dust, as well as deodorized air should contain about 21% oxygen and no more than 0.3% carbon dioxide. Its temperature should be 20-24°C, relative humidity - 50-60%, and air mass mobility - 0.1-0.15 m/s.

However, the full climate control of a cottage is a very expensive pleasure, and the purchase of the precision equipment necessary for the "idealization" of the microclimate is not justified in all cases. When air-conditioning your home, you need to achieve the desired comfort at the lowest possible cost. The level of comfort depends on the quality of air preparation and distribution, the level of automation of the air conditioning system, the quietness of the system, and some other characteristics.

Now we will describe the design features of equipment for air conditioning systems in cottages.

Window air conditioners

In the recent past, the most common and affordable air conditioning unit was a window air conditioner. With its help, it was possible to cool, and sometimes heat, clean dust and create weak supply and (and) exhaust ventilation in small and medium-sized rooms. Structurally, the window air conditioner was a metal or plastic box in which all the equipment and the automation system were installed.
The window air conditioner control knobs were placed on the front panel of the device.
The most advanced models had a remote control.

If desired, it was possible to install a window air conditioner in a window opening or in a thin wall on its own. Like the refrigerator, it was ready for use as soon as it was connected to the mains. It was only necessary to correctly calculate the required cooling capacity.

Such air conditioners represented one continuous drawback. So, if the room had a large size or a complex configuration, then the window air conditioner was not able to effectively distribute the prepared air throughout the entire volume of the room. Due to the high noise level, it was not possible to install window air conditioners in the bedroom, office or nursery.

Window air conditioners are a rarity these days. They can occasionally be seen in the windows of administrative buildings somewhere on the outskirts of Moscow. For example, the very common BK-2000 models (Baku air conditioner with a power of 2 kW) are still noisily cooling the premises of some accounting departments in the factories and factories of our vast Motherland.

Split systems

Low noise level and better than window air conditioners, the quality of air distribution in the room will be provided by a split system, which consists of two blocks interconnected by heat-insulated copper pipes, control and power lines. Installations of this type effectively cool, heat, dehumidify and purify the air from dust in a room of any size and purpose.

The most noisy and bulky components of the system, including the compressor, are enclosed in an environmentally resistant outdoor unit, which is installed outside the room. It is important to choose the right place for installing the outdoor unit, otherwise it can grossly violate the architectural appearance of the cottage. The room contains a virtually noiseless indoor unit with a remote control.

The indoor unit of the split system must have sufficient power and match the interior of the room. If there are no suspended ceilings in the cottage rooms, then indoor units of wall, floor, ceiling and column types are used. Wall-mounted indoor units blend well with classic and modern interiors. They are compact, easy to use and suitable for small and medium-sized rooms. However, in larger rooms, it is necessary to install more powerful equipment, such as floor-standing or ceiling-mounted indoor units, fixed either on the ceiling or at the bottom of the wall, near the floor. The blocks evenly distribute the air flow, so that there are no hypothermia or overheating zones in the premises. When air conditioning the hall of the building and other large rooms, you can also use the indoor units of the column type.

Internal blocks of cassette and channel types are installed in the space above the false ceiling. Modern cassette indoor units are low in height and evenly distribute the conditioned air through the distribution of the prepared flow in two or four directions and the use of swinging louvers. Even more uniform air distribution is provided by indoor duct-type units, which are installed in the space above the false ceiling or in the utility room. Unlike other types of indoor units of split systems, the indoor unit of the duct type can not only process the air that has been in the premises, but also “bring to mind” a small amount of fresh, pre-conditioned air from the street. Conditioned air is supplied through a system of ventilation ducts located above the false ceiling through anemostats built into the ceiling into a room of any shape and size.

Not so long ago, split-systems with inverter compressor control appeared on the market, which heat up or cool air faster than usual, very accurately maintain the set temperature, provide significant energy savings, and operate very durable and stable at low outdoor temperatures. Some models are able to work effectively in air heating mode and at 20-degree frost.

To select and install a specific model of a split system, you must use the services of professionals. Installation of split systems with wall-mounted indoor units is usually 15-25% of the cost of equipment. Installing cassette and duct air conditioners is a little more expensive. If the installation kit - brackets, drain pipes, tubes, etc. - not included in the cost of the system, you will have to pay another 10-15% of the total cost of the equipment for it.

Multisplit systems

Multisplit systems are used for air conditioning in two to five rooms. Depending on the selected operating mode, they effectively cool, heat or simultaneously cool and heat the air in different rooms, dry it and clean it of dust.

In terms of functionality, manageability, level of comfort in the serviced premises and the relative cost of equipment, reduced to one square meter of air-conditioned area, multi-split systems are on a par with split systems. Professional installation of a multi-split system can cost the customer 20-30% of the base cost of equipment, depending on the total length and complexity of laying copper pipelines and patch cables.

In such systems, as a rule, wall-mounted indoor units are used. Devices with other blocks are quite rare. There is only one outdoor unit in a multi-split system, so its installation on the wall of a cottage usually does not violate the architectural appearance of the building. The compressor(s) of the outdoor unit is often inverter-controlled for increased comfort and energy savings.

VRV type systems

The central comfort air conditioning system type VRV is able to simultaneously air-condition the air in 32 rooms. In fact, this type of equipment opens a new stage in the development of multi-split systems. And the robust design, multifunctional automation system and the ability to supply fresh air to the premises put VRV systems on a par with traditional central air conditioning systems.

In addition to cooling and heating, the indoor units of VRV systems purify and distribute the air prepared by them throughout the premises. Management of internal blocks with power from 2 to 18 kW - from the remote control. The most powerful models are used for rooms with an area of ​​​​150-200 square meters. m, for example, private gyms and swimming pools. The design and structural elements of these devices almost do not differ from similar elements of split systems, however, they can maintain the set temperature with high accuracy. Cassette blocks of some models even take into account the influence of thermal radiation from heated elements of building structures and air conditioning systems.

More than twenty indoor units are connected to a complex consisting of at least two outdoor units with a single automation system. The complex usually operates one outdoor unit with inverter control, the rest have a constant capacity. Such a system, according to manufacturers, has increased reliability, as it remains operational even if one of the outdoor units fails.

Unlike split and multi-split systems, the outdoor unit of the VRV type system is easily placed in the attic, next to the house or in the outbuilding, since the length of the pipes connecting it with the indoor units reaches 100 m. (For comparison, household split and multi-split -systems cannot be separated from each other by more than 15 m.) The communication system between the outdoor and indoor units can be two- or three-pipe. Three- and two-pipe systems, equipped with a special controller, are able to simultaneously cool and heat the air in different rooms. At the same time, the heat removed from the cooled air is also used for heating. Installation of a VRV system costs approximately 25% of the cost of equipment.

Such a system provides the supply of fresh air to the premises due to a special ventilation unit, which also performs the function of exhaust ventilation. Inside the ventilation unit there is a heat recuperator, which allows to cool the outside air supplied to the room in summer and heat it up in the cold season due to the air leaving the conditioned rooms. This further saves energy. If it is very cold outside, then the air entering the premises is preheated with the help of electric heaters. In addition to basic modifications, there are VRV-type systems on the market that can operate in cooling or heating mode at almost any negative outdoor temperature. Some models have an ice cold accumulator; it allows the system to work in the summer with less load. The only drawback of modified VRV systems is that they are too expensive.

Central air conditioning system type "chiller - fan coils - individual heating point"

Central air conditioning systems are used to heat the cottage at any temperature outside, as well as to cool, heat and purify the air from dust. In principle, it is possible to combine such systems with supply ventilation installations, however, in practice, it is customary to organize the air exchange of cottage premises with the help of supply and exhaust systems independent of the air conditioning system.

The fan coil system has a number of advantages of VRV systems, as well as very low inertia and configuration flexibility. It can be used to air-condition a building with any number of rooms. In air-conditioned rooms, special devices are installed - fan coil units, similar to indoor units of split systems. For cottages, floor fan coil units are most suitable, which are easy to place in window sill niches. There are also frameless models mounted behind decorative wall panels or false ceilings.

Fancoils with one heat exchanger are units of seasonal operation: in summer they are used for air cooling, and in winter - as heating devices. Fancoils with two heat exchangers are used in universal systems that can simultaneously cool, heat or simply ventilate different parts of the house. This mode is necessary primarily in spring and autumn. For ease of operation, fan coil units are equipped with special remote controls and an automation system that allows for group control and individual control of each fan coil unit in automatic or manual mode.

Fancoils are connected to sources of cold and hot water or appropriately prepared non-freezing glycol. For domestic purposes, water or a glycol mixture is cooled by an air-cooled chiller with a condensing unit with a capacity of 2 to 50 kW. The most modern chillers are equipped with scroll and screw compressors and have low starting currents (which is important with poor cottage wiring), as well as high efficiency. Like a VRV outdoor unit, the chiller can be mounted on a rooftop, wall, garden or utility room at any distance from the home. In regions where the outdoor air temperature never drops below -15°C, a chiller with heat pump mode can serve as an individual heat point. This will greatly simplify the design of the fan coil system.

In the Moscow region and other areas of active cottage construction, where the thermometer often drops below 30 ° C in winter, it is best to use a gas boiler as a source of hot water or a glycol mixture, which is several times more economical than an electric chiller with a heat pump. Another source of heat is hot water from the central heating system. True, due to poor quality and high temperature, it is suitable only for indirect heating of the coolant supplied to the fan coil system.

Installation and commissioning of the "chiller - fan coils - individual heating point" system will cost the customer approximately 25-30% of the cost of the equipment, and a simplified version - 20-25%.

Systems with variable volume and temperature of the air supplied to the premises

This system is able to maintain all the main parameters of the microclimate of the premises - temperature, humidity, cleanliness and air mobility - within the optimal values. This becomes possible due to the supply of air of a certain temperature in metered quantities to the air-conditioned zones. The equipment largely repeats the equipment of traditional air central air systems. All air treatment, including heating, cooling, as well as centralized cleaning, humidification and ionization, is carried out by a roof-top air conditioner or a modular central air conditioner. Roof-top with indirect gas heating of the air flow is installed on the roof of the cottage or on the ground, next to the house, and with the help of special equipment it is connected to the gas mains and the power grid. A modular type central air conditioner, which is a set of various air handling devices, is located in a special technical room. The sources of heat and cold supply for it are usually an individual heat point (boiler) and a water-cooling machine - a chiller.

Prepared air is supplied to the rooms through a network of air ducts, which are mounted above the false ceiling. The mouths of the air ducts are closed by ceiling linear diffusers or specially designed grilles, which distribute the air extremely evenly throughout the room.

In order for each room to receive air of a strictly defined temperature, a thermostat is installed in all air-conditioned zones. At the same time, several air-conditioned zones can be allocated in one large room, or a number of small rooms can be considered as one zone.

The microprocessor unit controls the operation of the air conditioner (in cooling, heating or ventilation mode) and the order in which conditioned air is supplied to the premises according to the total data of all thermostats. As a result, zone control dampers installed in the ventilation ducts directly in front of the diffusers allow the necessary volumes of prepared air to pass through. The system includes gas analyzers, humidity sensors and other control equipment.

Installation and commissioning of a system with a variable volume and temperature of the air supplied to the premises at the proper level can only be performed by highly qualified specialists. The cost of these works can be up to 35% of the cost of a set of equipment.

Air conditioning of a private house. Professional solutions, prompt execution. Only efficient air conditioning systems.

The air conditioning system in a private house today is one of the most important life support systems and solves a number of tasks that contribute to providing living conditions that correspond to the modern understanding of comfort, namely:

  • maintaining a certain air temperature in the premises of the house;
  • purification of the air flow supplied to the dwelling;
  • ensuring the circulation of air masses;
  • humidification / dehumidification of air to the required indicators.

Air conditioning in a private house, as a rule, is thought out at the design stage, taking into account the architectural features of the building, the requirements of the homeowner and all the technical nuances.

Air conditioning of a private house should be carried out taking into account the number of rooms and their volume.

In some cases, the solution may be to place separate air conditioners in each room or install autonomous (separate) split systems.

In houses with a large number of rooms, it is advisable to use multi-zone air conditioning systems with a variable volume of refrigerant, which make it possible to differentiate the temperature and humidity of the air depending on the characteristics and purpose of each particular room.

Separate split system

Separate split systems are the simplest and cheapest option for air conditioning individual houses, which does an excellent job of creating comfortable conditions in one or two rooms. Modern manufacturers offer various options for split systems - from budget ones, providing only the simplest functions, to multifunctional elite ones.

Structurally, the split system is a set of outdoor and indoor units. Since each indoor unit has its own outdoor unit, this solution is not optimal for large houses - also because of the "overload" of the facade.

Multi split system

A distinctive feature of multi-split systems is the presence of one outdoor unit in the kit, to which several indoor units are connected. Such a system is assembled according to the principle of a designer, allowing you to install an individually selected indoor unit for each room.

Today, manufacturers offer a wide variety of options for indoor units (wall, ceiling, cassette, etc.), which make it possible to integrate elements of the air conditioning system into any interior.

Multizone systems

Air conditioning of a private house with the help of multizone systems is the most perfect solution based on the latest technical achievements and optimal for large houses, including non-standard buildings.

Due to the presence of a common line with a refrigerant, such systems practically do not limit the possibility of increasing the number of indoor modules and do without complex installation work when increasing capacities. Multi-zone split systems allow precise control of air temperature and create the required microclimate in each room with an installed indoor module.

The advantages of multi-zone air conditioning include:

  • the possibility of separating the external and internal blocks of the air conditioner at a considerable distance (over 100 m along the perimeter and up to 50 m in height);
  • interchangeability of system elements inside the circuit;
  • the possibility of intelligent refrigerant management (VRV technology).

Calculation of the air conditioning system

A modern air conditioner (split system) is a complex climatic equipment, the effectiveness of which largely depends on the choice of model, the level of installation work and the quality of further maintenance.

The air conditioning system in a private house, like any other, is an engineering structure that needs accurate calculations of the required equipment power, taking into account many parameters:

  • volume of serviced premises;
  • number of window openings;
  • geographical orientation of the rooms (north-south);
  • the number of people permanently in the room, etc.

For the correct selection of the air conditioning system for a house or cottage, you can contact the specialists of the KUATRON company.

Whom to entrust the air conditioning of a private house in Moscow

The KUATRON company specializes in the design and installation of air conditioning systems in premises for various purposes, providing its customers with a full range of services, including the selection and supply of the necessary climatic equipment, as well as professional maintenance of the installed system.

The air conditioning systems of private houses, created by the specialists of the KUATRON company, are well-thought-out modern technical solutions that are unique for each client.

You can learn more about the services of our company by calling the phone number indicated in the header of the site.

Our engineers are ready to offer solutions of any complexity, from a simple installation of split systems to an integrated climate system for a private house, including air conditioning, ventilation, humidification, disinfection, and air heating.

Popular Solutions

  • Wall and console systems with one or more outdoor units. (Equipment: Wall-mounted air conditioners, Console air conditioners, Multi-split systems)
  • Channel air conditioning systems with ventilation. (Equipment: Ducted air conditioners, Multizone systems, Ventilation units)

Wall split system in a wooden house

Channel system grating

What to choose?

It depends on what tasks you put before the system. A split system is enough to quickly cool the room, but for full-fledged air conditioning with ventilation, we recommend using duct systems. Such systems can combine all modern technologies, such as heat recovery, VAV ventilation, which will save on electricity and heating, control the system through a "smart home" or from a mobile phone, in addition, channel systems can fit into any design, thanks to a huge choice of decorative lattices. A humidifier can be added to the duct system for automated humidity control. Such an air conditioning system, as a rule, is laid at the stage of construction or overhaul of a house.

What is included in a turnkey project?

  1. Consultation and preliminary draft with purpose to determine the main properties and approximate system budget - 1 day, free
  2. Working project - calculation of productivity, selection of equipment, design of the entire system on the plan of the house. Coordination of all elements of the system with the architectural and design features of the room.
  3. Supply and installation of equipment.
  4. Commissioning works.
  5. Control and system debugging during the first year of operation.

What affects the cost?

The final price is influenced by many factors, such as system performance, selected brands (China, Japan, Europe, etc.), additional features and functions (humidification, automation), installation complexity (wall chasing, air ducting), etc. Our engineers at the stage of developing an object try to optimize the system as much as possible, based on the principle of reasonable sufficiency. In addition, when ordering a turnkey project, we provide the maximum possible discounts on equipment, which most of the market does not have.

You can also reduce the cost of the system if part of the work on preparing the premises is undertaken by the customer.

Already have a project?

In 95% of cases, we manage to reduce the final cost of the project by optimizing the system and reselecting equipment. We have perhaps the biggest discounts on many popular brands.


Cottage in the village of Millennium Park, the project included the Mitsubishi Electric system, 3,200,000 rubles, supplied by Daikin, 2,350,000 rubles. Saving 850 000 rubles.

Cottage in the Madison Park village, in the Mitsubishi Electric project, 2,750,000 rubles, supplied by Daikin, 2,000,000 rubles. Saving 750 000 rubles.

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    V.A. Avetisova, Head of the Operations Department of PJSC ROSBANK

    We express our sincere gratitude for the provision of free assistance in the selection of equipment for the installation of an air conditioning system in a building with an area of ​​1800 m2.

    Alexey Safronov, LCD Vodnik

    If you need people who can solve complex and non-standard climate control tasks, then Smart Climate is a very good choice.

    V.V. Khokhrin, CEO of DAPL LLC (DataPlanet)

    The delivery of equipment and all the necessary work was carried out efficiently and on time. Separately, we want to note the responsiveness of our manager Andrey Nikolaev in solving technical and organizational issues

    Spetsstroy of Russia

    All deliveries were completed ahead of schedule. Your employees competently consulted on emerging issues and quickly found the best solution to any problem.

    Khaliullin M., ZhK Opaliha

    The equipment was promptly selected, calculated and presented in the commercial offer, all technical issues were resolved with a full understanding of my requirements and installation nuances. In view of the significant amount of the order, the supply of equipment and installation were divided into two stages without any additional payments.

    Nguyen Canh Hong Lin, CEO Hanoi-Moscow

    In general, we assess the quality of the services provided as high. Issues that arose during the implementation of the project were resolved fairly quickly.

    A. V. Puchkov, General Director of Urban-Group LLC

    The Urban-Group company expresses its gratitude for meeting the deadlines for the delivery and installation of equipment at the facility of the Laikovo Residential Complex. I would like to separately note the professionalism of the company's engineers in solving issues in the field of air conditioning.

    A. V. Mestnikov, First Deputy Director for Production, ESO ALROSA

    Thank you for creating the air conditioning system for administrative premises. In a short time, a full cycle of work was carried out to equip the building with a VRF system, from selection to commissioning.

    Yu.I. Loginov, General Director of SPTK "INTELSET"

    I express my sincere gratitude to you for the prompt and high-quality installation of the air conditioning system in the server room of our enterprise. I would especially like to note the successful project for the placement of equipment in the building, which is guarded by KGIOP, and its clear implementation, ensuring the implementation of the Security Legislation

    E.K.Khisamova, Director of the Charity Foundation "Dream come true"

    We express our sincere gratitude for the assistance rendered in the acquisition of specialized equipment. Thank you for your responsiveness and ability to empathize, for the ability and desire to help those who need it.

    Bolotin A.S., Director of the Public Foundation "Ray of Childhood"

    Thank you for your attention and huge charitable assistance to the Foundation.

    Bolotin A.S., Director of the Public Foundation "Ray of Childhood"

    Thank you for your attention and huge charitable assistance to the Foundation.