Light sandy soils. Features and characteristics of sandy loamy soils. Lime types of soil

For a gardener and gardener, the most important factor is the quality of the land on his site.

The different types have the following characteristics:

  • structure;
  • ability to pass air;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • heat capacity;
  • density;
  • acidity;
  • saturation with micro and macro elements, organic matter.
Knowledge of soil types and their characteristics will allow a practicing gardener to choose the right crops for cultivation on a personal plot, to select and optimally plan agrotechnological processes.


This is a land with a high density, a weakly expressed structure, contains up to 80% clay, slightly warms up and releases water. Poorly passes air, which slows down decomposition in it. When wet, it is slippery, sticky, plastic. From it you can roll a bar 15-18 cm long, which is then easily rolled into a ring without cracks. Clay soils are usually acidic. It is possible to improve the agrotechnical indicators of clay soil in stages, over several seasons.

Important! For better heating of the beds in clay areas, they are formed high enough, the seeds are buried less into the ground. In autumn, before the onset of frost, they dig up the earth, do not break the lumps.

Optimize such soils by introducing:
  • lime to reduce acidity and improve aeration - 0.3-0.4 kg per sq. m, is brought in the autumn period;
  • sand for better moisture exchange, no more than 40 kg / square meter;
  • to reduce density, increase friability;
  • to saturate with minerals;
  • for replenishing organic matter, 1.5-2 buckets per sq. m per year.
Peat and ash are brought in without restrictions.

This type of soil must be carefully loosened and mulched. and with a developed root system grow quite well on clay soils.

Did you know? Red grapes of technical grade« Merlot» grows well on clay-pebble soils of Pomerol, the smallest wine region in France, province of Bordeaux.


Outwardly similar to clay, but with the best characteristics for agriculture. Loam, if you want to visualize what it is, is soil, which can also be rolled up into a sausage when wet and bent into a ring. A sample of loamy soil holds its shape, but will crack. The color of loam depends on impurities and can be black, gray, brown, red and yellow.

Due to neutral acidity, balanced composition (clay - 10-30%, sand and other impurities - 60-90%), loam is quite fertile and versatile, suitable for growing almost all crops. The structure of the soil is distinguished by a fine-grained structure, which allows it to remain loose and pass air well. Thanks to clay impurities, loam retains water for a long time.

To maintain the fertility of loams, perform:

  • fertilizing crops with fertilizers;
  • manure application for autumn digging.


Light, loose, loose sandy soil contains a high percentage of sand, does not retain moisture and nutrients.

The positive properties of sandstones include high air permeability and rapid heating. Grows well on this kind of soil.

  • and berry trees;
  • plants of the gourd family.
To increase the yield under crops, they also apply

Sandstone can be cultivated by adding additives that increase viscosity:

Sideration improves the mechanical structure and saturates it with organic and mineral substances.

To save resources, there is another method of organizing beds - a clay castle.

In place of the beds, a layer of clay 5-6 cm is poured, on top of which a layer of fertile soil is applied - loam, black soil, sandy loam soil, into which plants are sown. The clay layer will retain moisture and nutrients. If fertile soil is not available for planting beds, it can be replaced with improved sandstone mixed with additives for viscosity and fertility.

sandy loam

To determine this type of soil, we also try to mold a bagel from wet earth. Sandy loamy soil will roll into a ball, but it will not be possible to roll it into a bar. The content of sand in it is up to 90%, clay up to 20%. Another example of what kind of soils are that do not require costly and long cultivation. The substrate is light, warms up quickly, retains heat, moisture and organic matter well, and is quite easily processed.

It is necessary to choose zoned plant varieties for planting and maintain fertility:

  • dosed application of mineral and organic fertilizers;
  • mulching and sideration.


Soils of this type can be light and heavy, their disadvantages are:

  • poverty - low levels of nutrients;
  • low acidity;
  • rockiness;
  • fast drying.
Improve the following soil:
  • making
  • enrichment with ammonium sulfate and to increase acidity;
  • mulching;
  • sideration;
  • application of organic fertilizers.
To retain moisture, calcareous soils must be loosened regularly.


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A close “relative” of sandy soil in terms of the mechanical composition of the soil can be called light sandy loamy soil. The only difference between the presented samples of sandy and sandy loam soil is the content of a greater percentage of clay inclusions in sandy loam soil than in sandy soil. From this, one can draw not only a conclusion, but also determine the main characteristics of sandy loamy soil.

Characteristics of sandy soil

The sandy soil of your site has many unique components, therefore:

  • better retains nutrients at the roots of plants,
  • useful organic substances in the soil decompose quickly, which favorably affects the development of the plant,
  • warms up quickly in the sun
  • retains heat for a long time when the temperature drops with the onset of night time.
  • sandy soil does not pass water through itself so quickly,
  • dries out rather slowly, nourishing the root system of the plant with the required amount of moisture,
  • after watering, like any soil, sandy loam soil dries out, but does not form a soil crust on the surface, does not crack,
  • breathable and moisture-absorbing soil,
  • there is no stagnation of water at the roots, root rot is rarely observed,
  • the soil is very well aerated, has good flowability,
  • crumbles well and is not prone to the formation of lumps,
  • contains a greater amount of mineral and organic substances than sandstone due to the increased presence of clay components,
  • simple and easy to process - the soil does not stick to the shovel even when digging a wet area,
  • root crops, such as carrots and potatoes, are always taken out of the ground clean and dry.

How to determine the type of soil?

When squeezing a handful of moist grayish-brown earth into a sausage or lump, sandy loamy soil will easily take the desired shape, but it will not be able to hold it, it will crumble when it dries. This means that you have a handful of sandy loam soil, which is rightfully considered fertile soil, capable of producing good yields of vegetable crops, subject to frequent watering regimes and the application of complex mineral and organic fertilizers. Sandy loam soil is considered one of the good options for garden plots, but, nevertheless, one should not neglect the methods and methods of cultivating the soil, which can greatly affect a good harvest of vegetable crops.

Plants for sandy soil

On sandy soils of the garden plot, varieties of all types of cabbage are recommended for cultivation, early, medium, late, colored, broccoli give excellent and large fruits. A good harvest of tomatoes and cucumbers, parsley, dill, celery, cilantro, which experienced gardeners recommend sowing a little deeper than the usual sowing method.

Almost all vegetable and berry crops are grown on sandy loamy soils, subject to the application of the necessary fertilizers, crop rotation and the obligatory use of a mulch layer consisting of rotted foliage, chopped sawdust or dry twigs, dried mowed grass or straw.

Coniferous shrubs and trees grow almost without losses on sandy loamy soils. Spruces, pines, firs, cypresses, European larches and juniper bushes grow well on sandy and sandy loamy lands.

Found their place on sandy soil and ornamental flowers and shrubs. Garden plots are decorated with bushes of barberry and hawthorn, white turf and cinquefoil, and even dyeing gorse. From perennial flowers, plantings of Italian aster and thyme, cornflowers and oregano, tansy and herbal cloves, yarrow and sage, as well as ornamental cereal plants can be distinguished. Annuals such as marigolds and kosmeya, calendula and nasturtium, sweet peas and lupins, ornamental beans, purslane and irises adorn the flower beds of a garden plot equipped on sandy loamy soil.

Of the fruit trees, the Japanese quince takes root very well and gives large fruits.

Describing plants that take root well and give a bountiful harvest on sandy loamy soils, it should be noted that sandy loamy soil is considered the most favorable soil for growing wine grapes such as Alepo, Rkatsiteli, Pino.

Ways to improve the fertility of sandy soil in your garden

Despite the initial good fertility characteristics, I recommend fertilizing any soil, thereby controlling and significantly improving the quality and quantity of the crop. Therefore, to maintain high quality, do not forget:

  • regular application of peat is recommended to bind solid particles in the soil,
  • to maintain the microflora and chemical composition, mineral and organic supplements are necessary,
  • the introduction of ash from burnt sawdust, since ash favorably affects plant growth, like potash fertilizer,
  • the introduction of clay, because when digging sandy loamy soil, it is necessary to add clay components that affect the moisture absorption of cultivated soil,
  • sowing green manure - plants that increase the saturation of the soil with nitrogen and oxygen when plowing the site and deepening the green mass into the soil. This is an environmentally safe way to enrich poor soils, reliable and quite economical in financial terms.
  • mandatory mulching of plantings and rows between plants, because mulch retains moisture well at the roots, provides additional nutrition and enrichment with microelements,
  • addition of manure and grass compost, affecting the physical properties and fertility of sandy loamy soil.

Disadvantages of sandy soils

  1. Weak structure. After the surface layer dries, humus particles easily escape even with a slight breeze.
  2. Mineral dressings in the upper layer are weakly retained due to the lightness of the soil.
  3. Rain or irrigation water carries nutrient particles into deep clay layers that are inaccessible to plant roots.

It is not difficult to observe agrotechnical rules when cultivating sandy loamy soils. It is enough to follow some advice from experienced gardeners, apply the recommended methods and methods for cultivating the fertile layer, and the result will undoubtedly please the summer resident.

There are several types of soils that differ in their content of sand, clay and other elements. Knowing their main characteristics and features, it will be easier for you to organize planting, since you can improve their properties by cultivating the soil and adding the required substances and fertilizers to it.


  1. Clay, characterized by a high level of fertility and, at the same time, difficulties in processing. Such land will retain water, compacting over time. In spring, planting on a site with clay soil should be carried out later than planned, because it heats up and dries out for a long time - because of this, it also needs to be watered often in summer. So that, like other crops, it goes well, it is best to add peat, coarse sand, leaf humus when digging, and lime the earth every three years. If you cultivate the land with high quality, then fruit trees and many garden crops (potatoes) and flowers (highlander and) will develop well and give rich harvests.
  2. Sandy, which are easy to process. However, due to the fact that they are available for water, there may be problems when applying fertilizers - they will simply be washed out of the soil. To avoid this, it is necessary to apply nutrients and organics in small doses twice a year: in autumn and spring. On a site where sandy soil prevails, it is best to grow grapes, pears, and strawberries.
  3. Loamy, which are best suited for gardening. Among their main characteristics, it is worth noting good moisture capacity, air capacity and ease of processing, so that they do not need to be constantly dug up and improved by fertilizing. Any crop can be grown on such land.
  4. Peat, characterized by a low content of phosphorus, potassium and calcium. If the treatment is not carried out, trees and bushes, flowers and other crops will develop poorly. Soil properties can be improved by draining and liming.
  5. Lime, which quickly warms up and is well processed. True, they are also distinguished by poor moisture absorption, and therefore, with rare watering, your plants will not have enough water. However, crops such as grapes, berry bushes, walnuts, and maples grow well on them.

Breakdown of soils by zones and regions

Zonal soil types is a new concept, it implies the characteristics of the soil depending on the region. Each zone has its own characteristics, which gardeners should also be aware of.

After all, 80% of success in the garden does not depend on fertilizers and plant care, but directly on the quality of the land.

The main areas of our country include:

  1. Tundra, which is located along the coast of the Arctic Ocean and occupies a fairly large territory. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to grow crops on such land, since it is very waterlogged and has a small amount of nutrients. However, here you can grow potatoes and oats.
  2. Taiga-flattering, located on the territory, which occupies approximately 70% of the entire area of ​​the country. Alas, without the application of mineral and organic fertilizers in such a region, it will not be possible to achieve productivity. The high level of acidity is also not encouraging, due to which the owners of summer cottages will have to make limestone. But if you correctly carry out the processing, you should expect high results when planting vegetables, cereals and perennial grasses.
  3. Swamp, which is most often used to create grasslands.
  4. Forest-steppe, found in the Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Irkutsk regions. With proper processing and care of plants on the soils located in this zone, you can grow corn, potatoes, and various winter crops. The most important thing is protection against erosion (destruction), for which it is necessary to deepen the arable layer, apply liming and fertilizers.
  5. Chernozem-steppe - such soils are considered the most fertile, since the land within the boundaries of this zone is distinguished by a large amount of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus).

As you can see, it is very important to know these types, their location and gardening possibilities. This will allow you to properly till the soil and spend less time caring for the plants.

We determine the fertility of the soil

The main factor in determining the fertility of the soil is the acidity of the soil, which reflects the presence of nutrients in it. Knowing this indicator, you can quickly take measures to improve the characteristics of the soil. So, the acidity level at around 7 pH is considered a normal indicator: fertilizers are quickly absorbed in such soil. To determine the acidity, it is best to use a special indicator or contact a specialist in the laboratory.

Experienced gardeners are well aware that most of the planned seasonal work depends on the composition of the soil in the garden. The maintenance of the garden and vegetable garden is not complete without taking into account the soil composition and characteristics of the soil on the farm. Sowing, caring for and fertilizing the land for an excellent harvest is necessary only after a thorough analysis of the soil.

To improve its quality and characteristics in agriculture, even special methods have been developed for processing and touching green manure, various plants that fertilize and strengthen existing soils with the products of their vital activity. In order to effectively apply such agricultural technologies within your own suburban economy, it is better to use them after a careful study of the existing varieties of soils, their typical properties and characteristics.

The territory of Russia is quite diverse and the soil composition can also vary. When the question arises of introducing green manure for processing and improving gardening, selecting horticultural crops to obtain a high-quality and rich harvest, dividing the site into planting and fertilizing zones, and other work to improve soil quality, it is necessary first of all to study the characteristics of the soil on the site. Such knowledge makes it possible not only to avoid many difficulties with growing plants, but also to qualitatively increase productivity, protect your garden from typical garden diseases and pests.

This variety is very easy to identify. So, when during the spring preparatory work, the soil is dug up, the clods turn out to be large, stick when wet, and you can easily roll a long cylinder out of the ground that does not crumble when bent. This type of soil has a very dense structure with poor air ventilation. Saturation with water and warming up of the earth is going poorly, and therefore planting and growing capricious horticultural crops on clay soils is quite problematic.
But in gardening, this type of soil can become the basis for a good harvest if you resort to tillage on the site. For the cultivation of clay soils, green manures are rarely used to facilitate their dense structure, they are enriched with sandy, peat, ash and lime additives. An accurate calculation of the amount of various additives can be made only by conducting a laboratory study of soils from the site. But to increase their fertility, it is better to use averaged data. So, to enrich a square meter of land, you need to add about 40 kg of sand, 300 grams of lime and a bucket of peat and ash. From organic fertilizers, it is better to use horse manure. And if it is possible to use green manure, you can sow rye, mustard and some oats.

Recognizing them is very easy. The main characteristics of such soils are friability and flowability. They cannot be compressed into a lump so that it does not crumble. All the advantages of these soils are also their main disadvantages. Rapid heating, easy circulation of air, minerals and water leads to rapid cooling, drying and washing out of nutrients. The substances necessary for plants do not have time to linger in such soil and quickly go to the depth.
Therefore, growing any kind of vegetation on sandstones is a very difficult task, even after the start of processing. For cultivating the land in such a plot, the introduction of substances is used that makes the light structure more dense. Such additives include peat, humus, compost and clay flour. It is necessary to make sealing components for each square meter of at least a bucket. It will not be superfluous to use green manure. For this work, you can sow mustard, rye and various varieties of oats, after such processing, even the use of fertilizers will become more effective.

sandy loam priming

This type of soil cover is very similar to sandstones, but due to the greater percentage of clay components, it retains minerals better.
The cultivation of such soils is easier and does not require as much effort as sandy and clay varieties. Types of sandy loamy soils may differ slightly from each other, but the characteristic always corresponds to rapid heating and heat retention for a long period, as well as optimal saturation with moisture, oxygen and useful substances. To determine the sandy loam cover, you can compress an earthen lump, which should take the form of a lump, but gradually disintegrate. These types of soil in the original version are ready for growing any horticultural and horticultural crops. But for greater efficiency and in cases of depletion of the soil cover, you can use the planting of plants of the green manure group rye or mustard. It is enough to plant rye and mustard once every 3-4 years, if the choice fell in the direction of oats, then strengthening is carried out more often.

Loamy priming

Such species are optimal for growing a wide variety of plants. Their characteristic allows to do without additional processing. Such soil contains the optimal amount of microelements useful and necessary for full growth and development, as well as a high level of saturation of the root system of plants with water and air, which makes it possible to achieve not only a large potato yield. On such lands, you can grow all kinds of garden and garden plants. It is very easy to distinguish them from other types of soils. It is necessary to compress the earth into a lump, and then try to bend it. Loamy soil will easily take shape, but break apart when trying to deform it.

Lime priming

Very poor variety of land for gardening. Plants grown on calcareous substrates often suffer from iron and manganese deficiencies.
Lime soil can be distinguished by its light brown color and structure with many stone inclusions. Such soil requires frequent processing to obtain a crop. The lack of basic components and the alkaline environment do not allow moisture and organic composition to receive everything necessary for proper growth and development. To improve the fertile properties of the land, the use of green manure is very effective. A simple solution would be to sow rye and mustard. If you grow rye and mustard on the site for several years, you can increase the yield of other crops by several times.

swampy or peat priming

In the original version, these soils are unsuitable for setting up a garden or vegetable garden. But after processing, growing plants is quite possible.
Such soils quickly absorb water, but do not retain it inside. Also, such land has a rather high level of acidity, which leads to a lack of minerals and useful elements for vegetation. After the beautification work, arranged in the fall, you can try to grow unpretentious garden crops in the next season.

Chernozemny priming

Chernozems are a gardener's dream. But among country soils, it is found infrequently. A stable coarse-grained structure, an abundance of humus and calcium, ideal water and air exchange make chernozems the most desirable soils.
But with active cultivation and use for the cultivation of fruit trees and vegetable crops, even such soil can be depleted, so it must be nourished in a timely manner and stimulate fertile properties. For such purposes, the cultivation of green manure is ideal. Rye and mustard are very good to plant after potatoes, which quickly deplete the earth. It is worth repeating the procedure with planting green manure once every 2-3 years. Rye, mustard and varieties of oats are often used in mass agriculture to restore soil fertility, but excellent results can be achieved in home garden conditions. It is easy to establish that there is really chernozem soil on the site, it is necessary to compress the earthen ball and a greasy and black spot will remain in the palm of your hand.

Plant selection by soil composition

To facilitate the work when creating a garden and vegetable garden, it is worth choosing garden crops based on the characteristic features and adherence of plants to soil varieties. So, some representatives of the flora will not grow on land that is not suitable for their cultivation, despite all the efforts made, while others, in the same conditions, will actively grow and bear fruit.

When choosing the vegetation of the garden, the characteristics of the soil of the site must be taken into account.

clayey Earth

The density of the soil does not allow the root system to be fully saturated with air, moisture and heat. Therefore, the yield of vegetable crops in such areas is very small, the only exception can be the cultivation of potatoes, beets, peas and Jerusalem artichoke. But shrubs and trees with a strong root system on a site with clay soil feel quite acceptable.


Even before the application of compacting components, you can increase the level of productivity of the site if you sow carrots, melons, various varieties of onions, currants and strawberries. If the soil is regularly fertilized during the season, then you can get a good harvest of potatoes, cabbage and beets. The use of fast-acting fertilizers can increase the fruiting of fruit trees.

sandy and loamy Earth

Any plant is suitable for these types of soil. The only limitation can be considered the selection of horticultural crops, taking into account the terrain, zoning and climatic conditions.

lime Earth

Growing plants on such soil is quite problematic. It is not suitable for growing potatoes, it is also worth abandoning tomatoes, sorrel, carrots, pumpkins, cucumbers and salads.

swampy or peaty Earth

Without processing on peatlands, only gooseberry and currant bushes can be grown. For other horticultural crops, cultivation work is needed. Growing fruit plants, especially potatoes, in a peat bog is impossible.

Chernozemnaya Earth

The best option for summer cottages and household plots. It is ideal for all garden crops, even the most demanding ones.

For each type of soil, professional agronomists have developed special techniques and methods that ensure the optimal survival of new plants and the full growth of existing ones.

To increase the level of productivity, you can use the following simple recommendations.


For clay soils recommended:
- high position of the beds;
- it is better to sow seeds at a shallower depth;
- seedlings are planted at an angle for optimal heating of the root system;
- after planting, it is necessary to regularly apply loosening and mulching;
- in the fall, after harvesting, it is necessary to dig up the earth.


For sandstones there is a technology when a clay base is created on sandy soil, about 5 cm thick. On this basis, a bed is created from imported fertile soil and plants are planted on it.

Sandy soils

Such soils respond well to the introduction of a variety of organic fertilizers. It is also recommended to periodically mulch, especially in the fall after the end of the harvest.


loams do not require additional processing. It is enough to support them with the help of mineral fertilizers, and in the fall, when digging, it is very good to make a small amount of manure.


For limestone the following should be carried out regularly:
— saturation of the earth with organic fertilizers;
- mulching with the introduction of organic impurities;
- it is often necessary to sow plants of the green manure group: rye, mustard, varieties of oats;
- it is necessary to sow seeds with frequent watering and loosening;
- a good result is the use of potash fertilizers and additives with an acidic environment.


For peatlands quite a lot of garden work is required:
- you need to strengthen the soil with sand or clay flour, for this you can carry out in-depth digging of the site;
- if the soil is found to have increased acidity, then it is necessary to carry out liming;
- You can increase the fertility of the land by introducing a large amount of organic matter;
- the introduction of potash and phosphorus equations well increases the yield;
- for fruit trees, planting in deep pits with the introduction of fertile soil or planting on artificially created earthen hills is necessary;
- as for sandstones, under the garden it is necessary to create beds on a clay pillow.

For chernozem no special processing required. Additional work can be associated only with the characteristics of specific groups of plants. It is also necessary to regularly carry out work to prevent soil depletion. It is enough to plant a few green manure plants: rye, mustard and oat varieties, and the soil will be strengthened and saturated with useful elements for a few more years.