Homemade stoves in development. How to make a waste oil oven. Sheet metal model

It is always nice to use junk materials with benefit. And if it concerns fuel and heating, it is also very profitable. Waste oil heating stoves are a prime example. They can use any oil that can burn.

Transmission, diesel, machine, confectionery, vegetable ... Really any. There are no problems with fuel for such units. What they found, they poured. Moreover, a do-it-yourself furnace is also made from waste materials: an old gas or oxygen cylinder, pipe sections of different diameters or pieces of metal.

The principle of operation of homemade stoves

If any used oil is simply set on fire, the smoke will be merciless and “smell” even more actively. Therefore, direct combustion is not used. First, volatile substances evaporate, then they are burned. This is the basic principle of design development. Therefore, in some embodiments, the furnace has two combustion chambers connected by a tube in which holes are made.

In the lower chamber, the fuel is heated and evaporated. Combustible vapors rise up. Passing through a pipe with holes, they mix with oxygen dissolved in the air. Already in the upper part of this pipe, the mixture ignites, and burns out in the second chamber. Moreover, the combustion of vapors occurs with the release of much more heat and less smoke. With the right technology, there is practically no smoke, as well as soot.

The second method of separating "heavy" fuel (oil of any origin) into "flammable" components is more efficient, but also more difficult to implement. For efficient evaporation, a metal bowl is installed in the lower chamber. It heats up, the droplets of mining that fall on it instantly turn into volatile combustible vapors. In this case, the glow is obtained (in the correct mode) blue-white, as in the case of plasma combustion. From here came another name for this design - with a plasma bowl.

To achieve the greatest efficiency of fuel combustion, used oil must be fed into the lower chamber in very small portions. In some cases - drops, sometimes - a thin stream. That is why this technology is called drip feed.

These are the basic principles of the "operation" of home-made heating units. There are a very large number of their combinations and variations. A few of them are described below.

You can see an example of combustion in a plasma bowl in the video below. This is a Gecko mining furnace, it has a built-in water heater and can work as a heating boiler.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main and main plus is that used fuel and oils are used, which otherwise would have to be disposed of. If the technology is followed, the combustion is so complete that practically no harmful emissions into the atmosphere occur. Other advantages are no less significant:

Simple construction;
high efficiency;
low cost of equipment and fuel;
works on any oils, organic, synthetic, vegetable origin;
the content of up to 10% of pollutants is allowed.
There are also serious drawbacks. And the main one is that if the technology is not followed, the combustion of fuel occurs incompletely. And its vapors get into the room, and this is very dangerous. Therefore, the main and main requirement: furnaces operating on waste oil are installed exclusively in rooms with a ventilation system.

There are more cons:

To ensure good draft, the chimney must be straight and high - at least 5 meters;
regular cleaning of the bowl and chimney is required - daily;
problematic ignition: you must first heat the bowl, then supply fuel;
hot water options are possible, but their independent design is a difficult task - you can’t greatly lower the temperature in the combustion zone, otherwise the whole process will fall apart (as an option, install a water jacket on the chimney, it definitely won’t interfere with the decay of the fuel).
Due to such features, such units are rarely used for heating residential buildings. If they are installed, then in separate rooms and in a modified form.

Application area

In the basic version, a homemade waste oil stove heats the air. They are also called heat guns, heat generators or heaters. It is rarely used for heating residential premises in this form: the air dries out, oxygen from hot metal walls is burned out. But to maintain a normal temperature in industrial or technical premises, such units are very effective: they quickly raise the temperature. They can be seen at service stations, car washes, garages, production shops where there are no combustible materials, warehouses, greenhouses, etc.

Many options can be improved: they can install a coil for heating water or make a water jacket. Such equipment already belongs to the category of water heating and can be installed in a water heating system. Without automation, a mining furnace with a water circuit requires constant monitoring, but for summer cottages, farm buildings with livestock, etc. this is a great option.

How to make a waste oil stove

Today there are already more than a dozen different designs. They use different methods of extracting thermal energy, have a different structure.

Furnaces for burning mining from a pipe

It is easier to make an oven if the body is already ready. As such, you can use a gas or oxygen cylinder, a thick-walled barrel or pipe. The diagram below explains how to make a waste oil stove from a pipe.

The operation of this unit is based on evaporation in a plasma bowl. It can produce up to 15 kW of heat (on average, it can heat 150 square meters). Greater heat transfer due to any changes (the size of the furnace or an increase in the air supply) is impossible: the thermal regime will be disturbed and instead of more heat, more fumes will be obtained, and this is unsafe.

The build order is:

1.) We make the case.
a.) We take a thick-walled pipe with a diameter of 210 mm, a wall thickness of 10 mm. Height 780 mm.
b.) We cut out a bottom with a diameter of 219 mm from sheet steel with a thickness of at least 5 mm and weld it on one side. This is the bottom.
c.) Legs are welded to the bottom (they can be made from bolts).
d.) A viewing window is made at a distance of 70 mm from the bottom. Through it, it will be possible to monitor combustion and heat the bowl at the “start”. Dimensions, respectively, make it convenient for you. The door itself is made from a cut piece of pipe, having welded a thin collar. But everything should be closed tightly, because an asbestos cord is laid around the perimeter of the door. You can use furnace casting, then the dimensions of the hole are cut out for it. You can fasten it with bolts directly to the body (an asbestos cord is required here too).
e.) On the opposite side of the body, stepping back from the top 7-10 cm, a pipe is welded to remove flue gases. Its diameter is 108 mm, wall thickness is 4 mm.

2,) We make a cover.
a.) A circle with a diameter of 228 mm is cut out of metal 5 mm thick.
b.) A collar is welded along the edge from a strip of metal 40 mm wide, the thickness of the metal is 3 mm.
d) A hole with a diameter of 89 mm is cut in the center of the cover, the second with a diameter of 18 mm is cut out from the side. The smaller hole serves as another viewing window, a cover is made on it, which is also used as a safety valve.

3.) We make a pipe for supplying air and fuel.
a.) We take a piece of pipe with a diameter of 89 mm, with a wall thickness of 3 mm, and a length of 760 mm.
b.) Stepping back from the edge of 50 mm around the circumference, drill 9 holes of 5 mm in diameter.
c.) Two more rows of holes with a diameter of 4.2 mm are made 50 mm above these holes, 8 pcs in each row.
d.) Having risen even higher by 50 mm, make the fourth row of holes 3 mm in diameter. There should be 9 of them.
e.) On the same side, along the edge of the grinder, cuts are cut with a thickness of 1.6 mm and a height of 30 mm. Around the circumference of the pipe, they need to be made 9 pcs.
e.) From the other end of the pipe, stepping back 5-7 mm, cut a hole with a diameter of 10 mm.
g.) Insert the fuel supply pipe into the cut hole. Its diameter is 10 mm, wall thickness is 1 mm. It ends at the same level with the air supply pipe. The length and angle of the bend depend on where the fuel container will be located.

4.) The finished air and fuel supply pipe is welded to the cover. It is set so that it does not reach the bottom of the case by 120 mm.

5.) We make a bowl for fuel
a.) Now a piece of 30 mm is cut off from a pipe with a diameter of 133 mm, with a wall thickness of 4 mm.
b.) We cut out a circle with a diameter of 219 mm from sheet steel 2 mm thick.
c.) Weld to a piece of pipe. It turned out a bowl where fuel is supplied.

6.) Assembly.
a.) A bowl is installed inside the body at a distance of 70 mm from the bottom. It can be observed (and kindled) from the lower inspection hatch.
b.) Install the cover with the fuel / air supply device.
c.) A chimney is installed on the chimney. Pipe with a diameter of 114 mm, a wall of 4 mm. Its height is at least 4 meters. The part that remains indoors may not be insulated; it is better to insulate it outside. Chimney - only vertically upwards, inclined sections are excluded.

After installing the oil tank, you can start testing. First, a little paper is placed in the bowl, a flammable liquid is poured, everything is set on fire. After the paper has almost burned through, the oil supply opens.

This drawing of a waste oil furnace is not in vain given with such an accurate indication of the materials. These are the parts you need to use. As a result of the operation of a home-made stove, with a consumption of 1-1.5 liters of fuel per hour, you can heat a room up to 150 "squares".

Drawing of a furnace from a pipe or cylinder in video format

A furnace using waste oil from a cylinder (oxygen or gas) is presented by the author in the video. The design is similar to the one described above, but with original modifications (and it is a little simpler)

Do-it-yourself mini oven for working out

This home-made stove, with a small size and weight (10 kg), fuel consumption of about 0.5 lira per hour, produces 5-6 kW of heat. It is possible to melt it more strongly, but it is not necessary: ​​it can explode. The design is loved by motorists: the garage heats up quickly even in extreme cold, it consumes oil economically, and it is also compact. Therefore, it can be called "garage".

The fuel tank of this small air gun is assembled from the bottom and top of a standard 50 liter gas bottle. It turns out a very reliable design (keep at least one circular seam from the cylinder - there is an o-ring that will give greater strength. You can make a tank from any other container of similar dimensions: 200-400 mm in diameter and about 350 mm high.

In addition to the fuel tank, you need to make a pipe in which the fuel-air mixture is mixed. The wall thickness here is at least 4 mm. You can use a pipe of a suitable diameter. The cones are made from structural steel no thinner than 4 mm.

The dimensions of the waste oil furnace indicated in the drawing can be adjusted up or down, but only by 20 mm - no more. Especially carefully it is necessary to boil the seams in the places of funnels: here the fuel-air mixture lingers for a long time, which is why the temperature is considerable.

The length of the chimney pipe is no more than 3.5 meters. Otherwise, due to too good traction, the fuel will be pulled into the pipe, which will significantly increase consumption and reduce heat transfer.

The figure on the right shows a hot-water version of a homemade stove. Around the upper part of the afterburning zone, several turns of a steel tube are made through which water is passed. In order for the temperature of the gases not to drop much, the coil is closed with a heat-reflecting steel casing. Cold water is supplied from below, passing in a spiral, heats up and goes into the system.

Miracle oven in development

This option is very popular with summer residents and in garages. A convenient small stove, which is made with round or square burning zones. The design is so successful that there are even industrial options. For example, one of the enterprises sells it under the name "Ritsa". The diagram shows all the required dimensions.

A video report on how to assemble this oven will help you navigate the order of work.

Waste oil furnaces are made not only by the artisanal method, they are also produced by the industry. And there are both imported and Russian ones. But the type of construction they have is different.

European or American mining boilers belong to the category of liquid fuel furnaces. They use the principle of pressurization: oil is sprayed into small droplets, combined with an air stream. And the fuel-air mixture is already ignited. Imported factory stoves use the same principle, only a special burner is installed in which the fuel is heated before spraying.

To appreciate the difference in technology and structure, watch the following video. The device is completely different.

In Russian-made furnaces, most use the first principle - there is a hot (plasma) bowl in which liquid fuel turns into gaseous, mixes with air and burns. According to this principle, the following units are built:

Gecko. Produced in Vladivostok. They make units with a capacity of 15, 30, 50 and 100 kW / h. These are hot water boilers that are built into the water heating system. Prices from 70,000 rubles for a 15 kW boiler.
Typhoon. They are produced by Belamos. These are heat generators: they heat the air. There are two options - Typhoon TM 15 and TGM 300, they give out 20-30 kW / h (price: 45,000 rubles and 65,000 rubles, respectively).
Herringbone-Turbo, there is 15 kW, there is 30 kW. These units heat the air, but it is possible to make a water jacket.
Furnaces "Teplamos" with power from 5 kW/hour to 50 kW/hour. They belong to the category of heat guns (heat the air). The work begins with electric heating of the plasma bowl, when the required temperature is reached, the fuel supply begins and the forced air supply to the combustion zone is switched on. The price of these installations is from 30,000 rubles per unit with a capacity of 5-15 kW.

Drawings and diagrams

There are many models of furnaces that use waste oil. And below are a few schemes that can give you an idea, and a do-it-yourself oven for working out will be efficient, economical and safe.

At the most in the garage there is a fat sooo not even anything.

Waste is a cheap fuel that can be used to power a furnace. Waste motor, industrial and transmission oil is available in large quantities at motor transport enterprises and service stations. Instead of being disposed of, used oil can be reused, which saves a lot of money. Heat transfer from waste oil is equivalent to an electric heater of 15 kW. Fuel consumption is 0.5-2 liters per hour. However, here too there are some difficulties. You will learn more about them, as well as how to make a furnace for working out yourself from the article.

Pros and cons of using used oil

Furnaces for mining adopt the principle of direct air heating, and as a result of this use of waste oil, it is possible to heat garages, greenhouses, and workshops. It is best to use such furnaces at car services, because there is no need to look for fuel. It is already at hand in large quantities.


  • when burning oil, there is no burning and soot
  • ease of operation
  • fire safety (used oil itself does not burn, only its vapors burn)

disadvantages use of used oil:

  • used unrefined oil from technical services is not suitable for boilers, because it contains many impurities, water, alcohols, etc.. The use of such unrefined oil will clog the filter, injectors, or even explode in the fuel heating unit. Therefore, used oil must be cleaned and filtered, which is impossible to do at home. Prepared purified waste oil costs about 12 rubles per liter (diesel oil costs from 28.4 rubles per liter).
  • any car service center and state-owned motor transport enterprises are required to conclude agreements with companies involved in the disposal of used oil. i.e. they pay money in order to get rid of it, then, accordingly, they will not just hand out used oil left and right.
  • waste oil cannot be kept cold. On the street, it will freeze, so you need to either store the oil in a heated room, or bury the barrel to the depth of freezing of the earth.

Types of furnaces in development

The most popular waste oil furnaces are pyrolysis furnaces and turbo burners. In pyrolysis ovens, the waste oil is heated with a lack of oxygen in the first chamber, where the oil decomposes. The decomposition products burn in the second chamber with a sufficient amount of oxygen, while releasing a large amount of heat. The pyrolysis temperature can be changed by decreasing or increasing the air supply to the pyrolysis chamber. The main disadvantage of such an oven is the need for regular cleaning of fractions accumulating in the chamber, as well as the impossibility of automatically maintaining a certain temperature.

Turbo burners operate on the principle of diesel engines. Oil is sprayed into the chamber and the oil vapors begin to burn. The disadvantage of this type of ovens can be considered a high sensitivity to the quality of the oil, as well as the need to warm it up before use.

According to the type of design, mining furnaces are divided into furnaces made from a gas cylinder, blown designs and models with drip fuel supply.

Furnace for mining from a gas cylinder

​ Materials and tools for the manufacture of the furnace

The easiest way to make a furnace is from used gas, oxygen or carbon balloon. The cylinders have a good wall thickness, so that such a furnace will last more than one year. A heating unit from one cylinder will be able to heat a room up to 90 m 2. Also, this design can be converted for water heating. The stove from the cylinder will not require forced air supply, and the oil will flow by gravity. To prevent the cylinder from heating up to fire hazardous temperatures, it is necessary to set the height of the unit circuit in accordance with the height of the combustion source inside the device. For the manufacture of a furnace from a used cylinder, it is necessary purchase:

  • chimney pipes with an internal diameter of at least 10 cm, a wall thickness of not more than 2 mm and a length of at least 4 m;
  • fuel tank with a volume of 8-15 liters;
  • burner pipes;
  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • Bulgarian;
  • file;
  • steel corners;
  • drill and a set of drills;
  • level and tape measure.

Manufacturing technology

We take a used seamless cylinder for 50 l t up to 1.5 cm thick. If the walls are thicker, then the cylinder will not be warm enough from the inside, and the oil vapor will not evaporate. The boiling point of the oil is approximately 300 0 C, so the chamber will be above 600 0 C. Then you need to get rid of the unpleasant smell of the odorant (leak detection gas) in the gas cylinder. To do this, condensate is drained on the street, and washed several times with water. Then balloon filled to the top with water, placed vertically in a special pallet or buried to a stable position in the ground.

Bulgarian cut off the top of the bottle. After the first cut, water begins to drain into the pan or onto the ground. When it drains the water, you can continue to cut the top. Most of the bottom will serve as a chamber, and the cut off top with a valve will become the stove cover.

We weld from steel corners to the bottom of the cylinder using a welding machine 20 cm "legs" for the stove. Then the balloon is placed on the "legs". In the upper part of the sawn-off lower half of the cylinder, we retreat from above 10-15 cm and, using welding, cut a hole for the main exhaust pipe along the diameter of the pipe.

As an extract, you must select thin-walled chimney with a diameter of at least 10 cm and a length of at least 4 m. We insert it into the hole made, hold it strictly vertically and weld it. In the chimney, you also need to make a small hole, covered with a plate. With it, you can regulate the air supply.

ATTENTION! The chimney must be straight and vertical. No slopes or corners! The length of the chimney must not be less than 4 m.

We step back 10 cm from the place of welding and make a small hole with a diameter of 2-3 mm with a welding machine. After 5 mm upwards, we make another hole. In the same way, we make 10 similar holes, the last one should be at a height of 50 cm from the welding site.

In the same pipe, at a height of one meter from the floor, a hole is made for a new pipe with a diameter of 5–8 cm and a length of 2–4 m. The pipe is inserted parallel to the floor and welded together.

A hole with a diameter of 5-8 cm is cut in the cut off upper part of the cylinder. Recycled oil will be poured there.

ATTENTION! In no case should unrefined oil be poured into such a design. It may contain water or alcohols, and if the temperature rises, an explosion and fire may occur. If all this happens in the garage, the consequences can be catastrophic!

At the top of the removable part of the cylinder, you can connect "tray", on which it will be possible to heat a mug of water or porridge. To do this, a small square or rectangle is cut out of a steel sheet and welded to the lid. Or it can be installed on a pipe that is parallel to the floor.

Furnace operation

Waste oil poured for 2/3 cylinder. Then you need to light a sheet of paper, put it on top of the oil and close the stove lid.

After a certain time, the temperature inside the oven will begin to rise, the oil will evaporate and spontaneous combustion of oil vapors.

ATTENTION! Oil must not be poured into an operating furnace. Also, gasoline and kerosene cannot be used as fuel.

After the end of work and cooling of the furnace, it is necessary to clean it of the contents. Remove the accumulated soot from the upper removable part by tapping the lid on the cylinder.

Materials and tools

Very popular among craftsmen from the people are the designs of waste oil furnaces, made from steel sheets. Such an oven has compact dimensions (70/50/35 cm without a chimney), weighs 27 kg, it can be connected to heating, it can be used in the cold, and the top of the oven can be used for cooking. To make such an oven, we need:

  • steel sheet 4 mm thick
  • steel sheet 6 mm thick
  • Bulgarian
  • file
  • welding machine and electrodes
  • a pipe with an inner diameter of 10 cm, a length of at least 4 m and a wall thickness of 4-5 mm for a chimney
  • steel corners 20 cm high 4 pieces as legs for the oven
  • drawing
  • level and tape measure
  • a hammer
  • burner pipes made of steel, copper or painted sheet

Stages of manufacturing a furnace from steel sheets

To start, print drawing of the future furnace with details painted on it.

Operation of the furnace in mining

If desired, you can give the oven an aesthetic appearance. For this we do special paint: pour half a liter of liquid glass, 200 grams of aluminum powder and 20 grams of chalk into a liter jar. The jar is closed with a lid and shaken vigorously. With this mixture using a regular brush the stove is stained. With the resulting mixture, you can paint three ovens, so the number of ingredients can be safely halved.

In order to use the furnace during working out, certain conditions must be observed. precautionary measures.

  • do not put in a draft
  • oven cannot be placed close to flammable objects
  • around the oven should be half a meter free space
  • cannot be allowed to get water into the oil, otherwise the boiling oil will begin to splash out through the holes in the pipe
  • attentively check the chimney for leaks
  • use as fuel only technical oil

The oven heats up to working condition in 5 minutes. To do this, fill for 2/3 fuel tank and top up with a little gasoline and solvent (20-30 grams). On a long wire, you need to make a burning wick and through the hole for pouring oil set fire to gasoline. It will help the oil to warm up to the right temperature so that the vapors begin to evaporate and ignite. After that, a stable column of flame fed by oxygen is formed in the pipe with holes. The intensity of the flame can be adjusted by the blower hole where the oil is poured.

ATTENTION! Do not leave a running oven unattended!

Waste oil furnace video review

Various self-made heating stoves are quite popular today. Since they do not need to spend a lot of money, and at the same time they are very effective. Waste oil stoves are just such units that are installed for heating a house, garage, bathhouse, workshop, greenhouse or other outbuildings. Do-it-yourself furnace drawings for working out are quite understandable and there are no complex structures there, so anyone who wants to make such a unit can handle it quite well.

Often, stoves are made on used oil for a bath. This is a great option, as the unit will not only quickly heat the air in the bath, but also the water. Furnace equipment for a bath is usually quite expensive, and such a do-it-yourself design is quite effective and cheap.

Rice. one The simplest round
unit design in development

Principle of operation

The design of the waste oil furnace consists in the presence of two tanks connected by a burner pipe (Fig. 1). One tank is at the bottom and the other is at the top. The lower tank is the primary combustion chamber, in which the oil is actually placed, where it boils, and gases are released that continue to burn in the connecting pipe.

The connecting pipe must be provided with holes (fig. 2). The diameter of these holes becomes about 1 cm. Air enters the burner pipe through these holes, with which the vapors mix and ignite with renewed vigor. In the upper tank, the oil vapors burn out and the combustion products are removed through the chimney.

Rice. 2 Manufactured pipe-burner with
openings to the unit for mining

There must be a hole in the lower tank through which air enters the combustion chamber, and also through which oil is poured. There should be a damper on this hole, it regulates the intensity of combustion. It is possible to make different models of the furnace. Quite often, drawings of a square furnace are used for mining (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 Square furnace with a fuel supply tank in
bottom tank

Do-it-yourself furnaces are also often automated for mining, for example, by adding an air compressor for pressurization and a pump for supplying fuel to the design.

Rice. 4

It should be noted that the layout of the furnace for mining can be different, for example, made from a gas cylinder, with a water circuit, the tanks can be round or square.

This design has many advantages. The main ones can be noted:

  • Versatility. The design of this oven is so arranged that it is possible not only to heat the room, but also to cook food (Fig. 5).
  • Cheapness in the manufacture of the furnace and cheapness of fuel. Although used-type oil is not available everywhere in such volumes.
  • Design reliability.
  • The efficiency of the heating process.
Rice. 5

Making a furnace for mining from a gas cylinder

The gas cylinder is ideal for making a furnace out of it, that is, its shape, thickness. Especially often this design is used in the bath. For this you need the following materials:

  • Standard type gas cylinder: 50 liters, its walls should be about 1.5 cm thick, since if the wall is thicker, the device will heat up longer.
  • Sheets of steel. This is necessary for the manufacture of a container from which oil will flow.
  • Galvanized chimney pipe.
  • Pipes for the burner.
  • Steel corners for legs.

To make a waste oil furnace, you need a drill, an angle grinder, a welding machine, as well as a set of locksmith tools, a tape measure, and a level.

The drawing of the furnace for mining from a gas cylinder is very important in the design. To begin with, the gas cylinder must be empty, it must be opened, since the remaining gas remains exactly the same. You also need to drain all the condensate. Clean the bottle with water several times. Cleaning should only be carried out outdoors and never indoors.

Rice. 6 A variant of the unit for the development of the manufactured
from a balloon

Next, you need to cut off the top. In order to put exactly marks for the cut, you can draw water into a cylinder and bury it in the ground up to half. The cut is made with an angle grinder, that is, a grinder, along with water inside. Next, water will begin to flow through the incision, it is worth waiting for the excess water to flow out, after which the top is completely cut off.

According to the drawing of the waste oil furnace with your own hands, you should then make a hole for the chimney. It is done on the cylinder body at a distance of 10 cm from the top. The diameter of this hole should be the same as the chimney pipe. A horizontal pipe (about 40 cm) is welded to the cylinder with a welding machine, and a vertical part is already attached to it, which should reach at least 3.5 m.

Rice. 7 The chimney of the unit is being worked out.
Finishing the ceiling above the stove in the bath

In the case above the bottom, you need to cut a hole for blowing. It has a rectangular shape. And then a door is attached to it to adjust the intensity of combustion. A container for testing is installed at the bottom of the cylinder. It can be made from a pipe with a diameter of 17 cm, a height of about 10 cm can be taken. The bottom must be welded to this pipe with a sealed seam. From a sheet of steel, you need to cut a lid for a container with oil. It should have 2 holes: one for the burner pipe - 10 cm, the second for supplying fuel and air 4 cm. In this design, as well as in other drawings and assemblies of waste oil furnaces, a valve is needed for the fuel supply hole.

The burner pipe must be as high as a gas cylinder. One end must be welded to the lower combustion chamber, and to the second a round piece cut from a sheet of steel. The diameter of this part is equal to the diameter of the balloon.

Also, holes with a diameter of 1 cm should be drilled on the pipe with a drill; there should be about 40 of them, they are arranged in rows. Further, the entire resulting structure is placed in a balloon. The chimney hole must be located above the top round piece. The cylinder cover, which was previously cut off, is welded to the resulting structure from above.

You also need to weld the legs from the prepared corner to the cylinder. Now you can pour mining into the finished design, made by yourself, through the blower door.

Often in the manufacture of waste oil furnaces, a different method of supplying oil is used. For example, a branch pipe is launched through a burner pipe with a diameter of about 2 cm, into which another one is cut at an angle. An oil container can be connected to the second pipe. This design is done by hand.

Rice. eight

Furnace with water circuit

The scheme of the waste oil furnace with a water circuit is quite simple. The design has a pump supplying fuel to the combustion chamber. Oil (working out) is in a separate container. When the oil is supplied to the chamber, it begins to evaporate, and the vapors rise into the burner pipe, where intensive combustion occurs and, as a result, the water in the water jacket is heated. In such a working device, a drip fuel supply scheme is installed.

In the upper part there is a container with water, which is heated. Already from this container, an exit is made to the heating circuit (above), and through the second hole (below), the already chilled water returns to such a hand-made boiler. The pipes that enter the water tank should be 4 cm in diameter. For such a system, you first need to assemble the pipeline and radiators.

Installation Requirements and Safety

Knowing how to make a working oven is not all. It is very important to know all safety rules and installation requirements as this oven is a fire hazard. The main rule in the manufacture is to adhere to the schemes and drawings of the waste oil furnace made earlier. You should also make the unit only from high-quality, and, of course, heat-resistant materials, of the desired thickness.

The chimney should only be in a vertical position; during assembly, it is allowed to adhere to a slope of 300-400. The thickness of the flue pipe must be at least 3 mm. The chimney must be closed with a visor that will protect it from rain. Do-it-yourself installation of such a furnace implies an absolutely flat surface, this is important, since the oil level in the lower tank must be even and not reach the top.

Before installing a finished structure, you need to take care of the place where it will stand. Be sure to make heat-resistant protection, that is, install asbestos or steel sheets on the walls. You can put the unit on a brickwork filled with cement mortar. There should be free space around the stove, about 50 cm.

Maintenance of the furnace during working out consists in cleaning the chimney from soot and soot and the oil tank.

It should be noted a few points that absolutely cannot be done:

  • Do not use flammable substances during operation, especially as fuel. This can lead to a fire in the unit, and then to an explosion. Only oily substances (fuel oil, kerosene, etc.) can act as combustion catalysts.
  • It is impossible to leave the furnace on working out in the process of burning without supervision for a long time.
  • You can not use the stove with an improperly made chimney, and even more so without it at all.
  • Do not extinguish or cool the unit with water. In case of emergency, extinguish the stove only with a fire extinguisher. When installing such a unit, it is imperative to acquire fire extinguishers.
  • The oven must not be used if it is malfunctioning, for example, if it smokes, smokes, etc. it is not safe for human health.
  • You can not close the air intake, you need to make sure that this does not happen by accident.
  • Do not use used oil that is too contaminated or has water in it. Contaminated fuel should be filtered or settled and only then used.
  • Do not install the unit in a draft, under the shelves on which there are any things, near the curtains. All of this can cause a fire.

Transformer, transmission, motor, depreciation oils are suitable as fuel for a working furnace during mining. If the refueling of the unit is portioned, then it is forbidden to add oil during the combustion process. Refueling of mining occurs only after the complete burnout of the previous portion and the cooling of the unit.

In recent years, used engine oils and light heating oil have risen in price, so buying it for heating has become not very profitable. However, many garage and workshop owners remain committed to oil heating because fuel is inexpensive. And if you learn how to make the oven itself for testing with your own hands, you can save even more, because factory heaters also cost money. Introducing 2 popular designs of liquid fuel stoves that you can make yourself.

Varieties of oil stoves

If you have already tried to figure out home-made waste oil heaters and searched for drawings on the Internet, then you probably got acquainted with a huge variety of products from home craftsmen. In fact, all heating units are derivatives of two basic structures operating on the principle of pyrolysis combustion:

  1. A two-chamber miracle furnace of direct combustion with an open perforated pipe - an afterburner.
  2. The stove is a dropper with a closed-type afterburner placed inside the firebox.

Two-chamber miracle stove

Reference. It is also possible to efficiently burn heavily contaminated liquid lubricants using burners. But they are quite difficult to manufacture, and it is better to use burners in boilers connected to water heating.

The principle of operation of the miracle stove shown in the photo is very simple. Since oil recovery does not ignite or burn on its own, it must first be heated and evaporated. This takes place in the primary chamber, filled with about a third of the fuel. The oven works like this:

  1. Mining must be ignited with a flammable fuel, after which it begins to evaporate and burn. Air is supplied through a damper in the lid of the firebox.
  2. Oil vapors and pyrolysis gases rush up the pipe, where they mix with air from the holes. Due to this, they are burned.
  3. In the secondary chamber, afterburning of gases continues. So that the generated heat does not immediately fly out into the chimney, the chamber is divided into 2 compartments by a partition that traps combustion products.

Garage craftsmen, who most often use these furnaces for mining, make many changes to the design - a 90 ° bent afterburner, a secondary chamber in the form of a barrel or a steel heat exchanger, a welded tank for automatic fuel replenishment, and so on. This does not change the principle of operation of the unit and is done for one purpose - to increase the efficiency of the heater and get more heat.

The drip furnace is characterized in that a perforated pipe is installed inside the fuel chamber and serves to supply combustion air. The mining coming through the oil pipeline drips into a special bowl, where it is safely burned, as shown in the diagram. For preheating, the fuel pipe is laid inside the afterburner. The unit can function both due to natural draft in the chimney, and with air blowing by a fan. The second option allows you to increase the heat transfer of the furnace at a constant fuel consumption.

So that you can choose the right option for an oil heater for your garage, summer house or greenhouse, we suggest analyzing the pros and cons of both designs.

Advantages and disadvantages of a miracle stove

A two-chamber waste oil furnace has one significant advantage - simplicity and low cost of manufacture. Making it is not a problem for any person who knows the skills of welding. The second plus is the ability to burn the most polluted oils, since they are poured directly into the chamber without any tubes that can become clogged.

Now for the disadvantages:

  • low efficiency, as indicated by the high temperature of the exhaust gases (you can’t touch the chimney);
  • average fuel consumption - 1.5 liters / hour, maximum - up to 2 liters, which is a lot;
  • the stove smokes into the room during ignition and smokes a little after warming up;
  • high fire hazard.

Scheme of a mini-oven

An important point. If mining with an admixture of water or antifreeze is poured into a home-made stove, then when it evaporates, pops appear in the chamber with drops of burning oil spraying through the holes of the afterburner. This creates a fire hazard that cannot be extinguished with water.

These shortcomings have been tested in practice and are confirmed by numerous reviews of real users. So that you have no doubts about this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video, which shows the operation of the furnace in oil mixed with water:

Pros and cons of a dropper

Unlike the previous heater, the drip-type furnace is safe to operate, because fuel is supplied in small portions into the bowl, and the pipe with holes is hidden in a steel case. The strengths of the stove look like this:

  • economical fuel consumption - from 0.5 to 1.5 l / h;
  • the possibility of burning oils mixed with water or antifreeze;
  • efficient fuel combustion, which is confirmed by smokeless exhaust to the street;
  • forced air furnace is undemanding to the height of the chimney;
  • The unit does not emit smoke into the room.

This is how combustion occurs in a dropper

If desired, the dropper can be improved by providing security automatics, or by turning it into a boiler by installing a water jacket. To supply heat to 2-3 registers, it is enough to weld the furnace with a water circuit in the form of a coil installed in the upper part of the body.

Reference. Some craftsmen cut the doors in advance in the body of the stove. They serve not only to clean soot, but also to load firewood if mining is over.

The negative point is the clogging of the oil lines during the operation of the heater. To avoid this, the used lubricant has to be filtered and defended. For the same purpose, in a separate fuel tank, the oil pipe fitting cuts 5-10 cm above the bottom of the tank, where debris settles.

We make a simple oven

If you are not scared away by the shortcomings of a two-chamber stove, or you have working out without impurities, then prepare the following materials for assembling the unit:

  • metal 4-5 mm thick or cuttings of thick-walled pipes of large diameter for the body;
  • pieces of rolled metal for legs;
  • a pipe 100 x 4 mm will go to the afterburner and flue gas outlet;
  • a piece of steel sheet up to 2 mm thick - on the air damper.

Note. The shape of the hull doesn't really matter. From pieces of pipe, the stove will come out round, from sheet steel - square. From pipes with a diameter of 200-300 mm, you can make a mini-oven, although you will have to add fuel to it more often.

Focusing on the dimensions indicated on the drawing of the oil furnace, cut out the blanks and proceed with the assembly in accordance with the instructions:

  1. Weld the lower (primary) chamber and attach legs to it. Cut a round hole at the top and place an air damper on the rivet.
  2. Drill holes in the pipe with a diameter of 100 mm, as indicated on the drawing.
  3. Weld the finished afterburner to the firebox.
  4. Assemble the secondary chamber with a baffle and a chimney pipe. Weld it to the top end of the perforated pipe. This oven is ready.

A few words about how to upgrade the furnace for testing. If you make 2 afterburners and increase the size of the secondary chamber, you can increase the power of the heating unit. A sample of such a product is shown in the photo, a fuel tank is also attached to it with a safe “on the go” replenishment system.

An example of the original design with a bent afterburner designed for a bath, you can see in the next video:

How to make a drip oven from a cylinder

As a rule, a mining stove with a drip oil supply into the bowl is made from a pipe with a diameter of 200 mm or an old propane gas cylinder. The latter is better to take the Soviet sample, where the wall thickness is up to 5 mm.

Advice. Do not take an oxygen cylinder to assemble the heater. There are two reasons: too much weight and prolonged heating due to thick walls, as well as the danger of an explosion during metal cutting.

When making a firebox from a pipe, you will have to make and weld a bottom with a lid to it. In this regard, the gas cylinder is more convenient: you need to unscrew the valve, fill it with water and cut off the upper part with a grinder. After that, follow the instructions:

  1. Make holes in the body for the chimney and in the lid - for mounting the afterburner. In the lower part of the cylinder, an inspection opening can be cut, closed with a bolted lid, as shown in the drawing.
  2. Make an afterburner pipe by drilling holes according to the drawing. At the bottom end, make 9 grooves with a cutting wheel.
  3. Make a steel bowl, you can use a car brake disc, as shown in the photo. Place it on the bottom of the firebox, lifting it 3-5 cm.
  4. Replace the afterburner and put on the cylinder cap. Insert the oil line into the pipe so that its end is above the bowl.
  5. Make a fuel tank with a fitting (for example, from a heating expansion tank) and hang it on the wall near the stove. It remains only to connect the chimney and you can start igniting.

If you want to make a working furnace with a water circuit, then place a coil from a thick-walled tube inside the firebox, preferably from stainless steel. Place it in the upper zone, and bring the ends of the tubes out through the holes in the walls. Then they can be connected to the garage water heating batteries, as is done in the photo.

Details about the device of a waste oil drip furnace, made by hand from a gas cylinder, are described in the following video:


Makeshift stoves in detention can be very effective, especially when they're smart and upgraded. In some cases, an oil heater can heat a private house, but then you need to weld a water jacket for the stove and turn it into a boiler. The latter will have to be moved to a separate building, for example, a summer kitchen or a barn. Otherwise, dirt and a persistent smell of used oil will appear in the boiler room.

Structural engineer with over 8 years experience in construction.
Graduated from East Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronic Industry Equipment in 2011.

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During the combustion of mining, vapors and gases are formed that enter the connecting pipe. There, the combustion process becomes more active, as the combustion products of the oil are mixed with more oxygen. The gaseous waste from this process is discharged through a chimney connected to the upper tank.

For a more accurate representation of the design, we propose to consider the drawing of this unit.

Device types

There are 4 versions of waste oil furnaces:

  1. Simple or made of metal without additional elements.
  2. Supercharged working furnace (read). In this unit, the air supply is enhanced by the use of a fan.

  3. . A dropper is used for metered oil intake.

  4. Heating device for mining with a water circuit (read). Such a unit is suitable for heating large rooms.

Pros and cons of this heating method

These furnaces, in comparison with other designs, have undeniable advantages. Among them are the following:

  • low cost of fuel used;
  • simple and practical design, which almost completely eliminates the possibility of breakage;
  • the operation of the furnace does not depend on the ambient temperature;
  • fast heating of small rooms;
  • the ability to connect to the heating system of the whole building (for this, a heat exchanger must be provided in the upper tank);
  • does not need electricity or gas, so it is not afraid of turning them off (you can install the unit without obtaining the appropriate permits);
  • can both heat the room and be used for cooking;
  • the dimensions of the device are such that it can be transported even in a car;
  • in the manufacture it will be possible to save significantly by using secondary raw materials;
  • low fire hazard when used correctly.

However, it is important to know about the disadvantages of oil furnaces for mining:

  1. A rather simple design is complicated by a chimney, which must be built regardless of which room is heated. The pipe must meet certain requirements: no horizontal sections are allowed in it, and the total length is at least 4 m, which allows normal traction to be achieved.
  2. Due to the use of mining as fuel, the stove is very dirty, so it and the chimney must be cleaned frequently.

The most important design features

First of all, the surface on which the oven is installed must be strictly horizontal so that the oil in the tank is evenly distributed.

For the manufacture of the device, you need to choose only high-quality and heat-resistant materials. For the chimney, steel with a thickness of at least 3 mm is used. Its outer part can be made of galvanized or asbestos-cement pipe. The internal diameter of the smoke channels must be at least 10 cm.

At the exit from the furnace, a small section of the pipe is set at an angle of 30 °, and then it must go strictly vertically. For the tank, metal with a thickness of 3 mm or more is used. The diameter of the holes in the connecting pipe is selected so that it is equal to about a tenth of the diameter of the chimney.

In the lower tank, it is important to provide for a damper that will allow you to adjust the strength of the flame.

Ways to improve performance

Oil furnaces in mining are great for heating non-residential premises. At the same time, in buildings where people are constantly present, such equipment is used with caution. In the room where this unit operates, oxygen burns out intensively, which poses some danger. If you decide to install such equipment in a residential building, you must allocate a separate room for this. Then it is allowed to use the device in a water heating system.

To heat water with this furnace, a sealed tank with a heat carrier is installed above the upper tank. In order for the liquid to circulate, fittings are attached to the container at different levels.

You can also make the operation of the furnace more efficient using a conventional fan, which is installed near the upper tank. By blowing the container, this mechanical device not only promotes better circulation of warm air, but also cools the upper part of the stove, which will significantly extend the service life.

Making a furnace for working out with your own hands

You can buy a similar factory-made device, but its cost is quite high - about 50 thousand rubles. Or you can order the unit from the master. The final amount will depend on the area in which you live, as well as on the level of professionalism of the master. In any case, the price of a mining furnace will be more affordable - about 5 thousand rubles.

Another option is to make the device yourself. We bring to your attention a simple instruction that will help you do everything right.

First of all, you need to stock up on the necessary materials and tools, namely:

Alternatively, waste gas cylinders can be used instead of sheet metal to create tanks.

The procedure for manufacturing a waste oil furnace is as follows:


The oven is now ready for use. But before you start using the unit, it will be useful to know a number of safety precautions when handling it:

  1. This facility is designed exclusively for waste oil. Never use gasoline or other flammable substances as fuel.
  2. It is necessary to ensure that there is no draft in the room where the unit operates.
  3. The temperature of the oven is quite high, so you can’t leave anything that can ignite nearby.
  4. The operating unit must be kept under control, periodically checking its condition.
  5. A device with obvious defects must not be operated. The same applies to a chimney with broken integrity.
  6. Oil used as fuel must not contain water.


As you can see, furnaces using waste oil are quite convenient and simple in design units. Without big expenses they give the chance to heat effectively working rooms. However, such a device will be useful only if during its manufacture, and especially during operation, all fire safety rules are strictly followed.

Before embarking on the manufacture of a simple furnace for mining, you need to think in detail how it will be used and where it will be located. In addition, it is necessary to clearly understand how the manufacturing process of the unit takes place and what tools and components will be needed for this.