How to make a desk for a student with your own hands. We make a comfortable desk for a child with our own hands Thorough preparation is the key to quick and efficient assembly

When a child goes to school, having a special place in the house where he will now do his homework becomes a necessity. It should be comfortable, necessarily separate, a table or a desk, which are located in a well-lit place, best of all - by the window.

It is not necessary to use a bulky design. In the life of a schoolchild there should be a place for games, sports, hobbies, creative activities. The fewer unnecessary items the desk can fit, the better the student will focus on a particular activity.

When choosing the best option for your conditions, consider various tables made of chipboard, plywood, wood. There are folding, retractable, angular, straight designs. Everyone can make a simple and functional school desk for a student with their own hands. It will be enough for an elementary school student. With the growth of the child and the increase in the number of subjects studied, the desk can be supplemented with hanging shelves, separate bedside tables, and shelving.

First job for a student

Before you make a desk for a first grader with your own hands, carefully consider the drawings. You can adjust the height of the legs depending on the height of your child. For example, with the growth of students up to 115 cm, the tables should be no higher than 46 cm, and with 130 - no more than 50 cm.

Materials and tools

  • Laminated chipboard sheet.
  • Edge for ends.
  • Iron.
  • Furniture screws.
  • Electric drill.
  • Drill.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Angle, tape measure.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Decorative caps for screws.

In accordance with the dimensions that contain the drawings, or your data, cut the necessary parts from chipboard. If you have experience in such work and the appropriate equipment, you can do it yourself. An easier option is to order cutting at the place where chipboard was purchased. They will also help you with pasting the ends with a special edge.

Description of work

You will appreciate the advantages of this simple model: it is easy to make it yourself, it is neat, you will find a place for such a desk for a first grader even in a very small room. In addition, desks (as well as other products) made of chipboard can be painted in any color that suits the interior of the room.

A place to study and write

Time passes quickly, and now we need something more than just a children's desk. An interesting model for middle and high school students will be a compact do-it-yourself table. Behind him, you can not only do your homework, but also put the student's writing materials, notebooks, and the first scientific projects in numerous drawers and compartments. Our proposed option is more suitable for a classic interior.

This desk has a height of 90 cm, a width of about 94 cm, a depth of 55 cm. If such a product is too high for you, you can adjust the length of the legs when making it yourself. Such a piece of furniture can be attributed to furniture of medium complexity. Be attentive to details, and the description of the work and drawings will help you cope with the work and be satisfied with its result.

Materials for making a desk

To get started with your own hands, prepare the following materials:

  • As the main material - a furniture board of hardwood with a thickness of 18 mm. Instead, you can take laminated chipboard by gluing the ends of the parts with edge tape.
  • Plywood 10 mm thick.
  • Wooden dowels.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Finishing nails.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Acrylic lacquer.

Of the tools you will need:

  • Electric jigsaw.
  • A circular saw.
  • Electric drill.
  • Milling machine.
  • The machine for polishing, nozzles of different granularity.
  • Clamps.
  • Hammer, hacksaw.
  • Roulette, square, pencil.

A detailed drawing of the table will provide the dimensions of the necessary elements, demonstrate their installation locations.

Description of the order of work

Attention! A handmade desk should be neat. Therefore, excess adhesive should be wiped off immediately with a dry cloth.

First of all, connect the sides and legs along the short sidewalls, after the glue has dried, add the longitudinal sides. Tighten the connections with clamps until dry. The base for the desk is ready.

  1. Cut a 936x550 cm furniture board (or chipboard) slab for the countertop and the top cover of the shelves. Select the slots for installing the right compartment partition. Use a thin cylindrical cutter for grooving. Also make the outer edges of the parts smooth.

On a strip of plywood (10 mm thick), do the markings for 4 vertical partitions 150x135 mm with your own hands. Saw them out, glue front wooden linings to the front edges.

  1. In the top cover of the shelves, we select grooves 10 mm wide with a special cutter. They will help fix the partitions with the top cover. To make the groove even, run the cutter along the bar held by the clamp as you work.
  2. Cut grooves for the keys in the edges of the side walls, partitions, top cover. Use glue to connect all these parts.
  3. From plywood (10 mm thick) it is necessary to cut out the components for drawers. Assemble the boxes by gluing the joints, additionally fasten with finishing nails. On the front walls, attach the facing panels from the inside with 2 self-tapping screws.
  4. Our school desk has curly side walls. Prepare a pattern template from cardboard. On it, open both panels with an electric jigsaw, which will assemble the entire desk. Remove chamfers from the edges, sand them.
  5. Cut out all intermediate partitions and a shelf. Assemble the entire shelf structure and curly sidewalls with glue. Tighten the structure with clamps, leave to dry completely.
  6. Fasten the table with screws to the base.
  7. As a final finish, coat the product with 1-2 layers of furniture acrylic varnish.

The first means of preventing scoliosis among children is a properly selected children's desk. She spends a lot of time at school and at home. In educational institutions, the quality of children's jobs is monitored by specialists; at home, this is the responsibility of parents.

Convenient children's adjustable desk for homework

An ideal school desk is convenient, safe, and environmentally friendly. But only these indicators are insufficient, because each child is individual.

Children's home "growing" desks

Do-it-yourself production will help you get the perfect desk. The main plus is not so much saving money on buying a finished item, but the importance of matching the furniture to your child.

Do-it-yourself children's table and chair from a furniture board

Adjustable table with storage box and chair

The first question: design and construction features. There are several options:

It is important to have drawers or a separate cabinet. They are convenient, necessary for storing writing materials, educational materials. One box can be equipped with a lock, the child will be happy to hide his little secrets there.

Children's desk-transformer with drawers

Adjustable desk with drawer

You can make a schoolboy's corner yourself. The design is completed with a bedside table, drawers, shelves that do not have to be additionally hung on the wall, spoiling the coating by drilling holes.

Wooden corner for a child with a do-it-yourself table

Difficult to manufacture, but the most functional version of the table type "transformer". Such a hand-made school desk will last for many years, as it “grows” with the child: the height of the legs and the tilt of the tabletop are adjustable.

Universal model of a children's table with adjustable height and tilt

Preparation, assembly

Scheme of a small children's table and chair

The first step after determining the design and construction is to search for the appropriate assembly diagram, drawing on the Internet. Having chosen the necessary documentation for making a desk with your own hands, prepare the necessary materials, components, accessories.

Detail drawing for an older student's desk

It's time to start the build process. An example is a desk consisting of four parts. Advantages - simplicity of design, strength, stability, significant savings in materials.

A simple non-adjustable desk for a student

It can be assembled from sheets of laminated chipboard, MDF or solid wood.

Having determined the material, prepare the tools. You will need:

  1. finishing for the ends, special glue (when using chipboard);
  2. screwdriver;
  3. furniture self-tapping screws, decorative masking of screws;
  4. electric drill, set with drills;
  5. yardstick;
  6. sandpaper / sanding machine (when working with natural wood);
  7. paint, painting apparatus (MDF / solid wood).

Tools for making furniture at home

Thorough preparation is the key to a quick and efficient assembly.

It can be done in just 4 steps.

If the final test showed that it was not possible to guess 100% with the height of the furniture, the excess can be corrected with the help of a suitable chair.

Assembled tables and chairs for children with their own hands

You should buy a chair with adjustable height, raise the seat to the desired level.

Height adjustable children's chair

Elbows of a seated child should be freely located on the tabletop, legs reach the floor (another support), bent at the knees at an angle of 90-100 degrees.

Correct seating position

Observe sanitary standards, and then you will keep the student's posture healthy!

Homemade adjustable school desk for a student

Video: Effortless table for a child

Children's growing desks are the result of technological progress that has been observed in the furniture industry over the years. Previously, users were forced to buy models that were conditionally developed decades ago. These are the most primitive tables with a slight tilt of the tabletop and, at most, stands for textbooks.

Today, however, the situation has changed radically. Desks have become multifunctional, variable, offer a wide range of opportunities to their owner, and with them also cost-effectiveness. After all, with the parallel “growth” of the table along with its owner, parents now do not have to regularly update the furniture, given the gradual maturation of the child, and once a purchased model is able to pass all the tests with it from the first to the last grade.

In our online store you will find a wide range of products from the most famous manufacturers around the world, you can consult on your questions and get help in choosing a specific item. All products are genuine and come with an official warranty.

Work principles
The main advantage of the new generation desks is the ability to adapt to current operating scenarios and the needs of specific users. Among the most common and popular options are:
  • tabletop height adjustment
  • changing the angle of its inclination;
  • setting the desired height of each of the support legs.
By setting the desired angle of the working surface, you can prepare it for comfortable reading books, exercises in fine arts, calligraphy and other aspects. And even if the flooring in the room contains drops, uneven compensators will correct this situation.
Material selection
Technological progress has not bypassed the raw material base on the basis of which “growing” desks are produced. Previously, only wood with its processed products was used for such purposes. Now it can be modern polymer compositions, various metal alloys and even glass. Of course, there are also wooden analogues, and they are also in high demand. Only the processing procedure became cheaper, which was reflected in the final cost of the final product. So feel free to study our catalog and choose the best furniture for you and your child for many years to come.