Wardrobe bed manufacturing scheme. How to make a large double bed. Benefits of handmade furniture

One of the most stylish and ergonomic solutions for unusual bedrooms in private houses and apartments is the purchase of furniture such as a wardrobe bed. In its appearance, it is no different from an ordinary bed, but its main feature is hidden inside. The design of the wardrobe-bed has a mechanism that attaches it to the wall. Thus, if there is not enough free space, you can easily fold the bed, fixing it in a vertical position, and thereby significantly expand the free area. In the evening, the design is easily transferred to a horizontal position, and thanks to a special reclining mechanism, absolutely any housewife can cope with it.

In the closet, has exactly the same appearance as in the photo.

As you can see, the design is quite unusual.

How to make a wardrobe bed with your own hands? About design

First, let's take a look at the configuration of this type furniture. And it consists of only a few parts:

  1. Grounds ( bed).
  2. Steel frame (frame), which is fixed to the wall.

In this case, the base is attached to the bottom of the frame. This configuration in the furniture industry is also called a "compartment bed". It can be attached to the frame of one of the short sides. In this case, the furniture in the folded state will look like a cabinet. If the base of the structure is connected by a long end, then the product in this state can be used as a cabinet. However, no matter what kind of wardrobe-bed it has, the main thing is that it is firmly fixed on the wall and does not “slide” into a horizontal position.

About the drawing

As we can see, the wardrobe-bed (a photo of the scheme of this furniture can be seen below) has a very primitive design. However, if you decide to make this product with your own hands, do not abandon the drawing. Draw a diagram of the location of all manufacturers and mechanisms, calculate the distances, all dimensions and make a calculation. In this way, you will not only reduce the risks of creating a curved structure (as happens in the case of creating a product according to a drawing “from the head”), but also significantly reduce the cost of materials, since you will already know the exact number of metal corners and wood planks. When buying the latter, you should pay special attention to their quality, since the correct location of the mattress and your comfort during sleep in general will depend on them.

On the boards, it should lie tightly. But at the same time, the mattress should be placed so that, if necessary, it can be easily removed.

Do-it-yourself wardrobe-bed - the process of assembling the frame structure

The frame is the base of the entire bed, which must withstand enormous loads and not bend when mechanical damage. In our case, it will consist of 3 sides of the same height and sides that hold the boards and the mattress. One of the parties will be supplied lifting mechanism, respectively, it should be as strong and reliable as possible. Its height may be equal to all other sides, or it may be slightly lower - there is no difference in this. Which one to choose with your own hands, made, can be supplied with both a gas lift and furniture hinges. The latter option can be considered if the budget for the manufacture of this design is very limited.

But before you make a wardrobe bed with your own hands, remember that all the parts that will form the frame must be connected into a complete structure with wood pins. They need to be smeared first. special glue. Also, before installation, you need to drill holes for them. The pins should not be round, but rectangular, that is, each corner in them has a slope of 90 degrees. Of course, glue alone cannot guarantee reliable connection all parts, so when it dries, screw a few additional screws into the structure. This way you can finally secure all sides of the bed.


After screwing in the screws, you need to install special mattress stops on the wardrobe-bed with your own hands. Also, one should not forget about additional stiffeners, which will give the device greater strength. A rail with a section of 100x50 millimeters should be fixed around the entire perimeter. It will serve as a limiter for the mattress. Here we attach the longitudinal crossbar. After that, you need to install the cross planks. The mattress itself will lie on the latter. Boards are installed at an equal distance from each other. The optimal distance is 50 centimeters.

Place of attachment

How to make a wardrobe bed with your own hands after assembling the frame? Here you need to think about exactly where it will be installed against the wall. It is best to use self-tapping screws, connecting the cabinet to the base.

You can also use special steel fasteners, which are attached to the sides of the device and then mounted to the wall.

Installation of the lifting mechanism

As we noted above, this furniture is equipped with either gas lifts or furniture hinges. In the first case, you will need to buy 2 lifts and for each of them make a corresponding base on one side of the frame.

In the case of loops, you will also need 2 such devices. Please note that the cabinet-bed with a gas-lift lifting mechanism is designed so that it takes on most of the load and weight of the tool. Therefore, even a one-and-a-half-sleeping sofa can be raised with just one hand.


After that, it is necessary to purchase and install in the facades - planks that are attached to the long side of the device frame. In part, these parts can serve as a side. They are mounted to the base using special hinges, which are usually included in the set of these products.

If in work as boards and other wooden parts if you used products from a fresh forest (natural pine, for example), then it is best to treat it with additional varnish.

Paint is optional. It is enough to buy a jar with a transparent or translucent varnish (the label will say “for wood”) and brush all areas of the surface with a brush wooden products. It is also worth noting that before varnishing, this product should be carefully treated with stain.

Film finish

There is one more Alternative option- pasting wood with a special film. It can be painted in chrome, wood of any ornament or plastic. Thus, you will not only protect the bed from moisture, but also make its design as harmonious as possible with the interior of the bedroom. By the way, even a chipboard panel pasted over with such a film can look like natural oak or cedar (of course, if you choose the appropriate sticker design).

Additionally, this bed can be used as a wardrobe when folded. To do this, you just need to provide its frame with additional shelves and This design does not harm the interior of the room at all, and also significantly saves free space in the house.

At this stage, it can be finally attached to the wall and used as a full-fledged sleeping place for 1 or 2 people (depending on which frame dimensions you have chosen).

Any sane man can make a wardrobe-bed with his own hands

  • Necessary tool for making a wardrobe-bed
  • Furniture fittings store
  • Detail of the wardrobe-bed
  • Required fittings
  • Assembling the wardrobe bed

Lack of space in modern apartments leads in topics for jokes along with Chapaev and mother-in-law. The fourth generation of storytellers cover up gaps in communal arrangements with laughter. A separate refrain is the cramped kitchens and spending the night on the floor during the visit of relatives from the village. One of the exits in the search for compact sleeping places is the sofa bed option, but in terms of comfort level up to comfortable orthopedic mattress he just doesn't fit. The best option for both a combined bedroom-living room and a children's room would be a wardrobe bed. Finding a suitable one in a store is virtually unrealistic, so we will make a wardrobe bed with our own hands.

The list in this section is the same for almost all such enterprises. But there are nuances, so be careful.

  • Perforator with a drill of at least 10 mm in diameter. Since the lever of effort in the lifting structure is very large, fastening to the wall must be as reliable as possible. No plastic or wood dowels. Only anchor fastenings, with a diameter of 10-12 and a length of at least 80 mm.
  • Drill driver with a chuck up to 12 mm and a set of bits, including the obligatory hexagon for confirmations.
  • Roulette.
  • Construction right angle with a measuring ruler up to 400 mm.
  • Level, over 500 mm long.
  • Drills for wood, diameter 5 and 8 mm. They are sold in sets and individually.
  • Perovoye drill with a diameter of 18-20 mm.
  • Iron, pencil, fine sandpaper, dry rag.
  • An adjustable wrench or a set of regular car keys.

Note: If you do not understand the terms used here and below, look at their meaning before getting down to business. Encyclopedic knowledge in other areas will not help to explain to the seller of a specialty store.

Furniture fittings store

To make a transformer bed with your own hands, you need to contact a specialized store. You will not be able to buy the necessary spare parts in the usual household, as well as correctly, “cleanly” cut chipboard at home. Just look at the attached drawings to understand the seriousness of the mechanism. But you should not be afraid - each kit is accompanied by an installation diagram, which even an entomologist will figure out, not to mention an ordinary sane man. Subject to the dimensions of the parts, you do not have to worry about the reliability of the mechanism.

Detail of the wardrobe-bed

The scheme and dimensions are indicated for a chipboard thickness of 18 mm, processed with a 0.5 mm thick melamine edge. The dimensions of the orthopedic mattress are provided as 2000x1600x220 mm. The design itself is designed for a mattress with a metal main frame - such are used for the manufacture of beds with a lifting bed of the "ottoman" type.

The floor and walls must be at least approximately even (with a delta of no more than 5 mm per meter of length), otherwise the entire structure will loosen, breaking the fasteners.

  • 2282x420 - 2 pieces, cabinet sides.
  • 1695x420 - 2 pieces, top and bottom of the cabinet.
  • 1685x2235 - front panel. As a rule, it is made one and only after that it is decorated with overhead elements that visually “divide” the plane into several false doors.
  • 2038x150 - 2 pieces, sidewalls of the strapping of the mattress frame.
  • 1605x150 - 2 pcs., front and rear of the frame binding.
  • 1690x350 - 2 pieces, stiffeners. Since the cabinet box is assembled without rear wall one of them will serve as a headboard.

When ordering parts, you must choose the edging option: either the sawmill company glues them for a fee, or you do it yourself.

In the latter case, the self-adhesive edge is applied to the end of the part with the adhesive side down and ironed with an iron heated to 3/4 power. After that, it is necessary to immediately hold it several times with a dry cloth in order to press it properly. Carefully cut off the excess edge and clean the chamfers with sandpaper.

Required fittings

It is better to print out the drawings of the lifting mechanism and take it with you to the hardware store - it will be more correct.

The selection of the force of the gas springs is indicated in the table in the figure.

In addition, you will need:

  • Confirmations 5x70. In this case, it is better to buy them not in a package, but by the piece, 30 pcs.
  • Self-tapping screws 4x16.
  • Self-tapping screws 4x30.
  • Furniture corners 20x20 mm, 10 pcs.
  • Metal corners, reinforced 60x60. Since the upper ones will be visible, we recommend choosing forged ones. They are more aesthetic.
  • Anchor fixture. It was said about him above, 10x80 mm.
  • Furniture handles, at least 160 mm long - for easy grip.
  • Layout or other elements of facade decoration. Ready-made ones are sold in building markets, glued to the facade with superglue.

It remains to find out the main thing: how to make a wardrobe bed with your own hands.

Assembling the wardrobe bed

The top, bottom and stiffeners of the cabinet are drilled into the end with a 5 mm drill, the sidewalls are drilled into a plane with a diameter of 8 mm. That is, the sidewalls are overhead parts, and the rest are internal. The box is pulled together with confirmations and placed in the chosen place. Attached to the wall with reinforced corners anchor bolts.

Attention! Before installing to the wall, it is necessary to accurately measure the verticality of the sidewalls and the right angles between them and the horizontal parts. At the installation site of the box, the plinth will have to be removed.

We carefully mark and install the fixed parts of the opening mechanism on the sidewalls.

By the same principle, the mattress strapping is drilled and assembled. The slats of the orthopedic base are attached to the harness according to the scheme applied by the manufacturer, the reciprocal, movable part of the lifting mechanism is screwed to it. With a spade drill x18 mm, holes for hidden legs are drilled in the upper (with the mechanism raised) part of the strapping.

The delicate part of the work is the fitting and fastening of the front panel. At the slightest deviation, it will stand up crooked, so it is recommended to first fix it only on four out of ten furniture corners to the outer part of the strapping and carefully measure the gaps. If necessary, correct the position and screw already tightly.

Don't forget to insert the hidden legs into the prepared holes before final assembly of the facade.

Attention! Some may think that this is big square facade - perfect place for a mirror. However, the mirror is not designed for dynamic loads and, even if it is well fixed, is likely to crack without a rigid frame. In addition - do not overweight the structure.

As you can see, making a wardrobe bed yourself is not so much difficult as unusual for a person who has never been involved in furniture manufacturing. Decorate facade panel decorative overlays, choose a place for handles and - a pleasant stay.


Since the work of assembling the folding structure of bedroom furniture is associated with lumber, the appropriate tool was needed:

  • jigsaw;
  • perforator;
  • saw;
  • screwdriver;
  • confirmatory drill with a crank;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • screwdrivers;
  • wrench set


According to the drawings of the wardrobe-bed with dimensions, I ordered cutting MDF sheets in a furniture workshop. In the same place, I ordered the finishing of the ends of all the details of the assembly of the built-in bed. The bottom of a sleeping bed is also a front wall of a case. Its manufacture was also ordered in furniture shop.

Details of the vertical cabinet of built-in furniture made of MDF 25 mm:

  • side panels 45 x 220 cm - 2 pcs.
  • top vertical and horizontal panels 45 x 176 cm - 3 pcs.
  • bottom wall 50 x 174 cm - 1 pc.
  • support horizontal bar 45 x 180 cm - 1 pc.

Details of the built-in sofa from MDF 25 mm:

  • side walls 43 x 218 cm.
  • transverse walls 43 x 174 cm.
  • bottom facade 1760 x 2180 cm.

Other materials:

  • lifting mechanism with a swivel leg - 2 sets with fasteners;
  • metal corners 50 x 50 - 26 pcs;
  • frame dowel 10 x 122 mm - 2 pcs.;
  • confirmations 50 mm - 16 pcs.;
  • screws 30 mm - 40 pcs.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a wardrobe bed with your own hands

After I brought home the materials and prepared the tool, I started assembling the transformer bed cabinet with my own hands according to the drawings. The work was carried out in stages.

  1. On the wall, with a pencil, I marked out the markings for fastening the vertical body of the furniture.
  2. At two points with a perforator, he made holes in concrete wallø 10 mm depth 120 mm.
  3. Through the holes in the corners, I hammered 2 frame dowels into the wall.
  1. The vertical body box was assembled from the panels listed in the Materials chapter. In the ends and planes of the mating parts, I drilled holes for the installation of confirmations.
  2. Having screwed in the confirmations, he set the case in a vertical position.
  1. With screws, I fixed the mounting brackets screwed to the wall.
  2. I assembled the bed box, connecting the panels with confirmations.

Cost of materials

At the end of the work, I calculated the costs incurred by me for the manufacture of furniture.

The cost of manufacturing panels for assembling a built-in bed in a closet with your own hands. The area of ​​MDF with a thickness of 25 mm was 11.55 m2:

  • side panels 45 x 220 cm - 2 pieces;
  • top vertical and horizontal panels 450 x 1740 mm - 3 pcs.;
  • bottom wall 50 x 174 cm - 1 pc.;
  • supporting horizontal panel 45 x 180 cm - 1 pc.;
  • side walls 43 x 218 cm;
  • transverse walls 430 x 1760 mm;
  • bottom-facade 1760 x 2180 mm;

The total cutting length of MDF sheets is 20 running meters. Finishing the ends - 34 running meters.

The furniture workshop issued an invoice for payment for materials, for work on cutting and trimming panels:

11, 55 m2 x 400 rubles. = 4620 rubles;

20 p.m. x 30 rub. = 600 rubles;

34 p.m. x 5 rub. = 170 rubles.

Total: 5390 rubles.

The cost of other materials was:

  • lifting mechanism with a swivel leg - 2 sets with fasteners = 3000 rubles;
  • metal corners 50 x 50 - 26 pcs. = 52 rubles;
  • frame dowel 10 x 122 mm - 2 pcs. = 16 rubles;
  • confirmations 50 mm - 16 pcs. = 20 rubles;
  • screws 30 mm - 40 pcs. = 5 rub.

The total cost of materials was: 8483 rubles.

Labor costs

The assembly of the transformer bed cabinet was carried out in 2 days.

Such a scheme for assembling a bed closet with your own hands will cost much less than ordering such furniture. To build such a simple, but responsible structure yourself, you must have experience with the above tool.

  • Like

To make a wardrobe bed, you need a drawing. For this, experts recommend using graph paper.

Preparatory work

We make a wardrobe bed using the following tools:

  • perforator and drill (diameter 10 mm);
  • anchor fastenings (diameter 10-12, and length - more than 80 mm);
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • construction angle;
  • level (length over 500 mm);
  • iron;
  • pencil.

Wardrobe bed is made by hand, using furniture fittings. Installation of such products is easily done by hand. To do this, you must use the scheme included in the hardware kit. Details of future furniture are made of chipboard 18 mm thick.

The material is treated with a melamine edge (thickness 0.5 mm). To do this, the last product is applied to the end of the parts (down with the adhesive side). The iron is heated. The edge is ironed and pressed against the surface with dry material. Cut off excess edges. The chamfer is cleaned with sandpaper. To make a wardrobe bed, you should take into account the parameters of the mattress. Standard sizes the last product is 2000x1600x220 mm.

Main works

The manufactured design is designed for a mattress with a metal frame. First you need to decide on the location of the bed cabinet. Flooring must be even (an error of 5 mm per 1 m of length is allowed). Otherwise, the furniture will quickly break. From the components of the product are isolated (mm):

  • 2 cabinet sides (2282x420);
  • bottom and top part(1695x420);
  • front side (1685x2235);
  • 2 sides of the strapping of the mattress frame (2038x150);
  • rear and front frame trim (1605x150);
  • 2 stiffeners (1690x350).

When choosing a lifting mechanism, the force of the gas springs is taken into account (see table). To make a wardrobe bed, you will need confirmations (5x70), self-tapping screws (4x16), furniture corners (20x20), facade decor elements.

The stiffeners, the lower and upper parts are drilled into the end with a 5 mm drill. The side elements are equipped with a drill (in the plane) by 8 mm. Confirmations are required to tie the box. The resulting structure is installed in place. The cabinet is attached to the wall with anchor bolts and reinforced corners.

Before installation, measure the verticality of the sides and the right angles between them and the horizontal elements. In the place where the installation of the box is provided, the plinth is dismantled. If the base is connected with a long end, then the resulting furniture is used as a bedside table.

Important Points

The fixed elements of the mechanism are installed on the sides. The mattress frame is installed in the same way. The planks of the orthopedic base are fixed to the strapping using a scheme (from the manufacturer). Then screw the movable part of the bed cabinet. The mechanism rises. At the top of the strapping, holes are made for hidden legs. For this, a feather drill of 18 mm is used.

The parts with which the frame is formed are coated with glue. The pins used to assemble the product must have a rectangular shape. To give the future bed additional strength and reliability, self-tapping screws are screwed into the frame. Before installing the mattress, you will need to mount the limiters. To do this, use a rail with a section of 100x50 mm. Then install the longitudinal crossbar and transverse elements in increments of 50 cm.

The next step is to fit and fasten the front panel. It is preliminarily fixed to the outer part of the harness with the help of 4 furniture corners (out of 10). Then the gaps are measured. Corners are adjusted if necessary. Hidden supports are inserted into the prepared holes.

The panel can be decorated with special overlays. The place of fixation of the handles is chosen independently. The main thing is that the wardrobe bed is easily transformed. Furniture makers recommend buying reliable and high-quality fittings. When choosing it, the force of the gas springs and the weight of the entire structure are taken into account. The last element can be replaced with furniture hinges.

If you are not satisfied with the finished products that are on the shelves in stores, then you can make a mattress with your own hands. For manufacturing, you will need two pieces of foam with a thickness of 125mm. Pieces of materials should differ in density, the upper layer is denser (45 kg / m³), ​​and the lower layer (35 kg / m³). The width and length of the mattress is determined by you. The most common option is two hundred by one hundred and fifty centimeters. On top of the foam filler, a cover of the appropriate size is put on. As a result, you get a great mattress that you made with your own hands.

Materials needed to make a wooden bed with your own hands:

  • In order to make the headboards of the back wall and the front wall, you will need three boards measuring 200x30x2 cm.
  • For the sidewalls of the bed, two boards measuring 250x30x2 cm.
  • Five bars with a section of 4x4 cm and a length of 200 cm - for supporting, supporting and bed legs.
  • Thick plywood or a rail measuring 150x4x2 cm for fastening the headboard and for the slatted cover.
  • You will also need stain, self-tapping screws, wood glue and varnish.

To make the assembly of the bed with your own hands easy and work well, you will need a product drawing.

The following tools are required for assembly:

  • Drill
  • Electric jigsaw
  • Hacksaw
  • Rezik
  • screwdriver
  • Sandpaper
  • Plane
  • metal ruler
  • square
  • Roulette
  • Pencil

Having prepared all the details and tools for work, you can start marking and sawing. The main thing is to follow a few basic rules:

  • Preparation of a drawing with the exact dimensions of all the necessary details.
  • Make a list of parts and specify right amount material.
  • With a pencil or cutter, you need to apply marking lines for cutting parts.
  • To save time when making the same parts, you can make one and use it as a template for another.
  • Using sandpaper, you need to protect the surface of all cuts.

Cut 2 end and 2 long boards according to the right size, and assemble them into a rectangle. Secure it all with eyelets and wooden splints. Connections should be in a W-shape. Nests must be cut with a jigsaw or gouged with a chisel. The grooves should be 50mm deep and -20-30mm wide. To fix it, it is necessary to lubricate the lugs with carpentry glue and connect the parts. Using clamps, you need to fix the parts at an angle of 90 degrees, and wait until the glue is completely dry.

The frame of this form is a quality product. This type of construction is an example of a traditional carpentry connection. If it doesn’t work out to make an ear-shaped middle connection, then you can also use a spike fastener to fasten the frame. To do this, you need to take the boards and cut holes in their sides, with a diameter like that of a wooden spike, grease them with glue and assemble them.

by the most in a simple way collecting the base of the bed made of wood is fastening with self-tapping screws with additional reinforcement using a metal corner.

Lamellar frame - is a lattice or mesh, main function which supports the mattress. One of the main advantages of this kind of product is that it will not be pressed inward, but will keep its shape and prevent the bed from deforming.

It is necessary to fill the locking rail of the mounting type along the inside of the bed frame, on the sidewalls and end plates. Make a marking 100mm high from the top edge of the workpiece. The rail can be fixed with a dotted or solid strip around the entire perimeter. You can also use a metal corner.

To create a frame from a lamella, a beam with a section of 30x30mm is required. The lamella frame is attached to the inner dimension of the bed frame. We fill the slats on the frame, 150x4x2 cm in size. It is fastened across the entire length in increments of no more than 5-7 cm.

If you adhere to a previously made drawing, then there will be no problems in assembling the bed with your own hands. Ready double bed will serve you long years. In conclusion, you need to process the frame of the product with sandpaper and varnish on top.

For the beautiful appearance hand-picked wooden bed, you need to choose a coating that matches your interior. At the end, it is necessary to carefully sand the frame, soak it with olive and cover with pentaphthalic or oil paint the color you want.

With the help of a stain, with a brush, the surface of the bed must be given the required tone, this work must be done before varnishing the wood. After the surface has completely dried, you need to apply varnish with a brush, roller or foam swab. The varnish is applied in two layers. After drying, the surface is polished with felt or felt.

For the foot and head, you can purchase decorative paneled tiles. Carved planks are perfect for decorating side boards. Carved wood tiles of the design you want can be bought at the carpentry workshop. This kind of decoration does not weigh down the design of the bed, and is easily attached with small nails, self-tapping screws or glue. As soon as you finish the work, it remains to put the mattress and the wooden double bed is ready for use. Now you know how to make a wooden bed with your own hands. Good luck and easy work!

We make plywood furniture at home according to photos and drawings

Plywood in its structure consists of thin sheets of wood, which are glued together with glue. Before you start making plywood furniture with your own hands, you need to decide on the drawings, according to which the furniture will be assembled. When assembling furniture with your own hands, photos and diagrams of professionals will help.

You will need these tools:

  1. Jigsaw.
  2. Saw.
  3. Screwdriver.
  4. Self-tapping screws.
  5. Glue.
  6. Drill and drills.
  7. Pencil.
  8. Roulette.
  9. Level.

Useful article: How to restore old chest of drawers with your own hands? Master Class

In a small apartment, a closet bed can be a real salvation. During the day, it does not take up much space, but unfolds only at night. In addition, such transforming furniture is not difficult to make on your own. And if you give free rein to your imagination, then it will combine not only a bed and storage boxes, but also a desk. But before you start assembling this piece of furniture, you need to draw up competent drawings of future furniture.


In order to draw up a competent drawing, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dimensions of the future furniture. As a rule, a transformer bed is assembled taking into account the dimensions specific premises. If you have a narrow but long room, then it is more reasonable to make a tall cabinet. Its central part will be occupied by a folding bed, additional storage spaces can be placed on the sides, and mezzanines can be equipped at the top. Such a design is shown in Fig. one.

If the room square shape, then transforming furniture can be more complex. Now in stores you can find modules in which a desk becomes a retractable element, and a bed is located on the 2nd tier.

For self-manufacturing the most difficult part is the mechanism for raising the bed, which is retracted into the closet. The easiest way is to purchase a finished structure, which is sold already assembled. But as a rule, such mechanisms are not cheap.

The way out of the situation can be the acquisition individual elements systems and self assembly mechanism. When working, the instructions that manufacturers place in the catalogs of finished furniture will help you. An example of such a drawing is shown in fig. 2.

When drawing up a diagram, you can provide custom sizes. But make sure that the overall proportions of the product are preserved. Otherwise, the wardrobe bed will not have the expected functionality.

Materials and tools

Transformer furniture is usually made of chipboard, chipboard (laminated surface plate) or carpentry board. It is the latter material that has the greatest durability. But natural wood is more expensive. Therefore, masters prefer to use chipboard. But plywood, even thick enough, is not recommended by experts. Since its service life does not exceed 5-7 years.

In addition to the main material, you will need a bar with a section of 5 * 5 cm and edged board(1.5*5 cm). As fasteners, it is most reasonable to use eurobolts. This type of connection becomes much more reliable than when using self-tapping screws. And knots that do not have a serious load are connected using wooden dowels.

For work, you will definitely need the following tools:

  • electric jigsaw or wood saw;
  • electric drill and a set of drills;
  • screwdriver;
  • grinder or a special nozzle for a drill;
  • hex keys;
  • Screwdriver Set.

Don't forget about measuring instruments that will help you assemble the wardrobe-bed correctly. You will need a centimeter tape measure, square and building level. It is wiser to prepare everything you need in advance. This will allow you not to be distracted from work.

Furniture assembly instructions

The wardrobe-bed consists of a body and a mattress pad. The base of the furniture is assembled from 4 blocks and a back panel (for its manufacture, fiberboard or thin plywood is used). In the above drawing, the side walls are 45 * 180 cm, and the top and bottom parts are made 112.5 cm long and 45 cm wide. Do not forget that the bed should be slightly smaller than the body.

The bed table in its design resembles a similar product combined with a wardrobe.

But when assembling such furniture, it must be borne in mind that the berth is not removed inside the case, but turns over. That is, the finished product takes up a lot of space in the room. But effective area is saved due to the fact that 1 side of this piece of furniture is a sunbed, and the other is a table top. This type of transformer is shown in Fig. 3.

In order to make a table bed, it is necessary to rely on the dimensions of the mattress, which will become the basis of the design. It, like the body, consists of 4 main elements. One of the side panels should be fixed flush with the tabletop, and the rest will serve as the sides of the bench and table at the same time.

The frame of the mattress is closed from below with a detail, which is a tabletop. Therefore, it is more reasonable to cut a blank for it from chipboard. The frame itself is usually assembled from timber. But in this case, the whole structure turns out to be quite cumbersome. The way out of the situation can be the purchase of a ready-made module on elastic ties. In this case, the dimensions of the furniture depend on the size of the mattress pad.

Hallway with your own hands. Stages of work.

Before starting work, prepare tools and materials. Free yourself workplace so that nothing interferes with your work on the hallway. Always use straight wooden planks no visible damage. Check legibility right angle after each fastening. Always pre-drill a hole before using screws. Use glue in combination with screws (confirmed) for a stronger connection. Wipe off adhesive residue thoroughly, as dried glue will not stain when finishing paint. Always keep safety in mind and have fun. If necessary, ask for help from more experienced friends.

1. Do-it-yourself shoe rack.

Because the hallway is built-in, then the width of the shoe rack will be individual for you. All dimensions in the drawings are in inches. You can convert inches to cm online by typing the query “inches to cm” into google or manually based on the fact that 1 inch is 2.54 cm. The shelf provides space for both low shoes (sneakers, boots, shoes) and for high (boots). Now we are assembling the front part of our shoe rack, we will show how the back closed part is made below.

2. Wall cabinet for the hallway with a hanger.

For small things in the hallway we will need hinged shelf It also serves as a clothes hanger.

First, we assemble the frame of the shelf, then we insert the internal spacer shelves into it. Back surface the shelves are sewn up with boards.

Work materials

To assemble furniture for the corridor with your own hands, you first have to choose an assembly scheme. Today there are many such schemes, so it will not be difficult to choose a kit not only for spacious entrance hall, and for small corridor city ​​apartment.

For assembly, the following materials are used:

  • boards for furniture walls, for internal partitions;
  • rear walls made of laminated plywood;
  • boards for shelves;
  • doors;
  • for a wall with hooks, you need to take metal pipes under the frame, boards for sheathing, hooks;
  • fittings (hinges, handles, slides);
  • fasteners (screws, nails, dowels).

Tools for work:

Figure 1. Drawing of a double cabinet for the hallway.

  • saw, electric jigsaw, hacksaw for cutting individual elements for cabinets, cabinets;
  • plane;
  • chisel;
  • drill with a set of drills for wood, a crown-cutter;
  • screwdriver;
  • welding machine, if assembly of the frame for the wall is necessary;
  • a hammer.

The build process depends entirely on which project is selected. The simplest, designed for small room, is a set consisting of a small wall with hooks, a cabinet of the "pencil case" type, a double cabinet, over which a mirror can be fixed. Such a set will look great even in a small room.

Assembling a double cabinet

A double cabinet for the hallway is also necessary, it usually contains most of the things, shoes, bags. Any schemes can be used for assembly. One of them is shown in Fig. 1. It is important that the piece of furniture is as comfortable as possible.

You can assemble a cabinet with two wings:

  • height - 400 mm;
  • depth - 490 mm;
  • length - 820 mm.

You need to start by assembling the frame. First, side walls are attached to the bottom, a partition in the middle of the cabinet and top cover. If partitions are used for two separate parts, then it is necessary to immediately put boards under them, since then it will be problematic to do this. A plywood sheet with a laminated surface is nailed to the back. Screws are used for fixing wooden dowels. If necessary, drawers are installed for the cabinet. The doors are mounted last, but for them, you must first provide hinges of the selected type.

Installation of a cabinet model "pencil case"

Figure 2. Drawing of a wall with hangers for the hallway.

One of the main pieces of furniture that is ideal for the hallway is the cabinet "pencil case". This is a tall wardrobe, rather narrow, it can only include horizontal shelves for storage. The second option is a design that has a top shelf and drawers, and the main space is given to a hanger bar.

Usually cabinets are placed near large cabinets. Ideal dimensions:

  • height - 2000 mm;
  • width - 400 mm;
  • depth - 400 mm.

The wardrobe can be divided into 2 compartments, there will be a partition in the center. In one part of it, a series of horizontal shelves are usually arranged, and in the other, clothes hangers are mounted. First you need to assemble the case for the future cabinet. To do this, the bottom, 2 walls and the cover are connected with furniture screws. A partition is immediately installed, since then it will be problematic to do so. For additional fasteners, wooden dowels are used, they are smeared with glue.

The next step is to attach the back wall, furniture nails are used for installation. Next, markings are made for the shelves, holes are drilled for special fasteners, the shelves themselves are installed, and a bar is hung under the hangers. If necessary, installation is carried out drawers. When the cabinet is fully assembled, fixed door hinges. To install them, holes are made with a cutter about half the size of the tree. When the cabinet is ready, handles, locks and other decorative fittings are attached.


You will have to answer two questions - how many people the bed is designed for, and how old they are. Recommended sizes:

  • width: for one person - 95 ± 5, for two - 180 ± 15. For the so-called "one and a half" 130 ± 20 is enough;
  • length: for a child - 150, for an adult - 200;
  • frame height - within 40.

But it is worth recalling that this is not a standard, but just a recommendation. The choice of parameters is made arbitrarily, based on the specifics of the installation of the bed.

The assembly itself, according to a well-designed drawing and with the necessary tools, is done quite quickly.

  • Any markup is a small error, which is quite natural if the wood is not cut by machine, but with their own hands. In order to achieve maximum identity of the same type of structural elements, it is necessary to manufacture one of them, the first one, with the utmost precision. Using it as a reference, all others are made according to this pattern.
  • When surface processing wood blanks, it is desirable to at least slightly round the sharp edges. For a more thorough leveling of the base, it is recommended to use a household grinder. Working with this tool will give not only high results, but also great time savings. You can learn about the varieties of wood grinders from the article.
  • The connection of structural parts only by landing on glue or with the help of fasteners (screws, self-tapping screws) does not guarantee the durability of a wooden bed. The structure of the material is quite soft. In the process of using the bed, one way or another, it will be subjected to at least minor dynamic loads. Especially when it comes to the "children's" version - kids love to jump on the mattress. The “shat” of the whole structure will appear quite quickly, which means that you will have to deal with its repair, and even with the replacement of individual parts.

Tongue-and-groove connection with gluing these places - more the right decision. Typical parameters of lugs and protrusions: depth (length) - 45±5, width - 25±5. If necessary, to strengthen the structure, it is advisable to use a metal corner. Enough light, aluminum, "ten". These fasteners are installed with inside, and after final assembly The beds and mattress arrangements are completely invisible.

Everything else is at the discretion of the master. For example, the front and rear walls are made either the same or different in height. The legs are both square and round. If you “turn on” the fantasy, then it is not difficult to make such a bed out of wood, which can be safely called “exclusive”. When the drawing is made independently, and the assembly is done by hand, there is no hard standard. And the main practical advice are given.

Good luck, home masters!

A bed with a lifting mechanism is the best option for small apartments, which allows you to solve several problems associated with the improvement of the room at once. Practicality, reliability and versatility are its main advantages. It can act not only as a bed, but also serve as a chest of drawers for storing various things and accessories. Making a bed with a lifting mechanism with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If all the requirements and recommendations of experts are met, the bed will turn out no worse than the factory one. In order to figure out how to do this, it is necessary to divide the whole process into several stages, each of which requires special attention.

Features of such models

Beds with a lifting device have a number of features that must be considered when making it yourself:

  • dimensions of the bed, which mainly affect the strength of the lifting device. The larger the bed, the more weight will be placed on the mechanism. According to the standards, the size of the bed is 2 meters in length, the width of a single bed is 0.9 m, a double bed is 2 m;
  • beds with a lifting device can be single and double;
  • mechanism mounting can be horizontal or vertical;
  • The height of the bed affects the capacity of the box. If the product is planned to be made on legs, then the box will be much smaller than that of a bed without them. The product without legs has another important plus, this is the absence of dust under it;
  • Do-it-yourself assembly of a product requires consistent, responsible implementation of all its stages, these are drawings, preparation of materials, manufacture of individual parts of the bed, and their assembly. On average, the manufacture of the bed will take 1-2 months, subject to the simultaneous performance of other daily duties;
  • the choice of material should be made not only from personal preferences, but also depending on the design of the room in which the product is planned to be installed.
Steel frame bed Lift bed frame diagram Lift bed design diagram
Bed Assembly Diagram

Materials and tools

Any building process or making furniture with your own hands begins with drawing up a drawing, as well as preparing the necessary tools and materials. The choice of material begins with the base of the box. The most common and inexpensive material for the manufacture of any furniture are chipboard sheets. But other materials such as OSB, particle boards and others can also be used, it all depends on the preferences of the owner, financial capabilities. Next, the upholstery material is prepared, the choice of which comes solely from personal preferences and the design of the room.

The filling of the bed consists of foam rubber, sheathing fabric. Their dimensions and thickness are prepared according to the drawn up drawing.

The most affordable and inexpensive material for making a bed is chipboard.

To process the material and prepare it for installation work with your own hands you will need such a tool:

  • level;
  • roulette;
  • pencil or marker;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver with different nozzles;
  • grinder with a disk for metal;
  • welding machine;
  • building hair dryer;
  • steel slats;
  • furniture stapler.
Orthopedic base
Foundation materials
Lift transformation system

Which lifting mechanism to choose

Design modern beds allows you to use them in rooms of different sizes, while having a suitable lifting mechanism, thanks to which the bed can recline both horizontally and vertically. In addition, lifting beds are classified according to the type of built-in lift. The simplicity and ease of use of furniture depends on it. The lifting mechanism is divided into 3 types:

  • with manual lifting;
  • spring;
  • on gas shock absorbers.
Gas lift spring manual

The manual lift mechanism is the most affordable device, because it does not contain additional devices in the form of shock absorbers or springs. Beds with such a mechanism are mainly used for adults, since when opening the box you need to make a lot of effort, children can not cope with such a load. But, besides the disadvantages, the manual mechanism also has advantages - strength, durability.

The spring mechanism is convenient to use, but its service life is from 3 to 5 years, after which it will need to be completely changed. The main cause of failure is wear, stretching of the spring. A big plus of the spring mechanism is its price, it is relatively small, due to which it is in great demand and in demand.

The gas shock absorber is the most convenient, reliable, durable mechanism. The device works smoothly, silently with little or no human intervention. The service life of such a mechanism is from 5 to 10 years, with its constant use. The choice of shock absorber is carried out depending on the dimensions of the product, the weight of the sleeping frame. The mechanism on gas shock absorbers is expensive, but at the same time in demand.

When making a bed with your own hands, a lifting device can be bought at furniture stores or order online. Can be made by hand suitable materials. But when choosing materials, you need to take into account the fact that the load from the mattress falls not only on the shock absorbers and mechanism slats, but also on the attachment points with mounting hardware.

The mechanism is mounted in the following order:

  • first, the upper bar of the device is installed, to the basement of the box, the crate of the sleeping plane;
  • for its complete fixing, a bar is made of iron corner products;
  • assembling the next two slats will allow you to control the height of the lattice with the mattress;
  • the lower support bar is attached to the main box, it is necessary to facilitate the sliding of the hinged supports;
  • after completing the installation of the mechanism, you need to check all its fastenings.
The gas lift is mounted on a rack base
Mechanism on gas shock absorbers
Installation of gas shock absorbers

Making a lifting frame

Do-it-yourself assembly of a lifting frame consists of two main stages, these are joinery and carpentry and the processing process.

Joinery and carpentry works:

  • assembly begins with the preparation of parts for the frame, according to the drawing, in which all dimensions are indicated;
  • further, the base of the frame is assembled, this is a box of calibrated boards. The process must be carried out on the floor, to avoid distortions. To align the corners, you must use a building square;
  • the structure is screeded with metal corners, and for strength, the joints are glued with carpentry glue. During fastening, you need to pay attention to the caps of the screws, they should be buried in the wood, but not much. It is recommended to immediately process the appeared places of saw cuts from burrs;
  • when large sizes sleeping place it is recommended to make a central partition along the frame;
  • the next stage is the fastening of the rails, which are screwed with self-tapping screws from the inside of the sidewalls, aligning them along the bottom edge of the box. They are needed to attach lamellas to them. The size of the rails should be within 20 by 80 mm;
  • the same slats act as slats, only their length will correspond to the width of the bed. They are fastened to support rails along the frame, in increments of no more than 15 cm. Plywood is also suitable for lamellas, but in this case, the installation of a central partition is mandatory;
  • on this, the carpentry process is over and the lifting frame is ready.

Frame processing:

  • this process involves the refinement of wooden parts with a sandpaper or a special grinding machine and coating them with varnish;
  • one of the nuances of preparing the frame is a plywood sheet, which lies on the lamellas to evenly distribute the load. Or you can lay lamellas with a step frequency of 8–10 cm.

Frame assembly
The sides of the bed are attached using corners and self-tapping screws.
Finished bed frame

Making the main frame

The assembly of the frame, like all other constituent elements of the bed, is carried out in stages. First of all, for the manufacture of the main frame, its components are prepared. Design, height, size of the backs, the presence of legs, all these nuances are reflected in a pre-drawn drawing. The main requirement in the manufacture of the product is the reliability, strength and quality of the material.

As mentioned above, any material can be used, depending on financial capabilities and personal preferences. For a double box standard bed(2000x1800) you will need: for the side parts - two boards 207 cm long, for the end elements you need two boards 182 cm long. They are assembled according to the same principle as the lifting frame, using self-tapping screws, corners and glue. In the assembly process, this moment is the most crucial, so before attaching the corners, you need to check that all corners correspond to 90 degrees. Excess glue that has come out must be removed immediately so that in the future it does not cause difficulties in processing the frame.

In the manufacture large beds with your own hands in the main box you need to install a stiffener through the longitudinal axis of the product. In the case when the design of the bed provides for legs, then last step in assembly process is their installation. The simplest option for their manufacture is the assembly of two bars (40x50) with their installation at a depth of two crowns of the bar. To strengthen the structure, you can also install a leg in the center. Having put the structure in its original position, you can proceed to its processing, clean it and varnish it.

Fastening rails for plywood bottom
Bed legs
Legs are attached to the frame
View from outer side
In order not to scratch the floor on the ends of the legs, you can glue pieces of linoleum

Product sheathing

The final stage in the manufacture of a bed with a lifting device is its design, lining. Depending on the design of the room, personal preferences of the owner, as well as banal financial possibilities, sheathing can be done using:

  • fabrics;
  • skin;
  • dermantina.

If the product was made from quality wood it can be treated with paints and varnishes.

For the cladding process you will need:

  • fabric (or other selected materials);
  • construction stapler;
  • sheet foam.

Sheathing is made of the main frame and headboard. To create a small volume and airiness of the upholstery material, a pad of sheet foam rubber is made between the wood and the fabric. A construction stapler is enough to fasten the fabric, its metal staples, thanks to the spring mechanism, are driven quite strongly into the wood, and tightly hold the fabric.

Legs turn around upholstery material
Finishing legs installation
The sides of the bed are fitted with foam rubber
From above, the foam rubber is nailed with an overlap of about 3-4 mm
Leather upholstery
So got off the board around the leg
From below, leatherette was lined with an overlap, without a fold
Upholstery corners are fixed

Making a headboard

The headboard for the bed can be made from the same material as the entire product, or you can use a regular sheet of plywood. On plywood or other material you need to produce necessary measurements and cut out with a jigsaw the shape of the back that you like best. But you need to keep in mind that during the sheathing process it is easier to work with rectangular shapes.

A headboard is cut from a sheet of plywood
A wooden border is attached to the workpiece

The upholstery of the headboard follows the same principle as the main frame, using construction stapler, sheathing material and foam rubber sheets. With the difference that for the headboard, the skin should be more airy, so two sheets of foam rubber are laid between the plywood and the material. Depending on the design of the bed, using foam rubber and different types material, you can give a unique look to the headboard.

foam fixing
Second layer of foam Thick batting finish
We stretch the fabric Finished headboard

Summing up, we can say that when thinking about how to assemble a bed with a lifting mechanism, you should not be afraid of difficulties, because it is quite possible to do it yourself. The main condition for obtaining a good result is the consistent execution of all assembly steps, the first of which is the drawing up of a drawing, where all dimensions, the amount of material, the necessary tools are indicated. Subject to all geometric proportions, the bed will turn out to be much better and more reliable. purchased option. The material for its manufacture is selected depending on personal preferences, financial capabilities and the design of the room.

The lack of space in modern apartments leads in topics for jokes along with Chapaev and mother-in-law. The fourth generation of storytellers cover up gaps in communal arrangements with laughter. A separate refrain is the cramped kitchens and spending the night on the floor during the visit of relatives from the village. One of the ways out in the search for compact beds is the sofa bed option, but in terms of comfort it simply does not reach a comfortable orthopedic mattress. The best option for both a combined bedroom-living room and a children's room would be a wardrobe bed. Finding a suitable one in a store is virtually unrealistic, so we will make a wardrobe bed with our own hands.

Make your own wardrobe bed

Necessary tool for making a wardrobe-bed

The list in this section is the same for almost all such enterprises. But there are nuances, so be careful.

  • Perforator with a drill of at least 10 mm in diameter. Since the lever of effort in the lifting structure is very large, fastening to the wall must be as reliable as possible. No plastic or wood dowels. Only anchor fastenings, with a diameter of 10-12 and a length of at least 80 mm.
  • Drill driver with a chuck up to 12 mm and a set of bits, including the obligatory hexagon for confirmations.
  • Roulette.
  • Construction right angle with a measuring ruler up to 400 mm.
  • Level, over 500 mm long.
  • Drills for wood, diameter 5 and 8 mm. They are sold in sets and individually.
  • Perovoye drill with a diameter of 18-20 mm.
  • Iron, pencil, fine sandpaper, dry cloth.
  • An adjustable wrench or a set of regular car keys.

Note: If you do not understand the terms used here and below, look at their meaning before getting down to business. Encyclopedic knowledge in other areas will not help to explain to the seller of a specialty store.

Furniture fittings store

To make a transformer bed with your own hands, you need to contact a specialized store. You will not be able to buy the necessary spare parts in the usual household, as well as correctly, “cleanly” cut chipboard at home. Just look at the attached drawings to understand the seriousness of the mechanism. But you should not be afraid - each kit is accompanied by an installation diagram, which even an entomologist will figure out, not to mention an ordinary sane man. Subject to the dimensions of the parts, you do not have to worry about the reliability of the mechanism.

Lifting mechanism and legs for wardrobe-bed

Detail of the wardrobe-bed

The scheme and dimensions are indicated for a chipboard thickness of 18 mm, processed with a 0.5 mm thick melamine edge. The dimensions of the orthopedic mattress are provided as 2000x1600x220 mm. The design itself is designed for a mattress with a metal main frame - such are used for the manufacture of beds with a lifting bed of the "ottoman" type.

The floor and walls must be at least approximately even (with a delta of no more than 5 mm per meter of length), otherwise the entire structure will loosen, breaking the fasteners.

  • 2282x420 - 2 pieces, cabinet sides.
  • 1695x420 - 2 pieces, top and bottom of the cabinet.
  • 1685x2235 - front panel. As a rule, it is made one and only after that it is decorated with overhead elements that visually “divide” the plane into several false doors.
  • 2038x150 - 2 pcs., sidewalls of the strapping of the mattress frame.
  • 1605x150 - 2 pieces, front and rear of the frame trim.
  • 1690x350 - 2 pcs., stiffeners. Since the cabinet box is assembled without a back wall, one of them will serve as a headboard.

When ordering parts, you must choose the edging option: either the sawmill company glues them for a fee, or you do it yourself.

In the latter case, the self-adhesive edge is applied to the end of the part with the adhesive side down and ironed with an iron heated to 3/4 power. After that, it is necessary to immediately hold it several times with a dry cloth in order to press it properly. Carefully cut off the excess edge and clean the chamfers with sandpaper.

Required fittings

It is better to print out the drawings of the lifting mechanism and take it with you to the hardware store - it will be more correct.

Lifting mechanism scheme

Leg scheme

The selection of the force of the gas springs is indicated in the table in the figure.

Calculation of the force of gas springs

In addition, you will need:

  • Confirmations 5x70. In this case, it is better to buy them not in a package, but by the piece, 30 pcs.
  • Self-tapping screws 4x16.
  • Self-tapping screws 4x30.
  • Furniture corners 20x20 mm, 10 pcs.
  • Metal corners, reinforced 60x60. Since the upper ones will be visible, we recommend choosing forged ones. They are more aesthetic.
  • Anchor fixture. It was said about him above, 10x80 mm.
  • Furniture handles, at least 160 mm long - for easy grip.
  • Layout or other elements of facade decoration. Ready-made ones are sold in building markets, glued to the facade with superglue.

It remains to find out the main thing: how to make a wardrobe bed with your own hands.

Assembling the wardrobe bed

The top, bottom and stiffeners of the cabinet are drilled into the end with a 5 mm drill, the sidewalls are drilled into a plane with a diameter of 8 mm. That is, the sidewalls are overhead parts, and the rest are internal. The box is pulled together with confirmations and placed in the chosen place. Reinforced corners attached to the wall with anchor bolts.

Attention! Before installing to the wall, it is necessary to accurately measure the verticality of the sidewalls and the right angles between them and the horizontal parts. At the installation site of the box, the plinth will have to be removed.

We carefully mark and install the fixed parts of the opening mechanism on the sidewalls.

By the same principle, the mattress strapping is drilled and assembled. The slats of the orthopedic base are attached to the harness according to the scheme applied by the manufacturer, the reciprocal, movable part of the lifting mechanism is screwed to it. With a spade drill x18 mm, holes for hidden legs are drilled in the upper (with the mechanism raised) part of the strapping.

The delicate part of the work is the fitting and fastening of the front panel. At the slightest deviation, it will stand up crooked, so it is recommended that you first fix it only on four out of ten furniture corners to the outer part of the strapping and carefully measure the gaps. If necessary, correct the position and screw already tightly.

Don't forget to insert the hidden legs into the prepared holes before final assembly of the facade.

Attention! It may seem to some that such a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe facade is an ideal place for a mirror. However, the mirror is not designed for dynamic loads and, even if it is well fixed, is likely to crack without a rigid frame. In addition, do not overweight the structure.

As you can see, making a wardrobe bed yourself is not so much difficult as unusual for a person who has never been involved in furniture manufacturing. Decorate the facade panel with decorative overlays, choose a place for handles and - a pleasant stay.