How to lubricate door hinges so that they do not creak. How to lubricate door hinges without removing the door: creaks in the room, what to do with the interior, plastic grease at home. Taking the door off its hinges

When opening old doors, a creak often occurs, which irritates many people. Hearing such an unpleasant sound, I want to get rid of it immediately. To avoid creaking, you need to figure out in advance how to lubricate the hinges on the door without removing the door.

There are several reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant creaking sound when opening or closing the door.

Incorrect fastening of hinges during installation

Among the common causes of squeaks, incorrect installation of eyelets is distinguished. In this case, extraneous sounds appear in the first days of operation of the installed door. To fix this problem, you will have to reinstall the loop parts. If they are not bolted to the door frame, but welded, you will have to seek help from specialists with a welding machine.

Hinges and cladding touch each other

Sometimes creaking sounds appear due to the contact of the door lining with the installed hinges. Most often they come into contact due to size mismatch.

Therefore, so that the door does not creak when opened, you will have to independently adjust the dimensions of the lining with the hinged parts of the door.

Lack of lubrication or use of the wrong substance

Often, after prolonged use of the doors, an unpleasant creaking appears. An extraneous sound coming from the loops may indicate a lack of lubrication. The lubricant applied during the installation of the door structure is enough for 4-5 years. After that, it is necessary to replace the lubricant with a new one.

No special balls in the design

Loop designs have special balls that prevent squeaking. Some door hinge manufacturers do not add enough balls to the hinges, resulting in squeaks. There is only one way to get rid of this problem - to disassemble the structure and independently equip it with everything necessary.

Big wear

Door hinges, like most other parts, wear out over time. Determining that the product has begun to wear out is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to carefully examine the loop. A worn part begins not only to creak, but also to sink. If the hinges sag too much, the door will no longer close tightly.

rusty hinges

All metal products are faced with such a problem as corrosion. Most often, traces of rust appear on the doors that are installed in private houses on the street. Due to prolonged rains and high humidity, rust forms on their surface. Over time, it enters the inner part of the loops from the surface, after which they begin to creak.

Manufacturing defects

Sometimes people buy door hinges with factory defects. Common consequences of using such parts include the following:

  • loosening of loops;
  • creaking;
  • contact of the platband with the door frame.

Door hinge device

In the manufacture of eyelets, high-quality metal alloys are often used. Also, such parts can be made of Teflon materials or stainless steel. To get acquainted with the features of the design device, you need to understand its main elements:

  • Door part made of strong iron insert.
  • Teflon spacer to be installed near the frame.
  • Frame part, which includes mounting pins.

What can be used for lubrication at home

If the door creaks, you need to lubricate the hinges. There are several products that are often used as a lubricant.

Vegetable oil

Sunflower oil is in almost every home and therefore it is used most often. Before lubricating the part, the liquid is drawn into a medical syringe, after which it is carefully squeezed out. After applying the oil, the door is opened and closed several times so that the liquid is better distributed over the surface.

pencil lead

Vegetable oil dries quickly, and therefore experts advise using other means for processing loops. A popular anti-squeak remedy is a pencil lead. It is carefully placed on the loops, after which the position of the door leaf is changed 2-3 times. When the lead crumbles, the door must be re-closed and opened so that the pencil particles spread better.

Warm vegetable paraffin or wax

Non-standard methods for eliminating squeaking include the use of vegetable wax or molten paraffin. To stop the door from creaking, a burning candle is placed above its hinged parts. At the same time, it should be in such a position that hot paraffin or wax gets into the slots of the product.

Special funds

There are several special tools that are often used when lubricating iron parts.


WD-40 is considered an all-purpose cleaner that comes in the form of a spray or oily liquid. Most often, this composition is used to get rid of traces of corrosion and dried spots on the surface. However, some people use WD-40 to treat and lubricate door mechanisms.

Machine oil

When a door creaks, you can use regular engine oil. Experts recommend choosing liquid products without an unpleasant odor and seals. Before applying the oil, the door is raised a few millimeters. Then, an oily liquid is poured into the inner part of the hinge part and the door leaf is lowered.

Oil for maintenance of sewing machines

Some people do not have machine oil on hand and have to use other means. You can replace it with an oily liquid for lubricating sewing machines. It is necessary to use such a tool in the same way as oil for car maintenance.

Special lubricants for machine mechanisms

Means for processing machine mechanisms include lithol and grease. A distinctive feature of such oily compositions is their high density. Apply the product to the surface of the mechanism with a cotton swab or finger.


There are various methods for eliminating squeaking, which you need to familiarize yourself with in advance.

Without dismantling the door

The squeaky hinge can be lubricated without dismantling the door leaf. The lubrication procedure consists of the following successive steps:

  • opening the door;
  • lifting the canvas by 1-2 centimeters;
  • removal of old grease and debris from fittings;
  • applying an oily liquid;
  • lowering the door.

With web removal

Sometimes lifting the canvas is not enough and you have to completely remove it. To do this, the door is slightly opened and a metal lever is placed under it. Then, with its help, lift the canvas and remove it from the hinges. After getting rid of the door, the loops are treated with a lubricant.

Processing rules

Before lubricating door hinges, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules for their processing.

Work must be done carefully so as not to damage the door leaf and the hinge mechanism. Apply lubricant in such a way that it evenly covers the entire surface.

Features of working with various doors

To quickly get rid of the creak, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of lubricating different doors.


The work on lubricating products made of plastic is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the loop pad is removed and cleaned;
  • a special silicone lubricant is sprayed;
  • the balcony door opens 1-2 times as much as possible so that the lubricant flows inside;
  • installation of overlays.


The most popular are the doors made of wood.

The interior door made of wood is lubricated as follows:

  • Removing the loop rod located at the top of the mechanism. To quickly remove the rod, it is better to use pliers.
  • Applying lubricant. The liquid is applied to the surface of the extracted rod and poured into the loop.
  • Rod installation. After lubrication, the part is installed in the loop mechanism.


Manufacturers of glass doors make non-separable hinges that can only be lubricated with liquid formulations. The most suitable is WD-40, which is poured into each gap with a syringe or pipette.


Before installation, the entrance metal door is carefully treated with a lubricant. However, over time, it dries out, and a characteristic creak appears. Therefore, in order to get rid of extraneous sounds, the loop must be lubricated with machine oil or grease. To do this, you will have to lift the door leaf and pour grease into the mechanism.

Accordion door

The main feature of such a door is that there is not a single loop on it. Instead, special guides are used, which also creak over time. They should be cleaned 1-2 times a month from debris, which gradually accumulates inside.


The hinges on which the sliding door leafs are hung are treated with machine oil. First, the door opens wide open, after which liquid is poured into the holes of the mechanism. To make it more convenient to fill in the oil, you can use a syringe. The door leaf is swayed back and forth several times to better distribute the lubricant.

Parts lubrication

There are several parts that need to be lubricated regularly.


The opening and closing of the door leaf is carried out with the help of special hinged hinges. If you take care of them incorrectly, an unpleasant creak appears. Machine or sunflower oil, which is poured into the gap between the hinges, will help get rid of the creaking sound.


This is another part that needs to be lubricated periodically. Metal canopies begin to creak if they are not treated with oil for a long time. Therefore, they must be lubricated with grease or liquid oils every six months.


The accordion door opens not with the help of hinges, but with special metal guides. Experts advise periodically washing them and cleaning them of debris. To make the door open more smoothly, the surface of the guides is coated with machine oil.

Door lock

Over time, the iron lock begins to work worse, which is why the key does not turn well. To prevent the door lock from jamming, a lubricant is poured into it using a pipette, enema or syringe. Enough 2-3 drops.

Butterfly loops

Many doors have butterfly hinges that need to be lubricated regularly. It is better to use engine oil as a lubricant, which will extend the life of the hinge mechanism. The engine oil should be changed every four months.

Preventive Care

To prevent the doors from creaking, you need to properly care for them. Experts advise regularly lubricating the loops with grease, machine oil and other means. If the door is not installed in the apartment, but on the street, its hinges are processed every three months.


Sooner or later, the door hinges begin to creak when moving. To get rid of an unpleasant creak, you need to familiarize yourself with the reasons for its appearance, the most effective means for processing the mechanism and recommendations for preventive care.

You can get rid of the creaking of the door if you lubricate the door hinges with one of the following means. Some of them have only a short-term effect, for example, vegetable oil, while others (pencil, polish) have a long-term effect.

Anti-rust spray WD-40

It is made on the basis of white spirit and includes 20% oil from the total composition. Therefore, it can get rid of the creak only for a short period. Its main purpose is to prepare parts for lubrication (to clean, dehydrate and degrease the surface). Packaged in bottles with a convenient dispenser.

Machine oil or for sewing machines

It is applied to the moving parts of the loop with a pipette or injection syringe (two or five). Preference should be given to engine oil with the highest viscosity. It will not only get rid of the creak, but also from the resulting rust on the canopies.

To do this, apply a cloth well soaked in machine oil to rusty places for 3-4 hours. This must be done carefully, not to allow it to spread over the door leaf or jambs.

Pencil (verified by the editors)

Pour the lead removed from the pencil into the slots of the loops. You can also, without removing the door completely, slightly raise it and place a piece of the rod between the mechanisms. It will crumble itself and be distributed over the hinges after several movements of the door. In order not to open the pencil, you can use spare rods from the Compasses set.

Edited by: for convenience, without breaking off the lead from a sharply sharpened pencil, they placed it in the hinges of a raised door. They returned it to its place, under pressure the rod broke off. After a few "open-close" movements, the door in the room no longer creaks.

Sunflower oil

Drip between moving door mechanisms also with a pipette or syringe, or by lifting the door leaf, they wipe the hinges. The disadvantage of this method is the adhesion of dust, a short-lived effect and its frequent use can lead to rapid wear of the mechanism.

Butter, edible fats and petroleum jelly are not used for lubrication because they all cause metal corrosion. The effect of their exposure is very short-lived until they dry.

For instillation of liquid lubricants, you can use empty, washed bottles of eye drops or for the nose.

Solidol, "Litol" or "Ciatim"

Due to the thick composition, they are applied with a stick, ruler, brush for drawing or with a finger on the loops. Slightly lift the creaking door and apply one of the selected products into the resulting gap.

Solidol cannot be used to lubricate street doors (gates, gates or driveways). Under the influence of low temperatures, it thickens and turns into an abrasive, so it can only be used at home.

Litol is characterized as a water and frost resistant lubricant, but harmful to aluminum surfaces.

Ciatim "(thick lubricant for automotive parts) has antioxidant and frost-resistant properties, practically does not wash out with water, but the lubricant dries out when exposed to air for a long time.

Silicone Grease

Spray it on the hinges or apply a thin layer and close - open the door a couple of times to distribute the product. For more effective action, remove the rod and treat it with grease.

Preventive lubrication of canopies of interior doors once a year will protect against the appearance of a creak.

This might come in handy: even in hard to reach places.

You can endure a creaking door for a long time, but sooner or later you will get so tired of this high-frequency sound that you will want to get rid of it once and for all. But how to lubricate the door hinges so that they do not creak as long as possible?

There are quite a few options for lubricating door hinges. The best is to use engine oil. Moreover, if you do not have a car, it is not at all necessary to purchase a whole canister.

In hardware stores, you can find household motor oil for sale, which is sold in small plastic tubes. It is designed for sewing machines, locks and other mechanisms, respectively, and does an excellent job of lubricating door hinges.

The price of a tube of such oil is 30-50 rubles. As practice shows, it is enough for domestic use.

But what to do if there was no such oil at hand, and you no longer have the strength to endure the creaking of doors?

You can solve the problem in the following ways:

  • WD. If you have this tool, you can safely process the loops with it, and the squeak will disappear for a long time. If you don’t have it, then we recommend buying it, since you can use it not only for lubricating mechanisms, but, as they say, “for all occasions”. In particular, WD40 allows you to remove rust from threaded connections and then easily unwind them, clean surfaces from glue, paint, etc .;

  • graphite lubricant. This is perhaps one of the best solutions for lubricating hinges, as it allows you to get rid of squeaks for many years;

  • Silicone Grease. It is also a long lasting lubricant that is a good alternative to graphite grease. Especially it can be recommended for external doors, as it is not afraid of frost as, in fact, high temperatures;

  • Solidol / Litol. These lubricants also do an excellent job of eliminating squeaks. However, due to their density, working with them is not very convenient. But on the other hand, if you disassemble the hinges and qualitatively coat the axles with grease, you will forget about squeaks for many years.

You can, of course, lubricate the hinges with grease and superficially, i.e. without disassembling the loops, but such a measure will help for a short time, since the composition will not penetrate deeply;

  • graphite pencil. This tool can be used if there are no lubricants at hand at all. Graphite has excellent sliding properties, so it eliminates squeaks well, especially if the pencil is soft.

The only thing is that the squeaks will disappear for a short time, since the graphite gets enough sleep quickly enough. However, such a measure is enough to temporarily solve the problem until you get a more reliable tool;

  • Butter or lard. Use these tools only as a last resort, to temporarily eliminate squeaks, if you have nothing else at hand.

Advice! In no case do not use vegetable oils, especially sunflower, to process hinges and other metal mechanisms. It allows you to temporarily get rid of squeaks. At the same time, the treated surface begins to rust very quickly, as a result of which the problem is greatly aggravated, for example, locks lubricated with sunflower oil stop working altogether.

Lubrication technology

We figured out the means, now let's look at how to lubricate door hinges with their help.

You can perform this operation in two ways:

  1. Superficially, without disassembling the loops;
  2. Capital, i.e. disassembled.

Lubricate without disassembling

Most often, there is a need to quickly lubricate the hinges without disassembling them.

In this case, the technology depends on the type of tool that you will use:

Illustrations Actions

If you want to lubricate with household oil, it is best to do this with a syringe or a special oiler.

Tubes of oil for this purpose usually have a thin nozzle. Working with it is not as convenient as with a syringe, but it is also possible.

When using oil, follow these steps:
  • Thoroughly coat all the cracks, trying to inject the oil inside so that it flows all the way to the rod;
  • Operate the door to let the liquid flow;

Repeat the procedure to achieve the greatest effect.

To lubricate the loop with WD40, you need to put on the sprayer a special tube nozzle, which is included in the kit. Next, you just need to press the spray button, and inject the product into all the slots of the movable hinge element, as shown in the photo.

Note! WD40 contains a toxic organic solvent - white spirit. Therefore, after lubricating the door, it is advisable to ventilate the room.

There are two ways to lubricate the canopy with graphite:
  • Pulverize the pencil tip to a powder and rub it into the crevices with your finger.

Note! In the same way, awnings are lubricated with grease.

  • If there is no gap, or it is too small, slightly lift the door with a lever (axe, crowbar, crowbar) and insert a piece of a pencil rod into the gap formed. Then the door must be lowered and the hinge rotated with it. As a result, the rod will be crushed, and the powder will lubricate all rubbing areas.

Note! The second method is not suitable for all types of canopies. In such cases, disassembly of the loops is indispensable.

Another option is to use a hammer and nail to knock the axle out of the grease application loop.

Please note that all these methods only temporarily get rid of squeaks. Those. six months / a year will pass, and the problem of creaking doors will have to return. In some cases, if the squeak is caused by debris in the hinge, surface lubrication may not help much at all.

Therefore, if you want to lubricate the canopies once and for all, you need to disassemble them.

Advice! When lubricating the hinges, immediately lubricate the lock as well, as its moving mechanisms also need periodic maintenance.

Lubricate the disassembled hinges

The instruction for capital lubrication looks like this:

Illustrations Actions

As a rule, canopies consist of two cards (plates), which are connected by an axis. To disassemble them, you need to unscrew the latch, which is located at the lower end of the axle, and then pull the axle out with pliers.

If the axle does not come out, do not try to knock it out with a hammer, as in this case you risk damaging the hinge and the door leaf. It is better to treat it with WD40 and wait a while until the agent corrodes the rust.

Advice! In order not to remove the door, do not disassemble two hinges at once. First lubricate one and assemble, and then the other.

Clean the axle of dust and dirt. This is very important, as we have already said, the cause of the creak is often debris that has fallen into the moving mechanism.

Then do the following:

  • Lubricate the axle thoroughly with graphite lubricant, silicone or, for example, grease.
  • Do the same work with the loops themselves.

Assemble the loop by inserting the rod and rotate the cards around the axis, closing and opening the door. This will squeeze out excess grease.

Wipe the surface of the canopy with a rag and remove excess grease.

The cause of the squeak may be a bent rod. Therefore, after removing it, carefully inspect it and, if necessary, align it with a hammer.

I must say that some models of canopies do not have a removable axis. To disassemble them, you need to raise the door or first remove the canopy by unscrewing the screws from the door leaf or frame. Otherwise, the process of their processing with a lubricant is carried out according to the principle described above.

Also found generally non-separable. Accordingly, they can only be lubricated superficially.


Now you know how to lubricate door hinges, and you can use both improvised means and special compounds for this. Finally, we recommend watching the video in this article to visually familiarize yourself with this procedure.


If the door creaks every time someone enters the room, it gets on the nerves of everyone present. Even with the slightest draft, the sashes can make an unpleasant sound.

It's not surprising if the hinges are rusted through. But even relatively new mechanisms can cause discomfort due to improper installation or use. Lubrication of hinges is the easiest and most versatile way to get rid of squeaking.

As long as the door is working properly, no one thinks about possible problems. But when they appear, in each case, the reasons may be different. It is necessary to carefully check why the sash cannot open and close silently.

Fastening defects

Installing a canvas in a doorway is not as easy a task as it might seem. Imperceptible at first glance, defects eventually turn into a serious problem.

Incorrectly selected or fixed hinges lead to distortion of the entire structure and accelerated wear of the material. This is where the creak comes from.

Sometimes the door trim rubs against the protruding parts of the hinges. To fix such problems, you should call a qualified master. Independent attempts to improve the situation often lead to the opposite result.

Lack of lubrication

During the initial installation of doors, the presence of grease is usually controlled. However, over time, the lubricant dries out and becomes too thick. It ceases to have the desired effect, and the friction between the parts of the door fasteners increases greatly.

Parts are rubbed, which leads to improper load distribution. At the same time, a creak occurs, and the door itself opens with effort, which should not be in a normal situation. With severe wear, a complete blocking of the mechanism is possible.

No balls in loops

Lightweight interior doors can be hung on simple hinges that do not include bearings or special balls. But the weight of heavier door panels, for example, metal, conventional fasteners will not withstand.

If it turns out that there are no balls in the hinges, you can remove the door from the hinges and put them inside. This will reduce friction and help eliminate the grinding sound.

Rubbish has accumulated

For a long time of use, as well as in dusty rooms, various small debris accumulates inside the hinges. It absorbs the lubricant and acts like an abrasive powder. The metal wears off and the hinges begin to creak.

Various types of lubricant

Lubrication of door hinges is the first thing you can do against annoying creaking. You can use both a lubricant composition of industrial production, and improvised home remedies.

But it should be remembered that only the right lubricant will have a long-term and effective effect.

Universal means

Well-known and affordable tools that are easy to buy in a store or find in your garage:

  • WD 40 - available in a can with a convenient dispenser that makes it easy to get to hard-to-reach places. A very effective agent that cleans the surface and improves the sliding of parts. It works instantly, but not for long. After it, it is necessary to use oil
  • Litol - due to its pronounced water resistance and frost resistance, it is widely used to lubricate entrance doors and gates. Not afraid of adverse weather conditions.
  • Solid oil is a popular inexpensive remedy, the effect of which will last for a long time. The reason for this is the thick and viscous consistency of the lubricant.

A good lubricant for door hinges is ordinary machine oil. Almost every household has a bottle of this technical liquid.

Car owners always have a working off - the oil left after replacing it in the car with a new one. Oil for the engine or car parts is also suitable. It is better to choose one whose viscosity is higher.

Sewing machine oil

On the farm, needlewomen are likely to find oil for sewing machines. A small plastic container with a thin spout will allow you to place a drop of oil exactly in the right place. Sewing machine oil is usually light in color and does not leave a messy residue.

Vegetable oil

In extreme cases, you can take vegetable oil in the kitchen. A short-term effect will be achieved, but some negative consequences are possible.

Vegetable oil is too liquid, it spreads a lot and dries quickly. Also, a lot of dust and dirt sticks to it, which leads to wear of the mechanisms. Over time, such oil can darken and thicken, which leads to damage to the fittings.

pencil lead

An alternative to oil is a dry graphite lubricant. The door is lifted and small pieces of pencil lead are placed in the hinges. When opening and closing the door, the stylus crumbles, and the resulting powder protects against squeaking. An easier way to use is to pour the crushed lead into the slots of the loops.

Paraffin or wax

Candles made of wax or paraffin are sure to be found in every home. A piece of the substance is heated to a liquid state and buried inside the creaking mechanism. When the wax cools, it hardens and forms a smooth sliding surface.

What types of lubricants should be avoided

Even if a creaky door is very annoying, you don’t need to try to lubricate it with the first grease that comes across. It is highly undesirable to use organic substances - lard, butter and vegetable oil. They contain a large amount of water, which will interact with the metal and cause it to slowly corrode.

Over time, the squeak will only get louder because of this. Also, animal fats decompose quickly, they can even become moldy.

The popular WD 40 should also be used with caution. It is not so much a lubricant as a flushing compound. It cleans the mechanism of dirt, but at the same time washes out the old grease. The quick effect from the first application will be replaced by worsening problems. Therefore, after applying WD 40, it is recommended to lubricate the hinges with a thicker lubricant composition.

How to properly apply lubricant

So that efforts are not in vain, you need to follow simple rules for applying lubricant. Then the result of the work will be better and last longer.

  • It is best to apply the lubricant using a convenient oiler or from a bottle with a fine nozzle. In case of poor access to the inside of the loops, you can use a syringe or pipette.
  • If the door is removed from the hinges, then it is easier to lubricate their open parts with a brush or cotton swab.
  • Carefully remove excess grease with absorbent material.
  • Worn moving areas need to be treated more carefully. It is very possible that they are the cause of the creak.
  • The rubbing parts are located, as a rule, inside the loops. You need to try to provide them with a sufficient amount of lubrication.
  • Before processing, all surfaces must be well cleaned of dirt.

Video instruction on how to properly lubricate the hinges.

Lubrication of hinges

You can lubricate the hinges directly on the operating door. But in order to better get to the inner surfaces, it is recommended to remove the door.

Without removing doors

If the creak is light, and the mechanisms are not very worn out, then it is much easier to lubricate the door without removing it from the hinges. The lower edge of the web is lifted with the stop, and the upper part of the loop comes out of the nest.

It becomes possible to introduce lubricant inside through the resulting gap. This is done with a syringe without a needle or directly from the can using a narrow nozzle. At the end, you need to open and close the sash several times to make sure the creak disappears.

It is recommended to close the surface of the wall and the canvas around the hinge with a film. Lubricant contaminants are very difficult to wash off.

Taking the door off its hinges

The hinges on the removed door can be subjected to a deeper and more thorough treatment. To remove the door, it is not easy to lift it slightly, but move it up until the inner parts of the hinges come out of the recesses. Then rust is removed from the metal and treated with a degreasing agent. Loops over the entire surface are lubricated with thick grease, the excess is washed with a rag.

The most reliable lubricant for perforator drills is considered. Such processing will give a durable and resistant to stress result.

Lubrication of different types of doors

Doors differ in purpose, material of manufacture, design details. Each type has its own characteristics for lubrication.

The main reasons that the iron door starts to creak are sagging due to the heavy weight and corrosion of the metal. On such doors, non-separable welded structures are often found. In this case, the door has to be lubricated on the spot. If possible, it must be raised by slipping down some kind of emphasis.

The fittings are cleaned of rust and dirt, and the lubricant is applied at those points where there is friction between moving parts. The leaked grease is removed and the flap is moved several times to distribute the grease over the hinges.


Plastic doors are usually internal. If such a door leads to a balcony, then it is first lubricated from the side of the street. The door needs to be opened wide and slightly raised. A few drops of oil are applied to the metal of the hinges, and the canvas is returned to its place.

When working with white plastic, care must be taken that the lubricant does not leave stains. This may not happen immediately, but after prolonged contact of the lubricant with the material. Therefore, it is advisable to make a test on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the surface.


Lubrication of a wooden door is carried out according to the general scheme. Usually, wooden doors can be easily removed from the hinges, allowing all surfaces to be thoroughly coated with grease. Otherwise, grease is introduced into the gaps on the hinges. Natural wood should be protected from contact with grease, as the oil can leave a permanent stain.


Glass doors, despite their airy appearance, weigh quite a lot. Given the fragility of the material, when installing them, special loops with rubber gaskets are used. During installation, the hinges are lubricated with special glue for greater reliability.

All these features, in principle, do not violate the lubrication process, but it is better to keep them in mind. Although the oil is washed off the glass, it is more practical to use products that leave no residue, such as WD 40.

Accordion door

Folding doors are usually easily dismantled. First of all, you need to clean the wheels and the groove along which they move. Then the wheels are lubricated, but not with oil, but with silicone grease. If you take ordinary greases, debris will stick to them, which disrupts the movement of the rollers.

Also, the accordion door has many movable elements that allow it to fold. In accordance with the design of these elements, they also need to be cleaned and lubricated.

Sliding door

Sliding doors can make noise and close poorly due to debris caught in the rut on which they slide. Hard deposits on the wheels and in the recess can be cleaned with a stiff wire brush. Then the resulting small debris is removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Lubrication of door parts

Hardware parts can have different types of design. In accordance with the design of the mechanism, you need to choose a method for lubricating it.

How to grease hinges

Hinge hinges are often one-piece. A door with such hinges can be dismantled only by unscrewing all the screws. Such loops consist of a large number of elements. Therefore, they have many rubbing surfaces that need regular lubrication.

Despite the difficulty in care, these loops are very popular. They are universal and suitable for both right and left doors.


Detachable hinges, or canopies, in the simplest case, consist of two parts. The door can be easily removed without unscrewing the hinges. If the canopies are heavily rusted, you need to put a rag soaked in engine oil on them and leave for several hours. After that, the oxide is easier to clean. Finally, the metal is lubricated and the door is hung in place.


Before lubricating the guides, they must be cleaned. Only after making sure that the dirt does not interfere with the movement of the valves, you can apply silicone grease.

Preventive door care

If you properly care for interior and street doors, the problem of squeaking simply will not arise. Recommended:

  • regularly lubricate the hinges;
  • tighten the fixing screws;
  • avoid high humidity in the room.

So that the door creak does not disturb the peace of people in the house, you need to take care of the doors and take care of their condition. If, however, an unpleasant sound is heard every time the door is opened and closed, it's time to pick up an oiler. A few quick, simple movements, and comfortable silence reigns again. In order for the result to last for a long time, the door will have to be removed from the hinges and the rubbing parts subjected to more serious processing.

The creaking of door hinges accelerates wear and tear and is very annoying to the ear and nerves. With proper care of the door fittings, the structure will remain usable for a longer time. And inaction in such a situation in the future will lead to breakage and replacement of the loops. It is much easier and cheaper to take care of them in a timely manner. Regular lubrication will help avoid problems and prolong their life for a longer period.

Why do hinges creak?

Door hinges begin to creak for various reasons. It is important to monitor their condition in order to avoid wear in the future. The main problems causing the appearance of a creak are as follows.

  • Insufficient lubrication. Over time, the lubricant expires. It thickens, spreads or dries out, blocking the normal movement of the door, which has a devastating effect on the mechanism.

  • Corrosion. The most common cause of creaking hinges on street doors. This is due to the increased humidity, which not all metal elements of the door structure can tolerate. If you do not take measures against rust, the movement of the canvas is gradually difficult, and the iron is destroyed.
  • Part wear. Prolonged or incorrect operation of the door structure and its fittings leads to wear and tear of the mechanism and its breakdown.

  • Pollution. Dust and small debris often accumulate in the loop space. If nothing is done, the dirt accumulates in the lubricant, gets on the hinge hinges and begins to gradually wear down the metal like an abrasive.
  • Door tilt. If the door leaf is massive or a mistake was made during the installation of the structure, it may skew. This is not only detrimental to the fittings, but also leads to even greater loosening of the box itself and a change in the contours of the canvas. Usually, the consequences of an unprofessional installation make themselves felt in the very first days of operation of the door structure.

The most common flaws during installation, leading to unpleasant consequences: skew of the mounted structure, incorrect or unstable installation of hinges, friction of the canvas against the sheathing, box or casing. The conclusion suggests itself: the creak of the door indicates that it is necessary to immediately deal with the cause of its appearance.

Choosing a lubricant

Before proceeding with the establishment of a normal and silent course of the door leaf, you need to understand which lubricant is suitable for this. On sale there are various special compositions that are suitable for street or interior doors. The most popular are the following ready-made products.

  • WD40. A very popular and effective oil material, which allows not only to get rid of squeaks and improve the sliding of metal parts, but also to remove corrosion. The agent creates a protective film on the treated surfaces, preventing the further spread of rust.

  • Litol. An ideal type of creaking lubricant for an entrance metal door. Due to its water resistance and frost resistance, it can be used outdoors. The most suitable option for the prevention of corrosion on the hinges of all external doors, gates and garage doors.

  • Solidol. An oily, viscous mass, one of the most widely used materials in practice. Suitable for lubricating moving parts in machinery.

  • Tsiatim. A multipurpose thick oil with an antioxidant additive.

If you didn’t have a factory tool for lubricating metal parts at hand, you can try one of the “folk” remedies. In the youth of our grandfathers, Litol and WD were absent, but they were able to cope with the problem of creaking with elementary improvised means.

  • Simple pencil. The stylus was crushed and put into hinges, or the door leaf was lifted and a piece was put directly into the mechanism, and he himself crumbled it into powder. Wax and oil in the composition of the stylus effectively helped to get rid of the annoying squeak.
  • Liquid soap. This is a more modern tool for lubricating door hinges. It is always available at home. One drop of a viscous concentrate is enough, and the blade will move more smoothly and silently. It helps for a short time, but there is always the opportunity to repeat the treatment.

  • Wax. There is always a candle in the house that can be used not only for lighting, but also to improve the sliding of worn-out mechanisms.
  • Sunflower oil. Any vegetable fat from the hostess's kitchen will help eliminate metal creaking for a short time. Even a teenager can manipulate vegetable oil. Special skills and instructions for lubrication are not required. But this method is considered temporary, as dust quickly sticks to sunflower oil. The resulting dirt will quickly wear out the mechanism.

  • Machine oil and working off them. An option better suited for car owners. They always have such a lubricant in stock.
  • Oil for processing parts of a sewing machine. Needlewomen know that such a tool lubricates all moving mechanisms well. The advantage is the absence of greasy traces and ease of application. In an apartment, such accuracy will not hurt.
  • Petrolatum. If none of the above is available, ordinary petroleum jelly is suitable for lubricating the metal. This, of course, is a temporary measure of "taming" the squeak, until you can get a special tool and carry out the procedure for rehabilitating the loops as expected.

How to lubricate?

The final result depends on the technique of applying the lubricant no less than on what means it is carried out. The hinges must be able to be lubricated correctly so that they do not creak. The composition applied to the desired area will help solve the problem efficiently and without hassle. This will help to avoid subsequent contamination of the mechanism and extend its service life. It is worth clarifying certain rules regarding the process of lubricating any door hinges.

  • The product must be applied using a special oiler, using a nozzle with a thin tube or a medical syringe.
  • If the loops are disassembled, you can handle them with a thin brush or cotton swab lubricated with grease. A cloth is less convenient for lubrication.
  • In order not to stain the doors with excess oil, you need to use a dry paper towel.
  • When the door creaks in a particular place, this area needs more intensive treatment. It is easy to find by external traces of abrasion.
  • The inner part of the hinges needs a more generous oil treatment, since it is the working part of the mechanism that is subject to wear.

To process universal hinges without removing the door, you need to choose the right lubricant and a bottle with a thin nose. If the product is already packaged in this way, you can immediately get down to business. In another case, it is worth carefully pouring the oil composition into a convenient container. The lubricant should easily penetrate dust and cover all working parts of the hinge mechanism with a protective film.

It is convenient to use the product in the form of a spray. Silicone and lithium greases are no less convenient. The last one is sold in all auto shops and is great for processing anything squeaky and metallic. This method is very convenient for someone who is unable to lift a heavy door leaf. Grease is applied between the hinges, carefully filling the gaps with it.

The second way to lubricate the hinges on the door is more troublesome. Suitable for detachable hinges. You will have to remove the canvas by lifting it with a crowbar. Place it on top of two stable chairs and process as directed. In this position, it is much more convenient to inspect the hinges, especially if you have to disassemble or repair them.

Prepare unnecessary old rags in advance. Be sure to dry and clean to wipe off excess oil and clean dirty areas. They must be cleaned before being treated with a lubricant. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain. Abrasive particles with a new portion of lubricant will harm the hinges even more actively. After lubrication, the door leaf must be hung in place.

It should be noted that the processing of hinges is the same for any doors, regardless of whether they are interior, metal, street or balcony. The processing plan may differ depending on the type of loops.

  • For a while, any edible oil will help to “stir up” tight loops: olive, coconut, etc.
  • The design of the loop consists of two cards connected by a rod. It would be correct to pull the rod out of the mechanism in order to lubricate it more effectively.
  • Open the doors and pull the rod out to either side. You can do this simply with your fingers, but it is more convenient to use pliers by turning the rod counterclockwise. Try not to rub the skin of your fingers on the door jamb or canvas.

  • If the metal rod is rusted and it is difficult to pull it out, there are two options for help: a screwdriver or a special corrosion converter. The tool is usually easier for the simple reason that it is always available.
  • After removing the rod, apply a thin layer of lubricant to it, and then process the loops. It is convenient to do this with a sprayer or from a bottle with a long thin spout.
  • Check door movement. If the creaking continues, remove the rod from the mechanism and apply an additional portion of lubricant. Continue until the squeak stops. When the desired result is obtained, install the rod back.