Interior of a hallway in a private house: choosing finishing materials, creating a design with your own hands. Design of corridors in private houses Small entrance hall in a house

Decorating a hallway in a house is somewhat more difficult than in an apartment. Private houses usually have large rooms. An unlimited number of ideas can be implemented. And if you consider that the hallway is the face of the house, the most basic room that everyone who comes to visit you sees, you immediately want to arrange this place as comfortably as possible.

Your entire home will be judged by this room, and therefore you should try very hard to make it look flawless, harmonious and aesthetically pleasing.

You can get ideas for your hallway from all sorts of photographs of other people's hallways in private homes. There are countless of them, you can definitely find something that is close to you.

It is worth thinking about the practicality of this room. Whether an ordinary corridor or hallway, regardless of size, must be wear-resistant. All the dirt from the street will be carried into these rooms, and therefore you should worry in advance that the floor and walls can easily withstand the entire load during active use of this room.

Important design requirements

Practicality. You should design the hallway in such a way that you can clean it later without incurring additional costs in time and effort. It is worth remembering that guests from the street will enter it first.

Pay attention to the decoration of the entire house. You shouldn’t make the hallway too different from it. It should be harmoniously combined with the rest of the rooms.


Let's look at some features and requirements. And again let's turn to practicality. Remember that the coating should not wear off or become unusable after the first cleaning. It may even be better to use shades that are not as light to cause fewer problems for yourself in the future.

Dark color is more acceptable and practical. This can also be applied to furniture. You should not furnish the hallway with snow-white cabinets: you will quickly be disappointed with the result.

Avoid paper wallpaper, which will wear out very quickly. Choose something truly hard-wearing to ensure your entryway lasts a long time.

One of the quite acceptable options is vinyl. These wallpapers are easy to clean, and you can choose them in a wide variety of shades and textures. This coating will last you a long time.

Liquid wallpaper is also one of the options. This is a more modern option, characterized by sufficient durability. If dirt gets on the wall, you can simply remove this area and stick a new one: you won’t notice the difference. Plus they look really amazing.

You can do without wallpaper at all and use paint. Just remember that the surface on which you are going to apply it must be perfectly flat. You should take care of this in advance and level all the walls of your hallway so that the result really leaves a good impression.


There are some peculiarities here too. The floor must be wear-resistant. The hallway is often used to drag something heavy into it. And at the same time, such things as sleds, bicycles or skis should not leave any marks on the floor, which will then be impossible to get rid of.

You should immediately discard the option with carpet: they are much more difficult to clean, and wet cleaning is not the best option for them. And it is very possible for water to appear in the hallway. Especially in winter.

Possible options:

Linoleum. But the choice should be made on commercial options. The soft covering must be swept away immediately.

Laminate. Wooden style is a luxurious option for the hallway interior. The main thing to remember is that all furniture, like wallpaper, should be in the same style. Everything should look harmonious. And then as a result you will get a beautiful hallway.

It is important to pay attention to the type of laminate and immediately take care of the joints using grout. You need to choose the most practical option with additional coverage.

Porcelain tiles. This is perhaps the most durable material. It is difficult to do anything with a stone that will immediately render it unusable.

And there is also another plus - safety: you won’t slip on such tiles. With the help of this material you can bring to life the most daring ideas for decorating your hallway.

Combinations. Consider adding some originality to your space. Mix options, try something new. The result may pleasantly surprise you.


Here you can abandon practicality: you need to try very hard to stain the ceiling. Therefore, the options used here can be applied in any other room.

Whitewash. Fast and not at all energy-intensive.

Decorative plaster. You will have to worry a little more with it than with regular whitewash. But the ceiling will look much brighter and more lively.

Dye. You can show your imagination and use a wide variety of colors. But here, oddly enough, using dark is not encouraged. This will make the ceiling seem much lower.

Wallpaper. If you choose them harmoniously, this option will look very good.

Ceiling plate. There are countless types of it. There are both decent inexpensive options and quite expensive ones, but they give your hallway a really wonderful look. You might want to think about this method of coverage as well.

Any design (including the hallway) requires initial planning. Try to immediately create a plan that you will follow. Consider the costs, or better yet, make an estimate so you don’t get lost in the process.

Be aware of the size of the room in which you will be working. And feel free to use and try something new. You are able to create your own unique design in your hallway.

There is no need to be afraid. Feel free to implement your ideas for arranging the hallway in your home.

Photo of the hallway in a private house

It is the hallway that creates the first impression of the house and indirectly tells guests what they can see in other rooms. Of course, not only the beautiful design of the hallway in a private house is important, but also its functionality. Today we will tell you how to arrange a hallway so that it pleases the eye every day and is convenient and comfortable. Dekorin has selected inspiring photos of hallway interiors so that you can choose the option that’s right for you.

Design of an entrance hall in a private house with a staircase: photos and the best modern ideas

The design of a hall with a staircase in a private house involves more complex work than the same hallway in an ordinary city apartment. This is explained by the fact that often the size of the hallway in a private house is much larger, and if you also take into account the stairs, the hassle will actually increase. However, it is undoubtedly worth it, because the result can be a unique hallway that you will admire every day.

So, for example, you can decorate the hall with large French windows covering the entire wall. Complete the interior with two bright armchairs that fit neatly into the room, or a banquette with soft seating. An elegant console table with a mirror above it or even a built-in wardrobe can also beautifully emphasize the formal look of a hall with a staircase. Thanks to this design of a hallway with a window, there will never be a lack of light in a private house, because even at dusk it is possible to illuminate it with a lush crystal chandelier.

Note that the spacious hall can also be used as a mini-living room or reception area. In such a room it is very pleasant to drink tea in the morning with the doors open, feeling as if you were on a veranda.

Design of a small hallway in a private house: basic recommendations with photos

Particular attention should be paid to the design of a small hallway in a private house, because it is important to choose the right colors, furniture, lighting, and also make the room functional.

First, you need to determine what exactly you expect to see in your hallway, how much seating you want to place, etc. By answering these questions, you will better understand what your hallway should look like.

When choosing finishing materials, it is better to give preference to washable materials, because every day we bring dirt into this room from the street. As a floor covering in the hallway design, it is wise to use a durable material that is not subject to damage (after all, the floors here experience heavy loads every day in the form of bags, shoes, bicycles, etc.). At the same time, it would be good to use a material that is easy to care for (for example, linoleum or laminate tiles).

When choosing a color palette for a small hallway in a private house, you should focus on your taste preferences, however, decorating this room in dark colors is usually not recommended. So, for lovers of bright colors in the interior, it seems possible to decorate your hallway in any color, because the main condition is that you enjoy entering and exiting your home through this room every day.

There are people who prefer calm shades that add peace and comfort to their home. This is also a good option, but it should be taken into account that the walls in a small space should be at least a couple of tones lighter than the floor and at the same time darker than the ceiling. It is good to use glossy materials in the decoration of the hallway. Such design tricks will help to visually enlarge the space and make the design of a small hallway in a private house more beautiful and cozy.

A few examples of this are in the following photos of interiors:

Design of a large hallway in a private house: how best to design it

When there is a spacious hallway, the natural desire is to use the available square meters with style. However, you should still carefully and thoughtfully approach the choice of materials, furniture, as well as the final stage of decorating the room.

When choosing colors for decoration, you should keep in mind that it is not recommended to use light colors in a large hallway. Firstly, they visually increase the space, which, in principle, is not required in a large room, and secondly, any light shade used in the hallway runs the risk of turning into an ugly, dirty color over time.

In general, you can’t skimp on materials for the hallway, because cheap wallpaper will quickly wear out, and low-quality laminate will stop shining. If you want to choose tiles as a flooring material, then first of all pay attention to the fact that it is durable and non-slip.

Usually there is not a lot of furniture in the hallway, but leaving a large hallway in a private house almost empty is also wrong: a coat rack, shelves or cabinets for shoes, a bookcase for bags and hats - this is the necessary minimum for comfortable living. You can add a little coziness and homely atmosphere to its interior using soft bench or a small sofa.

Designers do not recommend using too much decor in the hallway, so you should limit yourself to the necessary things. So, you can hang mirror in a beautiful frame, wall clock, a couple of sconces, paintings or decorative panels that you like. A floor or table vase will also fit perfectly, as will a bright rug. You need to try to ensure that the design of a large hallway in a private house is as stylish and cozy as possible, because this room sets the tone for the general mood, charges with positivity and brings comfort to everyday life.

Design of an entrance hall in a private house: photo ideas for a stylish interior updated: May 23, 2017 by: Oksana Krutsenko

We talk about the secrets of designing a hallway

The hallway in your house has a much greater functional load than the corridor in the apartment. Somewhere it is an insulated porch, a small vestibule or a traditional canopy, and somewhere it is a full-fledged room with a wardrobe, a shoe closet, a large mirror and armchairs. FORUMHOUSE members and experts tell us how to make it comfortable, functional, and interesting, where it is best to place cabinets, and what materials to choose for finishing.

Size matters

Member of FORUMHOUSE Betrice- mother of three children. Therefore, solving the problem of how to place a mass of outerwear, shoes, bags, a stroller, skates and three pairs of husband’s skis in the hallway requires a thoughtful approach. After all, in addition to a clothes hanger, the forum member would also like to put a chest of drawers in the room, a small sofa for changing shoes and hang a mirror in which she could contemplate herself in full length. There should be enough space for all five family members who are returning home from a walk at the same time. Since the area of ​​the new cottage being designed, including a heated basement, is 300 sq.m., for an entrance hall combined with a dressing room, Beatrice I decided to allocate a room with an area of ​​14 sq.m - 5.7x2.5 m.

If there is enough space in a private house, the hallway should not be limited to a small nook. There should be enough space for both a clothing storage system (taking into account guest visits) and for people.

However, the idea of ​​spacious hallways also has its opponents. They believe that since this area is classified as non-residential, it is better to wisely save space in favor of other rooms or the kitchen. Don’t shrink the hallway in a private house on the plan to the size of a Khrushchev corridor, but don’t make it luxurious either. Forum member Unogroup says that in a small house no more than 15% of the total area of ​​the cottage can be spent on all auxiliary premises, in a spacious house - no more than 20%. After all, a sofa can always be combined with a wooden shoe rack, and sports and garden equipment can be stored in the garage.

According to the architect Elena Slavina, when designing the entrance area, you need to take into account not only its future area, but also its location relative to other rooms. You should not make the hallway the center of the house and place doors in it leading to all other rooms, or combine it with the kitchen (and this happens!) or the living room. In winter, when you open the front door, cold air will blow in, and in slushy weather, dirt from your shoes will spread throughout the house.


– My parents have an entrance hall in their house – 16 sq.m. and an attached cold vestibule. There is rubbish in the vestibule, and the hallway is so stupid (it is, as it were, the center of the house) that, despite the area, it is impossible to undress normally in it, and the dirt spreads throughout the rooms.

It is important at the planning stage to divide the hallway into functional zones. Immediately at the entrance to the house there is a work area - here you can take off your outerwear, sit down, take off your shoes, and hang your keys in the key holder. It is also necessary to plan a storage area. We will place cabinets or a hanger in it for storing fur coats, hats, and shoes.

Elena Slavina:

– Mentally divide the wall from floor to ceiling: the lower level (0-50 cm from the floor) is usually used for storing shoes, the middle (50-180 cm) – for placing outerwear and mirrors, the top (above 180-210 cm) – for hats, lighting. If the height of the ceilings allows, you can build wooden mezzanines underneath to store seasonal items.

Consider whether your hallway will have a window. Although in apartments these rooms traditionally do not have natural light, when designing a private house, its future owners are free to choose the layout. Natural light in the hallway of a cottage is always an advantage, especially if the window offers a beautiful view of the garden.

And one more thing: if your house has already been built, and the layout of the hallway is far from what you would like to have, do not be upset. Even a small and narrow hallway in a private house can be made more comfortable if you arrange the furniture correctly (and get rid of unnecessary furniture) and zone the space.

Maintain a reasonable distance between the cabinet and the opposite wall - it should be at least 70 cm, and at least 10 cm should remain to the doorway. If it doesn’t work out, you should completely get rid of the bulky closet and replace it with a beautiful hanger.

Materials and colors

Now let's move on to the most interesting part - decorating the hallway in a private house. When choosing finishing materials, pay attention not only to their beauty, but also evaluate their practicality. Wet shoe soles, mud, sand - the room must withstand these tests without losing its attractiveness. Therefore, it is better to give preference to easily washable materials: wipe with a cloth and it’s clean again.

Floors. If carpet is not the best solution in our weather conditions, then you should take a closer look at other materials.

The most budget option is linoleum. Practicality, perhaps, is 5 points, but beauty depends on the choice of colors - with today’s variety, you can find special linoleum that imitates the pattern of wood or stone, or mosaics. High-quality linoleum is practically indestructible - it is wear-resistant, not afraid of moisture and heels, and linoleum with insulation allows you to provide additional thermal insulation. However, low-quality material may eventually lose color or turn yellow, tear, and most importantly, have a negative impact on people’s health by emitting harmful chemical compounds.

Laminate. It is aesthetically pleasing, but it is better to protect it from excess moisture and dirt and limit the area for changing shoes with rubber mats.

Floor tiles and porcelain tiles. Perhaps one of the most preferred options, combining the nobleness of the material, environmental friendliness and resistance to moisture, dirt and abrasion.

Please ensure that the surface of the tile is non-slip and has a high coefficient of friction resistance - this way you will protect yourself and your loved ones from falls on a wet surface.


– Tile has its drawbacks: it’s cold to walk on, and the seams quickly become dirty.

To get rid of the discomfort when walking on tiles, many homeowners install heated floors in the hallway.

In the hallway, guests get their first impression of the home, so the owners think through the finishing down to the smallest detail. Before starting work, determine the direction by studying the photo. The design of the hallway in a private house coincides with the style of the home; you can choose another option for arranging this room.

The project is created based on the area of ​​the room, its features, and the wishes of the owners. Furniture is purchased depending on the number of items. The placement of seating areas is being thought through. After drawing a diagram, they find out whether it will be possible to fit all the necessary items into the space.

The decoration of the hallway needs to be thought through to the smallest detail.

The design of the hallway is created based on the area of ​​the room, its features, and the wishes of the owners

Before bringing ideas to life, it is better to draw a layout

Color is an important element; the choice depends on the area, shape, style and purpose of the room. It is necessary to achieve a harmonious combination of the design of the corridor in a private house with other apartments. Paint the walls in any color, avoid only white.

Classic beige and brown shades will fit into the interior of the hallway in a private house. Peach and orange colors are popular. When choosing materials, care is taken to ensure that the walls are easy to clean.

First pay attention to the photos, they will help you decide on the color. In the spacious hallway they use warm colors:





Gray, blue, milky, beige shades are suitable for small rooms. A harmonious combination of the color of the walls with the palette of the floor and ceiling will create a relaxed atmosphere. The design of the hallway in the house depends on many details. The color scheme corresponds to the chosen style direction. The color for the ceiling is white or blue. The floor is also made in light shades to visually expand the space.

Color plays an important role in hallway design

Usually the hallway is made in light colors

Hallway style direction

Country property owners who want to emphasize their status give preference to the classics. In the hallway of a private house there are pastel colors and rich shades. Surfaces are decorated in warm colors. To create accents, purchase bright carpets, curtains and other accessories.

Modern is always popular. This style is characterized by soft curved lines and no corners. Modern combines sophistication and functionality. It amazingly intertwines the natural lines of nature and advanced technology.

The rustic style will give homely warmth and comfort to the hallway. For country style, plain surfaces, rough finishes are suitable, and ornaments and floral motifs are not typical. The setting contains natural components.

Stylish and non-standard design is created using minimalism. It is organized, practical and functional. In a hallway decorated in this style, there are compact objects and a minimum of decor. When finishing, a restrained palette of colors is used for the ceiling and floor.

The loft style is present in the homes of creative individuals. It assumes the presence of open space and a minimum of partitions. There should be no unnecessary objects or draperies in the hallway. The room is zoned using furniture, materials that imitate brickwork, stone, and plaster are used. There should be a lot of light in it.

Stylish and non-standard design is created using minimalism

Modern combines sophistication and functionality

Classic is very good for the hallway

Hallway decoration

All surfaces should be easy to clean to ensure a clean and tidy room. For walls, they are looking for a strong and durable coating so that it does not lose its attractive appearance after the first rain. The floor and ceiling also require attention when developing a design project. After looking at the original photos, it is easy to find a suitable solution.

To decorate the hallway, use materials that are easy to clean

The floor and ceiling need to be given a lot of attention

Wall decoration

For corridors, various panels, wallpaper, paint, decorative stone, and ceramic tiles are used. Choose a finish based on your own preferences. Vinyl wallpaper will decorate the interior of the hallway in the house. The choice of color options is simply endless. Wallpaper that imitates brick or natural stone is popular. They will create a special atmosphere.

Liquid wallpaper will make the design of the hallway in a private house elegant and stylish, you can see this by looking at photos of design projects. With their help it is easy to design a variety of surfaces. This material is coated with varnish to facilitate maintenance during use.

A simple and inexpensive option would be paint. It is applied to absolutely flat surfaces; you will have to take care of the base. A long-lasting method is to plaster the walls.

Wall decoration should be chosen based on personal preferences.

A simple and inexpensive option would be paint.

Wallpaper in the hallway will create a special atmosphere

Floor materials

For this room, wear-resistant flooring is chosen. The tiles are highly reliable and do not require special care. A wide range of sizes and colors will allow you to decorate the room in any style. This material also has some disadvantages. It has a cold surface; if you drop a heavy object, the product can be damaged.

In the interiors of the hallways of country houses you can see laminate flooring in various photos. The universal material has high strength and good water resistance. There are types on sale that imitate valuable types of wood and tiles. Under heavy traffic, laminate floors will last about 15 years. If a part is accidentally damaged, it is easy to replace.

Linoleum enjoys well-deserved popularity among consumers. It is easy to clean and has good wear resistance. Linoleum is often chosen for corridors due to its low price and excellent performance properties. For high-quality installation, you need to prepare a level base.

The floor can be finished with linoleum or laminate

Wear-resistant flooring is chosen for this room.

Ceiling finishing

In private buildings, the size and height of the hallways allow you to create interesting and memorable projects. Attention is paid to the ceiling space, especially when there are defects. A correctly selected option will hide minor flaws in the ceiling. To change proportions, use color and achieve the desired effect by combining textures.

A simple finishing method is to paint the surface. This method attracts with its low price, ease of application, and durability of the coating. Expanded polystyrene boards are also a budget finishing option. They are produced in a large assortment. There are collections that imitate other materials. The products are attached to the ceiling using glue, and after installation they are painted in a certain tone.

The design of the hallway in the cottage will be decorated with mirror tiles and decorative plaster. They will help you create an original version. Professionals are invited to solve this problem. Other materials are also used in the hallway: modular and suspended ceilings, plasterboard. When designing, pay attention to the requirements and decorative component.

The easiest way to finish a ceiling is to paint it

Painting the ceiling is a cheap and durable way

Hallway furniture

In this room there is space only for the most necessary and functional things; you should not overfill it with unnecessary items. In the interior of the hallway, you need to provide storage systems that will accommodate the family’s clothes and shoes. Consumers order a practical and functional design.

A compact cabinet will be an excellent solution for tools and household supplies. Spacious hallways are equipped with spacious storage systems made of unpainted wood. This set will fit seasonal clothes.

The hallway of a private house provides seating. A compact bench and ottoman can serve as containers for storing things and shoes. Many owners of private households prefer to buy ready-made kits. The seating area is built into the furniture set. You can view photos of popular sets before purchasing.

The design of the hallway in a country house will be decorated with a shoe cabinet and corner systems. Dark-colored specimens will fit into a large room, while light-colored options are suitable for a modest-sized room. There should be a hanger in the corridor. It can be part of a headset or a separate object. The choice depends on the available space and design ideas.

Don't overcrowd your hallway with unnecessary items.

A mirrored wardrobe would be an excellent option for a hallway

Decor items

Beautiful accessories will help complete the look. The main decorative element is the mirror. It has special magic and can change the surrounding space. This item is needed so that a person can evaluate his appearance before leaving the building. It is better to diversify the design of a hallway in a private house with one mirror rather than placing several types. Models of non-standard shapes, which can be seen in the photo, are better equipped with simple frames.

If the room has windows, then they are decorated with curtains. The design of the hallway and corridor in a private house is complemented with fresh flowers if there is enough free space. They will help revive the interior. Paintings or photographs look great on plain walls.

The stores offer a variety of accessories that can be used to complement the interior of a hallway in a wooden house. A well-chosen element will harmoniously fit into the decor. Decorations include functional shelves, figurines, and elements of artistic style.

The main element of decor in the hallway is a mirror

You can make a large drawing on the wall

Hallway lighting

In the corridor, you should think through everything to the smallest detail in order to achieve harmony. It is difficult to imagine the design of a hallway in a wooden house without artificial lighting. In such a space there are often no windows; the choice of lamps is taken seriously.

Chandeliers and hidden lighting are suitable for general lighting. Such models are mounted on the ceiling. The local option will emphasize the design of the room in a certain area. It complements the design of the hallway in a private house if the main source is not enough.

Minimum number of lamps (illuminance 50 lux)

Room area, m2

Incandescent lamp power, W

Number of lamps when painting walls

Light will help change the proportions of the room and its perception. Manufacturers delight customers with a variety of shapes and colors of their products. The design of the hallway of a private house contains various products. They are used as light sources and perform a decorative function. Small rooms and huge halls require a competent selection of such products. It is necessary to carefully consider their location and quantity to get a good result. Even a small corridor will become cozy and elegant if there is a lot of light in it.

The hallway should have good lighting

Chandeliers and hidden lighting are suitable for general lighting

Wide room

A large hallway will allow you to realize any idea. It will fit a wardrobe, ottoman, shoe shelf. Decorating the hallway of a house requires attention. You can divide it into the following parts:

  1. entrance area;
  2. storage space for clothes and shoes.

Their differentiation is possible using flooring, color, and lighting. Thick, saturated shades visually narrow the space; they are used for walls in spacious hallways. They give preference to large-sized specimens that are combined with adjacent rooms. Wallpaper is purchased in accordance with the style direction.

In the interior of the hallway there is space for a shoe rack, a wardrobe with sliding doors and a hanger. But don’t overload the room with unnecessary things. A wardrobe with a mirror looks impressive in the interior of a large hallway in a private house. Spacious storage space is provided for the wardrobe. The emptiness can be filled with paintings, family photographs, figurines. Carpet and linoleum are laid on the floor.

You can hang pictures on the walls

Stretch ceilings will look very beautiful in the interior of the hallway

Narrow corridor

To make a narrow and dark room cozy, think about the arrangement of furniture. Details matter.

    The floor covering is selected in light colors, which has high strength and wear resistance.

    Light shades are also suitable for walls, which can visually expand the space.

    The mirror will become an indispensable attribute of the hallway design project in the house.

    Provide comfortable seating at the entrance to the home.

Mirrors can be placed separately on the walls or used in combination with furniture. The swing doors leading to another room are removed. They are replaced with a sliding model. The arch looks interesting in the design of a small hallway in a house. Spotlights are placed around the perimeter. When decorating walls, use plain wallpaper; large components will only narrow the space. The play of colors, ceiling design, and floor will help to correct it. To do this, order linoleum, porcelain stoneware, laminate of the desired shade from specialized retail outlets.


The design of the hallway is made practical regardless of size. It should cope with basic functions. They solve the problem on their own or turn to professionals for help. The room should correspond to the picture of the home, so the decoration is combined with the furnishings of other rooms. Properly selected items and accessories will help create comfort and coziness.

Video: Design of an entrance hall in a country house

50 photos of hallway design ideas in a country house:

The first room when entering a house is the hallway. The convenience of placement, order and style of decoration of this non-residential room create an impression of the entire house and its owners. Therefore, when planning the interior, it is especially important that the design of the hallway in the house not only meets the functional requirements, but also harmoniously combines with the overall decor. The extensive range of the modern market of construction and finishing materials makes it possible to implement any solution to this difficult problem.

Design option for a hallway in a house Source

Options for wall decoration in the hallway of a house

The walls in the hallway of the house are most vulnerable to contamination: outerwear, packages, bags, umbrellas can come into contact with the surface of the wall. For this reason, the main requirements for finishing materials are: strength, durability and cleanability. Types of materials:

  • Waterproof acrylic paint. Painting is often used both in a minimalist style and in more vibrant styles in combination with decorative elements and photo wallpaper. The walls are pre-leveled and puttied. The paint color is usually calm, discreet shades;
  • Decorative plaster is a durable option for finishing the walls of high-throughput rooms. The line of this material allows you to create both simple, no-frills and complex, highly artistic textures. The inclusion of decorative stone or decorative brick in the design of walls looks original;
  • Wall panels of different price categories: decorative from natural wood, from a substitute for natural wood - MDF (medium density fiberboard), as well as a more economical option made from plastic - PVC (thermoplastic polymer). This covering is found in different styles of hallway design in the house; the lower part of the walls is mainly finished with panels;

Decorating the hallway of a house with MDF panels Source

  • Board or lining is an excellent choice for finishing a hallway in a wooden house. Such walls can be painted or varnished; in addition, the direction of the board allows you to visually expand the space when positioned horizontally, and when positioned vertically - to increase the height of the ceilings;
  • Wallpaper: washable vinyl, liquid varnished. The inexpensive segment of this material is not recommended for consideration due to low wear resistance. Modern moisture-resistant wallpaper harmoniously matches both panels and decorative tiles.

Flooring for the hallway of a private house

The flooring of the hallway and corridor of a private house must be resistant to the negative effects of dirt and moisture, and to abrasion. Materials with such performance characteristics include tiles and moisture-resistant laminate.

When choosing floor tiles, you should take into account such an important aspect of the safety of people moving on them as slipperiness. Tiles, especially porcelain tiles, are distinguished by their resistance to increased mechanical loads and ease of cleaning. A wide range of tiles, a variety of textures, sizes, and colors allows you to choose the optimal floor design option.

Ceramic tiles for flooring in the hallway of a house Source

The laminate's resistance to mechanical stress is determined by the class of the material. High class corresponds to the most durable and durable coating. In terms of aesthetic and functional indicators, laminate flooring is on par with such an expensive coating as parquet.

Commercial linoleum can be installed in areas less exposed to moisture and dirt when combined with tiles.

A relatively new type of flooring is polymer self-leveling flooring. The advantages include moisture resistance, shine, lack of seams, tightness and durability. When choosing this material, you need to take into account the nuances of pouring, control of base moisture and the complexity of dismantling.

Options for finishing the hallway ceiling

Depending on the budget and the general concept of decorating the hallway, you can consider the following methods of finishing the ceiling:

  • Decorating the ceiling using: tiles, decorative plaster, traditional whitewash or painting a pre-leveled ceiling;
  • Timber finishing. This natural material will create a cozy atmosphere of a country house or country house;

Suspended glossy ceiling for the hallway in the house Source

  • Suspended ceilings. The main advantage of this type for the hallway of a house is its resistance to temperature changes and the possibility of spot lighting. As a disadvantage, we can note the reduction in the height of the finished ceiling;
  • Stretch ceilings. Attractive aspects are a flat, smooth surface, a variety of textures, colors and patterns. Installation requires special equipment and appropriate skills. Please note that vinyl stretch ceilings do not withstand temperatures below zero.

Color scheme for the hallway in the house

The color scheme of the hallway depends on the overall style of the house and, of course, on the size and shape of this auxiliary room. In practice, when choosing a color scheme, they adhere to the principle of 3 colors: 1 main and 2 additional tones.

Light shades in combination with cool colors will visually increase the space of a small hallway, and for a larger room with windows, fashionable dark colors are also suitable.

Each style has its own color scheme. Thus, natural brown, sand and white tones are used in a classic style. Baroque is distinguished by rich pink color combined with white and gold. Minimalism is characterized by white, gray, black and cream tones. The high-tech style is dominated by metallic gray.

Hallway in original orange color Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house design services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Furniture selection

There should not be a lot of furniture in the hallway. Minimum set: clothes hangers, shoe shelves, cabinets. If you have enough space, a rational solution would be deep closets for storing outerwear, seasonal shoes and hats, and a small sofa or banquette will create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness. The main requirement for furniture is practicality and spaciousness.

Furniture for organizing comfort in the hallway Source

Decor for the hallway in the house

You should not get carried away with decorative elements in the design of a corridor in a private house; small accents in the form of a wall composition, a vase with flowers, a mirror or a clock are appropriate here. The main purpose of these things is to emphasize the overall style of the room.

One of the currently fashionable trends is the ancient style. Retro items, artificially aged furniture, chests will create a unique design for the corridor in a wooden house.

Practical furniture in one color scheme, strict expensive flooring, and the absence of other finishing characterize the Scandinavian style.

Wall decoration with bricks or boards, cast iron hooks instead of hangers, a massive wardrobe, and a woven carpet in a country style are ideal for the design of a hallway in a country house.

Art Nouveau style is distinguished by glass and metal products with elegant carvings, flowing silhouettes, floral motifs of wallpaper and furniture upholstery.

Using decor in the design of the hallway of a house Source

Photos of original ideas for hallways in the house

The hallway of a private house is often much more spacious than a similar room in an apartment, and may have a non-standard layout and panoramic windows. The abundance of finishing materials, furniture, decor and accessories gives plenty of imagination for the design of the hallway in a country house. Arched openings, two-level floors and ceilings, division into zones are spectacular ways to transform space. Interesting and unusual interior design solutions from modern designers will help you understand the principles of decor and find inspiring ideas for creating a stylish hallway.

Minimalism of the hallway in gray tones Source

Entrance hall for a private house made of wood Source

An original idea of ​​minimalism in black and yellow colors Source

An interesting “rainbow” solution for decorating a hallway Source

Bright and warm hallway in the house Source

Spacious hallway in light colors with glass shelving Source

Modern no-frills hallway design Source

Entrance hall in an antique style house Source

Original hallway with an imitation of the atmosphere of a castle Source

An interesting solution for a hanger in the hallway Source


Optimal use of space, a thoughtful interior and a competent approach to the choice of materials will make your hallway comfortable for you and your guests.

Video description

In this video photo there is a selection of the modern interior of the hallway in an apartment and a house, ideas for renovation, decoration and decor of the corridor: