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Why do you dream about Arrest in a dream according to 20 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Arrest” symbol from 20 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

If you see strangers being arrested in your presence- you do not dare to implement your plans because of fear of failure.

Resistance of those arrested in a dream- marks the success of your endeavors.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Arrest?

Seeing an arrest in a dream- get sick without danger to life; the arrest of a man is a surprise, a business proposal; the arrest of a woman is a nuisance, a conviction.

If you see strangers being arrested before your eyes- you will not dare to implement the planned changes due to fear of failure.

Resistance of those arrested in a dream- marks the success of your innovations.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The prisoner is the need for an urgent revision and change in worldview.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about Arrest in a dream?

Dreaming that you are being arrested, but you are innocent- means that you may find yourself in a difficult situation thanks to your ill-wishers and envious people, but in the end you will defeat them.

If people unknown to you have been arrested- your plans are not realized due to your fault.

The arrest of acquaintances promises you timely and necessary help received from them.

Escape from arrest- this means that you will soon receive good news about your loved ones or be delighted to meet them.

Seeing a prisoner with a shaved head and shackles chasing you- to slight malaise, runny nose or flu.

For a girl to see her lover imprisoned- may portend that she will have reason to doubt his love.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing someone's arrest or prisoner in a dream- means that you do not have enough strength to solve certain problems. Perhaps you simply lack the determination to overcome certain unpleasant circumstances.

At the same time, the male prisoner- symbolizes difficulties associated with the advancement of affairs, while a female prisoner in a dream means constraint in expressing feelings.

If in a dream you see that the arrested person is trying to break free and resist- this is a sign that everything is in your hands and you need to get down to business more boldly.

It is most favorable if the prisoner in your dream receives freedom- this is a harbinger that you will be able to cope with any situation.

Seeing yourself under arrest- means your constraint and great difficulties in business, but if in a dream you are trying to break free, it means you have a good chance of overcoming these difficulties.

Safe escape from arrest- indicates a quick resolution of some pressing problems.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Being arrested in a dream- to fulfill desires; see a loved one arrested- to trouble; see a prisoner unknown- make unrealistic plans.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Arrest in front of a large crowd of people and resistance of the arrested person- to issue a decree on amnesty.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Dreaming about people you don't know being arrested- to trouble; seeing how you are arrested means victory in business.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about Arrest in a dream?

Arrest - you will meet with trouble.

Miller's Dream Book

To dream that people you don't know are arrested before your eyes- means that you will not dare to implement the changes you have planned due to secret fears of failure.

If the arrested resist- such a dream promises you the successful completion of new endeavors.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Arrest in a dream?

Witnessing someone being arrested in a dream- means that a latent fear of failure will not allow you to implement the changes you have planned.

If what is happening takes place within the walls of some apartment- be prepared for any surprises.

If those being arrested resist- it means that your plans will be successfully realized.

If you are arrested on suspicion of a crime to which you have nothing to do- therefore, you will leave your competitor with his nose.

If you feel any guilt about yourself- a black streak of all kinds of bad luck will come in your life.

If you were arrested and taken to a place of detention- this means that your opponents will beat you in business.

If you yourself arrest someone and put him in prison- little by little you will be able to improve the shaky business and find a common language with your competitors, becoming their reliable partner.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If people you didn’t know were arrested before your eyes in a dream- this may mean that, fearing failure, you will not dare to implement the changes you have planned.

Arrested, resisting- dream of the successful completion of new beginnings.

To dream that respectable strangers are being arrested before your eyes- means that you are striving for change, but you will be held back by the fear of failure.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Arrest according to the dream book?

Arrest for a woman- marriage proposal; for a man - an unexpected business proposal.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

To someone who was arrested in a dream- such a dream foreshadows sadness and need, but later they will be replaced by success and joy.

Seeing someone's arrest- to trouble, you will soon find out that your attempts to mislead others did not bring the desired effect, and your deception is exposed.

If you dreamed that you were arrested- you will receive a letter soon.

Arrest of one of your relatives or friends- means: you will receive a letter or note from this person.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Your arrest is a surprise, an unexpected business proposal.

Ukrainian dream book

Arrest in a dream - you will have troubles; surprise.

Gypsy dream book

If you dream that you were arrested- this means that you are taking risks in vain. Stay alert.

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of the dream: Arrest according to the dream book?

If you were arrested - gain will, freedom, get rid of fear.

You arrested someone- lasso, force someone to do what you want.

Erotic dream book

A dream in which you are arrested- predicts a catastrophe in love through your fault.

If a young woman sees her lover arrested- this means that in reality she will have reason to doubt his fidelity.

If he resists arrest- this means that the opponent will be left with nothing. A man’s dream in which his passion is arrested should be interpreted in the same way.

Video: Why do you dream about Arrest?

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Did you dream about the Arrest, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Arrest in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I go into the office of the direct subordinates of my boss (a former military man), suddenly there are shouts behind the wall in his office - “Everyone stay in place, military prosecutor’s office!”; then - roar and swearing - “Give up, s..a!”

    Meeting room, st. 105 part 1 (Murder), and a good friend (she was a classmate about 14 years ago). Committed under aggravating circumstances (alcohol intoxication), although being in a dream I don’t remember anything like that, a trial... the prosecutor reports the circumstances (which I don’t remember), the sentence is 20 years strict. Handcuffs and detention center. Then the picture changes abruptly, the school yard, everything is in shades of gray, mom. I explain the situation, what and how. We are trying to find a way out, as it is an obvious setup. Previously, a classmate was attacked in front of a garage by a man who later served 5 years for rape (this actually happened). So, we find a lawyer, preparation for cassation... I vaguely remember... the process... the result: it seems like the arguments were accepted, the dream was interrupted...
    Backstory: I had a fight with my beloved a week ago, I relaxed with friends outdoors with alcohol, I promised not to drink anymore, at all (and it’s true that sometimes it blows my mind and you can’t stop me).
    Don’t be surprised that I’m familiar with the procedures; I work in court. (The former chairman judged, a week ago he was transferred to another court).
    This is something I can say I’m very afraid of.

    Hello! tonight I dreamed that I was arrested, accusing me for some reason of possessing drugs, although I had never even tried them, and some woman holding a white paper in her hands said that they would give me at least 10 years and I’m already in in prison, or maybe in a pre-trial detention center, there are a lot of women there, I walk around, look around and think, why drugs and where did they come from? and the prison is kind of interesting, maybe it’s free, people come there for lunch, because I saw 2 guys from work who came there for lunch. Lately I have been wondering how to quit smoking and there are some problems at work, maybe that’s why I had such a dream? please help me explain!

    I had a dream where all my relatives were sitting in some kind of large hall and suddenly, unexpectedly, the police came in and said that my mother was freaking out about drugs, after that I saw my mother already behind bars, there were a lot of tears.. Immediately after that I saw my own sister She takes us home and she wasn’t and my uncle, looking at her, tells her that she’s having a boy. What? How? Please interpret this dream to understand...

    I dreamed that I was standing on the road and was about to go towards the city, I was picked up by a bus driven by my friend’s mother, and she herself was sitting next to her. Then I stole a bicycle from my husband’s employee, and I was riding it into the city, but then for some reason it turned out that it was not a bicycle, but a new car (a cool foreign car), I was driving, going up the mountain and the police caught me there, so I started crying , I’m sobbing, I apologize to Yura (whose bike I stole), I’m very worried, and I even seem to know roughly that I’m facing up to 9 years in prison. Then I woke up

    Hello. Today I dreamed that I was framed and arrested. After 1.5 years I was released and I went home to my common-law husband, who knew nothing about this case and did not want to communicate with me after my disappearance. I tried to explain everything to him and tell him, to which he smiled at me and suddenly I saw a police officer and another person following me - they took me away. After that, I talked to a lawyer and they told me that I was innocent of anything and released me. I again went to my husband, who this time was no longer at home. When I called him, I heard the characteristic sounds of betrayal on the phone, I also thought that they were fake. Then I found myself in some establishment and saw him sitting there with friends. And that’s it, I don’t remember the dream anymore.

    I dreamed that on the street an unfamiliar man in a dark coat and hat took me by the arm and offered to go to the police station, I didn’t want to, but he insisted. I don’t remember further. Then I found myself in some underground room, some kind of exhibition, there I saw my old friend with her mother, but they didn’t see me, they left. Then I found myself in some apartment, quite spacious with large, bright rooms, I left my little son in one of them and went to look at the rest myself, when I returned I saw an unfamiliar woman who was getting dressed and getting ready to leave. Then in the bathroom I was fixing the plumbing, water was flowing, but it was clean. I remember how in a dream I felt relief and told my son that now everything will be fine.

    It's like my husband killed someone! I was waiting for him on the street. Then he came out and we quickly began to move away from this house. I asked him if he had taken the dog, he said yes, he had it in his arms! Then a man came up to me and asked me to testify that my husband was arrested, we We entered the room, I see my husband, I ask him that you were arrested again, he almost roars, he answers yes! I refuse to testify in front of him and then I ask against him where the dogs are, he answered me with something incomprehensible and others answered that he killed them, I had a hysteria in a dream and began to roar out loud and then some kind of nonsense

    I dreamed that I was walking around the store with my boyfriend, and in the department of expensive alcoholic drinks the guy was putting stickers on the quality of the products. the administrator comes and takes him away, security arrives and they disappear. then there is a chase after me, but I manage to run out of the store and run somewhere without stopping... then I stop, cry and decide to go to his brother as a lady and pick up the guy. but while I was walking, I see this store again and I go there and see my boyfriend in handcuffs and with the police being seen at the exit of the store

    I dreamed that I was on a business trip, but not in the village, as usual. We didn’t make it there, got caught in a snowstorm, and stopped to take shelter in some abandoned houses. The woman who lit the lighter caught fire in her hat, I help her put it out. Next shot: I’m returning to the city, to the old house from which we moved. Either summer or warm autumn is the very beginning. I'm hiding in my old room, where instead of two beds there are three. There are a lot of people at home: relatives have gathered for some occasion. I hide under the bed and ask you not to give me away. I'm waiting with fear for the law enforcement officers to come here. Here I see my kitten and a snake - a large python, female. At first I watch with apprehension as it crawls towards me, and then I “remember” that this is my snake.
    I spend most of my sleep under the bed, sometimes one or the other, with a snake.

    I dreamed that in my second yard I got into an argument with someone, or rather beat up three of them, and there were also my classmates or friends there, I don’t remember exactly, but I’m sure I wasn’t the only one there, I remember that my classmates were there. And we were taken to the police station, but not in jail, but for some kind of registration or something like that, and I tried to do everything I could to prove my innocence and there was some evidence at home, somewhere that I was sitting at home and there was Liked photos on your tablet. I remember when we were caught, my friends were caught and some were in deplorable condition. I went in so that I was not afraid of anyone. But in the end I received some kind of punishment. What could this mean? I don’t remember exactly at the end of the dream that they let me go or vice versa.

    the dream was as if my boyfriend and I were walking down the street, past some house, and a window was open in it, I wanted to go to the toilet and climbed in, he followed me, we looked at what was there, well, I mean in the room, nothing They didn’t touch us, they got out and moved on, then as we were getting out, some guy noticed, he informed the police, we walked a couple more steps, and the police met us, I didn’t resist, they should arrest me, there was a trial, they put them on me handcuffs, but they kept unfastening by themselves, but I was more confident than ever in my innocence, but I don’t remember what happened next

    I’m sitting somewhere in class, the police call me from class with some unfamiliar guy who says that he bought drugs from me and said where my stash is, and I don’t understand what’s the matter at all since I’m not connected in any way with this, and so they take me to court and supposedly imprison me, but for some reason I find myself on the street and it’s as if I have a few more hours to get there or get to the bottom of the truth, but most of all in my dream I was worried about my health problems, and the fact that I won’t have time to ask my wife...

    I dreamed that two big guys came and handcuffed a guy who wanted a relationship with me, then took him out to the entrance, where a policewoman was waiting. I ran out after him and started shouting that he was not to blame. But no one listened to me, and I didn’t feel well, my strength left me and I couldn’t run after him.

    Hello Tatyana! I dreamed that I talked to some person about some kind of mass that he was grinding, then I extracted it from him. that it was either a person or an animal, I was horrified by what I found out... then the police suddenly burst in and detained me, but I don’t know where this man went in the dream, as if he had disappeared. Then it was as if I was being held, I have a private house in the village, but I was kept in a barn......I don’t know, of course, what side he is in this dream, I haven’t been there for 3 years......and suddenly I hear the barn door opening and I see a very old grandmother, not my own... just a grandmother, she was small and could barely walk from old age, and it was raining in the yard and she asked me to help her, I came out of the barn covering her, then I saw that a big one was hanging on a rope in the yard I take off the polyethylene and cover her......then she shows me that she wants to go out and looks up into the sky, and there is rain like a bucket in her face.... then I lead her to the door, and there are 2 cars standing there guarding me......I looked through the crack and everything was fine, I opened the door and let my grandmother through, then when I began to slowly close the door, the police heard a click and detained me again and they said that I would get even more time in prison, that I was trying to escape... I explained that I had released my old grandmother, that it was not I who wanted to leave...... no one believed me and when I said look or find the grandmother covered with plastic, she was nowhere to be found you can see......everything was in shades of gray.....and then I woke up

    The police are chasing me and my friends. We are in a private house. Suddenly, in the window I saw a stranger who clearly came to us. I opened the door. This man congratulates me on my birthday, hands me a gift, and with his other hand tries to hit me in the stomach with an awl. Doesn't have time to hit. I snatch the awl from his hands and give him many blows with this awl. He's dying. While we are deciding what to do. The police arrive. The investigator interrogates me and says that I face 15 years.

    in the first part of the dream I saw that I was arrested due to financial problems, and in the second part, as if I had escaped, they were chasing me and wanted to shoot me, and then I got scared and in fact I woke up - that’s all!

    Hello. I had a dream in which I was framed and put in prison. There the men mocked me and didn’t even let me eat properly. I barely got through to my father, he was crying. After that, I had another dream where I was late for the plane. What could this mean?

    I was walking around the store doing something, I don’t remember, I was with a group of people when I went out, I very clearly remember the empty food boxes, then when I went out into the street, they wring their hands and put them against the wall as if they were friends, and at that time they threw in a bag of some kind of vegetation, fastened with two pieces of paper clips, I discovered this when something popped into my head. maybe they planted something, decided to check it, checked it, then threw me out of the feeder on the floor, someone gets into the car, drives away, the garbage is behind him, I’m on the floor

    hello! they arrested, or rather charged my husband. They described things in our house that allegedly had been stolen by him, there were also many children and relatives around. The investigators spoke in a raised voice, insulted, which provoked a fight between my husband and them. I also got involved in the fight protect my husband.

    My husband is now far abroad. I dreamed that in a dream I was watching from the window as the police loaded him and several other men in the yard into a car. Moreover, I showed him with signs: “Come home, quickly!” But he just shrugged his shoulders in response, saying he didn’t have time...

    I saw my own arrest. I don’t remember handcuffs. Two policemen (young) in summer uniform. They took me around the park and made stops asking me if I wanted to drink or eat! I had this dream from Monday to Tuesday and it was colored blue I remember the form well!

    I had a dream, I remembered it as if it were reality, I was lying asleep, the police burst into the house and tried to arrest me, they accused me of killing a man, but I didn’t do that and I’m starting to make excuses, telling them that I have an alibi, I ask my brother to call me, hire me a good lawyer and then I woke up in a cold sweat, please unravel my dream

    Large apartment….. About 90 years old… Old friends whom I haven’t seen for a long time and basically don’t want to see…. But he didn’t kill them in the same apartment; they appeared later... They killed me, as I remember, with a knife... Then there were drugs, but not hard drugs, but marijuana and fear for what had been done and that I would soon be arrested…. Something like this)))

    I dreamed that my husband, his brother and a couple of other people were arrested. I ran there. The police officer threw me and I fell while yelling. Then he yelled at everyone who was arrested. Then he went into another room, and when he arrived, in a calm voice he began to call out the names of those who were free. They released everyone except the husband. I cried. He was depressed. We said goodbye and the dream ended

    Hello, today I had two dreams, the first was how my brother was arrested to be sent to the army, we went out with him to the balcony, a lift drove up to the balcony and 2 adult men climbed from it to the balcony, one of whom handcuffed his brother to the balcony , in order to take it with you. And I have a second dream, it worries me more, I go into an entrance that is unfamiliar to me, the ladders there are broken and I climbed up protruding metal rods like trees, everything is in dark colors and twilight, having climbed very high I start spitting, and from the beginning saliva comes out, and then instead of it there are entrails and I don’t know what to do, the dream is like a real one. Half a year ago I had somewhat similar dreams, so I spat and instead of saliva my insides came out.

    My husband and I wanted to go to a new hypermarket. We couldn’t find the entrance, so we went for the cleaners. they showed us the right path. there the security guards met us and said that we had been in a restricted area and were required to pay a fine. the husband replied that this was absurd, we were just looking for the entrance and moved on. The security guard tied him up and he struggled. the second called the police. I had to go to school to pick up my child.

    Hello, I dreamed that my husband called me and reported that he and his companions were arrested and locked up for 4 days, as he explained to me, for 4 nights, he also said that they tried to escape from the police, but that’s all I managed to stop them and arrest them.

    Men (in civilian clothes) were looking for me all over the city, through labyrinths, they found me in an abandoned building, there were no handcuffs, but I understood that this was an arrest, then they got out of the abandoned building with a woman guard, I wanted to escape and woke up.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was leaving the store, meeting an ex-friend and he showed an advertisement that was near the store that my beloved was wanted, the name was written and there was no photo phone number, I came home, and my beloved at that time was on the balcony smoking , I tell him that you are wanted. After about 5 minutes, a neighbor comes and says the same thing, that my loved one is wanted, and after another 5 minutes the police come and take him away. A little time passed, he returned and said that he had paid himself off. Why did you dream about this? Please explain.

    I dreamed that strangers, unfamiliar people, came to the apartment (in which I live in that dream, but it’s actually not familiar to me) and showed me some photographs of me and people I knew from the dream. And then they say that I’m under arrest and ask me to get ready. I go to pack my things, and strangers are walking around the house. Then I get ready and put mostly warm things with me - socks and a hat I’m not familiar with. I look at this pile of things and wake up.

    It seems like I’m going to get married, guests have gathered, even my late mother arrived in a taxi, we are waiting for the groom, and the groom is my first boyfriend. But he doesn’t come for a long time, I moved away from all the guests and am talking to someone on a bench about it that I accidentally killed someone, but I don’t remember who, and then the police come up to me and arrest me, and I don’t deny it, I agree with everything and say that I don’t know at all how it happened. Then I woke up. My name is Lina.

    They tried to arrest me at a meeting in a crowded place. The meeting was organized by an old acquaintance. I had a Makarov pistol with live ammunition and some documents with me. On the escalator, I realized that it was an ambush))) and made an attempt to escape calmly. Why rush, I after all, a gun...))) I woke up at that moment when I was aiming at that goat who organized the arrest. It’s like some kind of thriller...)))

    I dreamed that they wanted to put my dad in prison, at first he was hiding for some reason, and they already called me on my cell phone (I was at work at that time) saying: where is your father, he is wanted! I find out that they want to put him in prison, I find him at my work, only in the boss’s office and cry, he gets up, puts on an orange jacket and says okay, daughter, don’t cry, everything will be fine, I’ll go and give myself up. And I woke up crying.

    With my friend, I brought in several people, we hid the troupes. Soon the corpses were found and I was arrested, in prison they began to throw everything at me, to abuse me, I cried a lot, I managed to escape. I had a strong feeling of fear

    Hello! I dreamed that I was in a shopping center with my husband and children and my husband was arrested for allegedly using and possessing drugs, I tried to free him because it turned out that my friend was an investigator in this case and she told him that she would get him out and that everything would be fine , I forgave her to help and cried a lot. then I saw my husband and he told me that they had released him and that they had no grounds or evidence to arrest him. and I woke up.

    My beloved was driving past me in a car. I asked him to catch up. traffic cops stopped him and imprisoned him. I was very scared. I tell them that his boss will show them. Indeed, his boss came and he was released from the pre-trial detention center. And he came out and asked if I was cold and started talking to my distant relative.

    In my dream I was arrested. I don’t remember so clearly, but in my dream the yellow color of some building flashed. This happened on a city street. Then I remember gray walls and bars.
    And is this somehow connected with my acquaintance whom the police are looking for?

    Hello, today I had a dream about how I was allegedly arrested somewhere at customs, but at the same time I was not in a cell and I was not handcuffed; the plot developed somewhere on the street, seemingly at some kind of border or near the border. It was as if I was constantly standing on the street without handcuffs, and somewhere off to the side there were police officers. At this point the dream was interrupted, nothing more happened. Please explain my dream to me!?

    I'm arguing with my wife. Other people take part in the dispute. These are men, but I don’t know who they are (I don’t see them). The conversation takes place on the street, at some kind of table, similar to those that used to stand in every yard. I'm sitting at the table. My wife is standing to my left. Then in front of me there was already some young woman, my wife was no longer there. This woman is in some kind of uniform, similar to the uniform of the prosecutor's office. Two men approach her. One is definitely in a police uniform, and the second is in the uniform of either the prosecutor's office or the investigative committee. The policeman goes somewhere, and the second one says something to this woman, handcuffs her and takes her away. I worry. Then I’m at some building - apparently the investigative authorities. Some kind of confusion. Awakening.

    A loved one entered my apartment at night, where I live alone. I hid and called the police. They arrived before He found me, and he was arrested, while he resisted, asked me for forgiveness and to be released

    it was something like this! where I was going, it was not clear whether it was morning or evening, it was somehow cloudy, but it seems to me that it was morning, I was passing through some kind of park in my right hand, I had a phone in my ears, headphones were playing rap music, then someone called me or whatever I did I didn’t understand, there was another passage, someone came up to me, they talked, then bam, I’m in the room, we have several guys whom I don’t know at all, there were no police in uniform. Then one of the guys tells me that the three of us are accused of raping some victim in a dream, I’m in shock because I’ve already been convicted of robbery earlier and I know what measures will be taken for the previously convicted person, then a man came in whose I know his rank is captain. He was a civilian and for some reason didn’t talk to me, although I asked him a few questions, and then some freak woke me up without letting me finish the dream

    I dreamed of the house of my late grandmother, as if I was in the house with one of my friends and then I saw, as if in the house, in the reflection from the walls, flashing lights, not understanding anything, I left the room and there two policemen with a dog told me that I was arrested, I tried to object on what grounds, but they didn’t explain anything to me, they just kept repeating that they had a written order and why I should be arrested, they had no idea, but I was just thinking about how to escape from there and woke up not arrested

    First, I found out in a dream that I was put on the federal wanted list, and soon I was found with friends in a private house, who were also wanted and arrested. During my arrest, my hair was cut off, although there was no need for this. There were 5-6 police officers on staff. During the arrest, they made it clear that they would imprison me for something that was not my fault.

    I dreamed that I just went to work out in the gym, then something happened, we went to the Pushka cafe, they came for me and arrested us, there were a lot of us, they took us into some building, wow, it was tall and narrow, then suddenly the police disappeared and we thought that we could escape ran out into the street and they extinguished us by entangling the trees, that is, the legs of our friends the bandits made so that they entangled us from him, we tore off their legs and they grew normal ones, then my friend took me and we went to his dacha, I wanted to pick up my dad we couldn’t find the police. Then we arrived at the dacha and they wanted to kill me, but I ran away and came to one grandmother and she helped me escape, well, then I woke up

    I dreamed that I was arrested in public with a group of strangers, I tried to leave but all the waste was blocked off and upon arrest the police said that the case was old and even though I would have to sit in captivity for 2 days

    My friend and I were riding in a car and ran into the store, then the police arrived and my friend and I ran away and ran into the house. We were going up the stairs and I saw my father come out of some apartment, so I stayed with him and a policeman came up to us. All this time my dad and I were walking home and the policeman was with us and then he arrested my father because my father turned out to be a drug dealer and I cried a lot

    I don’t remember much anymore, but I remember that they molested me, my husband killed them, I remember in fragments that he was sitting in the police office, I went in and it seemed like my friend did too, and she suggested to us differently, to reclassify the article in our favor , I remember that I looked in the door, and my husband in a winter down jacket was being led in handcuffs, seemingly behind his back, into the car, and I don’t remember anything else,

    Good afternoon, I had a dream that my friend and I were put in prison in order to have our organs collected. Two people, a guy and a girl, kept us in the room (there was another guy with us, they caught him too), and the police guarded the street so that we wouldn’t run away... why this dream?? Thanks for the answer

    I dreamed that I was hiding from someone and it seemed like some guy was catching me and I was hitting him in the stomach with some object and while still holding the man I was loosening this knife in him so that he would die quickly. And then they ran away through the garden to the neighbor. and there the police catch me and detain me

    I had a dream that my loved one was arrested and the laptop’s belongings were confiscated. But at the same time they said that now you can’t get out of it for sure. Although the guy wasn't scared. He calmed me down. What could this mean?

    I dreamed that my boyfriend returned from the army, we went for a walk with the company and suddenly, out of nowhere, the police came and arrested my boyfriend, including the other boys, and I cried a lot after I woke up

    In general, the visiting room is about the same as double, with a kitchen, like you, but not like you, her parents have a son, and here we are sitting there, they gave her a life sentence, my mother is there, I cried in front of her so silently without emotion, and she is like this lightly whipping around the rooms with this back and forth, and the microphone turned on and there was such and such, an hour later everyone left as if on a stage, and at that time my mother got ready to leave, as if to the store or something, it’s not clear. All of us together, she walks around like that rooms, in the bags a cheerful one, so sweet, crawls around, oh here she says plums in one bag and rejoices, and at that moment I cry out loud with thoughts of when she sees these plums again and tries, she comes up and strokes my head. Very sensitive sleep in general.

    I was walking down the street with several acquaintances and strangers. Afterwards I saw how, from around the corner, the police were leading out my beloved man (common-law husband) in handcuffs and saying that he had been arrested. Then, as it turned out, a friend had set him up. Afterwards we were all locked in the apartment, where the fuss with the police, and my husband, as if nothing had happened, was preparing food

    I was arrested for assisting a criminal. I know the criminal personally, he is actually serving a sentence now, and a couple of years ago I really wanted to help him get free as quickly as possible. She offered virtually no resistance; she was worried that her family and friends would be very upset.

    Today I had a long dream, but I only remember the ending.

    So, in the dream I was in a bank. I wanted to do a translation, it seems. But instead, he walked around the bank and talked with the security. Ten minutes later I ran out of the bank, so much so that I knocked out the young man’s flashlight. He fell to the ground and broke. The most interesting thing was that there was a policeman next to me (he was with me throughout the entire dream). So, he reported to his people that I had broken someone else’s thing, and a chase began after me. I continued to run, but after 15 minutes I was caught, handcuffed, and taken to a police car. And then I didn’t dream anything!

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were driving a car near a police checkpoint. The guy took a pill and put it in his mouth, it seemed like he had a toothache. We were stopped, he opened the window and a man in uniform grabbed him by the neck, scratched some numbers on the windshield with a key and drew them in a circle, I especially remember this. They took a pill from his mouth, which they thought was drugs. He was taken away, he did not resist, there was no point. Then, at the police station, I was sitting on a chair on a chair and, in spite of the police, I rolled away and allegedly accidentally broke the TV set. I wanted to get my lover out. This is where my dream ended, I will be very grateful to you for decoding.

    I dreamed that I was making a deal with a pimp and buying a prostitute like in the movies and then it turns out that the pimp is actually a detective police officer and tried to detain me when we were leaving the club

    I work as a school teacher. From Friday to Saturday I had a dream that I was now arrested for insulting a student, but I could not remember this. I felt like I was arrested unfairly. I was seated in some kind of lobby, and behind the partition I saw several of my colleagues. I don’t remember anything further.

    I dreamed that my boyfriend was being drafted into the army, in a few hours he was supposed to leave, and at this time his ex-girlfriend (she had been married for a long time) with her mother and relatives contacted the police and wrote a statement against him, about driving the girl to suicide and he was facing 15 years in prison. In my dream, as a police officer, I’m trying to help him and tell him that he won’t be drafted into the army now. And I have ambivalent feelings - like they didn’t draft him into the army, it’s good, but he’s threatened with prison, that’s bad. Although I know that he would not receive a real sentence for committing this alleged crime. The maximum was suspended. And it was even better for me that he would not go into the army

    I dreamed that a very good friend was arrested. He was with his wife, we were all going somewhere. He ran to hand over some documents for work and was arrested (but I didn’t see the arrest itself) I just found out

    I dreamed that I came home, and in my absence the children let the bailiffs and the “new” owners of our apartment go home and they took the apartment. I scream and cry very much from bxsilia

    I was in the village with my mother. We were preparing to eat. A friend of mine came from work, I don’t know where he came from in my village, we work in the city. We talked to him and he left. The police came after him. They had syringes in their hands. They asked who lives with us in Voronezh. They grabbed my mother and gave her something. My sister and I were shot.
    Before this, there was still one dream a little earlier. I'm in the village. Winter. I'm going home from a friend's place. I go into the yard and a man is standing there and checking our locks on the door. Compares with his own. I approached him. He said something and quickly left. After that, I noticed syringes with some kind of solution stuck near the door. I took them off and threw them away. But a drop of the solution landed on my forehead. I wiped it off and that's it.

    I dreamed that my husband came into a neighbor’s house, I stood near the gate waiting for him, I heard her indignation, then silence and my husband jumped out and said that he was strangling her, we didn’t go back, as if we saw that a relative had come to see her, we left, and approached The police approached the shop in a different place and handcuffed me. I started crying and woke up.

    Allegedly, my friends and I and my new girlfriend (whom I had never seen in my life) were looking for marijuana among multi-story buildings. Then the police showed up and arrested us. At the police, I told everyone that I didn’t use drugs and that I was there only because they were my friends. Accordingly, no one believed me and did not want to take me for examination, because they said that if I was there, that means I was a drug addict. I walked there nervously. Then I went out into the street in handcuffs, where my girlfriend (from the dream) was standing and waiting for me, I told her not to worry, and was looking for any way to contact the police so that they would let me go

    My parents forbade me to communicate with my boyfriend. One day, my grandmother asked me to replace her at the market and work in her place. I invited my boyfriend to work with me and he came. At the end of the shift, my parents arrived with the military and told me to pick up my young man. My young man began to run away, the military ran after him, and my parents took me and took me home, as they told me later that my young man was arrested by these military men and I would not be able to contact him in any way. My parents forbade me to leave the house. My brother came to us and they said to share my room with him. (Although the apartment was not ours at all, and I saw my brother for the first time, I don’t know who this person is). When my parents weren’t at home, I went down to the hall on the first floor, a man met me there and said that he was my boyfriend’s lawyer, and that it was my boyfriend who asked me to meet him and tell him that he wasn’t doing well there . (I also saw this lawyer for the first time, I don’t know this person)

    I was standing with my family on the street and a policeman drove up and said that I was guilty of something and let’s catch me and caught me and hanged me somewhere, I broke free and ran home and he found me there and I woke up

    I was convicted on political charges, I don’t know who. I was very worried not to end up in a cell with murderers, to which I was told that everyone was sitting together. I was very worried, but then it was as if I was supposed to be sentenced to a year of probation. It was very scary, especially since I didn’t understand why

    Hello, I dreamed that my brother and I were walking around the city and somehow ran into a policeman’s office. Which arrested me for a year and four months. And I ended up in a prison where there were 8 or 9 people. A very distant acquaintance was lying next to me, and when he saw that there was only one guard sitting in the cell, he decided to escape. Having asked him to go out somewhere and he let him go, I didn’t see him again in my dream. Then my mother came and told the guard that the rag on the floor was not wet. She told them to wet a rag. I began to calm her down so that she would not scream. Because in the dream I realized that people would then understand me. Then everyone's parents came to see them. And they sat down next to everyone’s beds. The guy who ran away, his mother also came and lay on his bed. Then my mother brought me a cell phone. From which I started calling my brothers to get me out of here, they didn’t know that I was in prison. And mom says, I have some money, let’s give it to the police. She says that some policeman came and asked for 865,000 thousand. While talking with my brother, I went to the window and saw that the prison was located near the maternity hospital and explained this to my brother. A couple more people called and said the same thing. Then I went to put the cell phone on charge. The guy sitting next to me asked me for a glass with my spit, I gave it to him, he said, I’ll pour it out myself. And he talked. The woman whose son ran away. I wanted to tell her that her son ran away. But he didn’t dare say it. Then some woman appeared in front of us in the form of a teacher, and all the mothers and sons began to do some kind of physical exercises under their guidance. I looked around at all the people. A security guard came up to me and asked me to put his phone on my charger. I also forgot, before that guy ran away, we somehow found a SIM card from the phone and he turned on the phone and called someone. He made the bed and I asked him why he helped you, because you didn’t have long to sit. He told me to sit for more than a year.

    Hello! I dreamed about this. My friend and I (and other good friends) are in some apartment unfamiliar to me. Everyone is dressed in outerwear, except for the same comrade whose arrest was made. Next, 2 police officers in winter uniforms come in, look around among the people for the person they need, find them, bring charges, a short conversation takes place between me, a friend and the police officers, after which the friend takes his things and the police take him away. At that moment I woke up.

    Hello...I didn’t really have a dream about my dream and I want to know what it was about...I dreamed that my husband was going to be taken to prison for 5 years...I cried so much in my dream that I even woke up from it several times, all in tears, but as I fell asleep I dreamed further and further ...we are waiting for them to come for him, he is packing his bag and I understand that he will not withstand 5 years in captivity...it will break him and I will not see him again...and we have a lot of white chickens in the yard...and I have an idea that we need them cut out who will take care of them..
    .then I get to my grandmother’s house, but she is no longer alive...I clean the house, sweep away the dirt with a broom...I find a broken watch on the floor and fold it up and they move on...I’m wearing my grandmother’s jacket...but she took it off me because it would stain a new one ….here I also cry all the time thinking about my husband..then I’m the boss of some people, a man, and I find out that it was he who wrote the application for my husband, I ask him to take the application back and I’m ready to give everything for it…my house…to sleep with him...whatever he says.
    .then I don’t remember I woke up all in tears..
    That’s it... write to me first how much it costs to decipher my dream, I’ll think about whether it’s worth deciphering it... and then just write to me...

    i dreamed that my friends and I came to the hospital and for some reason we needed to do something there (something like a mission). They stole the doctors' clothes, but I didn't. Then I was arrested for stealing clothes, but these were my friends.

    My girlfriend now feels bad, she feels sick and vomits every day.. The dream was like this: she drank something and the police came by, confirmed that she was drunk, took her away, then it turned out that she was using drugs, the next moment, she’s already in prison, in a women's prison, I went there, and there is a process going on like this - girls and guys go to the same cell for the night to choose the staff, there I met another friend and one acquaintance, they are also prisoners, and then my girlfriend comes in, state nothing, she goes into a cell with some guy, I catch up with her, take her hand and she says “get me out of this place” then I start talking to the staff, offering money, and they said that she will leave prison only after an abortion, and I woke up..

    I was at home, with a person I really like. Then the FBI burst into the apartment and started arresting me. I repeatedly say the phrase “where is the warrant”, to which they answer me that “they don’t need it”

    I dreamed that my friend and I killed a man on the very top floor of some house... he jumped out at us with a knife, but we stabbed him and beat him. After that, my friend and I waited for the police to arrive, and when we were taken to the station, they showed us a video of us beating this man. It turns out the friend added two more gunshot wounds to this man, as it turned out later. I assumed that this was a dream, and tried to think whether all this was true or whether I was dreaming. Waking up in a cold sweat and with the fear of being locked up, I abruptly got out of bed.

    My friends and I got out of the subway after some long trip. It was summer. A plump girl came up to us and asked us to move away. My friends agreed, although I immediately told them that I didn’t like it all. For some reason, we retreated into the bushes not far from the metro. She took out a bag of white parasite. And then the siren of the police car immediately rang. We ran somewhere. Then I woke up. All this happened in a dream out of nowhere. It was a very strange dream.

    I had a dream in which a prison awaits me, to which I must appear in the evening, my husband began to look for money to buy me off, turned to his ex-wife, and at the same moment cheated on me with her, in the evening the police came for me and took me to the nearby market , where people vandalized me, throwing various objects at me, after arriving at the prison, I asked to go to my husband, went out into the street and saw him drunk and cheerful next to his ex and her friend, he told me that he had not paid anything for me

    A man in a black jacket and a brunette shirt came to my apartment, it seems, he wants to arrest me, there is some kind of pause and at this time, behind him in the distance, I see the woman behind whom all this is happening, I understand that she has slandered me and I think frantically how to get out of this situation... there was no arrest and I didn’t see the handcuffs... So I woke up in a state of anxiety

    I was walking with my beloved and my brother along the street where I lived 2 years ago. In my hands I had a transparent glass with a drink that looked like Sprite. Suddenly, near the house where I lived earlier, a small car stopped, with police officers in it. One of them came out and asked what I was drinking, to which I replied that it was a mojito, not vodka. He tried, and called my boyfriend to their car, after which they all (and my boyfriend) drove off. And in the end I proved them wrong, and my boyfriend and I left the police department

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about deception?

If you see that the deception has been exposed, then you will be able to get out of a difficult situation without losses.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Seeing that you are faced with deception is a warning that someone is actively trying to prevent you from being happy.

If a young man dreamed that he fell into a trap set by a cheating swindler, then he will be separated from his beloved due to a stupid misunderstanding.

If you see that you are trying to deceive someone, then soon you will have to play the role of a seducer pursuing selfish goals.

If in a dream you are weighed down or cheated in a store, then you will suffer significant losses.

If your partner turns out to be a deceiver in a dream, then this threatens a temporary decline in business.

If you see that you are catching your husband or lover in deception, then you are too demanding of them, unable to be lenient towards small human weaknesses, forgivable for every man.

Dream Interpretation of Emperor Peter I

Why do you dream of Deception in a dream:

Seeing a deceiver means that you will have the opportunity to show your best side and earn the respect of high-ranking officials. Catching a deceiver in a dream promises the joy of enjoying love and happiness. To dream of failures and disappointments from wasted time, energy and health if you are caught in deception.

If a woman dreams that she has encountered a deceiving girl, then in real life she will face many changes: soon she will have to repent of past extravagances and change her lifestyle.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream of Deception according to the dream book:

It's not good to lie even in a dream. After all, if you deceive someone in a dream, it means that in reality you are hatching similar plans. Perhaps you want to take advantage of the naivety and gullibility of someone close to you (well, for example, parents) for selfish purposes. It is quite possible that your plan will succeed, but the fact is that sooner or later the lie will be revealed and there will be a reckoning. Think about it, is it worth exposing yourself to such a risk?

Lunar dream book

What does deception mean in dreams:

Deception (exposing him in a dream) - getting out of a difficult situation without losses.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream of Deception in a dream:

Seeing that you have succumbed to the tricks of a charlatan is a sign of losses or losses through deception.

Seeing that you are carefully observing the actions of a charlatan from the outside means that you can, if you really want to, avoid losses and expose the scammers in advance.

See also: why do you dream about deception, why do you dream about a sharpie, why do you dream about a criminal.

Universal dream book

Suspect Deception - Brief interpretation: unreliability; lack of faith. When you suspect Deception, it means that you doubt or do not trust the words and actions of a person. What caused your distrust? What are your suspicions based on?

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream of Deception:

If you dreamed of a lie, then you are creating a lot of obstacles for yourself.

See also: why do you dream about cheating, why do you dream about cards, why do you dream about a sharpie.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about deception?

To see that someone has been lied to means that you will defeat all your sworn enemies.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream of Deception according to the dream book:

If you dreamed of a lie, it means that you are in danger.

Why dream of seeing how you lie for the sake of your own selfish interests - then they will treat you dishonestly.

A white lie means that they will point out mistakes you have made with the best intentions, but you will take it as an insult.

If you see that you are faced with a blatant and outright lie, then they want to slip you stale goods or sell you faulty equipment or stale products.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream of Deception, what does it mean:

Lie, to lie - to lie to someone - in reality to suffer punishment for something or to be exposed to great danger. In addition, this dream means that you may violate the deadline for completing some obligation or work that you yourself have set. To lie in order to avoid punishment is to treat an innocent person dishonorably; to lie to save someone is to receive a reward from fate for nobility. Hearing that others are lying means finding out that your enemies want to lure you into a trap. To convict and expose liars is to defeat enemies.

Lunar dream book

What does deception mean in dreams:

Lie (lie to someone) - defeat your enemies.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see Deception in a dream?

Brief interpretation: forge of rumors; intimate detail; source of information.

Popular expression: the tongue is well hung; sharp on the tongue; byword; spread rumors.

Have you ever met a person who would not be interested in listening to even a little gossip? We all love rumors - juicy details that lift the veil on what is really going on there - at least externally. In a dream, does gossip upset you, drive you crazy, or enlighten you, confirming your suspicions? Is she evil or trivial?

It's no secret that a lie can be believed as the truth if people repeat it all the time. What injustices have you seen in your dreams that need to be corrected before they become reality?

Brief interpretation: peace; ease.

Popular expression: the calm before the storm; peace and quiet.

If you are calm, then your brain is in a relaxed state. What helped him calm down? Perhaps in real life you solved some problem that made you worry.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream and what does Deception mean:

Why dream of seeing that someone has deceived you - then in life you need to control your emotions and not pay any attention to malicious attacks.

To see that someone has been slandered - this warns you that you do not need to poke your nose into other people's affairs, so as not to make sworn enemies.

Find out why you dream of Deception in the interpretations of other dream books. Dreaming of condemnation from others predicts some actions that are completely normal for you, but incomprehensible to other people. You will be forced to make excuses and explain yourself.

I remember fragments of a dream. A man in an expensive cream suit. Forest edge, tree, again a man pulling wires and installing meter boxes, in general, all electrical communications on the oak trunk. A connection with the family flashes in the mind and a drawn-out wolf howl is heard, but it does not inspire fear, but...

1339. UltraSound?!

1339. It all starts with the fact that I naturally wake up. I wake up before the sun rises, there is Fog in the yard and some kind of very strange Silence, which, first of all, is due to the fact that in my Head, in my Ears and around me, I really feel - I perceive, I hear firsthand Real and active UltraSound...

Breast milk

Good afternoon. Help decipher the vision. I see my friend's daughter. The daughter is an adult. She came to apply for a job with me, but they didn’t hire her. She comes up to me, cries and says that she doesn’t know what to do. She has a small child, no money, nothing to feed, no one to help. I tell her that I...


The warriors gathered in the tent to discuss the plan for the future battle. There is a huge map of the area on the table. It is all marked up: arrows, crosses, dotted lines. The leader of the group, a tall man in armor, places a small figurine of a horse made of red gold on each red cross. Okay, one or two, he puts his knight...

Cat, cheese and mice.

I dream of a huge piece of CHEESE with a bright orange color and porous consistency. The cheese lies on a white plate. Mice walk in pairs around the cheese. Mice in simple clothes: the girls are wearing bright sundresses, the boys are wearing pants and beacons. They are happy and sing songs, they have a "Cheese Festival". I'm leaving the plot...


All my dreams now are about the same thing) him again. This time I see him walking along the seashore. His appearance is distorted and unpleasant. He's just scary. Looks like a human robot killer from Soviet cartoons. And he's wearing a T-shirt and shorts - clothes that I don't like.

Cleaned the church

I dreamed that I helped with cleaning the church. I laid out a wet rag (formerly a scarf) on the mat in front of the entrance. I saw some priests I knew there. Both one and the other are called Alexander. My confessor and female assistants were setting the table in the courtyard. He was telling me about something.


1335. Explicitly and actively, just naturally - on all fours I crawl out of today’s night, from the vision about the Chameleon Gene And, as it were, I actively look back, asking the question? -Where did we come from anyway?! And as if we clearly and actively see the real picture of Lukomorye And behind my back, the real one rises...

1333. Bomb in the mouth?!

1333. Conventionally, somewhere before the start of the morning vision About the Chameleon Gene, I seemed to be actively digging in some Russian fields, either just in a vegetable garden, or on the real Battlefields of the Patriotic War, and as if actively carried away by these excavations, I don’t notice at all something that is unclear how, ran into...

1325. Chameleon Gene?!

1325. High-format, completely realistic Fabulously real vision, with complete immersion Shows us a completely unknown hitherto Form of our existence in this world.. The vision is given with huge abbreviations.. 1326. Initially, purely conditionally, hanging out in the Spirit On some twilight fields in...

Everything is the same

Him again. We are in a relationship, I came to him, there was a gathering of students on the street, dancing in circles. There are beds, we were lying next to him, he was hot. I have feelings for him. But when they kissed, the kisses were unpleasant to me. They stood in a round dance and held hands. I attended some classes there. We…

1321. Irina Kinshina?!

1321. Quite recently, in the conditional May of 2019. Already in reality there was a vision with this girl who will turn 50 years old on October 10, 2019. And today, from 14.00 to 15.00, this girl appeared in our vision again and again?! 1322. Either at a conventional Lunch, or in the evening, It’s as if I’m going to a Soviet one...


I must say right away that I have not been to Rzhev. I don’t really understand why it was Rzhev, but oh well. My family and I are traveling by train from Moscow somewhere. There are also some crazy circumstances going on there, but they have sunk into the subconscious. It happens in late autumn, so it’s cool, everything is…

Girlfriend, showdown.

A childhood friend came and took me to her house, which is opposite. There were balcony doors open and the TV on, which meant that there was someone at home. We went there with a whole sundress, I’m a friend, my friend’s father, my friend’s grandfather is also some kind of relative on duty. The reason we are there...

1319. Spirit of Stalin?!

0. The vision was taken from the fields of the valiant Internet on 07/07/2019, in the very morning.. 1319. Somehow 2 two pairs of students gathered, 2 two boys and 2 girls, led by Yulka. Conduct a spiritualistic seance and evoke the spirit of Stalin And - naturally, omitting details, they succeeded And everyone was scared, and...

1319. Heavenly AlphaVit SuDa?!

0. A very fresh vision of Lena Kotova - a light cat, Russian singer, former lead singer of the Tatu group.. 1. Here is Lena-Lenochka, in reality she sees herself in some very strange, gray, deserted area, and around and around her, in reality they rise some very strange, incomprehensible monuments...

1315. Montage Train?!

1315. On the sleepy field there is an active winter-winter And on the field of this winter-winter, the main place As if occupied by the railway, Electrical installation train Conditionally leading the installation of the contact network, year-round In the vastness of our vast Motherland! 1316. Here we are, actively and slowly rolling along the winter, iron road...

1311. Keith Rapist?!

1311. Active actions in reality take place in some ordinary, Sharashka office, in which a LOT of active people are doing something unclear and unclear why?! The frame features a large fenced, very deserted territory, where in different directions of this deserted territory...

1308. Stranger Things?!

1308. Conventionally, at Lunch - for lunch, or in the evening - from work I move along Michurina Street from number 6 to the sixth number To the Fortuna store, Kommunisticheskaya 96, and here, conditionally leaving Michurina Street, and already being between numbers 94 and 96 of Kommunisticheskaya Street In conditional, 0 zero point of Michurina street, I see...


I was told that my ex was going to commit suicide. This scared me terribly and I began to think how I could help him. There was a thought that it was because of me, but I immediately realized that it was other events in his life that brought him to this point. While I was scattering these options, this happened and I rushed to the place...


I left home because I couldn’t sleep. And so I found some small groove near the stairs leading to a closed store. I lay down more comfortably and checked that I wasn’t noticeable from the outside. And then I start to fall asleep, but some guy is walking in my direction. It’s night, it’s dark, I feel like I’m hungover. To me…

1304. Field of the Blessed..

1304. This vision apparently actively continues Night Vision, about a real muzzle for the Head?! On a sleepy-real field, area 6, six o’clock in the morning.. As if in a real locality, exactly one day after the vision about the Swamp Fields, actively and finally, as if in reality, I am getting out, crawling out, with...

1301. Muzzle for the head?!

1301. On a sleepy field in the middle of the night, and we are in the frame, as if on an active Sunny day, where the ghostly May, as if actively and systematically, is carrying out some purely village Summer work - business, in the northern sector of our village At the conditional end of Kirov Street, in real limits of line of sight...

Very strange housing

My boyfriend and I went to visit a friend. He lived on a platform that is high in the sky. You can climb it by stairs. When we got there, we decided to watch a movie. To do this, you had to sit on the edge, leaning on the side (it was very low, about 20 cm). To me…

Leeches in sunflower oil

I stood under the new modern bridge and looked up. Below you could see a huge number of pipes and various communications, twisted together. Then I let go of my gaze to the ground. In front of me is a bucket filled with sunflower oil. Leeches swim in the oil. I take a mop and start lubricating...

In my opinion, the dreamer is trying to “escape” from solving some important problem. He is afraid of losing the support of his friends and meeting their disapproval (beaten). He is also afraid that problems with the law may arise. Maybe the dreamer is just “winding up” himself. Or maybe not... The dream does not talk about the outcome of the case

Dream Interpretation - Framed for murder

The dream directly concerns the sphere of the Dreamer's emotional relationships (friendship, love, morality). Being in a Room with three unfamiliar People is an unconscious and unpredictable emotional state of the Dreamer. On the side of the Dreamer there is one unknown Criminal Authority, and two others came to talk with the Authority - in reality these are the dominant emotional desires of the Dreamer, pushing him to risky and rash actions that are fraught with condemnation from a moral point of view. A knife in the hands of Two Unknown People and their intention to Kill the Dreamer - in reality this is a risk of loss of Mental Stability due to Emotional instability (impulsivity). Two offer the Dreamer to cope with criminal Authority himself, where Authority is a more conscious (experienced) position of the Dreamer, emotionally predictable (there is an opportunity to come to an agreement on his own). Two unfamiliar Guys themselves kill the cream/Authority, but frame the Dreamer for this, the Dreamer asks for mercy, but they just close their Eyes and pretend that they don’t hear and leave with that - this is another good hint for the Dreamer to take conscious control of all his feelings and emotions and act according to the voice of your Soul and Conscience. The police riding below, in this case, is the conscious emotional Aspect of the Dreamer (like Self-Control and the ability to negotiate, on an emotional basis), thanks to which the Dreamer avoids troubles on an emotional basis. The cornerstones in this dream are mature Emotional desires and not fully realized Moral Foundations of human society, as a result of which the Dreamer may suffer. Best regards, Livia.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Mom set me up in a dream

The dream does not foretell anything bad and reveals the Dreamer’s situation from her point of view. And the Dreamer’s position in reality is this - if there is a family connection, then there must be corresponding material support (regardless of the Dreamer’s mat/conditions - a common old Apartment in the dream). And in this case, the Dreamer simply needs to find contact with her mother and discuss all the issues with her (not in public), so that it doesn’t happen like in the dream (there are relatives, but there is nothing to give, everything is at the expense of the Dreamer, an unpleasant conversation in public). Good luck to the Dreamer!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

A dream in which you have become a victim of deception means that in reality they will try to slip you a low-quality or stale product. If you are weighed down or shortchanged in a store, it means that in real life you will suffer significant losses. If your partner turns out to be a deceiver, this threatens a temporary decline in business. A dream where you catch your husband or lover cheating - in reality you are too demanding of them, unable to be lenient towards small human weaknesses, forgivable for every man.

If you are caught in deception, in reality, selfish aspirations will turn out to be their unpleasant side for you. To deceive not for profit, but with the best intentions - they will point out your mistakes and mistakes, which will be perceived by you as a personal insult. Cheating during a card game portends a quarrel with a loved one, which can lead to a complete break in the relationship.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

If in a dream you are faced with deception, such a dream warns that in reality someone is actively trying to prevent you from being happy. If a young man dreams that he has fallen into a trap set by a cheating swindler, he will be separated from his beloved due to a stupid misunderstanding. If in a dream you are trying to deceive someone, it means that in the near future you will have to play the role of a seducer pursuing selfish goals.

English Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed that you accused a certain person of deception, it means that you will be robbed, but those who did this will quickly be brought to light. If in a dream deception is your doing, this means that due to your decency and integrity you are highly valued in society. By unraveling the secret plans of your rival in love, you will defeat him.

Vanga's Dream Book

If in your dream you meet scammers and liars, in reality you will be disturbed by people who want to harm and destroy your plans. After such a dream it is better to be on guard. If you dream of your enemies cleverly deceiving you, you can rest easy. In reality they will not be able to cause you the slightest harm.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If you dreamed that you succumbed to the tricks of a charlatan, then this is a sign of losses or losses through deception. If you dreamed that you were carefully observing the actions of a charlatan from the outside, this means that you can, if you really want to, avoid losses and expose the scammers in advance.

Islamic Dream Interpretation

Lies and deception are a sure sign that in reality a person has strayed from his true path. If he is a trader, he will soon suffer large losses. It will worsen your financial situation. If you were deceived in a dream, this is a warning and help from the Almighty.